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The Killzone Thread

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(Because the game art kicks ass)

So yeah... go!

I myself got the game today, day before release (thanks Play.com (Y) ). Done the first 2 missions/levels so far and it's great. Good to see they've adjusted the sensitivity up from the demo, and the same skill level as the demo seems harder than the demo.

I'm at Sargeant on online so I can make my own clan, but have yet to do so as my friends who haven't even got the game yet (on delivery etc.) and I can't think of a good name.

Got my FREEEXCLSUIVETHEME~! from Play.com too. It looks alright, but not very practical as you can't see the icons. Oh well. :(

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I can only compare against COD4, but things feel a bit chunkier than COD, which takes a little getting used to, but still good.

Off the top of my head, the default control map is:

R1 - Fire

R2 - Grenade

L2 - Cover/Crouch (works well)

L1 - Melee attack

Up - Pointer to objective

Left/Right/Down - cycle through weapons (gun, grenade, knife)

Triangle - Change weapons (between pistol & machine gun)

Circle - action

X - Jump

Square - Reload

L3 - Sprint

R3 - Zoom/Aim

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Guess I'll post this here. Here are the six classes.



Tactician: Primary badge creates spawn points, secondary spawns a floating robot



Scout: Primary is cloak, if you move you expose yourself. Secondary marks any enemies in your field of view. The scout is the only class that carries the Sniper Rifle.

You unlock them in this order by ranking up. It's similar to unlocking perks in COD. You unlock the secondary badges by using the primary badges (IE use the medics revive gun a certain number of times to unlock the ability to throw down health packs)

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Uh, I think that the icon things are the game types, but don't quote me on it.

Just done the second mission/level, which see's you basically defend a lot of points. Wave after wave of Helghast come at you. It's great. :D

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I guess I'm the only one not really blown away or impressed. :unsure:

Used some trade in credit to pick it up, being my first PS3 game since Metal Gear Solid 4. Wasn't very hyped for it to begin with but I figured I'd give it a shot. Good news is that it's better than the first one, looks pretty too.

I've been slowing falling off the FPS horse for awhile. This game is exactly like all the shooters I've been playing since Wolfenstein 3D. Run (slowly) - shoot - run down this corridor - man this turrent - shoot - jump into this tank - shoot - generic military tough guy cut scene here - run - shoot. I'm getting a bit tired of the formula I guess.

Cover system works very well. Guns feel like they've got some power behind them...even if it takes a dozen shots to the head to kill anyone. Motion controls are used sparingly and in situations that are very cool. The action can get pretty heavy at times which reminds me of Call of Duty 4.

Problem is the whole time I'm playing I'm just sitting there half paying attention to the game, shooting more on instinct than actual perception; thinking about my current Too Human character or Maple Leafs dynasty. I think I might have to lay off the shooters for a year or so.

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I guess I'm the only one not really blown away or impressed. :unsure:

Used some trade in credit to pick it up, being my first PS3 game since Metal Gear Solid 4. Wasn't very hyped for it to begin with but I figured I'd give it a shot. Good news is that it's better than the first one, looks pretty too.

I've been slowing falling off the FPS horse for awhile. This game is exactly like all the shooters I've been playing since Wolfenstein 3D. Run (slowly) - shoot - run down this corridor - man this turrent - shoot - jump into this tank - shoot - generic military tough guy cut scene here - run - shoot. I'm getting a bit tired of the formula I guess.

Cover system works very well. Guns feel like they've got some power behind them...even if it takes a dozen shots to the head to kill anyone. Motion controls are used sparingly and in situations that are very cool. The action can get pretty heavy at times which reminds me of Call of Duty 4.

Problem is the whole time I'm playing I'm just sitting there half paying attention to the game, shooting more on instinct than actual perception; thinking about my current Too Human character or Maple Leafs dynasty. I think I might have to lay off the shooters for a year or so.

The headshot thing is frustrating as hell, I nailed you right between those freaky red eyes, now drop motherfucker, drop :angry:

Also, not seeing the Halo-killer hype either. It looks amazing, but it feels kind of bogged down and heavy. Almost like a first person Gears of War. Also, there are certain situations where it feels like I should be able to see more of what's going on, whether it's the gun taking up too much of the screen or something, I'm not sure, but it's like I need a camera akin to the "far" angle on racing games, y'know? They seem to be trying really hard to mimic Dom and Marcus from Gears as well, and it's not really working for me so far.

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I hated FPS for years and years and then COD4 saved me cos it was interesting and exciting.

I have a habit to see through FPSs and just see the stuff Drifter was talking about, but I DID enjoy the first Killzone so I'll probably give this one a try.

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I daresay no FPS is ever going to be the Halo-killer it's hyped to be. Haze was, Resistance was, Resistance 2 was, Killzone was, Killzone 2 was.. etc. The best you're going to get is a pretty damn solid FPS.

