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Wow Pittsburgh showed a lot of frustration this afternoon, from Crosby being his usual bitch self breaking his stick during a play by slashing it against the Montreal post... where Halak happened to be following the play, but that's okay cause it's Crosby, to that fucking dirty hit on Bergeron at the end of the game.

Montreal got killed in game 1 because of the Pittsburgh powerplay, today it was Cammy with 2 gorgeous goals and Halak transforming back to superhuman, getting inside the Pittsburgh players heads going back to Montreal.

Clawson, Boudreau has got to be the most over rated coach in the league, and I was trying to say that failing so epically against a team so much worse than their own showed the glaring flaw that Boudreau was unable to adjust Washington's game to beat the Habs.

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This deserves its own post...

Penguins Matt Cooke is saying his foot was nearly cut by P.K. Subban's skate in Game 2 and links the incident to Jordan Staal's cut in Game 1.

"It’s the second time (it’s happened),” Cooke told the Beaver County Times. "I know it’s not a penalty when skates collide but for that to happen in back-to-back games by the same guy is suspicious."


As though, Cooke, one of the dirtiest players in the league right now has any right to call out another player about anything. As much as the Markov hit was clean, there's simply a video parade of him throwing knee on knee hits, blindside hits and him generally being a scumbag...

Alright buddy, you keep picking on P.K. Subban....

Maybe Cooke's jealous that after only 6 NHL Games Subban already has more respect around the league than Cooke could ever hope for.

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Wow Pittsburgh showed a lot of frustration this afternoon, from Crosby being his usual bitch self breaking his stick during a play by slashing it against the Montreal post... where Halak happened to be following the play,

I'm just glad we weren't playing the 2009 Red Wings because if he had done that near Osgood, Elroy would've flopped onto the ice like he was actually hit.

Montreal got killed in game 1 because of the Pittsburgh powerplay, today it was Cammy with 2 gorgeous goals and Halak transforming back to superhuman, getting inside the Pittsburgh players heads going back to Montreal.

Unlike Washington, the Pens will make adjustments.

Halak might be able to steal 2 games, he won't steal 4.

Edited by Evil Chase K
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This deserves its own post...

Penguins Matt Cooke is saying his foot was nearly cut by P.K. Subban's skate in Game 2 and links the incident to Jordan Staal's cut in Game 1.

"It's the second time (it's happened)," Cooke told the Beaver County Times. "I know it's not a penalty when skates collide but for that to happen in back-to-back games by the same guy is suspicious."


As though, Cooke, one of the dirtiest players in the league right now has any right to call out another player about anything. As much as the Markov hit was clean, there's simply a video parade of him throwing knee on knee hits, blindside hits and him generally being a scumbag...

Alright buddy, you keep picking on P.K. Subban....

Maybe Cooke's jealous that after only 6 NHL Games Subban already has more respect around the league than Cooke could ever hope for.

To be fair, the rest of Cooke's quote is below...

“It’s the second time (it’s happened),” said Cooke, who scored Pittsburgh’s lone goal early in the first period. “I know it’s not a penalty when skates collide but for that to happen in back-to-back games by the same guy is suspicious.”

Cooke didn’t accuse Subban, who has two points in his first two playoff games, of doing it intentionally.

“He’s trying to hit, just as he was with Jordan, (but) he spins around and his skates slide along the top of my skates.”

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That doesn't make it seem any less like an accusation.

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When Lapierre missed going roof daddy on Fleury by hitting the crossbar in the first, I turned to my girlfriend and said, that will be the reason we lose this game.

Montreal's been playing a system where they get very few shots, but have a decent number of scoring chances. Tonight on 17 shots they probably had between 6-8 real good scoring chances, the issue tonight was that they mis fired on a few and Fleury got his head out of his ass for the rest...

Thursday night should be fun to watch aswell... I wonder if we'll see more theatrics from Crosby. What a little bitch he is. He can't score in Montreal so he cross checks guys after plays, gets tapped in a scrum and collapses into the prone position... he's just a bitch. At least Malkin will fucking stand up for himself and not go after a guy from behind and then scream for team mates and the refs when someone comes after him.

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Thursday night should be fun to watch aswell... I wonder if we'll see more theatrics from Crosby. What a little bitch he is. He can't score in Montreal so he cross checks guys after plays, gets tapped in a scrum and collapses into the prone position... he's just a bitch. At least Malkin will fucking stand up for himself and not go after a guy from behind and then scream for team mates and the refs when someone comes after him.


You mean when he tripped, fell to the ice, got hit while he was down, then got up and before he could do anything else was grabbed from behind by Gomez?

