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Posts posted by ChuBalso

  1. user posted image

    Only 4 Months until Series '97...

    August 4rd, 1997

    Monday Night Raw-

    Channel: USA Network - Prime Time

    Venue: Atlanta, GA

    Attendance: 12,088

    Announcing Team: Joey Styles & James E. Cornette

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Dave Hebner, Shane McMahon, Jimmy Korderas, Joey Marella, John Finnegan, Jim Mollineaux


    Dave Schmeltzer

    The WWF had to combat the WCW arrival of Max Moon to WCW, slated for the same night. Suprsingly, this RAW had constant footprints of Heyman writing all over it, with the constant referances to WCW, GCG, and even The ECA. But then again, this was Heyman's night.

    - Brian Christopher Doesn't Like His Haircut -

    Monday Night Raw opened up this week with Joey Styles in the ring as always, to his 'Oh My Gawd' chant. After he ran down the show he introduced Brian Christopher, who was wearing a ski-hat. Styles asked him why he was wearing a ski-hat...Christopher responded by showing the footage from SIM of Brutus Beefcake clipping his hair after the 6 man tag main event. The crowd was digging into Christopher, like I've only seen when Christopher just started out in the USWA. His heat was soon ruined by Brutus Beefcake, who strutting down the ring with his sheers in hand to a nice pop to his music. Styles held the mic up to Beefcake, while Christopher was having a tantrum trying to calm down the fans....

    Beefcake" Hey, Mr. Christopher!! If ya gotta problem with the Barber...Then ya can take it up with him...in The Barber Shop...That is my ring....ring here in Atlanta, Georgia!!!"

    Christopher (After his fit is completed) " FINE!!! You want a match against, The Sexiest Young Hustler in the WWF!! (Crowd booes) Well ya got it Barber man!! I'll see you tonight!!"

    Christopher leaves the ring, as Beefcake plays to the crowd, including jokingly grabbing Joey Styles to give him a 'haircut'. The WWF has alot of high hopes for the young, 25 year old Brian Christopher. But whether or not he can achieve the success as his father, Jerry 'The King' Lawler is another question. 66%

    Brian Christopher lost overness from this segment. Brutus Beefcake lost overness from this segment.

    The Space Croppers (Rhyno Starr & Devon Storm) d. The Super Destroyers

    Space Croppers had their debut held off until they returned to the states. They looked to be in top form, also. Finals came when they nailed Super Destroyer #1 with the Asteroid Blast, that is, a Devon STorm Atomic Drop, straight into a Rhyno Storm charging spear. After the match, Paulie Dangerously came into the ring, rooting on The Space Croppers, then grabbed the mic....And I guess held it until they got out of advert breaks. Paulie was holding the February 1997 issue of Pro Wrestling Illustrated, in his hand, that had a picture of The Dark Patriot and Dustin Rhodes on the cover (The two biggest stars of WWF and WCW at that time), with the headline reading, Dream Matches Of 1997.

    Overall: 56

    Crowd: 45

    Match: 68


    - Dangerously Promises The Ringmaster Jim NeidHart A Huge Suprise -

    Paulie Dangerously was standing in the ring to a nice 'Paulie' chant. Tommy Carculli, production guy was seen on camera, giving Paulie the cue to talk on about 10 seconds later.

    Dangerously" About 5 months ago, a faction formed like not other...that faction is callled, The Dark Carnival!! Insane Clown Posse, Papa Shango--led by the sick and dabiocal trio of Ringmaster Jim Neidhart, The Undertaker, & Paul Bearer!! The leaders of the cult if you will! And needless to say, the WWF has never been the same!! No one has been able to pin the Undertaker...no one has been able to stop these constant abductions of WWF Superstars! And then...just last month...Ted Dibiase not only takes control of that Japanese Group--PRIDE--but he also becomes President, by bribing Mike Barton from being Al Snow's tag partner...leading Mike Barton to win this year's King Of The Ring Tournament. The WWF has never been in such grave state! The WWF Superstars, such as The Sandman, Terry Taylor, Sabu--we have tried to thwart the efforts of Dibiase and Neidhart--but..WE NEED HELP!!! Help is here!! You see...I did a little emergancey searching! As some of you may know, I used to also manage at a place that everyone knows of...WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING!! (Crowd breaks into constant booes, leading into a 'WCW SUX' chant. There are however some people cheering, as this was Atlanta.) And I've made alot of enemies there...I know...but I also made MANY friends. And tonight--(Dangerously now holds up the 'PWI Magazine'--headlinded "Dream Matches Of 1997")--I bring a friend! I bring a superstar! I bring someone who comes here for The Phenom!! For The Prince Of Prime Time!! For The Undertaker!! Tonight...I bring---"

    *Dangerously is interupted by The Dark Carnival's music...ICP's "House Of Mirrors". Out comes Ringmaster Jim Neidhart, accompanied by what looks to be the return of WWF Jobber, Damien Demento. Wow, suprises me that the WWF still had his phone number. I guess he simply fit the role. Neidhart got in the ring, and starting screaming like a psychopath as always.

    Neidhart (shouting) " Dangerously!!! I told you once!! I told you twice!!! And now I'm telling you again!! Don't interfere with the Carnival!! Don't interfere with Shangrila!!! Don't interfere with The Undertaker!! You...The Sandman...Terry Taylor...you'd better do as all of these other stupid mortals out here (crowd booes), and you sit back...and watch The Dark Carnival bring the weak into the light! Let The Carnival cleanse the WWF without interfer--"

    Dangerously" WOULD YOU SHUT THE HELL UP!! (Crowd bursts into cheering and laughing) For weeks I've listened to you yell and scream about death, this Carnival crap...and I've watched you and your sick cult end the career of many WWF Superstars!! Tony Halme!! Demolition!! Hawk!! Just last week...Harvey Wipplemann. The list goes on and on! I've had enough...and so have all of these people!! Tonight--EVERYTHING CHANGES!!!"

    With that, Paulie Dangerously leaves the ring, followed by Rhyno Starr & Devon Storm, who were still in the ring from winning their match. Neidhart's face once again was priceless as he watched with rage, constantly pulling on his goetee, as Paulie walked to the back. Paulie once again held up the issue of Pro Wrestling Illustrated, headlined 'Dream Matches of 1997', screaming "Page 53!! Page 53!! It's over for The Carnival!!"

    Cornette on commentary was pretty funny here, urging Joey Styles to "make himself useful, and find out whats on page 53 of that Magazine."



    Flexx Kavanna d. Rick Steiner

    Good RAW match here. The announcers were painting Steiner as a seasoned veteran, against the 'young rookie', Kavanna--setting up the upset. Steiner was especially stiff during this match--I guess making Kavanna pay his dues. Finally, Kavanna blocked Steiner's belly to belly, and suprised him with The Kavanna Krush {Rock Bottom}, for the upset. After his victory, Kavanna went nuts in the ring, getting his first singles victory on Monday Night RAW.

    Overall: 64

    Crowd: 58

    Match: 71

    Rick Steiner lost overness from this match. Flex Kavanna gained overness from this match.

    - PRIDE Demands To Find Out What's on Page 53 of that Magazine -

    They send us to the back, where Sandman is suprisingly talking to Barry Horowitz. We hear the bitter end of their conversation until they are interrupted by, Road Agent, Mike Rotunda, Mike Barton & GWF World Champion, STan Hansen. Hansen was huffing just from walking fast...

    Sandman"...and that's why I think that you can stop your loosing ways...if you ditch that looser, Bruce Pritchard!"

    Sandman and Horowitz shake hands to a nice pop, until Mike Rotunda, Barton, and Hansen appear on Camera, laughing at Sandman and Horowitz.

    Rotunda (To Horowitz) " Didn't you loose a match to the Warlord once? Hehe. That's pathetic "

    Barton" So..you've recruited another one, eh? First the Red Rooster...now Mr. 'Pat on The Back' Barry Horowitz. Now...you listen to me Drunkman!! What does Dangerously have up his sleave!?!"

    Sandman" Hey...(Sarcastically) 'Iron' Mike. I know nothing! I do know of a certain man who didn't deserve to be King Of The Ring, this year, though. And that's YOU!!"

    Rotunda" We don't have time for your whining, Sandman! What's in that magazine!! What's on page 53?!"

    Sandman" Hey, you're just gonna have to ask Dangerously, yourself, Tax Boy. I don't know!"

    Barton" Yea...well maybe you'll know this!"

    Barton then nailed Sandman with his Solid Right Hand, while Hansen struck Horowitz with the GWF Title. The two proceeded to stomp on Sandman and Horowitiz until, Rotunda stopped them, saying...

    "Looks like the President Of this Company is going to have to get involved. Tell Dibiase to meet me in the ring, guys..."

    Hansen was extremely slow during the attack. Whether it's because he'd rather be wrestling, or because his body just can't take anymore is uncertain. 71%

    Barry Horowitz's turn was completed, and he is now a face. Barry Horowitz gained overness from this turn. The Sandman lost overness from this segment. Stan Hansen lost overness from this segment. Barry Horowitz lost overness from this segment.


    - Dibiase Demands Some Answers -

    Mike Rotunda was already in the ring after the break and introduced, "The Million Dollar Boss, President Ted Dibiase... Dibiase threw a fit, yelling, "Paul Dangerously, YOU BRING ME THAT MAGAZINE, AND YOU BRING IT TO ME NOW!!! I'm the President!! And I said to get down here right now!!"

    With that, Paulie Dangerously came down the isle to a huge pop, once again. There was a 'Come Back To WCW Paul E.' sign that was purposefully shown on camera. Wow..Vince McMahon must really be worried about loosing steam to WCW with all of the WCW referances. Oddly enough, at this same time...WCW debuted on Nitro, Max Moon...or...in his new WCW gimmick 'Moon Max'. Dangerously did not have the magazine with him.

    Dibiase" DANGEROUSLY!! I told you to bring me that [bleep]-Damned Magazine!! When I tell you to do something, YOU DO IT!! I think I've already proved to you in the past--That it doesn't pay, to cross the Million Dollar Boss!! Now you turn around...get that magazine...open to page 53...and bring it back here and show me who you've got coming into MY WWF!"

    Dangerously" Dibiase...in case you forgot...I don't do what people tell me to do--I never have, and I never will!!"

    **The two were nose to nose...the crowd was into this confrontation every bit of the way. Finally, Dibiase stepped back...regained his cool, and tried to guess as to who Paulie's 'surprise' was...**

    Dibiase" Mwhahahaha!! Fine!! So I'll just have to guess? You mention that that you used to work in WCW...a place that I never did...and I never will work!! When I was gone from the WWF...after holding the WWF Title for over a year..I might add--I went to Japan, and found more great superstars to make up PRIDE! So...getting back on track...you say that you've made 'friends' there!! Well, who is it!! What 'friend' did you call to help you, Dangerously!! Is it...is it...Arn Anderson!?! Once part of your Un-Dangerous Alliance!! Hahaha!!"

    Dangerously" NO...It's not Arn Anderson!"

    Dibiase" Mwahahah. Oh yea...He's about to retire soon...I forgot. (Crowd booed the Double A knock)...Is it..is it...Stunning Steve Austin!? The Master Of The Stun Gun? Another one of your boyfriends from that miserable company?! Or...it's Catcus Jack? The man who can't wrestle, so he just throws himself all over the ring? Mwhahahahahaa!"

    Dangerously" No...No...It's not Stunning Steve. And it's not Catcus Jack, either!"

    Dibiase" Mwahahaha..Oh yea...They would never make it in the WWF, anyway. Is it...wait...It's Shawn Michaels isn't it?! You got Shawn to leave WCW and return to the WWF, didn't you?"

    Dangerously" No...I'm not as much as a fan of Boy Toys as much as you may be, Dibiase!"

    Dibiase" Very Funny, Dangerously. Hmmmm. I got it!! It's the Commisioner Of WCW. Harley Race!! Harley Race...the former WWF King is back in the WWF!!"

    Dangerously" No...it's not the WCW Commisioner either!"

    Dibiase (Fustrated)" Well then, who the hell is it!! Who is it!! Tell me!! I demand to knoow!!"

    Dangerously" What's the matter, Teddy? Are you worried that The Dark Carnival will no longer be able to spread their terror in the WWF without retaliation...from the staff, or Wrestlers? Or...I got it...you're worried that you'll know longer be able to protect PRIDE! Are you worried that, Stan Hansen may loose his GWF Title? Are you worried that Jun Akiyama may loose the ECW Title! Are you worried that Team H may have their WWF Tag Team Title reign jeapordized?! Dibiase...one thing is for sure...that beginning tonight...This Battle between you and I...HAS JUST BECOME A WAR!!!"

    Where have I heard that before? Paulie left the ring to a huge pop as Dibiase and Rotunda stood in the ring seemingly worried about what...or who...was to come. 90%


    - Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart (And The Camel) -

    Coming off the break, Bret Hart's music hit to a huge pop. It amazes me how much Bret has remained over with the fans, despite having the worst luck when it comes to in ring confrontations. Bret got straight down to business yelling;

    "Owen!! I heard that you were gonna call me out!! I heard that you don't want to wait until SummerSlam '97...Then let's do this right here, in Atlanta, Georgia!! You want me!! YOu want your brother in a match!! Well...YOU GOT IT!!"

    With that, Owen Hart's music hit, as Owen hit the ring, taking his time. Once in the ring, Owen sqared off with Bret, and the two locked up, to a very hot crowd. However, within minutes, the crowd's attention was directed toward the curtain, as their was a figure riding a camel to the ring. Upon closer look, it was, former WWF Champion, The Iron Sheik! Is THIS how Vince Russo & JJ Dillon planned to combat Max Moon debuting on Nitro? Anyway, once he got near the ring, 57 year old Iron Sheik got in the ring and pounded Bret Hart from behind. Owen Hart raised his hand in excitement as it seemed like this was all part his plan. Sheik gave Hitman a couple of wierd looking stiff forearms, then locked him in the Camel Clutch, while Owen yelled into the microphone;

    Owen Hart

    " Hahah That's right!! You see, Bret Hart was trained in our Father's crummy basement...but I'm trained by two WWF Greats!! They've been in classic battles with each other..and years later...they have come together to mentor the greatest Hart of them all! Ladies and gentleman...yes...Mr. Bob Backlund...this man...right here...WWF Great, The Iron Sheik!!!

    Owen taunted the crowd as The Sheik kept Hart in the Camel Clutch. Sheik, from what I understand was in a non-wrestling role in ECA, and was recently released a few weeks ago. I don't know if he'll be wrestling, but I do like the historical link with Owen's mentor Bob Backlund, to get Owen even more over than he already is.... 75%

    Bret Hart lost overness from this segment. The Iron Shiek gained overness from this segment.

    user posted image

    57 year old, Iron Sheik, has returned to

    the World Wrestling Federation, as Owen Hart's

    2nd Mentor.


    Stan Hansen d. Terry Taylor - GWF Heavyweight Title

    Taylor was sporting a new Robe that read, "Simply Terrific", I guess made by whoever made Mr. Perfect's out of ring Jacket. Hansen was especially slow in this match also. Luckily Taylor was able to keep the crowd into it, with his newfound popularity. Final moments of the match came after Taylor missed his knee drop, Hansen then clobbered him with the lariat

    Overall: 77

    Crowd: 86

    Match: 57

    The GWF World title has lost image.

    - Father and Son Re-United -

    Brutus Beefcake d. Brian Christopher by DQ

    Christopher did what he could to try to keep the crowd into it. Christopher wore a ski hat whole time, fearing that his hair would be 'seen' by the crowd. Biggest pop came at 7:33 when Beefcake got on offense, and pulled off Christopher's hat. His hair, was just a bit uneven, but he acted as if he were bald. Final moments of the match came when Brutus Beefcake got Christopher in the sleeper...Out of the stands came Jerry 'The King' Lawler, to the rescue of his son. The referee called for the bell disqualifying Lawler. Christopher and Lawler then had a stand off, as the last image of these two that WWF fans had in their minds, is BC being introduced as The Million Dollar Kid in 1994, during the classic Dibiase-Lawler feud. However, within seconds the two hugged to getting the expected heel reaction from the crowd. Beefcake got up and broke up the hugging, but lost the battle due to the rule of the numbers game. Lawler gave Beefcake his special stump Piledriver, while Christopher followed with the Tenessee Jam off the top rope. Beefcake sold both moves as if he broke his neck....

    Overall: 72

    Crowd: 79

    Crowd: 58


    - Dangerously Discusses PWI's Page 53 -

    Coming off of the break, Paulie Dangerously comes out, accompanied by The Sandman, The Space Croppers, WWF I-C Champion Sabu, & 'Terrific' Terry Taylor Styles pushed the other superstars' presence (besides Sabu) as being part of their 'coming to the WWF's support'. Paulie talked about PWI's February 1997 issue before opening up to Page 53, and introducing Sting to the World Wrestling Federation.

    Paulie Dangerously

    " In February of 1997, Pro Wrestling Illustrated ran an special article about, Wrestling's Most Often Talked About Dream Matches! Lets take a look at some of them... #1: WWF' Steve Corino vs. WCW's Keiji Mutoh!! (The crowd starts going nuts) No, no...Keiji Mutoh is not here. There are many others...#45; GCG'S Kurt Angle vs. WWF's Don Frye, a newcomer here in the WWF...and I know that Angle is some sort of Olympian or something... (He continues to flip throught the pages). Here's another good one, #6; Sabu-WWF I-C Champion vs. Shane Douglas-WCW U.S Champion,...Oh look, Sabu's in two...#11; WWF's SAbu vs. WCW's Kensuki Sasaki...Ok..ok..well the list goes on and on. But...you see there's one that got my attention...There's one that made me say to myself..'I have to make this one happen'. For me--for the fans...and most importantly...For the Very Foundation of the WWF!

    (He opens up to page 53 It's a picture of WCW's Sting and WWF's Undertaker...)

    This one...#2!!!! The Dark Carnival's leader...The Undertaker! Against WCW's STING!!

    (The crowd erupts, as Paulie makes a 'yes' nod to the crowd....)

    So without any further ado...Ladies and gentleman, for the first time in his career, in a ring other than WCW...ladies and gentleman, THIS....IS...STING!!!!"

    With that...the house lights went out and spotlights began to shine all over the curtains. Finally Sting came out, to music that I dare say was very similiar to "Guile's Stage" in Street Fighter II, getting a huge pop. The announcers mentioned that Sting has never wrestled for any other promotion other than WCW...making his depature from WCW and arrival in WWF seem that much more important. This, has come as a huge shock to many insiders...especially since Sting, at the time of his WCW release was right behind Hogan in being the most over man in WCW (over=99). Sting got the ring, and was handed the mic by Paulie Dangerously....


    - Sting's first words, in a WWF Ring -

    Sting stood in the ring, to a huge 'Sting' chant from the Atlanta crowd. They also spent alot of time doing the 'Wooooo' taunt/scream that Sting is known for. Sting delivered quite a solid promo, which was half shoot, and half promo, for what seems to be part of the double Main Event for SummerSlam '97; Sting vs. The Undertaker. For the record, Sting was not fired by WCW, he simply didn't resign, which meant that his part about talking about his WCW contract could be mostly true.



    (At this point, the camera focuses in on a few 'Welcome To WWF Sting' signs, that I guess were from people who knew of Sting's signing with the WWF from phone hotlines, or internet reports...)

    Ya know...alot of names was thrown out here, by Dibiase, and alot in this magazine. WCW Champ, Arn Anderson..., Great Muta, Shawn Michaels, Shane Douglas, Dustin Rhodes, Cactus Jack---WOW!! But ya see THAT'S WHY I'M HERE!! COZ' I BEAT'EM ALL!!! My contract was up, last week...after I...beat Shawn Michaels...I might add. (Crowd cheers the subtle knock at a WCW Main Eventer)

    So they say, 'Stinger!!...How'd ya like to sign with us for another 3 years!!? But...I say 'No Way Jack!! They're ain't NO COMPETITION!! So a couple of days later...I'm sitting...In the Stinger's lair!!...when MY STINGER-PHONE RINGS! It's my good friend...PAUL E. DANGEROUSLY!...and that's two words--'Paul E. Dangerously'.. (Says Sting as he winks to Dangerously)..He says to me...'STINGER!!! I know you're not working now...but I'd like to ask you a question!! Have you ever read that Feb '97 issue of PWI?' Of course, I did read it. And I've been thinking about it for a long time!! #2!!! Dream Match! The fans wanna see Sting vs. The Undertaker!! Then Paulie brought me up to date, and told me what was going on here in the WWF, with this whole Dark Carnival deal, and asked me if I'd like to come to the WWF to help him out!! And I said...'WOW!! COMPETITION!! WOW!! THE WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION!! Hell yea you can count me in!!!

    (Sting pauses, as the crowd starts up a 'Sting' chant once again.)

    So, Undertaker! 'Phenom!! From what I understand, I'm here just in time for...yea...SUMMERSLAM!!! Lets make this Dream Match come true, Undertaker!! You and me!! One on one...in...a 15 FOOT HIGH STEEL CAGE!!

    (The crowd erupts once again. The other wrestlers in the ring cheer on in support)

    "So Undertaker...Dark Carnival...This may indeed be a 'Dream' for many...BUT FOR YOU GUYS...THE NIGHTMARE IS JUST BEGINNING!!! WWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

    With that, Paulie Dangerously raised the hand of Sting, to a huge pop. WWF Monday Night RAW went off the air, with Sting playing to the crowd on each turnbuckle, while Joey Styles & Jim Cornette went nuts on commentary....


    user posted image

    Sting, just a week after defeating Shawn Michaels

    in a WCW Ring, has arrived in The World Wrestling Federation.

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Styles" Oh My Gawd!! Oh My Gawd!! Oh My Gawd!! Sting is in a WWF ring!! Sting is in a WWF Ring!!"

    Cornette" Styles, I know alot about this man, and let me tell you, that the Dark Carnival is in some serious trouble!! This announcement has just turned the WWF upside down!"

    Styles" It's turned it RIGHT SIDE UP!! Things are looking better!! Sting - The Undertaker!! CAge Match at Summerslam!! That's TWO Cage Matches (Beefcake-Lawler)...Oh MY GAWD!! Sting is in the WWF!! Sting is in the WWF!! Sting is in the WWF!! OHhh Myyy Gaaawwwddd!!!"

    Show Quality: 75%

    TV Rating: 8.00

    Other Shows: Head to Head, Monday Nitro - 7.90 (Max Moon Debut)

    Biggest Complaint: The Iron Sheik's Camel

    Behind The Scenes Issues: Steiner was too stiff on Kavanna.

    WWF WorldWide Preview!!

    --Feature Matches!!!

    **Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake vs. The Dark Patriot

    **The Iron Sheik & Owen Hart vs. The Lightning Kid & The Rock

    --Highlights of "WWF Spoltight w/ Vince McMahon & Special Guest, Mr. Perfect!

    --IN ACTION!

    *Simon Diamond & Johnny 'Dick' Swinger

    *Former Shootfighter Don Frye!

    And Much Much More!!


    Only 5 Months until Series '97...

    July 28rd, 1997

    Monday Night Raw-

    Channel: Pay Per View (UK Only)

    Venue: City Of Manchester Stadium

    Attendance: 22,114

    Announcing Team: Sean Mooney & Lou E. Dangerously

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Dave Hebner, Shane McMahon, Jimmy Korderas, Joey Marella, John Finnegan, Jim Mollineaux, Dave Hebner, Earl Hebner


    Dave Schmeltzer

    The WWF's UK only PPV, Sunday In Manchester drew 22,114 paid with a $1,326,840 gate, drawing a 1.97 buy rate totalling just under $5 Mil in Pay Per View revenue. For comparison, WCW's Bash At The Beach did just over a 1.98 buy rate, with Sting vs. Shawn Michaels headlining. In just under 24 hours, this Pay Per View not only was hyped with the contract signing between Mr. Perfect & Steve Corino for the WWF's first ever Ladder match, but also as, Max Moon's farewell match to the WWF.

    user posted image

    Sean Mooney opened the 'Action Zone' preview, of course 'wondering' who his broadcast partner was going to be. Out came, developement territory-GWF Manager, Smart Guy Dudley (Sign Guy Dudley), who came out, instead doing his Lou E. Dangerously act that he loves to do backstage. Heh. I guess since it's England, the WWF didn't care too much. Anyway, the crowd loved his impersonation of top face, Paulie Dangerously, and seemed to welcome his presence.

    1. Don Frye (over=23) defeated Scott Taylor (44) in 8:33 via Submission

    Referee: Shane McMahon

    Former shoot fighter, Don Frye got a try out during the Dark Match of this PPV at the recommendation of Antonio Inoki, to Vince McMahon. Frye played total face trying to pull anything out of the crowd. Alot of submissions and reversals, as Taylor--who seems to be the latest added to the WWF's jobber squad--worked very well with the newcomer. Final moments came when Frye locked Taylor in his triangle arm & leg lock submission hold. Mooney, on commentary had no idea what to call it, and decided on screaming;

    "What a submission hold by Don Frye! What a submission hold! Look at that!"

    Frye certainly has a great look, but he needs a mouthpiece to help get him over since his style of wrestling hasn't been introduced to the WWF. It looks like the WWF is trying to emulate the success that ECA has with Tank Abbott, and GCG with Dan Severan, both former Ultimate Fighters.

    Overally: 57**1/2

    Crowd: 33

    Match: 81

    Scott Taylor lost overness from this match. Don Frye gained overness from this match.

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Mooney" What a move from this Don Frye! A former ultimate fighter! You ever watched those Lou?"

    Dangerously" No, Mooney...My Parents don't allow to stay up that late!"

    Mooney " Ladies and gentleman, we are minutes away from Sunday In Manchester!"

    Dangerously" Mooney, this is my first WWF Pay Per View! I'm excited!"

    - Joey STyles with Flexx Kavanna, and PRIDE -

    The Pay Per View opened, after the opening montage with Joey Styles standing in the ring to a 100% British 'Oh My Gawd Chant'. My question is, why didn't they have Styles doing play by play instead of Mr. Roboto Sean Mooney...

    Styles (About the 'Oh MY Gawd' chant) " Wow!! England sure does knows their stuff!! Hello, I'm Joey Styles, and welcome to WWF Sunday In Manchester!! Tonight, live...The ECW Title is on the line as champion, PRIDE'S JUN AKIYAMA...(Crowd booes)...defends against Carl P. Oulette, of the Canadian Foundation!! (Crowd cheers. Styles smiles as the crowd starts singing 'Olay..' in support of Oulette) Also, the contract signing for the very first Ladder Match in WWF History...between WWF Champion Steve Corino (The crowd booes at Corino's name mention) and the man who brought the revolutionary new idea to the WWF...Mr. Perfect! (Crowd cheers once again) And...tonight, in the 6 man tag explosion...MAX MOON'S final WWF match!! (Crowd Bursts into huge '"Moooooooooooon" calls. At this time, please welcome my guest at this time...An electrifying rookie here in the WWF...the son of WWF great Rocky Johnson..FLEXX KAVANNA!!"

    Flexx Kavanna came down the isle to new music. As he was walking down the isle, Moony and Dangerously pushed Kavanna's 'amazing' finishing move, The Kavanna Krush. {The Rock Bottom}

    Styles" Now, Kavanna, last week on WWF Worldwide...you showed the world your finishing move...The Kavanna Krush. Do you think that this move will help you achieve success here in the WWF?"

    Kavanna" Well, ya know what Styles, first of all, It's an honour to be live on a WWF Pay Per View, in front of all these great fans. And you can bet--"

    At this point, PRIDE'S Big 3, as they're being refered to as, Mike Barton, Johnny Ace, and Stan Hansen, emerged from the curtain and started to make their way down the ring pointing to Kavanna and Styles seemingly upset. I guess "The Big 3" must be a WWF special way of saying 'The Three American Wrestlers in Pride that get pushes'...

    Styles" What are you 3 doing here!"

    Barton (Wearing the King Of The Ring Medals around his neck) " What are we doing here, Styles? What is HE doing here?! This isn't WorldWide! (All three laugh) These fans want to see, a seasoned Wrestler like Johnny Ace! They want to see, The GWF World Champion, Stan Hansen! They want to see the 1997 King Of The Ring Winner--a real star - Me, Styles!! Me!!! The only 'Iron' Mike that counts--'Iron' Mike Barton!"

    Kavanna (Kavanna does some wierd thing with his eyebrow as Joey Styles holds the microphone to Kavanna for his rebuttle) " Mike Barton--King Of The Ring winner...FINE. Stan Hansen...a worldwide known veteran, now the GWF World champion...FINE. But...Johnny Ace? What exactly do YOU do? Are you a well known 'Acer'? " (Crowd laughs)

    Ace" I'll show you what I'm known for, when I take on Zeus, you little punk!!"

    Ace then lunged at Kavanna, but Kavanna caught his arm and set him up for the Kavanna Krush, which was quickly broken up by Hansen and Barton. Ace ended the jumping of Kavanna by nailing Kavanna with the Ace Crusher. He was going nail Kavanna with another one, but Kavanna was saved by Zeus who cleared the ring by clotheslining Barton over the top rope. Hansen escaped the ring by leaping out throught the second rope, leaving Ace with Zeus, starting off the first match of the Pay Per View... 63%

    Flex Kavanna gained overness from this segment. Mike Barton lost overness from this segment. Stan Hansen lost overness from this segment. Johnny Ace lost overness from this segment.

    2. Zeus defeated Johnny Ace in 3:22 via submission

    Referee: Bill Alfonso

    Zeus charged Ace grabbing him by the throat locking on a chokehold. The crowd seems to be getting into Zeus as a face, with him opposing PRIDE'S Johnny Ace. It seems they want to get the fans on Zeus' side, if Mike Tyson comes in. Very interesting. After Zeus kept re-applying the choke hold after Alfonso's 5 counts, he lifted Ace into the bear-hug to which Ace lost via the three hand submission count. Slick started jiving around the ring, with Zeus getting a nice pop from the crowd. The fans seem to like the 'deranged' screaming nutty character of Zeus, combined with the animated Slick.

    Overall: 72*3/4

    Crowd: 81

    Match: 52

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Mooney" Wow!! Zeus anhilated Johnny Ace!! And Ace is a tough man!!"

    Dangerously" Yea, but Zeus is a bad man! In fact, some say that he is the 'baddest man on the planet!!'"

    Mooney (He sees Simon Diamond walking to the ring) " Wait a second...it looks like Simond Diamond has come out here...I'm going to go see what he's doing out here." (Takes off headset and goes to the ring)

    Dangerously" Simon Diamond says that he was going introduce the Dudleys to his huge friend that's bigger than Big Dick! Big Dick Dudley, that is..."

    - Simon Introduces Johnny 'Dick' Swinger -

    Diamond did his heel act until Mooney finally made his way into the ring. Mooney was faltering outside the ring for a while looking for a working microphone.

    Mooney" Simon Diamond...Diamond...you said that you were going to bring out someone to help you combat Spike and big brother Dick Dudley? Quite honestly...who can be bigger than Big Dick Dudley! He's huge!! "

    Diamond" Mooney!!! Please join me in welcoming my good friend!! My very good friend...He's a professional Dancer from the world reknowed 'Swinnnnger Club', ladies and gentlemann, Johnny Richard Swinger, but his friends call him Johnny 'Dick' Swinger!!"

    With that, 5'9, 278lbs Johhny Swinger came down the isle, after doing a strip tease dance on the podium for quite some time. The crowd hated every bit of it. On commentary, Lou E. Dangerously kept yelling; "Dick Swinger? Dick Swinger? Dick Swinger! Hahaha!! Dick Swinger! What a great name! Ok, Lou. We get it. Ha. Ha. Ha.

    Mooney" He's not bigger than Dick at all!"

    Diamond" Oh but he is...where it matters...he's bigger than that big doof Big Dick Dudley...right where it matters...IN THE HEAD!" (He says while pointing to Swingers cranium.)

    Mooney (Swinger starts dancing close to Mooney, knocking Mooney around with his pelvis) " Would...you...please stop! Do you honestly think that you can take down the 6 foot, 300 pound Big Dick Dudley?"

    Swinger" Ohhhh, Mooney...in my line of work, we get the meanest, rowdyiest, biggest men strolling in all the time. So I've taken down plenty of Big boys in my past...this will be no different!!"

    Diamond raises his hand again as Swinger continues to Dance. Mooney walks out of the ring, phyiscally repulsed, as was the live crowd. Very funny segment definately written by Russo or Heyman. But, I do know England is a bit more lenient on TV, and wonder of they'll continue with the 'Dick' puns when they return to the states. 66%

    Simon Diamond gained overness from this segment. Johnny Swinger gained overness from this segment.

    3. Jun Akiyama defeated Carl Oulette, retaining The ECW Heavyweight Title in 15:33

    Referee: John Finnegan

    A very good match, well booked which 'told a story', getting Akiyama's special move, The Exploder {Taz-Plex} over in the process. Antonio Inoki was in Akiyama's corner. Match started off slow, but then picked up with Oulette and Akiyama trading forearms spots, with both falling and getting right back up selling each others move..back and forth. Finally, Oulette dogded Akiyama's forearm and went for a backdrop, but Akiyama flipped over, landing on his feet. Turing around, Oulette went to kick Akiyama, but was suprised with a counter in a dragonscrew by Akiyama. Akiyama had the upper hand for some time, throwing Oulette out of the ring onto the isle ramp, teasing the exploder. Lou E. Dangerously took a shot at ECA's Taz, who does basically the same suplexes as Akiyama does, by saying;

    "Mooney, here in the WWF, that's Jun Akiyama nailing you with those exploders! Those ain't coming from no midget!"

    On the ramp, Oulette finally regained the upper hand, by ducking a running Akiyama forearm, catching him with an overhead toss right on the ramp. In the ring, Oulette nailed Akiyama with a two back to back dragon suplexes for two near falls. Final moments came at 13:08 when Oulette was about to finish off Akiyama with the Cannon Ball. Oulette slipped on the top rope a few times, which 'bought time' for Akiyama to recover. Once he got himself on, he leaped...but Akiyama rolled away, and finished of Oulette with a Northern Lights Suplex for the cover and the victory. After the match, while Inoki was raising Akiyama's hand with the ECW Title, Oulette got back in the ring and offered a handshake to Akiyama. But Inoki made 'money' gestures with his hand, which I guess was code for 'The Million Dollar Man wouldn't like that.' So Akiyama & Inoki simply turned their backs to Oulette to solid heel reaction.

    Overall: 79

    Crowd: 76

    Match: 82

    Carl Oulette lost overness from this match. Jun Akiyama gained overness from this match. The ECW World title has gained in image.

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Mooney" My, has Akiyama and Inoki changed since The Million Dollar Man took over PRIDE!"

    Dangerously" Mooney...it's all about the Money!! Who's the man funding the PRIDE organisation? President Dibiase! It's all about the 'Moooooneeeyyyy!!'"

    Mooney" Well, both are great wrestlers! What a match! (Jeff Jarrett's music starts to play) Oh Look!! It's good ol' Double J!! My, was he singled out and abused by WWF Champion Steve Corino a few weeks ago on RAW!"

    Dangerously" Get it, Mooney? 'Mooooooonnnneeeeyyyy'?! Get it! Hahaha!!"

    4. Shaggy 2Dope defeated Jeff Jarrett in 11:33

    Referee: Bill Alfonso

    ALOT of stalling during this match. A little too much. The ICP have alot of heat going for them right now, and Shaggy took advantage of that, I guess to make up for his lack of wrestling ability. Jarrett started off with alot of offense, with the idea that he was fustrating Shaggy 2Dope with his amateur wrestling expertise. Jarrett teased the figure four spot at 6:00, but Shaggy countered it, kicking Jarrett straight into the turnbuckle. Shaggy followed with alot of punches, followed by taunting the crowd. Followed by some kicks...and more taunting to the crowd. 2Dope then nailed Jarrett with a snap mare followed by two back drops, with two seperate near falls each. Jarrett was selling 2Dopes offense as if he'd been shot. Finals of the match came suprisingly cleanly when Shaggy nailed Jarrette with his top rope Guillotine Legdrop for the cover. After the match, Violent J hit the ring, and hit Jarrett with his own Guillotine Legdrop. Violent J then took the mic and yelled;

    "Now...with Max Moon out of the WWF! The Dark Carnival is free, without worry--without anyone stopping us!! Sandman! Terry Taylor!! Paulie Dangerously!! You bitches better back out like Max Moon--you wouldn't want a forced trip...to the Carnival, now would you? Hahaha!" They left the ring to 'House Of Mirrors" to the hostile English crowd chanting 'I.C.Shit'.

    Overall: 76**

    Crowd: 80

    Match: 68

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Mooney" Are they right? Should The Sandman and company give up on the fight! Should they give up on the fight to combat the Dark Carnival."

    Dangerously" Um....YES!! Didn't you hear Violent J!!"

    Mooney" Something's gotta give...something's gotta give..."

    Dangerously" Something's gotta give what?"

    HE'S COMING TO MONDAY NIGHT RAW....he's coming....HE'S COMING....he's coming....

    5. Owen Hart & The Dark Patriot defeated The Lightning Kid & The Executioner in 13:11.

    Referee: Jimmy Korderas

    Lightning Kid started off the match with The Dark Patriot. The two had their usual strong exchange, until Lightning Kid requested that Hart be tagged in. When these two went at it, the crowd stood on their feet. The two gave the English crowd a small taste of their King Of The Ring classic, including seeing Hart totally miss a top rope plancha from the top to the outside, causing him to land hard on the ramp. After a near fall, Kid tagged out to Executioner who went for a Torture Rack--but Dark Patriot interfered and broke up the hold. Executioner, being an idiot, shoved Owen to tag Dark Patriot, so that they could apparently 'settle the war of the Masked Wrestlers'. At first, Patriot couldn't deal with Executioner's 'power', but quickly gained the upper hand after a missed Executioner avalanche. Patriot then went quickly to the top rope and nailed Executioner with his 'scud missle' shoulder block from the top rope for the cover and the victory.

    Overall: 82**1/2

    Crowd: 87

    Match: 71

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Dangerously" Once you get caught with that scud missle, it's lights out! And that move could win the Dark Patriot the I-C Title at SummerSlam!!"

    Mooney" Speaking of Summerslam...SummerSlam '97 will be the host of the WWF's first ever ladder match!! Perfect!! Corino!! And the WWF Title is on the line!!! The Contract signing is NEXT...after this brief 5 minute intermission."


    During the break, the WWF played some footage from the Fan-Fest that they held earlier. WWF wrestlers, Max Moon, Brutus Beefcake, Mr. Perfect, Terry Taylor, and The Sandman were at a table signing Autographs. They also had some GWF wrestlers including Kendall Whindam, Bobby Duncum Jr., Stevie Ray, and Smart Guy Dudley, doing his Lou E. Dangerously thing. They also played some WWF fans' favourite Max Moon moments, in a segment that they called 'Moon Moments'. The best one that they showed was from earlier this year, when Paulie Dangerously was President, and he was hiding under his desk because of all of the 'noise' in the hallway, not knowing what it could be. It turned out to be Max Moon, on his way to Paulie's office with his Jetpack on and running.


    - The Ladder Match Contract Signing -

    President Ted Dibiase came to the ring, accompanied by Mike Rotunda. Before he introduced Mr. Perfect & Steve Corino, Rotunda made another comment about how England had the world's most tax cheats. Mr. Perfect came to the ring with a ladder, which got him a nice pop. Corino came down wearing the WWF Title Belt, accompanied by Jack Victory, who was wearing an "I'd rather be in America" T-Shirt. I didn't even know they had shirts like that. Perfect, being cool, used the ladder steps as his point for placing the contract on to sign. Corino went to sign the contract at the table....but then stopped....

    Corino" Wait a minute! As WWF Champion, I want to make sure that I fully understand the rules of this match! So, The WWF World Title will be hung high above the ring...and the only way to win the match is to climb the ladder and get the belt?"

    Dibiase & Rotunda nodd, as Corino goes back to signing the contract. He stops again...

    Corino" ...ookkk ok...so wait...No Pins?"

    They nod. Corino goes...then stops again. This time, taking off his Title belt and giving it to Jack Victory to hold.

    Corino" No Submissions?"

    They nod. Corino goes...then once again gets up, walks around the ring, ready to ask another question.

    Corino"...Oh...and one more thing. Will this be in New York City! Madison Square Garden? You know...a REAL COUNTRY AND STATE...unlike this pour Excuse for a country!! Geez, its a good thing the U.S. freed ourselves from this miserable country!"

    Dibiase laughs then nods, answering Corino's question. The English crowd burst into a huge 'Corino sux' chant as he finally signs the contract. Mr. Perfect picked up the mic whilst holding the ladder.

