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VR Presents: The Best Damn Diary Split


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Guest ryan_the_canuck

Looks like a good diary...honestly, can't say I've really gotten into any of your stuff before, with the exception of a RAW diary that TGC did once, but I'm a sucker for retro WWF...and let's hope it lives up to the hype.

Edited by ryan_the_canuck
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Vince McMahon stood next to his bed stunned. He had just been granted a vision of the future! A chance to change mistakes he had yet to make. But the spirit had left one thing out. McMahon fell to his knees and screamed to the heavens for an answer.


The woman in Vince’s bed awoke with a start and looked over at Vince arguing with an unseen person.

Young Woman: Mr. McMahon?!? Are you ok sir?

Vince snaps back to reality and looks over at the supple young woman. He stared at her bare bosoms for a moment before remembering what the problem was in the first place.

McMahon: Julie get me Pat Patterson on the phone.

Julie: But sir it’s four in the morning.


Julie threw the covers off and ran out of the room as Vince collapsed next to the bed and began thinking about what he would tell Patterson.

3 Hours Later

McMahon and Patterson sat at a large table at the McMahon estate. Patterson poked at his Denver Omelet, but was more interested in why he was here. Vince was acting very strangely and had asked for him not to talk until they were done eating, but Patterson could take it no longer.

Patterson: Fucking fucker Vince! What de hell is going on? (Vince sat silently) Damn you Vince we always talk all the things there are to talk about. Fucking Mother Fucker!

McMahon shook his head and for the next few minutes recounted every detail of the vision to his most trusted compatriot. Patterson thought it was ridiculous, and that possibly Vince was folding under all the pressure from Turner. However Vince was the boss and he would ride it out with him until the end no matter how crazy this seemed.

McMahon: Get Brisco. Get Russo and that other guy in here too. We need all of creative here now. I fear plans are going to have to change.

Patterson reached for the telephone and began making calls. They would have to work quickly because RAW was only four days away.

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Vince McMahon stood looking out the window of his office, deep in thought yet again. He had been preoccupied with the dream he had while flying from New York to Las Vegas, his thoughts consumed by the images he witnessed and the things he heard. He walked away and sat at his desk. All over sat reports on the state of his company, and none of them were pleasant. He had known this prior to his dream however, and he had been thinking about it ever since the trial ended last year. When he was indicted he had all but been forced to walk away from his company and allow others to control it. During this time and after he had come to regard the opinions of those he had entrusted the day to day operations of Titan Sports to quite highly. But there was no doubt that things had gone downhill during this time. He couldn't blame all the decisions on those around him though, nor did he want to. It was his company, his baby, and it always had been. He had made all the decisions over the years, tough as some of them might be, and he would continue to do so, with the exception of those months last year and earlier this year. Dream or not, he knew his company needed fixing, but did it need a new direction? Did the plans need to change?

His mind returned to the dream again. Everything that was said about his time, 1995 was in a few days after all, were things that had been on his mind for weeks. The Mabel push was decided upon a few days prior. Mabel would win King Of The Ring in June, then head into a feud with The Undertaker and eventually to Diesel himself. Mabel had the look and the size Vince wanted. Mabel was a star in the making. But hadn't the so called Angel Of Death mentioned Mabel's push in conjunction with other issues he said led to the downfall of the company, as well as the disturbing future scene they had all seen? So had Diesel's year long title reign though. Diesel, along with Shawn and Razor, were Vince's perfect idea of the stars to lead the WWF into the future. Fuck Hogan, Savage, and the rest. Fuck WCW and Turner and that punk Eric Bischoff. Those three WERE the future, not only of the WWF but of wrestling. The New Generation dammit. Except they were supposed to lead his company to near ruin, then leave him. Leave him for where? WCW and Turner? And when? Obviously Shawn returned, as his career ending injury was mentioned in 1998, unless that was how and why he left. And Shawn Waltman? Aside from his crying to his buddies about TV time and the like he would never...

Vince stopped. He remembered his own thoughts the days before when he woke up. He swore to himself not to let it happen. He knew in those waking moments that it was more than a dream. He knew it now too, deep inside where it mattered. It was time to make a change. It was time to take full control back of his own damn company. His advisors would go back to being just that, and he was damned if he was going to let some wrestlers run his company again the way Hogan and Savage had. He'd gotten rid of those two, he didn't need new ones popping up.

He looked at the papers, scanned the plans and advance storyline ideas, and he started to write. As if in a trance, as if not in control of himself, Vince typed it all out. Plans for the World Title, IC Title, Tag Team Division, and the end of the Women's Division, for now. When he was done he got on the phone and made the calls. Tomorrow at 9am they would meet, he would talk, they would listen, and the future of the WWF would change. 1995 was going to be a big year if he had his way.

And Vince ALWAYS had his way.

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All right, I'm just a bit confused on this concept. It appears as if you'll all be posting simultaneously, but what happens if, say, 1998 Vince uses X-Pac, and a month in, 1995 X-Pac tears up his knee and his stats go down to 10-5-15? Or, 2002 Vince signs Sting in a shocker, but a month later, 1998 Sting retires?

If it works...heck, even if it doesn't work, it'll be great. Just a few holes in the method might cause some problems.

