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Posts posted by ChuBalso

  1. WWF


    user posted image


    Live April 24th Only On Pay Per View!

    Cidital Complex, Paramus NJ

    -Five 'Election' Matches (marked *****)

    -Best of 5!

    -On the line? The WWF Presidency...

    Double Main Event****

    user posted image

    Gerald Brisco

    Team: WWF

    [Legendary former WWF Tag Team Specialist & Current WWF Matchmaker]


    Terry H. Hogan

    user posted image

    Team: Immortals

    [Manager of The Immortals]

    3 Way Elimination - WWF Championship!!

    user posted imagevsuser posted imagevsuser posted image

    'Nature Boy' Ric Flair - WWF Champion, Mountie - Shawn Michaels

    SMW Heavyweight Championship*****

    user posted image vs. user posted image

    HillyBilly Jim - Dirty White Boy Tony Anthony -SMW Champion

    Cowboys -N- Indians Match - Steel Cage*****

    user posted image vs.user posted image

    Rob Fuller vs. 'Native American' Tatanka

    user posted imageuser posted image

    Brutus Beefcake & Jean Paul Levesque - The Dream Team


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    Bob Backlund & Mike Rotunda (The Real Americans)*****



    -Cowboy Mike Hegstrand vs. Bret "Hitman" Hart*****

    post your predictions & thoughts!

  2. user posted image

    April 11th, 1994 -Monday Night Raw -

    Channel: USA Network

    Venue: Manhattan Centre, New York

    Attendance: 9100

    Announcers: Sean Mooney & Bruce Pritchard


    Dave Schmeltzer

    The backstage morale was great. Michaels is still a little pissed about the last year of halting his push, Yoko's always pissed but its Ok because he knows his days in the WWF are numbered...And Lex has been in a bad Mood since he's become a midcarder. I welcomed Katy-Jayne [Meyers] our newest addition to the Writing Team..she expressed interest about appearing on Camera..so we'll take care of that tonight..Doug Gilbert was in his Dark Patriot get-up, but Luke showed up late....Looks like there's a firing in Luke's future. Flair's in that WAR GAMES match tonight with a bunch of midcarders (Well, Beefcake is an Uppercarder since he's Hogan's friend), and even a lower-carder with newcomer Jean Paul Levesque--but it's alright, his rivalry with the Mountie reached an all time peak, with the ambush that occured on the Bobby Heenan show...and plus Flair is in the top 3 of most over wrestlers in the Company. The fans are really digging The Fore Horsemen '94 style.

    Before Raw goes on the air, the 'villians' [as the Old Skool thinking Hogan likes to refer to himself and heels are] of the three major heel groups are conversing--The Million Dollar Alliance, The Angry Cowboys, and The Immortals.(check 'STaff Meeting incase you forget whose in the stables :), it's there for your convenience)

    Terry H. Hogan:"Tonight on RAW, we need to make an impact. WWF President Joel Gertner's made a ruling that none of us are allowed to enter the 20 man Battle Royal, because of the 'Terror' that we have brought to the WWF! I say we make an impact tonight, brothers.

    Million Dollar Man:"We'll be glad to help.

    Robert Fuller:"Count us in.

    Jean Paul Levesque:"Hogan, I have someone in mind that I want to teach a lesson. Bob Backlund. Can you believe that geek accused me of hanging out with the WRONG crowd? I'll show him the WRONG crowd alright.

    Terry H. Hogan:"Ok brothers. Lets split up into three groups. I'll be watching...

    --The Million Dollar Alliance, Angry Cowboys, and The Dream Team split up going thier seperate ways, looking for 'victims'...Hillbilly Jim & Agent Blackman stayed, guarding the locker room, while Terry H. Hogan, led The Dream Team on their search...--


    Raw opens up with the wrestlers coming out for the 20 man Battle Royal..The announcers stated that the winner would get a title shot against the Mountie later on tonight. During the intros, Pritchard kept harping on about Jim Cornette bringing the Reeaaal Undertaker to the WWF.

    -Robert Fuller leads the Angry Cowboys' attack-

    We see The Angry Cowboys snooping around the back, as wrestlers are getting ready for the Battle Royal. From a distance, they catch Tatanka going over some points with Downtown Bruno, formally Harvey Wipplemann. Fuller interrupts the meeting.

    Fuller:"Man O' Man, One gets rid of his circus gimmick and the other goes back to being a circus act. (Cowboy Mike Hegstrand whips his bullwhip in the background)

    Tatanka:"This isn't an 'act'. This is who I really am...'Partner' (Crowd Laughs)

    Robert Fuller:"Oh. Ok Indian boy. Ya' know, 'partner', Cowboys don't get along with Indians much. And I don't like you very much. Lets say we have ourselves a little 'Cowboy and Indian' match at Collision of the Immortals! That'll be the fifth match, in the WWF vs. Immortals feud!

    Tatanka:"Your on. Who do you think you are? Colonel Rob Parker? Or no lemme guess, your a country singer, like Tennessee Lee? Or even better--

    Before he can finish Cowboy Bob Orton yells "That's enough! And strikes Tatanka with his whip, from his blindsided right. Dowtown Bruno is taken down by Dutch Mantell...They then all take turns whipping Tatanka with their whips, while Bruno is forced to watch. Cowboy Mike Hegstrand got about 6 shots in. Fuller got the most, with 13. Ouch. 68%Tatanka lost overness from this segment.

    -The Million Dollar Alliance sets a Trap for Sid Justice-

    Big Pop for Sid Justice & Superstar Paul Bearer as they are shown on the Titan Tron walking to the ring for the Battle Royal. All of a sudden 'new official' Katy Jayne comes running; hysterically, into Sid Justice's arms..

    Katy"OH MY GOD! Sid! Paul! You've got to help! Russo is hurt--

    Sid:"Calm down lady. Whats going on? Whats wrong?"

    Katy:"Well...Oh My!! Just follow me!

    Katy Jane lead Sid down the corrider into a really dark room. Suddenly the Door closes, leading to total darkness. All of a sudden we hear The Million Dollar Man's evil laugh. The light is turn on by...the Genius. Suddenly Macho King lands an elbow off of a crate onto Sid. At this point, Sid is attacked by the entire Million Dollar Alliance! It was a trap!! The Diamond Studd gave Sid a Razor's Edge onto the hard concrete floor, for closure. In the background, while King & Studd went on the attack, we see Dibiase paying off Katy-Jayne. It looks like Sid will not be in the Battle Royal. 95

    -The Dream Team start a Real American Nightmare

    Bob Backlund and Mike Rotunda, The Real Americans were getting ready for the Battle Royal, walking towards the ring. Mooney commented on Backlund being a former WWF Champion, and Mike Rotunda, with his 'exceptional amateur wrestling talent', being a worthy contender for the WWF Gold. Suddenly, Levesque, Beefcake, and Hogan block the pathway for the Real Americans.

    Levesque:"Hey Backlund. Sorry I spit on your face two nights ago on The Bobby Heenan show...Yea--I was aiming for your forehead. (They all laugh)

    Rotunda:"You f***ing ass! You have no goddamned respect! You know, I used to be just like you! All arrogant, angry at the world! But you know why? It was because of the people that I was around! I changed my image just to fit in--when I was with the Million Dollar Man! Yea...sure, we won the World Tag Team Champships! But I wasn't happy! I wasn't me! Years ago, I had a great tag team run with Barry Whindam, as the [first] Real Americans (Whindam's name was censored out, since he's under contract to WCW)..and I was happy then! Now, we've got the updated version! Right Here!! And if you don't get out of our face, we're going to have to give you a Real American tail kickin'!

    The crowd gave Rotunda a polite applause, in repsonce to his little rant. After a considerable pause, the Immortals started to laugh hysterically. This led to Rotunda leaping onto Hogan getting some nice shots in. But, the 3-2 advantage of the Immortals factor in...it ended with Brutus Beefcake putting them both in the Sleeper. Causing them to sleep away thier chances of going to the Battle Royal. Coming in for the late save was, Gerald Brisco. The Immortals ran away before he could actually hit them.70%

    Mike Rotunda gained overness from this segment. Terry "Hulk" Hogan lost overness from this segment.


    -Shawn Michaels Gets a Shot at The Mountie-

    Shawn Michaels won the 20 man Battle Royal, for a shot at the WWF Title, in 31:33, when he eliminated rival Professor Marty Jannetty after 2 savatte kicks to the face--the second sending him over the top rope. The announcers wondered how Jannetty was able to get into into the Battle Royal, when WWF President Joel Gertner had stated that his group was banned from the BAttle Royal. Thier questions were answered when The Genius, Jannetty's manager, came down the isle (When Jannetty was left with Michaels), with the Million Dollar Alliance's new friend, WWF Suit Katy-Jayne Meyers.

    Overall: 67

    Crowd: 71

    Match: 59


    The Berzerkers (George 'The Animal' Steele & The Berzerker) d. The Bushwackers in a Tournament match for the SMW Tag Team Titles

    Slick accompanied The Berzerkers and Trainer Kim Chee to the ring, who was apparently now also the trainer of The Berzerker. They had no music. And the match contained no wrestling. Just wild insane brawling. But the crowd reaction wasn't that bad, considering this new combination apparently was just put together...

    Overall: 42

    Crowd: 55

    Match: 15

    Butch basically no-sold everything, which ruined the match. Luke basically no-sold everything, which ruined the match.


    -Slick The Doctor of Style Introduces the Berzerkers!-

    Slick is in the ring with Trainer Kim Chee, George Steele is going nuts, hitting the ropes with a chair over and over again, while the Berzerker is yelling "Huss!", whill kicking an punching the air.

    Slick "Hellloooooo Mah Bruthas And Sistaasssss!! May I introduce to you a tag team combination like never before!! Now that George 'The Animal' Steele has ditched that looser Captain Lou Albano, he is back to his old, crazy ways! And that is combined with the insaness, the berzerkness, of...The Berzerker!!! What a marriage! No team stands a chance!! So while those other teams in the tournaments are executing their armbars, The Berzerkers will be using real bars for victory!!! Isn't that right Berzerker?

    The Berzerker "Huss! "

    Slick "Yes mah brutha!! "

    The Berzerker "Huss! "

    Slick "Oh yes Mah Brotha!! Huss away! Steele mah Animal!! "

    Steele "YOU!!! "

    Slick "Oh yes Brotha Steee!! "

    Steele "YOU!!! "

    The Berzerker "Huss! "

    Steele "YOU!!! "

    The Berzerker "Huss! "

    Steele "YOU!!! "

    The Berzerker "Huss! "

    Slick "Smokey Mountain Titles, here we come! Bring on the next victims! "

    Akeem, Bossman & the rest of PHAT were looking on, confused, while George, Berzerker, and Kamala were yelling and screaming all over the ring. 83%

    Slick gained overness from this segment :)


    -Jim Cornette pubically announces that he will bring the reaaal Undertaker to the WWF-

    Bruce Pritchard on color commentary (Apparently, like Wipplemann, Pritchard has ditched his goofy 'Brother Love' gimmick.) took the house mic and told everyone to direct their attention to the Titan Tron..Jim Cornette was there.

    Jim Cornette" I bet your all wondering, 'Why is James E. Cornette on my WWF TV! Well its no secret that President Joel Gertner and the WWF Suits bought out the promotion that I ran, Smoky Mountain Wrestling. And with that, they also brought some SMW superstars such as my Heavenly Bodies, who will win those titles back! But thats another issue. But with that, they also brought back The Undertaker! (Crowd is booing Cornette) You see two years ago, that man right there, Bruce Pritchard (as Brother Love) was introduced as the manager of the Undertaker. But you see, Pritchard ditched him, and shipped him to the FatMan, Superstar Paul Bearer. And do you know why Pritchard did that? Because he knew that the man behind the make up was fake! He wasn't realllly Evil! Inside, he was just little Mark Callous trying to make a name for himself. And what happend? Two years later, 'The Undertaker Mark Callous' decides that what he's doing 'isn't right'. He resorts to being "MEAN" Mark Callous. Well Callous, anyone can be Mean, but not everyone can be EVIL! And so, in a few weeks I will present the man! The Reaaal Pheanom! The Reeealll man from the Darkside!! Ladies and Gentlemen, James E. Cornette will deliver THEEEE Undertaker into the WWF!!!! And trust me! When he gets here, there won't be a Decade of Destruction! There aint gonna be a Century of Cynacide! The Undertaker will bring, an Eternity of Executions!!! 82% The Crowd is in a state of shock.


    Bruce Pritchard spoils the return of 'The Superfly'

    The Dark Patriot d. Jimmy Snuka

    WWF Announcer Vince Mcmahon came out an introduced the return of a 'WWF Great'. To that Superfly came out, and said that his dream is to win a title one more time in the WWF. With that Bruce Pritchard left the announcers positions and started doing his intense high volume yelling promos that he's become known for when he was in the independants.

    Pritchard:" Superfly Jimmy Snuka!! It looks like you my friend have picked the wrong time to return to the WWF! Because this time belongs to THE CARTEL! And the boss would be very unhappy if the CARTEL'S time is cut off! Ladies and Gents, here is The Dark Patriot!!

    Dark Patriot won after a 'scud missle' which is basically a shoulder block off the top rope. Must be his strong shoulder. When Pritchard got back to the announcers booth, Mooney kept asking him who the 'boss' was that he was talking about. Pritchard replied "I'm not telling you! You and all these people will find out when the time is right! But you will learn more about THE CARTEL, as time progresses!. This could get interesting. I wonder where their going with this. Glad to see that their starting to build/use thier midcarders.


    Match: 55

    Cash: 56

    [colo=blue]Jimmy Snuka lost overness from this match. The Dark Patriot gained overness from this match.


    -The Canadian Foundation cause trouble for the 'Nature Boy'

    The Dream Team d. Ric Flair & Yokozuna - War Games

    They showed why this match was made, with the Highlights from the Bobby Heenan show. They also showed The Mountie's attack on Flair. At 3:33, Jimmy Hart & The Mountie led the Canadian Foundation to the ring, all riding 'Mountie Scooters', complete with Loud Sirens. The Mountie had the WWF Title on his shoulder. Flair took out both Dream Team members then ran for the Mountie, chasing him all the way to the back. This left, poor Yokozuna all alone. This always happens to him. Match ended with Brutus Beefcake putting Yokozuna in his Sleeper, allowing his team to escape the cage with ease. After the match Beefcae cut Yoko's hair completely off.

    Overall: 69

    Crowd: 71

    Match: 66

    Yokozuna was sluggish and didn't put much effort in. Yokozuna lost overness from this match. Ric Flair lost overness from this match. Jean Paul Levesque gained overness from this match. Brutus Beefcake gained overness from this match.


    Cowboy Mike Hegstrand d. Diamond Studd

    During the match, Bret Hart came down the isle with his face painted in Road Warrior paint. Crowd was laughing hysterically. Hegstrand went nuts after the match, hanging Diamond Studd over the top rope with his bullwhip. Hegstrand actually got cheer for this act.

    Overall: 78 :)

    Crowd: 82 :)

    Match: 72 :)

    Cowboy Mike Hegstrand gained overness from this match.

    -The Canadian Foundation & The Four Horsemen Collide!

    The Mountie d. Shawn Michaels - WWF Title

    The Mountie won by DQ, when Ric Flair hit the ring with a stiff chair shot to the Mountie's back. The rest of the Horsemen hit the ring with the quickness...Mr. Perfect took out the Hart Foundation II, Tully Blanchard took out Test Martin, while Steve Corino took out Carl The Quebecer! JJ Dillon also got in the mix taking out Pat Patterson & Jimmy Hart! Raw went off the air with the Horsemen in the ring, standing to Ric Flair's music, while Shawn Michaels, who just lost his chance at winning the WWF title, looked on from the isleway, angered.

    I think thier going to add Shawn Michaels into the Main Event at Collision of the Immortals, making it a 3 Way for the WWF Title...The Mountie vs. Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels. Now we're talking.

    Overall: 83

    Crowd: 86

    Match: 79

    Card Quality: 68%

    TV Rating: 7.64

    The Competition: 8.04

    feedback, critiques, etc...welcome with open arms.

  3. user posted image

    April 9th, 1994 (Taped, before the Staff Meeting)

    Hosts: Bobby The Brain Heenan & Lord Alfred Hayes

    Bobby "The Brain" Heenan and Lord Alfred Hayes are introduced by the returning "Oinkettes", the fat divas of the "Bobby Heenan Show"

    Heenan"Hello Humanoids and welcome to the long awaited return of the Bobby Heenan Show! The greatest show since porno itself! I'm your host with Lord Alfred Hayes. Hey Hayes, I told you that family weren't allowed in the building! (He points to the oinkettes)

    Hayes" Oh stop it, Brain, Lets talk about the show"

    Heenan" I am talking about the show. It's just a little to much show coming from the female Hayes. I'm talking about the big show if you know what I mean!"

    Hayes"Please, Brain, our esteemed President is waiting."

    Heenan" oh yea..blah blah. Bring him out ladies. He's the current President of the WWF, Humanoids, here is President Joel Gertner!" (Gertner walks out)

    Gertner "Wellll....Welll...Welll....If it isn't---

    Heenan "If it isn't chubby little fat Albert himself! How old are you kid? Tell us a little about yourself!

    Gertner "Well, I used to be a ring announcer in a small promotion called Eastern Champ--

    Heenan" Ya Ya Ya, lemme tell ya kid, I like ya already...You are easily my second favourite WWF Personality!

    Gertner"Oh..wow..Thank you Brain! I have always enjoyed your work as a kid!...Who's your first favourite WWF Personality?

    Heenan "The rest are all tied for first....Now let me warn you Mr. Gertner...if you get out of hand, if your mouth gets a little to relaxed I'm going to have to send you to my own personal dentist...and you don't want that....there he is."

    A newcomer identified as Dr. Isaac Yankem DDS is in the side room, 'taking care of a patient..the patient is screaming'...Suddenly, there is a knock at the door.

    Heenan" Hey, Hayes..could you be a tool and get that?"

    Hayes walks over to the door..it's THE IMMORTALS!!! Terry H. Hogan walks out with The Dream Team, Hillbilly Jim, and Agent Steve Blackman! Gertner tries to run away and hide underneath Bobby Heenan's desk.

    Heenan "Hey Hey! Don't ask don't tell, buddy! Get from underneath my desk

    HillBilly Looks like our WWF President is a lil fairy 'boy! We can't be having that, partner!

    Agent Blackman goes over and ties Gertner up to Alferd Hayes on the floor. Brutus Beefcake starts to casually cut Alfred's Hair, as he sings 'I'm not the Mountie! I'm Handsome....I'm brave....' The rest of the Immortals make thier selves at home, sitting in the guest seats.

    Hogan" We don't want any trouble dude! We just wanted to drop by, brother, and chat with some of the WWF Superstars that are going to be on the show tonight dude!

    Heenan (a bit relieved) " Ok ok...thats fine...Tonight on the show, joining us here in studio will be, Yokozuna, and Ric Flair (They all start laughing) But up first, lets check out a match..these matches took place in WWF house shows all accross the country, so enjoy Humanoids. Up first it's chico and paco against the Hart Foundation II 89%

    The Immortals have TAKEN OVER the Bobby Heenan show

    Joel Gertner gained overness from this segment.


    Strike Force d. Hart Foundation II

    Squash Match from somewhere in Detriot....

