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Posts posted by ChuBalso

  1. user posted image

    Only 1 Month until Series '97...

    October 5rd, 1997

    Monday Night Raw-

    Channel: USA Network - Prime Time

    Venue: The MidHuson Civic Centre - Poughkeepsie, NY

    Attendance: 12,033

    Announcing Team: Joey Styles & Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Dave Hebner, Shane McMahon, Jimmy Korderas, Joey Marella, John Finnegan, Jim Mollineaux


    Dave Schmeltzer

    - The New 3 Time WWF Champion Gets a special Challenge -

    The first RAW, following Tokyo Worldwide, opened up with Joey Styles in the ring, screaming and yelling as usual. He introduced "The New World Wrestling Federation Champion--24 year old Steve Corino". Corino came out with The New Age Enforcer CW Anderson, and Jack Victory. They're really started to make a big deal about Corino's youth now. Corino came out to a pretty hot crowd bragging about Mr. Perfect's first title defense, being his last. At this point, Bret Hart's music hit the house system to a huge pop.

    Bret" Corino...Congratulations on your new title. Now...I see that you got a rematch just a month after you LOST the title. Well, I say this. Since we were scheduled to wrestle tonight in the C1 Tournament...lets keep that match going...except, LET'S MAKE IT FOR THE WWF TITLE!! MY WWF Title that YOU stole from me!! My WWF title that you won by decieving others!! My WWF Title that I never got a rematch for!! C'mon, Corino! I'm not buying into this wrestling prodigy crap that the wrestling world seems to share about you! Whattaayyaaa say!?"

    Corino (Corino puts the mic up to his mouth...but the crowd starts chanting 'Hitman'. Corino actually waits until the chanting comes to a complete stop.)" Bret!! You want a match against, 'The Prodigy' Steve Corino!? (Crowd booes) You want a match against, 'The Future' Steve Corino!? (Crowd booes a bit more) You want a match against 'The King Of Old School', Steve Corino!? (Crowd booes their loudest) Well, how about this? YOU, put your C1 CLASH SPOT ON THE LINE....that way...when I beat you....I don't have to worry about your boring [bleep] bugging me again at Shangril-a!!!"

    Bret (The crowd is cheering for Bret to accept the challenge)" Corino!! You got it!! Because, I know that I'm not gonna loose my match...And you're going to find out why I am the Excellence of Execution!! The Best there is--"

    Corino"...yea, Bret we know. But remember this: I'm the EXCELLENCE OF EVERYTHING!!! Steve Corino!!"

    With that, Steve Corino's *Eye Of The Tiger* played, as Bret Hart returned to the back, more-or-less satisfied with his title opportunity. The segment ends with Victory, Corino and CW Anderson making a "number 3" sign with their fingers, I guess in thier unofficial triple threat stable. 92%

    The Thrillseekers & The Pitbulls d. The Helmsley', Dr. X (Tom Pritchard) & Dr. WagnerJ. - Survivor

    This was interesting, as the last time that Jericho was in the same ring with The Pitbulls was probably during his early ECW days. This was actually an elimination match with Lance Storm being the soul survivor of his team after pinning Hunter McMahon Helmsley after his half crab submission.

    Overall: 59

    Crowd: 50

    Match: 69


    - The New Age Enforcer Challenges The WWF Champion -

    We goto the back where Steve Corino is walking in the corridor with CW Anderson & Jack Victory. Eric Bischoff, who was nearby started chasing Corino, Victory, and Anderson....

    Bischoff" Oh...excuse me...excuse me...Steve Corino, Eric Bischoff, here--congrats on your title victory last week at Tokyo Showdown...but perhaps the biggest factor in that match was you, CW Anderson--by giving Perfect The Anderson spinebuster on the ramp!! How could you!?"

    Anderson" Yea? OH yea? That 'ole Perfect 'boy gonna do anything about it? Na', I don't think so!! Hennig!! Yea! I mighta caused ya that match! But what you gotta remember is that I do what I want, when I want...and for this man...right here--Steve Corino! So if you wanna fight me, then c'mon! Right here tonight! I'll be waitin'!"

    All of a sudden we see Mr. Perfect coming running toward Corino & Anderson. He is quickly bombarded by an array of Officials before he gets remotely close. He is heard yelling, " Anderson!! You wanna get involved in my business!! You wanna cost me the WWF Title! Fine!! You got a match, tonight!"

    Bischoff" Wow!! Well there you have it!! Perfect - Anderson! Right here tonight! Back to you Joey!!" 58%

    CW Anderson gained overness from this segment. Mr. Perfect lost overness from this segment.

    Zeus d. Terry Taylor (B Block)

    Zeus, as always completely no-sold everything, doing his whole 'Superman' act. Heenan and Styles kept comparing him to Mike Tyson. While Styles kept talking about Tyson, Heenan kept mentioning how 'nice it was' to see Mooney get knocked out. They also showed the SummerSlam Tyson clip like times before the match. Zeus won with the bear-hug at 4:33. Heenan had a funny comment comparing Tyson to Zeus;

    "You see, Boxing has that wacko, Mike Tyson! He's bite your ear off, AND knock you out! And we have Zeus! He won't bite--but he just kills! Is that chokehold legal?"

    Overall: 70

    Crowd: 81

    Match: 47


    Damien Demento d. Crush

    Why did they have this match following a Zeus match? The match wasn't too bad, but I think the problem here was that I think that the fans actually forgot that Crush was still employed by the WWF. Crush was in his Demoltion wear. Geez. Anyway, I love seeing Paul Bearer and Neidhart together. They look like, two crazed morticians. Bearer kept yelling to the camera;

    "Shangril-a....Ohhhhhh Yessss!!! Ohhhhh Yessss!!! Only one more step left...The Carnival Of Carnage!"

    The Carnival of Carnage is their next PPV--October. From what it sounds like; it's a Dark Carnival Pay Per View. I hope Neidhart does announcing.

    Overall: 56

    Crowd: 48

    Match: 65

    Crush lost overness from this match. Damien Demento gained overness from this match. This match suffered because the crowd were still pumped up from the last one, and so this bout was seen as something of a let-down to them.

    - Paulie Dangerously Issues An Open Intercontinental Challenge For Sabu-

    We are thrown to the back where Eric Bischoff, who seems to be busy tonight, is backstage with Paulie Dangerously, and Sabu--Sabu the Sheik I should say. Anyway Heyman went on about how there is no competition for Sabu's Intercontinental Title, and how Sabu seeks someone who is 'tough' enough to stand toe to toe with him. Paulie Dangerously then said that he has issued an open challenge for Shangril-A, on behalf of Sabu. They seemed to have skipped over the Carnival Of Carnage PPV, later on this month. Hmmm, I wonder what they're planning for that. Anyway, this opens the door for a new Sabu feud. I wonder who they'll go with? 88%



    Coming out of the break we see official Antonio Inoki standing in the ring to a rather heelish crowd reaction. He then introduces James E. Cornette as a 'Master Manager' along with all of PRIDE. Coming to the ring, in this order were, James E. Cornette, GWF Heavyweight Champion Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Johnny Ace, Mike Barton, Hayabusa, and The Great Kabuki. The announcers speculated as to wear, Jun Akiyama was--which suggests that he'll be making an appearance. With all of PRIDE in the ring they got some real legit heat. Everyone took turns bashing Bret Hart. Barton had the toughest words to say;

    Barton" Everone seems to be talking about Bret Hart in the C1 Clash!! Well...lemme tell you something, I'm winning that damn tournament! Not Bret! Not Sting! Not no one! I'm gonna win!! I won the King Of the Ring Tournament....and dammit, I ain't gonna let some back in pink looser get in the way of me winning this one!!"

    Cornette(After the crowd is done booing Barton)" Well, well, well--It looks like our good ol' Canadian Hero has arrived!! Bret Hart--your whining about how you never got a return Title bout, got you a rematch with Steve Corino! How nice. But maybe you didn't see this altercation with PRIDE that Corino had a few weeks ago..."

    Cornette points his racket up to the Titan Tron where they show PRIDE's attack on Steve Corino from a few weeks ago on RAW.

    Cornette" Now, what I'm trying to explain to you is this Bret--You get involved in that World Title scene--you're getting involved PRIDE! You're getting involved with the only Heavyweight Champion that should be recongnised around here--Hiroyoshi Tenzan!! So Bret, you'd better hope you don't win that title tonight! You'd better stay wrapped up in your little soap opera that you got with your brother...cos you ain't gonna have any better luck here!"

    At this point, Bret Hart's music played as he emerged from the curtain to a huge pop. A nice close-up of Tenzan's face showed here, when bret came out.

    Bret (Over a 'Hitman' Chant)" You know, Cornette...You make me sick! You surround yourself with your big group of Japanese Wrestlers--"

    Cornette" It's an International Group, Hitman! And INTERNATIONAL group! I mean, I knew that you were dumb, but are you dumb and blind!?"

    Bret" Ha. You're really funny Cornette!! You know...I hope I do win that World Title! Not just for me, but so that I can stop all of this talk of Tenzan being the best all around wrestler in the WWF!! There is no doubt in my mind...and all of these people's mind...that the best wrestler in the WWF right now...Is The Excellence of Execution...The Best There is--"

    At this point, emerging from the curtain, unbeknownst to Bret was ECW Champion, Jun Akiyama, wearing his ECW Title. He was wearing a patch, for his legit eye injury (That will keep him out for just about 2 months), and had two crutches in his hand...I guess for his 'fake' injury. He snuck up right behind Bret, and interrupted his catch phrases by bashing him over the back with the crutch. Bret tried to fight back, but Akiyama's clutch shot had him primarilly immobilised. He fought Hitman all the way up to the ramp, and eventually rolled him back into the ring. At this point Pride went into an all out attack...until Jim Cornette held them all off. To a loud heel reaction, Cornette bashed Hitman twice on the head with the Tennis Raquet, before serving him to Hiroyoshi Tenzan, who walked up to the fallen Hitman...grinning in superiority. Instead of further attack, Tenzan grabbed Hitman's head, screamed something in Japanese, and shoved the GWF Title into Bret's face. Finally, officials hit the ring, as PRIDE's music hit, with them finally returning to the back. Heenan and Styles were then contemplating if Hitman would be able to compete against Corino later tonight, for the WWF Title.



    - Corino Returns The Favour to CW -

    CW Anderson d. 'Mr. Perfect' Curt Hennig

    Wow. Interesting to see a guy who was just champion loose to CW. This match was pretty strong, with with action going back and forth--but Anderson pulled the upset when Jack Victory distracted the referee. At this point, Corino held a chair into the ring, as CW suprised Hennig with his Spinebuster right on the chair, in an excellently timed spot. The ref turned around and counted the three, surprising many. One has got to wonder about Perfect's future with the company, if he goes from being World Champion, to loosing his next two matches. After the match, Corino, Victory, and Anderson, held up the "number 3" sign, signifying their alliance--an unofficial Triple Threat. They're building Corino, Anderson, and Victory as a close knit group 'beyond' just a 'stable', which is what I like about this group. Styles kept screaming; "Anderson beat Hennig! Anderson beat Hennig!! Anderson beat Hennniiigggg!!"

    Overall: 69

    Crowd: 62

    Match: 76

    Mr. Perfect lost overness from this match. CW Anderson gained overness from this match.

    -ADVERTS--Dodge Commercial with Steve Corino

    - The Sandman Costs Dark Patriot 2 C1 points. -

    Sting d. The Dark Patriot (C Block)

    The two didn't fly around the ring, but the crowd heat was there, so that it didn't matter. Which is usually the case with these men....well Sting anyway. Finals of the match came when Sandman came 'wobbling' down the isle with his cane and beer in his left hand...along with a microphone in his other hand. He said, as walking down the isle;

    "Hey...Patriot...I got this friend...Gilbert...Doug Gilbert...he's a little...well--wierd! A little nutty in the head...(Sandman starts making motions with his hand)...you know, 'Coo-Coo'. Pyscho. 'Not all There'! Ha! Multiple personalities! Anti-social. Schizo!! Intraverted.....or is it Introverted...or Interrrrrrverted...?"

    The crowd was laughing hysterically at this as the Dark Patriot looked on over the top rope. This gave Sting time to recover, lifting Patriot over his head and tossing him down a few times. After two Stinger Splashes, Sting locked Patriot in the Scorpion Death Lock for the victory in 8:13. Pritchard tried interfering after the match, but Sandman gave him a gorilla press slam to a nice pop. Now, with Sting at 6 points, and Stan Hansen out of the WWF, and this Block, I believe that it is impossible for the Dark Patriot to even tie Sting. Sting has won Bracket C.

    Overall: 80

    Crowd: 90

    Match: 59


    Brian Christopher d. Barry Horowitz C1 CLASH (D Block)

    Christopher looked good here, really not giving Horowitz any offense. Dibiase and Bossman were at ringside for Christopher. Christopher won with the Tennessee Jam at 7:44. My god, Horowitz is popular.

    Overall: 78

    Crowd: 85

    Match: 63

    Brian Christopher gained overness from this match.


    - Steve Corino's 3rd Title Reign; A week long -

    Bret 'Hitman' Hart d. Steve Corino in 12:33 to Win the WWF World Championship for a 6th Time

    They sold Bret's early attack at the hands of PRIDE, by him taking a long time to come out to his music. After playing it 3 times to no responce...Bret finally emerged to a nice pop during the 4th time. I'm hearing that Hart had a backstage argument with writers, last week at Tokyo Showdown, and threatened to walk out of the company. There is alot of legit heat between Bert and Corino, mostly because Bret believes that Corino gets 'anything he wants'. Good match here, marred a bit by Bret, seemingly, not really selling most of Corino's moves. Finals of the match came when Bret locked Corino in the sharpshooter--Victory hit the ring apron...Bret released Corino and knocked Victory off the apron....Bret, after reapplying the hold, and to release it again, when CW hopped on the apron--only to be knocked down as well. Finally, with the crowd on its feet again, Hart went for the Sharpshooter again, but was countered with an eye gouge by Corino. Corino, then went into the ropes, for a flying body press--But, Bret caught him in midflight and gave him a hard backbreaker. With that, he re-re-reapplied the Sharpshooter--this time, Corino submitted, giving Bret Hart his 6th WWF Title win. WWF Monday Night RAW went off the air with Bret celebrating, wearing his new WWF Title on his waist. With Victory and Anderson helping Corino up, Bret stood on the turnbuckle holding up his right hand in an open palm, and his left hand, pointing up to the sky--signifying the number 6--for 6 time WWF Champion. This is also the first WWF Title switch on a television show since The Berzerker - Flair match in '95.

    Overall: 88

    Crowd: 93

    Match: 78

    Bret Hart was sluggish and didn't put much effort in.

    Commentary Aftermath

    Styles" Bret 'The Hitman' Hart is 6 Time WWF Champion!! Bret Hart is 6 Time WWF Champion!! Bret Hart is 6 Time WWF Champion!!"

    Heenan" Yea but now, Bret is in a world of trouble!! He's got to worry about facing Tenzan to unify the titles!!"

    Styles" Don't forget...it's a 3 way!! Against the C1 CLASH WINNER!! Sting has already won the C Block!! WHO WILL WIN THE OTHERS!!!?"

    Heenan" I don't know...but we'll find out soon!! Hey Styles, what did the Mirror say to Ugly Joey?"

    Styles" Huh?"

    Heenan" He said, OH MY GAWD! Ha!!"

    Show Quality: 75%

    TV Rating: 8.00

    Other Shows: Head to Head, Monday Nitro - 7.84

    Biggest Complaint: Crush still wearing Demolition paint.

    Behind The Scenes Issues:

    WorldWide Preview!


    *Shaggy 2 Dope vs. Johnny Ace (Block A)

    --Feature Matches:

    *The Undertaker vs. Mr. Perfect

    *The Lightning Kid vs. Hayabusa

    Plus, Owen Hart, Al Snow, The Ebony Experience, and much much more!!!

  2. good catch, hewey. Looks like I accidently skipped a few shows from teh 28th to the last show. I don't THINK they got deleted.

    But Bret did win it back in between then, because of -- as was numeriously stated -- bret's growing anger over the way he's being used. Shadowed behind the Dark Carnival, PRIDE, and Steve Corino pushes.

    Not at home now, so when I make my next few updates, I'll let you know if i lost that show or not...which I don't think I did.


    Again, great catch Baby Hewey. Thanks for the killer feedback.

    I skipped the Oct 5th RAW. Following the night after Bret's walkout. I've erased that last post, and resume from Monday Night followin gthe Tokyo Dome Showdown, below.....

  3. WWF Tokyo Showdown

    Only 1 Month until Series '97...

    September 28rd, 1997

    Monday Night Raw-

    Channel: TV Ashai/Close Circuit TV

    Venue: The Tokyo Dome, Japan

    Attendance: 22,383

    Announcing Team: Joey Styles & Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Dave Hebner, Shane McMahon, Jimmy Korderas, Joey Marella, John Finnegan, Jim Mollineaux


    Dave Schmeltzer

    The Announcing Team

    user posted imageuser posted image

    I find it interesting how WWF called this event 'globally televised', but it was just a special on TV-Ashai, along with the small population of those who have access to close circuit TV, in the States. Anyway, as expcected this special TV Show was very strong in ringwork, and proved to be somewhat eventful--at least during the final match. As mentioned earlier, this show was all Inoki booking and Russo writing, as was evident from the product during the show. There are several reports that JJ Dillon was advised to stay in the states after an altercation between he and Bret during the week.

    - President Dibiase Welcomes The Japanese Crowd to 'his' WWF -

    WWF Tokyo Showdown opened up with Sean Mooney standing in the ring running down the card. Once again, his attempts to excite the crowd was unsuccessful. The production boys had to be ribbing on Mooney, as during his introduction, they kept cutting to a "Tyson Please Knock Out Mooney Again", sign. Mooney introduced the hosts Joey Styles & Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan, then finally introduced, the President of the WWF; The Million Dollar Man, Ted Dibiase. Dibiase, who was accompanied by Mr. back in black himself - Big Bossman, Mike Rotunda, and Brian Christopher, actually got a face reaction. The Japanese fans associate Dibiase as the man who ressurected PRIDE--so, as expected, they were in support of Dibiase. Dibiase came out an announced that the WWF Will have one more Pay Per View before the highly anticipated PPV, Survivor Series '97: Shangril-a....called The Carnival Of Carnage. It looks like this PPV is going to be heavily centered around The Dark Carnival. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out, since Bret, ICP, and Steve Corino are at each others throat, legit. Dibiase then started running down Jerry Lawler, putting over Brian Christopher as 'the future of the WWF'. Dibiase ended which his "Million Dollar Boss..." catchphrase, getting applause from the crowd. 88%

    - Ebony Experience Make a stamp for the Tag Team Titles -

    Doug Furnas & Phil Lafon d. The Helmsely's (John Kronus & Hunter McMahon) - WWF Tag Team Titles.

    A hard worked match here, but the crowd wasn't really much into neither team. Lafon and Kronus went at it for far too long...especially for them both being the lesser skilled of their respective teams. Furnas and Hunter actually had a few really good exchanges...the finals of the match came when Lafon made Hunter submit after a Dragon Sleeper. The move, itself, got a nice responce from the crowd. After the match, D'lo Brown came out just beyond the curtains, accompanied by Ebony Experience, and said these few words;

    " Furnas!! Lafon!! Congrats on winning those WWF Tag Team Titles!! You seem to be very good Champions, so far! But...what the WWF needs are Tag Champions with flavor!! Tag Champions with colour!! Tag champs with confidence! Good looks! Woman screams! Well...I guess what I'm saying, is that those Tag Team Titles need a team, with Ebony Experience!!"

    With that, Booker T and Stevie Ray charged the ring to attack the Tag Team Champions...officials came out and quickly broke it up. Well, it's about time they do something with the tag teams.

    Overall: 66**1/2

    Crowd: 58

    Match: 75


    - A strong C1 Clash Battle -

    Mike Barton d. The Lightning Kid via DQ - C1 CLASH (B Block)

    This was probably the biggest suprise of the night, as Barton proved why in fact his was a worthy choice for Dillon & Russo as the King Of The Ring winner, and perhaps the most underated worker on the roster. The crowd was really into this match as Barton overpowered the Kid for most of the opening moments of the match. However, the Kid suprised Barton, when coming off of the ropes with his spinning lightning kick, for a near fall, which woke up the crowd. Cool spot came at 12:22 when the Kid was going for a jumping frankenstiner (huranicarana or however it's spelled), but Barton caught him and gave him a spinning powerbomb, for a near fall. During the match, the crowd kept switching from a 'Lighting Kid' chant--the academic face; and a 'Barton' chant--somewhat of a face by his PRIDE association. Cornette was at ringside for Barton. I guess, Cornette manages the American guys...and Hayabusa, while Inoki unofficialy manages the actual Japanese guys. Makes sense. Finals of the match came, after a double clothesline spot -- when the lights dimmed, with unfamiliar playing, accompanied by strobe lights. Then after about 10 seconds, the sound of fans voices played over the house system: "LET....IT....SNOOWWWWWWWW!"

    After those two words, Al Snow came running out to generic sounding ring music to a nice pop from the crowd. He slid in the ring, and started pounding Barton, eventually nailing him with the Snow Plow. He then ran back up the ramp to the back, as a small 'Let It Snow' chant started to form. Referee Bill Alfonso called for the bell, at 18:33, when the run in was over. 1 Point for Barton, as he wins via DQ. A very good match, which really showcased the talents of both The Kid and Barton. But, this give Barton's 2 points, to the Kid's 4--which leads me to think that they may be pushing the Lighting Kid as a Block winner. However, October will be the month to real see what happens, especially with Taylor, who's been quietly gaining popularity over the year, and Zeus, who mutilated Backlund in his last C1 Match.

    Overall: 82***1/2

    Crowd: 83

    Match: 83


    The Dark Carnival (Undertaker, Shaggy 2 Dope, and Violent J) d. The Space Croppers (Rhyno Starr & Devon Storm) and Diesel

    Good match here, as the characters of ICP and The Undertaker are over, wherever they go. Funny stuff at 7:33 into the match saw Diesel stand head to head with Undertaker. After his punches were unsuccessful he tossed Undertaker into the ropes, and went for the big boot--But Undertaker just grabbed his foot and shoved him back into the ropes, and to the arena floor. Rhyno & Storm got alot of offense on Shaggy 2 Dope, but it ended when Violent J jumped in, and got the eventual tag. Violent J was really slow in the ring...on purpose, as I guess he didn't deem this match 'important' enough to wrestle. The arrogance of The Insane Clown Posse has been on of the things that have gotten them alot of heat in the lockeroom...most notably Bret Hart--who still doesn't think they should be in the WWF. Finals of the match came at 9:49, after a brawl ensued, which ended with Violent J nailing Diesel with a legdrop off the top rope.

    Overall: 73**1/4

    Crowd: 74

    Match: 71

    Violent J was sluggish and didn't put much effort in.

    - Highlights From Earlier; The Contract Signing for Hayabusa v. Hart -

    Since this is a big deal in Japan, they actually had a press conferance before WorldWide last night, for the contract signing of the Hart - Hayabusa match tonight. Pictured were Antonio Inoki, Vince McMahon, Gerald Brisco, Pat Patterson, and Mike Rotunda, on a panel in front alot of Japanese Press. Hart and Hayabusa, obviously were also in attendance. Basically just alot of photographs, which ended with Hayabusa and Bret making comments about each other. Bret put over Hayabusa huge, while Hayabusa promised to "take down the American Superhero" McMahon took alot of pictures shaking hands with Inoki, as Inoki's high ranking position in the WWF is newsworthy for Japanese Press, even moreso than the match itself. Bret didn't look like was happy to be there. 78%

    Bret Hart lost overness from this segment.


    Hiroyoshi Tenzan d. Carl P. Oulette - GWF Heavyweight Title

    Oulette reminded me here of his early gimmick as 'The Quebecers', with the Mountie, as he played almost total heel here, against Tenzan. He kept yelling to the fans in French...which was even funnier with them being in Japan. Innovatitve series of spots at 11:11 saw Tenzan and Oulette go back and forth with somoan drops...which each man no-selling the other. Several small 'Olay' chants surfaced a few times throughout the match. However, Tenzan, ended up getting in the better somoan drop during the 5th exchange, pushing that as one of his special moves. The final moments of the match were thought to come when Oulette nailed Tenzan with his Cannonball, for a very near fall. It was here that Tenzan started his comeback, climaxing with his putting Oulette in a very painful looking elevated Boston Crab, for the submission. Tenzan must've posed with the GWF Title, for 30 different Japanese press publications after the match was over.

    Overall: 80**3/4

    Crowd: 82

    Match: 78


    - Hakushi Attacks His former Partner -

    Bret Hart d. Hayabusa

    A very good match here, as the crowd was into the match from top to bottom. They showed highlights of the events leading up to this match, with Hayabusa attacking Bret, then challenging him the next week on Monday Night RAW. Hayabusa worked really hard...but it didn't seem that Bret did the same. Bret actually blew a spot at 13:22 of the match--Hayabusa went for his 450 splash, but Bret moved. Hayabusa saw this and landed on his feet. Bret followed up with an attempted clothesline, but Hayabusa ducked and wrapped around Bret for a German Suplex. Bret must've had something else on his mind, as he just kinda fell back onto Hayabusa. That, however the only low point in what was probably the best match on the card. Finals of the match came at 16:33, with both men fatigued -- when Bret caught a kick by Hayabusa, sweeped him, and locked him into the Sharpshooter. After about 90 seconds of trying to get to the ropes--despite the crowd being solidly behind him--Hayabusa finally submitted. After the match, Hakushi hit the ring to a nice reaction and went into a full attack on Hayabusa. He walked around the entire ring ropes, and followed with his praying mountain bomb. He then raised the hand of Bret Hart. I guess linking a foreigner up with a native is always a good thing.

    Overall: 88***1/4

    Crowd: 90

    Match: 84

    Bret Hart was sluggish and didn't put much effort in.


    - Tough (Bloody) Love -

    Brian Christopher d. Jerry 'The King' Lawler

    It was nice to see the crowd just as interested in this match as they were for Hayabusa-Bret. Really old school style match here, with the action spilling to the outside on a number of occasions. By the 10th minute of the match, both wrestlers were busted open. Heenan kept yelling;

    "Look at this, Styles!! He's keeping up with the old man! He's keeping up with the legend!! No one knows Jerry Lawler, better than his own son!"

    The match came to an end when Lawler went into his boot, to use the chain, however, Referee Dave Hebner wouldn't allow Lawler to use the chain. At this point, Ted Dibiase who was at ringside went inside of Rotunda's breifcase, and took out brass knux. He then threw it in the ring, folowed by Christopher crawling over to get it. Christopher, after he got the knux laid himself out, 'playing possum.' After Lawler realised that he couldn't convice the referee he threw his chain out of the way and went over to pick up Christopher--He was quickly clocked in the head by Christopher, who nicely concealed the illegal weapon. Lawler was badly busted open at this point. However, Christopher, instead of going to for the pin, went up to the top rope for his finishing move; The Tenessee Jam. Styles kept screaming;

    "There it is!! There it is!! The Tenesee Jam!! No one comes crashing down on that throat, with such intensity as Brian Christopher!!"

    Christopher got the pin, getting a very respective applause from the crowd as Dibiase raised his hand in victory. When Lawler was eventually helped to the back by referees, Shane McMahon and Mike Chioda, he was given a standing ovation, along with on final 'Jerry' chant. It was clear, that Brian Christopher impressed alot of people tonight.

    Overall: 81**1/4

    Crowd: 89

    Match: 64

    Brian Christopher gained overness from this match.


    - The New Age Enforcer Proves To be Effective -

    Steve Corino d. Mr. Perfect to win the WWF World Title for a 3rd Time in 17:22

    The early title change has suprised alot of people. However, it'll make for great television tommorow announcing a new World Champion. I'm hearing that Russo in particular deamed Hennig 'outdated', and couldn't find anything to work with him. I think the truth is that Hennig is better as a heel than he is a face. Anyway Corino basically broke all of the rules midway into the match going out of the ring to use a chair on Hennig. Styles pushed, John Finnegan's usual unofficial policy of not disqualifying wrestlers. It was kinda funny to see those tiny chairs being used as weapons, as opposed to your generic large folding chairs usually seen on RAW. The crowd was really into this match, cheering for both men...especially Perfect when he was on offense. There was a loud 'Perfect' chant going on for pretty much the duration of the match. John Finnegan took a ref bump, when Perfect was coming off the ropes with a flying forearm--but Corino ducked behind Finnegan and pulled him in front Perfect--knocking him out. Perfect, continued to go to work on Corino, nailing him with the Perfect Plex, for what was about a 10 count. Why do wrestlers always go for pins when they know that the referees are incapacitated? Anyway, at this point, C.W. Anderson came out of the curtain with a mic yelling;

    "Hey, Perfect! Why don't ya try putting that Perfect Plex on Me! The New Age Enforcer! C'mon 'boy! Lets see just how Perfect ye' are boy!"

    With that, Perfect started jawing at Anderson from the ring. He then left the ring and started to walk up the ramp. CW met him halfway, and the two started to engage in a slugfest. Suddenly, coming out of the back was Jack Victory, giving CW the advantage. The brawl saw, CW and Victory eventually getting the better of Perfect, ending with CW giving his spinebuster on Perfect right on the ramp.

    Styles" Oh my gawd!! Oh my gawd!! Right on the ramp!! The Anderson Spinebuster!!! I don't believe it!!"

    Heenan" Styles, Perfect may not get up! There's no padding on that ramp!!"

    With that, CW scooped Perfect up, carried him toward the ramp and dumped him over the ropes and into the ring. Corino then put Perfect in a camel clutch, pulling back as hard as ever, selling the effect of the Spinebuster on Perfect's back. At this point, Finnegan finally got up, as Perfect tried to withstand the pain of the camel clutch, but submitted at 17:22. Corino started jumping up in celebration right away, as he was announced as now, 3 Time, World Wrestling Federation Champion. The WWF really has something great with Corino. At only 24 years old, he has become one of the all around best WWF personalities to date. Whats even better is that he's got years of potential storylines with the wide variety of wrestlers on the roster. WWF Tokyo Showdown went off the air, with a split screen. On one side, Steve Corino celebrating with Jack Victory and CW Anderson as the new WWF Champion...on the other, Hiroyoshi Tenzan, along with Antonio Inoki, watching on backstage, with the GWF Heavyweight Title on his shoulder.

    OVerall: 86**3/4

    Crowd: 93

    Match: 73

    Commentary Aftermath

    Styles" Steve Corino is the new WWF Champion!!! 3 Time Champion! At just 24 years of age!"

    Heenan" Well, he's got talent, Styles! He's quick! He's mean! He's determined! And he only cares about himself! But look who's keeping his eye on him!!! Tenzan!!"

    Styles" That's right, Bobby!! The GWF Champion will stop at nothing to be the only heavyweight champion in the WWF!! Cya on RAW tommorow night folks!"

    Heenan" Are you gonna be there?"

    Styles" Of course! Why?"

    Heenan" So I can hide all of the mirrors!"

    Styles" See ya tommorow night! Monday Night RAW, live from the Mid-Hudson Civic Centre!!"

    Show Quality: 80%

    Best Match: Bret Hart vs. Hayabusa

    Worst Match: Brian Christopher vs. Jerry Lawler


    What You Don't See...

    (Backstage After the Tokyo Dome Show)

    Bret just got out of Owen Hart's locker room, looking as pissed as ever. Just minutes after Corino's victory, Hart headed for an unscheduled meeting with Vince McMahon.

    Bret walked into McMahon's office, after knocking. Inside, along with Vince, were Russo, Brisco, Patterson, and Rotunda. Inoki was in another part of the back to be included in the split screen spot to end the show....

    Bret Hart

    " Ya got a minute? Hey guys."

    They all nod to Bret, and shake his hand.

    Vince McMahon

    " Oh..Hey Bret. Just getting ready to wrap things up here tonight, why whats up? "


    " Great match out there tonight, Bret. Great match. You and Hayabusa really put on a strong match, you guys really told a story with that match! "


    " Thanks. I wanna talk about my role in the WWF."


    " Well, it certainly might be a better idea to talk about this tommorow, when we arrive in New York."

    Bret Hart

    " No..I wanna talk about this now. Whaa...what am I doing? Jake's (The Sandman) getting more air time with me! Taylor's probably got more heat than me now! Shaggy and Violent J get whatever they want, and Corino's got the belt back already? What about everyone's favourite wrestler in the WWF right now!? Me?"

