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Lyricists...gather round


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Angry Jonny & The Radios...Talking Like Turnstiles achieved liftoff today. Had our first practise this afternoon. There's 2 problems with bands I find; 1) You join a band with mates, you dick about and do fuck all. 2) You join bands with people who aren't mates, you fucking hate them...this one falls into 2. Basically, me and my mate Jonny (bass)...and he was like "I'll get a few people to help us"...got two fucking emo fucks who play guitar...one who seemingly doesn't talk and another who wanted to change one of my songs and put screams in, I told him to fuck off. The drummer's sound though. Looks like a young Kiefer Sutherland too.

Basically, want about 6/7 songs for the 29th, where Jonny wants us to play a gig with his other band. It's somewhere in Sunderland, so when I find out all that shit I'll fill you local lot in so you can boost the numbers. :shifty:

I've got 5 songs pretty much done and dusted. We ran through 3 today, didn't seem too many problems. A little slack, but not that bad. One of the guitarists/bassist play together in another band, and the guitarists and the drummer used to be in a band together (the drummer hates the guitarist I really hate too...good times...he's a fucking good player though, I'll give him that much). Probably do about 2/3 originals and 4 covers. We fucking massacred some Bloc Party...I think that's off. But "When I Come Around" was solid and I'm trying to figure out how "Dancing On The Ceiling" is going to work (IT'S GONNA FUCKING HAPPEN!).

I hate putting together bands. Seriously, I wish I'd just teach myself guitar...it would be less hassle. But if I want to hear these songs...then...fuck...I have to do this shit...grrrrr.

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I don't post much here, but I was reading and saw some really good stuff. So.. I think I'll post one of mine! It's called Deconstruction.

I wear the mark of a broken soul,

I wear the mask of a souless face.

Watch me as I drift farther and farther away.

Reality is deconstructing and I have no time to waste.

Twist the knife into my back, that's how it ends.

Time is standing still as I watch how it begins.

My mind is breaking down,

there's nothing left here.

I watch the world around me move

but all I can do is drown in my fears.

All I can do is watch things fall

All I can do is listen to the sound

of impending deconstruction.

I fear the sign of the oncoming storm.

I fear the things that will surely occur.

The story unfolds and we're forlorn

The Hell that washes upon us just might hurt.

Destroy the world around me, that's all the rage.

Watch from our thrones because all the world's a stage.

My mind is breaking down,

there's nothing left here.

I watch the world around me move

but all I can do is drown in my fears.

All I can do is watch things fall

All I can do is listen to the sound

of impending deconstruction.

What's this sound I hear in the distance?

A flash of lightning and it's all gone in an instant.

The ground is tearing apart and our sins are free.

Darkness surrounds my being and it takes me.

I feel nothing, I feel nothing.

I am oblivion.

My mind is breaking down,

there's nothing left here.

I watch the world around me move

but all I can do is drown in my fears.

All I can do is watch things fall

All I can do is listen to the sound

of impending deconstruction.

Edited by Nevermore
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My mind and body are trapped in a cell

Only you have the key to release me from this hell

A hell that used to be a forbidden heaven

But now when I come I go nowhere

All I gain is more despair

And fear of this oncoming breakdown that I can’t repair

On the first day we met you spoke so much

But you communicated best with your eyes and your touch

I tried to keep things straight but you bent my perspective

And now I write this shedding tear’s as I get so reflective

Thinking with a half hearted smile over what could have been

But then I remember your wholesome mask hiding a reality obscene

A reality that I share with you, as together we stroll down sin lane

I’m aware I climbed the ladder to the snake in this game

Despite my best intent I’m losing this war

And at five pm tomorrow I’ll be waiting for more

Your intentions are so (unprofessional)

The feelings you show (unprofessional)

The sights you let me see (unprofessional)

The heights you take me (unprofessional)

You take me so high, and then you drop me so low

But if I walked away from you, where would I go?