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Guest Vince Russo

Smackdown – January 3rd 2002Washington DC

The Smackdown introduction sequence plays, showing a revolving series of clips of the numerous wrestlers on the WWF roster, as well as other non-wrestling personalities, such as Ric Flair and Vince McMahon. The camera then switches to a wide shot of the arena where Smackdown is taking place, and we see, well, a sea of fans, waving signs and screaming at the top of their lungs. Finally, we pan down the announce position, where we Michael Cole, and he is joined by a vaguely familiar face, but one that is not instantly recognizable

Michael Cole: Ladies and gentleman, welcome to the first Smackdown of the year 2002. I am Michael Cole, and my new broadcast partner joins me tonight, and his name is…

Don Callis: Save it Cole; I’ll tell the people who I am. My name is Don Callis, and for those of you with memories longer than that of the typical amoeba, you might remember me from my previous stint with this company, or you might even remember me from ECW, which, as you know Michael Cole, was kicked off of TNN because of this company.

Michael Cole: I don’t even know why you’re here Don, because…

Don Callis: Hey, you don’t call me Don, you call me Mr Callis, and the reason I’m here Michael Cole is that outside of San Francisco, you’re just not appealing to the viewers, so that’s why the call was made to bring me on board. But don’t get too upset Micky; you’re not the only one who isn’t happy to see me.

Michael Cole: Yeah, I understand the locker room was none too pleased to see you.

Don Callis: Who cares what the boys in the back think right now ? You do your job, you tell the people about tonight’s’ Smackdown, and then I’ll do my job, and carry you.

Michael Cole: (shakes his head) On tonight’s Smackdown, you will see Tazz and Spike Dudley challenge The Dudley Boyz for the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship, coming off of their non-title win last week. Kurt Angle takes on Rob Van Dam, and The Rock takes on Lance Storm, and both of those matches also stem from what happened last week. And, if that wasn’t enough, you…

Don Callis: And if that wasn’t enough, we’ve got a huge eight-man tag main event, which will see Steve Austin, Big Show Edge and Kane take on Booker T, The Bossman, Test and The Deadman himself, The Undertaker. The first Smackdown of 2002, the first Smackdown with myself on board, and it’s going to be one of the best ever.

Michael Cole: Did you have to interrupt ?

Don Callis: Hey, I’m sorry Micky, I got bored waiting for you to finish.

Michael Cole: It’s going to be just fun working with you(!)

Don Callis: I’m not throwing a party either, but lets’ get paid to do our jobs, ok ?

Michael Cole: Let’s get to the ring, and…

Suddenly, The Rock’s music blares out, and the entire arena explodes into thunderous cheers and applause as The Great One makes his way out. The Rock pauses on top of the ramp to take in the reaction, before walking down to the ring, and snatching the microphone out of the hands of the ring announcer

The Rock: Fiiiiiinally, The Rock has come back to Washington DC. It’s a new year, 2002, and The Rock has made himself some new years resolutions. Resolution Number 1: Eat more pie. Resolution Number 2: Kick more asses. And Resolution Number 3; Become the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion. (the crowd cheer loudly) Chris Jericho, two weeks ago on Raw, you backdoored, something I’m sure you’re used to, backdoored your way past The Rock, and escaped with the Undisputed Championship. Well, The Rock says he’s not taking that lying down, something again I’m sure you’re used to doing, and he’s calling your monkey ass out, and challenging you to a one-on-one match at this years Royal Rumble. So, Chris Jericho, The Rock says Just Bring It.

The Rock paces back and forth in the ring, awaiting the response of Chris Jericho. The Rock, and the crowd, do not have to wait long, as Chris Jericho’s entrance video and music hit, and the Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion comes swaggering out, microphone in hand, carrying both of his title belts, one over each shoulder. Jericho stops on the entranceway, and looks at Rock malevolently

Chris Jericho: Who are you to call me out Rock ? Just who the hell do you think you are to call out the first ever Undisputed Champion, and challenge him to a championship match ?

The Rock: (Rock goes to speak, but…)

Chris Jericho: It doesn’t matter who you are, Rock!! (Jericho cackles at interrupting The Rock with one of his own catchphrases, and The Rock quietly fumes in the ring) You want a shot at my Undisputed Championship Rock ? You really want to take your chances against the first ever Undisputed Champion ? Boy, you really over did it with the eggnog Rock if you want some of me again. I mean, the last time we were in the ring, I pinned you one two three, right in the middle. Do you remember that ?

The Rock: The Rock remembers getting DDT’d on a chair by Kurt Angle, and you draping a barely conscious arm across The People’s Chest, that’s what The Rock remembers. The Rock also knows you were trying to get a feel for The People’s Nipple, because you go that way, but that’s beside the point. (Jericho gets clearly irritated at the joke) The Rock, right here, right now, in front of The People, wants to know if you, Chris Jericho, have the balls to accept his challenge, or are you hung like a hamster ?

Chris Jericho: (Jericho stomps the ground, and his face reddens with anger and rage) You want me at the Rumble you stupid son of a bitch ? You want me so damn bad you got me. But let me tell you something Rock, you and all these stupid idiots might not take me seriously, because I know you don’t, but I swear to God that you Rock, these fans, and each and every wrestler in the back will be taking me seriously by the time the Rumble rolls around, and at the Rumble I promise that…

The Rock: Are you done yet ? (Jericho looks furious at being interrupted) Because, you see, The Rock and his people were getting very sleepy and tired, because you were boring the crap out of us. (the crowd roar with laughter, but Jericho just stomps the ground in frustration) You talked a lot of smack Chris Jericho, a lot of boring smack, but smack nonetheless. And when someone talks smack to the people, when someone talks smack to The Rock, well, there can be only one response. (The Rock drops the microphone, exits the ring, and begins walk up the ramp towards Chris Jericho, who looks frightened for a minute, before suddenly turning tail and running away, and out of the arena. The Rock stops, shakes his head, and returns to the ring) Chris Jericho, you may have run away like a dog just now, but at The Royal Rumble, you won’t be running away from the ass kicking The Rock has in store for you, because right here, right now, in Washington DC (The crowd cheer loudly), The Rock isn’t just guaranteeing, he’s guaran-damn-teeing that he’s walking out of The Royal Rumble as your new Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion. If you smeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel what The Rock…is…cooking.

