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The Spoilerlicious Thread


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No but there is one thing i need to say though, But big spoilers, So even if this is a spoiler thread, This might be too much spoiler

That chick you date is a UC, I seriously did not see that coming
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No but there is one thing i need to say though, But big spoilers, So even if this is a spoiler thread, This might be too much spoiler
That chick you date is a UC, I seriously did not see that coming

Saw it coming from the second date. Kind of odd when a woman hollers out your full name during sex and wants to hear "interesting things." Explains how an ugly fuck like Niko can nail a chick that quickly, though.

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My favourite mission so far, given by Brucie:

Setting up a date with a gay guy called French Tom from the tw@ cafe, meeting him at a diner, sitting down at a table while he tries to get to know you better, than standing up, pulling out a pistol and executing him Corleone style.
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The mission for Pegerino at the hospital:

So I sneak into the hospital to kill Anthony the snitch. I get changed into the scrubs and use the super sneaky method of pulling his life support so I don't have to worry about the cops seeing me with a gun. I walk out the room and...I automatically pull out my assault rifle and have three wanted stars.

Alright, I guess you could say the cops saw him die, or I accidentally pressed the weapon button which I know I fucking didn't, but whats the point in having a sneaky, Hitman type assassination if it doesn't make a bit of difference in the end? :@

Edited by Kaney
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I have a feeling there were much stealthier ways to do a lot of missions, since I did...approximately zero of them with stealth in mind.

That said, my final thought: one choice, two endings, both sucked.

I'm just discussing a specific section of the final mission(s), and I left out as much as I could storyline-wise, but it's tagged just in case.

So in one path you're "chasing" after a guy on a dirtbike in the sand while he's on a boat. Eventually you have to make a big-ass jump, and it's an incredible visual cutscene and it leads to an equally incredible visual playable, but god I spent at least an hour going through the mission trying to nail that jump. It's hard as hell to steer that fucking bike on the sand, and if it's raining fuck it.

In another path you're chasing a different guy in a boat while he's in a helicopter. Now I hate boats, I always have hated GTA boats because they're so fucking clunky and hard to steer...this version's are the best by far, don't get me wrong, but they continue to combine the incredible slowness and turning capabilities of a big-ass truck with the survivability of the one-hit-and-you're-fucked motorcycles. Eventually you get the same cutscene to a similar playable.

In either path, the reason you're doing the mission in the first place absolutely blows. At first I thought I made a wrong choice slightly earlier on, but I reloaded to make the other choice and felt equally shafted. Let's just say in both cases they went overkill cliche.

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The mission for Pegerino at the hospital:

So I sneak into the hospital to kill Anthony the snitch. I get changed into the scrubs and use the super sneaky method of pulling his life support so I don't have to worry about the cops seeing me with a gun. I walk out the room and...I automatically pull out my assault rifle and have three wanted stars.

Alright, I guess you could say the cops saw him die, or I accidentally pressed the weapon button which I know I fucking didn't, but whats the point in having a sneaky, Hitman type assassination if it doesn't make a bit of difference in the end? :@

Slight spoilers in regards to your first mission from Derrick...

Same here honestly. I did that too, even walked out as quickly and calmly as I could. The moment I got to the doors I had 3 stars instantly. I didn't target anyone, attack anyone, have a weapon out, run or anything.

I'm pretty sure that most missions regardless of how they end or you finish them give you an instant wanted level.

I mostly proved this to myself with the Derrick. When he sends you to off his friend Bucky.

I did the mission as told and followed him in the police car. I got to the house and was promptly shot at by people in it. Having grown a bit tired of the walk in and annihilate everyone method, I decided a different tactic. I stood across the street and whipped out my phone and called 911. Kept doing so and soon a lot of police were swarming the area and they all went in and took out every last guy in the building.

I just stood there watching. When I got the autosave message up and the mission was over I started walking away and instantly was hit with 2 stars. Don't know why either.

Same kind of goes for missions that have you "taking someone out" by following them but no matter what you do they live until a cut scene.

In either path, the reason you're doing the mission in the first place absolutely blows. At first I thought I made a wrong choice slightly earlier on, but I reloaded to make the other choice and felt equally shafted. Let's just say in both cases they went overkill cliche.

I concur whole heartedly. I dislike both endings and they feel tacked on and not properly built up to. And considering the one ending effectively eliminates one of your special abilities with phoning someone, it's almost punishing you for choosing that way. I get why as it's heavily implied throughout the game the other choice is the right way to go, but the entire lead up regardless of choice feels arbitrary and as you said, cliche.

And aside from the set piece of the bike to chopper jump, this game's ending missions don't remotely fit the enjoyability or scope of Vice City or San Andreas which is unfortunate.

