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Ultimate Fighter 10

Guest Mr. Potato Head

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If Kimbo wins, he's the odds on favorite from here on out

No he's not. Not at all.

I thought Shivers won that fight.

I had it as a clear 20-18 for McSweeney. Even 19-19 I couldn't see, but Round Two was all James. He'd have finished Wes if their was a third. Devastating leg kicks, but he didn't impress me otherwise for all his accolades. Wes had the takedown in the first, and the one in the second...and that was about it. He didn't even do anything on the ground, his RNC attempts were very weak. James controlled the fight and won this easy.

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Ugh, that match between Wes Shivers and James McSweeney really sucked. Both were dead-tired in in the first round, and then they mostly just stood around and tried to catch their breath.

It was painfully obvious that McSweeney has a kickboxing background, as he was constantly backing away from Shivers, not wanting to grapple, and assuming the "starting position" in the middle of the ring. He hit a few solid hits, a punch and a kick, in the second round, but failed to capitalize.

Shivers was just what I expected: a guy that's big and strong but has nothing else. He almost had McSweeney in a kimura early on, but couldn't hold it. Okay, he's got chin, as the two hits in the second round were pretty hard... But otherwise, a really rough match.

Next week it'll be Kimbo Slice vs. Roy Nelson. That's an interesting matchup. I'm not expecting a scientific, wrestling or BJJ based match at all; that one is going to be a straight-up brawl.

Oh, and earlier in the show, Nelson really seemed like a total dick, not paying attention to what Rashad and the other coaches were saying. If he's such a "master" already, what the hell is he doing on the show?

Edited by Jayzon
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No clue how Shivers lost that fight, I thought he won that actually.

Because he didn't do anything. McSweeney at least put together some striking, nasty leg kicks, and rocked him in the second round. At worst it was 19-19 and heading to a third. I agreed with the majority judges; 20-18. But I mean, was there really a winner last night? :shifty:

Next week it'll be Kimbo Slice vs. Roy Nelson. That's an interesting matchup. I'm not expecting a scientific, wrestling or BJJ based match at all

Nelson may try to stand and bang with him, if so I'll be slightly disappointed. A brawl isn't totally out of the question, but Nelson is well-rounded and a former top ten heavyweight. Dropped a split decision to Rothwell in the IFL, lost a controversial decision to Monson in his last fight (I scored it for Monson), and his first four finishes were by submission. If he brawls, Kimbo has a shot. I'd expect an actual gameplan from Nelson.

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I had it as a James win maybe 19-19 and only maybe as although Shivers got the takedowns he didn't do anything apart from that while McSweeney rocked him and caught him with a load of leg kicks. Besides if it had went to a 3rd I think McSweeney would have finished the fight as Shivers looked completely done.

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Nelson may try to stand and bang with him, if so I'll be slightly disappointed. A brawl isn't totally out of the question, but Nelson is well-rounded and a former top ten heavyweight. Dropped a split decision to Rothwell in the IFL, lost a controversial decision to Monson in his last fight (I scored it for Monson), and his first four finishes were by submission. If he brawls, Kimbo has a shot. I'd expect an actual gameplan from Nelson.

Oh, I didn't know that Nelson was that accomplished. Never heard of the guy before TUF... But then again, I haven't followed MMA that long. It's just that when I saw him, with that ghastly, bulging gut, I figured he's like one of those Toughman Contest type of fistfighters with no skills whatsoever.

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Was quite shocked at how gassed McSweeney and Shivers were to be honest, especially as it only took a round to be that gassed. I thought it was 19-19, but McSweeney would have taken him out if it needed to go to an overtime 3rd round.

Kimbo Slice vs Roy Nelson. I want Kimbo to knock the fat prick unconscious, but I just don't think it's going to happen. Kimbo will probably do a Wes Shivers, gas heavily, and get stopped by Roy.

Hope I'm wrong, but I'm seriously pumped for next Wednesday now!

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Shouldn't have thrown that knee and we may have had a third round. Needed to circle away and push off there instead of the knee that got him off balance. Oh well, if anyone is injured he'll be the first to be brought back and he showed he's not the worst on the season.

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Fuck Nelson, he's a pile of complete shit and if I ever have to put up with him in the UFC, I'll cry. He's an overweight pile of complete shit and my opinion will never change on that. He did basically fuck all in that fight apart from sit on top of Kimbo and throw the weakest fucking punches I've ever seen.

Hopefully somebody goes down injured and Kimbo gets another chance to get in the octagon with somebody of a decent size so we can see him properly.

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Didn't they basically show Nelsons strategy earlier in the episode? When he was talking to the rest of Team Rashad about how if you keep on hitting someone, even if they're not power punches, the referee has to stop it as they aren't "intelligently defending themselves".

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Everyone does stick around. Wes who was eliminated earlier was talking to Kimbo during the episodes last night. About the fight, it was garbage but Kimbo made a crucial mistake by throwing that knee and ending up on his back. Nelson did the bare minimum to get by and win that fight. Couple with his attitude, I find myself really not liking the guy at all.

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I thought this year there was no eliminations and that everyone would stick around until the end? I'm sure I read that somewhere.

Yeah -- I think they (the coaches) pick who's going to fight in the semis and the finals.

Anyway -- from what I heard; Big Country basically just laid on Kimbo -- knowing that he can't get out of the ground position. But Kimbo; if Nelson was smaller -- could've got out. But Nelson -- being the fat fuck he is, just tried to suffocate my fucking pick!

Oh and spoilerific spoiler!

Kimbo Slice will still head to UFC regardless, Dana White confirmed it yesterday (I think) on Yahoo Sports. He's a draw, and he will make Dana money -- and you know, Dana LOVES money. Anyway, he's going to replace somebody because that black NFL player on Rampage's team collapses or something next week.

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