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Posts posted by ChuBalso

  1. March 9th, 1994

    Road Agent Gerald Brisco"Hey Boss, we have a 'talent' problem. Our Main Eventers and Upper cards are now nicely evened out....but as seen from RAW earlier this week, we have a severly mediocre undercard. Our young stars like, Reno Riggans, PJ Walker, Barry Hardy, and Scott Talylor are not as nearly as over as they should be to be put on TV

    What are you saying, Brisco?

    Lets hire some people for our Midcard. The people that we have in are midcard don't want to job...OR...we have plans for them, so having them job would not be in our best interest...and like I said...the guys in the VWF development territory need ALOT of work.

    Ok. That's fine. Goodbye. (He doesn't leave)

    I'm looking into a crstal ball, boss....and I see 'The Dark Days of The WWF' approaching. But we can change that with THE ANGLE that will ge everyone talking....and that will get us back into the Ratings victory booth.

    What do you suppose we do?

    ::he wispers in my ear...just incase someone else is eavsdropping::

    WHAT!!!! No! No! No! No! I don't care what Savage or Michaels says!

    But Boss...this is 'the angle' that we need. Look at this note from the Finance Dept...we've been making money for the last 6 months straight....We are fine...Now it's time to use that profit....Hey...Javert---think of it this way...there are alot of people out there on the unemployed list that are looking for jobs....and if we can use'em lets do it. Lets get'em before WCW gets them. Look at what happened! They just signed Ultimate Warrior, and there ratings have sky rocketed!!!

    (Brisco had a good point. Not only were we loosing the rating's war, but our lack of a solid midcard was killing our shows. We needed to put on matches...that may not be great physically...but the crowd CARES about them....people CARE about it.....thus helping our overall quality......)

    Ok Brisco! Get me the rosters to Eastern Championship Wrestling, Smokey Mountain Wrestling, and the GWF......Lets get this ball rolling....and as for that Wrestlemania angle...don't you think we have enough 'debuts' for Wrestlemania...we got the Genius debuting---

    I know! But this is Wrestlemania! The start of a NEW ERA! We've almost come full circle now! Look! The Mountie is in the Main Event, and Jerry Lawler is the top face (when it comes to overness+ring talent)....no one can follow a Jerry Lawler match! It's been proven!

    Ok ok fine. But this 'Angle', that you proposed to me. It's all fun and games...but you look through that free agent list....and you give me TOMMOROWS BIG STAR.....and we'll go from there......

    ::Paul Bearer Walks in, with Johnny Smith...most noted for his success in All Japan Pro Wrestling::

    Hello, Superstar. Hello, Johnny, welcome aboard. From what I understand, you're an amazing wrestler, but you've spent your time working in All Japan, so you're not very charasmatic. Thats why we've paired you with Superstar Paul Bearer. You'll be making your debut tommorow on WWF PHAT TV. I don't know who you're opponent will be, probably -- someone who you can work with....probably a new jobber hire......

    Oh!!! Brisco...we need a new Commissioner...Jack Tunney is a stamp of 'Yesteryear'. Any ideas?

    Hmm Well, yes boss, there's this charasmatic Ring Announcer/Manager from Eastern Championship Wrestling....he's 22...his name is Joel Gertner.

    Hmmmm. He may be able to make things interesting....Lets try to get him locked in for Wrestlemania '94.

    Now, onto that 'angle'...I'm going to get on the horn now....he's not going to be to happy to hear my proposal though...this has NEVER been asked of him before....

    .::Closes Door::.

  2. user posted image

    March, 7th 1994 -Monday Night Raw -

    Channel: USA Network

    Venue: Manhattan Centre, New York

    Attendance: 7,4321

    Announcers: Sean Mooney & Brother Love


    Dave Schmeltzer

    Raw starts on the air with the Million Dollar Man with Virgil, 'live' from one of his many estates in Miami, Florida. He's walking around his mansion, and sites that this 'is the way that a true champion lives'. He then says that later this week on PHAT TV, he will go to Memphis, Jerry Lawler's hometown and see how nice life is there....that should be funny. 91%


    The Steiners d. The Hart Founation II

    Rick Steiner won with the Steiner line at 19:54. After the match, The Genius came running down the isle.

