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Posts posted by ChuBalso

  1. WWF Saturday Night's Main Event

    - The Arsenal II Tour -

    Royal Albert Hall - 29th May

    Announcers: Vince McMahon & Bruce Pritchard

    by Dave Schmeltzer

    Well it looks like McMahon took all of the announcing duties for this

    England tour. McMahon announced that after the England Tour, the WWF would then have a France Tour. Broadcasting the first week of June's, RAW, PHAT TV, and Saturday Night's Main Event! Wow!!! And Yes!!! We will be covering those shows!!! Uh..anyway Bruce Pritchard starting yelling about us being '1 day away', from the debut of the Undertaker! Vince said he wanted to know who the boss of THE CARTEL was. Pritchard said 'You're just going to have to wait and see, just like all of these Stupid People!!. Ouch. It's always fun watching Pritchards face get beat red after just 2 minutes of talking....

    The Dream Team d. The Perfect Team by DQ - SMW Tag Team Tournament

    Good match here. At 8:45 we saw Tully Blanchard and Jean Paul go at it in a brawl like no other. Tully showed why he's almost 50, and can still hang with the big boys. Levesque showed that he can work with almost anyone in the ring. Crowd was really into it because basically of the two heels going at it. Final moments of the match saw Bob Backlund run down the isle, and laugh at Beefcae for having a Mullet, thanks to Mike Rotunda! The ref disqualified The Perfect Team right away for Backlund's interferance.

    Overall: 64

    Crowd: 65

    Match: 63

    Tully Blanchard gained overness from this match. Jean Paul Levesque gained overness from this match.

    We go to the back where Slick is with the Berzerker & Sid The Conquerer, and now apparently The Warlord, whose roll in this stable will just be jobber. It looks like they made the decision to pair Slick with this 'Viking' stable, while Kim Chee will handle George The Animal Steel and Kamala. That seems just about right. The Berzerker is standing up yelling 'Huss' as Slick cuts a promo for him. OH...and yes, Sid The Conquerer is wearing a cape...and now Also has some sort of metallic chest protecter. I think they ARE trying to make Sid look more and more like HE-MAN.

    " Ladiieeeeeessss anndddddd Gentttlllllllmeaaaan!!! The man that stands right next to me yeaaaarrns to be heard!!!! He comes from the world of Vikings', where Survival is the nameee of the gaaaammmmmeeeee!!!!!! The Berzerker!!! And Tommorow Night! At the Telecase Arena!! My Man the Berzerker challenges, YOU, KOKO B. Ware!!! We Want that SMW Title!!! The Berzerker wants that SMW Title!!!"

    *They walk out with the Berzerker yelling 'Huss', and with Sid The Conquerer laughing in the background. They keep changing Sid's name by the second. Word is that they've decided on Sid The Conquerer. :) *



    Tatanka d. Black Tiger NATT MATCH

    After Tatanka got the victory, in what was a very solid match, the lights went out. For about 30 seconds their was silence. Until we heard....*GONG*....*GONG*....*GONG*. Witht that the lights came back on, and The Undertaker Brian Lee was directly behind Tatanka. Tatanka had no idea, until The Undertaker grabbed Tatanka by the throat and choked without letting go. Officials tried to get the Undertaker off, but it was no use. Finally, McMahon kept yelling at Pritchard to 'do something', and Pritchard left the announcers booth...as he was the only one that could 'controle', the Undertaker....Pritchard grabbed the microphone, as The Undertaker stood, placid, with his eyes rolled in back of his head.

    Overall: 71

    Crowd: 64

    Match: 78

    Bruce Pritchard (His face is red already)" Well, I told you the day would come, when the Undertaker would be here!!! I warned everyone that he was coming!! I warned everyone that The Prince of Prime Time, The Lord Of Darkness would once again Rise!!!! (Hmmmm. Looks like Brian Lee wanted to at least keep his 'Prime Time' nickname)

    Tatanka!!! That was just a taste of what you'll get tommorow night, Live on PPV at Arsenal!!! If...if you make it to Arsenal!!! HAHAAHAAHAHAA!!!! Ladies and gentleman!!! I give you! The Undertaker -- Where it's Prime Time all day long!!!!" (He holds up the microphone to The Undertaker)

    The Undertaker" Rest......innn......Peaaacccccccccceeeeee" The Gongs start, and Bruce Pritchard leads the Undertaker to the back.


    We return to the Royal Albert Hall, where there is a space set up from Piper's Pit. However, Macho King comes out with Elizabeth, upset that Piper has his own show. King proceeds to destroying the set, which isn't hard to do. Anywhoooo, this angers Piper who comes out throwing the biggest temper tantrum I have ever seen. Piper finishes the job on the Pipers pit, by attacking Savage and throwing him constantly into the walls!!! King was thrown around so much that his head was busted open from going into one of the polls. Vince McMahon kept playing this up as the 'real' Rowdy Roddy Piper, saying that you 'don't want to get on his bad side'. Good Segment here. Savage was brutally beaten as Liz cried for help. 71%

    Macho King lost overness from this segment.


    Cowboy Mike Hegstrand d. Papa ShangoNATT MATCH

    This is my pick to win the WWF North American Title. Definately Cowboy Mike Hegstrand. The man is well on his way to becoming a Main Eventer, due to his instant heat with the fans under the Stan Hansen gimmick. He mutilated Papa Shango with a western lariat at 8:33. Bret Hart was 'watching' from the isleway. Robert Fuller accompanied Mike Hegstrand to the ring...Right after his victory, Hegstrand ran to the back to find Bret Hart.

    Overall: 69

    Crowd: 74

    Match: 60

    The Berzerker d. Robert Fuller

    Robert Fuller was on the way to the back, simply walking out of the ring, when all of a sudden, The Berzerker came running down the isle with Slick! He cracked Fuller in the head with his sheild, and throw Fuller back in the ring. I guess this was now a match. After 5 minutes of, I guess what you would consider wrestler, Agent Steve Blackman came out, surrounded by other Agents, and announced that this match, has become a SUDDEN DEATH MATCH! With that, the Berzerker really put on the Wrestling---Er...Brawling---um...the Viking-like fighting that he does. He kept bashing Fullers head into the cage, until Slick opened the CAGE door for Berzerker, allowing him to win. Crowd wasn't into this match very much, but they were intrigued by the Berzerkers insanity.

    Overall: 48

    Crowd: 49

    Match: 47

    Robert Fuller lost overness from this match. The Berzerker gained overness from this match.


    The Genius was backstage in his lockeroom, when Sean Mooney walked in. He entered the 'secret passage' and saw The Genius reading the Encylopedia again. This time he was on the Letter "M". Genius blamed Presdent H. Hogan for the attack on his Brother, by Rowdy Roddy Piper! He said that Macho King did everything to get Hogan that title as President and he has done nothing to show his grattitude....Genius was so upset, that he closed the Encyclopedia. I wonder where THIS is going? 74%

    The Genius gained overness from this segment.

    They throw us to another section of the back where Shawn Michaels & Sgt. Slaughter with Lord Alfred Hayes. Big ovation for the WWF Tag Team Champions. Slaughter said that it feels great to have a WWF Title, but that he really yearned for a singles title. He pointed to a picture of the WWF Intercontintal Title. The crowd popped. Slaughter, then told Michaels, his little protege, that he was going to 'show him how it was done.' They then walked off, with Slaugter leading Michaels away. Slaugher's always screaming. Geez. 73%


    Sid the Conquerer d. Jerry Lawler

    Well they headlined the Royal Albert Hall with a great match here. Sid, even though he has to walk to the ring with a Cape, Sword, and Shield looked great here. Crowd was digging into him as much as I've ever seen. HUGE Lawler chants (over=97). Fans couldn't wait for him to get his hands on Ted Dibiase. At 12:30 into the match, Ted Dibiase appeared on the Titan Tron...and had some final words for Jerry Lawler.

    Dibiase: Hey Lawler!!! I wish you the best of luck tommorw!! I hope you put that Crown of yours on the Line!! Because I'm sure you're whole family will be watching....as will mine!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

    **The camera widens, and not only do we see The Million Dollar Man laughing, but we also see The Million Dollar Kid laughing as well....OUCH. The two body guards of thiers Virgil & The Big Bossman are chuckling in the background.**

    Lawler turns right into a kick to the gut, leading to a massive powerbomb from Sid The Conquerer for the victory.

    Sid The Conquerer gained overness from this match


    Ric Flair d. The British Bulldog -WWF World Title

    Ric Flair came out and said that he loved defending the WWF Title in England. He then said "Who better to defend the title against, then The British Bulldog!!!!. WOW. With that the Bulldog came out to a huge ovation....The best match of the night. Once the match started, Flair played the heel, while Bulldog had the crowd going for him in every instance. Final moments of the match came when Flair started to goto work on Bulldog's knee. Minutes later, he sinched on the Figure Four for the victory. At that point...The Mountie came down the isle, and stood face to face with Ric Flair....With the most serious voice as Rougeau can put on, he screamed;

    "Tommorow night, Ric Flair! I make the step from Star, To Superstar!!!!! At your expense--'Nature Boy!' Wooooo!"

    With that, Arsenal went off the air, with the Mountie walking to the back with Pat Patterson, keeping one I on Ric Flair. Flair stared him down the whole way back.....Hmmm. Good show...Glad that thier not revolving everything around the Immortals, yet still keeping them as an important part of the show.

    Overall: 87

    Crowd: 89

    Match: 83

    The WWF World title has gained in image.

    ARSENAL II IS NEXT!!!! Make your predictions!!!!!

  2. WWF Arsenal II UK PPV

    - The Road To The King Of The Ring! -

    Newcastle Telecast Arena - 29th May

    Double Main Event:

    Memphis Brawl Match - Last Man Standing!

    user posted imageuser posted image

    The Million Dollar Man v. King Jerry Lawler

    Champion vs. Champion - To End The War! - CLOSED Cage Match!

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    'Nature Boy' Ric Flair (WWF World) vs. The Mountie (WWF I-C))

    No Holds Barred!

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    Sid <span style='color:red'>The Conquerer w/ Slick vs.The British Bulldog

    The End of A Friendship!

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    Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon

    Brisco fights for his job back!

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    Former WWF Matchmaker, Gerald Brisco w/ Rowdy Piper vs. The Macho King Randy Savage w/ The not-so-lovely Miss Elizabeth

    The Undertaker (Brian Lee) Makes His Debut!

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    The Undertaker w/ Bruce Pritchard vs. Tatanka w/ Downtown Bruno

    Smokey Mountain Wrestling Heavyweight Title Match!

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    The Berzerker w/ Slick (Challenger)vs. Koko B. Ware (Champion) w/ Terry H. Hogan

    Plus Also!!!

    Ghetto Brawl!

    New Jack vs. The Dark Patriot w/ Bruce Pritchard


    make your predictions!!!!! who do you think is the boss of THE CARTEL?

  3. user posted image


    Manchester Evening News Arena - Manchester, England

    -The Arsenal II Tour-

    24th, May 1994

    Shawn Michaels Assumes WWF Leadership-

    Vince McMahon and Bobby The Brain Heenan are standing up in the middle of the ring, as thousands of fans scream and cheer for the beginning of PHAT TV.

    Vince McMahon" Hello everyone I'm Vince McMahon, with Bobby Heenan, and I can't believe it Brain! It's you and me again!! Live from the Manchester Evening News Arena!!"

    Heenan" Ok first, of all, I'm Bobby The Brain Heenan!! What...do you think this Brain thing is just a gimmick? And Vince, I've got some big news about Arsenal II, this weekend live from the Telecast Arena, in Newcastle!"

    McMahon" Just what do you know, Brain!"

    Heenan" Well, check this out! Being the savy broadcast journalist that I am...I found out that the Main Event has been changed!!That's right...President Terry H. Hogan has ordered, that this war between the Mountie and Ric Flair has got to stop! And he ordered them to do it in the Cage! For the WWF Intercontinental Championship!!"

    McMahon" That's unbelievable, Brain! I guess the immortals are your kinda guys, eh?"

    Heenan" Shut up McMahon, I was talking! Now...I know what you're wondering! 'This isn't Fair to The Mountie!'....'He's defending his championship at Arsenal II, and Ric Flair isn't!! Isn't that what you were wondering, McMahon?"

    McMahon" Well, actually...I--"

    Heenan" Quit interrupting me, McMahon! Ok, well as I was saying, Ric Flair is not going to get off so easily! Because tonight...Ric Flair defends WWF Gold! Getting a shot, is 'The Bad Guy', Razor Ramon!!"

    McMahon" Wow! Razor Ramon against 'The Nature Boy', right here in Manchester, England! *McMahon pauses, it seems like someone is telling him something in his earpiece*"

    Vince McMahon" Yes...I've just been told, that Sean Mooney is in the backstage area, where Shawn Michaels as put together some sort of, 'Meeting'....."

    **Sean Mooney is in a meeting room, where Shawn Michaels is talking to all of the faces of the company**

    Shawn Michaels" Alright, guys. Now if ya look back at the last few months, this Immortals regime in the WWF has not been very favourable to most of us in this room. Now RAzor Ramon's got a title shot tonight...Now, some may say I'm just bringing this up just because I'm 'Jealous'. But I think I speak for everyone here, when I say, WHY RAZOR!! What has he done to get that title shot? He lost his NATT Match against Brutus Beefcake. He lost his match before that. So what has he done! Ohh that's right...he's friends with the Macho King. Who started this whole mess, by making a big stink about Hogan leaving in the first place! Ya, see, I don't like the way that goes. So someone's gonna have to step up to even up the odds! And...now...as my first act, to show that I am willing to accept the leadership role for all of you! I would like to nominate...to go against President Terry Hogan for the WWF Presidency......MR. FUJI!!!"

    **After a considerably long moment of complete silence, everyone started cracking up in the locker room. Everyone...except for Mr. Fuji that is. Mr. Fuji was waddling up to to the podium with a big smile on his face shaking Shawn Michael's hands, and waiving to all of the other wrestlers....Are they serious? 89% [shawn Michaels self promotion interview]

    -SGT. Slaughter Supports HBK-

    **Everyone's laughter was abruptly ended as Sgt. Slaughter got up, and started to applaud Mr. Fuji. Everyone stopped and looked at Slaughter in confusion...then joined him in applauding the 48 year-old Legendary WWF Figure. Suddenly JJ Dillon, Manager of the Horsemen bursts into the meeting room, with 1/2 of the WWF Tag Team Champions-Tully Blanchard, both laughing.

    JJ Dillon" Hahaha!! I just saw your 'great idea' for WWF President! Well guess what! If you guys think you can just 'name' someone, then I got another name for you!! James J. Dillon!! That's right! It's about we get a President that knows what he's doing! By someone whose success with the Four Horsemen, who is known As the Greatest Mind in The Game! Me!! I'm not some balded headed ego maniac, or some nutty wrestler-turned unsuccesfful manager--I'm James J. Dillon!!! The Mastermind!!"

    **Suddennly Sgt. Slaughter snaps back at JJ Dillon**

    Sgt. Slaughter(Yelling like a Drill Sargeant) "James J. Dillon you filthy scum!! I never liked you in the first place!!! We all know what you and your dirty Horsemen are all about! And we know you would love to keep that WWF Title around Ric Flair's waiste forever! Well, we're not going to let that happen! (Everyone in the background screams 'YEA!') Mr. Fuji stands for good! He stands for making this sport a better place for everyone! Not by selfish standards as yourself Dillon!!! Get out of My Lockeroom Maggot!!! "

    *Everyone cheers Sgt. Slaughter coming to thier defense. The Sarge was back to his old self again, and even got a small 'Sarge' chant from the Manchester Fans.* 89%

    Sgt. Slaughter's turn was completed, and he is now a face. Sgt. Slaughter gained overness from this turn. Sgt. Slaughter gained overness from this segment.

    -ADVERTS-Announced the revised card for Arsenal II.

    Agent Steve Blackman w/President Terry H. Hogan d. Kamala w/KamalaNATT Match

    With the elimination portion of the Tournament coming up, it'll be interesting to see how far Blackman makes it, if he even wins his bracket, which he is now. Blackman nailed Kamala with the chest pump kick in 19.43 seconds. They are doing a new gimmick where Manager, Terry H. Hogan, brings a stopwatch with him to the ring, to time Blackman's matches.

    Kamala lost overness from this match. Agent Steve Blackman gained overness from this match. Kamala didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating.

    Overall: 46

    Crowd: 53

    Match: 51

    -Tully Blanchard lashes out at Shawn Michaels-

    Shawn Michaels is in the back and bumps into Tully Blanchard, who is holding his WWF Tag Team Belt. Crowd pops for Blanchard, as once again, they respect him.

    Shawn Michaels" Yo!!! Yo!! Tully, man! Whats up man! Hey, whats gotten into JJ."

    Blanchard" ARe you serious? Don't you see whats happening to this promotion! We have to stop it from falling into the controle of young punks like you! And from egotistical people like President Hogan!" (Crowd now starts to boo Blanchard.) Suddenly, Michaels' fervor turned into anger.

    Michaels" Ya Know! Tully-Man! I see that Belt on the Shoulder, and can't decide which is older-It's Owner, or The Belt! How bout I get a partner from around here, and you and Mr. Perfect put those titles on the line."

    **Tully, after a blank stare at Michaels, made a really nasty noise with hist throat, and pelted Michaels on the nose with a huge wad of spit. He walked off, seemingly legitimately angry. JJ Dillon Had to scream, You're on Michaels!, on his way to chasing Blanchard. Seems like Blanchard really didn't like Michaels' little age joke, and he let Michaels have it. This took alot of heat off of Shawn, as he looked, 'as the leader of the WWF', like a moron cleaning spit off of his nose. 74%

    Tully Blanchard's turn was completed, and he is now a heel. Tully Blanchard gained overness from this segment. Shawn Michaels lost overness from this segment.


    -The Street Thug Strikes Again-

    Dark Patriot d. The British BulldogNATT Match

    Bulldog got a nice responce in his native land. Too bad he had to loose. At 12:00 of a solid match, New Jack came running out of the back with a baseball bat. The idea with New Jacks infactuation with the Dark Patriot, is that he demands that Dark Patriot change his 'image' to show respect for 'his country'. When New Jack ran to the ring, he was quickly stopped by referee Joey Marella. He dropped the bat in the ring, where Dark Patriot saw it first, and used it on the British Bulldog behind the refs back. After New Jack was tripped up, fellow CARTEL MEMBER, Repo Man, at ringside, the referee returned to the match, and counted the 3 count on a knocked out British Bulldog. Repo Man's and Dark Patriot' ring outfit looks almost identical. Except, Dark Patriot has more of a mask. 2 Points for the Dark Patriot.

    Overall: 63

    Crowd: 64

    Match: 76

    The Dark Patriot gained overness from this match.

    -Shawn Michaels Announces His Partner-

    Shawn Michaels' music hit to a huge pop. Looks like Michaels had something to say.

    Shawn Michaels" Ladies and gentlemen, please give a big England welcome to my partner tonight against the Perfect Team--Former WWF World Champion-Sgt. Slaughter!!!"

    **Out came Slaughter, wearing his old military Uniform. The Sarge was back. Crowd popped big for this.**

    Slaughter(Screaming...Why does Slaughter always scream?) " Listen, Michaels!! When I saw you up there earlier today, I saw someone that looked very familiar! I saw Myself!! I saw the young Sarge! I saw the leader, Sarge!! Shawn, you've given me the boost I needed to go out there, and fight for whats right! Tonight, may our WWF Tag Team Title win, be the first, of many successful paths, that we will cross together!!"

    Michaels" Ya, know, Sarge. I used to watch ya' as a Kid, I've seen all your classic matches, and man, to have you by my side is a huge inspiration to me..."

    Slaughter" There's just one thing that I ask, soldier!! No more dancing!!"

    *The Crowd Laughs, as does Michaels, as Michaels raises the hand of Sgt. Slaughter to a nice pop. Sgt. Slaughter has resurped his career in under an hour. 88% [i've got your back angle]

    Sgt. Slaughter gained overness from this segment.


    The Million Dollar Kid d. The Dynamite KidNATT Match

    Great match here. These two really dazzled the crowd with some of thier hi flying moves. At 15:32 into the match, after a ref bump, Lawler came running down the isle, and started arguing with Christopher, right there in the middle of the winner. Christopher got upset and handed Lawler brass knux, and was daring him to hit him. Lawler kept teasing hitting Christphor. 90 seconds later, Dynamite Kid tapped Lawler on the shoulder--but Lawler's reflexes caused him to respond by strikiing Dynamite kid with the knux. At this point, the ref woke up, and Christopher literrally jumped on top of Dynamite for the cheap victory! At this point, Ted Dibiase ran down the isle and ordered for Lawler to 'get out of here'.

    Overall: 67

    Crowd: 69

    Match: 81

    -The Animals Attack The President-

    President Terry H. Hogan was live in his office, guarded by Agent Blackman and about 4 Guardsmen. President Hogan was about to announce that a Sudden Death List would be released at the WWF PPV, Arsenal II, this weekend, siting those who were immediately fired from the WWF. The Crowd booed, as the announcers played this off as Hogan 'abusing' his power, yet again. At this point there was a nutty strike at the door. Everyone looked over. Nothing. Hogan started to talk again, until this time A giant Sword was plunged through his door! It was the Berzerker's. At that point George 'The Animal' Steele plunged himself thought the door, allowing Kamala to run a rampage right into the Guardsmen. Berzerker joined in the attack of the Guardsman. Agent Blackman ushers Hogan away as they escape by running through the door, admist the mayem. Slick jumps on the desk and starts tap dancing on President Hogan's desk and announces Sid.

    Slick" Ladiesssssss And gentlemennnn!!! Put yo' hands together for The Ultimate Berzerker!....Put yo' hands together To tha Man that rulzz da world!!!, Sid The Berzerker!!"

    **Now they are calling him Sid the Berzerker. In strolled Sid The Berzerker without his Jason Mask. Instead he was wearing a red cape , which made him look, kinda like 'He-Man'. I guess they're actually giving Sid a Viking gimmick, too. Sid was also holding, just like the Berzerker, a Sword and a Sheild :lol: .

    Sid The Berzerker (Screaming - He is standing directly in front of Slick The Doctor Of Style, who's still tap dancing on top of the desk)" I am The Master and The Ruler of the World!!! And this week, I conquer, England!!! (Crowd is booing. Berzerker and George Steele are calm, as they are listening to thier 'master'.)

    And British Bulldog!!! I start with you!!! I want you in a match at Arsenal II!! This week! Prepare to be dominated, little man!!"

    88% [stable attacks commish]


    Sgt. Slaughter & Shawn Michaels d. The Perfect Team

    Heenan had some pretty stuff about the last segment. He told McMahon that his wife would fit right in with that group...Anyway, good match here crowd was totally into the combination of Slaughter. Announcers are trying to build this as a veteran like Slaughter taking Michaels 'under his wing'. Final moments saw Razor Ramon stroll down the isle. Right when Razor came down the isle, Mr. Perfect got Shawn Michaels in the Perfect Plex. But the ref jumped out to the ring, to usher Razor away. At this point, Slaughter jumped in the ring and struck Perfect in the ribs with his baton! Crowd popped big for this. He then struck, Blanchard with it, and put Perfect in the Camel Clutch. By this time Razor was already near the curtain. Shawn Michaels, then recovered, and nailed Perfect with the rocker dropper to win the WWF Tag Team Titles!!! Razor was by the curtain, having a temper tantrum, upset that he actually helped Michaels win the Tag Team Gold. Michaels jumped up continuously in celebration, leaping into Slaughters arms with his hands held high. Michaels started to dance, but each time he did--Slaughter smacked him, and got him to stop. Shawn Michaels and Sgt. Slaughter are the new Tag Team Champions.

    Overall: 63

    Crowd: 75

    Match: 65

    The WWF Tag Team titles have gained in image.


    Ric Flair is in the back, he is livid that Mr. Perfect & Tully Blanchard lost the WWF Titles. He is pacing back and forth jumping around, and knocking things down, while yelling at The Perfect Team.

    " How could you!!! How could you loose that match!! Now I have to go out there and face Razor Ramon!!! I'll show that Razor Ramon to interfere in Horsemen Business!!!..(Flair throws a monitor accross the room)...What right does he have getting in horsmen business!!! He can continue his little friendship battle with Michaels on his own time!! Who does he think he---Wooooo!!!!!!!" *Flair storms off to the ring. JJ Dillon follows behind him, shaking his head at Perfect & Blanchard*


    Ric Flair gained overness from this segment.

    Ric Flair d. Razor Ramon - WWF World Championship

    Great match all around here. Great heat. Awesome action. At 12:33, when Flair had the upperhand, he went to the outside, and put on Razor Ramon's gold whilst doing a strut around the ring. This got the English crowd pumped up. Finally at Razor through Ric Flair into the turnbuckle and was about to nail him with a clothesline, at 16:42 into the match. But Flair, pulled the referee in the way, causing the ref to get bumped to the outside. Shawn Michaels hopped in the ring with his WWF Tag Team Title, and was aiming on wacking Razor with the Belt. Flair just watched, sitting on top of the turnbuckle. Finally, when Razor got up Michaels nailed him, to a big pop from the crowd. After Michaels left, Flair administered the Figure Four, for the submission Victory. Mountie ran down the isle, to tell him what happened, but was quickly stopped by a right jab from Ric Flair. This prompted a brawl, taking England's PHAT TV, off the air.

    Overall: 77

    Crowd: 88

    Match: 84

    TV Rating: 8.10

    Card Quality: 71

    *feedback is welcome and encouraged!*

  4. user posted image

    May 23rd, 1994 -Monday Night Raw -

    Channel: USA Network

    Venue: Manhattan Centre, New York

    Attendance: 10017

    Announcers: Lucious Johnny Valient & Joel Gertner


    Dave Schmeltzer


    -Rowdy Roddy Piper gets 'Berzerked'-

    Raw opened up with Rowdy Roddy Piper in the ring to a nice little Piper chant. He is joined with his Manager, Superstar Paul Bearer. Johnny Smith is also in the ring, as he has a NATT match with Brutus Beefcake later on tonight.

    HotRod" So guess what!!! Our new hero..'Or So We Thought', Sid BerZerkA has joined forces with people like him; Complete Morons. (Crowd Laughs). So you're now under the guidance of Slick with his Animals, so that you can--as you say--'be yourself'. Well Sid, We never said you couldnt' become a complete moron? (Crowd Laughs Again)"

    **Suddenly Sid & The Animals, along with their manager, Slick appear on the interview stoop.**

    Sid BerZerkA (Screaming from underneath the 'Jason' Mask." Piper!!! Do you think that this is some sort of a joke!!! Do you think that this is a game!! I am no moron!!! I am the Master, And The Ruler, Of the World!!!!! And Piper!!! It's time for you to be Berzerked!!!!"

    **With that Sid sends the Berzerker running towards the ring (with Kim Chee) attacking Hot-Rod. Paul Bearer and Johnny Smith flee the ring, as it seems as though we have an impromptu match here. Piper being blindsided by the Berzerker...damn, thats got to be embarrassing. 50%

    Rowdy Roddy Piper lost overness from this segment.

    The Berzerker d. Rowdy Roddy Piper

    Fans were confused as it was never made clear that this was now an actual match. Berzker went in there and just pounded Piper with blind punches and kicks. At 4:43, Piper started to mount a comeback, but at this point, Miss Elizabeth with the Macho King ran down the isle. Savage distracted the ref, while Liz sprayed mace into Piper's eye. Berzerker then gave Piper his running shoulder block, which was enough for the upset! Berzerker continued to attack Piper after the bell, as did Savage. On the interview podium, Sid BerZerkA laughed, while George 'The Animal' Steele screamed 'YOU!', Kamala kept patting his belly, screaming, and Slick Danced in celebration, as we went into our first commercial break.

    Overall: 52

    Crowd: 55

    Match: 47

    Rowdy Roddy Piper lost overness from this match. The Berzerker gained overness from this match.


    -Mike Rotunda gives Brutus Beefcake a Trim up-

    Johnny Smith d. Brutus Beefcake NATT Match

    Beefcake gets better in his heel roll as the months go by. Kept the crowd into the match, by constantly having verbal battles with ringside fans. This also made the match better to watch. Johnny Smith was great here, boggling Beefcake more and more with his constant countering of Beefcakes moves. Once again, Smith seems to be gaining the respect of WWF fans. At 12:33 into the match, Mike Rotunda, of the Real Americans, came down with 'Real American Clippers', that he wanted to use on Beefcake. Beefcake saw this and starting yelling at Rotunda from inside the ring. This allowed Smith to sneak up behind Beefcake and nail him with a stiff German Suplex, that knocked Beefcake out...After the match, Johnny Smith held Beefcake, while Rotunda cut his hair, to a nice pop. Rotunda clipped off just enough to give Beefcake a nasty looking Mullet!. 2 Points for Smith.

    Rotunda" Hey Beefcake! I guess, now, everyone can call you, Brutus 'The Mullet' Beefcake! Ha!"

    Cheesey '94 jokes.

    Overall: 68

    Crowd: 63

    Match: 73

    Johnny Smith gained overness from this match.

