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Heyman's Brainchild

Miami Vice

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Oh, and just because I forgot before, Heyman didn't buy ECW until 1996.

Actually, he purchased it around July of 1995.

Onto the mess at hand:

I think Heyman's brainchild was stillborn. If this diary has one positive, and it's not one to be proud of, then it would be that it is a textbook case of how not to do a diary. The research is almost non-existent, the writing is shoddy at best, as shown by the numerous grammatical and spelling errors; seriously, is it that hard to run your entries through a spellchecker of some kind before posting ? It’s things like that that people really notice before anything else, as errors like that tend to jump right off the page. Not only that, you’ve shown a complete unwillingness to listen to the constructive criticism offered, and have even point blank said you don’t want any negative feedback whatsoever. I hate to break it you, but this diary is begging to be criticised, and you’re lucky not to have been all-out flamed, because you deserve it.

Seriously, why do some people still act shocked when their diary gets critiqued ? It’s like it never even entered their mind that people not only might not like their work, but also will actually say so

Echoed, and tack on the fact that you really needed some sort of format change. Utilize the short paragraph, because most people see a huge paragraph from Paul or someone and groan a little bit. Chopping it up makes reading feel much faster, even if it's not. Save the longer, more detailed paragraphs for an intense match that you're really looking to put over.

Anyways, this one's done. Take everything suggested, sit back, relax, and use it towards any future efforts you have.

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