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My custom scenario!


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I don't mind seeing scenarios where people throw-in companies that have gone belly-up in the past, like WCW or even the AWA & WCCW, but so much of the backstory here makes little sense. The two things that bother me most are:

If Ted Turner was going to buy a wrestling company, why wouldn't it be the one he bought before, WCW? And why would Billionaire Ted ever put any company he owns in Canada?

If Paul Heyman hit the lottery, why on Earth would he team-up with Bischoff (a person Heyman doesn't seem to care much for) to buy the one wrestling promotion he hated with a passion? Is there any good reason to think Heyman wouldn't use his lottery winnings to keep ECW going?

Edited by tolsvar
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New lottery winner Paul Heyman bought them out. Read the backstories. It's all covered in the stories.

Yes, after reviewing it again I see he did indeed win the lottery and bought them. Wait it says Bischoff won the lottery. "Bischoff went to a once hated enemy, who just happened to win a huge sum of money from a lottery weeks before"

So how hoes Paul Heyman enter the picture? Why wouldn't Hogan help Bischoff try to buy WCW instead of giving money to Turner to buy a company which he already likely had more than enough money to buy? Which also leads me to ask, what channels are all these wrestling shows on? May be a small point, but Turner has no power at TNT or TBS anymore, so he needs to find a home for his shows. Same with TNA-ROH (which I'm wondering why they are based in Mexico), how do they have 3 shows, when realistically they can't get good enough ratings to compete on Monday nights right now? How did Dragon Gate get involved too?

How did WCW survive until 2011 when the newest update was released? Or let me ask it a different way, what time frame is this set in? I'm fine with dead wrestlers being in their prime, I'm fine with Flair being 20 years past his prime is in here, same with Hogan, but how did you come up with their stats? Because seriously I'm just lost.

Now, again, I just asking. I think you could make a very interesting scenario here, and some might be inclined to try it out, but you still have a lot of things to work out. Like others have said, I believe if these things were to happen A.) Turner would buy WCW, (wild tangent I'm running on but, who exactly does Bischoff buy WCW from? WWE? Turner?, NOW I"M REALLY LOST!) B.)If WWE sold rights to the WWF name, nobody would buy the Wildlife Fund (which is a nonprofit I believe, maybe not) just to use initials for a wrestling fed.

I talk too much sometimes, bottom line is you asked for thoughts, some, like myself, have offered advice without being harsh. Just listen to the advice and tweak it some and report back. Some of us may even possibly be interested in helping you out in terms of making it better.

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New lottery winner Paul Heyman bought them out. Read the backstories. It's all covered in the stories.

Yes, after reviewing it again I see he did indeed win the lottery and bought them. Wait it says Bischoff won the lottery. "Bischoff went to a once hated enemy, who just happened to win a huge sum of money from a lottery weeks before"

That doesn't say Bischoff won the lottery. It says that Bischoff went to a once hated enemy, who had won the lottery.

Doesn't mean this makes any sense, but the grammar's correct.

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Ah, I stand corrected. You're right, I was seeing things and saw it as he won it.

So yes Heyman won the lottery, Bischoff went to Heyman for help buying it. That does make sense, but I doubt Heyman would care to buy them. Especially if it helps Bischoff. Which does lead to the new question, why doesn't Heyman just buy the ECW name back and reopen it?

Maybe I should just stop thinking and questioning out loud and start my own version of this scenario. If I do, I would need help with stats for the wrestlers though.

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