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Posts posted by ChuBalso

  1. There has been a question lingering in my mind for a little while now.  Just today, I happened to snag it and will now reveal for you to answer.  I notcied that you have a few wrestlers who debuted after '92 like Andrew Martin, Buh Buh Ray, Spike, Simon Diamond and so on.  I was wondering how did you add them into the scenerio?  Did you create them from computer generated wrestlers?  Did you tranfer this game to another 'modern' scenerio?  Were they already in the '92 scenerio?  Do you enjoy all these question that basically only need one answer to shut them all up?

    I'm sure the answer is obvious but I've never dealt with the obvious.  Thanks in advance.

  2. Jan 17rd, 1998

    WWF Worldwide Saturday Nights-

    Channel: FOX

    Venue: Utomb Centre - Gravy, UT

    Announcing Team: Sean Mooney & Jerry 'The King' Lawler

    Attendance: 12030

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Shane McMahon, Earl Hebner, Charles Robinson, Jim Mollineaux, John Finnegan


    Dave Schmeltzer

    - Snow Gets Ready For The Battle Royal -

    Eric Bischoff opened up WorldWide on 1/17 hyping the Battle Royal that will be held later to decide who gets #30 at the Royal Rumble, now, just about 2 weeks away. Bischoff then approached Al Snow, asking him if he was ready for the Battle Royal. Snow, over a light "Let it Snow" chant from the crowd watching on the Titan Tron, said that this could be his big leap to #1. He talked about always thinking about the WWF Triple Crown, naming the greats, that held the belts such as, Hulk Hogan, Stan Hansen, Randy Savage, Bret Hart, The Mountie, Ric Flair, and Ted Dibiase. That was nice that they mentioned Bret, now in GCG--but Snow mentioned the Berzerker, then cut himself off saying, "Well, maybe not, The Berzerker, "which got some laughs. John Nord, who's still the top heel in WCW has a reputation in the Wrestling Business for not being deserving of his top position. I'd say he's just living off of what the WWF made him. Anyway, Bischoff then introduced Sean Mooney & Jerry Lawler who were hyping the Pitbulls Match. 83%

    The Pitbulls (Pitbull #1 & Pitbull #2) d. Damien Demento & Jack Victory

    Why Jack Victory was teaming with Damien Demento, I have no idea. But they did sell the oddity factor in the team, with Victory looking at Demento every now and then like he was crazy. The Pitbulls pinned Demento at 8:33.

    Overall: 49

    Crowd: 50

    Match: 61

    Damien Demento lost overness from this match. Jack Victory lost overness from this match. Pitbull #2 gained overness from this match. Pitbull #1 gained overness from this match.


    - The Ebony Experience Hype Up D'lo; Approached By -

    They continued the hyping of the midcard Battle Royal for #30 in the Royal Rumble, with Eric Bischoff in the lockeroom of D'lo Brown. The Ebony Experience, Tag Team Champions, and Lady Jacquline were rooting on D'lo Brown as he prepared for the contest. Booker T and Stevie Ray were telling D'lo Brown that they would have 2 of the 3 titles in the WWF, should D'lo draw #30, and go on to win the Rumble. At this point, official Mike Rotunda appeared and told Booker T not to stop fantasizing too much, whatever that meant. He told them that they would be defending the Titles at The Royal Rumble, against The Space Croppers...And the Crimson Twins, in a 3 way match. Stevie Ray had a funny line here closing the segment, talking to D'Lo Brown...

    "What's he doing here? It's not even tax season." 76%

    Christine Blaze d. Sexxteen - WWF Womans

    Christine Blaze played the face here, as Brian Christopher & Bruce Pritchard were in the corner of Sexteen. Blaze is like a female 1.2.3 Kid....but with just about half the speed. She even had the 'Lighting' symbols all over her ring wear to prove it. Blaze won with a power drive elbow at 5:33. Wasn't too bad for a womans match, and there were a small handful of fans consistently reacting to the ring work, which means, the Woman's plight is going well.

    Overall: 43

    Crowd: 46

    Match: 50

    Christine Blaze gained overness from this match.

    - Wolfie D Plans His WWF Debut -

    Following the Blaze's victory, Bischoff was backstage with WWF Newcomer, Wolfie D. D say that he'll only need two matches to become #1 contender for the Triple Crown. Tonight's Battle Royal for #30, then the Royal Rumble, itself--to win. He then started screaming at Eric Bischoff for not having any style, for quite some time. He added that when people 'don't have style', he forced style into them, like he did to Perfect, on RAW He, finally then, walked off, Boom Box on shoulder. 69%

    Wolfie D gained overness from this segment.


    The Great Kabuki d. Kamala

    I'm sure there was plenty of arm bending backstage by Inoki to get this match on. These two wrestled for over 10 minutes, in a match straight out of All Japan. The crowd got into it at 4 minutes in when Kamala went crazy, accidently chopping referee, Shane McMahon, after being blinded by Kabuki's green mist. The match went on for a few more minutes with Kabuki using a couple of non folding chairs on Kamala, on the outside, then rolling him in the ring, and pinning him after a kick to the chest.

    Overall: 55

    Crowd: 66

    Crowd: 56

    - Perfect's Broken Nose Vengeance -

    'Mr. Perfect' Curt Hennig d. Simon Diamond

    After the Kabuki win, they showed highlights from RAW, of Perfect getting his nose busted up by Kama--then almost being mugged by Diamond and his cronies, until Don Frye made the save. Frye made the save again. Afer Perfect pinned Diamond with his Perfect Plex, Kama hit the ring and started pounding on Perfect, yelling, "You lucky Frye saved you before, 'boy!" But Frye was right behind him and tackled down Kama to a nice pop. At this point, Mike Rotunda, who seemed to be busy tonight, came out and yelled;

    "Hey! You two wanna have a fight! You two wanna have a brawl!! Well you can! At The Royal Rumble!! And just because you two like to fight to the bitter end--You two wrestle until you're opponent can take no more! It'll be just like at home, for the both of you! And you can have you're own, Rumble in the Jungle"

    Mooney then talked about how nicely The Royal Rumble was shaping up. Lawler jumped in and said that he was also eager for RAW's 5th Anniversery Show, this Monday from his hometown, Memphis, TN.

    Overall: 70

    Crowd: 79

    Match: 76


    - Highlights From A House Show; Owen Chases Le Theif-

    Coming out of the break, they showed footage from a House show this past week, from the point of what seemed like a Handy-Cam. Mooney called it, "The WWF-Fan Cam". Anyway, it showed Oulette taking on Raymond Rougeau, when all of a sudden, Owen Hart ran in and started to pound on Oulette. As Owen was unloading on Oulette, Lance Storm ran to the ring, and snatched the I-C Belt from the table, before Owen could take notice. When he did, he ran off and chased Storm into the back. They showed Oulette getting his hands raised by the referee, in his DQ House Show victory over Rougeau. I like the touch of adding in highlights from house shows to progress feuds. Makes people want to go to house shows, thinking that something big will happen. 79%

    Owen Hart lost overness from this segment.

    - Cornette Challenges The 'Arabian Ant' -

    James Cornette d. Skandar Akbar

    When they returned to 'live' taped action, Cornette was in the ring with a mic, and Bill Alfonso. First he told everyone that the Triple Crown Champion was not here, since "he wouldn't waist his time, with these fans." He then started to talk about "The least intimidating Arabian in all of Wrestling, Skandar Akbar". He called him an 'Arabian Ant', and challenged him to a match there with Bill Alfonso as the ref. Match was over in about 60 seconds, after Alfonso clotheslined Akbar, from behind, and Cornette just gave him a jumping whack accross the back with his racquet for the win. Cornette was stepping and posing on Akbar which was kinda humurous to watch. I guess the Nucleaus, Electron, Proton, and photon of Atom were absent from WorldWide.

    Overall: 43

    Crowd: 59

    Match: 23


    - Christopher 'One-Upp'ed By Snow -

    Christopher was in the back with Sexteen, looking at all of the other Wrestlers on their way to the ring. Christopher complained to Pritchard for not getting him a spot in the Battle Royal. Christopher started yelling at Pritchard, saying that he should be doing a better job as manager for him, and his main squeeze, Sexxteen, fresh off of her loss to Christine Blaze. Pritchard said that he tried, but Al Snow beat him to getting the last spot in the Battle Royal. This put Christopher into a fit;

    Christopher" What!! Al Snow?! Al Snow!? That's all I hear about, these days! Al Snow! Al Snow's a great wrestler! Al Snow's the man! Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!! Al Snow! Al Snow took my spot!! (Pauses) That's it! This week!! The Monday Night RAW 10th Anniversey!! In MY HOMETOWN, of Memphis Tennesee!! I've gotta make an impact! WE'VE got to make an impact, on the WWF!! I'm tired of the SNOW!!!" 89%

    Christopher looks more and more like his Father every week. The segment ended with Mooney teasing what it could be that Christopher was planning, as more wrestlers continued to walk to the ring. Christopher added that he hated the Snow, right before we were treated to a new 1-800-COLLECT advert with Hiroyoshi Tenzan. 89%

    - The Forecast On WWF WorldWide: Snow -

    Al Snow wins a 20 Man Battle Royal in 28:33 eliminating The Big Bossman

    The wrestlers in the Battle Royal were, Al Snow, Big Bossman, Big Dick Dudley, The Brooklyn Brawler, Carl Oulette, Damien Demento, Felxx Kavanna, Mike Barton, Johnny Ace, Jun Akiyama, Officer John Tenta, Terry Taylor, Rick Steiner, Ric Martel, Tiger Singh Jr., and Wolfie D. A couple of things here; They brought out John Tenta aka Earthquake, in his new gimmick as a police partner in training for Big Bossman. Bossman actually made it to the finals of the Battle Royal, after he and Carl Oulette eliminated Mike Barton--Followed by Bossman turning on Barton and eliminating him, which suprised the crowd. When he was in, Oulette kept 'looking over his shoulder', selling the idea that Owen Hart could come for his Intercontinental Title at any time. Lance Storm, who was eliminated earlier by Tiger Jeet Singh Jr., ran over the stolen IC Belt to Oulette, and helped him to the back when he was eliminated. Snow won the big one, when at 28:20, Bossman went to throw Snow into the ropes, while Tenta was holding it down from the outside. However, Snow reversed the irish whip, and Bossman went sailing over the top rope to loose the contest. A nice "Let It Snow" chant went on as Snow was announced the winner. They did a three split screen deal here, showing Snow celetbrating, Bossman and Tenta arguing on the outside, and Christopher throwing a tantrum in the back, now that the 'man who took his place in the Battle Royal', won, and is #30 for the Rumble.

    Overall: 56

    Crowd: 65

    Crowd: 59

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Mooney" Holy Snowstorm, Lawler!! Al Snow is now #30 in the 1998 Royal Rumble!"

    Lawler" What a huge win for Snow!!"

    Mooney" Thank you very much for watching, WWF Worldwide! This week it's The 5th Anniversey RAW, and it's live in Memphis Tennessee, the home of the King!!"

    Lawler" Oh, you can bet that I'll be there!! It's the 5th Anniversy! What an honour for President Dibiase! Woo hoo!! "

    Raw Preview!!

    It's the 5 Year Anniversy Show, of Monday Night RAW!!

    **WWF Triple Crown Championship Match**

    Hiroyoshi Tenzan (Champion) w/ James Cornette & Antonio Inoki


    Ric Flair

    **The 5th Anniversy Special Debut of:

    The Giant Silva! (Bodyguard, President Ted Dibiase)

    And as a special note by WWF President Ted Dibiase:

    This Show Will be ATOM-Free!

    This is a 'No-Chemical Zone'

  3. user posted image

    Jan 12th, 1998

    Monday Night Raw-

    Channel: USA Network - Prime Time

    Venue: Hodgeson Arena - Melinsville, WA

    Attendance: 12,056

    Announcing Team: Joey Styles & Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Earl Hebner, Dave Hebner, Shane McMahon, Jimmy Korderas, Joey Marella, John Finnegan, Jim Mollineaux


    Dave Schmeltzer

    - The Horsemen Challenge -

    Joey Styles did his whole introduction deal in the ring, to a nice hot crowd, until he was interupted by 'Enter Sandman' being played on the PA System. Out came, Sandman with Woman, in addition to, Brutus Beefcake & Percy Pringle III. The word 'Sweet', was penciled in on Beefcake's left shades lens, while 'Bruti' was on the other. I'm hearing that they're selling that as merchandise, also. Why would people by that? Especially if their name's not Bruti...in most cases...If they'd like to see. Anyway, Woman took the mic first, and started complaining about Ric Flair kissing her on WorldWide, calling it the 'most embarrassing moment in her life. Beefcake then took the mic, and started praising the Sandman for hitting Corino accross the throat with that cane last week on RAW, to a shower of booes. Styles got 'sick' of listening to Beefcake brag, and asked what brought them all out there. Sandman said that he had a special challenge for that Wargames tag match, with Sting & Corino. After chugging a beer and throwing at a fan, Sandman explained;

    Sandman" Listen to me, Styles! If Sweet Bruti and I beat the 'War Game Experts', then we become Horsemen! And they're out!"

    Styles (overeacting) " A you serious!!? Do you think that Sting and Corino would put up their spots in the Horsemen!?"

    Beefcake" Listen dude! If they're as great as they say they are, then there's nothing to worry about, is there? Hahaha!"

    Sandman" And Flair, you wanna put your filthy hands all over, my lady! Well, how 'bout you and your Stinger, face me and Sweet Bruti, tonight! The two Horsemen Big Dogs! Haha. Against the two future Horsemen Big Dogs!! Wow!! Imagine the things that Sweet Bruti and The Sandman can do, as leaders of the Four Horsemen!"

    **Sandman, then chugged a beer broke it over his head, then said,

    " Horsemen that!", before he lead his crew to the back. 78%


    - Hayabusa almost gets 'Krushed' -

    Flexx Kavanna d. 'Natural' Butch Reed

    This match had alot of Reed posing, but Kavanna eventually got the better of him. Reed worked especially stiff here--Heenan pushed this as Reed teaching the young lad a lesson. Kavanna suprised Reed at 8:33 with the Kavanna Krush. Hayabusa hit the ring here, and attacked Kavanna...but this, Flexx was ready...and just missed nailing Hayabusa with his Kavanna Krush. I like how Hayabusa & Akiyama keep trying to take shots at Kavanna.

    Overall: 69

    Crowd: 65

    Match: 74

    Butch Reed lost overness from this match. Flex Kavanna gained overness from this match.


    - Horsemen Arrives; Owen Continues Horsemen Tradition Of The Ladder; Sting & Corino 'makes a deal' For Sandman's Horsemen Challenge -

    Coming out of the break, a limousine pulled up, revealing, JJ Dillon, Ric Flair, Owen Hart, and Sting. Vince McMahon, ran up to the car to get words with the Horsemen, as the crowd went nuts for each of them coming out of the car. First, McMahon went to Owen, and asked him what was his plan to get his Intercontinental Title, out of the illegitimate hands of Carl P. Oulette. Owen answered, with anger, and great intensity...

    Hart" Oulette, this has gone long and far enough!! You want that belt--you beat me for it!! You don't have to steal it like the swine you are! And, Lance Storm! Soon, you're going to find out that Oulette's a looser!! Oulette! I make a challenge to you! Lets settle this, once and for all! In continuing the tradition of my fellow Horsemen, Steve Corino--I challenge you to a ladder match!! That's right--Corino made history in the WWF's first ladder match, last year--I'M GOING TO DO IT TO START OFF THE NEW YEAR!! And I'm going to get back MY belt, Le Theif!!"

    A supportive "Owen" was heard coming out from the live crowd, as McMahon moved over to Sting, asking him if he and Corino were going to put their Horsemen spot on the line against Beefcake & Sandman. Flair chimed in here giving, literally, a 3 minute speech on how important it was to be Horseman. He talked about the history, talked about battles, including, the Russians, Dusty Rhodes, Hulk Hogan, Ronnie Garvin, The Berzerker, Vader and more. After Vince was about to send it back to Styles in the arena, Corino interrupted McMahon, with an idea. He said that he and Sting would put up their shots, but as long as they got something they wanted--A WWF Triple Crown Title shot, for Ric Flair. Crowd popped hard for what seemed like quite a sign of loyalty to the Nature Boy. After hesitation, with the crowd going absolutley beserzk, Flair insisted that Sting and Corino needed to not danger their spot in the Horsemen--But Corino responded by saying that it was the least that he can do, for the man that has done so much for his career, Ric Flair. Flair, then finally accepted the gesture, ending the interview with;

    Flair (Shouting) " Well, Pringle!! Ya better get on Dibiase, and start pushing for the Flair - Tenzan rematch!! Woooooo!!! Wooooo! That Triple Crown's coming, to the Horsemen!! Woooo!!"

    The crowd went nuts here, as Sting & Steve Corino have officially put up their Horsemen spots on the line, hoping that in-turn, Flair can get a match at the WWF Triple Crown. Heenan did a good job of getting over the prestige of being a Horsemen. 100%

    Ric Flair gained overness from this segment.

    - Kama Breaks Perfect's Nose -

    Kama Mustafa d. Mr. Perfect

    This match took a suprising turn at 11:22 when a Kama strike to the face apparently 'broke' Hennig's nose. Hennig clutched his face, right after the strike, and started screaming in pain. Referee Mike Chioda awarded the match to Mustafa, then screamed for help as they went into advert break. The Washington crowd was into this big time.

    Overall: 78

    Crowd: 84

    Match: 67

    Kama Mustafa gained overness from this match.

    - 'Wrestling, Not Entertainment' -

    Simond Diamond & Mustafa, despite officials trying to get them away, remained in the ring, almost mocking Perfect as he was being attended to. Suddenly, just released from Bill Watt's Empire Coast Academy Promotion, Wolfie D, emerged coming down the isle with a Boom Box, claiming to have the cure for Perfect, in the form of 'Music'. After persuading officials that he meant no harm, he was able to position his radio right next to the ear of Perfect. While playing reggea music, Wolfie started doing some Jamacian slow dance, as the crowd started to boo his moves. A brief shot of Heenan showed, of him comedically dancing at the announcer's table yelling to Styles;

    "Oh yesss, this music does heal!!"

    Finally, fustrated that it wasn't working, Gerald Brisco--one of the officials that were in the ring, handed Wolfie's boom box back to him and suggested that he leave. Wolfie took the BoomBox, made a motion to exit the ring, but then suprised everyone by turning around and tossing the radio at Perfect, supposedly catching him in the head, smashing the boom box into pieces--in the process. At this point, Diamond instructed Mustafa and Wolfie to put the boots to Perfect, for fun. Suddenly, Don Frye, charged the ring, taking out all three culprits to quite a nice pop. Frye gave Wolfie D and Kama a belly to belly, sending them out of the ring, then chased off Diamond. As Frye stood over Mr. Perfect, Diamond grabbed the microphone and yelled,

    Diamond" When will you learn, Frye!! When will you learn that Wrestling is a 'sport', not an 'entertainment' like your shootfighting matches!! We don't care about being 'Perfect'!! We don't care about how many barbaric octagon shoot fights you've been in! This is Wrestling! Where, wrestling matters!!"

    The crowd booed Diamond as he continued onto the back. I believe the whole joke of this angle is that, Diamond, while claiming to be all aobut wrestling, is surrounded by, well now, two gimmicked wrestlers. While Mustafa is almost the same idea as Frye, Wolfie D is a Southern rapper. According to sources, The WWF wanted to also bring in JC ICE, but he was on a written contract with ECA, and Watts wouldn't let him go--obviously to prevent the WWF from reforming PG-13. I'm hearing that they're going to tag Dundee with Scott Taylor, and call them Rated R. 77%

    Simon Diamond gained overness from this segment. Don Frye gained overness from this segment. Wolfie D gained overness from this segment.


    The Ebony Experience (Booker T & Stevie Ray) d. The Space Croppers (Rhyno Starr & Devon Storm) - WWF Tag Team Titles

    This match was actually one of the best tag matches I've seen in a long time, but the crowd was completely out of it due to the whole Don Frye/Mr Perfect ordeal with Simon Diamond before the break. At 8:33 of a face paced match, Rhyno nailed Stevie Ray with the Starr Spear, while Storm cranked Booker with a shining wizard. This is when senior official Bill Alfonso, led The Crimsons to the ring, and knocked out assigned referee, Jim Mollineaux. Alfonso & Mollineaux also fought each other at Shangril-a, during the 4 Way IC match, which I found interesting. Anyway, The Crimsons followed Alfonso in, nailing both Space Croppers with chair shots to the head. As the Crimsons started double teaming the Croppers, Styles kept screaming on about this being the most corrupt WWF Presidency, since the current United States Presidency, which I found suprising that he would say. Geez, give a guy the title as head of WWF Talent relations, and he thinks he owns the world. Anyway, The Crimsons ended up nailing Storm with the Crimson Cold Wave, and throwing Stevie Ray on top of Storm for the Bill Alfonso cover. Well. That was quite unfair. Anyway, as the Crimsons cleared the ring, Bill Alfonso introduced, to quite the heel reaction, WWF President, Ted Dibiase.

    Overall: 65

    Crowd: 48

    Match: 82

    This match suffered because the crowd were still pumped up from the last one, and so this bout was seen as something of a let-down to them.

    - The President Sets The Plan -

    Dibiase came to the ring, accompanied by The Giant Silva who wasn't even acknowledged, and talked about the recent events. He had to pause alot for the varied anti-Dibiase chants that kept starting. I'm sure they expected it, as this was Dibiase's first WWF Appearance in over two months. First, he congratulated The Crimson Twins on taking charge over the last few weeks, and helping form the Presidential Council. Dibiase put over everyone, including those who weren't there. I find it funny when that Dibiase stuttered when coming to Gigilo Jimmy Del Ray, since, Ray's biggest fame is Tom Pritchard's Tag Partner. He ended up calling him, "tag team specialist that danced into the hearts of Millions." It was very smoothley done. Dibiase then said, that, to correct the WWF Triple Crown situation, Ric Flair would get his return bout next week at Monday Night RAW's 5 Year Anniversery Special, to be held at the Ecplise in Memphis Tennesee. He added that Sabu will still be getting his shot at whoever is Champion, at The Royal Rumble. Dibiase was about to leave, when The Crimsons stopped him. Alfonso ran to the outside of the ring, screaming at Tony Garea at ringside, to get two micrphones for the Twins, as the crowd started to buzz....

    Tomax" Whooaaaa...whooooaaa....whoooaaa!! But..."

    Xamot"...Mr. President! Surely, you don't think that..."

    Tomax"...The Horsemen can be trusted?"

    Tomax & Xamot" DO YOU?"

    Tomax" How do you know that Sting and Corino... "

    Xamot"...will honour their stipulation and leave the Horsemen..."

    Tomax & Xamot" ...SHOULD THEY LOOSE."

    Xamot" Remember, Boss--We are dealing with the..."

    Tomax & Xamot" ...dirtiest players in the game."

    Dibiase, then commended the Crimsons on excellent thinking, citing Flair's reputation. Dibiase said that he was going prepare a series of contracts, to make sure all will be abided by, before leading what Styles called, 'The Executive Branch' of the Presidential Council. That of course means that Duggan isn't Executive, despite having the initials CEO. Oh, those writers with their subtle jokes. The crowd was really hot for Dibiase making an appearance. 95%

    Ted DiBiase gained overness from this segment.


    - A Monday Night RAW Classic -

    Steve Corino d. Shawn Waltman

    On paper this match looked great; But no one had any idea that they would work as hard as they did. The crowd was popping at the level of Pay Per View crowds, especially during the Waltman near falls on Corino. They took two advert breaks during this match, getting over how much both competitors wanted this match. At 17:33, Waltman took an insane fall from the ring to the outside, when Corino ducked a spinning kick from The Kid. This was the beginning of the end for the Kid, as Corino nailed him with two brainbusters, before putting him away for good with a top rope Ace-Crusher, at 23:56. The fact that Corino had a small rivarly last year with Johnny Ace does make that move all that much effective when performed by Corino. After the match, both men shook hands, getting great applause from the live crowd.

    Overall: 84

    Crowd: 85

    Match: 83


    - Sabu's Got Tenzan's Number? -

    Hiroyoshi Tenzan d. The Iron Sheik

    Well, this match wasn't as bad as it looked on paper, thanks mostly to Tenzan. Crowd got into The Iron Shiek at many times, more than before, when Sheik no-sold one of Tenzan's lariats. It started to go downhill for the Shiek when Tenzan gave the Sheik a somoan drop on a chair. Cornette stealthy slid a chair into the ring underneath the fallin' Sheik, unbeknowst to referee Joey Marella. Tenzan finished off the 57 year old Sheik with the falling top-rope headbutt at 9:17. At this point, Skandar Akbar got in the ring and started shoving The WWF Triple Crown Champion. Inoki & Cornette got in the ring and started pushing Akbar back. Finally, Paulie Dangerously led Sabu to the ring, who proceed to brawl big time with Tenzan. Cornette got knocked out by Akbar, while Inoki, escaped unscathed. When the dust cleared, Tenzan was in the ring with Sabu and the rest of his friends. Tiger Jeet Singh Jr. and Akbar fetched chairs for Sabu as he did a number of chair projectile moves on the Triple Crown champion, getting some nice pops. Styles kept pushing the idea, that it seemed that Sabu had Tenzan's number, and had quite a good chance of winning the WWF Triple Crown. Finally, officials hit the ring, saving the Champion, just as Sabu was going for a Triple Jump Moonsault, on Tenzan.

    Overall: 68

    Crowd: 71

    Match: 64


    - Dibiase Demands That both Parties Sign His Contract -

    After the break, they had the introductions for the Main Event tag match. But just as they were getting ready to lock up, WWF President Ted Dibiase's music began to play, as he walked to the ring accompanied by The Giant Silva, and Mike Rotunda. Silva wasn't acknowledged, and just stood there to intimidate Sting and Flair. Dibiase talked about what he learned earlier--of The Horsemen being the most dirtiest players in the game. He then presented the official contract, that gave Flair the Title WWF Triple Crown Title Shot, at Next week's RAw Anniversery Special, and said that Corino and Sting would have to honour their stipulation and leave the Horsmen, if they loose the War Games match at Royal Rumble. Heenan was funny here, in stating that he didn't think that any of the current Horsemen could keep up with the drinking of The Sandman. He also said that Flair and Owen needed haircuts, so they could probably benefit from Beefcake being a Horseman. This was good, it was just kinda wierd to seeing four guys signing a contract right before their match. I guess this makes that stipulation 'official', and Flair gets his return bout next week. 78%

    Sting lost overness from this segment. Ted DiBiase lost overness from this segment. Brutus Beefcake lost overness from this segment.

    - Sabu Continues his Terror -

    Sting & Ric Flair d. Brutus Beefcake & The Sandman via Countout

    Flair and Sting kept flirting with Woman on the outside. Heenan told the line of the night here, when he said; "Woman!!? Why Woman? What's wrong with that sly fellow right beside her, Percy Pringle III!?"

    Corino was on the outside, with a towel over his shoulder--fatigued from his earlier match. Beefcake and Flair had a little 'strut-off' with each of them doing their own struts for the fans. Of course, Flair got the cheers, and Beefcake got the booes.

    Match came to a close when all four men were brawling on the outside--but Sting got back in the ring, right before Shane McMahon's 10 count, earning his team the win. Sabu immediatley headed to the ring with a chair in hand, and clocked Ric Flair from behind. Styles couldn't believe it. Heenan pushed the ideas, that Sabu saw Flair as a threat to him winning the title, and that Sabu couldn't have been too happy, to hear Flair object to him getting a title shot. Sting and the rest of the Horsemen rushed over to Flair, as Dangerously pulled Sabu away and back up the ramp, screaming, "That's the Nature Boy! That's Ric Flair!", seeming suprised at Sabu's actions...

    Overall: 79

    Crowd: 86

    Match: 64

    Commentary Aftermath

    Styles" Sabu just leveled Ric Flair with that chair!!"

    Heenan" Well, how would you feel, if someone was after the same prize as you! Sabu wants that Triple Crown Title! He don't care, who he gotta beat!"

    Styles" The history and tradition of what those belts signify, is what drives these superstars to battle so hard! And next week!! It's the 5 year anniversy show! With just 3 more weeks away from the Royal Rumble, will it be the start of a new anniversy for The Nature Boy!! "

    Heenan" Wooooooooo!!"

    Show Quality: 79%

    TV Rating: 7.83

    Behind The Scenes Issues: Butch Reed working especially stiff on Kavanna.

    WorldWide Preview!!

    --A 20 Man Battle Royal To Determine Who Draws #30 in the Royal Rumble '98!!

  4. Jan 10rd, 1998

    WWF Worldwide Saturday Nights-

    Channel: FOX

    Venue: Cloudyside Center - Melensville, WA

    Announcing Team: Sean Mooney & Jerry 'The King' Lawler

    Attendance: 12039

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Shane McMahon, Earl Hebner, Charles Robinson, Jim Mollineaux, John Finnegan


    Dave Schmeltzer

    - Flair suprises The Sandman -

    WWF WorldWide on 1/10 opened with The Sandman & Woman coming down to the ring. His entrance took forever. On his way to the ring, Sandman faked pouring beer into a kid's mouth, which got the crowd hot at him. I thought it was hilarious. Sandman started talking about how "Fun it was" to slam his cane over the throat of Steve Corino. Sandman started laughing with Woman as the crowd started to dig into the Sandman. His heel character's really getting over with live crowds. As Sandman went on, Ric Flair suprisingly appeared, angry as ever and attacked the Sandman. The crowd loved it--especially the part where Flair teased hitting Woman...then just kissed her, getting a huge pop. Flair grabbed the mic and screamed,

    "Sabu's getting a title shot?! No way!! I'm getting a fair Triple Crown shot! I demand to see a member of the Presidential Council, not this week on RAW!! Not next weekend!! But, tonight!!"

    Flair darted out of the ring as soon as he came back in, 'in search' for someone from the Presidential Council. Mooney and Lawler drooled for a while at the fact that Flair was live at WorldWide. Sandman, before stumbling to the back took the mic and screamed to Flair;

    " Dammitt you can't ignore me, 'Nature Boy'! I'm gonna be a Horsemen!! Even if I have to take down someone to do so." 87%

    The Sandman gained overness from this segment.

    Canadian GenerationZ d. CW Anderson & Jack Victory

    The match wasn't bad at all, showing the good product of pairing Rougeau and Jericho. Rougeau, on his own just isn't interesting, and plans for Jericho as a singles competitor couldn't be brewing at this time, with the Horsemen, Sabu, and Presidential stuff going on. Jericho won with the lionsault on Victory at 9:33.

    Overall: 65

    Crowd: 56

    Match: 75


    - Corino & Flair on the lookout -

    Coming out of the break, they showed Flair and Corino walking around backstage looking for a member of the Council. While they were walking, Flair said something to Corino, about getting some punches on The Sandman for him. Corino was wearing a neck brace, selling the Sandman's attack from RAW. While walking, they passed by official Ole Anderson. Flair asked Anderson if there was anyone around, from the Council, to protest Sabu getting a Triple Crown shot, over him. Anderson said he didn't see anyone, but he did see Jimmy Del Ray, which means that The Genius, WWF Presidential Advisor, can't be too far away. Flair, then thanked Anderson as they went off looking for Genius. As they walked away, Anderson gave a Horsemen sign. How cute. 87%

    - Officer In Training, John Tenta -

    Don Frye d. The Big Bossman

    Frye tackling the Bossman down, into his Arm & Leg Submission in just about 30 seconds got him the biggest pop that he's ever gotten to date. After the match, John Tenta, aka Earthquake was in Police Cadet clothing, and attended to Bossman's hurt knee. Mooney pushed Frye's rivarly with Simon Diamond & Kama Mustafa, during the match.

    Overall: 70

    Crowd: 68

    Match: 73

    Big Bossman lost overness from this match. Don Frye gained overness from this match.


    - Akiyama & Hayabusa Attacks The 'Upset Sensation' Flexx Kavanna -

    Flexx Kavanna & Terry Taylor d. Tatsumi Fujinami & The Great Kabuki

    Mooney kept referring to Kavanna as 'The Upset Sensation', selling his big victory over Jun Akiayama. Kavanna - Kabuki was great, with alot of slugging, but Taylor - Fujinami was some pretty slow stuff. Match came to a close with Kavanna getting the Kavanna Krush on Kabuki, for the win. As he and Taylor were celebrating, Jun Akiyama & Hayabusa hit the ring, dropkicking both Kavanna and Taylor to the mat. A brief 4 on 2 ensued, as Mooney sold the idea that Akiyama still wasn't over his loss to Kavanna. Officials finally hit the ring, and ordered PRIDE'S Japanese Wrestlers (Minus Tenzan--even though he's Mongolian), out of the ring.

