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Posts posted by ChuBalso

  1. user posted image

    Janurary 3rd, 1994 -Monday Night Raw

    Channel: USA Network

    Venue: Manhattan Centre, New York

    Attendance: 6,539

    Announcers: Vince McMahon & Steve Corino & Rowdy Roddy Piper

    Raw opens up with Gene Okerland and Bobby The Brain Heenan standing in front of a giant locked vault.....

    Gene "Hello everyone, I'm Gene Okerland, here along side, the Brain....and the year is 1994...and with the new year comes, new ideas! But, Brain, many times the oldest ideas are the best and memorable ideas...."

    Heenan: (Looks at Vault) "Well isn't this what this thing is here for? (Okerland says 'Yessir')...Well tell the humanoids about it, then!"

    Gene "Well, during the first Raw of each month, We will be going into this 'WWF Vault'. And inside of this vault--it could be anything....and it will feature the return of someone, something, some people, some things, anything!....But, Brain---it's something that WWF fans have come to know and love, but may have been discontinued in the past for some reason or another.

    Heenan: "You mean a person could come out of that thing?

    Gene: "Haha...no, Brain. It'll be on a piece of paper, with a return date....So...This month....We give you the return of.....(Gene Opens the vault, pulls out a piece of paper, and nearly screams his lungs out) WWF Saturday Night's Main Event!!!"


    Vince Mcmahon & Steve Corino open up the show and run down what they have planned for tonight, they are joined by Roddy Piper, who seems drug influenced once again. His comments are ignored by Mcmahon & Corino:

    --Main Event ; I-C Title Match: Chris Chavis vs. Macho King Randy Savage

    --Special Challenge Match (by Lawler);

    Jerry The King Lawler & The Blue Blazer vs.Ludvig Borga & Hotstuff Eddie Gilbert

    --Words from former WWF Champion Ric Flair, and the New WWF Champion Bret Hart

    --A special Announcement from President Jack Tunney

    --'And more!'

    Mcmahon: "But first, we have the WWF Tag Team Titles on the Line, and the challengers are coming down the isle!!

    -Slick Announces that he's going Hollywood-

    The Collossal Connection d. The Rockers - WWF Tag Team Titles

    After they lost the match, Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty Argued. Could the Rockers reunion be short lived?

    Overall: 67

    Crowd: 71

    Match: 61

    After the match Slick Took the mic...Akeem was dancing around the ring, while Bossman was having fun twirling his nightstick around.

    Slick: " Good evening mah Bruthas and Sistas!! (crowd is laughing...because they remember what happened last week on Raw.....A loud 'John Candy' chant starts on the Big Bossman.)

    Last week, the Tag Team Champions and I had a little problem looking for a Hotel last week. Thats because....we were in the wrong part of town!! I thought I was in CA -- We were in PA!!!! (crowd booes...they don't believe it.) But next week....RAW comes to us live from Hollywood, CA! Ever since we got these Tag Team Titles, I've been meetin' ALLLL 'dose actor and actresses! Akeem's been hip hopping wid da best rappas, in showbizzzz!! And the Big Bossman, is at the top the list, of fine police officers...everyone knows of his work in Cobb County, Georgia. So next week, join the Slickster, and the WWF Tag Team champions as WE GO HOLLYWOOD!! " 70%

    -Diamond Studd challenges 'The Gentle Giant' at The Royal Rumble

    Sean Mooney " Hello Wrestling fans, I'm Sean Mooney here with, The Diamond Studd...and Studd....I understand you have a challenge for Giant Gonzales?

    Studd (Speaking very slowly, in his fake accent) "Hey Yo.....Bigman....Giant..........I....want....you......at the Royal Rumble (looks around)......And If I beat your ugly oversized body, I want a match, with your new saviour, your new hero--'UNCLE' Paul Bearer, the next night on RAW! 82%


    -Roddy Piper gets out of line, again-

    Coming off the Break, Steve Corino announced that he just got word that Jack Tunney is recovering at home from the attack of the Hart Foundation, a couple of months ago on RAW, according to a letter he recieved from the President. During Corino's entire time, Piper kept talking about how they should legalize marijuana. "Marijuana" was censored off television, and replaced by an unconvincing voice that subsituted "Wheat Bread", for the word Marijuana.... Also, the President has appointed Yokozuna the new 'watchdog' of the WWF. But as he was trying finish the announcment,

    Vince yelled to a rambling Piper, " Piper, would you please shut the hell up!! " Corino, then told Vince not to worry, and that he'll handle this in the ring.

    Announcer Steve Corino d. Rowdy Roddy Piper

    After Corino won, he challenged the Piper to a Looser Gets Banned From Monday Night Raw Match, for next week on RAW. Piper declined, then accepted, then declined, accepted again, declined, then accepted for the final time.

    Overall: 68

    Crowd: 64

    Match: 72

    -Flair Calls for A Fourth Horsemen

    The Four Horsemen, led by JJ Dillon, came down the isle. Fresh off of loosing his WWF Title, Flair was furious and got straight to the point.

    " Bret!!!! Bret!!!! You, Jimmy Hart, Mountie, that whole Canadian Foundation of yours are going down I promise you that much!! First Brother Love, bring your Japanese buddy Tenzan down here right now! You cost me my WWF Title last week on RAW!!

    Brother Love appears on the 'RAW Tron', with Hiroyoshi Tenzan working in the background. He is practicing his moonsault, the same Moonsault that he landed on Ric Flair, during his title match w/ Bret Hart last week. It doesn't take us too long to figure out that this is a pre-recorded interview from Love.

    Eyyyyyyyeee Looooovvvvveeee Youuuuuuu!!!! Ric Flair, I apologize, but my man Hiroyoshi Tenzan is busy working out.....you know....preparing to become a Champion--something you're not. (Crowd booes) But he'll be glad to face you next week on RAW....or better yet....this weekend...on 'Saturday Night's Main Event'!!! See you there, Flair. A close up on Tenzan reveals that he his practicing his Moonsault...on a Ric Flair Wrestling Buddy. 79%

    Hiroyoshi Tenzan's overness went up

    Flair continues...smiling now that he got his match.

    Wooo!!! Now to Horsemen business! As you can see, we're 4 strong, but only 3 wide! Luger, Myself, and Blanchard handle what we gotta do in the ring, and the greatest mind in pro wrestling; James J. Dillon, back where he belongs; with the Horsemen!!! Woooooo!! (JJ mumbles an inaudible). But we need a 4th! We need that 4th Elite wrestler!!! And that spot is open to ANYONE! ANYONE, can be a Horsemen---just as long as they got the, guts, determination, drive, and will it takes to be a Horseman! My good man JJ Dillon will be scouting WWF Wrestlers from now up until the Royal Rumble! And at the Royal Rumble - Live from the Ocro Arena, in Austin, Texas---A Fourth Horseman will be Announced!!! Wooo!!!! Woooo!!! Oh and Bret! You and your Canadian Cronies better not show up tonight! Not you! Not the toy cop, Mountie! Not Martel! Not Neidhart! Not Rougeau! No one! 86%


    -Yokozuna's first 'mission' as 'WWF Watchdog' is too put out the 'fire' of Eddie Gilbert-

    Ludvig Borga & Hotstuff Eddie Gilbert d. WWF King Jerry Lawler & The Blue Blazer

    Gilbert pinned Blue Blazer after a Piledriver. After the match, Yokozuna walked down the isle...and since he can't speak English, he handed a note to Eddie Gilbert. It read "You have an Appointment with Yokozuna The WWF Watchdog at Saturday Night's Main Event. Yokozuna smiled, patted Gilbert on the head, and waddled away, smiling - to a huge pop. So if Yokozuna is the WWF Watchdog, what does that make the Mountie?

    Overall: 73

    Crowd: 73

    Match: 74


    -The Horsemen meet the new WWF Champion at the door-

    A long pink limousine pulled up to the Arena. Out came, in this order, Jimmy Hart, The Mountie, WWF Champion Bret Hart, Ray Rougeau (Now wearing a 'France's #1 Hero' T-shirt), Jim Neidhart and Rick Martel - The Canadian Foundation. Suddenly JJ Dillon appears, and offers to show Bret Hart to his locker room, while Gerald Brisco shows the rest to their locker room, as it is 'New WWF Policy that the WWF Champion have a seperate locker room from everyone else Realizing that both JJ Dillon and Brisco are part of the WWF booking team, Bret accepts, as long as his manager 'The Mouth of the South' Jimmy Hart can come with him. The camera follows Bret.

    --JJ opens the door--Bret is met with a low blow from Dillon, a club to the head from Tully Blanchard, and a chair crack by Lex Luger. Bret is laying unconcious. Dillon KO's a shocked Jimmy Hart.

    JJ Dillon (Laughing, to Ric Flair)" Do you think Hart's Horsemen material? "

    Flair " No way, JJ! The crowd is solidly behind the Horsemen here, as 'Woooos' are heard from every side of the arena. They both laugh, as Flair 'crosses Bret's name' off of the Horseman scouting list. 95%

    Ric Flair's overness went up

    Chris 'Tatanka' Chavis d. Macho King Randy Savage - IC Title

    Good to see that Savage doesn't mind putting over younger talent. After the match the announcers thanked everyone for joining them this week on RAW...but just as the show was going off the air...Mark Callous came down the isle, with a mic in his hand.

    Overall: 79

    Overall: 84

    Match: 69

    Chris Chavis' overness went up

    The Image of the I-C title has gone up.

    -Mean Mark Callous wants to join the Horsemen - By Force-

    Callous " Ya know...I just heard there's an opening in the Horsemen! (Callous is pacing all over the ring. Fans are going nuts) Hey Flair! C'mon out here....Ya don't gotta wait for the Royal Rumble, Mean Mark Callous is Your Fourth Horseman!!! (Crowd's going wild)

    JJ Dillon comes running out with Lex Luger and Tully Blanchard.

    Dillon " Hey, Hey wait a minute!! No, No, No!!! (Crowd booes Dillon--Ahh...gotta love the accidental yet convenient tweenerism of Luger, Flair, & Dillon) You are not in the Horsmen!! You have no class! (crowd Boos Dillon.) You're loud! You curse! (looks closely at Callous. He is chewing tobacco.) You chew Tobacco!!

    Callous " Dillon! I'm joining the Horsemen whether you like it or not!! (Dillon doesn't change his mind) Oh yea....Well how bout this! If I beat that pretty boy Lex Luger in a match, I get a spot in the Horsemen! If I don't win, everyone goes home happy. have

    Dillon (After conversing with Tully and Lex) "Ok fine 'Mean' Mark. When do you want this match?)"

    Callous " NOW!! "

    Mean Mark Callous DDQ Lex Luger - Impromptu Match

    The two wrestled in this unannounced match for about 5 minutes before Ric Flair hit the ring, attacking Callous. The referee threw out the match, finally, after continuous interferance from Dillon, Blanchard, & Flair. Raw went off the air, with Flair yelling "Callous! You will never, ever be a Horsemen!! " Callous laughed, as he watched the Horsemen back peddle to the back.....to a loud "Callous' chant.