    Overall 63

    Crowd: 54

    Match: 72




    Heenan " You know Hogan...I was wrong about you all these years! It's about time that you take a stand! It's about time that you take a stand against those big shots like Russo, Brisco who thinks thier so tough! But the big PPV is coming up, and it's 5 of you, against 5 of them..in a best of 5 series...winner gets control of the WWF Presidency

    HOgan" That's right dude! Ya see First things first dude! First, at the PPV we get that Smokey Mountain Wrestling Championship off of the Dirty White Slob, Tony Anthony!! (They all laugh) And the man that's going to do it is..pound for pound..the biggest, strongest, baddest Hillbilly in all the WWF! Hillbilly Jim!

    Hillbilly Jim is too busy taunting Joel Gertner & Lord Alfred Hayes with a pile of pigs he brought with him. ugh They cut to commercial Break. 97%




    Hogan (Hogan is still talking..apparently he didn't even know that the show went to a commercial break... "...And brother, then we take the SMW TAg Team Titles! Because I know, dude, that My team the Dream Team will easily kick the butts of any of those other teams! I mean, c'mon? The Rock and Roll Express? Strike Force? The Steiner Brothers? No one compares to the Dream Team dude!

    Levesque and Beeface are too busy a few feet away still cutting Lord Alferd's hair. They gave him a mohawk. 94%

    Brutus Beefcake gained overness from this segment.


    Kamala d. The Sandman

    Bobby Heenan made a comment about Kamala 'wearing a dress', during this match. He then said that the dress should be used as a hat to cover up Alfred Haye's ugly haircut.

    Overall 60

    Match: 59

    Crowd: 62




    Paul Levesque leaves to use the Bathroom. In the corridor, he meets up with Yokozuna...he accidently bumps shoulder's with him...knocking Levesque down...Levesque starts a fit

    LevesqueGood Lord man! Did you just see what you did to me! You attacked me! You attacked me with your right tit! (Late night TV) You attacked me with your tit! How dare you!! (Yoko has no idea what Triple H...err Jean Paul Levesque is saying.) You bloody fat arse! No one hits this body with thier bloody tit!! That's it!! You find a partner...tommorow night on RAW....you'll battle us! The Dream Team! And we'll show you...YOU fat tit striking freak!70%

    Jean Paul Levesque gained overness from this segment.


    We go back to the Brain..they hear Levesque's tirade. Hogan sends Brutus Beefake out to see what his partner is going on about.

    Heenan "So Hogan, I know these Humanoids don't deserve it, but tell us more about Agent Steve Blackman! His first to matches in the WWF have a total time of under a minute!"

    Hogan "I'll just let this little video do the talking dude!

    Hogan is narrating a rather long peace that talks about Agent Steve Blackman's past. According to Hogan, Blackman once was a high ranking official for Thai Secret Service. And..as an officer of that Government, he had to learn over 40 different Martial Arts..they say he has mastered it..shown by his perfect execution of the pump kick, that sent Brian Lee out of the WWF. Crazy. 98%

    Agent Steve Blackman gained overness from this segment.


    They take us back to where Yokozuna is STILL being berated by Levesque...Bob Backlund, who was upstairs taping a promo for the Real Americans comes to Yoko's defense...

    Backlund "Excuse me son. How old are you?

    Levesque " I'm 24, whats it to you?

    Backlund "Well son..what your doing to Yokozuna isn't very nice. Now I see that you've been haning with the wrong crowd. And----

    Levesque interrupts the 42 year old veteran with a spit shot, that lands right in between his eyes. He simply then, walks off. Laughing at Backlund, who is trying to get the saliva off of his face. 64%

    Jean Paul Levesque gained overness from this segment.


    Rock N Roll Express d. Moondogs w/ Jim Cornette

    Overall: 46

    Crowd: 49

    Match: 42




    They take us to the corrider where Brutus Beefcake is still trying to find Levesque...however, he bumps into Ric Flair, who is alone, as he was making his way down to the Heenan Show Studio

    Beefcake "Well, Well, Well...if ain't Ric 'Nature Boy' Flair...Woo?"

    Flair "I don't know what you and the rest of Hogan's little pals are up to, I want no part of it. Now get out of my face."

    Beefcake (Uneffected) "Ohhh is that the case...well how bout I give you a little, trim up, on that nice beautifal hair of yours....

    Beefcake tries to touch Flairs Hair, Flair pushes Beefcake, causing a shoving match to occur...Katy-Jayne, a new WWF Official sees this and starts screaming for help. At this point Sirens from the distance are heard. It's...It's...WWF Champion, The Mountie & his buddy Carl The Quebecer. The are zooming to the scene of the fight speeding down the hallway on thier little motor pads.

    The Mountie " It's Ok! It's Ok! The Law is here! It's fine!

    The both stop fighting...until the Mountie cheap shots Ric Flair...and the two go into a two on one attack on The Nature Boy..finally..officials break it up before any real damage is done..Flair is livid, and starts screaming...

    Flair "You mess with the Nature Boy? Beefcake!!!? Thats it! Tommorow night on RAW! Yokozuna has a partner!! The Biggest man in the company! Teams with (Flair does a dance) The biggest man in the world! Wooo!!! The Nature Boy!! Yokozuna & Flair against--Woooo!--The Dream Team!! And I want it in my kind of match! Horsemen style!! (He Starts Strutting again) So scum like the Mountie can't interfere!! A Wargames match! Wooo!! That's right a CAGE!! Wooo!!! And Mountie!!! Mountie!! I want you!!! April 27th!! Collision of The Immortals!! For the WWF Title!!! Woooo!!!!"


    Ric Flair lost overness from this segment.




    DWB Tony Anthony d. Sgt. Slaughter - SMW World Heavyweight Title

    By this time, everyone has heard of the ambush attack involving Beefcake, Flair, & The Mountie...and the entire building including the rest of the Immortals are up on the 7th floor--where the attack took place. Bobby Heenan is the only one left, still in the studio along with President Joel Gertner and Lord Alfred Hayes still tied up. Heenan ends this show, as he always had--ignoring the guests--in this case, Hayes & Gertner who are screaming for him to untie them both. In the 'feature' match, DWB and Slaugter wrestled a solid match, where Anthony ended it with his finisher. Jake the Snake was watching Anthony from the isleway...but nothing happened.

    Overall 64

    Crowd: 66

    Match: 62

    Show Quality: 73

    TV Rating: 7.64

    --RAW PREVIEW!--April 11th--Return to the Manhattan Centre!

    War Games Match

    --WWF Title Match-The Mountie faces the winner of a 20 Man Battle Royal..in the same night!

    --The Dream Team vs. Ric Flair & Yokozuna -CAGE!

    --Cowboy Mike Hegstrand vs. The Diamond Studd!

    --Tatanka vs. Professor Marty Jannetty!

    --Round 1 SMW Tag Team Tournament Matches--

    *Slicks Mystery Team vs. The Bushwackers!

    *The Heavenly Boddies vs. Rock N Roll Express!

    *Strike Force vs. Headshrinkers!

    *And Jim Cornette speaks out about his claim to the Reeealll Undertaker to the WWF!!!

    Plus The Debut of...The Dark Patriot!!!!!!

    Raw update up tommrow. Feeback is welcome.

    EDIT**Fixed GWF Top 5 in Staff Meeting Update.

  4. AWA Wrestling

    On ESPN

    user posted image

    Time: 4pm – 5pm ET

    Date: 6/19/86

    Hosts: Lee Marshall & Dr. Slick

    -by Dave Schmeltzer

    AWA on ESPN opened up on with Lee Marshall putting Greg Gagne over big time, for his big win over Scott Hall last week. He also touched on Hall’s less then respectful comments towards Larry ‘The Ax Hennig’, and promised that Curt Hennig would be on TV, tonight, to address everything. Feature matches this week were the AWA debut of Eric Embry, Bad Company’s Pat Tanaka vs. Buddy Rose, and Sgt. Slaughter vs. Larry Zbysco! As the Bigelow’s were heading into the ring, Lee Marshall said that since Joe Blanchard was now an interviewer, he had no idea who his new broadcast partner was, other than that his name was Dr. Slick. At this point, that skinny black man, who was on TV, during the first half of last week’s show, made his way to the broadcast table….

    Marshall: “ Are you Dr. Slick?

    Slick: “ That’s right, Larry! I am Dr. Slick…aptly named because I’m Sliiiiiiccckkk, in everything I do! Right heaa, from da Minneapolis hospital of Slickness! Yeah, baby!

    Marshall: “ Well, ok…this will certainly be interesting! Welcome aboard! Lets get to the ring, where Lou Albano’s & Sherri Martel’s Big Bad Bulls, are ready for action!

    Slick: “ Yeaaah! They is big n’ bad, alright!

    user posted image

    Dr. Slick, from the 'Hospital of Slickness'

    Is now the colour commentator of AWA on ESPN

    - The Big Bad Challenge -

    The Big Bad Bulls (Big Van & Big Bam Bigelow) d. Jerry Lynn & Johnnie Stewart w/ Lou Albano & Sherri Martell

    Marshall & Dr. Slick put over the Bigelow’s huge, citing that they placed the Midnight Rockers in the hospital, since Night Of The Champions. Slick mentioned that that’s why he doesn’t commit himself to one woman. So, he’s a ladies man, too. Marshall promised comments from the Midnight Rockers next week, from their hospital in downtown Minneapolis. Both Bigelows looked quite impressive, mostly because their opponents were less than half their size. Final moments of the match came after the Bigelow Bash, a double turnbuckle avalanche by both men, onto Stewart. After the match, Larry Nelson, made his way into the ring, to get a word with the Bigelows.

    Overall: 65

    Crowd: 46

    Match: 85

    Nelson addressed Sherri, first – asking her of her reasons from calling in Lou Albano & The Bigelows after the young heartthrob team of the Rockers.

    Martel: “ Heartthrob! Heartthrob!! No!! They’re little stuck-up brats! I gave my everything to them—And what did they do? They turned their back on me!!! They ---

    Nelson: “ They wanted nothing to do with you Sherri! They know about your track record! They made it clear that they wanted absolutely nothing to do with the likes of --

    Albano: “ Hey, Hey, you’d better watch it right there Larry Nelson! Because that’s what got the Rockers in trouble in the first place! You see, you treat this lady with respect! That ain’t no way to treat a lady, baby! So Sherri called on me, the Guiding Light, to find the BIGGEST! BADDEST tag team I could find to take out those little brats! And I did just that! Look at these men! [*Crowd Booes*] And now, right here, tonight, baby! Yea, baby! Imma gonna show you how powerful these men are, baby!

    With that, Albano went outside the ring, and brought a small box into the ring. First, he gave a piece of wood to Big Bam Bigelow. After holding it up for a while, Big Bam smashed the piece into two pieces off of his head, which awed the crowd. The crowd now looked at Big Bam’s tattooed head in a different light. Next, Sherri pulled a piece of Iron out of the box that she gave to Big Van Bigelow. Big Van, then bent this piece of iron, awing the crowd once again. After this exhibition was done, Nelson acted as if he’d seen a ghost. To end the interview, Sherri screamed into the mic;

    So Rockers!! You’d better not ever come back!! Cos if you do, MY BIGELOWS are going to rip you apart, just like they did to the wood and iron!! Jannetty, you’re the Iron! Michaels, you’re the Wood! And you’ll both be destroyed!!

    She and Albano laughed all the way to the back, with the Bigelows. Really good segment for them, pushing them as true powerhouses – And further widening the (obvious) size difference between them and the Midnight Rockers. 75%

    Captain Lou Albano gained 3 points of overness from this segment. Bam Bigelow gained 1 point of overness from this segment.


    Wayne Bloom d. Ken Patera

    Another win for Bloom, except unlike last week’s match, this one he looked to have had to earn it. See-saw match here, until the very last moments of the match, where Bloom cradled Patera with a handful of tights. Slick put over Bloom,

    Now, there’s a man who wiiiiiillllllll go a looooongggg way hea in the AWA! Dats a smart, smart, smart man! And Patera just paid!

    Match lagged on just a bit, as Bloom posed in what seemed to be intervals of 30 seconds.

    Overall: 47

    Crowd: 42

    Match: 53

    Ken Patera didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating.

    - Eric Embry’s Piledriver -

    Eric Embry d. ‘Outlaw’ Ron Bass

    Eric Embry had a small backstage interview with Blanchard, putting over his Piledriver. Embry looked good in his debut, as he seemed to have a small following in the crowd. Marshall cited Embry’s past accomplishments in the Texas territories. Very smart of the AWA and Marshall to link Embry to another Texan, the current popular AWA Champion, Kerry Von Erich. Embry nailed Bass with the Piledriver at 6:53.

    Overall: 53

    Crowd: 45

    Match: 61


    - Larry Zbysco vows to win the AWA Title once Again -

    Coming out of the break, Larry Nelson was in the squared circle, and brought at Larry Zbysco. Larry had a lot to say.

    Nelson: “…and if anyone was close to winning that AWA Title, it was you, who actually lost to Von Erich, the tournament winner, during the semi-finals!

    Zbysco: “ Lemme tell ya something Nelson, I had Von Erich beat! I had him defeated! I had him a bloody mess!! Blood was pouring – POURING, out of his head!!

    At 11:30, Zbysco began to set Von Erich up for a superplex. The announcers pushed the idea that if he landed this move, it would be over – lots of stalling here to build heat; Blood was POURING from Von Erich’s head at this point. Zbysco, heavily fatigued, really took some time climbing to the second turnbuckle, and getting set up for the move. Just as he was about to perform the move, Von Erich began to fight back. After a few punches to the head, Zbysco was kicked off the turnbuckle, landing on that ‘bad’ shoulder that had been worked on. DaRusha checked Von Erich’s head, again, as he started to stagger around the ring, with the fans behind him every step of the way.
  5. April 10th, 1994 - WWF Public Meeting - Public Image 82% - $3245123

    We were going great. The industry was at an all time strong level....probably because of the mainstream coverage we got w/ Pearl Jam at Wrestlemania...but besides that, there were a few other things I wanted to address. First off, now that we have a successfully restructered the Upper Card to our liking it was time that we sat down, took a breather to look at our developing roster as a whole, in addition to whats going on around the Wrestling World. I think where doing a good job of keeping the gimmick attraction, but also stressing importants on the belts & wrestling...and of course, the WWF Presidency. Before we go any further, I also hired Eddie Gilbert's brother, Doug. They both were very clear that they didn't want to be 'The Gilbert Brothers' which I totally understand...so I agreed to let Doug Gilbert use his "Dark Patriot" masked Gimmick, and let him continue his GWF feud with the Patriot, later on...when he's over enough. For now, we'll pair him with (also, then-GWF Manager for the Dark Patriot), Bruce Pritchard. It's time that we improved our midcard. I promised to him that I would help GWF get off the ground and defeat ECW, by making some nice donations to the company, so that they can sign some nice free agents. But thats to be discussed in our one on one meeting. I invited the entire Promotion to this meeting...as this was the meeting that would set the groundwork for the WWF-1994 and beyond, and finally overtake WCW in their ratings war. Man, them signing the Ultimate Warrior was huge....Anyway...our booking staff was waiting to make their presentations...lets start off with our Production Man, Tony Carlucci..to get him out of they way...Tony?

    Tony Carlucci -Production - TV Shows

    Monday Night Raw - USA Monday'

    Announcers: Sean Mooney & Bruce Pritchard

    Highest Rating: 7.30

    Last Rating: 7.26

    9 Weeks of Contract Left

    WWF P.H.A.T TV - Fox Thursday

    Announcers: Todd Pettengill & Slick The Doctor of Style

    Highest Rating: 7.61:eek:

    Last Rating: 7.61 :)

    *Note: April 22nd PHAT TV - Features the 16 Team SMW Tag Team Championship Tournament Start..up until the Finals. Final Match at the PPV that weekend; Collision of the Immortals.

    98 Weeks of Contract Left

    The Bobby Heenan Show -

    Host: Bobby The Brain Heenan

    Co-Host: Lord Alfred Hayes

    102 Weeks of Contract Left

    Notes: Alfred kept complaining that he wasn't being used, and that he was a big part of WWF History. Yea. He should be history...But you gotta keep that little bit of 'Old School'.

    Gerald Brisco - Road Agent/Booker - Worker Notes

    I asked Brisco to divide everyone into thier stables/managers...the main guys...the A block, then, list 'everyone else'...as we wanted to stress the continued significance of managers, who are great tools to add flavour to storylines and get Wrestlers over. Overs in (). M=Main Event, U=Upper Card, Mi=Midcard, l=Lower Midcard O=Opener. So Sid Justice would be (m,90). *'s are Top Prospects.

    Faces - A Block

    'The Superstars' (Blame Vince..he loves that name)

    Manager; Superstar Paul Bearer(89)

    Sid Justice(m,90), Giant Gonzales(mi,77), Johhny Smith*(o,61), Bob Backlund & Mike Rotunda - The Real Americans(m,m, 62 & 59)

    'The Hart Foundation'

    Bret Hart(u,88), British Bulldog(u,85), Jim Neidhart & Owen Hart - The New Foundation(mi,l,78,69), Dynamite Kid(l,70)

    Downtown Bruno (67)- Formally Harvey Wipplemann

    He complained that his Harvey Character was 'too goofy', and wanted to go back to what he used to do with Memphis. I checked with Jerry Jarrett. They don't have that name copyrighted.

    Tatanka (u,87), Yokozuna (mi,83), Giant Gonzales(m,77) Lex Luger (mi, 66:lol:) ...Russo ensured that how this odd combination gets together will be made VERY clear on RAW.


    King Jerry Lawler (m, 98:eek:), Shawn Michaels (m,92)

    Tweeners - A Block

    'The Immortals'

    Manager; The Immortal Terry 'Hulk' Hogan (100)

    Brutus Beefcake & Jean Paul Levesque - The Dream Team (m,m,80,23), Agent Steve Blackman*(l,48), Hillbilly Jim(m,63)

    'The Four Horsemen'

    Manager; JJ Dillon (91:eek:, started at 80!)

    Ric Flair(m,96:eek: ), Tully Blanchard & Mr. Perfect - The New Brainbusters(mi,u,69,88), Steve Corino (mi,74)

    'The Angry Cowboys'

    Manager; Cowboy Paul Ellering(70)

    Cowboy Mike Hegstrand [Formally Hawk...now where's a cowboy getup, and caries and bullwhip to the ring:)](u,80), Tommy Rich(o,46), Robert Fuller [aka Col. Rob Parker or Tennesee Lee for those who missed the great oppurtunity to see him wrestle..seriously - you'd be suprised](mi,61), Cowboy Bob Orton(o,48) Dutch Mantell(o,45) [someone here will team...just not sure who, not Hegstrand though, every since Animal Retired, he wants to have a go at the singles life]

    Heels - A Block

    'The Canadian Foundation'

    Manager; 'The Mouth of The South' Jimmy Hart (75)

    The Mountie (u,86:angry: ), Adam Copeland & Christian Cage (o,o,41,41), Carl The Quebecer [stolen, was #1 Star in GWF](l,51), Test Martin (o,18), Road Agent Pat Patterson

    'The Million Dollar Alliance' [This Alliance was 'formed' over the last few months as you could see from the shows...but I figure with Ted Dibiase the #1 fucking heel, we might's well make it official)

    Managers; 'Sensational Sherri(65) & The Genius 'Lanny Poffo'(52)

    The Million Dollar Man(u,97:eek: ), Macho King(m,96),The Diamond Studd (u,90), Proffessor Marty Janetty (m,81) Virgil(l,62)


    Managers; Slick(72) & Trainer Kim Chee(40)

    This will short lived via at TV angle that will take place, separating Slick & Kim Chee from PHAT, turning PHAT face. Slick will go on the Manager the New Team of...Well...just wait...get ready for the promos :)]

    Akeem & The Big Bossman - PHAT(m,m,66,73), PHAT Meanie(l,43), Grand Masta Earthquake(71), Rob Van Dam*(the nameless 25 year old, in dreads-o,51), Goerge Steele(m,76), Kamala (m,63)

    Notes:It looks like The A Block of Villians outnumber the Heroes, but do factor that, their is ONE extra stable in the HEELS, the Tweeners, and another "Phact" that most of PHAT are midcarders.