    Overall: 67

    Crowd: 68

    Match: 67


    - The Genius: Caught Leaving -

    Coming out of the break, they showed Genius snooping out of the building, with his assistants, Jimmy Del Ray & Bob Orton, until he was spotted by Eric Bischoff, backstage. Bischoff asked the Genius what he was going to do about Flair's disconsent with the decision to give Sabu a Triple Crown shot over him. Genius, kept stuttering trying to find a reason, until Jimmy Del Ray chimed in;

    Del Ray" Hold on, a minute! Genius, you ain't got to answer to no one! Flair wants a Triple Crown Title shot, he can ask Dibiase, himself! But tonight--Genius, you and Bobby get out of here and do what you gotta do. I'm gonna get my friend, the Doctor...and we'll teach Flair and his eye of the Tiger to respect us!"

    With that, The Genius paraded away with Orton, as Del Ray danced in place until Bischoff sent it back over to Mooney. 75%

    The Genius gained overness from this segment.

    'Highlight Kid' Shawn Waltman d. D'Lo Brown

    WorldWide's really starting to get a reputation for a show that has some great singles matches. This was one of them. The story of this match was D'Lo Brown's suprising level of offense, especially since all the crowd had seen from him--up to this point--is a that Lo-Down, on Phil Lafon, used to win Ebony Experience the Tag Team Titles. Waltman won with his martial arts kick flurry, followed his Lightning Kick, at 12:22.

    Overall: 75

    Crowd: 66

    Match: 85


    - Flair Calls for WWF President Ted Debiase at Monday Night RAW -

    Ric Flair & Steve Corino d. The Heavenly Bodies (Jimmy Del Ray & Dr. Pritchard)

    This match was suprisingly 'good'. No high spots, just a great old school type match, with strong ring psycology, and moderate crowd heat. Crowd wasn't into the match at first, but a fast paced exchange between Pritchard and Flair got the crowd responding. Lawler had a great line here, in referance to both Flair's and Pritchard's abundant hair supply, jumping around as they went back in forth...

    Lawler" Wait a minute! Who's fighting? Them, or their hair!!? "

    Flair and Corino ended up doing the double figure four spot, where both men submitted for the victory. After the match, Flair grabbed a mic and yelled,

    Flair" Dibiase!! I expect to see you this Monday Night! The Bottom line, is that I deserve a rematch! Sabu intefered in my Title match! Show you're face! Don't reward bad behaviour, or you're going to get bad behaviour, Horsemen style! Wooo!!"

    Just before they left the ring, Corino added,

    Corino" Ohhh, and Sandman!! You and Beefcake will NEEEVVVEERRRRRR be Horsemen!! The fans don't want to see you in the Horsemen! We don't want to see you in the Horsemen!! You are not Horsemen material. Maybe you're Pringle material...because we all know, once Percy pops...he doesn't stop!! Hahaa!"

    The crowd cheered as Corino's 'Eye Of The Tiger' played over the PA System, as he and Flair laughed on there way to the back.

    Overall: 72

    Crowd: 73

    Match: 73

    - The Perfect Space Croppers -

    Straight from the in ring action, they showed Bischoff, backstage, with Mr. Perfect & The Space Croppers, preparing for their match against, Tenzan & The Crimson Twins. Bischoff tried to talk to Rhyno..but he kept grunting and running his hand through his hair, over and over again. Bischoff then went to talk to STorm. But Storm just stared at Bischoff while he waited for an answer. Finally, Perfect jumped in yelling;

    Perfect" Enough with the questions, Bischoff! All you need to know is that Mr. Perfect and The Space Croppers, are going to give Tenzan and those brownosing Twins a little lesson...a Perfect one!"

    They then began walking to the ring. Devon didn't move and stayed fixated on Bischoff until Rhyno returned back for him, pulling him away. Bischoff's face of freight was classic. 71%

    Devon Storm gained overness from this segment.


    - Flair sends a message to the WWF President -

    Hiroyoshi Tenzan & The Crimson Twins d. Mr. Perfect & The Space Croppers

    Tenzan was in there for most of the match, pretty much having his way with the Space Croppers, and Perfect--during their exchange. Cornette was at ringside, and kept starting fights with Devon Storm, described by Lawler as "The less saner of the two Space Heads." There were a series of nice pops for a brief Starr Spear fest by Rhyno, which ended when Tenzan charged a spearing Rhyno, with his cartwheel kick, which looked great. The announcers sold that well, as The Crimsons locked up the match with their Crimson Cold Wave on Rhyno, to finish it off. After the victory, Ric Flair came in and cleaned house, gettting some extra punches on the Crimson Twins. Inoki even took a bump, with Teznan. Flair, then was overheard saying, as he grabbed both Crimson twins;

    "You tell, Dibiase, that he'd better be at RAW!! Wooo!! The Royal Rumble is my time! Woo!! Sabu interfered with my chance! I deserve a fair shot!"

    Worldwide went off the air, with Flair letting the Crimson's free. They set up RAW well, this week. I'm hearing that Sabu came out, in some sort of a 3 way standoff for the live crowd, after Worldwide went off the air.

    OVerall: 72

    Crowd: 71

    Match: 73

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Mooney" Wow!! Flair wants Dibiase!! The Sadman vows to become a Horsemen!! But Corino said they'll be none of that!"

    Lawler" Not only that, Mooney, But how do you think Sabu feels abou this! And at what lengths do you think the Sandman will go to, to get into the Horsemen!!"

    Mooney" Holy Blockbuster! Raw's going to be a War Zone!! Take care folks!"

    Lawler" Holy Blockbuster?"

    Show Quality: 71%

    TV Rating: 7.19

    Raw Preview!!

    **Featured Matchup!

    -Non Title Match--

    WWF Triple Crown Champion Hiroyoshi Tenzan


    Former WWF Champion, ATOM'S Iron Shiek

    **Special RAW Challenge Match!

    Steve Corino vs. 'Highlight Kid' Shawn Waltman

    **WWF Tag Team Championship!!

    The Ebony Experience (Booker T & Stevie Ray) vs. The Space Croppers

    **The Sandman's & Brutus Beefcake special Royal Rumbles War Games Stipulation Challenge!


    Flair demands to meet with WWF President Ted Dibiase, The Four Horsemen, and more!!!!

  5. user posted image

    Jan 8th, 1998

    Monday Night Raw-

    Channel: USA Network - Prime Time

    Venue: Yandtone City Complex - MN

    Attendance: 12,033

    Announcing Team: Joey Styles & Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Dave Hebner, Shane McMahon, Jimmy Korderas, Joey Marella, John Finnegan, Jim Mollineaux


    Dave Schmeltzer

    Tiger Jeet Singh Jr. d. The Great Kabuki

    The first RAW of 1998 opened up with Paulie Dangerously standing in the ring, with the Great Kabuki lurking in the corner, as Styles and Heenan on commentary ran down the announced matches for the night. Dangerously spoke over the crowd and gave a history filled introduction for Tiger Jeet Singh Jr., accompanied by servant, Babu and, manager Skandar Akbar. Singh Jr. got an OK responce. Styles did a good job on commentary of getting Singh over as a second generation athlethe. Singh was built as a 'temperate madman', who could always 'snap' at any second. Singh won with the Cobra Clutch, out of nowhere on Great Kabuki at 9:33, in what was pushed as an upset. Kabuki wasn't too bad, here. Heenan mentioned that Kabuki probably fought with Singh Sr., over the course of his career.

    Overall: 51

    Crowd: 56

    Match: 58

    The Great Kabuki lost overness from this match. Tiger Jeet Singh Jr. gained overness from this match.

    - Dangerously Introduces 'The ATOM of the WWF' -

    Following the victory, Dangerously got back in the ring, and stood around until a strong "Sabu" chant started. First, Dangerously introduced The Iron Shiek, calling him the pioneer of Arabian Greats--and the origine of the Hardcore--in the WWF. Sheik got a polite respectful pop and applause from the crowd.

    Iron Shiek actually had alot to say. He pushed Tiger Jeet Singh's Father, and ranted on about how he (Sheik) was once the most feared men in the WWF. Sheik seemed to be getting very emotional, especially when talking about his run-ins with former WWF'er, Hulk Hogan. He ended talking about how he came back to the WWF, and trained Owen Hart to beat his own brother, and sited that as a reason why his group would have an advantage over The Four Horsemen.

    Finally, Dangerously introduced the "Nucleous Of The ATOM", the man who will, "Continue on the WWF Tradition of Arabian Greats", and finally called out Sabu. Sabu was dressed in new Arabian 'Sheik' wear, and sported a new Flag on his way to the ring. It was a flag with the word "ATOM" graphically written accross it, with the "O" in atom, the image of a Globe. And on that globe, was an unlabeled Earth, with the outline of India, standing out. Dangerously then pushed, The Iron Shiek, Sabu, and Tiger Jeet Singh Jr. as an "Arabian Trinity Of Madness". Heenan had a funny comment when Dangerously refered to Sabu as the Nucleous, again, asking Styles, "Why does he keep calling Sabu names!?"

    Dangerously pushed Sabu big time, after defeating the Undertaker at Holiday Hell II, and undoubtedly becoming the #1 contender for the WWF Title. The crowd was loudly chanting 'Sabu' as Dangerously showed the Highlights of Holiday Hell II, with SAbu attacking both Flair and Tenzan. It was announced here, by Styles, that due to the attack, both Ric Flair, and Hiroyoshi Tenzan, were not at Monday Night RAW. Dangerously, then made a demand of the WWF Presidential Council to grant Sabu a shot at the WWF Triple Crown, ending on this soundbite...

    "...For years the WWF has been missing out on that centerpiece! That ATOM, of the WWF!! Well now, The ATOM is here!!! The Arabian Trinity of Madness will bring back, what they created--EXTREME WRESTLING!" 95%


    Pauline Patriot & The Warriors Of Doom (The Renegade Warrior & The Mighty Horace Hogan) d. Helen Wolfenstein, Mr. Everything, & Rick Martel

    This match had an emphasis on the female wrestlers, Pauline Patriot and the woman man beast, Helen Wolfenstein. It went a little too long, especially with the power spots between Martin and Hogan. Pauline won with her All American Slam--a powerslam (A bad one at that, due to Helen's huge size) at 7:44. After the match, 'The Genius' Lanny Poffo made his way to the ring, wearing his pink graduation outfit getting quite the heel reaction. He was accompanied by his 'assistants', Jimmy Del Ray & Bob Orton, sporting his cowboy hat. Styles teased the possibilities of what the Cheif Advisor to the WWF President could be doing in the ring as they went to advert break.

    Overall: 49

    Crowd: 53

    Match: 58


    - Sabu: Ordered To Defeat The Undertaker 'Fairly' -

    Cowboy Bob Orton was jawing with fans, as Genius, starting reading from his board introducing 'The Jigilo' Jimmy Del Ray...

    The Genius

    " Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls, children of all ages,

    he's danced into the hearts of Wrestling fans, over it's many stages,

    Now he serves the WWF President, as an assistant to I--

    The Smartest Man in WWF History--the Tiger Of The Eye!


    Del Ray danced around as Genius bowed to the crowd. Orton grabbed the mic and started yelling at the fans to 'show respect' to these 'Wrestling Greats'. A "You Still Suck" chant started, which was probably directed to all three men in the ring. Finally, Del Ray grabbed the mic, and said that The Genius had a special announcement regarding the challenge of Sabu to the WWF Triple Crown Champion, Tenzan. Of course, Genius had to read from his board..or whatever it was.

    The Genius

    " Mr. Paulie Dangerously, I'm replying you're request for

    Sabu to face The WWF Triple Crown Champion at The Royal Rumble.

    I'm sorry, but last weekend at Holiday Hell...you did NOT win your match Fairly against, The Undertaker! Behold!!! "

    *Genius pointed to the Titan Tron, where they replayed the highlights of Holiday Hell, with Sabu pinning Undertaker on the stage. He continued...**

    " I don't know what that pin meant to you....

    But to The Genius, it's not TRUE!!!

    It's an illegal pin, by hardcore favourite ref -- John Finnegan,

    And you can bet that John -- he'll be dealth with, by the man...

    But back to Sabu, the issue at Hand--this brings me such pity...

    To announce that you'll have to beat Lee,

    One and One in the ring....

    And then, then, and only then...will you get the Triple Crown Ding!"

    With that, the Genius left, getting some applause from those cult 'Genius' fans, but mostly booes, as Styles pushed the Sabu-Undertaker rematch. 75%

    The Genius gained overness from this segment. Jimmy Del Ray gained overness from this segment.

    - Flexx Kavanna: Upset Of The Year -

    Flexx Kavanna d. Jun Akiyama

    Akiyama was pushed by Styles as the 'last' ECW Champion, which I guess spells the end of that belt. Both men worked extremely hard here, which really showed what they could really do. Everyone's already been exposed to Akiyama, but Kavanna showed that he can work just as well. Kavanna teased the Kavanna Krush, throughout the match, while Akiyama teased his Exploder variations--with both attempts being countered. After an advert break, the match started winding down, and ended with Kavanna landing his best executed Kavanna Krusher {Rock Bottom} to date, and getting the 3 count on the ECW Champion at 16:33 of a great match. Styles went nuts here, screaming, "Kavanna beat Akiyama!! Kavanna beat Akiyama!!

    Kavanna beat Akiyammmmaaaaaaaa!!! "

    Overall: 70

    Crowd: 71

    Match: 86

    Jun Akiyama lost overness from this match. Flex Kavanna gained overness from this match.


    - Percy Pringle's & Sweet Bruti's New Year's Gift To The Sandman -

    Coming out of the break, the crowd seemed to still be buzzing about the Kavanna win over Akiyama, as Joey Styles introduced Percy Pringle III and Brutus Beefcake to the ring, along with The Sandman along side smoking his cigerette, and drinking his beer - but without his cane. Pringle wished everyone a happy new year--to a shower of booes--then told The Sandman that he and Brutus had a New Years Gift for him. They then showed a holiday-esque video package consisting of old ECW Footage of Sandman beginning his career, with Woman (Nancy Sullivan) by his side. After the Holiday montage stopped Sandman started going nuts screaming 'No! You couldn't have! No!' His animatics were hilariously done here. His '94-95 work in the then-newly purchased GWF Developement territory, has paid off greatly. Pringle then made a comment about Sandman's cane being missing. He then said, that he knew where the cane was. Pringle started doing his little waddle as Woman emerged with The Sandman's cane beyond the curtain...

    Pringle" That's right, Pringle likes to make dreams come true! Here she is! Your first love, WOMAN!!"

    Sandman, went nuts giving a high five to Beefcake, then a funny looking one to Pringle, before hugging Woman to a sarcastically sympathetic responce from the live crowd. Woman got quite the reaction as she strolled around a WWF Ring for the first time in her career. Pringle then starting yelling 'Happy New Year!' , as they cut to the back where Eric Bischoff was backstage with Flexx Kavanna. 70%

    Woman gained overness from this segment.

    - Kavanna's Celebration's Cut Short -

    They went to Bischoff who started interviewing an estatic Flexx Kavanna, after winning his first big match -- against a former champion, Jun Akiyama. Kavanna started thanking the world, until Jun Akiyama appeared on camera with Hayabusa, approaching Kavanna face to face. Akiyama screamed at Kavanna, in Japanese, for a while, until Hayabusa gave Kavanna a savatte kick out of nowhere. Akiyama started screaming into Bischoff's mic as Hayabusa gave the boots to Kavanna. Based on some of the words he was saying, Styles suggested that Akiyama felt that his 'Exploder' was a better move than Kavanna's 'Kavanna Krush'. Akiyama acted suprised when Kavanna started to get the better of Hayabusa in their scuffle of sorts, which got the crowd on Kavanna's side. Akiyama saved Hayabusa, and helped him away, as Kavanna battled back to his feet. Kavanna was very good here with the brawling. 66%

    Flex Kavanna gained overness from this segment. Hayabusa lost overness from this segment.


    Brian Christopher d. Al Snow

    This was a pretty strong match on both accounts. Christopher's really starting to prove to the WWF that he's capable of being in the Uppercard. Pritchard & Sexteen, the female wrestler, and Christopher's new love, were at ringside, and interfered for most of the match. Finals came at 8:33 with Pritchard hitting Snow with a chair from the outside, coming off the ropes. Pritchard, then grabbed the mic, and starting singing and mockingly dancing, "Let It Snow". A little Brother Love slipped out, there. Snow chased Pritchard & Christopher away after a few minutes of their celebrating.

    OVerall: 72

    Crowd: 82

    Match: 79


    - Woman Aims For The Throat -

    Steve Corino d. The Sandman via DQ

    These two wrestled pretty stiff for a TV show. The announcers repeated that Corino was the only member of the Horsemen around. Match came to an end when Corino had the Sandman in the Figure Four. Woman just walked underneath the second rope and into the ring with her cane, and whacked Corino with it in the head--earning Corino the DQ win. Sandman, then got up and started hitting Corino with his cane, as Woman continued with hers. The big spot came when Woman hit Corino, 'right accross his throat', sending him into spasm mode clutching his throat. JJ Dillon and Ole Anderson sprinted to the ring, leading Jobbers, hired for the night, to clear The Sandman away from Corino. Styles' overeacting would've had you think Corino was going to die or something. He did, however, do a great job in linking Ole Anderson and Dillon to the history of the Horsemen, making their concern for Corino seem passionate. Dillon screamed for medical help, until Corino, finally was carried out, about 3 minutes later.

    Overall: 73

    Crowd: 83

    Match: 80


    - The CEO Takes Charge -

    Coming out of the break, with The Undertaker & Bruce Pritchard already in the ring, they showed Paulie Dangerously and Sabu leading the Arabs to the ring. They were stopped by CEO Jim Duggan, waiving his American Flag, getting a mixed reaction. Duggan had a long staredown with The Shiek, Tiger Jeet, then finally Sabu, before approaching Dangerously.

    Duggan (Shouting) " If you did not know, I am now the CEO Of the World Wrestling Federation; The Centrainternational Executive Operator! And good ol' Hacksaw' says they to many Towels in this party! Hoooooooo!!!!"

    *That got quite the responce from the crowd. Many laughed, and echoed Duggan's taunt, but many groaned at the cruelness of that joke. Dangerously made a motion to walk, but Hacksaw stopped him from proceeding.*

    Duggan" Now what DA C.E.O is trying to tell you...is that 'THEY'LL BE NO ARABIAN INTERFERANCE! THE ATOM IS BANNED FROM RINGSIDE FOR SABU'S MATCH!!! "

    Dangerously" You can't do that! What about Pritch--"

    Duggan" I sure can, tough guy! Hoooooooo!!!"

    Duggan then panted off with the American flag as Paulie, Skandar Akbar, Tiger Jeet Singh Jr., and The Iron Shiek wished Sabu luck as he battled for #1 contendership. 78%

    Paulie Dangerously lost overness from this segment.

    - Forecast Of Snow -

    Sabu d. The Undertaker - #1 Contendership

    They showed Pritchard's interferance earlier in Al Snow's match with Brian Christopher, which of course forshadowed the Al Snow run-in. Sabu looked really good here. Undertaker, despite his recent losses, still hasn't lost a bit of heat with the live crowds. After a Shane McMahon ref bump at 12:22, and with Sabu in the middle of a comeback, Bruce Pritchard walked into the ring and clobbered Sabu from behind, with a chair shot. Pritchard started yelling at Sabu, getting a heel reaction, until Al Snow made his way down the isle with a chair of his own. First Snow clobbered Undertaker with the chair...he went to hit Pritchard...but had to hit off The Undertaker again. This went on 4 more times, with Pritchard supposedly not hearing Undertaker getting bashed in with chair four times. Finally Pritchard turned around to Snow, and took a chair shot, further denting the chair. A big 'Let it Snow' chant went on, as Al Snow stood over Pritchard...happy with his revenge from earlier. Undertaker started to sit up, but was quickly knocked back down with a running facebuster by Sabu. As the referee got up, Sabu nailed Undertaker with the Triple Jump moonsault, for the victory. Sabu did his whole pointing to the sky routine as Skandar Akbar led the rest of the ATOM to the ring in celebration. Raw went off the air with Paulie Dangerously and Atom celebrating what was pushed as Sabu's first important step to the WWF Triple Crown.

    Overall: 73

    Crowd: 86

    Match: 75

    Commentary Aftermath

    Styles" THAT man could be the next WWF Triple Crown Champion!! It's Sabu vs. Hiroyoshi Tenzan, at the WWF Royal Rumble!!"

    Heenan" Yea, but what about Flair!! He wrestled Tenzan to a no-contest at Holiday Hell II! He must want a shot! Where's his return bout!!"

    Styles" Well, Ric Flair and the rest of the Horsemen will be here next week! And so will The Presidential Council! But, wait until they hear about Steve Corino!"

    Heenan" Listen to these fans! They won't stop chanting 'Sabu!'"

    Show Quality: 70%

    TV Rating: 7.36

    WWF WorldWide Preview!!

    --Feature Match!!

    **Hiroyoshi Tenzan & The Crimson Twins vs. Curt Hennig & The Space Croppers

    **Flexx Kavannaa

    **Members of the Presidential board, and more!!!

  6. user posted image

    Holiday Hell II - December 28th, 1997

    Channel: Affialiates - Nat'l

    Venue: Cyngus Air Dome - Pittsburgh, PA

    Attendance: 20,619

    Announcing Team: Vince McMahon & Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Dave Hebner, Shane McMahon, Jimmy Korderas, Joey Marella, John Finnegan, Jim Mollineaux


    Dave Schmeltzer

    - The Presidential Council; Protected By The Giant -

    Holiday Hell II, on 12/28 opened up with Sean Mooney running down the card, in the ring to a hot PA crowd. Suddenly the Million Dollar Man's music hit, as out came Ted Dibiase, accompanied by Mike Rotunda, The Crimson Twins & CEO Jim Duggan, who' kept 'Ho'ing' in the background. Dibiase talked about regaining control over the WWF from the effects of The Horsemen, Owen Hart as IC Champion, The Success Of PRIDE, before he introduced, "A man who strives to uphold the find tradition of officiating--Senior Official Bill Alfonso!"

    Dibiase, then continued on, citing that Dibiase needs an advisor to help him everyday in his WWF Presidential duties. Dibiase then introduced, "The Smartest person in the World--The Genius!!", Lanny Poffo to the ring. The crowd enjoyed the return of a WWF gimmick from yesteryear. I like how history has played somewhat of a significant role in the WWF's week to week events. Nice to see some former WWF favourites 'in control' of the New Generation, so to speak. Dibiase, continued, and introduced The Genius' Assistants, and further explained how this new 'team' was going to work...

    Dibiase" So, Poffo!! While me and my executive team, here of, Bill Alfonso, The CEO Jim Duggan, and The Crimson Twins" are taking on the big deals, you will be the man taking care of the second by second action! You are the man who wrestlers will goto when they want a match! When they want something resolved!! When they need immediate action! But no...you won't have to do this alone!! I have hired two Assistants for you!! Mwahaahahaahaha!! The Gigilo Jimmy Del Ray!! And WWF Great, Bob Orton!!

    With that, Orton, sporting a suit and a Cowboy Hat, along with the dancing Del Ray came to the ring as Genius clasps his hands together in excitement. Dibiase then introduced the final, and most important addition to what would be called, The Presidential Council"...

    Dibiase" What you are looking at in this ring -- me, The Twins, Alfonso, Genius, Del Ray, Orton--This is the Presidential Council! When you want a question answered--a problem solved--something done--you come to us!! These will be the people that'll help me keep the WWF Stars in line!! Mwahahahahaaha!!! And if anyone gets out of line!! If anyone thinks that they can push us around, like in the past!! Then they're wrong! Because they'll have to anwer TO THAT!"

    The camera focuses in to The Giant Silva walking down the isle. He got quite a nice reaction, especially after having that horrible thing earlier in the year with Dutch Mantell and Francine. McMahon started pushing Silva over as bearing a resemblance to the late, Andre The Giant.

    With that annoucement, the Crimson Twins said that they had a Holiday song for President Dibiase. It was modified version of the "12 days of Christmas", song. They replaced all of the gifts with bodyparts of Canadian Generationz. For instance...one of their lines...

    Xamot"...On the 6th Day Of Christmas..."

    Tomax" Mother Crimson gave to me..."

    Xamot"...a pinned Jericho and a..."

    Tomax"Rougeau with a Z!"

    Their singing was interrupted by a Canadian Generationz run in, clearing the ring area of The Presidential Council, and segwaying right into the opening match. 87%

    Commentary Aftermath

    McMahon" The Presidential Council!! Constructed by WWF President Ted Dibiase!!"

    Heenan" Well, look at what ya got there! You've got The Crimson's, former English National Guard Soldiers, Senior Official Bill Alfonso--who has always called it down the middle--WWF Tag Team Specialist great, Mike Rotunda, And the advising of--easily the smartest man in WWF History--The Genius! What a strong representation for the WWF! Money, Power, Brains--They've got it all!"

    McMahon" Well, what does this mean for stars like The Four Horsemen! Shawn Waltman! Don Frye! Al Snow! Sabu!! What does this mean for them!"

    Heenan" Who cares! Here comes Canadian Generationz! With a 'Z'!"

    - Iranian Attack -

    The Crimson Twins (Xamot & Tomax d. Canadian Generationz (Ray Rougeau & Chris Jericho)

    This match wasn't too bad, as the two teams worked moderatley well together. Midway into the match The Iron Sheik was spotted by Vince McMahon, standing in the back with necome, Tiger Ali Singh, now called, Tiger Jeet Singh Jr.--Skandar Akbar was there with Babu, and was pointing to the Crimson Twins. Mooney hinted that the Sheik may have been offended by the words of the WWF President last night on WorldWide. Finals of the match came at 12:33 when referee Jimmy Korderas lost control of the match. Chris Jericho had Xamot in the Liontamer, and was squeezing submission--teasing the Twins loosing their first match--until, Xamot came off the top rope with a Crimson (Cranium) Kick to the head of Jericho. Tomax took out Rougeau with a lariat while Xamot held Jericho down for the count. As the Crimson Twins were celebrating Rougeau & Jericho dropkicked them from behind, getting the babyface revenge pop. As they left, Akbar & Iron Sheik made there way to the ring, to a supporting crowd. Sheik waived the Iranian Flag, as Akbar grabbed Xamot and gave him a weak looking punch. Sheik jabbed Tomax with the flagpole, as Akbar added a sloppilly aimed kick to Tomax's chest. Akbar then stated back, and started yelling directions at Singh Jr. and Shiek, eventually leading to Singh putting on the Cobra Clutch on the Twins to a nice reaction. Heenan made a comment about that move being handed down to Singh Jr. from his Father. Shiek and Singh got a nice pop as The Crimsons escaped to the back.

    Overall: 65

    Crowd: 61

    Match: 69

    Commentary Aftermath

    McMahon" OH my!! The Iron Sheik--in the ring waiving that Iranian Flag--and he brought his friend, Skandar Akbar!!"

    Heenan" Those are two crazy old men, McMahon! If the Crimson's want to last long in this sport, then I would suggest staying away from those two!"

    McMahon" And what about the son of Tiger Jeet Singh!! Locking on that Cobra Clutch sleeper! But up next, The Intercontinental Title is on the line! Can Owen Hart win back his Title!?"

    Heenan" Here comes, Le Champion!!"


    - Le Theif Oulette Continues his ways -

    Owen Hart d. Carl Pierre Oulette - WWF Intercontinental Title

    These two worked fairly hard here, and had quite the hot crowd. A funny chant started during the 8 minute of Oulette offense, as "Le Theif" was heard and acknowledged by McMahon on commentary. At 12:22 they started to redo the Shangril-a plancha spot into the crowd. Oulette threw Owen into the ringside crowd, and later spread accross a row of chairs. Oulette went into the ring and teased the plancha, but not after yelling back and forth with fans. Oulette's got incredible heel chemistry with the fans right now. Kudos to Dillon and Russo for getting Oulette out of the sidekick stigma with the Mountie, and into a formidable force on his own. After stalling, Oulette finally went for the dive, but Owen moved, causing Oulette to go crashing into the chairs. This sparked a big "Owen" chant as he rolled him back into the ropes and set him into the Sharpshooter for the victory. Right after the bell ran, Owen's music started to play, but Lance Storm ran down the isle, and snatched the WWF Intercontinental Belt from the timekeeper's table. With Owen still down in the ring, with Oulette, Storm sprinted to the back, as Owen began looking for his belt. While he was looking, Storm sprinted back to the ring, and yanked Oulette out of the ring to safety, before placing the Intercontinental Title back on Oulette's shoulder. As soon as Owen turned around, he proceeded to chase them into the back.

    Overall: 85

    Crowd: 88

    Match: 80

    Commentary Aftermath

    McMahon" Now, wait just a minute! That's not his belt!! He didn't win that belt! That belt belong's to the Canadian Horseman Owen Hart!"

    Heenan" McMahon, 'Le Champion', needs 'Le Belt', to be 'Le Champion!' Hahaha!"

    McMahon" Oh please, Brain. It's the Holiday Hell Television Special--We are live at the Cyngas Air Dome--That match between The Undertaker and Sabu is next!"

    Heenan" Where's the new CEO, Jim Duggan!!?"


    - Help From The Original WWF Sheik -

    Sabu d. The Undertaker

    Sabu came to the ring wearing his Sheik costume, to which McMahon pushed on commentary, as "Undoubetly being a sign of disconsent with President Ted Dibiase's anti-Arabian comments this weekend. Dangerously was waiving an Arabian Flag, also in protest I guess, which looked kinda odd. But seing Dangerously's intense face when waiving the flag made everything ok once again. He was joined with Tiger Ali Singh Jr., who McMahon once again, described as the son of the great Tiger Jeet Singh, and who has taken the GWF by storm. Match started off with Sabu going against the ropes and trying out different methods of attack to get Undertaker down. The Sabu offense ended, within 7 minutes, when Undertaker caught Sabu off of the ropes into his Prime Time Chokeslam, which had the crowd going nuts. Lee was about to go for the pin, but was sidetracked when Bruce Pritchard starting wrestling with Paulie Dangerously, on the outside, for the Iranian Flag. Lee went to the outside and helped Pritchard by punching Dangerously away, and grabbing the Flag. Lee held the flag up, then broke it over his knee, with McMahon selling that as "A lack of respect for the Arabian/Indian community". McMahon apologised to the home viewers. With Sabu in the ring, slowly recovering from the Prime Time Chokeslam, The Iron Sheik, hit the ringside area and started beating on Brian Lee, whilst yelling in some Arabic Language. The crowd was popping hard for this, as they did a good job of pushing the whole 'Harmless yet offensive jabs at Sabu and Tiger Ali Singh', over with the fans. Tiger Ali joined in, selling his anger at Undertaker breaking the flag. At this time, Heenan was comparing Singh Jr. as being just as wild as his Father. Finally, once he recovered, Sabu joined in, by throwing a chair at the back of Undertaker. The crowd went nuts for this 'mugging' of sorts. Of course, John Finnegan was the referee, and always loosing controls of matches. The 'mugging' continued, as they dragged Undertaker into the crowd and up to the stage area, where McMahon & Heenan were. As the crowd screamed 'Kick his ass', Iron Sheik, Tiger Ali, and Babu, set up The Undertaker on a table, while Sabu climbed to the higher stage level. Dangerously was being helped back up by Skandar Akbar at ringside, as Sabu jumped off of the stage landing an Arabian Face Buster, with a chair, on Undertaker laying on the table. The sound of Sabu coming down with the chair made a sickening thud on Lee, and saw the table dent just a bit. Sabu then started to cover Undertaker, right there, on the stage, as McMahon screamed,

    McMahon" Oh...why not!! It's Sabu!! The Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal Maniaca from Bombay India!! Lets get John Finnegan out here! And lets give these fans a Holiday Present! Lets give them a cover!!"

    As if he heard him, Finnegan started making his way threw the rowdy fans and up to the stage to make the cover on The Undertaker. Sabu's victory got a huge pop, as he was ushered back through the crowd and into the ring by Singh, Babu, and The Iron Shiek. Skandar Akbar and Paulie Dangerously were focused in on as they shook hands, selling somewhate of a work relationship.

    Overall: 81

    Crowd: 85

    Match: 74

    Commentary Aftermath

    Heenan" Geez? How many family relatives did it take to beat the Undertaker, huh?"

    McMahon" OH stop it Brain. The Iron Shiek! Tiger Ali! Skandar Akbar! And of course, SABU!! They were all offended by The Undertaker's actions! He broke that Flag over his knee!!"

    Heenan (Ignoring McMahon) " What? McMahon, we don't 'have time' for your comments. We had to cut to a break!"


    - The Horsmen Locker Room -

    Sean Mooney was standing by in the Horsemen lockerroom. He approached JJ Dillon and said something, in referance to recent events, about there being an 'Arabian Uprising' in the WWF. Owen overheard this and charged Mooney, yelling at him, saying

    "I got my I-C belt stolen by Oulette, and his little training boy, Lance Storm, and all you can talk about are those circus wrestlers!" Owen, along with Dillon, stormed away from Mooney, who got a glimpse of Steve Corino. Corino told Mooney, that he had a special challenge for the Sandman next week on RAW. At this point, Ric Flair was heard yelling, "Did somebody say, Sandman!!!!", before approaching Mooney with Sting, and wrapping his arms around the shoulders of Corino. Flair continued....

    Flair (Shouting) " Because if ya talkin' about The Sandman--then ya gotta be also thinkin' 'bout his right hand man--Sweet Bruti!! And tonight! Stinger!! You've got a one on one match with the Mad Barber!"

