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Best sports names?


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I forgot about the NRL, Damn you Zaz.

The Kemoeatu's of the NFL (Both are linemen) and If you say there name's like they are spelt, It sounds like Kemo-eat-u.

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Urban Shocker (can we count nicknames that eventually displaced real names?),

Wonderful Terrific Monds,

Ossee Schreckengost,

Yhency Brazoban,

Youliesky Gourriel (sounds like you're reading a rollercoaster),

Heiker Menses,

Julio Olarticoechea (because it made Barry Davies sound like he was saying "oooh, I'll take a chair"),

Angel Pagan,

Stefan Kuntz (purely for


Kenesaw Mountain Landis (marginal, but I'm counting it),

God Shammgod,

Javed Miandad (gave me and my dad endless "what... all three of you?" jokes when I was younger),

I like sportspeople with names that exactly encompass their style, too: Joe Bugner (tough and ugly), Mario Boogers (mad as a lorry), Don Bradman (simple, eternal), Vinny Jones (uncultured hacker).

e: I've always wondered if Kenesaw Mountain Landis' mates called him "Ken." One of those crazy, awesome names that is also conveniently easy to obscure at an everyday level.

Edited by Emperor Fuckshit
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Guest Mr. Potato Head

A couple recent Toronto Blue Jays names that always gave me a chuckle would be Dirk Hayhurst and Buck Coats.

Going back to when I was a kid, I thought Howard Battle's name was awesome. Pity he didn't have...ANY talent.

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Glad you mentioned it, but I also have a liking for Danny Shittu. My dad and brother met him recently, apparently he is built like a brick shittu house >_>

Best piece of writing ever, by Nick Hancock:

[barry] Davies then attempted to pay tribute to the burly German full back Dieter Eilts -- "there goes Eilts, built like a brick... door." Now, I think that Mr. Davies suffered a problem in communication here. He must have meant that Eilts either "bangs like a shithouse door", or that he's "built like a brick shithouse." The key word in any case, as I'm sure you'll agree, is "shithouse".

(Sorry, nothing to do with names -- I just love that.)

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Glad you mentioned it, but I also have a liking for Danny Shittu. My dad and brother met him recently, apparently he is built like a brick shittu house >_>

Best piece of writing ever, by Nick Hancock:

:o What Didn't Happen Next? I love that book. My grampa bought me it when I was like ten or something. haha.

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:o What Didn't Happen Next? I love that book. My grampa bought me it when I was like ten or something. haha.

YES!!!! That book is a fucking gem. If you can still find it, then you should read it again. "The Stylistics had a song called "Nana is the Saddest Word". Which is bollocks. "Nana" is only the saddest word if spoken by a grown man requesting a banana."

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I do still have it! It has been my resident toilet book for the best part of ten years. It's amazing.

I like the Graham Taylor one best. And the Brazilian player names.


One club star of the seventies and early eighties who subsequently became a television pundit. His nasal drone had the ability to senc viewers to sleep by the millions.

I want a sequel.

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There's a boss (yes, that's right... "boss") bit in that segment where Hancock explains why Don Revie encouraged his Leeds team to all take on Brazil-style mononyms -- he'd had a bet that "the Division One's top goalscorer would be a player whose named ended in a vowel."

On the funnee names topic: Pramodya Wickramasinghe. Sounds like a comedy "funny foreigner" name. BUT HE'S A REAL MAN, INSTEAD!!!!!

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