    After the ring was cleared, the Hart Foundation's music hit the PA system. Lord Alfred Hayes was in the ring, it was clear that when we come back, he would have some words, with Bret Hart, and The Hart Foundation. They've been making alot of noise lately...


    We return to RAW where, Bret Hart, The British Bulldog, Owen Hart, & Dynamite Kid are in the ring with Lord Alfred Hayes.

    Hayes" ...Well first of all, Bret...I'm sure everyone wants to know, next week, in Newcastle England, you will Team, with Brother Owen, to go against arch rival Cowboy Mike Hestrand and--"

    **With that Cowboy Mike Hegstrand's music hits, which is just him going 'Heeee-Haaawww!' in his rough coarse voice., about every 7 seconds...He is joined with Cowboy Bob Orton, as he steps directly into Bret's Face. The two have a short start down, before, Hegstrand, in his Western Accent, yells; "WELL!!!!!!!"

    Hegstrand" I got a little story tell 'ya!!! There was once a little boy who wore pink all the time! He had little pink glasses! And he put women's gell in his hair!! (Crowd is booing as they see this is an obvious mocking of Bret) Now, one day, he messed with a Cowboy! And then had to wear a cute little neck-brace as a result of it! (Bret is still selling Hegstrand's lariat by still wearing the neck brace) Now, in just about a week, that little fairy boy that wears pink all the time, is going to team with his little fairy brother--against the two, meanest, leanest, roughest, toughest men of them all! Cowboy Mike Hegstrand, and Cowboy Bob Orton!"

    **Owen's heard enough. He lunges at Hegstrand, only to be restrained by, brother, Bret, and The British Bulldog.

    Bret Hart" Hold on...Ok Ok. That was pretty funny. Well I got a challenge for those two mean, lean, tough & rough men. How bout you go against the Exellence of Execution, and one tough Bulldog, tonight!! Just to give you a taste of what us Harts are all about!!!"

    Hayes" What do you say, Hegstrand! Bret Hart has made the challenge---"

    Hegstrand" SHUT UP! You've got yourself a match...PINK-MAN Hahaha!"

    Hayes"Wow! What a match we have schedule for later tonight!! Let me go now to my new broadcast collegeau, Gerald Brisco!!! Gerry?" 87% [bret Hart continue feud interview]

    -Gerald Brisco's first assignment as An Announcer-

    Gerald Brisco has the microphone in his hand, and seems very bitter about his 'new position', in the WWF.

    Brisco" Ok, folks. Tonight, live on WWF RAW, I was just handed a note, by Ray Rouguea. He says that 'Because he is in a giving mood', he will be putting his Good Citizen's Trophy up against anyone, tonight."

    Brisco seems very uneasy about something. Almost like he feels he has to 'do something'

    Brisco" Ya know what...something's been bothering me for a long time. Next week, I go against the Macho Looser Randy Savage for a chance at my Job back. Its time I let the Macho King know how I feel, face to face."

    With that, Mr. Brisco marches to Macho King's lockerroom. He knocks...there is no answer. He knocks again. Still...no answer.

    Brisco" Oh...No answer, eh? Ok...I guess I'll just have to give my message to the closest thing to a Savage that I can..."

    The announcers have no idea where Brisco is going. Finally he stops at the dressing room that reads 'The Genius'. Lucious Johnny V. on commentary starts to yell and scream about how Brisco should not be harrassing Savage's family memembers. Brisco knocks at the door. AFter no answer, Brisco walks in. What is inside is, oddley another hallway. Brisco opens that door...to find suprisingly enough, Stairs, leading to a lower level. Wow, this man is really a Genius. Downstairs is what looks like a Library setting. Books everywhere. The Genius is reading the 'L' section Encyclopidia Brittanica He is startled by Brisco's entrance.

    The Genius" How did you get down here!! Oh...Your an announcer now. (Snickers). How may I help you?"

    Brisco" What the hell is this place?"

    Genius" It's my locker room. Of course. Do you think I would stay up there with the 'normal' people?"

    Brisco" Ok...Well, I came here to let you pass a little message onto that brother of yours...Tell him--"

    Genius" NO! You see silly goose, that you tell to an announcer! I am no announcer! I am The Genius!!! And so, let me share with you a new poem I'm did. Inspiration is from the Letter 'L'. I've been spending alot of time with it from the encyclopedia."

    Brisco" Humour me."


    " L is for the loser that you have become

    A shell of your past, now metaphorically a slum

    The cheers you once heard from state to state

    Now lowers you to the sense, of feeling self hate.

    Sure you were the best, But now Gerry Brisco,

    You face the fate, of an ingloo-less Eskimo!"

    Poffo, then wacks Brisco with intensity accross the face with his clipboard thingy, knocking him unconcious. Genius draggs Brisco up the stairs and throws him outside his locker room. Rowdy Roddy Piper, who just happens to be walking by, sees this...Genius runs back inside his locker room, slamming the door, as Brisco is attended to by Piper.

    Piper" Who did this to you....? Genius...? We'll get them tonight...we'll gett'em...." 69%

    The Genius gained overness from this segment. :)

    [face to face confrontation]


    -Sid BerZerkA goes Berzerk-

    DWB Tony Anthony NCOR Jake The Snake Roberts

    This match came to a no-contest when Slick starting tap dancing toward the ring, with his new man, Sid BerZerkA. Sid annilhilated both men, giving them both PowerBombs from the ring, over the top rope and onto the arena floor. OUCH!

    Overall: 74

    Crowd: 76

    Match: 70

    -'Good Citizen' Ray Rougeau repremands Ric Flair-

    We goto the back where Ray Rougeau on his way from the bathroom, back to the Canadian Foundation locker room. He is carrying his 'Good Citizen's' Trophy with him. He passes by the Four Horsemen locker room and hears 'partying' going on. He barges in, to see the WWF Champion Ric Flair holding a champagne bottle in her hand.

    Ric Flair (greeting Rougeau by putting his arm around him" Welcome Rougeau!!! Woooooo!!!! Wheres that no-good brother of yours!!! Woooooo!"

    Rougeau" Get your hands off of me you drunkard!! Don't you realise what this trophy means! This means that, as Good Citizen champion, I am a role model to all! I cannot be seen drinking Champagne, let alone seen drinking with a man, who calls himself 'The Dirtiest Player in the Game'!"

    JJ Dillon" Hey Rougeau! You really believe that crap! Ok, well put that Trophy the line, against Ric Flair, tonight! And lets see just how much you really beleive in what you say!"

    Rougeau (Suprised, startled, and intimidated) " Ok...! Ok!! You got it! You got a match! Tonight! The Good Citizen versus the Dirtiest Player in the Game!! [aside] I need a plan.... [/aside]" Ray Rougeau ran to the Mountie to tell him what just happened. Mountie told him to tell him on the way to the ring. The Mountie's match was next...86%

    [face to face confrontation between ray & Flair]


    The Mountie d. Tatanka - I-C Title Match

    Why Tatanka got a title match? I have no idea. Not a bad match. Not a very good one either. After the match, Mountie shocked Tatanka with the cattle prod, who was being held by Adam Copepland & Christian Cage.

    Overall: 76

    Crowd: 79

    Match: 71


    Bret 'Hitman' Hart & British Bulldog d. Cowboy Mike Hegstrand & Cowboy Bob Orton

    Good match here, as it was all about the brawling with these four. Bret Hart used Hegstrand's own bullwhip to knock him off of his feet, for the quick cover, seconds before Orton could run in to make the save. While Bulldog and Bret were celebrating, Orton and Hegstrand tried to attack them from behind with their whips, but the Hart Foudnation escaped unscathed.

    Overall: 72

    Crowd: 75

    Match: 68


    -The Genius 'special clipboard' strikes again-

    Macho King & The Genius d. Rowdy Roddy Piper & Gerald Brisco

    Brisco was wearing an eye patch, selling the knock that he got from The Genius' clipboard earlier tonigth. Genius and Brisco were horrible in the ring, too, but they had the crowd going with their silly antics, and thats what matters. Final moments of the match saw, after a ref bump, Brisco going for the Genius's Clipboard, but Geinus saw him...and the two started Wrestling for it. At one point, the clipboard flew out of both of thier hands and into the hands of Savage. Savage assaulted Piper with the clipboard, and got the quick pinfall as soon as the ref got up! After the match, Brisco and Piper fired back, cornering the Genius, while Savage ran away in frieght. They took turns giving him jabs..then finally, Brisco nailed him with the 'Legendary Tomahawk' Chop, sending him flying outside the ring...

    Overall: 64

    Crowd: 72

    Match: 47


    -The Mountie Ambushes Ric Flair-

    Ray Rougeau d. Ric Flair - Good Citizen's Title

    Johnny V. on commentary mentioned how tonight has been a night of unusuals and warned the fans 'not to pee in thier pants', when Ray Rougeau 'cracks the trophy upside Flairs head'. Mountie & Pat Patterson accompanied Rougeau, while JJ Dillon & Steve Corino accompanied Flair. Flair spat on the Good Citizen's trophy while Rougeau was holding it up, and thats what started the match. Ray Rougeau has proved himself to be a solid WWF worker (much like Lawler and Dibiase) who can always be counted on to put on a good enough performance. Great match, full of technical wrestling from two great veterans.

    Final moments of the match saw Mountie climb up on the apron. This prompted the ref to go running to him--when he cleverly tossed his cattle prod in the ring. THAT caused both Corino and Dillon to hop on the apron in protest--now getting the referee's full attention. At this point, Mountie, came in the ring and was pummelled by a ready-and-waiting Ric Flair, but this allowed Ray to crawl to the cattle prod, and bash Flair over the head with it! At this point, the Mountie simply walked over the the ref, and told him that his brother had the cover on Flair...and the ref counted to 3! With the help of the Mountie, Raymond Rougeau has defeated The Nature Boy!. Retaliation must be on Ric Flair's mind.

    Overall: 78

    Crowd: 79

    Match: 77

    Raymond Rougeau gained overness from this match. The Good Citizens title has gained in image.:)


    TV Rating: 8.92

    The Competition: 8.92

  5. user posted image

    May 23rd, 1994 -Monday Night Raw -

    Channel: USA Network

    Venue: Manhattan Centre, New York

    Attendance: 10017

    Announcers: Lucious Johnny Valient & Joel Gertner


    Dave Schmeltzer


    -Rowdy Roddy Piper gets 'Berzerked'-

    Raw opened up with Rowdy Roddy Piper in the ring to a nice little Piper chant. He is joined with his Manager, Superstar Paul Bearer. Johnny Smith is also in the ring, as he has a NATT match with Brutus Beefcake later on tonight.

    HotRod" So guess what!!! Our new hero..'Or So We Thought', Sid BerZerkA has joined forces with people like him; Complete Morons. (Crowd Laughs). So you're now under the guidance of Slick with his Animals, so that you can--as you say--'be yourself'. Well Sid, We never said you couldnt' become a complete moron? (Crowd Laughs Again)"

    **Suddenly Sid & The Animals, along with their manager, Slick appear on the interview stoop.**

    Sid BerZerkA (Screaming from underneath the 'Jason' Mask." Piper!!! Do you think that this is some sort of a joke!!! Do you think that this is a game!! I am no moron!!! I am the Master, And The Ruler, Of the World!!!!! And Piper!!! It's time for you to be Berzerked!!!!"

    **With that Sid sends the Berzerker running towards the ring (with Kim Chee) attacking Hot-Rod. Paul Bearer and Johnny Smith flee the ring, as it seems as though we have an impromptu match here. Piper being blindsided by the Berzerker...damn, thats got to be embarrassing. 50%

    Rowdy Roddy Piper lost overness from this segment.

    The Berzerker d. Rowdy Roddy Piper

    Fans were confused as it was never made clear that this was now an actual match. Berzker went in there and just pounded Piper with blind punches and kicks. At 4:43, Piper started to mount a comeback, but at this point, Miss Elizabeth with the Macho King ran down the isle. Savage distracted the ref, while Liz sprayed mace into Piper's eye. Berzerker then gave Piper his running shoulder block, which was enough for the upset! Berzerker continued to attack Piper after the bell, as did Savage. On the interview podium, Sid BerZerkA laughed, while George 'The Animal' Steele screamed 'YOU!', Kamala kept patting his belly, screaming, and Slick Danced in celebration, as we went into our first commercial break.

    Overall: 52

    Crowd: 55

    Match: 47

    Rowdy Roddy Piper lost overness from this match. The Berzerker gained overness from this match.


    -Mike Rotunda gives Brutus Beefcake a Trim up-

    Johnny Smith d. Brutus Beefcake NATT Match

    Beefcake gets better in his heel roll as the months go by. Kept the crowd into the match, by constantly having verbal battles with ringside fans. This also made the match better to watch. Johnny Smith was great here, boggling Beefcake more and more with his constant countering of Beefcakes moves. Once again, Smith seems to be gaining the respect of WWF fans. At 12:33 into the match, Mike Rotunda, of the Real Americans, came down with 'Real American Clippers', that he wanted to use on Beefcake. Beefcake saw this and starting yelling at Rotunda from inside the ring. This allowed Smith to sneak up behind Beefcake and nail him with a stiff German Suplex, that knocked Beefcake out...After the match, Johnny Smith held Beefcake, while Rotunda cut his hair, to a nice pop. Rotunda clipped off just enough to give Beefcake a nasty looking Mullet!. 2 Points for Smith.

    Rotunda" Hey Beefcake! I guess, now, everyone can call you, Brutus 'The Mullet' Beefcake! Ha!"

    Cheesey '94 jokes.

    Overall: 68

    Crowd: 63

    Match: 73

    Johnny Smith gained overness from this match.

    After the ring was cleared, the Hart Foundation's music hit the PA system. Lord Alfred Hayes was in the ring, it was clear that when we come back, he would have some words, with Bret Hart, and The Hart Foundation. They've been making alot of noise lately...


    We return to RAW where, Bret Hart, The British Bulldog, Owen Hart, & Dynamite Kid are in the ring with Lord Alfred Hayes.

    Hayes" ...Well first of all, Bret...I'm sure everyone wants to know, next week, in Newcastle England, you will Team, with Brother Owen, to go against arch rival Cowboy Mike Hestrand and--"

    **With that Cowboy Mike Hegstrand's music hits, which is just him going 'Heeee-Haaawww!' in his rough coarse voice., about every 7 seconds...He is joined with Cowboy Bob Orton, as he steps directly into Bret's Face. The two have a short start down, before, Hegstrand, in his Western Accent, yells; "WELL!!!!!!!"

    Hegstrand" I got a little story tell 'ya!!! There was once a little boy who wore pink all the time! He had little pink glasses! And he put women's gell in his hair!! (Crowd is booing as they see this is an obvious mocking of Bret) Now, one day, he messed with a Cowboy! And then had to wear a cute little neck-brace as a result of it! (Bret is still selling Hegstrand's lariat by still wearing the neck brace) Now, in just about a week, that little fairy boy that wears pink all the time, is going to team with his little fairy brother--against the two, meanest, leanest, roughest, toughest men of them all! Cowboy Mike Hegstrand, and Cowboy Bob Orton!"

    **Owen's heard enough. He lunges at Hegstrand, only to be restrained by, brother, Bret, and The British Bulldog.

    Bret Hart" Hold on...Ok Ok. That was pretty funny. Well I got a challenge for those two mean, lean, tough & rough men. How bout you go against the Exellence of Execution, and one tough Bulldog, tonight!! Just to give you a taste of what us Harts are all about!!!"

    Hayes" What do you say, Hegstrand! Bret Hart has made the challenge---"

    Hegstrand" SHUT UP! You've got yourself a match...PINK-MAN Hahaha!"

    Hayes"Wow! What a match we have schedule for later tonight!! Let me go now to my new broadcast collegeau, Gerald Brisco!!! Gerry?" 87% [bret Hart continue feud interview]

    -Gerald Brisco's first assignment as An Announcer-

    Gerald Brisco has the microphone in his hand, and seems very bitter about his 'new position', in the WWF.

    Brisco" Ok, folks. Tonight, live on WWF RAW, I was just handed a note, by Ray Rouguea. He says that 'Because he is in a giving mood', he will be putting his Good Citizen's Trophy up against anyone, tonight."

    Brisco seems very uneasy about something. Almost like he feels he has to 'do something'

    Brisco" Ya know what...something's been bothering me for a long time. Next week, I go against the Macho Looser Randy Savage for a chance at my Job back. Its time I let the Macho King know how I feel, face to face."

    With that, Mr. Brisco marches to Macho King's lockerroom. He knocks...there is no answer. He knocks again. Still...no answer.

    Brisco" Oh...No answer, eh? Ok...I guess I'll just have to give my message to the closest thing to a Savage that I can..."

    The announcers have no idea where Brisco is going. Finally he stops at the dressing room that reads 'The Genius'. Lucious Johnny V. on commentary starts to yell and scream about how Brisco should not be harrassing Savage's family memembers. Brisco knocks at the door. AFter no answer, Brisco walks in. What is inside is, oddley another hallway. Brisco opens that door...to find suprisingly enough, Stairs, leading to a lower level. Wow, this man is really a Genius. Downstairs is what looks like a Library setting. Books everywhere. The Genius is reading the 'L' section Encyclopidia Brittanica He is startled by Brisco's entrance.

    The Genius" How did you get down here!! Oh...Your an announcer now. (Snickers). How may I help you?"

    Brisco" What the hell is this place?"

    Genius" It's my locker room. Of course. Do you think I would stay up there with the 'normal' people?"

    Brisco" Ok...Well, I came here to let you pass a little message onto that brother of yours...Tell him--"

    Genius" NO! You see silly goose, that you tell to an announcer! I am no announcer! I am The Genius!!! And so, let me share with you a new poem I'm did. Inspiration is from the Letter 'L'. I've been spending alot of time with it from the encyclopedia."

    Brisco" Humour me."


    " L is for the loser that you have become

    A shell of your past, now metaphorically a slum

    The cheers you once heard from state to state

    Now lowers you to the sense, of feeling self hate.

    Sure you were the best, But now Gerry Brisco,

    You face the fate, of an ingloo-less Eskimo!"

    Poffo, then wacks Brisco with intensity accross the face with his clipboard thingy, knocking him unconcious. Genius draggs Brisco up the stairs and throws him outside his locker room. Rowdy Roddy Piper, who just happens to be walking by, sees this...Genius runs back inside his locker room, slamming the door, as Brisco is attended to by Piper.

    Piper" Who did this to you....? Genius...? We'll get them tonight...we'll gett'em...." 69%

    The Genius gained overness from this segment. :)

    [face to face confrontation]


    -Sid BerZerkA goes Berzerk-

    DWB Tony Anthony NCOR Jake The Snake Roberts

    This match came to a no-contest when Slick starting tap dancing toward the ring, with his new man, Sid BerZerkA. Sid annilhilated both men, giving them both PowerBombs from the ring, over the top rope and onto the arena floor. OUCH!

    Overall: 74

    Crowd: 76

    Match: 70

    -'Good Citizen' Ray Rougeau repremands Ric Flair-

    We goto the back where Ray Rougeau on his way from the bathroom, back to the Canadian Foundation locker room. He is carrying his 'Good Citizen's' Trophy with him. He passes by the Four Horsemen locker room and hears 'partying' going on. He barges in, to see the WWF Champion Ric Flair holding a champagne bottle in her hand.

    Ric Flair (greeting Rougeau by putting his arm around him" Welcome Rougeau!!! Woooooo!!!! Wheres that no-good brother of yours!!! Woooooo!"

    Rougeau" Get your hands off of me you drunkard!! Don't you realise what this trophy means! This means that, as Good Citizen champion, I am a role model to all! I cannot be seen drinking Champagne, let alone seen drinking with a man, who calls himself 'The Dirtiest Player in the Game'!"

    JJ Dillon" Hey Rougeau! You really believe that crap! Ok, well put that Trophy the line, against Ric Flair, tonight! And lets see just how much you really beleive in what you say!"

    Rougeau (Suprised, startled, and intimidated) " Ok...! Ok!! You got it! You got a match! Tonight! The Good Citizen versus the Dirtiest Player in the Game!! [aside] I need a plan.... [/aside]" Ray Rougeau ran to the Mountie to tell him what just happened. Mountie told him to tell him on the way to the ring. The Mountie's match was next...86%

    [face to face confrontation between ray & Flair]


    The Mountie d. Tatanka - I-C Title Match

    Why Tatanka got a title match? I have no idea. Not a bad match. Not a very good one either. After the match, Mountie shocked Tatanka with the cattle prod, who was being held by Adam Copepland & Christian Cage.

    Overall: 76

    Crowd: 79

    Match: 71


    Bret 'Hitman' Hart & British Bulldog d. Cowboy Mike Hegstrand & Cowboy Bob Orton

    Good match here, as it was all about the brawling with these four. Bret Hart used Hegstrand's own bullwhip to knock him off of his feet, for the quick cover, seconds before Orton could run in to make the save. While Bulldog and Bret were celebrating, Orton and Hegstrand tried to attack them from behind with their whips, but the Hart Foudnation escaped unscathed.

    Overall: 72

    Crowd: 75

    Match: 68


    -The Genius 'special clipboard' strikes again-

    Macho King & The Genius d. Rowdy Roddy Piper & Gerald Brisco

    Brisco was wearing an eye patch, selling the knock that he got from The Genius' clipboard earlier tonigth. Genius and Brisco were horrible in the ring, too, but they had the crowd going with their silly antics, and thats what matters. Final moments of the match saw, after a ref bump, Brisco going for the Genius's Clipboard, but Geinus saw him...and the two started Wrestling for it. At one point, the clipboard flew out of both of thier hands and into the hands of Savage. Savage assaulted Piper with the clipboard, and got the quick pinfall as soon as the ref got up! After the match, Brisco and Piper fired back, cornering the Genius, while Savage ran away in frieght. They took turns giving him jabs..then finally, Brisco nailed him with the 'Legendary Tomahawk' Chop, sending him flying outside the ring...

    Overall: 64

    Crowd: 72

    Match: 47


    -The Mountie Ambushes Ric Flair-

    Ray Rougeau d. Ric Flair - Good Citizen's Title

    Johnny V. on commentary mentioned how tonight has been a night of unusuals and warned the fans 'not to pee in thier pants', when Ray Rougeau 'cracks the trophy upside Flairs head'. Mountie & Pat Patterson accompanied Rougeau, while JJ Dillon & Steve Corino accompanied Flair. Flair spat on the Good Citizen's trophy while Rougeau was holding it up, and thats what started the match. Ray Rougeau has proved himself to be a solid WWF worker (much like Lawler and Dibiase) who can always be counted on to put on a good enough performance. Great match, full of technical wrestling from two great veterans.

    Final moments of the match saw Mountie climb up on the apron. This prompted the ref to go running to him--when he cleverly tossed his cattle prod in the ring. THAT caused both Corino and Dillon to hop on the apron in protest--now getting the referee's full attention. At this point, Mountie, came in the ring and was pummelled by a ready-and-waiting Ric Flair, but this allowed Ray to crawl to the cattle prod, and bash Flair over the head with it! At this point, the Mountie simply walked over the the ref, and told him that his brother had the cover on Flair...and the ref counted to 3! With the help of the Mountie, Raymond Rougeau has defeated The Nature Boy!. Retaliation must be on Ric Flair's mind.

    Overall: 78

    Crowd: 79

    Match: 77

    Raymond Rougeau gained overness from this match. The Good Citizens title has gained in image.:)


    TV Rating: 8.92

    The Competition: 8.92

  6. user posted image

    May 21st -Saturday Night's Main Event -

    Channel: USA Network

    Attendance: 10016

    Announcers: Vince Mcmahon & Sgt. Slaughter


    Dave Schmeltzer

    Saturday's Night's Main Event opened with the broadcast team of Vince McMahon & Sgt. Slaughter. They are joined with Slick, who says he has a new announcment. They always start this show off so wierd. Also in the ring are Slick's Men, Kamala, George 'The Animal' Steele, & The Berzerker all running around in the ring, trying to be contained by Kim Chee.

    Vince McMahon"What the heck do you want, Slick! We've got to get started with tonight's NATT Matches!!

    Slick( After spinning around and doing a jive' dance, amongst the raging animals ) " Weeellll Vinnnnn Mannnnn!!!! I have requested this opportunity with yaaa to make a veryyyy speessshhaaalllll announcement!! If you thought I had animals, before, wellI would like to introduce everryone to the biggest animal of 'em all!!! The Ulimate Bezerker! Ladies and gentlemaaaahhnnnnn Sid BerZerkA! "

    **Out came Sid, wearing his regular vest..but this time he was where a

    "Jason" Mask. Hmmm. Looks basically like an upgraded more realistic version of Sid's early career gimmick; 'Lord' Humoungous. Now what followed was one of the oddest segments, but suprisingly shows a character link between these wrestlers. Slick Continues...As Sid BerZerKA steps over the top rope into the ring.

    Slick " Datss rigghhhtttt mah bruthaas and Sisttaaaasssss!! Gone are the days where Sid's true psyco animal insticts have to be supressed, by Paul Bearer and Rowdy Piper! Now are the days where Sid BerZerkA can be himself! No holds barred!! Where he can join Animals like himself!! Say hellooooo To Sid BerKerkA!!"

    **Sid BerZerkA is yelling and screaming at the Bezerkers in the background a Kamala is running around in the background still screaming. This is all heard in the background, right before Slick and his Animals leave the ring.

    The Berzerker (Berzerker playfully yet menacingly pushing Sid)" Huss!! Huss! Huss!! "

    Sid (Berzerker playfully yet menacingly pushing Sid)" Huss!! Huss! Huss!! "

    But before they leave, Sid BerZerkA grabs the mic from McMahon and screams at top of his lungs;

    "I am the master, and the ruler of the World! Ric Flair! That Title belongs to me! 2 weeks away! That Title's Sid BerZerkA's!!!!" 77%

    HillBilly Jim d. DWB Tony Anthony

    DWB Tony Anthony came to the ring with Damien, which he stole from Jake Roberts about a month ago. Midway into the match, Agent STeve Blackman came out with Jake Roberts, and prompted Jake Roberts to go and get his Snake. At that point, one of the agents held a microphone up to Blackman's mouth, as Blackman, coldly yelled;

    Bring Down the Cage! Seconds later, the Cage started to come down. Both Wrestlers looked at each other with great concern. This was now, a Sudden Death Match.

    Final moments saw Hillbilly Jim knock DWB into the four corners of the Cage. He then walked out at 8:56. 2 points for Hillbilly.

    Overall: 59

    Crowd: 62

    Match: 52

    Dynamite Kid d. Carl Pierre

    Both guys worked their arses off, to make this one of the top five, of what has been a strong tournament so far. The crowd popped nicely for a Dymaite Kid moonsault and victory.

    Overall: 77

    Crowd: 57

    Match: 84


    Papa Shango d. Rob Van Dam

    Papa Shango was accompanied by The Taylor Made Man, Alexandria York, Doink The Clown (injured), and Repo Man--all of which were oddly all linked to THE CARTEL. Alexandria Yorke who was on commentary with the Sarge and McMahon, said that the boss, the person whom they are working for, will be revealed, at the England Only PPV, WWF Arsenal! What and odd Mix. Interersting to see where this 2 month developement leads to.

    Overall: 65

    Crowd: 65

    Match: 74

    -ADVERTS-(We saw the Million Dollar Kid, with Virgil walking to the ring. He has replaced Proffessor Marty Jannetty, who was suspended by Vince Russo for reportley get caught with drugs last week during a taping of PHAT TV. What a big break for the Million Dollar Kid. Luckily for him, he's been paired with the most over heel in the company, The Million Dollar Man. In fact, Debiase and Lawler, who are feuding are the top two men in the company now. The writers can officially end this soon at any time now, with both wrestlers benefiting. Then who knows what classic feuds these two men could start off, individually. These two have unintentially became the foundation of the WWF. Wherever the Average fan would hear 'WWF', he would immediately think 'That KinG Guy', or 'Jerry Lawler'. And kids accross America impersonated Million Dollar Man's evil laugh constantly...)

    Million Dollar Kid d. Lex Luger

    Million Dollar Kid looked great here. He was wearing a suite basically just like Ted Dibiase. Luger looked horrible here. And the crowd realised this. At 5:33 into the match, Agent STeve Blackman came out with yet again with his Guardsmen. At that point, one of the agents held a microphone up to Blackman's mouth, as Blackman, coldly yelled;

    Bring Down the Cage! Seconds later, the Cage started to come down. Both Wrestlers looked at each other with great concern. This was now, a Sudden Death Match.

    Million Dollar Man and Virgil were screaming orders at Christopher to ensure that Kid remained employed. Luger was just throwing Christopher around; which looked kinda bad, but the crowd was still into it. Finallly, The MIllion Dollar Man sent Virgil into the cage with a wad of cash in his hand. Once in the cage, Virgil Offered Luger, bill after bill, until finally, Lex Luger took the cash, and allowd The Million Dollar Kid to win the match. 2 Points for BC, and looks like Lex joins DWB on the unemployment list.

    Overall: 62

    Crowd: 71

    Match: 43

    Lex Luger was sluggish and didn't put much effort in. Lex Luger basically no-sold everything, which ruined the match.


