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Blue Dragon


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This game is awesome, and I'm not talking in an "OMG IT'LL BLOW YOU AWAY" kind of sense, I'm talking logical steps in RPG. If you'd have told me this was made by most of the people who made Final Fantasy awesome (which it is, and these are the same people who left around the same time Square-Enix started making mediocre level games, barring X), I'd believe you. Having the design of the world done by the creator of Dragon Ball it reminds me of whenever you first saw an FF and thought "the new style is cool" rather than the exact same style with slightly improved graphics on FF ten through fourteen. Having the music done by Nobuo makes me realise how much his music is actually missed in creating atmosphere in the games. Having the whole thing brought together in one delicious cake by the originator of Final Fantasy is blatantly clear. It's about five pounds now, why the fuck are you not playing it?

Oh, and give it a chance, the opening hour is a bit lame but once the battle system begins to open up past that time it's got some interesting tweaks in the battle dynamic.

[/random hyperbole]

Also, it's just plain fun.

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