    Vince McMahon

    " Well...maybe we'll do a heel turn or something...we'll think of something tommor--"


    " I don't want a fucking heel turn -- I want the title."


    " What? We just put it back on Corino! Maybe in a couple of months we'll---"

    Bret Hart

    " C'mon Vince! You've got years with that Kid! You're spoiling him! The kid's 24 years old! He complains about something, and get whatever he wants! Me...who's been here for far longer than him, and who's way more valuable, gets the 'Lets talk about this tommorow" brush off!"


    " Bret, you're not being fair! Curt just wasn't doing it as Champion, to put him against you would not be logical! If you wanted to be in tonights Main Event against Perfect, we still would've went with Steve for that simple fact!"


    " Ok. Fine. How bout this. I'm facing Corino, tommorow night in the C1 Clash. Perfectly logical thing to do is to use that opportunity for me to get back the title. "


    " Now...wait a minute, Bret--"

    Bret Hart

    " Why not? Corino comes out, braggs about winning the title...I come out, and challenge him to put his title on the line in our C1 Clash. I go on about the whole Dark Patriot thing, wanted revenge...our first match since Wrestlemania etc. etc, It's perfect!"

    There is a long pause. McMahon looks to Russo.


    " Uh..Bret. We wanna try to stay away from 1 day reigns. We really built up the prestige of the belt over the last few years and we don't want to---"


    " Oh, c'mon, Russo! When was the last time we did one of those? 92? 93? Actually yea, it was '93. Ric Flair wanted the World Title off of the Mountie. So you guys...well...I'm not including you, Rotunda..since you were teaming with Backlund at the time.So you had Mountie loose the WWF Title to Flair, Michaels win the I-C title off of Chavis, (Tatanka) then..you guys had Michaels lose it to the Mountie the next night...why? Because Rougeau still 'wanted a title'. Now I 'want the title'. No wonder why Konnan left. I'm not suprised why Hansen wants to go to WCW! Smith (Johnny Smith) got out in time! I bet you Dusty doesn't treat his boys like this! "


    "Ok! Ok! Now, this could work...but we'll have to get approval from Dillon. He's not a big fan of 1 day reigns either. And...these days I don't like doing things unless everyone's in agreement, Bret."

    Bret Hart

    " Oh, bullshit Vince! Besides, not only will this keep Corino in the C1 Clash...allowing for a lot better tournament matches, then if Perfect replaces him...but I go into Shangril-A as WWF Champion--into my hometown...at the Skydome! Which would do wonders for the gate!"

    Bret makes such good points that all of the staff members avoid eye contact with McMahon, by staring straight down. The awkward silence is broken when road agent Ole Anderson storms into McMahon's office.


    " Vince! Shaggy's been caught with drugs again..."


    " What?"


    " Yea..he's accross the street being detained by police. He's out there wearing his lucha libre mask...you know ICP's thing with not going out in public without masks or face paint. Well, police aren't buying that he works for us...with the mask on...and he's refusing to take it off...so they asked for either you, Inoki, or Brisco. Shaggy just called us from a pay phone."

    Bret starts snickering and shaking his head while walking out. Before he exits, he turns back at the door for some final words.


    " You know, guys. Maybe you should start supporting the boys that aren't hurting you...."

  4. user posted image

    Only 2 Months until Series '97...

    September 27rd, 1997

    WWF Worldwide Saturday Nights-

    Channel: FOX

    Venue: The Tokyo Dome - Tokyo, Japan

    Announcing Team: Sean Mooney & Jerry 'The King' Lawler

    Attendance: 12039

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Shane McMahon, Earl Hebner, Charles Robinson, Jim Mollineaux, John Finnegan


    Dave Schmeltzer

    WWF Worldwide Hosts

    user posted imageuser posted image

    WWF had the first of their two nights in Tokyo Japan in what was a very different scenerio then what the WWF wrestlers were used to. Luckily, Antonio Inoki did most of the booking here, along with Vince Russo and catered to the popularity of WWF Superstars to the Japanese fans.

    - Steve Corino interupted by Bob Backlund -

    Worldwide opened up with Sean Mooney in the ring who couldn't excite the crowd at all. He then introduced Steve Corino. Corino came out to a nice reaction, with CW Anderson & Jack Victory, and instantly started running down Hiroyoshi Tenzan. I guess Corino's playing total heel while in Japan. He then moved on to Mr. Perfect, making the point that neither superstar, were Championship material like Steve Corino. He then promised to bring the WWF Title back home to America, around his waste. But he said he was going to start the unification process early, and challenged Hiroyoshi Tenzan to a match for the GWF Title, on WorlDWide. At this point, Bob Backlund came out, to a very respectful pop, as his popularity in Japan hasn't wained a bit. He started running down Corino saying that Corino was nothing more than a 'young punk', challenging him to let Backlund in on this match, making it a triangle match, for the GWF Heavyweight Title. Good exchange here. I see they're building somewhat of a rivalry between Corino & Tenzan. 87%

    Flexx Kavanna d. Pat Tanaka

    Kavanna looked great here, defeating Tanaka in 9:33 with the Kavanna Krush (Rock Bottom). I'm hearing they have alot of plans for Kavanna after Shangril-a.

    Overall: 62

    Crowd: 49

    Match: 75

    - Sting arrives in Japan -

    Sting came out to another one of his strobe-light abundant entrances. The crowd went absolutley nuts for Sting. Sting started talking about Stan Hansen, his opponent on this night for the C1 CLASH, putting him over to the fans calling him one of the WorldWide Greats, no pun intended. However he was interupted by a voice that yelled; "Hansen, Hansen, Hansen! Blah Blah Blah!!". It was Bruce Pritchard, manager of The Dark Patriot.


    " Hansen!? Hansen!? My, my Stinger...you've got bigger problems to deal with than a giant has-been!! (The crowd hated this comment) Because when we return to the United States, on Monday Night RAW--in the C1 CLASH--you have a date with The Dark Patriot!! And you may think that you have it all figured out! But you don't! This is a very disturbed human being!! Years, and years of torment and disaster! And this Monday Night, Stinger...he's going to take it all out on you.....yes...that's right...FOR TWO POINTS!!! (He goes to the back...but then returns to the ramp again) Oh...and Stinger...All of these fans want their new WWF Hero, Sting to win the Tournament...then go on to win the Unified Title!! HA!! Well...just like as in the Dark Patriot's life...there are no perfect stories!

    Bruce Pritchard got a really loud heel reaction here, and was great in opposing Sting--the #1 Face in the company, right now. Good job on all ends. The electrifying crowd at the Tokyo Dome, who usually 'mark out' for such exchanges were also a big part in the top atmosphere for this segment. 96%

    Bruce Pritchard gained overness from this segment.

    - The Ebony Experience Plan to 'Take Out The' TRASH. -

    They send us from a close up of Sting walking back ot the ring to Joey Styles, dressed up for the special weekend, joined with D'lo Brown, The Ebony Experierence--Booker T & Stevie Ray, along with Lady Jacqueline; carrying a huge mirror. Styles asked D'lo something to the effect of his plans in Japan. Dlo repsonded;

    "Styles!! We've come here to clean up after those slobs, T.R.A.S.H.! Duke Droese & Brian James? C'mon! The Real American Homeboys? Nah...you're looking at the Homeboys of the WWF--and we're about to take Japan on an Ebony Experience!"

    He then led his team out to the ring. 71%

    D'Lo Brown gained overness from this segment.

    The Ebony Experience d. T.R.A.S.H

    Very good match here. Brian James has added a little 'dance and juke' punching combination to his repitoire. EE ended up with the victory after the Double Harlem Hangover. Funny moment in the match came when Duke 'The Dumpster' Droese tried to look at himself in Lady Jacqueline's mirror. She ran away like she was running from a ghost.

    Overall: 64

    Crowd: 53

    Match: 76


    Johnny Ace d. Carl Oulette C1 CLASH (A Block)

    Whew, Ace gets a victory in the C1. Even though it's now a 3 way tie with 2 points in the A block, Oulette and Ace's chances of winning the Block are done with, since they both already lost two matches. I would think that Oulette won't be beating Bret, or Corion. Then again...I could always be wrong. The month of October starts the really good matches. I'm looking forward to seeing if Bret will go over Corino...or...if Russo will just push Shaggy 2 Dope over everyone, further driving Bret Hart into anger. Anyway, Ace won with the Ace Crusher off the top rope in 8:33 of a match that seemed a bit rushed. 2 points for the Acer.

    Overall: 77

    Crowd: 81

    Match: 68

    Johnny Ace gained overness from this match.


    The Sandman d. The Iron Shiek C1 CLASH (C Block)

    Can't say that I didn't expect this one. It baffles me how 57 year old Iron Shiek can still move around decently, while, Hansen and Muraco, both just about 7 years younger can't move a muscle. Hansen, I can understand, due to his years of hard worked matches. But, The Rock? After the match, Sandman poured Beer into the face of the fallen Iron Shiek. There's alot of talk that The Sandman has been assured a top level feud after Shangril-a...which really has alot of insiders wondering what exactly will happen, at Shangril-a...as that seems to be the starting point for alot of talked up 'plans', by the WWF. There is no doubt, that even though the Sandman is a midcarder, he has the presence of someone slightly more important than a midcarder--just as is the case with Oulette.

    Overall: 70

    Crowd: 73

    Match: 64


    - Lawler: "Passion Is Thicker Than Blood." -

    Sabu d. Brian Christopher - WWF Intercontinental Title

    I'm kinda suprised that they gave this match away on TV. But...as I expected, what started out as a fast paced nicely worked match, with great ring pyscology, ended quickly when Jerry Lawler, left the broadcast table, and came down to the ring, to quite a nice responce. Christopher, when he saw him, started yelling at Lawler...Sabu was being held back by John Finnegan, referee. Lawler, who had his right hand behind his back, jumped on the apron, and suprised Christopher with a righ hook. His fist was wrapped in a chain. Sabu then, quickly nailed Christopher with a top rope legdrop and got the victory at 7:01. Lawler, on his way back up the ramp, kept pointing to Christopher yelling;

    "Passion is thicker than blood, Brian!! This is about wrestling, kido!! This is my sport, not yours!", while Paulie Dangerously raised the hand of Sabu.

    Overall: 79

    Crowd: 80

    Match: 77


    Sting d. Stan Hansen C1 CLASH (C Block)

    Sting was on point here, but Hansen, as usual was very slow and hardly kept up with Sting. At one point, Sting was pounding Hansen on the back...but Hansen just kept galloping away from Sting, no-selling everything. The final moments of the match came at 10:33 when Sting practically forced Hansen into the scorpion deathlock for the victory. There are rumours circulating that Inoki gave Hansen a verbal lashing backstage, and even recommended that Hansen leave the company, due to his failure to perform. I have no idea if it's true or not, but I do know, that with Inoki, Ole Anderson, and Mike Rotunda as the top road agents (Right behind Patterson and Brisco, of course...the masterminds behind the whole Dark Carnival deal)...high standards have been set for in ring performance. Guess we'll know for sure on Monday.

    Overall: 71

    Crowd: 82

    Match: 48

    Stan Hansen didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating.


    - Corino's Ring Entrance -

    Corino came out, and started putting himself over as the greatest, and, youngest WWF Champion in the federation's history. Corino basically gave everyone a complete bio of his WWF career; He mentioned starting off as a colour commentator on RAW...as the 'announcer who wrestles', talked about the Horsemen - forever - mentioned how he saved Hulk Hogan from a 'brutal ambush' (Which is the single angle that got him over huge with the fans) in '95, how he won the Rumble in '96, took Ric Flair out of Wrestling at Wrestlemania '96, (When Corino used the figure four to 'oppose Flair'...and broke Flair's leg during their match), all the way up to how he masterfully walked his way into the WWF Title Match at Wrestlemania '97, and eventually won it, before loosing it to "Mr. Imperfect". He did a great job in the promo, and ended up getting light applause after he was done. 94%

    - The GWF Heavyweight Champion Reigns Supreme -

    Hiroyoshi Tenzan d. Steve Corino & Bob Backlund - GWF Heavyweight Title

    Very good match, especially for Worldwide...but this was a special event weekend. Tenzan and Corino didn't go at it until 11 minutes into the match, when Backlund missed a turnbuckle avalanche on Tenzan, and tumbled to the outside of the ring. Corino then went after Tenzan, but Tenzan blocked Corino's punches and started nailing Corino with his somoan shoulder strikes. A few high spots followed, and ended when Backlund shoved Tenzan off the top rope, who was getting set to nail Corino with his falling headbutt Once he battled his way into the ring, Backlund was quickly tossed out of the ring again, by Corino, who went back to work on Tenzan. Final moments of the match came when Corino was setting up Tenzan for a superplex, but Tenzan fought off Corino, knocking him off of the turnbuckle to the outside, and on top of a nearby table. Backlund, then ran up to the turnbuckle, trying for a superplex of his own,, but Tenzan started nailing Backlund with heabutts. He then grabbed Backlund, and powerbombed him off of the turnbuckle. The crowd were 100% pro Tenzan here, as he retained the Title after pinning Backlund at 16:33, of a stellar match. WorldWide went off the air, with Antonio Inoki, Jim Cornette, and all of PRIDE, coming down to the ring, and posing with Tenzan--to an appreciative crowd--as Tenzan held up the GWF Heavyweight Championship Belt. He was slightly busted open from some of the Corino punches.

    Overall: 83

    Crowd: 86

    Match: 77

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Mooney" What a show, King!! Some great C1 Clash matches! A great GWF Title Match--and...well...all roads lead to Shangril-A! And tommorow night right here...it's TOKYO SHOWDOWN!!"

    Lawler" Ohhh, that's right, Mooney!! And tommorow night...I get to teach my son a lesson!! A lesson in discipline! A lesson in respect!!"

    Mooney" Well, that certainly will be a "Royal" Encounter! Until tommorow night, so long wrestling fans!!"


    Show Quality: 79%

    TV Rating: 7.57

    Other Shows: WCW Saturday Night; 7.34

    Biggest Complaint: Sean Mooney's Announcing

    Behind The Scenes Issues:

    tokyo showdown is next!!

  5. user posted image

    Only 2 Months until Series '97...

    September 22rd, 1997

    Monday Night Raw-

    Channel: USA Network - Prime Time

    Venue: The Toronto SkyDome - Toronto, Canada

    Attendance: 12,068

    Announcing Team: Joey Styles & Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Dave Hebner, Shane McMahon, Jimmy Korderas, Joey Marella, John Finnegan, Jim Mollineaux


    Dave Schmeltzer

    - Cornette vs. Lawler -

    WWF Monday Night RAW opens up with a backstage shot of Jerry Lawler talking to an unamed Vince Russo, who's playing the role of 'just another official'. We see James Cornette 'walking by', as he suddenly stops to poke fun at 'the new announcer' Jerry Lawler...

    Cornette" Oh, look who it is...The good ol' King of the WWF! Mr. Overated himself! I see you're co-hosting WorldWide with Sean Boring, now. Ya' know Lawler...when I gave up my colour position at RAW, I returned to what I love to do. Manage. And not only that. But I'm managing the single greatest collection of Wrestlers in the Wrestling World Today! Hakushi! The incredible Hayabusa! One of the toughest men in the WWF, Mike Barton. One of the most underated WWF Stars, Johnny Ace! A veteran, the original Japanese Warrior, The Great Kabuki! And of course...the current GWF World Champion, and the soon to be Unified World Wrestling Federation Champion...Hiroyoshi Tenzan!! (The booes of the Toronto crowd is overheard in the dressing room). Yaaa know, Lawler...In just one day, I stepped from the sidelines into the spotlight. And next Sunday, in Tokyo, when you face your son...for the first time ever in your career, you'll be forced to get give the spotlight up!"

    Cornette then continued to go on, as Lawler and the official looked on, disgusted by Cornette's attitude. Either they did this to get Lawler moreover as an 'announcer/official' or they had Cornette say those things so that the internet smarks could rant about Cornette's promo. 86%


    - Hayabusa Speaks-

    The official show began with Joey Styles in the centre of the ring, to another just rediculously loud 'Oh My Gawd' chant. Styles introduces Jim Cornette to the ring, who comes along with Hayabusa, and Antonio Inoki Cornette started going on about how, because of his actions last week on RAW in attacking Bret, Hayabusa is now the new 'Hitman' of the WWF. With that, to everyones suprise, Hayabusa took the microphone, and stared at the crowd who was waiting to here what he said. He then started yelling in Japanese, which sounded a little like;

    "Bretta Hart!!! Kaaja Jooo Ji Choo Meeonn!!!! SchwonnggtttaaaanaaagggaaaaaNoChi!!!!!!!


    Even though what he said was incoherent, the intensity of Hayabusa was enough to get crowd interested in what he said, before Antonio Inoki made the translation. It was announced that Hayabusa challenged, along with Hakushi, Bret Hart and a partner of his choice to a tag team match, later on in the show. Hayabusa continued to scream and yell until Hart finally came out and accepted Hayabusa's challenge. Hart said that he would reveal his partner, which would be WWF Champion, Mr. Perfect, later on in the show.

    Hayabusa gained overness from this segment. Bret Hart lost overness from this segment. 78%

    Al Snow d. Damien Demento

    Somehow, Snow carried Demento to a halway decent match. Snow won with the Snow Plow at 8:33. Heenan kept speculated as to which 'C1 Clash match Snow was going to 'ruin' next...'

    Overall: 67

    Crowd: 62

    Match: 73


    - The Dark Carnival Try To Take Al Snow -

    Coming out of the break, Al Snow was still in the ring absorbing the 'Let It Snow' chant, while Demento who was recovering was busy talking to his thumb. Geez. The chants fans come up with these days. I'm hearing that in GCG, the fans chant 'Head' at Sid Vicious due to his rather largely sized head. At this point the lights went out, and Insane Clown Posse's 'House of Mirrors' began to play. Hitting the ring were ICP to a nice heel reaction going into an attack on Snow. Snow however was able to overcome both, 2Dope & Violent J using his wide array of martial art moves and reversals. At this point, The Undertaker, Ringmaster Jim Neidhart, Papa Shango & Paul Bearer were up in front of the curtain, with a giant casket. Here, Styles kept yelling;

    "The Dark Carnival has come for Al Snow!!! They've come for Snow!! They've come for Snow!!"

    With that, Papa Shango was sent down to the ring, but was quickly fought off by Snow. Demento tried after, but he was suprised by a crescent kick from Snow. The ICP tried once more, but were quickly outmanuevered by Snow once again. Fustrated, The Dark Carnival were forced to make a retreat. Undertaker, after staring at Snow for a short while, angrilly returned his casket to the back, along with Bearer, and Ringmaster Jim Neidhart. Styles was once again going nuts for Snow here,

    "Al Snow has fought off this Cult!! This band of goths!! These sickos!! These pyscopathic death-obsessed lunatics!!"

    Heenan, humoursly responded;

    "You mean the Bischoff family?" 85%

    Owen Hart d. The Execuctioner C1 CLASH (D Block)

    Owen Hart was great here, in enticing the crowd, screaming every few minutes, "I'm a winner, baby!!! Owen won this squash on the giant Executioner at 8:22 with the Camel Clutch.

    Overall: 81

    Crowd: 91

    Match: 60


    The Lightning kid d. Terry Taylor C1 CLASH (B Block)

    Heenan and Styles were pushing this match as the 'more experienced' Terry Taylor against the up and coming Lightning Kid. Pretty good match here, but, as they've been building in most of the Kid's other matches--he was too fast for his opponent. Finals came at 12:22 when Taylor 'jumped' at an opportunity to nail the Kid with his top rope knee drop. Kid, who wasn't weakened enough moved out of the way, and followed up by nailing Taylor with his Lightning Cartwheel kick for the cover. 2 points for The Kid. Styles mentioned that the Kid now stepped into the lead of his Block. After the match, Kid and Taylor shook hands, putting each other over for the fans. Heenan got in a really funny comment here, when Taylor extended his hand;

    "Never trust a Rooster, Kid!! Never trust a Rooster!!"

    Overall: 72

    Crowd: 73

    Match: 70

    - The Hitman picks WWF Champion Mr. Perfect to be his partner -

    Next, Vince McMahon made his way to the ring and introduced, "The Excellence of Execution!! The best there is!! The best there was!! And the best there ever will be!! One of the favourites to win the highly competitve C1 Clash Tournament...CANADAAAAA'SSS OWNNNN BRET 'THE HITMAN' HART!!!"

    Out came Bret to a huge ovation from his hometown crowd. Hart, made a promise that the next time the WWF comes to Toronto (Suvivor Series '97), they'll see him competiting for the Unified Championship. McMahon, then asked Hart as to who his partner would be tonight against Team H. Hart answered; "He's a man who I respect! A man who I like! A man who is truly deserving of that Title...and who I look forward to facing at Shangril-a! Mr. Perfect!!"

    Perfect came out to a nice ovation...and the two even had a preplanned spot where Perfect through his towel behind his back "missing it", with Hart coming in for the catch. Perfect said that he was looking forward to softening up Corino for Bret Hart, (Corino & Bret are in the same C1 Block) at Tokyo Showdown. Finally, Perfect extended his hand to Bret, accepting his invitation to join him against Team H later on during RAW. Crowd loved the 5 minutes of praising Bret that followed. McMahon ended the interview yelling and pointed to Perfect and Hitman;

    "Ladies and gentleman!! The WWF Champion, Mr. Perfect!!!! And the Excellence Of Execution...Canada's Own Bret 'Hitman' Hart!!"

    My oh my, it seems that Vince is trying to do whatever he can to keep Bret happy with the company. There's word that Bret is almost as discontent as Ric Flair is right now. Although Flair's upset at breaking his leg. Bret's upset since he's not champion. 90%


    - Tenzan vs. Corino -

    Steve Corino d. Johnny Ace

    The fans are really into this rivarly that's grown between Camp Corino and PRIDE; Corino and Ace in particular. As usual, Ace's style of wrestling is all about ring psycology. As a result his selling many of the spots were just perfect. There was a point during the match where Corino kept suplexing Ace, but Ace just kept getting up and jumping in Corino's face, refusing to stay down. After the 5th suplex, Ace tried to use his last bit of remaining energy to suprise Corino with the Ace Crusher, but Corino countered by shoving him hard into the turbuckle for a near fall. Final moments of the match came when Ace had control--but missed a legdrop off the top rope, Corino after a legdrop of his own, nailed Ace with the bionic elbow at 15:11. Corino pinned Ace with using leverage from the ropes, but the pin was broken up by Hiroyoshi Tenzan who struck Corino in the back with the GWF Title. Referee Shane McMahon called for the bell, disqualifying Johnny Ace, earning Steve Corino 1 point for the C1 Clash. Jack Victory and CW Anderson quickly hit the ring before any double teaming took place. On his way back to the ring with Johnny Ace, James E. Cornette, and Antonio Inoki, Tenzan backpeddled keeping his eyes fixated on Corino. Tenzan kept yelling in Japanese as he returned to the back. Corino got a nice pop when he was announced as the official winner. He then looked to the camera, shifting his attention to his opponent at Tokyo Showdown, and said;

    "Perfect!! Next weekend...You're time of BORROWING my WWF Championship Belt...COMES TO AN END!!"

    Overall: 85

    Crowd: 93

    Match: 69


    - Sting Gets Assurance From An Ally -

    Coming right out of the break, the house lights went out. The crowd instantly went nuts, because they automatically associated this entrance with Sting. Sting came out to his video game like music to a huge pop, and had a microphone in his hand. He kept pacing back and forth as the crowd kept letting out "Woooooooo" yells in addition to frequent "Stinger" chants. Finally Sting started talking about his C1 Match NEXT week on RAW against The Dark Patriot. Sting was actually putting Dark Patriot over, calling the Dark Patriot, 'Undertaker's Little Brother', I'm guessing referring to The Dark Patriot and Undertaker's past run as stablemates under Bruce Pritchard. He began talking about how Dark Patriot was sick in the head, with his schizophrenzic attitude. This is when the Sandman, also in Sting's Block came out to a huge pop. Styles speculated as to what the Sandman would do. There was a brief stalemate...as fans kept switching back and forth between 'Sandman' and 'Stinger' chants, as Sandman paced around the ring, with his beer in one hand and a mic in the other. He threw his cane into the ring...as part of his 'hip' new entrance...

    Before Sandman started, Heenan kept yelling;

    "Hit him!! Hit him!! Whack him with the cane!!"

    Sandman[*Chuggs Beer..crushes it over his head...and pulls out another from his pocket*]"...Yooo!!!!! Stinger!!!! Now...I came out here...cos' you're in my C1 Block..We've got a bit of competition...Iron Shiek..Stan Hansen..BOTH LEGENDS!..But we also got..umm..but...but..so is...[*sips Beer*]...Mmmmm. Now where was I...(Crowd is laughing...a small Sandman chant resurfaces...Sandman is forced to pause)...Oh yea!! In our bracket is that Schizo maniac, Dark Patriot! Now...you and I gotta meet soon...and....well...I look forward to facing the Stinger!!!" (Crowd cheers)

    Sting" I look forward to facing you, too, Sandman!!!"

    Sandman [*chuggs the rest of his beer, and crushes it over his head. He pulls out, yet another beer from his pocket*]" ...but...ya see, That [bleep]stard, Dark Patriot got lucky and already beat me! And, if he beats you...then..he'd already have 4 points in the tournament. We can't let that man take the lead in our bracket! I mean...I'm gonna go out there, and kick everyone else's ass, including yours..and win the World Title...(This gets a big 'Ohhhhh' reaction from the crowd)...but...next week I'' get your back against that lunatic."

    With that, Sandman extended his hand to Sting...Sting accepted, and the two raised their hands getting a huge pop from the fans. Styles put over next week's Sting-Dark Patriot confronation huge. 86%

    - Bischoff Interviews Cornette with Team H -

    Styles sends us to the back where Eric Bischoff is backstage with James E. Cornette and Team H (Hayabusa & Hakushi).

    Bischoff starts to ask Cornette a question, but Cornette interupts him.

    Cornette" Don't you ask me a question, because ain't no question that you can ask that's never been answered before! Remember Bischoff, I was anwsering wrestling's toughest questions when you were just a car salesman! Now..to matters at hand! Yea, it's really nice that The Sandman and Sting are enjoying a nice beer in the ring. But right now, what we've got here is one of the most technically sound men in American Wrestling--hell--in the entire world--in Hayabusa! He and Hakushi are just about ready to take on Bret and the WWF Champion Mr. Perfect! But Bret, I got a question for you. Bret...do you really think you're better than Hayabusa!? Well, even though you'll get a taste of Hayabusa tonight, how bout the real test? That's right a one on one match! That's right...Hart, On behalf of Hayabusa, I challenge you to a match, next week at Tokyo Showdown!! Televised in front of the entire world!! Ohhh what a great site it'll be when Bret 'Hitman' Hart..the Canadian Hero, falls to the new 'Hitman' in charge!! HAYABUSA!!! Lets go, boys!"

    With that, Cornette leads Team H out of the camera's view with Bischoff looking on. There was a short close up of Hakushi, who seemed upset that he was hardly mentioned by Cornette.

    Hayabusa gained overness from this segment. 87%

    - Hakushi Leaves PRIDE -

    Bret 'Hitman' Hart & Mr. Perfect d. Team H (Hayabusa & Hakushi)

    The crowd was still buzzing about the Sting-Sandman interview from just before, so weren't really attentive to the heavy mat wrestling that was going on in the ring. Final moments came at 9:11 when Hakushi had Bret Hart down, and went for the rope walk. But Hayabusa, errounsouly went into the ropes, knocking Hakushi off the ropes and onto his back. This allowed Bret to tag Perfect, who nailed Hakushi with the Perfect Plex for the cover and victory. After the match, Cornette jumped in the ring and joined with Hayabusa in yelling at Hakushi for loosing the match. They were joined by Antonio Inoki who started giving Hakushi chops to the chest as 'punishment'. Finally, after the 6th or 7th chop, Hakushi had enough. He shoved down Antonio Inoki, to a suprised crowd reaction. He then nailed Cornette and Hayabusa with two separate throat chops leading RAW to go off the air with Hakushi posing in the ring, as Cornette, Hayabusa, & Inoki, joined the rest of pride up the ramp who were in disbelief of Hakushi's defiance. Hakushi has split ways with PRIDE.

    Overall: 68

    Crowd: 52

    Match: 84

    This match suffered because the crowd were still pumped up from the last one, and so this bout was seen as something of a let-down to them.

    Commentary Aftermath

    Styles" Hakushi has struck, Inoki, Cornette, and Hayabusa! He is done with PRIDE!! "

    Heenan" Oh no!! This is bad news for PRIDE!! We have this Al The Snowman running around causing trouble in the C1...now PRIDE has somone who will be out just to get them!! You can bet that he's gonna do all he can do to stop Barton & Ace from winning this tournament!!"

    Styles" What an amazing turn of events!! The next time we see you, we'll be live...FROM TOKYO JAPAN!!!! OHMYGAWWWWWWDDDD!!!!!!!!"

    Heenan" You're gonna loose your voice one day."

    Show Quality: 79%

    TV Rating: 8.00

    Other Shows: Head to Head, Monday Nitro - 7.84

    Biggest Complaint: Cornette's inside comments.

    Behind The Scenes Issues:


  6. Only 2 Months until Series '97...

    September 20rd, 1997

    WWF Worldwide Saturday Nights-

    Channel: FOX

    Venue: Moxfurous Arena, Chicago IL

    Attendance: 11034

    Announcing Team: Sean Mooney & Jerry 'The King' Lawler

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Shane McMahon, Earl Hebner, Charles Robinson, Jim Mollineaux, John Finnegan


    Dave Schmeltzer

    - The New Colour Commentator Of WorldWide -

    Sean Mooney, as always, opened the show 'wondering' who his guest partner would be, now that D'lo was with The Ebony Experience. Jerry Lawler's music hit to a nice reaction. The fans gave him a long standing ovation as he made his way to the broadcast table, promising to "Whip Mooney into place." At this point, The Bossman's new music hit...He had a few words with the arch rival of his boss, on his way to the ring.... 89%

    The Big Bossman d. The Executioner C1 CLASH (D BLOCK)

    I'm hearing that Owen Hart, who was supposed to be in this Clash match instead of Bossman, was busy backstage trying to calm down his brother, Bret, who was very close to walking out of the company. Bret continues to be upset with the way he's been used ever since his Title loss. Anyway, Bossman vs. Halme is bad no matter how you look at it. But the crowd is really into the Bossman's new 'Presidential Bodyguard' gimmick. Bossman won with the Bossman slam in 7:33.

    Overall: 74

    Crowd: 83

    Match: 55


    - The New Tag Team Champions Make a Promis-

    Coming off the break, we are thrown to the back where Eric Bischoff is standing by with the new WWF Tag Team Champions, Furnas & Lafon. They talked for quite a while about being 'The Best and most honourable WWF Tag Team Champion's in Federation history'. There were a couple of random 'Let It Snow'' small chants starting during their speech. 56%

    - James E. Cornette Sends a message To Steve Corino from PRIDE. -

    Jack Victory d. Earthquake

    Why they would put this match after a repackaged Bossman match is beyond me. Victory won with a heart punch to Earthquake, which is kinda funny considering Earthquakes size. Cornette appeared at the curtain, with Johnny Ace & Barton, and proceeded to tell Victory to 'send a message' to his 'Boyfriend', Steve Corino.

    Overall: 51

    Crowd: 47

    Match: 56

    Earthquake lost overness from this match. Jack Victory gained overness from this match. This match suffered because the crowd were still pumped up from the last one, and so this bout was seen as something of a let-down to them.


    " Hey Victory!! Over here!! This Monday Night, on Monday Night RAW, your boy, Steve Corino goes up against Johnny Ace in a C1 CLASH match! Let me explain something to you! There's only one of two possibilities of who's going on to win this thing. And you're looking at those two possibilities! (He points to Barton and Ace) You tell Corino that he'd better stay clear of PRIDE...If he knows what's good for him. Oh...and the same goes for you too, Victory Man!!



    - Owen's a 'Winner' -

    The Iron Shiek d. Stan Hansen C1 CLASH (C Block)

    Personally, I think they should've held this match off for even Spotlight, and presented in highlight form. This was basically a wrestling match in slow motion...except with Shiek being the 'agile' one. I don't think I counted one wrestling move, except for the Camel Clutch that the Shiek used to win the match. I'm hearing they may release Hansen who's not happy about being a face. That, and he's been presenting the C1 Clash with some pretty bad matches. If they release him, I'm sure he'll be replaced in the C1 CLASH by a different punching bag, probably someone younger who can at least put on entertaining matches, like Flexx Kavanna.