    Overall: 79

    Crowd: 85

    Match: 68

    Show Quality

    Show Quality: 78%

    TV Rating: 6.01

    Saturday Night's Main Event Preview!

    --Main Event - Grudge Match - WWF Crown - No Rules

    King Jerry Lawler vs. Macho King Randy Savage w/ Sherri

    --WWF Watchdog Yokzuna vs. Hotstuff Eddie Gilbert

    --Ric Flair w/ JJ Dillon vs. Hiroyoshi Tenzan w/ Brother Love

    --Plus 'in action', many other WWF Superstars!

  2. user posted image

    December 27th, 1993 -Monday Night Raw -

    Channel: USA Network

    Venue: Manhattan Centre, New York

    Attendance: 6,010

    Announcers: Vince McMahon & Steve Corino

    Paul Bearer opened up Raw in the lockeroom, with Giant Gonzales, holding pictures of 'Hot Stuff' Eddie Gilbert, and Ludvig Borga. He says they're wild antics spoil the fun of others, and they have to be stopped. Gonzales started clapping. Open Raw Credits.

    -'Hot Stuff' Eddie Gilbert Fires at Gonzalez-

    Gilbert was at ringside with McMahon & Corino. Corino asked him all sorts of questions. Basically, Gilbert made it clear that he would continue his pyro antics....and tonight he'll use them on Giant Gonzalez. 76%

    -Piper, once again, in no condition to perform-

    Rowdy Piper, bloodshot eyes & complete with a 'smoke' odor-- goes stumbling around, and ends up in Brother Love & Hiroyoshi Tenzan's locker room. Piper, who apparently can't see to well, feels on Tenzan's Horns (from his headgear, of course), and thinks that it is the Crown of Jerry Lawler's. Eager to fight 'Lawler' Piper grabs Tenzan and drags him to the ring to wrestle. Somehow, he doesn't hear Brother Love's screaming and yelling. 73%

    Hiroyoshi Tenzan d. Rowdy Roddy Piper

    Tenzan ended piper with a moonsault of the top rope. Two heels here, not that much crowd interaction.

    Overall: 53

    Crowd: 40

    Match: 67

    Hiroyoshi's overness has gone up

    Roddy's overness decreased


    -Jerry Lawler is the first to enter himself in the Royal Rumble

    Gene Okerland "Well, Jerry--I must say that here lately, you've been the ideal hero for wrestling fans of the WWF.

    Lawler "That's right, Gene. You had the Macho Man running around here calling himself the King of the WWF. I took care of that--now ya got Piper running around---What does he think this is--woodstock? (Crowd Laughs). But now Gene...I want to go one step higher....I've won titles, in the NWA, AWA, and in the USWA over ten times! But ya know Gene, I never won WWF Gold! (crowd cheers). So, I'm going to be the first to enter myself into the WWF Royal Rumble, live from the Pepsi Arena, on January 29, 1994!

    Lawler leaves to a nice "Jerry" chant.

    -Slick and the WWF Tag Team Champions-

    Vince McMahon " Well, Steve Corino, this next peice of footage comes to use from you, doesn't it? Tells us about it! "

    Corino: " That's right Vince. You see before the show, I wanted to sit down and chat with The 'Doctor of Style' Slick, and his team, WWF Champions - The Colossal Connection. But when we were looking for a hotel room, things weren't as easy as Slick Thought they would be. Take a look....... "

    Steve Corino has a micropohne and is following, the manager of the WWF Tag Team Champions (Big Bossman & Akeem), 'Doctor of Style' Slick, around town looking for a hotel room to sit in. Slick insists that his 'new connections', ever since his team won the titles, would grant him whatever he wanted. Slick walks into to Hotel 1.

    Slick " Weaaahhhlll, Exuussseee meee! (to the secretary) It's Me, the Dr. Of Style!!! (The secretary has no idea who he is - He leaves dissappointed and goes to Hotel #2.

    ----(The bell person of the second hotel is a young woman, maybe mid 20s. Style starts with the girls, flashing the WWF Tag Team Titles)

    Slick "Well helloo my sista! I most certainly do remember seeing you at all of those VIP parties! You know mah men, Akeem - Soul Brotha, and the Law and Order of the WWF The Big Boss--(She slaps Slick before he can even finish--The crowd is laughing watching this from the arena--Slick, dissapointed, goes to Hotel#3

    (The bellboy of Hotel #3, is short, fat, and oddly dressed. He is wearing a shirt that says I love Children , and his nametag reads Mufffy )

    Slick "Mah Brutha! Mah Brutha, Mufffy! You do realize that the three men before you are very powerful men? Yas, that's right brutha! We own the WWF Tag Team Titles!

    (At first the bellboy 'Mufff' is confused....but then he looks at the Big Bossman, as if he suddenly remembers his face...)

    Mufffy: "John Candy? Is that You! Oh My gosh! (He starts screaming - looking for 'kids' in particular) Hey kids! Hey everyone, it's John Candy!! Oh I'd like to see John's Candy! . Segment Ends with Vince Mcmahon and Steve Corino laughing on the air. Maybe it got a low rating because....it ended unexpectedly. :)


    Ludvig Borga d. Giant Gonzales

    Even Borga was laughing at the Slick Segment, breaking character. Gonzales basically no sold everything, which made the match hard to watch. Crowd was into the 'Gentle Giant' big time.

    Overall: 59

    Crowd: 75

    Match: 24

    Ludvig Borga gained overness

    Giant Gonzales lost overness


    -'Hot Stuff' Eddie Gilbert strikes again-

    France's Favourite Hero Ray Rougeau d. The Blue Blazer

    After Rougeau gave Blazer the 'Rougeau Roundhouse', Eddie Gilbert came down the isle and flamed Blue Blazer. Rougeau, for some odd reason, actually stopped Gilbert from doing more damage.

    Overall: 74

    Crowd: 66

    Match: 83

    Raymond Rougeau gained overness Gilbert stayed in the ring, calling himself a 'Giant Killer' -- citing how he was going to take Gonzales down with 'the flame'.

    'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert d. Giant Gonzales

    Gonzales was horrible, here as always. Gilbert's getting more heel heat.

    Overall: 61

    Crowd: 74

    Match: 31

    Lex Luger d. Diamond Studd

    Luger proved that he is 'Horsemen' material by putting Studd in the Torture Rack.

    Overall: 79

    Crowd: 82

    Match: 73

    -Brother Love conspiring with Jimmy, Bret Hart, and The Mountie-

    Steve Corino left the announcers booth, telling Vince that he was going to try to get a word with Bret Hart before his big championship match. The Camera followed Steve Corino all the way to the Canadian Foundation's Lockeroom. When Corino walked in, he was suprised to see Jimmy Hart, Bret Hart, and The Mountie, talking to....Brother Love!! ...They kick Corino out of the dressing room. The Mountie handcuffs corino, causing Corino to have to walk back to the Announcers seat, handuffed.



    WWF World Championship

    Ric Flair (Champion) vs. Bret Hart

    Jack Tunney came out first an announced that if anyone from the Canadian Foundation or the Four Horsemen intefered, then their entire regime will be indefentley suspended!

    The first 10 minutes of the match was all Flair, the next ten minutes Bret, then it went back and forth from there. The crowd was solidly behind Flair for the entire portion of the match. During the entire match, each member of the Canadian Foundation tried coming down to the ring.

    When Jimmy Hart was denied by the referee he argued "But I'm the Mouth of the South!!"

    When Rick Martel got denied, he argued, "I'm a model, dammit!"

    When The Mountie got denied, he protested, "I'm the Law of the WWF!"

    When Jim the Anvil Neidhart got denied, he argued that he was an Anvil. The referee had no idea what an Anvil was, and neither do I.

    Final Call by Vince McMahon & Steve Corino

    McMahon " ....and now...it look's like Flair has Bret right where he wants him, WAIT A MINUTE!!! WHO'S THAT---IT'S BROTHER LOVE! What the hell is he doing down here!!? "

    Corino: (Brother Love Falls down, clinching his ankle...screaming 'Ahhh Lorrd!!! Heellppp!! My ankle! My ankle!') "Oh my!! Vince it looks like Brother Love hurt his ankle....referee Dave Hebner is going to his attention.....

    (As Ric is watching the crazyness outside the ring, Bret Hart reaches down into his trunks, finds brass knuxxx, and clonks Flair in the face with it.)

    McMahon " And now...Hart has the pin...Ric Flair is down....1........2.......3.....!!! Yes!! No!!! Two! Flair Kicked out!! Where did he get that energy from??! (Brother Love starts screaming again...Hebner goes back out to help him)

    Corino And now, here comes Brother Love's Wrestler, HiroYoshi Tenzan......he hits the ring................And hits Ric Flair with his Moonsault!! He ducks underneath the ring! Here comes Hebner!! 1......2..................3!!!!! Bret Hart is the new WWF Champion!! What will Jack Tunney have to say about this! Join us next week!


    Show Quality

    Card Rating: 73 %

    Rating: 5.84 (Must've been that horrible on camera performance by 'Mufffy'. either that, or I forgot that skipping a PPV lowers you're PI. Ah all the better...more the challenge. :) )

  3. I'll make the match write ups more detailed for Raw, I usually don't do recaps like I did for Heat, in my old WCW diary I wrote them up as if I was watching the match and called the action as I saw it, so ill do that for Raw but in more detail.
  4. They begin by showing Undertaker chokeslaming some of his many victims and then the video cuts to Undertaker throwing Mankind of the Hell in a cell and then to when he put Mankind through the top of the cell, the video ends with the crucifixion of Stone Cold and an evil laugh from the Undertaker, as the video fades to black we can here Undertaker say Rest In Peace.
  5. What I am about to say can only be argued against by a Yankees fan, or someone who is insane. And if someone does try, let me say before you even start: You're full of shit.

    The Yankees are NOT great. If you've got a team who can easily afford to spend more money than even two or three teams combined on quality players that other teams can't afford, of course you're going to win championships

  6. We're gonna be watching the Cubs/Braves here instead of the Western Games. Mike and the Maddog (#1 ranked Sports radio show here in the NY/NJ Area) are trying to get a phone in drive going trying to convince Fox to show the Angels game tomorrow.
  7. user posted image

    December 20th, 1993 -Monday Night Raw -

    Channel: USA Network

    Venue: Manhattan Centre, New York

    Attendance: 6,507

    Announcers: Vince McMahon & Steve Corino

    -Brother Love introduces Hiroyoshi Tenzan-

    This Monday Night Raw opened up with the return of, The Brother Love Show . Love introduced his new wrestler Hiroyoshi Tenzan, and said that he will debut next week on RAW. During the entire segment the words "1st RAW of 1994, Featuring the Rowdy Roddy Piper disturbing discovery!. I have no idea. 80%

    Brother Love's overness went up

    Hiroyoshi Tenzan's overness went up.

    -The Mountie, proclaims himself 'Yokozuna'-

    From the Brother Love show, we go to the concession stands of the Manhattan Centre, where little kids are buying 'Yokozuna' merchandise. Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart starts screaming and yelling about how Yokozuna, is not a good role model because he eats too much. :lol: Yokozuna takes offense and starts pummeling Niedhart. Seconds later, We hear a loud Siren getting closer. It's The Mountie, on a 'police scooter'. Jimmy Hart is right by his side, riding his very own 'Jimmy Cycle", as the announcers were calling it..