    Gerald Brisco is in the back, where he is showing off his new role, as 'Lowly Announcer', a title made by President Hogan. He was with Alexandria Yorke, and the rest of the odd group of THE CARTEL. Papa Shango was in the background shouting loud rituals. Before the interview started Brisco announced that he was challanging Macho King to a match at Arsenal, for a chance at his job back! At this point, Alexandria Yorke appeared to be very upset. Did you just take up some of THE CARTEL'S time, With your petty Announcement? Ohhh, The Boss is not going to be happy about that!

    **With that she walks off camera and A 3 on 1 occurs. Repo Man, The Taylor Made Man, & Papa Shango put the boots to Gerald Brisco, while Doink laughs evilishly in the backround. Well, I hope the 'boss' is happy. 51

    Gerald Brisco lost overness from this segment.

    Jerry Lawler d. Black Tiger (Eddy Guerro)

    Wow. These guys really put on a show here. Of course, Crowd is into anything Lawler does. Lawlerl was especially 'aggressive' here, because of what recently transpired with his son. Lawler won after his stump piledriver of 11:33 of a top notch match.

    Overall: 79

    Crowd: 77

    Match: 81

    Lawler, then, had something to say.

    Jerry Lawler" Ya, know Dibiase we got this Pay Per View coming up. You and me in some sort of little Tag Team Match. But, I got something better in mind. Ya, see, we need something that's going to put this Pay Per View over the top. We don't need no' tag match! We need a one on one match between me and you to settle the score once and for all! Now, Dibiase, I've got the guts to put up my Crown....against YOUR MILLION DOLLAR BELT!!! (Crowd Cheers)...And not only That Dibiase. I want this to be a good ol' 'Memphis Brawl'. We Wrestle until one of us CAN'T STAND UP!!!!" Lawler throws down his mic and gives a big thumbs up to the capacity crowd, all chanting 'Jerry'. 95

    Johnny Smith d. Yokozuna

    Another strong match. Smith and Yoko, despites Yoko's limitations work well together. 2 points for Johnny. After the match recently fired GWF manager Skandar Akbar starting running toward the ring. For those who don't know Skandar, He is best described as an arabian Sir Oliver Humperdink or Paul Bearer,` who also wears an eyepiece that (Dino Bravo's Manager) Frankie wore - Except half the charisma of most workers mentioned above. Must be brought in as a result of Gilbert or Pritchard suggestions. He was throwing salt into the crowd and took Yokozuna back for him. Word is that their giving Yokozuna a really Intersting Gimmick. I would say, but I don't want to spoil the suprise. Think they'll debut it this week in Raw. :)

    Overall: 72

    Crowd: 66

    Match: 78

    Yokozuna was sluggish and didn't put much effort in. Yokozuna lost overness from this match. Johnny Smith gained overness from this match.


    British Bulldog d. One Mang Gang

    They kept teasing spots where Bulldog tried to power slam One Mang Gang, but couldn't quite do it. Another visit emerged from Agent Steve Blackman and his Guardsmen. Finally, one of the agents held a microphone up to Blackman's mouth, as Blackman, coldly yelled;

    Bring Down the Cage! Seconds later, the Cage started to come down. Both Wrestlers looked at each other with great concern. This was now, a Sudden Death Match.. Horrible match, but the crowd was now into it, probably because of the Bulldog and the fact that a Cage was now thrown in. Finlly at 7:33, Bulldog got the running powerslam on One Man Gang, to win the match, as One Mang Gang couldn't get up. 2 Points for Davey Boy. Goodbye to OMG.

    Overall: 65

    Crowd: 72

    Match: 52

    One Man Gang didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating

    Macho King d. The Patriot

    Before the match even started, Macho King requested that the Sudden Death Cage be brought down for this match...King ripped apart Patriot, in sending a message to Rowdy Roddy Piper. Savage yelled into the camera "No one messes with my wife, Piper!! No one! Ohhh yeaaaaaaah!!! Dig That!"

    Finally at 14:22, Savage won this squash with the elbow midway from the cage. After the match, Brisco, bruised and better demanded to know Macho King's responce to his challange. Macho King said that he accepts!!

    Overall: 69

    Crowd: 77

    Match: 53

    The Patriot didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating.


    TV RATING: 8.07


    May 19th, 1994 - Fox Sports

    Announcers: Todd Pettengill & 'The Doctor Of Style' Slick

    -Highlight Reel-

    -British Bulldog attack Terry H. Hogan

    -President Hogan announces Sudden Death

    -Jeff Jarret's debut

    -Random NATT Matche's

    -British Bulldog's interferance in the Mountie-Flair Cage Match

    -The arrival of The Million Dollar Kid.

    The announcers start off announcing the NATT Matches for the night. Suddenley They are interrupted by Jerry 'The King' Lawler who comes out to the annoucners booth. Lawler, clearly was deeply hurt by his son joining forces with The Million Dollar Man. Lawler came out, simply to make a plea to his son;

    Jerry Lawler (Lawler is trying to hold tears back)"...Brian...I know your watching this...Don't let the Million Dollar Man corrupt you with his money. In the end, someonen's going to get hurt. Please, Brian. Brian Christopher Lawler--Please...come back to your family...."

    *After waiting for about 4 minutes while the announcers talked about the events of the WWF, it was apparent that the Million Dollar Kid was not coming out. Lawler left, dissappointed, to a sympathetic crowd, rocking the Areana with a LOUD 'Jerry' Chant. Thanks to Lawler 'hanging' around, it was alread time for the first advert break. 94%


    Koko B. Ware d. Max MoonNATT Match

    Highlight of this match saw Kim Chee come running out with the Berzerker. After Koko B. Ware's victory, it was announced that apparentley, The Berzerker had 'something to say'. When Todd Pettengill asked "Who?" to Slick. Slick left the announcers booth...had microphone and just started having a conversation and told Koko B. Ware to stay in the ring.

    Slick" Ok!! Ok!! Ladies and Gentlemen!!!! The Berzerker, one half of the Berzerkers with George 'The Animal' Steele" has something to say!!!!

    **Berzerker takes the Microphone, and walks up to Koko B. Ware's Parrot, Frankie.**

    Berzerker" HUSS!!! HUSS!!! HUSS!!!"

    Frankie" ... "

    Berkerker" HUSS!! HUSS! HUSS!! HUSS!!"

    Berzerker" HUSS!!!? HUSS!!!?"

    Frankie" ... "

    Berkerker" HUSS!! HUSS!?"

    Berzerker" HUSS!!! HUSS!!! HUSS!!!"

    Frankie" ... "

    **Koko B. Ware leaves the ring, shaking his head in confusion, with Frankie. Dissapointed that the bird did not respond, Berzerker sees Max Moon, still knocked out from the Ghostbuster. He starts pounding on him endlessly into the next advert break. Huss?

    Overall: 60

    Crown: 65

    Match: 55


    We return where JJ Dillon is in the ring with top prospect STeve Corino, being interviewed by Lord Alfred Hayes. First, he announces the WWF Tag Team Champions, Tully Blanchard, and Mr. Perfect...the PERFECT TEAM! Perfect gets booed, but Tully gets cheered, as it seems that fans respect him, as an orginal Horseman. He then goes into a grand announcement for Ric Flair, and announces him as "3 time WWF World Champion!." Flair gets booed, but has his fair share of 'Woo's' from the crowd...

    Hayes" Now, Nature Boy. You are the WWF Champion. But it is clear, that you have one person to thank...and that is The British Bulldog, Davey Boy Smith. If he didn't climb in the ring, and go after the Intercontinental Champion, Mountie--"

    Flair " Woooooooo!!! Listen to me British boy!!! There's only one reason why I'm the World Champion!!! Wooo!! And thats because I'm the best Wrestler that this sport has to offer!! Woooo!!! I've walked the line!!! I've crossed the line!!! And I've beat the line!!! Woooo!!"

    Hayes" Well, at WWF Arsenal, you battle Sid Justice for the WWF Title. Many feel, that with The Mountie at the same event, he may cause you trouble. What do you say to that?"

    Ric Flair" Ya know, The Mountie doesn't threaten me one bit! All he has behind him are all those little College boys, that make up the Canadian Foundation! The Horsemen? Woooooo!!! Now, the Horsemen!! Lets break it down!! The Mountie, behind him, he has Carl Pierre!"*JJ Dillon Chimes in*

    Dillon" I haven't seen him wrestle one match yet!"*They all Laugh*

    Ric Flair" Then, ya got the Hart Fountation II. Adam Copeland and Christian Cage...I've got socks older than you two! (Everyone laughs). And then you've got Pat Patterson...He's older than all socks. (Everyone laughs again). And, than ya got..Wooooooo!!!!! (Flair Imitates Mountie pounding his chest with the Cattleprod), The Mountie Jacques Rougeau!!!! Well, Rougeau--you maybe be a very fomiddable wrestler! You may be the current Intercontinental Champion...(Ric Flair runs into the ropes, and starts to dance, followed by his screams)..But you're not, a Wheel Dealin', Kiss Stealin', Limousine Ridin', Jet Flyin, son-of-a-gun...Like The Nature Boy!!! Woooooo!!!!!

    *Flair's music plays, they exit, to Flair's music* Great interview, Flair was intense. Great to see Flair, with gold. 92%


    We return to the back where Gene Okerland is backstage with The Mountie - I-C Champion, Pat Patterson, and the rest of the Canadian Foundation.

    Gene Okerland" Mountie...well, you heard the comments from the WWF World Champion. My question to you, is why can't you be happy with your Intercontinental Championship belt? Why must you be obsessed with Ric Flair. Last week on RAW, you had to be practically carried out of here! You turned into a psycho!"

    The Mountie(He is very serious here)" Listen to me, baldie! I am the Mountie!! I am the law and order of the WWF! And to have injustices brought up ME, is a tradegy!! Bulldog!! If it wasn't for you, I would've had been the first ever WWF Double Champion! And you wanted to make an impact? You wanted to 'force' some time for you! Well ya got my attention, 'MATEY!!'. At WWF Aresenal, I will put the I-C Championship on the line...and...(Mountie Pauses...) Yes...I want this match to be...A SUDDEN DEATH MATCH!!!!"*Big 'Ohhhh' From the crowd*

    Okerland" Wait just a minute, Mountie! You do realise that if you loose, you not only loose that belt...but you loose YOUR JOB!!! In just 2 weeks...are you sure you want to do this!"

    The Mountie (Goes back to his usual screaming self)" That's right, Baldie!! If there is no room for the LAW, in the WWF, then thier is no room for the Mountie!! Bulldog, say goodbye to the WWF, and hellooooo to obscurity!!! I hear their's a Warrior running around who would love a tag team partner!" Obvious knock at WCW, and The Ultimate Warrior.

    *First Patterson screams something in French, then they leave*

    We go back to the ring, where The Genius is in the ring, ready for his match against Barry Horowitz. However, Jerry Lawler comes down to the ring, to a big ovation, and asks the Genius to hold on for a little bit, as he has something important to do.

    Jerry Lawler is in the ring with, what looks like a picture album. In it are pictures from his son, Brian Christopher's childhood. He shows everyone a picture of Lawler holding Christopher when he was just 3 months old. He then shows another picture of Christopher learning how to ride a bike. He then shows him bringing up

    Christopher into the World Of Wrestling. Finally, The Million Dollar Man's Music hits the system....Million Dollar Man & Virgil stop right in front of the curtain, while the Million Dollar Kid continues to walk down the isle, into the ring, to confront his Father, Jerry Lawler...Christopher does all the talking here.

    The Million Dollar Kid" Ya know 'Dad', I've heard what ya had to say! I've seen ya out here with these stupid pictures! [He knocks the photo album out of Jerry's hand] And it makes me sick! It's over Dad! Ya see, every since I was little, all I would here about was, Dad's Wrestling! Dad won this, Dad won that...What about B.C!!! What about your son! What about your son playing on the Memphis football team! Why didn't BC be the allstar Quaterback on his little league team! Why didn't BC take any girls out to the prom!![ Slick On Commentary "Because he's Gay?] Well I'll tell ya'll why? Because Dad was too busy preparing BC to be a damn wrassler! All I would here, is 'uh..Brian, wanna come with me to one of my shows!' Blah!!! Well I'm sick of it! And I'm sick of you! And now, I'm exactly what you wanted me to be...A WRESTLER!!! JUST NOT YOUR WRESTLER!!!! That's right! Your not getting credit for this kid of yours! Because he's yours no more! Now I've got the money! I don't need to hang around you anymore! I am now, The Million Dollar Kid, Brian Christopher! Hahahaha " 86%

    **The music hits again. Lawler pleads for The Million Dollar Kid to come back...but he ignores him, laughing, to the booing crowd.**

    Million Dollar Kid's turn was completed, and he is now a heel.

    -ADVERT Break-

    The British Bulldog d. The Genius Lenny Poffo

    Clothesline, Clothesline, Powerslam. Crowd popped nicely for the Bulldog. Bulldog, after his match, grabbed the mic and yelled, "Mountie!! Your title is mine!! You've got a match!!! Sudden Death Style!!! The rest of the Hart Foundation ran out in confusion. They couldn't believe that Bulldog would put himself in a match of this magnitude.

    Overall: 64

    Crowd: 68

    Match: 55


    Bret Hart comes back out with the British Bulldog, and says that Bulldog has his full support at WWF Arsenal. In addition to that, to embarrasment Cowboy Mike Hegstrand, Hart showed tapes of Hegstrand running around screaming with paint on his face, from when he used to be Hawk. 'Looks like a real Warrior, to me...', said Hart, mockingly of Hegstrand. Obviously another Warrior referance. 79%


    Rowdy Roddy Piper d. Razor RamonNATT Match

    Really good match here. Another match that I'm sure they'll be showing highlights of, as one of the best/most exciting NATT Matches. Big Piper chant here, as Piper 'got really Rowdy' on Razor Ramon. 2 Points for Hot-Rod

    Overall: 77

    Crowd: 79

    Match: 75

    Razor Ramon lost overness from this match.

    Bruce Pritchard was backstage, with Sean Mooney. Pritchard's face with peach red within seconds, as a result of his yelling. He announced that he will have the Undertaker live at WWF Asenal, and it is there, where he will make his WWF Debut! The crowd popped Huge for this. Pritchard told the fans to 'shut up', as he didn't their approval. We then saw a clip of The Undertaker walking around in a graveyard. He had a specially made tomb for Mark Callous. 90%

    Bruce Pritchard gained overness from this segment. The Undertaker gained overness from this segment.

    The Mountie & Carl Pierre Oulette d. Nature Boy Ric Flair & Steve Corino

    Really good match here. This match while continuing the rivalry between The Mountie, I-C Champion, and Ric Flair WWF World Champion, also showcased Carl Peirre, a wrestler the WWF sees as a solid mainstay in the WWF...Finally moments of the match saw The Mountie & Ric Flair, as illegal men, brawl on the outside. While this was going on, Pat Patterson, at ringside tossed the cattle prod to Carl Pierre, allowing him to use it on Steve Corino, while the ref was trying to stop the Mountie-Flair brawl. Peirre debuted his finisher, which was basically three consecutive uranage's. Those Mountie's and thier uranages....

    Overall: 77

    Crowd: 73

    Match: 81

    Ric Flair lost overness from this match. Carl Pierre gained overness from this match.

    After the match Sid Justice came down the isle to a huge pop, and attacked...RIC FLAIR!!! The story here was that Sid was upset about loosing his heat to Rowdy Piper as part of the Superstars stable with Paul Bearer. Justice, would also be getting a title shot against Flair at Arsenal...so I guess this was his way of turning heel. Since Flair is a tweener [i forgot :angry: .. But I dont' cheat...I just move on :) ], fans really didn't know if this was Sid turning Heel, or just attacking his opponent. Finally it was made clear, when the Mountie got in the ring, and started jumping for Joy as Sid gave Ric Flair 3 power bombs, while Carl Pierre took care of Dillon and Steve Corino. Finally, The rest of the Horsemen came to Flairs rescue...With such bad heel turn, could Sid be getting a new gimmick for his title push? 51

    The fans didn't understand why Sid Justice was trying to become a heel by turning on Ric Flair. Sid Justice's turn was completed, and he is now a heel. Sid Justice gained overness from this turn. Sid Justice lost overness from this segment. Ric Flair lost overness from this segment.

    Card quality: 72

    TV Rating: 8.07

  8. user posted image

    May 15th, 1994 -Monday Night Raw -

    Channel: USA Network

    Venue: Manhattan Centre, New York

    Attendance: 10015

    Announcers: Lucious Johnny Valient & Joel Gertner


    Dave Schmeltzer

    Highlights are shown of the events of the last week, where both the WWF World Title, and the WWF I-C title change hands--The I-C title on two occasions. The last clip showed the Mountie 'pinning' Ric Flair, only to have the count 'ignored', then loosing the match, thus loosing the WWF Title. Referee Tim White's big bearded Mug is now on the TV screen.

    Tim White said that even though Mountie had Ric Flair pinned, Ric Flair's left leg was underneath the ropes...and therefore the pin was 'immediatley nullified', once he saw that. He said that he tried to tell Mountie, numerous times, but Mountie Kept raising his hand in 'victory'. He showed the tape when this happened. Tim White sent his apologisies, but then congratulated the Mountie on winning the I-C title. He said to make up for the confusion, he would be granting Mountie, a CAGE rematch against Ric Fliar, for the WWF Title, TONIGHT!


    -Hart blasts Hegstrand, and Makes an Ultimatum to President Terry H. Hogan-

    Raw opens up. Bret Hart is in the ring, with the rest of the Hart Foundation. He looks pissed.

    Bret Hart" Ya know, allotta things have gone down over the last few months. I've been turned on by the WWF Suits! I lost my World Title, thanks to a double crossing Mountie! And now, I've been victim to a series of attacks by Cowboy Mike Hegstrand! (Hawk) Well Hegstrand, you wanna play dirty! Well I challenge you and one of your 'good ol' Hillbillies to a War Games Match, at WWF Arsenal, in Newcastle England!! Thats right!! This is WAR!!! But...you know...I got something else to say. Standing behind me, is British Bulldog, and The Dynamite Kid. Combined, these two have seen a total of 3 matches during thier WWF stay! THREE MATCHES?!? Do you know what the problem is? And Hogan, this is to you! Because, as President, you have to fix this! THE WWF IS TOO [beep](damned) OVERCROWDED!!!! You got guys like the British Bulldog who can dominate half of the roster, and who are just sitting in the back week in and week out, forced to twidle their thumbs like scrubs!!! Hogan, if you don't do anything to solve this...then...us...The Hart Foundation...me, Owen, Bulldog, Dynamite...we're just going to have make time for US!!!"

    Bret throws down his mic. Big pop and applause from the crowd. 88% [Hart continues feud with Hegstrand]

    Mean Mark Callous d. Giant Gonzales NATT MATCH

    Yup. When Mark Callous is in your opener, than you know that the WWF has too many workers...Then again, Callous at this point (over=78) actually fits into this mold of the card. Rumour has it that Dillon & Russo purposefully went on a hiring spree for the sole purposes of this Tournament. I think thats giving them too much credit. Callous won after 3 clotheslines. They actually just did the same match, spot-for-spot, that they had last year at Wrestlemania 9. 2 Points.

    Overall: 57

    Crowd: 70

    Match: 29

    Giant Gonzalez basically no-sold everything, which ruined the match.


    -The Million Dollar Man Promises a 'life changing suprise' for Jerry Lawler-

    The Million Dollar Man is backstage with Sean Mooney.

    Mooney Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase, what do you have in store for King Jerry Lawler tonight?

    Dibiase" Hahahahaaha!!! Well you see Mooney!! Since Day one! I told everyone that everyone has a price, for the Million Dollar Man!!! And that includes everyone! And Tonight, I'm going to show the world, the Ultimate Purchase!! A purchase that shows why Jerry Lawler and his (does accent) Memphis Tennessee (done with the accent) thinking is inferior to me! The Million Dollar Man!! hahahaah!!

    Mooney " Well, Ted, I don't care what you bought today, NOT EVERYONE can be bought!"

    Dibiase " Really? Ok Mooney. (Pulls out 4 hundred dollar bills) Mooney!!! LICK VIRGIL'S HEAD!!!

    **After much deliberation, after Dibiase flashes the bills, Mooney licks the circumferance of Virgil's Head--Twice...for 10 more dollars. Ugh...Dibiase laughs his way off camera** 94% [Dibiase Interview vs. Lawler]

    Ted DiBiase gained overness from this segment.


    Kojima Satoshi w/ James E. Cornette d. Hillbilly Jim NATT MATCH

    Kojima worked EXTREMELY stiff here. Hillbilly was really getting clobered with some lariats, but didn't sell them too well. Instead of falling over the top rop, onto the floor, during one spot, Jim kinda just like bounced into the ropes and tumbled down onto the apron. Then, just threw himself down to the mat. Yuck. Anyway, the crowd popped only once, when Kojima nailed Hillbilly with his 'Kojima Cutter'. Guess their not afraid of being sued by WCW. After the match, James E. Cornette, Kojima's new Manager, kept yelling at him to nail Hillbilly Jim with another Kojima-Cutter. 2 points for Kojima.

    Overall: 55

    Crowd: 58

    Match: 51

    Hillbilly Jim lost overness from this match. Satoshi Kojima gained overness from this match. Hillbilly Jim didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating.


    -Terry H. Hogan Announces, Sudden Death Matches!!!-

    The British Bulldog is seen with Bret Hart. Bulldog excuses himself from the Hart Foundation, and says that theirs something he has to do for the 'Bret Harts' & British Bulldogs' of the WWF...Bulldog looks pissed. He marches to Terry H. Hogan's office, grabs him by his tie & suit, and starts screaming at him;

    Davey Boy Smith" Hey Terry!! In just two bloody weeks, the WWF is having Arsenal II...thats the English Only PPV...and guess what!! Once again, as it's been for most of the cards since I've been here, I'M NOT ON THE BLOODY CARD!!! Now, as Bret said earlier, I don't care how long you have!!! You MAKE time for the Hart Foundation, or we'll force time!!!"

    **The Guardsmen rush to President Hogan's aid, and hold back British Bulldog. Agent Blackmen, lead the rest of the agents in to hold back Bulldog. Terry, fixes himself up, then proceeds to talk to the British Bulldog, and WWF Fans.

    President Hogan" You listen to me brother!!! I know we have an oversized roster! I don't need you and Bret Hart whining to me about it! Do you think that I became the world's greatest wrestler just because I look good? No! Not only did I have the wrestling skill to become the best that this sport has, but I also have the experience, to be the greatest President Ever!!! Now, brother, do you think that the NATT is just here to crown a NA Champion? No way, dude! Brother, I President Hogan, Am Pleased To Announce the Addition of SUDDEN DEATH matches, to the NATT!!!!!!. What that means, brother...is that at any time...during any NATT match that I see fit...There will be a 20 foot high steel cage descending down for the ceiling on the unsuspecting foes, and that will be labeled, a Sudden Death Match!!! Looser not only looses the match...but he looses his job, here in the WWF!!! And brother! That bring's me to announce our next PPV....June 28th, 1994...just about only 1 month away......

    **President Hogan walks over to a chalk board where the lay out for June's PPV; King Of The Ring's layout is written. He takes an eraser and erases the words King of The Ring....he flips over the board and it reads; SUDDEN DEATH '94: THE PAY PER VIEW..... Crowd pops big time. The announcers make it clear that details about this 'industry-changing PPV' will be made as we veer closer to the PPV. Wow! Still, this doesn't get the Bulldog a slot at Arsenal. 84% [bulldog attacks Commissioner]


    Jeff Jarret v. Ludvig Borga NATT MATCH

    Fans kept looking up at the ceiling, waiting for the CAGE to go down, ever since President Hogan's latest comments. Jeff Jarret debuted here and looked great. Jerry Lawler accompanied Jarrett to ringside. Looks like we've got a little USWA contingent here...2 points for Jeff, replacing Shawn Michaels in Block E.

    Overall: 72

    Crowd: 76

    Match: 65

    -Brutus Beefcake Announces the return of the Barber Shop-

    Terry Hogan was backstage with Brutus Beefcake, when Ted Dibiase walked in. Dibiase requested that he bring out the 'big suprise' he had for Lawler, live, right there in Hogan's office. Beefcake, however jumped in, and asked Hogan if he can host this historic announcement later tonight on his show....The Barber Shop. Hogan approved, as they all laughed into commercial break. Lawler, and new friend Jeff Jarret were watching them, from ringside...on the Titan Tron. 88%

    Brutus Beefcake gained overness from this segment.


    Cowboy Mike Hegstrand d. Rob Van Dam NATT MATCH

    Good action packed match here. RVD tried to use his speed an agility to win his first match ever, but Hegstrand just kept catching him, and throwing him around like a rag doll. Final moments of the match came with 3 Western Lariats from Hegstrand. After the match Hegstrand hung

    RVD with his bullwhip, and promised to the camera man that he would win the WWF NA title. 2 points for Hegstrand. This Tournament is getting to it's climax.

    Overall: 72

    Crowd: 68

    Match: 76

    -The not-so-lovely Miss Elizabeth helps The Madness score on over the Superstars-

    Macho King Randy Savage & Professor Marty Jannetty d. Rowdy Roddy Piper & Sid Justice

    Rowdy Roddy Piper came out with Sid Justice and Paul Bearer...Sid Justice kept trying to say something, but once Piper got started he wouldn't stop. Piper kept saying 'Hump Me, Hump Me, Liz! Let Hot Rod Into Yo' Biz!!' Crowd loved this. At this point, Miss Elabeth, dressed up in her uncomfortable leather came storming out with Macho King, Professor Jannetty & The Genius. She ordered Macho King & Jannetty to take care of those two 'Clown Acts', and so we had an impromtu tag team match. Rowdy Roddy Piper was in for most of the match, and was taking most of the spotlight from the man who was thought of to be the 'next Hulk Hogan', Sid Justice. Justice did NOT look happy. Piper was doing all sorts of silly dances and mannerisms, mocking Savage and Liz, which had the crowd going. Finallly moments of the match saw Piper, over exhaust himself, to the point of Jannetty nailing him with a suprise Rocker Dropper, for the victory at 14:33. After the match however, Sid finally came in the ring, and cleaned house, giving his Power Bomb to both Jannetty and Savage. He almost got his hands on Genius and Liz, but they got away, just in time....Hmmmm. Maybe this is the completion of the WWF's whole reshifting of the Main Eventers and Uppercarders of the fed. Well, its about time. It's been nearly a year in the making....

    Overall: 73


    Match: 60

    -The British Bulldogs 'Makes' Time for The Hart Foudnation-

    Ric Flair d. The Mountie - WWF TITLE MATCH -CAGE

    Here, Mountie had a chance to become a double champion. But it looks like his goal would be unsuccessful once more. Though this match was really bland, the crowd was into this match all the way. Big pop for a near Mountie win, as Mountie nailed Ric Flair with the uranage, and went to climb the cage. But Mountie slipped walking up, and tumbled down to the ring. Match went back and forth with Flair actually cutting the Mountie open. Final moments of the match came at about 13:34, when the Mountie not only nailed the Nature Boy with 2 Uranage's, but also a 'Mountie Slam', and a 2 minute Boston Crab spot. At this point, Mountie climbed, ever so slowly up to the top of the cage. Then, out of the Back came, THE BRITISH BULLDOG!!! Bulldog raced to the top of the cage, and met the Mountie at the top. He started pounded the Mountie to a huge pop, until Mountie fell, hanging upside on the top of the cage. Crowd cheered big-time for Bulldog, forcing and impact on Monday Night Raw! With that, Ric Flair, literally crawled out the door, for a very tough title defense, against I-C Champion The Mountie. After Ric Flair exited, Mountie, infuriated gave two Uranages to the referee, who, suprisingly was Tim White. Mountie was pissed, and yelled into the camera 'at' Bulldog.

    The Mountie:" Bulldog!!! You want my attention! You cost me a match against Ric Flair!!! Well you got my attention!! You want a 'big match' in your Hometown of England!! Well you got it!! You and Me! And I'll put my newly won Intercontinental Title On The Line, against you British Mutt!!!! And Flair!!! This isn't over between me and you!! This isn't over!!!! THIS ISN'T OVER!!!!! THIS ISN'T OVER!!!" Mountie continues to scream this all the way to the back, as he's being ushered to the back by manager Pat Patterson, brother, Ray Rougeau.

    Overall: 83

    Crowd: 90

    Match: 69

    The WWF World title has gained in image.


    -Ted Dibiase Introduces, the Million Dollar Kid!-

    We are on the set of the Barber shop. Brutus Beefcake is surrounded, as always by Agent Steve Blackman, and a host of other unamed 'Agents' of the Immortals. He introduces Million Dollar Man. Dibiase is accompanied by Virgil, and Razor Ramon, who, thanks to Dibiase now has more gold than ever. Dibiase is getting incredible heel heat here. (Over=97)...Both he and Beefcake have to nearly shout over the booes of the crowd.