    Overall: 64

    Crowd: 69

    Match: 54

    Stan Hansen lost overness from this match. The Iron Shiek gained overness from this match.

    Iron Shiek then introduced the man who he's been training, and who he taught to use the Camel Clutch...or as he said, "...the man who use the camel clutch from me teaching! Owen Hart!!"

    Owen came out and started yelling over and over, "I am a winner!!", unlike his brother Bret. He said, for that very reason he would triumph over the 'mediocre talent' in his Block and go on to win the C1 Clash, to win the first WWF World Title, of his career. I guess he forgot about his GWF Title run as The Blue Blazer. 89%


    The Space Croppers (Devon Storm & Rhyno Starr) d. Doomed (Koko B. Ware & Butch Reed)

    Well...we certainly haven't seen DoomED in action in a while...and after 2 minutes of the match...I know why. They were without Slick, too which leads me to believe they'll be the ones getting the younger tag teams over.

    Overall: 62

    Crowd: 63

    Match: 62

    Butch Reed lost overness from this match. Koko B. Ware lost overness from this match. Rhyno Starr gained overness from this match. Devon Storm gained overness from this match.

    Zeus d. Bob Backlund C1 CLASH (B Block)

    This match was quite humourous, actually, in seeing Bob Backlund have no idea how to phase Zeus. Backlund tried dropkicks, clotheslines, and takedowns, but Zeus just stood up like a statue. Zeus, after choking Backlund, more and more ended with the bear hug submission in minutes. 2 points for Zeus.

    Overall: 76

    Crowd: 85

    Match: 57


    The Insane Clown Posse d. The Thrillseekers (Chris Jericho & Lance Storm

    Shaggy 2Dope did most of the stuff here, having some great brawling spots with both Storm and Jericho. ICP pulled the win after Violent J distracted the ref while Shaggy hit storm with the handle of his hatchet. I'm hearing that ICP think that they'll be let go after Suvivor Series '97 due to all of the backstage problems that they've been causing.

    Overall: 77

    Crowd: 76

    Match: 79

    Violent J was sluggish and didn't put much effort in.

    - Victory Supports Corino-

    Hiroyoshi Tenzan d. Barry Horowitz - GWF Heavyweight Championship

    Mooney brought up a good point, in that there could be a possibility that should Barton or Ace win the C1 Clash, then they could very well be their own stablemate's (Tenzan) opponent at Shangrila. Lawler, did a good of putting PRIDE'S Wrestling mentality over, showing that he may indeed have a future as a strong colour commentator;

    "No..it's like this Mooney. See, ya gotta understand the way these PRIDE wrestlers think!! It's not about personal battles...sure they do come into play...but when it comes down to it, all these guys care about is winning! Hell, Tenzan won that title from someone who was his own stablemate, Stan Hansen! And if Barton were to be forced to face Ace in the Finals...then they'll have their match...shake hands...and move on! This is the way PRIDE thinks!" Tenzan brutalised Horowtiz here, ending the match with his inverted piledriver, the TTD. Horowitz's recent actions with Sting has gotten him the most over then he's ever been--or imagined--in his career. WWF Worldwide went off the air, with James Cornette praising, the GWF Heavyweight Champion, as he went on top of the turnbuckles yelling, in Japanese, at the ringside fans.

    Overall: 80

    Crowd: 85

    Match: 69

    Commentary Aftermath

    Mooney" Hiroyoshi Tenzan! Standing tall as the GWF Heavyweight Champion!! But will he reign supreme over the WWF Champion and the C1 Clash Winner!!"

    Lawler" The Tournament is heating up, Mooney!! It's heating up!!!!"

    Show Quality: 69%

    TV Rating: 7.57

    Other Shows: Early Evening; WCW Saturday Night 7.32

    Biggest Complaint: Road Warrior Taylor's insignificance.

    Behind The Scenes Issues:

    Raw Preview!!

    --C1 CLASH Matches!!!

    *Steve Corino vs. Johnny Ace (A Block)

    *The Lightning Kid vs. Terry Taylor (B Block)

    ---Plus...Will Bret Hart & Hayabusa Collide Again!!

    --The Dark Carnival, Al Snow, and much much more!!!

    --RAW IS LIVE FROM....the Future Home of Suvivor Series '97; Shangril-A...THE TORONTO SKYDOME!!

    On The Horizon


    2)Updated C1 Brackets

    3)Tokyo Showdown Preview

    4)Tokyo Showdown

  7. user posted image

    Only 2 Months until Series '97...

    September 15rd, 1997

    Monday Night Raw-

    Channel: USA Network - Prime Time

    Venue: The Stan Holm Arena- Boston, MA

    Attendance: 12,033

    Announcing Team: Joey Styles & Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Dave Hebner, Shane McMahon, Jimmy Korderas, Joey Marella, John Finnegan, Jim Mollineaux


    Dave Schmeltzer

    - The Hitman's Chances Of Winning the C1 CLASH; SABATOGED -

    Monday Night Raw opened up with a camera shot of the car park, where Bret Hart was just pulling up. After getting out of the car to a nice pop, a 'ring attendant', ran up to Bret and informed him that Owen was in trouble. The ring attendant, GWF Development Wrestler, Mikey Whipwreck stressed that this was serious. So Bret, threw down his bags and followed the ring attendant where he saw Owen Hart lying on the floor. Suddenly, a thud was heard, as both Bret Hart & The Camera Man went down. As a result all that could be seen was Bret on the floor being stomped by 'someone'. Owen Hart was heard laughing in the background as this man continued to attack Bret. Serveral chair shots to Bret's back were also heard. Finally...the camera man recovered. Owen had already run out of harms way. Standing over Bret, making his usual karate-esque gestures was PRIDE'S Hayabusa. The crowd couldn't believe it. 84%

    Hayabusa gained overness from this segment. Owen Hart lost overness from this segment.

    - The Return Of The Weasal -

    user posted imageuser posted image

    Monday Night Raw opened up with The Sandman coming to the ring, to a huge pop. Sandman had a can of beer and was zipping on it, in a funny interview, pretty much starting off the WWF return of Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan.

    Sandman [*Chuggs a beer and smashes it over his head to a loud pop. He then throws it away and holds up his hand. The ring attendance throw him another two beers. He chuggs one, starting a 'Sandman' chant. He opens the second one, and starts sipping on it as he speaks*]" YO!!!!!! [*Drinks Beer*] I said--YO!!!! Now...I was in the back preparing for my C1 Clash match against, Doug Gilbert...and...I...well...I thought I saw a weasal!!! And I didn't even started drinkin' yet! And...hey...(Looks toward curtain)...I did see a weasal!!"

    With that, the Boston crowd all look toward the curtain as Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan emerges from the curtain pointing his finger and yelling at the Sandman. The crowd, who never seems to forget, starts chanting 'Weasal' at the Brain. The Brain was wearing a GCG shirt...Jim Crockett's promotion, that I guess he was just let go from. He held it up, threw it down and started jumping on it to a huge ovation from the crowd...chanting 'weasal' even louder. With that, he walked over to Joey Styles at the announcers table...

    Styles" Oh my GaWd!!! I don't believe it! Bobby The Brain Heenan!!!"

    Heenan (Jumping out of his seat)" Hey!! Who the heck are you? (To no one in particular) Hey who let this fan over the railing? Security! Where's McMahon?"

    Styles" No--I'm Joey Styles--The Voice of the WWF!!"

    Heenan" Ohhhh....You're the new guy. Well...you're the guy that screams and goes nuts when something big happens?"

    Styles (Laughing)" Well...I've been working here for about 3 years now..but yea, thats me."

    Heenan" Oh! Please to meet you!! Me and Monsoon watch you all the time!! I'm sorry about that--where I just came from--nothing goes on! It's like being cut off from civilisation!! Glad to be back where i belong!"

    Heenan goes to shake Styles' hand, but moves it away 'faking' Styles out. I'm hearing that Heenan isn't the permanent host for RAW, as they just wanted his return to be on RAW. They are still deciding on a new permanent colour commentator for RAW, ever since Cornette's return to active managing. And, I like how they took, two GCG shots with the Jacket thing, and the comment made by Heenan--which I'm sure was implying that GCG staff watch the WWF. Anyway, I hear they're going to 'see' how Heenan and Styles do together before making Heenan's stay on RAW permanent. 89%

    The Ebony Experience d. The Pitbulls

    D'lo Brown and Lady Jacqueline were in the corner of Ebony Experience. Good match here. Styles spent the entire match talking about Hayabusa's attack on Bret Hart and the motives behind it. EE won with the Harlem Hangover at 6:33.

    Overall: 61

    Crowd: 48

    Match: 74


    The Dark Patriot d. The Sandman C1 Clash (C Block)

    Coming down the isle, Sandman and the 'Brain' eyed each other down, which got the crowd into it. I like the comedic banter they have going between Sandman & Heenan. They need something like that to 'connect' Heenan to the current generation of the WWF--though. The crowd was live into this match, mocking Patriot with the 'Gilbert' chants for the whole match. Patriot kept clutching his head, annoyed at the chants, going along with his 'being disturbed' gimmick, which is working quite well. He won after nailing Sandman with a DDT virtually out of nowhere, at 9:33. 2pts for The Dark Patriot. After the match, the 'disturbed' Dark Patriot bashed a beer can over his head...before drinking it.

    Overall: 82

    Crowd: 88

    Match: 69


    - The Hitman Vowes To Overcome PRIDE -

    Coming off the break, Bret Hart stormed out to the ring, apparently 'off schedule', as his ring music hit only until after he was halfway down the ramp. He had a paper in his hand and started going nuts...


    " Owen!! Nice Try!! I'm coming out of my car...some kid tells me you're in trouble...and I get blindsided!!! BY HAYABUSA!!! Why Hayabusa? Why did he attack me? Because, I'm stepping on PRIDE'S shoes!! That's why! It's because, I gained two points over JOHNNY ACE, who's in my Bracket!! And then...ya know what else...when i win this tournament...I WILL get in the ring with Hiroyoshi Tenzan, and Mr. Perfect for that Unified title..and that's what PRIDE'S afraid of! I can beat Tenzan!! I already beat Ace...and I can beat Hayabusa!! Hayabusa!! I've heard alot about you!! But do you think you can take down the Hitman!!? Bring it on PRIDE!!! Because there's nothing that you can do to stop this Hitman from getting what I want!! And that's the WWF Championship for the 6th Time!"

    My, Bret was pretty fired up. Definately an incredible promo here. I can definatley say that the Stan Holm arena was 100% behind Bret. 96%

    Bret Hart gained overness from this segment.

    Sabu d. Stan Hansen - WWF I-C Championship

    These two wrestled a very stiff and hardworking match here, but the crowd never thought that Hansen would win. Sabu pinned Hansen after a Triple Jump Moonsault with a chair. Of course, John Finnegan, who never disqualifies wrestlers, was the official here.

    OVerall: 77

    Crowd: 78

    Match: 75

    - A Special Presidential Address From The Million Dollar Boss -

    As Paulie and Sabu were walking to the back, all that could be heard was Brian Christopher's high pitched laugh, soon supplemented with a shot of Christopher on the Titan Tron knocking on the lens of the camera. The camera widened revealing the setting to be Ted Dibiase's Office. Christopher ran to Dibiase's right. To Dibiase's left, was The Big Bossman, in his new Presidential Bodyguard wear, and Mike Rotunda. Just the combination of, Rotunda & Dibiase's smirks, Christopher's laugh, and Big Bossman's posture was enough to get the crowd incredibly hostile. Dibiase had a bunch of papers in his hand....

    Dibiase" Mwahahahaha!! Paulie!! You're just in time for my Presidential Address!! I hope that you enjoyed your personal introduction to my Presidential Bodyguard, last week! (Crowd Booes) Mwahahahaha!! As I informed you, Paulie--Brian Christopher is the #1 Contender for that Intercontinental Title that your savage beast, Sabu is holding!! He's held it ever since your horrible Presidential tenure, here in the WWF!! But...in just about 2 weeks...at the WWF's first televised event from Tokyo, Japan--TOKYO SHOWDOWN...this will change! Because your Sabu will defend the WWF Intercontinental Champion against--BRIAN CHRISTOPHER!!! Mwahahahahaha!!!

    Now...To Steve Corino! Corino..I understand that you've caused some trouble with PRIDE last week!! Well, 'Eye Of The Tiger' boy...tonight...I'll put you up against PRIDE'S BIG 3...Tenzan, Barton, & Johnny Ace!! But...wait...your partners are NOT your lackey's, Jack Victory & The New Age Enforcer CW Anderson...oh no...But instead! You'll be teaming with the man that BEAT YOU at SummerSlam...WWF CHAMPION MR. PERFECT!!! (Crowd cheers) And...STING!! (The Crowd is going nuts at this point. Steve Corino has been paired with two of the top faces in the WWF...one of which who he tried to destroy, weeks before the WWF Ladder match at SummerSlam.

    Oh...and...good luck in your tag team cage match tonight, Paulie!! Mwahahahahaha!!!"

    As Dibiase & Christopher continued to laugh hysterically, Mike Rotunda walked up to the camera 'turning it off', as Joey Styles went nuts yelling, "A Cage Match!! This match wasn't supposed to be a Cage match!! This match was not supposed to be IN A CAGE!!!"

    Heenan replied;

    "Stop yelling!" 100%

    Ted DiBiase gained overness from this segment.


    The Lightning Kid d. Bob Backlund C1 Clash (B Block)

    The story here was that the Kid was way to fast for the middle aged Backlund. Styles painted this as a tournament that The Kid could use to make a permanent stamp on the WWF as a viable championship contender. At, 7:44 Backlund ducked under a leapfrog by The Kid, and quickly administered the chicken wing. At this point, Al Snow hit the ring and hopped on the apron, distracting the ref as Backlund held the Kid in the submission hold. Loud 'Let It Snow' chant, picked up by this Boston crowd. Backlund then got up and started yelling at referee Bill Alfonso for missing his submission. However, after a few moments of arguing, Backlund turned around straight into a Lightning kick from The Kid for the quick cover and 2 pts gain for the Lightning Kid. That's, already two losses for Backlund who seems to be the B Block jobber.

    Overall: 84

    Crowd: 86

    Match: 82


    - Sabu Gives Christopher a 'Taste' of Hardcore -

    Brian Christopher d. The Big Bossman via DQ C1 Clash (D Block)

    Joey Styles, as the two men stood in the ring, was going nuts on commentary, 'Thrilled to see these two Money Whores' be forced to go at it. As the bell ring, the crowd was still in a deep 'Let It Snow' chant from the last match. Snow's having a great effect on this tournament. But, before they were even locked up, Intercontinental Champion, Sabu slid in the ring, and quickly cracked Christopher in the head with a thrown chair shot, suprising both Bossman and Christopher. Referee Dave Hebner called for the bell right away, as Bossman attacked Sabu from behind. Sabu was able to fight off Bossman, and returned back up the isle with Paulie Dangerously--holding up the Intercontinental Championship Belt--as the crowd chanted 'Sabu' into the next commercial break.

    Overall: 59

    Crowd: 48

    Match: 71

    This match suffered because the crowd were still pumped up from the last one, and so this bout was seen as something of a let-down to them.


    The Insane Clown Posse d. Paulie Dangerously & The Iron Shiek - CAGE

    Well the crowd was very into this match, but it was probably the worse match on RAW in a long time. Hopefully this means that we won't have to see Paulie actually wrestle the Insane Clown Posse anymore. I'm hearing that Shaggy 2 Dope didn't even want to wrestle Heyman a few weeks on WorldWide...but when Heyman is one of the head bookers...what can one do? The idea here was that The ICP couldn't go power for power with Shiek, so they pulled the ole' handcuff spot--handcuffing Shiek to one of the ropes. Maybe they borrowed The Bossman's handcuffs. With that, they double teamed Paulie until they were able to escape the cage. I was hoping they brought out the casket for Sheik, but they just left swinging their hachets to the back--which I hear are doing great merchandise wise.

    Overall: 74

    Crowd: 86

    Match: 49

    Violent J was sluggish and didn't put much effort in. Violent J gained overness from this feud ending. Shaggy 2 Dope gained overness from this feud ending. Paulie Dangerously gained overness from this feud ending. The Iron Shiek gained overness from this feud ending.


    - Corino: Staredown with Perfect & Sting; Problems With PRIDE -

    Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Johnny Ace & Mike Barton d. Mr. Perfect, Sting, & Steve Corino

    During the ring entrances, Sting and Corino had a brief staredown. Styles painted them as possible opponents during the C1 CLASH. Next, WWF Champion Mr. Perfect's music hit the pa system, as he made his first live RAW appearance since winning the Championship in the grueling ladder match. Perfect stood face to face with Corino--holding the WWF World Title, as the crowd went back and forth from 'Perfect' chants--to the first time since Corino's Dark Patriot angle; concrete 'Corino' chants.It seems as if the ladder match has built a new found 'respect' for Corino. At just 24 years of age, the impact that Steve Corino could have on the WWF long term is unbelievable. Already, he has done so much in his WWF Career...well...this year at least. At this point, GWF Champion Hiroyoshi Tenzan shoved Corino aside, and stood head to head with the WWF World Champion, Mr. Perfect. Corino then shoved Perfect over, standing head to head with Tenzan. This prompted Ace to push Tenzan aside standing head to head with his C1 CLASH Tournament opponent next week on RAW, Steve Corino. Sting stopped the staredownfest by charging Tenzan to a huge pop starting off a 6 way brawl. Good match all around. The idea of this match was how Tenzan actually was able to stand toe to toe with Perfect, Corino, and even Sting thoughout the match--in getting him even more over as GWF Champion then he already is. Final moments of the match came at 16:22 when, the referee lost control of the match. With Barton brawling with Sting & Corino on the outside, Ace nailed Perfect with a suprising Ace Crusher...Tenzan--who was waiting on the top rope--came crashing down with his falling heabutt, gaining a pinfall over Mr. PerfecT! Styles made a huge deal of The GWF Champion pinning the WWF World Champion. My guess is that Perfect will probably get his pinfall back...if he's slated to go on to Shangrila. What followed next was once again pandemonium. Corino hopped in the ring attacking Tenzan who was screaming and yelling in Japanese, holding up his GWF Heavyweight Title...this prompted a 3 on 1 PRIDE attack on Corino...Perfect came to the rescue of Corino...out of respect, as Styles kept explaining. However, Sting...from the outside let out a 'Wooooooooo' scream, and started attacking everyone in the ring. When the squared circle was cleared, it was Sting who was left standing in the ring to a huge 'Stinger' chant. RAW went off the air with Styles putting Sting over...and Heenan, actually seemingly coming around, doing a good job of putting over the C1 Clash.

    Overall: 82

    Crowd: 87

    Match: 71

    Commentary Aftermath

    Styles" PRIDE..GWF Heavyweight Champion Hiroyoshi Tenzan--on the oustide! STEVE CORINO...on the outside!...WWF CHAMPION MR. PERFECT...on the Outside! But look who's standing tall in the ring!! It's...STING!! Could this be the winner of the C1 CLASH!?"

    Heenan" Styles...in all of my years in the WWF...I have NEVER seen a tournament that means so much to the wrestlers--as this C1 CLASH! This is unbelievable!!"

    Styles" Next week on RAW--Corino vs. Ace!!! Owen Hart vs. Barry Horowitz! And much much more!! Oh My GaWd!!!"

    Heenan" Now I know why you're always screaming!! WOW!"

    Show Quality: 80%

    TV Rating: 8.00

    Other Shows: Head to Head, Monday Nitro - 7.84

    Biggest Complaint: Paulie Dangerously Wrestling Again.

    Behind The Scenes Issues: Shaggy 2Dope caught with an ounce of Marijuana at the Airport.

    WWF WorldWide


    *The Iron Shiek vs. Stan Hansen (C Block)

    *Owen Hart vs. The Executioner (D Block)

    *Zeus vs. Bob Backlund (B Block)

    And much much More!!!!!

  8. Only 2 Months until Series '97...

    September 13th, 1997

    WWF Worldwide Saturday Nights-

    Channel: FOX

    Venue: Moxfurous Arena, Chicago IL

    Attendance: 11034

    Announcing Team: Sean Mooney & Dlo Brown

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Shane McMahon, Earl Hebner, Charles Robinson, Jim Mollineaux, John Finnegan


    Dave Schmeltzer

    - Paulie Dangersouly Challenge ICP To RAW Match -

    WWF WorldWide opened up with Sean Mooney at the announcing table, recapping the Big Bossman turning on Paulie Dangerously, on RAW, and becoming Ted Dibiase's 'Presidential Bodyguard'. He was then joined by Paulie Dangerously. Dangerously, joined by Intercontinental Champion, Sabu--as always dressed up in his Sheik-wear--said that he had a special RAW challenge for the Insane Clown Posse. He said that this Dark Carnival 'crap had to stopped, not even acknowledging his RAW beating at the hands of Bossman, Christopher, and Ted Dibiase. Mooney, then asked if Paulie's partner would be Sabu. Paulie said something about Sabu being in Canada that day, then said that his partner would be; The Original Sheik...The Iron Sheik! This got a farely nice pop, as everyone respects the 57 year old colorful character of the Sheik, who--unlike Hansen or Muraco--can still move around the ring. I guess Dangerously has gotten the Ted Dibiase fever of putting himself in matches. 85%

    Big Dick Dudley d. Rick Steiner

    Why do i have a feeling that Big Dick, is going to be the 'star' of the Dudley boys. He seems to fit nicely with the stiff style of working that the WWF has become associated with, over the last two years. Big Dick won with the move aptly named, Total Penetration, which is a spinning chokeslam.

    Overall: 56

    Crowd: 49

    Match: 63

    Rick Steiner lost overness from this match. Big Dick Dudley gained overness from this match.


    - The Helmsely's Mock Horace Hogan's Tag Team--'High Price' -

    Horace Hogan & Rod Price (High Price) d. The Orient Express

    Horace Hogan, the real life son of Hulk Hogan came out to Hulk Hogan's very first ring music in the WWF, which, for those who don't know--can be best described as bad "Rocky" theme, being looped over and over again. And...of all the charasmatic free agents that was picked to be his partner...Rod Price!? He's almost as bad as Horace! They won after a back to back 'Hulk', and 'Price' legdrop on Kato.

    Overall: 51

    Crowd: 46

    Match: 57

    At this point, Hunter McMahon & John Kronus Helmsely came out and started making fun of them. Kronus as usual, was eating a sandwhich while in the isle. Hunter basically said..."...geez...If you're as bad as your Father, then we'll have no trouble in the tag team division!". The crowd booed this knock at WCW Wrestler Hulk Hogan, as The Helmsely's walked off. The Butler, who accompanies the Helmsley's to the ring was left behind, picking up the crumbs from Kronus' Sandwhich. 50%

    Hunter McMahon Helmsley lost overness from this segment.


    - New WWF Tag Team Champions -

    Doug Furnas & Phillip Lafon d. Team H (Hayabusa & Hakushi)

    These 4 had an incredibly strong match here on WorldWide. It's a shame that Mooney couldn't describe most of the moves beyond the, "What a move!", exclamation. I guess this is the trade off for Furnas & Lafon having to job to the Insane Clown Posse during their debut match a few months ago. Plus, I'm hearing that Hakushi & Hayabusa are going to be receiving singles pushes. With Tenzan currently feuding at the top of the card, and Barton, seemingly being pushed to the upper part of the card, I could see Hayabusa getting a solid push. But Hakushi, too? It'll be interesting to see how...and what...they do. Match came to a close when Hayabusa missed the 450 splash, and fell victim to a fisherman suplex pin, by Lafon, at 15:33 of a great Tag Team Match. Mooney called it the 'upset of the century'. Well..I don't think so, Mooney.

    Overall: 74

    Crowd: 62

    Match: 87

    Hakushi lost overness from this match. Hayabusa lost overness from this match. Phil LaFon gained overness from this match. Doug Furnas gained overness from this match.

    - The Dark Carnival's C1 CLASH REPRESENTATVE--The Psycopathic Clown -

    Gotta love the WorldWide old school prerecorded comments. Coming off the break we see Paul Bearer and Shaggy 2 Dope walking around in a graveyard. They walk up to a tombstone that read; Carl P. Oulette. 2Dope started talking about how he was going to 'torture' Oulette and all of the people in his Block. I wouldn't be suprised if he just does that, too. 79%

    - The Big Bossman; Repackaged -

    The Big Bossman d. Flexx Kavanna

    Bossman, under the guidance of Million Dollar Man, came to the ring in a completely new 'uniform'. It looks like they passed the "Secrect Agent" look onto the Big Bossman--I guess going along with the whole Presidential Bodyguard thing. Bossman wore dark shades, with a black suit white shirt, and black tie. Bossman was indeed the Presidential Bodyguard, now. He pretty much squashed Kavanna after a short comeback, breaking out of the Kavanna Krush, and nailing Flexx with the Bossman Slam. After the match, he handcuffed Kavanna to the ropes and gave him a Presidential beating with the nightstick.

    Overall: 73

    Crowd: 69

    Match: 77

    Terry Taylor d. Bob Backlund (B Block)

    Taylor won this pure 80's style worked match in 8:44 with the knee drop off the top rope, earning him 2pts in his block.

    Overall: 72

    Crowd: 80

    Match: 54


    - Oulette Promises Victory...we think -

    Eric Bischoff was next, and joined by Carl P. Oulette in the back. The "Olay" singing was started already as Oulette yelled to Bischoff;

    "You hear that!?! They're singing the tune of the C1 Clash!!! Oulette!!! That is what you will hear!! Oulette!! My time is here!! It's Oulette Time!! Shaggy 2Dope, prepare to sing the song...of Oulette!"

    Oulette then said something in French, that stopped the singing, and threw everyone off. 72%

    Carl Oulette lost overness from this segment.

    - 2 Pts For The Carnival -

    Shaggy 2Dope d. Carl P. Oulette C1 CLASH (A Block)

    This is probably the biggest suprise of the tournament thus far. Finals came when The Undertaker made an apperance, and starting beating on Oulette when he was on the outside of the ring. As Shaggy distracted the ref, Lee gave Oulette the Prime Time Slam before rolling him back into the ring. Shaggy then nailed the guolintine leg drop for the easy victory. WWF WorldWide went off the air with Shaggy 2Dope holding his hands in the air, swinging his hatchet that he brings to the ring, along with the Undertaker standing with his eyes rolled behind his head.

    Overall: 77

    Crowd: 82

    Match: 66

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Mooney" Shaggy 2Dope earns 2 pts in his C1 Clash Block...could The Undertaker be the biggest factor in this tournament!"

    Dlo" I dunno, Mooney, but this C1 Clash Tournament has cost alot of turmoil in the WWF!!!"

    Mooney" That's right! Everyone wants to be champion! Seeya next week folks!! Raw is Next!!"


    Show Quality: 67%

    TV Rating: 7.57

    Other Shows: Early Evening WCW Saturday Night

    Biggest Complaint: Sean Mooney's announcing

    Behind The Scenes Issues:

    Raw Preview!!


    *The Lightning Kid vs. Bob Backlund

    *Brian Christopher vs. The Big Bossman

    *The Dark Patriot vs. The Sandman

    --Plus!!!! Special Challenge

    Paulie Dangerously & The Iron Shiek


    The Insane Clown Posse!!!

  9. sorry, I don't have each C1 CLASH UPDATE, so refer to this to find when seeing the groupings. Modeled after the G1CLIMAX (Inoki Booking) ;)



    Bret Hart

    Carl Oulette

    Steve Corino

    Shaggy 2 Dope

    Johnny Ace


    The Lightning Kid

    Terry Taylor

    Bob Backlund

    Mike Barton




    The Sandman

    The Iron Sheik


    The Dark Patriot


    Brian Christopher

    Barry Horowitz

    Big Bossman

    The Executioner

    Owen Hart

  10. user posted image

    Only 2 Months until Series '97...

    September 8th, 1997

    Monday Night Raw-

    Channel: USA Network - Prime Time

    Venue: The Cooltimonia Air Centre - Pittsburgh, PA

    Attendance: 12,033

    Announcing Team: Joey Styles AND HIS MICROPHONE

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Dave Hebner, Shane McMahon, Jimmy Korderas, Joey Marella, John Finnegan, Jim Mollineaux


    Dave Schmeltzer

    - Bob Backlund Introduces the "Better Hart" and "The C1 Clash Winner" -

    Bob Backlund opened up RAW this week dressed up in a nice suit, and introduced "The man that proved that he was better than everyone's Hero, Bret Hart!", Owen Hart. Out came Owen, also nicely dressed up, I guess to kinda erase the stigmatism of always being "Bret's Little Brother". Backlund said that he was going to 'let it all out', explaining why Owen, not only was forced to teach Bret 'a lesson', but also must win the C1 Clash. Lots of Heyman writing here, it seems as Backlund mentioned that Bret didn't think that Owen could be a star, and instead wanted The Lightning Kid to become the next big thing in the WWF--Not Owen. The fans didn't like any of this at all, trying to drown Backlund with 'Backlund Sux' chants -- but soon burst into cheers when Bret Hart's music hit..., and out came Bret along with the Lightning Kid. Bret was about to say something--but The Lightning Kid, apparently very anxious and disturbed at what he heard yanked the microphone and started screaming at Backlund;

    Lightning Kid" No!!! You wanna air dirty laundry out here in public, Backlund!! You wanna talk about the truth!! Lets talk about the truth!! It's you...and a few others...that don't want Bret in the WWF!! It's you...and a few others...that feel threatened by Bret in the WWF! Threatened that Bret will always be better than you!! Just because Bret 'The Hitman' Hart is one of the most dangerous men in the WWF!!! Thats why!! Backlund!! How old are you? 48? 50? 60? (Crowd laughs) Lets face facts!! You're trying to live your failure of a career through someone who still has one! And...lets face it...neither I or Bret want you representing us!! But Owen...who is naive...who is stupid...doesn't see through your facade!!"

    Hart" Owen...you're in the C1 Clash Tournament just like me...and I'm going to win my bracket! And if I face you in the semis, or in the finals--this time I will be victorious...and I will once again prove why I am the excellence of execution...and I will show you why I am the best there is...the best there was...and the best there EVER will be!!! And, I'm gonna go on to win the WWF World Title, which was STOLEN from me in the first place...at Shangrila!! "

    The crowd was going nuts at this point. It seemed like Bret was whining...and Owen didn't say much...but the fans were loving the hyping of the C1 Clash. Owen was about to say something...until someone who was walking in from the stands, who had a microphone interupted him...

    "No...No...Don't say anymore. I think these fans have had enough...I sure have..."

    It was Avatar. As he walked down the stands and into the ring he removed his mask, revealing himself to be, Al Snow. 78%

    Owen Hart lost overness from this segment. Bret Hart lost overness from this segment.

    - Al Snow's Placing Himself "In" The C1 Clash -

    Al Snow, stood in the ring, with his Avatar mask looking around, as the Philadelphia fans chanted 'Agent Lief! Agent Lief' Backlund and Owen were looking at each other confused as to why this unknown would interupt them.


    "...No...No...My name isn't Leif Cassidy either. It's not Avatar! It's not Shinobi! It's not Agent Leif Cassidy...It's Al Snow!!! And I've just about had it up to HERE...with all of this bickering and yelling...when I'M THE PERSON WHO SHOULD BE ANGRY!!! You know I'm listening to the four of you argue...and realised...that I'm the one who should be angry! Bret..., a 5 time WWF Champion, one of the most formidable WWF in the WWF today..Lightning Kid...a martial arts purist, much like myself...except they didn't stick you under a stupid mask...or didn't place you as part as a secrect agent tag team! Owen..., the younger Hart, who has made a name for himself, by putting on incredible matches...most recently, a great King Of The Ring run, and defeated Bret Hart at SummerSlam...And Backlund...well...you're old. (Crowd starts laughing hysterically. This comment is what puts the crowd on Snow's side from here on in.)...but ya see...there's one thing that seperates all of you from me...YOU WERE ALL GIVEN CHANCES--I WASN'T!! Last week, I looked at the C1 Clash Brackets...and I saw that I wasn't even on any of the brackets...Just like I wasn't included in the King Of The Ring! Well guess what!! I AM IN THE C1 CLASH!! MY WAY!! That's right...I've got a new 'image'!! Al Snow--Run in Man!! Ohhhhh....I'll be apart of the C1 Clash alright!! That's right, it's gonna be raining Snow all over the tournament...AL SNOW!