    Perfect" Corino...these fans may not be able to see The Ladder Match live and in person. But...I'll give them a Perfect preview of whats to come!"

    With that, Perfect struck Corino in the gut with the ladder following with another strike to the back to a huge pop. Victory went for the save, but he was met with a ladder shot to the face. Dibiase and Rotunda had already fled the ring. Mr. Perfect's music hit as he climbed the ladder and posed for the fans as Corino and Victory struggled to the back. 82%

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Dangerously" Perfect assaulted Corino with the ladder!! Perfect assaulted Corino with the ladder!! Perfect assaulted Corino with the laddeerrrrrrrrrr!!!"

    Mooney" It's going to be completley legal in just about 5 weeks, at SummerSlam '97!, Lou! It's all going to be legal!"

    Dangerously" I don't care!! This is England!!! They have laws against Ladder-assaulters!!!"

    6. Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake, Max Moon, & Bret Hart defeated The Undertaker, Hiroyoshi Tenzan, & Brian Christopher in 18:33

    Referee: Dave Hebner

    This was a very emotional match for Max Moon, as he had spent the last 5 years doing the Max Moon character...aside from the last month or so of being the Puerto Rican 'Superstar' Konnan. Beefcake started off the match with Brian Christopher, and pretty much had his way with Christopher. In one of the most suprising promotions to date, Christopher was promoted to the official UpperCard of the WWF. Great to see Christopher apparently among those 'chosen' to carry the WWF into the next few years of the WWF--apparently. Christopher, along with Tenzan, who was also promoted to the uppercard has not held one title yet. I'm sure the WWF knows that this means they have a wealth of storyline potential for Christopher, especially with him being Jerry Lawler's son. And from what I hear, they are going to use that in future storylines..which then makes me wonder if Brutus Beefcake could loose that retirement match at SummerSlam '97, despite this BarberTude stuff starting up. Christopher tagged out to The Undertaker, who 'scared' Barber away, into tagging Hart. After Hart couldn't get him down he tagged Moon, who got a solid 'going away' reaction from the crowd. After a brief staredown Moon and The Undertaker traded blows, with neither man going down. Mooney pushed the history that Moon & Undertaker had in the ring. Finally, Moon went against the ropes coming off with a shoulder block sending The Undertaker down. Undertaker popped right back up, and went down again from a Moon dropkick. Moon started jogging in place again and went against the ropes, but was met with a Tenzan kick to the back of the head from the apron. Undertaker then choked Moon for a short while, and gave him a backbreaker before tagging out to Tenzan. Tenzan was in the ring for a while, nailing Moon with alot of somoan chops. At 13:22, Tenzan had Moon in his Boston crab for a while as Moon teased Submission. Moon started to mount a comeback after Tenzan missed a moonsault, teasing a hot tag to Bret. Tenzan tagged out to Christopher, but Max hot tagged to Bret, who went at it with Christopher. Finals of the match came when Hart locked Christopher in The Sharpshooter for the victory. After the match, Brutus Beefcake cut some small nips of Christophers head. Beefcake held a mirror up to the recovering Christopher who had a fit, and ran to the back in anger.

    The Pay Per View went off the air with Brutus Beefcake, Bret Hart, and Max Moon all doing 'The Barber' Strut around the ring, with the English fans cheering in support.

    Overall: 81**1/4

    Crowd: 86

    Match: 70

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Mooney" What a Pay Per View!! What an event!! What a Sunday In Manchester!"

    Dangerously" But The Barber cut off the hair of Brian Christopher!! THAT'S JERRY LAWLER'S SON!! And Lawler & Beefcake are colliding in that epic retirement match battle at SummerSlam '97!! THAT WAS NOT A SMART MOVE BY BEEFCAKE!!!"

    Mooney" Hey...he coulda used a little trim up! The WWF Ladder Match has been signed--Perfect - Corino; The WWF Title on the line!! And lets not forget about Zeus' impressive match...OH..and the Debut of Johnny 'Dick' Swinger!!"

    Dangerously" Hey...I like those Dudley's! But they are no Dick Swinger!"

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Mooney" Seeyaaa on Monday Night Raw everbody!!"

    After the cameras went off the air, Max Moon returned to the ring, alone thanking the fans for the years of support. During a constant 'Max Moon' chant, an emotional Moon removed his mask saying goodbye to the WWF fans as...uh..Konnan Moon.

    Show Quality: 79%

    Best Match: Jun Akiyama vs. Carl P. Oulette - ECW Title

    Worst Match: Shaggy 2 Dope d. Jeff Jarrrett

    Other Shows

    WCW Bash At The Beach

    Best Match: CAGE - Sting vs. Shawn Michaels

    Worst Match: Brad Armstrong vs. Vinnie Vegas

    Reality Twist: Ultimate Warrior loosing popularity (over=83)

    GCG Boomerang - Buy Rate .78 - Global 9% (-1)

    Best Match: Doink The Clown vs. Rob Van Dam

    Worst Match: Steve McMichael vs. El Gigante

    Reality Twist: Made Huge news with signing Road Warrior Hawk & Sid Vicious

    ECA Tone Def - Buy Rate .66 - National 73% (+6)

    Best Match: Nova vs. Taz

    Worst Match: Vampiro vs. Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw

    Reality Twist: Head Commentators are Todd Pettengill and Don Callis

    21CW's 3 Matches Of Death (Risk 85%) - National 75%

    Best Match: HillBilly Jim vs. Terry Funk (Scaffold Match)

    Worst Match: Steven Richards vs. Fit Finlay

    Reality Twist: Owner 'Jumping' Jerry Garofalo loves to sign injured Wrestlers. Just signed Paul Roma, who was fired by the WWF after he reported his 10 month calf injury.

    VZF Canadian Stampede- - Cult 13% (Risk 70%)

    Best Match: Balls Mahoney vs. Bob Holly (Ladder)

    Worst Match: Rod Price vs. Don Harris

    Reality Twist: The 'hot' independant fed run by Rocky Johnson.

    USWA Classic Clash - Regional - 82%

    Best Match: Billy Kidman vs. Rico Constantino

    Worst Match: 911 vs. Jerry Flynn

    Reality Twist: The longest running regional. No TV. Last TV show was cancelled in 1995.


    HE'S COMING TO MONDAY NIGHT RAW....he's coming....HE'S COMING....he's coming....

  3. user posted image

    Only 6 Months until Series '97...

    July 27rd, 1997

    WWF Worldwide Saturday Nights-

    Channel: FOX

    Venue: City Of Manchester Stadium, Manchester England

    Attendance: 11034

    Announcing Team: Sean Mooney & Sgt. Slaughter

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Shane McMahon, Earl Hebner, Charles Robinson, Jim Mollineaux, John Finnegan


    Dave Schmeltzer

    AUGUST 4TH - HE'S COMING....he's coming....HE'S COMING....he's coming....

    - Paul Bearer Warns Paulie Dangerously and Max Moon against any further 'interferance' -

    WWF Worldwide came to us live from the host to Sunday In Manchester, The City Of Manchest Stadium. The staduim holds up to 38,000 people, but as of press time they only sold about 20,000 tickets for the Pay Per View...which is good anyway. Paul Bearer came down the isle with The Insane Clown Posse to a pretty hostile crowd. Paul Bearer warned Paulie Dangerously & Max Moon not to 'interfere' in the actions of The Carnival anymore, otherwise they could become 'The Ultimate Sacrifice'. ICP spent the whole time waiving their hatchets at the crowd. Just as Paul Bearer was leaving, the lights began to flicker, and finally a loud 'scream' was heard over the PA system. Bearer and ICP left the ring, not knowing what to make of it. The announcers explained this by saying, that for once the tables have turned, and someone was playing mind games with The Carnival. 90%

    Papa Shango d. Dr. Wagner Jr.

    Complete squash for the Voodoo man. The English crowd didn't respond much to this match, since they knew that Shango was going to win all the way.

    Overall: 53

    Crowd: 45

    Match: 61


    - President Dibiase's English Welcome -

    President Dibiase hit the ring coming out of the break, accompanied by Mike Rotunda, Antonio Inoki & Hiroyoshi Tenzan, all getting great heel heat from the crowd. In a special treat for the crowd, Rotunda grabbed the mic and said that England had the highest rate of Tax Cheats in all of Europe. Dibiase then said that the WWF was in for the greatest period ever under, PRIDE'S control. He thanked Inoki for being the Mastermind behind PRIDE, , bringing in such stars as Team H, Great Kabuki, Jun Akiyama, and of course, Tenzan, who was busy yelling at Japanese with ringside fans. Suddenly out came Max Moon, who didn't look to happy to be around, legit. Anyway, Moon did a few minutes of rambling on about space, until he finally made a comment to Dibiase, and his "Two Goons", Rotunda & Inoki, about how he was going to prevent Dibiase from abusing his power any longer. With that, Inoki grabbed the mic, and in his broken English yelled;

    "YOouuu think you going to make a difference in OUR WWF?!! Then make difference TONIGHT, in England...against Hiroyoshi Tenzan!!"

    The crowd popped hard as Max Moon, nodded, and then returned to the back leading us into another advert break. 89%

    AUGUST 4TH - HE'S COMING....he's coming....HE'S COMING....he's coming....


    - Simon Diamond promises a 'Bigger Than Dick' Suprise for The Dudley's Tommorow At The Pay Per View -

    The Dudley Brothers d. The Super Destroyers

    The Dudley Brothers, Spike & Big Dick Dudley looked pretty good here. I like the combination team of the 'little guy' and the 'huge guy'. Squash came after 7:44, when Spike nailed Super Destroyer #1 with the Spike Drop followed by the Chokeslam. It looks like the WWF finally decided to spend some of the money that they've been making and hired some new talent...in addition to bringing up alot of guys from the GWF. After the victory, Simond Diamond, who's was on the suprising end of the Big Dick debut last week on RAW came out came out and stood on the podium on the stage for a short while, absorbing a nice heel reaction from the crowd.

    Simon Diamond

    " Greetings England!! It is I, once Doctor, now a seasoned Wrestler here in the WWF!! I am more than the next Ric Flair!! I am beyond the Hulk Of Hulk Hogan! I'm 10 times the Iron of The Iron Sheik!! I far more Berzerk Than the Berzerker! I'm even more Ultimate than The Ultimate Warrior! I am Simon Diamond!! And, SIMON SAYS, little Spike Dudley, last week, when your brother, Big Dick Dudley came to your rescue last week on RAW, YOU MADE A VERY BIG MISTAKE!! Because tommorow night, live, here in the City Of Manchester Stadium--I will introduce MY VERY BIG FRIEND!! Ya!! That's right...AND HE'S BIGGER THAN DICK!! Hahaha!!! "

    Diamond got a very nice heel reaction from the crowd, especially with his eloquent play on words...Once again, that 'scream' occured as Diamond was going back into the crowd. Here, the announcers were even more puzzled as to what it could be.... 71%

    Simon Diamond gained overness from this segment.

    Overall: 53

    Crowd: 44

    Match: 62

    - Slick And Zeus Still aiming for The Baddest Man On The Planet-

    They then go from the ring to the back where development territory-GWF wrestler, D'Lo Brown is interviewing Slick along with Zeus. Slick said that he heard that Mike Tyson left England because he heard that Zeus, 'The Next Intercontinental Champion' was in town. While I'm sure that's not true, the crowd was totally into it. Slick added that tommorow night, at the Pay Per View Zeus was going to make an example of PRIDE'S Johnny Ace. Zeus stole the segment here with his menacing stare into the camera. 77%

    Slick lost overness from this segment.


    - The King Of The Ring Winner, does a little 'Celebrating', At The Sandman's expense -

    The Sandman d. The Great Kabuki via DQ

    This was actually a very entertaining match. Kabuki, at the young tender age of 51, still manages to hang with the top brawlers in the WWF. Funny, how Muraco, just one year younger, has just horribly detoriated during the last 2 years. It must be that thing that Dibiase was talking about about Japanese wrestlers being better then most American wrestlers. At 9:33, Mike Barton came down the isle, grabbed some of the Sandman's beer and just starting drinking it, screaming, "Here's to your 1997 King Of The Ring Winner--Mike Barton!!", to the crowd. Sandman then yelled at Barton telling him to put down his beer, which lead to Barton throwing the can at The Sandman. I guess this was enough for referee Charles Robinson to call for the bell, and disqualify PRIDE. Sandman chased Barton to the back.

    Overall: 77

    Crowd: 77

    Match: 78

    AUGUST 4TH - HE'S COMING....he's coming....HE'S COMING....he's coming....


    - Mr. Perfect Presents The Contract With a Historic Stipulation added. -

    Mr. Perfect's music hit coming right off of the advert break. Out came Mr. Perfect to a huge pop, carring a ladder. Perfect said he wanted this SummerSlam '97 match with Steve Corino to be historic. Not only did he want this to be a retirement match, but Perfect mentioned that he wanted to make this a 'Ladder Match', the first of its kind ever in the WWF. *Eye Of The Tiger* started to play, as that song gets the crowd really riled up...since they know that Corino is next to come out. Out came Corino with Jack Victory. Corino came out--and walked only halfway down the isle--asking, "What the Hell is a Ladder Match?"

    With that, Mr. Perfect directed Corino's attention to the Titan-Tron, where they showed footage from Canadian promotion VZF, of clips of a Bob Holly-Ball Mahoney ladder match that they had. According to some people, the WWF gave regional promotion VZF this plug due to it being run by Rocky Johnson, father of WWF rookie, Flexx Kavanna. That, and also since the WWF stole their top wrestler, Rhyno Starr. The crowd popped huge for such a match that looked great. Corino, playing the sly heel responded, "I'll decide if I want to sign that contract...TOMMOROW....", then walked off, to his ring music. The crowd then started a huge 'Perfect' chant 'thanking' him for bring this idea to the WWF'. 94%

    Mr. Perfect gained overness from this segment. Steve Corino gained overness from this segment.

    Max Moon d. Hiroyoshi Tenzan

    Good match, but Moon is still horrible. Tenzan's stiff chops, and high spot kicks are the only thing that kept the crowd into the match. Alot of people were actually booing Moon for jogging around the ring like a fool. I think it was Pat Patterson's idea to bring back the Moon character, as Brisco, Inoki, and, most notably Dillon were totally against the idea. According to some sources, Dillon actually chewed out Konnan for having such a poor match. The WWF is having a press conferance tommorow, so it should be interesting to see what comes out of that. Tenzan was forced to sell his Moon splash at 14:33.

    Overall: 81

    Crowd: 85

    Match: 74


    - The Dark Patriot -

    Another one of those creepy Dark Patriot segments played here, which was basically the same as the last week. I like how they're doing the split personality thing with Gilbert & Patriot. 80%

    - Bret Saves The Kid From Owen -

    Jerry Lawler d. The Lightning Kid

    I heard that Brutus Beefcake & Lawler were supposed to do some sort of angle here, but Beefcake got food poisoning during the show, so they had Owen do a run-in instead. Lawler ended the match cleanly with his stump Piledriver at 11:33. His stump Piledriver got a huge heel reaction from the crowd. At this point, Owen walked to the ring with a chair muttering, 'I'm gonna teach that family wrecker...'. Lawler gave the Kid another Piledriver and held him up for Owen Hart to whack with the chair...but Bret ran to the ring to The Kid's rescue, leading to The King & Lawler leaping out of the ring. On his way to the back, Owen yelled, "There's only one other Hart here in the WWF, and thats me...NOT HIM!!", he said, showing his jealousy of The Kid.

    Overall: 87

    Crowd: 91

    Match: 79

    WWF Worldwide went off the air with the announcers hyping the PPV, then ended akwardly with that, scream again....

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Mooney" Well Sarge, it won't be tea time for the WWF Superstars tommorow! It's Sunday At Manchester!!"

    Slaughter" Mooney, tommorow will be a magical night!! The ECW Title is on the line...hopefully Carl Oulette can pull through and get a title away from PRIDE'S grasp!"

    Mooney" And that Summerslam '97 Title Match could be now...what they call, 'A Ladder Match'. WOW!! The Contract Signing is Tommorw...live...and it's only on Pay Per View! American fans can watch the reply at 12 midnight on American Sky!"

    Ventura (The lights suddenly flicker again...A picture Of The Undertaker shows on the Titan Tron...followed by his image slowly being covered by blood) " What the...? If I were the Dark Carnival...I would be very very afraid...."

    Show Quality: 74%

    TV Rating: 7.57

    Other Shows: Early Evening WCW Saturday Night; 7.32

    Biggest Complaint: Sean Mooney's Lame Jokes

    S.I.M IS NEXT!!!!!!

    AUGUST 4TH - HE'S COMING....he's coming....HE'S COMING....he's coming....

  4. user posted image

    Only 5 Months until Series '97...

    July 21th, 1997

    Monday Night Raw-

    Channel: USA Network - Prime Time

    Venue: Newtomb Air Centre, Winstor - MA

    Attendance: 12,033

    Announcing Team: Joey Styles & James E. Cornette

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Dave Hebner, Shane McMahon, Jimmy Korderas, Joey Marella, John Finnegan, Jim Mollineaux


    Dave Schmeltzer

    Monday Night Raw began with Joey Style & James Cornette running down the card speculating as to if Max Moon was in the building. Cornette made a comment about how the locker room was tense, as Styles worried that The Dark Carnival could with-hold a strong grasp on the WWF.

    The Thrillseekers (Chris Jericho & Lance Storm) d. The Orient Express (Pat Tanaka & Kato [Paul Diamond])

    The Tag Team of Chris Jericho & Lance Storm made their debut against the (reunited) Orient Express. I'm hearing that the WWF brought in some people to help the tag division, and also called up some talent from the GWF. The announcers pushed Jericho & Storm hard, as STyles mentioned over and over that they both were trained in the same place as Bret Hart. Jericho & Storm looked great here in their debut. Though they are both virtual unknowns, alot of cult fans who's been following them over the years in the independants did pop for them. James Cornette mentioned that they were former SMW tag team Champions, when they first started in Wrestling. They won when Jericho held Tanaka in a boston crab, as Storm landed a legdrop to the back of the head, for the victory.

    Overall: 61

    Crowd: 45

    Match: 77

    - Paulie & Sabu Speak Out -

    After the match, they showed highlights of the last few weeks recaping the recent actions of PRIDE & The Dark Carnival, and ended with footage Paulie ripping up the Sudden Death document a couple of nights ago on Worlwide. Paulie then stood in the ring for a short while with the mic in his hand, as fans kept going between 'Paulie' and 'Sabu' chants. Sabu roamed around the ring in his sheik oufit pointing to the ceiling every few moments....

    Dangerously" First off....President Dibiase!! There is no doubt in my mind that you would love to add the Intercontinental Title to that Japanese stable of yours...but...remember this...Tenzan Has been unable to defeat my SABU!!! Now..there is no doubt in my mind that Tenzan is a very capable athlethe!! I've watched the New Japan tapes! I know what he's capable of!! But Dibiase--He's not Homicidal!! He's not Genocidal!! He's not Suicidal!! He's NOT SABU!!!! (Paulie pauses again, as the crowd starts of another 'Sabu' chant) Now...TO THE DARK PATRIOT!. I saw your little video from the gutter! And you may THINK that you're crazier than Sabu!! And you may also THINK that you're entitled to a WWF Intercontinental Title Shot...well...I'll let Sabu decide what he wants to do about you!! "

    Sabu (The crowd is erupting at this point. The announcers also go nuts as well, at the fact that Sabu is going to talk) " Patriot!! You want me!? Tenzan? You want me?! I'll take on you both at SummerSlam '97!! At the same time!! With one more rule. THERE ARE NO RULES!!" (Again, Paulie has to wait until the ressurrected 'Sabu' chant has alleviated)

    Dangerously" Now...about these Clowns!!! These 'Killer Clowns'--as they like to call themselves--and their cult buddies, The Undertaker & Papa Shango, and those freaks, Ringmaster Jim Neidhart & Paul Bearer!! Tonight you guys have a match with two brave souls and The Sandman!! I'm sure that two brave souls...indeed...will step forth to oppose you!! They will shift the power struggle. And I'm sure one of those two people will be..(He pauses...as the crowd finishes his sentence yelling periodically; 'Mooooooooooonnn!') Yea...that's right...MAX MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNN!!" 94%

    Paulie Dangerously gained overness from this segment. Sabu gained overness from this segment.


    - 'Big Brother' Comes To The Rescue -

    Simon Diamond d. Spike Dudley

    These two worked hard, but couldn't get the crowd too much into it. Finals came when Diamond nailed Dudley with the problem-solver at 7:33. After the match, Diamond grabbed the mic and started berating Dudley on the mic saying; "Spike Dudley!! You'll never be a WWF Star like Simon Diamond!! You're tooo small!!! Hahahaa!!"

    As Diamond continued to berate Spike out from the stands came a man that was identified as 'Spike's Very Big Brother. Apparently he had enough of Spike getting made fun of by Diamond. This was a wrestler called up from the GWF adequetley named, Big Dick Dudley. He got a nice reaction once he stood behind Diamond as he continued to berate Spike. Finally, when Diamond turned around, Dick grabbed Diamond by the throat, and nailed him with a spinning chokeslam. He then hugged Spike, as they raised their hands to the crowd. Spike Dudley's big brother, Big Dick Dudley has made his WWF on-screen debut.

    Overall: 60

    Crowd: 42

    Match: 79

    user posted image

    Spike's Big Brother, Big Dick Dudley

    has joined his Brother in the WWF

    - The Dark Patriot; From The Alley #2 -

    Next, they sent us to an image from the Titan Tron. It was another Dark Patriot deal from the Alley...except this time...alot more work was done in production. The announcers made a comment about how just at the age of 29, Dark Patriot is nuts in the head. It opened up with Dark Patriot, once again walking down an alley, dressed in his trench coat...and had well placed footage from Dark Patriot/Gilbert's past, throughout his monologue. At first, I wondered how they got the old footage from the now defunct, Global Wrestling Federation, where his brother Eddie Gilbert was a booker, but then I remembered that the WWF did a complete corporate takeover of the GWF in late 1995--then made it their development territory.

    The Dark Patriot

    "...Homicidal...Genocidal....Suicidal...HA!! YOU THINK YOU'RE SUICIDAL!? YOU THINK YOU'RE HOMICIDAL!?! Sabu!!? Ha!! Sabu your not halfway as suicidal than me! A 1992 Clip from GWF shows Dark Patriot blinding The Patriot with a fireball What makes you so suicidal!?! Have you seen the images that I've seen!! Brief clip from GWF's 1992 clips of Dark Patriot getting his hands raised by real life brother, the late Eddie Gilbert. No!! Just because you climb on chairs?!? Or is it because you throw chairs? I enjoy pain! So when you hit me with the chair, it'll just make my day!! Clip Of a bloodied Doug Gilbert from GWF. But you see...I never had the glory of others! Shows him throwing a fireball at Bret Hart from earlier this Year-Then to another clip of Bret holding up the WWF Title. But at SummerSlam '97, I shall!! Sabu!! At Madison Square Garden...I take out my years of anger...my years of neglect...my years of hardship Shows a very brief clip of brother, Eddie Gilbert holding The Patriot in The GWF for a fireball shot by Gilbert , I shall take it out all on...all on..all on...

    The scene fades as Dark Patriot walks up to a dumpster in the alley, and proceeds to sit down in its corner...92%


    - Zeus, The 'Real' Baddest Man On The Planet -

    Sabu d. Brian Christopher - WWF I-C Title

    Sabu was all over the ring here, and the announcers pushed the 'who is more homicidal' question many times during the match...in comparing Sabu to The Dark Patriot. Paulie Dangerously distracted the ref during the final moments of the match, where Sabu used a chair to nail Christopher with his triple jump Moonsault for the victory, at 12:22. After the match Slick came down the isle with Zeus, and had a mic in his hand...

    Slick" Weeeelllll, Welllllll, Welllll, SABU!!! You have acknowledged the fact that you've got challenges from Tenzaaaannnn and The Dark Patriot...but what about...The Reaaaaaaaaal Baddessst Man On The Plllannnneeettttt!! Zeus !!!"

    With that, Zeus walked up the ring steps, about to confront Sabu. Paulie jumped in front of Sabu, as he lunged at Zeus, trying to restrain him from starting a brawl. Referees hit the ring to keep the giant Zeus from reaching Sabu. Paulie was heard yelling; " You want a title shot!! You want a match! You'll get it at Summerslam!! Summerslam!! Ok? Summerslam!! Not here!!"

    On commentary James Cornette said that Zeus must be the baddest man on the planet, after challenging Sabu. Again...the referances to Mike Tyson suggest that he could be brought in. And that does mean the WWF IC Title match is now a fatal four way?

    Overall: 79

    Crowd: 80

    Match: 79

    - The 'Dangerous One' Demands a WWF World Title Shot -

    Straight from the little scuffle in the ring, they sent us to the WWF Presidential office. The door had the PRIDE symbol on it, accompanied with a sign that read, 'Don't Cross The Million Dollar Boss'. Suddenly, the camera widened and revealed 'Dangerous' Doug Gilbert in the front of the door. Joey Styles painted Gilbert as a demented and dangerous man, citing him having somewhat of a 'split personality'. When Gilbert knocked on the door, Rotunda partially opened the door, to see who it was...then after closing the door again--He let Gilbert in. Dibiase was at his desk counting his money, and appeared a bit startled to be in the same room with the 'disturbed' Doug Gilbert....

    Dibiase (Getting up and walking over to, Gilbert) " Gilbyyy, how are ya today!! How may I help you? How may your Million Dollar President be of assistance? Mwhahahaha!!"

    Gilbert" The name's, Gilbert. And I want a shot at the WWF Title, tonight! Everyone knows that Steve Corino pulled a fast one on me at Wrestlemania, when he posed as my best friend, The Dark Patriot! I've been pretty quiet about it...but I want a shot now, ya'hear me?!"

    Dibiase (Dibiase and Rotunda share a glance at each other as if to say 'This guy's nuts'. Dibiase puts his arm around Gilbert, walking him out of the Office. " Well...you want a Title shot tonight. Since you are a proven wrestler here in the WWF...I don't see why not!! Gilbert! Get ready...Because you have a WWF Title match against Steve Corino, right here tonight...on Monday Night Raw!! Mwahahahahaa!!"

    Gilbert walks away with a demented look on his face. According to those on the inside, they usually have Gilbert's manager, Bruce Pritchard do the talking for him, but Gilbert/Patriot seems to be upset at not have such a strong presence in the TV shows ever since his feud with Bret Hart ended. So I guess their doing what they need to do to keep him happy. 75%

    Ted DiBiase lost overness from this segment. Dirty Doug Gilbert lost overness from this segment. Steve Corino lost overness from this segment.


    - Bret Challenges Owen; Any Where, Any Place -

    Bret Hart d. Mr. Bob Backlund

    I'm actually suprised that they gave away this match on TV. Backlund has picked up alot of heat over the last few months, and probably could be programmed into a lengthly storyline with Bret...especially since he is a former WWF champion, like Bret. Twas a very good match, that saw Bret domination. Each time Backlund started to get offense, Bret fired back with some sort of reversal, which really got the fans into it. Bret won with the Sharpshooter at 11:22. When he wouldn't let go, Owen ran into the ring with a chair...but Bret got up in time, leading to a standoff between the two brothers which got the crowd going bonkers. Bret took the mic, yelling at Owen;

    " Ok! Ok!! Ok, Owen!! You wanna fight me!! You wannaa fight your big brother, huh? You'll listen to Corino, you'll listen to Backlund...you'll listen to everyone except for me!! So you want me, you got it!! Yea, I've had enough of your childish [bleep]!!!""

    Bret threw the mic down and stormed out of the ring. Owen was left staring at Bret leaving--whilst still holding the chair in his hand...

    Overall: 87

    Crowd: 91

    Match: 78


    - The Two 'Brave' WWF Wrestlers -

    Next we were set for the Dark Carnival 6-Man Tag. The Sandman waiting in the ring 'hoping' that two people--one in particular to be Max Moon--would come down to the ring to be his partners. The first, was dissappointingly The Rock, Don Muraco. Rock came down and played total face. I can tell they really don't care about the Rock at this point, since he switches by the week, with being a heel and a face.

    Next, was The Executioner, known to WWF fans as the veteran jobber, who resurfaces every now and then. The announcers mentioned that most wrestlers wanted nothing to do with The Dark Carnival, and therefore did not step forward. The crowd seemed dissappointed...but the 'Moon' chants continued.

    - Papa Shango & The Ringmaster Start The Post Match War -

    The Dark Carnival (The Undertaker & The Insane Clown Posse) d. The Sandman, The Rock, & The Executioner

    I wonder if the crowd noticed that the Executioner couldn't wrestle...much like Tony Halme? Jim Cornette had a funny line about the Rock; "Well, he's like 65 anyway...so he probably doesn't care if he's gonna die soon! Hahaha!"

    Sandman was the only person that really got offense. After he got 'fatigued', The ICP pretty much had their way with The Rock & Executioner. Final moments of the match came after a simple goulintine top rope leg drop by Violent J off the top rope at 7:33. Insane Clown Posse & Undertaker then left, 'leaving' The Sandman into the hands of Papa Shango & Ringmaster Jim Neidhart. Paul Bearer stayed in the ring also to watch for good measure....

    Overall: 78

    Crowd: 84

    Match: 65


    - Two Unknowns Come To The Aid Of The Sandman -

    Coming off the break, Papa Shango & Ringmaster Jim Neidhart had Sandman tied up in the ropes, and just kept pounding him down. Papa Shango, then, grabbed the mic, and started reciting, what was described by Joey Styles as 'some sort of Voodoo chant...'

    Papa Shango (Waiving his Garlic 'stuff' all around Sandman) " Ohhhhhhh...Ahhhhhhh...Rongoo, Randaa, Komlooon, Tanhjua!! Tanhjua, Randaa, Yaajlam, Zoreton!!!--"

    At this point...Spacey music began to play...the music quickly molded into a technorized version of the Ultimate Warriors Music. There was no reaction yet...as the crowd knew that Ultimate Warrior was in WCW..so it couldn't be him. At this point, pyros shot up in criss cross fashion on the stage podium. Out, to a huge pop came Max Moon, holding his hands up in the air, to a loud pop. He started jogging in place, much like the Ultimate Warrior. However, from each side of Moon appeard Two newcomers--two unknown wrestlers. At a closer look, the two wrestlers were - from the VZF, wrestler Devon Storm...and from the USWA, wrestler, Rhino Richards. The crowd was going nuts just at the stage presence alone. At this point, Rhyno & Storm charged Shango and Neidhart in the ring, who were staring in disbelief. First they double teamed Neidhart. Storm gave Neidhart and ATOMIC DROP...straight into a crushing SPEAR by Rhino. The crowd popped huge for this. They then turned their attention to Papa Shango, and did the same move...which seems to be their signature tag team move. Moon slowly walked to the ring, as Rhyno & Storm...still nameless to the announcers, untied The Sandman from the ropes. Finally, all three turned their attention to Paul Bearer...hovering in the corner. Rhyno & Storm looked to be uncontrollable, both pacing back and forth...however...Max Moon seemed to hold them back...as he took the microphone, ready to address the buzzing crowd, and Paul Bearer...85%

    Devon Storm gained overness from this segment. Rhyno Starr gained overness from this segment. Papa Shango gained overness from this segment.

    - Max Moon Introduces The Wrestler World To, 'The Space Croppers' -

    The three men stood in front of Paul Bearer who was in the turnbuckle corner in fear. They showed a clip of ICP & The Undertaker leaving the arena in their hurst/hearst(sp??), thinking that everything was 'alright' since they left. Moon started to yell and scream, in introducing his allies amongst the cheering fans....

    Max Moon

    " The Mooooon is back!!!! And I brought along my fellow Moonitzens with me!! This right here (pointing to Rhyno) is RHYNO STARR!! He is one of the strongest warriors in all of the Moon Stars!! He lives only to fight!! He lives only to battle!! And here, in the WWF that is what he shall do!!! And this...(points to Devon Storm), is Devon Storm!! In all of the galaxies...in all of the planets...HE is thought of to be the most insane, causing a storm wherever he roams!! And they are THE SPACE CROPPERS!!! And together we will fight, and bring down those 'Wicked Clowns', and the entire Dark Carnival Cult!! Moooooooonnnnn!!!! And Paul Bearer...perhaps you would like to send this message to Shaggy 2Dope! To Violent J!! And to...The Undertaker!! They thought they were unstable...but not anymore!! Bearer...PREPARE FOR THE ASTEROID EXPLOSION!!"

    And with that, The Space Croppers nailed Paul Bearer with the Asteriod Explosion...Devon Storm picked up Paul Bearer giving him a delayed Atomic Drop, causing Bearer to tumble straight into a crushing SPEAR from Rhyno Starr. It's great to see Konnan (age 32), somewhat of a young veteran, bringing in and helping the young 23, and 22 year olds, Rhyno Starr & Devon Storm get over in the WWF. They have stirred up quite a alot on the independant scene, and deserve the contracts that they've signed with the WWF. Sure, there stuck with a silly gimmick, but they both carry on the pysched and crazed characters very well. The crowd loved every minute of it, as the Ultimate Warrior's music hit once again, as they left the ring. Sandman raised their hands in celebration, before they left, and offered them a beer...but they 'didn't know what it was' so declinded. They went to another advert break, showing Papa Shango, Ringmaster Jim Neidhart, & Paul Bearer layed out, thanks to The Space Croppers. 88%


    user posted imageuser posted image

    Rhyno Starr & Devon Storm; The Space Croppers,

    brought into the WWF by Max Moon. Their intent; to join

    The Sandman and company in full combat against

    The Dark Carnival & PRIDE.

    - Pefect Helps Corino Win, Accepting His SummerSlam '97 Challenge -

    Steve Corino d. 'Dangerous' Doug Gilbert - WWF World Title

    The crowd was still buzzing from the whole Max Moon thing, but finally got into the match thanks to Corino picking fights with the crowd. They had alot of stalling and playing to the crowd, by both men. It was funny, because--in opposing Gilbert--Corino was often cheered. So each time he got cheers, Corino stopped to insult the fans. Jack Victory kept getting involved. Finally, referee Dave Hebner had enough, and ordered Jack Victory to leave the ring. At this point, Mr. Perfect hit the ring and stood head to head with Steve Corino. After the staredown he grabbed Gilbert and nailed him with a well executed brainbuster. Cornette called Perfect 'selfish', as he was just doing that so that he can save Corino for himself. Corino...stunned, then went against the ropes and finished off Gilbert with the Dusty Rhodes bionic elbow. I like how they continue to take shots at WCW. It so blatantly obvious, and that makes it hilarious. Hebner turned around after the elbow and counted Gilbert down....Perfect took the mic as he walked to the back...

    "Corino...in case you don't realise...I'm accepting your SummerSlam '97 retirement match! And remember Corino...you may be the champion, but I'M PERFECT!"

    Overall: 79

    Crowd: 88

    Match: 59

    The WWF World title has lost image.

    Raw went off the air with a triple split screen. On screen showed Perfect staring down Corino from the podium. Another showed Corino returning the glare from the ring. And the last showed Gilbert, acting very disturbed that he missed another shot at WWF Gold....

    Commentary Aftermath

    Styles" Oh My GaWd!! Oh My GaWd!! Oh My GaWd!! Corino - Perfect!! Summerslam...a retirement match!!!"

    Cornette" But look at Gilbert!! He's obviously very distraut!! Perfect caused him the match on purpose, so that Corino would still be the Champion!! Plu, for Gilbert, what does this mean!? How will this effect his state of mind!!"

    Styles" Well, whats more important, is now...The Dark Carnival may have met their match!! And PRIDE...those corwards!! Didn't even show up tonight!! I'd like to see Tenzan, or Hansen, or Dibiase fall to the asteriod explosion!"

    Cornette" It's gonna be a wild night next week!! It's Sunday In Manchester, Styles, and I'll be there!!"

    Show Quality: 79%

    TV Rating: 8.00

    Other Shows: Head to Head, Monday Nitro - 7.82

    Biggest Complaint: The WWF showing footage of the deceased Eddie Gilbert for storyline purposes.

    Behind The Scenes Issues:

    Raw Preview!!


    'Sunday in Manchester' card preview up soon!


  5. user posted image

    Only 5 Months until Series '97...

    July 19rd, 1997

    WWF Worldwide Saturday Nights-

    Channel: FOX

    Venue: Moxfurous Arena, Chicago IL

    Attendance: 12074

    Announcing Team: Sean Mooney & Sgt. Slaughter

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Shane McMahon, Earl Hebner, Charles Robinson, Jim Mollineaux, John Finnegan


    Dave Schmeltzer

    - The Riddle Box; Hosted By Shaggy 2 Dope -

    With just about a week before their Europe Only PPV, Sunday in Manchester, the WWF did more hyping for the Monday Night RAW in two days, than the PPV...which leads me to believe, that this PPV, will be like most other European PPV's...and that is featuring B-level matches strictly for entertaining purposes for the English crowd. With that said, its also believed that Mike Tyson, who's in England I guess doing 'press' after his little ear biting encounter last week, could be making an appearance at the PPV. That is, of course, if all rumours are true that he could be headed in for a program against Zeus.

    WWF Worldwide opened up with 'House Of Mirrors' hitting the PA system, which meant, The Insane Clown Posse. It looked like this was a 'new show', as the ring was decorated with gimmick graveyard props...the most noteable props being two large verticle caskets, in two different turnbuckle corners. Shaggy 2Dope & Violent J came down the ring, and had way too much mic time then they should've.

    Shaggy 2Dope" Hello and welcome to The Riddle Box I'm your host Shaggy 2 Dope...and this here (pointing around the ring) is My Riddle Box!! That's right...The Dark Carinval has taken control of your Television screen, and this arena!! Now, the whole wrestling world seems to be talking about this 'saviour' of the WWF!! But, THERE IS NO PROTECTION FROM THE CARNIVAL!! YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOICE! " (Crowd Boos as Violent J chimes in)

    Violent J" The Dark Carnival is here for you! It is here to save you!! It is here to cleanse the WWF!!"

    2Dope" Now...everyone seems to be talking about that 'spacey music', that we heard last week on RAW--and talkin' about 'Max Moon'! (The Crowd breaks into a huge cheer)"

    Violent J" Well, Ya'll can sit tight, cos he ain't coming."

    Shaggy 2Dope" Buuuuttttt just incase Max Moon is thinking of coming to help the WWF!! Just in case that music has 'inspired' Max Moon to come for all of his illegitimate Moon Children--Let me read to you some letters sent to us by the Juggalos!!"

    Violent J" Oh...and by Juggalos...we mean our followers! Those who believe in the Carnival! Those who understand the Dark Side!!"

    2Dope" Look at this Letter...he says here that 'Max Moon is old news!! Please, I hope Max Moon isn't coming to the WWF!! Look at another letter...here from 'Juggalo Ron', 'We need someone fresh!! We want someone new!! Not that looser Max Moon!" (The crowd breaks into rampant; "Moooooonnn!!" chants.

    Violent J" Yea...someone fresh...so we can chop their head right off!!"

    2Dope" Look...another letter from Juggalo Vapid; 'Hey, It's 1997, we don't want Max Moon back in the WWF!!'" (The crowd booes as ICP are clearly making these letters up just to attack Max Moon)

    Violent J" Shaggy 2 Dope!! Those are all Juggalos!! Maybe you should ask a (sarcastically), 'WWF Star', what he thinks about Max Moon!!!"

    Shaggy 2 Dope" Alright...I'd like to call out...um...long time WWF Manager...Dr. Harvey Wipplemann!! C'mon Down Doc!!"

    Confused, and wondering whats going on...we see an uncertain Harvey Wippleman walking reluctantly to the ring....

    2Dope" Now whatchYOU know 'bout this Max Moon guy?!"

    Wipplemann" Well...he seemed to be getting more and popular with the fans...until this year...when YOU GUYS interefered in his Wrestlemania match, with the Undertaker! We've never heard from him again!" (The crowd actually cheered Wipplemann for being 'truthful')

    2Dope (angered)" Now...you listen to me Mr. Harvey Wipplemann! I'm gonna ask you dis question again!! Maybe I need to rephrase! Whatttaayyya think about Max Moon!!"

    Wipplemann" I told you already. He's extremely popular with his fans...and the moon children and---"

    2Dope" Wipple[bleep], you've just entered the Riddle Box! Now, those who step in leave with one of two results. The first outcome--should they choose to embrace The Carnival--is a very good outcome! They are met with a guiding light! A shining light of all that represents The Dark Carnival!! But...the bad outcome is quite a different image...an Image of Hell!! An image of suffering!!"

    Wippleman" Uh...Ok guys...I'm gonna go..good luck with your, er--show...."

