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Prison Break Season 4 Official News Thread

Guest Ant

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Normally I'd look at a decision like bringing back Sarah as a desperate attempt to make up for a boneheaded creative decision and judge it thusly, but I'm actually okay with this one. Don't get me wrong, it totally IS a desperate attempt to make up for a boneheaded creative decision, but with all the bad creative decisions they've made over the past two seasons, most of which were attempts to make up for other bad creative decisions, some stability is probably exactly what the show needs. The second half of this season was totally respectable, and a return to an earlier vintage where they didn't need to reply on topping one cliffhanger after another. It's like they finally realized that if they want this show to last they need to slow the pace and stop rushing these things. They've gotten out of the ridiculously packed Monday at 8pm slot, and seeing as they'll be starting a month in advance of "Heroes" I'm totally willing to give it another shot.

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Normally I'd look at a decision like bringing back Sarah as a desperate attempt to make up for a boneheaded creative decision and judge it thusly, but I'm actually okay with this one. Don't get me wrong, it totally IS a desperate attempt to make up for a boneheaded creative decision, but with all the bad creative decisions they've made over the past two seasons, most of which were attempts to make up for other bad creative decisions, some stability is probably exactly what the show needs. The second half of this season was totally respectable, and a return to an earlier vintage where they didn't need to reply on topping one cliffhanger after another. It's like they finally realized that if they want this show to last they need to slow the pace and stop rushing these things. They've gotten out of the ridiculously packed Monday at 8pm slot, and seeing as they'll be starting a month in advance of "Heroes" I'm totally willing to give it another shot.

Dude, I read the spoilers, but there's a reason they are not exposed in this thread. Anyways, I was thinking about season one a couple of days ago, and I started thinking about C-Note. It would be kinda cool to see him back for at least a couple of episodes.

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I loved Season Two. For some reason, Michael works better when he's channelling Richard Kimble than Andy Dufresne. His ability to think on his feet and improvise is better utilised on the run; which is why I think Season Four will be better than Two.

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  • 2 months later...

So if anyone wants to clear this premiere up for me, since I stopped following early on last year, but:

Who was the chick in the end? With the honey and shit? In next week's preview she snaps some dudes neck... pretty confused there... also did anyone die like was said? I tuned away a couple times, coulda missed it.
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So if anyone wants to clear this premiere up for me, since I stopped following early on last year, but:

Who was the chick in the end? With the honey and shit? In next week's preview she snaps some dudes neck... pretty confused there... also did anyone die like was said? I tuned away a couple times, coulda missed it.

Gretchen. The only person who died was Whistler.
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IMO, Season One was the best. They had a clear plan and seemed to stick with it, and it was one of the most entertaining shows on TV. Then for Season 2 they appeared to go 'Oh look guys, people really like this show. Let's try really hard to make it even more awesome!' and they did go a bit over-the-top with some things, especially towards the end of the season (the saving grace from this season was Kellerman, who was awesome). When Season 3 started they seemed to realise they had messed it up with Season 2 and tried to go back to what made it work in the first place, and steadily got the show back on track in terms of quality.

Still not up to Season One IMO, and I don't think it ever will be, but it did improve. It'll be interesting to see where they go with Season 4.

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I'd agree with that analysis. Season One was near flawless in terms of narrative and tension, but season two seemed to be a little scattered and confusing. Season Three wasn't anywhere near the first, but it was a damn side better than 'On the Run' or whatever the hell Australian networks decided to dub it.

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I actually heard from some where that creator Paul Scheuring had like 4-5 seasons planned out and followed through with his vision of season 1 and 2, but then FOX didn't like what he had in store for season 3. Thus, a change was made. I am not sure if its all true, but its a possibility because I believe season 3 was a huge drop off from 1 and 2 until maybe the last couple episodes which still weren't up to prison break standards.

I agree with you Zaz, season 1 definitely was the best, but honestly I am starting to like season 4 with these first two episodes. Might be a weak backstory to everything, but honestly I think this can work out.

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  • 3 months later...

No talk of this awesome show? :angry:

I've loved this season, been fantastic if you ask me. Haven't read much on the net, so I'm guessing this is certainly the last season? They've had quite a few twists and turns throughout and I honestly never expected it to turn out the way it has. No clue how they're going to end this, but it's got me gripped majorly. The final episode is tonight, not sure if it's on longer than usual but I cant wait to see it.

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Tonight is just the fall finale.

This season has been rather good. Probably rank it up there with the first season in terms of quality. A major twist like Michael dying or the team joining The Company in the end is something I would welcome just for the sheer surprise factor.

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I thought last week was the fall finale. :huh:

I'm not complaining if I'm getting extra PB though.

However, relating to Season 4 thus far:

Bellick :crying: If anyone was gonna go, I knew it'd be him, but it still sucks. It seems it's the characters I originally hate that I always end up liking most (i.e. Mahone). I think it would've been better done if the last we saw of him was when he fitted the pipe into the hole and his face disappeared from view.
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Was it? I cant be sure. I thought it was this week but it may have been last week.

Bellick being killed off was a surprising choice. It was sad, too. He started off as someone you think is a dick, then he ends up doing something as selfless as that. The whole bit with Mahone putting that badge in the casket with him was a nice little touch.
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