    The Rest


    Hotstuff Eddie Gilbert 76

    Jake The Snake Roberts 81

    Jerry Sags 70

    Jimmy 'Superfly' Snuka 75

    Sgt. Slaughter 72

    Rick Steiner 63

    Scott Steier 62

    TugBoat 67

    Hacksaw Jim Duggan 73

    The Executioner (Roddy Rowdy Piper Under a Mask) 77

    Lower Midcarders

    Beau Beverly 57 w/ The Genius 52

    Black Tiger (Eddie Guerrero) 57

    Blake Beverly 51

    Butch 65

    Dr. Tom Pritchard 54 w/ Jim Cornette 80

    Stan Lane

    Dirty White Boy Tony Anthony 69

    Fatu 60 w/ Afa 55

    Samu 57

    Rick Martel 69

    Tito Santana 71

    Ricky Morton 63

    Robert Gibson 63

    Skinner 54 (7 Months Injury)

    The Dark Patriot 70 w/ Bruce Pritchard (Formally Brother Love) 70


    Hiroyoshi Tenzan* 60

    Satoshi Kojima* 50

    Hayabusa 40 --Inury

    John Hawk 40

    Lash Leroux* 42

    New Jack 45

    The Taylor Made Man 53 w/ Alexandria York 70 I figure since we have him...and he's OK...might as well use him to some extent. I thank JJ Dillon for pulling some strings with his 'friends' at WCW to allow us to use a name they created)

    Repo Man*Going to use him for an upcoming midcard angle 53

    Moondog Rex 38 w/ Jim Cornette

    Moondog Spot 38

    Stevie Richards 48

    Berzerker 40

    The Roadie 47

    Rockabilly 43


    Captain Lou 73...since he got dumped by Steele..will now manager...The Bushwackers.

    President Joel Gertner 44 Making his Major League debut in this role

    Mr. Fuji 63

    Wow! What a roster! Do keep in mind that alot of the 'excess baggage is to help get pushed talent over...Doug Gilbert aka The Dark Patriot told me that he wanted to do the C.A.R.T.E.L angle, that he and his brother once did in the GWF. I said go crazy...we need to spice up our midcarders and move foward.

    Pat Patterson - VWF Booker - VWF Workers - Development Territory

    I wish I can fired all of these people...But good ol' Pat really wanted to 'run' his own promotion. So, I say...fine. It can't hurt. Oh well...just wait until thier contract runs out. ::evil laugh::

    Barry Hardy

    Brooklyn Brawler

    Damien Demento

    Demolition Crush

    Demolition Nova

    Doink The Clown (Bringing up next month for Cartel angle)

    Jack Tunney :lol:

    Jim Powers

    John Hawk

    Johnnathon Tower (Glen Ruth)

    Koko B. Ware

    Papa Shango (Cartel)

    Scott Taylor

    Paul Roma* [Just...because :)]

    PJ Walker

    Kamakazi Kid

    Note: BTW, in Building our midcard our 'card quality' may not be as high as it's always been...but thats the price you have to pay when building talent...just a note...hey...its our Meeting! I can babble all I want! 60 year old writer Ted Stanely calmy asks me to sit back down. ::sorry::

    Katy-Jayne Myers -New Writer - Feuds (Russo was complaining he needed more people on his writing staff. Katey is 23, and has a talent of 90. God bless computer generated staffers).

    The Mountie-Ric Flair 86

    Jerry Lawler-The Million Dollar Man 90

    Shawn Michaels-Diamond Studd 95

    Cowboy Mike Hegstrand-Bret Hart 75

    The Dream Team-The Real Americans 60 (Starting heat)

    DWB Tony Anthony-Jake Roberts 76 :) (Starting Heat)

    New Jack vs. The Dark Patriot 28 (Starting heat)


    --The Mountie WWF Champion Value 86 (Up from a dismal 83..getting there..good job Jacques...keep singing)

    --The Million Dollar Man I-C Champion Value 86

    --PHAT WWF Tag Team Champions Value 67 (Holders since November 1993)

    --DWB Tony Anthony Smokey Mountain Wrestling Heavyweight 67

    Other Belts

    --SMW Tag Team -Vacant

    --WWF King 55 Jerry Lawler

    --Million $ Belt 43 Million Dollar Man

    --Good Citizen's Trophy 44 Ray Rougeau

    Top 5 Heroes

    1. Jerry Lawler

    2. Shawn Michaels

    3. Sid Justice

    4. Superstar Paul Bearer (Manager)

    5. Bret Hart

    Top 5 Villians

    1. Terry H. Hogan (Manager)

    2. The Million Dollar Man

    3. The Macho kIng

    4. JJ Dillon (Manager)

    5. The Diamond Studd

    Well..3 out of the top 5 are from the Million Dollar Alliance...which is fine...while the other two are managers of the other Heel groups..which is perfect. If Flair was a face or heel he would be number 2 on either list. But he is convienently a tweener.

    Shane McMahon - Booker/Referee - The Competition

    It's no secret in the Wrestling World that we are secretly giving the GWF grants, as we want them to beat ECW in the regional race for popularity. The Global Wrestling Federation & The World Wrestling Federation - PARTNERS IN 94.

    Eastern Championship Wrestling

    Risk: 90% PI 79% Regional

    Top 5

    1. Terry Funk

    2. Paul Heyman

    3. Don Muraco

    4. Johnny Grunge

    5. Rocco Rock

    Global Wrestling Federation

    Risk: 80% PI 75% Regional

    Top 5

    1. Tank Abbot

    2. Iceman Ice Persons

    3. Don Muraco

    4. Rod Price

    5. Fake Razor Ramon

    United States Wrestling Association

    Risk: 60% PI 15% Cult

    Top 5

    1. Jeff Jarret

    2. Brian Christopher

    3. The Fabulous Moolah

    4. Terry Gordy

    5. Stan Hansen

    World Championship Wrestling

    Risk: 35% PI 92% Global

    Top 5

    1. Sting

    2. Big Van Vader

    3. Rick Rude

    4. Ron Simmons

    5. The Ullllllltimate WArrior:)

    Piledriver Wrestling (Bruce Hart)

    Risk: 10% PI 40% Small

    Top 5

    1. Little Guido

    2. Robby Rage

    3. Jerry Flynn

    4. Chad Fortune

    5. The Colorado Kid

    There it is...WWF '94, all...mapped out...Other shows up soon...Feedback on the state of our company....what we should do with who, who we should fire, other stuff, anything...is always appreciated.


    April 7th, 1994 - Fox Sports

    Announcers: Todd Pettengill & 'The Doctor Of Style' Slick

    Before the show started, there was a 5 minute tribute Video, to WWF Booker (or as they say on TV-'Matchmaker';)), Gerald Brisco..with footage of him and his brother Jack Brisco, leading the legendary Brisco Brothers Team to victory over many great former WWF Stars.

    PHAT TV opens up with hosts Todd Pettengill and Slick tied up on the floor...in thier spots...Terry H. Hogan & Hillbilly Jim! Hogan & Hillbilly open up the match, hyping up the PPV..Collision of the Immortals

    Terry" Hello; Hulkamaniacs, it's the Immortal Terry Hogan here with HillBilly Jim, the strongest man in the WWF!

    HillBilly" That sho' is right Hulkster! And Terry, with you as mah manager, I know that all is well...but I got something I wanna say. Ya'll know we got this PPV coming up, April 28th, just about 3 weeks April 26th, 1994, Collsion's of The Immortals! Best of 5! If we win; that WWF Presidency is all Yours! So allow this mean ol' Hillbilly to make the first challenge! I challenge YOU DIRTY WHITE BOY!! Thats right, I'm challenging the SMW Heavyweight champion to a match, and I want that dang title on the line!

    Terry" Thats right brother! That big waist needs a title around it doesn't it Hillbilly?! (They both laugh, evilishly) Now, all that remains brother, is who else is going to wrestle dude! Here are our wrestlers that will wrestle at that PPV; HillBilly Jim vs. DWB Tony Anthony, The Dream Team vs. ?, Cowboy Mike Hegstrand (Formally Hawk) vs. ?, Robert Fuller vs. ?, Terry H. Hogan vs. Gerald Brisco,. WHICH OF YOU WWF GOOBERS ARE GOING TO STEP UP TO THE PLATE AND FACE THE IMMORTALS, and the Angry Cowboys!? And , Brother, tonight!!! THE DREAM TEAM MAKES THIER DEBUT, against ANY WWF TEAM!!!!" They leave, as the opening credits start, as Slick & Pettengill are untied by officials...86

    Hillbilly Jim gained overness from this segment.


    Johnny Smith w/ Superstar Paul Bearer d. Sgt. Slaugther

    Overall: 67

    Crowd: 60

    Match: 75

    Sgt. Slaughter lost overness from this match. Johnny Smith gained overness from this match.

    The Mountie is walking around, leading the Canadian Foundation around. Boy...they are all taking turns singing to the Mountie, his song...Until they bump into Rick Flair and the rest of the Horsemen. Big pop for Ric Flair...Flair and the Mountie stared each other down, as the rest of the Foundation were shock from the presence of 'The Nature Boy'...After a 2 minute stare down, Mountie yells 'Woooo!!!'; laughs, and continues to sing, leading the rest of the Foundation back to thier locker room...Perfect tells Flair, that he has 'The Perfect Plan...' 84%

    ADVERTS--**A highlight is shown of Mark Callous running out of the Press conferance room, as he read a note from James E. Cornette, stating that HE was bringing the Undertaker to the WWF......**

    Steve Blackman w/ Terry H. Hogan d. Brian Lee

    Steve Blackman nailed Brian Lee with the chest pump kick in 21.3 seconds. After the match Brian Lee was experiencing wierd ass spasms. It was like...he was....DEAD. Medics raced to the ring, as the announcers made it very clear that we would not be seeing Brian Lee ever again. Looks like thier getting Lee ready for his 'Undertaker' Role.

    Overall: 60

    Crowd: 47

    Match: 73

    Brian Lee lost overness from this match. Agent Steve Blackman gained overness from this match.


    Gene Okerland was backstage with Jake The Snake Roberts. Gene, first annoucned that he will be co-hosting the Bobby Heenan show, this Saturday, with Bobby, and that he has had some great moments from the 1987 show...which was ALSO on USA. Jake Roberts talked about loosing the SMW Championship match to Tony Anthony. He then noted how Tony Anthony was challenged for that belt by Hillbilly Jim, and how he would 'hate for anything to happen to Tony, before the PPV'. Very eerie. 76%

    The Million Dollar Man d. Cowboy Mike Hegstrand - IC CHAMPION

    Dibiase beat Hegstrand with the Million Dollar Dream in 7:33 of a short brawled filled match. The Crowd was into it though, as Hegstrand is part of the Angry Cowboys and Ted has acquired monster heel heat since his feud with Lawler...After the match, Bret Hart ran down the isle to a huge pop...and started beating on Paul Ellering, Hegstrands manager...he than grabbed the mic;

    Hey, Hawk! Whats the matter? You're not doing any more Road Warroiring? What happened? Since your boy Animal retired, you're trying to be a singles star? Well; I noticed that you don't have an opponent at 'Collision of the Immortals!'...Well now you do! Lets see what your made of--OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH WHAT A RUSH!!!! (crowd is laughing and popping for Bret Big.)

    Overall: 81

    Crowd: 88

    Match: 65

    Professor Jannetty w/ The Genius DDQ Shawn Michaels

    This match was cut short...when Diamond Studd appeared on the Titan Tron...he was with Sensational Sherri...and the Macho King...King was busy throwing darts at pictures of Sid Jusitce...She was crying...

    Sensational Sherri"....Shawn....Shawn.....Remember, that night in the Hotel Room.....(Shawn gives a confused look)....

    Shawn...I'M PREGNANT!! With Your child!!!

    Shawn stares at the Titan Tron blankly, as Diamond Studd points at Shawn, and starts laughing. The announcers dont' buy into it...they insist that this is just the work of Diamond Studd....who is bitter after loosing at Wrestlemania to Michaels.....

    Overall: 80

    Crowd: 83

    Match: 76


    PHAT d. The Studds (Rob Fuller & Dutch Mantell)

    I hope they hired most of those Cowboys for the sole purpose of getting talent over...besides being the 'bodyguards' of the Immortals. Because i really don't want want to see Fuller & Mantell reform that Studd Stable. Though, they weren't given a fair chance in this match, as the crowd was stilling buzzing from the whole Proffessor Jannetty-Michaels-Sherr-Diamond Studd segment.

    Overall: 51

    Crowd: 46

    Match: 57

    This match suffered because the crowd were still pumped up from the last one, and so this bout was seen as something of a let-down to them.

    George 'The Animal' Steele d. Giant Gonzales

    Well, here ya got Giant Gonzales, who just can't wrestle, or move. Then you have the old George Steele. But despite that, Steele was doing his act from the 70's as a full fledged heel. Kim Chee & Slick distracted the ref while George Pounded Giant Gonzales with anything he found underneath the ring. He did his patented turnbuckle spot, through Gonzales into the exposed rale, and SOMEHOW, got Gonzales in the arm hammerlock drop. Crowd was responding. Oh..and it looks like Superstar Paul Bearer has dumped the giant immobile dope.

    Overall: 55

    Crowd: 72

    Match: 18


    The Dream Team (Paul Levesque & Brutus Beefcake) d. Sid Justice & Jerry Lawler

    Giant Gonzalez basically no-sold everything, which ruined the match.

    Dream team stood in the ring with Terry H. Hogan, as he called out ANY tag team to face the 'greatest Tag Team in the History of the WWF'. The two big faces in the company, Jerry Lawler & Sid Justice came out. Justice spent most of the match being the Superman, no-selling all of Beefcakes strikes...The end of the match saw Terry Hogan distract the ref...Sid Justice ran over to Hogan, but Hogan ran away...while all of this was going on, Brutus Beefcake was thrown his giant Sheers by Levesque, and used them on Lawler, for the 1..2..3! Good reaction, especially since this match had a virtual unknown (Levesque-over=18), in the Main Event...PHAT TV went off the air with the Dream Team posing in the ring.

    Jean Paul Levesque gained overness from this match. Sid Justice basically no-sold everything, which ruined the match.

    Card Quality: 65

    TV Ratings: 7.61 :eek:

    EDIT*Bobby Heenan show up next. My try at translating that goofy show that Vince gave to Heenan during the late 80s...(which actually happened...and how great...it was on USA..just like my new show...)

    also a great oppurtunity to get talent over via Interviews (It was prodimately a talk show), and via SQUASH matches....

  7. user posted image

    April 4th 1994 -Monday Night Raw -

    Channel: USA Network

    Venue: Manhattan Centre, New York

    Attendance: 9004

    Announcers: Sean Mooney & Brother Love


    Dave Schmeltzer

    Raw opens up with George 'The Animal' Steele, sitting alone in the back watching TV. He is watching old wrestling tapes of the 70's of when he used to be a heel; and 'crazy' rather than 'goofy'. He's starting to realise he's getting old...and if he wants to see success, he's going to have to change his image. Suddenly, he here's the Slicksters voice from the door.

    Slick "That's right MAH BROTHAAA Animal STeele!!! Man oh man what a cWWazzzzzzyyyyy Mofo you USED, to be! Man, I used to love That 'Animal' Steele! "

    George is suprised to see Slick..he just replies "Me?"

    At that point, Captain Lou Albano comes in and yells; "George! Here's yoru Teddy Bear! Get away from Slick!"

    George replies by lunging a chair straight at Captain Lou's head. He backs Lou into a corner, Lou is afraid for his life...Suddenly Kim Chee runs in, and 'tames' George The Animal Steel! Steele leaves the room, with his new trainer Kim Chee, and manager, Slick!58%

    George the Animal Steele's turn was completed, and he is now a heel. George the Animal Steele gained overness from this turn. George the Animal Steele lost overness from this segment. Captain Lou Albano lost overness from this segment.


    -Superstar Paul Bearer Motivates the Faces-

    Paul Bearer is in the locker room with his man Sid Justice--who is heavily bandaged from the attack of the Immortals at Wrestlemania--, and President Joel Gertner...they are addressing the entire face division of the WWF. All faces are present accept for Bret Hart. Paul tells everyone that it's a very dark time right now, as Terry H. Hogan has brought a bunch of his friends in; The Immortals, and his 'backup' the Angry Cowboys. Suddenly, they are interrupted by Dr. Tom Pritchard...who was acquired by the WWF via there buy out of Smokey Mountain Wrestling...he gives Mark Callous a note...it read.

    "I have brought the Undertaker here...and he's coming for your blood, first....signed, James E. Cornette"

    Callous runs out...Paul continues his speech. Paul notes how not only are 'The Immortals' in the WWF, but all 3 major WWF titles are in the hands of villians. He tells everyone to band together...and they will be able to overcome this dark state that the WWF is in...He stresses that Sid Justice will lead the way, 'to salvation'. They give Superstar Paul a long applause...Superstar Paul is about to introduce President Joel Gertner, so that he may address the superstars, but they are interrupted by The Mountie, who comes crashing in the room through the door, onto the Floor...behind him is a very pissed off Bret Hart. 86%

    -The Hitman takes his frustration out on the new WWF Champion-

    Bret Hart burst into the 'meeting room' yelling, at the Mountie! Mountie was quite a bloody mess. He was pleading for Bret to stop, and was saved when Joel Gertner & Superstar Paul Bearer were forced to restrain Bret Hart who has gone mad. President Gertner said that, Bret will get a return match for the WWF title, later tonight...as long as he stopped the attack on the Mountie....88%

    -President Gertner Gets Down To Business-

    President Gertner announced to everyone the start of a WWF Tag Team Tournament to crown new "Smokey Mountain Wrestling Tag Team Champions"...It looks like their going to have two Tag Team Title belts. Gertner announced the teams who were entered into the Tournament thus far...;Strike Force

    The Headshrinkers

    Demolion (Demolition Nova & Demolition Crush)

    The Moondogs (Rex & Spot)

    The Perfect Team (Tully Blanchard & Mr. Perfect)

    The Bushwakers

    The Hart Foundation II (Copeland & Cage)

    The Studds (Dutch Mantell & Robert Fuller-aka Col. Rob Parker)

    Gertner added that the finals will take place at the brand new May Pay Per View; Massacre in May.

    ...Then Gertner brought up, Terry H. Hogan's new stable, The Immortals. Everyone got real quiet. Until, Hacksaw Jim Duggan started making noise;

    Duggan " Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I mean..Hooooooooooeeeeeeee!!! Good ol' Hacksaw Jim Duggan's as ready as ever to take down those MORTALS!!! (Everyone cheers!)

    Terry Hogan!! Bring your new man; Agent Steve Blackman to the ring tonight! Good ol' Hacksaw Jim Duggan will give Blackman, a big ol' Black Eye!!! Hooooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!

    Everyone cheers Hacksaw, and leaves the room, fired up....66%

    Joel Gertner gained overness from this segment. Agent Steve Blackman gained overness from this segment.:)


    -The Bobby Heenan Show Will Return!!!-

    Heavenly Bodies w/ Jim Cornette d. The Steiners

    This match was basically a match for Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan stopping by the Announcers table to plug his new show. Heenan announced, that after a little over 7 years, of not being on the air, The Bobby Heenan show returns, on Saturday, April 11th, 1994 on USA! Heenan said that his first guest will be, new WWF President Joel Gertner! Its great to see James E. Cornette in the WWF.