From 9 to 5 it’s just the same faces, the same routine

Immaculately dressed, you’re so proper and clean

But when it’s just us and all others leave the scene

It means all the works done and it’s time to play

But this is no longer fun; I have to say…You go crazy when you don’t get your way

You control me in work hours but when there done you’ve got no right to be my boss

And if I ever leave you and spill some secrets you know so well it would be your loss

You see I have nothing to lose; I have no commitments or ties

But you sleep in a bed of lies, with a faithful partner who believes your alibis

If I was to walk away you’d be ruined, but I would get over you

Who am I kidding? I am lying to myself; I only wish my lies were true

I still keep clinging on to when it began, when you made me feel so strong

I daydream I’m back there because the present day nightmare is I know we’re wrong

The truth is before you came along I was nothing, so I’d be nothing after

I’d be hollow and numb, crying inside every time I fake laughter

Nobody understands me like you do and you use this fact as control

You have such power over me, I try to resist but I know my role

I’m all wise and knowing of my hearts affliction

But I’m always the junkie returning to you…my perfect addiction

Your intentions are so (unprofessional)

The feelings you show (unprofessional)

The sights you let me see (unprofessional)

The heights you take me (unprofessional)

You take me so high, and then you drop me so low

but if I walked away from you, where would I go?

You are so unprofessional

When I look in the mirror you look back at me

Because I’m so unprofessional

I am are aware, we’re two of a kind

And no matter how much I run I’ll never leave you behind

But you could drop me, as you like to remind

Your doing me a favor, you call the shots

My life was blank paper until your ink blots

You made me realize I had to embrace what I would always avoid

The guilt of a death that left an emotional void

But you put that guilt to rest when you rebuilt my life

But now I have a new found guilt and hate for myself and my very savior

You taint all your acts of kindness with your manipulative behavior

You make it so hard to love when you drown me in hate

Deep down I hope for strength and an escape I’m yet to create

But now I’m clear despite my mental confusion

That I never really loved you, I just loved your illusion

But I will continue to hide in false hopes and fantasy

Because it beats my fear of a lonely reality

Your intentions are so (unprofessional)

The feelings you show (unprofessional)

The sights you let me see (unprofessional)

The heights you take me (unprofessional)

You take me so high, and then you drop me so low

but if I walked away from you, where would I go?

I’ve got to know

Where would I go?

Every day you remain with me

Every reflection, it’s your face I see

My intentions are so (unprofessional)

The feelings I show (Unprofessional)

The sights I let you see (Unprofessional)

The actions that set me free (Unprofessional)

Days go on, we continue the game

But life always changes, nothing stops the same

For every purchase of pleasure you can count on the receipt of pain

Truth revealed to one misled (Guilt ridden and confessional)

Gunshot to my head (Hired a professional)

One person lies dead

This relationship of two is over

When yesterday ruined today (and made you wish for no tomorrow)

You’ve gone inside and locked the door

You’d risen so high, now you’re back on the floor

The time you spend on your hobbie is such a waste

But self analysis was never to my taste

You can look in a mirror all day long

But you’ll never see what I see

If you spend a lifetime focusing on your flaws

You’ll never see your beauty

But believe me when I say that I do

And believe that when I say I love you, it’s true

Oh please let me in, Share your pain

With every ending comes a chance to start again

Don’t let yesterday, stop you on your way

Now all the tears from yesterday have dried away

Ask yourself, what do they mean today?

I love you for what you are, I love you for what your not

You’re still fresh in my thoughts, with memories others forgot

If only you could see yourself in the way others see

And nobody sees you for what you are more than me

You and I combine; we are one of a kind

Searching for a truth, we’re never destined to find

If you want to pick up love, put down the mirror and pick up your phone book

Or just throw it down, risk seven years of bad luck

I’m only a call a way, that’s all that’s to say

I am a consistent old, not an inconsistent new

But believe me when I say I love you, because it’s true

Oh please let me in, Share your pain

With every ending comes a chance to start again

Don’t let yesterday, stop you on your way

Now all the tears from yesterday have dried away

Ask yourself, what do they mean today?

I wish I had the key to free you from the prison that’s your mind

But it’s there within you, waiting for you to find

Anything is yours if you want it enough

But you got distracted from this fact, when life got rough

You’ve had your share of pain, would’ve sent most insane

But you can write the rules and start a new game

I’m not playing by no board, monopoly or chess

I’m talking true love, you deserve nothing less

And if you choose to play, this is a game you won’t lose

Just believe me when I tell you all the things I do

When I say I love you, it’s true

Oh please let me in, Share your pain

With every ending comes a chance to start again

Don’t let yesterday, stop you on your way

Now all the tears from yesterday have dried away

Ask yourself, what do they mean today?

Oh please let me in, Share your pain

With every ending comes a chance to start again

Don’t let yesterday, stop you on your way

Now all the tears from yesterday have dried away

Ask yourself, what do they mean today?

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Latest song me and the band have written.. it's called "We've Got Nothing". Probs gna record it at some point soon, but for now..

We hit the ground

Running at first

It never takes too long…

Until we fell down…

And everybody saw it…

And everyone knew just what had happened here…

The many cried

Over the sacred ones we had lost

Do you idolise?

