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Games you've put off buying


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Are there any games you intended to buy recently, but for some reason have put off buying?

For me, it's Mario Kart Wii. I just put it off for a bit whilst I'm busy with Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I think come the end of May I'll get it though.

I'm also putting off GTAIV, because I'm not sure whether I really want to play it or not, or whether I'd get enough time to actually play it after/before work.

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We have a game save drawer at work where we can baggsie games that come in and keep aside for a short while before buying it.

However I have both Siren 1 and Siren 2 in there and have had for about six months now. I want them and I want to own them but they were £13 each at the time (now £8 each) and I always had other game priorities.

I'm gonna have to clear my saves before I leave at the end of the month so have to decide on them, Skate, Civ 4, Maelstrom, SimGolf, Imperial, Ski Racer 06 (it's brilliant alright) and about half a dozen others....Grrr....

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GTAIV. I put off getting it on release day, because I had loads of uni work to do, and I wasn't going to get it until I was done with uni. I finish Friday, but I may put it off for longer, until the mid June payday. This is partly so I save a bit more money now, and partly because I just don't feel like playing it right now. I seem to go through swings of "this week I'm playing games" or "I'm gonna read comics~!!" and then periods of "I'm gonna watch stuff" and I've been in the latter mood recently.

Edited by timmayy Aaron XXIV
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GTA IV and the Lego Star Wars game. I barely ever buy games unless I can pick them up used, so I'm just waiting until these are $10-20. I'll probably get the Star Wars game for more, but there will be so many GTA games used in about 6-12 months that I won't spend more than 20. Oh, plus I still need a 360 (a minor set back). But I'm pretty much not going to even care to have one until GTA is a cheap buy.

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World in Conflict. I'll probably have to update my computer a little bit so I can run it smoothly, but it's a game I've wanted for a few months now.

I also wanted Turning Point: Fall Of Liberty, the FPS about if the Nazi's invaded New York City. But I played a demo of it on the Xbox Live Marketplace, and it blew balls. So fuck that game.

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I've put off GTA IV for now cause my room mate has it on his 360, and cause I don't have the money right now. I also can't afford Assassin's Creed atm, so it's in the "want but can't have" list. >_>

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Lego Star Wars and Mario Kart on the Wii. I always tend to see them when I'm out and about, and if I have a bit of money on me (which isn't a regular occurrence right now) I always tend to stop, read the back and argue with myself on whether to buy them. I figure I'll pick them up at some point in time, but I'll be more likely to wait for them to go down in price a bit and pick them up a bit cheaper.

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I haven't played that many games lately and it's gotten to the point where I've been putting off buying Greatest Hits and budget titles. Right now, the games I've wanted to play but haven't gotten around to buying are Mortal Kombat Armageddon, SvR 2007 and Jackass: The Game. I was really close to buying MK yesterday but put it back on the rack yet again.

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