    Overall: 60

    Crowd: 56

    Match: 64

    -The Angry Hillbilly starts the fire-

    Bam Bam Bigelow d. Lex Luger

    After Bam Bam won this squash, HillBilly Jim came running down the isle and used his giant pitchfork to make short work out of both, Bam Bam, and Lex Luger. Hillbilly Jim, then picked up Lex Luger and gave him the Torture Rack...showing off his 'enormous strength'. After tha, he did the 'guest ring announcing for the introduction of the Immortal's own, Agent Steve Blackman.

    Overall: 66

    Crowd: 67

    Match: 64

    Lex Luger was sluggish and didn't put much effort in.

    Agent Steve Blackman d. Hacksaw Jim Duggan

    Hillbilly Jim" Ya'll listen to me, and Ya'll listen good! (Crowd starts throwing debris at Hillbilly) Ya'll better get up on your feet! Everyone in the WWF should watch this next man wrassle! Ladies and gentleman, The Immortals give you, the man that is going to lead our manager, Terry H. Hogan to the WWF Presidency--I give you, straight out of the hands of the secrect service...the master of over 420 Martial Arts! Ladies and germs, Ya'll stand up, and put dose hands t'gether....for AGENT STEVE BLACKMAN!"

    Blackman won the match in 20.3 seconds with a quick pump kick to Hacksaw's chest which knocked him out cold. He was, then carried out of a stretcher....

    Overall: 53

    Crowd: 54

    Match: 51

    Hacksaw Jim Duggan lost overness from this match. Agent Steve Blackman gained overness from this match.

    -The Immortals Hold up the Show-

    At this point, Steve Blackman continue to beat on Hacksaw Jim Duggan.

    HillBilly Jim then grabs Tony Carculli, production man at ringside, and 'warns' him not to go into commercial break. Brisco and Russo run down the isle saying that they don't want any trouble, right now...as they'd like to just get on with the show. A Brief picture is shown on the Titan Tron of Joel Gertner, hiding underneath his desk. Suddenly, the crowd goes into an uproar...Terry Hogan is walking down the isle, and he's got The Dream Team with him....

    Terry H. Hogan" (Laughing), the crowd is booing, and chanting Hogan sucks.) Brother, Brother, Brothers! Ha! Ha! Ya see! I told you dude! Never mess with the Hulkster! (small group of Hogan cult fans cheer...but the majority of the crowd is in an uproar)

    I told you brother, that we were going to take the WWF by storm brother! All I wanted to do was become WWF President dude!

    (Russo yells out...barely audible on TV, "Yea, so you can push all of your buddies to the top!")

    But no! The WWF said they're going in another direction dude! Well brother, you're right, the WWF is going into another direction, and it's OUR DIRECTION!!!! That's right dude, we are going to take over the WWF one-by-one! And it starts out with those brand new belts that were brough here from Smokey Mountain Wrestling dude! Yea, that's right, I'm entering the Dream Team into the SMW Tag Team Title Tournament!!! And brother, once we've got those titles; we're going to gobble up those WWF Tag Team titles, too!(crowd ohhs and ahhs) " Brutus Beefcake chimes in.

    Beefcake" Hehehe, and don't worry fans; I won't use any illegal weapons during our matches! Hehehehe! " Brutus caresses his giant Sheers. Sick. Just Sick.

    ***Gerald Brisco jumps in the ring...what courage.

    " Hogan! Let me make one thing real clear to you! Ain't no chance in Hell that we're going to let That Barber and your little blue-blood friend, Jean Paul Levesque take ANY sanctioned titles in the WWF!!!

    (he walks around Hogan....this is getting intense)

    But...Hogan...as you know our next PPV, is named Collision of The Immortals....And I say OUR next PPV, becaues I'm not including any Has Beens (looks at Hogan, and Hillbilly, or any NEVER WAS'S (looks at Levesque, Beefcake & Blackman) . I propose, a little best of 5 night of fights. You pick 4 wrasslers from your group of 'Immortals', and I'll pick 4 wrasslers from the WWF...ONE NIGHT ONLY...If our team wins the series, You and your group of thugs get regulated to staff members...And by staff members I mean, custodians, Refs, Ring mechanics--ya know..what your good at. (Crowd Laughs...The Immortals are interested)...And if we loose, which we won't--THE WWF PRESIDENCY IS YOURS! Ohh, and Hogan...the Main Event? The Last match? The 5th match--should we need it...will be GERALD BRISCO VS. TERRY H. HOGAN. One Time Only; you are allowed to wrestle!!!"

    Russo is shocked. Its been years since Gerald Brisco has hit the squared circle, teaming with Jack Brisco, to make the legendary Brisco Tag Team....The announcers are also in a state of shot, as a quick, sudden commercial break is taken. 93%

    Brutus Beefcake gained overness from this segment. Jean Paul Levesque gained overness from this segment.


    -The SMW Heavyweight Champion crosses paths...with a snake-

    'Dirty White Boy' Tony Anthony d. Jake Roberts

    Well, its great that they brought in the SMW titles with thier purchase of Smokey Mountain...Tony Anthony...to establish himself as a face said that he was putting the SMW title on the line in his debut. After his victory...Jake Roberts shook his hand...then nailed him with the DDT. Crowd turned on Roberts instantly for his act of villany.

    Overall: 72

    Crowd: 74

    Match: 70

    Jake Roberts lost overness from this match. DWB Tony Anthony gained overness from this match. Jake Roberts's turn was completed, and he is now a heel. Jake Roberts gained overness from this turn. The SMW Heavyweight title has gained in image.

    -President Gertner brings out I-C rematch Contract-

    Gertner came out...scared for his life that the Immortals were still in the building...but he announced that because of The Million Dollar Man 'paying off' Mr. Perfect to soften up Lawler at Wrestlemania, he would be ordering a rematch between the two, to take place at May Massacre. Lawler came out first; to a deafening Lawler chant. Why isn't he feuding with the Mountie? I guess the WWF has other plans for the Mountie. Dibiase came out second, with his new I-C title. Virgil was holding the Million $ Title. How cute. After they signed the contract Jerry Lawler with swiftness snatched the Million $ Title from Virgil and ran. Dibiase, angered slapped Virgil...then the two started chasing Lawler...into the back...up the stairs....around the corner....down the escalalater....out the fire exit, and into a dark alley. By this time, Ted Dibiase and Virgil had already lost the King of the WWF. At that point...we heard Lawler's son, Brian Christopher yell, "Hey Ted! Virgil! Over here!."

    Witht that 30 disgusting, grotesque homeless poor bums jumped and mugged Virgil and Dibiase!! When the carnage was done...they had stripped the Million Dollar Man, and Virgil of thier expensive suits! Dibiase and Virgil were forced to run around outside, using the I-C, and Million $ Belts, to cover up thier 'crown jewels'. (Crowd was laughing hysterically) 99% :eek:


    The Mountie d. Bret Hart -WWF Title

    Great, long Brutal Match. As a distraction for the whole match, the Mountie 'requested that; "His Theme Song be Played WHILE WRESTLING". He insisted that he could make this request...since he IS the Newwww Champion. Crowd was into this one every bit of the way. After Mountie won the match, Ric Flair walked down the isle; led by JJ Dillon and the rest of the Horsemen. He walked up to the Mountie, and after about 2 minutes of a long stare down, yelled 'Woooooooooo!!!!!!!, right in the Mountie's face.....

    Overall: 87

    Crowd: 89

    Match: 83

    The Mountie gained overness from this match. The Mountie lost overness from this feud ending. Bret Hart lost overness from this feud ending. The WWF World title has gained in image.

    Show Quality

    Card Quality: 72

    TV Rating: 7.26 (Wow Wrestling is big in THIS 94!)

    The Competion

    WCW Monday Night WAR 7.62

  8. user posted imageuser posted image

    Live, March 24th 1994...From the Air Canada Centre, Toronto Canada!!

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    And so the festivities began with Vince Russo and JJ Dillon discussing the card, at length during the 30 minute 'Free WWF-Action Zone', which took place live, and was the setting of the dark march, Eddie Gilbert vs. Yozozuna

    Vince Russo"In just a few moments we will start off, what is going to be the most ground shaking Wrestlemania ever! But the big question on everyone's mind is who is going to be the new WWF President?"

    JJ Dillon" Well before you bring him out Russo, I've got a big annoucement! Tonight, during Wrestlemania, Lex Luger's replacement in the Horsemen will be announced & revealed, and will make an impact tonight!

    Russo (After showing 'shock' on his face - The House mic is now on)..."Ok, at this time, I would like to bring out the man who will be making all of the decisions from now on, in the WWF. We expect him to bring the WWF to new heights during the year of 1994, and beyond! He is the new WWF President; And ya know, I've heard alot of names being thrown out there...From the lovely Miss Elizabeth, to even Eric Bishoff, an announcer down in Atlanta; and despite internet rumours it is NOT Terry 'Hulk' Hogan! We 'aint staying in the past, like Hogan would LIKE us to! Ladies and Gentleman; please welcome, the young, very charasmatic....President Joel Gertner!"

    Out comes, the former ring announcer of Eastern Championship Wrestling...little is known of him, so he just gets the 'polite applause'. He is wearing you typical 'ring announcer' outfit. He says that he's going to toughen up the WWF, so that it's a 'Lean, Mean, Buff, Tower of Power', like himself'...The crowd laughed. Gertner said that his first act as President is to organize the start of a WWF Tag Team Tournament! The winning Team would get a shot at the Champions, whoever they may be, at the next WWF Pay Per View; Collision of The Immortals!. Gertner joined Russo & Dillon for commentary, for the rest of 'The Action Zone'. Crowd cheered as Yokozuna made his way down the isle, for the first match--the Dark Match...of Wrestlemania...

    Hotstuff Eddie Gilbert vs. Yokozuna w/ Mr. Fuji

    Feud Heat 73

    The match began with Yokozuna winning a series of power moves over Gilbert...crowd was solidly behind Yokozuna. For much of the match Gilbert was running away from Yokozuna, before catching him with cheap shots. Crowd started a small 'Gilbert Sucks' chant...which got Gilbert heated. At 8:55 into the match, The Doctor of Style Slick's 'P.H.A.T.', music began to play...Slick came down to the ring, and got referee Joey Marella's attention...He started complaining that the referees don't listen to enough 'funk & soul'...while he was arguing with the ref, the Ugandan Giant Kamala, ran down the isle into the ring, wielding a Kendo Stick, with his trainer Kim Chee right behind! Kamala started giving Yokozuna chops to the throat, while Kim Chee got a chair...Kamala continued with the chops, which had Yokozuna staggering -- finally Kim Chee jumped in the ring, and nailed Yokozuna with 3 stiff chair chots. Finally, Kamala hit him with a fourth shot, with the Kendo Stick, which sent him tumbling down!]

    Slick let the referee go--allowing for Gilbert to get the easy three count! Slick grabbed the mic after the match, and said that all will soon hail the 'PHAT Ugandan Giant' Did the referee think that Slick came all the way down to the ring, just to 'argue' with him?**1/4

    Overall: 67

    Crowd: 77

    Match: 72

    Yokozuna was sluggish and didn't put much effort in. Yokozuna lost overness from this match. Hot Stuff Eddie Gilbert gained overness from this match. Yokozuna lost overness from this feud ending. Hot Stuff Eddie Gilbert gained overness from this feud ending.

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    Kamala has made an impact, on the 'WWF Action Zone', minutes before the Pay Per View Start


    Vince McMahon, opened the show with Bobby The Brain Heenan, citing that this Pay Per View would change the WWF 'forever'. Heenan commented, that he hadn't seen this many Canadians in one building, since the Stanely Cup.

    P.H.A.T vs. The Steiner Brothers - WWF Tag Team Championship

    Feud Heat 83

    -Steiners Challenge P.H.A.T to Title match

    -Steiners appear with 'Rock Star' Billy Corgan at Royal Rumble; confrontation with P.H.A.T

    -P.H.A.T attacks Steiners backstage with their 'dogs'.

    Slick led the entire P.H.A.T stable down to the ring in support of Akeem & The Big Bossman, but after what Kamala did during the Action Zone, the referee (Arnold Skaaland), ordered the rest of P.H.A.T, especially Kamala, to the back. Rob Van Dam, and Grandmaster Earthquake manned a pack of wild dogs. Bossman starting out the match with Scott Steiner. Steiner danced all over Bossman, using his amateur wrestling style to overcome Bossman's brawling. Akeem tagged in, when Rick was in, and the two did a couple of funny dancing spots, which had the crowd laughing.The match ended at 11:59, when Bossman nailed Scott w/ The Bossman slam, and Akeem following up with a big splash, for the victory!At 12:34, After the end of an entertaining match, two workers appeared to be running from the crowd, into the ring!! It was Brutus Beefcake & Jean Paul Levesque!! The entire crowd was at a state of shock! Up until this point, these two only made ONE appearance, and that was two weeks ago on RAW, just standing being Terry 'Hulk' Hogan! When they got in the ring, Brutus struck, both Bossman & Akeem with his giant shears, while Levesque layed two stiff chair shots on the Steiners sending both teams over the top rope, to the arena floor! Levesque, then nosold Slick's punch from behind, then held him hostage as Brutus Beefcake did a little talking;

    "Brutus Beefcake is back in the WWF, brother! And you know, a while ago, I lead a great tag team called The Dream Team, to new heights in the WWF! We held those tag team titles for over 7 months! I carried that team! But now I found a partner that is equal to my greatness! I found someone who is better than the last partner! I have found, Jean Paul Levesque!! And this is the real Dream Team!!!!"

    Suddenly a horde of WWF Officials, led by Russo and Brisco hit the ring, and start yelling to The Dream Team; 'Where's your buddy Hogan!? Is he here!?'. The Dream Team left, just the way they came in; through the crowd; with all questions unanswered.**

    Overall: 63

    Crowd: 75

    Match: 64

    Akeem gained overness from this feud ending. Big Bossman gained overness from this feud ending. Rick Steiner lost overness from this feud ending. Scott Steiner lost overness from this feud ending. The WWF Tag Team titles have gained in image.

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    Brutus Beefcake, used his illegal giant sheers to make an impact for himself and former WCW Wrestler Jean Paul Levesque; The Dream Team.

    Ray Rougeau & Sgt. Slaugther vs. The British Bulldog - WWF War Games Style Match [Cage] (British Bulldog & Dynamite Kid

    Feud Heat 83 (Ray Rougeau vs. Jim Neidhart)

    -Jim Neidhart & Ray Rougeau formed the Canadian Connection Tag Team

    -As a result of the Canadian Foundation shake-up, the Canadian Connection Splits up.

    -Ray insists that he always carried the team.

    -The British Bulldogs makes a suprise appearnce at WWF Arsenal, taking out the Canadian Foundation

    -Jim Neidhart checks into rehab.

    -Dynamite Kid announced as Bulldog's new partner.

    Ray Rougeau announced Sgt. Slaughter as his partner, and the 'only American that he trusts'. This got Slaughter plenty o' booes. This match turned out to be better than it looked on paper, though Ray Rougeau and Dynamite Kid are two strong mat technicians. Slaughter walked out the door in 1:54 of the match. The idea was that The Bulldogs 'wanted to get their hands on Rougeau'...and Slaughter was two dumb to realise that this would leave his partner at a disadvantage...Slaughter, realising his mistake tried to get back into the ring, but was restrained by a host of WWF referees, who were being led and instructed by new WWF President, Joel Gertner...The rest of the match saw Ray Rougeau TRY to take on both Bulldogs, but it was no use. To the delight of the sold out Canadian Crowd, Rougeau was getting thrown all over the ring.Final moments of the match saw British Bulldog nail Rougeau with his Running Powerslam...into an elbow drop off the middle of the cage, by Dynamite kid. The Bulldogs escaped the cage with ease, to win the match at 14:34. The Bulldogs celebrated in the ring with the rest of the Hart Foundation for quite some time. Would there be another celebration for the Hart Foundation, later tonight?**1/4

    Overall: 64

    Crowd: 72

    Match: 73

    King Jerry Lawler w/ Brian Christopher vs. Mr. Perfect vs. The Million Dollar Man -WWF Intercontinental Championship

    Virgil accompanied Mr. Perfect to the ring...but The Million Dollar Man wasn't there! The announcers speculated as to where the Million Dollar Man could be. Heenan said that Dibiase was probably at a Canadian Casino, and figured that he'd make more money there. So this match started, with just Jerry Lawler & Mr. Perfect. Perfect got a loud 'Perfect Sux' chant as he got started on his offense early. Virgil and Brian Christopher scuffled around outside the ring. At 10:32 Perfect gave Lawler two Brainbusters for near falls...Lawler started to fight back to a growing 'Jerry' chant throughout the Air Canada Centre. Lawler and Perfect started to go blow-for-blow, until Perfect kicked Lawler in the gut, setting up for a Perfect Plex. But then the unbelievable happened!!Lawler kicked out of the Perfect Plex!!. This sent the crowd into a frenzy...Lawler than did his patented Shoulder Strap spot, removing his shoulder strap with fury! This started a huge 'Jerry' chant, as he started to lay the punches into Mr. Perfect. Finally, Lawler set Perfect up for his patented Piledriver at 15:44! Mr. Perfect Has Been Eliminated! Lawler, who was then fatigued, dropped to his knees trying to regain energy...at that point, The Million Dollar man emerged from the curtain, and calmly walked to the ring, laughing. Dibiase then snuck up behind a squatting Lawler, setting up for the Million Dollar Dream! Within 3 minutes of being in the hold, Lawler had no chose but to give up!! The Million Dollar Man is the New WWF Intercontinental Champion!

    Dibiase held his new Belt in victory...He then paid Mr. Perfect...It was clear what Dibiase did. He payed Mr. Perfect to 'soften' up Lawler...which he did.**3/4

    Overall: 76

    Crowd: 92

    Match: 71

    The WWF Intercontinental title has gained in image.

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    The Million Dollar Man's motto, 'Everyboy has a Price...'

    proved true, and won him the WWF Intercontinental Title

    Shawn Michaels w/ Vince Russo vs. The Diamond Studd

    Feud Heat 100

    -Shawn Michaels re-joins Marty Jannetty and forms the Rockers

    -Jannetty turns on Shawn Michaels earlier this year at The Royal Rumble

    -Shawn, already unhappy, breaks ties with long time friend 'The Diamond Studd', when he starts joining the company of the Macho King, by attacking WWF Announcer Sean Mooney.

    -Vince Russo, who is trying to support Shawn, gets punched by Diamond Studd, when he confronts the two on RAW.

    -Shawn costs Studd the match for the WWF Title, against Bret Hart, a couple of weeks ago, on RAW.

    This match started fast and furious, with Michaels and Studd brawling all over the place. Officials Ted Stanley, Vince Russo, and Gerald Brisco were at ringside, just in case anything unplanned were to happened; as it did during the Tag Team Title match. At 13:34 it looked like Diamond Studd was setting up for the Razor's Edge, but Michaels wiggled out of it, and caught Studd with his new move, Sweet Chin Music! He nailed Studd right accross the face, and quickly covered him for the victory! The officials outside the ring were jumping in celebration...The crowd felt the same vibe and gave Michaels the biggest pop of the night! Michaels than danced in the ring in celebration for a while, accompanied by the three officials, who were applauding politley in the ring.***3/4

    Overeall: 83

    Crowd: 98

    Match: 84

    McMahon On commentary;

    "Wow...What an superstar!! What a great match, here on Wrestlemania, and we're barely halfway done!--Oh look, Shawn Michaels is going into the crowd, to greet the fans! How nice! What---What the!!!!It's the Genius!! The Genius is attacking Shawn Michaels! "

    Heenan " That's not the Genius! Because the Genius is right behind him! That's someone else dressed up in 'gradutation clothes!'. Who is that? He must really hate Michaels! Look at the damage he's doing!