    The Mountie says that he is the Law of the WWF, and by attacking fellow Candian Foundation member, Jim Neidhart, Yokozuna has just crossed the law. Mountie informs everyone (including the fans), that there is 'too much crime' in the WWF, and that someone has to clean it up.....The Mountie hands him a ticket, and tells him that he'll meet him later on tonight, in the ring. 93%

    Yokozuna has completed his face turn.

    Yokozuna's overness has gone up

    Demolition d. The Headshrinkers

    Nova looked great here. Afa slipped on his way walking to the ring. Thats about the only time the crowd paid attention to these four

    Overall: 61

    Crowd: 52

    Match: 70


    The Blue Blazer d. Jim "The Anvil" Niedhart

    After Blazer won the match 'Hot Stuff' Eddie Gilbert came down the isle, to quite the heel pop. He threw fire in Blazer's face.

    Overall: 71

    Crowd: 72

    Match: 72

    Blue Blazer's Overness Went up

    Jim Neidhart's overness decreased

    -Captain Lou Albano & George "The Animal" Steele accepts The Millon Dollar Man's challenge-

    Sean Mooney was backstage with Captain Lou.

    Mooney "Lou did you hear the Million Dollar Man's challenge? He has challenged your man to a Million Dollar Match! If George wins he gets the Million Dollar Title---but if he looses--all of George's body hair will be shaved off! "

    Albano "(George clutches 'mine', afraid that he may loose all of his back hair) That's right! That's right! We Accept! We got the appoitment with money man, George! We did it! 1994 Royal Rumble! We did it! They exit, as Sean Mooney looks on in confusion. 80%


    -Flair grants Bret Hart a rematch, next week on RAW-

    JJ Dillon and Ric Flair are in the Horsemen locker room. They discuss if Ric Flair should grant Bret Hart a rematch, and if so when. JJ starts 'firing up' Ric Flair

    Dillon "Nature Boy! Now is the time to show all of the people that the Four Horsemen is here, in the WWF to stay! We are in control, and thats how things will remain--forever! Horseman style! He makes Four Horsemen sign.....

    Flair " You're right Dillon!! Thats why you are the greatest mind in the sport today!! Hart! You want this! You got it! Next week! Raw! Prepare to meet the, JET FLYIN'!(crowd wooos), LIMOUSINE RIDIN'! (woos again) WHEEL DEALIN' (another wave of woos), KISS STEALIN' -SON-OF-A-GUN--of a Champion!! (crowd is going nuts at this point...as is Flair....Dillon watches as he dances and just claps & laughs)

    Piper's weed does the talking, challenging Lawler-

    Piper spoiled the party when the Horsemen here a loud thud at the door. It's Rowdy Piper--he looks directly into JJ's face and asks which way the Jerry Lawler's locker room. JJ points to the way. From his clumsy state, and his bloodshot eyes, the announcers make the assumption that Piper must've been 'smoking something illegal'. Piper knocks on Lawler's door, and asks him, via mumbling for a rematch here tonight. Lawler accepts, and hands Piper some visine. 73%

    France's Favourite Hero Ray Rougeau d. Rocker Shawn Michaels

    Rougeau kept 'saluting' the crowd, as if they were cheering him. Funny Gimmick--its working. Good Match, too.

    Overall: 77

    Crowd: 75

    Match: 79

    Ray Rougeaus overness went up

    Shawn Michaels lost overness

    The Mountie d. Yokozuna

    Mountie rode around the ring in his "Mountie Cycle" Jimmy Hart had his 'Jimmy Cycle', too. After the match, The Mountie cattle prod shocked Yokozuna, after handcuffing him to the ropes. Mountie had some real heat here. He kept yelling "This is going to be you soon, 'Lex Express boy!'", as he abused Yokozuna.

    The Mountie Gained Overness

    Yokozuna lost overness.

    Mr. Perfect d. Gentle Giant Gonzales

    Gonzales no sold everything, but was finally brought down when The Genius distracted referee Joey Marella. At this point, 'Hot Stuff' Eddie Gilbert came running down the isle once again, flame thrower in hand, and burned Gonzales' face, allowing Perfect to get the easy pin. McMahon kept yelling "Get this Crazy Pyro out of the Building!"

    Overall: 71

    Crowd: 84

    Match: 41


    Jerry Lawler d. Rowdy Roddy Piper - WWF Crown

    Piper was considerably High during this match. I'm not sure if this is part his storyline, or if he's just 'having problems'. He was rather sluggish too. Jerry Lawler kept this match alive, winning with his patented piledriver. Raw went off the air, to the crowd chanting to a celebrating Lawler; "Jerry! Jerry! Jerry".....

    The WWF Crown image has increased

    Piper lost overness

    Show Rating

    Card Quality 77

    Tv Rating: 6.05

    Next Week's Raw Preview!!

    --Gentle Giant Gonzales' targets two 'Bad Apples' in the WWF!!

    --The Slickster shows off his team's Tag Team Gold

    --Feature Matches

    WWF Championship - 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair vs. Bret Hart (Return Match!)

    Lex Luger vs. Diamond Studd


    The Mountie Continues to fight crime!

    Hiroyoshi Tenzan's in ring debut,

    and more!!

  8. December 19th, 1993

    Well, it looks like thing are looking pretty good. Our public image is at 46% (up from 30%), so we're progressing well.

    We have to get ready for Raw tommorw, live from Penn State.

    Here's a look at our finances of last month; along with the profit we made.

    Last Month--Income

    Sales Revenue $1,137,160

    PPV Revenue $3,300,000

    Sponsors $3,275,000

    Merchandise $1,500,000

    Last Montl Expenditure

    Worker Wages $6,432,000

    Production Costs $400,000

    Staff Wages $868,000

    Merchandise Costs $1,000,000

    Advertising Scenerios $2,000,000

    Profit +$5,146, 620

    Monday Night Raw Preview!!

    --Who will 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper call out this time!?

    --The Mountie vs. Yokozuna!

    --Mr. Perfect accompanied by, The Genius vs. 'Gentle Giant' Gonzales accompanied by, Uncle Paul Bearer!

    --'France's Favourite Hero' Ray Rougeau vs. Rocker Shawn Michaels!

    --"Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert makes an impact!

    --Plus Appearances from WWF Champion Ric Flair, & The Four Horsemen, and The Canadian Foundation!

  9. user posted image

    December 13th, 1993 -Monday Night Raw -

    Channel: USA Network

    Venue: Ottawa Sports Complex, Ottawa Canada

    Attendance: 6,541

    Announcers: Vince McMahon & Steve Corino

    -Piper opens show, this time denouncing the Blue Blazer-

    Roddy Piper caim out and said, that he had yet another problem with a WWF wrestler who whas 'embarassing his sport; The Blue Blazer. The then called out the Blue Blazer to a match.

    Blue Blazer d. Rowdy Roddy Piper

    After he won the match, Blue Blazer drank a glass of milk, then poured the rest on Rowdy Piper.

    Blue Blazer's overness went up

    Piper Lost overness

    -The Canadian Foundation 'captures' Jack Tunney

    We go to the desk of the Commissioner where the Mountie is at the desk of Jack Tunney. Tunney, our beloved Commissioner, is locked up in a cage--that is hanging from the cieling. :lol: The Mountie is poking Jack Tunney with with his cattle prod. The crowd is laughing, and cheering. A "Mountie" chat has begun. OH yea, that's right...there in Canada. WWF champion Bret Hart just stood there, with the rest of the Candian Foundation. 82%

    Bret Hart Lost Overness

    -Piper has more complaints-

    Piper came out, pretty battered up from his match with the Blue Blazer, with more to complain about. This time, he said people like Max Moon, with all of his costume makes him sick. He then challenged Max Moon to fight him...and if he wins he gets to take off his mask.

    Max Moon d. Rowdy Roddy Piper

    Overall: 66

    Crowd: 65

    Match: 83

    Max Moon gained overness

    Roddy Piper Lost overness

    ADVERTS*footage of "Hot Stoff" Eddie Gilbert from the GWF aired...his debut was up next*

    "Hot Stoff" Eddie Gilbert d. Hacksaw Jim Duggan

    Gilbert's debut was great. He had the crowd going. There were talks about putting Gilbert in the Horsemen, but I don't think that's such a good idea.

    After the match, Gilbert threw fire in Duggan's face.

    Overall: 64

    Crowd: 70

    Match: 52

    -The Million Dollar Man issues a Royal Rumble Challenge-

    "....Captain Lou Albano! I beat you and your man freak! But I know what it is that you want! You want this. (Virgil opens a briefcase. In it, the Million Dollar Belt). So here's what I'll do. I'll meet you all right, in the ring at the WWF Royal Rumble! And I'll put my Million Dollar Belt on the Line! But if I win; Virgil gets to shave your back! " Dibiase then, did his evilish laugh, and walked off with Virgil. 87%

    Colossal Connection d. Real Americans (WWF Tag Title)

    The end of the match came when , Slick, once again struck the opponent with his stick. He and Akeem danced for a little while.

    Overall: 63

    Crowd: 63

    Match 64

    Diamond Studd d. Shawn Michaels

    Steve Corino tried to get a word with Studd, but he just said "Hey Yo' ", right before throwing his toothpick into Corino's face. Great Match. Crowd kept chanting 'Rockers', to get behind Shawn Michaels.

    Overall: 85

    Crowd: 87

    Match: 85

    ADVERTS*We see Flair and Luger, with the motivation of JJ Dillon as they prepare for thier 'War Games Style' match, against the Mountie and Bret Hart. 84%*

    Chris "Champion" Chavis retains the I-C Title

    Chris "Champion" Chavis d. Mr. Perfect

    When Perfect was going into the ropes, Genius accidently deck Perfect with his lethal clipboard, knocking him out. Chavis did the Tatanka dance to celebrate.

    Overall: 77

    Crowd: 82

    Match: 68

    Mr. Perfect lost overness

    The I-C Title image has gone up

    -Lawler/Savage gets the crowd going-

    Jerry "The King" Lawler d. Macho King Randy Savage - Crown - Cage

    There were many "Jerry" chants during the whole match. The crowd popped big for Lawlers arm strap spot. Lawler creamed Savage with two Piledrivers, then did a third to appease the "Jerry" Chants, to successfully defend the WWF Crown

    Jerry Lawler increased in Overness

    The WWF Crown Title has increased image


    -Ray Rougeau's "F.F.H." gimmick gets over with fans-

    Ray Rougeau was backstage with his tag team partner, Jim Neidhart. Rougeau was waiving a mini flag that read F.F.H. He kept talking about how he was France's Favourite Hero, getting a great pop from the hometown crowd. 81% :)

    Ray Rougeau's overness has increased

    The Mountie & Bret Hart d. WWF Champion Ric Flair & Lex Luger - War Games Style - Cage

    These four did all they could to entertain the Canadian crowd, but there were MANY "Jerry" chants all throughout the match. Poor Mountie. This the second time that he had to perform in front of an exhausted crowd (First time Survivor Series..again...after a Lawler match).