    Wipplemann slowly began to back up from Shaggy 2 Dope. But, unbeknownst to Wipplemann, one of the Caskets started to open. Out came Papa Shango, standing directly behind Wipplemann, with his peices of garlic in hand. Finally, when Wipplemann bumped into Papa Shango, Shango quickly kicked him in the gut, then followed with his shoulder breaker finnisher on Wipplemann. The Dark Carnival left Wipplemann in the ring, clinching onto his shoulder in extreme pain--with the crowd booing them out of the ring. Good segment, but the interview lagged on for the live crowd. 64%

    [ANGLE 3 on 1]

    Shaggy 2 Dope lost overness from this segment. Violent J lost overness from this segment.


    Flexx Kavanna & PJWalker d. Dr. X & Earthquake

    There are rumours going around that Vince McMahon sent Pat Patterson to Ontario Canadia, the home of Rocky Johnson's (regional) VZF to scout for talent that could help the WWF's, once again, faltering Tag Team Division. According to several sources, they were looking at The Trillseekers, current VZF tag team champions. According to reports, Lance Storm & Chris Jericho-The Thrillseekers, are young competitors who had been trained in Stu-Hart's dungeon. Well, their going to need more than one tag team, if they want to give PRIDE'S Team H any competition. Kavanna won with the Kavanna Krash, which is basicallly a well timed urange.

    Overall: 63

    Crowd: 54

    Match: 72

    Dr .X lost overness from this match. Earthquake lost overness from this match. PJ Walker gained overness from this match. Flex Kavanna gained overness from this match.


    - Paulie Dangerously Arrives-

    Next they take us to the back as Paulie Dangerously has suprisingly arrived at WWF Worldwide. Eric Bischoff goes straight to harrassing Dangerously....

    Bischoff (Approaching the Limousine)" Mr. Dangerously!!? What brings you WWF Worldwide?!"

    Dangerously" Bischoff...The WWF is in grave danger! And I heard that music, just like everyone else on RAW, last week! That was Max Moon's music! So, tonight, I here to plead. That's right, Bischoff I'm going to plead to Max Moon. I can swallow my pride...because this is a time of crises!! This is a time that the WWF needs someone to Step Up against the Dark Carnival!! See ya later, Eric." 82%

    Jack Victory d. Rick Steiner

    During this match, the announcers speculated about the ring music from RAW last week. I find it odd that WWF acknowledged the overall negative internet opinion to bringing back Max Moon...yet they seem to be still pushing him. Very Odd. There are alot of rumours going around that Glen Jacobs, aka Bobby Heenan's bodyguard from the Bobby Heenan show of the past, Isacc Yankem DDS may be brought in to oppose the Dark Carnival. However, Jacob's currently signed to ECA doing his Doomsday gimmick. It'll be interesting to see what they do. Jack Victory won with the V-Punch at 8:33. After the match, Jerry 'The King' Lawler hit the ring and started attacking Rick Steiner. At this point, Sean Mooney left the broadcast booth to get a word, in the ring, with Jerry Lawler....

    Overall: 54

    Crowd: 48

    Match: 61


    - Lawler Accepts Beefcake's SummerSlam '97 Retirement Match Challenge -

    Sean Mooney was in the ring and tried to start the interview twice, but Jerry Lawler kept pausing to make fun of random fans in the front row. Finally, Mooney was able to get his word in.

    Mooney" Jerry Lawler...if I can get a word with you...The Wrestling World wants to know...will you accept Brutus Beefcake's Challenge?"

    Lawler" You listen to me, Mooney!! And I want everyone to listen to me, the King Of The WWF!! Yeaa!!! Yea, I'll accept Beefcake's challenge!! I'll accept Beefcake's challenge because I'm tired of him running around the WWF trying to cut people's hair like a freakin idiot!! This is a wrestling ring...not a stinkin Barber Shop!! And when I'm done ridding the WWF of that stinkin' Barber, I'm going to give him a SummerSlam present! A HAIRCUT!! A BALD HAIRCUT!! HAHAAHA!! That's right, Beefcake...not only will you loose your wrestling priviledges, but you'll also loose your hair!! Hahahahaha!!!! Mooney!!! Barbertude is over!!"

    **Lawler got the Worldwide crowd really riled up, and left, as the announcers pushed hard that Summerslam will be the last match in a WWF Ring for either, Jerry Lawler, or Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake...97%

    The Lightning Kid d. Johnny Ace

    Very strong Worldwide match. Ace spent most of the time nailing Kid with Ric Flair chops. The finals of the match came when the Kid nailed Ace with a Lightning Kid after a missed Ace-Crusher.

    Overall: 81

    Crowd: 82

    Match: 80


    Carl Oulette d. Juventud Guerrera

    Basiclly a sqaush for Oulette. Guerrera looked good here, but the crowd new that Oulette, one of the most over men in the company, was going to win. He won with the cannonball at 6:33.

    Overall: 70

    Crowd: 64

    Match: 76

    The Insane Clown Posse d. The Rock & The Executioner

    Ah..it looks like the WWF has officially written off Halme, with sticking him under the Executioner mask/costume. The last time that they used the jobber Executioner gimmick was when they were trying to drive Roddy Rowdy Piper to quit the WWF years ago. ICP won with their double leg drop off the top rope, on Executioner for the victory at 10:10. After the match, The Rock tried to go after ICP, but was held back by the refs. Basic squash match for The Posse.

    Overall: 72

    Crowd: 82

    Match: 51

    Don Muraco didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating.


    - Corino Follow's Lawler's Lead -

    Mr. Perfect d. Barry Horowitz

    The idea of this bout was to see if Barry Horowitz could finally break his loosing streak. Of course, Horowitz came close to beating the #1 Contender many times, but finally fell to the Perfect-Plex at 12:58. After the match, Steve Corino came down the isle, accompanied by Jack Victory, with a mic in his hand. The crowd broke into a frenzy as always. Victory got hit in the shoulder with a coke, which was mildly amusing.

    Overall: 77

    Crowd: 84

    Match: 64

    Steve Corino

    " Perfect!!!!! You may know me...I'm Steve Corino--The Greatest WWF Champion of all time!! And...Perfect...I defeated you...but as we all recall...it was with the help of your Barber buddy, Brutus Beefcake, who tried to stick his nose where it didn't belong! Because...we all know that Beefcake will never be a World Champion!! (Crowd boooes Corino's statment) Now....Perfect...since I am the greatest champion of all time...I'm giving you the chance of a life time...That's right folks--The Champion is making the challenge! Perfect...You've got one more chance at the gold!! This time...NO INTEFERANCE!! Just You...and the Perfect One: ME!!! But let's make this one--in the spirit of my stablemate...a man whom I've looked up to as a kid, Jerry Lawler..(Crowd booes Jerry Lawler's mention)--A RETIREMENT MATCH!!! That's right...A SUDDEN DEATH MATCH!!! And there's no coming back!!! Jerry Lawler or Jack Victory won't interfere in my match...and your new friend, Brutus Beefcake won't interfere either!! Think about it Perfect! I know it's quite the risk...and it's also your last chance..." 86%


    - Paulie Dangerously Lifts Max Moon's Sudden Death Suspension; 'His Way' -

    Paulie Dangerously came out with a paper in his hand. The announcers said that it was a list of those wrestlers who lost Sudden Death Matches in the past. Paulie got right down to business

    Paulie Dangerously

    " In my hand..I hold the past fate of WWF Wrestlers, in my hand! Sudden Death: An idea spawn forth by former WWF President Hulk Hogan!! A man who defected to...(Paulie Dangerously starts doing wacky insulting impression of Dusty Rhodes, dancing in the ring, to the laughter of the crowd. Dusty Rhodes, is WCW's lead announcer, and often leads in the on air attacks on the WWF. It looks like Vince finally got insulted and is firing back through his employees)...Double Yaaa Seeee Double Yaaa! And this idea was carried on with future WWF Presidents, Joel Gertner, Captain Lou Albano...then ME...PAUL E. DANGEROUSLY!!! So in my hand I hold the only documentation of those Sudden Death explusions from then until now! That's right...I did a little dirty work over the last week!! And now...all the guys that were expelled from the WWF, (Paulie proceeds to ripping up the paper) ARE NO LONGER EXPELLED. That's right, our President, Dibiase, now has NO DOCUMENTATION OF THE SUDDEN DEATH MATCH HISTORY!!! And I did this for one reason, and one reason only!!! (Paulie stops to acknowledge the 'Moooooooonn!' cries from the crowd). Yea...that's right. Max Moon...I know its you!!! I heard the music!! We heard the music!! If your watching this...and I know you are...come back to the WWF!!! WE NEED YOU!! THE FANS NEED YOU!! THE WWF NEEDS YOU!! MAX MOON...I know it's you!!! And I'll see you on RAW in just two days!! TOGETHER WE WILL TAKE DOWN PRIDE!!! TOGETHER WE WILL PROTECT THE WWF FROM PAUL BEARER...RINGMASTER JIM NEIDHART AND THE DARK CARNIVAL!!! Max...I think I speak for everyone when I say...'Moooooooooooonnn!!"

    Dangerously throws down the mic. He got the crowd pumped up, as WWF Worldwide closed with Paulie walking to the back admist frequent 'Mooooonnnn!' calls from the crowd. 86%

    Commentary Aftermath

    Mooney" Listen to this crowd, Slaughter! Listen to this crowd!!"

    Slaughter" Is Max Moon returning to the WWF?"

    Mooney" Well...someone's gotta!! The WWF needs help!! The Dark Carnival must be stopped!!!"

    Slaughter" And don't forget, PRIDE!!! Over and out, maggots!!!"

    Show Quality: 61%

    TV Rating: 7.57

    Other Shows: Early Evening WCW Saturday Night 7.32

    Biggest Complaint: Sean Mooney

    Behind The Scenes Issues:

    Raw Preview!!

    --Steve Corino has an Open Contract for a WWF Title Contender!!!

    --The Dark Carnival (Insane Clown Posse & Undertaker)


    The Sandman and...2 Brave WWF Athletes

    --Bret Hart (With Lightning Kid in his Corner)


    Mr. Bob Backlund (w/ Owen Hart in his Corner)

    --The Debut of The Thrillseekers!!!

  6. user posted image

    Only 5 Months until Series '97...

    July 14rd, 1997

    Monday Night Raw-

    Channel: USA Network - Prime Time

    Venue: The Aethra Arena, Rochester - NY

    Attendance: 12,033

    Announcing Team: Joey Styles & James E. Cornette

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Dave Hebner, Shane McMahon, Jimmy Korderas, Joey Marella, John Finnegan, Jim Mollineaux


    Dave Schmeltzer

    - The Return Of.... -

    Raw this week opened up with a hot crowd, pretty much forced into a 'Finnish Nightmare' chant, as Tony Halme stands around the ring, dumbfounded. He has a mic in his hand...

    Halme" Ok...I got a note backstage...that I was wanted here, in this ring! So...whoever left that note in my locker room...I'm here!!! C'mon!!"

    While the stalling continued, Joey Styles & James Cornette on commentary hyped up the rest of RAW, in addition to talking about the recent SummerSlam challenge between Brutus Beefcake & Jerry Lawler. It looks like the WWF isn't hyping up Sunday In Manchester, which will be a Europe Only PPV, whilst also being broadcast on American Television. Actually, it reminds me alot of an event that they ran, many years ago, Tuesday In Texas. Suddenly, the lights began to flickler, then dim, as 10 gongs started to play, followed by The Undertaker's music. The fans all looked to the curtain, and instantly broke into an uproar when they saw who emerged from the curtain. It was Paul Bearer, The Mortician, apparently 100% healed from his 8 month torn calf injury. The look on Tony Halme's face was priceless, as a man of his size was scared, as Paul Bearer walked down the isle. He walked very slowly, by himself--but had the urn in his hand, signifying his apparent ties with the Dark Carnival. Some of the fans booed. Some Cheered. They were very uncertain of what to expect. After staring at Halme for a short while as the crowd went nuts, Bearer was handed a microphone, and talked as he circled around Mr. Halme. He was doing his 100% heel mortician gimmick...This was a real treat for the live fans.

    Paul Bearer

    "Ohhhhhhh YEeessssssssssss!!! The Fat Scary Man is back!! (Crowd cheers at first, but quickly settles into booes once they realise Bearer was talking in his heel dialect) ...And I am the one behind The Dark Carnival!!! You see for years, I've always been the one pushed around! I've always been the one shoved, ignored...to the the point where I had to sit on a hospital bed for the last 8 months, and watch--as the very people who put me down parade all over the WWF! Well...NOW IT'S MY TURN!!! That's right--Through the powers of the Darkside...and the root of all that is Evil--Its I that's doing the picking and chosing!!! Whether you like it our not, I now control the fate of WWF Wrestlers! And...at Shangrila...The ULTIMATE SACRIFICE WILL BE MADE!!!! OHHHHHHHHH YESSSSSSS!!!!!" 82%


    Suddenly, Paul Bearer stops and looks into the direction of Tony Halme. Halme gives a look as if he doesn't know what to expect. Paul Bearer holds up his Urn to the iselway. However, the look of the fans, reveal that wrestlers were coming from another direction--the stands. Hopping over the railing, then into the ring, were The Insane Clown Posse and Papa Shango, attacking Halme from behind. Halme stood no chance in this 3-1 battle. As this was going on, Ringmaster Jim Neidhart, with a body bag in hand - strolled down the isle laughing maniacally as always..Beside him, was The Undertaker, rolling a giant casket to the ring. This was quite the scene. Finally, once in the ring, Ringmaster Jim Neidhart zipped open the casket to a nice reaction--as everyone new what was coming up next..., with that, He, ICP, and Papa Shango all helped in placing Halme in the bodybag. Bearer then gave a sign to The Undertaker, as Undertaker tombstoned Halme, already in the body bag--then rolled him into the casket. Finally, Undertaker shut the casket, as Paul Bearer held the urn up, screaming; 'Ohhhhhhh Yesssssss!! Another one has been chosen!!! Welcome the Dark Carnival!! Enjoy your stay!! IT'S ETERNAL!!'. Styles cut to a commercial break as The (now complete) Dark Carnival posed in the ring, getting a nice heel reaction, as an ICP song 'House Of Mirrors', played as their music. How fitting. A song about death. 75%

    Paul Bearer lost overness from this segment.


    user posted image

    Paul Bearer has returned, as leader of the

    Dark Carnival, and has taken another victim, into

    The Carnival...

    Commentary Aftermath

    Styles" I should've known it was him!! Paul Bearer! That freak! That...that...that cult leader!!"

    Cornette" Styles, this is more than a cult...it's a terror! And it looks like we've seen that last of Tony Halme!"

    Styles" I think we're going to loose alot of people...if this cult is not stopped!"

    Cornette" STyles, this is only the beginning!! Only the beginning of the road to Shangrila--where the 'ultimate sacrifice', will be made...as said by Paul Bearer--The man behind the Dark Carnival!!"

    Styles" And what's with this music?"


    Diesel d. Hunter Hearst Helmsely

    Diesel looked pretty good here. Martin is kinda skinny, but he carry's off the biker gimmick well. Jimmy Hart got involved a few times, but was taken down by Francine on the outside. Diesel won with the pump handle slam at 6:59.

    Overall: 76

    Crowd: 73

    Match: 79

    Hunter Hearst Helmsley lost overness from this match. Diesel gained overness from this match.

    - The Sandman's Quest For More Beer -

    After the announcers were done recapping President Dibiase's steps to power, Mike Rotunda hit the ring, and introduced, The WWF President, Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase. Dibiase said that Stan Hansen had an open contract for a shot at the GWF Heavyweight Title for this month's Sunday In Manchester. At this point, The Sandman's music started to play as he emerged from the curtain and stood on the podium with a mic in his hand.


    Dibiase" Sandman!! You have a Tag Team Cage match to prepare for--this had better be good!! Mwahahahaha!!"

    Sandman (He stops to play to the crowd. There is a deafening Sandman Chant. Rotunda is in the ring trying to quite the crowd down) " YO!!!! (Crowd echoes 'Yo!') Ya know Dibiase...yea, yea, I know I got that Tag Team match tonight...but ya see I want a shot at that GWF Title...ya know...I'm the one Hansen beat for the title! So...lets make this a little interesting...If Taylor and I beat the Dark Carnival tonight...then then I get a GWF Title shot at Sunday In Manchester

    Dibiase" Fine!! Your on! Whatever! Now get out of here!!"

    Sandman (Looks to the crowd, who are chanting 'Where's Your Beer', noticing that The Sandman doesn't have a can of beer with him) " Ya know...that reminds me Dibiase. We've got a serious problem here. There ain't no beer backstage!!"

    Rotunda (Rotunda grabs the microphone from Dibiase) " Sandman!! You're not getting any beer!! That locker room is for seasoned athlethes, not for drunks like you!"

    Sandman (Now, looks to the crowd) " Yo!!!! Anybody got any beer for me?!" (The crowd erupts; each section inviting the Sandman to join them in the stands.)

    Dibiase" Sandman, don't you even think about it! It doesn't pay to cross The Million Dollar Boss!!"

    Sandman" Hey, Dibiase!! Eat me!!! I'm going to drink up!"

    With that, The Sandman hopped off the podium and into the crowd, as fans rushed to the Sandman and started pouring beer down his mouth. The Sandman went up and down the isleway, getting beer from his fans from every direction. The crowd loved this. Dibiase and Rotunda were going nuts in the ring, telling security to stop the Sandman. They cut to advert break, with Dibiase & Rotunda returning to the back, while still yelling for the Sandman to get out of the crowd. This was a great segment for the Sandman, as he came accross as being overly popular by going into the crowd--which he is...94%

    The Sandman gained overness from this segment.


    New Jack d. Jeff Jarrett

    New Jack beat Double J after his headbutt off of the top rope, in 9:33 of an OK match. After the match, Harvey Wipplemann & Jack Victory were yelling at Jeff Jarrett for loosing. Announcers teased that all was not well in The Kings' Court.

    Overall: 78

    Crowd: 82

    Match: 72

    Jeff Jarrett lost overness from this match. New Jack gained overness from this match.

    The Dark Patriot & Brian Christopher d. The Lightning Kid & Juventud Guerrera

    They replayed the Dark Patriot segment from Worldwide. So what do they do next? Put him in a tag match. Anyway, Guerrara looked really out of place here. His ring work was fine, but in just his second match in the WWF no one knew who he was. The finals came when Dark Patriot nailed Juventud with his scud missle shoulder block in 8:16. After the match, Bob Backlund came down the isle with a microphone.

    Overall: 71

    Crowd: 72

    Match: 72

    - The Kid Rejects Backlund; Then Pays For It -

    Bob Backlund came into the ring, and made a motion that he 'meant peace' to Lightning Kid. Backlund said that he realised Bret wasn't in the building tonight, and that he wanted to make an offer to The Lightning Kid. He said that he was very impressed by The Kid after his 30 minute battle with Owen Hart at the King Of The Ring. He then said that the Kid should join forces with he and Owen Hart against Bret, warning him that Bret was always going to hold The Kid Down. Backlund then offered a handshake. The Kid teased shaking his hand, but then got the cheers of the crowd when he simply walked away from Backlund. Backlund kept screaming for the Kid to get back in the ring to shake his hand. Finally, when The Kid was at the curtain, Owen Hart appeared out of nowhere, blindsiding The Kid. At that point Backlund ran up to the podium in front of the curtain and joined in on the attack. After more boots to the back, Owen locked The Kid in the sharpshooter, until finally referees and officials came to break it up. Backlund and Owen got great heel heat here. Backlund got great heat, especially with his work in the ring with The Kid. The Lightning Kid not only sold the sharpshooter well, but did a good job of acting when in the ring with Backlund, as well.



    The Lightning Kid gained overness from this segment. Bob Backlund gained overness from this segment.


    Papa Shango d. Don Muraco

    They showed this match from a past house show...I guess to get Papa Shango a bit more over, since he was technically a 'Main Eventer' for tonight.

    Overall: 55

    Crowd: 53

    Match: 58

    Don Muraco lost overness from this match. Papa Shango gained overness from this match.

    - Slick's Groundshaking Challenge -

    We go backstage to where Vince McMahon is standing by with Slick and Zeus. McMahon said that we were moments away from the Giant Cage match Main Event. Slick did his normal jiving, as Zeus stood behind him staring intensly into the camera as usual. Vince asked Slick what were Zeus's intentions here in the WWF....

    Slick" McMahon....Who is the toughest man in the World!!! Zeus' is, daddy!!! And we are here to make a public invition to who many feel is the Baddest Man on The Planet!!! "

    McMahon" I'm sorry...I don't understand."

    Slick" McMahon!!! The Invitation is open...Zeus is making a national challenge to the so-called 'Baddest Man On The Planet!!!The Man who's so bad...that just a few weeks ago he was all over the news...for biting the eeeeaarrrrrrrr of the legendary Evander Holyfield!!!"

    McMahon" You don't mean..."

    Slick (Pulls out a picture) " That's right, Daddy!! Our challenge goes out to...THIS MAN!!! WE ARE INVITING YOU TO THE WWF!!! TO FACE ZEUS!!!!"

    With that, Slick took out and showed a picture of, former Boxing heavyweight champion of the World. 'Iron' Mike Tyson... 82%


    - Problems in Camp Corino -

    Returning off the break, we see WWF Champion Steve Corino walking side by side with Jerry Lawler & Jack Victory, along with Jeff Jarrett & Harvey Wipplemann following right behind. It looks like, Owen Hart has chosen to go on his own, rather than being apart of Corino's stable. On his way to the ring, Corino actually spit on a fan, which lead to the fan trying to jump over the railing at Corino, but he was quickly stopped by WWF Security. Once in the ring, Corino grabbed the mic, and stalled a bit, by making fun of some of the fans in the front row, along with the help of Jerry Lawler. The announcers noted that Lawler has his right fist wrapped in chain.

    Corino (Loud 'Corino Sux' goes as Corino finally stops making fun of members of the crowd) " If you would please quiet down! Your WWF Champion has something to say!! (He pauses as the arena explodes with booes) Hey...remember...YOU PAID TO SEE ME!!! Quiet!! First off...Mr. Perfect!! I proved to you that you are indeed not Perfect at all!! Infact...from now on...I think I'll call you...Mr. Imperfect!!! Now--There seems to be a problem in Camp Corino!!! Nowl as WWF Champion, I demand a strong foundation of the people around me!! And...well...look at what happened earlier tonight!"

    [*Footage plays from earlier, where New Jack defeated Jeff Jarrett in a little under 10 minutes*]

    Corino" That's right!! Our (Saracastically) 'World Class Superstar' got defeated by an inner city thug!! That's right!! Jeff Jarrett--former Intercontinental Champion, lost to New Jack--who's highest honour he's had was the ECW Title!!! Jarrett...what do you have to say for yourself?"

    Jarrett" Oh C'mon, Corino... Well..I--I...New Jack's tough. He's--"

    Corino" 'New Jack's tough'..he says! Is that the best you can do?! As far as I'm concern, there's no place for you, in Camp Corino! Guys...if you will...please show 'Double J' they way us legends deal with failures like him!"

    With that, Jerry Lawler sucker punched Jarrett with a chain that was rapped around his hand. He and Victory started kicking Jarrett as Lawler screamed, "I expected better from you, Jarrett!!" Victory & Lawler held Jarrett up, as Corino gave Jarrett some right hands to the head. Finally, to end off the attack, Corino nailed Jarrett with 3 Dusty Rhodes Elbow drops, before leaving a beaten Jeff Jarrett laid out in the ring. Wasn't too much of a reaction since the fans didn't really seem to care about Jarrett being attacked by Corino. Corino still got the expected heel heat after the attack was over. [*Eye of The Tiger*] played as Corino led his team to the back. I'm hearing that Corino wants the stable to have more of an emphasis on him, since he is the World Champion, which is why I guess he referred to his clique as Camp Corino. Jarrett was completely thrashed here, which leads me to wonder if Jarrett could be a victim of the WWF's recent 'cleansing'.72%

    The fans realised that Jeff Jarrett turned not too long ago, and so this time they didn't care so much. Jeff Jarrett lost overness from this turn. Steve Corino lost overness from this segment.



    - Taylor Lands The Knee From Above -

    The Sandman & Terry Taylor d. The Undertaker & Papa Shango - CAGE

    Coming off the break, Terry Taylor was already in the ring jumping in place, while The Sandman, fresh off of an hour of 'drinking with the fans' arrived in the ring from the crowd. Match was fought with tornado rules, which meant no tags--and with these four in the ring that certainly helped. The final moments of the match came at 12:33, when Papa Shango was already down--Sandman and Taylor took turns bashing The Undertaker with the singapore cane. Finally, he fell down, and Taylor was climbing to the top rope for his signature knee drop. But Sandman stopped him and told him to go higher. And with that, with encouragement from the fans, Taylor went up a bit higher, midway on the cage, and leaped off nailing The Undertaker with his knee-drop, sparking a solid 'Taylor' chant. Maybe's Hawk's firing was the best thing for Taylor's career after all. With that, Sandman gave another cane shot to Papa Shango in the corner, before he and Taylor walked out of the Cage to a nice pop.

    Right after the victory, before an official word was even made, Ted Dibiase emerged from the curtain, and once again sent The Great Kabuki to the ring...he was quickly taken out by The Sandman's cane. Taylor fought off Ringmaster Jim Neidhart & Paul Bearer who were already at ringside..but lost control of the upper hand when Shaggy 2 Dope & Violent J hit the ring for the run in. Suddenly..the odds were stacked up against the Sandman & Terry Taylor...as they had a stand off between the two of them and The Dark Carnival & PRIDE'S Great Kabuki, with Ted Dibiase looking on from the podium. Joey Styles on commentary kept going nuts screaming;

    "We need someone to step up against this Dark Carnival!! We need someone to come to the aid of Taylor and Sandman!! We need someone to come to the aid of The WWF!!!"

    Suddenly, when it seemed That Sandman & Taylor were about to be attacked...lights started to flicker...and odd spacey music started to play as ring music... All combatants looked around in confusion, until finally the heels decided to retreat to the back. As they were retreated, RAW went off the air....

    Overall: 74

    Crowd: 82

    Match: 58

    Terry Taylor gained overness from this feud ending. Papa Shango gained overness from this feud ending.

    Commentary Aftermath

    Styles" Who will come to the aid of the WWF!?! What WWF Superstar will step up against this cult!! This--"

    Cornette" What the hells going on with the lights, Styles! ...and where is that wierd music coming from!?"

    Styles" It sounds like some music from outer space or something...what the...AND LOOK!! The Dark Carnival is retreating!! Their going back to the locker room! So is PRIDE's Great Kabuki!!"

    Cornette" I don't know what's going on here, but someone's better fix the lighting situation!"

    Styles" The Sandman!! Terry Taylor!!! Standing Strong!! But there has already been Dark Carnival casualty tonight! Will there be more -- in the weeks -- in the months to come, now that their leader is here?!"

    Cornette" And, what about the situation with Owen Hart and The Lightning Kid! Wait until Bret Hart finds out about this!! AND WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH THIS MUSIC ON THE PA SYSTEM!!!"

    Styles" I don't know...but it scared away the Dark Carnival & Dibiase!! So much action!! So little time!!! OH MY GAWD!!!!"

    Show Quality: 77%

    TV Rating: 8.00

    Other Shows: Head to Head, Monday Nitro - 7.89

    Biggest Complaint: The House Show Match being shown....

    Behind The Scenes Issues:

    WWF Worldwide!!

    --Camp Corino in Attendance!! Jerry Lawler will answer Brutus Beefcake's Challenge!!

    --'Mr. Perfect' Curt Hennig vs. Barry Horowitz

    --Hiroyoshi Tenzan vs. Carl Oulette

    --Plus Much Much More!!!!

  7. user posted image

    Only 5 Months until Series '97...

    July 12rd, 1997

    WWF Worldwide Saturday Nights-

    Channel: FOX

    Venue: Moxfurous Arena, Chicago IL

    Attendance: 12030

    Announcing Team: Sean Mooney & Sgt. Slaughter

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Shane McMahon, Earl Hebner, Charles Robinson, Jim Mollineaux, John Finnegan


    Dave Schmeltzer

    WWF Worldwide opened the show, with Mooney saying that he had no idea who his broadcast partner would be this week. Suddenly, SGT. Slaughter's music played to a huge pop, in his announcing wear of a suit and tie. Mooney played shocked, and spent about 3 minutes running down the show sucking up to Slaughter. The two then recapped the recent WWF events.

    T.R.A.S.H. D. Simon Diamond & Dr. X (Tom Pritchard under a mask)

    It looks they've got Sgt. Slaughter doing the colour announcing for Worldwide from now on. The Real American Sanitation Homeboys won when Duke The Dumpster & Road Dogg nailed Dr. X with their double elbow drop.

    Overall: 62

    Crowd: 52

    Match: 73

    - The Great Kabuki looses it on Walker -

    In one of the wierdest segments in WWF History, PJ Walker was seen walking to the ring. He was just done talking to an unidentified official (Ed Ferrera), where his last words heard were, "Yea, I'm not happy about this PRIDE thing, either..." All of a sudden he was blindsided by The Great Kabuki. The fans were extremely confused since most people in the arena didn't hear Walker's last words about PRIDE...so they had no idea why Kabuki was attacking Walker. Rotunda was nearby yelling at Walker, then informed him, he had a match next..."Against The Great Kabuki!"

    I think they did this to get Kabuki more over as a heel to the fans, as he had been getting alot of cheers from long time Wrestling fans, who know about his years of ring experience. But the fans were more confused, and disinterested than anything else. Kabuki did give Walker quite the thrashing, though. 21%

    Overall: 62

    Crowd: 52

    Match: 73

    The fans didn't understand why The Great Kabuki was trying to become a face by turning on PJ Walker. The Great Kabuki's turn was completed, and he is now a heel. The Great Kabuki gained overness from this turn. The Great Kabuki lost overness from this segment. PJ Walker lost overness from this segment. [i think I hit 'face turn' instead of 'heel turn'...nevertheless the end result is still a higher over for Kabuki -- from 64-71]


    The Great Kabuki d. PJ Walker

    Sean Mooney must've mentioned that Kabuki was Great Muta's Father about 900 times. Kabuki kille Walker with a stiff kick to the head for the victory. Rotunda was at ringside with Kabuki. I guess Dibiase only does the big RAW shows.

    Overall: 66

    Crowd: 55

    Match: 78

    Rick Martel d. Earthquake

    Martel won with the Boston crap at 7:33. Martel, at 40, and John Tenta, at 42, I'm sure are just happy to be employed. Jimmy Hart is so annoying with that megaphone outside the ring.

    Overall: 59

    Crowd: 62

    Match: 54

    - The Rock starts Trouble With the Canadian Foundation on WWF Spotlight -

    Sean Mooney takes us to a pre-recorded segment from this past Thursday's WWF Spotlight, which now replaces PHAT TV on Sky TV. It's now a purely recap show from the studios of the WWF, with hosts Vince McMahon & Eric Bischoff. It was the first broadcast of WWF Spotlight since 1991, and McMahon had the entire Canadian Foundation, Bret Hart, Carl Oulette, and The Rougeau Brothers as the shows special in studio guests. Suddenly after a break, The Rock Don Muraco came into the studio and started causing a scene.

    The Rock" Why were these punks asked to be here, and not The Rock!?! I'm a legend around here!! I should've been co-hosting WWF Spotlight, McMahon! "

    McMahon" Well...I'm sorry..but--"

    The Rock (Knocks papers from nearby desk panel)" Sorry's not good enough McMahon!! I want these guys out of here, and I'M the special guest!!"

    With that, The Rock shoved Ray Rougeau, to which The Mountie shoved Muraco back in retaliation. This caused Muraco to shove The Mountie which led to Bret & Oulette joining in the scuffle jumping on The Rock. McMahon started screaming for security, as they quickly came to break up the studio free for all. According to those within, The Rock was supposed to be written off in a Dark Carnival segment, but apparently didn't show up for the Worlwide Tapings due to being sick. So they showed this instead. 82%


    Zeus d. Spike Dudley

    Their talking about giving Zeus a program with WWF I-C Champion Sabu..or at least getting him involved in the whole Sabu, Tenzan IC Title triangle. I could just picture Zeus no selling Sabu's chair shots already.

    Overall: 56

    Crowd: 55

    Match: 58

    Terry Taylor d. Papa Shango

    Announcers were pushing the Tag Team Cage Match on RAW huge during this match, of Taylor & Sandman vs. Undertaker & Papa Shango, including to speculating who the Dark Carnival leader was. Slaughter had a funny comment citing that it could be Bozo The Clown, obviously a knock on ICP. Taylor won with his dreaded top rop knee-drop at 11:33, after the Sandman hit the ring, surving as a distraction. On their way to the back, Ringmaster Jim Neidhart screamed at Taylor, and Sandman, "Be careful!! For this Monday Night...you could be the next chosen one!! The next victim...Of The Carnival!!

    OVerall: 69

    Crowd: 76

    Match: 56


    - The Dark Patriot; Live From The Streets of The Gutter -

    Sean Mooney directs the viewers attention to the Titan Tron, where The Dark Patriot is seen walking in a slum street of Detriot. Doug Gilbert isn't exactly the best when it comes to delivering promos, but its good to see the WWF now using Worldwide to give everyone some air time. It's been no secret in the WWF locker room, that Gilbert's been upset at the way that he's been toned down, since his feud earlier this year, with Bret Hart. Dark Patriot walked along the streets of a gutter, wearing his trench coat and mask, while talking to 'the camera'...

    The Dark Patriot

    "Ya know some people say I'm Doug Gilbert, and some people say I'm not. But, what everyone can agree on is that I've made an impact, on everyone's lives, here in the WWF. (He steps in a wad of bubble gum. He pauses to pull the gum off of the bottom of his boot..with his bare hand) At Wrestlemania, I was in the Main Event...and was outsmart by Steve Corino! But you see...the Dark Patriot doesn't care. The Dark Patriot has no emotion! But...there is something that has bothered me for a while. Ya see I was at Wrestlemania...and I played a big part of it...and now...SummerSlam is right around the corner...and I plan to be a big part of that, too. You see, there's a person here in the WWF that claims to be Suicidal. He claims to be Genocidal. And He also claims to be Homicidal. And he's the Intercontinental Champion, Sabu!! But ya see...I'm all of those and so much more...right here....right here...right here...(Points to head). So, Sabu...at Summerslam...lets just see who is...is more...of a menace..."

    The Dark Patriot continues off into the dark alley as the screen fades to black. This is interesting. They must be planning some sort of a 3 way match or something, since the feud between Dibiase, Tenzan, Dangerously and Sabu is no where near complete. Good segment, but the fans pretty much fell asleep until he mentioned Sabu. 66%

    The Dark Patriot lost overness from this segment.


    Johnny Ace, Mike Barton & Stan Hansen


    Jacques Rougeau, Finnish Hammer Tony Halme, & Rick Steiner

    Everyone worked really stiff here except for Rougeau...who got a shiner thanks to the stiff forearm shots of Mike Barton. Steiner had a little 'clothesline contest with Hansen trying to get him down, but ultimatley lost the match when Hansen just responded with his patented Lariat. Road Agent Mike Rotunda was at ringside for this one, and raised the hands of PRIDE in victory after the match.

    Overall: 73

    Crowd: 78

    Match: 68

    - The King saves Jeff Jarrett From A Haircut -

    Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake d. Jeff Jarrrett

    Beefcake was pretty lame in the ring as always and spent most of the match playing to the crowd, but nailed Jarrett with the sleeper at 9:33. He won in such a way that suggested that Jarrett looked to be somewhat buried. After his victory Beefcake pointed and went for the sheers, but by the time he turned around, Lawler had hit the ring, and had already pulled Jarrett out to saftey. Beefcake then took the microphone. I'm really suprised their giving mic time to people who...essentially can't deliver great promos...but I guess, with the WWF's recent PPV viewership victory over WCW they there giving a chance to everyone...which is actually effective in generating more heat for their feuds.

    Overall: 80

    Crowd: 89

    Match: 61

    - Brutus Beefcake Makes a Summerslam Challenge To Lawler -

    Brutus Beefcake

    " Ya know something, Lawler!! Because of what's happened over the last few weeks...there something thats really certain to me dude!!! This place ain't big enough for the two of us brothaaaaa! This place ain't big enough for the 'Barber King' (Crowd laughs and cheers)...and....the....'Burger King!!' (He breaks the crowd into a 'Burger King' Chant.) And ya see, Lawler...there's a certain attitude that's sweeping the nation, brotha!! There's a certain type of attitude that's got everyone talkin'. (Barber pauses to caress the blade of his giant sheers)...And I think ya know what I'm talkin' about....Immaaa Talking about BarberTude, Brother!!! (Crowd starts cheering loudly as Lawler and Jarrett throw tantrums outside the ring)

    So here's my challenge bucko!! As ya know brotha...we got a little Pay Per View coming up in just about a month brother...and it's called SUMMER SLAM '97!!!! And Lawler we're talking Madison Square Garden...not those little dinky Memphis arenas!! (Crowd cheers again..but a bit lightly, as Beefcake is dragging on the promo). So Lawler, how about you and I get in the ring one on one...AT SUMMERSLAM!!!"


    " Yea...yea!! You got it, Mr. LooserTude!"


    " In a 15 Foot High STeel Cage!" (Crowd pops again)

    Lawler(After being a bit hesitant)

    " Uhh...Yea!! Yea!! I've been Wrestling Cage Matches while you were carrying Hogan's jockstrap around!!"


    " That's very funny, Lawler!! But...That's not all...I'm talking about a RETIREMENT MATCH!!!"

    The crowd pops once again at this challenge. WWF Worldwide goes off the air, focused in on Jerry Lawler, who has a face of uncertainty....

    Commentary Aftermath

    Mooney" Holy Summerslam, Slaughter!! This summer just got hotter!! Beefcake and Lawler in a Cage Match!! Will, Lawler accept the retirement stipulation"

    Slaughter" Unbelieveable, Mooney! Unbelievable!!"

    Mooney" Barbertude is in the air..but tommorow night we find out who the leader of the Dark Carnival is!!"

    Slaughter" And however he--or she--is, will lead the Carnival into the 'next phase, of this Carnival of Carnage thing that they're doing!! Someone's last day here in the WWF happens this Monday!!!"

    Mooney" Until next week, remember, if it's Worldwide, Then it's the World Wrestling Federation!! So long everybody!"

    user posted image

    Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake has challenged

    Jerry 'The King' Lawler to a steel cage SummerSlam Showdown!

    Will it also be a retirement match?

    Show Quality: 61%

    TV Rating: 7.57

    Other Shows: Early Evening WCW Saturday Night - 7.33

    Biggest Complaint: Sean Mooney's Announcing

    Behind The Scenes Issues:

    Raw Preview!!

    --Tag Team Cage Match--15 Foot High Steel Cage

    The Sandman & Terry Taylor vs. The Undertaker & Papa Shango

    --New Jack vs. Jeff Jarrett

    --Diesel vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

    --Plus Much Much More!!! Also in the Building, The Lightning Kid, The Sandman, Owen Hart, Zeus, Bob Backlund, The Finnish Nightmare, and Steve Corino & The Kings Court!!

    --Plus...WHO WILL BE THE Dark Carnival's next victim...and who is their 'leader!!'?

    What does PRIDE have in store for us THIS week!

  8. user posted image

    Only 5 Months until Series '97...

    July 7rd, 1997

    Monday Night Raw-

    Channel: USA Network - Prime Time

    Venue: The Golden Dome - Rutgers University, NJ

    Attendance: 12,037

    Announcing Team: Joey Styles & James E. Cornette

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Dave Hebner, Shane McMahon, Jimmy Korderas, Joey Marella, John Finnegan, Jim Mollineaux


    Dave Schmeltzer

    - PRIDE Interrupts the Scheduled Start -

    RAW is PRIDE, from Rutgers University, began after the opening segments, which featured a small video recaping the WWF's history. They showed footage from the vintage days, including Hulk Hogan body slamming Yokozuna & Andrew The Giant, to footage from Bret Hart turning heel forming the Hart Foundation, in 1993, to Jerry Lawler pinning Ted Dibiase in the Memphis Street Fight Classic of '94, to the formation Of The Cartel in 1996, to Steve Corino's catapult to Main Event Status in late '95, saving Hulk Hogan from an attack by Christopher & Dibiase, to the most recent events...of PRIDE holding their hands up in the air after last week's King Of The Ring. Joey Styles opened the show with Jim Cornette as Juventud Guerrera, WWF newcomer was in the ring ready to make his debut. Joe Pedicino gave a nice introduction to Guerro, but all came to a halt, when Mike Rotunda came out with Antonio Inoki in front of the curtain. Rotunda had the microphone and apologised to Guerrera, as there had been a 'schedule change' for the show. He then introduced, "The New WWF President!! The Leader Of PRIDE!!! The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase!!!"