    Sting" Mad Barber?! It's gonna be more like the 'Sad Barber who got his haircut by The Stinger!!' Beefcake, me and The King Of Old School's got ya in a War Games match at The Rumble! But tonight! The only war games that you'll have to worry about, are the ones that I play in your hair!! And Pringle--if you get in the way--I'm gonna have to give you a little, 'Sting', too!!"

    Flair" And then...right after that! The Nature Boy brings the WWF Triple Crown home! To the Nature Boy! Wooooo!!! Tenzan!! I've waited a month for this!! I hear you're good! But to be the man..you've got to beat the man! And you've never beaten me before! So bring whatever ya got! Cos--woooo--the Nature Boy's....gonna take it all away!!"

    Mooney threw it back to Vince, as Beefcake w/ Percey Pringle was making his way to the ring...92%

    Ric Flair gained overness from this segment.

    - The Tale Of The Cane -

    Sting d. Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake

    Well, the two wrestled a match straight out of 1989. But, the crowd heat was there, which caused nothing to be taken away from the match. Fans are into the new heel Brutus Beefcake. And Sting is one of the top faces in the company--in American Wrestling, for that matter. At 11:22, after a Stinger splash, Percy Pringle III, with his man, The Sandman, emerged from the certain wielding a singapore cane. Referee Mike Chioda, saw this right away, and sprinted to the isleway to cut off Pringle and Sandman from the ring. He stopped Pringle--since he had the cane--as Sandman dashed off to the side of the ring. He went underneath the ring, revealing another singapore cane. It should be noted that all this time, Sandman had a lit cigerette in his mouth. Sandman jumped in the ring, only to be clobbered by Sting. Sting ended up giving both men Stinger splashes, before teasing using the singapore cane on Beefcake and Sandman. The crowd popped hard for the tease, and of course, erupted when he leveled both men with the cane, before breaking it over his knee, and tossing it into the crowd. Sting tossed Sandman out of the ring, then started to chase after Pringle--but he ran back to saftey. When Sting got back into the ring, Beefcake was selling Sting's offense, by wandering around almost in a drunk manner--Sting snuck around him and nailed The Sleeper Hold on Beefcake, which got a nice pop. Beefcake lost to his own move at 12:22 of an entertaining match. After the victory, as Pringle III tried to revive The Sandman, Sting began clipping away at Beefcake's hair, giving him a rather bad haircut. Minutes later, when he, Sandman and Pringle were left in the ring, Beefcake saw his hair on the Titan Tron, and began throwing a tantrum, all the way to the back.

    Overall: 79

    Crowd: 89

    Match: 57

    Commentary Aftermath

    McMahon" Well...ya can bet that that's not a Holiday Hair-cut that Beefcake wanted!!"

    Heenan" Beefcake can't believe it! You can bet revenge is on his mind!"


    - The Extreme Culture -

    Returning off the break, Paulie Dangerously was already in the ring, with Sabu and Skandar Akbar, as well as JJ Dillon who seemed to have been trying to get Paulie out of the ring. When Paulie got the cue that he was on, he started smirking, and went to work...

    Dangerously" Mr. Dillon, I know how much you're looking forward to 'reliving yesteryear' and introducing Ric Flair to the ring...but I have something that I have to get off of my chest--and--well--I'm glad that you're here to hear it."

    Dillon" I don't think this is the time. We've got just about 45 minutes left..."

    Dangerously"...Oh of course it's the time. Because you see, it's never the time when it's time for Paulie and his 'Arabian Daredevil', is it? It's never the time when the son of Tiger Jeet Singh arrives, only to be shot down by 'Our President'. 'What is it?' - I thought to myself. What could it be? What is the WWF afraid of? Are they descriminating against Arabian athlethes? (Slight pause) At first I thought seriously about that--but then I realised...nahh..1998's just around the corner, we're beyond that! But then I realised something! The WWF is afraid of something! You are afraid of the Extreme Culture, that guys like, Singh and Sabu...carry in their blood!"

    Dillon" Paul, please. Lets just get on with--"

    Dangerously" Lets talk about the Extreme Culture!! Lets talk about the heritage! Lets talk about, The Original Sheik!! Think about the trouble and injuries he caused! Lets talk about the great Tiger Jeet Singh! How crazy he was!! How insane he was? How he terrorised Japanese Wrestling during the 60's 70's and 80's! How he was one of the few people to pin Antonio Inoki!! And just last night, Tiger Jeet Singh Jr. goes into Dibiase's office, as calm as he'll ever be? And our President tells him to 'go hang out with The Sheik!!?"

    Dillon" We'll have a talk with Dibiase--"

    Dangerously" It's quite ok, as my talking seems to be satisfying, right now! You see, I've figured you out, Dillon. I've figured all our yout little goon's fears now. You see in the 70's and 80's it was all about the Powerful Russians in Wrestling! When everyone caught onto that, The Arabian Era occured. Crazied lunatics, The Iron Shiek, Tiger Jeet Singh, The Original Sheik, the list goes on and on during that dangerous time in Wrestling! During the '90's the Japanese slowly made their mark into American Wrestling...and with the WWF as the leading force behind that drive, I'm not suprised at how well it has turned out, for guys like--Hiroyoshi Tenzan! (Crowd booes LOUDLY) Jun Akiyama (Crowd booes again), Hayabusa (Crowd booes once again), and Hakushi! (moderate cheer)"

    Dillon" Yes. Wrestling has stages. Thank you. And now ladies and gentleman!! The Challenger--"

    Dangerously (smoothly interupting) " But what if that Extreme Culture made a return to the Wrestling World. And occured right here, in the WWF?"

    Dillon" Great. Now, as I was saying--"

    Dangerously" What if the next time you saw Tiger Jeet Singh Jr., he had a poor victim in his deadly Cobra Clutch Sleeper? What if Iron Sheik started to pick apart the youth of the WWF with his bone crunching Camel Clutch!! You see, the WWF is afraid of a second wave! They are afraid of a resurgance of this type of Wrestling! They are afraid that the beautiful moonsaults, and perfect leg locks, will soon be no match for the Triple Jump Moonsault of, Sabu"

    **Dillon tried to leave, but was stopped in his tracks by Dangerously's demanding voice**

    Dangerously" Why does Flair get a title shot after a couple of wins, when MY SABU had been virtually undefeated, by defending that Intercontinental Title all year!? Why does FLAIR get the big shot? Why hasn't Sabu been offered a WWF Triple Crown shot, when he has already beaten Hiroyoshi Tenzan in the ring!?"

    Dillon (Stuttering) "I...I..don't know. You'll have to bring that up with the Presidential Council..."

    Dangerously" WHY DID OULETTE, get a god damned return bout, just one month after his loss--when My Sabu, never got a similiar lot of chances to get that belt back!"

    Dillon" Once again...perhaps Dibiase can answer your questions..."

    Dangerously (Sarcastically) " It's because 'We here, at the WWF value our Canadian Wrestlers!!' 'We here at the WWF value our Oriental Wrestlers!' In fact, we value all of our International superstars--EXCEPT THE ARABS."

    *This got a big reaction, here as Dillon seemed moved by that comment. Heenan made a comment here, about how Dillon, being a WWF Official, didn't have to listen to this. Sabu then grabbed the microphone for a few parting words. Sabu, the man of few words, got the crowd riled up for this.

    Sabu" I deserve a shot at that WWF Triple Crown! I beat Tenzan before, and I'll kick his ass again! And whether you like it our not, you'd better be ready the New Wave--not of Candian Wrestling--But of Arabian Terror!"

    **Dangerously and Sabu left, as Akbar followed behind waiving another Iranian Flag. Dillon stood around the ring, and waited for the 'Sabu' chant to alleviate. 96%

    Paulie Dangerously gained overness from this segment. Sabu gained overness from this segment.

    Commentary Aftermath

    Heenan" McMahon, I've been around during some of those guys that Dangerously was talking about! Tiger Jeet Singh Sr.--A NUT! The Original Sheik--the damn guy couldn't stay away from fire! And you remember when The Iron Shiek ruled the WWF!"

    McMahon" I sure do, Brain...and it was not a pleasant experience!"

    Heenan" I always knew Dangerously was a pyscho, anyway. Why's he hanging around with all of them guys."

    McMahon" Oh stop it, Brain. Dangerously's not pyscho, he's passionate about this sport! He's been with Sabu since the beginning! He seems to be helping out Tiger Jeet Singh. When Dangerously sees talent--he goes for it! He wants the best--THAT'S ALL!"

    Heenan" I wish these people chanting 'Sabu' would stop so that the WWF Triple Crown match would occur! We've got two real athlethes getting ready to wrestle!"

    McMahon" What's that's supposed to mean?"

    Heenan" Well, c'mon. Let's face it. I wouldn't exactly put Sabu and Tiger Jeet Singh Jr. in the same athletic category as Flair and Tenzan--I mean c'mon..."

    McMahon" We'll be right back with the WWF Triple Crown match. (Aside to Brain) How can you say that?"


    - Sabu ends the WWF Triple Crown Match -

    Hiroyoshi Tenzan DRAW Ric Flair - WWF Triple Crown -

    A very strong 15 minute match, ended abruplty due to the end run in. Tenzan & Flair started off very slow, and did alot of ringwork, which had the crowd hot for everything they did. There was one point at 12:33 where the crowd went absolutley nuts for Flair, where it looked as if he was going to win. With Flair slightly busted open, Tenzan was going for his headbutt. But Tenzan took so long, in playing to the crowd, that Flair moved, causing Tenzan to miss his finisher. Flair then put Tenzan into a figure four spot, to which Tenzan would not submit. Angered, Flair went up to the top turnbuckle, and started hitting himself in the head, further opening his cut on his head, getting the biggest reaction of the night, as he pounded blood out of his head. Finally, Flair dove off, but missed--thanks to the time waisted in his animatics. At this point, Tenzan went to the top rope, for what looked to be a moonsault--but was interupted by a chair being thrown into his face, knocking him onto the mat. It was Sabu. Sabu, then got in the ring, and started pounding on Ric Flair, getting quite the reaction. Referee Shane McMahon threw up his hands, as he had no idea what to do. He was quickly thrown out of the ring by The Iron Sheik. Sabu, then started attacking both Flair and Tenzan with his chair, as Dangerously screamed instructions at Tiger Jeet Singh Jr., to go after Dillon, who was on the outside. Luckily, Corino ran down the isle to Dillon's aid, as The rest of the Horsemen pulled Flair out of the ring and to saftey. Scattered members of, PRIDE, Barton, Ace, Hayabusa, Cornette--came to pull Tenzan out of the ring, and away from the developing attack....

    Overall: 87

    Crowd: 93

    Match: 74

    Commentary Aftermath

    McMahon" Oh my Goodness! What action!! Sabu has taken out both Ric Flair and Tenzan!"

    Heenan" And he's getting help from Tiger Jeet Singh Jr., and The Iron Shiek!! And look who's on the outside watching! Skandar Akbar & Paulie Dangerously."

    McMahon" Dangerously's got the mic!"

    - A.T.O.M -

    After cutting to an advert break, Holiday Hell returned with Hiroyoshi Tenzan, the Triple Crown Champion, and manager Cornette, with some members of PRIDE, looked on, in addition to the Horsemen, from their lockeroom, as Dangerously stood in the ring, with Skandar Akbar--flag in hand, The Iron Shiek, Tiger Jeet Singh Jr., and, of course, Sabu. Babu stood crouched down besides Singh.

    Paulie Dangerously

    " Cornette!! That Triple Crown Title is coming to where it belongs!! That's right!! Sabu is challenging you for that Triple Crown Title, at the Royal Rumble! He beat you before, and he'll do it again!! That's right Cornette!! Get set for the ressurgance of the Extreme!! It's time for a new era in the WWF! The return of one of the more terrorising era's in Wrestling history!!It's in their blood! And soon, it will be...IN YOURS!! All of you!! You Cornette, and Pride!! You, Horsemen!! The Canadians! Hell, if The Sandman and Brutus Beefcake think that they can handle, the toughness and coldness of The Iron Shiek! The insanity of Sabu!! The mere potentional of the son of Tiger Jeet Singh--then they are ready for the ATOM OF THE WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION! That's right...the forumala to gold!! The return to the Extreme! The ARABIAN TRINITY OF MADNESS!! Hahahahahaaha!!!! Hahaaaaaa!!! Welcome to the Extreme!! " 85%

    With that, Dangerously & Akbar held up Sabu's hands, as The Iron Sheik and Tiger Jeet Singh Jr., waived the Iranian Flag to a loud 'Sabu' chant taking Holiday Hell off the air. 85%

    user posted imageuser posted imageuser posted imageuser posted image


    The Formula To Gold?

    Commentary Aftermath

    McMahon" Listen to this capacity crowd, Brain!! Listen to their support!!"

    Heenan" Why are they cheering them!"

    McMahon" It's about fairness, Brian! It's about respecting guys like the Iron Shiek! It's about giving a chance to guys like Tiger Jeet Singh Jr!! It's about giving Sabu the chance he deserves at the WWF Triple Crown!! "

    Heenan" And Dangerously and Akbar are the two that's going to do this!! What about Flair!?! The WWF Presidential Council will be very busy on next week's Monday Night RAW!"

    Show Quality: 84%

    TV Rating: Revenue Based; 1.97

    McMahon then congtratulated, WWF Fan, "Plankton" on winning some internet contest, and winning front row tickets to next week's RAW at The Nassau Colliseum....

  7. December 27rd, 1997

    WWF Worldwide Saturday Nights

    Also On A-61.com!

    Holiday Hell Weekend -

    Channel: FOX

    Venue: The Cyngus Air Centre, Pittsburgh - PA

    Announcing Team: Sean Mooney & Jerry 'The King' Lawler

    Attendance: 12039

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Shane McMahon, Earl Hebner, Charles Robinson, Jim Mollineaux, John Finnegan


    Dave Schmeltzer

    - The Crimson Holiday Begins With the Million Dollar President -

    WWF Worldwide on 12/27 began with The Crimson Twins standing by with Eric Bischoff. A limousine approached as the Crimson Twins walked up to the door, with Bischoff's microphone between the two,

    Tomax" Welcome everyone..."

    Xamot"...to the Crimson Christmas Special!!"

    Tomax" We told senior official Bill Alfonso to..."

    Xamot"...take the night off so that we..."

    Tomax & Xamot" ...THE CRIMSON TWINS...."

    Xamot"...could bring things back to where they belonged..."

    Tomax"...and avoid the consequences of Anarchy...."

    Xamot"...Ladies and gentlemen, here he is..."

    Tomax"...the President Of the World Wrestling Federation..."


    With that,--first came out Road Agent, Mike Rotunda--then, Dibiase came out of the limousine laughing, to a big heel pop, whilst shaking the hands of the Crimson Twins.

    Dibiase" Mwahahaha!! Thank you Tomax & Xamot for that Million Dollar Introduction! Mwahahah! The President is back!! And as I've proven in the past--IT'S DOESN'T PAY, TO CROSS THE MILLION DOLLAR BOSS!! Bwahahahaaha!!"

    Dibiase walked off followed by The Crimson Twins, and Mike Rotunda, laughing as Bischoff speculated with Mooney the effects that this could have in the WWF. 89%

    - The Crimson Twins enforce their 'Executive' Power Early -

    The Warriors Of Doom d. The Heavenly Bodies (Dr. Tom Pritchard & Jimmy Del Ray)

    Well, it seems as if they've brought in Jimmy Del Ray. So now it looks like Pritchard will go from a singles jobber to a tag team jobber--depending on if they get a push. Renegade won the match with his gorilla press and slam on Del Ray at 7:33....

    Overall: 61

    Crowd: 59

    Match: 64

    After the match, Paul Ellering began instructing his team to attack the Heavenly Bodies. As they were going to, The Crimson Twins emerged from the curtain, with microphones in their hands as they walked toward the ring. They were also accompanied by host of security guards...

    Tomax" Whoaaa...whoaaaa...whoaaaa..whoaaaa..whoaaa!!! (The crowd popped for Tamox bringing back his early opening routine) Just what on earth..."

    Xamot"...do you think you're doing!!"

    Tomax"...In case you forgot, Senior Official Bill Alfonso..."

    Xamot"..PLACED US..."

    Tomax"...in control..."

    Xamot" DEEMED US..."

    Tomax"...The most powerful officials in the WWF..."

    Xamot"...NEXT TOO..."

    Tomax"..returning President Ted Dibiase!"

    Xamot"...So as the Cheif Executive Officers to the WWF...we are requesting that you...."


    Xamot" We are demanding of you you...."

    Tomax"...to order you barbaric Tag Team..."

    Xamot"...to clear the bloody ring..."

    Tomax"...because we have to get set for..."

    Xamot"...what the world is calling..."

    Tomax (Mockingly) " The combination of Yesterday's Canadian Great with a future Canadian star..."

    Xamot"...who the insiders are saying...."

    Tomax (Mockingly, almost comedically animated) "...the effective mix of a veteran and rookie team...."

    Xamot"...THAT'S RIGHT!!"

    Tomax"...The Canadian Generationz, Ray Rougeau!!"

    Xamot"...THE VET!!"

    Tomax"...and Chris Jericho...."

    Xamot"...THE ROOKIE!!"


    Xamot" We want to see our Holiday Hell Opponents...."

    Tomax"...in action to prepare for our match! So clear the ring..."

    Tomax & Xamot"...YOU BARBARIC OATS!"

    With the security in the ring, intimiditation persuaded Paul Ellering to get his team out of the ring, as the crowd booed The Crimson Twins for their abuse of their power. With that, The Crimson Twins announced that they were going to join Mooney for this match, as they went into an advert break. 63%

    Tomax gained overness from this segment.


    - Canadian Generationz Get A Victory -

    Canadian Generationz (Raymond Rougeau & Chris Jericho) d. Johnny Ace & Mike Barton

    I find it interesting how they are acknowledging Ray Rougeau's difference in age from Jericho with this whole 'Generation' thing. Listening to commentary was really funny here, because Lawler just kept talking with the Crimson Twins--who together didn't allow Mooney to get much in...which is always nice. They did a referee switch decision deal here, where Ace gave Rougeau an Ace Crusher on Cornette's Tennis Racquet for the victory. But, official Pat Patterson came to the ring and told the referee what happened. He then reversed the decision to the Canadian Generationz for the victory. I wonder if they used Pat Patterson here to get over that Canadian link between he and Rougeau. Lawler mentioned Patterson being loyal to The Rougeau's Canadian Foundation, when they split away from Bret in '94. It was great listening to The Crimson Twins overreact. They were perfect in doing their thing, and had Lawler cracking up on numerous occasions.

    Overall: 73

    Crowd: 72

    Match: 74

    - Ted Dibiase Gets 'Rid' Of a New Face-

    After the match they cut to the back where GWF Wrestler, Tiger Ali Singh was walking to The President's office with his servant, Babu. He knocked on the door, then walked in. Dibiase made a comment about not ordering any Indian Food, which got somewhat of a funny reaction from the crowd. Singh then said he was a new wrestler who just graduated from Antonio Inoki's Development Territory, The GWF. Dibiase laughed, and told him to go "Hang out with the Iron Sheik, or something," since he was 'busy'. Tiger Ali, then got upset, yelling;

    "So THATS the way I get treated around here! Lets go Babu!! Lets go to someone who WILL help us!"

    Rotunda and Dibiase just laughed as Tiger Ali panted away with little Babu. 77%

    Ted DiBiase lost overness from this segment. Tiger Ali Singh gained overness from this segment.


    - Hacksaw Jim Duggan spots 'The Enemy' -

    Returning off the break, they had Hacksaw Jim Duggan running around looking for the spotted, "Ayyyyeeerraaaabbssss", referring to Tiger Ali Singh and Babu, which got some laughs from the crowd. The Crimson Twins came running to the scene responding to Hacksaw's yelling. Hacksaw kept yelling that arabs were running rampant in the WWF once 'again', there referring to the Iron Shiek's past WWF history--thanks to Sean Mooney on commentary. At first Tomax & Xamot tried calming Hacksaw...but then decided that they would 'help' Hacksaw if he helps them. Lawler made a funny comment that Hacksaw needs to catch up with the times. I guess that's his little gimmick now.....56%

    The Sandman d. Terry Taylor

    The two did what they could, but no one believed that a repackaged Sandman would be loosing to Taylor. Pringle wasn't at ringside for this match. So I guess this means that Pringle is more of a direct manager for Brutus Beefcake. I'm hearing the thought of bringing in a female valet for Sandman. Sandman was managed by Woman when a heel in ECW, but Woman is currently under contract to ECA.

    Overall: 73

    Crowd: 78

    Match: 64


    - The Dangerously-Dibiase Confronation -

    Coming out of the break, Mike Rotunda introduced Ted Dibiase to the ring, accompanied by The Crimson Twins. Dibiase did his catch phrase, and promised to regain control of the WWF. At that point a familiar voice was hear on the house mic;

    "...I'm glad you're here. I've some questions for you, Mr. President!" It was Paulie Dangerously.

    Dangerously walked to the ring and had a breif staredown that's been an ever so familar WWF scene during the longstanding rivarly of Dibaise & Dangously, starting back when Dangerously was WWF President.

    Paulie Dangerously

    "So...let me get this straight! Ric Flair waltzes back in the WWF, fights a couple of matches and gets a WWF Triple Crown match tommorow night!! What about, my Sabu!! What about the man that dominated the Intercontinental scene for the better part of 1997!! What about the man, who during that time frame, defeated your current Triple Crown Champion, Hiroyoshi Tenzan! What about Sabu!!

    At this point, Ted Dibiase started laughing and was handed a mic...

    Dibiase" Dangerously!! The days of Arabian and Indian Wrestlers are over! The Iron Sheik? Done! Sabu? Fine...fly around the ring! Jump off of a chair or two...or three times! Mwahahaha! But in the end, that's not enough to win the Triple Crown!! Tenzan is an all around seasoned athlethe! Sabu wouldn't last 5 minutes with Tenzan!"

    The crowd reacted hard to this, as this was taken as an insult to Sabu. Dangeroulsy had to hold Sabu back from attacking the WWF President.

    Dangerously"...and that reminds me! You deserve a beating for the way you treated that GWF Wrestler, Tiger Ali Singh, earlier!"

    Dibiase (Staring at Sabu) " Same Act! Different name! Mwahahaha!! When the wrestling world needs another Iron Shiek, I'm sure Sheik will start his own comeback, without his little imposters! But for now, no thank you!!"

    Dangerously" Little imposter? This is an individual athlethe--No thank you? No....no...?"

    Dangerously did a good job of looking very disturbed by Dibiase's comments, as did Sabu. He then returned to the back, pulling Sabu, as the announcers hyped his Holiday Hell match against The Undertaker. This segment had alot crowd heat. 94%


    - Hacksaw Put To The Test -

    Sting d. 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan

    The story behind this match was that this match was created by The Crimson Twins, to 'see' if Duggan was still good enough to compete with the top WWF Stars, as in the past. Basically a sqaush for Sting. After the match, The Crimson Twins dragged Hacksaw out of the ring, and carried him straight into the office of Ted Dibiase. How nice. We got to see The Crimson Twins beat up 'Hacksaw' on the way.

    Overall: 70

    Crowd: 81

    Match: 47

    - CEO Jim Duggan -

    As Hacksaw was 'held up' by the Crimson Twins, Dibiase gave Duggan a speech about how he is primarilly what brought Ted Dibiase to WorldWide. He commented on PRIDE being out of control, and there being an Arabian Nest, nearby, in referance to GWF, Graduate Tiger Aligh Singh, which got a few laughs from the crowd. He then complimented Jim Duggan of proudly waiving the US Flag over the past, Arabian, Japanese, and Russian factions that roamed through the WWF. He then offered Jim Duggan a new job...

    Dibiase" Duggan, I would like you to the new CEO Of The World Wrestling Federation!!"

    Duggan" C.E.O?"

    At this point, Mooney starting selling the idea of Jim Duggan as President or CEO, as the crowd fell into it, as Dibiase laughed away. Dibiase continued...

    Dibiase" THAT'S RIGHT!! MERRY CHRISTMAS JIM DUGGAN!! Because you are the new Centrainternational Executive Operator of The WWF!!"

    Duggan (After being brought up to his feet by the Crimsons) " Centrawhawhahahaha? U.S.A!!! Hooooooooooooo!!! You got it, 'tough guy!! Hooooooo!!!!!!!!"

    This segment ended with Dibiase, and The Crimsons all laughing as Duggan started to chant CEO!! Production Assistan Davey Flanders was heard yelling "...and we're clear!", a good 3 seconds before they actually cut to adverts, but luckilly the crowd was so stunned at the idea of Duggan working for Dibiase, that it wasn't easily picked up. 85%

    CEO Jim Duggan gained overness from this segment.


    - Sorry, No time for Paulie -

    Coming out of the break, Sean Mooney and Jerry Lawler starting hyping tommorows Christmas Special -- Holiday Hell II. As they were running down the card, Paulie Dangerously emerged to the ring with Sabu, and , straight out of developement, Tiger Ali Singh. Dangerously immediatley started talking over Mooney, citing how, "this young man" (Singh), came to WorldWide tonight, for an opportunity, and was turned down because, in quoting Dibiase, "He was busy". And then, our 'oh suddenly so Patriotic President' suggests that maybe Tiger Ali Singh, and his good friend--and servant--Babu, should--in quoting Dibiase--"Go hang out with the Iron Sheik or something..." However, as Dangerously was introducing Tiger Ali Singh to the live crowd, and wrestling world, The Crimson Twins appeared on The Titan Tron, laughing. Hacksaw--I mean, CEO Jim Duggan was in the background staring a hole into the camera...

    Tomax (Laughing) " Whoaaaa...Whoaaaaa..Whhoooaaaa..Paulie! Have you any..."

    Xamot"..regard for the Time?"

    Tomax" We've got to congratulate Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase on his first full..."

    Xamot"...day back on the Job, as WWF President."

    *The Twins pause to applause, while the crowd booes as Dangerously, joined with Sabu and Tiger Ali Singh; and Babu crawling around, watches in fustration.

    Tomax" And now with that done..."

    Xamot"...I believe we're out of time this week."

    Tomax" We must obide by the rules..."

    Xamot"...Follow the playbook!"

    Tomax" Perhaps you can hold whatever it is that you want to say, until another time...."

    Xamot"...maybe tommorow at Holiday Hell..."

    Tomax"...or maybe..."

    Xamot & Tamox" NEVER!!"

    *They both laugh, generating more Booes...Dangerously tries to talk but his house mic is turned off....*

    Tomax" Sorry, Dangerously, we have bills to pay..."

    Xamot" After all..."

    Tomax" We wouldn't want to end up like..."

    Tomax & Xamot"E.C.W"

    **Big reaction from the crowd was Dangrously goes nuts. Sabu & Tiger Ali Singh try to calm Dangerously down*

    Tomax" Join us tommorow night..."

    Xamot" Same Crimson Time..."

    Tomax"..Same Crimson Channel..."

    Xamot"...Oh! And That reminds me!"

    Tomax" Me Too!"

    Tomax & Xamot" Shouldn't you be thinking about Sabu's date with death Tomorow!?"

    The segment ends with the Crimsons laughing again, as Dangerously stood, dumbfounded, with Sabu and Tiger equally as fustrated....85%

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Mooney (Awkwardley) " Oh, well it looks like, we didn't have enough time for one of our managers, Paulie Dangerously...uh..I guess, we'll hear from him tommorow. That Tiger guy...I hear he's related to the great Tiger Jeet Singh! "Lawler" Mooney, there's no time for that now! Tommorow night Sabu faces The Undertaker! I've seen The Undertaker fall 15 feet through a row of tables!! And he still got up! How can Sabu top that!?"

    Mooney" And the IC Belt is on the line! Owen Hart! Carl Oulette! One on One!"

    Lawler" Oulette impressed me at Shangrila!! But he has the belt! So he's Le Champion!!"

    Mooney" And the big one! The WWF Triple Crown is on the line! Nature Boy Ric Flair vs. Hiroyoshi Tenzan!"

    Lawler" It's the Nature Boy! This is what he strives on!! But, Tenzan's intent on proving himself to be the best Wrestler in the World Today by beating men like Ric Flair!"

    Mooney" Well it's tommorow night! Big Matches! It's our thanks to you, the fans!! See you tommorow night, at Holiday Hell II!! On your local Television affiliate!"

    Show Quality: 72%

    TV Rating: 7.57

    Holiday Hell II is next!!

  8. user posted image

    Holiday Hell II!!

    Live From The Cynadide Cyrex Colliseum in Pittburge, Pennslyvania!

    December 27th! Live on Your local WWF TV Affiliate!

    Main Event - WWF Triple Crown Title

    Hiroyoshi Tenzan (WWF Triple Crown Champion) vs. Ric Flair (Challenger)

    WWF Hair Cut Match!

    Brutus Beefcake w/ Percy Pringle III vs. Sting

    The Suicidal vs. Suicide, itself

    Sabu w/ Paulie Dangerously vs. The Undertaker w/ Bruce Pritchard

    WWF Intercontinental Title Match

    Owen Hart (WWF Intercontinental Champion) vs. Carl P. Oulette (Le Challenger)

    Special Challenge Tag Match!

    The Crimson Twins (Xamot & Tomax) vs. Canadian Generationz (Raymond Rougeau & Chris Jericho)

  9. user posted image

    December 23rd, 1997

    Monday Night Raw-

    Channel: USA Network - Prime Time

    Venue: VDM Centre A, Anaheim - CA

    Attendance: 12,033

    Announcing Team: Joey Styles & Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Dave Hebner, Shane McMahon, Jimmy Korderas, Joey Marella, John Finnegan, Jim Mollineaux


    Dave Schmeltzer

    - A Holiday Hacksaw -

    Raw on 12/23rd, opened up with Joey Styles in the ring, hyping and announcing the Main Event for next week's Holiday Special Event; Holiday Hell II, as Tenzan against, Ric Flair if Flair can defeat Hayabusa later tonight on RAW. At this point, Hacksaw's Jim Duggan early 90's theme started to play as Joey Styles did his classic overeacting to the WWF Return of 43 year old Hacksaw Jim Duggan. It's been rumoured that Duggan is to play in a heel role, in an angle that is to begin at next week's Holiday Hell--the brainchild of booker Paul Heyman. Hacksaw came out and did his classic face promo to a solid 'USA' chant, until Kama Mustafa hit the ring. Styles made a comment as to suggest that if Don Frye was in the building a brawl between he and Kama would begin. Kama starting talking about the Holidays, and said that his version of the holidays isn't the same as Hacksaw Jim Duggan's. He said that, while Duggan's holidays were filled with fun and cheer, his Christmas days, were always "Just another day of Fightin' on The Streets'" He then challenged Hacksaw to a match later on in the night, in "What should serve as exhibition" for his inevitable match with the "Professional Fighter" Don Frye. Duggan accepted to the nostaglia-happy live crowd. 81%

    Hacksaw Jim Duggan gained overness from this segment.

    - The Undertaker vs. Sabu -

    Brian Christopher & Sexteen d. Sabu & Dustine Rhoads

    Poor Sabu had to sit there and not laugh when Dustine did her Dusty Rhodes thing with the agile Sexteen. Match came to a close when The Undertaker appeared to be approaching ringside. Even though he was coming for Sabu, Dustine was startled and fell to a Sexteen springboard slingshot, to loose the match. This led to Sabu, with Paulie Dangerously inviting The Undertaker to enter the ring. Undertaker came in and was met with 3 solid chair shots to the head by Sabu. As Undertaker & Sabu engaged in a staredown, Undertaker's Bruce Pritchard grabbed the mic, and yelled, beside his Undertaker;

    "You think your man's so tough, Paulie!! If he can't beat a clown, he ain't beating my Undertaker!! Next week! Holiday Hell '97! You bring your suicidal maniac! And The Undertaker will aid you in your suicide attempts!"

    Overall: 62

    Crowd: 64

    Match: 59


    - The Fat Man's Back; Sting & Corino challenged -

    Coming out of the break, Steve Corino's Eye Of The Tiger began to play, as out came Horsemen members, Steve Corino & Sting. They started joking around making fun of "A fat little fellow" that they spotted backstage. With that, they showed a camera on Paul Bearer, Brutus Beefcake and The Sandman, sporting a gray suit. Led by Sting & Corino, the crowd started laughing when Corino and Sting laid it into Bearer with the fat jokes. Bearer looked sternly into the camera, as Brutus Beefcake did his usual dumb stare into the camera, and The Sandman smoked a cigarrette and said;

    Pringle III" The name's not Paul Bearer, anymore bucko! Just as Brutus Beefcake returned to his roots! And The Sandman cleaned up his act (As the Sandman sips a beer in the background), I am now the man that everyone wishes they had the mind of--Percy Pringle III!! And Sting! Corino! You make your jokes! Well let's see you two against sweet Bruti, and The Sandman! And we'll see just how easy our War Games Steel Cage match at Royal Rumble is going to be!"