    Beefcake" Now, Dibiase, the World is watching! What suprise do you have instore, for that uneducated Memphis boy, Jerry Lawler?"

    Dibiase" Well, for the last few months I've been telling everyone what makes me a better champion than Lawler. Two Words; I'm Richer!! Hahahahaha! And I always said that 'EVERYONE has a price for the Million Dollar Man'! I've proved it time and time again! And, Beefcake, tonight I proved that yet again, when Sean Mooney, licked the germs off of Virgil's bald head!! Hahahaha! And you see, Lawler thinks that he has gained an advantage over me, by costing me the I-C Title! Well Lawler, once again, I'm going to have the last Laugh, and I'm going to show the world..that yes...EVERYONE Has a price, for the Million Dollar Man. Hahahhahaha!"

    Beefcake" Well, what is it? What is the suprise? We all want to know brotha!"

    Dibiase" Ladies and gentleman!! Without Further Ado!! I would like to introduce to you...The person who will be teaming up with me at WWF Arsenal, to battle Lawler, and his partner....Please give a big Million Dollar Welcome to...The Million Dollar Kid, Brian Christopher!!!"

    The crowd pops! They remember Christophers last short on camera appearance where he helped his father in an attack on Dibiase and Virgil....Christopher is doing his laugh, and is wearing an expensive glittery suit, much like that of Virgl and Dibiase...The announcers are having a fit.

    Lucious Johhnny V." Hahaha! Wow! That Dibiase never ceases to suprise me!! He has purchased the services of The Million Dollar Kid!!"

    Joel Gertner" Oh, C'mon Valiant! Thats Jerry Lawlers damn son out there! He's joined forces with his father's arch rival!! How could he! This is horrible!"

    Valiant" Shut up Gertner!" Valiant gets up and walks over to the set of his former Client, Brutus Beefcake...he shakes the hand of both Beefcake, Dibiase, and The Million Dollar Kid...he returns back to the booth.

    Joel" What's wrong with you?"

    Valiant" I know...I shouldn't had left you here alone. Look Gertner! It's Dibiase partner for Arsenal! The Million Dollar Kid!!! Wooo!!! Yea!!"

    Gertner" .... "

    Raw goes off the Air, with a camera shot of Jerry Lawler, accompanied by Jeff Jarret, looking on as his son is on the set of the Barber shop, flaunting his new found money, with Dibiase and Virgil. A tear leaks out, from Lawlers right eye.... 86%

    The Million Dollar Kid gained overness from this segment.

    Card Quality 78

    The Competition: 8.04

    RAW = 8.10

  9. WWF Arsenal UK PPV: The Road To The King Of The Ring! -

    Newcastle Arena - 29th May

    Double Main Event:

    WWF Title Match

    'Nature Boy' Ric Flair (Champion) vs. Sid Justice (Challenger)

    Tag Team Cage War!

    The Million Dollar Man & His Mystery Partner vs. Jerry The King Lawler & Jeff Jarrett

    Cage War - To end The Friendship, and the WAR!

    Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels

    Brisco fights for his job back!

    Former WWF Matchmaker, Gerald Brisco w/ Rowdy Piper vs. The Macho King Randy Savage w/ The not-so-lovely Miss Elizabeth

    Intercontinental Championship

    The Mountie (Champion) vs. The British Bulldog

    The Undertaker Makes His Debut!

    The Undertaker w/ Bruce Pritchard vs. Tatanka w/ Downtown Bruno

    Cage Tag War!

    Bret 'Hitman' Hart & Owen Hart v. Cowboy Mike Hegstrand & Hillbilly Jim

    Ghetto Brawl!

    New Jack vs. The Dark Patriot

    Live On the Action Zone:

    A Manager's quarrel!

    James Cornette, Bruce Pritchard & Slick vs. Superstar Paul Bearer, Downtown Bruno & Captain Lou Albano

    WOW! What a crazy 'couple of weeks' it's been here in the WWF. Please, feel free to post your thoughts, views, qualms, predictions, and such!


  10. user posted image

    May 13th -Saturday Night's Main Event -

    Channel: USA Network

    Attendance: 10016

    Announcers: Vince Mcmahon & Sgt. Slaughter


    Dave Schmeltzer

    Vince McMahon opened the show with the question of who would be his colour commentator? He then yelled out; "It's The Sarge!!!. Slaughter said, that he was doing to whip McMahon into shape, during the next two hours.

    Repo Man d. DWB Tony Anthony

    DWB stood in the ring, during Repo Man's music...until finally Repo Man appeared from underneath the ring, and attacked DWB with a crowbar. After his victory, the Repo Man yelled 'What's yours is yours--whats yours is mine--and whats ours, is THE CARTEL'S, too!'

    What? 2 Points For Repo Man.

    Overall: 61

    Crowd: 57

    Match: 66

    DWB Tony Anthony lost overness from this match. Repo Man gained overness from this match.


    Giant Gonzales w/ Paul Bearer d. Kamala w/ Kim Chee

    What a horrible match. Kamala jumped all over the ropes, literally just throwing himself into Giant Gonzales trying to get him down. Luckily the match came to and end. Fast. 2 points for Giant G.

    Overall: 54

    Crowd: 68

    Match: 23

    Kamala didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating.

    Hotstuff Eddie Gilbert d. Doink

    These two put on a great match. Unfortunately midway into the match, Doink hurt himself legit. The crowd saw this, and it hurt thier interest. Doink is out for 7 months with a torn bicep. 2 points for Eddie.

    Overall: 60

    Crowd: 47

    Match: 73

    Doink The Clown lost overness from this match. Hot Stuff Eddie Gilbert lost overness from this match.


    At this Point Vince McMahon put on his house mic, and introduced one of the 'favourites' to win the North American Title Tournament, British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith. Smith got a HUGE ovation, as he has not stepped in the ring since his Wrestlemania Cage match against Rougeau and Piere. 84%


    British Bulldog d. Cowboy Bob Orton

    Nice solid match here. Bulldog looked very impressive. Orton held his own with his rough tough style, but was overtaken by the running powerslam. 2 points for Smith.

    Overall: 64

    Crowd: 65

    Match: 63

    Macho King d. Barry Horowitz

    King wiped the floor with Horowitz. After the match, the not-so-lovley Miss Elizabeth began whipping Horowitz w/ her whip. Wow, Liz plays rough. Fans were chanting 'Hump Me Liz', ala Rowdy Roddy Piper.


    We goto the back, Sean Mooney is trying to get a word with The Mountie, so he walks into the Canadian Foundation Locker room. Everyone is glum. No one is signing. Ray Rougeau and The Mountie are watching the tape of Ric Flair, 'apparentley' pinning Ric Flair 1...2...3, only to have the count later ignored by referee Tim White. Mountie starts shouting at Mooney.

    The Mountie " You listen to me Mooney!!! I had Ric Flair pinned one-two-three!!! It's right there! You saw it! My brother saw it! Pat Patterson saw it! Test Martin saw it! Carl Pierre saw it! Adam Copeland saw it! Christian Cage saw it! [Each Canadian Foundation Member nod in agreement], and most of all referee Tim White saw it! I don't know whats going on around here, but I want my title back! And this Monday Night on Raw, I'm going to confront that President Hogan fellow, and I'm going to let him have a peace of my mind! Last Thursday night, an injustice occured, and once again--The Mountie has to lay down the Law!!! Michaels!! Later Tonight!!! That I-C Belt is mine! I will become a double champion!!!"

    **Suddenly Ric Flair is walking around with his new WWF Title, along with the Tag Team Champions Tully Blanchard & Mr. Perfect, and Steve Corino, along with manager JJ Dillon.**

    JJ Dillon" Hey, Patterson...It looks like unlike the Four Horsemen (Ric Flair gives a 'whoooo!' in the Background, while the Perfect Team pat thier tag team belts), the Canadian Foundation, is a Title-Less Foundation! Hahaha!"

    *A brief scuffled followed, broken up by random officials* 83%


    Bret Hart d. Brutus Beefcake w/ help from Bob Backlund

    Did the WWF even realise that they booked Beefcake twice on tonights show? 2 Points for the Hitman.

    Overall: 74

    Match: 77

    Crowd: 68

    Cowboy Mike Hegstrand d. Owen Hart

    Nice match here. Hegstrand worked extremely stiff here. Word is that Owen even complained about it to the writers. Finish saw Bret Hart run down the isle, to serve as a distraction to Hegstrand. Finally, at 14:22, Bret Hart got on the apron to nail Hegstrand with a shot from the ring bell, but Hegstrand reversed Owen into the ropes, and Bret accidently nailed Owen!! Hegstrand then took Owen's head off with a Western Lariat for the 3 count. After the match, Bret came to Owen's aid, and apologised for causing him a loss in the tournament. Good match. 2 points for Hegstrand.

    Overall: 77

    Match: 78

    Crowd: 77


    Tatanka d. Jerry Lawler by Count Out

    The announcers did a good job of stressing that even the 'good guys' have to fight each other for the prize of the brand new NA Title. Tatanka and Jerry had a good time here, both playing to the crowd for most of the match. Finally, at 9:45 Lawler fell out of the ring, and could not get back in. Someone was holding Lawler's foot from underneath the ring. After Lawler was counted out, it was revealed that the person holding his ankles from underneath the ring; was Virgil! Virgil ran to the back, where The Million Dollar Man congratulated him, and laughed at Lawler.

    Overall: 77

    Crowd: 81

    Match: 68

    Tatanka gained overness from this match.


    The Mountie d. Shawn Michaels to win the WWF I-C Title

    Great match here. Mountie was infuriated that he had lost the WWF World Title 'unfairly' to Ric Flair, and it showed in his aggressivness, on Shawn Michaels. Michaels was on dream street--at 14:22 Shawn started to Mount a comeback but was quickly stopped short by Ray Rougeau on the outside, tripping Michaels as he bounced off the ropes. Mountie then, followed up with an elbow to the back of the head, for a near fall. Finally, at 22:33, Mountie ducked a savatte kick, and was setting up Michaels for the uranage, but Michaels elbowed out of it, only to be caught into the Mountie Slam, a move brought back from the dead (A week chokeslam by the Mountie). That was enough to win the Mountie the WWF InterContintenal Title!. Great match, that lagged a bit, but the crowd was awake for every step of it.

    Overall: 83

    Crowd: 85

    Match: 80

    The WWF Intercontinental title has gained in image.

    Card Quality: 71

    TV Rating: 8/07


    -What will be President Hogan's responce to the controversial Ending to the Mountie - Flair Match!!!!

    -Have The Four Horsemen overtaken the Immortals as the #1 Regime in the WWF? And How does SuperStar Paul Bearer, and his 'Superstars' feel about it?

    -The Madness is here! With The not-so-lovely Miss Elizabeth, The Genius, and Professor Marty Jannetty by his side, what kind of plans does Macho King have in store for Hot-Rod

    -Million Dollar Man Promises a Huge Suprise For King Jerry Lawler! What could it be?


    -Plus the announced card, for the WWF next PPV, England's only...WWF ARSENAL II!!!!!

    actually...the announced card plus the NATT standings are


    May 12th, 1994 - Fox Sports

    Announcers: Todd Pettengill & 'The Doctor Of Style' Slick

    Everyone was super happy at the news that we finally beat WCW in the ratings war. Whether or not that was the ONLY week that we beat them, it was clear that our 'Angle' was a success. The whole invasion thing turned out to be a success. So I told the boys to go out there and generally 'have fun'. Tonight, we weren't worried about the approval rating (Card Quality), instead we just wanted to entertain our fans...All, at the same time adding importance to our titles, our current situation at hand...

    PHAT TV opened up with highlights from Monday Night Raw, of the matches leaded to the Title Matches that will be held tonight....


    Todd Pettengill" Hello everyone I'm Todd Pettengill and welcome to another action packed edition of PHAT TV!!! Tonight is the first ever PHAT TV night of Champions! All WWF Titles will be on the line!! And Slick, loads of happenings from Monday Night Raw, how about the return of Miss Elizabeth!"

    Slick" Yeaaaaasss Todd mah bruthaaah!!!! Tonight izzzz a nigghhhhtttt of Champions mah bruthaa!!! All tha title could change hands!!!! Anything can happen!!!!"

    Todd Pettengill" That's right Slick! Lets get to the ring for our first match, which is a North American Title Tournament match!! Here comes Max Moon!!"

    Max Moon d. Black Tiger NATT MATCH

    Another great NATT match here. These two worked very hard and got the crowd as much into it as they every could, despite both not being over with the fans yet. Final moments saw Max Moon win with a running Liger bomb. After the match, George 'The Animal' Steele came running out with a chair and brutally attacked both men! Kim Chee came running out about two minutes later to regain controle of STeele. Apparently, Kim Chee 'lost' Steele, from the back. Steele took turns giving chair shots to both Tiger, and Moon. Everytime he landed a chair shot...members of the crowd yelled 'YOU!'. Crazy. 2 points for Moon.

    Overall: 59

    Crowd: 53

    Match: 79


    Gene Okerland was backstage with Jerry Lawler. Lawler said that he was glad to help Shawn Michaels win a shot at the WWF I-C Title later tonight, and was looking forward to his NATT match against Koko B. Ware, next. He than dared Koko B. Ware to put his SMW on the line, also. Koko B. Ware who was on his way to the ring, stopped by the interview area, and said he would be glad to. He then, said that he would meet the King in the ring, and started doing the BirdMan Flap all the way to the ring. 'Koko Sux' chant started here. 84%

    Koko B. Ware w/ Terry H. Hogan d. Jerry Lawler - SMW Heavyweight Championship NATT MATCH

    A god-awful match. But luckily Lawler, and now, ALSO Koko B. Ware had the heat to make the match entertaining. Everytime Lawler got an offensive move, he did the birdman flap which had the crowd rolling. Koko kept throwing temper tantrums, each time. Final moments of the match saw Ted Dibiase and Virgil run down the isle, and jump on the apron, teasing interference. They got just enough of Lawler's attention for Koko B. Ware to roll him up from behind with a handfull of tights for the upset!! Koko did the birdman flap to a very very hostile crowd! Koko pulls the upset! 2 points for Koko.

    Overall: 63

    Crowd: 79

    Match: 54

    Jerry Lawler lost overness from this match. Koko B. Ware gained overness from this match. The SMW Heavyweight title has gained in image.


    PHAT TV opens up with Alexandria Yorke and The Taylor Made Man in an office setting. Once again, we witness a onesided conversation that Yorke is having with 'The Boss' of The Cartel. She tells him that everything is going according to plan, and thanks him (or her) for thier help during the Taylor Made Man's match last week on Saturday Night's Main Event. I still have no idea who the Boss is, and still have no clue where their going with this angle. First Repo Man, than them, then Papa Shango? All part of 'THE CARTEL'? Wierd. 70%

    Sid Justice vs. Virgil - NATT MATCH

    Pure Squash match. Actually pretty funny. First Sid ripped Virgil's Suit off. Then he threw him into each turnbuckle. After that he gave him 3 power bombs for the win. 2 Points for Sid Justice.

    Overall: 55

    Crowd: 72

    Match: 42


    We goto the back with The not-so-lovely Miss Elizabeth, praticing her Dominatrix whipping skills. Once again, she looks incredibly uncomfortable in that tight leather. And awful, too. Suddenly, Rowdy Roddy Piper appears in the locker room. The crowd pops nicely for the Hot-Rod. Great to see him back on WWF Television. Piper started doing a 'hump dance' next to Elizabeth. Elizabeth, in playing her Dominatrix roll (poorly), curled in the corner in fright. The crowd was cheering this big time, laughing at Elizabeth. "Hump! Hump! Hump me Liz! Let Hot-Rod into your Biz!", yelled Piper at Liz. Did the writers say 'go nuts', to all of the wrestlers today? Well it was damn funny. Finally, Macho King came out of nowhere and caught Piper all over Elizabeth. He attacked Piper, as officials quicklly flooded the area to break the two up. A rather stupid segment, but it was obviously done to advance the feud, and definately the funniest I have every seen since the Dillon/Russo era. 'Hump, Hump, Hump me Liz, Let Hot-Rod into your Biz.'. Funny stuff. But Liz keeps taking away Heat from the Macho King. 68%

    Macho King lost overness from this segment.


    Doink The Clown d. Ray Rougeau - NATT MATCH

    Purely a Comedy match here, for at least the first 5 minutes. After that the two started to really get technically sound all over the mat. Crowd wasn't into it much though. Finally moments of the match saw, the lights go out...and once again these words appeared on the Titan Tron; "The Boss of the Cartel Is....." With that, the lights came back on, and Ray Rougeau was layed out, in the centre of the ring....Doink went on the top rope, and nailed Rougeau with the Whoopie Cooshin at 7:54. Now this is starting to bother me. Now Doink's in THE CARTEL, too? 2 points for Doink.

    Overall: 51

    Crowd: 45

    Match: 69


    Dream Team w/ Terry H. Hogan DCOR Real Americans w/ Superstar Paul Bearer - SMW Tag Team Titles

    Good match here, as these two teams always have. The match actually got 'so out of hand' that the two teams brawled all the way to the back at 10:11. Ref Tim White had no choice but to count both teams out.

    Overall: 58

    Crowd: 60

    Match: 71

    Shawn Michaels d. The Million Dollar man to win the WWF I-C Title

    Good solid match here. The Crowd was really into it, as the Million Dollar Man, with the help of Virgil was able to dominate most of the match. At 11:22, Jerry Lawler came down to Michaels' corner to even up the odds a bit...then we really had a match. At 14:12, Virgil tried to hop into the ring, but, Lawler pulled him down off the apron and gave him a stump piledriver right on the outside. The crowd popped huge for this. Dibiase saw this and started to yell at Lawler...when he turned around...he turned right into a savatte kick by Michaels, which sent Dibiase crashing down onto the ring. Michaels than land the 3 count, and won the Intercontinental Title, for the second time in his career! Shawn got really emotional in the ring, and started to cry...Hmmm. I guess this frees up Dibiase and allows his feud with Jerry Lawler to carry into the Main Event...where they belong. After the match, The Mountie, WWF Champion, accompanied by Ray Rougeau & manager Pat Patterson appeared on the interview podium.

    The Mountie" Hey Boy Toy!! Quit your crying and listen to the Law of The WWF! You know, part of my career goal, here in the WWF, is to win every title that the WWF has! Thats right, I want to become the first grand slam champion of the WWF! So Michaels! Lets see what kind of Champion that you are! I challenge you for that Intercontinental Title this coming week on Saturday Night's Main Event! Champion vs. Champion. The winner will be a double champion!! That's right Michaels; WWF World Champion vs. WWF Intercontintal Champion. Lets make history! Whattaya say?"

    Michaels" Mr. Jacques Rougeau, The Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels will see YOU at Saturday Night's Main Event!! Shine that belt up baby, becasue it's my time! [shawn Michaels does his Dance, as his music plays]"

    The Mountie" Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, wait a minute! I'm the WWF Champion!! So we'll end with my music! And hey Shawn! Look at a new dance my brother came up with! It's going to help him legitamize himself as a 'complete moron', haahahaha! [With that cue, the Mountie's music hits, and Ray Rougeau does his version of 'The Shawn Michaels Dance'. Ray is straddling an imaginary horse all the way to the back...he straddles directly into...Ric Flair....."

    Overall: 78

    Crowd: 92

    Match: 78

    The WWF Intercontinental title has gained in image.

    Ric Flair" (After being straddled into...) You know, Ray. For a 45 year old man, you sure to act like a 12 year old kid. And you too, Mountie. I think you've got an identity crises that we need to sit down and talk about."

    The Mountie (Laughing)" Ohh that's right...'Nature Boy'. And you...a Nature Boy? When was the last time you were a boy, and what the hell does Nature Have to deal with it. Hahahaha!(Patterson and Ray are laughing.)"

    Ric Flair (Screaming)" Mountie!! I've had enough of your games!! You go out there talking about being a double champion! You forgot! You still have a match with the Wheel Deelin, Kiss Steeling, Jet Flyin', Limosine Ridin' son-of-a-gun!!! Woooo!!!"

    *With that, from behind, Ray Rougeau hits Flair with his Good Citizen's trophy, as the Mountie and Pat Patterson puts the boots to Ric Flair. Mountie was about to give Flair a uranage, but fled as soon as the rest of the Horsemen hit the ring. 86% [Mountie attacks Flair]

    Ric Flair d. The Mountie to win the WWF World Title

    Mountie stood in the ring for about five minutes doing jumping jacks, waiting for Ric Flair to recover from the attack. Finally Ric Flair came running down the isle, with a look of determination on his face like seen never before. The match began with Flair getting the upper hand--5 minutes later, thanks to a low blow, Mountie regained the upper hand. Mountie was hilarious in impersonating Flair as always. Once again he did his strut, and 'fell', accompanied by a 'Whoaa!! Whoaa! (I'm falling)'. Crowd was really digging into the Mountie here. Finally at 14:14, Mountie landed the uranage on Ric Flair for the 3 count!!! Mountie has successfully defended the WWF Title! However, for some reason the bell didn't ring. Mountie held up his hand, but referee Tim White kept pulling it back down. Mountie must've done this about 6 times before he pushed Tim White to the ground in anger. At this point Ric Flair clipped Mountie's knees from underneath him, and locked on the Figure Four! Mountie had no choice but to give up!!!! Why did the referee award the match to Flair? Whats going on! Hopefully, these questions would be answered on Monday Night Raw! And no, Tim White is not a heel ref.

    Overall: 75

    Crowd: 88

    Match: 78

    Card Quality: 62 (Um Dillon. Pettengill? Slick? Please. Change the announcing team)

    Rating: 8.04 (Is Wrestling Mainstreme or what?)

    -Saturday Night's Main Event-Preview-


    -Repo Man vs. DWB Tony Anthony

    -Cowboy Mike Hegstrand vs. Owen Hart

    -Tatanka vs. Jerry 'The King' Lawler


    -Main Event-

    WWF Intercontinental Bout

    The Mountie (Challenger) vs. Shawn Michaels (Champion)

  12. user posted image

    May 7th, 1994 -Monday Night Raw -

    Channel: USA Network

    Venue: Manhattan Centre, New York

    Attendance: 10015

    Announcers: Lucious Johnny Valient & Joel Gertner


    Dave Schmeltzer

    I had just come out of my closed door meeting with, The Mountie, Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, Macho King, and Jerry Lawler. Wrestlers like Bret Hart and Mark Callous lost soo much heat over the last year, that fans see them as barely uppercarders now. Which is fine. Both Bret and Mark need a rest. Their condition is diminishing, so a brake out of the spotlight would be good for them both. I know that, with their charisma, the fans will be ready to accept them back into the Main Storylines later on....This is where guys like Rowdy Piper, Hotstuff Eddie Gilbert, and British Bulldog fill the void. Its a good thing that we have talent deph. Well, yea..I had just come out of that meeting when JJ Dillon came up with an idea for a big ratings night, and something that will end our 7 consecutive months of loosing the ratings war to WCW and the Ultimate Warrior. A Night of Champions on PHAT TV. Dillon said that this is exactly what we need to get our belt values up. Sure, the fans saw the Mountie, Ted Dibiase, The Perfect Team, etc. all as credible Champions, but the belts just weren't as highly thought of as they were about a year ago. Starting this Thursday, we were going to change that....Because of the change to PHAT TV'S card, we have decided to change tonight's RAW...for the better.

    Raw opened up with Superstar Paul Bearer walking around the back, he saw Downtown Bruno playing chess with Yokozuna & Tatanka and told them to watch their TV sets..because 'The Fat Man' had something to say. Paul Bearer led his men of 'Superstars' to the ring, Sid Justice, Johnny Smith, Giant Gonzales, and The Real Americans....


    -Superstar Paul Bearer introduces the Newest memeber of the Superstars-

    Superstar Paul" You know for months the FAT MAN has been quiet about this whole Immortals taking over the WWF Thing! Well now that FAT man is singing because this is the end of that bull!!! (Crowd Cheers) And it's going to start when either one of our four entrees win, the North American Title Tournament! (NATT) First, you have Johnny Smith! Pound for Pound, I believe that this man is the most technically apt wrestler in the promotion! He can brawl! He can wipe the mat with most wrestlers wrestling wise! He can do it all! Then we have the Giant Gonzales! The biggest man in pro-wrestling! Plus we have the man! The man that is destined to lead the WWF into the future and beyond...yes Sid Justice!!!!. Ohh..But who is the 4th member you ask? (Rowdy Roddy Piper's music hits). Thats right! The Hot Rod, Rowdy Roddy Piper!!! " (Bearer starts bopping his head back and forth to Piper's backpipe music. Piper enters the ring, to a nice ovation...again.

    Rowdy Roddy Piper (Screaming) " Thats right the Hot-Rod is with the Superstars!! Former World Champion for 6 years, Bob Backlund! And former tag team Champion Mike Rotunda!! Now this is where the real Superstars of the WWF are! Not in that run down cesspool of Has-beens in the Immortals! Now let me tell ya something. Ya know, this whole mess would've never started if it wasn't for one person! And one person only! And i'm talking about...'ohhhh-yeaaaaaa', the Macho King Randy Savage (Crowd ohhhs and ahhhs). That ah-right! If it wasn't for that walking throat cancer, and his bickering to get his 'buddy', Terry Hogan back in the WWF this would've never happened! And so, I tell you this Macho King, you had alot to do with me become the great Executioner, for the last year! And ya know what I'm going to do to you! I'm going to do what I wanted to do for the last year. Take that Crown of yours...shine it up real nice...turn that son-of-a-bitch sidewise, and crap on it! (Crowd is laughing, and cheering). Macho King! You got a hot rod on your tail, and yes...HE BITES!!!" The Crowd is cheering Piper, until Ric Flair and The Four Horsemen are on the interview podium, located by the announcers booth. 74% [stable Induction]

    -Ric Flair Challenges the Mountie, at PHAT TV'S Night of Champions-

    Ric Flair stands on the podium, side by side with, Tully Blanchard & Mr. Perfect, the new WWF Tag Team Champions. JJ Dillon is to their direct back with Steve Corino. Corino tells Rowdy Piper to 'Shut Up, because the Nature Boy has something to say'.

    Ric Flair" Wooooo!!!!!!! Now Piper, I don't care if you like to crap on things for your own sexual gratification, (Crowd laughs & boos), but let me tell you guys are wrong! You see...that NA Title? It's coming to the Horsemen!! You see, in just a few short weeks, the Horsemen will be, a stable of Champions! Mr. Perfect and Tully Blanchard, will hold on to thier Tag Team Belts, Steve Corino--our top prospect--will win the NATT. And Woooooo!!!!!!! The Nature Boy (Ric Flair does a twirl), will win, The WWF World Title, for a 3rd Time!!! That's right Rougeau!! Mountie!! I'm challenging you, at Night of The Champions! And This time, NO INTERFERANCE! No one allowed at ringside! Just an old fashioned Wrestling Match, to see who is the better man!!! You see, Mountie! You've been pampered as Champion! You fought in a gauntlet match a little while ago...and what happened? 2 out of the 3 people that you faced were already badly injured! When Jim Crockett signed the Nature Boy up for Gauntlet Matches, it was match after match of a fatigued Nature Boy, against a brand new Champion! Mountie! Woooo! You've been getting all the breaks! You've been getting all the good calls!!! Well, This Thursday Night! The only call that you'll have to worry about....is calling...(He's starting to strut...Crowd is going nuts) The Nature Boy....(Flair rips the microphone from the microphone stand and starts 'beating' on the stand)....3 time, WWF WORLD CHAMPION!!! Woooooooo!!!!! Now Bearer! Get your stable of inferiors out of the ring, The Horsemen have a match! Woooo!" 88% [Flair interview vs. Mountie]


    Steve Corino d. Lex LugerNATT Match

    This was a little current Horsemen vs. Former Horsemen match. Luger continued his new status as jobber loosing to Corino in 5:55. Luger looked horrible. 2 points for Corino.

    Overall: 63

    Crowd: 70

    Match: 48

    Lex Luger was sluggish and didn't put much effort in. Lex Luger basically no-sold everything, which ruined the match.

    -Razor Ramon & Ted Dibiase Ambush Shawn Michaels-

    We goto the back where Shawn Michaels is talking to Katy-Jayne Meyers. He's trying to convince her to give him an Intercontinental Title shot against Ted Dibiase; as he sees that he is not quite ready for a World Title reign yet. Old friend Razor Ramon shows up with current I-C Champion, The Million Dollar Man w/ Virgil, and they start making fun of Michaels. They imitate him 'crying' to Katy Jayne. Michaels gets upset and shoves Razor down to the ground. Razor yells "My Gold!!! You touched My Gold!". With that he and Jannetty go into a full fledged attack onto Michaels! The Crowd's jeers soon turn to cheers when King Jerry Lawler comes to Michaels rescue. He yells at a fleeing Razor and Jannetty," Oh you 'bad guys' are so tough!! Why don't you two get ready for a match against me and Michaels later tonight!" Big 'Jerry' Chant. 87%


    HillBilly Jim d. Jake 'The Snake' RobertsNATT Match

    Hillbilly Jim came to the ring with his slew of pigs. This sparked another interesting exchange between lead heel announcer Johnny V. and Gertner...very strange combination, once again. But funny.

