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EWB'S Top 40 Anime RESULTS

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EWB selected 40 anime they liked more than Lucky Star. What were they? Stay tuned... here's the first few.

I had a big tie for 40th, so I went and counted the amount of lists they were on, and I still had a tie. In the end I flipped a coin so I could have a neat and orderly list instead of that ugly number 39 or having a massive tie for 40. Plus, there's no money involved, so who cares that much amirite?

And now! Without further ado...


#40 -- Darker Than Black


(6 points)

#39 -- Akira


(7 points)

#38 -- Eureka Seven


(8 points)

#38 -- Genshiken


(8 points)

#36 -- Avatar: The Last Airbender


(9 points)

Edited by damshow
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Insert statement that snowballs into tedious argument I ultimately wave my hands and go "bah" at here. Also, I should probably start watching Darker Than Black again at some point; I tend to veer between really loving it and not getting what's going on, without anything to distract me from the fact that I don't get the plot because it's just so horribly exposition-heavy sometimes. But when it's cool it's really cool, and the soundtrack is done by Yoko Kanno and Yoko Kanno is love.

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The main reason I didn't vote for Genshiken was because, despite it being all kinds of awesome as a franchise, the manga >>>>> the anime. And when I find it quite easy to say "eh, I could live without the anime", that doesn't make for a good Top 10 List candidate. >_>

I've still not watched more than about 1/4 of Eureka Seven, but I liked what I did see. AKIRA is obligatory, I guess. Darker than BLACK got a little too repetitive and tedious for me after 5 or 6 episodes, so I never bothered to follow it up further. As for Avatar...well, I'll just leave that one well alone.

(For Yoko Kanno being love: Yuki Kajiura is love too, but that still can't bring me to like Noir or Madlax :shifty:)

I'll avoid the whole "*** SHOULD SO BE HIGHER THAN *** :@ :@" commentary for this list, because that never leads anywhere good. Especially with all the votes Bible Black got, and all.

Edited by stokeriño
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The main reason I didn't vote for Genshiken was because, despite it being all kinds of awesome as a franchise, the manga >>>>> the anime. And when I find it quite easy to say "eh, I could live without the anime", that doesn't make for a good Top 10 List candidate. >_>

I've still not watched more than about 1/4 of Eureka Seven, but I liked what I did see. AKIRA is obligatory, I guess. Darker than BLACK got a little too repetitive and tedious for me after 5 or 6 episodes, so I never bothered to follow it up further. As for Avatar...well, I'll just leave that one well alone.

(For Yoko Kanno being love: Yuki Kajiura is love too, but that still can't bring me to like Noir or Madlax :shifty:)

I'll avoid the whole "*** SHOULD SO BE HIGHER THAN *** :@ :@" commentary for this list, because that never leads anywhere good. Especially with all the votes Bible Black got, and all.

Well I voted for Genshiken because I haven't read the manga. I'll admit, I very rarely read manga, I should, and I try to, but it's easier for me to sit back with a bag of potato chips and watch anime than it is to read manga.

Edited by damshow
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yeah Naruto on any best of list is a travesty.

DTB has some off moments and some really cool moments but the more I watched it the more I wanted to keep watching it. Sad ending though. I still don't think Avatar: The Last Airbender is really an anime but oh well.

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Guest tiarnantman

I'll assume you all did what was right and voted Pokémon?

It's the only one I ever watched, so I'll be disappointed if it doesn't make the top ten. ^_^

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I'll assume you all did what was right and voted Pokémon?

It's the only one I ever watched, so I'll be disappointed if it doesn't make the top ten. ^_^

maybe on a worst of list. Ash is such a terrible, pathetic and idiotic character. he constantly gives away or sends his best pokemon to the professor. he has no idea how to battle, uses terrible moves like tackle and constantly uses pikachu vs ground types.

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See now, Misty was the character I actually hated. Or at least, I hated her in episodes like the Togepi one where everyone had really justifiable reasons for wanting Togepi except for her. And naturally she ends up getting it.

Pokemon. It was serious business back in the day.

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Does Pokemon in fact make this list? Only time will tell. And will riots ensue if Naruto cracks the top 40? We shall see. What we know for now is this, here's 35-31. But wait, why are the 6? Oh because there were a ton of ties. You folks here make life so hard for us listmakers, everything is tied and all that wonderful stuff. Thanks!

#35 -- Claymore


(10 points)

#35 -- Ranma 1/2


(10 points)

#33 -- One Piece


(11 points)

#33 -- Cromartie High School


(11 points)

#31 -- Laputa: Castle in the Sky


(12 points)

#31 -- Fate/Stay Night


(12 points)

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I approve of 50% of this section. :shifty: Claymore's horribly overrated (Anime-Source.com voted it their favourite anime of 2007 over the likes of Code Geass and TTGL...what? But then, there isn't an anime series in existance that they don't adore on that website), One Piece is One Piece and Fate/Stay Night I simply haven't seen to be able to comment.

Ranma, Cromartie and Laputa are love. I've been meaning to rewatch Cromartie for a couple of weeks now.

Edited by stokeriño
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