    With that, Snow, threw down the mic and left the ring walking into the back, to a nice and humourous 'Let It Snow' chant. Definately one of the funniest chants I've heard the WWF fans come up with in a wile. 89%

    Al Snow gained overness from this segment.


    Damien Demento d. Buh Buh Ray Dudley

    They showed footage here of Jeff Jarrett being put into the casket at this weekends worldwide. Demento won the match with the Inner Voices Claw Hold at 6:33.

    Overall: 60

    Crowd: 53

    Match: 67

    Barry Horowitz d. The Executioner C1 CLASH (D Block)

    At first, The Executioner was just pounding on Horowitz, much like...say Halme used to do. However at this point Al Snow hit the ring, and tripped him as he was coming off of the ropes. He held down Executioners legs down from the outside, as Barry leaped on him for the victory. The crowd was cheering 'Let It Snow' again, as Snow helped earn Horowitz two points.

    Overall: 74

    Crowd: 86

    Match: 47


    - Corino Blasts Pride -

    Steve Corino came out to Eye Of The Tiger, getting more cheers then usual...probably due to him being involved in Lawler's last match, as well as being apart of the Ladder Match classic at SummerSlam. But Corino continued on ripping the faces, until he mentioned PRIDE.

    Corino had the mic, and started running down Bret who's in his C1 Block. He then ran down Snow, for coming out and complaining about him not being given 'chances. He said that he had more reasons to complain, and attributed that to PRIDE being backed by President Ted Dibiase....


    " You know...Al Snow comes out here, and complains about not being given a 'chance'! Well, Snow...chances don't come walking to you!! You have to make chances appear!! I...just like you...wasn't given chances...so I had make my own chances!! And thats how I became WWF Champion!! But...during my tenure...I had another obstacle!! I wasn't part of President Dibiase's wonderful PRIDE stable that everyone was talking about! So...as World Champion, I had to take a backseat...just because that organisation was run by Dibiase! I make a motion to come out to the ring...and Dibiase stops me and says..."No, Steve...There's not enough room for whatever it is that you have to say. PRIDE'S going out now!!!" And for who? PRIDE? For guys like Johnny Ace? Who the hell is Johnny Ace? Well...he's in my block...so I'll be able to show him how superior I am to him! And for who else did I have to take a backseat to...Hiroyoshi Tenzan! (The crowd booes Tenzan's name) The GWF Heavyweight Champion!! Gimmmeee a break!! Tenzan...shine that belt up real nice!! Because, at Shangrila, I'm going to teach you a lesson...an old school lesson! That's right...because I'm going to win that C1 Clash..OR...I'm going to get back MY belt from Mr. Perfect!!! (Corino pauses, as the fans go nuts, breaking into a 'Perfect Champ' chant.) Ok...Ok..you can shut up now. He's not here. Perfect!! I know...in being the lazy champion that you are...that you're sitting at home watching this!! Me...and YOU!!! WWF TOKYO SHOWDOWN!! The WWF's globally television extranvaganza, on September 28th!! The Challenge is still out there, Perfect! Will you make the Perfect decision and accept? 85%

    Corino dropped the mic and walked out to a mixture of booes and cheers. I really like what their doing with Corino here. They seem to be seperating him from the rest of the WWF, in not making heel or face alliances. Instead, for him, his main goal is the World Championship, no matter who he has to go through.. Kudos to Dillon and Heyman who probably write most of his stuff. 85%


    Mike Barton d. Zeus via DQC1 CLASH (B Block)

    Joey Styles painted this match as being an impossibility for Barton to win...but Barton, unlike the other wrestlers, was able to power out of Zeus' chokehold--even if it was with three kicks to the stomach. Barton quickly nailed Zeus with a roundhouse right. Zeus staggered, for a short while, for the first time in any match--but quickly reapplied a chokehold onto Barton. Barton got out with another few kicks to the gut and went off of the ropes with a lariat. Once again, Zeus was stunned, which got the crowd alot more into the match. Barton went off the ropes again, nailing Zeus with another hard Lariat...this time causing Zeus to back peddle up and over the top rope...but landing on his feet. At this point, Zeus, from the outside had quite a look of rage on his face, and went for a chair. Styles at this point, kept mentioning how unpredictable and uncontrollable Zeus was. Zeus then went into the ring with his chair, and knocked Barton (Who was taunting to crowd) from behind with the chair, knocking Barton over the tope rope to the ring floor. Referee Bill Alfonso had no choice but to award the match to Barton by DQ, earning him 2 points. Zeus almost went after the ref, but was held back by the Slickter. Styles made a comment here, calling Zeus 'The Mike Tyson Of The WWF', due to his apparent mental unstability.

    Overall: 74

    Crowd: 82

    Match: 58


    - The Dark Patriot Scout's Sting -

    Sting d. The Iron SheikC1 CLASH (C Block)

    Right before the match, Bruce Pritchard came out with The Dark Patriot, joining Joey Styles on commentary. Dark Patriot mentioned how Sting was the favourite to win in his Block, but reminded Styles that he was also in Sting's block. Dark Patriot then started screaming at Styles about how he was going to use this tournament to get the WWF Title finally around his waste. The Dark Patriot could go far in this tournament, especially with the recent new promos he's been getting. There was a huge 'Gilbert' chant, while Patriot was at the table. Sting lost a test of strength with the Iron Sheik, but quickly finished him off with the Scorpion Deathlock at 9:22, gaining 2 points in the tournament.

    Overall: 75

    Crowd: 81

    Match: 70

    - Ted Dibiase Calls Out Paulie Dangerously; Introduces his new 'Presidential Bodyguard' -

    Ted Dibiase & Brian Christopher d. Paulie Dangerously & Paulie Dangerously

    Ted Dibiase came out and announced that next week on RAW Sabu, who was not in the building tonight, will be defending the IC Title against Stan Hansen. He then introduced Paulie Dangerously to the new #1 Contender for the I-C Title--Brian Christopher. Dibiase then said that 'he had an idea'. He mentioned how he was a 'hands on' President, and challenged Paulie Dangerously to find a partner and face Dibiase and Christopher, rightthere live RAW. The crowd went nuts for this, as Paulie finally came out of the curtain. Dangerously stood face to face with Dibiase and Christopher, worried for his saftey when suddenly The Big Bossman's Old School, music played to a huge pop. They havn't heard this music since before the WWFPD stuff. Dibiase & Christopher squared off against Dangerously and Bossman, to a very hot crowd...until Bossman, clonked Dangerously in the gut with his nightstick! Dibase and Christopher started laughing, as Bossman continued to nail Dangerously in the ribs with his nightstick. The crowd was chanting for Sabu, but it was already announced that he wasn't in the building. Ted Dibiase started screaming for the timekeeper to ring the bell to 'start the match'. Christopher then went on the top rope, and nailed Dangerously with his Tenessee Jam for the academic victory. After the 'victory' Dibiase grabbed the mic and started yelling as he always does;

    Dibiase" Mwahahahaa!! Meet the new Presidential BodyGuard!! The Big Bossman!!! Mwahaahahaha!!! And right here...The Newwwwww #1 Contender for the Intercontinental Championship AND a favourite to win the C1 Clash--Brian Christopher!!! Once again, I proved that not only does everyone has a price for the Million Dollar Man...but it doesn't pay to cross The Million Dollar Boss!! Mwahahahaaha!!!!!"

    Overall: 82

    Crowd: 92

    Match: 60

    Big Bossman's turn was completed, and he is now a heel. Big Bossman gained overness from this turn.


    - Camp Corino & PRIDE Butt Heads -

    Bret Hart d. Johnny AceC1 CLASH (C Block)

    This was a very good C1 CLASH match. Even though he lost the match, Styles was pushing over Ace big time. It could've been simply to place him on a realistically similar level to Bret Hart...or it could be hinting at Ace being a strong part of the tournament. He mentioned how Ace got involved in Wrestling at a very young age...and has incredible in-ring experience for his young age of 32. Corino joined Styles at the announcers table and pretty much ran down both Hart and Ace, since they both were in his Block. He spent mentioned defeating Bret at Wrestlemania '97, and mentioned to Styles that, "It would be an honour to beat Bret AGAIN, during this Tournament". During the closing moments of the match, Hart had Ace in the Sharpshooter for about 3 minutes. But Ace refused to give up. This got the crowd more into the match, then I would've predicted. Ace is one of the best when it comes to ring psycology. He definatly sold his pain beautifully as he tried to inch closer and closer to the ropes. At this point, Corino left the broadcast table, and walked to the ring with a chair, accompanied by Victory and Anderson. Cornette, who was in Ace's corner started yelling for Steve Corino to go away, but Corino made it clear that he came as an ally. Bret saw Corino and released Ace to go and argue with Corino. Cornette, seeing this as an opportunity to help Ace, hopped on the apron, sneaking his racket into the ring. Hart then went back to Ace, but Ace suprised him with an Ace Crusher out of no where. Both men were laid out, and were administered with a double count by referee Dave Hebner -- but Ace was the first to get up. He, then threw Hart into the ropes, but Hart reversed it, sending Ace into a thunderous chair shot from Corino on the outside. Here, Styles screamed;

    "Corino hit Ace with the chair!! Corino hit Ace!!? And he meant to hit Bret!! What a horrible turn of events for Johnny Ace!!"

    Hart then quickly got an inside cradle pin on Ace for the victory. Hart, who earns two points, seemed to be especially pumped up after winning the match. After an advert break, Corino went into the ring to help up Ace, but Ace shoved him away. Corino tried to explain that what he did was an accident, but Ace, who was fueled with anger, replied by kicking Corino, followed by an Ace-Crusher! What followed next was pure mayhem.

    Overall: 80

    Crowd: 85

    Match: 71

    After the Ace Crusher, Jack Victory and CW hit the ring to Corino's aid. At that point, the lockeroom quickly emptied out with PRIDE members, Hakusi, Hayabusa, Great Kabuki, Mike Barton, and Hiroyshi Tenzan; along with Cornette and Inoki standing behind the wrestlers. It was a 6 on 3. Everyone was jawing back and forth between each other....First, Ace was face to face with Corino yelling;

    "...yea...yea...Unlike you, I got friends here! I got friends! Yea?...C'mon!"

    At this point The GWF Champion, Hiroyoshi Tenzan pushed Ace aside, and stood head to head with former WWF Champion Corino. Styles heavily put over the level of athletic ability between Tenzan & Corino, as they were in the staredown. At this point, out of nowhere, Jack Victory, who was behind Corino, was angered by something that Johnny Ace said, and lunged at him knocking him nicely in the face with a clear punch. This got the crowd going nuts for Victory as a giant brawl got started between the 6 members of PRIDE, and Camp Corino (Corino, CW Anderson, & Victory.) Raw went off the air with the officials racing to the ring trying to stop the riot. 75%

    Steve Corino lost overness from this segment. Jack Victory gained overness from this segment.

    Commentary Aftermath

    Styles" OH My GaWd!!! What a mess!! What pandemonium!! PRIDE!!! CAMP CORINO! Steve Corino! Jack Victory!! The New Age Enforcer, CW Anderson!! Tenzan, Hakushi, Hayabusa, Ace, Kabuki, Barton...the ring is a battlezone!! Get someone out here!! THIS is how important the C1 Clash is!! THIS is how important a shot at the Unified World Championship is!! THIS is a riot! A riot has ensued! A riot has ensued! A RIOT HAS ENSUED!!!! "

    Show Quality: 77%

    TV Rating: 8.00

    Other Shows: Head to Head, Monday Nitro - 7.80

    Biggest Complaint: The Executioner

    Behind The Scenes Issues: Juventud Guerrera Injured at a house show. Out for over a year.

    WorldWide Preview!

    --C1 Clash Matches!!!

    *Terry Taylor vs. Bob Backlund ( B Block)

    *Shaggy 2 Dope vs. Carl Oulette (A Block)

    --WWF Tag Team Title Match

    Team H (Hakushi & Hayabusa) vs. Doug Furnas & Phillip Lafon

    --The Debut of Hulk Hogan's Son's Tag Team!

    --Plus More!!!!

  11. Only 2 Months until Series '97...

    WWF Worldwide Saturday Nights-

    Channel: FOX

    Venue: Moxfurous Arena, Chicago IL

    Attendance: 12,012

    Announcing Team: Sean Mooney & D'lo Brown

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Shane McMahon, Earl Hebner, Charles Robinson, Jim Mollineaux, John Finnegan


    Dave Schmeltzer

    Furnas & Lafon (Doug Furnas & Phil Lafon) d. The Helmsley's (Hunter McMahon & John Kronus Helmsely)

    A good match here. Kronus is great as a tag team worker, in being able to hide his lack of wrestling skill behind Hunter. Furnas won the match for his team with a Full Nelson suplex pin on Kronus at 12:22. Mooney was heavily pushing Furnas and Lafon as one of the more technically sound teams in the WWF--even moreso than The Thrillseekers.

    Overall: 66

    Crowd: 61

    Match: 72


    Psicosis d. Pat Tanaka

    Another strong Worldwide match, which seems to really put on the strong matches. Psicosis nailed Tanaka with the running Liger Bomb at 7:33.

    Overall: 59

    Crowd: 40

    Match: 79

    - The Hitman, Live On WorldWide -

    Eric Bischoff hopped into the ring, and announced that the WWF had a big suprise for the WorldWide fans, with that he introduced, Bret 'Hitman' Hart. He asked Hart how he felt about loosing the match to Owen Hart. Bret mentioned something about him and Owen having battles since they were kids. He said Owen won some, and he won some...but on that day--SummerSlam '97--Owen just happened to be better. Hart then talked at lenght about the C-1 CLASH. I like how their placing heavy importance on this tournament, which on paper looks to be very strong. Hart said that no matter what 'they' try to do, he'll still overcome all odds...and he promised to win the C-1 CLASH, and go onto Surivor Series '97 to win the WWF Championship for a 6th time. Hart got a nice pop. Bischoff asked Hart, who were 'they'. Hart said to 'tune in' to RAW, this upcoming week. 83%


    CW Anderson d. Ray Rougeau

    CW looked great here. Mooney kept pushing Anderson as the 'New Age Enforcer', along with citing that he was an Anderson. Anderson looked great here and won the match with...of course...A Spinebuster. This actually got CW a nice pop.

    Overall: 62

    Crowd: 46

    Match: 78

    Raymond Rougeau lost overness from this match. CW Anderson gained overness from this match.

    - Dlo Brown Gets Ready For the Debut Of Ebony Experience -

    After Anderson's victory, Dlo Brown began taking off his headset. When Mooney asked him where he was going, D'lo answered;

    " Mooney!! I'm going to be part of an experience...An Ebony Experience!!" 66%

    D'Lo Brown gained overness from this segment.


    The Ebony Experience (Booker T & Stevie Ray) d. T.R.A.S.H.

    Just being called up from the GWF, Booker T & Stevie Ray, came to the ring, led by Dlo Brown, doing the same gimmick as they had been doing in the GWF. Both men were wearing what was described by Mooney as; 'Extremely Expensive Fur Coats..', and carried hand mirrors to the ring with them. They wore sunglasses to the ring, along with cigars, but maintained a 'ghetto type' image wearing bandanas on their head--I guess to avoid the assumption that they are pimps. on They were also accompanied by a fairly built, yet femine black woman, carrying one giant mirror, who was introduced by Pedicino as Lady Jacqueline. After about 30 seconds of both men looking in the mirrors, they got 'annoyed' at T.R.A.S.H, for watching them and went into the attack. Good match, as the match was ended with a Harlem Highrise at 7:22 on Brian James, which is a double flapjack. Good debut for this tag team.

    Overall: 62

    Crowd: 54

    Match: 71

    Brian James lost overness from this match. Stevie Ray gained overness from this match. Booker T gained overness from this match.


    - Ebony Experience Bump into The 'Crazy' Space Croppers -

    Returning off the break, we see The Ebony Experience returning to their locker room, when they bump into the Space Croppers, Rhyno Starr & Devon Storm. Rhyno and Devon however didn't spend to much time bothering Booker T or Stevie Ray, but they kept following their reflections in the giant mirror that Lady Jacquelin carried...as if they've never seen their reflections before...Booker T then tried shoo'ing them off, as if they were dogs yelling;

    " Get!! Get!! Get away! Shooo! Damn!! Ya'll aint never see yo' reflections befo'?"

    Stevie Ray chimed in with a comment that got alot of laughs, before walking off with Booker and Jacqueline;

    "Yea...Where ya'll from...Outer Space or somefin'?" 77%

    Devon Storm gained overness from this segment. Rhyno Starr gained overness from this segment. Booker T gained overness from this segment.

    - Don Frye's 'Shootfighting Style' Upsets Jeff Jarrett -

    Don Frye d. Jeff Jarrett

    Don Frye was accompanied to the ring by that guy again, who this time was announced as Clyde Vasseur, and identified by Mooney as Frye's real life agent. The idea here was that Jarrett didn't see Frye as 'a Wrestler', so didn't take him seriously. But Frye suprised Jarrett with his extensive knowledge of martial arts, and submission holds, and scored the upset at 8:33 after Jarrett had to submit to Frye's armbar.

    Overall: 65

    Crowd: 60

    Match: 70

    Jeff Jarrett was sluggish and didn't put much effort in. Jeff Jarrett lost overness from this match. Don Frye gained overness from this match.

    After the match, Eric Bischoff hit the ring, and approached Vasseur, asking him how Frye learned the unique moves that he's been doing, and used to upset Jarrett. Vasseur did a great job of getting over the UFC promotion, as well as getting over the shootfighting style that Frye employs. He stressed that Frye doesn't go in the ring to 'put on a show', but is instead intent on doing whatever it takes to put his opponent into as much pain as possible to yield submission. He stressed that this is what Frye was trained on...and will use that style to achieve success in the WWF. Vasseur did a good job here. The fans are starting to understand what Frye is all about. 60%

    Clyde Vasseur gained overness from this segment. Don Frye gained overness from this segment.


    - The Dark Carnival Take Another.... -

    In the ring, Jeff Jarrett's arm was still being attented to. This is when The House of Mirrors music hit on the PA system; out came ICP, Damien Demento, and Papa Shango, all proceeding to jump Jeff Jarrett. Damien Demento then debuted a move that he called 'The Inner Voices', which was basically a move that I haven't seen in years--The Iron Claw. The idea behind this move was that Demento was channeling powers from the inner voices in his head through his arm giving him incredible strength for his claw. As Demento kept the Claw on, The Undertaker accompanied by Ringmaster Jim Neidhart, and Paul Bearer, began rolling a giant casket down the isle and to the ring. Bearer walked ahead, placing the unconcious Jarrett into a bodybag, followed by Neidhart and Undertaker placing Jarrett into the casket. Mooney sounded like a little girl screaming;

    "They have to be stopped! This has to be stopped!! Not another!! What a HEINOUS ACT by the Dark Carnival!!" 85%

    - Ted Dibiase's Pick For The G-1 Clash -

    Brian Christopher d. Stan Hansen

    President Ted Dibiase was in town for this show, apparently in the corner of Brian Christopher. He kept yelling to the camera; "Lawler!! He's going to do what you never did!! Win the WWF Championship!! Win the Intercontinental Championship!! Win the Tag Team Titles!! He's going to do it all Lawler!! He's going to be better than you!" Christopher got nailed pretty hard a few times with Hansen's nasty forearms, and wasn't able to do much with the immobile Hansen, but won in the end with the Tennesee Jam, at 11:34.

    Overall: 73

    Crowd: 82

    Match: 55

    Brian Christopher gained overness from this match. Stan Hansen didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating.

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Mooney" What a great night on WorldWide!!"

    Dlo" Yea!! Could you believe that those Space Cropper's didn't even know what a mirror was!!"

    Mooney (Laughing) " Well...anyway the C-1 CLASH starts this week on RAW!!! Seeya next week folks!!!!"

    Show Quality: 65%

    TV Rating: 7.57

    Other Shows: Early Evening; 6.37

    Biggest Complaint: Sean Mooney's Announcing

    Behind The Scenes Issues:

    Raw Preview!!


    *Bret Hart vs. Johnny Ace (A Block)

    *Sting vs. The Iron Sheik (C Block)

    *Mike Barton vs. Zeus (B Block)

    *Barry Horowitz vs. The Executioner (D Block)

    --As Always ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!!!!

  12. I posted this the ohter day;

    I think I have an idea to HOF this, since I should HOF this by demand. I will post this diary up until the show before Wrestlemania. It'll serve as an end to the WWF '92 diary, and will be masked with some sort of farewell show to 'insert wrestler/staff member here'.

    Then I will start a new thread, in full diary mode. It will be called "World Wrestling Federation '98 - The X Factor". It will be in theory a new diary for the simple fact that now it's a new WWF. But, it will simply be a contiuation of this diary from WM '98 on complete with recaps.

    So will this mean a change in booking style due to the retirement? Or will it just be simply the end of one era and the beginning of another?

  13. user posted image

    Only 2 Months until Series '97...

    September 1rd, 1997

    Monday Night Raw-

    Channel: USA Network - Prime Time

    Venue: Nassau Colliseum, New Jersey

    Attendance: 12,033

    Announcing Team: Joey Styles and his headset.

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Dave Hebner, Shane McMahon, Jimmy Korderas, Joey Marella, John Finnegan, Jim Mollineaux


    Dave Schmeltzer

    - Cornette Interrupts Sting - Announces The C-1 CLASH Tournament -

    Monday Night Raw, as always with it's ECW-esque opening, with Joey Styles standing in the ring as the crowd chanted 'Oh My GaWd'. And after SummerSlam...they certainly have a reason to be excited. Styles, after setting up a brief series of recap clips from SummerSlam then yelled;

    " Ladies and Gentleman! THIS...IS....STING!!!"

    With that, Sting hit the ring to one of the biggest pops of the night, posing on all four turnbuckles before talking. Styles congratulated Sting on defeating the Undertaker. Sting answered back, being grateful for Barry Horowitz's help. This is when PRIDE'S music hit...and James E. Cornette, accompanied with Antonio Inoki, made his way to the ring....

    Styles" Hey!! What are you doing here!! YOU'RE MY BROADCAST PARTNER!!"

    Cornette" Joey Styles, didn't you watch SummerSlam, last night? I've had enough of sitting back, watching the Sandman drink beer every week on Raw! I'm sick of watching the organisation that I brought to the WWF be overshadowed like people such as Sting! "

    Styles" Wait a minute!"

    Cornette" So I've come out here to make to make a few announcements, and Sting you can just stand right there and look hip for a few moments because some of what I'm about to say pertains to you! First of all, President Ted Dibiase is still in full control, and will remain as the advisor of PRIDE!! And he's sent me out here to make a very special announcment. First of all, everyone knows that the best Wrestler in the WWF, is The Newwwwwww GWF Heavyweight Champion - Hiroyoshi Tenzan! This is a man, who at first wouldn't get the light of day when he first came in the promotion! No one wanted anything to do with this man, because he wasn't 'cool' enough, like a face painting moron, like Sting...(The crowd booes as Sting makes a motion to go after Cornette, but is blocked of by Inoki.) Hold it there...I'm not finished...But you see, in 1992, I decided to take this man under my guidance! I managed him from the very beginning, and his superior ring talent, has led him to his first Title here in the WWF; defeating that fat loaf, Stan Hansen. But you see, now that he's the GWF Champion, there's another problem; He's not 'Perfect' enough!! People still don't see him as the VERY BEST in the WWF. Some are saying that Mr. Perfect is a better wrestler after winning that ladder match, last night! Well...Ted Dibiase has told me to announce that AT SURVIVOR SERIES'97, The GWF Champion, whoever it maybe--and we all know it will still be, Hiroyoshi Tenzan, will face the WWF Champion, whoever he should be at the time!! This will unify the belts, so that their can be only ONE BEST WRESTLER IN THE WWF!!!"

    Styles" Now wait a minute!! That's all great and dandy, but what about top contenders, for the World Titles? Like Bret Hart, The Sandman, Terry Taylor--STING!!!!"

    Cornette" Well, Styles if you would hold on to your panties, that's the second part of my announcment! Starting next week, on Monday Night RAW, it will be the start of the second bracket type tournament in WWF--but, unlike King Of The Ring, and the North American Title Tournament of '94--this one is only for the elite--for the top contenders in the WWF!! It's called the C-1 CLASH TOURNAMENT! It was thought up by Antonio Inoki, High ranking official, himself--12 MEN....TWO BRACKETS...The sole winners of the two point based brackets will meet...and the winner of that...WILL GO ON TO SHANRIL-A and will be inserted in the WWF World Title Match--making it a three way elimnation match!! That's right--THE WWF WORLD CHAMPION VS. THE GWF HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION VS. THE C-1 CLASH WINNER!! And...from what I saw, Stinger...you're on that bracket list! So Stinger, I hope that you do make it to the finals, and onto Shangril-a!! Coz..with all this talk about the ultimate sacrifice...I would love for the ultimate sacrifice to be you getting your shoulders pinned to the mat, by the best wrestler in the WWF today--PRIDE'S VERY OWN--HIROYOSHI TENZAN!!!"

    With that, Cornette & Inoki stormed out of the ring to a nice heel reaction, as Sting clasped his hands together...thinking about winning a WWF Championship. They then showed some highlights of Don Frye's unique style of fighting....91%

    James E. Cornette gained overness from this segment.

    Don Frye d. Rick Steiner

    Good opener here. Frye is a good person to open with since his 'shoot' style is alot different then most of the WWF WRestlers. Frye won with an armbar at 7:43. Frye was accompanied by, as he was described by Styles; his 'shootfighting agent'. I'm hearing it's his real life agent brought in to be his mouthpiece.

    Overall: 57

    Crowd: 47

    Match: 67

    Rick Steiner lost overness from this match. Don Frye gained overness from this match.


    - President Ted Dibiase; Furious At Sting & Horowitz -

    Coming out of the break, we see President Ted Dibiase arrive out of his limousine with Mike Rotunda. He looked to be pissed, as the camera followed him all the way through the corridor and into the ring, with him saying to Rotunda; "Horowitz and Sting think they can work together--and get away with it--in MY WWF!?"

    When in the ring, Dibiase grabbed the mic out of Joe Pedicino's hand making his case short but passionate;

    Dibiase" Sting!!! You beat the Undertaker last night..but with HELP!!! With help from that...that..that..LOOSER!!! Barry freakin' Horowitz!! (Crowd bursts into cheers) Shut up!!! Quiet!! He helped you escape the Undertaker, but not tonight!! That's right!! Because I've had enough of all of this Stinger crap!! Because, tonight!! In this ring!!! You will team up with Barry Horowitz, against The Undertaker and....a former WWF World Champion...a former WWF Intercontinental Champion...A former WWF Tag Team Champion....One of the greatest managers...and Presidents of the World Wrestling Federation...(The Crowd starts to boo when they get the picture)..Mwahahahaa!! That's right!! ME!! Ted Dibiase!! Mwahahahaa!!! And, you will find out, that not only does everyone have a price for the Million Dollar Man...but IT DOESN'T PAY TO CROSS..."

    The crowd finished his sentence, '...The Million Dollar Boss...' Dibiase is definately the most over that he's ever been in his career. Even moreso then he was when he held the WWF Title. Suddenly Jerry 'The King's Music played, to a huge ovation. Jerry had been over as a face, since they showed him getting attacked by his son last night at SummerSlam. However, out came Brian Christopher, laughing all the way to the ring, as the crowd starting booing him intently. BC and Ted Dibiase looked at each other for a while. The crowd was super hot into this segment as they remember that it was Dibiase, who was the first to turn Christopher against his father in 1994, when Christopher was like 22. After a while, they both did their 'signature laughs' at the same time, and hugged, to a heckling 'Million Dollar Kid' chant...BC's first gimmick in the WWF. Christopher took the mic.

    BC" All you people could quite down right now, and thank this man right here!! Not only is he a hands on President by getting in the ring later on tonight...but he was the first to open the door to me for me to realise what a bum my Daddy always was!! And because of that, I supported you, Ted Dibiase, in your battles against Jerry Lawler--but now..I'm older!! I've matured!! And I wanna take it to the next level!! Because, ya' see, It's time for Lawler to retire--but he don't wanna pass the torch to me!! He's afraid of his son outshining him! That's where I'm asking for your help!! Give my Daddy one more match, here in the WWF!! Give him one more match at WWF Tokyo Explosion! The event that will be televised all over the world, later this month! I wanna go one on one with my Daddy!! And I will be the new King of the WWF!!!"

    Dibiase" Mwahahaahahaha!!! You want Lawler at the Tokyo show? You got it!! Ya know what, Brian...I have a feeling that you and I are going to have a very, very, very profitable future!! Hahahaahaha!!!"

    With that, Ted Dibiase raised the hand of Brian Christopher, both doing their 'patented' laughs, as Mike Rotunda clapped along on the sidelines. 82%


    Avatar d. Bob Backlund

    It was announced that ECW Champion, Jun Akiyama was injured during his match at the PPV. Styles put over the 'martial arts expert', Avatar as being the cause of the injury. I had eerie feelings of ECW with Joey Styles doing the announcing by himself. I wonder who's going to replace Cornette as colour commentator. After the match, Jesse Ventura hit the ring, to a nice ovation, getting ready for a special interview...

    Overall: 77

    Crowd: 75

    Match: 80

    Avatar gained overness from this match.

    - Corino introduces his 'New Age Enforcer'... -

    Jesse Ventura got in the ring and introduced, "A man who went through an epic battle last night in the first of it's kind--A Ladder Match", former WWF Champion, Steve Corino. Corino came out with a patch on his head, selling his bump from last night's ladder match. Corino talked about holding the WWF Title since WRestlemania and being one of the greatest Champions in WWF history. Ventura asked Corino if he was going to enter the C-1 CLASH Tournament. Corino, answered yes--but promised to that he would be the WWF Champion, anyway, by Shangril-a. He then challenged Perfect to a re-match at this televised Tokyo show later on this month--that has yet to be given an official name--on television at least. After that, he introduced into the WWF, in what was cleverly designed as a knock to WCW Champion, Arn Anderson, his friend...and I guess the 2nd of his two 'lackey's, as Joey Styles called Jack Vicotry...CW Anderson.

    Corino" You know, Ventura...Not only do I have to concentrating on getting back MY Title from Mr. Perfect...but I now have to protect myself from GWF Champion Hiroyoshi Tenzan...who probably sees me as a threat now!!! I have to protect myself from the 5 other men in my C-1 CLASH tournament bracket! So..introducing, MY ENFORCER!! No..this isn't a middle aged enforcer, this is...THE NEW AGE ENFORCER--C.W. ANDERSON!!!"

    Styles kept screaming 'An Anderson!! An Anderson!! Steve Corino has an Anderson on his side!! ' If they don't get someone to shut Styles up, I'm going to get really tired of him fast...as are most viewers. With that, Corino posed--with Jack Victory & CW Anderson in the background--making the 'title around waiste' gesture as they went to another advert break. 72%

    Steve Corino lost overness from this segment. CW Anderson gained overness from this segment.


    Sabu d. The Dark Patriot - WWF IC Title

    This was built as a return match from last night. The main reason they had this match, was so that Joey Styles could talk to himself about how crazy the Zeus-Tyson SummerSlam altercation was. He mentioned that it was shown on most local news outlets as well as the day's ESPN Sportscentre programming. He pushed Zeus being at WorldWide this weekend, as well as RAW...because...well we all know that nothing happens at WorldWide. Sabu defeated Patriot with the Triple Jump Monsault at 8:33. I have a feeling Gilbert's being slowly faded down.

    Overall: 77

    Color: 81

    Match: 71

    - Jerry Lawler Demands To Go Out In Style -

    After Sabu's victory, and a look back at Brian Christophers attack after Lawler lost the retirement match, Lawler's music hit, to a huge pop. The crowd started a huge 'Lawler' chant as he stood in the ring, almost breaking into tears, emotional from the respect that he was getting from the fans. The fans gave him a standing ovation, as Joey Styles on commentary sold Lawler as being one of the most beloved Wrestlers in WWF history. Finally, he began to speak...