    McMahon "Thats--Wait a minute! That's Marty Jannetty!! Marty Jannetty has returned!!! He has attacked former partner Shawn Michaels!!

    Jannetty, at Lanny Poffo's instructions was giving the boots to Michaels, right there in the middle of the crowd. After the attack was all over, Genius raised the hand of...Professor Marty Jannetty!?(Run-In; Jannetty)

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    Professor Marty Jannetty, with the guidance of 'The Genius' Lanny Poffo, is out to get former partner Shawn Michaels

    Overeall: 83

    Crowd: 98

    Match: 84

    Ric Flair vs. 'Mean' Mark Callous - WWF War Games Match [Cage]

    Feud Heat 90

    -November'93-Flair announces that he's reforming Horsemen with Tully Blanchard, Lex Luger, and a fourth Horsemen

    -Decemember'93-Flair announces that they have found that Horsemen, and he will be revealed at the Royal Rumble

    -Decemember'93-Mark Callous petitions to become a Horsemen--Whether Flair likes it or not.

    -Janurary'94-Steve Corino is announced as Fourth Horsemen, despite the push by Mark Callous.

    -Februrary'94-It's revealed that Callous' plea for the Horsemen was also part of a 'rib' on the Macho King, by WWF Matchmakers, Gerald Brisco & Vince Russo. Flair is angered and challenges Callous to a Wrestlemania '94 Cage Match

    -March'94-Mark Callous greets, Flair, In his own home!

    Flair didn't even wait for the bell to ring, and immediatly got into a brawl with Callous! But everyone knows, that ya don't Brawl with 'The Cold One'...Callous got the upper hand once Flair started to tire. At 7:44, Callous tried to escape the Cage, but was stopped by Steve Corino, who threw chairs up to Callous to knock him off. Callous however caught the Chair, and tossed it back at Corino, knocking him out onto the floor. At that point, Mr. Perfect's music hit the PA system! Mr. Perfect...is the Fourth Horsemen??? The music played, but no one surfaced. Callous, who figured that Perfect was lurking nearby, stood on the top of the cage, and deciding to 'wait' for Mr. Perfect. But while the Callous was busy staring at the isleway like a statue, Flair climbed up over the other side of the cage, and onto the Arena floor for the Victory! Flair celebrated with Corino, Blanchard, and Dillon...We followed him to the back where Mr. Perfect is waiting in the Four Horsmen locker room. He huggs Flair, Corino, Blanchard, and Dillon, and is officially announced as the Fourth Horsemen replacement of Lex Luger The crowd was kind of dead for this match, as they were still buzzing over Professor Marty Jannetty's return...

    Overall: 68

    Crowd: 72

    Match: 81

    Mean Mark Callous lost overness from this feud ending. Ric Flair gained overness from this feud ending. This match suffered because the crowd were still pumped up from the last one, and so this bout was seen as something of a let-down to them.

    We goto the back where President Joel Gertner, accompanied by Gerald Bisco, Vince Russo, and Ted Stanley are knocking on the door of Macho King Randy Savage...his match is up next. He is not answering his door, as thier is great speculation as to if he's even in the arena. At this point...President Joel Gertner asks Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder, who is slated to be the special guest referee for this match, if he minds performing to the crowd BEFORE the match. Because Macho King had not arrived yet, Gertner decided to push Pearl Jam's performance up next, followed by the WWF Title Match...then the 'other' Main Event, Sid Justice vs. Macho King-giving Macho King plenty of time to show up. So Pearl Jam played 'Jeremy'. This is Professor Marty Jannetty's new ring entrance music.

    The Mountie (Challenger) vs. Bret Hart - WWF World Heavyweight Championship

    Feud Heat 90

    -August'93-Bret Hart, fed up with the struggle of power backstage forms the Canadian Foundation, with Jimmy Hart, The Mountie, Ray Rougeau, Rick 'The Model' Martel, and Jim Neidhart, so that his spot at the top is secure.

    -Janurary'94-The Mountie wins the Royal Rumble, and announces that He will take the shot against Fellow Canadian Foundation Memember, Bret Hart; WWF Champion.

    -Februrary'94-The Canadian Foundation goes into an all out war; with Mountie leading, Ray Rougeau, the Hart Foundation II (Copeland & Cage), Carl The Quebecer, Test Martin, manager Jimmy Hart, and advisor Pat Patterson--And Bret Hart turning face joining the Hart Foundation; The British Bulldogs, Owen Hart, & Jim Neidhart.

    Mountie had Pat Patterson in his corner, while Bret was alone.

    The Mountie was great in getting the crowd heated. First half of the match saw some basic mat work by both Hart & Rougeau...At 10:43 into the match, the entire Hart Foundation came running down the isle to a HUGE POP. Owen clobbered Pat Patterson outside the ring, as the rest went into a full fledged attack on The Mountie. The announcers explained that the referee (Dave Hebner) was being lenient, since this was a WWF Title match. Finally, after the attack, Bret Hart put Mountie in the sharpshooter for the victory!! Bret Hart successfully defended the WWF Championship!!. The crowd was going wild up until President Joel Gertner appeared, alone, on the isleway.

    Gertner said that, because of the interferance, the match MUST CONTINUE...and that all members of the Hart Foundation were barred from ring side, and faced suspension, if they did not oblige!

    Match continued, with Pat Patterson screaming instructions in French, to the Mountie for the rest of the time. At 16:54 it looked like Bret was going to put the seal on the match once again, until Pat Patterson starting 'waiving' to the curtain. With that, the entire Canadian Foundation came running down the isle, and put the boots to Bret! The Hart Foundation II got Bret with their finisher, the Canadian Attack (Same move as the 'Hart Attack, tag finisher). The referee then counted the easy three for the Mountie; The Mountie is the New WWF Champion!! The Canadian Foundation congratulated Mountie, until President Joel Gertner resurfaced.

    Gertner came out, and said that this match, once again MUST CONTINUE. And that, now, no one from EITHER group were allowed at ringside! He then added, 'That includes you too, Pat Patterson'...causing Patterson throw a tantrum fit on his way back to the back.

    Finally the match continued with Bret Hart regaining the upperhand once the carnage was cleared....Finally, at 23:44, the match started to come to a close. Both men were staggering; Mountie was slightly cut open, as Bret was bleeding from the head, more noticably, thanks to the rougher attack of the Canadian Foundation. Hart through Mountie into the ropes, going for a stiff clothesline, but Mountie countered the move by catching Bret's Arm, and landing the 'Mountie Slam' (A urange) on Bret! The ref counted a long 3...The Mountie IS The NEW WWF WORLD CHAMPION!!!

    The ring quickly filled up with all members of the Canadian Foundation...and then...god no...oh no...Mountie gave his victory speech...or better yet...recieved one, as led by Pat Patterson, the Canadian Foundation SANG to the Mountie. Oh boy!

    Pat Patterson "Félicitations Mountie! Félicitations Mountie! And to show you our support, We have practiced singing a song for you...Hit the music, Tony." The Mountie's music plays...they all take turns singing different parts of the song...

    Adam Copeland & Christian Cage"He's The Mountie!"

    Ray Rougeua"He's Handsome!"

    Carl Oulette"He's Brave!"

    Test Martin"He's Strong!"

    Jimmy Hart & Pat Patterson"He's The Mountie!"

    Adam Copeland"And He....!"

    Christian Cage"...enforces....!"

    Carl Oulette"..The Law!"

    Jimmy Hart"You could always run!"

    Pat Patterson"But you can never hide!!"

    Adam Copeland & Christian Cage"Because,he's The Mountie!"

    Everyone"And he always gets his man!!"

    Vince McMahon (On Commentary) "The Law must be upside down, Because The Mountie, is the New WWF World Champion!!

    Overall: 78

    Crowd: 90

    Match: 80

    The Mountie gained overness from this match.

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    The Mountie, leader of the Canadian Foundation, is the New WWF World Champion.

    Sid Justice w/ Superstar Paul Bearer vs. Macho King Randy Savage w/ Sensational Sherri, The Genius & Professor Marty Jannetty

    Feud Heat 95

    -Novemember'93 Hogan gets fired from WWF.

    -December'93-Behind the scenes, Savage pushes hard for Hogan to return at Royal Rumble '94, as Fouth Horsemen...his punishment, is match after match putting over King Jerry Lawler

    -Sid Justice appears at the Royal Rumble. The WWF suits believe that he can take Hogan's place in the WWF...Savage disagrees.

    -Janurary'94-Macho King attacks Gerald Brisco, for all of the behind the scenes fighting, that Brisco later made public.

    -February'94-Sid is publically denounced by Macho King--Sid is supported by the men who brought him in; Writers Vince Russo, Ted Stanley, along with booker/road agent Gerald Brisco--

    There were a huge number of WWF Officials surrounding the ring. The Genius was at ringside w/ Professor Jannetty under the idea that this 'was family', that was at hand. Genius read a poem that contained lots of profanity and swearing at Sid Justice...Justice hit the ring, and cleared the ring of all three wreslers, to a big pop...The next 5 minutes of the match saw Sid, just overpowering Macho King, by chucking him over the top ropes a few times. Finally, Savage got the upperhand after a trip from The Genius. He, Sherri, and Jannetty laughed, as Macho King retained the upper hand. King ran outside the ring and was about to strike Sid w/ the Ring Bell; but special guest referee, Eddie Vedder, stopped him, getting a big pop from the crowd...Macho King and Vedder wrestled until Vedder was 'accidently' knocked out by the Ring Bell (ahh the good ol' Ring Bell spot)...Sid Justice then suprised Macho King with a big boot! After that, he nailed him with his patented power bomb! But the referee was out!at This point WWF President Joel Gertner ran down the isle (remember, he's skinny during his young years), and assumed the position of the referee and counted the 3 for a big Sid Justice Victory!!!

    The ring filled up with WWF Officials as they congratulated Sid Justice, as his music played over the PA system. The crowd broke into a huge 'Jusice' Chant! Sid Justice celebrated in the ring, as The Genius & Company helped Savage to the back...and then, it happened...

    Overall: 76

    Crowd: 94

    Match: 67

    user posted image

    Final call; by the broadcast team of

    Vince McMahon & Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan


    McMahon (Shouting)"And what a Wrestlemania this has been! In the ring...now celebrating! The One! The Only! Sid Justice!! He's celebrating with the officials that make it all happen! Vince Russo! WWF Greats, Gerald Brisco, Tony--

    ****Suddenly, the crowd all look towards the isleway...Hillbilly Jim runs down the isle with a giant pitchfork. He's wearing a shirt that reads One Angry Hillbilly, he is followed by...:eek:****

    "WAIT JUST A MINUTE! Look who's running down the isle...it's Hillbilly Jim! And he's going right after Sid Justice!"

    Heenan" He looks pretty mad! And look, he brought some friends!!"

    McMahon" Oh my god! I don't believe it! There's a whole line of southerners coming down the isle!! My gosh! The are all in the ring, and they are jumping Sid!!"

    Heenan"McMahon, look who's in the ring! Cowboy Bob Orton, Cowboy Hawk (Road Warrior Hawk), Paul Ellering, Dutch Mantell, and Colonel Rob Parker-formally from Smokey Mountain Wrestling! What the heck is going on?

    ****This 6 on one attack on Sid Justice continues, as the Officials have cleared the ring, and are watching, screaming from the outside. President Joel Gertner musters up some courage, and steps in the ring, ordering this mugging to stop.But he was beheaded with a Lariat from Cowboy Hawk.******

    McMahon"He can't do that to the WWF President! Whats going on! These are all former WWF stars, who are now wrestling in the smaller promotions!! What...Ohhhhh....Wait a minute...Look at those three...I should've known! And who is that other man?"

    *****Sid is a bloody mess. Hillbilly Jim's been beating him with his giant pitchfork, while the other 5 each do their outdated finishers on Justice...Gertner is being held and restrained by Cowboy Hawk's Manager, Paul Ellering...Coming down the isle, calmly laughing, is The Dream Team(Brutus Beefcake & Jean Paul Levesque), they are led by Terry H. Hogan, dressed up in a suit...leading the way side by side with Hogan, is a newcomer, wearing a suit and dark shades...it is Steve Blackman. Those four enter the ring, as the Angry Cowboys continue to beat down on Sid Justice. Hillbilly Jim leaves the melee, and stands in line with Hogan, Blackman, & The Dream Team...Hogan grabs the mic...and tries to talk over this hostile crowd...

    " YA KNOW SOMETHING BROTHER! (crowd boos). I said YA KNOW SOMETHING, BROTHER! (crowd booes again...Officials are screaming for the Cowboys to let President Gertner free)

    I've just about had it up to here with the WWF! I've had it up to here with you fans as well!! I've broke my back for two long, for this promotion dude! Russo!! Look at your Hero Now!! (Sid is a bloody mess)

    This man right here! (Hogan is jumping all over the place...he is pissed) Hillbilly Jim! Once one of the strongest men EVER to grace the squared circle...what did he do in the last part of his career? Wrestle freakin' Midget Matches dude!!!! Thats not how you treat a legend! (Crowd booes again...a "Hogan Sux" chant has started)...Me? I suck? I carried this company to the top through the 80's and early 90s with the help of many of these stars in the ring, dude! And, after all of that; the WWF tells me 'I can't be WWF President'! After I wrestled teamed with Mr. T, I brought the WWF to new heights! And what happens 10 years later? I'm fired for having a f***ing ankle injury! This man right here; Brutus Beefcake! He carried Greg Valentine to almost a year of holding the WWF Tag Team Titles...and what did the WWF do? They decided that Brutus Beefcake should become 'A Barber!' Give me a break, dude.. Brutus Beefcake chimes in.

    Beefcake" Well, I found a new use for these oversized scissors now!! Ha! Ha!" (He cracks Sid Jusice over the head with the Shear handles, twice. Then laughes.)

    Hogan "So...now Russo, you make up these rules, of why I can't be WWF President!! Number one contender this! Blah Blah Blah! And you tricked me into retiring from the ring!! (Crowd cheers)

    Well, brother, you did say I could never wrestle again; but you never said I couldn't Manage!!! So, dude...I found the most lethal, cruel, sadistic, coldest man I could find; and I've brought him here to the WWF; and he'll get the WWF Title...and then, I can become WWF President and theres nothing that you can do about it; Russo, Brisco, or any of you WWF Clowns!!"

    ***At this point, the Angry Cowboys hold up a bruised and battered Sid Justice...they hold him up...Blackman rips off his shirt..goes against the ropes, and nails Sid Justice with a Pump Kick. Justice sells it as though he's been shot in the chest. Blackman, returns to his stationary position, standing up beside the Dream Team.****

    Thats right brother, we've got The Lethal Weapon, brother...we don't know alot about him, but he's been trained by the finest martial arts experts that this Government has! This is, Agent Steve Blackman!! (Crowd Ohhhs, and Ahhhs), as Sid Justice seems to be in extreme pain from his perfectly timed pump kick.

    Brother! You can call this, The Past, Present, And Future of Professional Wrestling dude! And the Past, Present, and Future, of professional wrestling brings you, The Immortals!; The Dream Team-Brutus Beefcake & Jean Paul Levesque, Hillbilly Jim, and of course; Agent Steve Blackman!(Hogan points to, The Dream Team, Hillbilly Jim, and Agent Steve Blackam)

    And these people right here, are going to be watching our back from this point in! Thats right brother, I'm talking about,The Angry Cowboys!

    *Wrestlemania '94 goes off the air, with The Immortals posing in the ring, while the Angry Cowboys continues to pummel on Sid Justice....93%*

    Agent Steve Blackman gained overness from this segment.

    user posted imageuser posted image

    Terry H. Hogan plans to lead his stable

    of 'Immortals' into Power, of the WWF.

    Show Quality

    PPV Revenue: $4,400,000

    PPV Buy Rate: 1.76

    Ticket Revenue: $1,052,700

    Card Quality: 77%

    Best Match: Shawn Michaels vs. The Diamond Studd

    Worst Match: Ric Flair vs. 'Mean' Mark Callous

    "....And the Past, Present, and Future, of professional wrestling brings you, The Immortals.... "

    -Terry 'Hulk' Hogan; March 27th, 1994 - Wrestlemania '94


    March 24th, 1994 - Fox Sports

    Announcers: Todd Pettengill & 'The Doctor Of Style' Slick

    P.H.A.T. d. The Steiner Bros, by DQ

    The announcers build up the importance of Wrestlemania, which was now only 3 days away! Crowd was big into this match, which is a good sign for Wrestlemania...Finish saw Slick trip Ric Steiner--causing his team to loose via DQ.

    Overall: 70

    Crowd: 74

    Match: 63

    The WWF Tag Team titles have gained in image

    Sean Moooney was backstage and said that he was going to try to get some words with several WWF Superstars on this show; the last show before Wrestlemania! He caught up with Eddie Gilbert; Who added a stipulation in his Wrestlemania match with Yokozuna. He stated that the looser have to get a 'make over'....So if Yokozuna looses, he wants Yoko to become a 'Baliey' (sp) dancer. If Yokouna won, he could order Eddie Gilbert to dress up however he likes! 69%


    We go backstage where Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan was backstage with The Million Dollar Man & Virgil, and Mr. Perfect. Million Doller Man laid into Jerry Lawler; Intercontinental Champion;

    " YOu know what, Mooney! It's real simple! I exposed the way YOUR I-C Champion lives! It's horrible isn't it! Memphis, Tennessee...Where the farms are the most advanced form of intelligent life! Hahahaha! Lawler, you say I got too personal? Well, good! Because the world should know that you are NOT championship material! (Bobby and Virgil are laughing) I PROMISE YOU, LAWLER! That Intercontinental Title will come home, to The Million Dollar Man! Hahahahaha!! The announcers speculated as to how Mr. Perfect would act during the 3 way dance at Wrestlemania. Woulde he and The Million Dollar man form an alliance against Jerry Lawler, to ensure a title change? 94%

    Ted DiBiase gained overness from this segment.

    Jerry Lawler & Chris Chavis d. The Million Dollar Man & Virgil

    Jerry Lawler came out and interrupted The Million Dollar Man...and challenge him and 'his stooge, Virgil', to a tag team match right here tonight! Dibiase accepted, and Lawler brought out Chris Chavis as his partner. They won, when Chavis nailed Virgil with the Tatanka chop. Word is that Chavis is going back to the Tatanka Gimmick, as he started to scream like 'Tatanka' after this match.

    Overall: 74

    Crowd: 81

    Match: 60


    Bobby The Brain Heenan is backstage with Slick & PHAT. Bobby Tries to talk to each member of phat.

    Kamala is too busy running around; Kim Chee is chasing after him...

    Earthquake and PHAT Meanie are be-bopping to their radio...

    While PHAT and Slick, and Rob Van Dam, in dreads, who is holding a leash connected to 4 ferocious pitbulls, are standing up with Bobby The Brain. Brain said that he 'hadn't gotten down' this much since his last relationship...Slick was doing the talking; saying that this weekend; At Wrestlemania, the dogs will be unleased once again, on The 'Dog-Faced Gremlin', Rick Steiner. 83% :eek:

    Slick gained overness from this segment. Big Bossman gained overness from this segment.

    Ludvig Borga d. Jake 'The Snake' Roberts

    "Jerry" chants plagued this whole match. Jerry 'The King' Lawler, continues to strive.