    Lucious Johnny V" Hey Gertner! Who wins in a fight between a pig and a snake?"

    Gertner(Annoyed)"...I don't know 'oh Lucious one. Please...entertain me...Who wins in the epic battle between Pig and Snake?"

    Lucious Johnny V (After a long pause. Kind of shocked by Gertner snapping back at him.)"I don't know either. I was too busy beating up an stupid colour commentator when someone told me the answer...."


    Hillbilly Jim won this match when DWB Tony Anthony kidnapped Jake Robert's Snake. Crowd cheer DWB big time. Jake was livid to see his snake being carried away. Here, we were just told that President Terry H. Hogan was making his way into the arena.

    Overall: 65

    Crowd: 68

    Match: 59

    Jake Roberts lost overness from this match. Hillbilly Jim gained overness from this match.


    -President Terry H. Hogan Fires back at the Horsemen-

    Hogan strolls down the ring with 20 guardsman, the Dream Team, Agent Steve Blackman, Cowboy Mike Hegstrand and Koko B. Ware.

    Lucious Johnny V" You know, Gertner, I wish that Bird came over here and plucked some fat out of your body."

    Gertner(Annoyed)"...Yea, well I wish he plucked the Lucious out of your V."

    Lucious Johnny V (After a long pause. Trying to Understand the Joke...He doesn't Understand it, so he just slaps Gertner upside the head)


    President Hogan" Ric Flair!!! You think that you can come out and call the shots!!! Well ya cant! Because teh Immortals are in control!! You want a title shot at PHAT TV Night Of Champions! Well! You can get it! Thats if your 'Perfect Team', of Tully Blanchard and Mr. Perfect can defend those WWF Tag Team Titles against the Smokey Mountain Tag Team Champions, My Dream Team!!! So, Blanchard! Mr. Imperfect! (phony laugh from the other Immortals members), get your sorry tails out here right now!!! And let the Dream Team, take you on a Nightmarish ride, Brother!!!" 91% [Hogan Interview for Dream Team]

    The Perfect Team d. The Dream Team - WWF Tag Team Titles

    Not a bad match here. Final moments saw Bob Backlund run down the isle and jawjack with Jean Paul Levesque. Levesque had already nailed Tully Blanchard with his pedigree, and was 'daring' Bob Backlund to hit him. Backlund refused to do it, so that he wouldn't cost the Perfect Team the match, and plus--he didn't want to cheat. Finally Levesque spit on him, Backlund jumped in the ring but was stopped by referee Joey Marella. From the other side of the ring came Mike Rotunda, who nailed Levesque with a cranium kick, allowing for the Perfect Team victory. All three teams brawled after the match. Looks Like Flair will be getting his title shot.

    Overall: 63

    Crowd: 64

    Match: 64


    -The Macho King Introduces, the Not-So-Lovely Miss Elizabeth-

    Macho King came out with Professor Marty Jannetty and The Genius. I guess the Million Dollar Alliance is over, and they're just like a brother connection here, or something. Macho King said that he had a huge suprise, and introduced his former manager, the Lovely Miss Elizabeth! Crowd popped huge...until they saw here. This was a new Elizabeth. She was wearing leather, and she carried with her whip to the ring. This was...Dominatrix Elizabeth!!! Everyone was shocked...so shocked that it took some heat off of the Macho King. Genius, Jannetty, and Macho King were drooling over her like she was a diva. Which...i guess she is now. She looked awfully uncomfortable in that leather, though. King said that he needed protection against wacko's like Rowdy Piper who wanted to deficate on his Crown. I agree.

    75Macho King lost overness from this segment.

    Bret Hart d. Johnny SmithNATT Match

    So Far, the best damn match of the Tournament. Many people were suprised to see the WWF actually doing face vs. face matches to a clean finish. Johnny Smith put on his All Japan working shoes here, going toe-to-toe with Bret Hart for the entire match. At first, the crowd didn't react much, since Smith isn't that over with the fans. But once the match started going, they were actually popping when they were expected to react. Final moments saw Smith go up to the top rop for a knee drop, but Bret rolled over, caught his leg, swept him, and sinched in the Sharpshooter for the win at 23:34. A great NATT, match, and one that put Johhnny Smith, in the eyes of the WWF fans, as...a contender. After the match, both wrestlers shook hands.

    Overall: 75

    Crowd: 62

    Match: 89


    They showed Bruce Pritchard writing a letter to Mark Callous. Why we had to watch him actually handwrite the entire letter, i dont' know. The Letter stated that Mark Callous had exactly one week to respond to the Undertakers challenge, of a casket match...if he doesn't except...then 'carnage' would soon follow. Whatever that meant. Pritchard's handwriting is god awful, too. 78


    -Shawn Michaels wins a shot at the I-C Title at PHAT TV!-

    King Jerry Lawler & Shawn Michaels d. The Million Dollar Man & Razor Ramon

    They start off in the back with Lawler telling Shawn that any enemy of the Million Dollar Man, is a friend of his. Shawn told Lawler the same about Razor Ramon. There little bonding episode was interupted by President Hogan. Hogan said that if Lawler's team can pull a victory, then either one of them could get a shot at Dibiase's title. Lawler said he would give that honour to Micheals, since Lawler had his chances already. Great match here, as the crowd was completely into this match, unlike any other match on the crowd. Actually, overall...the crowd heat was really high tonight. Finally moments of the match occured at 14:33. The Million Dollar man, with help from Razor had snitched in the Million Dollar Dream on Michaels. Michaels' swaying arm knocked out Referee Tim White...so they were without a ref here. At this point, Dibiase asked Virgil for his Million Dollar Belt...Dibiase than pulled out a wad of cash, handed the Belt over to Lawler and ordered him to hit Micheal's with it...who was already knocked out. Lawler walked in the ring, and teased a heel turn as he was 'thinking' about taking the money! Dibiase kept shouting for Lawler to hit Michaels with the Belt...Lawler was looking to the fans for advice...Finally Lawler took the money, put it in his tights, and hit Dibiase with the Title for a Huge pop!! Razor jumped in the ring, as did Virgil--as both were leveled with the belt! Finally, Lawler gave the stump piledriver to Dibiase, put Michaels on Dibiase for the lethargic ref 3 count! Crowd went insane! Raw went off the air, with Shawn Michaels making that 'I wanna wearing that belt' gesture around his waist, with Lawler celebrating. Great way to end Raw; with the Emphasis on the Titles.

    Overall: 85

    Crowd: 90

    Match: 76

    -Show Recap-

    Card Quality: 77 ( :eek: )

    Rating: 8.05

    The Competition: 8.03 (We Won!!! We Won!!)


    SMW Title - Koko B. Ware (Champion) vs. Jerry Lawler

    SMW Tag Team Titles - Dream Team vs. The Real Americans

    WWF I-C Title - Shawn Michaels vs. The Million Dollar Man

    WWF World Title - The Mountie vs. Ric Flair (Everyone is barred from Ringside)

    plus NATT MATCHES!!!, and More!! ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!!

    Feedback is welcome with open arms. I will be updating the 'point values' after Saturday Night's Main Event...for now...i guess you can do the match.

  13. user posted image

    May 7th -Saturday Night's Main Event -

    Channel: USA Network

    Attendance: 10016

    Announcers: Gene Okerland & Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan


    Dave Schmeltzer

    Gene Okerland and Bobby Heenan opened the show saying that 'If you came for Wrestling Action, then you've come to the right place. Heenan said something about getting tired of running maniacs 'anyway'. I think that was a knock at WCW's Ultimate Warrior. All matches are North American Title Tournament matches.


    Pat Patterson is shown enterting the building with 'Good Citizen' Ray Rougeau. Rougeau has a new Good Citizen trophy that he says was given to him by his 'loads' of fans in North American. He said because of this, he will be the one getting winning the North American title. These scene was great, because it showed Ray smiling and waiving to the fans, but they were all booing him. Funny Stuff. Pat Patterson kept yelling 'He's not the Mountie! But he's a Good Citizen!!. 88%


    The Dark Patriot d. New Jack

    Fans really didn't care about this match much, since New Jack was a virtual unknown. Announcers spent most of this match basically just running down the rest of the card. Alot of faces that we havn't seen were back. Great to see that the WWF actually kept their promise to these wrestlers, by giving them camera time. Dark Patriot won by DQ when New Jack kept using weapons. New Jack kept yelling My country, Dammit!Followed by an inaudible. 1 point for The Dark Patriot. On Dark Patriots cape, read 'THE CARTEL'.

    Overall 42

    Crowd: 26

    Match: 69


    The Taylor Made Man d. Giant Gonzalez

    Bad match. But the crowd was responding nicely. Taylor was having trouble getting Gonzalez off his feet, as Gonzales just kept countering with moves close to punches. Finally the lights went out and the only light was on the Titan Tron...it displayed a message that read;

    The Boss of the CARTEL is....

    The lights went back on, and Giant Gonzales was knocked out. No one knew what happened...except for Taylor and Alexandria Yorke. Taylor got the easy pin. Gene Okerland kept yelling to Pritchard "Hey! Who is the Boss! Who are you guys working for!

    This is getting wierd. Anyway, 2 points for Taylor, as he pulls the upset. Annoucners stressed that little wins like this, could mean the difference between winning and loosing a bracket.

    Overall 46

    Crowd: 65

    Match: 24

    Giant Gonzalez lost overness from this match. Taylor Made Man gained overness from this match. Giant Gonzalez basically no-sold everything, which ruined the match.


    The Dynamite Kid d. Lex Luger

    Power vs. Speed. The announcers stressed that this was what the NATT was all about. Great (odd) match-ups like this. And they were right. This match was way better than it looked on paper. Kid was all over the ring, while Luger was doing his pose thing, which got the crowd into it. Kid won with an elbow drop at 13:22. 2 points for Kid.

    Lex Luger was sluggish and didn't put much effort in.


    Agent Steve Blackman d. 'Mean Mark Callous'

    Crowd popped nicely for Callous. Match started with Callous no-selling everything that Blackman threw at him...who does he think he is? The Undertaker? Blackman however suprised him at 4:22 with his chest pump kick. Callous started having spasms on the mat, selling the pump kick. Blackman looked great here, despite Callous' no-selling. 2 points for the Secret Agent.

    Overall 52



    Mean Mark Callous lost overness from this match. Agent Steve Blackman gained overness from this match. Mean Mark Callous basically no-sold everything, which ruined the match.

    We go to the back. Big pop for Papa Shango, who makes his first TV Apperance since being called back up from the VWF...and first appearance since under the Dillon, Russo team. Shango was in this dark room with tons of candels and he started doing a wierd chant. When it was all over he ended with "Thank you, Boss..."

    Gene Okerland on Commentary" Wait a second! Is he working for this 'Boss' Too!?" 79% ( Shango's new Charisma is 88 as a result of the year of the VWF.)

    Papa Shango gained overness from this segment.


    'Good Citizen' Ray Rougeau d. Shawn Michaels

    If there has to be any upset in the tournament, this has to be it. Ray, before the match announced he would be putting his Trophy on the line against. Anyway, this match was alot better in the ring than it looked on Paper. Rougeau showed why he is one of the solid veteran mat technicians today, despite being 45. The two had a great match, and the crowd started to get into it slowly. Final moments of the match saw Shawn nail Rougeau with the Rocker-Dropper! But instead of pinning him, he started to dance. This allowed Rougeau to debut his new finisher, the 'Good Citizen Drop'...which is just a well executed German Suplex. Rougeau, after the match, started doing the Shawn Michaels dance. The annoucners blamed the loss on Michaels being 'Young And Cocky'. 2 points for Ray.

    Overall: 70

    Crowd: 79

    Match: 77

    Shawn Michaels lost overness from this match. Raymond Rougeau gained overness from this match. The Good Citizens title has gained in image.


    We return to the show with WWF President Terry H. Hogan on his way into the Building. He has returned from his little 'break'. He said that he wanted to watch the NATT unfold right before his eyes. Hogan kept droning on and on about how valuable the belt was, until a figure was seen creeping behind him. It was the Undertaker! Hogan thought that the cheers were for him. After Hogan talking, Undertaker picked up a bar nearby, and cracked it over the head of Hogan.

    "Tell Mark, I'll be looking for him. Rest....in......peeeeeeeeaccceee." Bruce Pritchard was waiting on the other side, and strutted with the Undertaker out of the Building. 79%

    Terry "Hulk" Hogan lost overness from this segment.


    Koko B. Ware d. Tatanka

    Koko B. Ware stressed that his newly won SMW title was not on the line in this NATT match. Funny stuff, as Koko put the belt next to Frankie, Heenan commented; "Now what happens if the parrot is a victim of a Stable beat down?"

    After a ref bump, Koko gave Tatanka the Ghostbuster on the SMW title, for the victory. Good Heat on Koko. 2 points for Koko.

    Overall: 58

    Crowd: 71

    Match: 52

    Koko B. Ware gained overness from this match.

    Brutus Beefcake d. Razor Ramon

    Razor 'drove' down the isle in a long pink cadillac. He was wearing ten times more gold than usual. He did his "Something happen to my gold...somethings gonna happen to you...", routine to the ring attendant. Beefcake used this opportunity to hit Razor from behind with his giant sheers. It was ruled 'legal' since the match had not officially begun yet. The bell then, rang, and Beefcake went to work on Razor, who was already badly hurt. Ramon tried to fight back...but to no avail. Good match. Tough brake, for the bad guy. 2 points for Bruti.

    Overall: 65

    Crowd: 76

    Match: 68

    Razor Ramon lost overness from this match. Brutus Beefcake gained overness from this match.


    Sid Justice d. Macho King Randy Savage

    Not a bad match. Crowd was totally into this Main Event, with tons of Sid Chants. King almost came to blows with many fans. Final moments of the match saw Macho King go up for his finishing elbow drop...but at this point, Gerland Brisco, human TV Stand, came running down the isle, and knocked over Macho King, off the Turnbuckle! With that, Sid got the power bomb for the pin! Brisco celebrated with Sid in the Ring, as Saturday Night's Main Event went off the air. Revenge on RAW for the Immortals? 2 points for Sid.

    Overall: 74

    Crowd: 91

    Match: 67

    Card Quality 62

    TV Rating: 8.04


    May 4th, 1994 - Fox Sports

    Announcers: Todd Pettengill & 'The Doctor Of Style' Slick

    Attendance 10015

    Terry H. Hogan is in the backstage Presidential office with Brutus Beefcake, and Jean Paul Levesque. Hogan tells Beefcake that he has to take the night off, and rest from the 'crazy weekend'. He says that, for tonight, 'Sweet Bruti' is the one's who's in charge. Brutus said that its no problem, as he'll be defending the SMW Tag Team Titles tonight against the Berzerkers & The Real Americans, and than in just two days at Saturday Night's Main Event Beefcake will defeat Razor Ramon in his first match in the WWF North American Title Tournament (NATT). So all would be 'in control and ready' for President Hogan for next Monday Night's Raw. Hogan leaves, and Brutus and Levesque Strut around the locker rooms, like they own the world...or the WWF. They bumped into Satoshi Kojima, who was preparing for his first singles match since arriving in the WWF over a year ago. Beefcake yelled for him to get ready for the ring, because he was the opening match--Kojima understood not a word. James E. Cornette, who was nearby, saw this and decided to help Kojima... 84

    Brutus Beefcake gained overness from this segment.



    Satosh Kojima d. Jake Roberts

    Didn't see Hiroyoshi Tenzan. Looks like their splitting up the New Japan/WCW Tag Team. Roberts didn't seem like the fact that he was about to job, as he wasn't into this match at all. This really kept the crowd out of the match--as a result of the no-selling fans didn't take Kojima seriously--they popped only when Kojima gave Roberts a version of his own DDT for the victory.

    Overall: 53

    Crowd: 44

    Match: 63

    Jake Roberts lost overness from this match. Satoshi Kojima gained overness from this match. Jake Roberts didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating.

    Right after the ring, James E. Cornette came to the ring tennis racket in hand, applauding Kojima. At first Kojima thought that Cornette meant harm, but he then accepted him after Cornette's Promo;

    James E. Cornette " Its Ok, its Ok. Ya know for years the Japanese Wrestlers have always been the butt of American Wrestling Jokes! From the Orient Express, to Mr. Fuji, to Yokozuna--it's all been a joke! They paired Mr. Fuji with Yokozuna, made Yokozuna waive a Japanese flag and the damn fat ass is Somoan! (Crowd Cheers, then turns to booes at the insult) Well this man right here, is no joke! And it's about time the WWF had a old fasioned Wrestling Tournament to separte the men from the boys! And in the North American Title Tournament, your looking at the man! You're looking at a man, who wrestled in the same promotions, as Antonio Inoki (Unemployed), The Great Muta (WCW), Kensuki Sasaki (WCW), and Tatusimi Fujimi (?), acuqired all that he needed there, and has come to the #1 Wrestling Promotion in the World Today, the WWF! And as you can see, he is no games! So, to all the other guys in our bracket, Repo Man, Hillbilly Jim, DWB, prepare to be tought a lesson! A Wrestling Lesson!" 89%

    James E. Cornette gained overness from this segment. Satoshi Kojima gained overness from this segment.


    We go backstage with Lord Alfred Hayes, as he is with Jerry Lawler. First he comments on the NATT, by saying that he has never seen a Tournament of this magnitude since the old days in Memphis. He then goes on talking about his upcoming mach with the Mountie later tonight. He said that beginning tonight, he will be on his way to becoming the first WWF Double champion, by winning both the WWF World, and the WWF NA Title. Big 'Lawler' chant in the background. 92

    The Dream Team d. The Berzerkers & Real Americans - SMW Titles

    Dream Team, as usual, were surrounded by The Securtiy Guards that they are now calling 'The Guardsmen', on their way to the break. For the whole match, George Steele kept throwing chairs in the ring, while Berzerker kept freaking out the Guardsmen with his wierd screams, while Slick tried to calm them town. The idea here is that without Trainer Kim Chee, Slick is unable to control his team. Finish saw Beefcake catch Bob Backlund with the Sleeper, for the successful title defense. After the match, Backlund looked like he wanted to cry.

    Overall: 56

    Crowd: 56



    [stable Attack]

    The Million Dollar Man is backstage in the 'Million Dollar Locker Room' with the Million Dollar Alliance. Macho King is pacing back and forth saying that he is in the same NATT bracket as Sid Justice, and needs him weakened up for thier upcoming match on Saturday NIght's Main Event. So Dibiase starts to plan an attack, but as he starts to plan, footage is shown of Sid Jusice walking by the office, and overhears Dibiase planning the attack. Justice walks in, and is right behind an unsuspecting Dibiase, listening to the whole plan. The Genius, Razor, and Dibiase try to tell Ted, but Ted keeps on talking. Finally, Sid grabs Dibiase and throws him into the wall. Everyone scatters out of the office except for The Genius and Dibiase. He gives them choke slams on the desk, each. 79

    Ted DiBiase lost overness from this segment.


    Koko B. Ware d. DWB Tony Anthony

    First a heel matchmaker. Now it looks like the Immortals have hired a heel ref. Ref Joey Marella was completly biased here in favour of Koko. Crowd actually popped, and acknowledged B. Ware's ghostbuster finisher, which is something that they really haven't before. Match came to a close when Jake Roberts walked down the isle, and walked directly in front of the ref and attack DWB. Instead of try to break it up, referee Marella started playing with Frankie, and kept doing the Birdman flap! This allowed Koko & Jake to go into the double team, with Koko landing his Ghostbuster at 7:55. After the 3 count, Marella made the quick 3 count, as Koko B. Ware has defeated DWB Tony Anthony for the SMW Heavyweight Title!


    Crowd: 65



    NATT MATCH - Hardcore

    Rowdy Roddy Piper d. Cowboy Mike Hegstrand

    Well, whoever got the win here was beleived to have acquired the biggest advantage in their bracket. Good match filled with lots of Brawling. Piper didn't work that hard-but the crowd was into it anyway. Finall moments of the match saw Piper nail Hegstrand with 3 consecutive chair shots finally knocking him unconcious for the victory...After the match, Bret Hart came down to a nice pop-Neckbrack and all-and put Hegstrand in a 3 minute Sharpshooter. The ring filled with officials to get Bret off of Hegstrand.

    Overall: 74

    Crowd: 80

    Match: 61

    Rowdy Roddy Piper was sluggish and didn't put much effort in.


    Ted Dibiase d. Native American Tatanka - Intercontinental Title

    Midway into the match, Jerry Lawler came down the isle with a microphone and showed the footage of the very beginning of the Show where Ted Dibiase orchestrated a plan, but was manhandled by Sid. Lawler left, laughing. The announcers commented on 'how long' Lawler must've have been waiting 'a long time to avenge' his I-C Title loss. this just made Dibiase furious, and he took it out on Tatanka.

    Overall: 80

    Crowd: 85

    Match: 69

    The WWF Intercontinental title has gained in image.

    Lord Alfred Hayes was backstage with WWF Champion, Mountie with the Canadian Foundation and Pat Patterson. Hayes asked Patterson where Jimmy Hart was--Patterson said that he went on a 'little vacation' and said that he--'A WWF Hall Of Famer', will be leading the way for the Mountie & The Canadian Foundation from now on. He said that from now on everyone would have to abide by the 'Mountie Code Of Law', as Mountie fired up his Cattle Prod. Patterson and Mountie, then made thier way down to the ring. 91

    Pat Patterson gained overness from this segment.

    The Mountie d. Jerry Lalwer - WWF World Title

    The Announcers stated that Katy Jayne granted Lawler a rematch, since, earlier this week on RAW..he was brutally attacked, and did not have a fair shot. Mountie was distracted for the whole match 'looking over his shoulder' for Ric Flair, who took out his former manager Jimmy Hart, just earlier this week on RAW. Crowd was into this one big time. This was mostly a old-school type brawling match, which saw the Mountie catch Lawler with a uranage off the top rope at 12:55, to escape the cage. Great Match. It made the Mountie look like a real Champion. Smackdown went off the air with Pat Patterson holding up The Mountie's hand in victory, with the WWF Title.

    Overall 81

    Crowd: 90

    Match: 62

    The Mountie gained overness from this match.

    Card Quality: 74

    TV Rating: 8.09

    -Preview for Saturday Night's Main Event- NATT MATCHES -

    Lex Luger vs. Dynamite Kid

    Giant Gonzales vs. Taylor Made Man

    Mean Mark Callous vs. Agent Steve Blackman

    Dark Patriot vs. New Jack

    Koko B. Ware vs. Tatanka

    'Good Citizen' Ray Rougeau vs. Shawn Michaels

    Brutus Beecake vs. Razor Ramon

    Sid Justice vs. Macho King

    Plus More suprises!

  15. WWF North American Championship Tournament!

    May 2nd, 1994 - Press Conferance - Live Report by Dave ScMeltzer

    user posted image

    The WWF North American Title - Brought to you by, President Terry H. Hogan.

    Word is that their going to show parts of this taping on PHAT TV, later on this week. They had Katy-Jayne Meyers host the Press Conferance. Smart thing that they did by having a heel 'matchmaker'. It would've looked very dumb to fans to see Gerald Brisco, or Vince Mcmahon hosting this--with the idea floating around that they were 'fired'. Anyway, Katy-Jayne had the belt, that was made for them by the GWF. It looked similiar to the WCW World Title...except Smaller..you know...so that it can actually fit around most wrestlers waist. Upon furthur inspection it was clearly NOT the WCW belt.


    Katy-Jayne" Good, Evening. Now we are here to release the Tournament Brackets for our upcoming WWF North American Title Tournament. First off, while matches will be scatterly held during our PHAT TV, and RAW telecasts, our Saturday USA show will host exclusivley Tournament matches. For this tournament, Bobby Heenan's show will be put on hiatus, and be replaced by a weekly Saturday Night's Main Event. And, As I just said, this show will feature ALL Tournament matches. Wrestlers will be divided into 9 blocks. The winners of each block (1 winner each) will then face each other in a round ribbon tournament, to determine the finalists, and eventually the winners of the Title. We are unsure as to WHEN the finals will occur, as we're simply going to take this one step at a time. This is an important Tournament to us.


    Now, before we release the brackets...many people think that this is a shoe-in for 'top stars' such as Ric Flair, or, Sid Justice, or Macho King--but let me make this very clear: This is anyone's game!. During the next month or so, you will see matches that you never expected! Wrestlers that you never new were still with the WWF will get THEIR SHOT to make an impact. You'll see Cowboy Bob Orton go against New Jack, Macho King go against The Patriot, Jerry Lawler vs. Max Moon--The possibilities are endless! And now...without furthur ado..the rules/brackets. My best of luck to all wrestlers."


    North American Title Tournament


    -Each Wrestler faces all others in each bracket once-

    -2 Points Awarded for a Pinfall Victory, 1 point awarded for Coutouts, or DQs. No points awarded for Draw-

    -Winner of each bracket will be entered into the North American Single Elimination Tournament-

    -In case of Ties (which their should be), the two tie wrestlers will wrestle in a CAGE Match (To ensure no interferance) to determine Bracket winner-

    -Registered Tag Team Wrestlers Not permitted to Compete except for Brutus Beefcake of the Dream Team-

    -Only Champion Permitted to enter is DWB, Smokey Mountain Champion-

    The Wrestlers

    Bracket A

    Hillbilly Jim

    DWB Tony Anthony

    Jake Roberts

    Satoshi Kojima

    Repo Man

    Bracket B

    Rowdy Roddy Piper

    Papa Shango

    Owen Hart

    Cowboy Mike Hegstrand

    Rob Van Dam

    Bracket C

    Macho King Randy Savage

    The Patriot

    Barry Horowitz


    Sid Justice

    Bracket C


    Black Tiger (Eddie Guerrero)

    Koko B. Ware

    King Jerry Lawler

    Max Moon

    Bracket D

    Doink The Clown

    Ric Flair

    Ludvig Borga

    'Good Citizen' Ray Rougeau

    Shawn Michaels

    Bracket E

    One Man Gang

    The British Bulldog

    New Jack

    The Dark Patriot

    Cowboy Bob Orton

    Bracket F

    Johnny Smith

    Razor Ramon

    Brutus Beefcake


    Bret Hart

    Bracket G

    The Taylor Made Man Terry Taylor

    Giant Gonzalez

    Agent Steve Blackman

    Mark Callous


    Bracket H

    Carl The Quebecer

    Lex Luger

    Professor Marty Jannetty

    Dynamite Kid

    Steve Corino

    Katy-Jayne Meyers" Many stars will be born, many stars will be defeated...but most importantly...Only One Superstar, will be WWF North American Champion!!!"



    Dave SchMeltzer Notes:

    Ok, so it looks like we got a tournament here. A real Tournament. Very G1 Climax-esque. Definatley Dillon Booking here. His idea no doubt. My analysis: The Earlier Brackets are a little hard for me to choose, for instance, Bracket B could go to Hegstrand who they've been pushing, but Piper just got that huge interview on RAW....I guess we'll have to wait for (what will now be a North American Tourney Match) thier match at PHAT TV. Same with Bracket D. Could be Shawn Michaels or Ric Flair, both the best wrestlers of that Bracket. Same with F. Could be Bret, or Razor Ramon...who starting on PHAT TV, will go back to his Razor gimmick. What do YOU think! (Make your bracket predictions NOW before the Tournament gets deep into it). Saturday Night's Main Event will be very entertaining to say the least.

    Also Added to PHAT TV:

    Tournament Matche:

    -Brutus Beefcake vs. Razor Ramon-

    -Lanny Poffo "The Genius" vs. Shawn Michaels- Why? I don't know.

    Javert: I'm going to be editing this post as the "Weeks" progress. So check back to this post for point standings!!! ;) Let the Games Begin!

    EDIT*and yes...I know the NA belt looks like the WCW belt...but its actually really not....and plus...its just a picture. geesh. :)

  16. user posted image

    May 2nd, 1994 -Monday Night Raw -

    Channel: USA Network

    Venue: Manhattan Centre, New York

    Attendance: 10004

    Announcers: Lucious Johnny Valient & Joel Gertner


    Dave Schmeltzer

    [quick note: I goofed, and did a couple 'segments' I just forgot to take out when putting together the card. Oh well.]

    Before Raw officially goes on the air, the show opens up with a brief shot of EVERY WWF Superstar in the ring awaiting New WWF President Terry H. Hogan's first Presidential address. Even guys like Doink the Clown, Barry Horowitz etc. are there. They've spent the last YEAR in the VWF...so I guess they paid their dues, and have improved, as much as they can do so. We see a shot of Hogan walking with The Dream Team, Agent Blackman, Hillbilly Jim, and Koko B. Ware (along with Frankie). Once again Koko is wearing shades that are out of this world. Behind him, Cowboy Mike Hegstrand leads The Angry Cowboys behind the Immortals. On thier way they walk past Sean Mooney and Bruce Pritchard, on the way to the ring. Hogan tells Pritchard that he should concentrate on Managing, and not worrying about Announcing. They aren't so nice to Mooney, however. Agent Blackman gives Mooney a sudden pump kick...they then give him a wedgie, leaving him embarassed on the floor, sulking. They say that Mooney's new job is a little different then what he's used to. They then hand him a broom. And tell him to 'keep sweeping'.