Sid can't win. When he shows emotion on the ice, he's a baby. When he doesn't he's robotic.

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Interesting tidbit I read the other day.

When Halak was announced the first star after game 6 against Washington, the Bell Centre mics recorded it to be the loudest it's ever been at the Bell. 140 decibels. That's the same as a jet engine at 100 feet or a gun being shot in the same room.... Cool.

And K, you and I both know that towards the end of the game, I think Gorges swiped at him and he dropped like a bag of bricks into the turtle position. It's disgusting what he can get away with. He's no stranger to diving at the Bell Centre, he's already twice faked injury there to try and draw a penalty, and this series, poor baby hasn't been able to score, so he smashing sticks against the other teams net while the goalie is right there... oh and the play is still going on, he's crosschecking players from beind after the play... not like it's in a scrum either, it's just Cammy skating away and Crosby getting frustrated.

He's a bitch, through and through.

In fact, here's a story from Canwest News Service, they own a ton of papers and media outlets in Canada...

Let's get one thing straight: Sidney Crosby is a great hockey player.

At 22, he has a Stanley Cup, an Olympic gold medal, an NHL scoring championship and a Hart Trophy as the league's most valuable player. He has always been considered more of as playmaker than a goal-scorer, but this season he picked up a share of the Maurice (Rocket) Richard Trophy as the league's top goal-scorer.

If he stays healthy and productive, he'll someday be part of the debate over who is the greatest of all time, joining Gordie Howe, Bobby Orr, Wayne Gretzky and his landlord/employer, Mario Lemieux.

But Crosby is already linked with Gretzky in one unflattering category: They are among the game's most annoying whiners.

One of the reasons I put Howe on the top of my list of greats is that Mr. Hockey accepted that star players are going to get extra attention from the opposing team. Howe didn't ask for any help from the officials or from his teammates. While Gretzky needed someone like Dave Semenko to ride shotgun for him, Howe was able to take care of himself. If you took liberties with him, you were likely to get an introduction to his legendary elbows.

Crosby hasn't been particularly productive in the current series against the Canadiens. He has one shot in each of the three games and has failed to score a goal. But he bristled yesterday when he was asked whether he was showing his frustration by swinging his stick at Josh Gorges later in the second period of Game 3 Tuesday.

"Did you see what happened?" Crosby asked. He went on to say that Gorges hit him in the back of his head with his stick and "nobody likes being hit on the back of the head." In fact, if there was a blow, it was no more than an accidental, glancing one. But Crosby fell to the ice and was seen holding his hands to his face. It was hardly the reaction you would expect from someone who was hit on the back of the head. Crosby's slash set off a melee that resulted in Josh Gorges and Kris Letang being sent off.

Crosby should have been grateful that his initial stickwork didn't result in a penalty and that the referees overlooked one of the worst acting jobs by a hockey player since Gretzky made a guest appearance on The Young and the Restless.

The referees also gave Crosby a pass in Game 2 when he responded to a missed chance by smashing his stick.

Crosby can complain about not getting calls, but the reality is he benefits from the fact in the NHL, superstars are occasionally penalized for acting bad, but are rarely held accountable for bad acting.

Edited by The Sultan of Swank
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That joke is a columnist from Montreal right? Even though that makes him an expert on whining, I'm taking that with a grain of salt.

The media constantly tries to goad Crosby into saying something controversial, and he never bites. After the game he was asked about getting hit after the whistle and Crosby said "It's part of the game."

Say what you want about Crosby but if he was on your team you'd love him. The jealousy of the majority of NHL fans when it comes to Crosby is staggering.

Crosby gets hit more after the whistle than any hockey player in the NHL. As a captain, he's allowed to speak with officials. If a guy like Henrik Sedin, or Ovechkin, or Mike Richards barks at officials after getting hit late they're lauded for their "leadership" or their "gamesmanship" for trying to buy a penalty.

Crosby does it and he's a whiner. It's fucking old.

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Wait...the Gorges "swipe" that clubbed him over the back of the head? I mean I used to hate Crosby's antics as much as the next guy (Feb. 28th tends to give him a little leeway), but if you take a stick to the back of the head you're going down.

And that article is so blantly pro-Montreal, it's laughable that it would be used in conversation. Calling out Crosby for getting a slashing penalty on his reaction while ignoring that hitting a guy on the head with a stick is "high-sticking" (unless Kerry fucking Fraser is reffing). Then saying he missed a call over smashing his stick? What the fuck? No ref in their right mind would call that Unsportsmanlike in the playoffs. That writer needs to re-asses his life.

And lastly fuck Washington, for making Pittsburgh the most likable team left in the East. I fucking hate cheering for Pittsburgh.

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