    With that, Corino & Sting accepted as Heenan put over The Percy Pringle character on commentary. 80%

    - Canadian Generationz -

    Canadian Generationz (Ray Rougeau & Chris Jericho) d. The Space Croppers (Rhyno Starr & Devon Storm) d. The Helmsely's (Hunter McMahon Helmsley & John Kronus Helmsley)

    Ray Rougeau came out and start putting over the Thrillseekers Tag Team, Lance Storm and Chris Jericho. He then said that even though Lance made a turn for the worst in aligning himself with Car Oulette, he was able to talk young superstar, Chris Jericho to return to active competition, even though his partner Storm joined Oulette. He then introduced Jericho, in forming 'Generations' of Canadian superstars, according to Joey Styles. They won an impressive 3 way triangle match, in a match to deam #1 contenders for the WWF Tag Team Titles, currently held by Ebony Experience, Booker T & Stevie Ray.

    Overall: 69

    Crowd: 63

    Match: 75

    - Oulette; Le Champion -

    Immediatley following the victory, they cut to a shot of Oulette sitting in his dressing room with Lance Storm, throwing things at the TV having a fit over the formation of this 'Canadian Generationz' team. Oulette starting going on to Storm how he helped The Mountie carry "his severely talentless brother, Ray Rougeau" with them over his career. Oulette then stormed the corridor with Storm, only to breeze by an empty Horsemen lockeroom. In it was the WWF Intercontinental Title, property of Owen Hart, just lying on the table next too Owen's wallett. Oulette then asked Storm to 'look out' as he snuck into the lockeroom and put on the WWF I-C belt. Oulette then screamed to the camera, "I am Le Champion! Le Champion!", as he sprinted off with Storm, wearing Owen Hart's Intercontinental Belt. Styles was going nuts on commentary yelling; "Wow imagine when The Canadian Horseman returns! Oulette stole the Intercontinental Title!! Oulette's a theif! Le Champion is a farce!!"



    Kama Mustafa d. 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan

    Pretty bad match. Mustafa won after pummel punches. I hope that Duggan's upcoming role is a non wrestling one. Simond Diamond accompanied Mustafa and kept pumping him up putting him over Frye.

    OveralL: 64

    Crowd: 74

    Match: 43


    - Akiyama Comes close to taking down the Highlight Kid -

    'Highlight Kid' Shawn Waltman d. Jun Akiyama

    I wondered why they cut to an advert break after the Mustafa-Duggan nothingfest--but it was obviously done to give these guys 20 straight minutes, which was one of the best matches on Raw in a long time. Match came to a close when Akiyama seemed to be on a sudden role nailing Waltman over and over with his Exploders. However, Fatigue started to settle in, causing Akiyama to charge right into a spinning kick by Waltman which was enough for the victory. Good showcase for Waltman. And a strong match for the returning Akiyama.

    Overall: 82

    Crowd: 76

    Match: 89


    - Waltman Enters Royal Rumble -

    Coming out of the break, they showed Eric Bischoff chasing Waltman as he was returning to his lockeroom. Waltman talked about winning the I-C Title earlier this year. He mentioned going the distance with Owen Hart--then went on to announce that he will be in the 1998 Royal Rumble. Ric Flair was walking by, on his way to facing Hayabusa--overhearing Waltman's comments, Flair said;

    "And if you win that thing, you'll be facing me at the big one. Wooo! Because I'm about to go out there! Defeat Tenzan's and Inoki's crony, Hayabusa--then defeat Tenzan for the WWF Triple Crown next weekend, and Holiday Hell! Wooo!" 82%

    - Flair Faces Tenzan at Holiday Hell -

    Ric Flair d. Hayabusa

    Very good match here, which was marred only by the funky ending. Match came to a close when The WWF Triple Crown Champion, Hiroyoshi Tenzan came down the isle and starting mouthing off, (in Japanese) to Ric Flair. This caused referee Shane McMahon to jump in the face of Tenzan. While this was going on, Flair reached into his tights and nailed Hayabusa with the knux spot, just before McMahon refocused his attention to the ring action. Flair then placed Hayabusa into the figure four in a long spot, where Hayabusa finally submitted at 12:33. Flair, then pointed to Tenzan's Triple Crown Title, and making a gesture around his own waist.

    Overall: 82

    Crowd: 85

    Match: 76


    - The Crimson Twins Offer To Take Charge Holiday Hell Weekend -

    Returning off the break, they showed Bill Alfonso sitting at his desk apparently stressed, with JJ Dillon. Dillon braggs to Bill Alfonso that Ric Flair should get a WWF Triple Crown shot at Tenzan at next weekend's 'Holiday Hell II'. Alfonso, angrilly gave in, and announced that Flair would get a shot at this weekends Holday Hell II, to a huge pop. Dillon left clasping his hands to deliver the good news to the 'Nature Boy'. After Dillon left, The Crimson Twins walked in, smirking.....

    Tomax (Laughing)"It seems that... "

    Xamot"...you've lost control..."

    Tomax & Xamot" Senior official Bill Alfonso!"

    Xamot" Flair's got a title shot..."

    Tomax"...Oulette stole Owen Hart's title..."

    Xamot"...and Percy Pringle's back...."

    Tomax" And you didn't even know about it!!"

    Xamot" Take next Saturday Off!"


    Xamot" We'll put our knowledge of military expertise and planning..."

    Tomax"...to good use, to avoid this Anarchy that is threatening..."


    Tomax" And in return..."

    Xamot"...we have a request..."

    Tomax"...A Holiday Hell II match against..."

    Xamot"..this new Canadian Team..."

    Tomax"...CHRIS JERICHO!!"

    Xamot"...RAYMOND ROUGEAU!!"


    Bill Alfonso looked around before apparently thinking it over.

    Alfonso" You're right! Ever since those stupid Canadians blamed me for Bret Hart loosing the WWF Title, things have been going wild! As the senior official I've been trying to fill the void from the absence of our current WWF President, Ted Dibiase! But I've had enough!! We are in emergency mode! I'm trying to call it right down the middle, but the people aren't seeing things my way!! Tamox & Xamot--you've got your Holiday Hell II match against two of Bret Hart's good friends! Chris Jericho & Raymond Rougeau--Canadian Generationz! With a 'Z'! "

    Alfonso sits back in his chair, while the Crimsons start talking into the camera.

    Xamot" Nice! Next weekend..."

    Tomax"...we are in charge..."

    Xamot"...And next weekend on WorldWide..."

    Tomax"..you will be sure to experience..."

    Xamot"A very..."

    Tomax & Xamot" Crimson Christmas!"

    They both started laughing as they went into a new Doge Commercial with The Sandman. 89%

    - Precy Pringle III Proves to be an asset -

    Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Brutus Beefcake & The Sandman d. Mr. Perfect, Sting, Steve Corino

    Antonio Inoki came out and said that the WWF Triple Crown Champion wanted to be in this match up, against the Japanese equivilent of "Four horsedogs". With this 3 on 2, Mr. Perfect's music hit, as Styles mentioned that Perfect having a strong linking to the Horsmen. The whole time during the match, Perfect and Corino kept butting heads, selling their rivalry. Heenan mentioned here, that that rivarly between he and Corino, is why Perfect would never again be a Horseman...which makes sense. Finals of the match came after Perfect nailed Beefcake with the Perfect Plex. With Tenzan and Sandman battling Corino & Sting on the outside, Inoki yanked the referee from his 3 count and started yelling at Dave Hebner. While this was going on, Percy Pringle III walked into the ring with The Sandman's singapore cane and smashed it right over the stomach of Mr. Perfect holding Beefcake in the Perfect Plex. Pringle started laughing while doing some sort of a dance with the cane, before he manuevered Beefcake on top of the fallen Perfect, while the crowd went nuts. Pringle's dancing didn't help that call. Inoki then turned Hebner around, as Hebner made the cheap count for Beefcake. Sting & Corino hit the ring, causing Beefcake, Sandman, and Tenzan to flee the ring. As RAW went off the air, Beefcake, who was backtracking with manager Percy Pringle III and The Sandman kept yelling;

    "War Games Match! Royal Rumble Style, dude!! Sweet Bruti, and The cigerette smokin' Sandman, will be there, Dude!"

    Overall: 83

    Crowd: 89

    Match: 72

    Commentary Aftermath

    Styles" Royal Rumble!! Just about a month away!! A War Games Steel Cage Match between, Brutus Beefcake & The Sandman and Steve Corino and Sting!!!"

    Heenan" Styles!! Next week is Holiday Hell II!! The huge WWF Holiday Special!! But this Saturday..just one day before Holiday Hell II--THIS ANARCHY IS GOING TO STOP!! THE CRIMSON TWINS ARE IN CONTROL!!"

    Styles"...Get ready for a very, very, Crimson Christmas!!"

    Heenan (Singing) "...And a Crimson New Year!"

    Show Quality: 75%

    TV Rating: 7.43

    It's a cRimSon ChRistMas WorlDwiDe!!

    --The Crimson Twins are in charge!! What could possibly happen!!

  10. user posted image

    December 15rd, 1997

    Monday Night Raw-

    Channel: USA Network - Prime Time

    Venue: The Soletime Mega Arena - Washington, DC

    Attendance: 12,056

    Announcing Team: Joey Styles & Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Dave Hebner, Shane McMahon, Jimmy Korderas, Joey Marella, John Finnegan, Jim Mollineaux


    Dave Schmeltzer

    - The American Dream Dustine Rhoads -

    Raw on 12/15 opened, with Joey Styles doing his in ring introduction to a loud "Oh My Gawd" chant. Suddenly, after Styles was done running down the card, Hunter McMahon Helmsley emerged from the curtain, complaining to Joey Styles that his Butler was missing. Helmsley kept pacing back and forth, yelling at Joey about his missing Butler. That's when, perhaps one of the funniest segments on Television in a long time, occured in what was a clear knock at WCW. While complaining, Hunter was suddenly interupted by a very familiar sounding sound on the house system;

    " Ammmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrriiicaaaaaaaannnn.....DREEEEEEAAAAAAMMMMMMM!

    She's just your common girl....WORKING HARD...with her hands..."

    At this point, a 300 pound very overweight lady dressed up in Dusty Rhodes' old WWF gear, with the addition of a poke-a-dot T-Shirt, starting dancing down the isle as the entire arena broke into unanimous laughter and cheering. Heenan kept yelling; "It's the American Dream! The American Dream is in the WWF!", as this woman made her way down the isle. She was so fat, that the flabb of her stomach jiggled around as she strutted into the ring. Styles and Hunter stared at her for a short while dancing around, until Hunter just broke out laughing. The lady watched Hunter laugh, as her music stopped, until he saw her. He then charged her, but got leveled with a bionic elbow, from the overweight poke-a-dot wearing woman, that sent him rolling outside of the ring. Styles then slowly started to approach the woman, suprised that she not only dwarfed him, but took out Hunter McMahon, and began revealing her very high pitched southern accented voice...

    Styles" uhhhhhhhhh...WHO ARE YOU!?!"

    Rhoads" JOeeeyyyyyyy, I am the Americaaaaannnn Dreammmmmmmm, Honey! [*smacks her hands together and wiggles her head*] The American Dream, Dussstttiiiiiiiinnnnnnneeeeeeeeeee Rhoaaaaaaaddddssss!!! And I have come here to the WWF with a goal--with a plan--with a vision...iiiffffff yooouuuuuuuuuuuu weeeeeeeeeellllllllll!!!! THAT'S RIGHT, HONEY!! I'm here to be the bessssstt woman's wrestler in the WWF!"

    *The Crowd is going nuts at this point, overwhelmed with laughter. Styles has to pause and wait for the crowd to calm down*

    Styles" Well, this is Monday Night RAW!!! And there's no other place to make an impact than here, American Dream!!"

    Rhoads" Ohhhhhhhh yeeaaaaaaaahhh, honey doll!! So how 'bout that little skinny pretty girl, Sexxteen get her little tooshie out here, for the American Dreammmmmm, honey!!!"

    **Sexxteen's music hit as she ran down to the ring going into a full attack on Dustine Rhoades** 86%

    Hunter McMahon Helmsley gained overness from this segment. Dustine Rhoads gained overness from this segment.

    - Christopher & Pritchard Escort Sexxteen -

    Sexxteen d. Dustine Rhoads

    This match was pretty funny to watch, as Dustine did all of the Dusty Rhoads mannerisms. She can't wrestle, but she can kinda brawl. She has the look of someone that knows what she's doing. And she actually takes her bumps rather well. Story of this match was that Sexteen, being the fast lightweight, was too fast for the "Fat Slob", according to Heenan. Match came to a close with Sexxteen coming off the top rope with a bodypress for the pin and victory. Sexxteen started to taunt the crowd, until Dustine came from behind and knocked her down with the bionic elbow, to crowd 'acknowledgement. I wouldn't really call it a 'pop'. After a few minutes of playing to the crowd, Dustine waddled to the back as Bruce Pritchard & Christopher came to the ring. Christopher looked at the hurt Sexteen, and ended up carrying her to the back. It looks like they're moving foward with this woman's division.

    Overall: 43

    Crowd: 42

    Match: 44


    The Renegade Warrior d. Koko B. Ware

    The match had alot of stalling with Koko stopping every few minutes to escape and do the Birdman flap, fustrating the rowdy competitor. Funny segment at 4:33 when Renegade was thrown into the corner, and instead of bouncing back, he took a swing at Koko's bird, 'Oldie', causing the bird to hover a couple feet higher for saftey. Finals of the match came at just 6:46 with the gorilla slam and press finish on Koko.

    Overall: 61

    Crowd: 67

    Match: 48


    - The Canadian Horseman Takes Out The 'New Wave' Of Canadian Wrestlers -

    Carl Pierre Oulette & Lance Storm d. Mr. Perfect & Barry Horowitz

    Heenan was great during this match, in putting over Oulette's phrase as him and Storm being the 'new wave' of Canadian Wrestlers. Match came to an end at 12:33 with an Oulette Cannonball on Horowitz for the cover. After the victory, Owen Hart ran into to the ring, threw his belt in--and followed that by going into a full fledged attack on Storm & Oulette. First Owen pummelled Storm by giving him a spinebuster, then dumping him outside the ring. This then left Owen & Oulette alone, with Oulette pulling a heel Ric Flair, begging for Owen to let him go. After playing to the crowd for a short while, Owen threw Oulette into the ropes, and nailed him with a dropkick. He then followed with a frog splash off the top rope, to a huge pop, as Oulette was pulled out of the ring to safety by Storm.

    Overall: 76

    Crowd: 79

    Match: 72

    Barry Horowitz lost overness from this match. Mr. Perfect lost overness from this match. Lance Storm gained overness from this match. Carl Oulette gained overness from this match.


    - A Business Proposition From The Crimson Twins -

    Coming out of the break, they played the ever so familiar scene from Montreal, Canada of Bill Alfonso missing Bret Hart's leg on the rope during the WWF Unification match. They then took a long look at Alfonso's dubious officiating over the last few months, ending with his recent run-ins with Flexx Kavanna, and Ric Flair. They then cut to a live shot of Alfonso snooping around the hallway, on his way to his new 'senior' office, selling the idea that he's probably not the most popular person on the WWF--gaining alot of enemies, due to his actions as senior official. Alfonso 'safely arrived into his office, only to find The Crimson Twins claiming occupancy. Tomax was sitting at the desk, with his legs reclinded on top of it with Xamot standing by his side. Alfonso looked startled...

    Tomax" Alfonso. Senior Official. Don't be startled. We come here..."

    Xamot"...only as friends. Allies..."

    Tomax"...if you will - to borrow a phrase from..."

    Tomax & Xamot" Dustine Rhoades."

    **They both laugh as Alfonso looks on confused. Tomax takes his feet off of the desk and leans forward to Alfonso**

    Tomax" You see we, knew that Dustine..."

    Xamot"...was going to show up tonight."

    Tomax" We knew that Owen Hart..."

    Xamot"...was the Fourth Horsemen."

    Tomax" We can tell you that Brutus Beefcake..."

    Xamot"...and the Sandman...."

    Tomax & Xamot" Are not here tonight!"

    Xamot" But wait..."

    Tomax" There's more!"

    Tomax" We also know who's going to be returning on..."

    Xamot"...WWF Worldwide, this weekend"

    **Xamot takes a picture out of his wierd looking silver wrestling boots, and throws it on the desk; It's 43 year old Hacksaw Jim Duggan. His picture gets a respectable pop.**

    Alfonso[*After looking at the picture*]" So what! Who cares! Hacksaw can't do anything anymore. He's not a threat!"

    Tomax" That's not..."

    Xamot"...our point."

    Tomax & Xamot" Mr. Alfonso."

    [*Xamot gets up and points to his permanent scar wound accross his left cheek.*]

    Xamot" You see that? That could've been..."

    Tomax"...across his whole face..."

    Xamot" I could've been paralyzed from the face down..."

    Tomax"...had that knife sliced him one inch higher."

    Xamot" But you know what saved me? "

    Xamot & Tomax" INFORMATION. "

    Xamot" I knew where the enemy was! I knew where the jab was coming from..."

    Tomax"...and was lucky enough to dogde out of dangers way just in time, to develope a scare and..."

    Xamot"...probably save an eye. Our point?"

    Tomax" We can protect you from..."

    Xamot"...the dangers of your unpopularity."

    Tomax" The entire lockeroom believes that you..."

    Xamot"...screwed the most popular wrestler in the world..."

    Tomax" Kavanna can't be too happy after..."

    Xamot"...you sent us after him for speaking his mind."

    Tomax"...And the Horsemen must have you on a deathwish..."

    Xamot"...since it seems like you're protecting the WWF Triple Crown Champion."

    **Alfonso thinks about what they're saying, then extends his hand**

    Alfonso" You know what?! It's about time people see things my way! I accept your offer! Protect me you want! Protect me you will, daddy! Thank you very much!! Senior Official Bill Alfonso's gonna call it right down the--"

    Tomax & Xamot" NOT SO FAST, FONZO!"

    Tomax" You see, there's something we want at..."

    Xamot"...the next big Pay Per View..."

    Tomax & Xamot" The Royal Rumble..."

    **With that, Alfonso spots the camera-man that was peering in from the door entrance, and started screaming for him to leave. Good segment, it was a little hard for the live crowd to hear a bit of the dialouge due to the camera being a bit distant from the desk, but Tomax was great in his segment. I also find it interesting that they changed the German Army history, to being in the English National Guard. Probably to appear less confusing to fans with their English accents, and to avoid any activists groups from labeling them perhaps serving the Nazi army...even though they're both in their early 20s.

    Alfonso looked like a pussy here. 65%

    Tomax gained overness from this segment. Bill Alfonso lost overness from this segment.

    - Sabu's Casket (In Pieces) -

    Al Snow d. Lee The Undertaker

    Underaker & Pritchard rolled to the ring, the results of last week's measurements of Sabu--His Casket. As the match went on Dangerously hit the ring, with Sabu and starting eyeing down the casket. Pritchard went up to Heyman to get them away, but Heyman knocked out Pritchard to a huge pop. Sabu then started to destroy the casket, by first ripping off the top door, then throwing around the bottom part, until it broke into a few pieces. Undertaker saw this, and starting to go after Sabu, but was met with a part of the casket being smashed against his face, knocking him out. Finnegan was the ref, so of course, instead of disqualifying Snow, he just yelled at Sabu. At this point, Snow leaped off the top rope, and nailed a knocked out Undertaker, with what turned out to be the match winning move, at 11:22. The crowd was hot for this, as Pritchard helped Lee to the back, whilst also holding his head--per being knocked out by Dangerously. Snow celebrated what was pushed as Styles as "The Biggest match in his career". They stayed with this for about 2 minutes after Pritchard and company left, as a strong "Let It Snow" chant filled the air.

    Overall: 80

    Crowd: 81

    Match: 78

    Al Snow gained overness from this match.


    - Pritchard Questions Christopher, only to be pleasantly suprised -

    Coming out of the break, they follow Pritchard & Undertaker to Pritchard's lockeroom. After seeing Christopher on his cell phone, Pritchard started yelling asking Christopher where he was during Sabu & Dangerously's interferance. But before Christopher could answer, Sexxteen appeared out of the bathroom, getting quite the "Ohhhhhhh" reaction from the crowd. Christopher put his arm around Sexxteen as an excellent close up of Pritchard of Undertaker showed, with Pritchard grinning heavily, and Undertaker almost cracking a smile. Funny stuff. 72%

    Bruce Pritchard lost overness from this segment. Sexxteen gained overness from this segment.

    - Corino and Sting Make 'War Games' Challenge -

    Steve Corino d. Tatsumi Fujinami

    Corino worked well here, with the New Japan veteran. He was able to end a very strong match with the figured four at 13:22 after catching Tatsumi with a dragon screw of his own. As Corino celebrated the rest of the Horsemen started to walk down the isle as they went into the last advert break of the night.

    Overall: 80

    Crowd: 80

    Match: 81


    Coming out of the break, the arena was filled with "Woooo's", as Corino started to speak, while being surrounded by the Horsmen. Corino started talking about tradition, and being a supporter of the old school, leading into talking about a Horsemen favourite--The War Games Tag Team Match. He then handed the mic over to Sting, who officially challenged Brutus Beefcake & The Sandman to face he and Corino in "War games Tag Cage Match" at the 1998 Royal Rumble, now just about 1 month away. The crowd popped hard for what should be a top Royal Rumble match, if the challenge is accepted. Flair was next, and commended Owen Hart for taking out Oulette & Storm earlier in the night, citing that as a "Lesson; Horsemen Style" Owen then challenged Carl Oulette to battle him, with the title on the line, at a special 2 hour Television special, called Holiday Hell II, on December 27th. Styles put over Owen as a "True Horseman" for making the challenge, as a champion, to Oulette to settle this once and for all. Flair then ordered Mr. Everything to make his way to the ring, so that he can "Teach him a Horsemen lesson". Flair was 100% serious, which shows his versality when it comes to promos. The crowd was into this interview every bit of the way....92%

    Ric Flair gained overness from this segment.

    - Flair Gets By Martin; But Has a New Obstacle -

    Ric Flair d. 'Mr. Everything' Andrew Martin

    This match had alot more crowd heat than I had expected, since Martin is still basically a lower card wrestler. However, it seems that the WWF has done a good job in building his character up, since Shangril-a, that the live crowd actually believed that Martin stood a chance to upset Flair. Finals of the match came at 10:11 when Everything went for the Everything Slam, but Flair countered by reaching into his tights, and knocking out Martin with brass knux, then stealthly following up with his Figured Four finisher. As Flair celebrated, Bill Alfonso emerged out of the curtain, and stood on the stage with The Crimson Twins, his new 'protectors', and Hayabusa.

    Overall: 81

    Crowd: 87

    Match: 69

    As soon as Alfonso came out, the crowd started heavily with the booes, and the "You Screwed Bret" chants. Alfonso told the crowd to shut up before getting to the point;

    Alfonso" Flair!!! You may have won this match!! But you still have a loooonnnngg way to go to be the #1 contender for the WWF Triple Crown Championship!! That's right!! Because before you get to Tenzan, you'll be facing, The Japanese Assassin, Hayabusa!! Next week on Monday Night RAW!!!"

    **At that point, Hayabusa, grabbed the mic..and started yelling at Flair--in Japanese, of course.

    Hayabusa" Flair-son!! Wooakk Tang Chi No WatakanataOhhchiiiiNah!!? WWF Triple Crownshu Championshipsu, PosubuCrima!!? Katanotochizon, Monday Night RAWson!!! Argghhhhh"

    Monday Night RAW went off the air with Hayabusa throwing down his microphone and returning to the back, as Flair and the Horsemen stared down Alfonso, as he and The Crimson Twins, returned to the back, as well. 91%

    Hayabusa gained overness from this segment. Bill Alfonso gained overness from this segment.

    Commentary Aftermath

    Styles" Oh My GAwwd! Did you hear that? Flair vs. The Japanese Assassin!! Right here, next week!!"

    Heenan" Alfonso's doing whatever he can to keep The Nature Boy away from that title!"

    Styles" And away from Tenzan! But what kind of 'deal' did he strike with the Crimson Twins? And will Beefcake & Sandman accept that War Games Challenge!?"

    Heenan" Don't forget, Owen Hart made a challenge to Carl Oulette!! For Holiday Hell II!!!"

    Styles" And what about Sabu!! Destroying what seemed to be a custom made casket for him!! I'm sure The Undertaker can't be too happy! "

    Heenan" All I know is that with all these guys back here next week, & with Beefcake, Sandman, Don Frye and Simon Diamond also here---oh it's going to be a war, Joey!! And it's going to be RAW!! Quite possibly the best RAW in WWF History!"

    Show Quality: 76%

    TV Rating: 7.36

    WWF WorldWide Preview!!

    --Hayabusa vs. 'Terrific' Terry Taylor

    --'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan?

    --Womans Division Tag Match!!

    Pauline Patriot & Dustine Rhoads


    Sexxteen & Helen Wolfenstein

    --And Much Much More!!!!!

  11. December 13rd, 1997

    WWF Worldwide Saturday Nights-

    Channel: FOX

    Venue: The SunSoft Air Theatre -- Detriot - MI

    Announcing Team: Sean Mooney & Jerry 'The King' Lawler

    Attendance: 10044

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Shane McMahon, Earl Hebner, Charles Robinson, Jim Mollineaux, John Finnegan


    Dave Schmeltzer

    - Mr. Everything Confronts Barry Horowitz -

    WWF Worldwide on 12/13 opened in the lockeroom. Mr. Everything went up to Barry Horowitz and used his line about using Horowitz as a stepping stone to 'Everything'. He then added; "It's not like you're not used to the feeling..", laughed than walked off, with Francine by his side. I must say, I'm really enjoying Martin's character. 74%

    Barry Horowitz lost overness from this segment.

    - Brian Christopher Sees His True Love -

    Sexteen d. Pauline Patriot - WWF Womens

    This match suprised me, here. It looks like the WWF's really giving the Women's thing a chance. The only way I can see this working, is due to Inoki's input, who comes from a country, where women's wrestling is accepted. Sexteen was a nice looking girl, with some nice agility, while Pauline Patriot was your average Pro-USA gimmick wrestler. I was getting annoying by the USA chants as were the fans. Finals came when Sexxteen nailed Pauline with a springboard slingshot. Directly after the match, Brian Christopher and Bruce Pritchard were seen staring at Sexxteen, on the isle ramp.

    Overall: 40

    Crowd: 37

    Match: 44

    Sexxteen, whilst returning to the back, eyed Christopher down the whole time, somewhat flirtious(sp). Christopher was heard off mic saying to Pritchard,

    Christopher" Wow, Bruce! Did you see that! She was looking at me! BC! We gotta make this work! C'mon!!"

    Christopher then pulled Pritchard with him as they 'chased' Sexteen to the back. 88%


    Don Frye d. Scott Taylor

    Scott Taylor was able to work amateur style with Frye for much of the match...but eventually Frye locked him in that Triangle Arm and Leg Lock, at 5:49, which Mooney called, "The Most Dangerous finishing move in the WWF, today."

    Overall: 65

    Crowd: 50

    Match: 80

    - Mr. Everything Prepares For Greatness -

    Following the match, they showed Mr. Everything working out as Francine looked on. Bischoff asked Francine if Martin was ready for Horowitz. At this point, Martin started counting each bench press rep louder, as Francine ran down Barry Horowitz. Francine also added that after Horowitz, Mr. Everything Andrew Martin, will go on to defeat the Nature Boy on RAW, and take the World Wrestling Federation by storm. Martin looked pretty impressive working out, and Francine did a good job of potraying his goals. 79%

    Francine gained overness from this segment.


    Pitbulls (Pitbull #1 & Pitbull #2) d. T.R.A.S.H (Brian James & Duke 'The Dumpster' Droese

    They really have to get Brian James away from Duke Droese. The match was only bearable when James was in there with Gary Wolfe. Pitbulls won with Pitbull #1 belly to bellying Duke off of the top rope at 7:33.

    Overall: 59

    Crowd: 47

    Match: 71

    - Kavana's Flexx Fact #2 -

    Following the match, Eric Bischoff was backstage with Flexx Kavanna, who got a slightly larger pop than usual. He then starting talking about "the background" of this week's Flexx Fact. He started to put over Sabu, in saying, "He threw Hayabusa from pillar to post! From post to pillar! And then emerged at the top of his game! The suidical, homicidal, genocidal Sabu!! And that brings me to Kavann's Flexx Fact #2! Sabu is a craaaaazzzzyyyyyyyy Mofo!!!"

    This had the crowd cheering and laughing, as the classic "new-babyface-sucking-up-to-a-popular-wrestler" strategy always works. Suddenly, Hayabusa appeared out of no where blasting Kavanna from behind. Bischoff started screaming for help, as Hayabusa threw Kavanna into garbage cans, then followed up by tossing Sabu into a shelf, causing a bunch of miscellaneous tools and boxes to fall on top of him. Mooney ended the segment with this soundbite;

    Mooney" What a heinous act! The Japanese Assassin has struck Flexx Kavanna!!" 78%

    Flex Kavanna gained overness from this segment.


    - John Tenta Enters The Cobb County Police Academy -

    Returning off the break, they sent us to a "live" shot of Big Bossman with The Earthquake in Cobb County, Georgia. Bossman told Earthquake that it was time to "Get in shape", and that he had the best idea for Earthquake: That he join the very same Police Academy that The Big Bossman graduated from. Bossman said it make take weeks, it may take months--but when he returnes, Earthquake will soon be "...more than an Earthquake! More than 'John Tenta! When you graduate from this Police Academa, you will be John 'The Law' Tenzan!!". All I'm saying is that Bossman looked like an overweight grandpa in sweats. 71%

    Big Bossman lost overness from this segment.

    Al Snow & 'Highlight Kid' Shawn Waltman d. Hayabusa & Jun Akiyama

    Great match here. They always have one of these type of matches on WorldWide, which I guess is enticement for viewers to watch the show. All four men were on point here, especially Akiyama coming out of his injury. Hayabusa got alot of heel heat here, after attacking Kavanna earlier on the program. Match came to an end when Akiyama seemed to be on a role, nailing both Snow and Waltman with thee exploders each--but the forth time, Snow blocked it, and got a fatigued Akiyama with the Snow Plow., earning the victory for his team. Crowd started their, "Let It Snow" chant as they went into the advert break.

    Overall: 81

    Crowd: 76

    Match: 87


    - Flair Live via Satellite -

    Coming out of the break, Mooney started running down the events between Flair & Tenzan during last week's RAW, leading up to Flair demanding a match for the Triple Crown. Mooney then introduced Flair, who was dining at a 'high class' restaraunt with WWF Officials, JJ Dillon & Ole Anderson. Mooney started asking Flair questions, to which Flair kept interupting himself to yell at the waitor. When he was greeted with a female waitress, Flair put on the charm, to the amusement of the live fans. Flair ended the interview saying this;

    " This week! Monday Night RAW!! Mr. Everything!! Just a first step! A first step to Hiroyoshi Tenzan! A first step to winning the Title For the 5th time...A first step to winning the WWF Triple Crown Championship Belt! And Tenzan, it's going to be a honour to beat you for it! Andrew Martin! [*laughs*] You may think that you're everything!! But you seem to forget who I am! I'm the Nature Boy!! Wooo!! Selling out arenas all over the country!! The Kiss Steelin', Wheel Dealin' Jet Flyin', Limousine Ridin', SON...OF...A...GUN!!! And this week on Monday Night RAW, I'm going to show you first hand, what that's all about! Woooooooooooo!! Now where's my food!" 95%

    The segment ended with Anderson yelling, "Waitor!!", as the live crowd echoed Flair's taunts. 95%

    Ric Flair gained overness from this segment.

    "Mr. Everything" Andrew Martin d. Barry Horowitz

    The crowd was alive for this one, but not as much as for the Snow/Waltman - Haybusa/Akiyama match which is very interesting. Finals of the match came with Martin nailing Horowitz with the Everything Pumphandle Slam, at 8:46. Martin posed for the crowd, along with Francine by his side as WWF WorldWide went off the air.

    Overall: 77

    Crowd: 83

    Match: 64

    Barry Horowitz lost overness from this match. Mr. Everything gained overness from this match.

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Mooney" Wow, look at that body!! 'Mr. Everything' Andrew Martin, has a chance to make a mark in the WWF when he faces The Nature Boy this week on Monday Night RAW!"

    Lawler" That's right, Mooney!! And you can bet that Tenzan, the WWF Triple Crown Champion will be in the building!!"

    Mooney" That's right!! And I won't be suprised if Tenzan does what he can to keep Flair from winning that match tommorow night!!"

    Lawler" I love it, Mooney!!"

    Show Quality: 70%

    TV Rating: 6.53

    Raw Preview!!

    --Ordered by Senior Official Bill Alfonso!

    **'Nature Boy' Ric Flair vs. 'Mr Everything' Andrew Martin!

    --Special Challenge Match!

    **Al Snow vs. The Undertaker!

    --'King Of Old School' Steve Corino vs. Tatsumi Fujinami!

    --Plus, Hunter McMahon Helmsley, Carl Pierre Oulette & Lance Storm, The Warriors Of Doom, and MORE!!!!