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I daresay no FPS is ever going to be the Halo-killer it's hyped to be. Haze was, Resistance was, Resistance 2 was, Killzone was, Killzone 2 was.. etc. The best you're going to get is a pretty damn solid FPS.

As hard as it is to do in the genre, I think Halo provides a unique experience that no game can match.

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Granted I've only really played multiplayer on any Halo, but it just doesn't seem that good. Things just seem too cartoony for my liking and guns may as well be water pistols for the amount of power they extrude. That and the homing sword/blade thing is gay.

I haven't played Gears of War either, but it just seems so much better than Halo.

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Cartoony? Not every military game has to look all gritty and grungy, it's a breath of fresh air. Also, it's fucking sci-fi, what do you expect? I love Halo because it's fast-paced, easy to pick up, and above all, a whole heap of fun. I like that there's no cover system as such, it keeps matches flowing. And energy swords are certainly not homing :/

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I'd say Killzone 2 doesn't compare to Halo, they're totally different animals. Halo has a faster pace and looser feel than Killzone 2. I should also note that for whatever reason I've never liked Halo all that much.

That being said it's not that Killzone 2 is a bad game. Everything it does, it does very well. The guns have that real 'whoomf' I like. Feels like you're shooting something with power (unlike Halo's Fisher Price guns), enemies react well to being shot (even if they can take a couple thousand bullets). It does the formula as well as any game...it's just that I've been down this road thousands of times before and it's a bit stale for me.

This is also my first PS3 game to feature Trophies. Why aren't they as fun to get as Achievements? :huh: It's weird...

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I'd say Killzone 2 doesn't compare to Halo, they're totally different animals. Halo has a faster pace and looser feel than Killzone 2. I should also note that for whatever reason I've never liked Halo all that much.

That being said it's not that Killzone 2 is a bad game. Everything it does, it does very well. The guns have that real 'whoomf' I like. Feels like you're shooting something with power (unlike Halo's Fisher Price guns), enemies react well to being shot (even if they can take a couple thousand bullets). It does the formula as well as any game...it's just that I've been down this road thousands of times before and it's a bit stale for me.

This is also my first PS3 game to feature Trophies. Why aren't they as fun to get as Achievements? :huh: It's weird...

I noticed that as well. I figured it was just because I'd already racked up quite a few on 360 and couldn't be arsed doing it again on another console. Or it could be that there's no arbitary numverical value.

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I daresay no FPS is ever going to be the Halo-killer it's hyped to be. Haze was, Resistance was, Resistance 2 was, Killzone was, Killzone 2 was.. etc. The best you're going to get is a pretty damn solid FPS.

As hard as it is to do in the genre, I think Halo provides a unique experience that no game can match.

Whereas I have never seen Halo do anything special. I like to wind Dragsy up that I hate the game to death, but it's more complete and utter apathy towards it. Might just be instinctual backlash against all the hype and circlejerking it gets but I can't pick any part of it and say yeah, that was really awesome. But saying that, I'm like Drifter, someone who isn't hugely into FPS's. Call Of Duty 4 was the first proper straight up FPS that I genuinely enjoyed, Halo 3, and Halo 2 for that matter, did nothing for me.

Oh yeah, Killzone 2. First chapter was pretty cool, but I've never played the first game, so I don't really know who's who, why we're fighting the Helghast or...anything, but it looks amazing and whoever compared it to a first person Gears was right on the button, I love the heavyness of it, makes it feel a lot more immersive. Haven't played online yet.

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Killzone 1:

Templar (your commander, seen in the first cutscene) was the leader of the squad and the main guy, who controlled a team featuring...

Rico is some guy in your squad who doesn't like one of the guys in your squad (Gregor Hakha) because he's half-Helghan, half-human, but ends up liking him. It seems like he's now the leader of your squad.

Vekta (your home town/planet) is invaded by the Helghast and you have to fight back. Seems like between Killzone 1 & 2 they keep invading, and now you're pissed off with the constant attacks, you take the fight to them. Thats about it I think.


I'm in no means saying that all shooters have to be dark, I mean Mirror's Edge went the complete opposite and looked awesome, but the overall look and feel of Halo for me seemed kinda like "Fischer Price presents: Guns".

I guess I'm the same as Kaney, it's been put on a mighty, mighty plinth for what I see as nothing too spectacular. It may be good, but not that good, and the same over-fappulation and fandom for Master Chief. Real men (or whatever he is if he isnt human) show their faces. :shifty:

Playing two player against a friend who I admit is way more experienced, those energy swords are definately homing. The amount of times I may as well have been a 100 feet away for him to fly across the map and stab me in the face is annoying (same does apply to COD4 at times though).

I'm not overly huge on FPS either, I guess I just prefer the more realistic feeling of COD or Killzone, or the other end of the scale the arcadey-ness of Unreal Tournament 2004.

NOTE: A think a few have seen Yahtzee's review of Halo judging by the Fischer Price commetns :P .

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