    After he won the match, Mountie grabbed the mic and yelled "There ain't no Horsemen Parties in Canada!" crowd Cheers loudly. Jimmy Hart leads, WWF Champion Bret Hart, Rick Martel, and the Amazing French Canadians (Ray Rougeau F.F.H & Jim Neidhart) into the cage, as they all celebrate in the ring, waiving the flag to the Canadian crowd.....


    Crowd: 67

    Match: 78

    Show Quality

    Card Rating: 75% :)

    TV Rating: 6.04

  10. user posted image

    Decemember, 6th 1993 -Monday Night Raw

    Channel: USA Network

    Venue: Manhattan Centre, New York

    Attendance: 6,537

    Announcers: Vince McMahon & Steve Corino

    -Four Horsemen decorate the Arena-

    Hiroyoshi Tenzan d. 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan

    The ring was filled up with all sorts of decorations, set there by the Horsemen. Brother Love came out and introduced his new wrestler Hiroyoshi Tenzan. He kept complaing' that the ring decorations were taking away from his wrestler's debut; citing it as another 'WWF Conspiracy'

    Overall: 56

    Crowd: 58

    Match: 53

    Hiroyoshi Tenzan's overness went up.

    Jim Duggan's overness went down

    A Horsemen Celebration-

    JJ Dillon comes out by himself and announces each wrestler He introduces, Flair last, as the "New World Wrasslin Federation Champion "--Flair comes out accompanied by 6 beautiful ladies. Everyone; Dillon, Tully Blanchard, Lex Luger, and Flair himself, are wearing tuxedos. Flair starts screaming, holding his new WWF title.

    "Well, it looks like the WWF Title just came back, to the big time! Woooo! And this is the way we party! Wooo! Horsemen style!! (Flair starts spraying champagne all over Luger and Blanchard. The girls got a little wet, too.) Hit my music!

    --Flair starts dancing and jumping around in the ring, holding his WWF Title...The party is interrupted by Jimmy "Mouth of The South" Hart, and the Mountie!

    Jimmy Hart: " "Let me tell you something, Flair! The only reason you won that match at Survivor Series last night is because of that man! (He points to Tully Blanchard). He won the match for you! So tonight, Bret Hart wants you in the ring, Tully Blanchard! "

    Flair: " (He starts strutting). Hold on, Tully I got this one. If Bret has something to say, he can come out here himself, big boy. It's a party....(Flair starts dancing), and Bret's invited! Wooo!! "

    *The Mountie Jumps in front of Ric Flair*

    The Mountie "I'm not only the Law of the Canadian Foundation, but I'm also the Law of the WWF! And whatever you want to say to Bret Hart, you can tell me, and I'll be sure to make sure he gets the message!"

    Flair "(Calmly). You'll get your match, just as long as you accept my match. Tell 'em JJ.

    Dillon: " Next week, Raw is live from Canada--Your hometown...Well it ain't gonna be home sweet home, because we challenge you and your buddy the Bret Hart to a WWF War Games Style Match. (I'm sure to avoid a lawsuit -Style, was thrown in)

    The Mountie "Well, The Mountie never backs down from a challenge! And neither does Bret Hart! You've got yourself a deal, Flair! 87%


    -Hart leaves the Arena-

    Bret very upset from loosing the WWF Title match, tells the Mountie that he's in charge for the night, as he needs to go for a walk. The Mountie says that he has everything under control, and that he'll see Bret during their match. 83%

    Mike Rotunda d. Jim Neidhart

    After the match, Rotunda's partner, Bob Backlund hopped in the ring, and it looked like he was going to get Jim Neidhart into the chicken wing... At this point, on the newly aquired "WWF Tron", a giant screen, the words 'France's Favourite Hero' , and out came Ray Rougeau out to save his partner.

    Over: 67

    Crowd: 72

    Match: 58

    Mike Rotunda's overness went up

    -Jack Tunney Party's Horsemen Style

    JJ Dillon leads the Horsement into President Jack Tunney's office, and tells Tunney that tonight is a night for celebrating. All of the Horsemen had ladies around their shoulders. Flair offers two to Tunney. He takes them, leaving his office. That was funny. 80%

    Ted Dibiase & Virgil d. Captain Lou & George The Animal Steele

    Dibiase got the Million Dollar dream on Captain Lou. :lol:

    Steele had to break it up. Wrestling was horrible, but the crowd loves these two veterans. This one was for the fans.

    Overall: 59

    Crowd: 70

    Match: 35

    ADVERTS*Next week's Raw, Live From Ontario, Canada!*

    "France's Favouite Hero" Raymond Rougeau d. Bob Backlund

    Raymond kept hopping around with a small flag he had, that read: "Raymond Rougeau F.F.H.", France's Favourite Hero. It got people laughing.

    Overall: 72

    Crowd: 71


    Ray Rougeau's overness increased

    Bob Backlund lost overness

    -The Mountie lays down the Law of the Land-

    We cut to the scene of the Mountie, marching towards the Horsemen locker room. There is alot of noise, the Mountie knocks. JJ Dillon, drunk, answers the door;

    The Mountie :" Did ya hear the news! Bret Hart's gone for a walk, and I'm in charge! Say....it smells like booze in here! As the Law of the Land, tell Tully Blanchard his party time is over! Bret Hart is on his way back, and will meet him in the ring. Now! " 74%

    **"Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert makes his debut, next week Live at Raw: CANADA!**

    Tully Blanchard d. Bret Hart

    When Bret Hart had Tully in the sharpshooter, JJ Dillon distracted the ref, while Luger gave Bret Hart a metal plated running forearm from behind. Tully Blanchard got bret in the Brainbuster for the win. Good Match, with a good ending. Many people yelling "Tully!", during the match.

    Overall: 77

    Crowd: 79

    Match: 73

    Tully Blanchard's overness went up

    -Mean Mark Callous breaks up the Horsemen Raw Party-

    The camera followed Tully Blanchard and Lex all the way back to the Horsemen locker room where Dillon is considerably drunk now. Exept waiting this time was Mean Mark Callous, as he walked right into the Horsemen's dressing room. All four horsemen were petrified. Callous was a man of few works." Whoa...ya'll can relax. I'm just here to congratulate you on your new Belt. Enjoy it--While it lasts.... " Callous exits. 88%

    -Flair proves he's the Champion-

    Flair becomes infuriated by Callous' comments."While it lasts? While it lasts he says! What? Does he think I am not a worthy champion?! That's it! To prove I'm a champion, I'm giving a title shot to some lucky wrestler in the back right now! Lets go! " The Horsemen follow Flair all they way to the the ring, through the backstage area.

    Flair bumps into Iron Mike Sharpe, who is playing a backstage pinball arcade came. Flair challenge's Sharpe;

    "Hey you! You want a shot at this title! I'm going to prove that I am the real World's Champion! The well deserving champion! I'll meet you in the ring! We go to a commercial break, as Sharpe rushes to his room to get his stuff.

    Ric Flair d. "Iron" Mark Sharpe

    Your typical Ric Flair 'getitng himself over as champion' match, that Flair used to do in the past. Many fans were buzzing from the Blanchard-Hart match, noting several 'Tully!' screams from the croud, during this match.

    Overall: 60

    Crowd: 57

    Match: 64

    JJ Dillon, Tully Blanchard, and Lex Luger, all pretty much trashed, came to the ring, to congratulate Flair. That's how this week's RAw went off the the air, with the Four Horsemen celebrating with ladies,--and the New WWF World Champion, "Nature Boy" Ric Flair.....

    Show Rating

    Rating 6.10

    Card Rating: 71%

    Next Raw - Big Show From Ottawa, Canada!!

    -'War Games Style' Match - Tag Team Cage-

    Ric Flair & Lex Luger vs. Bret Hart & The Mountie

    -WWF Crown Cage Match-

    Jerry The King Lawler vs. Macho King Randy Savage w/ Sherri

    Diamond Studd vs. 1/2 of the Rockers - Shawn Michaels

    plus, Steve Corino interviews Diamon Studd

    Chris Chavis vs. Mr. Perfect - I-C Title ReMatch

    Plus Also

    WWF Tag Title

    Colossal Connection (Champions) vs. Real Americans

    The Fore Horsemen, Canadian Foundation, and more!


    Bret Hart (WWF Champion) vs. Ric Flair vs. Mean Mark Callous

    Bret Hart, was the first to be eliminated, signifying that there would be a World title switch--but it came at 26 minutes into the match-- Hart's elimination came after a ref bump, when Tully Blanchard, of the Horsemen came in and decked both Mark Callous and Bret Hart with deadly brass knux. Flair rolled on Hart first as referee Dave Hebner counted the 3! Flair then, fell on another unconcious, Mark Callous. Hebner counted the 3! Ric Flair is the new WWF Champion!! After the match, Luger, Tully, and Ric Flair celebrated in the ring. WWF Writer JJ Dillon also came out to congratulate Flair. Is JJ Dillon writing his way back into Horsemen storylines?

    Overall: 88

    Crowd: 91

    Match: 83

    Show Rating

    Card Quality: 70

    Buy Rate: 1.32


    Raw Preview!!

    --A Raw Celebration, Horsemen Style!

    --Captain Lou's Challenge;

    Captain Lou & George "The Animal" Steele


    Virgil & "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase

    --Rematch from Survivor Series

    WWF I-C Champion Chris "Champion" Chavis vs. Mr. Perfect


    -Announcer Steve Corino Wrestles, again!

    -Max Moon, WWF Tag Team Champions - Collossal Connection, Plus other -WWF Superstars!

    -Comments from Mark Callous!

    -The Canadian Foundation will be in the building!

  12. thansk hewey.

    Yea, looks like it got cut off due to this gay post limits.

    Will post the rest on FRIDAY.

    How's that for a clifhanger?

    (I acctually just won't be at my home computer until tommorow)

    Anyway, glad this is "new" for some people. This is the groundings, and the basis of history that this diary was built on.

  13. user posted image

    Decemember, 6th 1993 -Monday Night Raw

    Channel: USA Network

    Venue: Manhattan Centre, New York

    Attendance: 6,537

    Announcers: Vince McMahon & Steve Corino

    -Four Horsemen decorate the Arena-

    Hiroyoshi Tenzan d. 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan

    The ring was filled up with all sorts of decorations, set there by the Horsemen. Brother Love came out and introduced his new wrestler Hiroyoshi Tenzan. He kept complaing' that the ring decorations were taking away from his wrestler's debut; citing it as another 'WWF Conspiracy'

    Overall: 56

    Crowd: 58

    Match: 53

    Hiroyoshi Tenzan's overness went up.

    Jim Duggan's overness went down

    A Horsemen Celebration-

    JJ Dillon comes out by himself and announces each wrestler He introduces, Flair last, as the "New World Wrasslin Federation Champion "--Flair comes out accompanied by 6 beautiful ladies. Everyone; Dillon, Tully Blanchard, Lex Luger, and Flair himself, are wearing tuxedos. Flair starts screaming, holding his new WWF title.