The Rock’s music plays out again, and the crowd cheer him incredibly loudly, and he goes to all four corners of the ring and makes his traditional pose, before walking off, still recieivng a tremendous ovation

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: The Rock starting off Smackdown, his show, in a big way there, challenging Chris Jericho to match for the Undisputed WWF Championship at the Royal Rumble, and I’m now receiving word that the match is on for the Royal Rumble, and we will see The Rock challenge Chris Jericho for the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Championship.

Don Callis: I hope The Rock knows what he’s letting himself in for, because people have been underestimating Jericho since he became the Undisputed Champion, and Chris Jericho is just the type of wrestler who is most dangerous when he’s underestimated.

Michael Cole: I have to agree with you on that one, because…

Don Callis: Of course you have to; I’m right.

Michael Cole: (Shakes his head) Because Chris Jericho didn’t become the Undisputed Champion without earning it. He beat Steve Austin and The Rock in one night, which is something that nobody has ever been able to do.

Don Callis: Chris Jericho isn’t the Undisputed Champion for nothing, and I can’t wait to see him go up against The Rock.

Michael Cole: Let’s take a break, and when we come back, you’ll see The Dudley Boyz defend the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship against Tazz and Spike Dudley.

Commercial Break

Fireworks and mini-explosions shoot out from the entranceway, and The Dudley Boyz make their way out, accompanied by Stacy Keibler, wearing their tag team title belts around their waists. The trio walk to the ring, with The Dudley Boyz looking fired up, and Stacy wearing a mischievous smile on her face. The Dudley’s enter the ring, and hold up their title belts, while Stacy proudly points to her two charges. The crowd cheer loudly as Tazz and Spike Dudley made their entrance, looking determined, especially after their non-title win over The Dudley’s last week. Tazz and Spike enter the ring, and immediately get rushed by The Dudley’s, and this match is underway

Match one: World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions The Dudley Boyz v Tazz and Spike Dudley – Tag Team Championship match

This match was hot and heavy throughout, with both teams getting in some good offence, but with the champions enjoying the majority of the advantage due to their superior size and muscle. Some unseen interference from Stacy Keibler allowed Bubba to powerslam Spike, and the Champions were in control. The crowd rallied behind the challengers, and at one point Spike made the tag, but the referee didn’t see it, forcing Spike to keep on enduring a beating. With the crowd chanting him on, Spike refused to give up, and he got his break when he launched himself head first at Bubba, and struck him dangerously low. With both men down, the crowd urged Spike to make the tag, while Stacy yelled for Bubba to take in D-Von. Bubba tagged in D-Von, who charged at Spike, but Spike scurried between the legs of his half-brother, and tagged in Tazz to a big pop. Tazz opened up on D-Von and Bubba with hard rights, and he had the champions reeling with some big suplexes, and even sent Bubba to the floor with a clothesline over the top rope. Tazz had D-Von reeling, and was about to put him in the Tazzmission, when Stacy Keibler jumped onto the ring apron. She turned away, and suggestively wiggled her ass at Tazz, who was distracted. D-Von hit the ropes and went to clothesline Tazz, but Tazz moved out of the way, and D-Von sent Stacy flying off the apron, and crashing into Bubba Ray. Tazz immediately slapped the Tazzmission on D-Von Dudley, and the crowd stood. With Bubba trying to push Stacy off of him, Spike stood by the ropes to prevent him from making the save, and as D-Von struggled in the Tazzmission, he eventually tapped out, and the crowd let out a huge cheer as new World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions were crowned.

Time of the match: 11:13

Tazz and Spike celebrated their win, and stood in opposite corners, holding up their tag title belts that they had fought so hard so. On the outside of the ring, Bubba and D-Von held their sore bodies, and Stacy looked on furiously as her team were now without their titles.

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: What a way to kick off the first Smackdown of 2002, and have new WWF Tag Team Champions.

Don Callis: It’s a travesty that Tazz and Spike would have to resort to the abuse of a woman in order to win the match. That kind of behavior makes me sick to my stomach, and there was no need for that whatsoever.

Michael Cole: What the hell are you talking about ? Firstly, it was an accident, and secondly, Stacy brought it on herself by trying to interfere. If anyone is to blame, it’s Stacy Keibler.

Don Callis: Typical chauvinistic behavior; justifying the abuse of women. With an attitude like that, it’s no wonder you’re single.

Michael Cole: I’m a happily married man, I’ll have you know.

Don Callis: Dead people never complain much. Anyway, the fact remains that there are new tag team champions in the World Wrestling Federation. I just hope that Tazz and Spike are big enough to give The Dudley’s a rematch.

Michael Cole: I’m sure they will be because I have no doubt that they’ll be fighting champions.

We cut to a scene backstage of Vince McMahon talking on the phone

Vince McMahon: Yes, I’m sure of it. Nobody will suspect you, nobody…You don’t have anything to worry about, I’ve got it all covered. Nobody will see this one coming, I assure you…Yes, I know you want your hands on him too, I do as well. This way, we both get what we want…That’s good to hear…I’ll see you soon then.

Vince puts the phone down, and begins to smile with a wickedness that could only come from Vince McMahon

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: Who do you think Vince was talking to there ?