    Overall: 56

    Crowd: 59

    Match: 52

    Jake Roberts lost overness from this match. Ludvig Borga gained overness from this match. Jake Roberts didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating. This match suffered because the crowd were still pumped up from the last one, and so this bout was seen as something of a let-down to them.

    Jake Roberts lost overness from this match. Ludvig Borga gained overness from this match. Jake Roberts didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating. This match suffered because the crowd were still pumped up from the last one, and so this bout was seen as something of a let-down to them.


    We go to the back where Superstar Paul Bearer is backstage with Sid Jusice. He lays into Terry 'Hulk' Hogan. Brisco and Russo are also with Sid. Bearer does the talking;

    "Well, Well, Well...It seems like the 'Hulkster' has got a little problem with my man; Sid Justice! It looks like the Macho King has got a little problem with my man; Sid Justice! Well, Hogan, your time is up! And to think that you ran for WWF Presidencey! Ha! That is the most important position in the company Hogan; and we don't need you pushing your friends down are throat, as a result of you being WWF President!! (Crowd cheers and applauses). Macho King; No matter what you do, you're not going to get your way in the WWF...Not while Sid is here! March, 27th, 1994 --Macho King? JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED!!!!


    Sean Mooney is standing backstage with the I-C Champion, Jerry The King Lawler...He is with his son, Brian Christopher. Christopher said that he was here because of Million Dollar Man's comments about HIS hometown, of Memphis Tennessee. He said that he's going to be in his fathers corner at Wrestlemania, to make sure Virgil doesn't get involved in the match....Big pop for this Father and Son combination.



    The Mountie came out; he was in the ring with The Diamond Studd...The Mountie said that their were a few boys in the back who deserved WWF Title shots; like The Diamond Studd. Todd Pettengill, announcing insisted that the only reason the Mountie was helping the Studd out, was so that he can weaken Bret for the Mountie's match at Wrestlemania. Bret then came out and said that he'll defend the WWF Title, against anyone, anywhere....He granted the Studd the match; Here is the final call by Todd Pettengill;

    Bret Hart vs. The Diamond Studd - WWF Title Match - Final Call by Todd Pettengill and Slick

    "...What a match these two have had! And it looks like -- Ohhh Wait a minute!! Jimmy Hart is distracting the referee!!! He just threw that megaphone to the Diamond Studd inside the ring...it lands on the...mat about 3 feet from the Studd.

    Slick: " Look who coming down dat ring, Pettengill!! It's Shawn Michaels!!! What he doin heaa!!??

    Pettengill "Here comes Shawn Michaels!! He just knocked out The Mountie outside the ring! Listen to this crowd, Slickster! And now he races to the Megaphone, and -- YES! Cracks it over the head of the Diamond Studd!!!!! Oh My!!! Here comes the ref...1....2....3!!!!!!!! Shawn Michaels cost Diamond Studd The WWF Title! He just prevented a travesty from occuring!!!! Bret Hart Wins! Bret Hart Wins!"

    Vince Russo & Gerald Brisco join Shawn Michaels & Bret Hart in the ring. The Hart Foundation also hit the ring; as The Hart Foundation, Brisco, Russo, and Shawn Michaels are celebrating in the ring, as Todd Pettengill takes PHAT TV, off the air with this parting soundbite;

    Overall: 88

    Crowd: 89

    Match: 86

    The WWF World title has gained in image.

    "Folks we are just 3 days away from Wrestlemania '94!! The Mountie Faces that man, Bret Hart for the WWF Title!! Shawn Michaels will do battle with The Diamond Studd; plus Pearl Jam will be in attendance!! Also, Vince Russo & Gerald Brisco introduce the new WWF President!!! Join us live, from the Air Canada Centre; WRESTLEMANIA '94!!!!!!!!!!"

    Card Quality: 72%

    TV Rating: 7. 28

  10. AWA Wrestling

    On ESPN

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    Time: 4pm – 5pm ET

    Date: 6/12/80

    Hosts: Lee Marshall & Joe Blanchard

    -by Dave Schmeltzer

    AWA Wrestling on ESPN opened up with Lee Marshall narrating photo still highlights from The two Night Of Champions. He covered, the situation between newcomer Ted Dibiase & ‘Nasty Boy’ Brian Knobbs, the arrival of The Guiding Light Lou Albano & The Bigelows (and their attack on the Midnight Rockers, the arena-wide slugfest between Bad News Allen & The Masked Superstar, and of course, the AWA Title Tournament. Most of it revolved around Hall helping Curt Hennig throughout the tournament, only for Hennig to end up loosing in the AWA finals, thanks to the mistimed interference of Father, Larry The Ax. They then opened up with Ted Dibiase, already in the ring, ready for the first match of the TV show.

    - Ted Dibiase Challenges The ‘Nasty Boy’ --

    Ted Dibiase d. Todd Becker

    Both Lee Marshall and Joe Blanchard put over Ted Dibiase as being a true student of the sport. They put him over big, citing his strong round 1 AWA showing against Brian Knobbs, and spoke of his accomplishments in the mid-south territories to date. Dibiase nailed Becker with a strong Hansen-esque lariat for the victory at 5:33. It was also noted that Dibiase was former AWA Champion’s Stan Hansen’s tag partner in Japan. After the match, Larry Nelson went into the ring to get a word with Dibiase.

    Overall: 55

    Crowd: 41

    Match: 77

    Nelson complimented Dibiase on his round 1 AWA win over Brian Knobbs, and brought up the fact that Knobbs feels he had Dibiase beat.

    Nelson: “ Well Dibiase, you heard it just like we did…Nasty Brian Knobbs insisting that he would’ve won had he not been counted out! He says that he had you beat! He insists that you got an easy win! What do you have to say to that?

    Dibiase: “ MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! An easy win? Easy! I never got anything, easy, Nelson! Never! My father died in front of my face, when I was 15 years old! 15! And from that point on, everything’s been everything BUT easy! Knobbs…you wanna say I got an easy victory! You think that you had me beat!? You say you’re not hard to find…well neither am I! And, from what I understand, there’s gonna be a big show, next month, and I’ll be waiting for you there!

    Nelson: “ Wha..wha..wait a minute. Are you talking about July 16th, AWA’s BrawlFest? Are you challenging ‘Nasty’ Brian Knobbs to a match!?

    Dibiase: “ That’s right, Nelson!! Knobbs! Me, and you! AWA Brawlfest, next month, at the Sun E. Tatum Arena, right here in Minneapolis!” [*Crowd pops as Dibiase walks to the back*]

    Nelson: “ Wow!!! Looks like Brian Knobbs may have chewed of something…er…maybe a bit to nasty to handle!!

    Really good first interview for Dibiase. This interview really got over Dibiase’s ‘mean’, but ‘heroic’ streak that they’re trying to portray. 82%

    Ted Dibiase gained 1 point of overness from this segment.


    Bad Company (Pat Tanaka & Paul Diamond) d. Kent Carlson & Spike Jones

    Marshall & Blanchard pretty much covered the tag division during this match, citing the arrival of the nearly combined weight of 1,000 lb team of The Bigelow’s. They teased an interview with Albano & Sherri Martel’s team next week, and wished the Midnight Rockers a speedy recovery. Tanaka & Diamond looked really good here. Midway during the match, A skinny Black man, wearing a suit & bowtie, and top-hat, with a cane, was seen watching Bad Company in action. Tanaka & Diamond paid minimal attention to the man, before winning the match at 8:33, when Tanaka nailed Carlson with a thrust kick to the ‘throat’.

    Overall: 52

    Crowd: 28

    Match: 77


    Wayne Bloom d. Tom Bennett

    During this match, that skinny Black Man, who also seemed to have an interest in this match, was asked to leave by AWA security. Anyway, a lot of posing here by Bloom before putting the final count on Bennett, with a top rope leg drop. Looks like they gave Bloom back a TV win after loosing in less than attractive fashion to, World Champion, Modern Day Warrior Kerry Von Erich in the first round of the AWA tourney.

    Overall: 45

    Crowd: 26

    Match: 64

    The Trooper d. John Nord

    Well, John Nord is probably the most god-forsaken worst wrestler that there is. Crowd was behind the Trooper, all the way. Marshall & Blanchard speculated as to who that man who was around during the first few matches, was. Blanchard jokingly suggested that he may owe a few people money from bets that went awry. They really have to get a new commenting team to avoid stupid exchanges like that. There were rumours circulating that wrestler Robert Fuller, or JJ Dillon was going to be hired for a colour commentator role; but nothing yet. Trooper won with ‘The Pinch’ at 6:22.

    Overall: 43

    Crowd: 40

    Match: 47

    John Nord didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating.


    - Scott Hall Attacks Gagne & Larry The Ax --

    Returning to TV, Marshall & Blanchard did a little talking, beginning with Blanchard announcing that this would be his final AWA on ESPN broadcast with Marshall. Blanchard said he wanted to get more viewpoints from the wrestlers, and would be a full time interviewer. Good riddance. Anyway, they then went into what a great tournament was had last week, and again, mentioned that Kerry Von Erich was the new AWA Champion. They pushed the story of Scott Hall helping Hennig throughout the tournament to the very end; with the first victim being Greg Gagne. Nelson was standing by in the back with Scott Hall.

    Nelson: “ Well, Scott Hall…1/2 of the AWA Tag Team Champions with Curt Hennig…and…some might say that you thought it was a tag team tournament, this past week! You’re interference in Curt Hennig’s matches were---

    Hall: “ Whoa! Wait a second, Larry! You heard Curt say it, and I’m gonna say it to you again! We are a team! That’s why we have [*smacks Title on shoulder*] THESE! The AWA Tag Team Titles! Now, Greg Gagne feels he lost the match cos’ of me?! NO! He lost the match because of HIMSELF! If he concentrated on the match, and didn’t come out to attack me, he would’ve been a lot better off! But, the second that you come biting me, I bite right back!

    Nelson: “ And speaking of Curt Hennig, who lost in the finals of the AWA Title Tournament to Kerry Von Erich – WHERE IS HE?!

    Hall: “ Curt is at home, taking care of himself…resting thanks to his own Father attacking him with a chair!

    Nelson: “ Now, wait a minute – it was clear that was by accident. He---

    Hall: “ If I were there, that wouldn’t have happened! And Larry! I hope you’re here next week! Because Curt will be! And I’m sure he has a lot to say to you! Gagne! Get ready! Because THIS TIME we’re gonna be in a ring, and not outside the ring!

    Looks like they’re setting up for some kind of Hall & Curt vs. Larry The Ax programme. Should be interesting, considering Larry’s last match was with Curt late last year. 82%

    Scott Hall gained 1 point of overness from this segment.

    Nasty’ Brian Knobbs d. Jerry Lynn

    Entertaining squash match, here, as Lynn had an offense flush at 4:22, which popped the crowd. At 6:22, Knobbs gave Lynn about 8 consecutive elbow smashes to the back of the head. Each time the crowd began to count along, he stopped. Finals of the match came after the Nasty (elbow) Drop from the second rope. On his way to the back, Marshall quickly caught up with Knobbs and asked him if he accepted the “Brawlfest challenge from Ted Dibiase.

    Knobbs: “ You can bet I accept Dibiase’s challenge! [*In mocking voice*] ‘Awww, my daddy died when I was 15! I never had anything easy; BLAH BLAH BLAH!! I don’t’ care! Shuttup Dibiase, no one cares ‘bout your sob stories! Next month…Brawlfest…Dibiase, you will see just how Nasty I am! Hahahahaha!

    Overall: 62

    Crowd: 41

    Match: 84

    Greg Gagne d. Scott Hall

    Midway during the match, during the commercials, they played a spot for Brawlfest on July 16th, announcing a return bout for the AWA Heavyweight Title, as The Modern Day Warrior Kerry Von Erich will defend against Curt Hennig. See-saw battle here, with Hall having most of the upper edge. Crowd got behind Gagne after he countered a bear-hug by Hall. Hall had him in the move, but Gagne clutched onto his head, big time, causing Hall to scream in pain. Hall started to run around the ring, trying to get Gagne to latch off of his head. During all of this, Gagne used the ropes as support to nail Hall with a DDT, and a near fall. Hall, staggered, got up and charged into a snap power slam from Gagne for another near fall. Gagne really started to get the fans behind him, as he snuck up behind a staggering Hall, leaped onto his back and latched on the sleeper hold. After a considerable amount of time, Hall finally succumbed to the sleeper 3 count, and was out cold. Gagne celebrated like he just won the lottery.

    Overall: 60

    Crowd: 57

    Match: 64

    Marshall and Blanchard ended the show, with Blanchard saying his final goodbye. Marshall hyped next week’s show, stressing the fact that Curt Hennig will be there; teasing the confrontation with his Father. They also speculated as to if that skinny Black man would show his face again, after being thrown out of the arena, earlier on in the show….

    AWA Wrestling ESPN Preview!

    [*] The AWA Debut Of Eric Embry!

    [*] An interview with Lou Albano’s & Sherri Martel’s

    BIG BAD BULLS! (Big Bam & Big Van Bigelow)

    [*] Pat Tanaka vs. Buddy Rose!

    [*] Sgt. Slaughter vs. The Masked Marauder!

    [*] Larry Zbysco Interview!

    [*] Larry ‘The Ax’ Hennig

    [*] And Much, much more!!!

  11. The Major League Of Professional Wrestling Presents

    The Night Of Champions Day 2

    Network: PPV

    June 6rd, 1986

    TV Announcers : Larry Nelson, Lee Marshall, & Verne Gagne

    Referees: Al DeRusha, George Eakin, Mike Enos, Wilf Caron, Scott LeDoux, Nick Patrick

    -by Dave Schmeltzer

    user posted image

    Larry Nelson opened up Day #2, much in the same fashion that Day #1 began. He and Lee Marshall recapped the happenings from just a few nights ago.

    Neslon: “ You talk about, what a great show last week – with the surprise of The Guiding Light Lou Albano, appearing in Texas, with The Bigelows!

    Marshall: “ Yea, that’s right Larry. The Bigelows [*Crowd Boos*] who go by the name of the Big Bad Bulls [*Crowd booes again*] – these guys are just about the biggest men I’ve ever seen together on one team! They easily double the weight of the Midnight Rockers, whom they attacked just a few days ago!

    Neslon: “ Well, we wish the Midnight Rockers the best of luck, they are currently in the hospital, we will have an update on their condition next week on ESPN. But this is what everyone’s talking about; The AWA World Heavyweight Title tournament! Stan Hansen, former AWA Champion…he was stripped of the title earlier this year. That’s what’s brought all of these wrestlers from all over the world, here, to Chicago, Illinois [*crowd cheers*], to compete in a two day tournament, for that title!

    Marshall: “ That’s right! The list of top wrestlers from around the world, Sgt. Slaughter, Nick Bockwinkle, Greg Gagne, The Modern Day Warrior Kerry Von Erich -- but only 4 remain.

    Neslon: “ That’s right! You’ve got Larry Zbysco [*Crowd cheers*], Greg Gagne, [*Crowd cheers*] Curt Hennig [*Crowd booes*], & Kerry Von Erich! [*Crowd cheers*]. One of those four men will be crowd AWA Champion tonight, and I—and I know you agree with me, Lee -- I think it’s gonna be Larry Zbysco! [*Crowd booes*]

    Marshall: “ Well, yea. I can’t disagree with you on this one - Zbysco’s the most experienced wrestler in there *[Crowd booes*] So I think it’s gonna be his experience that leads Larry Zbysco to the top! [*Crowd booes*]

    Neslon: “ [*Laughing*] Don’t keep saying that or we’re never gonna get out of here alive! Well…I’ll let you get to the table for the play by play, I’m gonna head to the back…let’s go to our ring announcers, for the start of AWA’s Night Of The Champions – Day 2! Gary Michael Cappetta!

    user posted image

    1. Ken Patera d. Ron Bass in 8:52

    Mashall & Stevens pushed the AWA Title Tournament during most of this match hyping the Von Erich – Zbysco match (and, to a lesser extent, the Gagne vs. Curt Hennig tournament match). Match really dragged on since Bass kept retreating to the outside almost every time Patera landed a move. Patera locked on the full nelson at 8:52, for the victory. DUD

    Ken Patera d. Ron Bass

    Overall: 41

    Crowd: 37

    Match: 45

    Ron Bass didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating.

    After the match, they went to the back, where Curt Hennig was standing by with, Curt Hennig and Scott Hall. Nelson noted that Hall had been big help in getting Hennig past round 1 in the AWA Title Tournament. Hennig, of course, denied it, saying that Hall was there, only for ‘moral support’.

    Hennig: “ We are a tag team, Nelson! We are the AWA Tag Team Champions…and like all tag team champions, we travel together! If Greg Gagne, or anyone else has a problem with that, well I – [*looks at Hall*] No, no – WE have news for them - too bad! You’re looking at the next AWA World Champion!

    Following Hennig’s interview, they showed highlights from Day 1, narrated by Marshall, then returned to Nelson where he was standing by with Greg Gagne. Gagne did a good job in getting over that he was ‘pumped’ for this match.

    Gagne: “ Well you know what, Larry – I ain’t afraid of Hennig, and I sure as well don’t care about Hall, outsida’ that ring! Cos’ ya see, you can always try to break the rules, but good will always prevail! Just look at one happened just a few days ago, in Texas! Bad News Allen, my opponent last week, couldn’t keep me down! He couldn’t pin my shoulders to the mat! So what did he do? He yanked me over the top rope – and you can’t do that in professional wrestling! So, tonight…Hennig, do you what you think you need to do…because whatever it is, ain’t gonna be enough to knock me out of the tournament! It is my destiny to win that title! See you in the ring, Hennig!

    - Hall’s Help -

    2. Curt Hennig d. Greg Gagne in 13:07, via count out, of a round 2 AWA Heavyweight Title Tournament match.

    They began this match with a lot of stalling. Gagne kept pointing to Hall, as he taunted him from the outside. Marshall & Stevens did a great job of pushing Hall as being a factor in this tournament for Hennig. Hall often distracted the ref allowing Hennig to get numerous blatant choke holds. This pretty much was the tale of the match, with Hall being the common denominator, taunting Gagne almost every time he got offense. Stevens went into a long tirade about how Gagne needs to concentrate on the match, and not Hall. Finals of the match came at around 8:22, when Gagne had the sleeper locked onto Hennig. Hennig was out cold, when Hall hopped on the apron and started arguing with Al DaRusha. After a considerable amount of time, Gagne dropped Hennig and ran over to Hall knocking him off of the apron, popping the crowd. Gagne went to outside, and through Hall into the guard rail, as Marshall yelled, “ He should be concentrating on Hennig! Hennig is getting time to recover! He’s waisting time! He could be counted out!” Gagne rolled into the ring, just a second too late, loosing the match by count out. **

    Overall: 68

    Crowd: 71

    Match: 62

    After the match, Hennig quickly ducked out of the ring, and escaped to the back with Hall. Marshall, quickly interviewed Gagne, who was heated, right outside the ring.

    Gagne: “ You saw that, Marshall! All of these people saw it! Curt – he stole one, just like he stole the win last week! Hennig! You can be sure, that this is not over! I will go up to the highest power to get this fixed! It ain’t right, Lee! It just ain’t! I will not give up! I will win that AWA World Championship Belt, even if it’s the last thing I do!” Oh goodie. Looks like Gagne’s in for a push, now. Just great. Marshall turned it over to Larry Nelson, who was backstage with Hennig.

    Nelson: “ Hennig…I cannot believe you! Again --

    Hennig: “ Wait a minute! Now, hold on a minute, Nelson! Don’t you start with that again! You saw it, I saw it, all of those people saw it! Greg Gagne attacked Scott Hall! He willingly left the ring, and attacked my tag team partner! So it’s his fault for going out there, and attacking Hall! He deserves to be counted out!