    "Well, it looks like the WWF Title just came back, to the big time! Woooo! And this is the way we party! Wooo! Horsemen style!! (Flair starts spraying champagne all over Luger and Blanchard. The girls got a little wet, too.) Hit my music!

    --Flair starts dancing and jumping around in the ring, holding his WWF Title...The party is interrupted by Jimmy "Mouth of The South" Hart, and the Mountie!

    Jimmy Hart: " "Let me tell you something, Flair! The only reason you won that match at Survivor Series last night is because of that man! (He points to Tully Blanchard). He won the match for you! So tonight, Bret Hart wants you in the ring, Tully Blanchard! "

    Flair: " (He starts strutting). Hold on, Tully I got this one. If Bret has something to say, he can come out here himself, big boy. It's a party....(Flair starts dancing), and Bret's invited! Wooo!! "

    *The Mountie Jumps in front of Ric Flair*

    The Mountie "I'm not only the Law of the Canadian Foundation, but I'm also the Law of the WWF! And whatever you want to say to Bret Hart, you can tell me, and I'll be sure to make sure he gets the message!"

    Flair "(Calmly). You'll get your match, just as long as you accept my match. Tell 'em JJ.

    Dillon: " Next week, Raw is live from Canada--Your hometown...Well it ain't gonna be home sweet home, because we challenge you and your buddy the Bret Hart to a WWF War Games Style Match. (I'm sure to avoid a lawsuit -Style, was thrown in)

    The Mountie "Well, The Mountie never backs down from a challenge! And neither does Bret Hart! You've got yourself a deal, Flair! 87%


    -Hart leaves the Arena-

    Bret very upset from loosing the WWF Title match, tells the Mountie that he's in charge for the night, as he needs to go for a walk. The Mountie says that he has everything under control, and that he'll see Bret during their match. 83%

    Mike Rotunda d. Jim Neidhart

    After the match, Rotunda's partner, Bob Backlund hopped in the ring, and it looked like he was going to get Jim Neidhart into the chicken wing... At this point, on the newly aquired "WWF Tron", a giant screen, the words 'France's Favourite Hero' , and out came Ray Rougeau out to save his partner.

    Over: 67

    Crowd: 72

    Match: 58

    Mike Rotunda's overness went up

    -Jack Tunney Party's Horsemen Style

    JJ Dillon leads the Horsement into President Jack Tunney's office, and tells Tunney that tonight is a night for celebrating. All of the Horsemen had ladies around their shoulders. Flair offers two to Tunney. He takes them, leaving his office. That was funny. 80%

    Ted Dibiase & Virgil d. Captain Lou & George The Animal Steele

    Dibiase got the Million Dollar dream on Captain Lou. :lol:

    Steele had to break it up. Wrestling was horrible, but the crowd loves these two veterans. This one was for the fans.

    Overall: 59

    Crowd: 70

    Match: 35

    ADVERTS*Next week's Raw, Live From Ontario, Canada!*

    "France's Favouite Hero" Raymond Rougeau d. Bob Backlund

    Raymond kept hopping around with a small flag he had, that read: "Raymond Rougeau F.F.H.", France's Favourite Hero. It got people laughing.

    Overall: 72

    Crowd: 71


    Ray Rougeau's overness increased

    Bob Backlund lost overness

    -The Mountie lays down the Law of the Land-

    We cut to the scene of the Mountie, marching towards the Horsemen locker room. There is alot of noise, the Mountie knocks. JJ Dillon, drunk, answers the door;

    The Mountie :" Did ya hear the news! Bret Hart's gone for a walk, and I'm in charge! Say....it smells like booze in here! As the Law of the Land, tell Tully Blanchard his party time is over! Bret Hart is on his way back, and will meet him in the ring. Now! " 74%

    **"Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert makes his debut, next week Live at Raw: CANADA!**

    Tully Blanchard d. Bret Hart

    When Bret Hart had Tully in the sharpshooter, JJ Dillon distracted the ref, while Luger gave Bret Hart a metal plated running forearm from behind. Tully Blanchard got bret in the Brainbuster for the win. Good Match, with a good ending. Many people yelling "Tully!", during the match.

    Overall: 77

    Crowd: 79

    Match: 73

    Tully Blanchard's overness went up

    -Mean Mark Callous breaks up the Horsemen Raw Party-

    The camera followed Tully Blanchard and Lex all the way back to the Horsemen locker room where Dillon is considerably drunk now. Exept waiting this time was Mean Mark Callous, as he walked right into the Horsemen's dressing room. All four horsemen were petrified. Callous was a man of few works." Whoa...ya'll can relax. I'm just here to congratulate you on your new Belt. Enjoy it--While it lasts.... " Callous exits. 88%

    -Flair proves he's the Champion-

    Flair becomes infuriated by Callous' comments."While it lasts? While it lasts he says! What? Does he think I am not a worthy champion?! That's it! To prove I'm a champion, I'm giving a title shot to some lucky wrestler in the back right now! Lets go! " The Horsemen follow Flair all they way to the the ring, through the backstage area.

    Flair bumps into Iron Mike Sharpe, who is playing a backstage pinball arcade came. Flair challenge's Sharpe;

    "Hey you! You want a shot at this title! I'm going to prove that I am the real World's Champion! The well deserving champion! I'll meet you in the ring! We go to a commercial break, as Sharpe rushes to his room to get his stuff.

    Ric Flair d. "Iron" Mark Sharpe

    Your typical Ric Flair 'getitng himself over as champion' match, that Flair used to do in the past. Many fans were buzzing from the Blanchard-Hart match, noting several 'Tully!' screams from the croud, during this match.

    Overall: 60

    Crowd: 57

    Match: 64

    JJ Dillon, Tully Blanchard, and Lex Luger, all pretty much trashed, came to the ring, to congratulate Flair. That's how this week's RAw went off the the air, with the Four Horsemen celebrating with ladies,--and the New WWF World Champion, "Nature Boy" Ric Flair.....

    Show Rating

    Rating 6.10

    Card Rating: 71%

    Next Raw - Big Show From Ottawa, Canada!!

    -'War Games Style' Match - Tag Team Cage-

    Ric Flair & Lex Luger vs. Bret Hart & The Mountie

    -WWF Crown Cage Match-

    Jerry The King Lawler vs. Macho King Randy Savage w/ Sherri

    Diamond Studd vs. 1/2 of the Rockers - Shawn Michaels

    plus, Steve Corino interviews Diamon Studd

    Chris Chavis vs. Mr. Perfect - I-C Title ReMatch

    Plus Also

    WWF Tag Title

    Colossal Connection (Champions) vs. Real Americans

    The Fore Horsemen, Canadian Foundation, and more!


    Attendance: 14, 805

    Date: November, 28th 1993, 8pm.

    Venue: The John E. Grace Arena, PA

    Announcers: Steve Corino & Bobby The Brain Heenan.

    Ted Dibiase did the countdown, for everyone in a new 30 minute segment he called, the Million Dollar Show. He talked about all of the matches and got the crowd heated, getting himself over in the progress. He, introduced tonight's Broadcast team, Steve Corino & "Bobby The Brain" Heenan. 84%

    Corino :Hello everybody, I'm Steve Corino joined with the Weasal! Corino Starts Laughing. Bobby Heenan!"

    Heenan "How old are you 12? (Crowd laughs, as Heenan's and Corino's house mics have been turned on)

    Corino " Haha! No Sir, I'm 23 years old. I just recent---

    Heenan " Hey Hey. I have feet older than you! (crowd laughs)"

    Piper comes running out.....

    Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. Announcer Steve Corino

    Piper dashed into the ring as the show was beginning, and started screaming in that ever-so-understandable Scottish accent he has.

    "Ohhh Nahhh!!! Naahhh way!! They tell me in the back--they say;' Piper--ya' got a match with that announcer at 10pm!'. I say hello no! 10pm's the final call for the special for Gatoride at Kiwi's accross the street, I'd rather be there savin' money than being here in front of these lowlife wrestling fans..!( The WWF used Piper to plug two of thier Sponsors. :lol: )

    Crowd is booing Piper.

    "So 'I say don't worry, I'll take care of it now! So, Corino! Announcer boy! You want to make fun of my Sport! Ya! That's right! 'Ain't no announcer gonna sit here an 'work out', at my sport's expense. Get you're ass in here Corino!

    The two had a pretty good match. Piper was pretty Sluggish, but still got the heat needed to keep the crowd interested. Piper jobbed to Corino's finisher; a Dusty Rhode's elbow. Steve Corino Wins! Crowd is also starting to get behind Corino.

    Overall: 70

    Crowd: 66

    Match: 74

    Steve Corino increased in Overness

    Rowdy Piper decreased in Overness


    The Colossal Connection vs. The Rockers - WWF Tag Team Titles

    *Before the match started Dr. Of Style, Slick challenged Marty Jannetty and Shawn Michaels to a dance off. He and Akeem vs. Jannetty and Michaels - Hip Hop vs. Rock....Slick and Akeem danced first, to their ring music for about 45 seconds...the crowd booed. Then, the Rockers Music Played -- Jannetty started pacing back and forth all over the ring, accompanied with Michaels' 'Sexy Boy' dance. The crowd popped for this spot. Big Bossman broke up the dance parth by attacking Michaels...*

    Crowd was very much into this match, as Shawn Michaels kept the crowd going. Steve Corino kept refering to the Rockers as, 'Now, re-united, quite possibly the greatest tag team in WWF history!! . They lost when Slick jumped on the apron and decked Michaels with his stick, allowing for Akeem to give him the Hip Hop Splash for the victory. The Colossal Connection win the WWF Tag Team Titles!

    Overall: 68

    Crowd: 72 ! :)

    Match: 61

    Akeem Increased in overness. :)

    Marty Jannetty Lost Overness.

    Line of the Night - (Bobby Heenan, on the arrival of the Rockers) "Oh look! It's Barbie and Ken!"

    Bushwackers & The Nasty Boys vs. Damien Demento, Berzerker & The Headshrinkers

    I have no idea why they replaced Jim Powers & Johnathon Tower (Glenn Ruth). Nor' do I care. And neither did the fans. All of the heels were eliminated for a happy face win.

    Team Nasty Win!

    Overall: 45

    Crowd: 54

    Overall: 40

    Ludvig Borga vs. 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan

    Ludvig Borga made his 're-debut' in the WWF. Both men worked the crowd well, Borga impressed many. Ludvig won when he threw Hacksaw into the air then punched him on the way down. After the match Borga bench-pressed Hacksaw for fun. Ludvig Borga Wins!

    Overall: 62

    Crowd: 71

    Match: 43

    Ludvig Borga increased in overness

    Jim Duggan lost overness

    Mr. Perfect w/ The Genius vs. Chris "Champion" Chavis - WWF InterContinental Title

    They didn't remind the audience that this because of Jack Tunney stripping Shawn Michaels of the Intercontinental belt, so they were confused as to why this was a title match. Word got around the arena, eventually.