Don Callis: How the hell am I supposed to know you dimwit ? I’m out here, not back there.

Michael Cole: I figured you’d be plugged into the goings on with Vince, seeing as he was the one I assumed hired you.

Don Callis: You’re the one who needs to get plugged Cole. Yeah, Vince was the one who hired me back, and not Ric Flair, but Vince still keeps some things close to his chest.

Michael Cole: Well, you mention Ric Flair, who is the co-owner of the World Wrestling Federation, and we found out last week that Ric Flair will take on Vince McMahon, one-on-one, at the Royal Rumble, and I don’t think Vince is too eager to face Flair.

Don Callis: Why should he be ? Vince McMahon is an official, not a wrestler. Why would any non-wrestler, such as Vince McMahon, want to get in the ring with any wrestler, much less someone like Ric Flair.

Michael Cole: Maybe because it’s time to put up or shut up. Vince has been badmouthing Flair for almost two months, ever since he found out that Ric Flair owned 50% of the WWF, and now Vince has the chance to do something about it/

Don Callis: And you can bet that Vince will do something about it, because Vince is the man with the plan, and those kinds of men never get shafted.

Michael Cole: I don’t know about that. In any event, we’ve got another commercial break to take, and then it’s back to action, as Rob Van Dam takes on Kurt Angle.

Commercial Break

We return from the break so see Diamond Dallas Page, his ever-wide grin spread across his face, checking his hair in the mirror of the bathroom. Suddenly, Christian’s face appears in the mirror, and we pan back to see Christian, the European Champion, with his title belt around his waist, looking DDP up and down. Christian shakes his head, and snorts

Diamond Dallas Page: Hey, is something bothering you ? (smiles broadly)

Christian: You’re damn right there is. Why are you so damn happy all the time ? It’s insufferable; I can’t take all the damn smiling.

Diamond Dallas Page: (smiles broadly) Maybe you need a hug. Because, you know a hug always cheers me up.

Smiling, Page reaches out and hugs Christian tightly. Christian looks perturbed, before pushing Page off of him

Christian: What the hell is wrong with you ? I don’t need a damn hug.

Diamond Dallas Page: (smiles broadly) I think you do little trooper.

Christian: I’m not a damn trooper you idiot. God, I can’t take this. All right, I’ll give you reason to be miserable. This Monday on Raw, I’m going to give you a shot at my European Championship, and when I do, you’ll get beaten, and I’d like to see you smile then.

Diamond Dallas Page: (smiles broadly) Sure thing buddy. In fact, even if I do win. I’ll still be here to hug you.

Page reaches out to hug Christian again, but Christian just screams in frustration, and storms out of the bathroom, kicking the door open. Page just looks on, and flashes another big smile

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: Christian seems a little irate at the good mood that DDP seems to be perpetually in.

Don Callis: I have to agree with Christian. I can’t stand people who are so happy all the time. I don’t trust them.

Michael Cole: People around you must be trustworthy then.

Don Callis: Just what is that supposed to mean ?

Michael Cole: Nothing at all. Anyway, now we know that this Monday on Raw will see Christian defend the European Championship against Diamond Dallas Page.

Don Callis: (cackles) That’ll wipe the smile off of DDP’s face, because Christian is going to give him a permanent case of the grumps.

Michael Cole: We’ll see about that. Let’s get back to the action.

The fans let out tremendous booing as Kurt Angle’s music blares out, and the former Olympic gold medallist makes his entrance. Kurt just shakes his head at the reception he is getting, and walks down the aisle, firmly focused on his upcoming match. Kurt enters the ring, and spins around in his familiar pre-match pose. The crowd explode into cheering as Rob Van Dam’s music hits, and this ultra charismatic superstar bounds out to an enthusiastic ovation. Van Dam pauses in the aisleway as the ring announcer introduces him, and Van Dam performs his trademark pose. Van Dam slides into the ring, and the referee calls for the bell

Match two: Rob Van Dam v Kurt Angle

This was a great, fast paced match, with the crowd cheering for each move that was pulled off. Angle had the initial advantage, using his superior matwork to keep Van Dam grounded. However, his cockiness put paid to that, and a flying spin kick from Van Dam sent Angle careering through the ropes to the floor, and the crowd cheered loudly. Angle pouted at ringside, and shoved the ringsteps over. Back in the ring, the match continued, with the action very even, and each man busting out some great looking moves and holds. The tide of the match turned when Angle crotched Van Dam on the top rope, earning himself a warning from the referee. Angle dominated then, with a variety of suplexes, each one seeming to fold Van Dam more and more in half. With the crowd very much behind him, Van Dam never gave up, and turned things his way with a rolling karate kick, knocking Angle silly. The crowd roared with approval, and the match was now in Van Dam’s control. Van Dam hit Angle with several big moves, including some wicked martial arts kick variations. With Angle down from a twisting thrust kick, Van Dam climbed to the top. As Angle staggered to his feet, Van Dam flew off with a crossbody block, nailing Angle. Angle though rolled through with the move, and rolled over onto Van Dam, and, with his feet on the ropes, Angle stole the three count, and the win.

Time of the match: 10:44

Angle celebrated his win, while Van Dam protested to the official, who said he couldn’t call what he couldn’t see. Not taking his underserved loss lying down, Van Dam spun Angle around and flattened him with a spin kick to the jaw. Angle staggered up, and Van Dam sent Angle over the top rope with a clothesline. Angle stumbled around ringside, and Van Dam readied for a flip plancha, but Angle saw it coming, and hurried off, with the crowd booing him loudly. Van Dam remained in the ring, posing for the crowd, and pointing to Angle, indicating that they would meet again.