    Hall: “ That’s right, Gagne! You really wanna fight me that bad? You reeeaaaallllyy wanna get your hands on me, huh? Well, I ain’t too hard to find! How about you and me…next week on ESPN! That way, we can fight in the rign, where I can pin your shoulders to the mat…1,2,3!

    Hennig: “ That AWA title is MINE! I don’t care if I’m facing Larry Zbysco OR The Modern Day Warrior Kerry Von Erich…whoever it is, is going down!

    Neslon: “ Back to you Larry!

    3. Buck Zum Hoff d. Jim Bennett in 8:44

    Can’t say much about this match. Crowd didn’t care for either wrestler, much. Marshall & Stevens spent this match speculating as to if Hall would and could help Hennig all the way to the AWA title, later tonight, in the finals. It was pushed that Hennig would be facing the winner of the Kerry Von Erich – Larry Zbysco match, that was coming up. Hoff beat the Bennett in 8:44 with a side suplex. DUD

    Overall: 40

    Crowd: 22

    Match: 59

    4. Modern Day Warrior Kerry Von Erich d. Larry Zybsco in 16:01 to face Curt Hennig in the AWA Title Tournament semi-finals

    Easily the best match of the night. In the pre-match interview, Zbysco put over his ‘experience’ as being the deciding factor in giving him the edge over Von Erich. Erich insisted that he would not give up until the AWA title was on his waist. Match started off at the usual slow pace of a Zbysco opening. Several lockups, crowd taunts, and test of power spots. Erich began to get the upper hand at about 5:33 when moving out of the turnbuckle avoiding an elbow charge from Zbysco. After a roll up near fall, Von Erich began to nail the boots to Zbysco, causing Zbysco to regroup outside the ring. Von Erich, being extremely aggressive, followed him outside, giving him a suplex on the cement. Zbysco sold it big time, clutching his back in excruciating pain. This got the fans behind Von Erich, in a heartbeat. Marshall & Stevens pushed Von Erich’s widespread popularity. The pops that Von Erich got a few days ago, in his hometown of Texas, was a perfect way to introduce ‘the rest’ of the AWA audience to Von Erich. Match reached a high point at 9:22, when Zbysco began to really lay in the punches to Von Erich, busting him open. Referee Al DaRusha kept pausing to check up on Von Erich. Match went back and forth for a while, with Von Erich working on Zbysco’s arm/shoulder with a series of armbars, and shoulder locks. At 11:30, Zbysco began to set Von Erich up for a superplex. The announcers pushed the idea that if he landed this move, it would be over – lots of stalling here to build heat; Blood was POURING from Von Erich’s head at this point. Zbysco, heavily fatigued, really took some time climbing to the second turnbuckle, and getting set up for the move. Just as he was about to perform the move, Von Erich began to fight back. After a few punches to the head, Zbysco was kicked off the turnbuckle, landing on that ‘bad’ shoulder that had been worked on. DaRusha checked Von Erich’s head, again, as he started to stagger around the ring, with the fans behind him every step of the way. Zbysco slowly got up, and went running into two clotheslines, for a couple of near falls. A small ‘Kerry’ chant started to surface as Erich nailed Zbysco with two discus, punches, for a couple more near falls. At 14:10, Von Erich gave Zbysco an Irish whip into the ropes, but was surprised with a knee to the groin. After a near fall, Zbysco ‘gave the sign’ that he was about to end it. After throwing Erich into the turnbuckle, Zbysco gathered himself and charged full speed. But Von Erich, scooped him up, teasing loosing his balance in the process. After a few moments of re-adjusting Zbysco on his shoulder, he performed a running shoulder breaker. Zbysco, once again, did a great selling job here, and soon walked right into a discus punch for the surprise loss. Kerry Von Erich advances to the tournament finals, to face Curt Hennig for the AWA Heavyweight Title. ***

    Overall: 78

    Crowd: 71

    Match: 85

    Von Erich’s post match interviews were really good. While Zbysco was still being attended to in the ring, for his shoulder, Marshall caught up with Von Erich on the outside. A bloody Von Erich was so pumped up and exhausted, that it was a bit hard to understand what he was saying. He did make it a point to mention that he had never faced Curt Hennig before. Marshall tried to get a word with Zbysco, but he was being helped to the back by ring attendants. He kept screaming, “My shoulder! My shoulder! Arrgggghhh!

    5. Madusa & Bad Company (Pat Tanaka & Paul Diamond) d. Candi Devine & The Texas Hagmen (Psycho & Killer) in 6:22.

    Nothing much here. Madusa & Candi had a nice exchange which lasted all but 90 seconds, and concluded the match. After some typical back and forth tag team action from the Hangmen & Bad Company, Madusa rolled up Devine at 6:19 for the victory. Crowd popped for the win, as they went to the back with The Masked Superstar. *

    Overall: 51

    Crowd: 40

    Match: 62

    - Bad News Allen vs. The Masked Superstar -

    Neslon: “ Masked Superstar…I’ve seen you battle a lot of tough men…but this guy…Bad News Allen; We’ve seen him in action last week when he got disqualified for throwing Greg Gagne over the top rope, in the first round of the AWA Title Tournament. This man clearly has no regard for the rules!

    Masked Superstar: “ Well, I got news for him! Actually, I got bad news for him! You ain’t throwing me over the top rope! You ain’t gonna pick this 300+ pound man of muscle…you ain’t gonna throw me around, Allen! And in just a few moments you’re gonna see what it’s like to get in a ring with someone that’s bigger than you; stronger than you; And…BADDER than you!!! Grrr!

    6. Bad News Allen drew The Masked Superstar in 12:34 of a Chicago Street Fight when the ref called for the bell

    Bad News Allen’s pre-match interview was great, in that Nelson appeared to be absolutely petrified of him. Allen insisted that this was his type of match; no countout, no DQ. Match spilled to the outside within 5 minutes, with both men slugging it out into the crowd. After the 10 minute mark, the announcers mentioned how referee George Eakin had to get the action back into the ring, or they’d literally fight into the streets of Chicago. Eventually, the two battled beyond the crowd into a back area, where the camera could no longer keep up with them; the ref was forced to call the match. This, no doubt, was to pick Allen up from his DQ loss to Gagne, and may possibly lead to a programme with Superstar. Despite the no contest, the slugfest was strong. **1/4

    Overall: 70

    Crowd: 66

    Match: 74

    After the official word, they quickly went to the back, where Larry Nelson was standing by with The Modern Day Warrior Kerry Von Erich. Von Erich had his head taped up, a bit, selling his earlier confrontation with Zbysco. Nelson asked Von Erich if he was worried about Scott Hall, who’s expected to be in Hennig’s corner, as usual. Von Erich said that he wasn’t worried, adding, “ Just like I overcame the odds in my match, earlier tonight with Larry Zbysco…I was hurt, I was bleeding…but ya know what? I did it! I won that match, to get to this point right here. And that’s exactly what I’m gonna do, again, Larry! I’m telling you this right now, right here, in front of the audience at home, and the thousands here, tonight. I don’t care if Hennig has all of his friends at ringside, I’m still gonna beat’em, and win that AWA Heavyweight Title!

    After the interview they returned to ringside, where Marshall & Stevens continued to hype the main event. After going over upcoming AWA TV on ESPN & house show scheduling, they returned to the back where Nelson was standing by with Hennig & Hall.

    - Curt Hennig & Scott Hall -

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    Neslon: “ Curt Hennig, there’s not doubt that you’re an extraordinary wrestler --

    Hennig: “ I know! Tell me something I don’t know! Hahaha! [*Laughs with Hall*

    Neslon: “ But, there is no doubt that this man (Scott Hall) has played a huge part in your advancement throughout this tournament!

    Hennig: “ Yea…that’s right! As always—Like a true tag team partner, Hall has been a great source of support---

    Neslon: “ No, no, no, I’m not talking about that! I’m talking about him sticking his nose in your match with Sgt. Slaughter a few night’s ago, in Texas…I’m talking about his interference earlier tonight, when you were facing Greg Gagne! I’m talking about---

    Hennig: “ That’s enough, Larry! I don’t know what you’re talking about! All I know is that like any true tag team partner, Hall is always by my side! And whether you like it tonight, Hall will be right there, when I win the AWA Heavyweight Title, defeating the Texan boy—Kerry Von Erich! Let’s go, Hall!

    Neslon: “ Wowee! We’re in for a quite a main event! Back to you, Lee Marshall & Ray Stevens!

    - The AWA Heavyweight Tournament Match -

    7. Kerry Von Erich d. Curt Hennig in 15:01 to win the vacant AWA Heavyweight Championship

    This match, in terms of workrate was just a notch under the Zbysco-Von Erich match – most likely due to the fact that both men, especially Von Erich, were a bit worn from their earlier matches. However, this match had a bit more heat, since this was for the title. They made a huge deal about Hall at ringside, playing a huge part in the match from the beginning, serving as a distraction to Hennig. At 7:33, after Hall tripped up Von Erich, from the outside the referee quickly ordered Hall to return to the back. Fans popped hard for this, as both Hennig & Hall protested until it was clear that that was the refs final decision. This provided a whole new light for Von Erich, as he faired better against Hennig for the next several minutes. At 10:22, after a discus punch to Hennig, the crowd began to buzz as Larry ‘The Ax’ Hennig, made his way to the ring. The announcers instantly teased that Curt had another ally, in his former tag team partner, and Father in The Ax. Von Erich fell to a cradle pin, for a near fall, as he jawed with The Ax. At this point, Curt was bleeding a bit, as he had a small cut on his forehead. Final moments of the match came at the 15 minute mark of the match….

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    Final Call By Lee Marshall & Ray ‘The Crippler’ Stevens

    Stevens: “ ..Whoa, now look at this…Curt Hennig…is really taking a whipping here!

    Marshall: “ Kerry Von Erich is really giving it to Hennig now…and..[*The Ax picks up a folding chair, on the outside*]..wait a second…

    Stevens: “ Yea, he’s picking up that chair…what is The Ax doing on the outside?

    Marshall: “ Larry ‘The Ax’ Hennig, the Father, and former tag team partner of Curt Hennig, who came down to ringside just a few moments ago, has got that chair in his hand. And now, [*Curt counters Von Erich’s attempted overhead toss with a DDT*] OH MY!!! A DDT by Curt Hennig!

    Stevens: “ This could be all over! Kerry’s lost allotta blood! And he just landed face first – HARD – into that mat.

    Marshall: “1….2…..3!! Yes…wait…did he get him?

    Stevens: “ No, no, he only got two! Only two that time, Lee.

    Marshall: “ And now…Hennig…throwing Von Erich into the ropes….

    Stevens: “ Look at The Ax!! He’s getting ready to nail Kerry with that chair!

    Marshall: “ No!!! A reversal – Curt goes into the ropes…and OHHHH!!!!! He hits his son!! Larry the AX just hit Curt Hennig in the back with that metal folding chair, as he was coming into the ropes!

    Stevens: “ HE HIT THE WRONG MAN! DaRusha didn’t even see it! The plan backfired! Kerry was really alert there, and was able to get just enough energy to reverse that Irish whip, and send Curt into the ropes, as The AX was already winding up his shot

    Marshall: “ And….OH!!! A discus punch by Von Erich!! He makes the cover! Hooks the leg! 1! 2! 3! YES! Kerry Von Erich is the AWA World Champion!!!

    Stevens: “ Wow!! Kerry Von Erich is now the champion of the AWA!

    After a few moments, Verne Gagne, accompanied by figurehead president, Stanley Blackburn, and a host of other promoters presented Kerry Von Erich with the AWA Heavyweight Championship Belt. Crowd popped as a bloodied Von Erich held the title high, in a well worked, and well planned tournament final.

    Overall: 79

    Crowd: 81

    Match: 75

    The AWA World Heavyweight title has gained in image.

    Commentary Aftermatch

    Nelson: “ Well, that’s about it from here in Chicago..but WOW! What a night! How does the future look for the AWA?

    Marshall: “ Well, Larry the future of the AWA looks as bright as ever! Now, we have a World Champion again, and, boy – the competition is as hot as ever for that title! Kerry Von Erich will not have it easy, in defending that title!

    Nelson: “ That’s right – you’ve got guys like Greg Gagne, Curt Hennig, Larry Zbysco – many wrestlers out there, who came close to that title, and are all waiting in line for a shot at Kerry Von Erich!

    Marshall: “ And some just may not wait in line, at all! Plus, we have yet to hear from Stan Hansen since the title was stripped!

    Nelson: “ And what about some of the other things going on in the AWA, right now! I mean…now, how will Curt Hennig react to his Father and former tag partner, Larry The Ax, pretty much, well…costing him the final match?!

    Marshall: “ That’s right. And what about Bad News Allen and Masked Superstar! They fought everywhere in the building that they possibly could! And then they left the building! Wow! Too wild!

    Nelson: “ For Lee Marshall, Ray Stevens, Verne Gagne, and all of those who made these last couple of nights, historic ones to say the least – I’m Larry Nelson…see you on ESPN next week! It’s the AWA on ESPN!

    Thumbs up 71%

    Thumbs down 5%

    Thumbs in the middle 24%

    Best Match

    Modern Day Warrior Kerry Von Erich vs. Curt Hennig (AWA Title Final) 60%

    Modern Day Warrior Kerry Von Erich vs. Larry Zbysco (AWA Title Semi-Final) 31%

    Masked Superstar vs. Bad News Allen (Chicago Street Fight) 9%

    Worst Match

    Buck Zum Hoff vs. Jim Bennett 45%

    Ken Patera vs. Ron Bass 30%

    Mixed Six Man Tag Match 25%

    user posted image

    Next Update:


  12. Thanks for the awesome early interest and quick predictions. View count is amazing. As I promised in my '92 diary when I started it, this diary aims to present the AWA in a totally realistic manner, but without sacrificing imagination & innovation.

    No update this weekend, as I had originall planned. As I do every now and again, I wrote up the whole show, and didn't save it properly (downloaded my partial show from email etc. etc. blah blah), which means it's unrecoverable.

    I'm just about 50% done and should have the show up by tommorow. Most of you know my writing style already...but in case you don't...to sqaush silly expectations, my method is this; Shorter TV shows written in the style of Dave Meltzer/Dirtsheet. Longer speciality shows (or in this case '86--house shows and TV specials), and rediculously detailed 'big' shows (PPV). These first two shows are a mix of 1 and 2...a bit shorter than I would for a regular show, because I want to get this diary fired up already. As expected, I have some...er...shall we say, 'interesting' plans for the AWA.

    As another dynamic to the diary, I often have a backstage story within the regular storylines going on. We haven't gotten far enough for much of that yet.

    With that said I'll be doing a show every other day, excluding weekends. Either I'll do a blitz of shows, or no shows in any given weekend. Depending on my schedule. The same can be said for week-day shows. If a show is up on Monday, but not Wednesday...two may pop up on Thursday. Or two on Tuesday, etc. My point is that (like my other diaries) expect regular updates, with the occasional gap, and equally as occasional blitz of (TV/House) shows.

    As always, I'm open to any ideas. With that said, any preferances on who we want to see pushed? And of course, keep the predictions coming.

    Day #2 up tommorow. An AWA Champion will be crowned.


    DAY 2!

    To Crown A New A.W.A. Champion


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    Chicago Street Fight

    user posted imageuser posted image



    AWA Tournament Semi-Finals!





    Plus! A Mixed Six Person Tag Match!







    Live, from

    Illonois State University, in Chicago, Illinois

    Bell Time - 8pm

    On Pay Per View!

  14. Linkin Park, Shootyz Groove (kinda), Corporate Avenger (might be too hard to be considered 'rap'), Flak or Flip...I dunno, but they're on roadrunner records (they suck, and are broken up.), Etown Concrete (considered 'hardcore', but they rock, and rap).

  15. user posted image

    March, 22nd 1994 -Monday Night Raw -

    Channel: USA Network

    Venue: Manhattan Centre, New York

    Attendance: 8,432

    Announcers: Sean Mooney & Brother Love


    Dave Schmeltzer

    The backstage area was good. Shawn was getting happier, wrestlers were getting put over, things were being done. I have a feeling that after Wresltemania Ted Dibiase and Lawler are going to be two of the most over men in the company. Anyway, I welcomed Jake Roberts along...and later found out he got in a fight with Terry Taylor. And Jim Neidhardt has checked into Rehab! Taking the place of his team for the tag cage match will be The British Bulldogs. So it'll be Ray Rougeau and ? vs. The British Bulldogs in a Cage...

    Raw starts out with Sgt. Slaughter backstage..he see's Dynamite Kid and congratulates him for getting placed in Wrestlemania over 'A worldwide Icon, Sgt. Slaughter'...He then called Kid a 'Filthy Maggot' then walked off. 69%

    -The Million Dollar Man pays off The Mountie-

    We cut to the Canadian Foundation's locker room where they are laughting at Sgt. Slaughters comments. The Million Dollar Man walks in with Virgil and says he will pay any price for the Mountie's help. Iterim President Gerald Brisco told him that he will be signing an 8 man tag tonight, and that he needed Mountie as a Tag Partner, because Bret was on Lawler's team. Mountie agreed. 89%

    Hotstoff Eddie Gilbert & PHAT d. Yokozuna & Steiners

    Rob Van Dam was with PHAT and had that pitbull dog with him. Don't they know angles with Dogs never work? Gilberts team won when they all piled on Yokozuna.

    Overall: 68

    Crowd: 70

    Match: 66


    -Old Skool STeve Corino calls out Jake 'The Snake' Roberts

    Steve Corino d. Jake 'The Snake' Roberts

    Corino came out and said that he saw Jake Roberts backstage,and that Snakes had no place in Wrestling. He was with JJ Dillon.

    Overall: 73

    Crowd: 87


    Old Skool Steve Corino gained overness from this match. Jake Roberts didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating.

    Shawn Michaels d. The Genius

    Vince Russo accompanied Shawn Michaels to the ring...

    Overall: 67

    Crowd: 72

    Match: 56

    The Million Dollar Man appears on the Titan Tron with Virgil. He is on a farm in Memphis. He says that this is no place of a Champion and that Jerry Lawler was a bad Inter-Contintenal Champion. He said that the title needed some class. Mr. Perfect was also with Ted Dibiase, as revealed from a wide show as he was in the backround. 'It smells like Lawler!"shouted Perfect. The Million Dollar Man than goes around town, paying Memphis citizens to say bad things about Jerry Lawler. One woman called Jerry Lawler a pervert.

    Ted DiBiase gained overness from this segment.


    -PHAT Lets the Dogs Out-

    Akeem & The Big Bossman are backstage with the PHAT Meanie. They are steaking up to the Steiners door. They knock on the door and release a pack of wild dogs onto the STeiners. Didn't I say angles with dogs never work? 58%

    Scott Steiner lost overness from this segment. Rick Steiner lost overness from this segment.

    Dynamite Kid d. Sgt. Slaughter

    Overall: 70

    Crowd: 68

    Match: 73


    -Lawler, says to Dibiase 'It's Time To Stop-

    "Ya, know Dibiase, your going into my hometown, flauting your money, doing your thing...thats fine! You want to make it personal? Yea, so what, I don't have all the money in the world like you, and your Ken Doll, Virgil (Crowd laughs)..but ya see, now...at Wrestlemania...this is more than a title defense...this is a personal defense! Now bring out your team! Loud 'Jerry' Chat.

    Jerry Lawler gained overness from this segment.