Do you even know us?

All the memories…

They mean nothing now

Will you take the blame?

For everything we’d done

We’ll use anything

And we’ve had everyone

We’ve had everyone…

[And when you fall in line

It means nothing now…]

And we rose again

Fleeting along

Hoping to be made up

But we fell back down

And everybody knows us now…

And everyone saw us go…

But at least we’ll never fade

No we just burnt away…

Do you idolise?

Do you even know us?

All the memories

They mean nothing now

Oh… would take the blame?

For everything we’d done

We’ve lost everything

And we’ve got nothing now

We’ve got nothing now.. [x4]

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Was meant to have our first gig tonight, but my voice is fucked, so we got ourselves off the bill. But in boredom and browsing random .txt files that are named like "dsjdisdjsijddjjdjdjdmem"... I found this 'gem'. Basically, for a short period the 'Angry Johnny & The Radios' idea was nearly just 2-men and an acoustic guitar...and to be fitting with that, we decided to knock up some ANGRY, Andrew Jackson Jihad songs...well...try at least. This was the first draft to "More Molotov In My Cocktail", which we 'scrapped' due to it being HORRIFICALLY RACIST...it wasn't meant to be, it started life as a song about ugly women, which then became about us not really fancying black women...which spawned this. I'll have a look around for what we changed it to, and there's a couple of other songs written around that time; "Febregas " and "Fat Women In Cages", which I'll try and find the lyrics.

Man, it'd giggle inducing. :shifty:


More molotov in my cocktail

To fight the pain away

I'd rather blow my head off

Than live to see the day

Of you and me together

Us joined hand in hand

I'd rather blow my head off

Than be a mixed race family man

We live in a free country

Free to fuck whatever we want

Children, animals and pensioners

But you is where I'd stop

No drink in the world

Will make you look good to me

Even you giving me the eyes

Mugs me of my dignity

No drink in the world

Will make you look good to me

Even you giving me the eyes

Mugs me of my dignity

Let's take it to the top

More molotov in my cocktail

To fight the pain away

I'd rather blow my head off

Than live to see the day

Of you and me together

Us joined hand in hand

I'd rather blow my head off

Than be a mixed race family man

We live in a free country

Free to fuck (off) whoever we want

Children, animals and pensioners

But your name is at the top

No drink in the world

Will calm what I feel for you

Even you being in my sight

Makes me sick without a remedy

No drink in the world

Will calm what I feel for you

Even you being in my sight

Makes me sick without a remedy


More molotov in my cocktail

To fight the pain away

I'd rather blow my head off

Than live to see the day

Of you and me together

Us joined hand in hand

I'd rather blow my head off

Than be a mixed race family man

I'd rather blow my head off

Than be a mixed race family man


I'd rather blow my head off

Than be a family man

I've got a bunch of 'finished', 'proper' stuff, but none of it I'm really happy with it 'written down' yet...as there's a few lines here and there which make me cringe, but I'll post when I can be arsed.

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So, apparently I'm meant to be attending a weekly songwriting/analysis course from next week, and possibly going on a songwriting excursion at some point in the future. The things I do for women >_>

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Alot of these have yet to be turned into songs. However, the first one was, and was recorded as well before I left my band. I'll post a few, hopefully they aren't too terrible compared to everyone elses...

"Look Up, Monroe"

Burning the ties that bind

Sever the strings that control

Watch as the leaves decay

Decay into ruin

I'm lying in the gutter but I'm looking to the stars

Black velvet sky cries out with hope

Bare witness to revelation

Observing change

The fragrance with which you scented your padded room

Is the root of the plague


Don't let go

©2008 Jason Maddox

carve your smile into your face

and sew your words into place

sever the images that won't go away

burn the paintings of yesterday

never moving forward - smothering the past

never letting go - never getting rest

something is clenching the wind

someone is grasping the only hope

the story ends where it begins

the hero hangs upon the rope

with graphite and paper write your story

erase the mistakes no need to worry

draw your picture perfect ending

make it real make it yours

and stop pretending

oil paintings burn like kerosene

for good measure let's add gasoline

see through the confusion and into the truth

light the match and burn away the proof

watch as the masquerade turns to ash

in the end you're left with art

a masterpiece - something pleasant

©2007 Jason Maddox

"In the Name of..."

I'm caught in a mirror image

But nothing looks the same

In a world full of know-it-alls

But no one knows my name

In agony but ecstatic

A comfortable numbness to my pain

The only salvation in a world of hate

Does salvation have a name?