    **Brutus Beefcake said he had a perfect replacement for Mooney, and ran into former Manager (of Beefcake's first Dream Team w/ Greg Valentine) Lucious Johnny Valient!!! (Crowd popped nice for Valient. Hogan said, to add insult to injury, former President Joel Gertner will be the colour commentator. Johnny V. promised to 'whip Gertner into place'. A Heel lead Announcer w/ a Face Colour Commentator? Different. New. I like it.


    Highlight Reel

    -Collision PPV-recap of each of the five matches

    -Jake The Snake 'Helping' DWB defend his SMW Title.

    -Officials Jumping Hogan-

    -Koko B. Ware not being remembered by Gerald Brisco-

    -Koko B. Ware landing the Ghostbuster on Brisco, 3 times, causing him the match-

    -Soundbite from Koko B. Ware's post interview-

    -The New Regime sets the Tone for the New WWF!-

    [Matchmaking Angle-Koko B. Ware challenges SMW Champion DWB]

    Hogan opens the show talking from the isleway. Brutus Beefcake introduces Lucious Johnny Valient as the new announcer, and Joel Gertner as the colour man. Johnny V. says something short about being on the staff roster for months, and being told to 'sit at home', by guys like Vince Russo & Gerald Brisco. He slaps Joel Gertner around, and pushes him to their announcers booth. Next Hogan presents a New Championship Belt - The WWF North American Title - He says that the Belt costs more than the I-C title to make...which I guess is his way of telling us that this will be an Upper-Card Title. So, that Makes the 3 Major Titles, WWF World, WWF I-C, and WWF North American, with the SMW Heaveyweight soon becoming the Belt for groomed for pushes wrestlers. With their large roster that is perfect. Word is that this is part of their little 'agreement' with regional promotion, Global Wrestling Federation. According to several sources, they paid (Donated ;) )about $1,000,000 to the GWF to make this belt for them. I think the belt will probably go to some of the UpperCarders who to prevent them from being lost in the shuffle, like Lawler, Macho King, Justice etc, or whoever 'deserves to be World Champion, but isn't even I-C Champion. Good solution.


    **Hogan says that to determine the new Champion, a Month Long Bracket Point System type Tournament will be used to Crown The Champion. After the Time frame is over, the winners of each Bracket would face each other in a Round Ribbon Tournament, with the finals being held at 'the end' of May. I think they are unsure of how long the Tournament will last, so they are just saying 'End of May'. With three shows, I think they have plenty time until May Massacre. They should just call this the G1 Climax-WWF Style. I dunno. Anyway, Hogan is getting real Heel heat. Koko B. Ware takes the mic**


    Koko B. Ware (Crowd Chants "Koko Sux", B. Ware responds by doing the Birdman Flap...the Crowd Boos even more)" Where are the Cheers I used to get!!! Where is it!!! My Oh My have the Tables Turned!!! Now the power is in OUR HANDS!!! (Crowd Booes!!) You know, for years, I flapped my arms--me and Frankie--FOR YOU!! THE FANS!!! And what did that get me? A tag team with Owen Hart called 'Hi Energy'. Wow. Great. So after being shoved down to the busch leagues, I get called up! I'm happy! I'm ethusiastic! Frankie is happy as ever! I say hello to Matchmaker Gerald Brisco, and what happens? HE DOESN'T REMEMBER ME!!!! He starts Buzzing around, like a damn Bumble Bee! (Crowd Laughs) Well guess what! Koko B. Ware and Frankie are back!! And My first challenge is to you--Dirty White Boy! (Dirty White Boy steps towards the front of the ring) You've been nursing that SMW Title for too long now! Hillbilly Jim was unsuccessful in getting it--he almost had ya--But, Brutha, Koko B. Ware is going to finish the job!!! PHAT TV! I WANT THAT TITLE!!! C'mon everybody!!! (He does the Birdman Flap--In an act of pure hilarity, every time he does the flap, his music plays-Then stops, as soon as he stops. Its in sync. Funny Stuff."


    Hillbilly Jim than grabbed the mic and mumbled something to Jake Roberts. The end result of it was Hillbilly challenging Jake on PHAT TV. Coincidently, they are in the same Brackets for the North American Title Tournament.


    Hogan ended the segment, saying that we would see how 'former' WWF High Ranking Officials were adapting to their 'new jobs', and ended by screaming

    Whatcha Gonna Do Brotha!!! Whatcha gonna do...when the Immortals and the Angry Cowboy's CONTROL YOU!!!!!!!! This is going to be some good TV in the weeks to come. Suddenly, The Executioner steps out of the WWF Crowd of Wrestlers, in the ring 78%

    Terry "Hulk" Hogan lost overness from this segment.

    -Rowdy Roddy Piper Has Had Enough-

    Suddenly The Executioner steps forward. He takes off his mask and Reveals himself to be Rowdy Roddy Piper. Few Fans ACTUALLY remember, that Piper was stuck underneath this jobber gimmick since JJ Dillon & Russo took over. Big Pop. Johnny Valient on commentary was going nuts, saying how Piper was never supposed to remove his mask while in the WWF. He slapped Joel Gertner for applauding Pipers act. Gertner stayed silent, afterwoods. Piper went nuts.

    Rowdy Roddy Piper (Crowd is chanting 'Roddy'" Ya know Hogan, I've been staying Silent while this whole crap went down, But I aint staying SILENT NO' MORE!!! (Crowd is going nuts) Week after week Hogan, you read the results..He defeated Executioner, That Guy defeated Executioner, This Guy Defeated Executioner--Yea I was a victim of the WWF Suits Too!! But you don't see me crying!! Yea..sure, I'm pissed as hell--But I ain't crying like an overgrown bald low-life like you!!! (Crowd is jumping and cheering). Hogan, I aint becoming a Cowboy, and I ain't becoming a Hogan Lackey--but what I am gonna become is an Immortal Pain in the Ass!!! And tonight, I'll find myself a Partner, I want so-called WWF Great Cowboy Bob Orton, with Stan Hansen--UM--ER I mean Cowboy Mike Hegstrand in a tag match!!!" (Crowd starts chanting 'Hansen' at Hegstrand to get him upset. Isn't Hansen in ECW now?)

    Crowd is going nuts. The Wrestlers in the ring gave Piper a long ovation, as RAW went into its first commerical break with the Immortals throwing a tantrum on stage, while the crowd chanted 'Piper!' 88%

    Rowdy Roddy Piper's turn was completed, and he is now a face. Rowdy Roddy Piper gained overness from this turn. .

    -ADVERTS-They show in the back Gerald Brisco holding up a TV on his head, which is broadcasting RAW. Apparently his new job is 'human TV stand', for the Immortals Security, who were watching this segment on couches in the WWF back lounge--

    -New Tag Team Champions are Crowned-

    The Perfect Team (Tully Blanchard & Mr. Perfect) d. PHAT

    Well, with Slick with The Berzerkers & Kamala, and the PHAT Meanie being sent down to the VWF, I guess this is the end of PHAT. After the match, Big Bossman tried to dance--for the first time, but Akeem, kicked his knee from underneath him. Akeem yelled Thats for hitting Slick, and loosing our Tag Team Titles! I don't need you! I'm a One Man Gang!!. Looks like that means back to OMG for Akeem, and back to Slick. Good for him. But what happens to Bossman?

    verall: 61

    Crowd: 63

    Match: 59

    The WWF Tag Team titles have gained in image.

    -Jake The Snake Roberts continues the Mind Games with DWB-

    Roberts (He is sitting in a corner with his Snake wrapped around his neck" Ya, know, DWB, ever since you've arrived in the WWF with your precious title, you haven't been able to sleep. You haven't been able to eat. You haven't been able to stop looking over your shoulder. Why? Because theirs always a snake close behind. You thought that by beating me, about a month ago, that that was all that you would ever see from me. Oh No. I would be around plenty more. Hell. I even helped you retain that SMW Heavyweight Title. Well next week I hear your going against Koko B. Ware. Will you be so lucky this time? " He Caresses his snake....ugh. 77%

    -ADVERTS--Here, they show Vince Russo in the crowd Selling Programs. Ted Stanley is in the Bathroom. His new job is 'Bathroom Attendant'. Katy Jayne, however has been given a huge office and is just watching TV. Her personal TV Stand is Bill Busch.

    -Piper & Flair first to officially enter the WWF North American Title Tournament-

    Roddy Piper is walking to the ring for his match against The Cowboys. He is stopped by Ric Flair & JJ Dillon. Piper comments on how 'things never change', noting how Flair, JJ, and Blanchard are still together after all these years. Flair says that another thing that hasn't changed is that he was a WWF Champion, and Piper was not. Flair than announces that--even though he's currently trying to get the World Title off of the Mountie, he's entering himself in the WWF North American Title Tournament, because the prize is 'too good' to pass up on. Piper says that he hopes they meet in the ring....Good Segment--already showing the 'main players' in the Tournament. Great way to get piper right back where he was before this 'Executioner' thing [Over from turn 77 to 87 :)]. 86%


    -Bret Hart comes to Piper's aid-

    Cowboy Mike Hegstrand & Cowboy Bob Orton d. Rowdy Roddy Piper & Bret Hart

    Piper was wrestling, and looked as good as usual. But It seems that his morale is still a little low, as he really wasn't 'too into it'. Word is that it will just take a few more shows before Piper puts complete trust in the writers again. Finally moments saw Bret Hart run down the isle--bad neck and all-to the ring, right into a Western Lariat by Hegstrand. Bret was clinching his neck to no end, and lost when Hegstrand pinned him with a handfull of tights. Medics swarmed the ring, as Piper was going nuts screaming for people to get out of the way, and help Bret. Very dramatic. Cowboy Bob Orton kept going after Bret while he was down, but Piper really laid the punches into him. I think their going to have a match on PHAT TV. They showed Bret being driven away in the EMS.

    Overall: 68

    Crowd: 72

    Match: 62

    Rowdy Roddy Piper was sluggish and didn't put much effort in. Cowboy Bob Orton gained overness from this match--How? I have no idea? But whatever...good for him!

    -ADVERTS-The Hebners, Tony Garea, and Jack Lanza are backstage serving food on trays to The Dream Team & Agent Blackman. The Referee that officiated the Brisco-Hogan match (At Collision - Shane McMahon) is giving a bath to Hillbilly Jim's pigs. While, Howard Finkel is teaching Frankie more words. Apparently the new Ring Announcer is Gene Okerland...It must be the age thing.

    The Mountie d. Sid Justice - WWF Title - Main Event

    Word in the back was that Sid Justice did not want to job to the Mountie. And it was shown by Sid's constant no-selling of Mountie's punches and kicks. Well because of that, he hurt the Image of the WWF Title. Despite his bad luck (with others) Mountie has still been a respectable champion. I guess thats why their bringing in Pat Patterson to repair the now repairable damage. How will Sid be punished?

    Overall: 73

    Crowd: 84

    Match: 48

    Sid Justice basically no-sold everything, which ruined the match. The WWF World title has lost image.

    -President Terry H. Hogan says Mountie isn't finished Yet!-

    President Hogan comes out, after Mounties 'win' and says that as part of the new regime, they'll be introducing some of the Hard, tough, obstacles that they had to deal with as Champions; and that things won't be so easy. Looks like something simply to bring the values up on the titles, which have been lagging latley. Hogan (re) introduced the Gauntlet Match, which is where the Champion has to defeat a series of Wrestlers before he wins the match outright. Hogan says that his 'main man', Cowboy Mike Hegstrand will be choosing the next opponent. Hegstrand goes to the back and barges into Shawn Michaels' locker room. Michaels was busy talking to his 'girlfriend'. (Big 'Hansen' Chant...Hegstrand hated it..)Hegstrand told him to quit being a pretty boy, and get out there and do what he is paid for....Michaels..stunned, started heading toward the ring. 97%

    Terry "Hulk" Hogan gained overness from this segment. Cowboy Mike Hegstrand gained overness from this segment.

    The Mountie d. Shawn Michaels - WWF Title - 2nd Match

    The idea of this match was that Michaels 'wasn't prepared'. Mountie caught Michaels with the uranage at 11:44. Gertner and Valient were great here. This broadcast team might just work.

    Johnny V." Look at Mountie throw Michaels all over the ring! What a stupid young punk that Michaels is!"

    Gertner" Yea but he didn't have time to prepare---"

    Johnny V." A Wrestler should always be prepard, Gertner!! Shut Your Mouth before I shut it for you!"


    Overall: 84

    Match: 86

    Match: 80


    -The Undertaker Makes an Unexpected Appearance-

    King Jerry Lawler is backstage walking around looking for President Hogan. He wants to enter the WWF North American Title Tournament. Suddenlty the Power goes out in this part of the Building. What follows is Lawler screaming in and yelling in pain, as someone is choking him, but he cannot see in the Dark. After about 30 seconds the lights go on, Lawler is hurt...President Hogan hears the comotion and arrives at the scene with The Dream Team & Agent Blackman. Hogan says "What happened here, dude?

    Lawler replies; I..I dont' know...his face...was....pale....i think....Undertaker.... Crowd popps. Hogan says that he has no times for crybaby's and tells Lawler to get on his feet, cos he's getting a WWF Title shot. Lawler struggles to get to the ring, while an exhasted Mountie is laughing hysterically, waiting in the ring. Lucious V & Gertner have another funny exchange here;

    Johnny V." I'm suprised at Lawler, ya know!! Just laying around like that!"

    Gertner" What are you talking about...he was attacked by The Undertaker!"

    Johnny V." Shut up Gertner! Did you see the Undertaker? Did I see the Undertaker? And Lawler didn't see the Undertaker, he was too busy taking a nap!"

    Gertner"...." 68%

    The Undertaker's turn was completed, and he is now a heel. The Undertaker gained overness from this turn. Jerry Lawler lost overness from this segment. (Brian Lee came in as a Tweener)


    -The Nature Boy takes Out Jimmy Hart-

    The Mountie d. Jerry Lawler - WWF Title - Final Match

    Mountie spent much of this match making fun of Jerry Lawler, not being able to stand up straight, after being attacked by 'who he thinks was' The Undertaker...Mountie was hilarious here in imitating Lawler's attempts to get up. Mountie also signaled for his finisher by mocking Lawler's arm strap spot. Mountie removed his imaginary shoulder strap with intensity, then nailed Lawler with the Urange for the Victory. After the victory Advisor Pat Patterson jumped in the ring and started

    to congratulate the Mountie...Jimmy Hart climbed up right after him, but was stopped with a stiff Chair Shot to the back by Ric Flair who sprinted down the isle! The crowd went nuts! Raw went off the air with Ric Flair back peddling yelling That Title's Mine, Mountie!, as he Joined the rest of the Horsemen waiting for him in front of the curtain....

    Overall: 81

    Crowd: 86

    Match: 72

    Card Rating: 78 :)

    TV Rating: 7.63

    The Competition: 8.04


    -WWF Title Match - Cage - The Mountie vs. Jerry Lawler! Rematch!

    -WWF Intercontinental Title - Ted Dibiase vs. Native American Tatanka

    -SMW Tag Team Title Match - The Dream Team vs. The Real Americans vs. The Berzerkers

    -SMW Heavyweight Title - DWB Tony Anthony vs. Koko B. Ware w/ Frankie

    -Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. Cowboy Mike Hegstrand [No Rules]

    -The Start of the North American Title Tournament

    The Hogan Era continues on PHAT TV......

    feedback is encouraged.

  17. Private Meeting with The Canadian Foundation

    JJ Dillon "Jimmy Hart, Hi...we need to talk."

    Hart (Speaking into his Megaphone) " Whats up baby!! What do you need baby!! The Mouth of the South Baby!! Right here!!!"

    Pat Patterson "Um. Yea. I'm going to be taking over as The Manager of the Mountie...because...quite frankly at this point...you don't fit in."

    Hart (Speaking into his Megaphone) " What do you mean baby!! This is---"

    JJ Dillon "Yeaaaaa . Um....as we were saying...we feel that to take the next step higher for the Mountie, he needs someone with a bit more 'Credibility' to be his mouth piece...and quite frankly you aren't doing the job."

    Hart (He turns off his Megaphone) " Oh ok. I knew this was coming. Yea. The fans just aren't believe me as part of this CANADIAN Foundation. I know I haven't been doing my job well."

    Vince Russo "Well its not that Jim, its just that--well you are a midcard Manager. And the Mountie has become more than we ever expected. Now we need someone who's over with the fans--such as a WWF Hall Of Famer such as Patterson--to get The Mountie, to the next level of Overness...."

    Hart (He has now turned off his Megaphone for good) " Ok. Well...Good luck Jacques...I guess I'll pack my bags...."

    Pat Patterson "NO! Jimmy Hart, you are w/o a doubt one of the great WWF Managers. You've done wonders for guys like, Brutus Beefcake, Greg Valentine, and The Honky Tonk Man...so...we have a new team for you."

    --In walks in The Roadie & Rockabilly--

    Hart (Speaking into his Megaphone) " Yea Baby!! Rhythym and Bruise baby!!! Thats right baby!! Rhythym and Bruise!! And the Mouth of the South Jimmy Hart!!! Thats right Baby)"

    After the next Raw Pat Patterson is no longer the 'advisor', he will be the manager (I will be posting his stats), and Jimmy Hart is now the manager of our new lower midcard team. Rhythym and Bruise. He will help them get them over. He's done all he can do with the Mountie. 'Somone Better' (And Canadian) will be taking the Mountie to the next level: Pat Patterson.

    There will be some sort of TV explanation..."Jimmy Hart" Found a new tag team, or something......

    ::everyone in room does the birdman flap as a show of good faith to Jimmy Hart.....Jimmy Responds with his own version::

    ::closes door::


    Venue: The Yi Jameson Sports Complex, Los Angelos California

    Announcers: Vince McMahon & Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan

    The Backstage Area was pretty cool. I got word that their was a small backstage shuffle with Jake the Snake Roberts and someone else. But everyone seems to be keeping their mouths sealed...so it probably wasn't that big of a deal. I'll ignore it. I'm starting him on a feud w/ DWB Tony Anthony, so I can't be worried with such small things. Today it was time for the PPV...and as wierd as this may sound, I wanted to this to be our best card ever? Why? Heres Why.

    Hogan, a guy we fired, we brought back, and made pretty much the focus of the company. The whole invasion angle etc--just when we thought we were going to loose Hogan to WCW. Not only that, but with all time greats like Hillbilly Jim, Robert Fuller, & Gerald Brisco, mixed with current stars like Bret Hart, Cowboy Mike Hegstrand, Mountie & Ric Flair, AND, future stars like Jean Paul Levesque and Tatanka, this card had better deliver. Dillon told me that he's hoping for a 75% approval rating (card quality) or better. Russo said he'll be happy with a solid 70. Me? I just want a PPV that's going to help us win the ratings war. Well, it's about time for the fanfest downstairs.

    user posted image

    The 30 minute 'free show' on the Pay Per Veiw channel covered the fanfest that the WWF decided to hold at the last minute. Signing autographs were many of the guys that were recently brought up from the VWF developement territory; Doink The Clown (Who did his evil heel act and just squirted people with unwashable ink. He made a 10 year old cry to...right there on camera), Koko B. Ware (Who looked bulkier since coming back up), Owen Hart, Johnny Smith & Superstar Paul Bearer, and Jack Lanza. They did a little 'angle' where they 'said' that the Immortals were trying to get into the Fan-Fest, but were locked out by security. Yea, I believe that one. They did do one backstage angle to close the pregame and start the show.


    Koko B. Ware was shown on camera, to a nice pop. Many remember the rather 'small' push he got with his 'deadly' brainbuster called the Ghostbuster. Koko was all decked out in shades that only he could get away with wearing. He had Frankie, his parrot with him. He was walking to say hello to WWF Matchmaker Gerald Brisco. He walks into his office:

    <span style='color:red'>Koko B. Ware:" Oh hey! Gerry! Whats up man! Boy it's crazy around here since I left! I just wanted to wish you luck tonight against Terry H. Hogan! Frankie will be rooting you on too!! (He does his special 'flapping' of the arms, signifying a bird flying...that he always did.)

    Gerald Brisco (Trying to match Koko's face with someone that he knows." Um. Who are you?"

    Koko B. Ware" It's me! Koko B. Ware! (Starts flapping the arms again) Remember that? The Bird-Man! The Ghostbuster?...Frankie...?"

    Gerald Brisco (He still does not remember Koko B. Ware. But he pretends to, while secretly pressing the emergency button undernearth his desk.)" Ohhh Yeaaa...Koko Bee Ware! Like The Bird Man! (Brisco starts flapping his arms--the crowd is laughing) And Bee Ware. Like Bee's. Bzzzzzzzzzzz!!! (He's starting to flap his arms again while Buzzing like a Bee."

    Koko B. Ware"No. You mean you don't remember me?"

    **Suddenly security comes in and apprehends Koko B. Ware, calling him a 'Wacko', and they escort him out of the Building. Koko starts singing his theme song, hoping that Brisco would suddenly remember him....**</span> 69%

    Koko B. Ware's turn was completed, and he is now a heel. Koko B. Ware gained overness from this turn.


    The show started with announcer Howard Finkel, introducing to the ring 'Legendary WWF Tag Team Specialist, Gerald Brisco.' Brisco was joined by fellow Matchmakers Vince Russo, & Ted Stanley, and Road Agents Jack Lanza & Toney Garea, along with WWF President Joel Gertner. Brisco started off the festivities with an interview.

    Gerald Brisco"Welcome everyone to 'WWF Collision!!!!' This is without a doubt THE most important Pay Per View in the History of The WWF! (Crowd cheers) Tonight. There will be 5 MATCHES. Winner gets control of the WWF Presidency! In short. ABSOLUTE POWER! Hogan. Prepare to be taught a WRESTLING lesson! "

    -Highlights of The Immortals debut, from Wrestlemania aired, with the Hogan's soundbite ending the segment; "The Past Present And Future Of Professional Wrestling Bring you the Immortals...."

    Brisco continued.

    Ladies and Gentlemen! Let the Collision of the Immortals Begin!!! DWB's music hit the PA system, for our first match, as Brisco and Company left the ring. 71%


    MATCH 1 - SCORE 0-0

    1. DWB Tony Anthony vs. Hillbilly Jim - SMW Heavyweight Title

    This was a typical brawl match. Hillbilly Jim, brought with him, 12 pigs that he had in his 'farm'. The two started off with a series of power shoulder blocks off the rope. Hillbilly Jim won each of those challenges, but DWB kept getting up, to nice pops from the crowd. Finally, after Hillbilly Jim blocked a clothesline, he suprised DWB with a quick and sudden big boot, that took him down quickly. Hillbilly got a mix of cheers from Hardcore Traditional fans, while getting boos from most of the crowd. At 15:43, Hillbilly Jim nailed DWB with a giant press slam for the near fall. At this point, Jake the Snake Roberts came down the isle, with his Snake. Instead of going for DWB, who he has had problems with in the past, he started taunting Hillbilly Jim's pigs with his snake, Damien. The announcers called this part of Roberts' mind games on Anthony. Hillbilly saw this and freaked out, starting to jaw with Roberts. Bobby Heenan had a funny comment here;

    Heenan"Hey McMahon, have you ever seen a beard move with such intensity? "

    As Hillbilly was arguing, DWB stuck up behind him for a quick roll up and the 3 count! DWB Tony Anthony, successfully defends the SMW Title, and scores the first win for the WWF!**

    Overall: 59

    Crowd: 62

    Match: 54



    During the brief intermission, they showed Koko B. Ware buying a ticket to Collision from a scalper outside the building. Geez, anything to be in the WWF these days.



    MATCH 2 - SCORE 1-0 (WWF)

    2. The Dream Team vs. The Real Americans - SMW Tag Team Titles

    Dream Team came to the ring surrounded by security as always. McMahon made a comment that those guards are really there to start trouble, and not to 'protect' the Dream Team. Heenan said that Mcmahon should mind his business. Bob Backlund and Brutus Beefcake started the match off, with Beefcake being the most dominant. Backlund later got the hot tag to Rotunda who took it to Beefcake until he escaped, tagging in Levesque. Levesque and Rotunda did a little stare down. The Stare down ended when Levesque was cracked in the face with a kick, as he was doing his 'royal bow', right in front of Rotunda. End of the match came here when Brutus Beefcake got Backlund in the Sleeper Hold. He took out Rotunda, tagged in Levesque...and Levesque locked on the pedigree on Backlund...who was fast asleep anyway. That was all they needed to defend the SMW Tag Titles, and pick up the first win for the Immortals.Mcmahon and Heenan had another classic exchange as McMahon was calling the match.

    McMahon"Oh C'mon! The pedigree is not needed! For pete's sake--It's like pedigreeing a corpse!! "

    Heenan"A corpse? Did you just call Backlund a corpse? I know he's old, but that was just mean. "

    McMahon"You know what I meant, Brain "

    Heenan"I know I know what you meant. And it was mean. I told you. "

    The Dream Team left to the ring, with the Guards carrying thier SMW Tag Team Belts. The idea is that 'they are too good' to hold their own titles.

    However, as they were walking toward the back, Kim Chee came running out of the back; behind him--George 'The Animal' Steele & The Berzerker-The Berzerkers! Steele had a chair and cracked it over the head of Brutus Beefcake, while The Berzerker clobbered Levesque square in the face with his giant sheild.

    After knocking down the SMW Tag Team Champions, and the bodyguards around them, The Berzerkers went right for the Real Americans who were still in the ring. Rotunda was on outside, and got cracked on the back by Slick's Cane, while the Berzerkers pounded an already unconcious Bob Backlund. Officials finally came to the rescue of both teams--Vince McMahon and Bobby Heenan had another one of their classic exchanges.

    McMahon"These two are animals!! They need to be tied up!!"

    Heenan"Tied up? Stop it with your sexual inuendos, McMahon." **1/2

    Overall: 65

    Crowd: 60

    Match: 71



    While they were setting up the cage for the next match Todd Pettengill was in the crowd asking people who they wanted to win the series. Suprisingly (or maybe not) 3 out of the 5 people wanted The Immortals to win, so that Terry H. Hogan can become WWF President. One of the fans were identified as RonDo...and had a 'WWF's #1 fan shirt on'...



    MATCH 3 - SCORE 1-1 (TIED)

    3. Robert Fuller vs. Tatanka - CAGE (Cowboy's -n- Indians Match)

    Robert Fuller came out first and demanded that they show a highlight reel of him during his career. Because WWF didn't have the video rights for the Memphis stuff from early in his career, they showed most of his violent matches from Smokey Mountain Wrestling. It was interrupted, to a big pop by Tatanka's music...and the match was underway...Fuller started off kicking Tatanka down as soon as he entered the ring, but Tatanka pretty much had the rest of the match under his belt. Finally moments of the match came when Tatanka threw Fuller face first, into each side of the cage, causing him to bleed from the head after the third one. Crowd popped huge for this. Tatanka then, landed the Trail of Tears finisher, leading the WWF to need only one more win! They showed the WWF faces all cheering in the back. Maybe Brisco would NOT have to fight Hogan!**

    Overall: 67

    Crowd: 72

    Match: 56



    MATCH 4 - SCORE 2-1 (WWF)

    4. Cowboy Mike Hegstrand vs. Bret Hart - Texas Death Match (Cowboy's -n- Indians Match)

    They showed both men in the back, as they walked to the ring. This match, should the favourite...Bret Hart win, would secure Joel Gertner & The WWF the Presidency. Owen wished Hart good luck, until they were both blindsided by Hegstrand. "No Rules pretty boy!!!, yelled Hegstrand as he started to whip Hart w/ his Bullwhip over and over again. Crowd was really digging into Hegstrand. Hegstrand is actually starting to get a cult following of fans--the tweener that he is. Hegstrand continued to pound Bret until the referee, Joey Marella kept yelling at him to stop. "Stop? Stop?, Yelled Hegstrand. He then followed that up with nailing Marella with a Lariat that sent him landing akwardly right on his head. Mind you, they were still in the back right behind the curtain area. WWF President Joel Gertner & Gerald Brisco both came out yelling at Hegstrand for attacking an official--Hegstrand responded by giving a headbutt to both men, sending them both staggering off camera. Finally, Bret recoverd, and stopped the carange by nailing Hegstrand from behind. Bret grabbed anything in site, and pounded Hegstrand with them, including (but not limited to) TV moniters, poles, chairs, crates, tables, and finally Hegstrands Bullrope. Hart began to choke Hegstrand with it for about the next 3 or 4 minutes..which got the crowd more into the match big time. After kicking out of a near fall, Hegstrand started to fight back, but was quickly cut off by a low blow by Hart. Big pop, for the illegal move, which the announcers stressed was ONLY allowed because of this being a Texas Death Match-WWF style at least. Another near fall followed and continuous Brawling occured until the two ended up in the crowd, when Hegstrand tossed Bret over the railing on their way back to the ring. Well...that was the first time that they tried to go to the ring. Hegstrand teased hitting fans--and when he did, Hart regained the upper hand each time. Finally, at 13:11, Hart locked in the Sharpshooter on Hegstrand, but Hegstrand 'powered out of it', causing Bret to tumble face first to the hard unprotected floor. When Hart got up, he was met with a lariat, that sent Hart nearly spinning in the air. Hegstrand pulled the upset. Cowboy Mike Hegstrand defeated Bret HitMan Hart at 14:44! This tied the series up...As it was now up Gerald Brisco to protect the WWF Presidency...***

    Overall: 80

    Crowd: 84

    Match: 73

    5. The Mountie vs. Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels - WWF Title

    Many wrestling purists were really wondering how the WWF was going to go about this match. Ric Flair is one of the most over men in the company, while Shawn is probably the 2nd or 3rd face. But the Mountie, over the last year has improved tremendously, and has been quite the stellar World Champion. JJ Dillon was at ringside for Flair, while Jimmy Hart & Ray Rougeau were at ringside for The Mountie. Ray brought his 'Good Citizen's' Trophie with him. Before the match started, with all three men in the ring, Mountie had something to say.

