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DS Recomendation Thread

Fanku Kaibutsu

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As previously mentioned, I've come into possession of a Nintendo DS. Can anyone recommend particularly good games for the system? I'm heavily considering picking up Advanced Wars(one of them) and Elite Beat Agents. I've already got a few good ones: Mario and Luigi, Metroid Prime: Hunters, Wario Ware, Mario Kart, Mario DS, but I want more.

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I don't see any Phoenix Wright or Apollo Justice on there.

Those two, Hotel Dusk is apparently good, as is Trauma Center (if you have the patience of a saint) and of course I'll always recomend Mario games, Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, what kind of games are you looking for specifically?

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Oh yeah, those games. Duely noted(In reference to the Phoenix Wright games).

I'm not sure about the pokemon games, though. I liked the original blue/red, but for some reason couldn't get into gold/silver. I think what bothered me most was the art style looked more cutesy compared to the original games..

Edited by Fanku Kaibutsu
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Aside from some obvious stuff and/or things mentioned...

Professor Layton is quite good. It's animation style reminds me of old Tin Tin stuff by Herge and the story is pretty good too, with the puzzles/riddles suitably mind bending. Mario vs Donkey Kong 2 is great, but can be on the short side with limited replay if you know what you're doing and/or good enough.

Tetris DS is one of my favourite iterations if only for the local shared play. Clubhouse Games is the ultimate time waster and ridiculously worth it if you're at all interested. And again local play is great.

Stuff like New Super Mario Bros., Yoshi's Island DS, Zelda: Phantom Hour Glass, etc. are all worthy purchases (albeit Yoshi's Island can be infuriatingly difficult).

Edited by Vilge Duin
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I'm not sure this Japanesey vibe I have in my memory of you is 100% accurate, it may be swayed by your diaries and such. Either way, if you like animes and/or Super Smash Bros type gameplay and are not adverse to Japanese text there is a game called Jump Super Stars (and a sequel Jump Ultimate Stars) which has characters from a whole bunch of stuff. There are guides which explain stuff if you can be bothered to go through them.

Again with the Japanse thing, EBA's original Japanese counterpart Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan (and its sequel Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashii Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2) have J-Pop songs.

A lot of things I could reccomend you either have or have already been said. Castlevania hasn't, there's two on the DS. Dawn of Sorrow and Portrait of Ruin.

Another thing, if you like RPG's then The World Ends With You is getting alot of hype at the moment.

Edited by Ellis Misses Benji
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I'll second Hotel Dusk - basically Phoenix Wright, but with a noir setting, 3D graphics, and more adult themed story. And less completely over the top Japanese-style stuff that you'll find in Phoenix Wright. The pace is also a bit slower, but definitely worth a buy if you can find a copy.

Advance Wars games are good, but the single player storyline is generally pants. I'd go for Dark Conflict aka Days Of Ruin over Dual Strike though due to the wi-fi multiplayer that'll give it more longevity, plus because it's new you should still be able to get a copy fairly easily.

And Yoshi's Island DS is good too, but definitely do New Super Mario Bros. first as that's the better game.

Trauma Center is fucking, fucking insanely difficult. Only for people with a lot of patience. If you've played the Biology missions in the new Bully game or ever played the Operation board game it's basically like that except it's a lot deeper obviously.

And Plubby - Mario Kart DS has very little (if any) touch screen use. It's been a while since I've played it, but I think it's just the map on the lower screen. And New Super Mario Bros. only has you activating power ups with a big-ass button.

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Are you kidding me? Mario is meant to be easy, that's the fun of it, it's a game anyone can pick up, have fun on and be good at. They should've done away with the lives system around the time arcades started dying out, especially since they reset every time you load a new game.

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Mario 64 on DS is utter shite. I love the game on 64, and could appreciate the new features, but the controls are just shithouse. Using a touch screen to alter the camera angle while sprinting around is retarded, as is the lack of a full axis of movement with the D-Pad.

New Super Mario Brothers is easy, but a lot of fun. There's a horde of fun little mini games on it, too.

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Quit saying it's easy, I still need to finish Bowsers Castle.

I can't really boast about it being easy. I've had it nearly a week and I'm only in the third world, although I do work full time and don't play it outside of breaks at work. It's challenging at points, but when you can continually re-run the first level, pick up the giant mushroom, and gain 3-4 lives a pop to build up a stockpile of 99 lives, you're never really going to fail.

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Trauma Center was the first game I bought for the DS, and it's still my favourite. However, it is pretty intense. I remember sweating while I played it. It may be difficult, but theres harder games out there, and TC: UTK is totally worth it.

Elite Beat Agents is a really fun game. You've seen it? You like the look of it? Pick it up. It'll probably exceed your expectations.

Be aware though, with games like Phoenix Wright and (I assume, I haven't played it) Hotel Dusk, once you've played it, that's it. No replay value. To replay it would be like doing a test, getting all the answers and then taking the test again.

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