Mazes have no exits, only beautiful dead ends

After all is said and done, the beginning will begin

Recognizing what I've never known, it's your job to teach

Imagination is my bible, you'll listen while I preach

©2007 Jason Maddox


Stuck in a nightmare of recurring dreams

Revolving doors with no exits and uphill streams

Fast forward to the present

Rewind into the now

How am I supposed to see it

If you never taught me how?

Put the pieces in their places

In their places, they don't fit

Place them randomly to form an image

I know what I saw but now I forget

Stuck in a memory I'm forgetting yet again

Elevators with no boundaries and stairs that never end

Push pause to recollect

Nevermind please turn it off

How am I supposed to breathe

When all I can do is cough?

The puzzle never adds up

There's no answers to be found

I'll forge my present in your past

I'll forge your future in the ground

©2007 Jason Maddox

"The Forecast Said You Suck"

It's pouring rain

And I'm left unsheltered

Blistered by the cold

And losing sight and mind

My fingers trembling

My body convulsing

The tears have stopped flowing

But only because I've cried them all away

I'm here by my own doing

Stranded 'cause of my own mistakes

Bloody and broken knees

From crawling and begging at your feet

Splintered hands from shattered dreams

Crushed bones from ruined realities

Restricted breathing by vines

Growing from my own failures

Like mold, like fungus

Like festering, disgusting, vulgarities

Memories trying to escape

Trying to run away

But they're locked inside glass cages

Inescapable by any means

Glass, transparent

For everyone to see

Overbearing embarrassment

Some kind of fucked up therapy

I've put myself through this

I'll pull myself out

I've put myself down

I'll pull myself up

I don't need you

I never did...

©2008 Jason Maddox

Edited by JairusCain
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Here's some more crap I've written that probably won't see the light of day, at least not any time soon;

Wrote this one after a flight back from England, with the then-recent ex, who despite the fact we barely saw each other the weekend we were away together, and when we did we were largely arguing, fell asleep holding my hand. It's a bit of a Lucksmiths rip-off, like any of their slower songs... bottleneck guitar, slow and sleepy.

I held your hand all the way down,

From twenty-thousand feet to the ground,

I look past your sleeping eyes,

Over the cityscape tonight,

It's all lit up like Christmas,

I know how much I'll miss this...

You slipped away so quietly,

I barely noticed you leave,

Just felt the hole in my life where you used to be,

And the death of a boy that used to be me...

Once it felt your hand was always in mine,

Hands, thoughts and feelings intertwined,

But now the magic's gone behind your eyes,

Replaced by unspoken goodbyes,

On the tip of your tongue,

You're not the only one,

Who's dreaming...

I held your hand all the way down,

From twenty-thousand feet to the ground,

I look past your sleeping eyes,

Over the cityscape tonight,

It's all lit up like Christmas,

I know how much I'll miss this...

This next one's odd...wrote it today, and it's the first time in many years that the music's come first, and then the lyrics. I normally write words, and someone else will put it to music, because I'm dreadful at writing music, and just as bad as writing words for someone else's. This one kind of came together at a band practice, though, which was odd, as the current band is largely noise, and this came out pretty poppy in comparison. Basically, it's ripping off The Fall. An awful lot.

The idea had been in my head for months, but never really found any form until tonight....musically, it's a barely disguised rip-off of "Touch Sensitive" by The Fall.

Points to anybody not on my Myspace friends who can tell me who/what this is about >_>

Take the long draught Julian,

The hip archaeologist,

Running gag pessimist,

Hey hey hey hey!

Hip hip hip Archaeologist,

Hip hip hip Archaeologist,

You know so much more than we do

You screw so much more than I do

Hey hey hey hey!

Hip hip Archaeologist!

Hip Archaeologist!

Take the long draught Julian

You're the hip archaeologist

Running gag pessimist

Hey hey hey,

Hip archaeologist!

Speedfreak running joke,

Crass, Teardrop,


Hip archaeologist....

Hey hey,


Hip archaeologist...

Shrine of Saint Julian,

Motherfucking accident,

He knows so much more than we do,

He does more blow than we do...

Fucking hip archaeologist,


Hip archaeologist...

Hip archaeologist...

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I may aswell unleash my other band on the world, with their innovative lyrics.

Basically a black/thrash/grindcore band, consisting of me, my bassist from my main band and a friend who's a guitarist is a black metal band.

We're called Grimguts (originally called 'Grindcore Pimping Slut Fucking Child Raping Siesta'), and we're basically a piss take on all the elite serious 'gorecore' death metal bands about at the moment, mainly Annotations of an Autopsy.