    Crowd: 41

    Match: 67 (I forgot to vacate the I-C belt! :angry: )

    Jerry "The King" Lawlers team; Giant Gonzalez, George 'The Animal Steel', Earthquake


    Macho King Randy Savage's Team; Diamond Studd, Ted Dibiase, Yokozuna

    -Diamond Studd elim Earthquake

    -Diamond Studd elim Giant Gonzalez

    -George Steele elimin Randy Savage

    -Jerry Lawler d. Ted Dibiase

    -Jerry Lawler d. Diamond Studd

    Jerry Lawler & George "The Animal" Steel are the Survivors!Crowd went nuts. Loud "Jerry" chant.

    Overall: 73

    Crowd: 85

    Match: 47

    The Canadian Connection: The Mountie, Ric Martel, & The Amazing French Canadians (Ray Rougeau and Jim Neidhart)


    The All Americans: Lex Luger, Tully Blanchard, & The Real Americans (Bob Backlund & Mike Rotundo)

    Lex Luger d. Rick Martel

    Ray Rougeau d. Lex Luger

    The Mountie d. Mike Rotundo

    Bob Backlund d. Tully Blanchard

    Bob Backlund d. Jim Neidhart

    The Mountie d. Bob Backlund

    The Mountie & Ray Rougeau are the Survivors!

    Crowd didn't pay too much attention to this match. They were still buzzing about the Lawler - Savage melee. 'Jerry' chants were popping up during this match.

    Overall: 57

    Crowd: 58

    Match: 55

    Bret Hart (WWF Champion) vs. Ric Flair vs. Mean Mark Callous

    Bret Hart, was the first to be eliminated, signifying that there would be a World title switch--but it came at 26 minutes into the match-- Hart's elimination came after a ref bump, when Tully Blanchard, of the Horsemen came in and decked both Mark Callous and Bret Hart with deadly brass knux. Flair rolled on Hart first as referee Dave Hebner counted the 3! Flair then, fell on another unconcious, Mark Callous. Hebner counted the 3! Ric Flair is the new WWF Champion!! After the match, Luger, Tully, and Ric Flair celebrated in the ring. WWF Writer JJ Dillon also came out to congratulate Flair. Is JJ Dillon writing his way back into Horsemen storylines?

    Overall: 88

    Crowd: 91

    Match: 83

    Show Rating

    Card Quality: 70

    Buy Rate: 1.32


    Raw Preview!!

    --A Raw Celebration, Horsemen Style!

    --Captain Lou's Challenge;

    Captain Lou & George "The Animal" Steele


    Virgil & "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase

    --Rematch from Survivor Series

    WWF I-C Champion Chris "Champion" Chavis vs. Mr. Perfect


    -Announcer Steve Corino Wrestles, again!

    -Max Moon, WWF Tag Team Champions - Collossal Connection, Plus other -WWF Superstars!

    -Comments from Mark Callous!

    -The Canadian Foundation will be in the building!

  15. user posted image

    November 22nd, 1993 -Monday Night Raw -

    Channel: USA Network

    Venue: Manhattan Centre, New York

    Attendance: 6,034

    Announcers: Vince McMahon & Steve Corino

    Raw begins this week, with President Jack Tunney announcing that Tatanka & Mr. Perfect are the number one contenders for the WWF I-C Championship, at that their match at Survivor Series would be an Intercontinental Title Match!!! They then cut to a scene of George the Animal Steele & Captain Lou Albano...

    -Virgil finds George "The Animal" Steele, before he finds him & The Million Dollar Man-

    All we here is George yelling "MIIINEEEEE! MIIINNNNNEE!!", as Captain Lou is yelling, "Yes George! Yes George! ...There is a masked man who sneaks up to the lockerroom, pushes Captain Lou down and steals 'Mine', (George's teddy bear), from STeele! He takes off his mask and reveals himself as, Virgil, the bodyguard of the Million Dollar Man! 61%

    Virgil Gained Overness from this segment

    George Steele lost overness

    -Vince McMahon & Announcer Steve Corino Open the Show-

    McMahon: " Hello everyone I'm Vince McMahon--"

    Corino "And I'm Steve Corino, the greatest announcer in WWF history!!

    Vince (Laughing) "Well that remains to be seen, but certianly the youngest announcer in WWF history!!! What a great show we have for you tonight, with a little under a week left, until Survivor Series!! Our Main Event tonight, will be Ric Flair against former WWF Champion; Yokozuna!

    Corino: " Well, Vince...I think the question we're going to find out here is how strong is the Horsemen now, without Terry "Hulk" Hogan!!

    Vince: "Why, what do you mean Steve?

    Corino: "Well, Vince--I found out through my top secrect contacts that Terry "Hulk" Hogan is out of the WWF thanks to an ankle injury!! I guess, arthiritis was settling in!!

    Vince "(Vince laughs again) Well, in any event--also tonight--Demolition Nova! Demolion Crush! Demolition is in for quite a challenge when they take on the Amazing French Canadians, Ray Rougeau and Jim Neidhart!

    Corino "That's right, Vince, and you know what I'm wondering? WWF champion Bret Hart, The Mountie, Rick Martel, and of course their manager Jimmy Hart are ALSO in the building! When ya got the Horsemen and the Canadian Foundation in the same building, you can bet that all heck is going to break out!

    --Corino now switches the mic on 'house', so that the fans in the Manhattan Centre can here what he's saying.

    "You know what it's time for now Vince? It's time for me to wrestle again! I know Roddy Rowdy Piper doesn't thing the ring is a place for announcers, but I feel as though I'm up for the challenge! So...if you don't mind, I'll be right back! " Vince allows Corino to leave, once again, giving him a hug before he goes to the ring.

    Steve Corino d. Papa Shango

    Fans are starting to get into this 'Announcer Wrestler" wrestler gimmick of Corino. Tully Blanchard, of the four Horsemen, is spotted, watching this match from the crowd.

    Overall: 57

    Crowd: 57

    Match: 71

    Announcer Steve Corino Gained Overness from this segment

    Papa Shango lost overness

    -The 'Doctor of Style' checks out what could be his....

    Slick is eating KFC, with Big Bossman and Akeem...and seems startled by the Video Camera. He then tells the Camera to 'follow him'. He goes into President Jack Tunney's office and starts imagining all the money he can make if his team, The Colossal Connection (Big BossMan & Akeem), win the titles next week at WWF Survivor Series. Their opponents will be the Rockers. Mr. Fuji, who just happens to be walking around, sees Slick in the office and chases him away with his cane. Funny segment. 67%


    Tully Blanchard d. Bam Bam Bigelow

    I think Bam Bam needs Sir Oliver Humperdink back. :lol:

    The Announcers kept stressing how Bam Bam is on a loosing streak.

    After he won the match, Blanchard gave the Four Horsemen signal to Announcer Steve Corino. Both, McMahon & Corino were clueless. Blanchard then, introduced, Ric Flair.

    Overall: 53

    Crowd: 63

    Match: 66

    -Flair believes he should takes Hogan's place at Survivor Series-

    (Flair is in the ring, with Lex Luger & Blanchard, and looks around, to the mixture of boos and cheers...he starts screaming right away) " Welll, it looks like we have a problem here! Wooooo!! (Fans follow suit). Hogan! I always knew you were weak!! When Steve Corino broke the news that your injury took you out of the WWF, I knew that it also took you out of wrestling for good!!! But now, the Horsemen are as stronger than ever!! Us three, right here, we started it! And we're going to continue it! Woooo!!

    --Now!! It seems to me...(Starts Strutting)....that our WWF Champion...(continues to strut)....is without an opponent! Well then! Woooo!! I think it's only fair that I take Hogan's spot!! (Crowd boos and cheers again. Flair will always have those that hate him) So, Bret! And I know that President Jack Tunney will see it my way--prepare to hand the belt over too: (Flair goes against the ropes, knee drops the matt, begins to dance, and 'woo', as Lex Luger & Tully Blanchard look on laughing and clapping)...The Nature Boy!! Wooooooo!! Great Interview. The Horsemen look so much better without Hogan. 94%

    Ric Flair Gained Overness from this segment


    -The Real Americans accept The Mountie's Survivor Series Challenge-

    Demolition d. Amazing French Canadians

    The entire Canadian Foundation was at ringside. WWF Champ Bret Hart, Rick Martel, The Mountie, and manager Jimmy Hart spent the match messing with the fans at ringside.

    Super Nova pinned Jim Neidhart when Bob Backlund (1/2 of the Real Americans with Mike Rotunda), help Neidharts leg down as he was being pinned. Backlund than grabbed the mic and said " Yea, Mountie! You want to issue a challenge to us! We except your Survivor Series Challenge! Our partnes will be (short pause)--from the Four Horsement--Tully Blanchard & Lex Luger!! (crowd cheers loudly, the Entire Canadian Foundation are throwing temper tantrums.

    Overall: 58 (ouch!)

    Crowd: 59

    Match: 71

    Super Nova gained Overness from this segment

    Ray Rougeau lost overness

    -Jerry Lawler tells Rowdy Piper to 'Pipe-Down', during the Kings Court

    "Welcome everyone to, The King's Court (Crowd cheers). You know, alotta crazy things have been happening in the WWF here lately; Bret Hart and his Canadian group of cronies think that they own this federation....(crowd boos)...people are reunited old alliances, like--Virgil and Million Dollar Man....(Crowd Boos), The Collosal Connection and Slick...(Crowd Boos again), and wrestlers like the Four Horsemen! (Crowd cheers). But ya know, I thought I saw it all, but-nope! We even have our annoucers wrestling! (small pop--The Camera shows Vince patting Steve Corino on the back.) But ya know what...you don't see me yelling and telling these people what they can't and can do! That brings me to Rowdy Roddy Piper! Piper, what right do you have, telling Steve Corino that he can't wrestle because he's an announcer?! (Crowd cheers) Piper, if you want to stop people from doing what they want, then you'd better stop me from kicking your tail right here tonight on RAW! That's right Piper--I'm on my way down there to the ring..., either Pipe out, or PIPE DOWN! "



    Jerry "The King" Lawler d. Rowdy Roddy Piper

    The announcers kept pushing the idea that this was 'A PPV Calibre' match. Which is true, I guess.

    Overall: 70

    Crowd: 82

    Match: 70

    -Mean Mark disputes Ric Flair's #1 Contendership interview-

    For some reason, Callous got a HUGE ovation. Maybe it's because he's ditched the stupid costume, and the wierd looking fat man.

    " You know what I ate! I hate people that think that the world owes something to them! Flair, how in the heck, do you think YOU deserve a title shot against Bret next week at Survivor Series. If anyone does, it's me! I'm the one that came here busting everyone's a--, day in and day out! I'm not walking around here claiming to be "The Great Ric Flair!". Flair, your time is done, 'boy. I'm getting that title shot!". Big pop for Callous. 84 %

    Mr. Perfect w/ The Genius d. 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan

    Perfect won with help from the Genius. After the match, Chris "Champion" Chavis (Perfect's opponent at Survivor Series), snuck in the ring, to the top rop, and caught an unsuspecting Perfect with his 'new finisher', The Champion Chop. Looks like his regular 'Tatanka Chop' to me....

