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Mortal Kombat


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So why is no one talking about the new game? Got it today on PS3... and it is AWESOME. I love Street Fighter and all, but the mindless fun of MK has always appealed to me more. Give me an unbalanced, button mashing, special move spamming kind of game and I'm a happy guy.

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Boss - the Story Mode is fantastic and I can't believe it's taken fighting games this long to do something like this. Granted, MK is probably the most story-driven fighting franchise (which is hilarious since it's an awful story, but at least it's a story!), but it really is a game changer. Instead of the usual "fight all these guys, then the boss" stuff (which is also in the game), Story re-tells the MK tale through a series of cutscenes and fights where you play as many different characters. I'm still in MK1 myself and currently getting my ass kicked in an endurance match as Liu Kang against Scorpion & Quan Chi, but it's awesome so far.

Benji - Yeah, PS3. I can't play fighting games on the 360, I'd have better luck shoving the controller up my ass than trying to use that d-pad.

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Boss - the Story Mode is fantastic and I can't believe it's taken fighting games this long to do something like this. Granted, MK is probably the most story-driven fighting franchise (which is hilarious since it's an awful story, but at least it's a story!), but it really is a game changer. Instead of the usual "fight all these guys, then the boss" stuff (which is also in the game), Story re-tells the MK tale through a series of cutscenes and fights where you play as many different characters. I'm still in MK1 myself and currently getting my ass kicked in an endurance match as Liu Kang against Scorpion & Quan Chi, but it's awesome so far.

Benji - Yeah, PS3. I can't play fighting games on the 360, I'd have better luck shoving the controller up my ass than trying to use that d-pad.

Get the new silver pad, it has a d-pad that you kind of twist and it raises the directions out from the disc. It's quality. Possibly not quite on a par with the PS3 pad still, but eh. It's an improvement.

I'll hopefully be getting this in the next couple of weeks. Still disappointed that the bookend edition isn't coming out over here though.

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I've heard the silver d-pad is decent, I just can't justify the price of controllers. I could almost get a game for the price of one, "luckily" all three of my controllers have been "free." My first one when I bought the system, for some reason one was sent back the first time my console died, then I got my third when I had to buy a new 360 last year after my first died right outside of the RROD warranty. Yay!

And I'm sure you'll be able to find the bookends on ebay soon.


And Shao Khan is a motherfucking asshole.

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Would you say the game is easy to play and accessible for people who are normally crap at fighting games and can never do combos? While I do like games like MK, Street Fighter, Tekken etc I've always been crap at them because I could never learn or pull of the combos.

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The handicap matches are fucking frustrating and quite ridiculous but I like the game apart from that.

And a question, I could have sworn in old games in the end the opponent would be groggy and give you a chance to do a fatality, is there something special Ineed to do to get him in the groggy state?

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I dont think you can do Fatalities in Story Mode, at least not in the first few matches, if you are talking about the Story Mode.

Played the game at my friends and it is damn amazing. The 3D models combined with the classic MK style of gameplay, plus the incredibly awesome Fatalities and the Test Your Luck mode make the game incredible as it is. The story mode, from what I saw, seemed really nice with how they did it.

Only gripe is playing it on the 360 was frustrating beyong belief. Trying to do down forward A or B for Subzero always ended up being down up. It will take getting used to.

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Would you say the game is easy to play and accessible for people who are normally crap at fighting games and can never do combos? While I do like games like MK, Street Fighter, Tekken etc I've always been crap at them because I could never learn or pull of the combos.

This. How much fun would someone who sucks at fighting games, but loves the idea of one with a story like MKs have?

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Would you say the game is easy to play and accessible for people who are normally crap at fighting games and can never do combos? While I do like games like MK, Street Fighter, Tekken etc I've always been crap at them because I could never learn or pull of the combos.

This. How much fun would someone who sucks at fighting games, but loves the idea of one with a story like MKs have?

I would say it is still fun and I'm not very good at fighting games. I am practicing with this one to get much better because I do want to play online, but I'm still having fun. As long as you aren't someone who throws their controller if they are defeated once or twice.

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I'd say the game is pretty accessible for non-fighting players. Something like Street Fighter IV is accessible if you just want to play the computer on regular difficulty, but boosting the difficulty or going online without a lot of practice will end with you getting your ass handed to you... which is what happens to me when I play SFIV. Mortal Kombat though? You can get by and it's much more likely that an unskilled player could be a skilled player than in other popular fighters. Each character has easy enough dial-a-combos, I think each character has at least one three-hit combo that's something like X, X, X or O, O, O that you can rely on. The special moves are pretty easy to learn too, and in story mode, you can at least pause and check the move list while you play to learn the new characters they throw at you.

The game can be deep if you want it to be, I'm sure there are plenty of people playing online right now (well, not on PSN :shifty:) who can do ridiculous 10+ hit air juggle combos, but one well-placed X-Ray move could even the score right up. Mortal Kombat: The Mario Kart of fighting games.

And yeah, no fatalities in Story Mode since you'll be fighting many of the same characters repeatedly. You can't murder Kung Lao when he's scheduled to show up again in Act 2.

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Story Mode was awesome, but I finished it in one day :( Going to have to up the difficulty and play through once again. Shao Khan is ridiculously hard though, I eventually resorted to avoiding him till he taunted me so I could attack from a distance.

If you aren't good at fighting games (I'm not exactly brilliant) you can normally get away with spamming uppercut for the more difficult matches. I haven't found an alternative for fighting Quan Chi and Shang Tsung, annoying bastards.


Does Cyber Sub-Zero have an X-Ray special? Every time I tried to do it he just switched stance.

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I beat Arcade mode as Liu Kang and Kahn was absolutely brutal. I'm not great with Liu to begin with and had to spam fireballs to beat him, but he's a cheap bastard anyway, so take the win however you can get it.

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