  12. user posted image

    December 8rd, 1997

    Monday Night Raw-

    Channel: USA Network - Prime Time

    Venue: The Trinex Tri-Centre, Minneapolis, MN

    Attendance: 12,033

    Announcing Team: Joey Styles & Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Dave Hebner, Shane McMahon, Jimmy Korderas, Joey Marella, John Finnegan, Jim Mollineaux


    Dave Schmeltzer

    Helen Wolfenstein d. Bull Nakano

    RAW on 12/8 started off with Bull Nakano & Helen Wolfenstein in the ring for the first Woman's match since 1991. I'm hearing that the WWF is testing the waters to see what women talent is out there, before giving it a push. The first match wasn't too bad, a bit rushed--but not too bad at all. Both actually 'wrestled', which was pretty darn impressive rather than the usual Miss Elizabeth vs. Sensational Sherri Matches, that American Women's Wrestling is limited to, thanks to The ECA. Wolfenstein was basically a bigger version of Bull Nakano, which is kinda gross. She kept growling like a Wolf. Oh. I get it. "Wolfenstein". Anyway, she won with a falling bear hug in 5:33. Next, Ric Flair, Sting, and Steve Corino came to the ring...

    Overall: 50

    Crowd: 29

    Match: 51

    Bull Nakano lost overness from this match. Helen Wolfenstein gained overness from this match.

    - The Fourth Horseman -

    Joey Styles made his way to the ring and brought out the Horsemen. Corino did the talking first running down Brutus Beefcake and The Sandman. Corino had to talk over a LOUD Corino chant. The popularity of Corino now, compared to his earlier years as a Horseman is an amazing contrast. Corino called Sandman a dumb drunk and refered to Beefcake as "The Only Barber who's always unemployed", which the crowd found funny. Corino then said that if the Sandman wanted to be Hardcore, then he could be Hardcore, too. And then said..."...and if Beefcake wants to be gay..then...well...I can't help ya there...". I'm suprised they let that one through. It did however get a riot of laughter from the crowd as Corino handed the mic to Sting. Sting did his "Woooooooooo!" then ran down Beefcake and Sandman for attacking him, last week. His comments on Beefcake actually did a good job of getting Beefcake over....which is great for the few fans who may still think of Beefcake as the funloving face of just a few months ago.

    Sting" Is this the same Brutus Beefcake that I saw on WWF Colliseum home video cutting off Lanny Poffo's hair? NO! Is this the same Beefcake that I saw claim to be friends till' the end with a beach blond that I beat earlier this year? (WCW's Hulk Hogan) NO!! This is a different type of Beefcake!! A Beefcake who's rejection from the Four Horsemen has driven him to the cold blooded, arrogant, REAL Brutus Beefcake!! And Beefcake, when I get in the ring with you, I'm gonna give you more than a trim up!! I'm going to give you a beat DOWN! Woooooooooooooooyyyyyeeeeeeeaaaahhhhh!!! " Flair was then handed the mic, and started screaming and yelling as always, getting the crowd well into the promo, even more than they already were....

    Ric Flair

    " Sandman!! Beefcake!! You two want to attack Sting from behind!! Well, you two, against us two, TONIGHT!! Wooooooooo!!! And now...[*Flair starts to slowly strut around the ring, as Sting and Corino laugh and clap along*]...for...the...moment...that...THE WHOLE WORLD!!! HAS BEEN WAITING FOR!!! To be part of the Horsemen, you've got to be strong! You've got to be special! You've got to have IT. You've got to be THA MAN! I've been reading the internet reports--some people's been saying it's Waltman. [*Crowd pops*] But you've got to be more than a Highlight Kid. Some have said Barton! [*Crowd booes*] But we would never let anyone who follows that slimeball Jim Cornette! Some people, said it was Al Snow!! [*Crowd cheers*] But I'd rather dance in the rain, than in Snow! Whatta we got here!! Steve Corino? The King Of Old School! Already 3 time WWF Champion at the age of 24! Now that's Horsemen material!! Stinger!! The man!! The man who was among the first to fight side by side with...Woooooooooo!! The Nature Boy!! [*The fans echoes are just rediculous at this point*] And now, the man who we have chosen to fight side by side with us!! The Canadian Horseman!! [*fans are confused. There's no such wrestler*]

    ...The Canadian Horseman--Intercontinental Champion, OWEN HART!!! Woooooo!! Wooooo!!! Wooooo!! Woooo!!!"

    Owen Hart walked to the ring, getting a huge pop from the crowd. Owen, sporting a " WWF '97 Revolutionizing Pro Wrestling" T-Shirt, and holding his I-C belt on his shoulder, stood stationary as the crowd chanted Owen. Flar then started chanting "Owen", whilst dancing around the ring, before handing Owen Hart the microphone in the most animated way possible, getting the fans "Woooo'ing" again....

    Owen Hart

    " I am the Fourth Horseman!! I am the Canadian Horseman, Owen Hart!!! [*Crowd Cheers*] For years, I've always heard of the legacy of Ric Flair! I've always heard of the intensity of Sting--and I felt it first hand, when Sting beat me in the semis of the C1 Clash!!!! And I already know what Steve Corino is capable of! A man that actually gave me a push earlier this year...to start thinking for myself!! (Owen's referring to the climatic parts of the midyear Steve Corino-Bret Hart feud) And now, it's a great honour to say--I am a Horsemen! Woooooo!!!"

    Flair take the mic again....

    Flair [*First Starts Dancing*] " Owen! Owen! Owen! Wooo!! Owen! Owen! Wooooo! Owen!! And Owen!! Remember this!! All of our battles!! Is your battle! All of your battles! Is our battle!! We're all Horsemen!! We all fight the same battles! And so Owen, I say this! Ya see that belt right there [*Pointing to The IC Belt*]...we all know what it's like to be a Champion. That's part of the reason why you were chosen! Because you're a champ! And a damn good champ! And, in usual Horsemen fashion...we're going to do whatever it takes to help you keep that title! Wooo!!! Wooo!! Owen!!! Woooo!! Hart!!! The!! Woooo!! Fourth!!! Wooooo!! Horseman!! Woooo!!!!"

    The segment ends with all Four men holding up the Horsemen sign to a HUGE pop, whilst fading to a commercial break. An Owen chant is heard starting, as they cut to break... 92%


    - Don Frye's Looking For Kama 'First' -

    Don Frye d. Dr. Tom Pritchard

    I guess Pritchard can wrestle as himself now, no longer stuck under the Dr. X mask. The match was actually very well worked, partially due to Pritchard who has the talent to convincingly counter many of Frye's takedowns and submissions. Frye ended up catching Pritchard in the Triangle Arm & Leg Lock. After his victory, Bischoff who was hanging around the outside the ring, and played back Kama's comments from WWF Worldwide, where he said that he'll be looking for Frye on RAW. Frye responded, with his agent Clyde Vasseur at his side...

    "Looking for me??! I'm a Hunter!! No one hunts the hunter! Tell Kama I'll be looking for him!! And when I do...!"

    Frye then smacked his fist in his palm then walked off with Vasseur.

    Overall: 62

    Crowd: 52

    Match: 72

    - Storm Accepts Oulette's Help -

    Lance Storm d. Hakushi

    These two had an awesome match here. Storm really worked hard, to showing his determination at impressing WWF writers. Hakushi worked equally as hard, to show that he's worthy of remaing in the WWF. The crowd didn't get into the match much though, until Storm threw Hakushi outside of the ring. Carl Oulette came down the isle here, and tossed Hakushi into the ring steps 3 times. I guess referee Joey Marella is selectivley deaf, and couldn't hear the crashing into the steps. Oulette threw Hakushi back into the ring, as Storm reluctantly made the cover on Hakushi. With that, Oulette got into the ring and started putting the boots Hakushi inviting Storm to join him. When Storm wouldn't do it, Oulette grabbed the mic and yelled...

    Oulette" C'mon, Storm!! [*Kicks Hakushi*] I helped you win this match!! C'mon! Storm!! Do you want another 5 years of A HART claiming to be the best Canadian Wrestler in the WWF?! Do you want another HART holding guys like US down!?"

    Storm started thinking about what Oulette was saying, then finally joined Oulette in stomping out Hakushi to a heel reaction. Styles pushed this as Oulette corrupting the young wrestler's mind. The two continued to put the boots to Hakushi as they went into the next advert break.

    Overall: 64

    Crowd: 43

    Match: 86

    Lance Storm's turn was completed, and he is now a heel. Lance Storm gained overness from this turn.


    - Lance Storm Shows His Allegiance Against Hart -

    Raw returned from the break with Storm & Oulette still in the ring, jawing with fans. Storm had a mic in his hand...

    Storm" That's right! The years of Hart dominance is over!! Hart! Why don't you come out here, and get a taste of the New Wave of Canadian Superstars!"

    With that, Storm and Oulette waited a few minutes before Owen finally came out. Owen was just about to run down the isle, when all of a sudden Ric Flair's music hit. Flair came out to a nice pop, then yelled;

    Flair" Wooo!! Oulette! Little Boy Storm! In case you weren't watching earlier, Owen is now more than 'A Canadian Wrestler'! He's a Canadian Horseman!! And if you mess with one Horseman! Like I said earlier, punks! You're messing with us all! Owen!! Lets go down there, and show these punks what being a Horseman is all about!"

    With those words, Flair & Hart charged the ring engaging on a 2-2 brawl that got the crowd going nuts. During the melee, Styles kept putting over Storm, who was going head to head with The Nature Boy. Finally, The Horsemen got the better of the fight, clearing the ring of Oulette & Storm to a huge pop. The story of this segment however was all about Storm. 72%

    Ric Flair lost overness from this segment. Lance Storm gained overness from this segment. Carl Oulette lost overness from this segment. Owen Hart lost overness from this segment


    The Warriors Of Doom (The Mighty Horace Hogan & The Renegade Warrior) d. The Big Bossman & Earthquake

    Joey Styles made a brief mention of The Big Bossman and Earthquake once being apart of Slick's PHAT stable from earlier '94, which I thought was pretty interesting. Match came to an end when the Mighty Horace Hogan pinning Earthquake after the Mighty Leg Drop at 9:22. After the match, Renegade Warrior bodyslammed both men to a building 'Warrior' chant.

    Overall: 64

    Crowd: 68

    Match: 58

    Big Bossman lost overness from this match. Earthquake lost overness from this match. Horace Hogan gained overness from this match. The Renegade Warrior gained overness from this match.


    - Tenzan returns the 'Crutch' To Flair -

    Ric Flair & Sting d. Brutus Beefcake & The Sandman via DQ

    This match had alot of heat going into it. Flair was great with the struts, especially when the Sandman was in there. Sandman gave the most confused looks that I've ever seen in reaction to Flair's animatics, which were priceless. Ending of the match came when Sting nailed Beefcake with his Stinger splash at 11:48, then quickly following up with his Scorpion Deathlock. At this point, Sandman went to the timekeepers table, tossed ring announcer Joe Pedicino onto the ground, got his cane, and cracked it over the back of Sting, breaking the hold, but also earning his team the disqualification. Flair then got inside the ring and started pounding Sandman into the corner, before putting him into the Figured Four to a huge pop. At this point, the crowd was incredibly hot, until WWF Triple Crown Champion, Hiroyoshi Tenzan, accompanied by Cornette & Inoki came down the isle, once again carrying that very same crutch that Flair used on him at Shangril-a. Before Flair was able to release Sandman, for cover, Tenzan cracked Flair accross the chest with the crutch, getting a huge reaction from the crowd. Tenzan, then hit Sting with the crutch, before Steve Corino and Intercontinental Champion, Owen Hart hit the ring for the save. Styles put this over as Tenzan getting his revenge on Flair. Styles emphasized that Flair would not be a happy camper.

    Overall: 82

    Crowd: 92

    Match: 64


    - Street Fight in Minnesota -

    Returning from break, Simon Diamond was parading the halways with Kama Mustafa, 'looking' for Don Frye. They were confronted by WWF Official Ole Anderson, who handed them a note from Clyde Vasseur, the agent of Don Frye. It read;

    Dear Mr. Diamond

    It has come to my attention that you STILL have not learned your lesson from your Shangril-a defeat to my client, Mr. Don Frye. Don Frye is more than a wrestler. He's more than a fighter. He's a shoot fighter. He represents the most dangerous type of controlled competition that we know of. In addition to being undefeated here in the WWF, maybe I should let you know of Frye's 'other' matches. Here were some of the most recent results from his shoot fighting matches around the world;

    -Don Frye d. Mac Johnson in 30 sec. (Chokehold)-

    -Don Frye d. Yuji Nasato in 3:33. (Armbar)-

    -Don Frye d. Ken Shamrock in 5:33. (called match)-


    Clyde Vasseur

    Booking Agent

  13. December 6rd, 1997

    WWF Worldwide Saturday Nights-

    Channel: FOX

    Venue: The SunSoft Air Theatre -- Detriot - MI

    Announcing Team: Sean Mooney & Jerry 'The King' Lawler

    Attendance: 12055

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Shane McMahon, Earl Hebner, Charles Robinson, Jim Mollineaux, John Finnegan


    Dave Schmeltzer

    - Kavanna Voice's His Opinion; Alfonso Makes Him Pay -

    WWF Worldwide on 12/6 opened up with Sean Mooney and Jerry Lawler talking about Shangril-a and the RAW following it. They harped about the officiating that led to Hiroyoshi Tenzan eliminating Bret Hart--then going on to win the WWF Triple Crown. At that point, Flexx Kavanna came down the isle as Mooney and Lawler pondered as to what it was that he could possibly want. Kavanna slammed Alfonso for ignoring Bret's foot on the rope, and gave the very first, "Flexx Fact", entitled "Flexx Fact #1", as he called it. He then said, "...and that Flexx Fact is..that any official named Bill Alfonso..SHOULD BE FIRED!". The crowd went insane for this, cheering "Flexx Fact! Flexx Fact!" Very smart move in having Kavanna kinda defend a guy who was the top face in the WWF. At that point, Alfonso came down screaming and yelling--actually yelling on the mic before he even came out of the curtain...

    Alfonso" Kavanna!! Who are you to talk about Bill Alfonso!! I'm a senior official in the WWF for I reason! I call it right down the middle, daddy! And if wanna disrespect me! Then fine!! But now you're getting a little punishment!! Meet your opponent!! Or should I say OPPONENTS!! Xamot & Tomax, THE CRIMSON TWINS!!"

    With that, out of the back came running The Crimson Twins to the ring, as an excellent shot of the young Kavanna showed here. 91%

    Bill Alfonso gained overness from this segment.

    The Crimson Twins d. Flexx Kavanna

    The twins have the wierdest boots I have ever seen. They were silver. Silver Wrestling boots? Wow. Anyway, the story of the match was that Kavanna almost actually beat the twins after getting the Kavanna Krush {Rock Bottom} on Xamot. But Tomax snuck up behind the fatigued Kavanna and gave him a Cranium Kick--or, a Crimson Kick, according to Mooney. Alfonso actually stood by ringside and starting to yell at Kavanna after the match, before raising the hands of the Twins. Hmmm. It looks like these may be a mainstay with Alfonso, to get them out of the PRIDE cloud, although they were still wearing the "Tag Team Pride" jackets.

    Overall: 54

    Crowd: 56

    Match: 64


    - Cornette Questions Perfect, #1 Contender for the WWF Triple Crown -

    They shoot us to the back coming out of the break, showing Mr. Perfect preparing for his match against Mike Barton. Cornette came up to Perfect and noted that he was the #1 contender for the WWF Triple Crown, since he never got a return bout after loosing the belt. Cornette then asked Perfect if he was in the Horsemen. When Perfect said that he "didn't know what Cornette was talking about", Cornette started calling Perfect a pathological liar, pointing out that he was Flair's lackey years ago, and was part of the Horsemen when Corino was also in it. Perfect said that he would never team up with Corino again, and then walked off. Cornette left these parting words; "You're yesterday's Perfect news, Hennig!"

    OUCH. 78%

    Mr. Perfect lost overness from this segment.

    Terry Taylor d. Hunter McMahon Helmsley

    Taylor won with that dreaded top roope kneedrop at 8:33. Kronus Helmsley was at ringside eating out of a tray being held by The Butler. He was eating with his hands, alone.

    Overall: 63

    Crowd: 75

    Match: 62


    - Owen Hart; The WWF's Elite Canadian Wrestler -

    Next Sean Mooney did one of those 'live via satellite' WWF Worldwide deals, this time talking with New Intercontinental Champion, Owen Hart. Hart was dressed in street clothes, holding his I-C belt on his shoulder. Mooney asked him questions, first about Alfonso and what he did to Bret. Owen said that Bret has had it with the WWF's dubious officiating and has signed a contract with GCG. I'm very suprised that they actually announced that on TV...but then again, I'm sure it was done to appease Owen. Mooney then asked about Oulette's coming so close to winning the I-C Belt at Shangril-a. Owen did a good job of putting himself over, calling himself the new Canadian Elitist in the WWF. He added that he was a far superior athlethe than Oulette, and said that he'll take Oulette, "Anytime, Anywhere". As if Owen had no where to be, Mooney asked Owen about Oulette's attempts to get Lance Storm...another Canadian, to join him against Owen. Owen said that Storm was a student of the "Hart Dungeon", and would never oppose him. Very good segment here. Had the crowd chanting "Owen" to the Titan Tron. 95%

    Owen Hart gained overness from this segment.


    - The Debut Of Kama Mustafa -

    Kama Mustafa d. Big Dick Dudley

    Mustafa was accompanied to the ring by Simon Diamond, and did his Street Fighting Deal against Big Dick Dudley. The announcers were pushing how Kama got The Big Dudley down so easily. Kama won by 'submission', after his pummel punches onslaught on Dudley. I like how they're pushing him. A basic street fighter. Dudley took the pummel punches for quite some time, but soon it began to be 'too much' for even Big Dick to handle. Kama then pointed to the camera and said;

    "Frye!! Imma coming for you 'boy!! Ohh yea!"

    Overall: 55

    Crowd: 63

    Match: 62


    Shawn Waltman d. Johnny Ace

    Typical WorldWide filler match--but these are two of the best. Ace teased a couple of Ace Crushers before eventually being suprised by a Lightning Kick at 11:33 to end a good match. The Sandman and Brutus Beefcake were advertised next.

    Overall: 72

    Crowd: 83

    Match: 74

    - "Special Treatment" -

    The Sandman d. Barry Horowitz

    The Sandman sported a suit as his wrestling gear. He still drank beer, then threw it at the fans after he was done. The fans were really digging into the Sandman after his attack on Sting, with Beefcake. Sandman actually smoked a cigerette while Wrestling Horowitz, taking a break to take a drag every few minutes. Finally Sandman nailed Horowitz with his Piledriver (Cig in mouth) to win the match, as Beefcake entered the ring. Mooney left his broadcast post to get a word with Sandman & Beefcake.

    Overall: 75

    Crowd: 91

    Match: 68

    Mooney went into the ring and questioned The Sandman and Beefcake for their "Heinous Acts" on RAW. Beefcake did the talking first, saying that how the Horsemen thinks that they deserve special treatment. Beefcake reinerated his RAW point of always wanting to rid the WWF of Corino, but never getting the chance thanks to "That Royal Bafoon", as he said while pointing to Lawler at the broadcast table. Who uses the word "Bafoon" anymore? Mooney then went over to Sandman, asking why he turned on his fans. Sandman took a long sip of his beer and said that he didn't care about 'fans' and only cared about his beer. He then added, closing the interview;

    Sandman" Yeaaa. And if Corino and Sting want special treatment....and even Flair. I'll give them special treatment all right."

    Sandman then started posing with his cane as if it were a baseball bat, as Brutus' music hit, and they cut to an advert break. 72%

    The Sandman lost overness from this segment. Brutus Beefcake lost overness from this segment.


    - The WWF Triple Crown Champion sends a Message To Ric Flair -

    Mike Barton d. Mr. Perfect

    Not too much of a bad match, but it did go a little long at 12:54. Barton won after he threw Perfect into the ropes--this is when Tenzan, who was on the outside, hit Perfect in the back with the very same [bENT] crutch that Ric Flair hit him with at Shangril-a. I knew something was going to happen when Tenzan showed up with that very same crutch. When Perfect was coming off the ropes, clutching his back, Barton jumped on him and nailed him with his Back Drop, for the cover and the victory. After the match, Tenzan got in the ring, and started pounding Perfect over and over with the crutch, as Mooney hyped their match this upcoming week on RAW. Lawler pushed the idea that Tenzan was sending a message to Ric Flair, as it was no secret that Perfect used to be a Horsemen...and could very well be the man who's announced as the Fourth Horsemen, on RAW. WWF Worldwide went off the air with James E. Cornette holding up the hands of Barton and WWF Triple Crown Champion, Hiroyoshi Tenzan to a shower of booes.

    Overall: 72

    Crowd: 85

    Match: 72

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Mooney" Perfect is down, in the ring!! Could he turn things around this week on RAW, when he gets a shot at the WWF Triple Crown Title!??"

    Lawler" I think he's going to be winning it for the Horsemen, Mooney!! I have a feeling!! I can feel it!!"

    Mooney (Laughing) " Is that a Royal Feeling King?"

    Lawler" No, Mooney! A Royal Feeling is something else...that I don't want to talk about with another guy."

    Show Quality: 74%

    TV Rating: 6.88

    Raw Preview!!

    --WWF Triple Crown Championship!

    *Hiroyoshi Tenzan (Champion) vs. 'Mr. Perfect' Curt Hennig

    --Kama Mustafa Searches for Don Frye!!

    --Brian Christopher vs. Sabu

    --Lance Storm vs. Hakushi

    --The Announcement Of The Fourth Horsemen!!

    --The WWF's First Woman's Wrestling Match since, 1991!

    *Helen Wolfenstein vs. Bull Nakano*

  14. user posted image

    December 1rd, 1997

    Monday Night Raw-

    Channel: USA Network - Prime Time

    Venue: The Pegee Centre - Char, North Caronlina

    Attendance: 12,033

    Announcing Team: Joey Styles & Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Dave Hebner, Shane McMahon, Jimmy Korderas, Joey Marella, John Finnegan, Jim Mollineaux


    Dave Schmeltzer

    - Bill Alfonso Awards The WWF Triple Crown Title to Hiroyoshi Tenzan -

    The first RAW of Decemember began with a recap of the Shangril-a Pay Per View, supplemented with fan's reactions to the event. Many fans described the event as the best Pay Per View--ever. The show opened up with Pedicino introducing referee Bill Alfonso, the man who officiated the Unification Match to present the new belt to the Champion. Actually, they're calling it the Triple Crown now, as Alfonso actaully carried the Old WWF World Title, and the GWF Heavyweight Title on his shoulders, along with the new WWF Heavyweight Belt around his neck. I'm guessing, that, this is not only influence from Inoki, but it's also representative of the titles actually being Unified. There was a loud "You screwed Bret" chant directed at Alfonso as he paced around the ring, screaming about how he "Always calls it down the middle". Alfonso, then introduced the new champion to the ring;

    Alfonso" That's right, daddy!! I call it right down the middle! I ain't see no' foot on the ropes! I don't care what no one says! And now...the WWF Champion! The GWF Champion! And now...after defeating Steve Corino, and BRET HART (People boo Alfonso, now, louder than ever), The Undisputed Champion Of The World!! That's right, daddy! He's the WWF Triple Crown Champion-- with his manager James E. Cornette--HIROYOSHI TENZAN!!"

    **Tenzan came down the isle, accompanied by James E. Cornette, Antonio Inoki, and now Tatsumi Fujinami. Alfonso handed over the three titles to Tenzan, whilst yelling, "The WWF Triple Crown Champion!! Hiroyoshi Tenzan" He then gave the microphone to Tenzan, who started to talk and yell, in Japanese. Inoki did some translating, announcing that Tenzan thanked the man who's been training him, Japan great, Tatsumi Fujinami. Cornette then saved us from listening to more Japanese, and began putting Tenzan over as the best wrestler in the world. He than began to verbally attack Ric Flair for attacking the new Champion last night, which got the crowd heated. A huge pop followed, when Cornette was interupted by Ric Flair's theme....75%

    Hiroyoshi Tenzan lost overness from this segment.

    - Horsemen to be Complete Next Week; Challenge Tonight -

    The Horsemen, as they were called, came out, first Sting, then Corino, then Flair--and walked to the ring to a huge pop confronting Cornette, Tenzan, Inoki, and Tatsumi. Sting took the mic first, and started going on about how finally, he and Flair were re-united, and how he beat the Undertaker in his own match. Alfonso, who was still in the ring, chimed in and announced that The Undertaker was present--survived the Hell's Pit Match, and would be getting an Intercontinental Title match against Owen Hart, later tonight. Styles overeacted here, wondering how Undertaker survived that match. Heenan said something to the effect of it being due to the work of Dr. Tom Pritchard. Sting went on to put Corino over--as being able to go down as once of the greatest WWF athlethes in the history of the sport. Corino was next, and praised the Old School--putting over Sting and Flair at the same time. He said that he started as a Horseman, and planned to dominate the WWF into 1998 as a Horsemen. Flair was next, and lit up the Peegee Arena with his nearly two minutes of Dancing around Cornette, Inoki, Fujinami, and Tenzan...

    Ric Flair

    " Woooooooooooooooooo!!!! The man, is back!! The Stinger is in the WWF!! And Steve Corino is back home!! Wooooooooo!!! [*Crowd echoes him each time.*] It's a reunion party....Horsemen style!! Everone's invited!! You, Inoki! Woooooo!!! You, Fujifujifuji Tastumamamojo!! Woooo!!! You, Cornette!! Woooooo!!! And even, my non-english speaking Triple Crown Champion!! Woooooooo!! HiroooooooYOSHI TENZAN!!! YOU'RE ALL INVITED! Woooo!! [*Flair puts his arm around Tenzan, but Tenzan shruggs him off, and adjusts the new Title on his waist. The other two are on his shoulder. This turns the crowd's happy tone, into hostility directed at Tenzan*]

    WWoooooooooooo!! And next week!! Once again!! The Horsemen will be at full force!! But lets talk about, Woo! [*Flair starts dancing again*] TONIGHT!! Cornette!! Last year, you took me out of commission. You took me outta business. You took me away from the sport that I love! That I live!! That I bleed!! But now, the tables have turned! Tenzan!! You may have that belt now. But you're looking at 3 of the greatest athlethes in this sport, that are very capable of taking that title away! And that'll happen! But tonight!! Tenzan!! Get your mentor, Tatsumi Fujinami out of that suit, and into wrestling gear tonight!! Cos' you two have a date with, Woo--THE NATURE BOY...and...[*He put his hand around Corino*]..THE KING OF OLD SCHOOL!!! Wooooo!!!!" 88%

    With that, The 4 Horsmen left to a huge pop. Crowd as always, was really getting into Sting and Ric Flair both doing their 'Woooo's on the way back up the ramp....


    - Brutus 'The Horseman' Beefcake? -

    Coming out of the break, they show a limo pulling up to the back. Bischoff, who always makes it a habit to 'hang out' in the car park, waited, and discovered that it was Brutus Beefcake, returning to the WWF. Beefcake got a HUGE pop. He was wearing shades, and was dressed like The Heel 'Arrogant' Brutus Beefcake of the mid 80's when he was managed by Valient. Bischoff asked him what was he doing back so soon, as he thought Beefcake was injured. Beefcake took about 10 seconds fixing his bowtie, before he answered;

    Beefcake" Ya know somethin', Bischoff!! Beefcake is back, dude! Just like the rest of the world, dude--I watched Shangril-a!! And I saw the re-union of probably the greatest group of wrestlers that this world knows brotha!! So I cleaned myself up! And I'm hear to join the Horsemen!!"

    **With that the crowd popped huge, to Beefcake's outdated promo skills. JJ Dillon emerged from the back, almost laughing at Beefcake...

    Dillon" You? A Horsemen? Hey, let me tell ya something, man. I'm glad to see you back and all--but the Horsemen--I'M SURE--are not taking applications from...BARBERS!"

    **Dillon laughed whilst walking off. The camera panned in on Beefcake, who had a great look of resentment on his face... 72%

    Brutus Beefcake lost overness from this segment.

    Al Snow d. Damien Demento

    Snow completley wiped the mat with Demento to a solid match long 'Let it Snow' chant. Despite loosing the Shangrila match to Barton, it's clear that Snow has taken a huge step as a top guy in the WWF. I'm hearing alot of rumours regarding programs for Snow. We'll see what they decide on doing. Snow won with a nice looking Snow Plow at 8:33.

    Overall: 67

    Crowd: 69

    Match: 63


    - The Ebony Experience Show Off Their Gold -

    Coming out of the break, Joey Styles was in the ring, and introduced The New WWF Tag Team Champions, The Ebony Experience to the ring. D'lo Brown accompanied them, as he walked side by side with Lady Jacqueline, in addition to 12 more black female models all holding mirrors. Styles mentioned how D'lo Brown's low-down played a huge part in the team winning the Tag Team Gold Booker T and Stevie Ray had new fur coats, that they said they were able to buy after becoming WWF Tag Team Champions. Stevie Ray actually did most of the talking. They promised to defend the belts against all of the low class tag teams that the WWF had to offer. As they were talking and bragging, quick shots of several WWF's tag teams were shown looking on--including The Space Croppers, The Warriors Of Doom, that got the biggest pop, and The Crimson Twins. Already, I have an image of Booker T & Stevie Ray doing impressions of The Crimson Twins--or even worse--the Warriors Of Doom. Stevie Ray ended the interview with saying;

    Ray" Now...at this time, I would like tell all da ladies in the crowd...that your Ebony Experience for tonight...as come to an end! "

    It was kinda hard understand some of the things Ray was saying. But he did a good job getting his team over. 72%

    Stevie Ray gained overness from this segment.


    - Oulette Plays The Canadian Card -

    Carl Oulette d. Lance Storm

    Good match here between the two. During the match, they played Oulette's plancha dive, from Shangril-a, into the crowd onto Owen, getting him over to the TV fans that might've missed it. Storm almost beat Oulette on a number of occassions, but Oulette ended up winning with his falling German Suplex--a move that he used alot during Shangril-a. After the match, as Storm was about to return to the back, Oulette stopped him, took the mic, and made a request.

    Overall: 70

    Crowd: 68

    Match: 72

    They used this segment, also, to subtley confirm Bret Hart's departure from the company. Oulette grabbed the mic and told Storm that, "Now that Bret Hart is gone," Owen Hart's been going around saying that he's the best Canadian Wrestler of the WWF. Storm appeared somewhat interested, as Oulette mentioned that Owen said he would never loose the Intercontinental Championship--and invited Storm to help him prove Owen wrong. Storm didn't answer. Instead, he returned to the back, "thinking" about what Oulette said, as Oulette stood watching, from the ring. Styles mentioned that Oulette should stop trying to cause trouble and accept his loss, with Heenan defending Oulette--saying that Oulette may be able to defeat Owen one on one, and saw himself, as the premeire Canadian Athlethe in the WWF, now that Bret Hart's gone. 80%


    - The Sandman Gets a Trim Up -

    Returning off the break, we see the Sandman wandering around 'buzzed' backstage, sipping a budweiser to a huge pop. He then passed by Brutus Beefcake he looked at the 'rough looking' Sandman in almost disgust. The crowd actually laughed at this, as Beefcake doing the heel arrogant Beefcake is hilarious--especially since it's the complete opposite of The Sandman. Sandman, who was apparently VERY drunk, began to slurr and speak to Beefcake...

    Sandman" So ya wanna be a Horsmen? BARBERTUDE!! YEAA!!!" [*Crowd laughs*]

    Beefcake (Showing his resentment) " Apparently I'm not good enough for the Horsmen!!"

    Sandman [*Sips Beer. Looks around aimlessly. Then returns to conversation*]" Maybe it's the Barbertude? " [*Crowd laughs again*]

    Beefcake" But Barbertude is exactly what the Horsemen's all about! The Parties! High Class! Hell, you've even got the Horsemen credentials! You like to party!! You've got Barbertude!"

    Sandman[*Sandman takes a long look at his ripped "Enter Sandman" T-shirt, his air nikes, and his workout pants, with beer stains in it.*]" I ain't got no' Barbertude, man. I got Beerrraaaatude!!" [*Crowd laughs as Sandman takes another gulp of his beer, and a drag of a cigarrette*]

    Beefcake [*After thinking*]" Ya know what, brotha! Lemme fix you up! Trim the hair. Get ya a nice jacket and shit. Smooth pants! Nice shoes! And we'll both get into the Horsemen!!"

    Sandman [*Sandman like the idea. Then shows a face of confusion after 'counting' him and Beefcake*]" But there's two of us! That would make it the 5 Horsemen." [*Chuggs the rest of the beer, and lets out a burp. Beefcake almost jumps out of the way of the belch.*]

    Beefcake" No, brotha. I don't mean getting into the Horsmen. I mean getting into--The Horsemen..."

    **With that, Brutus starts to murmer something to Sandman as they walk off and the segment fades into advert break. Heenan yelled here;

    "A clean cut Sandman!! Is that possible!?", while Styles followed up by citing how drunk Sandman seemed, and put over Beefcake's apparent goal tonight, of becoming a Horseman. Heenan mentioned how Sandman's excessive use of alchohol cause him to be easily persuaded with quite a humourous analogy if you actually think about it....