    *Out came out all 10 members of Pride, in a straight line, much like they had posed during the KOTR PPV. Rotunda handed the mic over to Ted Dibiase, as the crowd booed rather heavily....

    President Ted Dibiase

    "You can all call me...The Million Dollar President, now! Hahahahahaah!!! You see, everyone has always wondered...what would happen, when ya take the greatest Superstars Of Japan, and put them up against the superstars of the World Wrestling Federation! Everyone's always wondered!! And with MY MONEY I've made that happen!! In the last few months, I have ressurected PRIDE, and built it up to be THE most powerful stable in the WWF!! In just over three months of being under my guidence, we have acquired 3 out of the 5 WWF sanctioned Titles!! Team H--Hayabusa and Hakushi are the WWF Tag Team Champions!! (They step forward and pose to some boos) Jun Akiyama is the proud holder of the ECW Heavyweight Title! (Akiyama steps forward, and taunts the crowd) And of course...The Legend...STAN HANSEN...is STILL the GWF Heavyweight Champion!!! (Hansen does his Hansen salute) So now...what's next!!? Now that the Million Dollar Man is President...what's next? HAHAHAHAAHAHA!!! Well let me just say this...everyone seems to be talking about this Shangrila!! Everyone seems to be talking about, Survivor Series '97! Well...I guarentee that PRIDE will be a strong part of Shangrila!! As PRIDE will crown our first WWF World Champion!!! Mwahahahahaha!!! But one thing is for sure...that while I'm President..things will definately be run..WITH PRIDE--MILLION DOLLAR PRIDE!!! MWAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!"

    With that, Dibiase was about to return to the back...but Antonio Inoki stopped him, and said something to him, with Rotunda also consulting, as Dibiase covered the mic and listened. Dibiase then laughed as he directed his attention to Juventud Guerrera still waiting in the ring.

    "Guerrera...that was quite an introduction by our ring announcer, Pedicino! But...allow PRIDE to give you a proper introduction!! That's right--Akiyama...show him what being a champion in the World Wrestling Federation is all about!! Mwahahaha"


    Jun Akiyama d. Juventud Guerrera - ECW Heavyweight Title

    Akiyama then charged the ring, to greet the newcomer and procceeded to pound him mercifully. That's nice that they gave Guerrerra a title shot in his first match. Too bad it was basically a squash. There were many spots where Gurrera tried fighting back and countered a few moves, but Akiyama got the better of him after nailing him with his running forearm into the turnbuckle. Akyama ended the match with 5 exploders at 8:33, of a very good match.

    Overall: 65

    Crowd: 48

    Match: 82

    The ECW World title has gained in image.


    - The Former President Arrives -

    We return off of advert break to see Paulie Dangerously, cell phone in hand, walk out of a black limousine with his man Sabu, as always dressed up in the sheik outfit. Eric Biscoff who was 'camped out' in the car park, I guess, ran up to him....

    Bischoff" Paulie Dangerously, I'll tell you - when I arrived here in the World Wrestling Federation, I was suprised to see you as WWF President. But now...I can't believe you're no longer President. How do you think this will effect Sabu, and his Intercontinental Title reign?"

    Dangerously (Sabu, lunges at Bischoff, but Paulie holds him back)" Bischoff, how dare you!! How dare you insinuate that MY being President has helped Sabu in anyway, in getting and keeping that title!! You see, Sabu is a monster! He's crazy! He'll leap from the top rope to the floor. He'll take a chair, throw it at you...then use that same chair to catapult in the air, to land on top of his you--and most likely, you're already on a chair!! THAT'S WHAT MAKES SABU INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION!! (Crowd cheers, and starts a 'Sabu' chant) And I'm sure, Tenzan would looovvvvvvve a shot at this title, again. Any time! Any place! Dibiase...you maybe be President, but I'm still Paulie Dangerously, and this is still your WWF Intercontinental Champion - The Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal, SABU!!!" (The crowd breaks into a louder 'Sabu' Chant, as he and Paulie walk off)

    Bischoff" Wow...intense words from the Intercontinental Champion, and his manager, Paulie Dangerously. I'm sending it back to our ring announcer, Joey Pedicino!! Take it away Joey!"

    Kamala d. Barry Horowitz

    Why the hell is Kamala on RAW..oh...Inoki. Of course. Despite doing crap in the ring Horowitz was incredibly entertaining and threw a tantrum, after he lost via the big splash. They seem to be doing some sort of a loosing streak angle with Horowitz as the announcers kept pushing that Horowitz has not won a match since his return from injury.

    Overall: 64

    Crowd: 72

    Match: 48

    Barry Horowitz lost overness from this match. Kamala gained overness from this match.


    - Horowitz, back to his Old Ways? -

    Returning off the break we see Bruce Pritchard, with Barry Horowitz both walking through the corridor in fustration at Horowitz's loss. Announcer Sgt. Slaughter ran up to Prichard and Horowitz. Pritchard did the talking while Horowitz threw a fit in the background.

    Sarge" Pritchard...Horowitz....Wow...another loss for Barry Horowitz! Ever since his return from his injury just a few weeks ago, he hasn't won a match! Not with his partner, Alex Porteau, or by himself!! His he going back to his old ways, of never winning matches!!?"

    Pritchard" Shuttup Slaughter! You shut up right now!! Barry's just having a tough time getting settled in!! He's got to get back in the groove of things! You try coming back after an injury--oh..I forgot...you became an announcer!! Hahaha! Get out of our way! Horowitz will be back at 100% in no time!! (Aside to Horowitz) Don't worry about what they say..."

    Pritchard was great in consulting Horowitz who was almost comedically crying.


    - Hiroyoshi Tenzan Demands An I-C Title Match; Tonight -

    We goto the back where President Dibiase is getting settled in Dangerously's old office -- his new office, with his good friend, Mike Rotunda. Rotunda picked up a picture of Dangerously posing with The Rock during their ECW days, (before the WWF purchase) and laughed, before throwing it away. Second later, in walked Antonio Inoki with Hiroyoshi Tenzan. Tenzan screamed something to Dibiase in Japanese, to which Inoki translated that Tenzan thought that it would be a good idea to give him an Intercontinental Title shot, later 'tonight' on RAW. Rotunda made a comment about how, they were all in charge now, so they didn't see anything wrong with that idea. He also cited Dangerously's comments from early of 'Any time, Any Place'.

    Dibiase" Mwahahahaa!!! Tonight, Hiroyoshi Tenzan vs. Sabu! Intercontinental Title On the Line!! We'll have, Patterson, Brisco...or one of those goons break the news to the former President! Mwahahahaa!!!" 78%

    Its always great to see Inoki on camera, but Tenzan talking in Japanese to Dibiase?


    Ted DiBiase lost overness from this segment.

    - Bret chases Backlund Out Of The Arena -

    Carl Oulette d. Bob Backlund by countout

    Oulette, a midcarder, continues to get rediculous pops. At 5:33, they showed Bret Hart, just pulling up in his Dogde Viper (Anything for the sponsors) on the Titan Tron and heading to the ring. Backlund, who was on offense started to panic as he's been influencing Bret's brother Owen's actions against him during the last few weeks. There was a brief stalling time where Backlund just stared and waiting for Bret to arrive. During this time, Styles announced that The Kings Court challenged Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake, Mr. Perfect, & Finnish Nightmare Tony Halme, to a 6 man tag in tonight's Main Event!! After this announcement, Bret Hart emerged to a loud pop walking down the isle to the ring. Backlund waisted no time, in hopping out of the ring, and into the crowd, running away from Bret. Bret followed him, disappearing into the crowd. Oulette was awarded the match by countout.

    Overall: 78

    Crowd: 81

    Match: 73


    - The Sandman Makes A Stand Against PRIDE-

    Returning off break, 'Enter Sandman' played on the PA system, and out came the Sandman to a huge pop, singapore cane in one hand, beer in the other. He took the mic, pacing back and forth, took a chugg of his beer to a nice responce, then waisted no time in venting. His extra time spent in the GWF developement territory has helped his promos alot.

    Sandman" Ya know...for those of you who haven't seen King Of The Ring...I MADE IT TO THE FINALS!!! (Crowd cheers) I got past that gothic freak, Undertaker Brian Lee. Then got a bye due to that 30 minute match between the Lightning Kid and Owen Hart...then this happened!"

    [*They show the footage from KOTR, where Mike Rotunda hit the Sandman in the back of the head with the cane*] Crowd booes after they see the footage.

    Sandman" Now, I ain't sayin Mike Barton ain't tough...but he sure had a hell of an easier time thanks to Dibiase's stooge, IWWWWWRRRRRRIIIIINNN!!!! (Crowd pops at the Iwrin referance to Rotunda) But lemmee tell ya something...King Of The Ring is over! But I know I can still beat, Barton. Hell, I can beat your whole stinkin' stable of japo's, Dibiase!! Ya here me!!

    [*Takes another chugg of Beer, then throws the empy can into the crowd. He pauses for a small 'Sandman' chant.*]

    This ain't Japan!! This is the World Wrestling Federation!! Ya' know the slogan! The World Wrestling Federation--Revolutionizing Pro Wrestling! It's a place where I can drink my beer, hit people over the head with my singapore cane...and...uh..drink more beer!!! YA!!"

    The Crowd popped huge for this, until Antonio Inoki, emerged from the curtain room with Hiroyoshi Tenzan. Inoki started screaming at Sandman on the mic in Japanese from the stage podium, then starting yelling; "Fight!! Fight!! Fight!!", while pointing at Sandman. At these cues, out came Hayabusa, and Hakushi, who were met with quick cane shots to the head by Sandman. Next came Great Kabuki & Jun Akiyama, who were also met with back to back cane shots which had the crowd going nuts. Sandman was taking out everyone. Finally, Gladiator Mike Awesome hit the ring, and not only ate the Sandman's shot to the head, but then grabbed the cane out of Sandman's hand, then clotheslined him down to the mat. At this point, Ted Dibiase walked down the isle joined with Mike Barton, Johnny Ace & Stan Hansen, as Team H, The Enforcers Of PRIDE (Kabuki & Gladiator) and Jun Akiyama went on the attack on Sandman, as a hot crowd looked on in anger. Finally, the big 3 hit the ring, with Dibiase, and were fed the Sandman one by one. Hansen, hit Sandman with the lariat, which Sandman sold great by falling out of the ring. Ace gave the Sandman an Ace Crusher on the outside, then rolled Sandman back in the ring to Barton. Barton, not only nailed Sandman with the left hook, but then followed with a nice looking Dealth Valley Driver, which I guess will be his other finisher. He yelled for the rest of PRIDE to pick up Sandman, as he gave him a second Death Valley Driver. By this point, Sandman's head was busted open. Next, Hiroyoshi Tenzan, was sent down the isle by Inoki--taking his time walking, I might add. The crowd, at this point started to boo heavily, as the WWF seems to have done a great job in building up Tenzan. Well...he has been with the federation for 5 years now. Tenzan went straight to the top rope, and nailed Sandman with his top rope headbutt. Finally, Dibiase took the microphone as Team H held up the Sandman to Dibiase...

    Dibiase(First to the crowd)" Hahahahahah, Everyone already knows that Everybody has a price, for the Million Dollar Man!!! But soon you'll also learn, that It Doesn't Pay To Cross, The Million Dollar Boss!! Hahahahaha!!! And, I'm such in a great mood, that I'm going to give everyone here in New Jersey, at this poverished University, a bonus match here tonight!! Sandman...you mention that, Mike Rotunda hit you over the head when you were in the finals...but you didn't mention how you got to the finals...ROLL IT!!!"

    [*They show footage of Terry Taylor locking the Dark Carnival in the locker room, then coming out and joining The Sandman in hitting The Undertaker with chairs*] Crowd boos Dibiase's footage from KOTR...

    Dibiase" So tonight, I'll be teaming you up against your little helper, Terry Taylor, against The Undertaker and his manager, Ringmaster Jim Neidhart!! Hahahaha!!! Good luck!! Hahahaha!!!"

    With that, PRIDE'S new ring music, The Million Dollar Theme, mixed in with The Japanese National Anthem, plays as Dibiase leads PRIDE to the back, as the announcers go crazy. Cornette was great here, loving everything that he saw, while Joey Styles' played the disturbed face announcer as always. Alot of heat here.



    - Dangerously Gets The Last Laugh; Tonight -

    Sabu d. Hiroyoshi Tenzan I-C Title

    These two had just as good as a match as they did during their LLX, pay per view, but the crowd was more into it this time. The WWF has done a great job of building Tenzan as an all around top wrestler, despite him not being able to talk. Tenzan first came into the WWF during their initial New Japan Hiring in 1992, with Satoshi Kojima, under the managerial guidence of Brother Love. When he didn't quite fit with them, and Kojima left, James Cornette, brought in from the SMW purchase, became Tenzan's manager, and managed Tenzan for the next 4 years during the CARTEL, & PRIDE incarnations, and all the way up until his injury just last year. The idea during this match was that now that Paulie Dangerously is no longer President, Sabu would not be able to use, tables & chairs as part of his arsenal. The announcers pushed it as if Sabu was 'censored', which is great in getting Sabu more over as a face. Final moments came at 13:22, when Dangerously and Sabu got upset at all of the 'rules'...Sabu reversed an irishwhip sending Tenzan into the ropes--Paulie from the outside, smashed his cell phone off the back of the head of an oncoming Tenzan, to a nice pop. Sabu followed up with a single jump Moonsault off the ropes for the cover and the victory!

    Overall: 83

    Crowd: 80

    Match: 86

    - The Kings Court Get Their Revenge -

    The Kings Court (Steve Corino, Jerry Lawler & Jeff Jarrett) d. Mr. Perfect, Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake, Tony Halme

    There is alot of talk going around that Steve Corino isn't too happy with the way he's been used lately. I'm expecting the Kings' Court to be somewhat disbanded soon. There's also alot of talk about letting Jeff Jarrett go after a fight he got into with Violent J last week. Anyway, alot of Beefcake and Perfect offense here which got the crowd really into it. They teased alot of Beefcake-Corino & Beefcake-Lawler stuff. Perfect pretty much manhandled Jeff Jarrett including getting him in the Perfect Plex, only to be broken up by Corino. Halme got tossed around as always. Final moments came when Lawler Piledrove Beefcake after using the chain, that apparently he now carrys in his boot at all times. After the victory, Owen Hart & Jack Victory hit the ring to fend off Perfect & Halme, while Lawler got some revenge for Victory, by trimming Beefcake's hair with his very own clippers. They must've stood in the ring for another 5-6 minutes just taunting the crowd. Corino almost got into a legit fight with a fan, showing why he is one of the best WWF heel Champions that the WWF has had in a long time. It'll be interesting to see where the WWF takes this feud...Whether they'll give Perfect another title shot, at the WWF's next big show--and English only PPV, Sunday In Manchester, or if they plan something bigger for Summerslam, their next major PPV is up in the air at this point.

    Overall: 82

    Crowd: 91

    Match: 64


    - The Dark Carnival's Leader; Revealed Next Week -

    The Sandman & Terry Taylor d. The Undertaker & Ringmaster Jim Neidhart

    Jim Neidhart as a manager is scary, but him as this 'revamped' wrestler was just as every bit insane. I'm suprised they gave Neidhart the go to wrestle, but with Violent J & Papa Shango not in the building, Neidhart would be a more fitting partner for his client. Finals of the match saw Terry Taylor pin Neidhart after his knee drop off the top rope. Sandman was busy with The Undertaker on the outside. Following the end of the match, The Great Kabuki, of PRIDE hit the ring and started attacking The Sandman. Sandman fought him off, with the aid of his Kendo stick. Shaggy 2 Dope, also hit the ring to attack Taylor, but Taylor ended up getting the better of him, and hitting him with his 'dreaded' knee drop. As, RAW was set to go off the air, RingMaster Jim Neidhart pulled back his men, The Undertaker & Shaggy 2 Dope--The Great Kabuki also back peddled with them, leading to the announcers teasing an some sort of alliance between PRIDE & The Dark Carnival. As the three wrestlers were peddling to the back, Neidhart got hold of a mic and yelled;

    Neidhart" Thats it!!! The Dark Carnival's Carnival Of Carnage will begin into the next phase!!! Shangrila is getting closer and closer!! You will see it!! These people will see it!! Next week we challenge you two, to a Tag Team Cage Match!! Not only will our leader arrive, to guide us ALL into Shangrila...but, THERE WILL BE ANOTHER CHOSEN ONE!! THERE WILL BE SOMEONE ELSE CHOSEN TO GO TO THE CARNIVAL--INTO THE DARKNESS--INTO ETERNAL DAMNATION!! THERE WILL BE ANOTHER CASUALITY--OF THE DARK CARNIVAL!!! MWAHahahahahah!!! Hahahahahah!!!! Hahahahaha!!!"

    *Ringmaster Jim Neidhart continued to laugh all the way back to the curtain, as the Sandman & Terry Taylor stood in the ring...wondering what would happen next week.

    Overall: 75

    Crowd: 82

    Match: 59

    Commentary Aftermath

    Styles" Did you hear that Cornette!!! We have a CAGE match, next week on RAW!!! And the leader of the Dark Carnival Will Be Revealed!!!"

    Cornette" That's right, and even worst, there will be another casualty in the WWF next week on RAW! It's going to be someones final day here in the World Wrestling Federation!!"

    Styles" And why did The Great Kabuki come out here to help The Dark Carnival? What's going on between those two factions!?!!"

    Cornette" Styles, you're reading too much into things!! Didn't you hear those nasty things that the Sandman had to say about PRIDE earlier!! All I know...is that it ain't good for Mr. Sandman!!

    Show Quality: 79%

    TV Rating: 8.00

    Other Shows: Head to Head, Monday Nitro - 7.89 - rising...

    Biggest Complaint: Kamala vs. Barry Horowitz

    Behind The Scenes Issues:

    WWF Worldwide Preview

    --Brutus 'The Barber Beefcake vs. Jeff Jarrett

    --PRIDE vs. The Mountie's Team

    -And Much Much More!!!

  9. user posted image

    Only 6 Months until Series '97...

    June 29rd, 1997

    WWF King Of The Ring-

    Channel: Pay Per View Television; $24.95/Tickets; $60.00

    Venue: The Elstand Colisseum

    Attendance: 22,383

    Announcing Team: Vince McMahon & Jesse 'The Body' Ventura

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Dave Hebner, Jimmy Karderas, Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Shane McMahon, Joey Marella, Earl Hebner, Charles Robinson, Jim Mollineaux, John Finnegan


    Dave Schmeltzer


    Just an hour before the event, our locker-room was crazy as always. The Insane Clown Posse continue to cause trouble, as Shaggy 2 Dope got into another fight backstage. Apparently alot of the boys are pissed that ICP are in a main storyline--but they have to accept them as wrestlers too. And the fact that ICP are generally troublemakers don't help. Jerry Lawler was also causing trouble, waiving his creative control around. At first, we were going to have him loose his match against New Jack...but he insisted that he shouldn't job to New Jack, who isn't near Main Event level. He's got a point. However, we just can't have Lawler win the King Of The Ring. At 46, he's not over the hill...but I don't think building him up is needed at this point. Looks like Dillon & Russo are going to have to think about how to resolve this....

    WWF King Of The Ring did a 2.00 buy rate with 22,383 paid with a gate of $1,342,980. On all accounts the Pay Per View was a huge success, from buy rate, to merchandise, to actual match quality. Instead of going with the free for all, the WWF just started the Pay Per Veiw at 7:30pm with Vince McMahon & Jesse Ventura opening the show from the broadcast table, as always, in thier spot since the late 80's--in back of the crowd on the first section.

    McMahon" Welcome everyone, to the Elstand Colisseum!! Welcome everyone to action like you won't see anywhere else!! Welcome everyone to live WWF Action!! Welcome everyone to the King Of The Ring 1997!! I'm Vince McMahon, here along side with Jesse 'The Body' Ventura...and Ventura, tonight we will have a King Of The Ring winner!! The most prestigous tournament in WWF history will be decided!!! "

    Ventura" McMahon, I think your forgetting the most important part of this! A new President will be decided--tonight! It could be Bob Backlund!! Ted Dibiase!! Or...I don't even want to say it--but Mr. Fuji!!"

    McMahon" Well, Jesse, we've always said that anything can happen here in the WWF!! Lets not forget about the GWF Title on the line!! Stan Hansen defends against, the excellence of Execution--Bret 'The Hitman' Hart!!"

    Ventura" McMahon, Bret Hart is quite the wrestler, a former Tag Team Chamion, Intercontinental Champion, an FIVE TIME WWF World Champion, but I don't think he can take down PRIDE'S veteran, Stan Hansen!"

    McMahon" And...of course, the WWF World Title match...The Future, as he likes to be called--Steve Corino, defends the title against Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig!!"

    Ventura" The leader of the Kings Court--The King Of Old School, Steve Corino defending against Curt Hennig! Ya know McMahon, I've always found Corino to be one step ahead of Perfect!!"

    [**The Million Dollar Man's Music Starts to play**]

    McMahon" Well, we're just about set for our first Quarter final match--Mike Barton is on his way to the ring!!"

    1.Mike Barton defeated 'World Class Wrestler' Jeff Jarrett in 13:56 of a KOTR Quaterfinal

    Referee: Bill Alfonso

    This was one of those rare heel vs. heel matches that the WWF almost never has. The crowd had alot of trouble getting into that, since Jarrett being part of TKC, was hated, and Barton fresh off of his heel turn joining PRIDE was slowly becoming rivaled by the fans. The two worked really hard, as the announcers pushed that wrestlers would do anything to win the King Of the Ring. At 8:45, Jarrett went on a suplex fest on Barton nailing him witih 3 consecutive suplexes, trying to get the crowd into it. Jarrett went for a fourth, but Barton blocked it, and nailed Jarrett with a front face supex. Final moments of the match came when, at 12:33 Jarrett threw Barton into the ropes for a clothesline, but Barton ducked and replied with the left hook--Jarrett ducked out of the way, and countered with the Atomic Drop...but Jarrett "missed" the atomic drop, leading to a Barton no sell. Jarrett turned around, playing to the crowd, while Barton stood behind him getting set in a boxing stance ready to hit Jarrett with the left hook. Here, Jarrett played the 'shocked heel', and turned right into a Barton left Hook, for the suprising Mike Barton victory. After the victory the crowds first real responce came from just booing Dibiase & Barton in the ring.

    Overall: 68**1/2

    Crowd: 62

    Match: 75

    Jeff Jarrett lost overness from this match. Mike Barton gained overness from this match.

    Commentary Aftermatch

    McMahon" Mike Barton, advancing to the next Round...what a victory for Mike Barton!!"

    Ventura" That's Dibiase's ticket to the WWF Presidencey, McMahon! He's as tough as they come!!"

    McMahon" Well...you wanna talk about tough...then there aren't many that's tougher then our next two competitors!!"

    2.Jerry 'The King' Lawler defeated New Jack in 12:22 of a KOTR Quaterfinal; But New Jack Advances

    Referee: Jim Mollineaux

    Match started off with alot of stalling. Lawler started off the match with the mic, going on about how Harvey Wipplemann, being from the 'great State of Memphis' should be the next WWF President. Lawler went with some more cheap heat making fun of Pittsburgh--namely their baseball team. Lawler held up a Pittsburgh Pirates baseball Jersey yelling into the mic;

    "Hey has anyone ever seen this team? They've been missing for the last 20 years! Hahahaahahaha!!!"

    Lawler was going to continue, but was attacked by New Jack to a nice pop. New Jack started off by doing the 10 turnbuckle count on Lawler at each of the 4 turnbuckle corners. By this time, Lawler was completely dazed, and staggered around the ring, trying to keep on his feet. New Jack then went against the ropes, and nailed Lawler with a flying clothesline for the near fall. At this point, Jack told referee Jim Mollineaux to 'give him 30 seconds, and he'll be right back'. New Jack then went to the back as Mollineaux looked around in confusion not knowing what to expect. Wipplemann was in the ring trying to fan Lawler with his hankerchief. Finally, to a nice pop, out came New Jack with a shopping cart. Inside of the shopping cart were, 3 chairs, a baseball bat, a guitar, and a garbage can. Ventura was kinda funny here in using this to get over New Jack's character;

    "What does he think this is, McMahon!! This ain't no ghetto!! This is the WWF!!"

    Mollineux stopped New Jack right at the end of the ramp and starting yelling at him not to use the weapons. This allowed Jerry Lawler to sneak over to the shopping cart and pick up a chair...he then blasted New Jack in the back with it, sending him down. The referee then ordered for the shopping cart to be taken away from the ring...which it was 4 minutes later by other referees. Lawler, then dominated for quite some time nailing New Jack with your basic body slam and punching spots. Alot of near falls on New Jack...which got the crowd behind New Jack more and more as the match went on. New Jack regained the upperhand when he ducked out of the way from of an oncoming Lawler avalanche. Lawler crashed into the turnbuckle for a schoolboy and a near fall by New Jack. Lawler looked to be in trouble, so Wipplemann got on the apron and threw his hat at New Jack, to get New Jack's attention. New Jack then went over to Wipplemann, causing Mollineaux to try and separate the two. While this was going on, the camera focused on Lawler who went into his boot revealing a chain. He wrapped it around his hand, and laid back down as if he were knocked out. After the scuffle was over New Jack pulled up Lawler, and was caught with a quick jab to the head by Lawler, with his chain covered fist. He stealthly put the chain back into his boot, blocking the referee from view, then got the cover on New Jack for the victory!


    At this point, Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake's music hit to a loud pop, as he came to the ring pointing to Lawler's boot. Beefcake went over to referee Jim Mollineaux and started yelling and pointing to Lawler's boot, telling the referee that he used a chain to win. Beefcake pointing to the fans for support, as finally Mollineux demanded to be permitted to check Lawler's boot. After Lawler & Wipplemann spent some time protesting, Mollineux finally checked it and found the chain. He then went over to ring announcer Joe Pedicino...and Pedicino made the following announcment.


    Pedicino" Ladies and Gentleman, may I have your attention please....According to referee Jim Mollieneaux, although Jerry 'The King' Lawler did win the match--he has been disqualified from the King Of The Ring Tournament, due to his use of the CHAIN!!! Therefore, New Jack will advance to the next round!!"

    Lawler and Wipplemann threw tantrums on their way back to the ring, as Brutus Beefcake held New Jack's hand up with the referee. To further insult Lawler, New Jack joined Beefcake in doing the 'Barber' strut in the ring, in celebration.

    Overall: 78**1/2

    Crowd: 84

    Match: 65

    Commentary Aftermatch

    McMahon" Good for that Jerry Lawler!!! New Jack advances..and rightfully so!!"

    Ventura" Hey, McMahon...why wasn't New Jack disqualified when he brought that giant cart of weapons to the ring!! And what right does Beefcake have in this tournament!! He's got no business here!"

    McMahon" Well, Jesse..if you do recall, the referee actually did stop New Jack from using the weapons! And Beefcake...He's doing what's right Jesse!! He's doing the right thing!! That's what Beefcake has always done!"

    Ventura" Well, he should do something better--mind his own business!! Ya' don't mess with The King Of Wrestling, and get away with it McMahon!! Mark my words, Lawler will make Beefcake pay!!"

    3.The Sandman defeated The Undertaker in 10:09 Of A KOTR Quaterfinal

    Referee: John Finnagenn

    Right before the match started...Sandman grabbed the mic..." Yo!!!! Next week!! First RAW!!! The Sandman brings you, President Fuji!!!"

    The crowd was loving this, and started a "Fuji" chant that never really died down. Undertaker charged Sandman, but was met hard with the singapore cane to the head. Undertaker did an awesome job of selling the shot, in a way that's perfect for his gimmick--proving to be a better choice for the gimmick then Mark Calloway. Actually it's funny to see how the two have faired since the WWF went for the choice of Brian Lee as The Undertaker. Lee, is one of the most over wrestlers in the company as The Undertaker, while Mark Calloway, who is back to doing his Mean Mark Callous gimmick in WCW is a midcarder [79over]. Alot of good brawling spots during this match, which saw, Undertaker suplex Sandman from the apron to the outside of the ring. He continued with nailing Sandman with a backdrop on two chairs. Ringmaster Jim Neidhart was going nuts at ringside as usual. Lee then whipped the Sandman hard into the guard railing. He did so again, to which Sandman did his front flip into the railing, taking a tough bump. Crowd was really getting behind The Sandman now, as Undertaker seemed to be on his way to victory. Undertaker then threw, Sandman back into the ring, and proceeded to get chairs from underneath the ring. He then filled the ring up with chairs, as he starting chucking chair after chair in from the outside. Funny segment here, where Sandman, slowly recovered and just starting throwing the chairs back outside the ring at Undertaker. Ventura is always humurous when talking about the Sandman;

    "Now, McMahon...what the hell is The Sandman doing!? Why would you throw the chairs back OUT of the ring,? He's drunk! He's drunk McMahon!! And we can't have Fuji as President!!!"

    Fustrated, The Undertaker hopped back on the apron, but then got clobbered to the head with a chair by The Sandman. McMahon mentioned here that, some referees are lenient then others, which is a cool way of giving some character to the referees. Undertaker simply took the shot..and continued walking throw the ropes and into the ring. Sandman wacked the Undertaker over the head again. This time, The Undertaker took the shot, then returned to staring at The Sandman, almost grinning. This got the crowd chanting 'Fuji' heavily, as Neidhart tried to silence the crowd. At this point, suddenly, Terry Taylor appeared on the titan Tron


    Taylor" Hey...Hey Undi!! Hey Dead-Man!! You may have sealed the WWF Career of my former partner (Road Warrior Hawk)...but for tonight...lets just say, that it's The Dark Carnival that's going to be sealed for a little while. Seeya in a bit!"


    With that, the camera widened, with a shot of a giant chain being put around the door of the Dark Carnival locker room, locking the rest of the members inside the locker room. Terry Taylor and Tammy Sytch, then started walking toward the corrider. Ventura was going nuts on commentary, asking why Taylor would be coming down to the ring. He had a funny line, referring to Taylor's past gimmicks...

    "There ain't no Road Warriors here! And there aint no Red Roosters here!! So I don't know why that Taylor Made Man has to come down here!!"

    In the ring, The Undertaker, now slighly busted open at the head again, grabbed the Sandman by the throat and started choking him into the corner. Finally, Taylor emerged from the curtain with chair in hand. He leveled Ringmaster Jim Neidhart on the outside. John Finnegann went over to stop him, but was 'seduced' by Tammy Sytch. While Tammy was flirting with the ref, Taylor hit the ring and gave The Undertaker a chair shot to the back causing him to release his choke, and go after Taylor. But as he went after Taylor, Sandman recovered his chair, and gave the Undertaker a chair shot to the back of his own. Finally, The Undertaker started to stagger...Taylor & Sandman then caught Undertaker with a double chair shot, which sent him down. Taylor hopped over the ropes, as the crowd was going insane...Sandman then got the three count on the Undertaker advancing to the next round!

    Overall: 86***

    Crowd: 90

    Match: 77

    Commentary Aftermath

    Ventura" McMahon, what is going on tonight?! Now should I goto to the ring and tell the referee what I saw!! Should the referee reverse the decision!!?"

    McMahon" Well...I guess you can say the Dark Carnival had it coming!! They took away Taylor's partner!! Taylor was a 3 time WWF Tag Team Champion with him!"

    Ventura" His partner? His partner? We're broadcast partners, but if someone took you away, I wouldn't care! I'd be fine!"

    McMahon" Ok, That's enough, Jesse. More King Of The Ring action to go...Owen Hart vs. The Lightning Kid...lets take a look at how the rivarly began between these two!!!"

    [*Highlights shown of Kid Hanging out with Bret starting the whole Lightning Kid as the 'next Bret Hart' thing.*]

    4.Owen Hart drew The Lightning Kid in 30:00 via a Double Count Out

    Referee: Joey Marella

    Before the match, Joey Marella took the mic, and wished his father, Gorilla Monsoon a happy birthday. He turned 57 this month. WWF showed some real class here allowing Marella to do this on the Pay Per View, even though Gorilla is doing the announcing for Golden Canvas Grappling, Jim Crockett's promotion, which from what I understand is starting to increase in popularity in other parts of the world. Kid and Owen started off with alot of amateur spots and counters...each time the crowd applauding the acts of athletism, Owen kept pausing to yell at the crowd, 'shut up!! Don't cheer for Bret's Protege!! There's only one Owen!' The match started to pick up when Kid reversed an armtwist, and caught Owen with a frankensteiner out of no where, sending him outside the ring. The Kid then followed up with a flying plancha leaping above the top rope and into Owen, crashing into the guard rail. Kid then went straight to the top rope, and nailed Owen with a Cannon ball. Vince went nuts here, actually using background information to get wrestlers over;

    "The Lightning Kid!!! One of the fastest, most daring wrestlers in WWF History!! Straight from starting his career years ago in the, now defunt, Texas based Global Wrestling Federation,--to bringing his high flying style to the World Wrestling Federation!"

    Owen got the upper hand at 8:33 when The Kid was planting him in the corner with a series of martial arts kicks. Owen caught one of the kicks, and suprised Kid with a dragonscrew. The crowd was incredibly hot here, breaking into an 'Owen Sux' chant. Owen, after laying a few elbows and a few boots into the kid, got Kid with a near fall after the German Suplex 3 suplex spot, for another near fall. At 15:33, Owen nailed Kid with a belly to belly off the top rope...he then bridged himself back up, stepped on the top turnbuckle, and nailed Kid with the frog splash...what used to be called the 'Blazer Splash'. Another near fall there. Crazy spot at 24:33, as Kid was trying to mount a comeback...Kid was thrown into the turnbuckle, and tried to respond with a handspring back elbow, but Owen caught Kid off the ropes, and nailed him with a German Suplex, sending The Kid flying through the ropes and to the outside of the ring, onto the ramp. Kid looked to be dead at this point...And Owen didn't let up...after both men spent some time 'recovering' Owen went for a diving elbow from the inside of the ring, but Kid moved, causing Owen to go crashing hard onto the ramp. Finally, after the two layed there for a few more minutes, referee Joey Marella called for the bell; He counted them out. Both men were eliminated giving The Sandman a bye into the finals. A truly amazing match...one that will be talked about for a long time.

    Overall: 91****1/2

    Crowd: 92

    Match: 91

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    The Lightning Kid & Owen Hart; Double Eliminated after a 30 minute classic.

    Commentary Aftermatch

    McMahon" Both men...amazing athletes!! What an amazing match!!"

    Ventura" After tonight I have a whole new respect for both The King Of Harts, and The Lightning Kid! Those two put on an amazing match!!! That Kid is lightning fast!"

    McMahon" Well...that means that the Sandman advances to the finals, Jesse!! The future of this promotion is also at stake! Mr. Fuji could be our next President!"

    Ventura" Yea, but Dibiase's still got a chance! And who the heck is New Jack's pick for President!! If he wins this match, we'll find out, McMahon...and it ain't gonna be pretty!!"

    5.Mike Barton defeated New Jack in 12:21 of the KOTR Semi-final

    Referee: Mike Chioda

    The crowd was still buzzing about the last match, but these two didn't let that stop them from working hard. New Jack came to the ring with his shopping cart of goodies again. Ventura was having a fit on commentary, practically yelling at Chioda to hand the match to Barton since, New Jack had his match handed to him.. But Barton, who was as intense as ever, actually invited New Jack to bring the weapons into the ring. He told the ref it was ok, so New Jack entered the ring with a chair in his hand. He started off hitting Barton in the gut, then blasting the hunched over Barton with another chair shot to the back, which send him crashing down. Referee Mike Chioda actually tried wrestling the chair out of New Jack's hand..but to no avail. Well, what did Barton expect in a hands vs. weapons combat? Who does he think he is? The Undertaker? New Jack got Barton down for a near fall. New Jack then, actually threw Barton into the shopping cart that he brought into the ring. Jack then pushed the cart straight into the railing, causing Barton to go flying into the crowd. I guess anything to get the crowd's attention. They did some brawling in the crowd, which still really didn't do much for the 95% of the crowd that were in the other sections...but the two still continued. While they were wrestling, another one of those Crockett OwnZ McMahon signs made TV. The action went back and forth with the two actually going as far as one section up into the crowd. Eventually the match came back down to the ring, with New Jack regaining the upper hand. New Jack, then went to the outside, where he found his guitar, which came with his 'cart o' weapons'. He did a little airplaying which got the crowd responding, and then swung to hit Barton on the head, who was staggering on his feat.. but this time, Mike Chioda was able to stop New Jack from using the chair. He stopped the attack in mid swing by grabbing the chair from behind New Jack...Barton reacted quickly, and nailed New Jack with his left hook. Mike then nailed, and already knocked out New Jack with another solid left hand, for the cover. Mike Barton faces The Sandman in The Finals!

    Dibiase climbed in the ring, holding Barton's hand in victory once again. This was scary. This final match also meant--for WWF President; Fuji vs. Dibiase!. The crowd started to wake back up at Barton's victory...Barton started screaming for The Sandman to come out, now...as he wanted to win the whole thing. Barton stood in the ring, waiving for The Sandman to come out yelling;

    "C'mon!! C'mon! Bring 'em out!! Lets go!!"

    Overall: 64**1/4

    Crowd: 56

    Match: 72

    This match suffered because the crowd were still pumped up from the last one, and so this bout was seen as something of a let-down to them.

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Ventura" What a huge win for Mike Barton!!!! You know what this means right, McMahon?!"

    McMahon" It means that Mike Barton goes on to face The Sandman in the King Of The Ring Finals!!!"

    Ventura" ...and it means that The Million Dollar Man is one step closer to being the WWF President!!"

    McMahon" Well...not if The Sandman who has anything to say about this! Mr. Fuji could be our next President as well!!! And look...here comes The Sandman!!!"

    6. Mike Barton defeated The Sandman in 14:37 to win the 1997 King Of The Ring Tournament

    Referee: Shane McMahon

    Sandman charged the ring, and the two got in a slugfest right away. The crowd was back up for this match, as they were taken in by the persistence of Mike Barton. A loud 'Fuji' chant started very quickly. Barton teased hitting the left hook early, but Sandman ducked and nailed Barton with a reverse atomic drop, followed up by a spinebuster, for a near fall. Sandman continued with a body-slam, followed by a leg drop off the top rope for another near fall. Ventura kept pushing the fact that Barton refused a respite before the final match. Sandman did alot of playing to the crowd, which lead to Barton pulling Sandman by his pants, through the ropes and outside the the ring. They did the distraction spot, where Barton pulled aside Shane McMahon, as Dibiase laid some boots onto the Sandman. Barton continued to wear down Sandman with some stiff forearms, in addition to really nailing him down into the corner. Minutes later, Barton locked in the cobra clutch..or, The Million Dollar Dream onto The Sandman, as the referee counted The Sandman's hand down twice. Sandman mounted a comeback here elbowing Barton in the stomach. But Barton wouldn't let go, until finally Sandman caught him with a back elbow shot to the face. Barton tried to end the comeback quickly by going off the ropes with a lariat, but Sandman just grabbed Barton's arm into a hip toss. At 9:33, Sandman teased using his singapore cane, by staring at it. Crowd popped hard but Shane Mcmahon leaped in front of the cane, which was in the corner--warning the Sandman not to use it. From here, Barton charged Sandman from behind, sandwhich'ing Shane McMahon in between Sandman & The turnbuckle, for his traditional ref bump of the Pay Per View. Barton then got the cane, and starting screaming for the Sandman to get up. He gave Sandman three cane shots to the head, with the third busting the Sandman open. Barton played to the crowd for a while...actually for too long, as he was soon suprised with a cane shot to the back of the head which sent him tumbling into the ropes. Barton tried to battle back, as the Sandman caned him with two more shots. Barton, who at this point was cut open, but not as much as the Sandman, battled back to his feet yelling at the Sandman, trying to absorb the pain. McMahon kept pushing the persistance of Barton, not to stay down. Sandman hit him again, sending Barton down on his back again. At this point Road Agent Mike Rotunda hit the ring to no reaction, and ripped the cane from Sandman's hand. Ventura praised Rotunda's initiative at trying to keep this tournament 'clean'. Then, as soon as the Sandman turned his attention back to Barton, Rotunda broke the cane with a crazy shot to the back of the head of Sandman. Rotunda then tried to revive referee Shane McMahon. While Rotunda was attending to McMahon, Barton crawled over to Sandman and laid his hand on top of Sandman for the count. Finally Shane McMahon made his way over to the pinfall, but The Sandman kicked out after 2! Crowd broke into a 'Fuck Him Up Sandman, Fuck'em Up!' chant. Figures, since they were in Pa. Rotunda then starting yelling at the ref for not counting fast enough...The announcers here started to speculate ast to why Rotunda would be helping Barton...then realised that Rotunda was actually a former Tag Team Champion with Dibiase, Barton's manager. Barton and Sandman both slowly recovered to their feet. Barton pulled up Sandman and went for the left hook, but Sandman ducked--But Barton quickly responded with a right hand uppercut sending the Sandman crashing down on his back. Barton then went for the cover again, and this time got the 3 count! Mike Barton is the 1997 King Of The Ring Winner!!! Barton celebrated with both Dibiase and Mike Rotunda in the ring for quite some time. The fans were in shock that Barton's punches were so strong. The PPV took it's normal intermission, ending with Mike Barton having his hands held up by Ted Dibiase on one side, and Mike Rotunda on the other.

