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Trailer for Call Of Duty: Black Ops released


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Activision has officially pulled the tarp off the next installment in their blockbuster Call of Duty franchise, although it's still shrouded in a fair bit of mystery.

The new game is called Call of Duty: Black Ops and will take place "behind enemy lines." It's being developed by Treyarch, who created the 2008 Call of Duty hit, Call of Duty: World at War, and is due out November 9 of this year.

"We have focused our entire studio on this game, with dedicated multiplayer, single-player and co-op teams creating the most intense, gripping and riveting experience possible for our fans on all fronts,” said Mark Lamia, Studio Head for Treyarch, in a release.

While many have speculated that the next game in the series would take place in Vietnam, the game's debut trailer doesn't specifically disclose the whens and wheres. It does, however, disclose all kinds of awesome explosions...

Upon closer inspection, we can hazard a couple guesses. Several shots show jungle environments filled with modest huts, older vehicles, and even a rickety rope bridge, while soldiers seem to be favoring old-school gear and headbands. Vietnam -- or perhaps the broader Cold War -- doesn’t sound so far-fetched, although that creepy doctor bit sure looked modern to us. Flashbacks, maybe?


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It's being developed by Treyarch, who created the 2008 Call of Duty hit, Call of Duty: World at War

I made this mistake once before and nearly missed MW2 for it. I won't be making it a second time...

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Well, with IW basically no more, this'll probably be the last COD game for a couple of years.

Unless Activision feels the need to rush through a COD: MW3 despite virtually all of IW's top brass no longer with the company. Which would be a huge, huge mistake, and a great way to ensure they kill the gold-egg laying goose.

That being said, I'm actually looking forward to this. There aren't many Vietnam War games out there, and there's even less quality Vietnam War games out there. If they can pull this off correctly and make the in-game story as much of a clusterfuck as the real war (but in a good way >_>), then I'm down.

Lets spend 3 days trekking through hellish jungle to find an orphanage.. where the babies all are rigged with grenades and OMGWTFSABOTAGE RUN!!!

Yeah, I'm down. Will there be a nuke in this one, too? Or at least a bad ass game of Russian Roulette-gone-wrong from the POV of the dude that kills himself. Fuck yeah.

EDIT - Holy shit, I just thought of something.

Jungle Zombies.

NO ONE has done that. Treyarch, fucking do it.

Edited by Mysterio2000X
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I'm not one of those pathetic internet ragers who puts down World At War because quite frankly - I had a fucking awesome time with it, in both single player and with everyone here on EWB. Of course I also had fun with Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare 2 but one doesn't cancel out the other, and I look forward to playing something new and refreshing - even if it just amounts to different weapons, a different story and a different feel. I like the COD style of game and you can't fuck with that too much... I'm not one to analyze the trailers either, so I'm just looking forward to a game that may or may not be set in Vietnam.

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I'm not one of those pathetic internet ragers who puts down World At War

Would you classify myself, for whom World at War was my first FPS experience on my first ever console and MW2 was my second said experience as one of these pathetic ragers?

Disclaimer: I have obviously played a console FPS before these, but really only multiplayer at friends houses, I had never had a chance to dedicate time to a game as I didn't own a console.

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I'm not one of those pathetic internet ragers who puts down World At War

Would you classify myself, for whom World at War was my first FPS experience on my first ever console and MW2 was my second said experience as one of these pathetic ragers?

Disclaimer: I have obviously played a console FPS before these, but really only multiplayer at friends houses, I had never had a chance to dedicate time to a game as I didn't own a console.

I'm talking mostly about the people who put down Treyarch as developers just because Modern Warfare was a giant hit under Infinity Ward - this is usually reason enough for them to hate World At War,

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