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: Kurt Angle got the win there, but he had to cheat to do so, and I don’t think he could have won without the ropes.

Don Callis: What you do you mean he had to cheat ? Did you not see Van Dam’s momentum carry them over, and Angle’s feet unfortunately get caught in the ropes ? It was a complete accident, and if Van Dam hadn’t attacked Angle from behind, then I’m sure Angle would have asked for the match to be restarted.

Michael Cole: You don’t believe that it was an accident anymore than I do.

Don Callis: Don’t tell me what I believe Michael Cole, we’re not in some fascists state. This is the World Wrestling Federation, and I’ve got freedom of speech.

Michael Cole: In any event, Angle walks away with the win, but he and Rob Van Dam will meet again. We’ll be right back.

Commercial Break

The music of Billy Gunn hits, and the crowd boo roundly as Billy Gunn and Chuck Palumbo walk out. This strange team have bright red boots and tights on, and they are also wearing big read headbands, which they had given to each other at Christmas. Billy and Chuck saunter, suggestively, to the ring, and pause to writhe around each other before entering the ring. The crowd boo loudly as Billy takes the microphone

Billy: First off, we’d like to wish all of you happy new year, and we hope you celebrated just as hard as Chuck and I did. Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking how could an easy going team like Chuck and I handle the rough and tough team of Bradshaw and Farrooq, and beat them so easily like we did on the last Raw of 2001.

Chuck: We liked handling those guys, right Billy ? (laughing)

Billy: (smiling) We sure did, and it felt good. But enough about things we take easily, we’re out here to talk about our resolution for the New Year. We’ve decided, that is Chuck and I, that we’re going to be doing more giving to charity.

Chuck: And we like to give, as well as take.

Billy: (laughs) Good one, Chuck. And as our first act of charity, we’ve decided to be generous, and offer a rematch to Bradshaw and Farrooq for whenever the feel like it.

Chuck: And it can be at anytime you like boys; we can take it.

Billy: So what do you say ? Are you…

The music of The APA bursts out, and the crowd stand and cheer as Bradshaw and Farrooq come out from the back, and they clearly mean business. With that look of a dear caught in the headlights, Billy and Chuck are frozen to the spot, looking scared out of their minds. As Bradshaw and Farrooq hit the ring, Billy and Chuck finally shake out of it, but it is too late to run. Bradshaw and Farrooq charged into the ring, and immediately begin punching and kicking away at Billy and Chuck. Bradshaw and Farrooq maintain the attack, until a host of officials hit the ring, and pull Bradshaw and Farrooq off of Billy and Chucky. Billy and Chucky leave the ring, and begin jawing with The APA, who dare them to get back in the ring. Billy and Chuck make like they’re going to, but the officials at hand soon put a stop to that, and hold them back. After a lot of shouting and shoving, both teams are taken to the back, but on opposite sides of the ramp

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: (smiling) Billy and Chuck trying to rub the faces of The APA into the defeat they handed them just over a week ago on Raw, but things not quite working out as they would have liked.

Don Callis: How can you be so mean spirited Micky ? Billy and Chuck were trying to be nice, trying to do something good, and then those two oafs come in and ruin it all. Billy and Chuck just wanted to do something nice for The APA, and those ingrates ruined it all.

Michael Cole: Billy and Chuck were asking for it if you ask me, and…

Don Callis: Well, I didn’t ask you.

Michael Cole: (shakes his head) And you can bet that this issue is not settled at all. We’ve got another break, but when we return you’ll see Lance Storm take on The Rock.

Commercial Break

The stern and somewhat monotonic music of Lance Storm goes up over the PA, and the crowd boo this stone-faced wrestler has me walks to the ring. Lance’s expression doesn’t change as he enters the ring, and he just shakes his head at the fans, and stretches on the ropes to prepare for his match. The crowd go crazy as The Rock’s music hits, and the reaction, somehow, gets even louder when The Rock walks out into the arena. The Rock marches to the ring, poised and ready for action, and just oozing charisma and personality. The Rock climbs up onto the ring apron, and poses on one of the corners, eliciting more cheers from the crowd. The Rock enters the ring, and Lance Storm’s expression still doesn’t change as he looks coldly at The Rock

Match three: The Rock v Lance Storm

The people were excited for this one, as The Rock, bubbling with charisma, took on a man who was just pure ice. Storm tried to start off with some technical moves, which gained some initial success, but The Rock soon overpowered Storm and took control with a Samoan drop. The Rock battered Storm with punches in the corner, posing to the crowd before hitting the last one, and Storm staggered out of the corner, falling to the mat. The crowd cheered as, when Storm went or a superkick, Rock caught the leg, and took Storm down with a dragon screw legwhip, and immediately applied a sharpshooter. Storm struggled in the hold, and furiously tried to get to the ropes, but they seemed too far out of reach. The crowd let out cheers, demanding Storm tap out. Those cheers turned to boos, however, when Chris Jericho, the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion, came running to the ring, with both title belts in hand. He got to ringside, and began yelling and screaming at The Rock, who let go of Storm, and went over to the ropes, and held them open, daring Jericho to get in the ring. Jericho backed off, looking scared, and The Rock shook his head, and turned back to Storm, just in time to catch a charging Storm, and hit a big spinebuster. Storm was out of it in the ring, and The Rock took his familiar pose at the head of Storm, and the crowd stood in unison. The Rock hit the ropes, leapt over Storm and BAM!! Chris Jericho smashed him over the face with the World Heavyweight title belt, and knocked The Rock silly. The referee immediately called for the bell, but Jericho just took the referee and threw him over the top rope to the floor.

