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Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog


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But he was a supervillain intentionally. He stole the wonderflonium to make the freeze ray work and if it had worked right the first time (and he hadn't given away his intent on the blog) he would already have BEEN a supervillain because they would have accepted him in without requiring a murder.

Hammer's the one that killed Penny, not Horrible. Hammer's the one who had the death ray when it exploded; if Horrible hadn't been singing and firing into the ceiling, one of those initial shots would have killed Hammer and that would've been the end of it.

Hammer had three bad things happen, Horrible had one of the same bad things but ended up achieving his dreams as a result of that bad thing; I know I'm "supposed" to say things like "Hammer had it coming, he was a douche" but I don't feel that way. Hammer tries to eliminate his nemesis and has his entire world fall apart with one explosion, Horrible tries to eliminate his nemesis and ends up becoming the super-villain he always wanted to be at the price of a girl he never appeared to have a chance with in the first place.

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Thought it was fantastic. Part 3 made me sad though, seemed to come out of left field. I did like it very much though and probably would have thought less of it had it had a different ending.

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I so geeked out over this. I watched it twice. I love Dr. Horrible. I love that we have an anti hero and Cpt. Hammer is smarmy. I adore rooting for the bad guy! I would so watch a full feature length of this. I want more, plain and simple, I WANT MORE.

The songs were catchy as hell. I wasn't surprised of NPH performance, I too have alway felt he would be a good fit in JW universe. The whole thing cracked me up and I enjoyed Dr. Horrible's (That's with two R's) akwardness with Penny.

Joker may be you guys new favorite villian, but Dr. Horrible is mine. :wub:

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I think this proves that Nathan Fillon and Joss Whedon need to get married and make babies. And by make babies I mean have him write and he act; because they just seem to sync together brilliantly it's unreal.

And: "The hammer is my penis." - Just a classic Whedon line of dialogue to join a long list of classic Whedon lines of dialogue.

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And: "The hammer is my penis." - Just a classic Whedon line of dialogue to join a long list of classic Whedon lines of dialogue.

According to an interview with Jed Whedon, that line is courtesy of the youngest Whedon, Zach.

Edited by Synjynpsychobitch
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Zach Whedon is someone to watch. In addition to being a protégé of David Milch (who gave Whedon the task of writing the finale to "John from Cincinnati") he has a screenplay currently circulating that made last year's "Black List", that is the list of screenplays not currently in development that in the opinion of Hollywood's executives and high level assistants are the best. It's called "Back East", and got two mentions on the list.

On another note, how awesome is Jed? He wrote "Dr Horrible's" kick-ass score.

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i watched it all fully for the first time today (I hadn't seen Act III till today) and the ending whilst not satisfying is perfect for further Dr. Horrible. It opens up alleys. I really enjoyed it.

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As well as being awesome, Dr. Horrible reminded me how brilliant the animated version of The Tick was. Apparently Ben Edlund (the guy who created The Tick, and who worked with Joss on Firefly and Angel) came up with the Bad Horse character idea.

I don't know who I'd be more terrified of, Bad Horse or Chairface Chippendale.

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