    Lawler" Well...It's great to be King! (Big Pop from the crowd) First things first...Brian...I should've known. I should've known that you were only helping me...to help yourself! You selfish little brat! You want to fight me in a match? Well, it looks like I'm going to have to give you the beating I should've given you a looooooonnnnnnnnggggggg time ago!! (Crowd bursts into cheers again..causing Lawler to have to pause) Now...Dibiase. How nice of you to grant me one more match...against my very own son. But you see, that's not coming up for a while...and it's quite frankly a match that I'm not going to be proud to be in. But I want MY LAST HURRAH IN THE RING TO BE RIGHT HERE TONIGHT AT THE NASSAU COLLISEUM!! (The crowd bursts into cheers--Lawler starts to slip into Heel Mode from here...but the crowd loves it anyway) That's right...I wannaa team with the best Wrestler in the WWF Today--STEVE CORINO--and I want to go against Mr. Perfect and his buddy--The man that said that he would not only help Mr. Perfect get the title...but who would also retire me out of the ring--which he did. I'm talkin' about the dysfuntional Barber--Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake! Mr. Barberude himself!! Yeaaa!!!!"

    The crowd bursts into cheers at this star studded tag team bout. Suddenly The Million Dollar Man's music hits, and out he comes out of the curtain joined with, not only Mike Rotunda, but Brian Christopher...

    Dibiase" Lawler!! Mwahahahaha!! Let's face facts!! Brian Christopher isn't the selfish one here--YOU ARE!! You've always kept the spotlight to yourself, and never showed your support to your son!! Who came to who first? It was BRIAN, to came to you first, supporting your fight against Brutus Beefcake! And you wanted to just dissappear out of the ring, without helping Christopher make his mark in the WWF!! And why? I know why!! He knows why!! All these people know why!! And YOU know why!! It's because YOU don't want to be outshined by your son!! That's right!! YOU ARE AFRAID THAT YOUR SON WILL HAVE A STRONGER LEGACY than you, in the WWF! Well, Lawler...you want a final shot in the spotlight! Fine!! You've got your farewell match tonight! Because, soon you'll be saying goodbye to the spotlight, FOREVER!! That's right...there's a new Memphis great in the WWF!! AND THAT'S BRIAN CHRISTOPHER!!! Mwahahahaha!!"

    Christopher and Dibiase did their laugh again, returning to the back, as Lawler proceeded to leave the ring to 'run after' Dibiase & Christopher. I guess Road Agent Mike Rotunda's presence is just to remind fans that Dibiase is still the President of The WWF. Anyway, great segment from top to bottom. From the emotional beginning with Jerry Lawler, to Ted Dibiase putting over Brian Christopher like very few can. 97%

    Ted DiBiase gained overness from this segment.


    - The Sandman & Taylor end with the Hansen Salute -

    Mike Barton & Stan Hansen d. The Sandman & Terry Taylor

    The idea of this match is that Hansen was forced to team up with Barton, and it worked well to protect The Sandman & Terry Taylor. Final moments came when Hansen nailed Sandman with the lariat. Barton then blind tagged Hansen, forcing him to leave the ring. He then nailed a combative Sandman with the Death Valley Driver at 10:11 for the cover. After the match, he started drinking the Sandman's beer, but was wacked out of the ring via a cane shot by The Sandman minutes later. Cornette was at ringside with Barton, and helped him to the back. After the post match actions, Hansen had a beer with the Sandman,-- and did his salute at the same time with both Taylor and the Sandman which the crowd liked alot.

    Overall: 75

    Crowd: 81

    Match: 64

    Mike Barton gained overness from this feud ending. Stan Hansen gained overness from this feud ending. The Sandman gained overness from this feud ending. Terry Taylor gained overness from this feud ending.


    - Lee The Undertaker Gives Sting 'Time' To Live... -

    Sting & Barry Horowitz d. Ted Dibiase & Lee The Undertaker

    Dibiase wrestled well, especially for not stepping into the ring for over a year. Dibiase got alot of offense on Horowitz, but then was quickly thrown around by Sting. He then tagged out to Undertaker, who had a great slugfest with Sting. Final moments of the match came when Dibiase had the Million Dollar Dream (which got a nostaglia pop) on Sting, which got broken up with a Barry Horowitz Dropkick. Horowitz also nailed Undertaker with his dropkick, which sent the Undertaker up and over the top rope and onto the ring floor. After a couple of Stinger Splashes, Sting locked Dibiase in the Scorpion Deathlock for the victory at 9:41. Dibiase was helped to the back by Road Agents, Mike Rotunda & Pat Patterson. The Undertaker tried going back in the ring to fight Sting but was held back by both Ringmaster Jim Neidhart & Paul Bearer..

    Overall: 83

    Crowd: 91

    Match: 65

    The Undertaker gained overness from this feud ending. Barry Horowitz gained overness from this feud ending.

    Paul Bearer ripped the microphone from Pedicino's hand and handed it over to The Undertaker. He then spoke, in probably the 3rd time in his entire WWF Career, stressing the importance of what he had to say;

    The Undertaker

    "....Sting!!! You may have won in our first meeting...you may have won tonight..but your meeting with the Darkside is inevitable. You can prolong Death--but you cannot avoid it....So, Sting...for you I say...enjoy your stay...look around....explore the WWF....make your mark...Because after Shangrila...that mark that you make...will...be...erased....REESSSSSSTT...INNNNNN....PEEEEEAAACCCEEEE...."

    The live crowd had alot of troubling hearing Lee, but it came accross on television better. Styles had about 30 different meanings of what The Undertaker could've meant. It'll be interesting to see where things go from here, for both men... 65%

    The Undertaker lost overness from this segment.


    - The King's final Match; Injures Brutus Beefcake -

    Jerry 'The King' Lawler & Steve Corino d. 'Brutus' The Barber Beefcake & Mr. Perfect

    Both Corino and Perfect were pretty busted up from the ladder match from last night, so Brutus and Lawler did most of the working. Perfect got a huge ovation when he came out with the belt. Of course, I knew that they wouldn't have Lawler loose his final match. Final moments of the match came when Lawler got out of a Barber sleeper hold, followed by his shoulder strap spot, which had the crowd going bonkers--since that would be the last time they would see it. After a couple backdrops, Lawler nailed Beefcake with his patented stump Piledriver, to a huge pop. Lawler then nailed Beefcake with another Piledriver, this time coming down incredibly hard, for the victory. After the bell, Beefcake was on the mat clutching his neck in pain, selling the piledriver--Lawler helped him up and raised his hand, as the crowd sparked a huge 'Jerrytude' chant--I guess combining their thoughts of Beefcake and Lawler. According to serveral reports, Beefcakes neck troubles were actually legit, and it is rumoured that he may need some sort of surgeory before it can be fully healed. Raw went off the air, The Sandman coming out and giving a beer to Lawler, tributing a great WWF personality.

    Overall: 80

    Crowd: 90

    Match: 60

    Mr. Perfect gained overness from this feud ending. Brutus Beefcake gained overness from this feud ending.

    Commentary Aftermath

    Styles (Above a 'Jerry' chant) " What a wild night here at the Nassau Colliseum...and there isn't a better way to end it. I cannot stress to you, the emotions...the feelings of gratitude that is present in the Nassau Colliseum right now..from the fans...the WWF staff...the Wrestlers..This isn't about revenge, titles, or jealousy. Right now, it's about one man. And that is...the man who will forever be the King of the WWF; Jerry 'The King' Lawler."

    Show Quality: 79%

    TV Rating: 8.00

    Other Shows: Head to Head, Monday Nitro - 7.85

    Biggest Complaint: Joey Styles' overeactions

    Behind The Scenes Issues: Jun Akiyama injured from SummerSlam; 4 months

    Brutus Beefcake injured from RAW; 4 months

    WWF WorldWide!!

    --The Annoucement of the C-1 Clash Tournament Brackets!

    --Brian Christopher vs. Stan Hansen

    --Carl Oulette vs. The Dark Patriot

    --And much much more!!!

    The Helmsley's, Spike Dudley, Bret Hart, Owen Hart etc.!!

    --And the Debut of The Ebony Experience!!!!

  14. Only 3 Months until Series '97...

    August 31rd, 1997


    Venue: Madison Square Garden - New York, NY

    Attendance: 23,383

    Announcing Team: Sean Mooney & Jesse 'The Body' Ventura

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Earl Hebner, Mike Chioda, Dave Hebner, Shane McMahon, Jimmy Korderas, Joey Marella, Charles Robinson, Billy Silvermann, John Finnegan, Jim Mollineaux,


    Dave Schmeltzer

    The Locker Room

    Mike Barton got into a fight with Steve Corino a few hours before the start of the show. Something happened to the effect of Barton telling Corino that soon he was going to be the top heel in the company. Corino continues to be upset with the balance of power in the locker room, probably since he fears he'll be phased out like Bruce Pritchard's been--although Pritchard's still a very active booker. Dillon & Russo have been trying to convince the young Champion that we have absolutley NO plans to tone him down, but I guess there has to be more upper card cuts, before Corino is fully satisfied. Barton's been causing a little bit of a stir lately, including showing up late for a few shows during the past few weeks. Well, it's just Inoki's influence here in the WWF. Speaking of Inoki, he presented me with a great idea for the Main Event at Shangril-A, now...just a couple of months away. I liked it. I liked it alot--but told him that we should hold off on the announcment until tommorow night on RAW. The time was 6:59pm, Madison Square Garden was as live as ever. It was time for SummerSlam ' 97.

    SummerSlam '97 did a 1.97 buy rate, with 22,383 paid live at the Garden. WCW's 'Dusty Bowl' did a 2.00 buy rate with the WCW Title match, Arn Anderson - Hulk Hogan on top. But the WWF has nothing to worry about, since they seem to hold the upperhand each week in the ratings. Sean Mooney and Jesse Ventura opened the Pay Per View from their announcers table, hyping the entire card. It was announced here that Alex Porteau & Juventud Guerrera were added to the ECW Title match making the match a fatal four way matchup.

    1. Jun Akiyama retained the ECW Heavyweight Championship after eliminating Avatar in 14:21 of a fatal fourway

    Referee: Bill Alfonso

    This match would've been so much better if Porteau wasn't in the match. He really slowed down the match on more than one occasssion with his inability at..well..doing anything basically. First elmination came at 6:33 when Avatar nailed Porteau with the snow plow. Akiyama, Avatar, and Juvi then had a good 10 minutes of constant hight spots, as well as Akiyama springboarding Juventud Guerrera over the top turnbuckle and on top of the ring post, causing him to fall to the outside of the ring in the process. This kept Guerrera down on the outside for a while, while Akiayama and Avatar worked in the ring. Akiyama teased the exploder on many occassions, but Avatar kept blocking him. For short while, Avatar kept nailing Akiyama with consecuting leg corkscrews until Akiyama limped to the outside of the ring. Here, he and Juvi had a great exchange outside the ring, which included Akiyama running knee first into the ringside steps. Next elimination came at 10:22, when Juvi regained the upperhand on Akiyama from outside the ring, when he missed that knee. Juvi ran in the ring planning to go for a suicida dive on Akiyama...but Avatar stopped him catching him with a hip toss. Avatar then went for what looked to be a Liger Bomb, but Juvi clamped onto Avatar's neck while in the move, and suprised Avatar with a hurranicana. With that, he redirected his attention back to Akiyama on the outside, and went for that suicida Dive. But, with so much time to recover, Akiyama moved, causing Juvi to go crashing into the ring railing and unable to make it back into the ring. He was counted out. Just as the ref was finishing up counting Juvi out, Akiyama and Avatar went into a chopfest, blow for blow, trying to get the fans into it. Akiyama had some classic facial expressions selling the severity of Avatar's chops. Avatar was heavily built by Mooney as a 'martial arts expert.' Avatar scored a few near falls on Akiyama after German Suplexing him into the turnbuckle twice. One of those suplexes looked to hurt Akiyama legit as he kept clutching his neck from that point forward. Finals of the match came 5 minutes later when Avatar went for another German Suplex--but Akiyama blocked it twice. He then elbowed Avatar and went for the exploder. But Avatar blocked the exploder, and tossed Akiyama into the turnbuckle, but Akiyama reversed and charged right behind Avatar with a forearm, catching Avatar square in the face. He then quickly followed up with an Exploder tossing Avatar from one corner of the ring, almost completly to the other. Avatar was nearly dead at this point, and didn't get up from the 3 count. Jun Akiyama retains the ECW Heavyweight Title with the Exploder at 14:21. After his victory, Akiyama sold his neck being hurt big time...However it seemed very legit, once again. I won't be suprised if this match puts Akiyama on the shelf for a few months.

    Overall: 69***

    Crowd: 63

    Match: 76

    The ECW Title has gained image

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Mooney" Avatar came very close to winning this match, but Akiyama proved to be just a bit too quick, Jesse!!"

    Ventura" He's quick! He's fast! And he's lethal!! He'll knock you silly with those forearms!! Avatar didn't even see him rushing him from behind! What a match Mooney...and we've only just begun!"

    Mooney" You hear that music?"

    Ventura" That's right Mooney!! It can only be Simon Diamond & The Only Dick that matters!! Johnny 'Dick' Swinger!"

    2. Spike Dudley defeated Simond Diamond in 12:22 after interferance from the debuting Buh Buh Ray Dudley

    Referee: Billy Silvermann

    Basically the comedy match of the night. Big Dick was in Spike's corner while Swinger was in Diamond's. These two had a great match, but it was during this match that Mike Tyson was spotted standing near the curtain by the fans. As a result much of the fans attention was directed at staring at Tyson. Ventura as always, has a reputation for acknowledging awkward moments like this, pushing Tyson's presence;

    "Mooney!! I think he's been spotted!! The 'Baddest Man On The Planet' is here Mooney!! I can feel the excitement! It's SummerSlam!! WWF Action at it's best!!"

    Ref bump happened at 6:33 of a pretty fast paced match. At this point, Swinger, snuck over to the corner of Big Dick and quickly snapped handcuffs on Big Dick Dudley, locking him into the turnbuckle. Swinger then joined the action in the ring, making the match a 2-1, with Billy Silvermann knocked out. Suddenly, a figure emerged from underneath the ring. It was another Dudley! He snuck up behind Swinger and Diamond, who at this point were hovering over a beaten Spike Dudley. This Dudley, establishing himself as the 'Doofy' Dudley, started dancing in back of the unbeknowst Diamond & Swinger. The crowd started cheering this, as Diamond and Swinger 'thought' that they were cheering for them. They slowly turned around into a series of double punches by the debuting Buh Buh Ray Dudley. As Swinger & Diamond were staggering in place, Buh Buh yelled; 'BUH BUH STTUUUNNAAAAAA!!!!, then nailed Diamond with a front face neckbreaker {Stone Cold Stunner}. With that, Buh Buh yelled it out again, and caught Swinger with the Buh Buh Stunner, laying them both out. After that he went and pulled out a key from Swinger's tights, and proceeded to unlocking Big Dick from the post. Spike and the referee both recovered, as Spike then nailed a knocked out Diamond with the Spike Driver off of the top rope for the victory! Buh Buh made a nice debut establishing himself as the 'singles compitetor of the Dudley's', dancing away in pushing his 'goofy' image, but also getting over his finishing move--The Buh Buh Stunner.

    Overall: 62**1/2

    Crowd: 45

    Match: 79

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Mooney" Would ya look at that! What fun their having!! It's the Dudleys!! Spike, Big Dick...and Buh Buh Ray!!"

    Ventura" How many of these dumb Dudley's are there, Mooney? And what the hell is the deal with him yelling out 'Buh Buh Stunna' to the crowd?"

    Mooney" That's his move! The Buh Buh Stunner!! And that looks to be a devastating move!! The WWF had better watch out!!" *Slick's music starts to play*

    Ventura" Ohhhhhh Moooney!! Here comes the WWF's baddest man on the planet!! Here comes, ZEUS!! The Intercontinental Championship Title is on the line!!"

    3. Sabu retained the WWF Intercontinental Title eliminating The Dark Patriot in a Triangle 3 way dance at 12:22

    Referee: John Finnegan

    This turned out better than many thought. Ventura put over Zeus like he was Superman for this match. And of course, Zeus acted like Superman. Sabu started off punching Zeus, including laying a few punches after bouncing off of the ropes. Zeus no-sold everything in playing his Superman act. The crowd started getting behind Sabu here, as Paulie Dangeroulsy screamed like a mainiac on the outside. Slick was loving every bit of this. Suddenly, Zeus snapped, and just started choking Sabu, shoving him into the corner. The Dark Patriot, then appeared out of no where charging the ring and started attacking Zeus from behind. Zeus, simply turned around as Patriot pounded on his back--grabbed The Dark Patriot and shoved him 5 feet accross the ring. The crowd loved this. Referee John Finnegan had no idea what to do at this point. Should he disqualify Sabu? Throw out the match? Sabu stood in the corner, as Zeus was choking away at Patriot on the other side of the ring. The camera focused on Paulie Dangerously who was yelling in the ear of long time WWF ring announcer--the official replacement of 'The Fink', Joe Pedicino. Paulie's words were heard off mic;

    "Make this match...a 3 way Dance!!! Make it a 3 way!!"

    With that, Pedicino annoucned that this match would be following the 'One Pinfall Rule', whereas the first person to get a pinfall would win. At this news Sabu went to the outside and grabbed a chair. After a bit of resistance from referee John Finnegan, Sabu charged Zeus from behind cracking him over the back with the chair, knocking him over the top rope. But of course Zeus landed on his feet, with Slick running over to him to fire him up. Meanwhile, Sabu went right to work on a fatigued Dark Patriot, who had been choked for quite some time. Sabu threw the chair at Patriot's head a few times. Mooney put over referee John Finnegan as being one of the lenient referees on the referee staff, explaining him not disqualifying Sabu. Patriot start to fight back, small cradling Sabu for a near fall. He also gave Sabu a wierd looking frankensteiner for another near fall. The actual wrestling came to a stop when Zeus made his way into the ring again, this time equipped with his own chair. Zeus & Sabu dueled chairs until Sabu nailed Zeus in the head with a nice shot, staggering him. Sabu went against the ropes for another shot, but was met by Zeus' chair shot instead knocking him on his back. Patriot then 'asked' Zeus to back up...as he picked set up Sabu's chair, for what seemed like a Triple Jump Moonsault of his own. Dark Patriot went into the ropes and leaped onto the chair, but was met with a defying Zeus, nailing him square in the face with his chair. The MSG crowd popped extremley high for this, along with Ventura yelling;

    "Only the baddest man on the planet would do something so vile, Mooney! Did you see that! He smashed The Dark Patriot in the face with the chair--just as he was trying to do his own version of the Triple Jump Moonsault! The Dark Patriot is out cold!!"

    There was a slight 'ECW' chant, for those that remembered the small promotion that Paulie Dangerously was once apart of from '92-early 94. Zeus was holding his hands out posing for the screaming fans who approved of the spot. However, as Zeus was posing, Sabu slowly recovered and re-positioned the chair, and quickly nailed The Dark Patriot with the Triple Jump Moonsault, for the cover and the victory at 12:22.! Sabu excaped the ring, grabbing his title, as Zeus threw a fit in the ring. He, along with Slick couldn't believe how they let this one slip away.

    Overall: 75**1/2

    Crowd: 82

    Match: 61

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Ventura" Mooney!! I hope Mike Tyson doesn't show his face around Zeus!! Zeus is a very very very angry man!"

    Mooney" Indeed, Jesse Ventura! Sabu managed to score a victory in what became an impromptu 3 way match!! Wow!!"

    *PRIDE'S Music Starts To Play*

    Ventura" Are you ready, Mooney? It's another Title match!! The GWF Heavyweight Title is on the line!! And here comes my pick!! Accompanied by Wrestling greats Antonio Inoki...and...(notices Jim Cornette swining his tennis racket around leading Tenzan) AND JAMES E. CORNETTE...it's Hiroyoshi Tenzan! "

    4. Hiroyoshi Tenzan defeated Stan Hansen in 18:31 to capture the GWF Heavyweight Title

    Referee: Shane McMahon

    The big news here, as annonced by Jesse Ventura on commentary was that James E. Cornette was back in the leadership of PRIDE. Once again, Jim Cornette is side by side with the very first person he brought in as part of the beginnings of what would eventually evolve into PRIDE, back in 1995, Antonio Inoki. According to insider reports, Cornette's injury is finally healed, and the doctors have cleared him away to start managing again. I wonder who their going to have do RAW, with Styles now? As expected, the match proceeded with a very slow place, mostly thanks to Hansen. But luckily, Tenzan is great in working a stiff style match, which kept the crowd into the match. After some lame power spots, Tenzan struck Hansen with his overhead Somoan Tenzan chops. Hansen, sold it a bit, but fired back with a stiff Ric Flair chop. Tenzan ate it up, urging Hansen (in Japanese) to hit him more. Hansen obliged, causing Tenzan's chest to flare up like a red peach--but again, Tenzan screamed for more. Hansen started to really wack Tenzan hard in the chest...but Tenzan refused to go down. Inoki, kept screaming to Tenzan on the outside;

    'Fighting Spirit of PRIDE!! FIGHTING SPIRIT!!"

    When Mooney seemed dumbfounded as to what Inoki was talking about, Ventura seemed to actually be iritated by Mooney's ignorance:

    "Mooney, don't you know anything about wrestling? This is the way the wrestlers in PRIDE think! It's the Fighting Spirit, Mooney! The Drive to win!! You Americans make me sick!"

    After a few more chops, Tenzan bounced off the ropes and tried to Lariat Hansen, which got quite the responce from the crowd--Tenzan was trying to use Hansen's own Western Lariat against him. Hansen staggered back then went for a lariat--Tenzan ducked went against the ropes and nailed Tenzan with a jumping cartwheel kick, leading to a near fall. The next few minutes were alot of chop spots by Tenzan, along with an eventual somoan drop for a near fall. Hansen started to mount a comeback, when Tenzan started to climb the turnbuckle for a moonsault. Hansen got up before Tenzan could leap off of the turnbuckle and buckled his legs, putting Tenzan in the squatting position on the top turnbuckle. Hansen then followed up with a top rope back drop, pretty much dropping Tenzan on his head. After a near fall Hansen had offense the next few minutes of the match, filled with mostly backdrops on Tenzan's head, and some nasty forearm shots. Minutes later, Cornette hopped on the apron trying to get Hansen's attention, and slipped the Tennis racket in the ring. But, Hansen, being the smart 'legend' that he is, simply turned around and grabbed the tennis racquet himself. This led to a brief scuffle between him and referee Shane McMahon, wrestling for the Tennis Racquet. As this was going on, Tenzan snuck up behind Hansen and went for a german suplex. But, Hansen blocked it--twice. Tenzan then headbutted Hansen in the back of the head twice, and then was finally able to lugg Hansen over into a German Suplex, causing both men to be laid out for minutes. Tenzan sold the idea of using all of his energy to get Hansen up and over into the suplex. Tenzan got up first, and went to the top rope for a diving elbow...but Hansen started to get up...standing in the upright position once Tenzan was at the top. Tenzan then decided to turn around, and nailed Hansen with a suprise moonsault pinning combination for the victory at 18:31 of a tough battle. Hiroyoshi Tenzan is the new GWF Heavyweight Champion!! Jim Cornette and Inoki jumped in the ring, and raise the hands of a fatigued Hiroyoshi Tenzan. Inoki placed the belt around Tenzan's waist as the crowd booed away. Cornette gave a few racquet shots on Hansen before exiting the ring...

    Overall: 77***

    Crowd: 79

    Match: 73

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Mooney" What a hard fought victory for Hiroyoshi Tenzan!"

    Ventura" Mooney that was an epic battle!! Tenzan nearly had his neck broken on a number of occassions by that Texan nut, Stan Hansen! He deserves that GWF Belt!! And what a great welcome back present for Jim Cornette!!"

    Mooney" Well, Jesse, at this time...I think we're going to joined by our special guest commentator for SummerSlam!! (Turns house mic on) Ladies and Gentleman...you know him from some of the most classic battles in boxing history! Just a few months ago, he's been the centre of controversy after the ending his last match with Evandor Holyfield...Ladies and gentleman, please give a WWF welcome to 'The Baddest Man in the World', Iron Mike Tyson!!"

    Ventura" The greatest boxer in the world!!"

    - Mike Tyson Makes Waves At WWF SummerSlam '97 -

    Mike Tyson walked over to the announcing table and shook hands with both Sean Mooney & Jesse Ventura before posing to the Madison Square Garden crowd. The WWF allowed serveral press photographers to the broadcast area for this segment, I guess aiming to get some publicity on the National News, and/or Sports programming. Tyson was accompanied by nearly 10 security people. Geez. That much protection needed from the press? Tyson got a mixure of booes and cheers--but the responce was still very strong. Sean Mooney started off asking Tyson some lame questions about his boxing career and his past and current WWF favourites. Tyson actually mentioned WCW's Dustin Rhodes as being one of his favourites, which resulted in Mooney quickly cutting him off to ask him another question. Finally, Ventura popped in and got the angle going;

    Ventura" Ok! Ok! Enough of the small talk, Mooney!! Tyson--everyone wants to know the big question!! Do you think you're badder--tougher--meaner; than WWF Superstar Zeus!?"

    Tyson" Well, you know what Jesse, you know--Zeus is a very big guy, but he don't know 'bout me. He don't know 'bout my world! He gotta remember...I'm not just a boxer--I'm a fighta', a fighta'..yea---" (A host of WWF Officials come out of the lockeroom trying to stop Zeus from coming out of the curtain)

    Ventura"....and it looks like we have company!"

    At this point, Zeus came out, with Slick supporting him from behind. Tyson, Ventura, and Mooney all popped up at once. For once, Mooney didn't run away. Right behind Zeus came more WWF Officials, including Vince McMahon, Pat Patterson & Gerald Brisco. They were treating this as if this was unplanned. At first, the officials along with Tyson's guys stood in between the two, but then, as Zeus slowly approached the table, Tyson backed his guys away. The two men were soon nose to nose with each other in a very good staredown. Tyson's big, but Zeus was bigger. The crowd was actually mixed, with half of the Garden cheering for Tyson, and the other for Zeus. The two then butted heads, with talking trash to each other. Mooney actually did a good job here, of building this as a collission between two of the most unpredictable Superstars in their respective sports. Zeus then started screaming, leading to officials from both sides rushing in between the two again. This infuriated 'Iron' Mike as he starting pacing around the announcing area, ripping open his shirt and throwing it onto the announcers table, screaming for Zeus to hit him. The crowd was really getting into this here as officials were literally throwing themselves all over the announcing area trying to prevent the two from colliding. Even Jesse Ventura took off his headset to help keep Zeus away from Tyson. Tyson then spit at Zeus from a distance, which led to Zeus charging Tyson, tackling him onto the announcers table virtually on top of Mooney, who kept calling the events. JJ Dillon & Vince Russo bolted out of the backstage area to help the staff clear this up. The two wrestled onto the floor also taking down Mooney and several other officials, in the process. After a few more minutes of scuffling, officials were finally able to get the two up, as well as getting Mooney back on his feet. However, just when it looked like order was on it's way, Tyson threw a roundhouse right punch accidently catching Mooney who was to his immediate right. Mooney went down like a sack of potatoes, while Zeus, who got nipped by the punch went right back into tackling Tyson again. At this point, several wrestlers from the lockeroom came out to separate Zeus & Tyson, including, The Sandman, Steve Corino, The Rock, Brutus Beefcake, Earthquake, Flexx Kavanna, PJ Walker, Diesel, and The Space Croppers. Sean Mooney was also being attended to by doctors as he was caught nicely in the eye. JJ Dillon grabbed the mic here, and yelled;

    "We'll be right back after this 5 minute intermission! Goto the bathroom, get your food, WWF merchandise and all that stuff--In 5 minutes, SummerSlam continues!"

    Dillon put down the mic, but was clearly heard screaming to referee Mike Chioda, "Get me some more fucking guys out here!"

    Reminds me of the time, Heenan was heard at Wrestlemania 5 yelling to Andre The Giant; 'I'm the fucking boss!'

    I don't know if Mooney was supposed to get hit but it made for great Pay Per View television, either way. 86%


    For the next 10 minutes they showed a recap of the feuds of the remaining matches, along with fan predictions from those who attented SummerSlam '97. The longer intermission leads me to believe that maybe Mooney was a little too close to the action.


    5. Owen Hart defeated Bret 'Hitman' Hart in 22:11

    Referee: Dave Hebner

    After the break, Mooney was back at the table with order restored sporting a huge lump on his left eye. He also had a band aid of some sort on his eye, showing that his eye was worked on during the break. Mooney said that he may have been too close to the action, but he 'loves what he does' and wouldn't have done anything different. He then called Tyson & Zeus, two pyscopaths who would tear a building down if they ever got together in a fight. Ah. The subtle hint at a confronatation. This match, was probably the best match of the show. Bret went after Owen full force, leading to Owen spending most of the first part of the match running for saftey. Bret teased a sharpshooter spot at 6:33, but was countered with a small cradle, for a near fall. The crowd got right on Owen at the slightest offense. The crowd went nuts after what I learned was The Hart Spot, at 10:22--a series of spots that Owen and Bret have practiced together since their childhood. Bret was down on the mat, so Owen went for a moonsault. Bret started to get up, so Owen did the moonsault, but landed on his feet behind Bret. Bret turned around, catching Owen's leg countering the kick. Owen faked going for a jumping cranium kick to counter which caused Bret to let go of Owen's leg and duck. Owen in his quickness then dashed against the ropes and did a backroll over a crouching Bret, scooping him into a german suplex, with both men selling heavy fatigue after the spot by both laying on their back for quite some time. The crowd actually applauded this series of spots for quite some time. Owen was the first to recover and stayed on offense for the next few minutes. Bret regained offense at 14:01, when the action spilled to the outside of the ring. After nailing Hart with a top rope body splash to the outside, Owen went for it again. This time, after mocking Bret Hart's taunts to the crowd while in the ring. Owen spent too much time in the ring and this time went crashing from the top rope straight into the guard rail, actually busting his mouth open. Bret started to make his comeback here, and went with his closing routine minutes later. He then locked on The Sharpshooter, as thousands of fans popped in support for Hitman's finishing move. Out came The Iron Sheik, Iranian Flag in hand, yelling and screaming on his way to the ring, and up onto the apron, dropping the flag in the ring. Bret, who's back was turned to the ramp had no idea that the Sheik was there, but the ref did and started yelling at the Sheik as Owen squealed in pain from the sharpshooter yelling; 'I quit!! I quit!!' Wondering why the bell didn't ring, Hart released the hold to find Hebner arguing with The Sheik. With that, Bret knocked the Sheik off of the apron, leading to Hebner leaping to the outside ushering the Sheik to the back. As Bret turned around, Owen was waiting with the flagpole in his hand, and struck Bret in the gut with the flag end. He then snapped the flag over Bret's back, following up with a DDT, taking Bret down. Before throwing the two broken peices of the pole out of the ring, Owen locked on his very own Sharpshooter! The fans were really hot at Owen here, as referee Dave Hebner dashed back up the ramp and into the ring for the submission hold...Bret started inching twoard the ropes, so that Owen could break the hold. At this point, to a huge pop, came Sean Waltman, the Lightning Kid - Bret's 'protege. Waltman got on the apron and started yelling for the ref to look at the flag peices outside the ring. Here, just as in the case of The Sheik, Hebner got up and starting yelling at Kid, trying to send him to the back. While this was going on, Bret finally made it to the ropes to another big pop...but since the ref wasn't looking, Owen just yanked Bret off of the ropes, and kept the Sharpshooter locked in while the ref continued to argue with Waltman. I noticed that Jesse Ventura was refering to The Kid as 'Waltman' a couple of times. I don't know if it was a slip up...or if their trying to erase the 'Kid' image from Waltman. Anyway, finally Owen got tired of waiting for the ref, released the hold, and gave Waltman a dropkick sending him tumbling off of the apron. Owen argued with Waltman until the Hitman was back up struggling to his feet. He grabbed Owen, and German suplexed him, but Owen was able to land on his feet behind Bret. He then charged Bret, who caught Owen and threw him into the ropes, but was met with an elbow to the back after crouching attempting an overhead toss. With that, Owen locked on, another submission hold - the Camel Clutch, a move he learned from one of his mentors, The Iron Sheik. Hebner ran back into the ring for the submission, after getting Waltman away from ringside. Bret tried to battle to the ropes again...but this time...it was too much...Bret Hart submitted to Owen's Camel Clutch in 22:11 of an absolute classic. After the match, both men could barely stand. On the ramp, Owen took a mic, gasping for air;

    "Bret! I beat you...I beat you...proving...that I am the better Hart! You may be good! You may be great, even! But, Bret...I'm younger than you! I'm faster than you....and tonight I proved...that I'm better than you...I'm sure we'll meet again Bret...and when we do...I promise...next time--I won't be so easy on you!"