    Overall: 63

    Crowd: 80

    Match: 50

    -Jack Tunney rules on the WWF title match for Survivor Series-

    Ric Flair d. Yokozuna

    I think Yokozuna needs a new gimmick. There are talks of changing his name to 'Rikishi', since...that's what he really is: Grand Champion of Sumo (Rikishi). After the match, Jack Tunney came out, and decided that, to solve the WWF Main Event Title Shot problem....at Survivor Series, that "Both Ric Flair and Mark Callous will get a title shot at WWF Survivor Series, in a 3 way Elimination Match!

    Raw went off the air, with Flair strutting and Dancing, along with Luger and Blanchard, thanks to the good news....and a complete rundown of the upcoming Survivor Series Pay Per View...'next week'.

    Show Quality

    Card Rating: 70% :/

    TV Rating: 5.87

  16. user posted image

    Live, Novemember, 28th 1993 on Pay Per View!

    Venue: The John E. Grace Arena, PA



    user posted imageVS.user posted imageVS.user posted image

    Mean Mark Callous Bret Hart (Champion) "Nature Boy" Rick Flair

    For a Shot at the Crown!

    user posted imageuser posted imageuser posted imageuser posted image

    Jerry The King Lawler's team - The Misfits


    user posted imageuser posted imageuser posted imageuser posted image

    Macho King Randy Savage's Team - The Bad Guys

    WWF Intercontinental Championship

    user posted imageVS.user posted image

    Chris "Champion" Chavis vs. Mr. Perfect

    user posted imageuser posted imageuser posted imageuser posted image

    The Mountie's Team - The Canadian Foundation


    user posted imageuser posted imageuser posted imageuser posted image

    Lex Luger's Team- The Real Americans

    Plus; Announcer vs. Wrestler!

    user posted imageVS.user posted image

    Steve Corino vs. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper

    Special Challenge Match!

    user posted imageVS.user posted image

    Ludvig Borga vs. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan


    Team Nasty: The Bushwackers & The Nasty Boys


    Tower and Power (Jim Powers & Johnathon Tower--[Glen Ruth]) & The Headshrinkers!


    Novemember, 20th 1993 - Staff Meeting

    I gave everyone the heads up that Terry Hogan had walked out of the WWF. Everyone was fine by it. We got Hogan to do two jobs to the Mountie, and we got rid of him without costing us anything. Our next plan is to get rid of Yokozuna. While he is one of the most over wrestlers in the company now, I really don't want that kind of guy at the top. There's only a certain amount of time before everyone realizes he can't wrestle. Plus, he's going to hurt our card ratings. I want the WWF to be where it once was about 10 years ago...the TRUE leader in sports entertainment.

    My assistant, Sophia had some news about other wrestlers. Here are some of the best out there:

    Jeff Jarret (USWA), Jake Robersts (Free), Sgt. Slaughter (Free), Tammy Sytch (SMW), British Bulldog (Free).

    Blah. No one there interests me.....I need a Fourth Horsemen. Maybe we'll debut, whoever they are at the Survivor Series--I don't know just a thought. Right now we have 3 of former four horsemen (Flair, Luger, Blanchard), and not in a rush. Despite Hogan leaving, we're still going to base everything around thier power struggle with the 'Canadian Foundation'

    I have decided to put Roddy Piper with Harvey Wipplemen. Something tells me that we could be onto something here. Piper's charisma isn't as high as it used to be, but he's still over with the fans. But he needs a manager to help him stay over. Speaking of managers, I also want to give Slick a nice push. He's one of the most underated, AND colorful managers to date.

    But, onto serious things. We have our card set for Survivor Series. Despite Hogan's "ankle injury" we were able to put together a PPV which doesn't look too bad at all! So lets take a look at our current feuds along with my staff that attended this meeting!!

    (next show up very soon!)

    --Canadian Connection (R. Rougeau & The Anvil) vs. Real Americans (Backlund & Rotunda 72

    --Mean Mark Callous vs. Ric Flair 100

    --The Diamond Studd vs. Giant Gonzales 77

    --Jerry Lawler vs. Macho King 82

    --Mr. Perfect vs. Chris "Champion" Chavis 79

    --Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase vs. George The Animal Steel 89

    --The Narcissist Lex Luger vs. The Mountie 82

    Writing Team

    JJ Dillon

    Vince Russo

    Ted Stanely

    Ed Ferrara

    Road Agents

    Gerald Brisco

    Tony Garea

    Pat Patterson

    Rene Goulet

    Jack Lanza


    Earl Hebner

    Dave Hebner

    Shane McMahon

    Joey Marella

    Tim White

    Arnold Skaaland


    Bobby Heenan

    Gene Okerland

    Howard Finkel

    Ron Bartlet

    Sean Mooney

  17. Terry "Hulk" Hogan gets released!!!

    Novemember 16th, 1993

    I sat down at my desk, and awaited the final card for Survivor Series....our big staff meeting was scheduled for tommorw....

    One of My writers, JJ Dillon walked into my office, he looked upset.

    JJ Dillon "Hey how's it going. Remember that Bret Hart - Terry "Hulk" Hogan Main Event Match...well it can't happen. Hogan hurt his ankle, two weeks ago against the Mountie.

    Javert "Shit! I got Mean Mark set to go against Flair, and all of my other Main Eventers & Uppercards are already booked up! What are we going to do about our Main Event?"

    JJ Dillon " I dont' know, yet. We'll figure something out by tommorow's meeting, I promise. By all means, if you have a better idea.....

    Javert: "Lets get rid of Hogan. He's also giving the Horsemen a bad name".

    JJ Dillon " Hehehe, well good luck! It's going to cost alot to fire him. See if you can get him released....but here---" Hogan walk's in.

    I think quickly. What can I tell him that will make him want to leave, even those he's already pissed about jobbing to Mountie, twice.

    "Um...Hogan...You've done a great Job in the Horsemen....things are going well...Tell me...how long will it take your ankle to heal?"

    Hogan: : "About two months, brother."

    Javert : (TWO MONTHS!!!!!!!!!???--at $300,000? No way!) "Oh. Um...thats fine. When you come back, your new gimmick will be a 'College Professor'. You will be called Professor Terry Hogan, and we'll have you in a great feud against, the Genius....Lanny Poffo...you know, Randy's Brother...Or...if you want, while your ankle is healing, I'll be glad to offer you a release....

    With that, Hogan gave me a look of disgust, then left my office, forever.....

  18. user posted image

    November 15th, 1993 -Monday Night Raw

    Channel: USA Network

    Venue: Manhattan Centre, New York

    Attendance: 6,046

    -Paul Bearer calls out the 'Gentle Giant'-

    Paul Bearer did a short interview, inviting Giant Gonzales to come under his guidence. ""Ohhhh Yesssss. Giant Gonzales---You are such a nice man, underneath that big huge ugly body! What Diamond Studd did to you two weeks ago, was unhuman. He Attacked you for no reason!! Come Giant Gonzales....Come to Uncle Paul...and he will help you teach the Diamond Studd, a very UNGENTLE lesson!!(Crowd applauses Paul Bearer's act of good will) Great job by Paul. 92%

    The Show opened up, for the first time in weeks, with a match.

    The Canadian Connection d. The Nasty boys

    Ray Rougeau did most of of the ring work, while the Anvil concentrated on working the crowd more. The Canadian Connection advance in the Tag Team Title Tournament

    Overall: 61

    Crowd: 65

    Match: 53

    -Going into the commercial break, Colour Commentator, Steve Corino told Vince that he wants to wrestle again. So Corino offered an open challenge to "Anyone in the WWF Locker room", who 'weren't too busy'. He then left and said he'll be in the ring, waiting, until the end of the Commercial Break. Vince told him to be careful out there....


    -Roddy Rowdy Piper Answers Announcer Steve Corino's Challenge-

    Steve Corino d. Roddy Rowdy Piper

    Piper, returning back to the WWF, said "Ain't 'No announcers belong in the ring! The Hot Rod is gonna have to teach ya that....THE HARD WAY!

    McMahon, on commentary, was seemingly very emotionally attatched to this match. "He's only 21 years old! He doesn't know any better, Piper! He's just having fun!" Solid match. Good to see Piper laying down for the future of the WWF. Corino and McMahon hugged, once again, when Corino returned to the Announcers position.

    Overall: 70

    Crowd: 64

    Match: 77

    Steve Corino increased in overness.

    Roddy Piper lost overness

    Tully Blanchard d. Bam Bam Bigelow

    Lots of "Woooo"'s from the crowd directed at Blanchard. After his victory, Blanchard gave the crowd the '4 horseman' sign.

    (lost ratings)

    -The Mountie makes his Survivor Series Challenge-

    The Mountie came out with Manager Jimmy Hart, accompanied by "The Model" Rick Martel, and WWF Champion Bret Hart. Jimmy Hart the talking first;

    "Thats right baby!! The Mountie, baby! Defeating Terry Hogan last week on raw!!! The Mountie corrects Jimmy, saying how he defeated him TWICE; two weeks in a Row, then goes back to laughing in the background with Rick Martel.

    "Thats right baby!! Two wins baby! The Mountie and Bret Hart baby!! You're looking at the people who run the WWF now! Mountie, tell 'em!!

    The Mountie: "I wanna talk about these goobers called the Real Americans! Yea, that's right! I'm talking about Bob Backlund & Mike Rotunda? What makes you such a 'Real' American, your College Jersey? (Everyone laughs). Did you take a trip on the Lex Express? (Everyone Laughs again). All Americans! I'm challenging you to a match at Survivor series. You pick your 4, and I'll pick my four!! My four? Rick Martel, The Canadian Connection-Ray Rougeau & The Anvil, and ME--The Mountie!! Because I always get my man--Canadian Foundation style! 74%

    -The Genius accepts Chris "Champion" Chavis' challenge on behalf of Mr. Perfect-

    The Genius :"

    The Man Named Tatanka has caused up a storm,

    Changing his name, trying to join the Norm,

    But, Chavis, there's no way that you'll defeat The Perfect One,

    Because he's show that you're no Champion, just an zero; none!

    What? That didn't even make sense. Bad. But the crowd reacted. 67%

    The Genius increased in overness

    Mr Perfect lost overness


    Max Moon d. "Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase

    Ted Dibiase was very paranoid during the match, looking over his back for Captain Lou Albano & George 'The Animal' Steele. They had been 'looking ' for him over the last 2 weeks....This 'caused' his loss.

    Overall: 68

    Crowd: 69

    Match: 66

    Max Moon increased in Overness

    Ted Dibiase lost overness

    -The Canadian Connection fire at the All Americans-

    Ray Rougeau & Jim Neidhart--The Canadian Connection--criticised Bob Backlund and Mike Rotunda for calling themselves All Americans. To make fun of them, Raymond dressed up as, Mike Rotunda's old gimmick...I.R.S., while The Anvil--yes--dressed up like Bob Backlund; wearing a Michigan jacket, and 'geeky' glasses. Ray was very funny playing the part of IRS. Everytime, Jim said something, Rougeau responded, "Uhh...PAY YOUR TAXES!!" 72%.