    -The Mountie Claims Success for Hitmen's Title reign-

    The Million Dollar man is out with his team...the Mountie has something to say to Bret, who is in the ring...

    "Hello Crapman! (The Heels all laugh) Everybody knows that I'm the reason that you're holding that title right now! The hard work of 'The Mountie!' Well, Bret--in just a little under a week, at Wrestlemania '94, in YOUR hometown! I will defeat you and become WWF World Champion! Why? Because I'M THE MOUNTIE!"

    The Mountie, Macho King Randy Savage, Ted Dibiase, Ric Flair


    Bret Hart, Sid Jusitice, Jerry Lawler, Mak Callous

    Mountie pinned Lawler with the 'Mountie' slam, which is just a side drop...Crowd was chating for the faces to get revenge...A brawl ensued after the match, ending RAW....

    Overall: 81

    Crowd: 89

    Match: 75

    Show Quality

    Card Quality: 72

    TV Rating: 7.21

    The Competition

    WCW Mondy Night War 7.62


    March 17th, 1994 - Fox Sports

    Announcers: Todd Pettengill

    PHAT opens up with footage of Gerald Brisco footage from the past of when he used to wrestle...Vince McMahon did the ...announcing...they then when live to RAW where people were cheering for Brisco as Shawn Michaels was holding up his hand]

    Vince Russo and Gerald Brisco are in the ring with Shawmn Michaels...

    "You know, Diamond Studd; when you said to me 'I thought we were in this together', like I said, we were-- until you started to beat up announcers when you didn't get what you want! Now I'd be the first to admit; I ain't happy! I pair up with Jannetty again, only to get turned out, and left in the dark! But I'm patching things up with the men running the show! And Hogan...As far as your comments on Raw; its the Johnny Smith's, Sid Justice's, the Black Tiger's (Eddie Guerrero), -- and yes the MAN! Sid Jusice! (Crowd cheers) -- it's those people that are going to keep this great sport rolling!" He hands the mic over to Gerald Brisco...

    Brisco:" Oh and Hogan...According to the WWF Rulebook, President Jack Tunney's last ruling was that the only persons who were eligible to run for WWF President Ship, were managers of Champions, Champions, #1 Contenders for the WWF Titles, or managers of #1 Contenders!...And I don't think Jimmy Hart, Bret Hart, Jerry Lawler, or the Mountie are going to retire to run for WWF Presidentship...

    **I'm sorry, Hogan, but you do not fit any of those requirements; so we have appointed a President, and he will be annoucned, in Canada at Wrestlemania '94! (Crowd cheers -- and laughs)...and now Hogan guess what? Since you're not #1 contender, and you've retired from the ring, YOU CAN'T WRESTLE TO RECLAIM #1 CONTENDERSHIP! Ha! Ha!!"Brisco does his Indian War Dance the crowd is going nuts, Shawn Michaels is doing his dance as well..93%


    -Slick Broadcasts Live from the Projects-

    The Steiner Bros. d. Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima & Hart Foundation II

    Overall: 67

    Crowd: 57

    Match: 77

    AFter the match Slick appeared on the Titan Tron from 'The Projects'...He said he and Akeem had a friend, and wanted him to show what reeall dogs are like. The knocked on a guys door, his name was 'Raheem'. Raheem has a ferocious pitbull and it kept barking at the camera. Poor Camera man. The segment ended with them all laughing at Rick Steiner while holding the barking dog. Kamala was running around the flat; Kim Chee was chasing after him...The part of 'Raheem' was played by young prospect Rob Van Dam.

    Akeem gained overness from this segment.

    Ray Rougeau d. Rob Van Dam

    Raymond Rougeau came out and was upset at the footage that he just saw..He said that he couldnt' believe that he heard in the background of Rob Van Dam's flat, 'Rap Music' being played! The crowd booed Ray. Ray said that he had to defend his Good Citizen's trophy against 'scoundrels like that', and ordered Rob Van Dam to fight him.

    Overall: 71

    Crowd: 61

    Match: 82

    The Good Citizens title has gained in image.


    We goto the back where Yokozuna is eating. SGT. Slaughter goes up to him and tells him that he'll get fat if he continues to eat like that. (Crowd booe's Slaughter). Fuji tries to tell SGT. Slaughter that he made Yokozuna mad. Slaughter said he would be proud to put him in his place, later tonight. 73%

    The Hart Foundation was backstage, with Bobby Heenan, The Anvil was going nuts...He was wondering who Ray Rougueau's partner will be at the cage tag match at Wrestlemania '94. He said that he was going to take Ray's Trophy and throw it over the cage, then throw it back in; then back over again...and continue until it is 'in a million peices'. He was hyped. 87%

    George "The Animal" Steele d. Kamala

    George Steele always the crowd pleaser. He did a P.H.A.T dance making fun of Kamala.

    Overall: 55

    Crowd: 62

    Match: 39

    -JJ Dillon calls out Callous-

    Mark Callous & Chris Chavis d. Ric Flair & Steve Corino

    JJ Dillon out with Steve Corino & 'The Nature Boy'. Dillon said that it was a shame that Flair is such a legend that wrestlers like 'Mark Callous show up to his house. (crowd bood Dillon) He then said that Flair wanted a peice of him before Wrestlemania and to get a partner to face Flair and Corino. Good tag match. Callous knocked Corino out cold with the heart punch in 11:07.

    Overall: 80

    Crowd: 81

    Match: 79

    Jimmy Valiant was backstage with the Hart Foundation. They all supported Bret in his WWF Title defense against the Mountie at Wrestlemania in just 10 days. Bret promised to send the Mountie back to 'police academy'. Ha. Ha. 86%


    Yokozuna d. Sgt. Slaughter by DQ, when Hotstuff Eddie Gilbert threatened Mr. Fuji with a fireball outside the ring. Slaughter tried to slam Yoko.

    Overall: 73

    Crowd: 78

    Match: 63

    Yokozuna was sluggish and didn't put much effort in.

    -Macho King and Diamond Studd call out Shawn & Jusice-

    Macho King and Studd called out the 'WWF Pansey's" as he called them Shawn Michaels and Sid Justice. The bell rang, and Macho King defied all rules and spent the entire match going after Sid Justice for going after The Genius, his brother last week on RAW. It got so out of hand that the referee had to disqualify both teams for not getting back into the ring.

    Overall: 84

    Crowd: 90

    Match: 73

    Shawn Michaels was sluggish and didn't put much effort in.

    Show Quality

    Card Quality: 74%

    TV Rating: 7.29

  17. user posted image

    March, 14th 1994 -Monday Night Raw -

    Channel: USA Network

    Venue: Manhattan Centre, New York

    Attendance: 7,321

    Announcers: Sean Mooney & Brother Love


    Dave Schmeltzer

    WWF opens up this week, with Terry "Hulk" Hogan, in the locker room. This got the crowd into a huge 'Hogan' Chant. Bret Hart comes up to him, to an even bigger pop, and apologises to him for the stuff that went down late last year. Hogan replied "You got what you want....You and all these stupid fans, brother. Before I walk away from this company; again...I got one more thing to get off my chest..." 100%

    Terry "Hulk" Hogan's turn was completed, and he is now a heel. Terry "Hulk" Hogan gained overness from this turn. Bret Hart gained overness from this segment. Hogan is now the most over man in the company at 100....

    -The Million Dollar Man gets personal with Lawler-

    Raw opens up with Brother Love in the ring...he's ready to host the Brother Love Show. He brings out Jerry The King Lawler and asks him if he knows what Dibiase is going to show in his 'Live from Memphis' footage. Lawler, speaking over a LOUD "Jerry" chant, says that he still doesn't know what it is, but it's probably 'dumb', and 'stupid'. Strong use of words. But the crowd loved it, anyway. Suddenly the Million Dollar man appears on the Titan Tron. 95%

    Jerry Lawler gained overness from this segment.

    Ted Dibiase is live in Memphis. He walks around with Virgil, and called Memphis "Memphis, Tennesee! The place where Grass strands outnumber buildings HAHAHAHAHA!!! Virgil laughed in the background. Dibiase then walked into a restaraunt and looked around citing how 'all of the women are fat'. Lots of heel heat on Dibiase as he berated Lawler's hometown with him watching. Dibiase then told Virgil to get some food from the Restaraunt....he did...He spit in it, saying that Memphis food was bad food, and offered anyone in the restaraunt $200 to eat the spit filled food. Some fat lady did...and that ended the Segment with Dibiase laughing. Brother Love was also laughing, and as a result was given a Piledriver by Lawler. Lawler left to a deafning 'Jerry" chant. 91%

    Ted DiBiase gained overness from this segment.

    The Sarge meets up with Lawler

    The camera follows Lawler all the way to the back, where SGT. Slaughter is waiting right by his dressing room. He yells at Lawler;

    Listen Maggot! You let The Million Dollar Man walk all over you like a little girl! Do you know what you need, soldier?!!! You need an appointment with the SARGE! I'll whip you back into place, you PANSEY!!!. Lawler insists, and adds that he'll even put his I-C title on the line! 77%

    Strike Force d. The Headshrinkers

    Un-advertisted, Rick Martel introduced Tito Santana back into the WWF, reforming Strike Force! They ended with their finisher, to a nice respectful applause.

    Overall: 58

    Crowd: 57

    Match: 59


    Slick d. Superstar Paul Bearer

    This was a grudge match, as a result of Bearer knocking out Slick last week on PHAT TV...Slick grabbed the mic and suggested that instead of Wrestling they have a 'Dance Off' once again, and let the crowd decide who was the better dancer. Paul accepted, saying that he can 'Get Funky Slick danced to his self sung theme 'Jive Soul Fool', while Paul danced to some generic WWF 'dance music'. Paul did some kind of dance that best resembled Kamala's random mannerisms...anyway the crowd ruled in favour of Paul Bearer - but Slick attacked him with his cane while celebrating, then got the quick pin for the victory. Funny match. They did thier job.

    Overall: 55

    Crowd: 75

    Match: 10

    Superstar Paul Bearer lost overness from this match. Slick gained overness from this match. Superstar Paul Bearer didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating.

    -The Genius' Wrestlemania Surprise gets interupted by Sid Justice-

    Sid Justice d. The Genius Lanny Poffo

    The Genius came out to 'warn' everyone about what he had 'planned' for Wrestlemania...but he was interrupted by WWF Matchmakers Vince Russo & Gerald Brisco. They asked him to reveal to the wrestling world Macho King's REAL last name. Genius answered with hesitation "Poffo"...At that point everyone made the connection that they were real life brothers. With that, Brisco yelled 'It's Time For Justice to be Served!!!...

    With that Sid Justice defeated Poffo with a kick and a power bomb in 34 seconds. Obviously done to get into Macho Kings head. Crowd was going nuts. Russo and Brisco stood in the isleway, smiling.

    Overall: 62

    Crowd: 70

    Match: 45


    We return to RAW with footage from PHAT TV, of Ric Flair saying that he will not appear on WWF TV until Wrestlemania '94! They then go 'live via satellite' to Mean Mark Callous, who is in Charlotte, NC...near Ric Flair home. Callous walks up to Flair's front door, and knocks it. A beautiful woman answers to door...she unknowingly lets Callous in....Callous makes himself at home, by eating fruits from the fruit bowl, and he turns on WWF RAW...and watches himself...in Ric Flairs house. Flair who must've been watching upstairs starts screaming, running downstairs, telling Callous to leave. Callous, casually got up, and the two had a stare down...until Callous finally left. Flair was livid. The Announcers kept get over how 'Callous' and 'Cold' Mark was, as Brother love stated 'No, normal man would do that! 86%

    The Mountie & Ray Rougeau d. Jim 'Anvil' Neidhart & British Bulldog

    Nice Crowd heat, as the Mountie is starting to get over with the fans. Finish saw Ray Rougeau get the victory on Neidhart when he hit him with his 'Good Citizen's' trophy. After the Match, Mountie said that, soon, at Wrestlemania, he too will be a 'Champion' just like Ray. Funny combination those two brothers are....

    Overall: 75

    Crowd: 77

    Match: 71


    Jerry Lawler d. Sgt. Slaughter

    Lots of 'Jerry' chants as always. Lawler continues to gain in popularity, despite being in a feud that (up until the last few weeks) never really got alot of air time...The announcers spent this match speculating as to what Hogan's announcement would be next.

    Overall: 76

    Crowd: 81

    Match: 65


    -Terry 'Hulk' Hogan announces his retirement from the ring...to run for WWF Presidentship!!-

    The Hulkster is met with an arena full of booes. They remembers Hogan's comments from earlier tonight, when Bret tried to apologize for the past. Hogan was wearing a suit; and he didn't have a bandana, he was with longtime partner, Brutus Breefcake, along with top prospect Jean Paul Levesque, recently STOLEN from WCW :) ... Ok brother you heard their side of the story now, it's time for you to to hear mine! (debris is thrown in the ring, at the current #1 WWF Heel)...Last November when I was jobbing out to Rougeau right and left, I hurt my ankle dude! They say I faked it, because of an Internet rumour dude! (alot of what Hogan is saying isn't even being heard do to the level of hostility from the crowd--he begins to yell) So they fired my ass...And they want to replace me with that TALL LOOSER SID JUSTICE!!! (Crowd Cheers Sid Jusice's mention)..I'm Terry Hulk Hogan!!! Brother, And I am the WWF! I will never bee replaced by any of these young punks, like Superstar Paul Bearer's Johnny Smith, Chris Chavis, and Shawn Michaels...and above all, definately not by that fat tub Sid Justice!! (Beefcake and Levesque are trying to quiet down the crowd)

    There's only one way to prevent that from happening dude! And...thats by...getting in the most important position in this company... (He says that off Mic to Levesque and Beefcake; they laugh evilishly -- they don't realise what they said was mostly audible --) BROTHER I'M RETIRING FROM THE RING!!!!!!

    Vince Russo "(Vince Russo comes running out with Road Agent/booker Gerald Brisco, and writer Ted Stanely) "Terry you do realise that once you announce you're retirement you can't set foot in that squared circle again! I hope you relise that!"

    "HoganBrother, Jack Tunney resigned dude...I got the word, from My pal, the Macho King!! Ohhh Yeaaaa (Levesque and Beefcake imitate Macho King too, the crowd is booing)...Who's running for WWF President?"

    Brisco" (After consulting with Stanley and Russo)...Uhh..We have...somebody...um...Er--)

    Hogan" Well brother you do now! Because...Terry H. Hogan is running for WWF President, BROTHER!!


    The dressing room pours out with WWF Staff, and workers, shocked at this announcement from Hogan on Monday Night Raw...the faces ranged from Bobby The Brain Heenan, Gene Okerland, Johnny Valiant, to younger wrestlers like Rob Van Dam, Scot Taylor, even Marty Jannetty, who had not been re-debut on camera since being called back up from the VWF, popped out of the dressing room at some point. RAw went off the air with a quick and sudden end.

    ** 86%

    Show Quality

    Card Quality: 75 :)

    TV Rating: 7.30 (Great, but still lower than WCW) :)

    The Competition: ?


    March 10th, 1994 - Fox Sports

    Announcers: Todd Pettengill & 'The Doctor Of Style' Slick

    Bret Hart came out with the Hart Foundation and said that we are just 17 (or so) Days AWAY, from Wrestlemania! He then said, just like the Mountie is 'warming up', he's be warming up tonight and next week for Wrestlemania. Crowd was hot. Bret then said that he would defend the title against ANYONE!....Out of nowhere came former WWF Champion SGT. Slaughter. Cheer turned to boos, when he called Bret a 'Maggot', for getting kicked out of the Canadian Foundation by Mountie. Bret said he didn't get kicked out, but he will do some kicking on Slaughter later tonight!


    Rhythm & Bruise d. Nasty Boys

    The WWF is starting this whole 'New Generation' thing, and the tag team of 'The Roadie & Rockabilly' are part of it. A mix of cheers and booes...more boos, especially when they sang after the match.

    Overall: 57

    Crowd: 54

    Match: 61

    Jerry Saggs lost overness from this match. Brian Knobbs lost overness from this match. Rockabilly gained overness from this match. The Roadie gained overness from this match.

    Yokozuna was in the back holding his melted trophies that Eddie Gilbert melted last week on PHAT TV. He vowed revenge at Wrestlemania....via translator, Mr. Fuji...of course. 78%


    Ludvig Borga d. New Jack

    Announcers used this match basically to talk about the New Generation of the WWF, and how Macho King Randy Savage and Diamond Studd felt about it...

    Overall: 49

    Crowd: 39

    Match: 59

    Johnny Smith w/ Superstar Paul Bearer d. GrandMaster Earthquake

    All Japan Wrestling Star, Johnny Smith made his WWF Debut defeated Earthquake...Outside the ring, Slick was knocked out by 'Superstar' Paul Bearer. Slick, upset that he was embarrassed on 'his own show', challenge Bearer to a match next week on RAW....ohhh boy...(I lost the match ratings for this)Earthquake lost overness from this match. Johnny Smith gained overness from this match.


    Jerry Lawler was backstage with Vince Mcmahon. Lawler said that he doesn't know what Ted Dibiase had planned during his RAW 'Live From Memphis' coverage, but whatever it was " 'aint any good"....Lawler promised that after Wrestlemania he will still be WWF King, and WWF I-C Champion. Loud 'Jerry' chant. 90%

    The Steiners Brothers d. The Moondogs

    Glad to see the WWF finally expanding their talent pool. Except, Rex & Spot, the Moondogs aren't really 'New Generation'...Well maybe their just 'new' to the WWF. There were talks of having a USWA-WWF feud, but those plans fell through when USWA's own Jeff Jarret refused to break his verbal contract with them.

    Overall: 53

    Crowd: 54

    Match: 54

    Ric Flair was backstage with the rest of the Horsemen. He was pissed, as he just saw footage of 'Mean' Mark Callous making fun of him, yet another time, last week on RAW. Flair said that he will not appear on TV until Wrestlemania, when he can put away Callous, PERFECTLY........95%

    Ric Flair gained overness from this segment.


    The Mountie was backstage singing 'The Mountie Song' with Ray Rougeau, and Jimmy Hart. They, then did a 'mock wrestlemania' match...With Christian Cage playing the part of Bret. Cage was wearing all pink, and had pink flowers in his ear, and pink sun glasses. Mountie gave him an elbow, causing Cage to 'go flying', then the Mountie 'won'. Funny segment. The crowd was booing...but also singing along. 76%

    We goto the back where Vince Russo is talking with Sid on the Phone. He tells Sid that WWF President Jack Tunney has announced his resignation, and will appoint a new Commisioner in just a couple of weeks, at Wrestlemania '94, and asks Sid if he has any friends who would be good for the Job. Macho King says he knows just the man for the job; Terry 'Hulk' Hogan! Russo nearly falls out of his chair and tells Savage '"For The Last Time! Terry Hogan is NOT working for this company ever again! You have to get that through your thick skull! Now get out of my office!" Russo got a big pop for that outburst. Savage however, seeemingly calmer than usual said "You'll be able to tell him that yourself...next week on RAW..." Big pop for the hinting of a Hogan Return. I'm sure thier just trying to get a big rating on the RAW before Wrestlemania. Or maybe they really did resign Hogan, to battle Ultimate Warriors arrival in WCW. Who knows? 96%

    Macho King gained overness from this segment.


    Bret Hart d. Sgt. Slaughter - WWF TITLE

    Lots of Hogan chants as a result of the last segment. Bret and Slaughter ignored them, as they slowly faded out, as the match got better. Great to see Slaughter back in the WWF....getting talent over.

    Overall: 77

    Crowd: 80

    Match: 73

    Card Quality: 70 (Back to Normal) :)

    TV Show Rating: ?

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