    Overall: 90****

    Crowd: 94

    Match: 83

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Mooney" Jesse Ventura...you are not going to find action like that anywhere else, but right here, in the WWF! Amazing...amazing match!"

    Ventura" Mooney, I'd even go as far as to say that that was the greatest match I've seen in WWF history! I have a feeling that this battle is far from over!"

    Mooney" You know Jesse...I think you're right. Not only is this a personal rivarly...but it's also a competative rivarly, as well!

    Ventura" That's right Mooney!! And look at that!! It's time for the first of our two cage matches, tonight! It's time for The retirement match!! Lawler - Beefcake..IS NEXT!"

    6. Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake defeated Jerry 'The King' Lawler in 14:11 of a retirement Cage match

    Referee: Joey Marella

    Pure old school type match here. Alot of trade off shoulder spots to begin with. The match started picking up at around 6:44 when Beefcake reversed an irish whip on Lawler sending him head first into the cage. Lawler bladed hard here, as blood started pouring out of his forehead. The crowd saw this and instantly got behind Beefcake. Beefcake used alot of double axehandles, followed by bodyslams, in addition to a long arm bar spot. Because Beefcake is so over, and everyone hates Lawler, the crowd popped for pretty much everything Beefcake did. Beefcake teased the Sleeperhold at 9:00 but Lawler reversed out of it with the neckdropper. Lawler went to climb the match here, but was stopped by Beefcake as he neared the top of the cage. Final moments of the match came when Lawler went for the Piledriver, but Beefcake no-sold it popping right back up to a huge pop. He then started to do his version of hulking up...or as Mooney called it, " Beefing Up". Beefcake then nailed Lawler with a reverse atomic drop, two clotheslines, and a running knee drop. He tried to escape here again...but Lawler kept tugging on his leg...this led Beefcake to jump off with a double axehandle on a bloodied Lawler, followed by the sleeper hold. This gave Beefcake ample time to escape the cage, and win the retirement cage match, at 14:11. Mooney and Ventura pushed the idea that not only was Lawler loosing alot of blood--which he was--but he also had his circulation cut off from Beefcake's 'special' sleeper hold. After the match...Beefcake went back in the cage, and helped a bloodied Jerry Lawler up, since this was his final match. After a brief square off, Beefcake extended his hand, showing respect to one of the most influencial wrestlers in WWF History. The crowd, for the first time in months, began once familiar 'Lawler' chant urging him to accept Beefcake's hand. He finally accepted it, followed by the two raising their hands and posing to the crowd from inside of the cage. Here is when Brian Christopher, chair in hand, came into the ring...and started yelling at his Father for shaking Beefcake's hand...

    Overall: 79**1/4

    Crowd: 92

    Match: 50 <--- :lol:

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Mooney" Why is Christopher yelling at his Father!! This is his final night in the ring!! "

    Ventura" He shook Beefcake's hand, Mooney!! And Christopher's got that chair! I have a feeling Beefcake's gonna get wacked really hard!!!"

    Mooney" Christopher is yelling at his Father--calling him 'weak'--for shaking hands with Beefcake--for accepting Beefcake's disply of respect!"

    Ventura" Christopher's upset and---"


    Ventura" And look at Lawler cover up Beefcake protecting Beefcake from his own son! I don't believe---"

    Mooney" WHAT THE!!? HOLY TURNCOAT!! CHRISTOPHER JUST BLASTED LAWLER IN THE BACK WITH THE CHAIR!!! What the...? Why!! Why!! And he's hitting him again...and again...and again!! What has gotten into Christopher!!"

    Ventura (Christopher is now hovering over his Father) " His own Father! He must have a good reason--Shhhh, he's saying something..."

    Christopher (Heard off mic) " Dammit, I 'aint letting you retire without handing the torch over to ME!! The new Lawler in charge!!--BRIAN CHRISTOPHER!! You may be retired from the ring...but sooner or later...you're gonna have one more match...and it's gonna be against me, 'Daddy!!' " (Does his high pitched laugh)

    Ventura" Did you hear that Mooney...did you hear that? Christopher came to Lawler's aid when he needed it, but Lawler didn't even return the favour by handing over the torch!! Aren't King's supposed to pass the torch to their heirs!?"

    Mooney" That's his Father, Jesse!! I don't believe what I just saw!! WHAT A HEINOUS ACT BY BRIAN CHRISTOPHER!"

    Ventura" You call it a henious act, and I call it initiative, Mooney!! INITIATIVE!"

    7. Sting defeated Lee The Undertaker in 13:01 of A Cage Match

    Referee: Earl Hebner

    Sting got a thunderous ovation in his Madison Square Garden debut. Brian Lee was great in acknowledging the fans by giving some ringside fans some chilling looks for cheering Sting. Corino and Perfect may be the world title contenders, but these guys are the most over wrestlers in the company right now. Lee has also gone from being extremely disgruntled from the early months of the year, to becoming Perfectly happy with his current role. The two started off with a Tyson/Zeus like staredown followed by Sting scoop slamming Undertaker twice. Both times Undertaker sat up, which got made the crowd go nuts. Sting then went into the ropes for a leaping clothesline. Once again, The Undertaker sat right back up. Sting then went for the ole' two fingers in the eye, which worked, getting laughs from the crowd. Sting threw The Undertaker into the turnbuckle and went for an early Stinger Splash, but leaped straight into a stranglehold by Undertaker. Lee, then tossed Sting hard into the cage, sending him down to the canvas. Lee was in control for the next few minutes, while a deafening 'Stinger' chant went on. Undertaker's interaction with the fans was great, Lee sells the Character well--going beyond a no-selling stiff, like Calloway. Lee began climbing the cage at 8:33, but Sting was able to climb up beside him--leading to a battle near the top of the cage. The battle ended with Sting headbutting Lee off the cage down to the mat. It seemed as if Sting would go for the win here, but instead, he simply moved over to the corner, and went for an elbow drop. But he missed, allowing for The Undertaker to nail him with the Prime Time Slam. Undertaker then went over to one of the turnbuckles, trying to undo the protective covering, exposing the steel, but he took so long that Sting was able to suprise him with a Stinger Splash, causing him to bounce right off of the steel, knocking Lee out cold. The crowd went bonkers here, as Sting played to the crowd, teasing going to the cage. However, at this point, someomone seemed to be cutting open the ring from underneath it. Suddenly a hand popped up from underneath the ring and clutched Sting's foot. It was Damien Demento, also from the Dark Carnival. At this point, Lee slowly began to sit up. Seeing Sting try to wrestle his leg away from Demento's grasp, Lee started to climb the cage--At this point Sting's music began to play. The lights began to dim, as spotlights started to shine on the entrance way--Lee continued to climb the cage, keeping an eye on the curtain, wondering who would come out. At this point...BARRY HOROWITZ emerged fromt the curtain. Except...he had face paint similiar to that of Sting on. He then turned around and patted his back three times...revealing his new jacket: 'BARRY "STINGER" HOROWITZ'. I don't know if this little gimmick for Horowitz is permanent, or if it was a one time deal, but the live crowd loved it. The music continued to play as Horowitz marched to the rinside area. He grabbed the cage key from the timekeepers table, opened the door, and stomped on Damento's hand which was holding Sting. This allowed Sting to leap onto the cage, and just stop The Undertaker from beginning to climb down the cage on the other side. Sting and Lee traded some punches atop the cage, until Sting was able to grab Lee and supersplex him off the top of the cage down to the mat. Lee has a reputation for taking the high bumps, which is why he's a great guy to have in a match like this. Along with Horowitz, who at this point was pounding on Damento on the outside of the ring, the fans went nuts as Sting slowly began to make his way to his feet. The Undertaker showed no signs of getting up from the Superplex. This allowed Sting to climb up and over the cage defeating the Undertaker in 13:01 of an electrifying match. Sting celebrated with the face painted Horowitz on his way up the ramp to a huge and funny 'Sting and Barry' chant. The Undertaker stayed layed out, while they were taking down the cage, and started going after officials, but was stopped by Paul Bearer and the Urn. The announcers explained Horowitz interferance based on his previous encounters with The Undertaker.

    Overall: 88***

    Crowd: 98

    Match: 68

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Mooney" Sting has won his very first PPV, what an amazing bout! The Dark Carnival almost won...but Barry Horowitz..who came very close to entering the Darkside last night on WorldWide came out and helped the man...who saved him last night!! Wow!"

    Ventura" Is that all you can say!? Is that all you can say, Mooney? Barry Horowitz comes out here with paint all over his face, wearing a goofy jacket and that's all you can say!? He's gone nuts, Mooney! He's not a stable person--and neither is Sting! They gave the Undertaker his first singles loss in over 2 years!"

    Mooney" And The Undertaker is Stable?"*Eye Of The Tiger Starts To Play*

    Ventura" You hear that Mooney!!? The Eye Of The Tiger!! Here comes the WWF Champion of The World!! Steve Corino!! It's Ladder Match time!"

    8. Mr. Perfect defeated Steve Corino in 17:45 of a Ladder Match to Win the WWF World Championship

    Referee: Dave Hebner

    Ventura had a funny comment in this match about 'the referee from the last match' reffing this match as well, telling his usual Hebner joke of the night. Very strong match, the crowd wasn't as into this match as much as the Sting debut match, but they were alive and well for this much--as they had been for pretty much the entire card. Mr. Perfect was wearing tape around his ribs selling the angle from a few weeks ago on RAW. The idea was that he still wasn't fully healed, but didn't want to miss this shot at SummerSlam. Not much of mat wrestling here, but the ladder was used alot. Corino was busted open after Perfect basically tossed the ladder at Corino, as he was coming down off the top rope with a double axehandle. Killer spot at 9:00 saw Perfect set Corino in the tree of woe, and blast him with a baseball slide, kicking the ladder into Corino's face. Both Corino & Perfect went for covers a few times during the match 'forgetting' that this was a Ladder match. Corino regained offense when Perfect charged him with the ladder while in the turnbuckle, but Corino held up his feet, causing Perfect to crash into the ladder. Corino began to work on Perfects ribs for a while, tearing off the tape, rather recklessly. Minutes later, Corino followed with a leg drop off the top rope, before trying to climb the ladder. Perfect, however was able to run up to the other side and battle Corino until both men tipped off the ladder to the ring mat. The fans were really into the match at this time, as they felt that this was indeed anyone's match. Another high spot off the ladder came about 5 minutes later, where, once again, both men were on the top of the ladder, jocking for position--the exchange ended when Perfect gave Corino a swinging neckbreaker off the top of the ladder down to the mat, sparking a huge 'Perfect' chant. At this point, Jack Victory came to the ring, and started jawing back and forth with ringside fans, who felt that he shouldn't be there. Getting one of the biggest pops of the night, Perfect, who was the first to get up, took the ladder and launched it at Victory on the outside, cracking him right in the head. The crowd loved this, as Ventura had a fit on commentary;

    "Mooney...what the hell was that for? He should be concentrating on his opponent, Steve Corino! Not attacking poor Jack Victory who's just minding his own business!"

    At this point, Steve Corino oddly snuck out of the ring and went underneath the mat--revealing another ladder. While Perfect went to the outside to retrieve his ladder, Corino snuck around to Perfect's side of the ring , and suprised him by charging him with his ladder that he just covered from the ring, knocking him hard into the ringsteps. At this point, Corino threw both ladders in the ring, hinting that he would be going for the win...now that Perfect was practically dead. Corino, who suffered from heavy loss of blood, hapazardly placed the ladder under the belt. But Perfect looked to be showing signs of life, so Corino, decided to climb back down and go after Perfect. The two battled on the apron--Perfect from the outside; Corino from the inside, until Corino and Perfect locked in the Suplex position. Perfect teased suplexing Corino onto the ramp, but it was Corino who suplexed Perfect into the ring. What happened next was truly unbelievable. Corino positioned the ladder in one of the turnbuckle corners. He then dragged Mr. Perfect to the centre of the ring. He then climbed up to the turnbuckle, and pointed to the top of the ladder along with giving the signal for the Dusty Rhodes Elbow Drop. Here' Sean Mooney squeeled;

    "He's going to nail the Bionic Elbow from the top of the ladder!! This is dangerous, wrestling fans! This is dangerous!"

    With that--and blood literally dripping from his face and chin--Corino started to climb to the top of the ladder. With the crowd chanting 'Perfect', Perfect slowly started crawl to the ropes, pulling himself up to his feet, staggering. At this point...Corino was standing upright on top of the ladder, with seemingly almost puzzled as to what to do, now that Perfect was on his feet, staggering. As soon as Perfect noticed Corino, he charged the ladder, dropkicking it, causing Corino to tumble from the top of the ladder, all the way to the outside of the ring, and onto the Time Keeper's Table, crashing into ring announcer Joe Pedicino, and the Prodcution crew. The ladder tipped over the turnbuckle/top rope also, nearly plowing into the front row seats. The Madison Square Garden crowd was on their feet at this point, as Perfect struggled to get the second ladder from the other side of the ring, to set it up under the belt. The crowd broke into an 'ECW' chant, which I'm sure had Heyman filled with joy backstage. With Corino laying motionless sprawled out over the Timekeepers table, along with Pedicino, also hurt, Hennig was able to climb the ladder and win the World Wrestling Federation Championship for the first time in his career, at 17:45 of the WWF's first ever Ladder Match. Joey Styles came down the isle to make the official announcment, sending both Mr. Perfect and the New York crowd into a frenzy like I've never seen before...

    Styles" Ladies and Gentleman...Your winner and the Neeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww World Wrestling Federation Champion: 'MR. PERFECT' CURT HENNIG!!"

    Corino and Pedicino were helped to the back by WWF Officials, as well was Jack Victory, who was caught quite hard with Perfect's ladder shot. Perfect, posed on each of the four turnbuckles holding the WWF Title in the air, to 4 equally loud pops. A this point, coming out of the curtains were Antonio Inoki, Jim Cornette, and The new GWF Heavyweight Champion--Hiroyoshi Tenzan. The cheers turned, within a second to loud booes, Cornette and Inoki watched Tenzan walk to the ring holding his GWF Title on his shoulder. Tenzan, despite getting yelled at from fans in every direction as he walked down the ramp, did not take his eyes off Curt Hennig for one second. One in the ring, Tenzan stood head to head with Mr. Perfect, holding his GWF Title on his shoulder, to an extremely hot MSG crowd who wanted them to go at it right there and then. After a staredown that lasted for nearly 3 minutes, with the crowd firmly behind the new WWF Champ, Tenzan, then raised his GWF Title in Perfect's face, before returning to Inoki and Cornette--then eventually going back into the curtains. After, 'thinking', for a few seconds, Perfect went back to celebrating as SummerSlam '97 went off the air.

    Overall: 87

    Crowd: 93

    Match: 74

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Mooney" Mr. Perfect is the new WWF World Champion!! What an amazing match!! A ladder Match!! There's only one of its kind! WOW!!! What an amazing triumph for the Perfect One!"

    Ventura" Yea, but ya know what this means right, Mooney!? We have two heavyweight champions that think that they're the best wrestler in the WWF!! Ya see, before we had two Heavyweight Champions--Corino & Hansen--who weren't bothered by each other's presence!! BUT NOW--I don't think that the new GWF Heavyweight Champion wants to share the Heavyweight Title spotlight with Mr. Perfect!! We're in for some rocky times, Mooney! Rocky Times!!!"

    Mooney" That you very much for joining us, here at WWF SummerSlam!! It was truly a memorable event...we'll see you tommorow night on Monday Night RAW!!! My oh my! It's the aftermatch, live from the Nassau Colliseum!"

    Ventura" Only two months till Suvivor Series '97!! Two more months until SHANGRIL-A!!!"

    Show Quality: 76%

    Buy Rate: 1.97

    Best Match: Owen Hart vs. Bret Hart (second PPV best match in a row for Owen)

    Worst Match: Brutus Beefcake vs. Jerry Lawler

    Other Shows

    WCW Dusty Bowl - Buy Rate 2.00

    Best Match: WCW Title- Arn Anderson vs. Hulk Hogan

    Worst Match: The Patriot vs. 'Mean' Mark Calloway

    Reality Twist: Stunning Steve Austin; over=89, UpperMidcarder

    GCG Global Warming - Buy Rate .80 - Global 11 (+1)% :eek:

    Best Match: Kurt Angle vs. The Black Tiger (Eddie Guerrero)

    Worst Match: Sid Vicious vs. Hawk

    Reality Twist: Signed Kurt Angle, Sid, and Hawk after they've just hit global.

    ECA Tone Def - Buy Rate .66 - National 66%

    Best Match: Shawn Stasiak vs. Tommy Dreamer

    Worst Match: Rusha (Joanie Laurer) with Tank Abbot in her corner vs. Debra McMichael w/ Steve McMicheal in her corner

    Reality Twist: I named Chyna, 'Rusha'. :P

  15. I will not PUSH HHH. That's a promise. (That's why it was mentioned that he will remain a tag team specialist)

    Fear not my friend, there are several title histories updates...before wm98! Glad you're keeping on it! The title History, like my tangeant filled commentary above, will also fill in some gaps, that are quickly referred to here.

  16. Okay, Been catching up with this, Last show I read was the one where Sting debuted. I liked the Raw where Bearer returned, I didn't see him being the leader of the DC. I honestly thought it would have been DiBiase or Heyman in some kinda swerve. I knew Sting was coming since you had a sig with him on it, But Sting versus Undertaker should be a awesome match.

    Also, I noticed you hold a few PPV's in England, Like small ones. You had your Arsenal shows there didn't you? I just wondering about that..... Is that like a yearly tradition in England? I'll catch up with the other shows tomorrow or later on in the week, Good stuff Javert  :thumbsup:

    Yeah, we normally get like 2 PPV's here a year that aren't shown over there. Nothing much happens really in terms of importance.

  17. user posted image

    Only 3 Months until Series '97...

    August 30rd, 1997

    WWF Worldwide Saturday Nights-

    Channel: FOX

    Venue: Madison Square Garden - New York, NY

    Attendance: 13034

    Announcing Team: Sean Mooney & D'lo Brown

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Shane McMahon, Earl Hebner, Charles Robinson, Jim Mollineaux, John Finnegan


    Dave Schmeltzer

    - Sting Arrives At The Garden -

    WWF Worldwide opened up with Sean Mooney putting over Madison Square Garden, then being joined by Sting. Sting got a huge ovation coming out, from the Garden crowd. Sting said that he 'heard' that the Undertaker was in action tonight. So he wanted to get a front row seat. Someone should've told Sting that he wasn't sitting in the front row. 93%

    The Spacecroppers (Devon Storm, Rhyno Starr) & The Thrillseekers (Chris Jericho & Lance Storm) d. The Helmsleys (Hunter McMahon and John Kronus Helmsley) & T.R.A.S.H ('Road Dogg' Brian James & Duke 'The Dumpster' Droese)

    I found it odd that 'Road Dogg' Brian James and Duke Droese were teaming up with the heels, but I realise now that it was to just get over John Kronus Helmsley's character. During the match, Kronus kept going to Duke's garbage can, outside the ring, looking for food. The story is now, that before Hunter's 'newly acclaimed wealth, Kronus, Hunters fist cousin on his mother's mother father's side, was homeless. What else will we find out about this distant Helmsely? Rhyno Starr won this match for his team with a spear on James at 7:33 of a fast paced match.

    Overall: 67

    Crowd: 56

    Match: 79


    - The Debut Of Psicosis -

    Psicosis d. Dr. Wagner Jr.

    Sean Mooney announced at the top of the show that Psicosis would make his WWF Debut at Madison Square Garden. They showed several NJPW clips of Psicosis in action. Psicosis made his US debut to a pretty dead crowd who had no idea who he was. The match however was good, as both men worked fairly hard. Psicosis won with the running Liger bomb at 8:16. Too bad the WWF seems to have discontinued the lightweight title, now with their lightweight roster getting alot better.

    Overall: 53

    Crowd: 29

    Match: 77

    - Swinger Saves The Day -

    Simond Diamond d. Big Dick Dudley

    Finals of this match saw the basic heel finish of Johnny Swinger pulling on the leg of Big Dick Dudley from the outside, then holding it down for the 3 count. Spike ran to the ring saving his Big Brother from any further attack This probably means that Spike will get the victory tommorow at SummerSlam '97. Swinger danced his way all the way to the back.

    Overaall: 63

    Crowd: 53

    Match: 74


    - Akiyama Wants a Bigger Challenge at SummerSlam '97 -

    Coming off the break, President Ted Dibiase's music hit, and out came him along with Mike Rotunda, Antonio Inoki, and ECW Champion, Jun Akiyama. Ted Dibiase made a comment about New York being the most poverished nation in the world before...oddly handing the microphone to Jun Akiyama. Akiyama screamed something in Japanese, then handed the mic over to Antonio Inoki for translation. D'lo Brown on commentary actually got Inoki over as a heel, siting how not only was he 'ambassador of competition' in the WWF, but also a 'good will ambassador' to the rest of the world. He mentioned Inoki being the first Pro-Wrestler becoming a congressman of a country, along with him being inducted into the puroresu hall of fame last year, along with greats like Tiger Mask, Lou Thesz, and Giant Baba. I'm sure most fans only heard of Thesz. Anyway, Akiyama ended up telling the fans that he wanted a bigger challenge at SummerSlam '97, and invited 2 more WWF competitors to compete in the match for his ECW Title. He said that it was an 'open challenge', which to me sounds like a spot for Juventud or wrestlers of that nature. That means it's a fatal four way now. The crowd was great here in booing everytime Akiyama handed the mic over to Inoki to make the translation. Alot people are expecting Avatar to take the match...which I could see happening now...allowing Akiyama, now to 'have an excuse' of the odds stacked against him for loosing his ECW Title. 93%

    Jun Akiyama gained overness from this segment.


    - Paulie Dangerously Gets Revenge On Violent J -

    The Iron Sheik d. Violent J

    The story behind this match is that The Insane Clown Posse are actually big fans of The Iron Sheik, and Violent J wanted to work against him. Finals of the match came when Paulie Dangerously hit the ring, and broke his cell phone over Violent J's head, when he was going into the ropes. Dangerously was still wearing his neck brace selling Violent J's leg drop on him since last week. Violent J submitted to the camel clutch at 9:33. Even though the referee was distracted when Paulie made the hit, I wonder why he couldn't see the millions of cell phone peices all over the ring....

    Overall: 63

    Crowd: 70

    Match: 49

    Violent J lost overness from this match. The Iron Shiek gained overness from this match.


    - The Barber Saves Hansen from Retalitory Attacks From Lawler -

    Stan Hansen d. Jerry 'The King' Lawler - GWF Heavyweight Title

    Slugfest which actually saw Lawler blade early into the match. He went for the Piledriver at 10:02, but Hansen powered out of it, nailing Lawler with an overhead toss. He followed up with a lariat which took Lawler's head off, for the victory. After the match, as Hansen was doing his signal to the fans, Lawler began sneaking up behind him, with his chain wrapped around in his fist, but Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake hit the ring and slugged it out with Lawler. Hansen joined in the fray giving Lawler the western Lariat up and over the top rope. Brian Christopher hit the ring and attentded to his father as Beefcake and Hansen both did the Hansen taunt to the hot crowd.

    Overall: 78

    Crowd: 87

    Match: 60

    Jerry Lawler lost overness from this match. Stan Hansen gained overness from this match.


    - Barton Gets Ko'ed By A 'Lady' -

    The Sandman d. Mike Barton - Falls Count Anywhere

    This match seemed rushed...with it being on Worldwide and all, as the two almost immediatley made their way to the ring and to the back. The finals of this match saw Barton on offense in the locker room approach a woman to take her pocketbook and use it on the Sandman. The woman was following Baron & The Sandman ever since they started fighting in the back. Barton started trying to wrestle the pocketbook out of the woman's hand, until she whacked him over the head with it, knocking him out. With that, Sandman lit up a cigeratte after recovering and nailed Barton with his delayed Piledriver, right there on the locker room floor, for the victory. After the victory, Sandman removed the wig off off the stalking lady who knocked out Barton. It was Terry Taylor dressed as a woman. D'lo mentioned how Taylor looks better as a woman. Mooney, who could never bend the rules of broadcasting kept mentioning how Barton was knocked out--as he's the one that usually does the knocking out.

    Overall: 80

    Crowd: 82

    Match: 78


    - Horowitz comes Close to beating The Prince Of Prime Time -

    The Undertaker d. Barry Horowitz

    Horowitz came close to beating Undertaker on a number of occassions during this match. Mooney pushed on commantary that Horowitz 'did some homework' and was better prepared for this match. Horowitz was pushed around until he dodged out of the way of an avalanche rolling up The Undertaker for a near fall. Horowitz followed with two more roll ups to near falls, followed by his 'patented dropkick' that we never get to see, which got another near fall. The fans were going nuts at this point. The offense came to an end when and overexcited Horowitz ran right into a big boot from Undertaker. Undertaker then nailed Horowitz with the Prime Time Slam for the cover and heartbreaking loss for the Horowitz man. Paul Bearer hit the ring and started opening a bodybag for Horowitz, until Sting, still at commentary stood up and started yelling to Undertaker with a house mic.

    Overall: 81

    Crowd: 90

    Match: 63

    - The Undertaker/Sting Collision -


    Hey!!! Hey, Undertaker!!! Horowitz almost beat 'ya!! But ya see tommorow....I end the undefeated streak!! And if 'ya want...I'll put you in that bodybag instead!! Right NOW!!! Woooooooooo!!!"

    With that, both The Undertaker & Paul Bearer stopped what they were doing and had a fixated look of anger at Sting. Undertaker started walking towards the announcing table, with Paul Bearer following right behind him. But within minutes, the broadcast area was filled up with referees and officials within seconds. A good 5 minutes of The Undertaker and Sting trying to get at each other followed, which included Mooney practically running away from the entire area. The New York crowd burst into a 'Let Them Go' chant. D'lo, who was the only person on commentary kept yelling; "Not until SummerSlam!! SummerSlam it'll happen!" As if the crowd could actually hear him. After the melee was cleared, Horowitz publically thanked Sting for saving him from 'The Dark Carnival. Horowitz was very emotional. Something tells me this will carry on...83%


    - The Pre - SummerSlam Square Off -

    Steve Corino & Owen Hart d. Brutus Beefcake & Mr. Perfect

    Mr. Perfect sold his 'injuries' during the match, wearing tape around his ribs. Perfect actually didn't wrestle for that long, as Owen Hart 're damaged his ribs', causing him to having to be sent to the back, leaving Beefcake wrestling a two on 1. At first Beefcake was handling both men, but eventually he tired out, and succumbed to Corino's Dusty Rhodes Elbow for the cover and the victory. After the match, Corino & Hart went into the attack on Beefcake until Bret Hart's music played to a loud ovation. Bret came in for the save but was overpowered by what now became a 3-2...as Corino, Owen, & Jack Victory were getting the upper hand on Beefcake and Hart. Finally, out came Mr. Perfect clutching his ribs, with one hand--AND A LADDER IN THE OTHER!!! Surrounded by a host of officials urging him not to goto the ring, Perfect tossed the ladder in the ring, hitting Hart in the process. Corino charged Perfect as soon as he got into the ring, but turned back when Perfect held up the ladder. Beefcake, finally recovering helped Bret go after Owen, but was sidetracked when Jerry Lawler hit the ring, and started nailing Beefcake with some hard punches. Christopher, who didn't get involved, was also at ringside, supporting his father against Beefcake. Finally, officials poured into the ring all yelling; 'Wait until tommorow night! Wait until tommorow night!'. And with that, WWF Worldwide went off the air, with a sqare off. On one side; WWF Champion Steve Corino, Jerry Lawler, & Owen Hart, with Jack Victory & Brian Christopher outside of the ring, against Bret Hart, Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake, and a taped up Mr. Perfect, still holding a ladder in his hand... Officials stood in between the two sides as Madison Square Garden chanted 'Let Them Go!!'

    Overall: 82

    Crowd: 89

    Match: 68

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Mooney" Listen to this Madison Square Garden Crowd!! SummerSlam takes place right here, tommorow night!!"

    Dlo" Listen to the crowd? Look at the ring!! Those 6 guys want at each other badly!!"

    Mooney" Well...they'll get what they want...TOMMOROW NIGHT, ONLY ON PAY PER VIEW!!!"

    Dlo" Iron Mike Tyson will be in the Big Apple!! Someone's gonna be retired!! Sting's WWF PPV debut!! Wow!!! Yeaa!!"

    Show Quality: 83%

    TV Rating: 8.00

    Other Shows: Head to Head, Monday Nitro - 7.82

    Biggest Complaint: Road Warrior Taylor's insignificance.

    Behind The Scenes Issues:


  18. user posted image

    Only 3 Months until Series '97...

    August 25rd, 1997

    Monday Night Raw-

    Channel: USA Network - Prime Time

    Venue: The Manhattan Centre - New York, Ny

    Attendance: 12,033

    Announcing Team: Joey Styles & James E. Cornette

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Dave Hebner, Shane McMahon, Jimmy Korderas, Joey Marella, John Finnegan, Jim Mollineaux


    Dave Schmeltzer

    - Paulie Dangerously Joins The Broadcast Team -

    Monday Night RAW returned to the Manhattan Centre, I guess getting all the boys to New York, so they would be well rested for SummerSlam weekend, at the Garden. The show opened up with Joey Styles & Jim Cornette running down the show from the broadcast table, when, Paulie Dangerously came out with the Intercontinental Champion, Sabu. He joined Paulie and Jim Cornette at the table, selling his WorldWide wrestling match injuries with wearing a neckbrace. I'm glad they added Paulie to the team for this week...he's great for hyping PPV's. Paulie got a brief word in, right before Big Bossman's music hit for the opening match....

    Cornette" Why the hell did you come out here?"

    Dangerously" Cornette...with one week to go until SummerSlam '97--I needed the best seat in the house! I need to see Sabu's competition at SummerSlam--ZEUS! I need to get a closer look at The Dark Carnival! I have to check out PRIDE!! Because this Sunday Night...That ring becomes more than in ring...it becomes a Battlezone!! And I'll be a strong part of it! Sabu!! Sting!! It's SummerSlam!!!"

    Wow. It's quite wierd seeing Joey Styles, Paul Heyman, and James Cornette together at one table. But...I must say, it sounds better than hearing Mooney. 88%

    The Great Kabuki d. The Big Bossman

    Great Kabuki, 51, is another example as someone that can still work in his old age. Kabuki's got that 'crazy Japanese warrior' gimmick that goes for him, so he's almost ageless. In a knock at WCW's Keiji Mutoh, Cornette must've mentioned that Kabuki was Mutoh's father like 10 times.

    Overall: 69

    Crowd: 69

    Match: 70

    Big Bossman lost overness from this match. The Great Kabuki gained overness from this match.


    - The Excellence Of Execution Has His Sites set on Owen -

    Just when I thought I would get through a broadcast without seeing Sean Mooney, he hit the ring for a 'special interview' calling out Bret Hart. I've never heard a face announcer get as many booes as Mooney did. He asked Bret what his plans were for Survior Series '97: Shangril-a, now that it was announced that it will take place at the Toronto Skydome, his native home of Canada. Bret said that he wasn't even thinking about that, and that his main goal now, is to beat his brother next week at SummerSlam '97. Bret mentioned that he made it past the Iron Sheik...and Bob Backlund...and that he was going to settle this situation between him and his brother once and for all. The crowd was really getting behind Bret like never before. I like the way their building this match. There is now a strong hatred for Owen Hart now. Just as Bret was done...Eye Of The Tiger began to Play. Steve Corino & Jack Victory were on the way to the ring. The announcers teased a meeting between arch enemies Bret Hart & Steve Corino, as they cut to a 'quick break', as Corino walked into the ring. 91%

    - Corino Predicts A Forfeit SummerSlam Victory -

    Bret Hart stood in the corner, incredibly relaxed, and watched Corino approach Sean Mooney--acting as if he 'didn't want to bother' with Corino.

    Corino" Mooney!!! Why are you talking to that has-been, when you can talk to the man that's making all of the waves in the WWF!! Who cares about Bret Hart's boring family problems, when you can talk about the WWF's first winner of a ladder match in WWF History--ME!!! STEVE CORINO!!"