    Raymond Rougeau increased in overness

    Mr. Fuji, replaces Ax, and gives Yokozuna his first defeat-

    Mr. Fuji came out, with Crush, and annoucned that Ax was in rehab for 'personal problems'. He then said that he had a perfect replacement that would lead Demolition into the next century, and that he wanted him to debut against his former wrestler, Yokozuna! Fuji then introduced, Blue Nova, a young small wrestler from Eastern Championship Wrestling. Except, he was sporting Demolition face paint, and was introduced as Demolition Nova!! Not exactly your big sized Demolition wrestler--but that wasn't a bad thing.

    Demolition Nova d. Yokozuna

    Nova made this match solid. Fans were really into Yokozuna getting knocked down from such a 'small' competitor. Nova was just 'too fast'. After the match, Fuji, Demolition Nova, and Demolition Crush posed in the ring going into the next commercial break.

    Overall: 71

    Crowd: 67

    Match: 75

    Demolion Nova's overness went up

    Yokozuna lost overness, and was rather slugglish in the ring.

    <span style='color:red'>Jerry Lawler is Crowned King of the WWF-


    Jerry "The King" Lawler d. Macho King Randy Savage

    Lawler as a top face is working just as the WWF envisioned. The crowd was super hot for his piledriver, that he used to win the match. After the match, a bitter Macho King yelled "Ohhhh Yeaaa! Survivor Series! We'll see who's King! You pick your team...And I'll pick my own team!!! And If my team wins, I want a re-match for that crown!!! Dig It!!!

    Overall: 82

    Crowd: 89 (!!!!!)

    Match: 69

    Jerry Lawler's overness went up.

    Macho King's overness went down.

    -The Gentle Giant gets hostile in the Main Event-

    The Diamond Studd & Mean Mark Callous d. HORSEMEN: "Nature Boy" Ric Flair & "The Narcissist" Lex Luger.

    This match ended when Giant Gonzales ran to the ring to help the Horsemen team, but accidently gave a 'big chop' to Lex Luger, allowing for Diamond Studd to roll him up for the pin. After his error; Ric Flair starting yelling at him...causing Gonzales to start crying. Paul Bearer came running down the isle, and brought the crying Giant Gonzales back to the locker room.

    Once Gonzales was gone, Flair and Luger jumped the celebrating Studd and Callous! The Diamond Studd fled the ring right away, saying '"That ain't my business chico!". This allowed for Luger to get Callous with his running forearm, that knocked Callous out. Flair then followed by putting on his figure four, to a nice pop. And thats how Raw went off the air.

    Overall: 77

    Match: 86

    Match: 59

    Show Ratings

    TV Rating: 5.86

    Card Quality: 71

  19. 1. Wrestlemania - no. unless I start this up again. I dostill have 80% of the show done. Which I don't see myself doing, since I'm doing a NEW diary.

    But never say never, Draven, my long time reader.

    2. I may try. There's been like 2 or 3 updates, so the converting for the scnerio will be pure time consuming hell.


    Thanks TGC. Glad this is still remembered. The insane amount of thought and work i put into this was well worth it.

    Enjoy the reread folks.


  20. user posted image

    November 8th, 1993 -Monday Night Raw

    Channel: USA Network

    Venue: Manhattan Centre, New York

    Attendance: 6,022

    Announcers: Vince McMahon & Steve Corino


    Bill Rapter

    Jame J. Dillon for the first time, is shown on camera, befoe Raw officially goes on the air. He announces that he would like to thank various officials from "another rival promotion", for allowing the WWF to purchase various Character rights (Diamond Studd, Mean Mark, etc.). He then makes the four horsemen sign, leading us into the next screen. Self gratifying....

    -The Four Horsemen set their Targets-

    Gene Okerland was in the ring, and called out the Horsemen. Out came the Four Horsemen, in this order; Ric Flair, Terry "Hulk" Hogan, Tully Blanchard, and, oh yes...specially for the horsemen, "Narcissist" Lex Luger. Flair, was the first of the members to talk.

    Gene Okerland :"I want to have a word with you! I know you and Tully Blanchard have a very close past...but why Hogan, why Lex, again? Can you be trusted? Crowd Boos and Cheers.

    Ric Flair: "Why???? (Screaming). Woooooo!!!! Can you smell it Gene? (Gene looks around, confused). Wooooooooo!!! I smell victory!!! Last week on Raw, when the Rougeau's and the Harts decided that they were running the show, I knew that it was time for the four Elite wrestlers that this sport has known to come together!! Wooooo!!! I knew that it was time for the Wheel Dealin', Kiss Stealin', Jet Flyin' , Limousine Ridin', SON-OF-A-GUN (big pop), to once again form the greatest wrestling alliance ever assembled!!! The Four--

    Flair is interrupted by Mean Mark Callous. He is holding his old Undertaker clothes in his hands. He says "Flair, this is what I think of you and your Elite Team of Wrestlers..... He spits on his old costume, shoves it down his pants, spits on it again--then walks off.


    -Terry "Hulk" Hogan Fires back at Bret-

    Well, that certainly wasn't very nice. Hogan grabbed the mic, which started a loud "Terry" chant. Hogan was very appreciated.

    " Ya know something, brother! (big pop) Everybody's been asking me, dude 'What are you gonna do about Bret Hart?' or 'Did ya hear what Bret Hart said'. Well of course, brother, I was there! Bret, dude, all you talk about is how I don't want to leave the top, and I'm getting old, BLAH BLAH BLAH. (Hogan, pretending to be an infant Baby starts crying--crowd is laughing). WAAAA!!! WAAAA!!! I'm Bret Hart, and I'm a crybaby! WAAA! WAAA!! (crowd is laughing hysterically at this point). Bret, dude, you want to prove yourself? You say that you're the man that should lead the WWF into the rest of the 90's? I say NO! I say it's my new group of friends. Just as this man right here said (patting Flair on the back), it's the Four Horsemen era!!!!

    ----Oh and one more thing dude! Hey Mountie! If ya got the guts, I want you in the Main Event tonight! Last week was a fluke, this week I'll show you what hulka---what the Four Horsemen are all about!

    ----So WHATCHA GONNA DO, BROTHER? WHATCHA GONNA DO, Canadian Foundation!! WHATCHA GONNA DO, Mountie, when the Four Horsemen run wild on YOU!!!!!!!!

    Hogan's still got it. 87%

    -Mr. Perfect reunites with the Genius-

    Max Moon d. Mr. Perfect...

    After the match Mr. Perfect, cheapshotted Max Moon after shaking his hand. The crowd turned on Mr. Perfect right away. Mr. Perfect, then grabbed the mic, and said,"You know, it seems everyone around here can't be trusted anymore! Everyone's going with 'who they trust'! Well, Mr. Perfect's no different!!! With that, The Genius made his way down the isle! Perfect and Genius hugged.

    Overall: 66

    Crowd: 66

    Match: 67

    Mr. Perfect's Overness went up from this segment, and the turn.


    Queen Sherri & The Macho King re-united

    Sensational Sherri was backstage, and revealed that she was in The Macho Man's locker room. The crowd booed rediculously. She then showed, what looked to be, the official WWF Crown. Are they bringing this back too? Yes. Sherri told us that she was the Queen of the WWF, and Macho Man was the King. Where the hell was Savage? 67%

    Randy Savage's Turn was Completed

    Randy Savage lost Overness from this segment

    Randy Savage gained Overness from the turn.

    Brother Love, aims for Tag Gold

    Demolotion; Ax and Crush are in the ring waiting for Brother Love to debut his team. Brother love has the mic;

    "Eyyyyyeeeeee Loovvvvvvveee, Yooooouuuuuuuu!!!!!! Too--Night, I bring to youuuuuu....Through the Powers of the Brother Love Church--The Big Bossman, & Akeem, along with thier manager; the Doctor of Style, Slick (They used to be the Twin Towers),--the Collossal Connection!!

    Out came The Dr. Of Style slick doing his thing, Akeem doing his thing, and the Big Bossman twirling his nightstick around.


    After RAw returned they showed the ending of the match where Mr. Fuji ran down the isle to help Demolition. Demolition Advances in the Tag Team Title Tournament.

    Overall: 53

    Crowd: 43

    Match: 64

    George The Animal Steele d. Bam Bam Bigelow. After the match, Ted Dibiasie walked halfway down the isle, with Virgil. Captain Lou started yelling, to Steele, "There he is! There is Money Man! Lets get him!". With that, Virgil & Dibiase ran back to the locker room.

    Overall: 62

    Crowd: 87

    Match: 53

    -Jerry Lawler responds to Randy Savage's 'King of WWF' proclaimation-

    Loud chants of 'Burger King'. But this was a different Jerry Lawler. It seem as though Lawler was doing his USWA Lawler, which is a face....

    "You know I don't know whats gotten into everyone, but this has got to stop. All this bickering over whose on top and who's the Main Event, and all this crap is enough to make me sick. And now Gene, we've got Randy Savage, back with that bimbo, Sherry (crowd cheers) running around here taking the WWF Crown. Well everyone knows that I'm the only King in the WWF! (Crowd is now cheering Lawler) Randy, 'Macho King', I'm challenging you for that Crown--not at Survivor Series, but right here next week on Raw! (Crowd cheers) . 81%

    Jerry The King's overness increased.


    The Rockers d. The Headshrinkers.

    Marty Jannetty and Shawn Michaels advanced in the Tag Team Title tournament.

    Overall: 65

    Crowd: 67

    Match: 63

    -Tatanka becomes Chris "Champion" Chavis-

    Gene Okerland :"Why Tatanka! You don't even have your war paint on your face! Why, you look like a totally different person!

    Tatanka: (Tatanka is very calm). "All of the screaming, the stupid feathers, I don't need it! My name is Chris Chavis, and I am me! I don't have to hide behind some indian name, or some stupid costume! (crowd cheers).

    Gene:" Wow, well you are certainly going to be making waves here in the WWF. Back to you Vince and Steve Corino--"

    Tatanka: "I'm not done yet! I'm going to continue to make waves. Who can I challenge..?..who....Mr. Perfect! Former Intercontitental Champion! I challenge you to a match at 'Survivor Series!' Then everyone will see that Chris Chavis, is a true....Champion.....YES! I am Chris Champion!!

    In the Main Event...

    The Mountie d. Terry "Hulk" Hogan. Boy, is Terry becoming the weak link of the Horsemen..The crowd was into this one just as much as they were last week's bout. WWF champion Bret Hart was at ringside, along with Raymond Rougeau, for the Mountie, as they seem to be pushing The Mountie to upper midcard status.

    Overall: 70

    Crowd: 81

    Match: 45

    The Mountie's overness went up.

    Terry "Hulk" Hogan's lost overness.

    Show Quality: 73 %

    Rating: 5.82

    Next week on Raw!!

    Announcer Steve Corino wrestles again!

    The Canadian Foundation has a Survivor Series challenge for the Four Horsemen!

    Mr. Perfect responds to Chris "Champion" Chavis' Survivor Series Challenge

    President Jack Tunney Announces who the #1 cotenders are for the WWF Intercontinetal Title!


    Jerry Lawler vs. "Macho King" Randy Savage - WWF Crown

    "Nature Boy" Ric Flair & "The Narcissist" & Lex Luger vs. Bret Hart & The Mountie

    And more!

    Whew! all my turns finally completed! :)

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