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timmayy has a nerdgasm.

Timmoru Suzuki

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This appears to not be fresh news, but I had NO idea that Guilermo del Toro was wanting to direct a film based on Doctor Strange! I always HOPED he'd want to do one... To lift this from great news to the best thing ever (or since Iron Man), he want's Neil Gaiman to write the script! Talk about a fucking dream team.

Oh, and thanks to Dragon-F'N-Force for telling me.

Guillermo Del Toro is directing pretty much every film coming out between now and 2017. We sat down with him recently to talk through all the potential projects on his slate, including The Hobbit, At The Mountains of Madness and 3993 (to read about all those projects click here). He also told us that he's flirting with the possibility of bringing another comic book hero to the screen, in the shape of Marvel's Dr Strange.

Less well known than the likes of Hulk and Iron Man, Dr Strange is a Sorcerer Supreme, who does battle with evil magicians and supernatural foes, while wearing a very silly outfit. He's got a strange, sinister air that would be right up Del Toro's street.

"I talked with Neil Gaiman [about writing it]," he tells us. "I said, thats an interesting character because you can definitely make him more in the pulpy occult detective/magician mould and formula than was done in the Weird Tales, for example...the idea of a character that really dabbles in the occult in a way thats not X-Filey, where the supernatural is taken for granted. Thats interesting...But I wouldn't use the suit!"

Comic book geeks will remember, of course, that Dr Strange played quite an important role in Gaiman's Elizabethan twist on the Marvel universe, 1602, making him a good choice of screenwriter for this. Of course, the Hellboy 2 director has a ton of projects on his dance card before he can think about getting to this.

Credit Olly Richards at Empireonline.com

More on the character and jazz here

I'm off to change underwear.

Edited by timmayy Aaron XXIV
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I knew you'd pretty much cumsplode when I told you. lol.

Let's just hope something comes of this. Del Toro and Gaiman would be a kick ass team. If It does go ahead, I hope they make him like in 'The Oath', where he is basically Sherlock Holmes with magical powers. An ace arc.

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Who could actually play Strange though? I can't think of anyone who has the 'look'. Bar maybe Vincent Price, but he isn't as active as he used to be....

This may sound strange (no pun intended), but I hope they get the right voice for Dr. Strange (that is assuming this ever happens). The guy who voiced him in the direct to DVD animation sounded WAY too bland. It needs to be a commanding, articulate and experienced sounding voice. It's sort of hard to explain exactly what he should sound like.

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If they make him a bit younger I could see a John Cusack playing him. I really could care less, just keep Nicholas Cage away from it.

I just had a thought, its a pity he's already being cast in the MU but Edward Norton would have been immense as a young Strange imo.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Who could actually play Strange though? I can't think of anyone who has the 'look'. Bar maybe Vincent Price, but he isn't as active as he used to be....

This may sound strange (no pun intended), but I hope they get the right voice for Dr. Strange (that is assuming this ever happens). The guy who voiced him in the direct to DVD animation sounded WAY too bland. It needs to be a commanding, articulate and experienced sounding voice. It's sort of hard to explain exactly what he should sound like.

Hugh Laurie. FTW.

Especially if you do the origin story in which Strange is a vain, self-absorbed prick as befitting a reknowned surgeon.


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