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I'm so pissed off that EA doesn't allow you to save replays unless you're signed in.

In the last game as Man City I played I managed to score easily the best two goals I've ever scored.

The first was a freekick about 25 yards out which I figured I'd give it a half arsed attempt in: I kick the ball and it slides in just above the goalkeepers fingertips.

Later on I was scrambling for a goal in the box and the goalkeeper was parrying the ball all over the place, I go to whack it and it smacks off the crossbar and way out away from the goal. Wayne Bridge is moving slowly towards the ball and from 40 yards out (before the ball hits the ground) he just whacks it on the first touch for it to glide in an arc into the back of the net. When the ball was heading towards goal at least two opposition players tried and failed to head the ball away and the goalkeeper looked like he had no clue what had just happened.

I might use Man City more now >_>

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Okay I am annoyed with this now. Other guy went Liverpool. I went Auxerre, thinking they were just about competent enough to handle Liverpool.

However the Liverpool I was playing featured Leo Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo and Kaka among others, so it was actually pretty difficult.

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So I have now ventured into online play after arriving back at my ice palace and promptly got thrashed 7-0 by Manchester United. I didn't realise the speed which the online games are played at. Is that fast speed on the normal game? I've never bothered changing the speed setting you see.

Then I drew 1-1 with Spurs against Sunderland and lost on penalties and then I beat Chelsea as Benfica after defending for 120 minutes and then snatching the win with my only shot of the game, I can only imagine the other guys face but that serves him right for being Chelsea.

I would have played a few more games but seeing everyone ready on Man Utd/Arsenal/Chelsea just doesn't interest me really. Like I like the big clubs but find it more fun to play with the next tier down the 4 - 4 1/2 star teams.

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I've only ever quit during an online match once and that was unranked vs Chelsea when my opponent subbed Lampard and Drogba in the 8th minute for Created Player 1 and Created Player 2 who were both around 7 feet tall, as graceful as Darcy Bussell and as fast and powerful as Usain Bolt. What on earth is the point. Other than to prove, I suppose, that if you're gonna play unranked prepare to play against mostly idiots.

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bought this game from amazon.co.uk on wednesday for £22.98. It came this morning but haven't had chance to play it yet. Just wanted to ask is it any good? Is it much different from 08 and was it worth buying it.

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It's awesome, I love it. Best football game I've ever played... not counting Sensible Soccer of course :P

Seriously though, I've always, always been a Pro Evo man... but this game has totally converted me. The collision system is fantastic and some of the goals look wonderfully realistic. One thing i've really noticed is how true to life teams play. I played Stoke at Old Trafford, they put 11 behind the ball, I couldn't break them down at all, and they broke away late on and beat me 1-0. Similarly, I played Arsenal and they tore me apart... could barely get near the ball. Then, randomly, I played Chelsea who were a little more open and I spanked them 5-0.

But yes, it's a fantastic game.

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good. I had 08 and I thought it was ok but not outstanding compared to previous games. But friends have said alot of good things about it especially the player development thing so I will give it a whirl soon and get online. Anyone fancies a game my PN username is Burnsy08.

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bought this game from amazon.co.uk on wednesday for £22.98. It came this morning but haven't had chance to play it yet. Just wanted to ask is it any good? Is it much different from 08 and was it worth buying it.

It's a bit late asking that now :P Just play the bloody thing and see.

In my opinion it's taken some getting used to but it's much better for it. In the same way as when I converted going from Pro Evo 6 to FIFA 08. It isn't perfect but it is an improvement. I find myself getting more and more into tactical play and using the custom tactics system now as it's been made so easy to understand and you can see it happening on the field too.

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It's a bit late asking that now :P Just play the bloody thing and see.

I will when I can get my ps3 back. My step sister and her boyfriend have it. I'll get it off them in a while and then play on it :P

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How does everybody manage to play Manager mode? As in how do you manage to keep using your squad. I'm playing as Leeds in first season and after one/two games my players are red and low orange. How the hell to I get around this? also any recomendations on signings.

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