    Heenan" Ya know, The Sandman getting a trim up drunk to him, is what it's like for normal folks to get their face painted, drunk...or something like that! He's completley backwards! If Someone said, 'Hey Sandman, you're drunk! Lets dress you up like a clown!' Sandman would probably respond by saying, 'No! Lets do something crazier! Lets CLEAN ME UP!!' " 75%

    The Sandman lost overness from this segment.


    - The Homicidal clashes with the Supernatural -

    Owen Hart d. The Undertaker by DQ - WWF Intercontinental Championship

    Brian Lee had a new look, and new ring music--an upbeat version of The Old Undertaker's theme--reunited with Bruce Pritchard, the man that brought him into the WWF. Hart got a huge ovation coming out with The Intercontinental Title. Brian Christopher got on commentary, and starting putting over his 'main man' Undertaker. I like how they've been building this 'relationship' between Christopher and The Undertaker over the year. Christopher main point was putting The Undertaker over Sabu; "Everybody's talking about Sabu! Death defying! Homicidal! Suicidal! But what about The Undertaker!! Did Sabu fall into a stack of tables only to return the next night? NO!! LEE did!!"

    With that, Christopher hit the ring and attacked Owen who was about to put the Undertaker into the sharpshooter causing the disqualification. Seconds later, Sabu charged the ring and went after Christopher, for talking about him, to a huge pop. After throwing Christopher out of the ring, Sabu backed up into The Undertaker. With that, the two had a standoff, with Styles on commentary yelling;

    "It's the Supernatural!! Against the Homicidal!! What a collision this could be!!"

    Paulie Dangerously did a good job of showing fear of The Undertaker, and pulling Sabu away and to the back. Bruce Pritchard and The Undertaker stared them down from the ring going into the next advert break. Styles' also mentioned Owen Hart's probable anger at referee Bill Alfonso, after what happened to Bret. It'll be nice to see if they build on that.

    Overall: 83

    Crowd: 89

    Match: 71

    - Mentor & Protege vs. Mentor & Protege -

    Ric Flair & Steve Corino d. Hiroyoshi Tenzan (WWF Triple Crown Champion) & Tatsumi Fujinami

    Sting accompanied Flair and Corino to the ring while James E. Cornette & Inoki stood in the corner of Tenzan & Fujinami. They gave Fujinami a brief rally, as he kept nailing Flair and Corino with a series of dragonscrews. Tenzan and Flair went at if for a little bit, in what looked to be a teaser for a possible Royal Rumble Main Event, depending on who the Horsemen 'choose' to go after Tenzan's WWF Triple Crown Title. Flair would make the most sense, since he broke a crutch over Tenzan's back last night. Anyway, final moments of the match came when Corino & Flair both had Tenzan and Fujinami in figured fours. Cornette jumped in the ring, and was deciding on who to hit with the Racket, but Corino got up, to a huge pop, and grabbed Cornette by the tie. Cornette started yelling and screaming like a girl, until The Great Kabuki hit the ring, and spit red mist in the eyes of Corino causing the DQ. Flair got up and leveled both Cornette and Kabuki--sending Kabuki over the top rope. Tenzan and Fujinami headed for the back, as Inoki grabbed Tenzan's belts and ran back to the back, as well. Corino, now wearing some mist on his face, along with Flair went after them to the back, leaving Cornette in the ring alone...with Sting. Sting closed in on Cornette, as he scowered into the corner pleading for Sting to let him go. That's when Brutus Beefcake, with The Sandman came down the isle, and to the ring.

    OVerall: 81

    Crowd: 87

    Match: 69

    - Brutus Beefcake and Sandman get 'Into' The Horsemen -

    Brutus Beefcake and Sandman came down the isle, both dressed for success. Beefcake was dressed in his usual wierd dress attire, complete with bowtie, while Sandman was dressed in his gray suit, reminiscent of his early heel years with Eastern Championship Wrestling. Styles put them over as being dressed to impress the Horsemen. Beefcake took the mic and starting talking to Sting as he and Sandman walked up the stairs and into the ring. They were met with a mixed responce, as this Beefcake was associated with the original Dream Team, and The Dream Team II with Hunter Hearst Helmsley--and the Sandman was dressed in a grey suit--something never fathomed by WWF fans. The Sandman had a cigarrette in his mouth, and wielded his singapore cane. I guess old habits never change. This allowed Cornette to sneak out of the ring....

    Beefcake" YA know somethin', brotha!! I watched last night, dude! Just as everyone did...as the Horsmen were reunited! [*Crowd Cheers as Sting nods and yells 'Woooooooo!'*] But, I noticed that ya only got three members, brotha!! And that Corino--is a LAME-O!! [*Some booes are heard from the crowd*] Ya see, dude, a couple of months ago, I had some run-ins with Corino--him and the King of the WWF, and he aint cool, brotha!! But ya got two cool dudes right here, man! Ya got the answer to the other half of the Horsmen!! Brutus Beefcake! And The Sandman! You got the man who put Jerry 'The King' Lawler out in ring action for good!! And I would've done the same to Corino, if that Memphis Moron didn't piledrive me on a chair last month dude!" [*Beefcakes attacking of Lawler causes even more booes--this time very noticable on TV*]

    Sting [*Is Handed a microphone from the outside by Joe Pedicino. He paces around the ring, almost laughing*]" You wannna spot in the Horsemen!!? I'm sorry guys, but the Horsemen is a brotherhood--it's more than a stable! It's more than a 'group'! I started in this sport as a Horsemen!! So did Flair! So did Corino! So...I'm sorry guys...Sandman!! You're a cool dude!! You're a party animal!! Like all of us..YEA!!! And Beefcake!! I've seen what you can do, brotha! You've got style! You've got class!! But sorry guys...not right now. We already got our Fourth."

    With that, Beefcake and Sandman both shared a face of dissappointment, which quickly turned into resent. Beefcake, then, got Sting's attention as he was about to leave the ring...

    Beefcake (Grabs Sting by the Shoulder) " Ya know, Sting, Sweet Bruti don't like dissapointment, brotha! What...are we not 'old school' enough for The Horsemen? But ya know what, Stinger...I think I've got just the cure for my disappoitment! Or should I say--for OUR dissappointment!"

    With that, The Sandman who moved behind Sting, smashed his cane over the head of Sting getting a huge shock reaction from the crowd, and from Heenan and Styles, on commentary. Sandman laughed, took another pull of his cigarette and began bashing Sting over the back with the cane over and over again, getting a huge heel pop from the crowd. Beefcake started strutting around the ring, as The 'New' Sandman went to work on Sting. Sandman then, held up Sting as Beefcake layed some punches to Sting's head. Beefcake held up Sting for Sandman, as he leveled him with a cane shot to the head, this time busting Sting open. Sandman then took a beer out of his pocket, took a gulp of it, and poured the rest of it over Sting's face, to a huge heel reaction. Finally, officials, led by JJ Dillon, hit the ring with, WWF Monday Night Raw going off the air, with Beefcake and The Sandman posing to the crowd--Beefcake with one hand up--Sandman holding up his cane, to a hostile Peegee centre. 91%

    Brutus Beefcake gained overness from this segment. Brutus Beefcake's turn was completed, and he is now a heel. Brutus Beefcake gained overness from this turn. The Sandman's turn was completed, and he is now a heel. The Sandman gained overness from this turn.

    Commentary Aftermath

    Heenan" Styles, this is a war zone! You've got the Horsemen fighting PRIDE in the back! And you've got Sting getting jumped here, by Brutus Beefcake and The Sandman!!"

    Styles" This was uncalled for!! Sting politely told the Sandman and Beefcake that there wasn't room in the Horsemen for them!! Beefcake's ego! Beefcake's arrogance has gotten the best of him!"

    Heenan" And Sandman's alchohol got the best of him! This is unbelievable!! Never in a million years would've I thought I'd see Beefcake and The Sandman working together! Never in a million years would I've even pictured The Sandman in a suit!! "

    Styles" See you next week folks! I don't believe this!"

    Heenan" Ya see, this is why I don't drink Styles! If I drank, I would've done what the Sandman's doing to Sting--to you a long time ago!"

    Show Quality: 79%

    TV Rating: 8.00

    Behind The Scenes Issues: Ringmaster Jim Neidhart showed up late..due to a little post Shangril-a partying last night. As part of the new no-tolerance attitude of the WWf staff, Neidhart was suspended for the month.

    WWF WorldWide Preview!!

    --'Highlight Kid' Shawn Waltman vs. Johnny Ace

    --A special Worldwide Match made by WWF Referee Bill Alfonso

    **Handicapped Match

    Owen Hart vs. The Crimson Twins

    --The Debut Of The Pitbulls!!

    --Ebony Experience vs. Furnas & Lafon -Return Tag Team Title Bout!

    --The Debut of Kama Mustafa!!

    --Mike Barton vs. (The Returning) Mr. Perfect!!

    --And, much, much more!!!

    --James E. Cornette tries to find out who the Fourth Horsemen is!

  15. Excellent.

    Thank you guys for the awesome words, and glad that others who haven't read this before, was just as amazed with the PPV as first time readers were. And, of course, thanks to long time readers like idol, eze, raistlin, fieldy, and marc, as well as that guy that said ahile back that's he's been reading forever making his like first and onl ypost for enjoying this a second time.

    This is the culmination of what I wanted the WWF to be. Sure, there's no way that I could've anticipated the curveballs (Flair being on the shelf for two years, Inoki become road agent, Rotunda become road agent adding to storylines), but what I wanted to creat was, as eZE said, "Inoki's WWF". Of course, in the beginning it was JJ Dillon's, James Cornette, and what would evolved into the CARTEL's WWF (ala clique-Cornette, Flair Pritchard, Dillon..based on history), but as was mentioned by someone, Hiro Tenzan was in lowercard matches for a reason.

    So now, this is finally my wwf. Realistically and logically woven. A simulation diary. Over several versions of EWR and now onto 1.3v?

    So now I ask, should I induct this into the HOF as is, and begin the new era post Shangrila?

    Or should I continue this up until Wrestlmania '98, the first "NEW" show of WWF '98, The Xfactor.


    And I almost forgot!

    How's this for "symetry", from Shangrila report....

    A hint of a Ric Flair return was given when they returned as Ventura mentioned something to the effect of Flair being one of the first victims of what ulimatley evolved into PRIDE nearly 2 years to the day (Survivor Series '95), and how he never got that revenge with his injury early last year.
  16. Survivor Series '97:Shangril-a


    Montreal - PQ Molson Centre - The Locker Room


    Bret Hart got out of the shower, and returned back to his lockeroom to get his stuff together. On the way back, he ran into Dave Hebner and asked him if he new where Vince was. Hebner informed him that both McMahons left for the night...

    In the lockeroom, was also Steve Corino and Steve Borden aka Sting...


    " I guess this makes you two the top guys now..."

    Both Corino and Borden nod, kinda shrugging off the Hitman's comments. Sting's almost done packing away his stuff.

    Bret Hart

    " Hey, Borden, you had to know about what went on out there?"


    " Hey, I'm still the new kid on the block, man. All I was told, is to go out there after the 20 mark, in the Black Scorpion suit--Dillon's idea. Attack Tenzan for a few minutes. And wait until the end of the match to do the reunion with Flair. That's it."


    " Yea, but, all I'm saying is that I know that you two and Dillon are close. And if he planned anything screwy--"


    " Hey, whoa, listen dude. What happened out there is between you and him. I wasn't officially in the match. So I didn't go asking Dillon to give me info on every match. If you have questions for Dillon. Ask him. Now, I gotta go, good luck Bret."

    This now leaves, Corino and Bret alone. Corino is about to leave, but Bret uses this opportunity to ask Corino almost the same question.


    " Hey, Steve. You stood outside the ring for a mighty long time. You knew that was going to happen didn't you?"


    " Hey...what I was told is that Tenzan pins you...your foot on the ropes get ignored. You argue with Alfonso. Then you return to the back. I was told to lay on the outside, and let you enjoy your last moments in the ring with your Canadian fans. I get back in the ring. Work my ass off against Tenzan, and eventually put him over. That's what I was told. And that's what happened--except for the part where you almost got into a legit fight with Inoki. I wasn't told anything about that. About the part where you almost spit on JJ. That part I wasn't told of. If you were told differntly then you gotta take it up with Dillon."


    " What about Russo?"


    " Russo? Russo? Are you fucking kidding me? Russo wrote all of the Undertaker stuff. Do you think that Russo has any conception of history to fathom reuniting, Me with Ric Flair and Ric Flair with Sting?"


    " Yea. And you were always Dillon's boy. He always saw you as a Horseman. Ric Flair -- taken you under his wing, now that you're older. You've got it all, kid."

    Corino extends his hand to Bret. But it's clear that Bret doesn't believe that Corino is oblivious to his questions. When his gesture not reciprocated, Corino instead pats Bret on the back before leaving.


    " Hey. That's another story. Whatever. All I'm saying, is that you're asking the wrong person. I'm telling you what I know. What I was told. And what I saw. Like Borden said--you got problems with Dillon? Maybe a communication misunderstanding--you take it up with him. I think he's still in his office."

    Corino leaves Bret to finish packing his bags. Bret is then joined by his family. He informs them of the apparent communication problems that aroused earlier tonight.

    Montreal - PQ Molson Centre - The Backstage Corridor


    The corridor was filled with quite a number of the staff, as they stood outside JJ Dillon's Office. According to word of mouth, Bret was in a private meeting with Dillon, Ole Anderson, and Mike Rotunda. However, from the shouting that was going on, it was clear that there were a few more people inside. Ric Flair's voice was also heard. The shouting was followed by 4 large thuds, followed by more shouting, then silence. Bret Hart stormed out of the office and to his lockeroom. He then quickly grabbed his bags and was seen storming out of the back exit.

    Finally, about 15 minuters later, JJ Dillon, with his bags, walked out of his office...with a slight bruise on the side of his head, being ushered through crowd in the hallway by Ole Anderson & Ric Flair. Mike Rotunda shadowed right behind them.

    There was a murmur in the hallway as Dillon and company continued out of the arena.

    user posted image

    Styles" But this time, Bill Alfonso's officiating has gone tooooo far! This is the WWF Title on the line! And worst of all, this is the Hitman's home!"

    Ventura" This is a sport!! The home team doesn't always win, Styles!!"

    -Survivor Series '97: Shangrila PPV-

    user posted image

    The image of Bret Hart standing, staring at Inoki as he points to the back, is one that I'm sure that will be all over the Wrestling publications in the months to come.

    -Dave Schmeltzer -

    Survivor Series '97: Shangrila Report

  17. 9. Hiroyoshi Tenzan defeated Bret 'Hitman' Hart and Steve Corino in 27:01 of an Elimination match to win the WWF World Championship

    Referee: Bill Alfonso

    Very good main event here. It should be noted that the ring was completly surrounded by WWF Road Agents and staff. JJ Dillon, Vince Russo, Ed Ferrera, Vince McMahon, Gerald Brisco, Pat Patterson, Mike Rotunda, in addition to Shane McMahon and a few other officials, all occupied the outer regions of the ring. Inoki was also at ringside, but he was guised as being in the corner of Tenzan, along with manager James E. Cornette. Styles acknowledged it on TV citing this as being a History Changing Match, since the GWF and WWF Titles were going to be unified to make the WWF World Title. Tenzan and Corino worked really hard against Bret, who didn't seem to be putting to much effort into his moves. The stuff between Bret and Tenzan was great, with each exchange ending in Bret getting the upper hand, putting over Bret's experience at being in big matches. Minutes later, Corino interupted Bret's dominance by suprising him with a low blow--a move that seems to be reserved for Corino. The three men had a innovative spot at 11:22; Tenzan had Hart in a position for a somoan drop, but Corino dropkicked Tenzan. Tenzan no-sold the dropkick and began screaming at Corino. Corino nailed him again with the dropkick, which allowed Bret to maneuver a DDT onto Tenzan, getting a huge pop, and a near fall. Corino and Bret started to go out it again, this exchange ended with Hart tossing Corino over the top rope onto Inoki and the rest of the WWF staff. Dillon and McMahon went down hard. Crowd was going nuts for Hitman at this point--but he turned around into a Tenzan cartwheel kick. Tenzan began nailing Bret with those hard mongolian chops. Corino then got back in the ring but was greeted with a Tenzan heabutt, which send him back through the ropes, and to the outside. Tenzan continued his onslaught on the Hitman until Hart reversed an irish whip into the ropes, taking Tenzan down with a clothesline. Both men sold being fatigued, as they were now into the 15th minute of the match. They did a spot where Tenzan "invited" Hitman to clothesline him. Tenzan followed suit. Both men no-sold the other getting the crowd riled up. Finally, Tenzan started to stagger from the Hitman's 5th clothesline. Hitman quickly followed up with a well placed savatte kick, sparking a huge "Hitman" chant and sending Tenzan down. Hitman, then started to go for his finishing routine. After the russian leg sweep he went to the second turnbuckle for his elbow..but Corino suprised him by running back into the ring, and catching him with an Ace Crusher off the top rope, for a near fall. Tenzan began to recover and, immediatley went after Corino nailing him with a lariat, then, again tossing him over the top rope. Once again, Corino was tossed into a group of officials--this time, Rotunda, Ferrera, and Ole Anderson. He then made the cuthroat sign as he nailed Bret with his Top Rope Headbutt, leaping from corner to corner. Tenzan then pinned Hart as Alfonso made the three count, despite Hart's left foot being on the ropes. Tenzan immediatley got up, gloating to the hostile crowd that he put Bret away with his headbutt. Bret, actually held onto Tenzan for a few seconds, while he was trying to get away, and looked to be especially upset, that he lost his WWF Title and his chance to unify the championship. At this point, for some reason there was a long stalemate. Styles kept going on about how Bret's foot was on the ropes, blaming it on the well known dubious officiating of Bill Alfonso. Hart stood up, and started to stare at Tenzan, who was still going on with the fans. He then looked over to JJ Dillon, who was standing side by side with Vince McMahon & Antonio Inoki, and mouthed "This is bullshit." Corino was still selling being thrown to the outside. At this point, Inoki entered the ring standing in front of Tenzan and Alfonso, and pointed to the curtain, signaling for Bret to leave and honour his elimination. Bret had a long staredown with Inoki, and soon began talking about his foot being on the rope. For some reason, Alfonso was also hiding behind Inoki as Bret continued to stare at Inoki and Alfonso...

    Ventura" Styles, I don't care how many times Bret held that WWF Title! He don't want to mess with Antonio Inoki! That man is a legitimate martial arts expert! This man can bend your bones in more way then most! Hart had better heed Inoki's orders and leave the ring!"

    Styles" But this time, Bill Alfonso's officiating has gone tooooo far! This is the WWF Title on the line! And worst of all, this is the Hitman's home!"

    Ventura" This is a sport!! The home team doesn't always win, Styles!!"

    At this point, the fans started to chant 'Bullshit', as Hart started to leave the ring. He looked over in the direction of Dillon, Russo and McMahon, and started to walk over to them, until being blocked off by Inoki once again, motioning for Bret to leave. Hitman seemed to have no choice, as Styles continued to push Alfonso over as the most scrupulous referee in WWF history.

    Bret Hart stepped into the ring again, as Tenzan continued to look on. Corino was still layed out. Inoki, like a hawk, followed right behind Bret. The "Bullshit" chant was louder than ever. Hart actually spit in the direction of Dillon outside the ring, but the camera cut away to two fans who hopped the railing. One, from the left side of the ring, had an Agent Risktaker T-Shirt on. Security was right behind him as he jumped in the ring and charged Tenzan. Tenzan simply grabbed him until security got into the ring. Another fan used this opportunity to hop into the ring on the other side, he went up to Bret shook his hand, and in his excitement yelled "This is bullshit, Bret! It's Bullshit! You're the champion! You're--". Ole Anderson, Mike Rotunda, and Tony Garea quickly took out this fan later identified as Fieldy. JJ Dillon then, grabbed a microphone and yelled;

    "Do not run out of the stands, are you will be arrested!"

    Finally, Bret shook his head, leaving Inoki with a parting middle finger...another gesture that didn't make the cameras.

    The match continued after a short delay, and it took a while for the crowd to get back into the match, after their hero was eliminated. The image of Bret Hart standing, staring at Inoki as he points to the back, is one that I'm sure that will be all over the Wrestling publications in the months to come. As of now, no one knows for sure what the problem was, if there was one..but it was clear by the amount of time that Bret stayed in the ring, that something wasn't right. Anyway, the match continued with Corino suddenly becoming the face against the man that eliminated Bret Hart. As Corino battled with Tenzan, Styles questioned as to whether Alfonso's officiating could cost Corino his chance at unifying the gold. About 5 minutes later, at 20:20, a masked man dressed in all black, with the words "Black Scorpion" accross his leg pants, made his way into the ring, and started wrestling, attacking Tenzan in particular. Ventura kept yelling;

    Ventura" That's the Hitman!! That's the Hitman and I know it!! What a sore looser, Styles!"

    However, Ventura's claim looked to be untrue when the 'Black Scorpion' threw Tenzan into the turnbuckle and followed through with an avalanche that closely resembled Sting's Stinger Splash. At this point, Vince Russo sent Mike Rotunda & Ole Anderson, along with McMahon sending in Patterson & Brisco to try to get this 'Black Scorpion' from attacking Tenzan. Styles emphasized that referee Bill Alfonso could not excercise a DQ due to the importance of this match. Finally, they got the Black Scorpion out of the ring, to a loud "Stinger" chant that we've heard so much of during the last match. As Scorpion remained on the outside besides Dillon, Corino nailed Tenzan with the Dusty Elbow, for a near fall. Corino had a great facial expression here of fustration. Minutes later, Corino busted Tenzan's face open with an Ace Crusher, and a near fall. After playing to the crowd, Corino then picked up Tenzan, and went against the ropes for a swinging neckbreaker, but Tenzan suprised Corino by countering with his somoan drop, getting a huge reaction from the crowd. With that Tenzan quickly went up to the top rope nailing Corino with a moonsault. Both men were down for a while, until Tenzan went up to the top rope for another moonsault--but no pin. Finally, at 26:33, Tenzan gave the cut throat sign and finished of Corino with his top rope headbutt winning and unifying the World Wrestling Federation Championship.

    A bloodied Tenzan celebrated with Cornette and Inoki, holding up the new WWF World Title Belt, on all four turnbuckles as Inoki's music played in the background. Cornette and Inoki shook hands, and hugged as Styles pointed this as being nearly a 3 year operation by Cornette and Inoki. I was wondering why the show didn't end directly after Tenzan's win. That's when, Ric Flair emerged from the curtain, on crutches, to a huge pop and alot of scattered "Woo's" from the crowd. As Flair waddled to the ring on his crutches, The Black Scorpion, hit the ring again, attacking Inoki & Cornette from behind. He then greeted a charging Tenzan with a powerslam, and started to put the boots to him, as Flair made his way closer and closer to the ring. Styles mentioned that the Black Scorpion was actually sent back into the ring by Dillon, on the outside.

    Final Call By Joey Styles and Jesse 'The Body' Ventura

    Ventura" That's the Nature Boy on the way to the ring!"

    Styles" Yea, but he's got that broken leg! And the Scorpion continues to put the attack on Tenzan!! What is going on here!? "

    Ventura" It's the Hitman, I told you!! He's bitter!! He can't stand that he lost in his home country!! Hitman's selfish!! But what I don't understand, is why Dillon would send The Hitman back into the ring!"

    **Flair enters he ring...The Black Scorpion backs up as Flair stands over Tenzan, the new Champion. Cornette and Inoki get some parting kicks on the other side of the ring. Then, Flair looks around, lets out a loud "Wooooooooooooooooo!!!", and smashes one of his crutchers over Tenzan's back.**

    Styles" Ohhhhhh MYYYYYY GAWWWWWWDDDDDDDDD!!! Flair just broke that crutch over the back of the WWF World Champion!!"

    Ventura" I don't believe it, Styles!! Ric Flair is back!! His leg is heeled!! Miracles do happen, miracles do happen!!!"

    Styles" BUT WHO'S UNDER THE MASK!!!!!!"

    At this point, Ric Flair let out a "Wooooo!!" and extended his hand, to the man who he brought into the Four Horsemen just 3 years ago, Steve Corino. Corino accepted the gesture, and embraced Flair, to a huge pop. Flair then yelled again, this time pointing to the Black Scorpion...Scorpion, then lifted off his mask, revealing himself to be, indeed Sting, getting another huge pop. Sting then did his modified "Wooooo!!", while Flair followed up with his "Wooooo!!". The two started going back and forth getting the crowd more and more into this, before finally embracing each other to a loud pop. At this point, Flair started dancing around and pointed to JJ Dillon, on the outside, who laughed and pointed back before entering the ring. Ric Flair's music started to play, as JJ Dillon shook Flairs hand, hugged, and posed with Flair, Corino, and Sting. WWF Survivor Series '97: Shangril-a went off the air with JJ Dillon clapping as, Ric Flair, Steve Corino, and Sting, raised their hands in unison bearing, the sign of the Horsemen. Flair kept laughing and "Wooooo"'ing, Corino nodded with his smirk, and Sting kept yelling, "Yeeeaaaaahhhh!" the way he usually does, as the PQ Molson Centre cheered the men on, almost forgetting about Bret Hart's loss. Good plan.

    Overall: 84***

    Crowd: 89

    Match: 74

    Bret Hart was sluggish and didn't put much effort in.

    Commentary Aftermath

    Styles"Is this what I think it is?!?"

    Ventura" Styles, don't you get it? This is what Sting was talking about!! This is what Sting was rambling about over the last few weeks! This was his reality!! If The Undertaker won that Hell's pit match, then the Dark Carnival's reality would come through! The reality that they spoke of!! The reality of Darkness! And Evil!! But now!! Sting's won his match! Lee was the Ultimate Sacrifice! And now look at the result of it!! Sting's reunited with long time friend, Ric Flair! Two of the orginal Horsemen members!"

    Styles"...And Dillon's another original Horsmen member! And they stand tall with Steve Corino, who started his career as a horsemen right here in the WWF!!"

    Ventura" This is more than a mere stable! This is a brotherhood, Styles!"

    Styles" An Unholy Brotherhood!! Tenzan may be the WWF Champion! But it looks like he's got a group of guys that are looking to change that!!"

    Ventura" Change that, and the WWF, as we know it!!"

    Styles" I'm Joey Styles, for Jesse 'The Body' Ventura, I'll see you tommorow night! For the Shangril-a Aftermath! It's Monday Night RAW, live from Charlotte, North Carolina at the Expo Dome!"

    Ventura" Listen to this crowd, Styles!! The WWF will never be the same, again!"

    Show Quality: 80%

    Buy Rate: 1.99

    Best Match: Hayabusa vs. Sabu

    Worst Match: The Baddest Men vs. The Baddest Team

    Other Shows

    WCW Dusty November - Buy Rate 1.97

    Best Match: WCW Title- Keiji Muto vs. Masahiro Chono

    Worst Match: Hulk Hogan vs. The Berzerker John Nord vs. Scott Haul vs. Shawn Michaels

    Reality Twist: Mark Calloway remains a midcarder

    GCG Schwimmer Showdown - Buy Rate 1.33 - Global 40%

    Best Match: Dan Severan vs. Kurt Angle

    Worst Match: Giant Gonzalezz vs. Hawk

    Reality Twist: Ever since Jim Crockette was fired, their image has increased. New Owner, Dr. Kent Schwimmer

    ECA Combat Coolmine - Buy Rate .87 - Global 8%

    Best Match: JC Ice vs. Nova

    Worst Match: Cowboy Bob Orton vs. George 'The Animal' Steele

    Reality Twist: Signed Tony Halme after the WWF's release. Halme is the #2 Star behind (injured) Bam Bam Bigelow

    21CW Century Battles - Buy Rate .80 - National 94%

    Best Match: Terry Funk vs. Jeff Jarrett

    Worst Match: Jimmy Garvin vs. Hillbilly Jim

    Reality Twist: Non Wrestlers are, Don Muraco, Captain Lou Albano, and Terry Funk.

    5SSW - 5 Star Splash - Cult 59%

    Best Match: Christian Cage vs. Rick Titan

    Worst Match: Haku vs. Nightstalker (Adam Bomb)

    Reality Twist: Haku is their #1 star. Their #2 star, Doomsday (Glen Jacobs) is out for 2 months.

    VZF Rock Johnson's Johnsonfest - Cult 18%

    Best Match: Bob Holly vs. Jimmy Del Ray

    Worst Match: Black Bart vs. Tiger Ali Singh

    Reality Twist: Don Harris is the top star. His brother, Ron Harris was recently stolen by WCW.

    USWA's Thanksgiving's "No Turkeys Allowed" - Regional 85%

    Best Match: Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Satoshi Kojima

    Worst Match: Nikiti Koloff vs. Brickhouse Brown

    Reality Twist: The longest running territorial Promotion in Wrestling.

  18. user posted image


    Venue: The PQ Molson Centre - Montreal Canada

    Announcing Team: Joey Styles & Jesse 'The Body' Ventura

    Attendance: 20665

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Shane McMahon, Earl Hebner, Charles Robinson, Dave Hebner, Joey Marella, Billy Silvermann, Jim Mollineaux, John Finnegan


    Dave Schmeltzer

    The 1997 Survivor Series, entitled "Shangril-a", proved to live up to the hype that it produced. Not only was this one of the best Pay Per Views in terms of crowd heat and excitement, but the in ring action was well above par. The countdown to Survivor Series '97, which started since the beginning of the year, turned out to be the official countdown of the return of, still, one of the most over men in the company, Ric Flair.

    As for the sacrifices. I believe there were two. One for the fans. And one for the insiders, though that part isn't fully confirmed yet.

    Right before the Pay Per View started, Eric Bischoff-backstage-asked Vince McMahon, indentified for the very first time on camera as 'The CEO Of The World Wrestling Federation', who was going to win the Unified World Title Match. Vince, who was accompanied by JJ Dillon and the unamed Vince Russo, simply replied;

    "I don't know..."

    Joey Styles and Jesse 'The Body' Ventura opened up Survivor Series from their broadcast post, which was on a stage right above the first section of fan seating, reminsent of the old Eastern Championship Wrestling broadcasts. I guess this is Joey Styles' influence as a senior booker, now. Styles & Ventura did a great job pushing the importance of this year's Survivor Series, and questioned what the final sacrifice would be. As Ebony Experience's music played, Styles reminded the home viewers that this Pay Per View, unlike the previous Pay Per Veiws had a MA-17 rating. This is where I wondered what they had planned--specifically, for that Hell's Pit Match....

    Styles" Hello everyone, I'm Joey Styles, joined here with, Jesse 'The Body' Ventura, and Jesse, would you listen to this crowd! I have never experienced anything like it!!"

    Ventura" Styles, I've seen Mr. T take on Rowdy Piper! I've seen Hulk Hogan bodyslam Andre The Giant! I've seen the Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan Collide! Hell, I even watched the clash between The Mountie and Ric Flair, at Arsenal II!! But tonight is going to overshawdow all of those memories! History's going to be made Styles!!"

    *Ebony Experience's music starts to play*

    Styles (Laughing) " Hey, Jesse!! The fans are booing? I guess they finally realised you were here!"

    Ventura" Don't you start, four eyes!"

    1. The Ebony Experience (Booker T [51]& Stevie Ray[48]) defeated Furnas & Lafon (Doug Furnas [57] & Phil Lafon [62]) in 12:55 to win the WWF Tag Team Titles

    Referee: Billy Silvermann

    Not only was this a strong opening bout. But it actually had some crowd heat--something that's been all too foreign to tag team bouts during the recent months. Stevie Ray started off with Furnas, first. The two traded off a few shoulder block spots for the first few minutes of the match. Furnas eventually ended up suprising Ray with a hip toss, then wearing him down with a lenghtly sleeper hold. D'lo Brown & Lady Jacqueline were on the outside mouthing off with fans while this was going on--I guess to keep the fans awake. Furnas had a few near falls before tagging out to Lafon. Lafon worked with Ray for a while, but the match really picked up when he was in with Booker. The two had some nice series of spots, including Lafon catching Booker T's leg, from an attempted Axe Kick, sweeping him, then teasing submission from a half boston crab. The crowd actually popped for Lafon's counter. At 9:33, a funny little spot occured when Lady Jacqueline was wondering around ringside, a bit to close to Lafon when he was on the outside. He ended up chasing her around the ring, throught the ring, and up the ramp. This is where the ending occured. Referee Bill Silvermann, because--well, he's an idiot--was looking outside up the ramp by the ramp watching the antics between Lafon & Jacqueline. While he was preoccupied--Ray through Furnas into the ropes, but D'lo Brown yanked the top rope down causing Furnas to tumble over the top and onto the ring floor. Brown then picked up Furnas and nailed him with, a moved called "The Low Down", (as described by Ventura, on commentary) right outside the ring. Crowd reacted big to this. Styles emphasized that the move had to hure more, being on the outside. With that, Brown quickly rolled Furnas back in there ring, where Ebony Experience quickly applied the double slapjack. Stevie Ray, the illegal man yanked Silvermann away from watching Lafon chase Jacqueline up the ramp, so that he could make the count. Lafon finally saw this, and started to run back to the ring. But by the time he was back, it was too late. Silvermann counted the three, leading to a suprise Title Switch, as the Ebony Experience win the Tag Team Titles in 12:55 of a strong match. All four heels went nuts in celebrating as Lafon attended to his fallen partner. Definately a step up for both teams.