    The Mountie"Ya know, it's obvious who is worthy of the WWF Title! It's me! The Mountie!!! (He starts pounding his chest with his cattle prod). I mean c'mon...On one end we have a 'Nature Boy', and other the other hand we have a 'Boy Toy'...Why don't you two just get together and have a 'Boy Party!' Hhahahahaahaha!" (Some fans are laughing--but Ray, and Hart are laughing hysterically.) Flair grabs the mic.

    Flair"Listen, Mountie...You don't like me, and I don't like you...but one thing is clear-to a fan: Shut up Jackass! As I was saying...(He starts to strut..crowd goes nuts) One...thing...is....WOOOOO!!!!! So clear!!!! And thats THAT one of us doesn't belong here!!!"They both look over to Shawn...The crowd gives one of those "ohhhh's"...

    **At that point, both the Mountie went for Shawn Michaels...but Ric Flair swerved him, and he and Micheals started to double team the Mountie to a big pop. Mountie was getting thrown all over the ring, for about the next 10 minutes, until he finally escaped to the comforting Arms of Ray Rougeau and Jimmy Hart outside the ring. Hart was yelling random things into his Megaphone as usual. Flair and Michaels then went at it for about 5-6 more minutes before the Mountie got involved again. He was really beat up. Cool spot at 12:43 saw Flair get thrown into the turnbuckle, do his flip over the turnbuckle spot into a savatte kick by Shawn Michaels, sending Flair off the turnbuckle and onto the arena floor. From here Mountie started putting the boots to Flair, and threw him into the steps, to get nice heel heat. Shawn was busy in the ring yelling at Ray Rougeau & Jimmy Hart. Mountie saw this and jumped in the ring, suprising Shawn with his Uranage. That was all Mountie needed to pin Shawn in 15:32. Ric Flair and Mountie battled it out for another 10 minutes until they double clotheslined each other, causing both men to be laid out. At this point JJ Dillon & Jimmy Hart got into a verbal battle, with the two doing a pretty bad impersonation of a wrestling match. Finally the rest of the Horsemen, and the rest of the Canadian Foundation ran down the isle to break it up. At 27:55 Flair got up first and went for the figure four, but Mountie countered it kicking Flair into the ropes--when Flair bounced back off, Mountie caught him in the Urange for the pin! The Mountie has successfully defending the WWF Title!!

    Directly after the match, The Mountie and his brother Ray kept doing 'the Ric Flair Strut' to a hostile crowd. It was even funnier because The Mountie kept falling on purpose, and going 'Whoooooaaaa!!! Whooooaaaaaa!!' Heenan was great here going

    "Hey look it's Ric Flair!" while McMahon tried to ignore him.


    Overall: 80

    Crowd: 89

    Match: 80




    6. Gerald Brisco vs. Terry H. Hogan - For Control of the WWF

    Brisco was dressed in your average sports wear. Of course McMahon kept saying that Brisco was in the best shape of his life. Pretty lame match ring wize--they had to keep it short--but its understandable-here you have a manager that can't wrestle, and Brisco, who retired years ago. But the star power was there so the crowd loved it. WWF President Joel Gertner came out first and announced that if anyone from the Immortals interfered that they would automatically forfeit the match! To be very clear, Gertner listed all of the members of the Immortals, including the Angry Cowboys. Shane McMahon was the ref..but his name was not acknowledged on TV. Match started off with Brisco and Hogan doing a test of strength. Brisco was easily overpowered, and was beginning to loose the match instantly. At this point Vince Russo hit the ring and nailed Hogan from behind with a chair. Hogan no-sold it and turned around to Russo giving his little "No, No , No" hand jesture...some cheered, but most of the arena booed the hell out of Hogan. This led to Brisco kneeing Hogan from behind, to get the upperand. Brisco starting nailing Hogan with non-stiff strikes to the back, but Hogan sold it well. Brisco then threw Hogan into the ropes, but Hogan reversed it and nailed him with the Big Boot, followed by a Leg Drop! 1...2....? At this point Ref Shane McMahon refused to count to three! McMahon made a comment about how 'That official knows where his allegiance lies!' Hogan got up, and was about to nail the ref...then the locker room poored out with WWF Officials. Led by a waiving 60 year old Matchmaker Ted Stanley, came Tony Garea, Jack Lanza, Tim White, The Hebners, Bill Busch, Stan Holiday (Writer), Rene Goulet, and even Canadian Foundation Member Pat Patterson, and Four Horsemen Manager JJ Dillon! They all jumped Hogan to a pretty loud pop. Heenan was going nuts, with Vince asking him 'We have to do what we can!! Anything we can! Do you want them to win!? I sure don't!"

    The Referee, Shane McMahon started doing this 'ghetto' dance, while jabbing at Hogan while the other officials held him up....Here's the final call by Vince Mcmahon and the Brain.

    Final call; by the broadcast team of

    Vince McMahon & Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan

    ...And would you look at this, Brain!!! Look at that Referee go! Giving the punches to Hogan!! And look at this now! Big chair shot by WWF Great Jack Lanza! Hogan is on Dream Street!! The officials are now leaving the ring!

    Heenan" Why are they all celebrating? Brisco hasn't won yet!"

    McMahon" Because its over! Hogan can't get up! He's been mugged! And good for him! The Immortals can't even intefere! The list has been set! And now...there it is! Legendary Tommahawk Thrust Chop by Brisco!!"

    **Suddenly there is a comotion in the crowd. Someone is trying to make their way to the crowd**

    Heenan"Wait a second! Who is...that fan is jumping the railing! I can't see from here!"

    McMahon" Well, I'm sure that security will take care of him...The cover! 1....2.....NO!!! That fan is in the ring, and he's attacking Brisco! Wait a second!! That's no fan!! Thats! KOKO B. WARE???"

    **KOKO executes 3 quick Ghostbusters on the 46 year old Brisco** At this point, WWF Official Katy-Jayne runs to the ring. She was the very official that was paid off by the Million Dollar Alliance to lead Macho King's rival, Sid Justice into a trap. It looks like she was 'influenced' once again..because she is wearing a refs uniform. She orders the first ref out of the ring.**

    McMahon"My god! Did you see those Brainbusters!! And now, look who's coming down the isle! That ungrateful whore! Katey-Jayne Meyers! Oh no! Hogan is now Legdropping Brisco! 1...2...3!!! No!! No!! No!! Terry H. Hogan wins!!"**1/2

    Overall: 73

    Crowd: 86

    Match: 45

    Officials try to come to the save, but its too late. They stop midway in the islway, and watch the ring fill up with the Angry Cowboys & The rest of the Immortals. Terry H. Hogan, Agent Steve Blackman, Hillbilly Jim, Brutus Beefcake, Jean Paul Levesque - The Immortals. And The Cowboys: Robert Fuller, manager Paul Ellering, Cowboy Mike "Hawk" Hegstrand, Cowboy Bob Orton, and Dutch Mantell. They are all Hugging. Terry Hogan gets up, and starts flapping his arms like Koko B. Ware. The crowd is in a state of shock, as they are booing Hogan's and Koko's Mannerisms! The ring quickly fills up with debris as Hogan gets the mic.

    Terry H. Hogan"Hahaha Thats right brothers!!! I told you we would do it! And we have this man to thanks!! Another man that the WWF never appreciated!! The Bird Man", Koko B. Ware!! Hahahahaha!!!! Just when you thought you had all the answers, WWF! You pull this junk about how none of us can interfere, but then every man in a WWF Suit mugs me!! Well I found the answer! And, Brothers, if you try to pull that junk about how you said no-one from the Immortals could intefere, remember, brothers--Koko B. Ware wasn't on that list! So...allow me to introduce the NEEWWWWWW member of the IMMORTALS!!! KOKO B. WARE!" *KOKO TAKES THE MIC**

    Koko B. Ware" (Starts Flapping is arms, crowd boos--Frankie, his bird has been placed on the ring post) Wow! I haven't recieved a responce like that in my whole career! And I don't care either! Because for years, I've always been, 'the happy little black man who runs around with his bird'! And what did I get for it? NOTHING!!! The biggest thing to fame that I've ever seen was a short lived tag team with 'The Rocket' Owen Hart! Owen's in the Big Bad Hart Foundation now! Me? I'm in the VWF!! Oh, what is the VWF you ask? It's the WWF's 'developement territory!' That's right! Koko B. Ware wasn't 'GOOD ENOUGH' the way I was! I was on the 'same level' as: Barry Horowitz, (Crowd Laughs), Iron Mike Sharpe (Crowd Laughs), DUANE GILL!! (Crowd is in an uproar). Hey!! Stop laughing!! Well guess what! I'm back!! And in a big way! With the Newwwwww President of the WWF!! This is 1994! The Year of the BirdMan! Koko B. Ware is back!! This, my friends, is the Year--of the Bird Man. So 'B. Ware!!!

    Koko B. Ware starts flapping his arms. So do the Angry Cowboys and the Immortals. Raw goes off the air...with....yes...Everyone in the ring Flapping their arms like birds...They were enjoying it...but the crow was booing to no end. Terry H. Hogan is the new WWF President. 88%

    Koko B. Ware gained overness from this segment.

    user posted image



    Show Recap

    Buy Rate: 1.92

    The Competition 1.97

    ('94, a big year for Wrestling)

    Card Quality: 77% :)

    Best Match: Ric Flair vs. The Mountie vs. Shawn Michaels

    Worst Match: Hillbilly Jim vs. DWB Tony Anthony

    Feedback WANTED. :):lol:

    Dave Schmeltzer Note: I think Koko got more air time on this PPV than he did, during his whole (short) WWF Career.

  19. Thanks for the comments guys. Keep the comments coming as I'd actually love to answer questions based on decisions that were made somet time ago. It'll help me (and everyone) understand the in depth planning and development on this diary.

    Yea, Lee The Undertaker, is Brian Lee -- The one that really played the part of the Fake Undertaker feud, during the WWF '94/95ish Undertaker vs. Undertaker feud.

    Brian Lee is such a better wrestler than Calloway...so I figured it'll be a bit cool to see how Lee fares in the 'pure [puro] wrestling' that I was trying to build. And of course, he fared fine...until Shangrila.....


    April 21st, 1994 - Fox Sports

    Announcers: Todd Pettengill & 'The Doctor Of Style' Slick

    Black Tiger (Eddie Guerrero) got in a backstage fight before the show started. I think he was bragging to alot of people that he was going to be on the PPV, and many OTHERs weren't, such as Jannetty, Yokozuna, Giant Gonzales...Well...because of that he got pulled off the card. Punishment is tough, isn't it...

    Phat TV opens up with a Quick Highlight Reel of Monday Night RAW this week...

    -Highlight Reel-

    ==Slick getting shoved by the Bossman==

    ==New Jack attacking Dark Patriot

    ==Soundbite of Bruce Pritchard's challenge to 'Mean' Mark Callous

    ==Cowboy Bob Hegstrands deadly attack on Bret 'Hitman' Hart...


    Todd Pettengill"Todd Pettengill here with The Dr. of Style, and Slick..Man o Man!! We are in for a big show tonight! It's the tournament for the SMW Tag Team Titles, just 3 days away from Collission!!"

    Slick (Yelling)" Yeeaaaaahhh! That's right brutha Pettengill!! What would Terry H. Hogan do, if he had the ultimate power in the WWF? Man O Man is right!"

    Todd Pettengill" Well, it could mean you and me could be out of a job! Announcer's aren't safe either! This could be our final run as Broadcasters! Imagine That."

    Slick" Brutha Pettengill--pretty soon, we may not have to wonder anymore! But brutha Pettengill!! Look who's walking to the ring...It's Bruce Pritchard!!!"

    Crowd is booing Pritchard. He's smiling/smircking/frowning...He's in the ring with The Dark Patriot.

    Pritchard (Yelling...his face is getting redder as each minute goes by...)" Good evening! First off, I want to clear something up!! Everyone is asking, Why Pritchard? Why are YOU the man that's bringing in the Undertaker! Why are YOU the man that's aiming at 'Mean' Mark Callous! Well, it's very simple. Because I am the Manager that got stuck with the 'watered down version of 'The Undertaker - Mark Callous. I'M THE LOOSER!!! I LOST!!! Well Dammit I'm not gonna loose this time!!! And more importantly Mark Callous, I'm not going to let YOU, and the time I wasted with you get me Upset!! NO!!! NO!!! NO!!!! (Pritchard is pacing all over the ring, spitting as talking, all over the place) Callous!!! Get out here!!! (Callous is shown in the back. He's watching PHAT TV on a couch eating popcorn..laughing and Bruce Pritchard). Don't you dare mock me!!!! Get out here!! I'm not leaving until you get out there!!! (Pritchard is told off Camera, that he's talked so long that they have to go to an advert break) No!! No!! Keep it right here!!! Dammitt!! I'm not done yet!! Hey! I'm going to---" 81% Bruce Pritchard gained overness from this segment.


    According to sources, Pritchard was supposed to talk put over the Patriot first, then Undertaker second. But he must've forgot his lines.

    Pritchard (At bit Calmer)" Ok, Callous fine! You don't want to answer me? You don't want to respond....Well maybe you'll respond to THIS!!!

    Suddently the Titan Tron changes scenes. It's at a funeral Parlor. All that is seen is a casket. Suddenly..A figure sits up from inside the casket...It's The Undertaker... He's completely dressed into his Undertaker outfit, and talks in a very dark, deep voice:

    The Undertaker: "Callous? Is that you? Of course it is. I can smell the scent of fear from miles away. I can feel the sweat pouring off of your face. You are scared. And you should be. For, on the second day, of the fith month...YOUR BLOOD WILL BE SHED. Rest....In....Peeeeeeeeeccceeeee." He sits back down. The look on Callous's face was pure fright. The second day of the fifth Month? The announcers speculated that he meant May 2nd...which would be the very first RAW after the Collision PPV.... 87%

    Bruce Pritchard gained overness from this segment. The Undertaker gained overness from this segment.


    The Dream Team d. The Nasty Boys

    And, so started the SMW Tag Team Tournament. The general feeling in the company was that the SMW Titles weren't well-known enough to foster a 'long' tournament...So they decided to push it up, just in time for the PPV. Ok match here.Beefcake and Levesque were surrounded by a plethora of unamed men dressed in suits as 'security'. I guess that's a new part of thier 'Dream Team' Gimmick.. Announcers also stated that if Dream Team win, they would be sent to the finals, since this was Technically thier Round 2 Match. Thier 1st match (I believe) was aired on the first Bobby Heenan show. Crowd was starting to really heckle Beefcake and Levesque. The fact that Beefcake is getting over as a heel is a true testiment to the effectivness of the new writers, since most of the wrestling fans in the crowd don't remember Beefcake's last heel run which was during the early to mid 80's. Dream Team advanced, to the finals, and await the winners of 'Bracket 2'.

    Overall: 58

    Crowd: 59

    Match: 58

    Jerry Saggs lost overness from this match. Brian Knobbs lost overness from this match. Jean Paul Levesque gained overness from this match. Brutus Beefcake gained overness from this match.

    We goto the back in the Hart Foundation's locker room. British Bulldog and Dynamite kid are attending to Bret Hart, who seems to be somewhat recoverd from Hegstrand's attack last week. Bret is wearing a neckbrace for Protection....He notices, however, his Brother Owen is sitting on the other side of the room...seemingly sad. He excuses himself from The Bulldogs and starts talking to Owen.

    Bret" Hey. Whats wrong man?"

    Owen "Ah nothing...its just that...I got this match with the Real Americans in the SMW Tag Tourney later tonight. This is MY CHANCE, Bret! This is my chance to be just like you, and to win gold! But...Jim...The Anvil...he hasn't even shown up yet."

    Bret "Yea he's been showing up late to alot of shows here lately. I think WWF President Joel Gertner fired him.....Hey....Listen.....if you need a partner--I'll be your partner tonight. I've got your back, Owen.

    Owen" Bret, no...You've gotta rest that neck for the PPV...that match is more important then---"

    Bret "You know why The Mountie beat me? Who's always by his side? Ray Rougeau. Do you know why they've been so successful here. Because they stick together. We gotta stick together Owen. Family comes first! I'm your partner tonight, Owen!" 78%

    Owen "Thanks, Bret" They Hug. Big 'Awwwww' from the crowd. Slick comically imitates throwing up on commentary.

    Owen Hart gained overness from this segment.


    Cowboy Bob Orton & Dutch Mantell NCOR Steiner Bros.

    This match ended with a no-contest when Kim Chee came running out with The Berzerkers. The Berzkers made short work out of The Steiner Bros, but got in quite the Brawl with Cowboy Orton & Dutch Mantell. Slick was loving every bit of it on Commentary. Both Teams Eliminated.

    Overall: 54

    Crowd: 53

    Match: 56

    Dutch Mantell gained overness from this match. Cowboy Bob Orton gained overness from this match.

    Strike Force d. Headshrinkers

    For this match, and all of the Tag Matches, JJ Dillon watched from the isleway with his team Tully Blanchard & Mr. Perfect--who are NOT in the Tag Team Tournament. Word is that they are next in line for the WWF Tag Team Titles...as some sort of 'New Brainbusters' Team. Must've been Tully's idea. Good to see thier getting the team out there...which pretty much took the fans interest away from the current match. Not all of it though, Strike Force got a nice pop for their finisher and the victory.

    Overall: 59

    Crowd: 58

    Match: 61


    At this point President Joel Gertner came out, and said that due to Bruce Pritchard taking up too much time at the beginning of the show, they were running short on time...But that they didn't want to cheat the people at home, and the people in attendance--so he ensured that Smokey Mountain Tag Team Champions would be crowned! To expedite the tournament he said that a Battle Royal would be held with the remaining teams--The Berzerkers, The Heavenly Bodies, Strike Force, Real Americans and The Hart Foundation. The last two teams would then fight a SEMI-FINAL Match, then the winning team will face the Dream Team later tonight in the finals.


    The Hart Brother's & The Real Amerians won the SMW Tourney Battle Royal in 20:34

    The finals came when Bret and Owen Elimated Dr. Tom Pritchard at 20:11, and Bob Backlund ducked the Berzerker who was lunging at him--causing him to flip over the top rope. Bret and Owen hugged after the match. Bob Backlund & Mike Rotunda, who were standing in the ring, showed thier respect, by applauding their soon to be opponents; The Hart brothers.

    Overall: 57

    Match: 61

    Crowd: 50

    -ADVERTS-Plenty of Them-Tons of Collission Commericals--The showed a little History of WWF Video Piece here. Most of it was--once again--A Gerry Brisco tribute. Crowd popped big. They showed Brisco punching out the Studd, from this week on RAW.


    The Hart Brothers d. Real Americans in the SMW Tag Semi-Final Match

    Greaat Mat wrestling here. Most of the Backlund-Owen stuff was great. Bret also worked well with Rotunda, and Backlund. Final moments of the match saw The Dream Team hit the ring after a ref bump. This prompted a 3 team brawl. Getting the worst out of it, was Backlund who was put into the sleeper by Beefcake, while Rotunda joined fores with the Harts to pummell Levesque. Finally when the ref woke up, and the dust was cleared, all that was left in the ring was a sound asleep Bob Backlund. The crowd was cheering hard for Owen to simply pin him, as he had no idea what went down. The ref counted to the 3 for the victory. Looks like the Dream Team got to the Real Americans again.. The announcers were calling the Hart Foundation tournament winnings, a miracle story. The New Brainbusters were looking on with Dillon, fromt he isleway.

    Overall: 74

    Crowd: 69

    Match: 80


    Alexandria Yorke is with The Taylor Made Man, in an office setting. She's holding a clipboard, having a conversation with 'Her Boss'. We don't see the person that Yorke is talking too, but it seems like its the same office that a very placent, dark Repo Man was at a few weeks earlier.

    <span style='color:red'>Yorke"....Yes Boss. Yes Boss...We understand that we are working for you. Ok......Ok....great....Thank you very much....we will not dissappoint.....Thank you, Boss.

    Announcers speculated who the Boss was once again, going into the next match. 70%

    .::They exit. When The door is closed, the sign on the front reads

    'THE CARTEL'...</span>

    Taylor Made Man gained overness from this segment. .

    Dream Team d. The Hart Bros - To win the SMW Tag Team Titles

    There were numerous 'Dream Team' Guards at ringside, but they were countered by a number of WWF Officials, including Jack Lanza, Ted Stanely, Vince Russo, and of course, Gerald Brisco. Great match, as Levesque had some strong battles with Owen & Bret that got the crowd into it. Finally...Bret wrestled sparsly, as his Neck was starting to bother him...at 16:32, all hell broke loose. The Guards that came with the Dream Team started attacking the officials at ringside. More unamed Guards (all wearing suits and Sun-glasses...kinda like Agent Steve Blackman's Secrect Service Wear) poored out of the back and attacked any and all officials in site. This, all happening once the match was going on. Then, walking, calmy down the isle, were Terry H. Hogan, Hillbilly Jim, Agent Steve Blackman, and the Leader of the Angry Cowboys--Cowboy Mike Hegstrand; bullwhip in hand. Owen Saw Hegstrand, and in protecting his brother leaped out of the ring, straight after Hegstrand. But Hegstrand stepped back, as Hillbilly Jim and Agent Steve Blackman took quick work of Owen. The Referee ran out of the ring, attending to Owen Hart. The annoucners stated that the ref COULD NOT throw out the match, or rule a DQ, simply because of the nature of the Match, being the finals of the SMW Tag Team Tournament. Bret was left for the 'dogs' as they say. The annoucners stated that wrestlers like Sid, Jerry Lawler, Tatanka, DWB--those fighting for the WWF were not in the building. After corning Bret, Bret tried to fight off All of the Immortals but the odds were to uneven. Finally, both Levesque and Beefcake held Bret up, ripped off his Neckbrace, and allowed Hegstrand to nail Bret with his stiff Lariat. That was all they needed to get the victory....

    Overall: 73

    Crowd: 69

    Match: 78--Hegstrand Run in.

    Jean Paul Levesque gained overness from this match.

    After The Dream Team's victory, Hogan ran int the ring, grabbed the mic, and praised Hegstrand to no-end.

    Hogan (Crowd is booing insanely, there are some debris in the ring). Ha..Ha..Ha...Brother, Brother, Brother!!! Hegstrand! Considering what you just for the Dream Team, and the Immortals as a whole--you can consider yourself a good friend--a great ally of the Immortals!!! Dude!! (he is shouting over the jeers from the crowd) This is what it's all about dude!! Right here!! Cowboy Mike Hegstrand, fighting on the side of the Immortals!!! Yea dude!! This Sunday night brotha!!! With Hegstrand, Fuller, Hillbilly, and The Newwwwwww SMW Tag Team Champions on our side, THE WWF PRESIDENCY IS OURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    PHAT TV comes to a close with Agent Blackman feeding officials to Hegstrand for him to nail the lariat on. They tried for Brisco, but he was rescued by the small number of officials who weren't attacked....Unfortunately, the current WWF President Joel Gertner, was....

    Todd Pettengill Ending Soundbit" There is absolute anarchy in the ring!!! Could this be the beginning...of the End?"

    Card Quality: 70

    TV Rating: 7.69

    Feedback is encouraged. Like the card? Hated it? Favourite segment? etc.

  21. user posted image

    April 18th, 1994 -Monday Night Raw -

    Channel: USA Network

    Venue: Golden Dome, Rutgers University-New Jersey

    Attendance: 9,545

    Announcers: Sean Mooney & Bruce Pritchard


    Dave Schmeltzer

    Highlights of the Brisco-Hogan Saga started the show. The segment ended with old footage, of Gerry Brisco getting a victory over an unidentified Wrestler from the 70's. Nice ovation from the crowd followed.


    Sean Mooney"Hello everyone, I'm Sean Mooney, along side with Bruce Prichard...we are live from Rutgers University now just 6 days away from WWF Collision of The Immortals. FIVE MATCHES! ONE WINNER! And that winner gets the most Power Position in the WWF: The WWF Presidency!"

    Bruce Prichard (Yelling)" Mooney! But you wait until what I have to say about the Undertaker! He has his site set on one person, and Thats Mark Callous! And Mark! Tonight, I will show deliver to you, a challenge of a life time! But right now, I have to go and prepare my man, the Dark Patriot for his upcoming match.

    Sean Mooney" Ok, Bruce. Lets talk about tonight's matches. Both the WWF Title is on the line in a 3 way dance! The Nature Boy Ric Flair, gets his shot early, in a 3 way dance against The Mountie, along with Shawn Michaels! Jerry Lawler & Dibiase will go at it! Plus Shawn and Diamond Studd in a falls count anywhere match! What a RAW this is going to be!!!!"

    -The Doctor of Style dumps PHAT-

    We go to the back where Bossman was in the back with Slick. He grabbed Slick and started pushing him around, complaining how Slick wasn't paying attention to PHAT, and paying more attention to his new team; 'The Berzerkers'. After all, he said, they are the WWF Tag Team Champions, and not the Berzerkers. Slick was trying to find an explanation, but was quickly silenced by a shove by Bossman--This turn by the Bossman probably sealed PHAT's reign as Tag Team Champs...and probably sealed Bossman's career. Better for Slick, as he's been getting more over with The Berzerkers. Most of the reaction to this segment came from the announcers. Too bad. 55

    The fans realised that Big Bossman turned not too long ago, and so this time they didn't care so much. Big Bossman lost overness from this turn. Slick lost overness from this segment.

    -The WWF Champion sends a Message to 'The Nature Boy'-

    Pat Patterson is in the ring, and starts talking French, to the New Jersey crowd. Finally after 30 seconds of gibberish, he introduced the Mountie.

    **The Mountie leads the Canadian Foundation to the ring. Jimmy Hart is jumping around yelling 'WWF Champ, Right here baby! Right here baby!' over and over again through his Microphone. Once in the Ring, Raymond Rougeau is standing right next to his brother, along with Jimmy Hart, while the other Canadian Founndation members are in the back of them.

    The Mountie "Woooo!!! Hahahahaha! Tonight, The Mountie has his toughest challenge yet! The combination of, Sid Justice (Crowd cheers), and Ric Flair the Nature Boy (Crowd cheers even louder). Flair, let me explain something to you! (Mountie takes off his glasses, and now has a very serious look on his face. The Mountie is the #1 wrestler in the WWF Today! It's shown Right here! And you see--to me--your puny Four Horseman group is nothing compared to the Canadian Foundation! We have gold? And you have your four fingers. Is that the highest that you can count to? Four? Hahahaha! Now JJ Dillion--A few weeks ago, you punched out the Real greatest mind in Professional Wrestling. Now guess what! For that, Flairs going to have to pay, not only at Collision, but TONIGHT! And Sid? Its obvious that your lips are ironed on to the rears of WWF Suits, so theres no question about how you wiggled your way into a match of this magnitude! But guess what boys? I'm the Mountie!!! The Greatest WWF Champion ever! And, tonight--as always! I will get my man!! Hahahahaha!!" They all exit. All members of the Canadian Foundation are praising The Mountie to no end, on the way back to the dressing room. 76%

    -A 'Fan' attacks The Dark Patriot-

    The Dark Patriot d. Yokozuna

    Yoko missed his bonzai drop at 8:44. This allowed Dark Patriot to race to the turnbuckle, and nail Yoko with his scud Missle shoulder block. After Dark Patriot defeated Yokozuna with the scud missle, a fan wearing all black, and a ski mask leaped over the railing and attacked the Dark Patriot. Fans cheered this act of unpredicabilty, as security raced into the ring to get the Patriot. After he was arrested, his mask was removed revealing himself to be New Jack. The crowd popped lightly. New Jack kept yelling "This is my [beep] country!! This is my home!". Yea. We know, New Jack.

    Overall: 64

    Crowd: 62

    Match: 67

    Yokozuna was sluggish and didn't put much effort in. Yokozuna lost overness from this match. The Dark Patriot gained overness from this match.


    -Bruce Pritchard makes the Challenge to Mark Callous-

    Pritchard remained in the ring, jawing with fans, waiting for the cameras to come back on.

