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EWBFL 13 (PS3 Online Madden League)


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30-26 Bucs over saints. I was down 23-to 3 to start the 2nd half and that quickly changed as Brees threw two pick sixes on the first play from scrimmage on to back to back drives. I think it had alot to do with coverage. I couldn't stop him the first half and then started playing man to man while spotlighting Colston and then the picks just started happening. I threw six more picks with freeman in this game but they were not bad throws it was just some amazing plays by the linebackers. I do think we need to lower the injury setting a little bit because it seemed like every couple of plays someone was getting hurt. Bucs move back to 3-3 and .500. Next week is a big game though as we play Minnesota. Got to Drew Brees as well as Clayborn had 4 sacks alone. Defensive line is definenlty starting to play better but still getting torched by receivers.

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Another game and another win thanks to Ted Ginn. I couldn't get my offense going at all in the first half and was able to keep it close with another Ginn KR TD and good defense but some bad INTs almost cost me the game. I'm on a 6 game winning streak now though. :D

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30-26 Bucs over saints. I was down 23-to 3 to start the 2nd half and that quickly changed as Brees threw two pick sixes on the first play from scrimmage on to back to back drives. I think it had alot to do with coverage. I couldn't stop him the first half and then started playing man to man while spotlighting Colston and then the picks just started happening. I threw six more picks with freeman in this game but they were not bad throws it was just some amazing plays by the linebackers. I do think we need to lower the injury setting a little bit because it seemed like every couple of plays someone was getting hurt. Bucs move back to 3-3 and .500. Next week is a big game though as we play Minnesota. Got to Drew Brees as well as Clayborn had 4 sacks alone. Defensive line is definenlty starting to play better but still getting torched by receivers.

If this weeks game is anything to go by AP and Vick are going to run all over you!

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I'm glad Schaub found his accuracy after the game was over. Good game, you beat me in all facets. My offense is in trouble if Andre Johnson is out for long.

Good game. It's hard to believe how "off" most of those throws were by Schaub. I also benefited from my forced passes not being intercepted. Ed Reed is out for 5 weeks on my end after I decided to control him for one play. I missed the interception and blocked the corner covering the receiver in the process. I think he was injured when I tried to make a tackle near the goal line before you ended up in the end zone. >_<

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