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What console should I get?


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By crapped out I mean that it wouldn't read any discs. And at the time, my roommate and I were told that only the red ring would be covered and it didn't happen so we didn't know what to do. He moved out and took the 360 with him since we split and then he had another one after that anyways so whatever.

Either way, it wasn't cool.

And yeah as far as games, sports and shooters mostly with some fighting games thrown in, etc. Either way, they seem to be fairly even as far the games are concerned which is one of the reasons why I asked.

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The one thing I will argue is that Live is worth the $50 a year. Cross-game chats, cross-game invites, and most importantly, Netflix streaming. I can understand not wanting to pay for Live a year ago, but the Netflix streaming is such an amazing feature. I think once they get more HD content on there, it will be the best possible way to watch movies or TV shows that you wouldn't rush out to buy on DVD.

The rest comes down to what games you play. If you're a heavy PC gamer and looking for an eclectic bag of exclusives, I'd say go PS3. Many of the 360's biggest exclusives are (or probably will be on) the PC in the future and Sony's got some great exclusives thanks to MGS4, LittleBigPlanet, Uncharted, and (hopefully) the upcoming Heavy Rain. But if you're not a big PC gamer and you're looking for multiplatform titles, shooters and the heavy-hitters like Fable 2, Halo, Gears of War and Left 4 Dead, the 360 is the obvious choice.

Edited by Zero
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Honestly, if there's any way you can play both for a bit more than a few hours (thanks to friends or something like that maybe) then try that and see which you like more. If you're down for sports and shooters, the sports games aren't going to be exclusive at all. It'll come down to which exclusives you like more - stuff like Killzone 2 or GoW2.

Oh, and hating on the 360 because it's loud? Come on now.

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The newer consoles, especially if you can find a Jasper one, don't RROD and are much quieter consoles. I have a Falcon Elite, and when it was new(before I dragged it around in my backpack), it was a lot more quiet than the first 360 I had.

I actually own both, and in my own experience I slightly prefer the 360 over the PS3. Blu-Ray is glorious though, and if you have an HDTV it might be worth picking up the PS3. I can see how it's a hard decision though, as both have their strong points.

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Newer 360s are a ton quieter. I shipped in my old one for a new one at the end of the warranty (hooray lies to customer support) and it's a world of difference. Old one sounded like a power drill, and the new one constantly gives me "oh shit disc read error" flashbacks because it's so quiet (DRE makes the disc not spin, which is very noticeable on old 360s).

That said, nowadays either console is a good bet. You can usually snag a Live subscription for ~$30 instead of the ~$50 retail price, if that cost is a big issue to you. You can also buy shorter subscriptions to see how much you use it...like I should, instead of buying year-long ones to use for 2 weeks and then get bored of.

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May not be the biggest factor in your decision but I think the 360 has a more user friendly interface as well. Really easy to see which of your friends are online, to send messages/invites, compare games, pretty much easier to use in general really and it looks a whole lot better too. Oh and achievements are far cooler than trophies :shifty:

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You can update the PS3 via the Internet, or you can download the update file from the Internet and put it on a USB Flash Drive, and then you can update it from that.

I can't speak for the 360, though.

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He means like save files and stuff.

There technically is a way with the 360 but it's fairly conviluted. As I understand with the PS3 it's just a case of using any standard USB drive to copy stuff to and from the console.

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