    Overall: 78

    Crowd: 80

    Match: 76

    The Sandman lost overness from this match. The King Of The Ring title has gained image.

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Ventura" Yes!! Yess!! Yess!! Yess!! Mike Barton wins!! It's about time someone with honour and respect won tonight!!! Yes!"

    McMahon" Wait a second!! Why did former WWF Tag Team Champion--Former WWF Intercontinental Champion--Now...he's part of the WWF Staff--but why did Mike Rotunda interfere in this match!?"

    Ventura" McMahon...he's part of the staff of the WWF! Just like Patterson! Just like Brisco!! But, unlike them, he couldn't stand to see this blatant cheating anymore! Sandman using his cane? C'mon McMahon!! Lawler got thrown out of the tournament for doing pretty much the same thing. You and I both know it'll be a shame if that happened to someone else!"

    McMahon" But why...Doesn't he know that Dibiase is now the WWF President!!!"

    Ventura" McMahon..have you been living under a rock all these years?! Don't you remember Money Inc! Who was it that held the WWF Tag Team Titles with Ted Dibiase, back when Dibiase was a wrestler in the early '90's? It was Iwrin R.Shycster! IRS! Mike Rotunda!! And we all know that Rotunda's always hated cheaters!! Hahahaha!!"

    McMahon" I don't...believe this. More WWF Action on the way...Hansen against Bret Hart with the GWF Title on the Line, Plus the WWF Title match, Mr. Perfect vs. Steve Corino...we'll be right back after this intermission!"


    During the 5 minute intermission, Simon Diamond took a Pepsi Challenge in the ring. According to several sources, the WWF gets just about $483,000 per show from Pepsi as one of their minor sponsors.


    6.Stan Hansen defeated Bret 'Hitman' Hart in 18:59 retaining the GWF Heavyweight Title

    Referee: Dave Hebner

    WWF Fan, Taz_Mark was the guest ring announcer for this match. I think he won some kind of contest from WWF Magazine or something. He was wearing a Taz T-Shirt--Taz is a wrestler in ECA...I'm suprised they let him wear that shirt. Of course, The WWF had to get a cheap show in there; so Jesse Ventura made a comment about his T-Shirt;

    "Hey, McMahon...who's that midget Wrestler on that fans, T-Shirt?" According to several sources, Taz_Mark was paid just about $40,000 for his ring annoucing duties....

    ****Stan Hansen was accompanied to the ring by Johnny Ace while Bret had Carl Oulette in his. There were alot of Japanese photographers at ringside, as this match was seen as somewhat of a dream match for the Japanese Wrestling press. Hansen charged Bret, but Bret suprised him with a drop toe hold to start the match off. Ventura and McMahon did a good job of pushing Hart as a better mat wrestler than Hansen, but maintaing that Hansen had the endurance like very few. Alot of fustrated spots for Hansen where Hart didn't seem to stay still. Hart kept trying to take Hansen down with tackles, but Hansen was too heavy...or powerful. About 10 minutes in, Hansen started to hammer Hart with some nasty forearms to the face. I've actually never seen Hart take shots like Hansen's. Hansen got a near fall on Bret after snake eyes in the corner. Hart started to battle back kicking Hansen after an attempted overhead toss at 13:22. By this time, both men were fatigued. Hart started to begin his closing combination, starting with the elbow from the second rope, which got the crowd really into it. Hart, then pulled up Hansen for a suplex, but Hansen blocked it, then got Hart with a quick snap mare, followed by a hard kick to the back. The crowd groaning at the stiffness of the kick was audible even on TV. At this point, Hansen positioned himself in the corner, waiving his arm, getting set for the lariat. However, when he charged, Bret saw him coming and countered with an armbar. They teased Hansen giving up, as he inched his way to the ropes, so that Bret could finally let go. The Elstand Colisseum was really buzzing at this point, as they thought that the armbar was enough to put Hansen away. Final moments of the match came at 23:12, when Bret seemed to have Hansen ready to put into the sharpshooter. However, after almost placing Hansen in the hold, Bret stopped--feeling as though he should soften up Hansen a bit more. So Bret picked up Hansen, and went against the ropes...but Hansen out of nowhere charged Bret coming off the ropes, and nailed him with his Lariat. He quickly hooked the leg for the cover, retaining the GWF Title.

    Overall: 85

    Crowd: 90

    Match: 74

    Commentary Aftermatch

    McMahon" Stan Hansen is still the Global Wrestling Federation Champion!! What a grueling match, between he and The Hitman!!"

    Ventura" McMahon, Bret Hart should've ended it when he had the chance!! You can't make one mistake with a veteran like Stan Hansen--NOT ONE!!!"

    McMahon" Well...unforunately, Hart did make one mistake...and only one mistake...but it was a mistake that led to his defeat here at the Elstand Colliseum. Our WWF Title match is coming up...but first... I believe its time for the coronation of this years King Of The Ring Tournament winner, Mike Barton!!"

    - The Coronation-

    In the ring stood, road agents Mike Rotunda & Antonio Inoki. I guess, Rotunda & Inoki are going to be similiar to what Patterson & Brisco were to Paulie Dangerously, the face President. Not only is this a change from seeing Patterson & Brisco on TV every week, but also, Rotunda has a longtime relationship with Dibiase, and Inoki is connected to PRIDE based on where he wrestled--Japan. Rotunda had the microphone and got just as much heel heat as he used to back during the days when he was I.R.S.. An 'Iwrin' chant almost started but was quickly suppressed when Rotunda introduced the new WWF President; The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase Dibiase came out with The King Of The Ring Winner, Mike Barton, who was slightly bandaged up due to the cane shots from the Sandman. Barton got quite a nice heel reaction, of course, thanks to his link with Dibiase. Dibiase shook the hand of Mike Rotunda, followed by a hug. After a short stare down with Inoki, Dibiase then shook the hand of Inoki, followed by Barton doing the same. Dibiase then made the official announcment for Barton, as Inoki placed the medals and crown onto Barton.

    Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase

    "Hahahahahaha!!!! Ladies and Gentleman, I--as WWF President--am proud to announce the 1997 King Of The Ring Tournament Winner; Mike Barton!!! Hahahahahah!!!!"

    With that, the rest of PRIDE hit the ring and congratulated Mike Barton on the honour..as Dibiase continued to laugh in the microphone. Rotunda was also laughing and clapping. Big heel reaction when Antonio Inoki raised the Hand of Mike Barton to the crowd, after he was done putting on the medals. Dibiase added;

    "Next week on RAW...get ready...for the first Million Dollar Presidential Address! Get ready for at WWF run with honour!! Get ready for a WWF run with PRIDE!!!!"

    With that all of PRIDE raised their hands in unison, from left to right;

    Road Agent Mike Rotunda, Johnny Ace, Hayabusa, The Great Kabuki, Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Ted Dibiase, Mike Barton, Hakushi, Jun Akiyama, Gladiator Mike Awesome, Stan Hansen, & Road Agent Antonio Inoki..." 93%

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    P.R.I.D.E - With the backing of Officials Mike Rotunda and Antonio Inoki, and the managerial presence of WWF President Ted Dibiase, what does this superstable have in store for the WWF?

    Commentary Aftermatch

    McMahon" I don't believe what I'm seeing. How can Antonio Inoki align himself with this 'President', when his whole group fought Inoki just a few weeks ago on RAW!! Didn't you see it, Jesse? PRIDE attacked the whole WWF Staff!!"

    Ventura" Well..thats right McMahon..but you see in Japan--where these wresters come from, competitors don't hold grudges!! Things happen! Paths Cross! But you see that's what the Million Dollar Man...as President AND The Manager of PRIDE--thats what he's going to bring to us as President!! He's going to open our minds!! He's going to give us a breath of fresh air!!"

    McMahon" He's giving us some air...a lot of hot air. I don't like it one bit. The WWF is in for quite a road ahead with that man in charge!! Up next...its the WWF World Title Match!!"

    7.Steve Corino defeated 'Mr. Perfect' Curt Hennig in 16:14.

    Referee: Earl Hebner

    Perfect hit the ring and blindsided Corino right away with a dropkick. Huge 'Perfect' chant here, and for the duration of the match. Perfect did a good job of pushing the idea that he was pissed at Corino for being attacked two weeks in a row. Brutus Beefcake was in Perfect's corner while Jack Victory was in Corino's. Just about what you'd expect from these two, except Corino seemed to be really on point. Victory tried to get involved, but each time was chased off by Beefcake on the outside. Final moments of the match came when, both men were on the mat from a double clothesline spot. Jack Victory got on the ring apron, and threw brass knuxx in the ring. The ref ran over to Victory to get him off the apron. At the same time, Beefcake ran in the ring to get the brass knuxx out of the ring, but Hebner then, ran over to Beefcake to get him out of the ring. While this was going on Perfect had just recovered and nailed Corino with the Perfect Plex. However the referee at this point was still arguing with Beefcake, who was trying to get Hebner to turn around to make the cover. Taking advantage of the situation, Victory stepped into the ring, and waited for Perfect to release the hold. Finally, after the crowd stopped counting Perfect's pin at 10, he got up to see what was wrong, but walked right into Jack Victory throwing powder into his face. With that, Corino rolled up Perfect--Victory yanked the ref away from Beefcake--and Hebner made the three count on Perfect at 16:14, retaining the WWF Title.

    After the victory, Corino and Victory continued to celebrate, until Perfect and Beefcake gave them both dropkicks to the back. Corino got knocked over the top rope, while Victory went straight down. Perfect hammered Victory, then threw him into a sleeper hold by Beefcake. Perfect then pointed to Beefcake's giant sheers, as the crowd popped in approval. They wanted to see Beefcake cut Victory's hair. Corino was on the outside screaming and yelling, as Beefcake started to trim away at Victory's hair to a huge pop. Beefcake, as he does, took the bits of hair and threw them in the air, causing Perfect's music to play. King Of The Ring went off the air with Perfect and Beefcake playing to the crowd in the ring...

    Overall: 87

    Crowd: 93

    Match: 75

    Commentary Aftermatch

    McMahon" Brutus The Barber Beefcake!!! And Mr. Perfect!!! Standing strong in the ring!!! Listen to this capacity crowd!!!"

    Ventura" McMahon, I've never seen a guy so happy to loose a match before in my life!"

    McMahon" Listen to this crowd!! They're chanting for Beefcake!! They're chanting for Perfect!!! Barbertude is in the air Jesse!! Thanks for joining us folks--join us next week!! It's the first RAW of the Million Dollar Era if you will!!!"

    Ventura" Barbertude? McMahon! Wake up! Look who's in control!! It's the PRIDE era, McMahon!!!"

    Show Quality: 83

    Buy Rate: 2.00

    Best Match: Owen Hart vs. The Lightning Kid

    Worst Match: Mike Barton vs. Jeff Jarrett

    Your Champions

    WWF World - Steve Corino

    GWF Heavyweight - Stan Hansen

    WWF I-C - Sabu

    GWF Lighty Heavyweight - The Lightning Kid

    ECW Heavyweight - Jun Akiyama

    WWF Tag Team - Team H (Hayabusa & Hakushi)

    Other Shows

    WCW Slamboree

    Best Match: 3 Way Match WCW Title- The Great Muta vs. Hulk Hogan vs. Shawn Michaels

    Worst Match: John "Berzerker" Nord vs. Vinnie Vegas

    Reality Twist: Great Muta is Now an Uppdercarder (over=87)

    Other Shows

    GCG Bombshock - Buy Rate .80 - Global 10% :eek:

    Best Match: Terry 'Bam Bam' Gordy vs. Rob Van Dam

    Worst Match: The Beverly Brothers vs. The Giants (Paul Wight & Giant Gonzales

    Reality Twist: Now at Global. Guys like Giant Gonzales, Tito Santanta up to overs of 80. And it's owned by Crockett, which makes sense since he has guys like The Wild Samoans (Fatu & Samu), Tully Blanchard, STan Lane etc.

    Other Shows

    ECA Tone Def - Buy Rate .66 - National 66%

    Best Match: Billy Gunn vs. Taka Michonuki

    Worst Match: Jack Tunney & Woman vs. Joel Gertner & Joanie Laurer

    Reality Twist: "Personalities" (Non-Wrestlers) are Cowboy Bob Orton, Jack Tunney & George 'The Animal' Steele.

  10. user posted image

    Only 6 Months until Series '97...

    June 28rd, 1997

    WWF Worldwide Saturday Nights-

    Channel: FOX

    Venue: The Elstand Colliseum, Pitsburgh, PA

    Attendance: 12094

    Announcing Team: Sean Mooney & Special Guest Commentator, Ted Dibiase

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Shane McMahon, Earl Hebner, Charles Robinson, Jim Mollineaux, John Finnegan, Dave Hebner


    Dave Schmeltzer

    - Ted Dibiase Forces His Way On WWF WorldWide -

    Worldwide opened up with Sean Mooney opening up the show, wondering who this week's special colour commentator was going to be. Suddenly, The Million Dollar Man's music hit, and out came Ted Dibiase joined with Mike Barton. Sean Mooney, apparently watching old IWF tapes, called Barton, Bart Gunn. He hasn't been called that in years. Good job Mooney. Dibiase put on a headset and started yelling and screaming about how Mike Barton was going to literally knock everyone out tommorow night at the King Of The Ring Tournament. Sean Mooney, started getting impatient and interrupted Dibiase, letting him know that Konnan was waiting in the ring for his first match...This infuriated Dibiase; "Konnan!? Konnan?! Are you kidding me!! And, after tommorow night, when I'm in charge, Mooney, you'll learn never to question me again!! As for Konnan? Mwhahaha!! Let's show him who runs the show around here! Barton!! Go show'em what you're going to do tommorow night!! Mwahahaha!!!"

    Sean Mooney as always looked like such a stick figure here. He did such a bad job of pretending to be afraid of Barton it was kind of embarrassing. Dibiase, yelling at Mooney was classic, though. 90%

    Mike Barton gained overness from this segment.

    Mike Barton d. Konnan

    Barton was all over Konnan here. Konnan tried to fight back, but Barton was 'too tough'. Dibiase on commentary did a good job of pushing Barton as a generally tough guy. Mooney must've called Barton, Billy Gunn three more times during this match alone. Barton nailed Konnan with the left hook at 9:33. After the match, Barton stood in the ring, jumping in place yelling for someone to come out of the back to fight him. The referee kept yelling at Barton to leave the ring, into the first advert break.

    Overall: 76

    Crowd: 79

    Match: 71

    Konnan lost overness from this match. Mike Barton gained overness from this match.


    - President Paulie Restores Order To Worlwide -

    We return off break, to see Barton still jumping in place while Dibiase continued to praise Barton on commentary. Finally, President Paulie Dangerously approaches the broadcast booth and yells at Dibiase to get Barton to leave the ring. They yell at each other going back and forth for a while, before Gerald Brisco comes out with a microphone that he hands to Paulie...

    Dangerously" Dibiase!!! It seems that you, Anvil, Slick--its seems that you all keep forgetting that I'M STILL PRESIDENT!!! And I'm ORDERING YOU to get Barton out of the ring right now, so that MY show can continue!! If you don't...then as President of the World WRestling Federation, I will force Mr. Knockout punch man, Mike Barton to forfeit his spot in the King Of The Ring Tournament!!!! And that's final!!"

    The crowd burst into a cheer as President Paulie through the microphone down and returned to the back. After some delay, Dibiase went to the ring, and raised Barton's hand, before returning to the back to some hefty booes. 89%


    - Jesse 'The Body' Catches The Sandman on his way to the Ring -

    Barry Horowitz was waiting for The Sandman in the ring, but on his way through the curtain, The Sandman was stopped by Jesse 'The Body' Ventura...

    Ventura" Sandman, Sandman! I heard your comments from last week's Worldwide...surely you can't be serious about your pick for WWF President!! Mr.Fuji!?"

    Sandman (While Walking)" [*Drinks Beer*] Yo!!!! Jesseee!!!! How would you like to see the return of the Orient Express?!"

    Ventura" I wouldn't!"

    Sandman" The Powers of Pain!?"

    Ventura" No!!!"

    Sandman" Yokozuna!"

    Ventura" Give me a break!"

    Sandman" [*Drinks Beer*] Exactly! Now, there's one person who would be welcomed with open arms from all parts of the WWF!"

    Ventura" Who? George 'The Animal' Steele? Smash? The Berzerker--before he started winning matches..as you say?"

    Sandman"[*Chuggs Beer*]No..not them!!! MR. FUJI!!!! YeaaaAAA!!!! Fuji!! Fuji!! Fuji!!! Fuji!!!"

    Ventura" What a drunken fool! Back to you Mooney!"


    The Sandman d. Barry Horowitz

    The crowd is incredibly into the Sandman. They even started a 'Fuji' chant which lasted for most of the match. There were even many 'Fuji For President' signs. I could just imagine Mr. Fuji ordering Steve Corino out of his office. And with Russo & Dillon in charge, I would've be suprised if Fuji is 'the one'. Sandman won with his delayed piledriver at 10:02.

    Overall: 79

    Crowd: 83

    Match: 70

    - Dibiase Offers The Easy Way Out For Rougeau -

    Stan Hansen against Ray Rougeau was next...Before the match officially got underway, Dibiase took the mic, and made an 'offer' to Rougeau...

    Dibiase" Rougeau!! I like you!! So I'm going to give you an easy way out!! You see...Stan Hansen is more than a champion! He's a legendary champion!! You see, Rougeau, while Stan Hansen's been taking down guys like Terry Gordy, & Dr. Death Steve Williams...you've been wrestling Bumble-Bees and Bushwackers! Hahahahaha!!!! (Crowd booes this heavily) So Rougeau...(he starts pulling out money)...I'm going to make you an offer...that would be better of for you...-- "

    Before Dibiase can finish his sentance, Rougeau slaps the money out of his hand and charges Hansen, to begin the match. Crowd popped huge for the money flying all over the ring. Dibiase also did a great job of building Hansen as a true veteran of the ring. 99%

    Ted DiBiase gained overness from this segment. Stan Hansen gained overness from this segment.

    Stan Hansen d. Raymond Rougeau

    Hansen eventually starting no selling Rougeau's weak punches, and started nailing Rougeau with some forearms shot, that gave Rougeau a shiner on the head. Hansen caught him with the lariat about 5 minutes later.

    Overall: 73

    Crowd: 77

    Match: 67


    - The Lightning Kid's Pick For WWF President -

    Eric Bischoff was backstage with The Lightning Kid, who was getting set for his KOTR match against Zeus. Bischoff asked the kid who was his pick...if he were to get by Zeus. The Kid said that he didn't think that there was any way that he could get Zeus off of his feet. But should he get by Zeus he felt as though this was his time to show what he was made of. He then said, that out of respect for what he has done for the WWF, The Kid would re-appoint, President Paulie Dangerously, for introducing high flying and cutting edge action to the WWF. The crowd popped huge for this. There had been some talk of Dangerously putting together a highlying stable with Kid, Sabu, and a few others. Of Kid wins, then this could be the result. 72%

    - Zeus Proves to be 'uncontrollable' -

    The Kid d. Zeus by DQ

    To save Zeus from loosing heat, the WWF was very careful with the way this match went down, since they seem to have some plans for Zeus in the future. The Kid hopped around the ring trying to get Zeus down, but the size difference was rather rediculous. Zeus manhandled the Kid from the very beginning, yanking him into the turnbuckle, and then choking him.Zeus kept the chokehold on the kid for over the 5 seconds and beyond as referee Shane McMahon tried to pulled Zeus off of the kid. Finally, after he could not get Zeus to relinquish the hold, the referee called for the bell, disqualifying Zeus. After the match, The Kid crawled out of the ring, and too the back, holding his hand up. He knew he got lucky. Zeus and Slick went after the ref, but Shane McMahon retreated over the top rope and to the outside. Shane McMahon is the only referee that can leap over the ropes, I guess. The crowd was really behind the Kid.

    Overall: 79

    Crowd: 83

    Match: 70


    The Dark Carnival (The Undertaker, Violent J, & Shaggy 2 Dope) d. The Mountie & Carl Pierre Oulette, Finnish Nightmare Tony Halme

    Announcer pushed that this could be Halme's final match since he was being 'watched' by the Dark Carnival. This match saw The Posse basically hide behind The Undertaker for most of the match. Final moments saw The Undertaker pin Halme after the Tombstone. I guess it's safe to say, that Halme has become the Finnish 'Hacksaw Jim Duggan' of 1997. Ringmaster Jim Neidhart teased the Bodybag spot, but for some 'reason' Papa Shango told him to 'wait'...Ringmaster Jim Neidhart then grabbed the microphone and yelled; "The day is almost here!!! The next phase of the exodus!! The next phast of The Dark Carnival's plan!!! When The Ringmaster is in control!! When the Dark Carnival chooses the fate of it's inhabitants!! Mwahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Prepare for a Carnival Of Carnage!!! Hahahaha!!! Hahahaha!!! Hahahaha!!! Hahahaha! Hahahahah!!"

    Overall: 78

    Crowd: 85

    Match: 64

    - Dibiase Ruins Paulie's Goodbye -

    Coming off the break, Vince McMahon was in the ring, and on behalf of the fans re-introduced Paulie Dangerously, for the last time as WWF President. At this point, Sean Mooney left the broadcast booth to join the entire staff backstage in watching this historical and emotional moment in WWF history. President Paulie Dangerously got a huge reaction. Paulie thanked the fans, for the last year of allowing him to bring forth new ideas to the WWF.Suddenly, the Japanese National Anthem started to play. The crowd instantly started to look to the curtain expecting PRIDE, but instead, coming from underneath the ring, behind Paulie was The Great Kabuki. The crowd was going nuts, until finally Paulie turned around, into a burst of green mist from Kabuki. At this point, officials poured into the ring--the entire referee squad, in addition to Road Agents, Gerlad Brisco, Pat Patterson, Tony Garea, Jack Lanza, & Ole Anderson. Vince Russo & JJ Dillon also came out during this segment, in a rare TV appearance. At this point, Dibiase had the rest of PRIDE, run down the isle into the ring joining in on the attack on Dangerously and the officials. Awesome must've powerbombed every single referee twice. Sabu hit the ring for a save, but was quickly taken out by, Tenzan, Akiyama, & Johnny Ace. Hansen was nailing official after official with the Lariat. Dibiase, now walking into the ring yelled;

    "Give'em to Barton!! Give'em To Barton!!

    and with that, Ace, Hayabusa, & Hansen, fed each official to Mike Barton, as he knocked them out with his left hook...Dibiase, who simply has to be taking managing lessons from Blassie, was going nuts on the mic, as Worldwide went off the air, waiving his money in the air...

    Dibiase"...Hahahahaa!! That's right!! Get'em Barton!! (At that point, he knocked out Patterson, while the other continued to give the boots to Paulie Danerously) Hahaha!! That's right!! I told you everyone's gotta price, for the Million Dollar Man!! And tommorow night...my money is going to get Mike Barton the King Of The Ring Tournament win...and me..The WWF Presidencey!! That's right!!! After tommorow, the WWF will be run with honour--No...Even better, it will be run...BY PRIDE!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Hahahahaa!!" 73%


    Commentary Aftermath

    There was no one on Commentary. So WWF Worldwide went off the air, with Dibiase laughing, as all of PRIDE continued to clear the ring of WWF Officials as debris started to fill up the ring.

    Show Quality: 76%

    TV Rating: 7.57

    Other Shows: Early Evening, WCW Saturday Night - 7.57

    Biggest Complaint: Sean Mooney's Announcing

    Behind The Scenes Issues: Shaggy 2 Dope got in another fight backstage.

    KOTR IS NEXT!!!!!

  11. Updated KOTR Brackets

    user posted image

    Only 6 Months until Series '97...

    June 23th, 1997

    Monday Night Raw-

    Channel: USA Network - Prime Time

    Venue: VDM Centre A, Anaheim - CA

    Attendance: 12,033

    Announcing Team: Joey Styles & James E. Cornette

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Dave Hebner, Shane McMahon, Jimmy Korderas, Joey Marella, John Finnegan, Jim Mollineaux


    Dave Schmeltzer

    Violent J d. Officer Knobbs

    Raw started off with Violent J & Officer Knobbs already in the ring, about to wrestle. Looks like they wanted make up for their 25 minute non wrestling segment opener last week. Violent J won with the goulentine(sp) leg drop off the top rope in 7:33.

    Overall: 59

    Crowd: 75

    Match: 48

    - President Paulie Layes Down The Law, during his final RAW as President -

    President Paulie Dangerously was once again introduced by Gerald Brisco & Pat Patterson. Dangerously said that, his tenure was fun and productive, but that he was going to still continue to be President all the way up to his very last day (next Worlwide). He said that tonight, he wanted to end 'this nonsense between The Rock, Flexx Kavanna, Zeus & Slick', and tonight they would go against each other in a tag team match. Crowd popped huge for that. He was then interrupted by The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase, who was accompanied by Johnny Ace & Mike Barton. Paulie said that he was happy that Dibiase dropped by, as he had great news for them. Since, Ace & Barton had been having a problem with Kamala's return, along with sharing PRIDE'S grugde against Tony Halme--Dangerously has set a tag team match up between the four men. Dibiase was having a fit...but Dangerously wasn't finished. He added that he has been watching the last few weeks of encounters between T.R.A.S.H (The Real American Sanitiation Homeboys--Road Dogg & Duke The Dumpster), and The 'EnForcers of PRIDE, The Great Kabuki & The Gladiator Mike Awesome..., and as a result he has made a tag match with those four as well. Paulie then wished Dibiase a sarcastic 'good luck, tonight', as he left with Patterson & Brisco right behind him. Dangerously looked really good in this segment. Dibiase was livid, yelling; 'When I'm President...You'll pay for this!! You'll pay for everything!!'


    Paulie Dangerously gained overness from this segment.

    -ADVERTS; Debuted a new Dodge Commercial w/ Brutus Beefcake-

    New Jack d. Mr. Bob Backlund

    New Jack seems to be getting quite the push here lately. He faces, Jerry Lawler at the Pay Per View...James Cornette had a funny line about if New Jack wins the KOTR tournament;

    'If He wins the Tournament, Styles, who's would he nominate--Mike Tyson?!

    Styles replied; 'Who's that?. New Jack won with the top rope headbutt after Backlund missed a top rope dropkick.

    Overall: 64

    Crowd: 73

    Match: 70

    New Jack gained overness from this match.

    - T.R.A.S.H Collides With The PRIDE Enforcers -

    We goto the back where Dibiase is looking over some of President Paulie's rules and regulations... He laughs, then says, when he's President, he'll have a whole new set of rules. He rips up the paper and throws the pieces on the floor...then here's the voice of Duke 'The Dumpster' Droese.."Littering's a crime, Dibiase..You should know that...with all of your money and all..

    Dibiase looks back to see T.R.A.S.H, looking back at him.

    Dibiase" Oh Hey, 'Homeboys!!!' Mwhahahaa!! Well, if you poor garbage workers don't like that...then you won't like this!!!"

    **With that, The Great Kabuki spits green mist onto the shreds of paper on the floor, creating a small green puddle on the floor. He then did it again on the walls of the corridor. Gladiator then picks up a garbage can nearby and throws it upside down, emptying all of the garbage right in front of T.R.A.S.H. Dibiase laughs, then proceeds to the ring.

    Dibiase" Hahahahaha!!! See you in the ring guys...after your cleaning is done--HAHAHAHAAHAHAA!!!!"


    The Great Kabuki gained overness from this segment.


    The Great Kabuki & The Gladiator d. T.R.A.SH.

    Good match here..these four tried to build importance in the match with their heavy use of weapons--well actually just garbage cans & lids. Kabuki and Awesome were nailing Road Dogg & Droese really hard with the can shots. The referee was about to call for a DQ during a number of occassions, but Dibiase kept hopping on the apron and flashing 100 dollar bills at the ref, Joey Marella. Final moments came when--after Armstrong was taken' out, Gladiator & Kabuki nailed Droese hard with a double lid shot to the head, which knocked him out cold. Dibiase hopped in the ring, and paid Kabuki & Gladiator for the victory, before locking on the Million Dollar Dream, on Droese, for good measure. Styles kept yelling; 'Is this who we want as our President!!?'

    Overall: 59

    Crowd: 59

    Match: 73

    The Great Kabuki gained overness from this feud ending. The Gladiator gained overness from this feud ending. Duke Droese gained overness from this feud ending. Brian Armstrong gained overness from this feud ending.


    - Bret Hart; aiming to be the WWF's First Grand Slam Champion -

    Coming out of the break, Bret 'The Hitman' Hart's music hit, as he came to the ring to a thunderous ovation. Despite being unintentionally buried ever since Wrestlemania, Bret Hart's managed to stay more over then other superstars who have had similiar happen to them. Hitman had a microphone in his hand, and had to wait for a 3 minute applause & ovation stop before he could begin.

    Bret Hart

    "Thank you...thank you...The Hitma is still here!!! Standing strong!! (Crowd cheers) You know..alot has happened to me over during the year. The Dark Patriot, tries to play mind games with me in the beginning of the year, so that he can take away MY, World title! Steve Corino uses his mind games to his advantage..pretending to be the Dark Patriot, winning the WWF Title. And from there...it's been hell. Corino uses my own brother to help him keep the title. My own brother assaults me with a chair! And, now I've got Bob Backlund accusing me of trying to replace Owen Hart with the Lightning Kid, as a brother...well Backlund...I'm sorry if I have something, called 'friends', in that locker rooom! Something that you and Owen don't have!

    *As Bret Was talking, they flashbacked the events that he spoke about on the Titan Tron.*

    Ok, well that's all about to change!! And next weekend, at King Of The Ring...Owen..you want to compete with me? If you get by Taylor, later tonight, you'll be there...but I'll be doing something better, achieving grand slam title status!! That's right...I'm challenging PRIDE's GWF Champion to a title match!! That's right...Hitman-Hansen live at the King Of The Ring!!! I've held the WWF Tag Team Titles, I've held the IC Title...The WWF World title...and next week, I'm going for the Grand Slam!! Hansen, that GWF Title is mine!!"

    **Suddenly, Stan Hansen comes out, bullrope in hand, charging the ring as he talks...**

    Stan Hansen

    "Bret you lil' pretty boy! Before PRIDE came to the WWF you paraded here with your legion of fans, all cheering for your little sharpshooter move where ya bend the legs. Well....you ain't never got in the ring with someone that hits as hard as me, 'boy! Ya see, I don't bend...I BREAK!!"

    Hanson continued galloping into the ring, and stood up to Bret, swinging his bullrope wildley. Road Agents & Refs hit the ring in a heartbeat, separating the two. 81%

    Bret Hart lost overness from this segment.


    - Zeus Destroys All -

    Slick & Zeus d. The Rock Don Muraco & Flex Kavanna

    This was almost a jobber match. Slick, although he was wearing workout gear was in the match for all of 60 seconds--consisting of an eye poke on Kavanna. Zeus got in there, and completely no sold everything Kavanna did. After Kavanna could not phase the monster, he tagged out to The Rock who tried to take Zeus down with clothesline after clothesline...but Zeus just stood strong, staring him down. The fourth time, Zeus charged an oncoming Rock with a stiff clothesline of his own, sending Rock down. Rock tried to pull himself up, but Zeus gave him some nasty looking kicks to the head, followed by a bear hug. Kavanna tried hitting Zeus whilst he had the bearhug on Rock, but, to no effect--Rock submitted at 5:33. Zeus kept the hold on, as Slick jumped around in excitement watching Rock scream in pain. After a brief commercial break, Zeus, who still had the hold on, finally let go, as Slick yelled on the way to the back, 'That's right Dadddy!!!!! I'm YO' next WWF Prezzzeeeedeeennnnttttt...that's to DIS MAN'...ZEUS!!!!'

    Overall: 56

    Crowd: 72

    Match: 45

    Zeus gained overness from this feud ending. Slick gained overness from this feud ending. Don Muraco gained overness from this feud ending. Flex Kavanna gained overness from this feud ending.

    Owen Hart d. Terry Taylor KOTR

    Not too much of a suprise here. Owen for the first time, used The Sharpshooter to defeat Taylor at 7:59.

    OVerall: 69

    Crowd: 82

    Match: 68


    - Dibiase puts his Money on his remaing KOTR Representative-

    Mike Barton & Johnny Ace d. Tony Halme & Kamala

    I think they've been place Barton with Ace, in this little 3 week rivarly with Halme & Kamala to get him a bit more over since they have him in the KOTR Tournament. Personally, I would've went with Tenzan...but he's involved in the I-C title scene, chasing Sabu. Match came to a close when Johnny Ace got the Ace Crusher on Tony Halme at 12:33 of a match that really dragged on. After the match is what the announcers were really pushing hard, as Dibiase abusing his Money. After victory Dibiase & Ace kept yelling at Barton to give Halme his dreaded left hook punch. At first Barton refused, citing that Halme was already hurt from the Ace Crusher...but Dibiase then flashed a few 100 dollar bills in front of...which persuaded Barton to knock Halme out with the left hook. After that, Dibiase yelled at Barton, which was completely audible on TV;

    "You've got to win this tournament! For me! And for you! When you left that goon Leif Cassidy, you left him because you were serious about your career!! You're better then him! Your an athlete! Think about what this tournament will do for your career!! Think about what it will do for PRIDE!! Now, give Kamala the knockout punch!!"

    And with that, Barton, with a bit more intensity, knocked out Kamala with the knockout punch. Dibiase then gave Barton some money, which he held up to the booing crowd.

    Overall: 58

    Crowd: 70

    Match: 56

    Mike Barton gained overness from this feud ending. Johnny Ace gained overness from this feud ending. Tony Halme gained overness from this feud ending. Kamala gained overness from this feud ending.


    - The 'Kings' Challenges Perfect & Beefcake -

    Returning off break the WWF showed the weekend's show down between Brutus & Lawler...Jerry Lawler, along with Jeff Jarrett came to the ring, and started running down Beefcake. At that point, Beefcake came out, and said that he and 'a friend' would wrestle Jarrett & Lawler right there in the ring. With that, Barber yelled into the mic...

    "Ladies and Gentlemen...The Barber's partner...and the next WWF World Champion after King Of The Ring--Mr. Perfect!!!!"

    Perfect came out to a huge pop, then led the charge to the ring.... 84%

    Jerry Lawler lost overness from this segment.

    - The Action Gets Too Crazy -

    Mr. Perfect & Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake DDQ Jerry 'The King' Lawler & 'World Class Superstar' Jeff Jarrett

    Alot of your basic face vs. heel spots, since there's only so much of matwork that Lawler & Beefcake can do. Biggest pop came when, outside the ring, Jarrett through Beefcake's head into the apron, but Beefcake no-sold it, and started hammering away on Jarrett before throwing him back into the ring, to Perfect. Shane McMahon was reffing...so the ref bump came at 9:33 when Mr. Perfect went for a running dropkick, but Lawler kinda pulled McMahon in front of him, causing him to be hit with the dropkick instead. Steve Corino made his way to the ring, and tried to get involved...but was promptly taken out by Mr. Perfect. A few minutes later, Lawler, went into his booth, unveiling a chain...He wrapped it around his knuckles ready to take out Beefcake, but Beefcake fought back, dodging Lawler's punch and nailing Lawler with some week looking body jabs. Here, Mr. Perfect grabbed a chair from the outside and leveled Jarrett & Corino outside the ring. He then through the chair in the ring to Beefcake. At this point...referee Shane McMahon got up...and the first thing he saw was Brutus Beefcake holding a chair, squaring off against Lawler, with his hand wrapped in a chain. McMahon 'had no choice' but to disqualify both teams. Officials hit the ring, standing in between Lawler & Beefcake in the ring, and between Perfect & Lawler on the outside...

    Overall: 74

    Crowd: 92

    Match: 63

    Commentary Aftermath

    Styles" Oh my Gawd!! It's Beefcake-Lawler, Perfect-Corino!!! It's gonna explode, right here on RAW!!!"

    Cornette" Officials are all over the ring separting these men, Styles--it's crazy!!"

    Styles" We are now a little under a week away from King Of The Ring!! Who will win the Tournament!!"

    Cornette" Who will be our next President!!?"

    Styles" King Of The Ring Weekend...is next!"

    Show Quality: 72

    TV Rating: 8.00

    Other Shows: Head to Head, Monday Nitro - 7.83

    Biggest Complaint: Violent J vs. Officer Brian Knobbs

    Behind The Scenes Issues:

    WWF Worldwide Preview--KOTR WEEKEND!!!!

    --President Paulie Dangerously's final Night as WWF President!


    The Lightning Kid vs. Zeus

    --The Sandman vs. Barry Horowitz (on half of the Cartel)

    --Plus in The Main Event

    The Dark Carnival (The Undertaker & Insane Clown Posse)


    'The Mountie' Jacques Rougeau, Carl P. Oulette, & 'Finnish Nightmare' Tony Halme

  12. http://www.bracketmaker.com/scripts-bracke...u.cfm?tid=30336

    Only 6 Months until Series '97...

    June 21rd, 1997

    WWF Worldwide Saturday Nights-

    Channel: FOX

    Venue: Moxfurous Arena, Chicago IL

    Attendance: 11034

    Announcing Team: Sean Mooney & Special Guest Commentator, Violent J

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Shane McMahon, Earl Hebner, Charles Robinson, Jim Mollineaux, John Finnegan


    Dave Schmeltzer

    New Jack d. The Great Kabuki KOTR

    Well, Sean Mooney opened up Worldwide from the announcers booth, and said that Violent J invited himself to broadcast. The feeling within the company is that Ric Flair is not happy commentating, and probably won't be happy until 6 months time when he's fully healed and can return to the ring. New Jack beat Great Kabuki with a top rope headbutt at 9:33 of a slugfest, to advance to the PPV.

    Overall: 65

    Crowd: 59

    Match: 71

    - The Dark Carnival's First 'Victims Of The Carnage -

    Right after the match, Violent J started screaming over Sean Mooney;

    Uh..[bleep]-boy Mooney, we have a breaking situatition backstage!! It seems that the Dark Carnival has chosen their next victims!! First Road Warrior Hawk! Just recently Paul Roma!! Lately, Bam Bam Bigelow!! And now...oh my!! Holy [bleep]-suckers, IT'S DEMOLITION!!!"

    With that, we got sent to the back where Undertaker, Papa Shango, & Shaggy 2 Dope were beating on Ax & Crush, with Ringmaster Jim Neidhart laughing hysterically looking on...Then, Undertaker went over to Neidhart, who was holding two bodybags. With that, they proceeded to wrap Ax & Crush in their own separate body guards before carrying them off camera. I guess Demolition got the pink slip along with Bam Bam (Fired after his recent injury [10 months], Paul Roma (same), and Road Warrior Hawk (fired just for being Road Warrior Hawk). 73%


    Papa Shango d. Tony Halme

    Horrible match, workrate wise, but the crowd was really suprised to see Shango go over on Halme. In fact, I actually think this has been one of Shango's first matches in at least two months. Shango won with the shoulder breaker at 6:33. On what was easily the worst commentating team in the history of the WWF, Violent J kept saying that Tony Halme is being watched closely by the Dark Carnival. I'm sure many fans will supply the bodybag for this one.

    Overall: 68


    Match: 52

    Tony Halme lost overness from this match. Papa Shango gained overness from this match.

    - The Rock Challenges Slick -

    Eric Bischoff came out and introduced 'The Rock' Don Muraco. Rock came out yelling and screaming about how he wants Slick to fight for himself, and to stop hiding behind that 'beast', Zeus. Slick came out, and said that he'll be glad to fight The Rock one on one....The announcers teased that Slick, had to have a plan up his sleeve. My question is, did they think that The Rock's mic skills improved during his old age? 68%

    Don Muraco lost overness from this segment.

    'The Rock' Don Muraco d. Slick

    Slick starting jumping around the ring, comedically, until a ref came, to start the match. After running around the ring, Zeus finally started to walk down the isle...but from right behind him came Flexx Kavanna, who tapped Zeus on the back, and threw powder in his face. Crowd popped huge, as Zeus wandered around the ramp blinded by the powder. Finally, Rock caught up with Slick, who had no where to go, and quickly nailed Slick with the power slam for the victory. Slick has wrestled three weeks in a row. And then the WWF wonders why the egos at the top get upset.

