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Now that was a clear penalty for swis, he would have had a clean header 2 meters away from the goalif the english dude would now had draged him down like it´s forbidden in every soccer rulebook i know . . . . - egland AGAIN not getting a penalty called against them.

Swis is dominating nicly, England, as against france, is doing SHIT.

Clear red card if you ask mke, you cannod go like that against a persons head, if you hid a person like that against the legs it usualy is an instand red card. - England way to lucky again, they could already have this lost by now if the reffery wassent shit and swis would have a bit more striking luck.

1-0 england, and guss who shot the goal ? The guy that should have been red carded. There is no posible way you can be proud of that team.

Edited by Michael Matzat
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*Awaits Matzat rant on Rooney* :P

well england now is 4-0 on matchdesiding missdessions. . . what do you expeckt ? England is no were near deserving to be in this tounament at the moment, and i am saing that from a clear analytik point of view with the fakts on my side. I can say it ten times, plaing crap and winning within the rules of soccer issent nice for the viewer but ok, winning like that suported by HORRIBEL reffering is just shit. England is the worst team of the tourny up untill now, lucky they won´t have this luck in every game.

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i think that was enough for a second yellow, absolutly OK

on the other hand, for a reffere that only gives a yellowcard to someone that goes streched leg against the head of someone without anny chans of hitting the ball he prolly should be given a fairplay price for this foul instead of a yellow card (not even to speak of roony shouting at the ref for being booked a yellow...)

Edited by Michael Matzat
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Guest BigDirty

i think that was enough for a second yellow, absolutly OK

I agree.

In my opinion England earns their lead but they still fail to impress me. So score two more England and make it 3-0! (not that this has anything to do with my prediction in the tip game :shifty: )

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on the other hand, for a reffere that only gives a yellowcard to someone that goes streched leg against the head of someone without anny chans of hitting the ball he prolly should be given a fairplay price for this foul instead of a yellow card (not even to speak of roony shouting at the ref for being booked a yellow...)

That's what I meant, sorry. Technically it is a booking yes, but in the context of this match, and the referee, I just thought he would have been a bit more leniant considering how he's been so far.

Owen taken off for Vassell. If I were Sven, I wouldn't even have Owen start against Croatia.

And I'd like one more goal please...five points is better than two. :shifty:

Edit: That'll do nicely.

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and you just witnest Stiel

i toled you that he sucked one game ago and you wouldend belive me, serriusly, such stuff only happens to him.

gerads tackel vs frei should have been at least a yellow, cleat "uinsporty" (usualy booked with red) - no idea why he is doing such bullshit wen his team is leading 2:0 . . .

Edited by Michael Matzat
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Let´s see, game annalises

Swis the clear better team for long time of the first halftime, bad strikers keept them from making a goal, other teams have way better strikers.

A Penalty not given in that time, bad reffering, swis getting a goal with the Motivation they already had and england getting cut of the ball almost instantly almost all the time, this would have looked different in the end.

Rooney not being red carded, scoring his first goal, you could clearly see how this was making Swis weaker by killing parts of their motivation. If Rooney haddent made this Goal (because he wassent on the field annymore) this would have looked different in the end.

Rooney, who shouldend have been on the field anny more, scoring a goal you only can score against Stiel (seriusly, if you have stiel in your goal you get such stuff every second game, he is just atrackting wakky goals) killing the rest of Switzerlands Motivation, allowing the 3:0

England might look stong on paper with a 3:0, but they better be lucky as hell that they can´t start packing their things right now. And if they play like this against Croatia (and the ref dossent fuck up again) they´ll get slaughtert.

In my eyes england is the by fare worst team of the tournament by now, they did exactly NOTHING in both games, and the only reason they got "shocked" in the overtime against france was bad reffering again. I have to ask myself how you even can quallyfie plaing such awfull football.

annyway, enough of that, England will die soon if they keep plaing like that, NOW IT´s TIME FOR IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN~!

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Guest Red Devil

Let´s see, game annalises

Swis the clear better team for long time of the first halftime, bad strikers keept them from making a goal, other teams have way better strikers.

A Penalty not given in that time, bad reffering, swis getting a goal with the Motivation they already had and england getting cut of the ball almost instantly almost all the time, this would have looked different in the end.

Rooney not being red carded, scoring his first goal, you could clearly see how this was making Swis weaker by killing parts of their motivation. If Rooney haddent made this Goal (because he wassent on the field annymore) this would have looked different in the end.

Rooney, who shouldend have been on the field anny more, scoring a goal you only can score against Stiel (seriusly, if you have stiel in your goal you get such stuff every second game, he is just atrackting wakky goals) killing the rest of Switzerlands Motivation, allowing the 3:0. Your constant England bashing is getting boring, we're not playing to the best of our ability but IMO no big team in teh tournament is and we're in position to qualifiy so that's great.

England might look stong on paper with a 3:0, but they better be lucky as hell that they can´t start packing their things right now. And if they play like this against Croatia (and the ref dossent fuck up again) they´ll get slaughtert.

In my eyes england is the by fare worst team of the tournament by now, they did exactly NOTHING in both games, and the only reason they got "shocked" in the overtime against france was bad reffering again. I have to ask myself how you even can quallyfie plaing such awfull football.

annyway, enough of that, England will die soon if they keep plaing like that, NOW IT´s TIME FOR IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN~!

I don't understand Matzat, what have you got against England? England are nowhere near the worst team in the tournament and in the France game England defended brilliantly for 90 minutes. I admit we didn't play good today but we did what we had to and won the match. The ref made the right decision not sending Rooney off, the ball was there to be won and Rooney went for it, it's not like the ball was in the air and Rooney went for it. It was on the ground and Rooney like any motivated player should do went for the ball.