    Overall: 69**1/3

    Crowd: 60

    Match: 78

    Stevie Ray gained overness from this match. Booker T gained overness from this match.

    Commentary Aftermath

    Styles" Ebony Experience are the new WWF Tag Team Champions!! What a win!!"

    Ventura" And hey, they deserve it!! You've got Phil Lafon chasing Lady Jacqueline all over the place instead of thinking about the match at hand--good job to the Ebony Experience!! They deserve the win!"

    Styles" Well what about their competition!! The Crimson Twins! TRASH! The Warriors Of Doom!? The Pitbulls? The Space Croppers!?!"

    Ventura (As soon as Styles mentions the Crimson Twins, their ringmusic starts to play. It's a rock version of Beethoven's 5th) " Well, two of those teams that you mentioned are in the next match!! Surival is the name of the game, Styles!! The Allied Forces!! Against the Kapt!"

    Styles" The Kapt?"

    Ventura" Styles!! The C...A...P....D!! It's the Body's special abbreviation!! Get with it!!"

    2. The Allied Forces (The Ringmaster Jim Neidhart [86], Damien Demento [69], Tomax [42] & Xamot[48] defeated The CAPD (The Sandman [98], Barry Horowitz [97], Horace Hogan [52] & The Renegade Warrior [64])

    Referee: Joey Marella

    Sandman's entrance took nearly 5 minutes alone. He got a huge reaction coming out, and announced by Joe Pedicino as having "100% eye site". Ventura had a funny comment about that saying; Ventura" Does that mean that now 100% of the beer that he pours into his mouth will actually go into his mouth and not all over the floor, Styles!?" Sandman actually walked through the crowd and near the broadcast area to drink a beer amongst WWF Officials--specifically a few of the tech guys, Steve Zombie, and, 56 year old production assistant, Davey Flanders. Horowitz got the second biggest pop of his team...ODDLY. It's so strange. Horowitz can loose match after match...but still never loose a hint of popularity with the fans. His SummerSlam deal with Sting and The Undertaker really helped his popularity alot. Also, Damien Demento replaced Papa Shango here, for no announced reason. Actually, Papa Shango hasn't been on TV in about 3 weeks now that I think about it. He lost to Kamala, and that's it. I'm hearing that he let some hair grow and he's got a small mustache now, which can't be good for his Papa Shango character. Maybe his removal was his punishment--so I thought. Anyway the match wasn't too bad, having pretty good heat from the Canadian crowd. First elimination came at 4:33, when The Crimson Twins nailed Barry Horowitz with the Crimson Cold Wave. After Horowitz was eliminated, The Renegade Warrior ran in and did a better version of the Ultimate Warrior than Hellwig does; taking out the Crimson Twins, then Ringmaster then finally, Demento. Warrior started to jog in place to a hot crowd, as Sandman popped open a beer on the outside. Ventura alway has the funny comments at the Pay Per View;

    Ventura"Is the Sandman Drinking? Is the Sandman Drinking on The Job? Now wait a minute! Can I just pop open a beer right now, Styles? NOOOO!! And neither should the Sandman!!" The second elimination came 2 minutes later when Hogan, who got the upperhand after a series of power struggles with Neidhart, nailed the Mighty Legdrop, on the manager for the victory. Horace Hogan played to the crowd here, until he was blindsided by Demento. Demento worked with Hogan for a while, which was way below elegant, before Hogan got a hot tag to the Sandman. Sandman came in a cracked his cane over the head of Demento to a huge pop. The Crimson Twins ran in, and each got met with cane shots to the head, getting huge pops from the crowd. Sandman stood in place for a while, as the crowd broke into a huge "Sandman" chant. Unfortunately, these actions made the Sandman the next elimination via disqualification, making this now the Warriors Of Doom against Demento and The Crimson Twins. Marella instantly disqualified Sandman, causing Marella to quickly become the only referee that gets booes--besides Alfonso, of course. The Warriors went on a rampage for the next few minutes having their way with both the Crimson Twins and Demento. However, The next elimination came when Hogan missed his 'Mighty Legdrop' on Demento. Demento followed with his inner voices Iron Claw. Hogan submitted after being in the hold for like 45 seconds too long to stay awake. The Warrior was now against three people: The Twins & Demento. But Demento was taken care of within minutes. After Hogan's elimination Warrior jumped in the ring and nailed Demento with three running clotheslines. He then got him with 2 shoulder blocks coming off the ropes, for a couple of near falls. Finally, with a "Warrior" chant going on, Warrior got Demento with the gorilla press and slam for the next elimination: Making it now, The Renegade Warrior vs. The Crimson Twins. The underlying story here, was the ability of the Warrior to last with the Twins. Styles was pushing the Warrior really hard, but emphasized that he wasn't witi his tag partner. At 12:14, Warrior, who seemed to be incredibily fatigued, from taking on both twins, began setting up Tomax for a superplex. Warrior actually slipped off the turnbuckle, selling his fatigue. He climbed back up again--at this time, Xamot began fighting back. Warrior, nevertheless, starting setting up for the superplex anyway, but Tamox resisted once again, and started to set up a suplex of his own--teasing a superplex from the top turnbuckle to the outside of the ring. But instead, Tamox, who had all of this time of somewhat of a respite, came off the ropes with a varied version of what would be a sloppy tope rope version of a Kobashi Orange Crush. Then, as if he knew what his brother was going to do, Xamot came off of the other turnbuckle, a half second later, with a legdrop on the Warrior for the cover and the victory. Joey Styles let out one of his patented Oh My Gawd's! for that move combination--a varied version of the Crimson Cold Wave. The Crimson Twins are the survivors. The Rock version of Beethoven's 5th played as The Crimson Twins had their hands raised by James Cornette.

    Overall: 66**1/4

    Crowd: 73

    Match: 50

    Commentary Aftermath

    Styles" Oh My GaWD!! Did you see that move!! What a move!! They seem to 'know' each other incredibly well!"

    Ventura" And that's why they're one of the best tag teams in the WWF today!! Imported from Germany! Raised in England! And wreaking havoc here in the World Wrestling Federation!! I love it! I think we're going to see alot more of these guys, Styles!! And I think that all of the tag teams in the WWF, including the current Tag Team Champions--Ebony Experience--should take notice!"

    Styles (Holding his ear peice) " I'm being told...WHAT!!!!?"


    The Undertaker is seen walking off. The camera pans down, showing the Dark Patriot, laid out, on the ground.


    3. Don Frye [58] defeated Simon Diamond [66] in 9:57 of a No Rules Match

    Referee: Shane McMahon

    Frye got a nice pop coming out. Diamond got a very strong heel reaction, and was sporting a new robe that read, accross the back, "Simon Didn't Say!" Match started off with Simon doing his best to avoid getting into any submission holds at the hands of Frye. To 'stall', Diamond grabbed the microphone and said that he didn't want Frye's agent, Clyde Vasseaur, at ringside. Of course McMahon the referee reminded him that there were no rules of the match, and that he was only there to raise the hand of the winner. Diamond did the running around spot before stomping on Frye when he rolled in after him. Daimond had the upperhand until 6:33 when he went for an ankle lock. Frye, while in the hold, somehow sweeped Diamond with his free leg and locked Diamond into a variation of WCW's Chris Benoit's crippler crossface hold. Diamond battled over to the ropes, in about a 3 minute spot, forcing Frye to release the hold. I guess there were some rules, afterall. Diamond sold the use of the hold big, for the rest of the match. Frye laid some hard stomps on Diamond, and got him with a near fall after a powerslam. With that, Frye yelled--or something, signaling for his finisher--The Triangle Arm & Leg Lock. As he locked it in, A fairly built, rather tall, black man wearing red amateur wear, on top of a white top, along with sun glasses, and a small mustache, came down the ramp, grabbed Vassuer and tossed him into the ring steps. The bell rang here, as Diamond finally gave up. Frye still had not seen the man, who looked to be, Charles Wright, formally Papa Shango. He was wearing a long sleave shirt under his amateur tank top wear, so it was hard to see if he had Shango's tatooes...but it was indeed, Wright. After Frye was announced as the winner, he turned around right into a tackle by Wright. Wright began nailing him with funky looking pummell punches while, Styles and Ventura went nuts pushing the idea that they had no idea who this "Fighter" is. While this was going on, Diamond pulled himself up using the ropes, grabbed the microphone, and started to direct the beating. Off mic, he was hear yelling, "Give it to him, Mustafa!! Give it to him! Give him the Fighter's Flight!" With that, "Mustafa" apparently--picked Frye up, and nailed him with an inverted DDT, getting quite the heel reaction from the crowd. I had mentioned that Wright/Shango seemed to be bulking up a bit over the last few weeks. And, I see why. For his new role. Diamond then started to talk, introducing the world to Wright's new character, and hinted at insiders the end of The Dark Carnival...

    Diamond" Shangril-a!! Survivor Series!! Everyone's been talking about final sacrafices, and hell's pits, and this and that...well no one figured that little ol' Simon Diamond would have A PLAN!! Frye, I may have lost the match--and maybe I can't beat you at your own game--but I've found someone who can!! MEET THE ULTIMATE FIGHTER--KAMA MUSTAFA!!! That's right...except...this, here is a real STREET FIGHTER!! That's right!! Kama has earned his reputation at being the battest--not through the work of an agent! But by in actual CHICAGO STREET FIGHTING COMPETITION! This man is as tough as they come! He's as mean as they come! And he's as brutal as they come! He's been in 1 on 1's, 2 on 1's, 3 on 1's--HELL...he even took out a whole gang of street toughs, before!! Frye...meet the man, who'll laugh when you put him in your triangle lock!! Meet, KAMA MUSTAFA!!!"

    With that Kama jumped on the second turnbuckle and held up his hands to the crowd, who gave him a very strong heel reation. Great job. And a very fitting place to bring in the Kama Mustafa character.

    Overall: 71**1/2

    Crowd: 63

    Match: 79

    Don Frye gained overness from this match.

    Commentary Aftermath

    Ventura" Ya know, Styles, that Frye is tough, he's bad, he's mean! But this man!! He grew up on fighting with no rules!! He fought on the streets!! He's taken out gangs! I don't know if even Frye can take this!"

    Styles" That man is, indeed tough! He's charasmatic! And he looks like he can take on some pretty tough competitors---what..? What's wrong, Jesse?"

    Ventura" I'm getting something from Dillon, Backstage!"


    Once again, The Undertaker is seen walking off into the distance.

    The camera pans down, revealing Tammy Sytch laid out--immobile. Officials crowd over Tammy, asking each other who could be responsible for this.


    4. Sabu [94] defeated Hayabusa [80] in 20:48

    Referee: John Finnegan

    This match was everything it should've been...and maybe even more. Both of these competitor's popularity has increased, a great amount, over the last year. Hayabusa, ever since attacking Bret Hart and breaking up with Hakushi, has suddenly become a viable singles competitor--in the eyes of WWF Fans. Sabu, with this match, has made the leap from being a strong midcard attraction, to a strong dangerous competitor. These two didn't waste anytime in whipping out the goods. At 5:33, Hayabusa ducked a Sabu clothesline, and planted a well executed dropkick, sending Sabu up and over the top rope. He quickly followed up with a running springboard moonsault onto Sabu on the outside, getting a huge reaction from the fans. Hayabusa continued his onslaught with two Asai moonsaults. Big pop at 8:33 when Hayabusa started ripping up the outer ring mat exposing the hard floor. Hayabusa pointed to the turnbuckle, went up, and moonsaulted Sabu right on the concrete floor. An 'ECW' chant here started. I guess it was all fair game for Survivor Series, as Styles yelled: "I haven't heard that chant in years!" Ventura said that he had no idea what they were saying. Hayabusa continued his onslaught at a rapid rate, whipping Sabu hard into the railings. In WCW they've replaced the railings with some lame black coating. But not the WWF. Hayabusa then went for a springboard elbow, but Sabu moved, causing Hayabusa to fall hard into the ringside rail. Sabu quickly carried a chair and tossed it hard at Hayabusa's head. This sparked a huge "Sabu" chant. The WWF really put a good match together. Two guys that take hard bumps. Sabu brought the match into the crowd, and eventually to the stage area, where Styles and Ventura were stationed at. Sabu grabbed a table, and basically threw it at Hayabusa, connecting at the head. Several camera shots were thrown to John Finnegan in the ring, who had no idea what to do, as he completely lost control of the match. Sabu then stationed Hayabusa on the table, and proceed to climb one second up, to the second layer of the stage area, where the production team worked. He went for a falling cannonball, but Hayabusa moved, causing Sabu to crash onto the table. The Table wasn't gimmicked, but there was a huge *thud* sound that echoed, that sold the spot perfectly. Both men were laid out as another ECW chant started. Ventura, had one of the funniest lines of the night here:

    Ventura" Ya know Styles--I'm not really impressed with the English of these Canadian Fans. 'He See Double You?' I mean, I know Sabu's probably seeing 'double' right now, after that fall--but wouldn't you think there's a better way of expressing that, rather than; He See Double You? He See Double You!!? "

    At this point...The Bell Rang. No one new why. It was then announced by Joe Pedicino that referee John Finnegan has decided to throw out the match. The crowd booed this heavily. At this point, Paulie Dangerously came down the isle, soon followed by James E. Cornette. They were both pleading for Finnegan to let the match continue as the fans chanted "Let them go! Let them go!" After about 45 seconds of arguing, Antonio Inoki came to the ring, dressed up in his suit, as always. He then grabbed the microphone, and began yelling (and spitting) at Finnegan...

    Inoki" They want to continue!! If these great fighters want to continue, then you let them continue!! You let them show thier spirit! You let them show their FIGHTING SPIRIT! FIGHT!! FIGHT!! FIGHT!! FIGHT!!"

    Inoki then pointed to the ring bell, signaling for the continuation of the match as the crowd popped the loudest of the night up to this point. Styles mentioned how Inoki was a 'high ranking WWF official', that granted him the authority to make such a suggestion. With that, Sabu and Hayabusa started to trade blows right away on the stage. Excellent shot here of Styles making the call in the background. They eventually made their way back into the ring at 11:44. It should be noted that most of the match was indeed spent outside the ring. Sabu brought a chair into the ring, and had a number of innovative spots with the chair, in addition to his regular few. Great spot at 13:59 saw Sabu position Hayabusa in a squat position on the turnbuckle. He then ran from the opposite end, propelled himself off of a chair catching Hayabusa into a frankenstiener off of the turnbuckle head first into THAT chair, that he jumped off of, for a huge near fall--sparking a big "One More Time" chant from the crowd. Crowd actually popped for Hayabusa kicking out, as now, they were just enjoying the show that these two were putting on--regardless of heel vs. face. And actually, that's the way that these feud was pushed. While Hayabusa was always the academic heel, the fans were really never given a reason to hate him (Besides attacking Bret once, which everyone seems to have forgotten now), which is great--allowing for them to show 'respect' to Hayabusa for his ringwork. After a few more spots, the "One More Time" chants began again, for Sabu to do that Frankensteiner into a chair move. And to appease the fans, Sabu got another chair to perform the move once more. Except, this time, Hayabusa caught Sabu--Powerbombing him off of the top turnbuckle into the chair, getting nice reaction and a loud "ECW" chant. Talk about underhanded tactics. Styles mentioned here;

    Styles (First at the move) " OH MY GAWD!!! And if you were worried about missing WCW's Dusty November--don't worry. Right now you're missing, Roddy Piper against the PHAT Meanie...I fell sorry for whoever bought that Pay Per View..."

    After a near fall, Hayabusa gave a signal for his Stardust flip. He went for it, but as he was coming down Sabu grabbed that nearby chair, and placed it on his chest as protection, causing Hayabusa to 450 splash directly on top of the steel chair instead of soft flesh. This looked brutal. Hayabusa sold the move hard, as Sabu dragged him to the centre of the ring. Dangerously, then, threw yet another chair in the ring--this one used as Sabu's aid for his Triple Jump Moonsault that he used to win the match at 20:33 of a truly amazing match. Sabu pointed to the sky as a very loud "Sabu" chant overtook the PQ Molson Centre. With that, Sabu actually to the microphone to make an announcement...

    Sabu (Amongst a loud 'Sabu' chant) " They say I didn't belong here! They say, this major league WWF wasn't for me!! Well I say the major league WWF just didn't want a someone like me!! Well guess what!! This maniac is entering the WWF 1998 Royal Rumble!!!" *huge pop*

    Sabu's condition (-10)

    Hayabusa condition (-7)

    Overall: 87****

    Crowd: 88

    Match: 85

    Commentary Aftermath


    Ventura" Styles!! That was the most grueling match that I have ever witnessed in WWF History!! I cannot believe how those two put their body's on the line!"

    Styles" And he's the first man to enter the 1998 Royal Rumble in just two months!!!"

    Ventura" I have a feeling that he's going to be the only man in the Royal Rumble!! I wouldn't want to get in the ring with him!"

    Styles" And what about Hayabusa!!! That man is easily one of the most dangerous men in the WWF! He is indeed a Japanese Assassin!! "


    Right after the match, the cut to the back, again. This time, Dutch Mantell was on the floor, screaming in pain. WWF Officials ran over to the scene. Mike Rotunda asked Mantell, who did this to him. Mantell responded, "Lee..."


    5. Mike Barton defeated Al Snow in 15:56

    Referee: Jim Mollineux

    Styles and Ventura talked for a moment about how what the Darnival's words were starting to come true. Ventura mentioned how they promised that many would not make it beyond Shangril-a, and that those people were being targeted by the man himself--The Undertaker. Barton came out holding his old Secrect Agent Tag Team ring wear, and ripped it up in front of Snow which got a nice heel reaction. Barton then grabbed the mic and said...

    Barton" This match, is dedictated to one of the original members of PRIDE! The man who was a co-holder of the WWF Tag Team Titles for over a year! The retired, 'Dr. Death' Steve Williams! Now Snow...I just checked the secrect agent forecast! And it ain't say nothin' 'bout snowing!"

    Snow reacted by lunging out Barton like a wild animal starting a scuffle which ended up going to the outside. Much like the last match, this match spent the opening moments outside, in this case, the isle ramp. Barton caught Snow charging at him at 4:06, and manuevered him into a spinebuster, crashing down hard on the ramp. Unlike Finnegan, Mollineaux actually excercises a 20 count, so the two didn't get to far before returning to the ring. Barton dominated for a while with a few 'boxing' punches, as well as some low level power moves, including a few backbreakers, a sidedrop, two backdrops, and a hanging suplex, for several near falls. Snow battled back after powering out of an attempting piledriver, overhead tossing Barton to the outside of the ring. Snow, showed off his agility with an asai moonsault on the outside, which got a nice pop from fans. Snow began working martial arts style on Barton, leading to Styles put over his martial arts background for about 5 minutes. There were several 'Let It Snow' chants as Snow kept banging out nice kick and punch combos on Barton in the corner. Snow went for the snow plow a few times, but Barton was able to counter it--first, at 8:33 with a lariat, the second time, at 10:59, with a german suplex and the third with a backdrop. The counter backdrop actually came at 14:22, and signified the beginning of the end for Snow. It turned out that that Backdrop landed Snow almost directly on his head ala Dr. Death Steve Williams, one of the (According to Styles) "Pioneers Of PRIDE". Barton saw that he did special damage with the Williams version of the backdrop and sold the idea of 'capitalizing'. With that, he set up Snow again for a backdrop--except this time--the impact on the neck and head was done purposefully. He did it again, causing the crowd to cringe with each successive backdrop, this time holding Snow down for the 3 count. Cornette raised his hand, and was heard yelling at Barton...

    "Just like Dr. Death, YOU are going to make an impact in the WWF! You are going to be feared!! You are going to use THAT move put away competition! You are Mike Barton!!! The Winner!!"

    With that, Cornette raised Barton's hand as officials attended to Snow who was down in the corner clutching his neck. It looks like Barton's push continues, now modeling him after Steve Williams.

    Overall: 85

    Crowd: 87

    Match: 81

    Commentary Aftermath

    Styles" Wow!! I think Mike Barton has discovered his new specialty!"

    Ventura" It's all about PRIDE, Joey Styles!! And that's PRIDE--In honour of former WWF Wrestler--One of the first members of PRIDE--'Dr. Death' Steve Williams! He was the co-holder of the WWF Tag Team Titles for over a year! And that move is a strong reason why! If Barton can perform that move half as well as Dr. Death, then the WWF is in big trouble!!"

    Styles" Al Snow came close to winning many times!! He almost nailed Barton with that dangerous Snow Plow on many occassions!! The WWF Intecontinental Championship is up next! Lets see how---WHAT!!?!!"


    Before they showed highlights of events leading up to the Four Way Frenzy, a clip is shown of the Undertaker walking off once again. The latest victim was pictured to be Bob Backlund, laid out on the floor. WWF Official Katey Jayne Myers saw this, and starting screaming. Running into the room was then JJ Dillon accompanied by the unamed Vince Russo. Dillon saw this and said;

    " There's only one man who has the power to stop this. And he's got that chance tonight. I'm going to let him know what's going on..."


    6. Owen Hart [92] won the Four Way Frenzy Intercontinental Title Match in 25:33 over 'Highlight' Kid Shawn Waltman [93], Carl P. Oulette [93], and Shaggy 2Dope [92]

    Referee: Bill Alfonso

    Styles put over JJ Dillon being linked to Sting's past during the NWA stages of the Horsemen, as the I-C announcements were going on. Just about what you'd expect from this combination. Hart was the huge face here, obviously more-so since this was his home country. The announcers were building this match largley on the rivarly between Oulette & Owen, citing how Oulette turned on the Harts. 2Dope was actually the first to be eliminated. At 8:33, Waltman caught 2Dope, who was wrestling Owen, with his Lightning Kick off of the top turnbuckle, right as Shaggy turned around. Alfonso did a slow count, but Owen pushed Alfonso's hand down when he was hanging on the 3, thus eliminating Shaggy, confirming a definate title change. This got a huge pop. Shaggy took a long walk to the back, and showed a face of concern as if he was 'Worried about what he had to walk to'. The match picked up here as Hart & Waltman double teamed Oulette for a short while before Alfonso refused to make a count when Owen covered Oulette. The two, then went after Alfonso, before being double clotheslined by Oulette, from behind. Alfonso started jumping around the ring as Oulette started putting the boots to Waltman & Owen--nice referee. At 14:33, they did a tease heel spot with Waltman, as he was accidently got caught with flying forearm by Hart, when Oulette ducked out of the way. Oulette then went for the cover on Waltman, who kicked out, and started pushing Owen for hitting him. While the arguing was going on, Oulette went to the outside the ring to get a chair, and placed it behind him on the mat. Ventura started commending Alfonso's officiating here. As Waltman continued to ensue in a shoving match with Owen, Oulette snuck up behind him, giving him a falling German suplex, dropping Waltman right on the chair. Crowd reacted big for this as Oullette scored the pinfall over Waltman. Oulette and Owen then stared each other down for a few moments, as the crowd started going nuts for the final confronation. The two went at it, having probably a better exchange then they had in the past during the early year Oulette-Blue Blazer confronations, since both have vastly improved since then. Great spot came at 17:33 when Oulette tossed Owen outside the ring, and crotched him on the ring rail. He then yelled for the fans to move as he layed Owen accross a row of chairs....

    Styles"...and Oulette...is going back into the ring...what could he be thinking? What could--OHH MY GAWWWDD!!! Plancha on Owen!! Plancha on Owen!! Carl Oulette has just dived over the top rope, onto Owen Hart -- IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CROOOWWWWDDDDD!!"

    Ventura" Oulette has some amazing agility for a man of his size! That's what makes him so dangerous, Styles!! And there goes that 'He See Double You' chant again!!"

    It's a good thing that Oulette doesn't mind taking risky bumps. That's what makes him an asset to the company. He may not have the 300 pound, 6 foot tall look, but he does make up for that in other ways. A long 'ECW' chant ensued as both men slowly made their way back into the ring. Heyman must've been the happiest man in the company each time he heard that chant. Alfonso administered the 10 count, getting up to 8, as both men laid on there back in the ring. Owen was the first to get up, and applied the Sharpshooter on Oulette at 20:33. Alfonso had no idea what to do. He didn't want to give the match to Owen, but he couldn't just watch Oulette scream in pain--so he started to pull Owen off of Oulette, continuing the heel ref angle--even though 'His Man' (Shaggy 2Dope) has been eliminated. As Alfonso continued to tug on Owen, referee Jim Mollineux came running down the ramp to confront Alfonso--and was met with a right hand by Fonzie. This was hilarious to watch, as the fans got on Alfonso. At this point, Hart released the hold and started yelling at Alfonso for not calling the submission and knocking out Mollineux. At this point, Oulette went to that chair that he used on Waltman earlier and went to hit Owen from behind, but referee Mike Chioda hit the ring just in time and grabbed the chair as Oulette went to swing. Oulette wrestled the chair out of Chioda's hand and whacked him with it, leading to Styles go on about how Oulette would have to pay hefty fines. Oulette then blasted Owen in the back, then quickly grabbed the stunned Hart, and gave him one of those falling German Suplexes. The crowd was livid at this point, as it looked like Oulette was headed towards victory. He started yelling at the fans in french which got a huge heel reaction -- I guess since they actually understand what he's probably saying--which is usually not the case. Oulette after getting Alfonso's attention, went to make the cover on the fallen Owen. But this time as Alfonso was about to make the 3 count, Jim Mollineux got up and started to pull Alfonso up by the hair. He then returned the punch to Alfonso, to the delight of the crowd. Ventura was great here,

    Ventura" Now, what right does Mollineux have punching out Fonzo!? This isn't even his assigned match!! This is Alfonso's match!"

    At this point, Oulette sprang up, and started shoving Mollineux, yelling, "What the hell are you doing! Who do you think you are!" While that was going on, Owen was slowly starting to get his energy back, thanks to a loud 'Owen' chant. Or at least that's what Styles wanted the viewers to believe. Final moments of the match came when Oulette, then, turned around away from Mollineux into a thrown chair by Owen. He caught the chair--but was quickly suprised when Owen followed it up with a dropkick to the chair, causing it to smash against Oulette's face. That was a modified version of 21CW's Rob Van Dam's 'VanDaminator', the national promotion that's being built around Jeff Jarrett, and has a complete roster of, like 15. Owen then quickly pinned Oulette at 25:33 for the cover winning the Intercontinental Championship for the first time in his career. The crowd went bonkers for their fellow countryman.

    Overall: 82***

    Crowd: 86

    Match: 75

    Commentary Aftermath

    Styles" What a match!! Listen to this crowd!! Owen Hart is the new WWF Intercontinental Champion!! The King Of The Ring Tournament slipped away!! He got cut off at the semi finals of the C1 Clash!! But tonight, he went all the way!! Tonight, Owen Hart is indeed--as he says--Owen Hart is a winner!!"

    Ventura" Oh No!! Oh No!! Oh No! You know what this means right Styles? {what?} This means that both Harts are champions!! Great!! That's all we need!! The WWF dominated by the Hart family! Just great!!"

    Styles" Ventura I didn't hear a word that you said!! This crowd is going absolutley insane!! But...WHAT?!?!!?!?!? Who's being chased?"


    They cut to the car park where Shaggy 2Dope is shown running into a limousine with what looks to be travel bags. As the car speeds off, a wide camera shot shows The Undertaker looking on from the door. The announcers mention that Lee may have just scared Shaggy out of the WWF, for loosing the Intercontinental Title...


    7. The Baddest Team (Zeus [89], Rhyno Starr [61], Devon Storm [59], New Jack [73]) defeated The Bad Men (Mike Tyson [90], Mr. Everything [79], Koko B. Ware [71], & 'The Natural' Butch Reed [71]) in 12:12 of a Survivor Match

    Referee: Earl Hebner

    They kept this one short, thankfully. Rhyno Star eliminated Butch Reed in 2:33, after nailing him with the spear out of no where. Koko's elimination came seconds later when he stepped into the ring and was met immediatley with another 'Starr Spear', as it's being called. Crowd was really into to Rhyno here. Nice way to get him over. Storm was then tagged in who then did some work with Mr. Everything. Crowd was pretty quiet for most of the match, as they were waiting for the big Zeus-Tyson frontation. The next elimination came at 7:33, as Mr. Everything nailed New Jack with the Everything pump handle slam. Everything made the cover as the Canadian crowd chanted, "She's a RAT" directed at Francine. Martin was put over huge here by New Jack, getting all of the offense. Storm was about to come in next--but Zeus pulled him aside and stepped in, yelling, and screaming as he always does. Everything charged him, but was met by a clothesline by Zeus, getting a huge pop from the crowd. Zeus, then began to stare and yell to Tyson, sparking a loud 'Tyson' chant. Everything crawled over to Tyson and made the tag, as Ventura hyped up the confronatation;

    Ventura" This is it, Styles!! This is what everyone wants to see! The Baddest man in Wrestling against the Baddest man in Boxing!! Wrestling vs. Boxing, right here, live!! And, only in the World Wrestling Federation!"

    Zeus did his double arm strike--Tyson sold it a bit, but then fired back with a less than convincing forearm. The two went back and forth for quite some time, before Tyson's hits seem to be getting the better of Zeus. As Zeus staggered, Tyson bodyslammed Zeus, which had the crowd, and the announcers going nuts....

    Styles" Mike Tyson Bodyslammed Zeus!! Mike Tyson bodyslammed Zeus!!"

    Ventura" Styles, that man is over 6 feet tall! He weighs over 300 pounds! That ain't easy to do!!"

    Tyson, after playing to the crowd for literally 2 minutes, as they were in an uproar -- then went against the ropes dropping an elbow drop on Zeus. He went against the ropes again, but this time was suprised by a Starr Spear by Rhyno from the side! Style's must've yelled "Starr Spear" a million times. This was great for Rhyno, as the crowd broke into a rediculous "Rhyno Starr" chant, as Styles went on about how powerful Rhyno was, Zeus then got up and started to choke Tyson down, as Slick jumped up and down on the outside. Martin jumped in the ring to make a save, but was stopped by a Storm dropkick. Now, with all 5 competitors in the ring, Storm then knocked out Martin with a shining wizard. Ventura had no idea what the move was called, so replied to Styles' calling of the move; "...WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?" Zeus kept choking Tyson after breaking every 5 seconds to honour the refs count. He then simply covered Tyson, hooking the leg for the elimination. This got a big pop. Ventura justified the pinfall victory rather well;

    Ventura"...Well if ya gonna choke a man half to death, and the referee's not gonna do anything about it--of course you're not going to be able to kick out of a pin!"

    As Tyson was helped to the back, Martin got up, and saw, Zeus, Starr, and Storm, all staring him down with menacing looks. Martin slowly began to back into the ropes, as Francine stealthly pulled down the ropes, allowing Martin to drop himself over the top rope, escaping the ring. Martin, then ran to the back, pulling Francine by his side, as he was heard saying; "I'm not facing those pscyo's alone!" Zeus and The Space Croppers are the survivors.

    Overall: 70*3/4

    Crowd: 74

    Match: 63


    They shoot us to the back where New Jack was shown walking to the shower. The Undertaker appeared from behind a corner and started smothering New Jack's face with a cloth...New Jack then fell to the ground and passed out, much like the other 'victims' of the Undertaker earlier tonight. With that, Lee stared down at New Jack and said;

    "Now...it's time...For The Ultimate Sacrifice"


    5 Minute Intermission. Those WWF Flashbacks were shown during this time for the Pay Per View viewers, as well as being broadcasted on the arena Big Screen TV. A hint of a Ric Flair return was given when they returned as Ventura mentioned something to the effect of Flair being one of the first victims of what ulimatley evolved into PRIDE nearly 2 years to the day (Survivor Series '95), and how he never got that revenge with his injury early last year.