Time of the match: 5:33

As The Rock tried to get to his feet, but couldn’t make it, Jericho laughed, and kicked him hard in the gut. Jericho then took both of his championship belts, and placed them over the top of each other, in a criss-cross patter. Jericho then hauled a barely conscious Rock to his feet, cinched him up, and drove him face first onto the belts with a Breakdown, knocking the Rock totally out. Jericho removed the title belts from below the cold and unmoving face of The Rock, and held them proudly over his head. With Lance Storm now getting to his feet, he stood behind Jericho, who arrogantly smiled as he held up his title belts, and look down dismissively on the fallen Rock.

Jericho smiled, and handed his belts to Lance Storm. Jericho then rolled out of the ring, and took the microphone from the ring announcer. Jericho returned to the ring, and knelt in front of The Rock, who was still pretty much out of it

Chris Jericho: Hey, Rock ? (grabs Rock by the hair, and holds his face up; The Rock’s eyes barely open) I’ll see you at The Royal Rumble on the 20th, and Rock ? Do you smell what I’m cooking ?

Jericho laughed maniacally, taking his belts from Lance Storm, and the duo took one last dismissive look at a fallen Rock, before walking off, with Jericho holding his title belts high above his head

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: What is Chris Jericho thinking ? What could possible be going through his mind to do something like this to The Rock ? Doesn’t he know what this is going to do the Rock; it’s only going to make him even angrier heading into The Royal Rumble.

Don Callis: I don’t know about Jericho’s mind, but I know what isn’t going through Rock’s mind.

Michael Cole: And what’s that ?

Don Callis: Chris Jericho’s title belt. (laughs) Did you see the way Rock’s head got driven into those belts ? It knocked him silly, and hopefully it will have knocked some sense into him, and he’ll think twice about facing Chris Jericho at The Royal Rumble.

Michael Cole: Chris Jericho better keep one eye over his shoulder from now until The Royal Rumble, because you know damn will The Rock won’t stand for something like this.

Don Callis: He had no choice about standing for it tonight; he was unconscious. (Callis laughs again)

Michael Cole: Well, I wouldn’t want to be in Chris Jericho’s shoes when The Rock gets his hand on him.

Don Callis: They’d be too big for you anyway.

Michael Cole: Chris Jericho made a big impact tonight, but someone who is going to be making a big impact this Monday is Triple H, who will be making his big return on the WWF this Monday on Raw, live from Madison Square Garden.

Don Callis: The Game, Triple H, one of the biggest stars this company as ever had. He’s been out of action since May 21st of last year, when he was injured in a match against, ironically enough, Chris Jericho. He suffered a torn quadriceps muscle, and it’s taken him over seven months of gruelling rehabilitation, but this Monday, Triple H makes his return to the World Wrestling Federation.

Michael Cole: Here’s a special look at Triple H.

A musical highlight package plays, set to Beautiful Day by U2. It shows clips of Triple H in action against various opponents, in numerous matches. We see him becoming the 1997 King Of The Ring, by pedigreeing Mankind. We see him battle Mankind in other matches, including a cage match at SummerSlam ’97. The clips then move on to 1998, and we see clips of his Intercontinental Championship ladder match with Rock at the SummerSlam of that year, and, after titanic struggle, Triple H climbs the ladder, and grabs the Intercontinental belt to become the new Intercontinental Champion. We then see Triple H become part of Shane McMahon’s Corporation, and then, on the Monday Night Raw after SummerSlam ’99, we see Triple H pinning Mankind, with Shane McMahon as guest referee, to become the new World Wrestling Federation Champion. Clips are then shown of Triple H facing off against numerous challengers; Steve Austin, The Rock, Mankind, Big Show, and more, and each one goes down for the pinfall after a devastating pedigree. And then, we are shown clips of Triple H’s last match, a tag match on Raw last year that saw he and Steve Austin take on Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit, and see the moment where Triple H tears his quadriceps muscle while breaking up Jericho’s Walls Of Jericho on Austin, and the subsequent moment where Jericho applies the same move to an injured Triple H while both are on top of the commentary table at ringside.

We then cut to clips of Triple H talking with Dr James Andrews, the foremost expert on sports surgeries, and Andrews is using charts to show Triple H where he’ll be operating, and what exactly he’ll be doing. We then see a short clip of Triple H being operated on; he has tape over his eyes, a blue cap over his hair, and there numerous tubes and pumps attached to him, while Dr Andrews operates on the torn muscle.

As the music starts to hit the final minute, we then go to shots of Triple H vigorously rehabbing his leg, training hard, working out, and, at one point, looking out of a window, seemingly lost in thought over the amount of time he has been out of action, possible even wondering if he can ever return to action.

Finally, the music ends, and the final shot of the video is of Triple H posing in the ring, beneath which is a green lettered graphic that says: Triple H Returns To Raw. This Monday

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: I for one can’t wait to see what Triple H is going to do on Raw this Monday, when he makes his triumphant return.

Don Callis: Triple H is a heck of a competitor, I’ll give him that, but its been seven months since he’s wrestled a match here, and if he thinks he can just walk back into the main event mix, he’s got another thing coming. He’s going to have to climb that ladder of contention before he even thinks about getting any sort of title shot around here.

Michael Cole: Triple H won’t have any troubles there Don; he worked his way up the ladder once, and I have no doubt that he’ll be able to do it again.

Don Callis: We’ll see Micky, we’ll see.

Michael Cole: Stop calling me Micky.

Don Callis: Would you rather be called Dumbo ?