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Guest BigDirty

I don't understand Matzat, what have you got against England? England are nowhere near the worst team in the tournament and in the France game England defended brilliantly for 90 minutes. I admit we didn't play good today but we did what we had to and won the match. The ref made the right decision not sending Rooney off, the ball was there to be won and Rooney went for it, it's not like the ball was in the air and Rooney went for it. It was on the ground and Rooney like any motivated player should do went for the ball.

While I agree that England isn't the worst team (at least Russia, Switzerland, Croatia & Bulgaria seem to be worse), Rooney didn't have to go to the ball like that, there was < 15% chance that he could even make contact with the ball. It wasn't red but dark yellow and Rooney didn't help his case screaming at the ref.

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I don't understand Matzat, what have you got against England? England are nowhere near the worst team in the tournament and in the France game England defended brilliantly for 90 minutes. I admit we didn't play good today but we did what we had to and won the match. The ref made the right decision not sending Rooney off, the ball was there to be won and Rooney went for it, it's not like the ball was in the air and Rooney went for it. It was on the ground and Rooney like any motivated player should do went for the ball.

take of your england glasses...

England vs Frace sucked bad, there never was a good game, france did nice tricks instead of plaing propperly throu the english people standing aropund and england just stood there. Most horrible game of the tournament. Just stadning aroudn issent annywere near plaing brilliant.

Soit´s only a foul if the player clearly aimed for his oponent and not for the ball ?

nice, so while aiming at the ball but not being annywere near hitting this i´ll pull thes nice sopikes in your face


i bet you´ll be crying like a baby if i do that, think of what thes shoes can do if you hit unlucky, and than keep in mind that you don´t even have to hit your oponent, for brutall fouls (wich this was) the atampt (by the rulebook) alone is to be booked with Red. - thats just how it is, it dossent change for an english drunk striker prick.

England would not be in this tournament annymore with good reffering. Thats just a fakt.(also, it´s fun that you ignored the not given penatly that would most likly had given wis the lead in a period were they dominated england, and they stoped dominating after Roonie who sould have been send of already scorred a goal, now thats badass tournament winning qualety, yes yes your right, i was wrong, a team that needs the ref to get a lead (two games in a row) will win the cup for shure)

Edited by Michael Matzat
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I understand what you're saying. England are the worst team ever.

Hold on just a second while I go chase that flying pig.

England won 3-0. Fact.

I don't care if you consider it boring but last time I checked their objective was to win, not to entertain Michael Matzat.

Calling them the worst team in the tournament when they just won with a decisive scoreline is ridiculous & just shows your bias.

Yeah i admit to being biased towards England, but that's because they're my national team. I could understand you being biased towards Germany. There's no need to be biased AGAINST the teams of other Nations, that's just disrespectful.

What's your excuse for being so blatantly against them? Personal grudge?


Yeah. I went there.

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I understand what you're saying. England are the worst team ever.

Not ever, of this tournament, untill now - even if i could remind you of england laking the abilety of winning annything (wich dios not mean worst team ever)

England won 3-0. Fact.

based on bad refering, FAKT.

I don't care if you consider it boring but last time I checked their objective was to win, not to entertain Michael Matzat.

Wich dos not change the fakt that it was boring and not the "OMFG BEST GAME EVARRR" like the person i replied to stated....

Calling them the worst team in the tournament when they just won with a decisive scoreline is ridiculous & just shows your bias.

they won purly based on two matchdesiding horrible reffere desicions, and if the openent would have been a higer calliber than Switzerland it would have even looked worss than it did.

Yeah i admit to being biased towards England, but that's because they're my national team. What's your excuse for being so blatantly against them? Personal grudge?


Read the fucking topic, i stated ages ago (and several times) that i could not care less about the german national team, and i couldend even care less about them losing in a frindship game.

I am having points, and you hide behind the result ignoring everything that happent. I don´t have to repead what i stated several times about who shot the goals and so on....


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Guest Red Devil

take of your england glasses...

England vs Frace sucked bad, there never was a good game, france did nice tricks instead of plaing propperly throu the english people standing aropund and england just stood there. Most horrible game of the tournament. Just stadning aroudn issent annywere near plaing brilliant.

Soit´s only a foul if the player clearly aimed for his oponent and not for the ball ?

nice, so while aiming at the ball but not being annywere near hitting this i´ll pull thes nice sopikes in your face


i bet you´ll be crying like a baby if i do that, think of what thes shoes can do if you hit unlucky, and than keep in mind that you don´t even have to hit your oponent, for brutall fouls (wich this was) the atampt (by the rulebook) alone is to be booked with Red. - thats just how it is, it dossent change for an english drunk striker prick.

England would not be in this tournament annymore with good reffering. Thats just a fakt.(also, it´s fun that you ignored the not given penatly that would most likly had given wis the lead in a period were they dominated england, and they stoped dominating after Roonie who sould have been send of already scorred a goal, now thats badass tournament winning qualety, yes yes your right, i was wrong, a team that needs the ref to get a lead (two games in a row) will win the cup for shure)

Rooney went for the ball and in football you know your gonna get hurt when you go in for balls that are not 100% certain to get, the goalkeeper saw Rooney coming and if he didn't wanna get kicked he should have stayed out of the tackle but he wanted the ball just as much as Rooney did and put his body on the line for his country, that's what players do and if you end up hurt it's the name of the game.

England v France a boring game? were you watching the same match i was because the match was IMO the best match in the tournament so far, France had to chase the game and we defended brilliantly and even if the ending went against us the game was still more interesting then any other matches in the tournament thus far.

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