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Lamb of God

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So I was working on a graphic and I'm torn on the text. Not necessarily the font choice (though I'm never happy with any of my font choices) but more so the text in general as it seems fairly empty to me. At the same time, a lot of "negative space" isn't a bad thing, either. So since I'm torn, decided to throw it up here and see if anything sticks.


Any comments, suggestions, etc.

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hey man, i love it and the font really suits in my opinion


I like the amount of neutral space you have in it, I tend to make my banners far too busy so this is something I like

good work dude (Y)

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I like it as a whole and like yourself I'm never satisfied with the text fonts in my graphics. Maybe its the font used .. I dunno but the text just doesn't seem to gell with the rest. Wish i could tell what's missing but I'm at a loss. Besides that it's still a great piece though.

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Very nice job

I love the text personally

And like nufan said the neutral space is brilliant

Just wondering.. how did you get the guy to blend in like that ?

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my guess is that he has used effects first, and then a series of brushes

or the background is of paper style.. probably grunge effect. There are quite a few out there.

I could almost certainly be wrong, but that is my guess

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It's a mixture of textures blended together with gradients, overlapped with some gradient maps and a little bit of brush work. It's fairly hard to explain fully. I pretty much just try a bunch of shit and look to see what sticks and what doesn't and then go from there.

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