Michael Cole: (shakes his head) When we come back, it’s your huge main event. Steve Austin, The Big Show, Edge and Kane take on Booker T, The Bossman, Test and The Undertaker.

Commercial Break

Test makes his way out to some solid booing, and this grumpy looking wrestler just sneers at the fans as he enters the ring, and runs the ropes. The Bossman is out next, and he gets a similar reaction, and he too just sneers. Booker T’s music hits, and Booker walks out to some really loud booing, and when his fireworks go off, Booker just poses on the entranceway, and ignores the fans, and begins warming up, in readiness for what is sure to be a wild match. Booker enters the ring, and he and his teammates prepare for the entrance of their fourth teammate. The crowd let with some huge jeers as The Undertaker comes riding out on his motorcycle, and the former Dead Man looks as mean as ever, with the Hardcore title belt draped over the handlebars of his bike. The Undertaker drives around the ring, before parking up by the aisleway, grabbing his Hardcore title belt, and climbing into the ring. The crowds boos turn to cheers as the arena is darkened, bright red lights bathe the entranceway, and then fireworks shoot out form the stage as Kane makes his entrance to a tremendous ovation. Kane marches stoically to the ring, and his eyes, almost totally hidden behind his mask, seem to be fixed on his brother, The Undertaker. Kane steps onto the ring apron and over the top rope, and he seems to be barely stopping himself form attacking his brother. Rob Zombie music blares out heralding the arrival of Edge, and the crowd cheer loudly as the Intercontinental Champion comes bounding out enthusiastically. Edge slides into the ring, and almost immediately he and Test begin arguing, for it was Test that Edge beat to unify the Intercontinental and WCW US Titles. The Big Show is out next, and he gets a great ovation as he slowly makes his way to the ring. Big Show clambers over the top rope and into the ring, and you can very noticeably see all four of his opponents take a step back as this behemoth enters the ring. The crowd go crazy as the music of Stone Cold Steve Austin hits, and the noise gets even louder when The Rattlesnake walks out into the arena. Austin takes off his ring jacket in the aisleway, and causally tosses it to the floor, before hitting the ring and going straight for Booker T, and a mass brawl erupts between all eight participants. The chaos is unbridled, with Austin and Booker, Show and Undertaker, Kane and Test and Edge and Bossman all paired off and fighting uncontrollably. Eventually, after much chaos and pleading, the referee is able to get some semblance of order, and the match is able to start properly

Match four: Steve Austin, Big Show, Edge and Kane v Booker T, The Undertaker, Test and The Bossman

This match was wild and crazy from the outset, with all four sides making frequent tags, and the action never really let up. Everyone involved pulled off at least a couple of good looking moves, as no one side was able to keep the advantage at all. Of note, was Show double clotheslining Booker and Bossman out of the ring, Test hitting Edge with a big boot, sending the Intercontinental Champion careering through the ropes, Undertaker baking off from Kane, and seeming to not want any part of his brother. Oh, and Austin stomped mudholes in all four opponents, and walked them all dry as well. The crowd were going wild for this one, especially when Bossman tripped Edge up, allowing Test to hit him with a second big boot. Undertaker tagged himself in, and set Edge up for a Last Ride powerbomb. Undertaker lifted Edge up high, but before he could finish the move, Kane came and flattened Undertaker with a boot the face, causing him to drop Edge. This caused Booker T to enter the ring, and soon enough everyone was back to brawling away with each other, and all control was lost by the official, who leapt from the ring to avoid getting hurt. All four men began brawling, with Edge and Test brawling to the back, Big Show and Undertaker taking into the crowd with heavy blows, leaving Kane and Austin to battle around the ring with Booker T and The Bossman. All four men exchanged blows, and Kane booted his former tag team partner, Booker T, hard in the gut, and then tossed him to the follow, quickly following in order to keep up the attack. In the ring, Bossman kneed Austin in the ribs, and whipped him into the ropes for the Bossman Slam. Austin ducked the attempt, turned around, kicked Bossman in the stomach, and then delivered a Stone Cold Stunner to tremendous reaction from the crowd. Austin covered hooking the leg, and the referee quickly returned to the ring to make the three count, giving Austin and his team the win.

Time of the match: 11:37

Kane tossed Booker into the ringsteps, as he rolled into the ring, and stood opposite Austin. Austin called for a couple of beers, catching them. He offered one to Kane, who looked out at the crowd, then back at Austin, and slowly extended his hand. Austin smiled and tossed him the beer, and when Austin opened his, and guzzled it down, much to the delight of the fans, Kane, in his own stoic manner, popped the beer open, and down the beverage. The crowd popped huge for this, even if most of the beer did seem to spill off onto Kane’s mask. Booker pulled a stunned Bossman out of the ring, and as he dragged his partner up the ramp, Booker looked back at the ring as a smiling Austin gave him the double fingered salute, and Booker made it known that he would get Austin back for this.

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: Team Austin picking up the win there, in what was a wild main event, and from what went down between the former Brothers Of Destruction, I’m not sure The Undertaker wants anything to do with his brother Kane.

Don Callis: Don’t believe it Cole. The Undertaker is the master of mind games, and he’s just suckering Kane in for something, you’ll see.

Michael Cole: Nevertheless, Undertaker had his hands full with Big Show, and those two look set to square off soon, and that match won’t be pretty.

Don Callis: The Big Show is a monster, but he’s not in The Undertakers league. The Big Show may find himself cancelled if he decides to go against The Undertaker.