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Speaking of being stealthy here's something I found awesome about one of Derriks missions

There's a mission where you're told to take out a single person, he's on the second floor looking at his gang members. The game then tells you the layout of the apartment and how to get to the second floor.

I can physically see him on the balcony and came unprepared to the mission (low health no armour)

So I grab my sniper rifle and take him out in a single headshot. Mission Passed and money gets put into my account.

The easiest mission yet and no-one bothered to follow me once I sped out of the area.

I think some missions can be completed in multiple ways and it's gonna be awesome going throughb this later on

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More ending spoilers:

From what I've gathered in my alternate save and a bit of internet research, if you choose Deal Kate won't talk to you again, so you're better off choosing Revenge and having her die than choosing Deal and losing both Roman & Kate.
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MORE ending spoilers you say?

Kate calls you after the credits when Roman dies and says if you need to talk or anything to call her, so I'm assuming you go back to dating her then. Still don't know if it lets you fuck her though.

Personally I think making the deal/killing Roman makes for the better story. I mean, both endings are right downers sure, but with Roman dead you get a real reason to go after Dimitri and wrap things up once and for all. If you just go for revenge, Dimitri's already been killed so...they kill Kate just to have a reason for the big helicopter chase final mission. I dunno, I think it works better leading into Dimitri as the big bad boss rather than having Pegorino make a heel turn just for the fuck of having a big chase ending.

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In regards to the above...

I agree completely narrative wise with how the conclusive should be gotten to.

But my problem with that is the entire game is spent with Niko wanting revenge, not really giving a shit about the money and it's harked on thoroughly that he's a man of principle. Loyalty and trust mean a lot to him. The Deal ending kind of subverts that all as it really doesn't fit his character to go through with it. While the Revenge ending is the one that is most hinted at as being the "correct" path.

That said, mayhap my dislike of the end comes from getting the "RAR JIMMY'S PISSED YOU PRICK" ending, which was a kind of out of the blue, anti-climactic, and a bit stupid.

Albeit with the Deal ending the entire story comes full circle in a way, in a depressingly dreary way that is. Roman finally gets rid of the gambling, the women, is finally becoming successful in his own right... and is cut down. Leaving a pregnant widow and a crushed Niko. The relationship with Roman is built from the beginning and the impact is more lasting and 'punch in the gut' effective. Meanwhile the Revenge ending relies on caring about Kate, who isn't exactly developed. There's the cute flirtations and such and some points mentioned, but Niko's relationship with her isn't established more than being cursory to what goes on with her brothers.

I like the idea of two endings, but I wish they were more uniquely developed instead of being thematically identical and with similar mission structures.

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In regards to the above...

I agree completely narrative wise with how the conclusive should be gotten to.

But my problem with that is the entire game is spent with Niko wanting revenge, not really giving a shit about the money and it's harked on thoroughly that he's a man of principle. Loyalty and trust mean a lot to him. The Deal ending kind of subverts that all as it really doesn't fit his character to go through with it. While the Revenge ending is the one that is most hinted at as being the "correct" path.

That said, mayhap my dislike of the end comes from getting the "RAR JIMMY'S PISSED YOU PRICK" ending, which was a kind of out of the blue, anti-climactic, and a bit stupid.

Albeit with the Deal ending the entire story comes full circle in a way, in a depressingly dreary way that is. Roman finally gets rid of the gambling, the women, is finally becoming successful in his own right... and is cut down. Leaving a pregnant widow and a crushed Niko. The relationship with Roman is built from the beginning and the impact is more lasting and 'punch in the gut' effective. Meanwhile the Revenge ending relies on caring about Kate, who isn't exactly developed. There's the cute flirtations and such and some points mentioned, but Niko's relationship with her isn't established more than being cursory to what goes on with her brothers.

I like the idea of two endings, but I wish they were more uniquely developed instead of being thematically identical and with similar mission structures.

Though I'm far from beating the game still, from reading the ending spoilers I have an opinion, which I may change once I get to the ending...

For the "Deal" ending, as described, yes loyalty and respect mean a lot, unless you've killed the people that gave you a choice to let them live. And a lot of movies/stories in this genre don't seem to have "happy" endings...for example Scarface and Carlito's Way. Again, my opinion may change once I've experienced these endings, but if the dude's a criminal (albeit one that seems to have a conscience at times) I find it acceptable that both endings have consequences for the main character. Lesser of the two evils perhaps.
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Kill/Spare Ivan, Kill/Spare Dwayne's ex-girlfriend Cherise, Dwayne/PBX, Derrick/Francis, Darko Live/Die, Revenge/Deal.

I think there's one very early on that's not explicitly defined as a choice; Roman is kidnapped at the same time Michelle calls you for a date, and you have to choose whether to rescue Roman or date Michelle. I dated Michelle and had to pick up Roman from the hospital after the date.

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