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2011 MLB Season


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You mean the Phillies lost?! I don't believe it, they have the best rotation in the history of anything etc. etc.

You can't tell anyone around here anything. I called in to the local ESPN station here and the moron DJ kept saying "You mean to tell me St. Louis has a better rotation? You think the Brewers do?!" And I calmly told him that they didn't, but that doesn't always equate into a guarantee win. He wouldn't have any of it. He couldn't fathom that someone wasn't 100% positive that the Phillies were World Series bound. Blows my mind that some idiots get jobs like that in the first place. Is this his first year watching baseball?

You live near Philly right? You called 97.5? Which one did you talk to..

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The little, nerdy sounding guy that comes on in the afternoon after Tony Bruno. I can't remember what his name is.

I only called in because he wanted perspectives from fans of the other playoff teams. As soon as I said I was a Yankee fan, he was like "Oh, so you're picking Philly vs. Yanks, eh?" and when I said No, you would have thought I told him I put it in his mother's butt. He freaked.

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I don't listen to the ESPN station. I don't like any of the DJ's. And I steer away from WIP as well after any sort of loss, because I can't stand listening to most fans. Yes, as a Philly sports fan I hate 60% (that's being conservative) of other Philly sports fans.

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Missanelli! That's the guy. I was going to bed and it popped in my head. :P

Mike Missanelli is one of the better ones there. Dan Schwartzman sucks balls. The Saturday and Sunday morning guys talk a lot about wrestling. The Sunday guys usually do hype shows before the big 4 ppvs

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The Yankees lost. :(

I hate that the first round is only best of 5. I think it should be best of 7. I'm just throwing that out there. I love playoff baseball and I feel like they cheapen it with a 5 game series.

There's no time to sandwich that in to the postseason too. Maybe take my one friend's suggestion and shave 8 games off the regular season, leave 4 of those days as open days for rainouts and such and take the other 4 to add to the postseason.

They can't reasonably start the season any earlier because of winter and they can't start any later because the season would go into November every year.

And Philly sports talk is pretty brutal (so is Baltimore's but at least we get the comedy of Vinny Cerrato acting like he knows football). I was up there this past Thursday visiting some friends and on my drive back tuned into the guy in the evening on 97.5. I forget his name but it was around 6. He was playing clips from people who called in with postseason predictions and one guy said "The Phillies will regret not letting the Braves beat them" to which the host responded "So that the Braves could just lose a one-game playoff anyway?".

Meanwhile in Baltimore every call is either about how Peter Angelos sucks or whether or not Joe Flacco is a good QB.

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Rangers won again despite their bullpen, this time the combo of Oliver+Adams nearly cost the game.

I'd love to see the Rangers finish the Rays off in four. Get some rest for the arms and give Nellie Cruz some time to work on his timing.

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They told him he couldn't do it. They told him it was like fighting fire with fire. They told him to call it quits. He didn't listen.

On October 4th, a special TBS one-night extravaganza brought to you by executive producer Bud Selig.

A.J. Burnett stars in Must-Win Game.

There will be hits, there will be runs, there will be panic.

New York. This is your nightmare.

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Not too go too far off topic, but I dunno how often Meacon reads the NFL thread..but its the DJ Meacon was talking about, Mike Missanelli, confronting Andy Reid about terrible playcalling on Sunday


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Yeah, Missanelli is a little know-it-all bitch. He should apply for the job when Reid does get fired so he can lead them to an undefeated 19-0 season every year. And then he can manage the Phillies and go 162-0 while he's at it, because when you have that rotation you never lose, ever. What a twat.

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Last time we were here, the Yankees relied on Jaret Wright to save their season.

His stats that year in '06: 11-7, 4.49 ERA, 1.52 WHIP

AJ Burnett's stats this year: 11-11, 5.15 ERA, 1.43 WHIP

God don't blow this Porcello.

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Everybody I've seen is freaking out about the decision. Watch him pitch eight scoreless innings tonight. :shifty:

I wouldn't go that far but I wouldn't be surprised at all for him to go out there and give 5-6 innings of one run ball. The funny thing would be the bullpen blowing it for him afterwards and people still finding a way to blame Burnett.

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