    Mooney" Now wait a minute Steve!! Mr. Perfect is a very--"

    Corino"...is a very crippled man!! You heard the doctors! He won't be able to make it to SummerSlam '97!! And get this--Mr. Perfect is not here tonight!! He's not in New York!! He's not in the big apple!!"

    Mooney" Corino...he's recovering!! And he'll be at WWF WorldWide!"

    Corino" WRONG AGAIN, MOONEY!! He won't recover in time!! Ladies and Gentleman...your WWF Champion...and first ever winner of a WWF Ladder Match...STEVE CORINO!!" 87%

    While Corino was talking, Hart slipped to the back. I haven't had any reports of Perfect's injury being legit...but he actually wasn't at RAW. Many people are started to wonder if Mr. Perfect is actually injured. He did take a hard bump a few weeks ago on RAW. 87%


    Jun Akiyama d. Jeff Jarrett - ECW Title

    Basically a showcase for Akiyama here. He pretty much had his way with Jarrett, including nailing Jarrett with 5 consecutive running knees. There's talk that his SummerSlam match with Avatar could turn into some type of 3 or 4 way match. I still expect either Akiyama or Avatar to go over though. He won with a dragon suplex pin. Only Akiyama can do such a move so fluidly in the WWF.

    Overall: 84

    Crowd: 80

    Match: 89

    Jeff Jarrett lost overness from this match. The ECW World title has gained in image.


    - The Intercontinental 'Stare Down' -

    Zeus d. Alex Porteau

    Porteau came to the ring with a Super Soaker and shot it into the crowd. I guess he's doing his GWF 'dumb surfer' gimmick again, now that he's all alone, with only Pritchard by his side. This match was good for the live crowd, but came accross horribly on TV. Zeus went straight for a chokehold...and after a 3 minute choke, Porteau just got up and ran out of the ring, which made no sense. Zeus won with the bear hug about 90 seconds later. On the way back up the isle, Zeus along with Slick stared down Paulie Dangerously & Sabu up at the announcer's table. The fans were cheering both men, with Zeus getting alot less cheers. It'll be interesting to see how this match goes. I also find it interesting that Dark Patriot was not included on the SummerSlam card.

    Crowd: 77

    Match: 26

    Alex Porteau basically no-sold everything, which ruined the match.

    The Sandman & Terry Taylor d. Mike Barton & Johnny Ace

    Ted Dibiase was in the corner of Barton & Ace, and was picking fights with the ringside fans the whole time. Dibiase's great at managing. Some people are calling him the modern Freddie Blassie. Finals of this match saw The Sandman light up a cigerette, just before piledriving Johnny Ace for the victory. I see they're protecting Barton, The King Of The Ring winner. There is alot of talk that the Sandman could become the company's top face after Shangril-a. To think the WWF hasn't given him all that much air time, and he has still become one of the top faces in the WWF.

    Overall: 74

    Crowd: 79

    Match: 64


    - Paul Bearer Approaches Paulie Dangerously -

    Coming off the break, Paul Bearer, with his urn in hand, was already near the broadcast table shouting back and forth with Paulie Dangerously. The last part of what he was yelling at Paulie was conveniently heard on the broadcast mics....

    Bearer" ...OHHHhhhhh Yes!! You tell the Stinger that The Voodoo man is looking for him tonight! We want to prepare Sting for his entry into The Carnival next week at SummerSlam!! "

    Dangerously"...yea tonight! Fine! Sting will be here!!"

    Bearer" Ohhhhhh Yesss!!! Hahaha!! Ohhhhhh Yes!!!!"

    Styles" Sting is going to wrestle tonight! Sting is going to wrestle!! Wow!! Sting Wrestles...right here on RAW!!!"

    Dangerously (To Bearer who seems to be screaming and praising the sky) " Yea...now get out of here you freak! Get out..."

    Bearer, apparently, has been taking lessons from Ringmaster Jim Neidhart on how to be even move eerie. Bearer looked like he wanted to kill Dangerously. 92%

    Paul Bearer gained overness from this segment.

    Brian Christopher d. The Lightning Kid

    Very strong match. It seems as if the WWF is 'testing' Christopher to see if he can achieve the similiar success of his father, by putting him over worthy competitors. Christopher and Kid put on a really good match here...going just about 15 minutes with one advert break. Finals came when The Lightning Kid jumped off of the top rope into a dropkick by Christopher at 13:22. Christopher then went to the top rope and nailed The Kid with his signature Tenessee Jam. Great RAW match. The Manhattan Centre woke up for this one.

    Overall: 81

    Crowd: 82

    Match: 82


    - Papa Shango Calls Out 'The Stinger' -

    Returing from the break, Papa Shango came out, in his ring gear and grabbed a mic to call out Sting. Shango started rambling on about a 'special ritual' that was needed for Sting's entrance into the Dark Carnival. Shango's rambling killed the segment, but finally Sting's music hit, with him charging the ring to a huge pop. 75%

    Sting lost overness from this segment.

    Sting d. Papa Shango

    They didn't even stop playing Sting's music, while he was pounding on Shango. He pretty much squashed Shango, nailing him with a suplex, two stinger splashes, and ended with the Scorpion Deathlock. The Undertaker came out, but he was being held back at the stage platform--via Paul Bearer pulling on his hair. Monday Night Raw went off the air with Sting staring at Lee, whilst holding Papa Shango in the scorpion deathlock--and Lee staring back; with his eyes rolled in the back of his head...

    Overall: 76

    Crowd: 83

    Match: 63

    Commentary Aftermath

    Dangerously" Look at Sting's intensity!! Look at his eyes!! Look at how he's staring Lee The Undertaker down!!"

    Cornette" Look at Lee! He's only got eyeballs! Does Sting know what he's getting into? Didn't he see what happened to The Mountie!! I have a feeling Sting's tenure here in the WWF will be a very short one!"

    Styles" These two will collide at SummerSlam...which is just under a week away!! Summerslam weekend IS NEXT!!!"

    Dangerously" I can feel the electricity!!!"

    Styles" See you at Madison Square Garden!! G'night everybody!!!"

    Show Quality: 78%

    TV Rating: 8.00

    Other Shows: Head to Head, Monday Nitro - 7.85

    Biggest Complaint: Papa Shango's Voodoo Ramblings

    Behind The Scenes Issues:

    WWF WorldWide--Live From Madison Square Garden..SUMMERSLAM WEEKEND!!

    --Steve Corino & Owen Hart vs. Mr. Perfect & Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake

    --Special Return Match--Horowitz Wants one more chance!!!!

    *Barry Horowitz vs. Lee The Undertaker

    --GWF Heavyweight Title;

    Stan Hansen (Champion) vs. Jerry 'The King' Lawler

    --Falls Count Anywhere in New York City!

    Mike Barton vs. The Sandman


    Sting, The Helmselys, PRIDE, and much much more!!!!

  19. user posted image

    Only 4 Months until Series '97...

    August 23rd, 1997

    WWF Worldwide Saturday Nights-

    Channel: FOX

    Venue: Moxfurous Arena, Chicago IL

    Attendance: 11049

    Announcing Team: Sean Mooney & D'lo Brown

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Shane McMahon, Earl Hebner, Charles Robinson, Jim Mollineaux, John Finnegan


    Dave Schmeltzer

    - The Dark Carnival set their sights on The Mountie -

    WWF Worldwide opened up with Sean Mooney in the ring, introducing 'WWF Great' Jacques Rougeau, of the Canadian Foundation, who had a match with Lee The Undertaker later on in the night. Rougeau came out, wearing his Mountie gear, but as soon as he was about to speak, ICP's 'House Of Mirrors' played, as The Dark Carnival hit the stage podium. As soon as the music stopped, Mountie, on the mic yelled; 'Whatayya want ya circus freaks!?' Undertaker was in front of the other members and simply said...

    " Mountie...Jacques Rougeau...your time of Crime Fighting in the WWF--Ends Tonight.......REST...IN.....PEEEAAACCEEEEEE.."

    With that, at Ringmaster Jim Neidhart's cue, all of the members of the Dark Carnival, (Insane Clown Posse, Paul Bearer, Papa Shango, Damien Demento, The Undertaker), about faced, and returned to the back as Rougeau stood in the ring, with Sean Mooney beside him, both sharing a very concerned look.... 75%

    - Eric Bischoff Catches up with The Insane Clown Posse -

    The cameras followed the Dark Carnival to the back, where Eric Bischoff literally ran up to The Carnival to get a word with ICP. He asked which member would be facing Paulie Dangerously later on WorldWide. Violent J said he was going to be the one to bring Paulie into 'the light'. Shaggy 2 Dope then 'accidently' unfolded "the Wrong" bodybag...as that bodybag had a picture of the Mountie of it. Violent J was kinda funny yelling, "Wrong bodybag, you crackhead!". I'm surprised they let that go through on the air. Shaggy then got the 'right' bodybag from Paul Bearer...this time showing a bodyguard with a picture of Paulie Dangerously. Mooney, who returned to commentary speculated as to if there could be two victims of the Dark Carnival.... 78%

    The Pitbulls (Pitbull #1 & Pitbull #2) d. The Orient Express

    Gary Wolfe looked really good here. It was nice to see him in a WWF ring. Pitbulls won with a varied version of the Doomsday device.


    Crowd: 45

    Match: 63


    Mike Barton d. Terry Taylor

    The idea during this match was that, Taylor, despite working his way up to being a formidable athlethe, still wasn't as tough as Barton, The King Of The Ring winner. Finals came when Taylor finally got Barton down, but got too overanxious and went straight for his top rope knee drop within 7 minutes. He missed it, allowing for Barton to catch him with the Death Valley Driver for the victory.

    Overall: 76

    Crowd: 83

    Match: 63

    Terry Taylor lost overness from this match.


    - Corino: And His 'Perfect' Plan -

    Sean Mooney takes us to, I guess our weekly highlight from Thursday's WWF Spotlight w/ Vince McMahon show. This week, McMahon had Steve Corino as his special guest, who said that he was not sorry for what he did to Mr. Perfect. He called it, his 'Perfect' Plan. Corino predicted that Perfect would not be healed in time for SummerSlam '97, and that another contender for the belt would have to be chosen. I wish they showed more highlights from Spotlight. It's been years since Vince & Corino did a show together....

    Stan Hansen d. 'The Rock' Don Muraco

    Stan Hansen's being built as the 'Legend', now that he's a face. His match with The Rock was probably the single worst match I've seen in years on WorldWide. Both men move extremely slow, and have virtually no wrestling skill. Hansen won with the lariat out of no where. Now...the fans yell along with him when he does his taunt. Tenzan should be able to carry Hansen to a passable match at SummerSlam.

    Overall: 67

    Crowd: 77

    Match: 47

    Don Muraco didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating.


    The Lightning Kid d. Bob Backlund

    It's interesting how Bob Backlund, 48 can have a good match when he has someone well to work with, and The Rock, can't work well with anyone. This match had alot of amateur ring work, overtaken by Kid's quickness. Just as The Iron Sheik did last week on RAW, Bob Backlund's main trouble was that he couldn't 'keep up' with The Lightning Kid. Kid won when he caught Backlund by suprise with his Lightning Kick.

    Overall: 87

    Crowd: 90

    Match: 81

    - Paulie Dangerously Prepares For Violent J -

    Going into the advert break, they show Paulie Dangerously in the back punching a punching bag that's being held by Sabu. Dangerously had a look of heavy intensity on his face and was actually sweating from working out.... 84%


    Violent J d. Paulie Dangerously

    The funniest thing about this match, is that the crowd was actually into this match, of manager vs. Wrestler, then they were for the 'Legend' vs. 'Top Wrestler (Rock)' match. Paulie started off tackling Violent J to some heavy pops. Both Sabu & Shaggy 2Dope were at ringside. Violent J broke Paulie's surprising offense with a low blow, getting nice heel heat. Violent J eventually won with the leg drop off of the top rope. After the match, Shaggy 2Dope, came in the ring with the bodybag, but Sabu cleared the ring of ICP, protecting his manager. The whole time, Sabu was wearing his Intercontinental Title.

    Overall: 70

    Crowd: 82

    Match: 44


    Coming off the break, they showed pre-recorded comments from Sting...talking to the camera....


    " Just about ONE WEEK AWAY....from SUMMERSLAM '97!! The Stinger!! Lee The Undertaker!! Live!! Inside of a 15 foot high Steel cage! For the first time on a WWF PPV...STING!!! Hey, Lee...ya know what I hear? I hear that you've never been pinned in the ring, in a one on one match!! I've hear that you're a phenom!! You're the man from the Dark Side!! You're the DEAD MAN!!! WELL...I'M A SCORPION, BABY!! And I'm gonna eat away at you...dead or alive!! Ya, see Undertaker, I'm not like all of the other people ya faced! I'm not like the Moooooon man!! A tombstone isn't enough to put me away!! Hell...I'll just open up the tombstone from the inside..and pull ya back in with me!!! Wooooooooooooooooo!!! Undertaker!! Ya say you're hear to cleanse the WWF on the path to Shangril-a! Well, I'll help 'ya!! And we'll start with YOU!! Woooooooooooooooooooooo!!! "

    This promo was also shown to the Worldwide crowd. They reacted to Sting's promo as if he were actually there. Good old school type of interview here. Definately JJ Dillon footprints here. 93%

    - The Mountie Takes a Trip Into The DarkSide -

    The Undertaker d. The Mountie Jacques Rougeau

    The crowd is really into the Undertaker once again. His separating from The Pritchard Exchange was key for his career. Lee made short work of Rougeau after nailing him with two tombstones, followed by a Prime Time Chokeslam, for the cover. Kudos to Brian Lee, who...if he hadn't taken the Undertaker gimmick could've been stuck doing a lame biker gimmick...like Andrew Martin aka Diesel. After the match, Paul Bearer came in the ring, and joined The Undertaker in zipping a knocked out Rougeau into a bodybag. With that, the rest of The Dark Carnival came out, to 'House Of Mirrors' and carried Rougeau's 'Body' to the back as WWF WorldWide went off the air....

    Overall: 82

    Crowd: 91

    Match: 62

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Mooney" The Mountie has been taken by the Dark Carnival!! I don't think we'll be seeing the former WWF Champion any time soon! The final RAW before SummerSlam is next!!"

    Dlo" I am excited, Mooney!"

    Mooney" With just one week before SummerSlam...ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!!! "

    Show Quality: 74%

    TV Rating: 7.57

    Other Shows: Early Evening..WCW Saturday Night 7.40

    Biggest Complaint: Sean Mooney's Announcing.

    Behind The Scenes Issues:

    Raw Preview!!


    --ECW Title Match

    Jun Akiyama vs. Jeff Jarrett

    --Brian Christopher vs. The Lightning Kid

    --Plus, PRIDE, Zeus, Bret Hart, Steve Corino, and More!!!

  20. user posted image

    Only 4 Months until Series '97...

    August 18rd, 1997

    Monday Night Raw-

    Channel: USA Network - Prime Time

    Venue: The Conflight John Centre Arena - Kansas City - MO

    Attendance: 12,036

    Announcing Team: Joey Styles & James E. Cornette

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Dave Hebner, Shane McMahon, Jimmy Korderas, Joey Marella, John Finnegan, Jim Mollineaux


    Dave Schmeltzer

    Monday Night "PRIDE", as labeled with the original RAW logo, with headshots of Antonio Inoki, Ted Dibiase, & Mike Rotunda on the logo--opened up with Mike Rotunda placing The Dark Carnival's Damien Demento and Papa Shango 'on guard' for Sting, in the car park of the arena. After leaving, approaching Demento & Shango were The Space Croppers, Rhyno (Starr) and Devon Storm -- huffing and puffing all the way up to Demento & Shango. Rhyno makes a motion as if he's going to get physical...but Damien Demento, dressed up like he's ready to attend a funeral starts talking--unshaken...confident...as if he's in full control.

    Demento (snickering)" It's ok, Rhyno...Devon...We know each other. I'm Damien Demento...hailing from the outer regions of YOUR mind. I'm part of you...and you are part of me...I'm everywhere..I'm part of him...and him...and all of the people..just as the Dark Carnival is! Remember...the only sure path to Shangril-a is by accepting The Pyscopathic Clowns from the Dead...The Insane Clown Posse! By Accepting the leadership of The Ringmaster Jim Neidhart & Paul Bearer...and accepting him...as your saviour...hailing from the valley of the dead...Lee, himself...Lee The Undertaker..."

    Rhyno & Devon looked fairly shaken for a bit...then return to their usual state and rushed by Demento into the building. Wierd segment. Demento...even though he's very stale, did a good job here. Also, I guess from the makers of Kane The Undertaker, they've decided to give the Undertaker back a first name...in this case, Brian Lee's last name. A very good way of Dillon & Russo separating this Undertaker from the no-selling Mark Calloway, now a lowly midcarder in WCW. 68%

    Damien Demento gained overness from this segment. Rhyno Starr gained overness from this segment. Devon Storm gained overness from this segment.


    - The Brother Love Show Events: The Corino 'Ladder Challenge' -

    WWF Monday Night RAW officially began with a shot the ring, set up for the Brother Love Show. The WWF title was hung above the ring. The announcers speculated as to why Corino's belt would be up there. Out came Pritchard--er Brother Love to a pretty nice welcome back pop...which quickly turned into booes once the fans remembered that he was still a heel. Love introduced Corino, who's music--Eye Of The Tiger--always gets a huge initial pop. Jack Victory, who came along with Corino, carried a ladder into the ring. Corino told Brother Love that he wanted to start off national PRIDE day with a bang; and that he wanted to initiate a sporting challenge to Mr. Perfect called the "Ladder Challenge". Perfect's music hit, and out came Mr. Perfect to a huge 'Perfect' chant as always. While the two were in the ring, Corino must've spent a good 5 minutes either, trying to quiet the fans, or insulting various ringside fans. Classic Corino. Finally, Corino 'challenged' Perfect to see just who would have an advantage at SummerSlam '97. So he challenged Perfect to see who could climb the ladder and be the quickest to the belt. After playing to the fans, Perfect accepted the challenge...as Jack Victory held a stopwatch ready to time both men. Corino went first, grabbing the belt in 6.4 seconds. Perfect went next. However, when Perfect was already near the top of the cage in 3 seconds, Corino "Sneezed...accidently" bumping into the ladder, tipping it over. With that, Perfect fell 15 feet from the ladder, with his ribs landing directly on top of the ropes, causing him to bounce back off in pain, onto the mat. Corino leaped and laughed as Perfect laid on the red mat of the 'Brother Love Show' extremely hurt from the fall. Corino then said these last words, as Brother Love held the mic to his mouth--with *Eye Of The Tiger* starting in the background...

    Corino" Perfect!!!! That's only HALF of the pain that you'll be experiencing when you're win the ring with me...and my...'Perfect'..ladder!! Hahaha!!"

    After Corino, Victory, and Brother Love left the ring, WWF Officials hit the ring, then called for medical attention, and had the #1 Contender for the World Title carried out to the nearest hospital. The announcers questioned if Perfect's ribs would heal in time for SummerSlam.



    - The Thrillseekers Get A Special Invitation to PRIDE -

    The Thrillseekers d. Dr. X & Scottie Taylor

    Even though everyone knew that Dr. X & Scott Taylor weren't winning the match, these four put on a great match, in showcasing The Thrillseekers' ring talent. The Thrillseekers won at 13:12 of a long match when Jericho held Dr. X in the lion tamer, as Lance Storm came down to the back of the head with top rope leg drop.

    Overall: 72

    Crowd: 55

    Match: 90


    Coming out of the break just as Lance Storm & Chris Jericho were about to leave the ring, PRIDE'S music hit. Out came, in this order; President Ted Dibiase, Mike Rotunda, & Anotonio Inoki side by side, Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Mike Barton, ECW Champion Jun Akiyama, Johnny Ace, The Great Kabuki, and WWF Tag Team Champions Hayabusa, & Hakushi. Apparently, Gladiator Mike Awesome has been either let go by the company or sent to the GWF. As all 11 men stood in the ring, streamers came from the balcony and filled up the ring, "In Celebration" of this memorable day. Dibiase then spoke to Storm & Jericho...

    Dibiase" As you two know, tonight is National PRIDE Night!! And boy do I have an offer for you two!! You see, I've been watching you two over the last few weeks! You guys came...you won your debut match...and just a few weeks ago...you won the Tag Team Battle Royal! You are going to be a strong force in the WWF...but you can be an even stronger force by being part of the most elite group of Wrestlers to date! You can become a real force to be reckoned with by JOINING PRIDE!!! Mwahahahaha!!" (Dibiase pulled out several bills offering a bribe to The Thrillseekers)

    Jericho (After looking to the fans for guidance) " Dibiase...I'm sure that we can learn alot from PRIDE...but quite frankly we're fine on our own. Thank you...but no thanks."

    Dibiase (Jericho & Storm goto to leave but are held in the ring by Inoki & Rotunda...)" When your Million Dollar Boss makes an offer--YOU TAKE IT!! Now...I'll ask again--"

    Storm" HE SAID NO, Dibiase!!"

    Dibiase" Mwhahahaa!! FINE!! You will learn the hard way, that it doesn't pay to cross The Million Dollar Boss.....no...actually...you won't learn the 'Hard' Way...YOU'LL LEARN THE PRIDE WAY!!!"

    With that, all 10 wrestlers of Pride went into the attack on the Thrillseekers. Storm got a huge pop for his yelling at Dibiase, but was quickly taken care of along with partner, Chris Jericho. After a short while, the PRIDE wrestlers, held up Jericho & Storm, as Antonio Inoki served them some chops to the face and shoulders. After that, Inoki gave each of them his patented Octopus Stretch, as Styles pushed that move as being 'legendary', as all of PRIDE cheered him on. Dibiase then summoned official to "rid the ring" of The Thrillseekers....

    Rotunda then took the microphone, and announced that tonight Jeff Jarrett would go against Hiroyoshi Tenzan, later tonight, as well as that...the father and son team of Brian Christopher & Jerry Lawler were going against Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake and a partner of his choosing. Johnny Ace interjected and said that he wanted a match against that 'new guy', Avatar. Dibiase said that being in PRIDE gives you the special priviledges of 'getting what one wants'...he then called out Avatar to face Johnny Ace.... 83%

    Lance Storm gained overness from this segment.

    Commentary Aftermath

    Styles" Is this what PRIDE is all about? Flaunting their power!? Showing how much they can get away with!?"

    Cornette/b]" Styles, as the founder of PRIDE...and a firm supporter of it under Dibiase's control, I say...YES"

    Styles" We'll be right back with Johnny Ace vs. Avatar!"

    Cornette" It's National PRIDE Day!!!"


    Johnny Ace d. Avatar

    Good match which saw Avatar come very close to winning many times. In fact, Avatar even kicked out of an Ace Crusher, which got the crowd more into the match. But Avatar yielded to the three count after a well executed Ace Crusher by Johnny Ace. Ace has developed a reputation as being a very plain--YET FORMIDABLE--WWF Superstar. After the match, Avatar stared down Johnny Ace, as he returned to the back. The announcers mentioned that PRIDE, probably hasn't seen the last of Avatar.

    Overall: 75

    Crowd: 75

    Match: 76


    - Dr. Rupert Deems Mr. Perfect Unfit To Wrestle At SummerSlam '97 -

    The announcers announced that tonight's Main Event would be Bret Hart & The Lightning Kid against Owen Hart's mentors, The Iron Sheik & Bob Backlund. They then took us to the nearest Hospital where the WWF's lead announcer, Sean Mooney was live with Dr. Rupert. Perfect was resting on the hospital bed with his ribbed taped up.

    Mooney" Hell Wrestling fans...if you're just joining us, earlier tonight on RAW, Mr. Perfect was the victim of a heinous act perpuatrated by Steve Corino and Jack Victory, when Corino pushed Perfect off of the top of the ladder, causing him to tumble down on those unforgiving ropes. I'm joined here with Dr. Rupert...Dr....will Perfect be fully healed by SummerSlam '97?"

    Dr. Rupert" Sean Mooney...I'm sorry. Mr. Perfect not only suffered rib injuries when he fell on top of the ropes...but also when he crashed down onto the ring mat when bouncing off of the ropes. Unfortunately, he suffered several bone fractures and won't be fully healed until 5 weeks. That means, when Summer Slam rolls around, he'll only be about 60% healed."

    Mooney" 60%! Well...that's not that bad...is it Doc?"

    Dr. Rupert (Sighs)" Well...not under normal circumstances...but this isn't a 'normal' match. This is a LADDER match. A ladder is legal? No...it is my professional opinion that Mr. Perfect should not compete in that match."

    With that, Mr. Perfect, who was listening to the conversation battled his way over to Mooney and The Doctor.

    Perfect (In some pain)" No!! That may be your professional opinion... but it's my PERFECT opinion that I'm not giving up a shot at the WWF World Title!! Corino...You can bet I'll be healed in time...healed, PERFECTLY!!" 93%


    - Paulie Dangerously Runs Down The The Dark Carnival -

    Coming off of the break, Paulie Dangerously came out to a nice pop, with a microphone in hand. Paulie announced that although though the IC Champion, Sabu, was not around--Sting will be in attendance tonight. The crowd popped huge, but then Shaggy 2Dope & Violent J made there way to the ring...much like Demento...dresses up like they were going to a funeral. They mentioned that Sting wasn't allowed in the building and asked Paulie why he 'hid' behind Sting & Sabu. Paulie responded by making fun of ICP for hiding behind clown paint, which got some laughs from the crowd. He also ran down the entire group calling them a cult who hid behind a stupid idea that they've 'fooled themselves into believing'. This angered ICP, as Shaggy 2 Dope took a kick at Paulie. The crowd was cheering for Sting...but Paulie already made it clear that Sting had not arrived yet. In 'sending a message to Sabu', and to a lesser extent, Sting, Shaggy 2Dope placed Paulie laid out atop of a chair, so that he and Violent J could land a double top rope goulintine on Paulie. The two did alot of taunting the crowd as they went up to the top rope. However, they took too long--as Paulie moved as the two were coming down, to a huge pop, as ICP came crashing down on the chair.. Paulie then cracked both in the head with his cell phone, breaking the phone over the second shot--on Violent J. The crowd was going nuts at this point chanting 'Paulie', as Joey Styles was screaming;

    "Oh My Gawd!! Oh My Gawd!! Paulie Dangerously took out ICP!! Paulie Dangerously took out ICP!! Oh My Gawd!!" 81%


    - Brutus Beefcake's Special Partner is 'The Baddest Man in the WWF' -

    Jerry 'The King' Lawler & Brian Christopher d. Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake & Zeus

    Beefcake introduced 'Zeus' as the partner of his choosing which got a nice responce from the crowd. Especially during all of the talk of Tyson coming in against Zeus. Zeus started off strong no-selling everything that Christopher did, then later tagged out to Beefcake who stayed in for the rest of the match. The match dragged on a bit going just over 10 minutes, including a commercial break. The finals came during the Lawler chain spot, where he clocked Beefcake in the head with a chain, which was concealed from the ref, earning his team the victory, even though he cheated. Beefcake tried to convince the ref, after he recovered that Lawler used the chain, but the referee wanted to hear nothing of it. Cornette as always came in with a good line getting the SummerSlam matches over; " Styles', all the complaining in the world ain't gonna help Beefcake if he looses that Cage match at Summer Slam! He's just gonna have an ended career!"

    Overall: 75

    Crowd: 85

    Match: 54


    - Hiroyoshi Tenzan, President Dibiase's pick for 'Most Improved Wrestler'; Sting crashes the ceremony -

    Hiroyoshi Tenzan d. Jeff Jarrett

    Really good match here, which saw Tenzan struggle over to the ropes while in Jarrett's finisher, the Figure Four--for over 5 minutes. Dibiase almost got into a legit fight with a fan off camera, during this match. Styles went nuts as Tenzan refused to give up putting him over as an amazing athlethe. Tenzan won after two top rope headbutts followed by a moonsault pinning combination. After the match, Antonio Inoki & Mike Rotunda came down the isle carrying a giant trophy...

    Overall: 79

    Crowd: 80

    Match: 77


    The ringside area filled up with gimmicked photographers, as well as officials, showing that something 'big' was happening. There were also tables at ringside with glasses filled with wine.

    Inoki had the microphone and started talking in Japanese, in praising Tenzan...but each time he started to talk, the crowd erupted with booes. Inoki had a classic face of disgust as he angrilly hand the microphone over to Mike Rotunda, who praised Tenzan. He mentioned that Tenzan just defeated a former Intercontinental Champion, in Jeff Jarrett, and could very well be the GWF Heavyweight Champion, after SummerSlam '97. He mentioned how Stan Hansen's been holding Tenzan back, and that now that Hansen is out of PRIDE, Tenzan could be held back no longer, and win what should've been his all along, The GWF Heavyweight Title. With that, Inoki presented Tenzan with PRIDE'S Most Improved Wrestler award trophy...a special for National PRIDE day.

    At this point, Sting was spotted walking down to the ring, from the stands. Styles kept screaming, "He Snuck into the building! He's wearing his paint! It's Sting! It's Sting!!

    Dibiase grabbed the mic and kept yelling at Sting;

    "This is a special PRIDE ceremony!! You're not invited!! Get out of here!"

    WWF Officials were thrown at Sting to thwart him off when he to ringside, but he fought them off, grabbing a glass of wine, and sipping it comically for the crowd. This got Dibiase even angrier, as Sting got up on the apron, staring at Dibiase, Rotunda, Inoki, & Tenzan, sipping on the glass of wine. Finally, to stop Dibiase's yelling, Sting shot Dibiase with the rest of the wine by jerking the glass in Dibiase's face, splashing him to a thunderous pop. Sting then hopped back into the stands, laughing at Dibiase, and yelling 'Wooooooooooo!!!' Tenzan was going to go after him, but was held back by Inoki & Rotunda, as Dibiase dried his face, in anger. Sting ruined the ceremony. 87%


    - The "Lightning" Kid Shows Why... -

    Bret 'Hitman' Hart & The Lightning Kid d. The Iron Sheik & Bob Backlund

    The idea of this match was to showcase The Lightning Kid, as he wrestled against two slower older competitors. The work that he did with the Iron Sheik was great. They had a funny spot where Kid actually got the Sheik "Dizzy" from jumping around the ring so much. Hart pretty much had his way with both men, getting revenge for their previous cheap attacks. Finals came when the Kid nailed Backlund with the Lightning Kid, which is a spinning cartwheel kick. After the match, Hart raised the Hand to the kid, as a 'live' clip of a jealous Owen Hart showed on the Titan Tron...as RAW went off the air.

    Overall: 75

    Crowd: 77

    Match: 72

    Commentary Aftermath

    Styles" Bret 'The Hitman' Hart & The Lightning Kid, with a victory over the mentors of Owen Hart!! That Kid has incredible speed!"

    Cornette" Yea, but look at Owen Hart! He does not look happy!!"

    Styles" And another person who wasn't too happy, President Dibiase--thanks to Sting!!"

    Cornette" That's right, Styles!! Sting is causing alot of trouble in the WWF!! But I have a feeling he'll be in a bodybag after SummerSlam!"

    Styles" And will Perfect heal in time for SummerSlam!!? So long everybody!!"

    Show Quality: 79%

    TV Rating: 8.00

    Other Shows: Head to Head, Monday Nitro - 7.86

    Biggest Complaint: The Beefcake Tag Match was too long.

    Behind The Scenes Issues:

    WWF WorldWide!!

    --Special Challenge Match

    Paulie Dangerously vs. Violent J

    --The Dark Carnival Promises another Victim!!


    Stan Hansen, Terry Taylor, The Rock, The Mountie Jacques Rougeau, and much much more!

  21. user posted image

    Only 4 Months until Series '97...

    August 16rd, 1997

    WWF Worldwide Saturday Nights-

    Channel: FOX

    Venue: Moxfurous Arena, Chicago IL

    Attendance: 11034

    Announcing Team: Sean Mooney & 'Dlo Brown

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Shane McMahon, Earl Hebner, Charles Robinson, Jim Mollineaux, John Finnegan


    Dave Schmeltzer

    - 'The New' Mr. Perfect -

    WWF Worldwide started up with Sean Mooney opening the show from inside the ring. Mr. Perfect's music hit, but to everyone's suprise, out came WWF World Champion, Steve Corino, accompanied by Jack Victory. Corino said that after SummerSlam '97, he would be 'the new Mr. Perfect'. Sean Mooney asked Steve Corino as to why Corino was so upset when Perfect showed footage of Corino as a Horsemen, doing nothing (On WWF Spotlight). Corino then said that he had 'embarrassing footage of Mr. Perfect, as well. He then showed the early 90's vignettes of Perfect, throwing and catching a football, shooting a perfect basketball shot and hitting a homerun. Corino yelled;

    "Mooney!! I ask you this question!! What the hell does that have to do with Wrestling?! So what, he can throw a ball into a net! Big Deal!! He's no Steve Corino!!"