Our lyrics focus on guts, women, shit, and mythology. The story to the first album features the 3 members of the band being mythical dark creatures reborn in a new world, destroying all in the way including villagers and lesbian amazonian women. It's kinda like Lord of the Rings, but with more corpse paint and blast beats.

Here's lyrics to two songs on the myspace: Grimguts

I've Got a Handful of Vertebrae and a Head Full of Mad

This is a shitstorm

This is a shitstorm

Defecating on myself

Golgotha demon in your room

Defecating in your path

Futher steps, face your doom

Till the end of time

Shitting for your life

Defecate yourself

Excrete the evidence

Defecate yourself

Defecating hatred

This is a shitstorm

This is a shitstorm

The Dreaded Rear Admiral

The dread rear admiral fell next

Burning alongside his already doomed army

Into battle

Take no prisoners alive

He fought alongside his thousand strong army

Against the three who embraced the darkness

Suicidal point of attack

He fought alongside his thousand strong army

Against the three who embraced the darkness



Headed for death



With their last breath

Into battle

Take no prisoners alive

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I just found some old .txt files that date from the period when I first started playing acosutic and dreamed of being a one-man folky troubador picking up where Billy Bragg left off, but being slightly more ridiculous.

The only thing worth reproducing is the start of this song, which is about an ex who, in our breakup conversation, said that I 'NEVER DO ANYTHING' in the way of putting into practice my political ideas:

"I've grown a beard through laziness

and not to look like Solzhenitsyn;

I wash my hear most every day

and I doubt that it's got nits in.

And the one pound fifty that I owe

in accumulated library fines

won't impress the Baader-Meinhoff Gang

and it sure won't make you mine.

Now they've kicked me out of the Party

cos I clean forgot to pay my subs,

but I'm working on a revolution

based on arguments in pubs."

Never got finished, though. And, therefore, British music was never saved...

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I don't tend to write proper songs, just short little things that keep me occupied when I pick up the guitar, and this is the latest little one.

I'm just singing a song in the shower,

About all the girls that I've kissed,

and if that's too long of a list,

Then I'll sing a song in the shower,

About all the girls that I've loved,

and of boy's I've made fun of,

Back when I was at school,

and if you think that's just cruel,

Then I'll just sing a song in the shower,

About singing songs in the shower.

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Figured I'd post some stuff in here in the hope of seeing if I can hone any of my lyric writing skills. Which may need to improve drastically fast after stupidly saying my Creative Writing project would be of me writing lyrics, playing them and submitting a CD as my finished work.

Here was something I wrote a while back and have kept snipping bits off/changing things to polish up the work. Unfortunately whenever I attempt to write anything to do with war I feel like I'm ripping off War Pigs to a horrible extent.

- realised that this might show up in a plagurism thing, i'm using it for coursework -

I've got around 30 other "songs" in some book I was scribbling in ages back that range from a rhyming couplet to something 98% done and I'm stuck. My goal is to group similar ones together to complete a song, or use different parts to tell different bits of a story.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I remember months and months ago, someone mentioned they were surprised that no one did a song called "Your Place or MySpace".

So, I wrote one....


Ur Place or MySpace?

Hey I saw you at the concert

You were dancing right along

And you were even singing

Because it was your favorite song

I was wary to approach you

You were in love with the dance

So finally I walked up

Then I saw you in your trance

I really wanted to say "Hi"

But I figured you'd just say "Bye"

I needed a perfect line

Just to see if you'd be mine

( so then I went and said )

*Ur place or MySpace

I can't stop glancing at your face

My mind says maybe I should go

But I just can't

I'm not one of those guys

Who's gonna make you cry

I'm hoping for a number

Or at least your Myspace

Hard to get is so passe ( bleh )

So I found a better way

I just want to know you

*And your MySpace

I was walking 'round the store

Suddenly there was a girl

My mind went seven ways

She took it for a whirl

How can I get close to her

And have her stay where she's at?

The store will be closing soon

But she hasn't seen me yet

There's gotta be something I don't see

To get her talking to me

I needed a line

To make it all fine

( Suddenly I blurted out )


You're sitting in the class room

And guess who just walked in?

It's the girl of your dreams

You don't know where to begin

You know straight away

That what you're thinking is right

She needs to know how you feel

And have you both stay at night

Rejections been your trusty friend

But it's time to let those feelings end

One more time

Just use the line

( Just say it already )


( Chorus repeats and fades out )

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