Michael Cole: And you’d know about getting cancelled. (smiles slightly) Edge and Test also getting into it to such a degree, that when they brawled into the back, I’m told it took quote some effort to break them up, and who knows where that will lead.

Don Callis: It’ll lead to Test kicking the crap out of Edge somewhere down the line, and taking that Intercontinental Championship.

Michael Cole: We’ll see about that. Well, that about wraps it up for…

Vince McMahon’s music suddenly blares out, and Vince McMahon comes power walking from the back, strutting to the ring. McMahon swaggers arrogantly into the ring, and snatches the microphone from the ring announcer before demanding they leave the ring

Vince McMahon: Alright, cut the music, can’t you see I’m in the damn ring already. For those of you who were too drunk on alcoholic eggnog last week, let me remind of the travesty of evens that unfolded last week, right here on Smackdown. Last week, Ric Flair, the…the…louse who somehow finagled his way into owning 50% of the World Wrestling Federation, took it upon himself to book a one-on-one match between the two of us at the Royal Rumble this year, but that wasn’t the worst part, oh no. No, the worst part came when he saw fit to raise his fist to me, and punch me right in the jaw, knocking me flat on my derriere. (The crowd roar with laughter, which irritates Vince) Don’t laugh you sick people, it’s not funny, and you know it. Anyway, as I was saying before you rudely interrupted me, Ric Flair knocked me on my ass, and embarrassed me in front of the world, and that’s just not the done thing to do. So, I did something about that. You see, because I also own 50% of the World Wrestling Federation, I have some stroke around here. And, while I may not be able to cancel my match with Mr Flair, I can, however, make some changes. And the first one I’m going to make is that I’m going to make the match a tag match. You see, I’ve found someone that wants to get his hands on Flair as much as I do, and, believe me it wasn’t hard to find someone who wants to tear Flair apart. And, just to prove how magnanimous I am, I would like to, right now, call out Mr Flair, and I will tell him to his face who it is that will be kicking his ass alongside me at the Royal Rumble.

Ric Flair’s music hits, and the crowd let out loud cheers, and “whoos” reverberate throughout the arena as Ric Flair, co-owner of the World Federation comes strutting out of the back. Flair is all smiles as he walks, struts and swaggers to the ring, microphone in hand, clearly happy over what happened last week. Flair climbs into the ring, and struts up to Vince

Ric Flair: First off, Vince, lemme ask you something. (Flair smiles before leaning towards Vince) How’s the jaw big guy ?

Flair laughs, and the crowd roar with laughter too, but Vince isn’t happy at all, and is seething

Ric Flair: Lemme get this straight Vince, you want to make our match at the Royal Rumble a tag match ? What’s the matter Vince ? Are those grapefruits shrivelling ? You couldn’t face up to taking on the Nature Boy one-on-one, and you had to get some back-up. What’s wrong Vince, you’re losing your touch ?

Vince McMahon: (Sneers at Flair) Despite what you’ve just said, and despite what these people might think, I’m not scared of you Flair, not at all. I just decided that if you’re stupid enough to get in the ring with me, then I want the pain and suffering to be as bad as it can possibly be for you, and what better way to do that than make it a tag match. And how this works out for me is that I don’t see anyone willing to be your partner, so it’s going to turn into a handicap match, and that means that my tag team partner and I get to beat the crap out of you, legally, and you’ll be so badly injured that I’ll get my 50% of the WWF back via a forfeiture of some sort.

Ric Flair: You really think that I can’t find a tag team partner ? Do you have any idea how many people out there want to get their hands on you Vince ? You’re about as popular as Saddam in some circles Vince, and if you don’t think that any one of a million people won’t be happy to help me out, and kick your ass, then you’ve finally lost the plot.

Vince McMahon: Let me make something perfectly clear Ric, I…

The arena lights go out, and everything is pitch black. The crowd begin to mumble, and things are in disarray. Suddenly, the lights go back on, and a masked figure is in the ring standing behind Ric Flair, and has a pair of brass knuckles on his right hand. Flair sense someone behind him, and turns around, only to get slugged in the jaw by the mystery man, and Flair goes down hard. Flair can barely get up, and Vince is all over him, pounding away at his head, which is now bleeding somewhat. Vince drags a prone Flair into the middle of the ring, and he and the mystery man kick and stomp away at Flair, who is no shape to defend himself at all. Vince stretches Flair out, and yells at the masked man to go to the top. With Vince holding Flair’s legs down, preventing him from moving, the masked man goes to the top rope, and assumes a vaguely familiar pose, before sailing off the top with a devastating elbow drop to Flair, that has Flair writhing around and convulsing. Vince and the masked man stand over the fallen Flair, who is bleeding and convulsing in pain, and Vince sneers down at Flair

Vince McMahon: You want to know who my partner is Flair ? (Looks out at the crowd) Do you all want to know who it is ? Ladies and gentleman, my tag team partner for the Royal Rumble (the masked man slowly peels off his mask to reveal…)

Vince McMahon: The Macho Man, Randy Savage!!!!!

The entire arena erupts into loud booing as a wild eyed and crazed looking Randy Savage stands with Vince McMahon, black mask in hand, and both moon look down upon a fallen and bloodied Ric Flair. The final shot of Smackdown is of McMahon and Savage parading around the ring, holding each others arms up in the air, and the entire arena vociferously booing them

End Credits

Edited by Vince Russo
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I was a bit confused with that show. The promos are dead-on and the match write-ups are good but...the characters just make me secondguess. The heels are either weak or stupid and the faces are these humoristic heroes...it's all too cliched, you know? But, that's just the impression I got + this was your first show so...

I enjoyed it though, and now looking forward to other shows. :)

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