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***SPOILERS*** Heroes Season 4

Gene Kiniski

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Think it was more Peter trying to keep the truth from "Nathan" rather than Peter not knowing that the real Nathan was dead. He probably figures that telling "Nathan" the truth may make him realize he is actually Sylar and return to being Sylar or something.

Edited by Vitamin E
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Could You guys stop posting in spoilers? Don't know why, but when I click on the spoiler button, nothing happens... And I'd love to see what You have written...

Plus, people coming to this topic should expect spoilers, it is even said in the topic... Or am I interpreting it wrong?

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I was going to come in and say I'm quite proud of Heroes for taking the initiative to cut down some of it's cast list by killing off Mohinder (who's been pretty useless) and Parkman (who still is useful, but wouldn't be a major loss). But of course, that'd be expecting too much of the show, as they ended up bringing back both of them the very next episode. Along with Nathan.

Why is this show so afraid to cut character's? In the first series it was fine with it and knew that killing people off is kind've a necessity in a show like this, I mean it's pretty hard to believe everyone would survive up to this point, let alone still be interesting. How have we still got to put up with Ali Larter yet for whatever reason they got rid of the much more interesting D.L. >_> (I really liked that guy). Take Lost as an example, they've killed off A LOT of their characters, but they've done it with both main characters and lesser ones. If Charlie can end up dead, then Heroes shouldn't be afraid to get rid of a guy like Mohinder.

The episode itself wasn't bad though, apart from my dislike of the returning characters, It was pretty cool to find out about Samuel's past and such. I especially like this idea that he gets more powerful the more people with powers he brings into the mix, I wonder if he's something of an empath, like Peter? I look forward to seeing Sylar actually return in full. I can see there being one more series after this one, with a final showdown between Sylar & Peter.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, uh... I think the whole Peter holding onto Nathan when Nathan tried jumping off the building to end the whole Sylar thing would have been a TAD more emotional/effective had, you know, they didnt entirely ignore this whole "Sylar has healing powers" thing...

Other than that, I just watch the show and expect everything to happen. I dont usually find anything wrong with what they do because I expect the show to go in a million directions, get lost, and forget about taking a left turn.

I am STILL stumped as to what the hell Samuels whole plan has been from the beginning. He wanted the tape? He has it, but now what does he want to do?

Oh, and give me more Claire lesbian scenes please.

Edited by Vitamin E
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Holy shit, Whedonverse cameo! I totally didn't realise that Lauren was Det. Kate Lockley from Angel. :)

Vitamin E, I'm pretty sure Samuel doesn't have a plan yet. He wanted the tape to find out what his full potential is, and from the way he speaks it's pretty clear he's in the Magneto train of thought (Powered People shouldn't have to hide etc.), I'm guessing now he know's that he can become unstoppable, he'll be going for vengeance against humanity or world domination.

Which honestly is quite refreshing, I don't think any of the villians we've had thus far have actually been in it to try and perform a global take over.

Actually, is there any news on there being another season? I'd love to see a real, honest to god, Lex Luther type as a villain. Though this is assuming there'll be more than one more season, because it's pretty clear the final villain for the final season would be Sylar.

EDIT: So I actually watched latest episode now... about the ending, anyone else get the feeling that we'll see Samuel either a) Use that hillside to try and create like a Tidal Wave of Rock (I was half expecting him to reveal he's right near some major city) or b) Create some kind of Fortress. Either way, I get the feeling Joseph's graveyard will have some importance to his final plan. I quite like how shrouded in mystery it is, usually we can guess the bad guys plan from episode 01.

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I seriously need to stop dicking around on the laptop while I watch this show, I miss good stuff :(

Also, is this the last episode for the year?

As for my guess about Samuel's plan? He is gonna war with the normies. Half expecting him 'recruiting' Sylar, only to get killed. It would be like a kid in a candy store for Sylar at the carnival.

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  • 1 month later...

Anybody still watching? I don't know what went wrong, but in my opinion the series has lost most of its appeal. It's just boring, drags out, the characters stopped being interesting... I loved Heroes from the beginning, I hope it's going to pick up the pace, because recently in my opinion, the show has been going downhill...

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Yeah, for whatever reason they decided that they wanted to make Claire into the main character and turn everyone else into side ones. Bad, bad idea. For all the fitness there is to witness, there's very little interest in anything she does. The whole show is just badly paced right now, which is a shame because it was starting to show shades of potential again.

