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Farmer Reil

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Almost by accident, I watched Crossroads last night (no, not the Britney Spears one, or the TV soap, the one with Steve Vai and Karate Kid in it). It was phenomenal. Why the fuck isn't it a cult favourite, EWB? WHY?! Every time there's a "Top 100 Films" list, it doesn't even get mentioned. Clearly, this needs to change.

Basic plot, for those who haven't seen it:

Karate Kid essentially plays the Karate Kid with a guitar. He's a young classical guitar prodigy, in a posh music school. He gets bored, and starts reading up on other types of music, and starts getting into Blues and Jazz. He finds a story about blues legend Robert Johnson (played by Tuvok, motherfuckers) and his 'missing song' (he allegedly wrote 30 songs but only recorded 29 before he was murdered 40-ish years previously). After some more research, he finds out than an old friend of Johnson's, Willy Brown, is being held in an old people's home. After getting a job as a janitor to get to meet him, he battles Willy's initial scepticism over a 'white boy from Long Island' playing the blues and agrees to break Willy out of the home in exchange for Willy teaching him Johnson's 30th song, which he'd then record and become famous.

Anyway, throughout the movie they go on the road, Willy teaches Karate Kid about blues and the truth behind the Robert Johnson story, it turns out that Brown sold his soul to the devil (either the actual devil, or a record company, I never did work that out. Either/both, I guess) in exchange for becoming a star. The devil still 'owns' Brown, but Brown wants to be left alone since the Devil never made him famous, only old. The devil challenges Brown to a guitar duel with Jack Butler (Steve Vai~!), Kid accepts in Brown's place (Brown plays harmonica, not guitar), and an awesome guitar duel happens (incidentally, Steve Vai plays both parts. Although until the final guitar duel, Kid looks like he's playing the guitar for real (he's not), the final scene makes it obvious he's only posing ¬_¬). Brown can die in peace, happily ever after, yadda yadda.

It's fucking brilliant. I demand you go and watch it, and then list other similar movies for my continued entertainment.

Edited by Farmer Reil
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Oh Bluey, no. There was no need for that.

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