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Alright, I finally made what I've been dieing to make, which is a scenery-type picture. I used plenty of different pictures and blended them into this, to create the overall picture. It's 1280 X 800 and I can upload the one without "Nightmare" on it, if you want to use it as a wallpaper or whatever. But yeah, comment? I think this is my best work.


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It's pretty good but saying you "used plenty of different pictures and blended them" isn't enough. You would have to post the ones that blended to get an idea as to how much was put into it, etc. With manipulation and composite pieces, it's best to put your source material out there so that others can see what you did exactly.

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It's a nice composite, definitely, and I like the look of it a lot, so keep that in mind when you read the following, because this isn't a criticism, just advice.

this piece is something that you could absolutely make yourself from scratch, with no inserts. If you like, I could happily teach you how to make planets and stars and moons and stuff in photoshop.

I mean, no offence intended at all, because it does look good, but I'm fairly certain that the planet is a CG render, and I know that the picture of the Pleiades cluster is a digital photo composite... which is fine, but I promise that you could make the same thing all by yourself and you'd have a thousand times more say over what the final piece would look like, because you'd be doing it yourself. It'll be far more rewarding, I swear.

Here's some links that might help you...


That tutorial is pretty much the holy grail of 2D Earth like Planets. Both myself and DocHappy have followed it, and reproduced a bunch of planets, and the best thing is they look different every time. This is your bread and butter of planet tutorials. The techniques you learn here are invaluable.


There are THIRTY different planet tutorials which will help you customise your planets more. saturn rings, nebulas, explosions, whatever, it's all there.


This is your basic starfield tutorial. Now, when I say basic, don't assume that it's limited, because although it's very simple it is incredibly customisable, and will look different every time yiu try something new. Wonderful little tut that will work for you every time.

I would love to see you create another starfield image yourself, and I will happily help you out with any problems you might have. If you want, I can try and dig out some of the Fractal generation programs I used to use to make nebulas, they're really cool.

Edit: fuck it, here it is


It's a stand alone program that let's you generate a fractal, then export a PNG for you to import into photoshop. Here is a gallery that shows just how powerful this is when used by a creative mind...


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