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The Continuing Chronicles Of Jay Feaster's Incompetence


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Remember when you were hoping Iggy would return Letang? :shifty:

Iggy and more, but yeah. Again though, that was what I thought Feaster should be going after. Not what I said we would get.

More than that though, Iggy got as little as he did because he wanted to go to Pittsburgh and Shero knew it. The Flames weren't about to keep him and let him walk in the off-season for nothing, so we got what we could.

Even the other two teams involved (LA and Boston) offered up very little knowing that they were on an extremely small list of suitors.

I guarantee that our return would have been five times better if the ball wasn't entirely in Iginla's court. Jarome chose his destination, and Feaster got what he could.

I'm just happy he's going to have a legitimate shot at the cup. I would have moved him for the first rounder.

So, Cammy to Toronto is the next one on my list that I haven't explained. Explanation: he's really blossomed this season as a center and the Leafs can always use an upgrade down the middle. More than that though, he's also a winger who can take draws. Stick him on a line with Kessel and JVR/Bozak, and you've got two dangerous snipers and two guys who can always be counted on to win a draw.

If the Leafs stick with their goaltending situation the way it is (which has been good), then I see them looking to just make upgrades on what they have. No major tinkering is really necessary. Cammy is an upgrade and a proven playoff performer, something which the Leafs are in need of with the impending post-season return.

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I would rather the Leafs don't get Cammalleri.

I also don't think Iggy was worth much more then what Feaster got. If they had traded him last year or the season before? They could have got a fortune for him.

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Personally, I wouldn't go after Cammalleri. He's not that much of an upgrade over the players we do have, and having him stick around at $6m for next year is not my idea of a good time. If anything, we need to remove an over-paid center (Grabo, anyone?) and get Kadri re-signed. Depending on what Bozak wants, I'd re-sign him, too. With Bozak, Kadri, Grabo and McClement, we've got thee second-line centers and Jay McClement. The only center we need is a legit, all-star, end-to-end #1C. Cammalleri is not that type of player.

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Personally, I wouldn't go after Cammalleri. He's not that much of an upgrade over the players we do have, and having him stick around at $6m for next year is not my idea of a good time. If anything, we need to remove an over-paid center (Grabo, anyone?) and get Kadri re-signed. Depending on what Bozak wants, I'd re-sign him, too. With Bozak, Kadri, Grabo and McClement, we've got thee second-line centers and Jay McClement. The only center we need is a legit, all-star, end-to-end #1C. Cammalleri is not that type of player.

On that note, Grabovski is someone that I would love to have in Calgary. I'm not sure how happy he would be to go from a team rebuilt to a team rebuilding, but he's a guy who is always one shift away from taking control of a game.

I would move anyone off the roster in Calgary for Grabo. The only exceptions being the guys that I've already said should be untouchable.

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It's a firesale!

I have him as one of the untouchables because of the stability that he brings, but given the right return, no one is actually untouchable.

The only guy who would be a huge no-no is Glencross. Dude took a hometown discount so that he could stay with the Flames and get a no movement clause. If they even ask him to waive it, I'm going to be furious.

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I like to say that Leopold is Jay Bouwmeester-lite, in terms of his skill-set.

He's much more solid all-around though. Makes less mistakes, but doesn't have the same potential upside offensively. He's a good pick up for St Louis, who were previously linked to Bouwmeester. I think he's a safer choice and he cost less.

That said, that's one less team looking to acquire him, which isn't good for Flames fans.

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Kadri and Lupul are sex. I would say put Kessel with them, but Kuli needs to be there to clear space.

Also, apparently the Ottawa arena announcer didn't announce any of the Leafs goals.

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Kadri and Lupul are sex. I would say put Kessel with them, but Kuli needs to be there to clear space.

Also, apparently the Ottawa arena announcer didn't announce any of the Leafs goals.

He did announce them. I was there. You could just barely hear him over all the 'Go Leafs Go', 'Nazem Kadri *clap clap clapclapclap*' and 'This is our house' chants.

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It sounds like he will be back for the playoffs, so it's not a big deal. The only issue is getting him and Jarome playing together, but I don't think that is going to be a big problem or anything. As long as Crosby is ready to go by playoff time, the Penguins should be good to go.

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