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EWR 2010 Stats Update: November

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Just because he is the WWE champion doesn't mean he gets an automatic overness boost.

The highest I would bump him to is 89.

Miz is the most over heel on RAW, he should be 91.

Personally I'd say Barret is. But then it seems like different hatred towards them each.

They seem to really hate Barrett and they seem to despise The Miz :P

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The finisher should be named 'Avada Kedavra'

aint that from Harry Potter

Yup, if you watch Black's (aka Seth Rollins) debut on FCW (vs Vance Archer) the comentator actually says "Acada Kedavra, the killing curse" after he hits the superkick to a kneeling Archer...

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Abraham Washington ~ up speed to 22

Bo Rotundo ~ up speed to 68; up technical to 48

Derrick Bateman ~ up overness to 30

Donny Marlow ~ up brawl to 51; up technical to 34

Jacob Novak ~ up brawl to 57

Johnny Curtis ~ up overness to 31

Leo Kruger ~ up brawl to 48; up technical to 41

Mason Ryan ~ up stiffness to 74 (surprised he hasnt inj. more ppl)

Richie Steamboat ~ up brawl to 48; up speed to 62; up tech to 68; up overness to 30; up charisma to 61

Roman Leakee ~ up speed to 38; up tech. to 40; up over to 20

Tito Colon ~ up tech. to 57.

Wes Briscoe ~ up speed to 54; up overness to 21


Adam Revolver ~ up brawl to 47; lower speed to 38.

Add Alex Silva - over 26, charisma 54, brawl 47; tech 58; speed 58 sell 54 stiff 43. Finisher Running Knee (Impact); Crossbody (Top Rope Standing)

Remove David Lanham, Scott Sexton, Lincoln Moseley (only short term)

Up Cliff Compton tech. to 39. Finisher Media Blitz (Submission)

Up Kushida overness to 23.

Up Tilo Samoa brawl to 52. Speed to 10. Technical 14. Over 18. Charisma 38. Finisher Diving Headbutt.

Up Ref. Chris Sharpe's talent to 70 (he works ROH and does 80% of OVW matches)

Turn Matt Barela tweener (cheater)

Turn Mike Mondo heel (egotistical)

Ryan Nemeth up over to 18. lower brawl to 51, lower speed to 37, lower technical to 45. lower selling to 41.

Add Chris Bolin to OVW (manager) Age 20. brawl 0. speed 0. technical 0. selling 40. stiffness 20. charisma 70. overness 20.

Make active The Insurgency. Mr B manager of Mohammad and Omar.

Omar Akbar ~ lower selling to 40. lower brawl to 55. up technical to 53.

Sucio ~ up technical to 58. up overness to 37. Finisher Superkick

Up Fighting Spirits experience to 20

Up The Elite's experience to 40

Up Mr. B's selling to 46. up overness to 17.

Add Flash Flanigan back to OVW. Gimmick Old School Face.

Add tag team of Raul Lamotta and Jimbo Onoo

Up Blossom Twins brawl to 25, speed to 38 and technical to 30. Selling to 50. Stiffness to 45.

Up Taryn Shay's brawl to 28, technical to 21.

Up Ron Head's (staff) talent to 58

Up Brittany Devero (staff) talent to 40

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-Raise AJ Lee's brawl to 34, speed to 67, technical to 37, selling to 76, overness to 40, and charisma to 64. Change her primary finisher to Octopus (submission).

-Raise Aksana's brawl to 26, technical to 48, stiffness to 40, selling to 52, overness to 36, and charisma to 59.

-Raise Kaitlyn's overness to 36.

-Raise Maxine's brawl to 47, technical to 32, selling to 59, and overness to 34.

-Raise Naomi Night's brawl to 33, speed to 58, technical to 44, selling to 54, overness to 41, and charisma to 67. Check SS Look. Change her secondary finisher to Jumping Leg Drop (ground).

-Check SS Look for Donny Marlow. Raise his brawl to 63 and stiffness to 60.

-Check SS Look for Silas Young. Raise his brawl to 48, speed to 71, and tech to 66.

-Check SS Look for Matt Cross.

Edited by KrisClassic
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-Raise AJ Lee's brawl to 34, speed to 67, technical to 37, selling to 76, overness to 40, and charisma to 64. Change her primary finisher to Octopus (submission).

-Raise Aksana's brawl to 26, technical to 48, stiffness to 40, selling to 52, overness to 36, and charisma to 59.

-Raise Kaitlyn's overness to 36.

-Raise Maxine's brawl to 47, technical to 32, selling to 59, and overness to 34.

-Raise Naomi Night's brawl to 33, speed to 58, technical to 44, selling to 54, overness to 41, and charisma to 67. Check SS Look. Change her secondary finisher to Jumping Leg Drop (ground).

-Check SS Look for Donny Marlow. Raise his brawl to 63 and stiffness to 60.

-Check SS Look for Silas Young. Raise his brawl to 48, speed to 71, and tech to 66.

-Check SS Look for Matt Cross.

I'd prob bump AJ's tech a little more.... Maybe low 40's, mid 40's even?

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This wrestler should be added: name is Karcamo. He's the guy with the face paint. No idea on stats or anything.

that vid seems to be from his own youtube page so there are more vids of matches for anyone wanting to come up with stats and I agree he should be put in.

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