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Movie Careers


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Police Officer, any action movie. Do all sorts of crazy stunts, kill a shitload of terrorists, save the day at the last second and get the girl (who's usually a 9 or better. Hell I'd take two 7's if it comes down to it.). Even when there are a dozen lunatics with AK47's and you have a pistol, you know that you're going to kill all of them and only take a single bullet to the arm or shoulder along with a couple of cuts and scratches that will make you look even more badass.

Movie Police Officer = All sorts of win.

I don't know. I'd prefer "eccentric German billionaire" myself.

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I'll take socially disconnected drug dealer any day of the week. Regardless of genre these guys if they're awkward enough have a really low mortality rate despite a dangerous line of work, and are almost always successful at anything they try to do despite the odds against them.

2. Longshot Boxer.

3. Comedicly Incompotent Pirate.

4. Mandalorian Bountyhunter.

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Antoine from Deuce Bigalow. C'mon the guy was getting $3500 to do hot chicks.

Sooo... you wanna be a pimp?

Antoine was a gigolo who didn't need a pimp, actually.

I'm not seeing the difference. Or rather I don't know it. :blush: Gigolo was just a man-whore right? Deuce Biggelow Male Gigolo? And Antoine was his pimp, he pimped him out, no?

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Pet Detective


The keeper of the Continuum Transfunctioner.

Jamaican Bobsledder

Nun(s On The Run :shifty: )


James Bond

The Proprietor Of Fashionable Male

Bassist for Wild Stallyns

Also, me and Bluey are actually Harry and Marv from "Home Alone".

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Antoine was the guy who's fish were taken care off by Deuce who also stayed in his house. His pimp was the black dude, who's name I can't remember.

Ahhh, correct you are sir! After taking the time to 'iMDB that shit!' I've found that the pimps name was T.J.

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Pet Detective


The keeper of the Continuum Transfunctioner.

Jamaican Bobsledder

Nun(s On The Run :shifty: )


James Bond

The Proprietor Of Fashionable Male

Bassist for Wild Stallyns

Also, me and Bluey are actually Harry and Marv from "Home Alone".

I call dibs on being the second member of the team.

And aren't the keepers of the Continuum Transfunctioner the gay scandanavian guys?

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