    Pritchard "Well! Still! No sign of Mark Callous! Last year Mark was running around, claiming to be a Horsemen! He was playing with people's minds! But now...He is the one that is being played with!! Callous! I'm issuing a challenge to you on behalf of the Undertaker! Yes. The Reeeeaaall Undertaker. He challenges you to a Casket Match! HIS type of match; not yours! Hehehe! Anytime! Anywhere! Callous! Prepare to be the first victim, of; An Eternity of Executions!" 82%

    Bruce Pritchard gained overness from this segment.

    -Gerald Brisco shows that he's still got it-

    Shawn Michaels d. Diamond Studd - Falls Count Anwhere

    These two had one of the best matches on RAW in a long time. The fans were totally into it from beginning to end. The two didn't get two crazy, as all of the out-of-ring action was kept close to the ring. At 15:05, The Genius came out with Professor Marty Jannetty, to help fellow Million $ Alliance member, Diamond Studd, and to distract nemesis Shawn Michaels. It seems as though the WWF is still holding off on created an exlusive Jannetty-Shawn feud. Probably because of the fan interest in the Studd-Michaels battles that had started while Jannetty was in the VWF. At this point, Gerald Brisco came running down the isle and orderd for the Genius and The Professor to leave the match. Studd, upset, left the ring and started arguing with Brisco. He got so mad, that he pushed Brisco down, causing him to crash hard on the outside. Brisco got up and gave 'That Face', that the announcers said means business. The crowd popped huge for Brisco, as he landed his 'legendary' deadly Tomahawk chop on Studd, who had turned around and was on his way back into the ring. Studd sold it big time, while the crowd went nuts for Brisco. Shawn then pulled Studd up and gave him a Rocker Dropper for the win. Crowd went nuts as Shawn and Brisco took turns doing their victory poses. Brisco did his Indian War Dance. While Michaels Danced. They later switched. Brisco Dancing was kinda wierd.

    Overall: 90

    Crowd: 94

    Match: 84


    -The Angry Cowboys loose a match, but win the Battle-

    Bret Hart & Tatanka d. Cowboy Mike Hegstrand & Robert Fuller

    Word is that JJ Dillon & Russo see Hegstrand as being the 'Stan Hansen' of the WWF. Which, in hindsight is almost what he is, minus having the reputation of Hansen. He's big, powerful, and wrestles stiff. Maybe 2 years ago that might now have worked...but with the style of Wrestlers that the WWF not has on top (Lawler, Dibiase, Savage, Flair, Rougeau), it seems to fit right in. Good thing Animal Retired, so that Hegstrand could get rid of that paint. End of this match saw Fuller submit to the Sharpshooter yet again. However, after thier lost, Hegstrand nearly beheaded Tatanka with a hard crashing lariat. He nailed Bret with an even stiffer clothesline, making his head bounce off the mat as he fell. Ouch. Paramedics flooded the ring and took Bret out. The Hart Foundation quickly ran to the ring, to Bret's rescue.

    Overall: 65

    Crowd: 60

    Match: 70

    Bret Hart lost overness from this match. Tatanka lost overness from this match. Robert Fuller gained overness from this match. Cowboy Mike Hegstrand gained overness from this match. This match suffered because the crowd were still pumped up from the last one, and so this bout was seen as something of a let-down to them.


    -Cowboy Mike Hegstrand leads the Cowboy's on another attack-

    Bret Hart, now wearing a neck brace, is being carried out of the arena and into the back, leading to an EMS truck, while the Hart Foundation is arguing with the Angry Cowboys in the ring. To a big pop, though he is hurt and cannot move his neck, Bret finds the strength to put up a middle finger to Hegstrand. The crowd goes nuts. Unfotunately for Bret, so does Hegstrand.

    Hegstrand "Get 'em Boys!" This order is heard on camera as Paul Ellering, Robert Fuller, Dutch Mantell, start a brawl with British Bulldog, Owen Hart, & Dynamite Kid. Jim Neidhart was recently fired, with no explanation, or no acknowledgement by the WWF. While this brawl ensues, Cowboy Mike Hegstrand orders Cowboy Bob Orton to follow him into..yes...chasing Bret down! They catch him in the isleway and knock him off the stretcher. Despite officials pleading for Hegstrand & Orton to stop, they assaulted Bret even more. Orton held Bret up, as Hegstrand delivered two more deadly Lariats. By now, Bret was screaming in pain, holding his neck. More officials this time led by WWF President Joel Gertnere & Gerald Brisco hit the scene, ordering the Hegstrand to cease the attack and leave the Buidling. He does so. Mooney called Hegstrand, 'a big bully'. What a mess. 90%


    -The Immortals Invade the unoccupied Presidental Office!-

    (Stable take over)

    At this point, with the WWF President outside with a host of officials, appearing on the Titan Tron, in Joel Gertner's office IS Terry H. Hogan (sitting at Gertner's desk with his legs on top of it, making himself at home), Agent Steve Blackman, Hillbilly Jim, & The Dream Team; The Immortals. Mooney commented that the combination of the Angry Cowboys and The Immortals must be stopped. A verbal battle ensues, leading to the next match.

    Hogan (relaxing, eating grapes off of Gertner's table) " Hey brother! I see ya got you're hands full down there. Ya know something, brother. If I were WWF President, I wouldn't let such a casuality happen...(Laughing from the Immortals)

    Brisco" Hogan! I should've known that you and that no talent group of yours were behind this! Don't get too relaxed in that chair--its a chair that you'll NEVER occupy! At the Collission of The Immortals, Hogan, I'm going to show you what made ME a legend, and YOU a Has-been!

    Beefcake "Ok, ok, ok big man! Settle down. You know something, you say we're a no-talent group, well how about we mix some of that 'no talent' with the 'Has-beens' as you say...The Dream Team and Hillbilly Jim, send an open challenge out to ANY WWF combination of Wrestlers!"

    Gertner "I'm tired of this!! I'll fight you! I'll fight you all! Lets go! He's doing that thing with his arms. Crowd popped. Their starting to get into Gertner's character.

    Brisco "No, No Gertner. It's alright. i'll take them on! I'm gonna show you Hogan, what I'm going to do to you at Collision! Suddenly Sid comes out.

    Sid Justice "Brisco, for everything that you have done for me...I too will take the challenge! Dream Team! Hillbilly, get your asses down here right now!

    Jean Paul Levesque Um..hello? Moron? There's three of us...and thiers two of you! Who's your third partner!

    ** With that there is a knock at the door. Brutus Beefcake opens the door. The crowd pops huge for, a returning 'Mean' Mark Callous! Without warning he punches out Beefcake and starts working on Levesque, while Hogan, Hillbilly, & Agent Blackman scatter. It looks like they got a third man! 76%

    Joel Gertner gained overness from this segment. Terry "Hulk" Hogan lost overness from this segment.

    Gerald Brisco/'Mean' Mark Callous (over 79)/ Sid Justice d. The Dream Team & Hillbilly Jim

    The match began with Callous fighting off both Beefcake and Levesque, then led them out into the ring area. Finish saw Jusice nail Levesque with the Power Bomb. He tried to get Hillbilly but the story was that he wasn't 'strong enough' to get the big Hillbilly up. Brisco came in and gave Levesque a Tomahawk chop for good measure and the victory. Callous & Justice held Brisco up on his shoulders, in celebration. Sid was very exhausted from this match...which was the excuse for him not winning the next.

    Overall: 66

    Crowd: 69

    Match: 62


    The Mountie won a Triple Threat v. Sid Justice & Ric Flair

    Sid was elimated first by Ric Flair, at 10:22. The next five minutes saw some pretty good technical wrestling by both the Mountie and Ric Flair. Final moments saw Mountie go for his cattle prod, while Flair was down. But the Referee rushed to it before he could get it. While, Mountie was wrestling with the ref for his cattleprod, JJ Dillion threw Flair bras knux. When the wrestling was over, Flair was about to use the brass knux. But referee Joey Marella saw the knux just in time, and held Flairs arm so that he could not connect with the punch. This allowed Mountie to quickly administer the Uranage for the 3-count, of a solid Main Event Match.

    Overall: 82

    Crowd: 87

    Match: 72

    Sean Mooney Ending Soundbite: "We are just 6 days away from Collision of the Immortals!! Who will win the battle for the Ultmate Power of the WWF Presidency? And will The Mountie be able to thwart off Ric Flair again? This time with Shawn Michaels in the match? It's Collision! And it's only 6 days away!!"

    TV Rating: 7.69

    Card Quality: 70

    The Competition: 8.04


    It's the SMW Tag Team Tournament PHAT THURSDAY!!!


    Feedback is welcome and encouraged.

  22. user posted image

    April 16th, 1994 (Taped)

    Hosts: Bobby The Brain Heenan & Lord Alfred Hayes

    Bobby "The Brain" Heenan and Lord Alfred Hayes are introduced by the returning "Oinkettes", the fat divas of the "Bobby Heenan Show" Heenan trips on the way to the table.

    Heenan"Hello Humanoids and welcome another edition of the Bobby Heenan show! The greatest show since porno itself! I'm your host with Lord Alfred Hayes. Hey Hayes, I told you to stop leaving your clothes around the studio! I almost fell!

    Hayes" Brain, lets get straight to business. We have alot of guests and--

    Heenan" Hey Hey, I know that. Do you think this Brain is a gimmick? Today on the show we have The Real Americans, Slick The Doctor Of Style, and Sid Justice.

    Hayes Do you think Slick will bring those untamed Animals in the studio?

    Heenan" Well, we already have one in there, and he speaks with an English Accent."

    Hayes" I don't know who your talking about, Brian.


    Sid Justice is shown arriving to the Building of the Bobby Heenan show.

    HayesHere he comes...he's on his way. I think we're going to watch a match now. It's a round 1 Match in the SMW Tourney!

    Sid Justice comes out of the Limo, w/ Vince Russo & Gerald Brisco, Paul Bearer, and Johnny Smith as they enter the building.


    Real Americans d. Hart Founation II

    Overall: 59

    Crowd: 52

    Match: 80


    Heenan" So the real Americans advance, huh?. Tell me, Alfrey Boy...HOw many 'Fake Americans' do you know?


    Suddnely the sounds of "Huss" and 'YOU' are heard coming from a distance. It looks like the Berzerkers are on their way into the studio

    Heenan "Oh look Hayes. Now here are some people that you can identify with. Finally people that speak your language---Hello Slick!

    Slick HELLLAAAHHH, mah Brutha Brain!!!! This is the Slickster coming at ya! And I've the next SMW Tag Team Champions right here! The uncontrollable, unpredictible, very dangerous combination of George 'The Animal' Steele & The Berzerker!

    Steele and Berzerker are yelling and screaming all over the studio. They are chasing the Oinkettes around. Kim Chee is following behind them to make sure that they don't get 'out of controle'

    Heenan Well, Alfred Hayes, here has alot of questions for you...so I'll let him go ahead. Alfrey Boy? Its to you.

    Hayes(Suprised--caught off guard." What--um..er...Well Slick. Ever since you joined forces with Kim Chee, the trainer of Kamala..and now apparently the trainer of The Berzerkers, George STeele and Berzerker--

    Heenan" Hayes, I didnt' say to chew his ear off. Just ask him a questoin.

    Hayes "Ok. Ok. Well I was getting to it. Are you still managing PHAT--The WWF Tag Team Champions?

    Slick "Of Course I is, Hayes!! Don't be rediculous! The Slickster is wit P.H.A.T forever bruthaa!!!

    Hayes" Well, there have been many rumours that this is your 'new' team.

    Slick (Getting annoyed) Well, if you got something to say brutha! Then just talk to my men themselves. Kim Chee!! Hayes brotha wants to talk to the Berzerkers

    They running to Lord Alfred Hayes. And are directly in front of his face. So close, that they are spitting and breathing on Hayes when they 'talk'--making Hayes very uncomfortable.

    Hayes Now wait a minute...

    Heenan" Yeah Alfrey Boy. You wanted a face to face, you got it! (He and Slick Laugh)

    Berzerker (Directly in Haye's Face)"Huss!"

    Steele (with Berzerker...rediculously close to Haye's face). "You!! You!!? You?!!"

    Hayes What? Me?

    Berzeker( He starts 'shaking' Hayes.) "Huss! Huss! Huss! Huss! Huss! Huss!

    Steele Steele, kind gives a friendly shove to Berzerker...and starts shaking Hayes, himself. You!!! You!!! You!!! You!!!

    Heenan A little shook up, Hayes?

    Suddenly, Berzerker runs around the Studio, and kicks right threw a closet door. Everyone is amazed at this site. Berzerker is still screaming 'Huss!', and Hayes is still being manhandled by Steele.

    Heenan "Now look what you did Hayes! Now we have to go to a commercial break! Lets look at the Berzerkers in action, from a match earlier this week. We'll be right back!


    The Berzerker gained overness from this segment.

    The Berzerkers d. The Nasty Boys

    Announcers kept playing up the fact that Berzerker always resorts to using those weapons that he brings to the ring. He clobbered Jerry Saggs with his sheild when the Ref was distracted by Brian Knobs, who was going after Slick and Steele.

    Overall: 45

    Crowd: 56

    Match: 39

    Jerry Saggs lost overness from this match. Brian Knobbs lost overness from this match. The Berzerker gained overness from this match. George the Animal Steele gained overness from this match.


    We return to the studio, where they are still cleaning up the mess that was made by the Berzerkers. Sid Justice is shown 'walking down the corridor', w/ Superstar Paul Bearer, Johnny Smith, Vince Russo, & Gerald Brisco, as Heenan and Hayes try to gather themselves.

    Heenan "Well, I hope your happy. Look what you did!

    Hayes" Hey!! I never--

    Heenan Yea yea. Sid Justice is on the way to the studio. Also in this show, the debut of The Taylor Made Man w/ Alexandria Yorke (spelled incorrectly to avoid Lawsuit from our rivals WCW), and, also in action Mark Callous. But first! Hayes, I want you to dance with the Oinkettes into the next commerical break.

    Hayes Wait a minute! I'm not doing that! No way.

    HeenanHayes...it's either that, or an unplanned trip to the dentist, for those fine looking teeth of yours. (Dr. Isaac Yankem is shown, working on a patient, who was placed in a CAGE--because he was 'unruly')

    Hayes relunctantley gets up, and joins the Oinkettes..dancing into the next commercial Break.

    86% (walk down corrider-Sid)

    Mark Callous d. The Exectioner

    Overall: 63

    Crowd: 73

    Match: 64

    Executioner was sluggish and didn't put much effort in.


    We return to the show with Superstar Paul Bearer, Vince Russo Gerry Brisco, Johnny Smith, along with Sid, who are already seated.

    Heenan "Ok, so you have some sort of special announcement for these humanoids, or something?"

    Bearer" Oohhh Yes Brain! Oh yes! After having a meeting with Mr. Russo & Mr. Brisco--good luck on that match against Hogan in a few weeks--Sid Justice has been granted a WWF Title shot! On Monday Night RAW!!!!

    Hayes" Now wait a minute. I thought Ric Flair was getting an early shot at the title on RAW.

    Russo "Thats right, Alfred. But now we have made a little change. You see, I just realized, the Mountie thinks that being the WWF Champion is going to be a breeze. Just because Brisco's busy upholding the good name of the WWF against the attacks of Hogan and his Immortals, doesn't mean that we've forgotten about you Mountie! So there...it's set! This week, Monday Night RAW, live from Rutgers University...We are announcing a Triple Threat Match...Ric Flair vs. The Mountie vs. Sid Justice!!! 84%

    They exit. What an announcement. The Brain takes us to pre-recorded comments from the Real Americans.

    Mike Rotunda "Dream Team...are you that afraid of us, that you had to send your manager, Terry Hogan after us! Well, as you saw, I took quick work of him, proving what everone already knew. Hogan's nothing in the ring! And Dream Team, it looks like you started a fire, that you won't be able to stop!

    Backlund That's right Mike! Brutus Beefcake, if you think that your giving me a haircut then your wrong! And Jean Paul Levesque. Go back to wherever it is that bluebloods stay, because it's not here, in the ring! I tried to warn you, to let you know that where you're at is not a decent start to a wrestling career. But, I guess your just going to have to find out the hard way; The Real American way! Yea! They both give a cheesy thumbs up. 70%

    Jean Paul Levesque gained overness from this segment.


    They show us pre-recording comments from James E. Cornette..basically hyping the fact that Bruce Pritchard will be delivering a 'huge' message from the Undertaker. 77%

    Paul Bearer is still seated at the show with Johnny Smith.

    Heenan "Now, I'm about to wrap the show up...what do you want? If its about the Twinkie thing..Paul I'm sorry. But I just don't eat them!

    Paul "No. Since this Monday's RAW is has shaped up into one of the biggest RAW's ever; I want my man, Johhny Smith to be apart of it! So right here, on the Bobby Weasal show, I am making an open challenge to anyone, to fight my man Johnny Smith! He is pound for pound, the most technically sound wrestler in the WWF today! And that's a fact.

    Johnny Smith"You know what else is a fact Paul? I see 4 lovely Oinkette Divas over there, that are just waiting to dance once again...but I think they wanted to Dance with one named Paul Bearer.

    Bearer" Think so?

    Smith And Hayes...you were good out there earlier...what do you say that we all Dance, for the last part of the show. Brain want to join us? It'll be fun!

    Heenan" I'd rather watch paint dry."

    Hayes Ok then! Our final match is the debut of the Taylor Made Man!! Lets boogie down!

    Smith, Bearer, and Hayes go over to the Oinkettes and dance away this interview segment. This is how the show ended--as always with the Brain ignoring his guests, he remained at his seat shaking his head, as the Oinkettes danced with the three guys. 76%

    Johnny Smith gained overness from this segment. .

    The Taylor Made Man d. The Patriot

    Terry Taylor was out in his new gimmick. Dressed up in a tux, with Alexandria Yorke (also dressed up-Terri Runnels) holding a clipboard..taking notes as the match progressed. Oddly enough, the Clipboard had the label THE CARTEL on it. Wierd. I still have no clue as to where it is that their going with that angle. I'm sure someone knows though. Well, I hope.

    Card Quality: 65

    TV Rating: 7.66


    April 14, 1994 - Fox Sports

    Announcers: Todd Pettengill & 'The Doctor Of Style' Slick

    PHAT TV opens up with the Repo Man talking to someone who is off camera. Oddly, Repo man is not jumping around, not laughing, and not 'snooping' around...he's dressed his normal ring gear, but he's standing still--talking...in a very serious tone...the person that he is talking to is not clear enough to be considered audible.

    Repo Man..Yes Everything is going perfectly boss....Yes that is correct....What?...Oh yes...May Massacre is fine....Yes...Until then we will continue with the plan...

    :: ...Door Closes. The front door reads, THE CARTEL... ::



    James E. Cornette is standing in the ring, ready to deliver another Undertaker Promo. I hear, starting next week, their going to let Bruce Pritchard do the vignettes/promos for the debut of The Undertaker, to get him & over. It is very clear that this Undertaker was going to be a big part of the WWF's future.

    Jim Cornette" I bet everyone here is wondering--James Cornette? Do you have the Undertaker here with you today? Well the answer to that is NO! When The Undertaker comes back you'll know it. But hey...have ya noticed something...Mark Callous has dissapeared. Ever since 2 weeks ago, when 'Meanie' Mark got my letter, he's been running scared--hiding out--looking over his shoulder! Well Mark, From what I understand, The REaaaal Undertaker has a special challenge for you! And to deliver that message will be your manager of a few months--until he realised you were a complete waste of time--(Crowd booes) Bruce Pritchard!!!" 86%

    Phat d. Cowboy Bob Orton & Dutch Mantell - WWF Tag Team Titles

    Seeing Cowboy Bob Orton in a WWF Ring again was great...for some people I'm sure. Just not the people at the arena. Loud "Boring", and "Jerry" Chants. There were also a noticable amount of Ric Flair calls from the crowd. Mooney kept asking Slick why he didn't accompany his team to the ring for this match. Slick said that he will be doing so; "later".

    Overall: 53


    Match: 52


    We are thrown to the back where Gerald Brisco is pacing back and forth--he is anxetious to get into the ring w/ Terry H. Hogan at Clash Of The Immortals. He's with WWF writer or, as they like to say--'Matchmaker"--60 year old Ted Stanley. He made a stop into King Jerry Lawler's locker room.

    Lawler"Haha! Trust me, Brisco. First off you and Hogan are very close in age. (they both laugh, the crowd laughs, and starts chanting "Jerry"). And secondly, you are now an esteemed WWF Matchmaker. Hogan? Hogan's a knucklehead washed-up Wrestler regulated to being a Manager.

    Brisco (Laughing) You are so correct, Lawler! I was one half of one of the greatest WWF tag teams ever! It's not like he's 60, or something.

    They both laugh hysterically at Stanley. Stanley just stands there and shakes his head. Their ribbing on Stanley is interrupted by WWF Intercontinental Champion Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase, joined with Virgil.

    Dibiase "HaHaHaHa!! How funny I seem to see you guys here. You matchmakers are always 'wandering' around--especially with the former Intercontinental Champion, Jerry Lawler. You know, last week Katy-Jayne was 'wandering'...and Sid Stupid decided to follow her! Hahahaha! He got hurt! Do you know why I did that Brisco? Number one:, to show that everybody has a price for the Million Dollar Man! And Number two: Anyone who tries to take away my Intercontintal Championship, will be taken care of. anyone. Hahaha!

    Without warning, Jerry Lawler suddenly leaps onto Ted Dibiase going on a full fledged attack. Virgil tries to save Dibiase, but Lawler, puches Virgil away, and goes right back to work on Dibiase. Brisco and Stanely are trying to persuade Lawler to cease his attack, but Lawler is a man possessed. By now the crowd is going nuts.

    --Lawler was about to nail Dibiase with his patented Piledriver, but more WWF officials hit the lockeroom before he could pull off the move...WWF President Joel Gertner came in and said, that since these two couldn't wait until the PPV, then Dibiase would be defending the title, next week on RAW, live from Rutgers University! 95

    Great segment to upjump at pretty week PHAT TV; ring quality wise.

    Heavenly Bodies d. Rock -N- Roll Express

    Looks like they got Cornette doing some booking now. Pure match straight out of Smokey Mountain Wrestling which the crowd was not into. Luckily, the Segment was saved when The Berzerkers came running down the isle yelling ''Huss', and 'You'...They went lunging at both teams like two untamed Animals..which they are I guess? Berzerker starting beating Ricky Morton with his Sword and shield that he carries to the ring. George 'The Animal' Steele did his flying hammerlock drop to the other 3 wrestlers. After it was over, Slick and Kim Chee went in the ring with Slick dancing into the commercial break.

    Overall: 54

    Crowd: 57

    Match: 45


    DWB Dirty White Boy d. Executioner

    Executioner came out and said that the WWF owes him something for all of his hard work. So he challenged SMW Championg Dirty White Boy. A It was kinda hard to understand. Wow. It's bad enough that Piper has a small accent, but now he's got to talk under that Executioner mask.

    Style had an SMW feel. Defininately Cornette booking.

    Overall: 66

    Crowd: 67

    Match: 64

    DWB Tony Anthony gained overness from this match. The SMW Heavyweight title has gained in image.

    We go backstage to WWF President Joel Gertner's office. They say he's live via satellite from the the 7th floor of Titan Towers. He's with the Mountie.

    Gertner Now, Mountie--

    The Mountie" This had better be good President Germmmm!! Ha! Ha! I should be out fighting crime, and defending my WWF Championship on PHAT TV!! Hahaha!!

    Gertner Well I'd figure I'd give you a week off so that you can prepare for your WWF Title match with Ric Flair next week.

    The Mountie(The crowd is going nuts, many doing Flair 'wooos'. (He takes off his glasses. "You mean until the Pay Per View.

    Gertner" No, No. On RAW. (Crowd cheers--small 'Gertner' chant from cult fans.

    The Mountie What! I'm on a special training program! I cant-- I-- But--"

    Gertner"Think about it Mountie! How great would it be to beat The Nature Boy Twice. (Gernter does that thing with his arms). But I have yet something else that will make you smile...Hogan thinks that he's going to get this WWF Presidential seat? No way! (He directs his attention to the camera, for the Titan Tron)

    --Hogan, I know your the arena tonight! C'mon out to the ring for a little screen-to-face meeting!

    Terry H. Hogan comes out, with the rest of the Immortals stable. He starts to talk but is stopped by Gertner.

    No need to say anything. I just wanted see you get arrested on Live TV.

    Hogan What!! What are you talking---

    GertnerWell, last week on RAW you orhcestrated the fundamentals of 3 Backstage fights. The limit is one per month. You know that, Hogan. C'mon..how long have you been working here, 5; 50 years? I was faced with 3 ways of penalizing you.

    1)Small or Large monetary guarantee

    2)Book you in a match


    I went with three.

    *But seeing in that we can't arrest you and have you available to work for us at the same time, I've come across a little invention that I call The Manager Be Good Cage. I'll have my dentist bring it to you. He created it as a place stick unruly patients. You are to remain in this cage until called upon.

    Dr. Isaac Yankem DDS, who's from the Bobby Heenan show, came down the isle, carring a small Cage to thing. Hogan was livid. The officials warned that if Hogan did not go into the cage, he would be in hindsight, resisting arrest. Police came in the ring, to show that they were serious, and to prevent the rest of the Immortals from helping Hogan escape. And so, we went to the commercial break, as the rest of the Immortals watched thier manager, Terry H. Hogan, was carried away, in a small cage. Todd Pettengill was laughing, Slick wasn't laughing, as he said that this is now a dark day for all managers. 82

    Joel Gertner gained overness from this segment. Terry "Hulk" Hogan lost overness from this segment.


    Proffessor Marty Jannetty d. Tatanka

    Jannetty's manager, The Genius helped Jannetty get the victory by throwing the clipboard in the ring for Jannetty, as Jannetty used it to land his rocker dropper on it. Pettingill was blasting ref Arnold Skaaland from blowing the DQ call. We follow Jannetty and Poffo back to the Million Dollar Alliance Locker room ready for the next Segment.

    Overall: 71

    Crowd: 76

    Match: 60

    The show highlights of last week on PHAT TV, when Sensational Sherri announced that, she was 'pregnant', leading to Shawn Michaels leaving her.They than go into the back to the Million $ locker room where STudd is hugging a 'hurt' Sherri...

    Studd Hey Yo!! Shawn. You try to say how 'I've changed'. How you say you don't want nothing to do with me! Well chico, The Bad Guy wants nothing to do with you!

    He consults back with Sherri, who at this point is sobbing and yelling uncontrollably--obviously faking it. 89

    Sherri "He doesn't even care, Studd!!"

    Studd "He's a womanizer Sherri. And its...people...like...me...who have....to...take care of it....chica.

    Sherri"Make him pay Studd! Please!!!

    Studd Shawn? I'm making the challenge to you! Next week. Monday Night Raw. Shawn and Studd. And Shawn, I want to tear you limb from limb. To teach you a lesson 'old friend'. Last Man Standing!"

    Crowd pops! Next weeks RAW (Live From Rutgers University) looks like it's going to be a hot one! 89

    Bret Hart d. Robert Fuller

    This was a 80's brawling style mixed with Bret Hart...who can work with anyone. So, this match was actually not that bad. Crowd was into it. Fuller even bladed to add to the match. Final moments saw Fuller get distracted by Tatanka, who just stood, watching in the isleway. This allowed Bret to tackle him down, and administer the sharpshooter.

    Overal: 75

    Crowd: 73

    Match: 77


    Mike Rotunda d. Terry H. Hogan

    Mike Rotunda came out with Bob Backlund and started to make fun of Dream Team's manager being regulated to a cage! Thanks to Joel Gertner using his 'power' as WWF President. Crowd was laughing hysterically. Finally, Brutus Beefcake and Jean Paul Levesque brought carried Hogan out (in the 'Manager be good cage', of course). Hogan, dressed up in his suit, but still in the cage, said that he should get to wrestle Rotunda for his 'blatant acts of provoking, brother'. He also said that he should be able to 'prepare' for this Collissions Match/ w/ Gerry Brisco. WWF President Joel Gertner came out with the cage key, and said that 'Hogan learned his lesson--That the WWF Presidency is a very dangerous job....and let him out of the cage. Imagine if he had to stay in there.

    --At 9:45 of another old school type match, Gerry Brisco came running down the isle, slid in the ring, and started to pound on Hogan. The crowd was going nuts and extremely into it. Referee Dave Hebner had no choice but to allow Brisco to do what he wants, as he's obviously a high ranking WWF Official. Mike Rotunda then nailed Hogan with his somoan drop for the victory. AFter the victory, Brisco did his Indian War Dance which got a huge pop from the crowd, leading to the end of PHAT TV.

    Overal: 75

    Crowd: 73

    Match: 77

    Terry "Hulk" Hogan lost overness from this match. Mike Rotunda gained overness from this match.

    Card Quality: 67

    TV Quality: 7.64

    Raw Preview

    -WWF President Joel Gertner has made these matches!

    --WWF Title - Mountie (Champion) vs. Ric Flair

    --WWF I-C - Million Dollar Man (Champion) vs. King Jerry Lawler

    --Last man Standing Diamond Studd vs. Shawn Michaels


    The SMW Tag Team Tournament continues.....complete bracking listing in my next post....

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