    8. Sting defeated Lee The Undertaker in 13:59 of a Hell's Pit {Scaffold/High Incident} match

    Referee: Dave Hebner

    Wow. So this is why this show was rated MA-17. After the 5 intermission was over, they returned to Joey Styles and Ventura as they set up the ring for what was ultimatley a scaffold match, with layer of tables in the ring below the scaffold. They explained this match, as if they were "just learning", of the match, citing the pit of tables as the "Hell's Pit", that the Undertaker speaks of. Ventura went on about how, whoever falls into those stack of tables would indeed by an ultimate sacrifice, as they would never be the same again. Sting got a huge ovation coming out. He was in his usual crazy jacket wear--And I must say that the WWF made some nice jackets for Sting--while Undertaker's entrance took literally forever. The crowd was into this match big time. The two had a long staredown to start the match as the Air Centre went nuts. Ventura took this opportunity to knock at WCW saying that he was going to need an hearing aid like WCW Commisioner Harley Race. What made it even more insulting to WCW was that Harley Race isn't even commissioner anymore. It's Arn Anderson. Anyway the two, even though they were extremly limited, had a very good match, especially due to the crowd heat. A few bodyslam spots, and many teases by both men of throwing each other off of the scaffold. The ring must've been stacked with at least 12 tables. Awesome spot at 9:22 occured with both men fatigued, Sting was going for an inverted piledriver ala Tenzan, but Lee was able to shift around and reverse it into what resulted in a jumping tombstone. Crowd popped huge for this. At 10:41, Lee began to roll Sting over towards the edge, leading to the pit. Sting fell off to the side, but was able to grab on to the scaffold, much like hanging off of the roof of a building. Undertaker then stood up, rolled his eyes in the back of his head, and started doing an evil laugh, as Sting hung onto the scaffold. After looking around at the fans 'down below' Lee made a motion to stomp on Sting's hand, but Sting moved his left hand out of the way, and grabbed Lee's leg. Lee then used his other leg, but Sting moved his other hand, and grabbed onto Lee's other ankle. Now, Sting was holding himself up by Lee's ankles! The crowd was going nuts for this. Lee had no choice but to actually help Sting as he climbed back atop the scaffold. Lee quickly went for a chair, that was conveniently lying around on the scaffold, but Sting blocked his hit. Sting then kicked Undertaker, then followed with a loud chair shot to Lee's head. This stunned Lee, as he started to stagger around, heavily dazed. As a "Stinger" chant began, Sting nailed Lee with another hard chair shot. Lee continued in his groggy state, this time almost falling off the scaffold. Sting followed again with another shot, each shot getting a louder pop each time. By this time, Lee was literally hanging onto a pole with one hand, as he teased loosing his grip and falling onto the tables, or into 'The Pit'. What followed next was the sickest bump in WWF History....

    Final Call By Joey Styles & Jesse 'The Body' Ventura

    *Sting Hits Lee with Chair*

    Styles"...another chair shot! By The Stinger!! Lee is teetering of the edge!"

    Ventura" If he loose grip of that pole, Styles', into the pits of hell he goes!"

    *Sting hits Undertaker, yet another time*

    Ventura" How much more pain can The Undertaker take? How much more punishment can Lee withstand?"

    *Sting holds up his chair, and starts mouthing "It's Time" over and over again. He gets in a position to swing the chair at Lee once more as he yells as loud as he can;

    "For the Ultimate Sacrifice!!"

    He blasts Lee, causing him to crash through the stacked up tables in the ring*


    At this point, Styles and Ventura actually stopped talking. All that could was heard was the overwhelming "Stinger" chant, as Sting stood on the scaffold, looking down at Lee, lying motionless, in a pool of broken tables. Sting stood tall on the scaffold as the chant continued. There were several camera shots of the crowd, including getting many signs, one that read..."Sting+WWF=Ratings", and another that read, "Stinger, the WWF Saviour"...Sting's music finally hit as Sting climbed down the scaffold and high fived virtually everyone in the arena on his way to the back.

    As minutes went by, Lee still laid motionless in the ring, much like his victims of earlier tonight. Officials and medical guys hit the ring, to help Lee. Suddenly, the crowd burst into a flurry of booes, as Bruce Pritchard emerged out of the curtain. Behind him was, brother, Dr. Tom Pritchard--dressed in a doctor's uniform. Styles mentioned here that Bruce was the man that introduced the Undertaker to WWF three years ago, as the boss of 'The Cartel'. Tom Pritchard shoved the other doctors and officials away, as he and Bruce tried to revive Lee. After thier efforts were met with little motion from Lee, they both helped him into the back.

    It'll be interesting to see what they have planned for Brian Lee, now. They showed another shot of a fan holding up a sign that read,

    "Brian Lee: The Ultimate Sacrifice"

    Overall: 83**3/4

    Crowd: 93

    Match: 60

    Undertaker -23 condition points

    Sting -28 condition points

    Commentary Aftermath

    Styles" What a match that was, Jesse Ventura! You can bet that Lee will never be the same again!"

    Ventura" I don't know Styles, but I do know that Bruce Pritchard's the man that brought Lee to the WWF, and as long as he's with him, then all will be fine!"

    Styles" Well, that part actually worries me. Why did Bruce & Tom Pritchard come out here?"

    *Inoki's New Japan ring entrance; "Inoki Bom Ba Yei" theme begins to play, as Styles and Ventura talk about the events (C1 CLASH, Corino's title lost etc) that led up to the next match*

    Ventura" Well...ya hear that?! The GWF Champion Of The World Is coming down the ramp! It's time for the big one! The WWF World Title Unification match!!"

    9. Hiroyoshi Tenzan defeated Bret 'Hitman' Hart and Steve Corino in 27:01 of an Elimination match to win the WWF World Championship

    Referee: Bill Alfonso

    Very good main event here. It should be noted that the ring was completly surrounded by WWF Road Agents and staff. JJ Dillon, Vince Russo, Ed Ferrera, Vince McMahon, Gerald Brisco, Pat Patterson, Mike Rotunda, in addition to Shane McMahon and a few other officials, all occupied the outer regions of the ring. Inoki was also at ringside, but he was guised as being in the corner of Tenzan, along with manager James E. Cornette. Styles acknowledged it on TV citing this as being a History Changing Match, since the GWF and WWF Titles were going to be unified to make the WWF World Title. Tenzan and Corino worked really hard against Bret, who didn't seem to be putting to much effort into his moves. The stuff between Bret and Tenzan was great, with each exchange ending in Bret getting the upper hand, putting over Bret's experience at being in big matches. Minutes later, Corino interupted Bret's dominance by suprising him with a low blow--a move that seems to be reserved for Corino. The three men had a innovative spot at 11:22; Tenzan had Hart in a position for a somoan drop, but Corino dropkicked Tenzan. Tenzan no-sold the dropkick and began screaming at Corino. Corino nailed him again with the dropkick, which allowed Bret to maneuver a DDT onto Tenzan, getting a huge pop, and a near fall. Corino and Bret started to go out it again, this exchange ended with Hart tossing Corino over the top rope onto Inoki and the rest of the WWF staff. Dillon and McMahon went down hard. Crowd was going nuts for Hitman at this point--but he turned around into a Tenzan cartwheel kick. Tenzan began nailing Bret with those hard mongolian chops. Corino then got back in the ring but was greeted with a Tenzan heabutt, which send him back through the ropes, and to the outside. Tenzan continued his onslaught on the Hitman until Hart reversed an irish whip into the ropes, taking Tenzan down with a clothesline. Both men sold being fatigued, as they were now into the 15th minute of the match. They did a spot where Tenzan "invited" Hitman to clothesline him. Tenzan followed suit. Both men no-sold the other getting the crowd riled up. Finally, Tenzan started to stagger from the Hitman's 5th clothesline. Hitman quickly followed up with a well placed savatte kick, sparking a huge "Hitman" chant and sending Tenzan down. Hitman, then started to go for his finishing routine. After the russian leg sweep he went to the second turnbuckle for his elbow..but Corino suprised him by running back into the ring, and catching him with an Ace Crusher off the top rope, for a near fall. Tenzan began to recover and, immediatley went after Corino nailing him with a lariat, then, again tossing him over the top rope. Once again, Corino was tossed into a group of officials--this time, Rotunda, Ferrera, and Ole Anderson. He then made the cuthroat sign as he nailed Bret with his Top Rope Headbutt, leaping from corner to corner. Tenzan then pinned Hart as Alfonso made the three count, despite Hart's left foot being on the ropes. Tenzan immediatley got up, gloating to the hostile crowd that he put Bret away with his headbutt. Bret, actually held onto Tenzan for a few seconds, while he was trying to get away, and looked to be especially upset, that he lost his WWF Title and his chance to unify the championship. At this point, for some reason there was a long stalemate. Styles kept going on about how Bret's foot was on the ropes, blaming it on the well known dubious officiating of Bill Alfonso. Hart stood up, and started to stare at Tenzan, who was still going on with the fans. He then looked over to JJ Dillon, who was standing side by side with Vince McMahon & Antonio Inoki, and mouthed "This is bullshit." Corino was still selling being thrown to the outside. At this point, Inoki entered the ring standing in front of Tenzan and Alfonso, and pointed to the curtain, signaling for Bret to leave and honour his elimination. Bret had a long staredown with Inoki, and soon began talking about his foot being on the rope. For some reason, Alfonso was also hiding behind Inoki as Bret continued to stare at Inoki and Alfonso...

    Ventura" Styles, I don't care how many times Bret held that WWF Title! He don't want to mess with Antonio Inoki! That man is a legitimate martial arts expert! This man can bend your bones in more way then most! Hart had better heed Inoki's orders and leave the ring!"

    Styles" But this time, Bill Alfonso's officiating has gone tooooo far! This is the WWF Title on the line! And worst of all, this is the Hitman's home!"

    Ventura" This is a sport!! The home team doesn't always win, Styles!!"

    At this point, the fans started to chant 'Bullshit', as Hart started to leave the ring. He looked over in the direction of Dillon, Russo and McMahon, and started to walk over to them, until being blocked off by Inoki once again, motioning for Bret to leave. Hitman seemed to have no choice, as Styles continued to push Alfonso over as the most scrupulous referee in WWF history.

    Bret Hart stepped into the ring again, as Tenzan continued to look on. Corino was still layed out. Inoki, like a hawk, followed right behind Bret. The "Bullshit" chant was louder than ever. Hart actually spit in the direction of Dillon outside the ring, but the camera cut away to two fans who hopped the railing. One, from the left side of the ring, had an Agent Risktaker T-Shirt on. Security was right behind him as he jumped in the ring and charged Tenzan. Tenzan simply grabbed him until security got into the ring. Another fan used this opportunity to hop into the ring on the other side, he went up to Bret shook his hand, and in his excitement yelled "This is bullshit, Bret! It's Bullshit! You're the champion! You're--". Ole Anderson, Mike Rotunda, and Tony Garea quickly took out this fan later identified as Fieldy. JJ Dillon then, grabbed a microphone and yelled;

    "Do not run out of the stands, are you will be arrested!"

    Finally, Bret shook his head, leaving Inoki with a parting middle finger...another gesture that didn't make the cameras.

    The match continued after a short delay, and it took a while for the crowd to get back into the match, after their hero was eliminated. The image of Bret Hart standing, staring at Inoki as he points to the back, is one that I'm sure that will be all over the Wrestling publications in the months to come. As of now, no one knows for sure what the problem was, if there was one..but it was clear by the amount of time that Bret stayed in the ring, that something wasn't right. Anyway, the match continued with Corino suddenly becoming the face against the man that eliminated Bret Hart. As Corino battled with Tenzan, Styles questioned as to whether Alfonso's officiating could cost Corino his chance at unifying the gold. About 5 minutes later, at 20:20, a masked man dressed in all black, with the words "Black Scorpion" accross his leg pants, made his way into the ring, and started wrestling, attacking Tenzan in particular. Ventura kept yelling;

    Ventura" That's the Hitman!! That's the Hitman and I know it!! What a sore looser, Styles!"

    However, Ventura's claim looked to be untrue when the 'Black Scorpion' threw Tenzan into the turnbuckle and followed through with an avalanche that closely resembled Sting's Stinger Splash. At this point, Vince Russo sent Mike Rotunda & Ole Anderson, along with McMahon sending in Patterson & Brisco to try to get this 'Black Scorpion' from attacking Tenzan. Styles emphasized that referee Bill Alfonso could not excercise a DQ due to the importance of this match. Finally, they got the Black Scorpion out of the ring, to a loud "Stinger" chant that we've heard so much of during the last match. As Scorpion remained on the outside besides Dillon, Corino nailed Tenzan with the Dusty Elbow, for a near fall. Corino had a great facial expression here of fustration. Minutes later, Corino busted Tenzan's face open with an Ace Crusher, and a near fall. After playing to the crowd, Corino then picked up Tenzan, and went against the ropes for a swinging neckbreaker, but Tenzan suprised Corino by countering with his somoan drop, getting a huge reaction from the crowd. With that Tenzan quickly went up to the top rope nailing Corino with a moonsault. Both men were down for a while, until Tenzan went up to the top rope for another moonsault--but no pin. Finally, at 26:33, Tenzan gave the cut throat sign and finished of Corino with his top rope headbutt winning and unifying the World Wrestling Federation Championship.

    A bloodied Tenzan celebrated with Cornette and Inoki, holding up the new WWF World Title Belt, on all four turnbuckles as Inoki's music played in the background. Cornette and Inoki shook hands, and hugged as Styles pointed this as being nearly a 3 year operation by Cornette and Inoki. I was wondering why the show didn't end directly after Tenzan's win. That's when, Ric Flair emerged from the curtain, on crutches, to a huge pop and alot of scattered "Woo's" from the crowd. As Flair waddled to the ring on his crutches, The Black Scorpion, hit the ring again, attacking Inoki &am

  19. Survivor Series '97:Shangril-a

    PART I of 3.

    Part II will be updated tommorow, or the next. So if you'd like to make predictions, you may.

    Montreal - PQ Molson Centre - Backstage


    There was already a line forming outside the PQ Molson Centre, practically 6 hours before the event. The ring was already set up so that the wrestlers could practiced planned spots. Sabu and Hayabusa were going over some things, as Bret Hart walked around the back with his wife, son, and brother, Bruce Hart, who's still doing his backyard promotion.

    Bret runs into to Doug Gilbert.


    " Doug, how's it going man. [To his son] This is the Dark Patriot, Dallas. Except he doesn't have that nasty mask on."

    They both laugh. Gilbert gets serious.


    " Hey, Bret, just wanted to say so long man. The WWF gave me an option to go, and I'm going to take it."


    " Really, Why?"


    " C'mon...you know how it is, Bret. Ever since Inoki got booking power, everything's changed. I got nothing since that program between you and I. That was the best angle of the fuckin' year. And THIS is how they repay me? I become a jobber?"


    " I hear ya man. Well, good luck man. Yea, it's been bullshit. Corino gets whatever he wants. Cornette doesn't care. He's involved in the whole PRIDE thing. And PRIDE's got that almighty Inoki blessing. I think I've had enough, too."

    There's an awkward pause, as this conversation has suddenly turned from being about Gilbert to being about Bret.


    " Yea, man..well--they're not renewing New Jack's contract. Tonight's his last match. They're letting go Tammy, Backlund--man, they're making alot of changes. What about you? Whattaya gonna do?"

    Bret Hart

    " Wha..what?"

    There is another pause. It's clear that Gilbert said something that wasn't expected.




    " Doug, what's going on? I know you're really close with Bruce (Pritchard). What? Are there plans that I don't know about."

    Gilbert quickly shakes Bret hand and begins to go on his way.


    " Oh, I don't know. You'll have to ask Bruce. Sometimes he just talks out of his ass. (*An Akward forced laugh*)Well, I gotta alot of people to say goodbye to. Take care, Bret."

    Hart and Gilbert shake hands. Bret looks around, uncertain. He see's Shane McMahon talking to Ric Flair in the distance...but decides on not talking to anyone else until his promised meeting with the head bookers, before the show...




    Montreal - PQ Molson Centre - Backstage


    Bret is in his dressing room with brothers Owen & Bruce, he's talking to his wife...

    Bret Hart

    "...I ran into Dougie, earlier..."

    Bret's Wife

    " Oh yea? How's he doing?"


    " He's getting released. He's taking the option...but then...he asked me what I was going to do...as if I were going somewhere."

    Bret's Wife

    " Oh, what did you say?"


    " I had no idea what he was fucking talking about. But, I'm tired of being in the fucking dark. I think I've enough of this shit."

    Bret goes over Owen and Bruce...

    Bret Hart

    " Yo, Owen. I think there's only going to be one Hart in the WWF from now on."

    Owen & Bruce look at each other confused, then back to Bret.


    " What...what are you talking about?"


    " Remember that shit I was telling you about last month? It's continuing. And it's getting worse. Today, I talk to Dougie...and you know how he feels about the whole thing---so he says that he's taken an option that McMahon or someone gave him to leave. He then asked me 'what I was going to do'? I'm tired of being in the dark like this. I think I'm going to ask for a release."

    There's a long pause as Owen, Bruce, and Bret's wife take this in.


    "Bret...do what you have to do. I know how you feel. I'm not too happy either. But Dillon, Russo, Inoki, they've done alot of good things. I mean, fucking John Nord is a Main Eventer in WCW thanks to those guys. Tenzan--Getting him over was once thought of to be an impossibility. But they did it. And look at Steve Cori---"

    There is a long pause. Owen breaks the silence.


    " What about the Belt? I've asked Vince to give me the win in my home country. He's probably going to want you to drop the belt."

    Bret Hart

    " I'll think of something. Maybe I can talk Dillon into at least giving me a farewell tommorow in Charlotte, on RAW. I dunno."

    Their serious conversation was interuppted by a laughing Bill Alfonso and Lance Storm. Apparently someone ribbed GWF Wrestler Mikey Whipwreck by putting dog shit inside of his shoes....




    Montreal - PQ Molson Centre - Backstage


    The backstage area was filled with good karma. Those who wanted to leave, Bob Backlund, Doug Gilbert/Dark Patriot, and Tammy Sytch, (Due to lack of storylines) got word that WWF would be granting them their release if wanted. New Jack also got word that his contract would not be renewed--but Russo assured him that he'll help him get a job in 21st Century Wrestling, where his good friend Jeff Jarrett has alot of pull.

    Hart, while saying goodbye to Backlund, was approached by Vince McMahon. McMahon was accompanied by his top guys. Side by Side with McMahon were, Antonio Inoki & JJ Dillon, and Shane McMahon. Vince Russo, Joey Styles, and Mike Rotunda were also in the group, all forming a circle with Bret.

    Vince McMahon

    " Did Bruce (Pritchard), Gerry, (Brisco) or Pat, (Patterson) talk to you yet?"


    " No...No, I haven't seen them all day. I did talk to Doug, though. He mentioned something about talking to Bruce, though. What's going on?"

    McMahon nods, whilst looking around.


    " Listen...I wanna offer you a release. You're obviously not very happy here. I've been reading the dirt sheets, the rumour sites--You're thinking of taking a break from wrestling?"

    Bret looks down to the ground. He knows that he's about to make a decision that will greatly affect his wrestling career. But at the same time, he realises that this is exactly what he wanted....

    Vince McMahon

    " Remember, Bret. It's an option. You don't have to do it. There's still a spot for you, here."

    Bret Hart

    " Ya know, Vince. Maybe a break from wrestling is exactly what I need. Thank you. (After a slight pause, and shaking Vince's hand) But what happens tonight? I mean, I don't wanna loose the title here in Montreal. That won't do anything for my image..."

    The officials look at each other with a face of concern.

    Vince McMahon

    " Well...what can we do? If tonight is to be your last match, do you really think it's a good idea to put a brand new title on a man that's going to be leaving?"


    " Well..tonight necessarily doesn't have to be my last match. I could somehow leave here with the belt, then maybe forfeit it, or loose it tommorow night in Charlotte. So then at least I can walk up with my head it high."

    Vince appears to be thinking about it. Inoki leans over and says something in McMahon's ear. McMahon nods.


    " Lets talk about it in my office. Meet me there in 15 min...."

    With that, McMahon and the rest of the officials walk toward McMahon's office. Paul Levesque aka Hunter McMahon Helmsley, who was off to the side talking with Bret's wife, approaches Bret, to ask him what he just discussed with the big suits of the WWF.




    Montreal - PQ Molson Centre - Vince McMahon's Office


    With just about 45 minutes to the event, the crowd was able to be heard from inside the lockeroom. The nonstagliac singing of "Olay", along with the fun chants of 'Hogan' & 'Warrior', were heard from the crowd, anticipating the start to the show, as Bret Hart sat in Vince's Office, with Shane McMahon, JJ Dillon, Vince Russo, and Antonio Inoki.

    Vince McMahon

    " Ok..Bret. Now here's the problem. Here's the thing that stands between you and me. Dusty Rhodes. I grant you your release tonight. Technically, tommorow, you're not under contract. So what's to stopping good ol' Dusty Rhode's from calling you up tommorow morning and saying; (Vince makes a phone sign with his fingers, and starts doing his Dusty Rhodes Impersonation) 'Heyyy Big Ol' Bret!! It's the American Dream, Daddy!! How 'about you take that nice new Unified WWF Title, you c'mon on here on my show WCW Nitro, and you put that WWF Title in the garbage, daddy!!' "

    Dillon, Russo, and Shane were laughing. Inoki remained serious. As did Bret.

    Bret Hart

    " No! My idea was to somehow walk out with the title...maybe not even unify it until tommorow. After a run-in deal or something? Then tommorow, I could forfeit the belt...or loose it. Either way, I leave Canada with my held up high."

    There is a huge sigh from McMahon. Inoki says something in McMahon's ear again, then starts talking. Inoki started talking, reminiscent of his speeches that he gave during his time in politics.


    " Ok, here is the problem. When I came to this company, people would laugh at the WWF Title. Now it has prestige. Now it has honour. And your idea of a 'run-in' would just ruin the great build up for this match. You have to think about the Belt. The belts that we are unifying."


    " Hey, I'm thinking about the Belt, Ok! But I'm also thinking about ME!! I'm the one that was here for his whole career! I'm the one that jobbed to the Mountie! To Ric Flair! To The Berzerker! To The Underaker--WHEN ASKED! Ok? Now I want something back. Now that I'm taking a break from the sport...why can't I just get this bit of honour?"

    There is silence. Inoki throws his hands in the air, as if to say "I give up". Dillon chimes in, pointing at Bret, almost shouting his voice by the time he's done.


    " You know something, Bret. There's something that you dont' understand! And it's called Tradition! If you leave the company, you don't always win your last match! Look at Lawler! His final match, he lost to his son? Why? He wasn't thinking about himself! He was thinking about the sport! The business! You talk about what you gave us? Well what about what we gave you? Nearly a year of your Canadian Foundation stuff! Another two years of Bret Hart on top! Against Hogan! The Berzerker! Flair! And now it's time to go, and you can't lay down for 3 seconds? Just because we're in 'Canada'?"

    Dillon's face is almost red.

    Bret Hart

    "Well...I didn't say I had to win...I said maybe we can do a run-in. Have Sting or someone interfere, when I'm in there with the final man. I win by DQ. Everyone's thinking overnight...wow 'Sting-Bret'--'Sting-Bret' what's going to happen. Sting beats me tommorow, I shake his hand, and there ya go. Great ratings for tommorow night."


    " 'Sting'? Sting? Is fucking Sting in the fucking Main Event!!? NO!! It's a 3 way dance between three men, who went a long way to get there!! HIROYOSHI TENZAN!! STEVE CORINO!! AND BRET HART!! Sting is in the Hell's pit match!! Hellooooooo!! Anyone home!!! Can't you stop thinking about Bret for two seconds! McMahon, I can't do my job correctly if the egos of some of the wrestlers start drawing there own pictures of what should happen! You know what--Russo, Inoki, McMahon--you guys talk to him! You figure it out! You wanna do the Sting run-in, then FINE! Hey, (Sarcastically), lets get Alfonso, the heel referee in there! And lets really make the WWF Unified title an embarrassment! Let's have Alfonso clutch his knee and start yelling 'MY EYES!!!', during the single most important Title match in the company's history!! DO WHATEVER YOU WANT!! When you're done, let me know what you decided. I'LL BE IN MY OFFICE!!!"

    With that, Dillon shoots out of McMahon's office. Inoki, shakes his head, and follows suit, leaving Russo and McMahon alone with the Hitman. McMahon, who seems to have an idea yells at Inoki before he's out the door.


    " Inoki! Do me a favour, and send Alfonso to my office. (To Bret) I like the heel ref idea. Bret, don't worry. We'll find a way to do this."


    " Look for Mikey's shit. Literally....I think Alfonso and Storm ribbed him. Alfonso should be there."

    Inoki nods whilst closing the door behind him...

  20. Shangril-a Weekend is Here!!Series '97...

    November 29rd, 1997

    WWF Worldwide Saturday Nights-

    Channel: FOX

    Venue: The Quebec Lowe -- Quebec, Canada

    Announcing Team: Sean Mooney & Jerry 'The King' Lawler

    Attendance: 12039

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Shane McMahon, Earl Hebner, Charles Robinson, Jim Mollineaux, John Finnegan


    Dave Schmeltzer

    - The Shaggy Show -

    Worldwide on 11/29 was basically just a recap of the strong RAW from earlier in the week. Shaggy 2Dope opened the show from the set of his Shaggy show deal. Shaggy announced that he has appointed Bill Alfonso as the referee for his match, tommorow night at Shangril-a. It was kinda funny that most of the fans hardly paying attention to him, instead, they were mostly reacting to Neidhart going nuts, laughing and shouting in the background. 87%


    The Wild Outlaws (Kendall Whindam & Bobby Duncum Jr.) d. Dutch Mantell & The Iron Sheik

    Just horrible. Loud 'boring' chants. Kendall tried with some strong shots to Mantell...but it was just bad. Duncum won with the lariat on Mantell at 8:33.

    Overall: 48

    Crowd: 47

    Match: 49

    The Iron Shiek lost overness from this match. Dutch Mantell lost overness from this match. Kendall Windham gained overness from this match. Bobby Duncum Jr. gained overness from this match.

    - Clyde Vasseaur Shows what Frye is Capable of -

    After the match they showed highlights from RAW of Diamond's 'tune up' match. Bischoff was then joined with Clyde Vasseur, Don Frye's agent. He asked if that was a good tune up match for Diamond. Frye then directed Bischoff to a nearby TV/VCR combination. He had already cued up a highlight video of Don Frye's past shoot matches, since they are fought with no rules. It showed Frye, 1)Winning two matches with a chokehold, 2)Winning two matches with his triangle arm and leg lock, 3)and winning 4 more matches with 4 different submission holds--one being a simple armbar with intense pressure. Clyde then smiled at Bischoff and said;

    "Now, after seeing that--you tell me if you think Diamond's fully prepared."

    Vasseur walked off laughing....62%

    Clyde Vasseur gained overness from this segment.


    - The Ebony Experience Challenge The Space Croppers -

    Coming out of the break they show Jesse Ventura standing outside the "Wrestler's Lounge", backstage. After hearing laughter he goes in to find the Ebony Experience, along with Lady Jacqueline & D'lo Brown, looking at a tape from last month where The Space Croppers freaked out at their own reflections from their mirrors. They are both drinking glasses that apparently have wine...since I guess that's all they drink.

    Booker T (Whilst laughing) " Can ya'll believe that those suckas ain't neva seen no mirror before!! Hahahah!!"

    Stevie Ray (He stops laughing, gets up, walks around, sees his reflection in Jacqueline's mirror and pretends to be scared) " Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There's two of me!! Hahaha!!!"

    The Ebony Experience break into laughter, until Devon Storm "storms" into the lounge....

    Storm (Shouting)" You think you're funny!!! Well how about you keep laughing all the way to the ring! And we'll make sure that you won't be able to compete tommorow night for the Tag Team Gold! Arrrrgggghhhhhhhhh!!!!"

    Storm, "storms" off into the corridor, leaving the Ebony Experience sitting still, in shock. 68%

    Booker T gained overness from this segment. Stevie Ray gained overness from this segment. Devon Storm gained overness from this segment.

    The Crimson Twins (Xamot & Tamox) d. Mike Shaw & Kamala

    Something tells me that the WWF wanted to be very careful not to hurt anyone before Shangril-A. From what I understand, Mike Shaw was brought in as part of a purchase that the WWF recently made of a small promotion from out in Florida. I'm sure they'll all be released in days, after they all get try-outs. The twins looked good here...and oddly enough--carried this match to barely bearable. Well actually the match wasn't too bearable, but the crowd only came alive when the Twins performed double teams moves virtually out of nowhere on several occasions. They nailed Shaw with the Crimson Cold Wave at 8:33.

    Overall: 46

    Crowd: 45

    Match: 47

    - Steve "The Hitman" Corino? -

    After RAW highlights of Steve Corino coming out dressed up as Tenzan were shown, Bret Hart's music played to a huge pop. But what followed was NOT Bret. Instead it was Corino, wearing pink shades, pink tights, and a pink shirt with a heart on it, that read "I love Harts" This got the crowd heated. However, seconds after Corino emerged from the curtain, Bret charged out of the back leveling Corino from behind. The two scuffled right there on the ramp for a few minutes before officials poured out of the back. Bret seemed especially intense. There are rumours going around that Bret came out a bit sooner than he was supposed to, as Corino was way to clearly heard on TV, screaming to Dillon--one of the officials--"Five minutes!? That wasn't five #@!&* minutes!! That was like five *(!@$ seconds!! What the hell was that!?"

    Bret was quickly ushered to the back, as was Corino. The live crowd was able to deduce that something didn't go according to plan...



    - Furnas & Lafon Scout their competition -

    The Space Croppers d. Ebony Experience

    The crowd wasn't really much into this match, as there was a small buzz going on about what just transpired. Furnas & Lafon stood on the ramp watching the match holding their Tag Titles on their shoulder. Mooney put them over as being 'serious' champions, 'scouting' their competition. This made it 'impossible' for Ebony to continue, causing them to fall to the Asteriod Blast at 9:22. A loss here leads me to think that they would get it back tommorow night. Then again, who am I to say?

    Overall: 69

    Crowd: 58

    Match: 80

    - Waltman's Chance At Gold -

    What followed next was a really good narrative peice...by Waltman himself, which seems was worked on during the week. It showed Waltman walking around Canada, being recongnised, and being wished good luck, by some fans, as he went goes into the I-C Title match. He put over Owen Hart heavily calling him the man who deserves the title the most. He then ended the segment saying;

    "...but I'm the one, who's going to fight the Hardest!! Oulette!! Owen!! Shaggy!! Prepare for a series of Highlights! Brought to you by The Highlight Kid! Shawn Waltman!! Your next WWF Intercontinental Champion!!" 87%


    - Oulette helps the Intercontinental Champion against the Kid -

    Ringmaster Jim Neidhart & Shaggy 2Dope d. The Sandman & The Highlight Kid Shawn Watlman

    Good match with alot of crowd heat. Waltman got a nice pop after his little taped promo. Match came to a close when Oulette hit the ring, threw brass knux in the ring to Shaggy and allowed him to use it on Waltman. Neidhart took out Sandman as heel ref, Bill Alfonso made the three count. The Sandman was described as not having 100% eyesight yet--but Mooney added that he'll be fully healed by tommorow night.

    Overall: 80

    Crowd: 86

    Match: 67


    - The Final Sacrifice Will Be.... -

    Bret Hart d. Carl Oulette

    Well, this was Bret's revenge match I guess. Bret had a shiner on his eye that he probably got from his scuffle with Corino. It was hard to tell, on TV, whether it was make-up or legit. Hart won in 11:22 of a good match, with the Sharpshooter. Hart celebrated for a while and returned to the back. After his music was done, Neidhart came out with the Undertaker. Undertaker said some words before WorldWide went off the air....

    Lee The Undertaker" One Day More. The Ultimate Sacrifice will be made...And he who falls into the Hell's Pit...WILL BE THAT SACRIFICE. And he who is that sacrifice...WILL....NOT....SURVIVE....."

    Overall: 85

    Crowd: 89

    Match: 80

    Bret Hart was sluggish and didn't put much effort in.

    With that, they cut to a shot of Mooney and Lawler at their broadcast table...who spoke very seriously about Survivor Series, over a strong "One Day More" chant. Amazing. Amazing buildup.....

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Mooney"...Well, Lawler...this is it. This is it. Listen to the crowd. 24 hours until, Survivor Series '97. Shangril-A."

    Lawler" Ya know, Mooney, all kidding aside. This is going to be an amazing show on all ends. I mean look at the calibre of matches. Sabu against Hayabusa? Al Snow against Mike Barton. The Main Event!! Corino-Tenzan-Hart: Three of the best wrestlers in our sport today."

    Mooney" That's right, Jerry. There's alot of intensity going on in the back. The Wrestler's know that this could be the most important Pay Per View, in their careers."

    Lawler (Lawler's looking at a peice of paper) " Oh, sorry, I'm just looking at WCW's Dusty November Pay Per View main event. Sean Michaels vs. Scott Haul vs. The Berzerker vs. The Great Muta. That looks like a fun match--but didn't we fire 3 of those four guys like years ago? Hahaha!!"

    Mooney" And it may not be pretty, either, Jerry. We've got that Hell's Pit match. Only the Undertaker knows what it really is!! And could that be when we find out who is the Ultimate Sacrifice?"

    Lawler" Well, Lee did say that the one who falls into the pit will be the Ultimate Sacrifice! But I would still watch your step if I were you, Mooney!! Beware of any pits!!"

    Mooney" It's all about Survival, Folks!! It's the WWF Survivor Series '97!! From the PQ Molson Centre Feel free to check over at WWF.com for the official preview! Remember folks, there's a contest going on there I believe gets a winner front row tickets to Shangril-A!! Who knows!! Maybe that'll make you apart of the biggest Pay Per View in the WWF's History!! Shangril-a...nearly a year in the making!! WHO WILL SURVIVE!!!!?"

    Lawler" I hope you get sacrificed."

    WWF Worldwide ended with a carefully spliced soundbite from what sounded like an Insane Clown Posse song...

    "...This is all because of you...WHAT YOU GOT YOURSELF INTO..."

    Show Quality: 65%

    TV Rating: 7.57

    if you haven't, feel free to post your predictions, thoughts, concerns, queries, hopes, etc!

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