    Overall: 51

    Crowd: 59

    Match: 35


    Team H d. Agent Leif Cassidy & Alex Wright - Non Title Match

    Good match, in a match designed to get over the Tag Team Champions. They are doing a little storyline where Agent Lief Cassidy is 'scouting' for the next secret agent recruit. I guess Alex Wright failed...

    Overall: 74

    Crowd: 61

    Match: 88

    Agent Leif Cassidy lost overness from this match. Alex Wright lost overness from this match. Hayabusa gained overness from this match. Hakushi gained overness from this match.


    - The Carnival Tries For Another Victim -

    Terry Taylor d. Brian Christopher

    Taylor won with the knee drop at 8:33. After the match, The Undertaker came to the ring, with a bodybag in hand apparently going for Taylor...but Taylor hi-tailed it out of there in a hurry. On commentary Violent J acknowledged that their was a small alliance between Brian Christopher and The Dark Carnival..which is why he's always been untouched by the Carnival, despite finding himself in similiar paths. Violen J added, then added, 'If he wins the King Of The Ring, we get that [bleep] as President, Tammy! We need a man!! We need a Ringmaster in the WWF Presidency seat, mother [bleep]-er!"

    Overall: 70

    Crowd: 74

    Match: 63

    Brian Christopher lost overness from this match. Terry Taylor gained overness from this match.


    The Undertaker d. Jacques 'Mountie' Rougeau KOTR

    Undertaker did his sitting up spot each time Rougeau knocked him down. Undertaker seems to be much happier in his new role, as opposed to his previous role in the Pritchard Exchange. However, I'm sure Dark Patriot is not to happy, and to a lesser extent, Bruce Pritchard--about being downplayed ever since. Taker won with his tombstone at 11:43.

    Overall: 83

    Crowd: 90

    Match: 69

    - The Sandman's Pick for WWF President -

    We goto the back where Eric Bischoff is standing backstage with The Sandman...Crowd pops instantly once the Sandman's image is shown on the big screen.

    Bischoff" Sandman..in just a little over a week, live on Pay Per View, you will face--The Undertaker, in a quaterfinal King Of The Ring Match. Have you given any thought about who you will nominate for WWF President, should you wint the tournament?"

    The Sandman" [*Drinks Beer*]...Um..What was the question? (Crowd laughs)"

    Bischoff" It was...have you given thought---"

    Sandman" Oh yeaa...WWF President, yea. [*Drinks Beer*]

    Um...Mr. Fuji!" (Crowd starts laughing again)

    Bischoff (Laughing)" Sandman are you drun--well..er..Seriously. Have you given any thought?"

    Sandman" [*Drinks Beer*]. MMmmm, good stuff. Yea, I'm serious! Mr. Fuji, former WWF Wrestler, manager of multiple champions--He managed many of the greats, Yokozuna, The original Demolition, George 'The Animal' Steele, former WWF Champion The Berzerker--before he started winning matches--, The Powers Of Pain, The Orient Express--NEED I SAY MORE!!!!?" (Crowd laughs and cheers)

    Bischoff(Still laughing)" So...your telling me, that should you win the King Of The Ring, next week...Mr. Fuji will be the new WWF President??!"

    Sandman" [*Chuggs Beer..then smashes it over head*]. Fuji!! Fuji!! Fuji!! Fuji!! Fuji!! Fuji!!"

    Sandman continues chanting as he walks down the hall...81%

    - Lawler And Beefcake Square Off-

    Jerry Lawler d. Carl Oulette [color-blue]KOTR

    Lawler took the match this time, for the KOTR--I guess this is his win back from loosing that RAW match to Oulette on the RAW after LLX. After the victory...Lawler called out Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake. After some stalling time, and insults at the fans from Lawler, Beefcake's music hit to a huge pop. And out came Beefcake...sheers in hand...

    Overall: 85

    Crowd: 92

    Match: 69

    Jerry 'The King' Lawler

    "Brutus THE BARBER Beefcake! Did someone call Titan Towers and say they needed a haircut..?..because I sure didn't. (Crowd boos). Beefcake let me tell you something...who was it that nearly lost his son to the Million Dollar Man??

    *Referance; Feud 1993-94 vs. Million Dollar Man introducing Brian Christopher into the WWF as the Million Dollar Kid.*

    Who was it that saved the WWF from Antonio Inoki & James E. Cornette taking control of the WWF Presidencey?

    *Referance; Feud 1994-95..The WWF's first real push of Japanese Wrestling/Wreslers...with James E. Cornette bringing in 'his pick for WWF President--Heel Antonio Inoki..leading to a Lawler vs. Inoki Wrestlmania Showdown...keeping the WWF Presidency to Joel Gertner? (Face)*

    Who was it that led the Mega Powers to fight the forces of The Cartel????

    *Referance; Feud 1995-96. MegaPowers: Lawler, Hogan, Savage, The Rock vs. The Cartel: James Cornette & and a smaller version of PRIDE, Paulie Dangerously & Sabu, and Bruce Pritchard with The Berzerker*

    I'll tell you...it was me!!! The King! The Memphis great! And what did I get for it? Nothing!! You're looking at a WWF Great--who's never held the WWF World Title!!! That's right! All of those blood, sweat, and tears for NOTHING!! NOTHING!! For these morons!! But you know what Beefcake...I'm over that now!! Because, ya see--I realise that I don't need a title, or the cheers of these stupid fans anymore to get what I want--why? BECAUSE I'M THE KING!!! But you see, Beefcake...you haven't gotten over it!! That's right...because just like me, you've never held that World Title either! That's right, I'm exposing the Barber!! The only reason why you're 'helping' Mr. Perfect, is because you want to weasal your way into the WWF Title picture!! Hahaha!! That's right! You don't care about Mr. Perfect!! All you care about is Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake!!

    **Crowd is booing Lawler. Beefcake yanks the mic out of Lawler's hand to a thunderous ovation...**

    Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake

    " Let me tell ya something, BURRRGERRRR KINGGG!!! You may think ya have all the answers...but ya don't brutthaaah!! You see, because, it's not about me!! It's not about the Barber!! It's about the fans!! And it's about you, brothaaa, thinking that you deserve something in return from the great WWF Fans!!! But ya don't!! Ya don't deserve 'nothin bruthaa, and neither do I! I do it for the fans--for the love of wrestling--(Starts staring erotically at his Sheers)-and for another love of mine...CUTTING UP HAIR!!!! (Crowd cheers) Lawler...one day...The Barber and The King are aH-gonna meet in the ring...one on one...and when we do...I can guarantee that when it's all said and done...and the smoke is cleared...one of us will be...A KING...and the other....WILL...BE....BALD.....!!!"


    Incredible heat. Simply Incredible. I've never seen a Worldwide crowd buzz as much as they did, during this segment. The show went off the air, with Beefcake & Lawler staring each other down to a loud 'Barber' chant, which at times, broke into a 'Burger King' chant....

    Commentary Aftermath

    Mooney" Listen to this crowd, wrestling fans! Wow!"

    Violent J" These people are going insane, like their at an Insane Clown Posse concert, or something!"

    Mooney" Can The Barber cut the King down to size? "

    Show Quality: 70%

    TV Rating: 7.57

    Other Shows:

    Early Evening, WCW Saturday Night - 7.32

    Biggest Complaint: The combined Broadcasting Team Of Sean Mooney & Violen J

    Behind The Scenes Issues:

    Bam Bam Bigelow fired after he showed up with crutches.

    Ax & Crush, officially fired.

    Violent J got in a fight right before the show with Ric Flair.

    Raw Preview!!

    --Lawler, Beefcake, Perfect, will be all in the same building!!


    *Owen Hart vs. Terry Taylor

    --Zeus & 'The Doctor Of Style' Slick


    'The Rock' Don Muraco & Flexx Kavanna

    -New Jack vs. Mr. Bob Backlund

    -Plus PRIDE will be in full Force, T.R.A.S.H, Bret Hart, and much more!!!

  13. Updated KOTR Brackets

    user posted image

    Only 6 Months until Series '97...

    June 16rd, 1997

    Monday Night Raw-

    Channel: USA Network - Prime Time

    Venue: The Battleground, Sarasota - Fl

    Attendance: 12,033

    Announcing Team: Joey Styles & James E. Cornette

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Dave Hebner, Shane McMahon, Jimmy Korderas, Joey Marella, John Finnegan, Jim Mollineaux


    Dave Schmeltzer

    - President Paulie Dangerously's Big Announcment -

    Raw opened up differently then it usually does. Standing in the ring were officials Mike Rotunda, Pat Patterson & Gerald Brisco. They introduced President Paulie Dangerously as 'One of The Greatest WWF Presidents of all time.' Well, lets see, they've had Jack Tunney, Joel Gertner (In 1993-94), Heel Hulk Hogan (94-95), then of course, Paulie. So I wouldn't exactly say he's had all that much competition. Anyhow, Paulie came out and said, that right after King Of The Ring, his tenure as WWF President would be over. He then said that, The winner of the King Of The Ring Tournament, would not only have the honour of winning the King Of The Ring Tournament, but they would also be able to appoint the next WWF President. The announcers did a good job of being shocked here...as well they should be. At this point, The Million Dollar Man's music hit, as he walked to the ring, by himself. The last time he and Paulie were in the same ring, Dibiase orchestrated an attack, that saw Dangerously, Patterson & Brisco taking bumps from Kabuki, Johnny Ace, Gladiator Mike Awesome, and Stan Hansen. Dibiase started laughing around Paulie...he called Rotunda, Brisco, and Patterson all 'goons', and said that when either The Great Kabuki or Mike Barton win the King Of The Ring, Dangerously's staff will be replaced with 'his people'. The announcers started to speculate as to what changes Dibiase would make until, Terry Taylor came down to the ring...

    - The First Female President? -

    Terry Taylor, who has no music, stood in the ring, and took the microphone from Dibiase. Everyone already out, had a 'What The Hell are you doing here?' look fixated on Taylor that was just as every bit comedic as it sounds. Taylor then introduced what essentially his valet...

    Taylor" Ok..Ok...As Ya'll know I'm in the King Of The Ring, too! And this is my chance to show that I'm more than a Road Warrior! And I'm gonna beat Owen Hart, right here next week, so that I can go to the quater finals, at the PPV!! I'm more than a goofball! And I'm going ot win the Tournament...for the first female President of the WWF!! (Crowd cheers...they know he means Tammy) The woman that helped me out of a jam just this past weekend on Worldwide...ladies and gentleman Tammy Sytch!!!"

    Tammy Sytch came out to a huge pop...but before she even made it all the way into the ring, the face of Ringmaster Jim Neidhart appeared on the Titan Tron...

    Neidhart" Mwahahahahaha!!!! Mwahahahaha!!! Oh looook!! It's the cinderalla story, except in this case Terry Taylor is cindarella!! Bahahahaa!!! Taylor, you were almost the first victim of the Dark Carnival, last weekend on Worldwide!! You were almost the first to be dealt with! Hahaha! And now..Tammy? Tammy you are linking yourself with the weak! You are linking yourself with those who will not make it to Shangrila!! You are allying yourself with the casualties of The Dark Carnival!!! And you see, when MY UNDERTAKER, wins the King Of The Ring...I...Ringmaster Jim Neidhart...will be in control!!! COMPLETE CONTROL!!! THE CARNIVAL WILL OWN YOU....THE CARNIVAL WILL OWN THE WWF!!! PREPARE, FOR A CARNIVAL....FOR A CARNIVAL OF CARNAGE!! HAAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAAHA!!! HAHAHAAHAH!!! HAHAHAAH!!!" 92%

    Once again, another amazing promo by Jim Neidhart. To think that someone with his charisma was stuck hanging around with The Road Warriors, is quite disturbing. Just as Neidhart was done yelling and screaming...yet another person had something to say about this Presidential deal. The Mountie, Jacques Rougeau, came out... 92%


    Jim Neidhart gained overness from this segment.

    - The Mountie; The Law And Order Of the WWF -

    The Mountie stepped up in front of the curtain, to a nice 'Mountie' chant...talking..I guess to Taylor, Dibiase, & Dangerously in the ring--as well as Neidhart on the Titan Tron...

    The Mountie

    " Wow!! What a responce!! You know, there's something wrong with this picture! You have all these guys out here, talking about how they should be the next President...but you forgot one thing! I AM the Law and Order Of the WWF!! And Ringmaster Neidhart--the first person I have to go through, on Worldwide--in the King Of the Ring, Tournament is YOUR UNDERTAKER!! That's right! The Mountie vs. The Undertaker!! You know, any normal man would be afraid of a man like the Undertaker!!!

    [*He starts singing*]

    But I'm The Mountie!!

    I'm handsome, I'm brave, and I'm strong.....

    I'm the Mountie!!! And I enforce the Law....

    You can always run...but you can never hide!!

    Cos' I'm The Mountie!!!!!!

    And I always get my man!!!

    [*Stops singing*]

    And this Saturday Night, That Man is YOU, Dead-man!!! "Hahahaha!!! 76%

    Mountie got a great reaction...and all went well...until he started singing...

    Jacques 'Mountie' Rougeau lost overness from this segment.


    - The Dream Team; Having Miscommunication Nightmares -

    New Jack & Rick Steiner d. The Dream Team (Brutus Beefcake & Hunter Hearst Helmsley)

    The crowd was live from this point on, after getting pumped up during the rather long opening of RAW this week. During this match, I caught a sign for Jim Crockett's promotion GCG, which is being built around The Giant Gonzales...that read; 'Crockett OwnZ McMahon' They seem to be winning the race with ECA for popularity, ever since they got a new Sunday Night show... Once again, not only is importance now on the King Of The Ring tournament itself, but the WWF has also placed MORE importance on the Tournament now with the appointment of a new WWF Presidencey. Final moments of this match came when Hunter Hearst Helmsely held Rick Steiner up for a running knee from Beefcake, but Steiner ducked, and Helmsely got knocked in the head with Beefcake's knee. New Jack came in the ring, and attacked Beefcake, while Steiner nailed Helmsely with his belly to belly overhead plex for the suprising victory! Steiner did his whole barking routine, which got the crowd jumpin'.

    After the match, Helmsely started pushing Beefcake, blaming him for the victory. The crowd instantly took Beefcake's side, since he had been teasing a face turn during the last couple of weeks... The Dream Team left with Jimmy Hart leading his team to the back, trying to stop the arguing...

    Overall: 63

    Crowd: 73

    Match: 68

    Rick Steiner gained overness from this match.



    Mike Barton d. Tony Halme - KOTR

    Well they built this match as a former boxer vs. former boxer match...except they forgot to mention that Barton, unlike Halme, actually knows how to wrestle. Good match which saw both men actually nail each other with alot of stiff punches and forearms. At 7:44, it seemed as if Halme was going to win, as he had Barton in the torture rack--but Dibiase hopped on the apron and started waving 100 dollar bills in the face of Halme. Halme, like a dope, then dropped Barton and went over to Dibiase...until Dibiase slapped Halme with the bills...Halme after not being able to catch Dibiase from dropping down off the apron, turned around into a Barton left hook, which knocked him out cold. They are really starting to push Barton's left hook hard now.

    Overall: 61

    Crowd: 72

    Match: 61

    Mike Barton gained overness from this match.

    - Beefcake Gets a Letter From His 'Friend Till The end' -

    We goto the back, where Brutus Beefcake is in the back. Road Agent Mike Rotunda approaches him, and delivers a letter to him that showed up in the office...Beefcake, confused...opened it, and read it outloud...

    Sweet Bruti,

    Hey, how's it going brother. I've decided I'd write to you as it's been a while since we've gotten to talk. I haven't had a chance to watch the WWF on TV, but I have been reading the newspapers, and keeping up with the results.

    I read about the whole WWF title picture, and was quite shocked to see that Jerry Lawler is helping someone as underhanded as Steve Corino keep that title, dude. I can't believe that Jerry Lawler is now supported the forces of evil like Lawler & Corino, brother. And, to think that the WWF thought that he would've been a better leader than me! But you know who the real loosers in this are? The Fans. They put their trust in Jerry Lawler. They loved Jerry Lawler. And he used that trust against them. Brother, if only I was still in the WWF.

    Anyway, brother, I'm having a blast here working in Atlanta dude. I know everything over there in the WWF will be OK with you still there brother. So make things right brother! Fight for the fans, dude! Keep giving those haircuts!!!


    Your Friend 'til The End, Terry.

    Little did Beefcake know that his partner, Hunter Hearst Helmsely, was standing right behind him in the doorway, listening to every word.

    Helmsley (Laughing)" Is that from who I think it was? Man, I thought you were done with that stuff! Ever since you lost that looser, your career has gone uphill!! When you were with him, it was all about him! Now, look..where we are -- Former Smokey Mountain Tag Team Champions for over a year!! (During 1993-94..right when The WWF purchased Jim Cornette's SMW, they used his tag team titles...until everyone eventually just forgot about them) You are now apart of The Hart Foundation...the orgin of many great WWF Superstars past and present--Jim Neidhart, Dino Bravo, Bret Hart, Greg Valentine--Man...I don't know whats going on with you...but you'd better shape up, 'Barber'. "

    Very innovative Segment here. I like how they've alluded that the letter came from Hulk Hogan, but never actually said it--knowing that Hogan is on a long term contract with WCW. Even the announcers kept teasing that it was from Hogan--which is what they want people to believe--but they did so enough to not give anyone any thought that Hogan would be coming to the WWF. Scene ended with Helmsely laughing, walking out saying; "Man..wait until I tell Jimmy [Hart] about this..."


    Brutus Beefcake lost overness from this segment.


    The Lightning Kid d. The Dark Patriot - GWF Lightweight Title

    Gilbert & Lightning Kid were great during this match, as they have a history of fighting each other back to the days of the GWF. Bret Hart was at ringside for this match, and knocked out Pritchard when he tried to intefere in the match. Kid won with his lightning kick at 12:33. After the match, Bret Hart's music played...where Bob Backlund & Owen Hart then came out from curtain...

    Overall: 75

    Crowd: 85

    Match: 82

    - Owen Brags about his LLX Attack On Bret -

    Bob Backlund stood on the isleway with Owen Hart, and said that his favourite part of LLX happened right at the very end...They then show the end of LLX where Owen hit Bret Hart in the head with the chair, during his slugfest with Corino in the LLX Non-Sanctioned match. Backlund then went on to say that The Lightning Kid wasn't good enough to be the 'next Hitman', and that Owen Hart, was going to win the Kind Of The Ring, and prove to be the greatest Hart ever. Bret Hart said that he saw alot of talent in the Lightning Kid, but didn't think of him as a subsitute for Owen--Backlund then overtalked Bret, talking about how The Lightning Kid made his hair to look just like Bret's, long and black. Bret said that, it was the Kid's natural hair, and that Backlund was trying to live out his failures as a wrestler through young naive wrestlers like Owen Hart. He added that he had enough of Backlund's mouth, then proceeded to chase them into the back...It's nice that they showed the footage of Owen attacking his brother, but Owen did little talking, and Backlund got the verbal victory over Bret in this segment. 80%

    Owen Hart lost overness from this segment. Bret Hart lost overness from this segment.


    Sabu d. 'The Rock' Don Muraco - IC Title Match

    I believe the question here is, 'why'? The Rock looses a match to Zeus, then gets a title shot? Wierd. Crowd was into Sabu, but got really quiet each time The Rock had offense. Easy win for Sabu winning at 7:44 with the triple jump moonsault. Rock doesn't even sell well, anymore.

    Overall: 69

    Crowd: 80

    Match: 71

    The WWF Intercontinental title has lost image.


    - "The Barber" Saves Perfect From Another Corino Attack -

    Jerry 'The King' Lawler d. 'Mr. Perfect' Curt Hennig

    Your basic Jerry Lawler match of today with constant stalling and working the crowd. But work the crowd well; they did. It's the ending of the match that had everyone talking...and here's the final call, as it happened by Joey Styles & James E. Cornette.

    user posted imageuser posted image

    Final Call By The Voice of the WWF, Joey Styles,

    and colour commentator, James E. Cornette

    Styles"...and Perfect's got the Perfect Plex on Lawler!! 1!!! 2!!! 3!!! 4!!! 5!!!"

    Cornette" But look, Corino's got the ref distracted!"

    Styles" Turn around ref!! Turn around!! And now...Perfect lets go of the pin, he goes over to Corino...The referee is trying to separate the two!"

    Cornette" ....but now...Look at Lawler from behind with the WWF Title Belt! Corino snuck the belt in the ring! Oh My!! Ouch!! He just nailed Perfect with it! Lawler just caught Perfect in the back of the head with the belt! And the referee didn't see a thing!"

    Styles" He was standing in between of Corino & Perfect!! Now, Jerry Lawler sets up Perfect...here it comes!! NO!!! The Piledriver!! 1...2...3..!! Jerry Lawler wins!!! I don't believe it!! The Kings' Court wins again!"

    Cornette" I don't think their finished yet, Styles! Corino is now entering the ring. Lawler's picking Perfect back up. I think we're going to see a repeat of last night!"

    **Suddenley, Brutus Beefcake, comes running down the isle...getting a huge pop, as he's in his total 'Barber' wear. He goes straight into the attack on Corino & Lawler.**

    Cornette" WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!!!?"

    Styles" It's the Barber!! It's the Barber!! It's the Barber!! It's the Barber!! And he's taking out Corino & Lawler!! Go get'em Barber!!"

    Cornette" He's got the sleeper hold on Corino!!"

    Styles"...and now Perfect's back up and throws Corino outside of the ring!! Corino pulls Lawler out of the ring, to safety!! Oh My Gawd!! The Barber is back to his old self!! Listen to this crowd!!"

    Cornette" Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake & 'Mr Perfect' Curt Hennig are standing in the ring, side by side!! But WHY? WHY? WHY?"

    Styles (Beefcake gets a mic) "Well...I think we're about to find out right now. Lets here what Bruti has to say!"

    Overall: 77

    Crowd: 95

    Match: 66

    - Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake Explains His Actions -

    Beefcake stands around the ring playing to the crowd who has burst into a loud 'Barber' chant. Perfect is on the other side of the ring, still recovering, not knowing what to make of this...But before Beefcake can talk..the cheers turn to jeers, when Beefcake's partner, Hunter Hearst Helmsely comes marching agrilly down to the ring with his manager Jimmy Hart...

    Helmsley (Laughing)" Is it 1992 or something? Is this Beefcakemania or something? Why..haha..I don't beleive this! Look at you! Did those cheers get to you last week when you lost to the Undertaker? Did I miss something? Beefcake, what the hell are you doing?!? (Jimmy is yelling at Brutus through his Megaphone) I mean..c'mon! I know you got that letter from your 'friend till the end'...but geez!"

    Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake

    " Yaaa know something bruthaaa! (Crowd cheers loudly) I hear what your sayin' Hunter! I hear what your talking about! But I've got something I feel is more important right now, man!! You see, years ago, I had a friend, who was practically forced out of the WWF!! And why? Because at the time, everyone felt as though Jerry Lawler, was the true hero of the WWF!! Everyone put their trust into the good 'ol King! But then something happened! Something went wrong! And Lawler turned on the fans that made him, one of the most popular WWF Wrestlers ever! Not only did he turn his back on his fans, but he joined forces with one of the most hated Wrestlers in the WWF--WWF Champion Steve Corino!!!

    [*He Turns to Mr. Perfect*]

    I'm here to help you, Perfect! We've been through our tough times together, here in the WWF! We've collided forces, before--and I think I even gave ya a trim up before!! (Crowd cheers) But I've got alotta respect for ya brutha! And I see you've got the odds stacked up against ya with the Kings Court, brother! And together dude, we're gonna make things right, for the fans! I'm gonna help you dethrone Steve Corino & help ya take out the Kings Court of Garbage pal!! I'm gonna help you get that WWF Title!! And hey...maybe...but just mabye..I might be able to give those knuckleheads a little shape up! Mr. Perfect will be the next WWF World Champion...and the Barber is back!!!"

    With that, Beefcake knocks out Hunter Hearst Helmsley & Jimmy Hart, then shakes hands with Mr. Perfect. They then play to the crowd for a short while, before going of the air. Raw came to an official close with Beefcake & Perfect doing the Beefcake strut back and forth in the ring, to a nutty crowd. 84%

    Brutus Beefcake's turn was completed, and he is now a face. Brutus Beefcake gained overness from this turn.

    user posted image

    Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake has vowed to help

    'Mr. Perfect' Curt Hennig dethrone the Kings Court

    Commentary Aftermath

    Cornette" I don't believe what I'm seeing, Styles! Two of the most well known WWF Wrestlers of all time, are joining forces to take down Steve Corino WWF Champion & Jerry 'The King' Lawler of The Kings Court!!"

    Styles" That's right!! The odds are now a bit more even sided! Both Beefcake and Lawler will be at Worldwide!!"

    Cornette" Head will Collide Joey, Heads will Collide!!"

    Styles" Oh My Gawd!!!!"

    Show Quality: 79%

    TV Rating: 8.00

    Other Shows:

    Head to Head, Monday Nitro - 7.83

    Graveyard, ECA BattleZone/TNT - 3.95

    Biggest Complaint: Long Opening segment

    Behind The Scenes Issues: Shaggy 2 Dope showing up late; Bam Bam Bigelow confirmed with torn calf.

    WWF Worldwide

    --King Of The Ring; Round 1 Matches Continue!! Who will Go to the Pay Per View!!!--

    *Jerry 'The King' Lawler vs. Carl P. Oulette

    *The Undertaker vs. The Mountie 'Jacques Rougeau

    *New Jack vs. The Great Kabuki

    --Tag Team Title Match!!!

    Team H vs. Demolition vs. The Cartel

    --Plus Much Much More!!!

  14. Updated KOTR Brackets

    user posted image

    Only 6 Months until Series '97...

    June 14rd, 1997

    WWF Worldwide Saturday Nights-

    Channel: FOX

    Venue: Moxfurous Arena, Chicago IL

    Attendance: 11034

    Announcing Team: Sean Mooney & 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Shane McMahon, Earl Hebner, Charles Robinson, Jim Mollineaux, John Finnegan


    Dave Schmeltzer

    - The Insane Clown Posse Make An Open challenge -

    The Insane Clown Posse opened up WWF Worldwide, walking to the ring, with microphones, singing one of their songs about killing people, all the way into the ring. The two did their normal profanity filled interview, talking about the Dark Carnival, and stated that they have officially taken over Worldwide, and that there will be one casuality tonight. 2 dope then asked if there was any team in the back, who wanted to test the powers of the ICP. Seconds later, Doug Furnas (with a mic) appeared beyond the curtains without any music. A small portion of the crowd popped for the arrival of these two in the WWF. Furnas had the mic, and said;

    "Some of you know who we are, some of you don't!

    But, we're here in the WWF for Tag Team Gold...and if we have to go through a couple of clowns to get it, then fine! I'm Doug Furnas! And this is Phil Lafon! And We are the Can-Am Express!! We've always heard the WWF was a circus! So It'll be our pleasure to go through a bunch of clowns!"

    Crowd popped a bit. Furnas' mic skills overshadowed that of ICP's multiple times over. 59%

    Doug Furnas gained overness from this segment. Shaggy 2 Dope lost overness from this segment. Violent J lost overness from this segment.

    Insane Clown Posse d. Furnas & Lafon

    Furnas & Lafon were brought in from Rocky Johnson's Canadian/Regional Promotion, VZF. And Furnas didn't look to happy about having to job in his first match. ICP won with a double goulinteen(sp) leg drop of the top rope at 8:33. Ringmaster Jim Neidhart then said something after the match...

    OVerall: 62

    Crowd: 66

    Match: 54

    Doug Furnas didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating.

    - The Carnival's Leader Will Be Revealed -

    Ringmaster Jim Neidhart stood in between the ICP, then made the following announcement...

    Neidhart" We are taking notes! We are watching those who compete! And on the day after the Tournament Of Kings--after the King Of The Ring is crowned--we will reveal the leader of the Dark Carnival--and then...the first stage of the DArk Carnival Exodus will begin!!! Mwahahahahaha!! Mwahahahahaaha!!!!" 79%

    Sean Mooney was hilarious, probably 'accidently' calling the ICP, 'a bunch of freak thug cult leaders' What a combination....


    - Finnish Nightmare continues to be a thorn in the side of his former stable, PRIDE -

    Kamala d. Johnny Ace

    3 years ago, a typical WWF crowd would've fallen asleep with these two wrestling. But, these guys were able to make up for thier lack of workrate, with a good build on ring pyscology. Ace wrestled the whole match being 'afraid' of the Ugandan giant.

    Midway into the match, Tony Halme joined Sean Mooney at ringside, saying, 'You know what Mooney, no matter how hard PRIDE tries...they blame me for holding them back in the past...I DON'T CARE! They're not going to stop me from winning the King Of The Ring. My first opponent is...PRIDE'S newest member, Mike Barton! He was also a boxer!! Just like me!!! But he was an amateur boxers!!!"

    Someone should tell Halme that the singular form of a Boxer doesn't end in an 'S'. At that point, Mike Barton went to the broadcast booth, and got into it with Halme. This distracted Ace, as he started rooting on Barton, telling him to catch Halme with the left hook. However, this allowed Kamala to attack Ace from behind, eventually finishing him off with the big splash. Ace did a good job of selling the 'craziness' of Kamala...

    Overall: 64

    Crowd: 71

    Match: 51

    Kamala gained overness from this match.


    - An ECW Title Classic -

    Jun Akiyama DRAW Agent Lief Cassidy - ECW Heavyweight Title

    I love how they're making Worlwide, despite being the 'secondary/midcard' show, more wrestling based than RAW. I can tell that JJ Dillon & Antonio Inoki, have alot more to do with the booking of this show. This was an amazing match. Akiyama & Cassidy easily stole the show here. Kudos to whoever decided to take the ECW title off of New Jack and on Akiyama. The was kinda quiet for this match, since they still have to adapt to Akiyama's 'strong-style' of wrestling. Once again the announcers were linking the ECW belt to, its origin, the NWA heavily, which suprises me. Final moments came at 21:33, when Cassidy nailed Akiyama with the snow plow, but Akiyama popped right back up and nailed Cassidy with his exploder suplex. Cassidy, in return, got right back up, and nailed Akiyama with another Snow Plow, which was returned with another Exploder. After both men stayed down for an 8 count, Akiyama dodged a clothesline from Snow--er Cassidy, and nailed him with a dragon suplex pin for the pin...Cassidy kicked out, then was about to be nailed with another exploder, but Cassidy elbowd Akiyama and nailed him with another Snow Plow. The ref counted to two, but then called for the bell, announcing that the 30 minute time limit has expired. This match has ended in a draw.

    After the match, Cassidy extended his hand for a handshake...Akiyama was thinking about it...but then his manager, Ted Dibiase, jumped in the ring, and flashed Hundred dollar bills in the face of Akiyama. Akiyama then, refused the handshake, and walked off with his manager, Dibiase.

    Overall: 75

    Crowd: 60

    Match: 91

    The ECW World title has gained in image.


    - Zeus Prepares For The Finnish Nightmare -

    Sgt. Slaughter was backstage with The Doctor Of Style' Slick, with Zeus, who was next to take on Tony Halme. Slaughter asked if Zeus could over power, the powerful Tony Halme. Slick spoke over the random screaming of Zeus.

    Slick" Slaughter!!!! Can the mighty Galliaahhhhhhhh take on the overweight cook!!! Can the Boxing chaamppeeeeeeen Of the World, defeat the Lightheavyweight Boxing champeeeeennnn? Can the almmmmiggghhhttttyyyy Lorrrrrrd Himselfffffff, defeat one of the devillllsssss lowest disicples?

    Of course Zeus can take out the Finnish Nightmare!! In just a feewwwww minnuteessss daddyyyy, the Finnish Nightmare, will be the FINISHED LOOOSEEEERRRR!!! HEEE HEEE HEEEEAYY!!"

    Slick looks to be really happy with something to talk about other than Butch Reed & Koko B. Ware. And it seems that every wrestler always uses the "Finished" joke with the Finnish Nightmare... 81%

    Zeus d. 'Finnish Nightmare' Tony Halme

    This match was over in about 2 minutes. Halme started off by clotheslining Zeus to no effect. He then started to nail some pretty nasty punches to the ribs of Zeus. But, Zeus just stood there, starting in intensity at Halme. Finally Zeus did his double axehandle move on Halme, bringing him down to his knees,then locked on the beer hug for the submission victory. Halme sold a back injury big time, after the match. Good job to Halme.

    OVerall: 69

    Crowd: 81

    Match: 43

    Zeus gained overness from this match.


    - Jarrett, face to face, with his KOTR Opponent -

    Bischoff was backstage with Jarrett, and asked him if he felt he had what it takes to win the King Of The Ring. Jarrett did his typical old school interview straight out of Memphis...

    Jarrett" Bischoff, there is no doubt in my mind that I will win this KOTR tournament!"

    *Suddenly, Konnan appears on camera...*

    Konnan" What's up Esse! You forgot who you facing tonight? You facing an international supertar!! Konnan, baby!!" (Crowd cheers)

    Jarrett" Konnan, as you'll see tonight--I'm more than a mere 'International Superstar', I'm a WORLD CLASS SUPERSTAR!!!!" (Crowd booes)

    Konnan" Hey mang...you may think that you're a World Class Wrestler, but I think that you're a World Class Punta!!!!"

    The crowd cheers the spanish drop in on Jarrett as he looks dumbfounded to Konnan who just walks off.


    Jeff Jarrett lost overness from this segment.

    The Great Kabuki d. Duke 'The Dumpster' Droese

    The crowd was still buzzing off of the Zeus Match, combined with the 'punta' comment to even remotley care about this match. Loud chants of boring, despite a good enough brawl type match between these to. During this match, the arena was so quiet that, on TV, viewers were actually able to hear a fan yell; 'Marty Jannetty, ECA Champion!!!'. Mooney had no choice, but to acknowlegde the fan, in his non-witty, non charasmatic way, as always...

    'Marty Jannetty...a former WWF Superstar...from what I understand...now wrestling in the minor leages, and is actually a Champion there...Good for Mr. Jannetty'. Kabuki ended this library brawl with a nasty looking clothesline.

    Overall: 50

    Crowd: 34

    Match: 67

    This match suffered because the crowd were still pumped up from the last one, and so this bout was seen as something of a let-down to them.


    - Tammy Sytch Prevents The First Victim of The Dark Carnivals 'Exodus' -

    They take us to the back, where Terry Taylor is looking at the KOTR brackets. He sees that his opponent is Owen Hart...suddenly, Papa Shango, bursts in the room with Ringmaster Jim Neidhart and yells, "You won't make it to KOTR, Road Warrior Boy!!! You'll join your former partner!!!"

    With that, The Anvil--er Papa Shango attacks Taylor from behind....Neidhart follows suit, and starts to unfold a BODYBAG. Together, he and Shango try to force Taylor in the body bag, but are stopped by a screaming Tammy Sytch, who heard the commotion 'next door'. Shango, and Neidhart try to get Tammy to 'shush', but retreated when the screaming did not stop. The eerie scene ended with, Tammy helping up Taylor. This angle does not help the internet rumours that Tammy & Terry are dating... 63%

    Tammy Sytch's turn was completed, and she is now a face. Tammy Sytch gained overness from this turn. Jim Neidhart lost overness from this segment. Tammy Sytch lost overness from this segment.

    - King Of The Ring Match -

    Jeff Jarrett d. Konnan - KOTR

    Crowd was really into this match, here. They've developed a nice on show rivarly based on that little 'punta' comment. Final moments came, when Konnan was about to go for a frog splash, his finisher...which was oddly enough Max Moon's finisher called the 'Moon Splash'--anyway, Konnan missed, 'hurting his knee' in the process. With that, Jarrett locked on the figure four for the KOTR victory. After the match, Jeff Jarrett did his strut until Worldwide went to a close.

    Overall: 86

    Crowd: 93

    Match: 72

    Commentary Aftermath

    Mooney" The King Of The Ring Continues!!! Jeff Jarrett Advances to the next round!! But RAW is next...It's a Night Of Champions!!! What do you think President Paulies Big Announcement is!!!?"

    Ric Flair" I don't know Mooney!!! But, Wooo!!!!, We've got Owen, Backlund, Bret, and The Lightning Kid all in the same building this Monday! It's going to be hot! it's going to be crazy! It's going to be wild! Wooo!!!! It's RAW!!!!"

    Mooney" The KOTR continues, as the newest member of PRIDE, Mike Barton, takes on former PRIDE member, Tony Halme!!

    Flair" Wooo!!!! Cya at the big time, Mooney!! Raw!!!!"

    Show Quality: 68%

    TV Rating: 7.57

    Other Shows:

    Early Evening WCW Saturday Night- 7.32

    GCG Sunday Brawl-4.57

    WCW Sunday Night-5.00

    Biggest Complaint: Sean Mooney's announcing

    Behind The Scenes Issues: Shaggy 2 Dope, backstage fight with Doug Furnas

    Raw Preview!! Night Of Champions!!

    --A Big Announcement from WWF President Paulie Dangerously!!

    --'Mr. Perfect' Curt Hennig vs. Jerry 'The King' Lawler

    --KOTR Match uP

    Mike Barton vs. 'Finnish Nightmare' Tony Halme

    --WWF IC Title:

    Sabu (Champion) vs. 'The Rock' Don Muraco (Former IC Champion)

    --GWF Lightweight Champion

    The Lightning Kid [sean Waltman] (Champion)


    The Dark Patriot [Doug Gilbert]

    --Plus Much Much More!!

  15. user posted image

    Only 6 Months until Series '97...

    June 9th, 1997

    Monday Night Raw-

    Channel: USA Network - Prime Time

    Venue: VDM Centre A, Anaheim - CA

    Attendance: 12,033

    Announcing Team: Joey Styles & James E. Cornette

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Dave Hebner, Shane McMahon, Jimmy Korderas, Joey Marella, John Finnegan, Jim Mollineaux


    Dave Schmeltzer

    - Why Kavanna Saved The Rock -

    Monday Night Raw, opened up with Joey Styles, standing in the ring absorbing the "Oh My Gawd" chant, from the California crowd. They went around the crowd with the camera, and accidently got many 'ECA' signs on TV. One ECA sign that I thought was interesting read; "Jack Tunney > Paulie Dangerously", of course, comparing the ECA's president to the WWF's. Styles pushed the announced matches along with a 'just signed', GWF World Title Match; Stan Hansen vs. The Mountie. He also pushed the first King Of The Ring tournament match; Sandman vs. Bam Bam Bigelow. Finally, Styles introduced; 'A talented young superstar--the son of the great Rocky Johnson (Thanks, Cannon)--Flexx Kavanna

    Kavanna projected his voice well, and said that he he saved The Rock from Zeus because when he hears, 'The Rock', he thinks of his father, Rocky Johnson a former WWF Superstar. He went on to talk for a while about the accomplishments of his father, until Slick's music hit, as he jived into the ring...

    *'You a Jive Soul Bro, a Jive Soul Bro,

    and you always lyin' to your friends'...*

    Slick got on the other side of Joey Styles and started yelling at Kavanna...

    Slick" Weeelllllll, iiffff it aaainnnnttttt' little Rocky!! You steppedd in MAH Business at WWF Worldwide, when youuuuu saved Muraco from da Mighty ZEUS!!! (Slick pauses, until the booes alleviate) Heeeeeee wiiillll be da next WWF King Of The Ring, bruuuttthhhaaaaaaa!!!! Soo you wantted to messss wit da Slicksterr, then fight me daddy!! Tonight!!! Right here bruthaaahhh on Monday Night RAW!!!"

    Kavanna (starts laughing)" Me? Against you? Haha. That's ok Slick."

    Slick" HA!! Weellllll, maybe this will persuade you..."

    Slick gives Kavanna a slap accross the face, then runs out of the ring. Kavanna chases after him to the back, as Joey STyles assumes that they now have a match for later on tonight. One half of, The Real American Sanitation Homeboys - T.R.A.S.H., Road Dogg Brian Armstrong makes his way to the ring, with a broom and dustpan in hand, ready for the first match.

    - Duke 'The Dumpster' Droese Takes Out the Trash -

    Brian Armstrong d. The Gladiator by Countout

    The match stopped, when Gladiator kept complaining about Duke 'The Dumpster' being at ringside. He came to the ring, with a rubbish can full of rubbish, that 'smelled'. Gladiator ended up chasing Duke away, giving Road Dogg the count out victory. Dogg did some stupid dance when he won, that no one really cared about.

