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Mortal Kombat


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Have you managed to get past Kintaro yet? I skipped through it to get the achievement because FUCK THAT NOISE. For those of you who haven't got to it, Level 300 is...

an event in which you get to choose your character, and then fight a one-on-three endurance match. You've got to beat Goro, Kintaro and probably Kahn with one lifebar that doesn't get refilled between enemies. Also, the enemies randomly get health and damage boosts, while you get nerfs like damage decreases.

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Use Sektor, keep your distance, spam teleportation uppercut when they make a move?

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See, when it started I thought I had good practise with the "Defeat army of Goros/Kahns" challenges, but then the attack penalties started happening.

I'm not going to skip it though. I have too much pride.

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So somehow I managed to get through the Challenge where you have to beat Baraka, Sindel and Shao Kahn with Shang Tsung, but for the life of me, I cannot beat Shang Tsung and Quan Chi with Raiden. I can't even come close, even if I manage to beat Shang, Quan Chi beats the everloving piss out of me. I don't get it, I've beaten the game with Raiden, but for some reason, these two fuckbags together are impossible for me.

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Guest skipschool

Completed storyline on easy in about 4 hours today, was enjoyable enough.

My favorite characters so far are Kabal, Stryker and Kung Lao... I've never given these three the time of day before...

The original characters are a bit pants.

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Completed storyline on easy in about 4 hours today, was enjoyable enough.

My favorite characters so far are Kabal, Stryker and Kung Lao... I've never given these three the time of day before...

The original characters are a bit pants.

I don't know...Scorpion has some of the most dirty and effective moves in the game. It's incredibly easy to put together some huge combos involving the spear throw, his teleporting punch, his throw and his sword attack to begin a juggle.

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Yeah, Scorpion is the most accessible character in the game. I think the rest of the originals are pretty good as well, you just gotta know how to use them. Johnny Cage and Kano especially, if you know how to use them, you can really mess people up. Sonya's greatly improved too, I've never done much with her in previous games, but she might be my new favorite. I can't get a hang of Sub Zero and Raiden though, even though I beat it with Raiden, I'd get killed online with him.

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Noob Saibot's really easy to use as well, and I fucking love his special where shadow-Noob (or whatever you wanna call it) tackles the opponent. His throw is awesome as well.

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The Challenge Tower is ridiculous. I finally beat The Deadly Alliance with Raiden, but you really have to flat-out cheat on some of these later ones. I don't know if that was by design, because there's no way you're beating:

Minor Challenge Tower spoilers:

three Shao Kahns without Stryker or three Goros without Ermac.

So I think they set you up in these ridiculous scenarios just to see if you can figure out the "trick."

Oh and fuck anytime they flip the screen upside down or reverse your controls. That's just evil.

I did unlock everything in the Krypt though, I feel quite accomplished.

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Mortal Kombat Kollection hitting XBLA and PSN (if it ever comes back) this summer:


If you, like many, have once again positioned yourself firmly on the MK bandwagon after the recent release of the deviously delicious Mortal Kombat, you’ll no doubt enjoy learning about today’s announcement of the Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection, an upcoming “arcade-perfect port” for PSN, XBLA, and PC. For the first time ever, the original Mortal Kombat arcade trilogy – Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat 2 and Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 – have been brought together into a single collection which will be available for download in late summer 2011.

“We are very excited to finally have the first three Mortal Kombat games available in one download package for long-time and new fans to play,” said Ed Boon, Creative Director, NetherRealm Studios. “With the release of our 2011 Mortal Kombat, and its return to 2D game play, players have been asking for these classic titles and we are happy to deliver them.”

Here’s an official description:

Developed by Other Ocean in conjunction with NetherRealm studios, the Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection will offer fans the chance to play through the games in their original arcade state and rediscover all their favorite characters, fatalities and environments as well as relive some of the franchise’s most memorable secrets. In addition, this new collection will feature online play, leaderboards, achievements and trophies.

Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection will sell for $9.99 on PlayStation Network (and presumably the same price on PC) or 800 Microsoft Points, to put it in arcade terms – 40 quarters ($10) – when it’s released this summer.

$10 is a nice deal... of course you could just play the game that just came out, which is essentially what this collection is, without 15 years of aging.

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