    Corino then called out any wrestler to the back to serve as 'tune up', helping him prepare for his Wrestlemania match against 'The Perfect One'. Since this is Worldwide...out came Rick Martel. Corino said he would show everyone the new "Mr. Perfect".


    Steve Corino d. Rick Martel

    In showing off how 'Perfect' that he could be, Corino wrestled the match while holding the micrphone for a little while. When the action got a little more intense, Victory did some mic work on the house mic all the way to Corino's victory. Corino ended the match with the Dusty Rhodes Elbow Drop. Ahh, more subtle knocks at WCW.

    Overall: 72

    Crowd: 75

    Match: 66


    The Helmsley's d. Jacques Rougeau & The Executioner

    Almost a pure squash for the Helmsey's. Rougeau got some offense, but that all ended when the Executioner was tagged in. The Helmsley's won after their finishing combination of a Hunter pedigree followed by a Kronus big splash off of the top rope, onto Executioner. Hunter & Kronus made the Butler shine their boots after the match. The Butler came down the isle with a half eatin Subway Sandwhich. After the match, he handed it to Kronus, who...I guess finished eating his sandwhich. They are continuing to push Kronus as the 'poor version of Helmsley, who was only given this opportunity after Hunter married the daughter of WWF Announcer Vince McMahon. According to those in charge, Vince nor his Daughter are getting involved with the storylines...until maybe 2006.

    Overall: 69

    Crowd: 73

    Match: 61

    The Executioner lost overness from this match. Jacques 'Mountie' Rougeau lost overness from this match. John Kronus Helmsley gained overness from this match. Hunter McMahon Helmsley gained overness from this match.

    - The Butler Gets Left Behind -

    Carl Oulette d. The Butler

    After showing a brief promo for SummerSlam '97, The Butler was still at the ringside area gathering Hunter's and Kronus' clothes that they left behind. Butler was also sweeping up some crumbs that Kronus left behind. At this point, Carl Oulette's music hit, which is the same as Bret Hart's--as he made his way to the ring. The

    Butler was 'upset' that Oulette came out before he was done...so he started yelling at Oulette...which led to Oulette nailing him with the Cannonball within 30 seconds winning this impromptu match.

    Overall: 47

    Crowd: 49

    Match: 44

    The Butler didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating.


    - Paulie Dangerously With Sabu -

    Coming out of the break was a pre-recorded segment with Paulie Dangerously hyping Sabu. The WWF did an outright purchase of ECW in 1995, and as a result gained all rights to their video catalougue. So, much like the Dark Patriot segments of the last few weeks, this Segment, had several hot Sabu spots from ECW, as well as WWF, over the last few years, as Paulie Dangerously did the talking. He did an incredible job of painting Sabu as an athlete who puts his body on the line during each and every one of his title defenses. Paulie ended with his soundbite, putting down the other two I-C title contenders, who I'm guessing will face Sabu in a three way Dance at SummerSlam;

    "...He's not a 'demented Soul like the Dark Patriot...he doesn't claim to be the 'baddest man on the planet' like Zeus...he's simply homicidal...he's genocidal...he's suicidal...HE'S YOUR INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION...HE'S SABU!" 92%

    Paulie Dangerously gained overness from this segment.

    The Sandman d. Mr. Bob Backlund

    Alot of talk is circulating how The Sandman could overtake Bret Hart for the top face spot in the company. The Sandman's character has gotten incredibly over with the fans, and some may even say that he is nearing the popularity equal to that of Bret. Bret realises this, and has been showing alot of disconcern with the widening Main Event scene...worrying about his position with the company. However, most of the heat is between Corino & Hart...OH..Sandman squashed Backlund with his delayed piledriver at 8:03.

    Overall: 81

    Crowd: 84

    Match: 76


    - Dibiase Declares Next Monday Night RAW; "National 'PRIDE' Day -

    Returning off break, we are greated to Sean Mooney and Dlo brown staring at the camera for a few seconds before they realised that they were on. Finally, Mooney began talking via Satellite to the President of the WWF; Ted Dibiase, who was relaxing in his 'seasonal residence'. Sean Mooney informed him that Sting would be making his in ring debut, later tonight on WWF Worldwide. This fueled Dibiase, as he got up and started yelling at Mooney;

    "Mooney!!! Do you want to end up just like Slaughter!? All everyone is talking about is, Sting! Well, tell Sting, that tommorow he can drop his face paint...loose the flashy clothing...because...TOMMOROW IS NATIONAL PRIDE DAY!! That's right--in just two days...on RAW--just 3 weeks before SummerSlam '97--MONDAY NIGHT RAW IS NATIONAL PRIDE DAY!!! Soon, that's all that everyone will be talking about...is PRIDE!! 95%

    Dibiase did a good job of snapping at Mooney. I'm sure everyone enjoyed it. To bad Akiyama wasn't in the arena this time to throw Mooney around.

    Ted DiBiase gained overness from this segment.


    Owen Hart d. Diesel

    Diesel came to the ring riding down in a motorcycle with Francine on the back...who I guess is his 'biker chick'. Owen won with the sharpshooter in 10:33 of actually a good match. Diesel, actually moves pretty well for a big man. While walking back to the isle, Iron Sheik who was with Backlund & Owen snatched a poster of Bret Hart from a fan. He handed it to Owen...who ripped up the poster.

    Overall: 81

    Crowd: 82

    Match: 79


    - Steve Corino Announces The Return Of 'The Brother Love Show' -

    Mr. Perfect d. Earthquake

    Mr. Perfect couldn't perfect plex the fat middle-aged Tenta, so he simply rolled him up after his usual pre-perfect plex move sequence. After the match, Corino came out with a microphone and Jack Victory, yelling to Perfect;

    "Perfect!! This week on RAW...on NATIONAL PRIDE DAY...is indeed a day to celebrate! Because it's going to be the return of the Brother Love Show!! And it's first guest...WWF CHAMPION, STEVE CORINO!! Hope I don't you see there, 'Impeferfect!!"

    Hmmph. I guess Bruce Pritchard is back to doing his Brother Love Character. That should be entertaining.

    Overall: 73

    Crowd: 79

    Match: 61


    - The In Ring Debut Of Sting -

    Sting d. Simond Diamond

    I'm sure Bret Hart, and to a lesser extent Steve Corino can't be too happy with Sting's WWF arrival. With the WWF basically telling us that all of these men will not make it beyond Shangril-a, it'll be interesting to see who does and who doesn't. Sting completed dominated the match. After 4 Stinger splashes, Sting put Diamond in the scorpion deadlock for the 3 minute victory. After the match, Sting grabbed the mic, after the fans started a "Speak Sting, Speak!" chant....

    Overall: 74

    Crowd: 75

    Match: 73


    " Woooooooooooooooo!!!! So this is WWF WorldWide, HUH!!! I LOVE IT!!!! YEA!!!!(After pausing to absorb the calls from the fans) This Monday Night!! PRIDE NIGHT!! Summer Slam!! Me and Leeeeeee The Scarrrryyy Undertaker!!! Undertaker!! You can bet I'll be at SummerSlam!! But, Dibiase...RAW...NATIONAL PRIDE DAY?! WHAT'S A PARTY WITHOUT THE STINGER!!??!!! CYA MONDAY, PRESIDENT TEDDY!!!! WWOOOooooooooo!!! 89%

    WWF Worldwide went off the air with Sting playing to the crowd, as the announcers pushed RAW...or NATIONAL PRIDE DAY.....

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Mooney" Well this Monday Night RAW...is a special Monday Night RAW as deemed by President Ted Dibiase...it's National PRIDE night!"

    Dlo" And Sting said he'll be there! I hope he heard Dibiase's warning from earlier tonight!!"

    Mooney" Plus the return of the Brother Love Show...with WWF Champion, Steve Corino!"

    Dlo" Yea!! Good night everybody!!"

    Show Quality: 75%

    TV Rating: 7.57

    Other Shows: Early Evening - WCW Saturday Night - 7.40

    Biggest Complaint: Sean Mooney's announcing

    Behind The Scenes Issues:

    Raw Preview!!


  22. user posted image

    Only 4 Months until Series '97...

    August 12rd, 1997

    Monday Night Raw-

    Channel: USA Network - Prime Time

    Venue: Atlanta Georgia Dome, Atlanta - GA

    Attendance: 12,033

    Announcing Team: Joey Styles & James E. Cornette

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Dave Hebner, Shane McMahon, Jimmy Korderas, Joey Marella, John Finnegan, Jim Mollineaux


    Dave Schmeltzer

    - Hunter McMahon Helmsley Introduces His Third Cousin... -

    Monday Night RAW opened up with Joey Styles going nuts about Sting's WWF arrival. James E. Cornette acted especially annoying by this. As he was running down the card, Tag Teams were on their way to the ring for the 10 team Battle Royal where the winners would recieve a shot at Team H's WWF Tag Team Titles later during the night. Joining Styles on commentary was Hunter McMahon Helmsley. Helmsley announced that he has found a new tag team partner. Helmsley made a comment about him letting his family in on his new found wealth, after becoming the son in law of WWF Announcer Vince McMahon. He then introduced his third cousin on his Mother's Father side...John Kronus Helmsley. Kronus came down wearing expesive clothing just as Helmsely...but his hair as always was unkempt, as Hunter stressed him as being, 'just a regular guy'. The Helmsleys stayed on commentary during the battle royal 'scouting' the tag team scene. 66%

    John Kronus Helmsley gained overness from this segment.

    Battle Royal Team Entrants

    The New Cartel - Alex Porteau & The Brooklyn Brawler

    The Outlaws - Bobby Duncum Jr. & Kendal Windham

    T.R.A.S.H - Brian James & Duke 'The Dumpster' Droese

    DoomED - Koko B. Ware & 'The Natural' Butch Reed

    The Thrillseekers - Chris Jericho & Lance Storm

    Furnas/Lafon - Doug Furnas & Phil Lafan

    Swinger/Diamond - Simond Diamond & Johnny Swinger

    Orient Express - Pat Tanaka & Kato

    The Spacecroppers - Rhyno Starr & Devon STorm

    The Thrillseekers won a 20 man over the top rope battle royal when Lance Storm elimanted Alex Porteau to win the battle royal

    There were a few new faces, including The Brooklyn Brawler, who seemed to have replaced Horowitz in Pritchard's CARTEL team. Jericho & Storm were very impressive here, as Joey Styles pushed them as perhaps the most technically sound tag team in WWF history. Storm won after giving Porteau a stun gun on the top rope, followed with a dropkick that sent Porteau up and over the top rope.

    Overall: 55

    Crowd: 49

    Match: 61


    - The Sarge Gets Fired For 'Crossing The Million Dollar Boss' -

    Coming off of the break, Sgt. Slaughter's music hit to a pretty sizable pop. Since when do announcers get their own ring music? Anyway, Slaughter came out and started running down Dibiase as President and said that he should resign as leader of PRIDE so that he can be an 'honourable' President. At that point, PRIDE'S Japanese music played, as Ted Dibiase, Mike Rotunda, Antonio Inoki, & ECW Champion Jun Akiyama walked down the isle to a huge heel reaction. Dibiase yelled at Slaughter for questioning him. Slaughter, apparently not heeding Dibiase's word asked him if he and PRIDE were afraid of the WWF's newest addition, STING! Dibiase threw a tantrum, yelling;

    Dibiase" STING!? STING?! The WWF President is standing right before you and all you can ask about is, STING? A former tag team specialist is here, in Mike Rotunda, and all you have to ask about is, STING!? Perhaps the greatest mind in all of Japanese Wrestling, and a high ranking WWF Official Antonio Inoki is standing right before you...and all you have to ask about is, STING!! Slaughter!! The current ECW Heavyweight Champion is standing right before you...JUN AKIYAMA!! Perhaps the most underated wrestler in American Wrestling Today!! He can suplex you in thousands of ways! He can make you submit in more ways than most! And he is the ECW Champion!! Yet, all you have to talk about is, Sting?!? That's it Slaughter!! It's come to my attention that you aren't doing a sufficient job as an announcer! You're not asking the questions the people want to hear. Slaughter! You will learn, that It doesn't pay to cross the Million Dollar Boss!!! YOU'RE FIRED!!!"

    With that, Jun Akiyama handed his ECW title over to Inoki, and grabbed Slaughter, teasing the exploder. Inoki, Dibiase, and Rotunda urged Akiyama to go forward and nail Slaughter with the Exploder, which he did moments later, dropping Slaughter on his head. Akiyama then picked him up, threw him into the corner, and nailed him with a charging knee. Finally, PRIDE'S music played, as Inoki raised the hand of the ECW Champion, as Dibiase and Rotunda laughed in the background, leaving a beaten and battered Slaughter laying in the ring, motionless. 93%

    Jun Akiyama gained overness from this segment.

    user posted image

    Jun Akiyama, The ECW Champion helped

    President Ted Dibiase 'fire' Announcer

    Sgt. Slaughter.


    - The Debut Of Avatar -

    Avatar d. The Rock

    Avatar made his in ring debut, which is Al Snow under a mask. Snow wrestled differntly than he had as the Leif Cassidy character, this time concentrating heavily on his martial arts background. The crowd was really into the Avatar character, especially with the current PRIDE craze going on. This presented a face version of the things that PRIDE wrestlers bring to the WWF, which the fans seemed to have liked. The Rock, however, was horrible in selling Avatar's moves, including falling forward after a backwards leg sweep. Nevertheless, Avatar still looked good. I hear they're going to have him do some sort of program with PRIDE after SummerSlam....

    Overall: 70

    Crowd: 75

    Overall: 59

    Don Muraco lost overness from this match. Avatar gained overness from this match. Don Muraco didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating.

    user posted image

    Avatar has made his debut in the WWF.

    This could be trouble in PRIDE'S furture


    Team H d. The Trillseekers - WWF Tag Team Title Match

    All four men worked extremely hard during this match. Styles' pushed this as a great oppurtunity for The Trillseekers to have a shot at the WWF Tag Team Titles, during their first month as 'pros'. Hayabusa and Storm had some great exchanges, along with both trading Dragon Suplex pin combinations, leading to near falls. Final moments of the match came when Hakushi did the tope spot on Jericho..walking on the ropes around the entire circumferance of the ring, while holding Jericho's hand, then jumping off nailing Jericho with his strike off the top rope. Styles freaked out as Hakushi walked on the ropes. Rotunda and Inoki were on the outside of the ring applauding. Hakushi then nailed Jericho with the praying mountain bomb, at 21:33 for the victory, retaining the WWF Tag Titles.

    They had to cut for a commercial break during the match.

    Overall: 75

    Crowd: 55

    Match: 95


    - Bret gets confronted by Owen Hart and His 'Trainers' -

    Coming off the break, Bret Hart's music hit, to a loud pop as he came strolling to the ring. Bret took the mic and 'warned' Bob Backlund & The Iron Sheik not to trust Owen Hart. Hart based this on the idea that Owen would turn on his own brother to get to the top, and--in turn...would do the same to anyone else once he got to where he wanted to be. At this point, The Iron Sheik's music hit as stood in the front of the curtain with Bob Backlund. Sheik, unfortunatley, had the mic and started yelling at Bret in pretty bad English. As he was talking, Owen was sneaking up behind Bret, emerging from the crowd...But this time Bret was ready. Keeping alert by watching on the Titan-Tron, Bret turned around just in time and clocked Owen in the head, just as he was going in for the attack. The Iron Sheik & Bob Backllund, then charged the ring but was met by a double clothesline by Bret. Hitman got a huge pop for taking out 3 men at once. After getting a few more punches on his enemies, Bret yelled, whence returning to the back, "SummerSlam, Owen!! You won't be my brother!! You'll be just another opponent!!"


    - Zeus Scouts The Champion -

    Sabu d. The Dark Patriot - WWF Intercontinental Championship

    I think this was somewhat of a test, to see if Dark Patriot can put on a good match with Sabu...since they seem to be toying with a 3 way dance for the SummerSlam Intercontinental Title match, pitting Sabu

    against Zeus , & Dark Patriot. Sabu won with the triple jump moonsault at 9:33. After the match, Zeus emerged from the curtain, with his usual menacing look, being held back by Sabu. Dark Patriot, throwing a tantrum, had to be held back by Bruce Pritchard, while Sabu, at the same time, was being restrained from running after Zeus by Paulie Dangerously. Since Paulie was around, there were alot of Sting 'Woooooooo' calls from the crowd.

    Overall: 78

    Crowd: 81

    Match: 72


    - Sting Arrives, And Takes Out The Insane Clown Posse -

    The Insane Clown Posse d. Jacques Rougeau & Jeff Jarrett

    Cornette had a really funny line here that was ignored by Styles saying about the wrestlers in the ring;

    "Styles, I never thought I'd see a Canadian Police Officer and a failed Country Singer teaming up against two Pyscopathic Clowns!"

    The crowd was really into this mediocre match, especially because of the Anvil at ringside screaming instructions to the top of his lungs from the outside of his ring. Final moments of the match came at 9:33 when Violent J nailed Rougeau with the goulintine leg drop off the top rope....

    Right after their victory, the lights went out, and Sting's music began to play. The crowd started to go nuts. After about 1 minute of darkness and Sting's music, Paulie Dangerously's soundbite from last week's RAW played; "THIS IS STING!" With that, the lights came back on, as Sting rushed down to the ring, and started pounding on Shaggy 2 Dope. Violent J attacked Sting from behind...but Sting no-sold J's strikes, and took his head off with a lariat. Sting then took turns giving Shaggy 2 Dope and Violent J the Stinger Splash on different turnbuckles. After he was done, he took the mic, grabbed Jim Neidhart and yelled; "Tell The Undertaker that the Stinger's here!! And I'm waiting to hear his answer to my challenge!! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!"

    Sting then left, by hopping into the stands and being mobbed by the fans.

    Overall: 79

    Crowd: 87

    Match: 61


    - Dibiase Announces Stan Hansen's Challenger For His GWF Heavyweight Title -

    The Sandman & Terrific Terry Taylor d. Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Stan Hansen

    The match started off really slow, but turned into a no tag zone match within minutes. Final moments of the match came when Tenzan missed his top rope headbutt aiming for the Sandman...Sandman then took out Hansen, while Taylor raced to the top rope and nailed Tenzan with his signature knee drop off the top rope. Sandman and Taylor drank a few beers in the ring, to a huge pop while Hansen attended to Tenzan. The crowd started up a 'Check His Knee!' comical chant in support of Taylor. Styles' described this as the fans, finally accepting Taylor as a strong WWF contender. Either that, or they were making fun of his finisher.


    Returning off break, Tenzan was still in the ring selling Terry Taylor's knee drop. He was still being attended to by Hansen. Ted Dibiase stormed down to the ring, and pushed Hansen away, so that he could check out Tenzan. Hansen, pushed Dibiase back, which got a sensible pop from the crowd. Dibiase then grabbed the mic;

    Dibiase" Hansen, you witless oak!! Look what you did!! If you were faster in getting to your feet, you could've saved Tenzan from getting hit in the face with that Knee Drop!! That's it!! That's it!! Because of what you've done...you opponent at SummerSlam for that GWF Heavyweight Title is...HIROYOSHI TENZAN!!!"

    Dibiase then helped Tenzan up and to the back, leaving Hansen in the ring, standing around like a loaf. Styles on commentary kept pushing the idea, that Dibiase shouldn't have treated a legend like that, and that Dibiase is out of control as WWF President.

    Overall: 83

    Crowd: 91

    Match: 65

    Stan Hansen's turn was completed, and he is now a face. Stan Hansen lost overness from this turn.


    - Sting Saves Horowitz, and meets Face To Face with The Prince Of Prime Time -

    The Undertaker d. Barry Horowitz

    It's amazing to see Barry Horowitz on the last match of Monday Night RAW. The fans are really into him and now accept him as a WWF Trademark Wrestler. Undertaker beat him in 8:33 with the chokeslam...

    After his victory, Paul Bearer went into the ring with the bodybag...it looked like they were about to send Horowitz to the Carnival, as they say. But at this point, Sting stormed down to the ring tackling the Undertaker down. The two scuffled for a bit, until 'Taker swirmed to the outside. Sting then attended to Horowitz who was halfway in the bodybag. Paul Bearer was on the outside with The Undertaker and was holding him back by pulling on the back of his hair. Sting, helped up Horowitz, grabbed the mic, and yelled at Undertaker face to face....

    "I'm not afraid of you 'Taker!! I've been to the darkside and back; many times!!! Are you ready for the Stinger!! Summerslam 1997!!! 15 foot high Steel Cage!!!"

    Overall: 79

    Crowd: 87

    Match: 63

    The Undertaker lost overness from this segment.

    - Paul Bearer Shows 'The Stinger Bag' -

    Paul Bear released the Undertaker's hair once it was 'ok' and grabbed a mic. He unfolded anoter Bodybag that he had...on it...A picture of a Scorpion. Obviously representing Sting... He then started to talk in his ghoulish voice...

    Paul Bearer

    " Ohhhhhh Yessssss!!! Ohhhhh Yesssss!! Sting!! You have your match at SummerSlam!! You'll have your cage match!! But remember Sting...your place in the Dark Carnival has been prepared!! (He unfolds the Bodybag) Sting...you may think that you have all the answers! You may think that you understand the Dark Carnival!! But you don't!! You don't understand the Darkside!! You don't know about the Dark Carnival!! But at Summerslam...you'll understand it all...whether you want to...or not!! Ohhhhhhh Yesssssss!!!!!

    Paul Bearer then held up the urn to the Undertaker, leading him to the back. Sting stood in the ring smiling, mouthing; "Ohh Yeaaa, I wannna know it all...", as Monday Night RAW went off the air.


    The Undertaker lost overness from this segment.

    Show Quality: 78%

    TV Rating: 8.00

    Other Shows: Head to Head, Monday Nitro - 7.88

    Biggest Complaint: Slaughter Taking Bumps

    Behind The Scenes Issues:

    WWF Worldwide

    --WWF Champion Steve Corino Will Be Live and In Action!!

    --The Debut Of The Helmsley's

    --Owen Hart vs. Diesel

    --Mr. Perfect In Action!!

    --Sting Makes His WWF In Ring Debut!!!!

  23. user posted image

    Only 4 Months until Series '97...

    August 10rd, 1997

    WWF Worldwide Saturday Nights-

    Channel: FOX

    Venue: Moxfurous Arena, Chicago IL

    Attendance: 11034

    Announcing Team: Sean Mooney & D'Lo Brown

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Shane McMahon, Earl Hebner, Charles Robinson, Jim Mollineaux, John Finnegan


    Dave Schmeltzer

    Sean Mooney opened up WWF WorldWide talking about Sting's arrival in the WWF. He was joined by newcomer, D'Lo Brown on commentary, who was recently called up from the GWF. He also pushed footage from a 'WWF Spotlight with Vince McMahon' footage that would be shown later on tonight. Apparently, both Mr. Perfect & Steve Corino had some sort of altercation.

    Don Frye d. Pat Tanaka

    These two had quite alot of mat work, as Don Frye was pushed hard by Mooney as being a product of the shootfighting world. Frye won with the arm and leg submission hold. It's always fun hear Mooney try to call a wrestling match without knowning the proper names of the holds. They spent this match pretty much just talking about Sting's RAW debut.

    Overall: 53

    Crowd: 35

    Match: 71

    Pat Tanaka lost overness from this match. Don Frye gained overness from this match.

    - Big Dick Gets To Diamond -

    Simond Diamond & Johnny Swinger d. Bobby Duncum Jr. & Kendall Whindam

    Diamond and Swinger won this match in 8:33. After the match Diamond grabbed the mic and praised Johnny Swinger for his great dancing. The idea is that Diamond discovered Swinger 'working', at a gay nightclub. Mooney kept asking; "I wonder how Diamond found him?" D'lo kept responding, "Don't ask, don't tell, Mooney!", I guess explaing the angle in their own little way. While Swinger was dancing, Big Dick Dudley came down the isle, with little Spike Dudley, and stood right behind Diamond as he was praising Swinger. Big Dick Dudley then gave Diamond his spinning chokeslam, then left with Little Spike, who was celebrating with the fans on his way back. Swinger was too into his Dancing to realise any of this, until a referee stopped him from dancing, long after the Dudley's had aready left, and Diamond was already laid out. He carried Diamond out of the ring.

    Overall: 52

    Crowd: 40

    Match: 64


    - Sandman Challenges Stan Hansen -

    Eric Bischoff was backstage with the Sandman, getting a nice pop from the crowd. Eric asked Sandman if he could believe that Sting was in the WWF. Sandman said it was great to have Sting in the WWF, and that he would show his support by starting the WWF's fighting back against PRIDE, by challenging Stan Hansen to a GWF Title Match tommorow night on RAW. Sandman's always good on the interviews, but even the WorldWide crowd was turned off when he challenged Hansen, who's almost immobile at this point in his career. 79%

    The Sandman lost overness from this segment.


    Papa Shango d. The Big Bossman

    Good ol' Papa Shango has been getting alot more over due to his involvment in the whole Dark Carnival angle. He took some killer bumps during the whole Space Cropper debut, which got the crowd into him alot more. Shango also bulked up more, during the last few months. Shango won after powering Big Bossman into the shoulderbreaker finisher for the cover. Mooney made a big deal about Shango's power, calling it 'unhuman', and linking it to Shango's voodoo. Dlo wondered if Shango could get Sting up like that.

    Overall: 69

    Crowd: 73

    Match: 63

    Papa Shango gained overness from this match.

    New Jack d. 'The Natural' Butch Reed

    It looks like The whole Doom E.D. team is done with, as Reed was on his own, without either Koko B. Ware , his partner, or Slick. There is some talk that if the WWF does not bring in a new manager, Slick may bring in Booker T & Stevie Ray, Ebony Experience, who are getting great reports from the GWF Developement territory--well, Booker T in general. New Jack won with a top rope elbow.

    Overall: 70

    Crowd: 72

    Match: 68


    Hunter McMahon Helmsley d. Jeff Jarrett

    They are now billing Helmsley as the son-in-law of WWF Announcer, Vince McMahon. For the first time in his career, he was without Jimmy Hart, who has signed with 21CW after his WWF release. Helmsley won with the pedigree at 13:22 of a pretty good match with Double J, who is stuck with doing his face country singer gimmick after his unsuccessful heel run with the now, pretty much defunct Kings Court. I wonder how, Hunter McMahon Helmsley's character will now be effected. It looks like their building Hunter as a wrestler who 'suddenley' became Rich after becoming an inlaw to the announcer Vince McMahon. To show off his wealth, he was accompanied by a 19 year old GWF prospect simply called, The Butler. I guess, hence him being Helmsley's butler. They kept refering to Helmsley as a 'Tag Team Specialist' so it looks like they'll keep him to Tag Team work.

    Overall: 78

    Crowd: 79

    Match: 76


    Mike Barton d. Jacques 'The Mountie' Rougeau

    These two had a pretty good match here, as they seem to be building Barton up for bigger and better things. Barton was joined with Rotunda, at ringside, who interfered many times in the match. Mooney pushed the idea that the referee couldn't do anything to combat Rotunda since he was a 'high ranking WWF official'. Barton won with the Death Valley Driver at 9:23. After the match, the announcers teased this 'footage' from WWF Spotlight.

    Overall: 76

    Crowd: 79

    Match: 70

    Jacques 'Mountie' Rougeau lost overness from this match. Mike Barton gained overness from this match.


    - Mr. Perfect Takes A Look at Steve Corino's WWF Career -

    They then take us to a segment from Thursday's, 'WWF Spotlight with Vince McMahon', where Mr. Perfect was his special guest host. When he arrived in the studio, Perfect said that he was going to take a 'special look' into the career of the current WWF Champion, Steve Corino. Perfect showed what were his ideas of embarrassing or 'unimpressive' footage of Corino. First he showed him entering the WWF as an announcer, and showed him hugging Vince. Ahh. Memories. Next, Perfect showed a series of clips from Steve Corino as apart of the Four Horsemen. Almost during each clip, Perfect said;

    "Ok...there ya see me & Tully Blanchard...The Perfect Team...and WWF Tag Team Champions...there of course is Ric Flair, WWF Champion..oh..and there's Steve Corino...in the background...clapping..."

    Corino, who was upstairs in the same building, came to the studio, with Jack Victory, yelling at Vince and Perfect. Corino said that Perfect was 'just jealous, that he became what Perfect never did in his career--WWF Champion. This led to a small scuffle, leading McMahon to flee the area to get help. I like the referance to the history between these two. Too bad Flair's got a broken leg. He would've been a great addition to this angle. But then again, with Flair involved in the storyline, his focus should be on the Belt...not helping someone else win it i.e. Brutus Beefcake.


    Owen Hart & The Iron Sheik d. The Lightning Kid & The Rock

    Owen Hart and The Iron Sheik is quite a funny site...on that I never thought that I'd ever see. The Kid was in for a short while, and completely had his way with Owen..however when he tagged out to The Rock, the tables quickly turned. Finals of the match came when all hell broke loose, or "all heck", as Sean Mooney would say...and all four men were in the ring. In minutes, Iron Sheik had The Rock in The Camel Clutch and Owen Hart had The Lightning Kid in the Sharpshooter. Referee Dave Hebner called for the bell after, The Rock, the legal man submitted to Iron Sheik's 'legendary' clutch. After the match was over, Iron Sheik, made Owen Hart put the Lightning Kid back in the sharpshooter, urging him on, by yelling and screaming like only The Iron Sheik Can, to continue applying the hold and put more pressure. There was a funny 'Where's your Camel' sign directed at Sheik which made TV.

    Overall: 74

    Crowd: 77

    Match: 68

    Don Muraco lost overness from this match. The Iron Shiek gained overness from this match.


    - The King says he doesn't Plan To Retire -

    After the break, Jesse Ventura was being showed 'via sattellite from Jerry 'The King' Lawler's 'Royal Palace' in Memphis, Tennessee, which was code for 'his house'. Ventura congratulated the King on 'patching things up with his son', and added that it would be heart-breaking to see Lawler forced to retire from the ring, just weeks after he reunited with his son. Lawler promised that he wasn't going to loose his retirement match against Beefcake at SummerSlam, and that he was the won that was going to do the cutting down. He promised that he would "Cut Beefcake's career short, as well" 87%

    Brutus Beefcake d. The Dark Patriot

    Beefcake has a new jacket that reads "BarberTude '97". He defeated Patriot in 6:33, with the sleeper hold. He tried to then remove the Dark Patriot's mask, so that he can give him a haircut, but was saved by Patriot's manager, Bruce Pritchard. Pritchard yelled at The Dark Patriot on the way to the back. Are they teasing breaking Pritchard and Patriot up? And if so...wouldn't that then mean that Pritchard's only wrestler that he has is Alex Porteau?

    Overall: 71

    Crowd: 80

    Match: 51

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Mooney" Thanks for joining us on WWF WorldWide, RAW is in just a few days!!"

    Dlo" That's right, Mooney! It's been great! My first WWF WorldWide..what great action!"

    Mooney" Sting will be on RAW tommorow, How will the Dark Carnival react!? How will Dibiase react!?"

    Dlo" SummerSlam is just a few weeks away! Wow!!"

    Show Quality: 69%

    TV Rating: 7.57

    Other Shows:

    Early Evening; WCW Saturday Night 7.33

    Biggest Complaint: Sean Mooney's announcing

    Behind The Scenes Issues:

    WWF Raw Preview!! A Night Of Champions!!

    --How Will The Dark Carnival & Ted Dibiase react to STING!? What are Sting's Monday Night Raw Plans?!

    --WWF World Title Match!!!

    Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake vs. 'The King Of Old School' Steve Corino

    --Tag Team Challenge

    *Stan Hansen (GWF Champion) & Hiroyoshi Tenzan vs. The Sandman & 'Terrific' Terry Taylor

    --ECW Title Match--

    Jun Akiyama (Champion) vs. Jacques 'The Mountie' Rougeau

    --WWF Tag Team Battle Royal; The Winners Get a Title Shot on The Same Night!!

    --Plus...Hunter McMahon Helmsley debuts his New Tag Team Partner!!

    --And Much Much More!!

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