    Overall: 68

    Crowd: 58

    Match: 78


    - Francine; A Victim Of The Silva -

    Dutch Mantell & The Giant Silva d. Diesel & Francine

    Alot of comedy for this match. The comedy ended when Silva grabbed Francine and gave her a weak looking chokeslam. The announcers played it off as if he nearly killed Francine. Francine sold it well enough to be somewhat believable. As Diesel hovered over Francine, Dutch took to the mic and said;

    "That's a-right! I don't care if you is a woman,

    or if you is a man'!

    If ya'll get in the way of me, or the Giant--whoever you is! Your going down boy'! Francine! You could've had it all baby! Quiet time at the farm! Good ol' Dutch could've shown you the way to live! But naaaawwww! You choose a biker boy'!! Well, serves you right!"

    Overall: 65

    Crowd: 68

    Match: 59

    Dutch Mantell gained overness from this feud ending. The Giant Silva gained overness from this feud ending. Francine gained overness from this feud ending. Diesel gained overness from this feud ending.


    - The Rock Returns The Favour To Kavanna -

    Slick d. Flexx Kavanna

    The Doctor Of Style was hilarious here in dogding and juking Kavanna. 3 minutes into the match, Slick slipped and fell, complaining that his ankle was twisted. The referee pushed Kavanna away and attended to Slick. At this point, Zeus, who was at ringside attacked Kavanna from behind. He then picked him up and locked him in the bear hug, while Slick continued to scream in pain on the other side of the ring. Zeus kept the hold locked on until The Rock, Don Muraco, blasted Zeus from behind with a clothesline to the back. Zeus, simply dropped Kavanna, and turned around...no selling the move in the process. The Rock, after Zeus dropped Kavanna, turned around and simply walked away, as Zeus started to stalk him, whilst yelling incoherent screams. Slick then miracously got up and gave The Rock and elbow drop, for the victory. Didn't the referee wonder how Rock ended up on his back? They never do. And why is Slick wrestling?

    Overall: 59

    Crowd: 66

    Match: 45

    -B.C. Lures The Perfect one into a Trap -

    We goto the back where Brian Christopher approached Mr. Perfect, who was working out in the weight room

    BC" So, I bet you think your a hotshot just because you beat me this past week on PHAT TV!! Huh? I bet you think you're really good, dontcha!!?"

    Perfect"....Well, Christopher, I don't think I'm really good--I think I'm...PERFECT!!..ABSOLUTLEY PERFECT!" (Crowd pops)

    BC (Getting frustrated) "...OH yea!! Oh yea!! Well...I defeated international superstar Konnan!! He's from those Libre Lucha Lucha Lucho Luncho Pancho, Puncho, Poocha, Luchee, Luche, Libre promotions overseas!! And guess what? I beat him in his debut!!"

    Perfect made a motion as if he didn't care, then continued with his workout. Angered by the lack of attention, BC, takes a nearby rubbish can, and heaves it in the direction of Mr. Perfect, who is on his own machine. This angers Perfect, as he starts to chase BC through the locker room corridors. Turning around a corner, Perfect looses sight of Christopher. But hears a very familiar voice--turns around, and sees The Undertaker...Brian Christopher re-emerges from behind the Undertaker, pointing and laughing at Mr. Perfect--with his annoying laugh.

    The Undertaker" Looking for someone?"

    Perfect" Yea...I'm not into your little cult you got going here, Lee! This is between me...and Christopher!"

    *Suddenly, Konnan appears from behind Perfect*

    Konnan"...And me, too Esse! You think you so good because you beat me once, man! How 'bout you two goons take on me, and The Perfect one, right here tonight!!!" (Crowd cheers)

    The Undertaker"...you know, Shagrila is approaching...we're picking those who will make it...and those who won't. Brian's seems to have what it takes...I can't say the same for you two. Rest...In....Peeeeaccceeeeeeeeeeee"

    With that, The Undertaker walks away, with Brian Christopher following him, whilst still pointing and laughing at Konnan & Mr. Perfect. I wonder if anyone realises that Konnan has that 'Moon Accent' that Max Moon had...77%



    Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Jun Akiyama d. Sabu & PJ Walker

    Good match here, alot of high spots. The announcers pushed the possiblity of another upset, teasing another PJ Walker victory over Akiyama, but The ECW Champion (Akiyama) got his loss back after nailing Walker with an Exploder into the turnbuckle for the victory. After the match, Sabu & Tenzan had to be restrained from fighting each other...

    Overall: 77

    Crowd: 69

    Match: 86


    Stan Hansen d. The Mountie Jacques Rougeau - GWF Title

    The crowd was pretty hot for this one, except Hansen shut them up every time Rougeau started to get offense. Hansen won with the Lariat at 9:33. After the match Hansen starting whipping Rougeau with his Bullrope screaming;

    'Bring on' Bret!! I'll defend this title against him!! Your leader! Bring 'em on!!'. Hmm. This could be a potential teaser for a King Of The Ring match.

    Overall: 81

    Crowd: 88

    Match: 68

    - Ringmaster Jim Neidhart Warns The Sandman Before his KOTR match -

    They take us to the match, and show The Sandman, former GWF Champion on the way to the ring, for his match against Bam Bam Bigelow coming up next on RAW...He is cut off by Ringmaster Jim Neidhart, who stops the Sandman by placing his skull cane on the Sandman's chest...

    Neidhart" You do realise, that if you defeat Bam Bam Bigelow, your opponent would be The Undertaker, in the next round of The King Of The Ring, right?"

    Sandman"....[*Drinks Beer*]....Yea? So?"

    Neidhart"...and that means that you will be opposing, The Dark Carnival!!!"

    Sandman"...[*Drinks Beer*] What the hell is 'The Dark Carnival' A circus show with bad lighting?" (Crowd starts laughing)

    Ringmaster" You...don't...know? (Now shouting) It's where the leaders of the Dark Carnival--The Desicples of The Dead decide, who will survive! Who will make it to Shangrila!! And on Shangrila, all will be revealed!! All will be complete! Everything will make sense!! Only the elite will make it!!! Only---"

    Sandman" Hey, Hey, hey!! I got a match, man. But..that was pretty cool. Maybe I'll go to your little Carnival one day.--here (flips him a quater), use that for your lighting problem ya got." (The crowd laughs as the Sandman takes his last gulp of beer and continues walking, while Neidhart stands in the background perplexed...holding the quater in his hand)

    Anvil, once again, seems to love his new role. The look that he gave the Sandman when he gave him a quarter was priceless... 82%


    - The First King Of The Ring Match -

    The Sandman d. Bam Bam Bigelow -KOTR

    Both of these men have some incredible heat right now, heating up the midcard of the WWF. Sandman's gimmick, combined with his recent GWF Title run, and his feud earlier this year with The Blue Blazer & Pretty Paul Roma (When Blazer stole his cane, and made it the 'Blazer Cane), has made him a favourite among WWF Fans. And Bam Bam, recently picked up a ton of heat, after walking out on Sabu & WWF President Paulie Dangerously. Bam Bam got on offense first, getting Sandman with an eye rake, then your basic over head punches to the back. Later in the match, Sandman tried to use chairs, but kept getting stopped by referee Bill Alfonso. Alot of action outside of the ring, which included Bam Bam Bigelow trying to cannonball Sandman, who was hunched over the railing. But Sandman dodged out of the way, causing Bam Bam to go crashing into the railing, which got a huge reaction from fans. At this point, Sandman chugged a beer, which must be his new trademark for 'a comeback' Sandman tossed Bam Bam into the railing again, followed by a shot into the stairs, which got the crowd singing 'enter Sandman', out of no where. WWF fans have really started to get innovative with chants these days. Finals of the match came at 14:33 when Sandman lit a cigarette, then caught a hurt Bam Bam with the delayed Piledriver for the victory! Sandman went into the crowd to celebrate, with a few beers, as Bam Bam had to be helped out of the ring. There's some talk going around that Bigelow may have hurt himself legit after taking that bump into the railing. Nevertheless, a strong King Of the Ring match.

    Overall: 81

    Crowd: 81

    Match: 82


    - Owen Hart makes vow to take over the Legacy Of The Harts -

    Coming off the break, Vince McMahon was in the ring...and when he's in the ring, we know the interview is important. Bret Hart's music hit, which lead to a huge pop, which quickly turned to booes, when Owen Hart emerged from the curtain. Owen Hart said Bret Hart's time was over, and that he was going to continue the Legacy of the Harts, by winning The King Of The Ring Tournament. Midway during his interview...Bob Backlund came down the isle. Fans were confused...the announcers were confuse...I was confused...

    McMahon"..Mr Bob Backlund! What are you doing here?"

    Backlund (Over a developing 'Backlund Sux' chant)" Now..now..Owen, first of all, I want to congratulate you! What you've done recently, in exposing your brother for the no good, selfish, rat that he is takes great courage...and for that I congratulate you!"

    McMahon (Owen nods in appreciation)" What brings you out here, Backlund!!?"

    Backlund" Shut up, McMahon, I'm talking to Owen. Owen...so you've always wondered why was Bret so hard to get too? All this time, you were trying to get in contact with Bret--to sit down...and talk it over...."

    **They show footage from last month ago leading up to the Corino-Bret match, where Corino told Bret that he shouldn't show up at the match because 'someone wanted to talk to him'...**

    Owen" That's right Backlund! I tried! I tried! But There was no other way...but mY WAY!! The Hard way!"

    Backlund" Well...I hate to break it to you, Owen...but I know why this happened. I know why Bret's been so 'busy'. He wasn't 'working out'. No...you see--Bret never believed in you as a little brother! He never believed that you could follow in his footsteps, of a successful WWF Superstar! You were right!"

    McMahon" Why are you saying this? What do you have to do with any of this?"

    Backlund" He's found a new little brother. Look, at this piece of video tape, that my Backlund For President camera crew found this past weekend..."

    Everyones attention is directed to the titan tron. It is at a California Angels game..Bret Hart is seen sitting in the stands, watching the baseball game, with the GWF Lightweight Champion, Lightning Kid. More footage is shown of them, signing autographs at the exit...Owen is irate. He showed an expression of being betrayed. He felt 'replaced' by the Lightning Kid, as Bret's little brother. Backlund continued, despite McMahon's (logical) arguements.

    McMahon" Oh c'mon, Backlund! WWF Stars hang out together all the time!!!"

    Backlund" Yes...but this man right here is Bret's Brother. Why wasn't Owen invited? I'll tell you why. Because THAT, is the next 'Hitman' of the WWF...according the Bret. He has his same silky black hair. He idolises Bret Hart...and so--Bret chose him over...you Owen..."

    Owen" Lightning Kid?? Lightning Kid??! That skinny pile of crap!!?! He's more important than me?!"

    Owen Hart is throwing a tantrum, yelling and kicking the ropes. Backlund, still standing next to Vince (holding the microphone), starts to talk to Owen once again.

    Backlund" Owen...now...now, I can help you. I can help you overcome the doubts of your brother, Bret! I can help you surpass the performance of your brother far into the 21st century! I've done it with Jeff Jarrett, your stablemant--(crowd booes), and I can help you. Remember, I've held the WWF World Title for 6 years, Owen...6 years straight...I can guide you on the path to winning The King Of The Ring Tournament! Now...you can be an even bigger, King Of Harts!"

    Backlund extends his hand out, for a handshake from Owen. After some time pauses...Owen looks to the crowd, then finally shakes the hand of Backlund, as Owen/Bret's music hits, holding their hands in the air...

    McMahon" I don't believe this! I can't believe this! Wait until Bret finds out about this! We'll be right back with tonights Main Event!!"



    The Lightning Kid gained overness from this segment. Bob Backlund gained overness from this segment.

    -ADVERTS/The Briscoe & Patterson Subway Advert-

    - Fan Interferance; Followed by an Old School Attack -

    The Undertaker & Brian Christopher d. Mr. Perfect & Konnan

    The announcers are calling Mr. Perfect, now the #1 contender for the WWF Title...which leads me to believe that they may be going with that for KOTR's Main Event. Depending on who makes it to the finals, KOTR has a chance to be one of the most anticipated PPV's since...well...since LLX. The WWF's similarities to All Japan were apparent in this match; as the ringwork wasn't all that great, but had a very hot crowd. During the match, the announcers kept acknowledging a fan, that seemed to be going around the stands, yelling and preaching about the beliefs of The Dark Carnival. Minutes later, the fan jumped over the railing and crawled in the ring, alluding security. The announcers were playing it as if they had no idea what was going on, as the fan leaped on Konnan, until the ref was able to pull him off. The fan, later identified as simply, 'Raistlin' kept screaming; 'I believe in The Dark Carnival!! I will make it to Shangrila!! ' Jim Cornette kept yelling;

    'He's a believer! He believes in this cult!! He understands the message!'. Great job to Cornette on getting over the Ministry Of Darkness/Dark Carnival gimmick. The fan's distraction was enough for Undertaker to grab unsuspecting Konnan and nail him with the cover at 9:33.

    After the match, Mr. Perfect was left alone in the ring, attending to Konnan, when the WWF Champion, Steve Corino hit the ring, with Jack Victory & manager Harvey Wipplemann,hitting Perfect from behind with the belt.

    'You wanna hit me with a chair? Huh?'; yelled Steve Corino. Announcers mentioned that he was talking about last week, during Corino's tag team match against Bret Hart & Carl Oulette, when Perfect hit him on the stage area.

    Wipplemann & Victory helped up Perfect as Corino nailed him again with his Belt. He then went into his tights, and pulled out a set of brass knux. Crowd really got hot , when he pulled out the knux. I really like how the WWF saves weapon use, so that it actually means something when it happens. Corino nailed Perfect twice in the head with the Brass knux before walking up the isle, with the audible sentence; "No one messes with the King Of Old School, even if they are Perfect!"

    Overall: 81

    Crowd: 89

    Match: 63

    Brian Christopher gained overness from this feud ending. Konnan gained overness from this feud ending. Mr. Perfect gained overness from this feud ending.

    Commentary Aftermath

    Styles" Oh My Gawd!! Perfect is Down! Perfect is Down!"

    Cornette" He was asking for it, Joey! He brought this on himself!"

    Styles" Join us next week folks, it's a Night Of Champions!! Plus King Of The Ring Matches WWF Worldwide is next! King Of The Ring continues on Worldwide!!! "

    Cornette" There he is! The WWF Champion! The leader of the Kings Court! Steve Corino!!!"

    Show Quality: 76%

    TV Rating: 8.00

    Other Shows:

    Head to Head, TNT/Monday Nitro - 7.82

    ECA Combat Zone TNT/ Graveyard - 3.96

    Biggest Complaint: The inder Gender Tag Match being on RAW

    Behind The Scenes Issues: Gladiator working very stiff

    WWF Worldwide


    'King Of The South' Jeff Jarrett vs. Konnan

    --ECW Heavyweight Title Match;

    Jun Akiyama vs. Agent Leif Cassidy


    Zeus vs. 'Finnish Nightmare' Tony Halme


  16. Only 6 Months until Series '97...

    June 7th, 1997

    WWF Worldwide Saturday Nights-

    Channel: FOX

    Venue: The Vandeck Centre, Tampa Bay Fl

    Attendance: 11034

    Announcing Team: Sean Mooney & 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Shane McMahon, Earl Hebner, Charles Robinson, Jim Mollineaux, John Finnegan


    Dave Schmeltzer

    - The Return Of Kamala -

    Mike Barton d. Kamala

    The announcers opened the show with Barton, already in the ring. While Kamala came to the ring, the announcer pushed his return (off of his 4 month injury), and that all matches tonight were for qualifying matches for the Kind Of The Ring Tournament. They also said that New Jack, former ECW champion has also been added to those already guaranteed a spot in the King Of The Ring Tournament. Barton won after a left hook. So much for Kamla's return. After the match, Johhny Ace, who was ringside w/ Dibiase, hit the ring, and nailed Kamala with his Ace Crusher. The Finnish Nightmare, Tony Halme came running out to the rescue of the wildman, Kamala, who was potrayed as not being able to defend himself.

    Overall: 66

    Crowd: 71

    Match: 56


    Terry Taylor d. Mr. Bob Backlund

    This was much of a suprise...to see Terry Taylor qualifying over Bob Backlund. Flair, on commentary called Taylor a 'fish out of water' without Road Warrior Hawk. Taylor won with the top rope knee-drop at 7:45.

    Overall: 67

    Crowd: 70


    - The Gladiator Helps PRIDE's Second KOTR Qualifier -

    The Great Kabuki d. Brian Armstrong

    Good match. Armstrong brawled well with the veteran. The crowd, however didn't respond to much of it. Finals came when Kabuki through, Armstrong to the ring floor, where Dibiase had Gladiator Mike Awesome give Armstrong an Awesome Bomb outside the ring. He rolled him back in, where Kabuki pinned him after a clothesline, in 11:33.

    Overall: 65

    Crowd: 55

    Match: 76

    Brian Armstrong lost overness from this match.


    - The Ugandan Giant Avenges His Loss -

    Tony Halme d. Johnny Ace

    Halme is like the little fish that is out of water for a few minutes, then thrown back into moisture--right when he's about to die. Halme went over here, when Kamala came running down the isle and screaming, 'scaring away Dibiase', and distracting Ace. While Ace was screaming at Kamala, Halme went up behind him, and caught him with the Toture Rack, for the victory at 9:29. Halme got a nice pop, as he still has somewhat of a solid fanbase who love his stiff style. Announcers teased Slick's "man" next.

    Overall: 71

    Crowd: 79

    Match: 54


    - Slick Introduces His KOTR Pick; A Famaliar Face -

    Slick came to the ring, smiling, and doing his jive dance for quite some time, before announcing someone who is perhaps maybe even a worst wrestler than Tony Halme...

    Slick" Laddieeeeeeessssssss AANNNDddddd Gentlemannnnnn!!! The Dr. Of Style Slick presents to you, yo' next King Of The Ring Winner!!! In his short WWF Career he was defeated only ONCE!!!--by tha Mighty Hulk Hogan---But now he's back!!! DAAA Unstoppabbleee!!! DAAAA Unbeatttaablllleeeee!! The man, the master!!!!--Slick bring's you--ZEUS!!!!!!"

    With that, Tony Little the actor, AKA Zeus from Hulk Hogan's horrible 1991 movie; Surburban Commando, and came to the ring, with his crazy deranged look, holding his hands in the air. The Rock, who was already in the ring, who is already a big sight, looked like a lightweight when compared to Zeus. To my suprise, Slick had to ask Zeus to talk...which he barely did.

    Slick" Tell'em what yo' gonna do daddy!! Tell'em why yo' here! Tell'em why yo' back in da WWF!"

    Zeus" King Of The Ring!!!! I WILL WIN!!!! ARRRGGGHHHHHH!!!"



    Slick lost overness from this segment.

    user posted image

    Zeus, has returned to the WWF

    thanks to Slick, and has his sights set on the

    KOTR Tournament.

    Zeus d. 'The Rock' Don Muraco

    After his little speech, Zeus charged Muraco, and attacked him with his double forearm 'type' move that he does, crashing down on each side of Muraco's neck, sending him down to the ground. Zeus then grabbed Muraco, and held him in the bearhug, until The Rock passed out in 3:22 to end the match. Crowd reacted well to Zeus's first WWF appearance in over 6 years. He held on the bear hug for quite some time. Flexx Kavanna, who was 'working out', came to the ring to try to help The Rock out. Finally, when Kavanna hit the ring, Slick told Zeus to release the hold, and walked off with his new wrestler. The announcers did a good job of repainting Zeus as 'a monster'. They also speculated that Kavanna saved The Rock, due to him picking his ring name, after Kavanna's grandfather, Rocky Johnson. Could they be building Kavanna, as the next 'Rock'?

    Overall: 68

    Crowd: 78

    Match: 48

    Zeus gained overness from this match.


    Jeff Jarrett d. Raymond Rougeau

    Rougeau seems to be getting better reactions out of crowds, ever since his brother, The Mountie returned to the WWF. Crowd broke into several 'Raymond' chants, until finally Jarrett got the upper hand, and finished him off with the figure four at 7:33, of a match that seemed a bit rushed, since they were already running late.

    Overall: 79

    Crowd: 83

    Match: 73

    Bam Bam Bigelow d. Big Bossman

    In the match of the 'Why are We still Employed Club Members', Bam Bam beat the Bossman at 9:33 with a moonsault, that he pulled out of his vault. The announcers spent this match, putting over the main event qualifying match; Hiroyoshi Tenzan v. The Lightning Kid

    Overall: 75

    Crowd: 76

    Match: 73


    - Oulette Gets The Crowd Buzzing -

    Carl Oulette d. The Dark Patriot

    The announcers put Oulette over like ice cream. Even Flair, the heel announcer, kept praising Oulette for 'stepping up' to Corino & Lawler on behalf of 'his friend' Bret Hart, this past week on RAW. The match wasn't all that great, since Oulette is more of a technical guy, while Patriot is a better brawler, but the crowd was into OUlette ever step of the way. Mooney must've mentioned the fans singing 'Olaay, Olay Olay Olaayyy', even if there were about 2 fans singing. Oulette, did what he did on RAW...got on the top rope, then waited there for a short while to pose, then nailed Patriot with the Cannonball at 9:38. Oulette, has been one of the favourites among fans, to win the tournament...

    Overall: 82

    Crowd: 87

    Match: 72


    - Nostaglia Support For The Barber-

    The Undertaker d. Brutus Beefcake

    Ever since Beefcake's heel turn in 1992, he has always still heard some cheers from the crowd. Tonight, he played total face, doing his Barber gimmick to the fullest. My anaylsis of it all was that they had Brutus drop doing the Barber gimmick because they wanted to erase all links to 'Hulk Hogan'-esque gimmicks of the WWF's past...and Beefcake--before JJ Dillon & Vince Russo too over--had his whole career revolve around Hulk Hogan. There is talk that now, on his 41st birtday, Beefcake wants a single push before he gets past 45--which seems to the part where careers start to wain..if they even last the long. Whether they give Beefcake a push or not, is beyond me...as I think its highly unlikely. Even though the WWF seems to be 'clearing' up its upper echeolon of the card, with the depushing of Max Moon/Konnan, Halme, The Rock etc.; another ego at the top--especially a product from the Hogan era--is not a good idea. But then again, Beefcake has been loyal for some time, being content with be paired by newcomer Hunter Hearst Helmsely. Anyway, Beefcake played total babyface here, including even doing his 'Barber Strut', that he used to do, which got some nice pops from the crowd. Undertaker ended up winning though with the tombstone at 7:01. Watching in confusion from the curtain were Beefcake's manager, Jimmy Hart & partner--Hunter Hearst Helmsley...as they're calling him now. What could become of this?? Besides that, Mooney did a good job of pushing the possibilty of such a battle such as Zeus-Undertaker in the King Of The Ring Tournament...

    Overall: 76

    Crowd: 85

    Match: 57

    - Tenzan vs. Lightning Kid; A 31 minute classic -

    The Lightning Kid d. Hiroyoshi Tenzan

    These two always have great matches. And this match was no different. In fact, it took two commercial breaks, and a special 'sponsor report' before this match was over. Now I see why they were rushing the other matches. Alot of near falls, alot of chopfests, and tons of martial art counters and reversals from both men. Best spot came at 23:22 when Lightning Kid came off the ropes with a spinning cartwheel kick, but Tenzan caught him, perfectly from the back, and nailed him with a German suplex--one that he bascially through Kid into the turnbuckle behind him. Crowd was going nuts at this point. After that spot, the crowd was a bit burnt out, as the final 8 minutes were hardly needed. Kid mounted a comeback, and finally nailed Tenzan with that spinning kick, called a, Lightning Kick, for the cover to a huge pop. The Kid, The Lightheavyweight Champion will be in the King Of The Ring. Kid, once again was emotional here, and jumped into the crowd to celebrate.

    Overall: 84

    Crowd: 77

    Match: 92

    Show Quality: 70%

    TV Rating: 7.57

    Other Shows:

    Early Evening WCW Saturday Night; 7.32

    Golden Canvas (Sunday-Graveyard) 4.60

    Biggest Complaint: Sean Mooney's Announcing

    Behind The Scenes Issues:

    Raw Preview!!

    --Flexx Kavanna Explains Why He Saved 'The Rock' Don Muraco from Zeus!!!

    --GWF World Title:

    Stan Hansen vs. The Mountie

    --Owen Hart Explains His Recent Actions Against Bret Hart!!!!!

    --Hiroyosh Tenzan & Jun Akiyama


    Sabu & PJ Walker

    --First Tag Team Intergender Match

    Dutch Mantell & The Giant Silva


    Diesel & Francine

    --KING OF THE RING TOURNAMENT MATCH (Single Elimination)

    The Sandman vs. Bam Bam Bigelow!!

  17. Only 6 Months until Series '97...


    WWF Physically Huge And Tough Television

    Channel: Sky One

    Date: June 1997

    Venue: Lilotima Arena, Detriot - MI

    Announcing Team: Eric Bischoff & Jesse 'The Body' Ventura

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Dave Hebner, Billy Silverman, Jimmy Korderas, Joey Marella, John Finnegan

    PHAT TV opened up from the Lilotima Arena, with Eric Bischoff, rather enthusiastic, along with Ventura, to be hosting a live show again. PHAT TV is usually done from one of those lame WWF Studios, and usually just recaps the happenings of the WWF. Bischoff made a comment that the last time that he and Jesse Ventura were together it was for an inferior Wrestling Promotion. They pushed the main event of Mr. Perfect vs. Brian Christopher, and the start of the King Of The Ring Tournament, which will take place on WWF Worldwide, this Saturday...


    Team H d. Operation CB

    These two teams always have great matches together, since all four have experience working with each other. Final moments came at 23:22 of a long opener when Mike Barton--instead of tagging out to Cassidy, nailed him with the left hook, knocking him down to the ground. Referee Billy Silverman counted out Cassidy.

    Overall: 67

    Crowd: 63

    Match: 87

    Agent Mike Barton lost overness from this match. Hayabusa gained overness from this match. Hakushi gained overness from this match. Agent Mike Barton's turn was completed, and he is now a heel.

    Johnny Ace hit the ring, and went into the attack on Lief Cassidy, along with Barton, as he held him up for another left hook. Dibiase started yelling and screaming about how he was able to buy Barton, and lure him away from Cassidy. He called Cassidy a 'nutcase', and said that he was only holding Barton down, as a tag team. Dibiase promised to take Barton to the next level; with a group of international superstars, and not 'nutcases, who think their secret agents'. Dibiase had the crowd going nuts. Used alot of mannerisms reminiscent of Classie Freddie Blassie. There are talks of Dibiase actually working with Blassie, to better develope himself as a manager. 97%


    -The Dark Carnival Sets their stights on Demolition-

    The Cartel d. Demoltion

    The crowd was a little bit more into this Round 1 Matchup. Fans loved ripping into Horowitz, who is so much over than he should be. Cartel won when Horowitz nailed Ax with the Horowitzer. After the match, Papa Shango & Undertaker hit the ring, and went into an attack on Demolition--just as they did on RAW when attacking Halme--they stopped after a cue from Ringmaster Jim Neidhart at the curtain. Bischoff pushed this as some sort of a 'message' that they were sending certain people..who 'may not make it to Shangrila', or as we normal people like to say, Survivor Series '97.

    Overall: 64

    Crowd: 76

    Match: 66


    WWFPD d. Doom E.D

    Horrible match, but the crowd reacted. Bossman nailed Koko B. Ware with the Bossman slam in 8:33.

    Overall: 58

    Crowd: 72

    Match: 50

    The Dream Team d. T.R.A.S.H (The Real American Sanitation Homeboys)

    Hearing Pedecino spell out TRASH, then announce what it stood for was hilarious. The crowd popped huge just for the name alone. Good match, as The Dream Team won when Jimmy Hart through in his Megaphone to Levesque who used it on Duke Droese, when the ref was preoccupied After this, a second referee (Dave Hebner) came down the isle and showed the first ref the reply. He then ruled that although Dream Team won the match--and final decisions are final--they would not advance, thus taking them out of the tournament to a huge pop. So...they have instant replay now?

    Overall: 62

    Crowd: 70

    Match: 70


    -Team H laugh at the 'other' International Wrestlers-

    We are sent to the back where Team H, are walking through the locker room; and run into Tony Halme & Konnan, who are just talking. Hayabusa screams something in Japanese at Halme and Konnan. They look to be confused, but Hakushi smirks at whatever the comment was. Hayabusa made gestures which suggest that he was saying that Team H were better than 'those' international stars, Halme & Konnan. Hayabusa then handed Halme a FMW tape...then walked off. Wierd segment. But it was probably done just to ensure that Team H don't get many cheers...as they had been getting fans from alot of Japan followers during alot of house shows.

    Hakushi's turn was completed, and he is now a heel. Hakushi lost overness from this turn. Hayabusa's turn was completed, and he is now a heel. Hayabusa gained overness from this turn. Hakushi gained overness from this segment. Hayabusa gained overness from this segment. Tony Halme lost overness from this segment. Konnan lost overness from this segment.

    WWFPD d. The Cartel - SEMI FINALS

    These tag matches were pretty bad...but it wasn't to bad on TV, or in person, since the crowd was into it for the majority of the match. Finals came when Knobbs nailed Porteau with the pit-stop, then into the Bossman slam for the WWFPD win. It was announced here that Team H would get a bye to the finals, since neither TRASH, or The Dream Team Advanced. Lesson learned; Vince Russo, who wrote this show, can't book tournaments, unless its called the King Of The Ring and spands over a month.

    Overall: 59

    Crowd: 74

    Match: 50


    Terry Taylor d. The Dark Patriot

    The crowd was happy to see Terry Taylor back, as it seems only Hawk is 'missing'. An Ok match...alot of technical stuff...which the crowd got into. Big pop came when Taylor was being set up for a superplex by Patriot, but he kicked Patriot off, and nailed him with the Knee-Drop for the victory, at 8:33. The old school book ending. Terry Taylor using a knee drop as a finisher. Wow. Thank you lead head writer JJ Dillon.

    Overall: 63

    Crowd: 77

    Match: 60

    Terry Taylor gained overness from this match.


    Team H d. WWFPD - WWF Tag Team Titles

    Not too much of a bad match. Big styles clash here, but Team H tried to keep the match up, by moving all over the ring. Final moments of the match came when Hakushi nailed Knobbs with the praying power bomb, followed by Hayabusa's 450 splash, for the clean finish at 12:30...After the match, Great Kabuki & Mike Awesome hit the ring, and beat down on WWFPD, as Dibiase went nuts in getting the tag team titles, and handing them to Team H. It will be interesting to see, if the WWF can get Team H over to the American WWF Fans, with the tag team titles. Announcers mentioned about how PRIDE had, now, The Eastern Championship Wrestling Title, The Global Wrestling Federation Title, and now the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles.

    Overall: 60

    Crowd: 65

    Match: 70

    Hakushi gained overness from this match. Hayabusa gained overness from this match. The WWF Tag Team title has lost image.


    James E. Cornette, colour commenator for RAW was backstage with Brian Christopher. He congratulated BC, on his big win over Konnan last week on RAW, and said that tonight, he had the biggest challenge of his career, against the new #1 contender for the World Title, Mr. Perfect. Christopher was jumpy as usual, and said that he was going to ruin Perfect's chances of going on to being WWF Champion. Well, ya know its PHAT TV, when Cornette is interviewing people backstage. 73%

    -Konnan Gets Revenge on Christopher, but is watched by The Undertaker-

    Mr. Perfect d. Brian Christopher

    Nice match. These two worked well together. Christopher was great in working the crowd, which shows, that when he's got someone to work with, he can actually do the trick. Perfect started with his closing routine at 8:33. After looking to the crowd, Christopher rolled to the outside, and started to go into his tights...revealing brass knux...at this point, Konnan came running down the isle, and wrestled the knuxx out of the hands of Christopher, who had beat him on RAW...then rolled him back into the ring. With that, Perfect nailed Christopher with the Perfect Plex for the victory. Brass knux? Thank you JJ Dillon.

    Overall: 76

    Crowd: 90

    Match: 74

    Show Quality: 65%

    TV Rating: 6.77

    Other Shows:

    Biggest Complaint: Seeing WWFPD in two matches.

    Behind The Scenes Issues: none.



    Already guaranteed a bracket in the King Of The Ring Tournament;

    Former Champions; Owen hart, The Mountie, Jerry Lawler, The Sandman, & International star Konnan.

    "Finnish Nightmare" Tony Halme vs. Johnny Ace

    Terry Taylor vs. Mr. Bob Backlund

    The Undertaker Brian Lee vs. Brutus Beefcake

    Jeff Jarrett vs. Raymond Rougeau

    The Lightning Kid vs. Hiroyoshi Tenzan

    Bam Bam Bigelow vs. The Big Bossman

    The Dark Patriot vs. PJ Walker

    Mike Barton vs. Kamala


    user posted image

    The 'Doctor Of Style' Slick Debuts

    His Hand picked Wrestler for The

    King Of The Ring Tournament!!!

    (vs. 'The Rock' Don Muraco)

  18. NOTE:

    Eerie. But this show was written one day before Hennig's death. It was posted on his death.


    user posted image

    Only 6 Months until Series '97...

    June 3rd, 1997

    Monday Night Raw-

    Channel: USA Network - Prime Time

    Venue: Manhattan Centre, New York City - NY

    Attendance: 12,045

    Announcing Team: Joey Styles & James E. Cornette

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Dave Hebner, Shane McMahon, Jimmy Korderas, Joey Marella, John Finnegan, Jim Mollineaux


    Dave Schmeltzer

    -The WWF President Interupted by The Retaining WWF Champion-

    Monday Night Raw opened up, with Joey Styles standing in the ring, as always absorbing the 'Oh My Gawd' chant. Styles ran down the card heavily pushing the debut of International Superstar, Konnan, and the Jeff Jarrett & Bob Backlund vs. Tony Halme & New Jack tag match--then introduced WWF President Paulie Dangerously to the ring. Paulie was with Sabu, who should just be called Sabu The Sheik, with what he's wearing to the ring these days, and also, Pat Patterson & Gerland Brisco who were holding the tag team titles.

    Dangerously put Sabu over nicely showing highlights from the IYH I-C Title match...they then showed clips of the declaration of the The Dark Carnival, showing them throwing down the Tag Team Titles. Paulie announced that tag team titles would be crown on a special PHAT TV, this Thursday during a 1 night 6 team tournament. I think the real reason they had ICP drop the titles was because, ICP feels as if the WWF Tag Titles were hurting their image, since the Tag Titles aren't as prestigous as the singles titles. Suddenly, just as...Paulie was about to say something else...'The Future' Steve Corino's music, *Eye Of The Tiger* hit, as he walked to the ring with Jack Victory...

    *'Risin' up...back on the street

    Took my time....took my chances...'*

    -Steve Corino, meets another threat to his WWF Title-

    Corino had the crowd up and arms as he screamed into Styles' microphone....

    Corino" Styles--how can you sit here, and spend all this time with The President and, his Arabian friend--and not call out, the man who everyone's talking about! It's all over the internet! It's all over the newspapers! It's all over the phone hotlines! Steve Corino defeated The Excellence Of Execution; Bret Hart, and is still the WWF World Champion!!" (Crowd booes, and starts a 'Sabu' chant which molded into a 'Corino Sux' chant)

    Styles" It was a tough match...a brutal match--but at the end--Owen Hart! Where is Owen Hart! He bashed Bret's face in with the chair!"

    Corino" Owen Hart is not here tonight! He's spending time with the family--something that Bret never does! But now...the question is--what's next for Steve Corino!!!? What's next for the King Of Old School?! What's in the future for...The Future!? C'mon Dangerously--"

    Suddenly the crowd popped to very familiar music; It was Mr. Perfect. Perfect got a huge pop, at this unexpected arrival, and stood on the ramp in front of the curtain, standing stationary to a very strong 'Perfect' chant...

    Corino" Oh, look...if it isn't the man who's held me back for over 3 years! If it isn't my former Horsemen stable mate; Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig! If it isn't the man who's held the I-C title, the Tag Team Titles--but never a world Championship!! If it isn't---"

    Perfect" Shut up, Corino!!! (Huge pop)...YOu see, you seem to remember about being a Horsemen...but you forgot what it was that actually made a Horsemen!!"

    Corino"...Oh I remember what makes a Horsemen...but lets face it 'Curt'--you didn't have what it took to be a Horsemen! I ask you this--Why did the Horsemen break up?"

    Perfect" It broke up, because Ric Flair, the creator of the Horsemen, got injured--he broke his leg..."

    Corino" Hahahaha! Yea, that's what you'd like to think!! It broke up, because after Flair got injured, Blanchard wanted nothing to do with you! So he left! But that's all the past! Lets talk about The Future! Me! Moved on to bigger and better things! While Mr. Perfect struggles to keep his head above water!"

    Perfect" Corino, you've run your mouth long enough! And I think these people has had enough too!! The bottom line is this--I think we've seen enough of this Kings' Court crap! It's time we've had an era of Perfection in the WWF!! And who better to bring that era then, pound for pound, the Perfect Wrestler--me--Mr. Perfect!!! Corino...I've got my eye on you! It may not be today...it may not be tommorow...but soon you time in the sun, will come to an end--to a Perfect End!"

    Perfect walked to the back to a huge 'Perfect' chant. Crowd was big into Perfect. 92%


    Operation CB (Barton & Cassidy) d. The Cartel (Horowitz & Porteau)

    Crowd seems to be getting into Barton even for the opening matches. He ended the match with the left hook on a returning Barry Horowitz at 7:33.

    Overall: 66

    Crowd: 68

    Match: 64

    Barry Horowitz lost overness from this match. Alex Porteau lost overness from this match. Agent Mike Barton gained overness from this match. Agent Leif Cassidy gained overness from this match.

    -Long time WWF Jobber PJ Walker, Gets Help From The I-C Champ-

    PJ Walker d. Jun Akiyama (ECW Champion - Non Title

    Well, it looks like the WWF has ditched the Aldo Montoya gimmick rather quickly, and returned Walker to his jobber gimmick. However, PJ Walker was putting up quite a fight in this match, working very hard. Alot of suplex reversals, and high spots. Walker started to actually get crowd reaction when he kicked out of 3 conesecutive exploders from Akiyama. Akiyama threw Walker into the turnbuckle and nailed him with a charging knee. At this point, crowd popped hard for Sabu running down the isle, and hiding in the apron corner behind Walker, who was in the turbuckle corner. Akiyama then went for the running forarm, but Sabu pushed Walker out of the way, causing Akiyama to go crashing into the ringpost. Dibiase, was going nuts at ringside trying to tell the ref that Sabu was there, but Sabu had escaped to underneath the ring. Walker then battled up to his feet, and nailed Akiyama with a well placed superkick for the victory. Walker pulled an upset over the ECW champion. Great match.

    Overall: 70

    Crowd: 54

    Match: 86


    -Brian Christopher Ruins International Superstar, Konnan's Debut-

    Brian Christopher d. Konnan

    While on break, the WWF showed titan tron footage of Konnan in the Libre promotions. Of course the clips were all before '92, since he's been doing the Moon gimmick ever since--so he looked a bit older; which the fans didn't seem to mind. Konnan was about to end the match, with an elbow off the top rope, but Christopher got up, and dropkicked him on his way down. He then ran to the top, and nailed Konnan with the tennessee jam, for the victory. Christopher got alot of heel heat here for laughing at Konnan for loosing in his debut. Papa Shango, Undertaker, & Ringmaster Jim Neidhart were seen looking on from the the upper level of the arena. Cornette on commentary pushed that they had to be looking at Konnan, who just lost his first WWF match--and therefore could be one of the first victims of the Dark Carnival's cleansing process...

    Overall: 84

    Crowd: 90

    Match: 71

    Brian Christopher gained overness from this match.


    -Perfect Gets a Message From Corino's right hand man-

    We return off break to the back, where Harvey Wipplemann is shown walking around the back...he knocks on Perfect's locker room door, and tells him that he's been challenged by Jack Victory, for shootin' off at the mouth, to the WWF champion'. Perfect gladly accepted and did his gum hitting spot; to which Harvy ducked out of the way--thinking that Perfect was spitting at him. Funny stuff. 85%

    -Ringmaster Jim Neidhart Approaches Konnan -

    They switch us to another part of the dressing room, watching Konnan walk to his locker room, from his loss. Waiting in, is Ringmaster Jim Neidhart, still wearing his shades and the dark suit. Konnan acts suprised to see him, after just seeing him on the upper level. Jim Neidhart says only one thing...

    Neidhart (Placently)"...you know...I wouldn't say that your match was very impressive....You do know that Shangrila is drawing near?....not everyone will make it...not the weak...."

    (Neidhart gets up, and calmy walks to the door, then turns around, looks at Konnan...and suddenly, and oddly--breaks into his well known crazy laugh....