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  • 1 month later...

So tonight was the season finale...

...and I wouldn't be surprised if it was the series finale. The ratings for Heroes have been dropping ever since the second season, and especially for Season 4/Volume 5. I can understand why too: this volume really was rather dull throughout a lot of the story. They made the show way too Claire-centric throughout this volume, which is fine for some, but a lot of the fans of the show have come to hate her character because the writers continuously make her character whiny and one-dimensional. That's not the kind of character you base a show around. However, if this was indeed the finale, it's a fitting, full-circle ending for Heroes. Always about Hayden. That's not a stab at her, just how Tim Kring and the Heroes writing crew have always done the show.

I would like to see Heroes come back, if only for one final season. The Brave New World volume is something that has been needed since the start of the show: the regular human beings finding out about the specials with abilities. It's not a few people in the government: but everyone. That's a great story waiting to be told, although to be fair, I could see the Heroes writing crew messing it up somehow. These are the guys who completely botched and murdered the storyline of the heroes being hunted down by the government. There was an arc that could've completely revamped the show, and the execution was so poor it just made even more people leave the show.

By the end of this season, I don't know, I just found myself watching Heroes because it was after Chuck, and I had already invested so much time into the show: why stop now? I've become a jaded fan, really, and I'm sure many here can't blame me. This is a show that has so much potential, but time and time again, the writers just completely kill any momentum the show could have.

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I was expecting more from the whole 'Sylar has changed (no, he's REALLY changed this time)' thing, rather than "heck yeah I stopped that woman from playing her cello high fives!" It was good to see regardless, though, assuming the writers dont pull another u-turn and go "oh Sylar is bad again because... uh... his appetite," again.

I was expecting more from the 'final battle' as well. Thankfully the Hiro/Charlie stuff is done. Got to say, outside of the final moments of last nights episode and the quasi-lesbian scenes Claire was in, this season just wasn't doing it for me. It just dragged on and having Claire as the main focal point pretty much the entire season was boring most of the time.

The only thing that makes me want to see ONE more season is to see the fallout from Claires little stunt. Does Noah abandon her for going against his wishes? Does the world really try to take out all specials or do they live in peace with a small underground group killing of specials?

Well, knowing the fans luck, I can see the writers pulling out two incredibly halfassed outcomes. 1, the world shrugs it off as special effects and nobody ever believes there are specials out there, except for a small group wanting to capture them or something; or 2, the world knowing about the specials' presence causes Sylar to turn evil again <_<

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Man, this whole Sylar thing is bullshit. Watching the finale now and it's such a cop out. I really wish the series could have just ended how it always seemed planned, with Sylar Vs. Peter.

edit: they also finally have potential to make me care about Claire, but yet again they pussy the fuck out of killing a character off. My god, I can't stand this shows reluctance to let any of the characters go. Noah has been one of the most interesting ones, but there's no harm in killing off a character to progress story.

And what the fuck with the Hiro stuff? Seriously. I think I'm past the point of 'Jaded Fan', at this point I'm watching out of nothing more than habit.

And that ending was awful, just awful. Then again, I suppose it's fitting that Heroes would go out with a whimper, that word basically sums up the entire show since the end of the first series.

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The finale was in my eyes just like the whole season - underwhelming and kinda anticlimatic. There was nothing epic, nothing uberdramatic about it, and I expected something huge... We got Sylar [the best evil character in TV series ever in my eyes, or one of the best at least] not being that interesting, Claire [the dullest character] is the focus of the show...

I really, really hope there is at least one more season. And I do hope they can make it better, maybe not as good as the first season which was brilliant, but at least better than other seasons.

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I seem to really just be watching out of habit now. Nothing is really THAT interesting anymore, and I agree about the writers reluctance to do anything out of the box. Noah dying would have been nice to see if only for the effect it would have on Claire as a person (evil Claire with trenchcoat from the future that we've seen?). Hiro spending pretty much the entire season chasing after a piece of ass was boring, but it's nice to see him back to normal without Charlie to worry about.

Although I like Sylar as the evil guy, there is only so much you can do with him before he is just doing the same old boring stuff, which is how it has been for me lately. He goes after specials, takes their powers, people chase him. At least with him being a good guy (maybe) it is something different, though the turn for him was pretty anticlimatic.

Eh, like I said. I wanna see one more season just to see the fallout from Claires little stunt. If they do a season after that, then they're just crazy people doodling kitties in crayon.

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