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SvR 2009 EWB League!


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Me and Media tried our match last night, same shit as what happened with Tristy. It's annoying me because I'd spent about three hours last night playing online and then Media messages me, we try to play but all of his invites say 'no longer available' and when I tried to make a match and for him to get into it, it said the same shit still. It's happened with me twice now so I'm guessing it's got to be some sort of connection problem in some way for me but one that's pissing me off because it allows me to play 90% of everybody else online, but two attempts to play anybody here have failed. Must say that all the private invites I've had never seem to work either, does anybody else have that problem? If anybody has any answers to anything I can try or do it'd be greatly appreciated.

I'll look around today to try to find a solution, but if I cant get it sorted I'm thinking it's only fair that I'm dropped out of this because it's causing too much hassle and fucking things up for other people. It's a shame because I was looking forward to this, so hopefully I can find some answers today.

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We just retried and it finally worked. Might of not been working before because other people were trying to join at the same time or something, I'm not sure.

Anyway, Michaels wins. Close match and it looked like MVP had it won after he started ballin' and hit his signature move, only for Michaels to dig down deep, kip up and make the comeback. Ended with SCM, which MVP kicked out of...just after the referee had counted three. Now I realise the cruel advantage that kip up has, but it happens in real life too, so I guess it isn't too bad.

Good game man (Y)

Edited by Dirty Johnny 27
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Here's my schedule for...well everyone but more specifically my Triple Threat Opponents.

Sunday-Wednesday I'm available anytime between 8:30am pacific time to 3:30pm pacific time.

Thursday-Saturday I'm pretty much available anytime after 8:30am on Thursday. Pacific time of course.

So let me know and let's do this. I'm looking forward to uhh winning? Yeah that's it!

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Ah, I hadn't checked the thread since I was beaten by Kaney, now I know why 450 and Avenged added me on XBL :P

I'll be available pretty much any time that isn't between 1pm and 9pm GMT each day (I'm available all day today, though). If I'm playing something else just send me a message and I can quickly pop on SVR no problem.

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