    Close up of Konnan watching Neidhart leave, with a confused look on his face. I must say, Neidhart's character is going over rather well with the fans.



    -The Insane Clown Posse Attacks The Finnish Hammer-

    Jeff Jarrett & Bob Backlund d. Tony Halme & New Jack

    Before the match, the announcers recaped the events of this tag team rivarly, citing, Jarrett's I-C trials with Halme--taking advantage of interferance from his mentor Bob Backlund..., Bob Backlund's recent run-ins with New Jack, and last week's tag team confrontation between Backlund & Jarrett & New Jack. Match came to a quick close, when Backlund locked on the chicken wing, at the same time, while Jarrett had his figure four locked in. After the match, The Insane Clown Posse, hit the ring, and started pounding on Halme. New Jack, gave a looked pushing the idea that 'He wanted nothing to do with The Dark Carnival',and left the ring unscathed. Their attack continued, until, Ringmaster Jim Neidhart & The Undertaker signaled to them, from the ramp, to cease the attack. Joey Styles did a good job here, of his usual overeacting...

    " What...what did they do that for! Why! What kind of sick cult is this! What are they planning, with Halme?!!"

    Overall: 73

    Crowd: 77

    Match: 65

    Bob Backlund gained overness from this feud ending. Tony Halme gained overness from this feud ending. New Jack gained overness from this feud ending.


    -Carl P. Oulette Defends Bret-

    Mr. Perfect d. Jack Victory

    Right after Perfect nailed Victory with the Perfect Plex, Carl P. Oulette came storming out, and called down Bret to the ring...Bret's head had a small bandage of him--and he got a deafening pop for his match last night...Oulette spoke with intensity, saying that what happened to Bret last night was wrong, and that he wanted, Corino & Lawler in a match tonight, since Owen wasn't around...He refused to leave the ring....

    Overall: 71

    Crowd: 73

    Match: 69

    Oulette" This is not right! This is Bret Hart! 5 Time WWF World Champion!! He deserves better!! Corino!! Lawler!! We are not leaving until you two come out here, and fight us like men! Enough of the ducking! Enough of the games! Tommy, don't you dare go off the air!! (Tommy Carculli, Production) We'll pay the sponsors! We'll pay the price!! C'mon, Mr. Eye Of The Tiger!! C'mon Mr. Future! C'mon Mr. Old School! Let's go Mr. Memphis Jerry Lawler!! Mr. Burger King!! These Canadian Boys are ready to take you down!! Yea!"

    Oullette isn't very good on the mic; but, the idea was that he was doing this for Bret. And that idea went over well with fans, especially when the Bret shook Oulette's hand after his...um..challenge. Crowd starting singing that "Olay" song at a high pictch..until finally *Eye Of The Tiger* played on the PA system, and Corino & Lawler came out--accepting the challenge. 91%

    Carl Oulette gained overness from this segment.

    -The Perfect Ending-

    Carl P. Oulette & Bret Hitman Hart d. Steve Corino (WWF Champion) & Jerry Lawler - Hardcore Match

    I don't know if this could be really classified as 'a match', since only about 5 minutes was in the ring. Bret charged Corino on the ramp, while Lawler jumped in the ring and battled Oulette. Final moments came when Oulette was setting up Lawler for his finisher, in the ring. Meanwhile up on the ramp, Bret Hart, lost the upper hand followed by a low blow by Corino...which seems to be a Corino's official heat getting move. But emerging from the curtain was Mr. Perfect, as he stood quietly right behind Corino holding a chair...crowd was going nuts, as Corino 'thought' that they were cheering for him...however, Corino slowly turn around and was meant with a chair shot straight to the head, cutting him open. Huge Perfect chant. Meanwhile, in the ring, OUlette nailed Lawler with a Cannonball, off the top rope. Hart, dragged Corino to the ring, gave him an atomic drop and laid him out right next to Lawler...and told Oulette to go to the top for the Cannonball on both men.

    Right here, Styles yelled;

    "A Cannon Ball on both men! A Cannon Ball on both men!!

    ..then when Oulette hit it...

    " Oh mY Gawd!!! Oh mY Gawd!! He hit it!! He hit it!! The cover!! 1...2...3!!! The Canadian Foundation win! The Canadian Foundation win!!!"

    Overall: 87

    Crowd: 91

    Match: 78

    Steve Corino gained overness from this feud ending. Carl Oulette gained overness from this feud ending.

    Raw ended with The Rougeau Bros. coming out, along with Mr. Perfect coming out to congratulate Oulette & Hart. Crowd was big into Oulette here, singing that 'Olay' song, to which the faces in the ring prompted. Seconds later, The Sandman hit the ring, knocked out Harvey & Victory with the cane, and poured beer in Corino's & Lawer's faces in the ring. He then offered some beer to the members of the Canadian Foundation, as RAW went off the air...

    Commentary Aftermath

    Styles" What an amazing ending!! A double Cannon Ball!!! Look at the celebration in the ring!!!"

    Cornette" What right does Perfect have bashing a chair on the World Champion!! And what the hell is the Sandman doing here! No one asked for no damn beer, Styles!!!"

    Styles" It's a celebration Cornette!! Join us, for a very special PHAT TV, this Thursday!! The WWF Tag Team Tournament!!!! Oh mY Gawd!!!"

    Show Quality: 80%

    TV Rating: 8.00

    Other Shows:

    Head to Head, Monday Nitro - 7.84

    ECA Combat Zone/Graveyard TNT: 3.96

    Biggest Complaint: Tony Halme wrestling..or trying to.

    Behind The Scenes Issues: Lightning Kid caught with Marijuana backstage.

    WWF PHAT TV Special

    The WWF Tag Team Tournament---


    Operation CB (Mike Barton & Leif Cassidy),

    Doom E.D ('The Natural' Butch Reed & Koko B. Ware)

    T.R.A.S.H [The Real American Sanitation Homeboys] :lol:

    (Duke ' The Dumpster Drose' & Brian Armstrong),

    Team H (Hayabusa & Hakushi)

    The Dream Team (Brutus Beefcake & Jean Paul Levesque)

    WWFPD (Big Bossman & Officer Knobbs)

    The Cartel (Alex Porteu & Barry Horowitz)

    Demoltion (Ax & Crush)

    note: The Perfect push actually came before I heard of his death; He was next in line for the Title push, buidling on his Horsemen past with Corino.


  19. user posted image

    Only 6 months until Series '97...

    May 27th, 1997

    Monday Night Raw-

    Channel: Pay Per View

    Venue: Barricade Arena - Portsmouth, TX

    Attendance: 22,993

    Announcing Team: Vince McMahon & Jesse 'The Body' Ventura.

    In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

    Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Dave Hebner, Billy Silverman, Charles Robinson, Earl Hebner, Jim Mollineaux, Shane McMahon, Jimmy Korderas, Joey Marella, John Finnegan


    Dave Schmeltzer

    The Locker Room

    Hopefully this was the first step in the right direction. We have to supress this decreasing locker room morale before it elevates to severe problems.

    I walked in Jim Neidhart's locker room. He was really excited about the repackaging that we're doing to him. Oddly enough, he's the perfect man for this role, and we may be solving all of our problems in one shot, here. He was dressed up in his new gear and looked to be pumped.

    Owen Hart ribbed his brother earlier today, when he pretended to loose Bret Hart's ring gear on the plane. Owen's doing what he can to keep everyone in good spirits. Ohh, those Harts :wub: .

    WWF In Your House drew just over 22,000 people paid, for a gate of $1,264,615. The Pay Per View instelf made $4,975,000 in revenue. Quality wise, this show was the best show in the history of the WWF-getting an 85% approval rating. The show had an incredibly hot crowd, even during the dark match, which was a huge suprise. Evidence of Inoki booking was all over this PPV. The show began at 6:30 with the free preview dark match; 'The Action Zone'.

    user posted image

    1.Operation CB (Agents Mike Barton & Lief Cassidy) & Demolition (Ax & Crush) vs. The Dream Team (Brutus Beefcake & Jean Paul Levesque), Brian Christopher & Bam Bam Bigelow - Elimination Rules

    Referee: Charles Robinson

    The Dark match, televised for free, suprisingly had incredible heat, and equally as suprisingly good ring work from all 4 wrestlers. Brian Christopher eliminated Ax with the Tennessee Jam at 7:44. Bam Bam Bigelow was in next and had a suprising elimination of Crush in 10:33, with his top rope headbutt. An interesting point here, is that that is also Tenzan's finisher...but the 'new' generation of WWF Wrestlers seem to be beyond egotistical things such as who gets to use a special move. Next Elimination came at 14:12, when Jean Paul Levesque nailed Crush with the pedigree, leaving Mike Barton to take on all four men. Barton did a great job brawling with Levesque outside the ring, and building the story of 'a comeback'. Crowd popped huge at 17:33 when Barton suprised Levesque with his dreaded left hook, knocking him out for the elimination. Beefcake, who was shocked at his partners elimination ran in the ring, but right into another quick stiff left hook by Barton, knocking him into a elimination. They are really pushing Barton's boxing background, much like Halme. But, unlike Halme, Barton is more than just a stiff striker, he can actually work a good brawl. Crowd started to get behind Barton big here, which looked great on TV. Christopher came in next and ducked a left hook, catching Barton with a neckbreaker. Christopher then threw Barton into the turnbuckle for a running clothesline, but Barton clocked a left hook into the face of an incoming Brian Christopher, and covered him quickly for his elimination. Crowd started a 'Barton' chant here...I pinched myself, I thought I was dreaming...Mike Barton getting his name chanted on TV? The announcers of the free for all, Joe Pedicino & Bruce Pritchard, did a great job of translating the sudden support of Barton to the TV audience. I guess they gave those two the preshow announcing job to appease the former GWF territory of Texas, again. Bam Bam and Barton went at it for another 7 minutes or so, with some heavy brawling spots, that led up the ramp and into the crowd. We saw Bam Bam back drop Barton onto two folding chairs in the crowd. Barton just landed awkwardly on both chairs, until the metal started to disfigure, making him slide onto the floor of the crowd. Barton had to wrestle the remainder of the match with peices of sqaushed popcorn on his back. Match ended when Bam Bam went on the top rope for his headbutt, but Barton got up--Bigelow then jumped anyway; going for an double axehandle, but Barton suprised him with a left hook as he came down, and quickly pinned him for the cover. Mike Barton is the sole survivor of this elimination match! Agent Lief Cassidy ran back into the ring in celebration as the crowd chanted 'Barton', in respect. Good for Barton. Joe Pecedino & Pritchard said goodbye to the television crowd, and left the announcers table...out came Vince McMahon & Jesse Ventura..as the actual Pay Per View was minutes away from beginning...

    Overall: 77***

    Crowd: 81

    Match: 71

    2.The Undertaker pinned Max Moon in 14:33 of a Sudden Death Match with help from Violent J

    Referee: Joey Marella

    Interesting choice for the opening match of the PPV. This was one of those Cage matches that also has pinning rules. These two started of with a nearly 5 minute stare-down which instantly got the crowd going crazy. They started off with Moon and Undertaker taking turns no-selling each others shoulder blocks. Taker & Moon then went into a slugfest which really got the crowd going. Crowd kept yelling; 'Mooooon' in unison, each time Moon threw a punch. Pritchard at ringside was classic, during this match, in picking fights with ringside fans. At about 13:00 into the match, Moon threw Taker head first into each cage side which busted The Undertaker open from the forehead. From, this, Undertaker was laid out, with blood leaking out of the top of his head. Moon, started to climb the cage...but at this point, the house lights started to dim; and Papa Shango's eerie theme began to play. Seconds later, in the dim light, the figures of the WWF Champions Insane Clown Posse, shadowed by Papa Shango were seen walking down the ramp toward the cage. Shaggy 2 Dope, had a giant Axe in his hand, and started to climb the cage from the outside, meet Max Moon at the top. The announcers at this point were completely dumbfounded, and had no idea what The Dark Carnival was doing at ringside. Once at the top, Shaggy exchanged blows with Moon, until Shaggy nailed Moon with the handle of the axe, square in the head, causing him to fall, 15 feet down back onto the mat! At this point, Shaggy started screaming from the top of the cage; 'Rise, 'Taker! Rise!! Rise 'Taker!', as Papa Shango continued his wierd mannerisms on the outside of the ring. At this point, Undertaker did his patented sit up--excellent close up here of Taker evilishly grinning with a single stream of blood running down the middle of his face, along with his eyes being rolled in the back of his head. At this point, the crowd was in such an uproar--one that can only be compared to an All Japan crowd after a near fall. Undertaker then pulled Moon up, who was selling his back being hurt, as a result of falling down the cage--and nailed him with 2 chokeslams. Here, Undertaker did a little shooting, once again evilishly grinning, raising his hands, and rolling his eyes in the back of his head again. After a bit of stalling, Undertaker nailed Moon with the tombstone at 16:58 to win the Sudden Death Match! It looks like The Undertaker is back to getting a push now. Good match, wierd finish. But hey, it could've been worse...Shaggy could've come down the isle with a sledgehammer--another rediculous weapon. At this point, Insane Clown Posse, along with Papa Shango walked in the ring, and prompted an attack on Moon. Sean Mooney, slowly walked down the ramp and into the cage to try to get some answers.

    Overall: 85**3/4

    Crowd: 94

    Match: 65

    Commentary Aftermath

    McMahon" I don't believe it! The Undertaker has defeated Max Moon!! But why did The Dark Carnival help him! What do the WWF Tag Team Champions have to do with this?! What are these clowns doing here!?! What does Papa Shango want!?"

    Ventura" I don't know McMahon! But it looks like The Undertaker has joined The Dark Carnival! He's with people like him, McMahon! Those wicked clowns! Their not alive! Papa Shango! He probably has a vacation home in hell!"

    McMahon" Well, Jesse, I think we're about to find out everything right now...lets take it to Sean Mooney, who's in the ring now, with The Dark Carnival!"

    Ventura"...and the Undertaker!"

    -'The Ringmaster' Is Introduced-

    Sean Mooney stood in the ring, as The Insane Clown posse were on the turnbuckles taunting fans, who sparked a huge 'I.C.Shitt' chant. Papa Shango stood in the corner with The Undertaker, who was still bleeding, a very eerie sight.

    Mooney" Ok, Excuse me! Shaggy...Violent J...now..I know that you and Papa Shango are somewhat infactuated with, death--dead people--zombies--Voodoo, and all that stuff...but what is the meaning of this! Max Moon's career was on the line! Why the heinous act?!"(The crowd was so stunned, that they didn't even cheap pop for Sean Mooney's line; 'Heinous Act'

    Violent J" Well you see bitch boy, Mooney!! It has come to our attention that the WWF is overcrowded!! That's right, overcrowded with the weak! The Passive! The submissive! You see, the WWF is full of weak Mortals, and it is up to us to save the WWF!!"

    Mooney" Wait a second! Who are you to say that the WWF is overcrowded?"

    Shaggy (Pulls the mic toward himself) " Mooney! It is not we, who is to say this! It is for the leader of the Dark Carnival that we are on this mission for! But Mooney--at each Pay Per View, the WWF has us play a song, so that they don't have to spend money on other rock bands! But you see, we're not just 'a rock band'. We are soldiers from the Dark Carnival!! We are to carry out a mission, so that only the strong survive!! Not the weak...like Max Moon! And there's only on way to stop it: A FORCED EXODUS!!--curteousy of the forces that you see in the ring right now!"

    Mooney" You mean, The Undertaker is apart of your Dark Carnival?"

    Shaggy" That's right, Bitch Boy Mooney! He is like us--the dead who walk among the living! And we havn't much time! So consider the WWF on a warning!! Not everyone will make it to Shangril-a!!"

    Mooney" Wait a second! Hold on! Slow down! What the heck is Shangril-a--and who is the leader of The Dark Carnival?"

    Violent J" Shangril-a is in 6 months!"

    Mooney" This November? That's the same month as...The Survivor Series!"

    Shaggy" Yea, good one, Bitch Boy! You can't count! But, as we said, not everyone will make it! Not everyone will Survive The Dark Carnival!!"

    Violent J" Oh, and we are not alone! The man who will help use choose, who will make it, and who will be eliminated from the WWF--is a man who knows US very well! He's the one that brought us to the WWF 2 years ago! He is no longer the 'Anvil'--for he now has a bigger task! He will choose who will remain and who will lead this ring for good! He will decide who shall remain, and who shale be gone! THE RINGMASTER, JIM NEIDHART!!"

    With that, a completely repackaged Jim Neidhart emerged from the curtain. He came out to The Undertakers music and was dressed in all black, wearing black shades, and walked to the ring with a skull cane. His hair was still redish, which made his look even more scary looking.Good job to the WWF cameramen here in getting some excellent shots of fans who had faces of shock, as Neidhart strolled down the isle--Basically, he was a better Paul Bearer. After entering the ring, Anvil, still wearing the shades snatched the mic from Mooney's hand, and ordered him out of the ring....

    Niedhart" I AM THE RINGMASTER!!!!! And its is my duty to guide the Dark Carnival to rid the WWF of the weak!!! Now, many wrestlers may not no that they are weak! They may not know that they are not worthy of stepping in this ring! But, that's where I come in! As RINGMASTER, I will be the one to let YOU know, that YOU are weak! I will let you know that you have been CHOSEN...to walk into the light...the light, of extinction! bWAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!"

    Undertaker (After Neidhart absorbed some booes, Undertaker was handed the mic for the close) " No longer will I be held back, by the limitations of the weak mortals! Once again, the Darkside shall reign supreme...And the weak will perish in eternal damnation....RESTTTT....INNNNN.....PEEEEAAACCCCEEEEEEE...."


    With that, The ICP took off their tag team titles and handed them to the Undertaker. Undertaker then took the belts, stared at them for a few seconds, then simply dropped them in the middle of the ring. The Dark Carnival then left...led by Ringmaster Jim Neidhart & The Undertaker. Hmmm. This is probably the angle that they made to help downsize the roster. I must say...making a "Dark" Stable with these guys isn't actually such a bad idea. You've got four disgruntled workers (Neidhart, ICP & Undertaker), now in a main storyline, that goes beyond simple a one on one feud. This should be very interesting....I believe also that since they threw down the WWF Tag Team Titles, Road Warrior Hawk Gone, and Dark Patriot's partner, Undertaker in The Dark Carnival, this cancelled the Tag Match. Gotta love the WWF covering up false advertising.


    Ringmaster Jim Neidhart's turn was completed, and he is now a heel. Ringmaster Jim Neidhart gained overness from this turn.

    Commentary Aftermath

    McMahon" I don't believe it! That's...thats..some kind of Ministry Of Darkness!"

    Ventura" No, McMahon! That aint' no Ministry. That's a Carnival...a very Dark Carnival! But they've got a point! The WWF is full of weak wrestlers hanging on! The Halmes! The Max Moons! The Bret Harts! The Mounties!"

    McMahon" Well...I'd beg to differ--although, I am wondering now...Where are the Road Warriors!"

    Ventura" They were probably already, 'eliminated!', McMahon! They were eliminated by The Ringmaster!"

    McMahon" And what's the big deal about Survivor Series '97...or...Shangrila--as they're calling it? And who's the ultimate leader of this...cult! Yea cult! Because that's what it is! This is some type of a sick cult! It's a damn--"

    Ventura" Hey, McMahon...calm down! As long as you're not part of the weak, then you're safe! I know I'm safe!"

    McMahon" This makes me sick. Let's go back to our ring announcer, Joe Pedicino!"

    Ventura" McMahon, are you saying that you're weak?"

    user posted imageuser posted imageuser posted imageuser posted image

    The Dark Carnival: Ringmaster Jim Neidhart, The Insane Clown Posse,

    The Undertaker Brian Lee, & Papa Shango.

    Will this Ministry Of Darkness be successful in their quest of 'cleansing' the WWF?

    3.Ray Rougeau pinned Owen Hart in 12:59 with interferance from Bret Hart

    Referee: Bill Alfonso

    Match started off really slow, with alot of amateur holds early on in the match. This started a few light 'boring' chants, but Owen got that stopped right away, by just looking at the crowd. Owen's got incredible heat right now. Rougeau, going back to his 'Good Citizen' gimmick, also seemed to have gotten him back in the zone, as far as work rate goes. The match poured to the outside, when Ray was thrown over the top rope...but then pulled Owen out by his legs. Owen got alot of heat for nailing Rougeau with a german suplex right on the outside of the ring. Rougeau sold this move big time--making it as if his neck was broken. At this point, Owen rolled him back in the ring...and locked in the sharpshooter. Rougeau was holding in screaming pain, as he tried to force himself to the ropes. After about 90 seconds of being in the Sharpshooter, Owen released the hold as the sound of Bret Hart's voice;

    'Owen!! I want to talk to you! We can talk about whatever is bothering you!'

    Owen stopped and looked toward the ramp. Bret Hart was walking down the isle with a mic, trying to persuade Owen to talk to him.

    'Owen...just me and you. Brother and brother! You don't need The Kings' Court! You don't need Lawler, Corino, Victory or Wipplemann!'

    Owen kept screaming to Bret in responce; 'Get out of here! I'm having a match! Stop trying to steal my spotlight!'

    And just like that, Rougeau suprised Owen with his patented mule kick! He then jumped on Owen, and hooked the legs hard for the cover and the victory! Raymond Rougeau has defeated Owen Hart! Crowd popped Huge for Rougeau winning. Owen got up right away and couldn't believe he lost. He pointed to Bret...who now started to back up...to the curtain...shaking his head. He was selling the fact that he didn't want to cost Owen the match.

    Owen started kicking the ropes in anger. The crowd was mocking Owen big time, here. Owen then spotted referee Bill Alfonso looking in his direction.

    'Are you laughing at me, ref? You're laughing at me..aren't you? No one laughs at the Kings Of Harts!'

    Alfonso had a confused look on his face...but that didn't stop Owen from running up to him with a kick to the stomach. With that, he locked in the Sharpshooter on 120 pound referee Bill Alfonso, sparking a huge 'Owen Sux' chant. Finally, referees & officials hit the ring, and ushered Owen out of the ring.

    Overall: 82***

    Crowd: 84

    Match: 80

    Raymond Rougeau gained overness from this match.

    Commentary Aftermath

    Ventura" McMahon, what kind of Brother is Bret Hart?!"

    McMahon" A caring one! And one that wants to sort out whatever problems exist between he and Owen--"

    Ventura" McMahon, he's selfish!! This was Owen's Time! This was Owen's match! Bret had no business coming in the ring! And the referee should've sent him straight to the back--he deserve what he got!"

    McMahon" Well...I'd beg to differ--Up next, is our highly anticipated Intercontinental Title bout, with the WWF Presidency also on the line!"

    4.Sabu defeated Hiroyoshin Tenzan by Disqualification in 22:12, retaining the Intercontinental Title

    Referee: John Finnegan

    Judging from the way this match ended, I think this feud is going to continue on for a while with larger buildup. I was already suprised that they had this match so soon. Match started off fast paced with Sabu ducking a clothesline, by Tenzan, then dropkicking him in the knees, sending him falling on his head. Very strong 'Sabu' chant here, as he kept nailing Tenzan with leg drops off of the second turnbuckle. Sabu then threw Tenzan into the turnbuckle and went for a handspring elbow, but Tenzan suprised him with a lariat to the back of the head. Tenzan started screaming in Japanese to the fas which got them hot at Tenzan. Tenzan followed with his usual chopfest, until he went for a body slam. Sabu countered it by landing over Tenzan on his feet, and dropkicking him, to which Tenzan simply staggered back into the ropes. The two stared each other down for a while before going to a back and forth chop fest. Paulie & Dibiase on the outside were doing good jobs of showing their intensity in managing both men. Its good to see a feud with a gimmick undertone (The WWF Presidency) still revolving around the 'main aspect of a title'. Tenzan, fustrated that he couldnt' nail Sabu down, went against the ropes and went for a jumping cartwheel kick...but Sabu ducked, leading to the first ref bump--of many--of the night. Tenzan caught John Finnegan, quite nicely, in the face with a Cartwheel kick sending him reeling to the outside of the ring. At this point, President Paulie looked to the crowd...they started cheering heavily, as they new that Paulie was going to get a chair, or a table...so that Sabu can show of his 'Homicidal Nature'--something that the fans love. To everyone's amazement, Paulie walked over to the timekeepers table, and started talking to the timekeeper. When the time keeper got up, and removed his belongings, the crowd popped, because that meant that Paulie wanted the table to be used. In the ring, Tenzan and Sabu were really putting on a show, with an intersting spot--getting up, Tenzan went to lariat Sabu, but Sabu ducked, wrapped around Tenzan and went for a German Suplex--but Tenzan blocked the Suplex, reversed it and tried to go for one of his own. Sabu went up, but landed behind Tenzan on his feet, and quickly suprised Tenzan with a cranium kick--which Tenzan sold awesomely. Paulie, who was having a bit of trouble getting the table up, finally passed it up to Sabu, who positioned it in the centre of the ring. But setting up the table gave Tenzan time to recover, as he caught Sabu from behind with the double Tenzan chop. Tenzan then nailed Sabu with a reverse neckbreaker, and two suplexes, before re-setting up the table.

    Dibiase, at this point was heard yelling; 'Give him the TTD! The TTD! On top of that table!!!'

    And with that, Tenzan climbed up the table, bringing Sabu with him, and began to set up his inverted piledriver. AT this point, referee John Finnegann was recovering, and started yelling at Tenzan to get off of the table....but with instead of listening, Tenzan nailed Sabu with the TTD, right on the table. Sabu did a great job of selling it by stating stationary on his head (on top of the table...mildly dented) for minutes, before the ref called for the bell and disqualified Sabu. Tenzan and Dibiase protested yelling at the ref, while President Paul and Sabu back peddled to the curtain to a solid 'Sabu' Chant. Great match, despite the DQ ending.

    Overall: 82 ***

    Crowd: 79

    Match: 86

    Commentary Aftermath

    McMahon" What a match! What a match showing the athleticism of both men!! Unbelievable!"

    Ventura" Yea but McMahon, why don't Sabu ever get disqualified when he uses chairs and tables!"

    McMahon" Well, I guess that's one of the perks that you get, when your manager is WWF President, Jesse!"

    Ventura"Yea! It's kinda like you being here with me! All the ladies must think that we're friends, so they come up to you--asking for the Body!!"

    McMahon" Oh stop it Jess...We've got another title on the line, The Global Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Title is on the line!! Next!"

    5.Stan Hansen defeated the Sandman in 5:09 to win the GWF Heavyweight Title

    Referee: Shane McMahon

    Sandman did his usual 5 minute entrance, as Stan Hansen waited in the ring, bullrope in hand. They are now cutting away from The Sandman when he drinks in the crowd. Probably due to the number of minors near the Sandman. Stalling spot for the first 5 minutes, as Shane McMahon had to convince both men to let go of thier 'weapons'. Hansen refused to put away his bullrope until Sandman put down his singapore cane--Sandman had the same request of Hansen. Finally, Sandman put his cane down, but Hansen just took a swung over a ducking Shane McMahon and clocked Sandman in the face with the bull rope. Hansen kept yelling; 'C'mon Boy!', as he continued to whip Sandman in the back. Vince on commentary pushed the idea that the match 'technically hasn't begun', which is why the referee wasn't disqualifying Hansen. Hansen, then did his hand signal taunt to the crowd which got them riled up...going along with being a generally hot crowd for the whole show. Sandman slowly started to recover...motioned over to his singapore cane--approached Hansen, and nailed him with a head shot right when he turned around! Sandman got a huge pop. At this point, Sandman started to pound Hansen in the back with more cane shots. AT this point, McMahon called for assistance, as he could not restrain the Sandman himself. Referees, Dave Hebner, Tim White, Mike Chioda, & Earl Hebner, hit the ring and all restrained the Sandman into the turnbuckle, trying to get him to drop the cane.

    Ventura had a funny comment here about seeing the Hebner twins; yelling; '"Hey McMahon! Are you seeing double vision with one of the refs!'

    Hansen, who finally recovered from the cane shots--with red streaks all over his back--charged the Sandman in the corner, nailing him with a sick looking forearm to the face, plunging right into the refs who were trying to hold the Sandman back. All of the refs fell to the outside of the ring, except for Shane. Finally, the bell rang. Hansen was already battered from the cane shots, and Sandman had some nasty marks on his face from the forearm, and the earlier bullrope shots. Sandman was selling the forearm big-time as he could barely stand up. With that, Hansen gave the sign for the Lariat--and after nailing two back drops on the Sandman, caught him with the Lariat for the victory! 5 Minutes after the bell rang, Hansen gets the victory!

    Dibiase jumped in the ring in celebration, yelling--which was audible on TV; 'Another Title, comes to PRIDE!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAA!!! This is just the beginning!! Just the beginning!!!'

    I like the fact that despite loosing the match with the most hype (for PRIDE), PRIDE still maintains their incredible heat, now holding the midcard Eastern Championship Wrestling belt, and now, the major, Global Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Title. And now...there will be even more anticipation for Tenzan continuing to chase Sabu for the I-C belt. Kudos to Inoki for booking this feud...because I know that Russo couldn't think of something as good.

    Overall: 80**3/4

    Crowd: 86

    Match: 69

    Commentary Aftermath

    McMahon" What a crazy match! But, I can't believe..PRIDE's Stan Hansen is now the GWF Champion!"

    Ventura" McMahon!! What are you talking about! This is great! Finally a GWF Champion that we can be proud of!"

    McMahon" Oh, c'mon Jesse! Sandman's fought long and hard for that title, when he beat the Blue Blazer!"

    Ventura" Exactly McMahon! That's what I'm saying! Look at The Blue Blazer--A global super hero! Look at Stan Hansen, a legend in both the States, and Japan--a real Global representative! And then, ya got the Sandman. A drunk. Finally, The GWF Title is around someone who has the morals and ideals of a Global champion!"

    McMahon" In, any event...(*Eye Of The Tiger*; WWF Champion Steve Corino's music hit, to a cloud of booes, as The Kings Court started to come to the ring)...well, it looks like we have visitors...."

    Ventura"McMahon, this is it! We're going to find out who the newest member of the Kings' Court is!!"

    -The 'King Of The South' Is Introduced into The Kings' Court-

    Next, 3 of the most over wrestlers in the WWF, Corino, Lawler & Owen stood in the ring. Jack Victory had a microphone and screamed something incoherant at a ringside fan, before handing the mic over to Jerry Lawler. Corino was side by side with Owen, taunting more fans, as Lawler waisted little time, in introducing his partner....

    Lawler" ...And now, my partner is....(crowd starts booing insanley)....my partner is....(again..the booes start heavily)....If you stupid Texan rednecks don't shut up, you're never gonna find out who my partner is! (A 'Burger King' chant starts...as Lawler pants around the ring in fustration)....Ladies and Gentleman, he is a former WWF Intercontinental Champion, from Nashville Tennesse, The King Of The South; Jeff Jarrett!!"

    Out came Jeff Jarrett, seemingly the only logical--thus expected--choice was partner from Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett's the only one with a strong linking to Jerry Lawler, and the only one that would fit into to the stable anyway. Jarrett got his usual heel reaction, and came out in his 'Double J' gear. Victory & Wipplemann held the ropes open for Jarrett as he entered the ring.

    Jeff Jarrett" Finally! Finally, I'm surrounded by real pro wrasslers! The wrasslers that are the foundation of the WWF! Former GWF Champion, Owen Hart! Former GWF, and I-C champion, Jerry Lawler! Good ol' Downtown Bruno!! (Jarrett apparently forgot that he wasn't in Memphis, and Harvey Wipplemann hasn't been called Downtown Bruno in years)...and of course, the expertise of Jack Victory, and current WWF Champion; Steve Corino!! Now bring out The Quebecers, so that we can put those smelly Canadians away, Old School Style!"

    Each member of the Kings' Court got a huge heel reaction when Jarrett mentioned their names. Corino got the biggest, while Wipplemann got the least reaction. For nostaglia purposes most likely, Mountie & Oulette came out to thier Quebecers intro (With the Mountie singing) rather than the Hitman music, which got a huge pop from the crowd.


    user posted image

    ''King Of The South' Jeff Jarrett,

    Joins long time friend, Jerry Lawler in

    The Kings' Court

    6.Jerry Lawler & Jeff Jarrett defeated 'Mountie' Jacques Rougeau & Carl P. Oulette in 14:33

    Referee: Shane McMahon

    Shane McMahon was reffing this match, which meant ref bump time. Announcers pushed the fact that both teams had years of experience with each other, so were able to work well as a tag team. The "Olay" singing chants for Oulette started right away--Mountie looked 'impressed', to see the popularity that Oulette has now...since the last time they were together, Oulette was more or less, Mountie's sidekick.

    When the Mountie's old music hit, Ventura had a funny line, saying;

    'Hey McMahon! Tell The Mountie I've got 1997 here, and he wants 1993 to take a hike!'

    Lawler & Oulette started off with a few arm wringer spots...of course the crowd went crazy; even for the simplest reversals by Mountie. Corino & Victory, along with Victory's manager, Wipplemann hung around on the outside during the match. Lawler didi some boring stuff with Mountie, then tagged out with Jarrett; who started mockingly singing the "Oley" song. Lawler then tagged out to Oulette, who went after Jarrett. Alot of fast past stuff here; with quick hiptosses from Oulette, leading to fast dropkicks from Jarrrett. The two finally ran out of steam, and Oulette got the upper hand after catching Jarrett off of the ropes, and nailing him with an overhead belly-to-belly. Oulette tagged bag out to Mountie who then teased a few Uranage spots with Jarrett. At about 13:00 the Shane McMahon bump came when Oulette had Jarrett tied up in the turbuckle, in the tree of woe position...Oulette then charged Jarrett with a Cannonball, crashing into an upside down Jarrett. He then pulled Jarrett rightside up, and went for another Cannonball, but Jarrett collapsed, causing Oulette to go flying straight into McMahon who was behind Jarrett. For the next few minutes, both Jarrett & Oulette sold their fatigue by staying laid out for quite some time, until, The WWF champion, Steve Corino, along with Jack Victory, walked up the stairs, and into the ring. The crowd started booing right away, Mountie ran in the ring but was quickly met with a knee to the cut by Victory. Victory, then pulled attacked Oulette--already hurt and fatigued--then threw him to Corino, who nailed him with the Old School Expulsion. Loud 'Corino Sux' chant here, as Corino sat on the turnbuckle, pointing and laughing at Oulette. At this point, Jarrett locked Oulette in the figured four leg-lock...Oulette held on for about 3 minutes and a half, which got the crowd into a possible comeback, but finally tapped out, giving the victory to Lawler & Jarrett. Owen Hart return to the ring, to celebrate with the Kings' Court, as they all posed in the ring...until Bret Hart hit the ring...starting the next 'unsanctioned WWF Title match....

    Overall: 83**3/4

    Crowd: 89

    Match: 79

    7. Steve Corino d. Bret Hart with help from Owen Hart at 20:39 retaing the WWF World Title - Unsanctioned [FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE]

    Referee: Dave Hebner

    Bret Hart stormed the ring and tackled Corino, to the loudest pop of the night. This, was what everyone was waiting for... The rest of TKC (The Kings' Court, from here on in....) ran out of the ring, as Bret laid some heavy punches onto Corino. The announcers pointed out that the referee's sole purpose in this match, was just to make the pin...wherever it would be. Hart dominated for quite a while, whipping Corino hard into each of the four turnbuckle corners. Hart nailed Corino with 4 consecutive atomic drops, followed by Hart's quick whip clothesline, for a near fall. Crowd was going nuts at this point. Hart went to the outside of the ring, knocking out, Lawler, Victory, Jarrett in succession. He went to hit Owen, but stopped himself in mid puch...leading to a staredown between him and Owen. Crowd was going nuts, trying to get Bret to hit him. The confronation ended when Corino came to the outside and knocked Bret down from behind. At this point, TKC all joined into an attack on Bret, except for Owen. He teased it, but just watched. Finally, a host of WWF Officials hit the ring and ordered the TKC to leave the ring. This process took up about 5 minutes of match time, as various members took turn taking cheap shots at Bret, while Corino argued with officials to let them stay. Big pop when the TKC started to exit up the ramp. Match continued when Corino went back to Bret, who was playing 'possum', and suprised Corino with chop to the throat. This lead to Bret throwing Corino back in the ring, followed by chair tossing at Corino from the outside. Bret followed with the ring post figured four spot, that Corino sold big time. Next while of the match, saw Corino, beaten, trying to avoid Bret, which saw him run into the crowd, to the backstage area, which then caused WWF Officials & President Paulie Dangerously, to start screaming at them to bring it to the ring--it then started back in the direction of the ring, then went to the crowd, up to the concession stands, down the stairs, and eventually to the parking lot. It was kinda funny watching two wrestlers, along with a long stream of officials running around the arena.

    Most of the parking lot stuff was pretty lame, since it was basically just Bret throwing Corino into car boots. Finally, the two men made their way back to the ring area, followed by a screaming Heyman, 'Get back in the arena!! Back into the arena!! C'mon Corino! C'mon Bret!'getting as far as the ramp in front of the curtain. Geez, for a match that was unsanctioned, why was President Paulie and his staff hovering around the wrestlers.

    Corino then started to fight back, after a low-blow on Bret. This got huge heel heat, since this move has NEVER been done in the WWF. Corino, who was bleeding form his head, kept yelling at President Paulie;

    'I'm the King Of Old School! Right here!! I'm 'The Future', Steve Corino!!'

    Crowd reacted hard to this, since it was Corino's moniker as a face, and also as a Horsemen..'The Future'... Corino finally got some offense in, relying heavily on chair use, which got Bret Hart cut open. Finally, the match made its way to the ring, which saw a near fall after a superplex by Corino. At this point, Owen Hart re-emerged from the back, and made his way into the ring, watching Corino attack Owen. After a brief pause, Corino, bloodied, fatigued, and staggering, gave a chair to Owen, telling him to hit Bret with it. Bret started to fight back to his feet, staggering, telling Owen to hit Corino. So there stood Owen, with both men staggering and bloodied in front of him, each telling him to hit the other guy. The crowd was really into this as well. At this point Owen pointed to Corino and yelled;

    'Family comes first!!!'

    Huge pop from the crowd as Owen made a motion to hit Corino, but instead, redirected, and cracked Bret in the face with the steel chair. At this point, Corino, started tapping his elbow, ala Dusty Rhodes...went against the ropes, and nailed Bret Hart with a bionic elbow, for the cover--AND THE VICTORY!. Looks like their giving Corino the Dusty Rhodes elbow finisher, going along with the whole old school thing...In Your House went off the air, with Owen Hart giving the belt to Corino--hugging him, then posting with their hands held up, in victory; over a fallen, bloodied, and battered Bret Hart.

    Overall: 91***3/4

    Crowd: 95

    Match: 85

    Commentary Aftermath

    McMahon" Steve Corino is still WWF Champion!! But how can Owen Hart do that to his own brother!!!"

    Ventura" McMahon, did you see how hard he hit Bret!! That was years and years of anger and hostility all put into that chair shot! "

    McMahon" And, look who stands tall! It's 'The Kind Of Old School!', 'The Prodigy!' My former announcing partner that I had great respect for--Its---"

    Ventura" McMahon, It's the FUTURE!!! 'THE FUTURE' STEVE CORINO!!!!!"

    *Eye of The Tiger plays* on the PA system as the ring fills up with debris, as Corino and Owen keep their hands raised, closing the Pay Per View....

    user posted image

    'The Future' Steve Corino, still on

    top of the World Wrestling Federation...

    Show Quality: 85% :eek:

    Buy Rate: 1.99

    Best Match: Steve Corino vs. Bret Hart

    Worst Match: Lawler/Jarrett vs. Oulette/Mountie

    Other Shows

    WCW Great American Bash

    Best Match: Shawn Michaels & Hulk Hogan vs. Brian Pillman & The Great Mutah

    Worst Match: Kevin Sullivan vs. Tom Zenk

    Reality Twist: Dustin Rhodes (Goldust) has become a Main Eventer!! Over=91)

    GCG May Challenges Buy Rate .63 - National 75% :eek:

    Best Match: Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Black Tiger (Eddie Guerro) vs. Rob Van Dam

    Worst Match: The Iron Sheik & Tully Blanchard (Non-Wrestlers) vs. Tracey Smothers & Giant Gonzales

    Reality Twist: Agent STeve Blackman...our creation...is still here; over=70; still in rehab

    ECA Combat Central Buy Rate .66 - National 66%

    Best Match: Taz & Tank Abbott d. Tommy Dreamer & Justin 'Hawk' Bradshaw

    Worst Match: Joel Gertner vs. President Jack Tunney

    Reality Twist: They are building their company around #1 star, Marty Jannetty.


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