    Overall: 66

    Crowd: 58

    Match: 75

    -The Genius talks about 'HIM'-

    The Genius came out with this poem;

    The day is Wrestlemania 24, live from Toronto,

    What I found, wasn't even sene by the mighty Columbo,

    But the world will know on the 24th of March,

    Because the Genius Brings you a taste of Professor Starch!

    60% What?

    The Genius gained overness from this segment


    Steve Corino d. George The Animal Steel

    I know the WWF has quite a heafty roster, but with their money they should be able to hire some people who can do decent matches. George "The Animal" Steele really hurt this match with his lack of selling.

    Overall: 60

    Crowd: 68

    Match: 43

    George the Animal Steele basically no-sold everything, which ruined the match.

    -P.H.A.T. says the Steiners are too 'Wack'=

    Slick was backstage with the Steiners being interviewed by Ron Bartlette. Slick was doing all the talking saying that the 'Steiners' were to 'wack' to be WWF Tag Team Champions. As he was talking, Akeem, Earthquake, PHAT Meanie danced around while Bossman twirled his nightstick around, and Kamala ran around screaming and yelling with his trainer Kim Chee chasing after him, once again. 70%

    Akeem gained overness from this segment.

    Mr. Perfect d. Lex Luger

    After the match, Ric Flair, JJ Dillon, Tully Blanchard and Steve Corino started yelling at Lex Luger for loosing ANOTHER match.....they argued into the commercial break

    Overall: 66

    Crowd: 77

    Match: 43

    Lex Luger was sluggish and didn't put much effort in. Lex Luger basically no-sold everything, which ruined the match.

    -Luger gets kicked out of the Horsemen-

    We return to the back where JJ Dillon and Ric Flair are still yelling at Lex Luger. While arguing, Paul Bearer comes into the locker room, and says that Lex Luger is 'A Superstar', and doesn't deserve this. Paul Bearer then told Lex to come with him....Paul was wearing a shirt that read 'SuperStar Paul Bearer'

    Lex Luger gained overness from this segment.

    Slick had a Dance off with The Executioner. Piper obviously doesn't want to remain in the WWF, they are burying him to no end.

    Overall: 43

    Crowd: 48

    Match: 34

    Executioner was sluggish and didn't put much effort in. Executioner lost overness from this match. Slick gained overness from this match.


    -Savage Warns 'The Entire WWF'-

    Randy Savage was backstage with Diamond Studd and started talking about how the WWF would be very sorry...Here's what he had to say;

    "OHHHHHHH YEEEAAAAAAAAAh! March 24th!! 1994! Wrestlemania 94! Live From the Air Centre! Sid Justice!! If you think that I'm going to pass the torch to you, Ohhhhh NOoooooo....you are sadly mistaken! I don't care what the rest of those WWF Suits think or say! But I do know this! That at Wrestlemania, you're little schannigans which started last month with the WWF Officials have had severe reprecutions that cannot be reversed! And it happens at WRESTLEMANIA!!!! Watch this!

    Titan Tron:

    'Their's 10. Their Angry. Their Evil....and Their Back......'

    The video was then cut short by Gerald Brisco who was with 'Superstar' Paul Bearer & Sid in the production room. I think thier pairing Bearer with Sid now. Well, it's about time that they actually USE Paul Bearer. 78%


    -The Canadian Foundation share some laughs-

    We goto the Canadian Foundation locker room, where the Mountie is looking at a Tape of Bret Hart defeating the Diamond Studd with help from WWF Suits.

    The Mountie had the line of the night here; "We don't need men in suits to help US win!! (Then they all look at Pat Patterson)

    Mountie joined, brother Ray Rougeau as Ray was looking at old tag team matches of him teaming with Jim Neidhart. He then comments on how he carried Anvil during each match. Ray commented that carrying a tag team is hard these days. Mountie then laughed, and said that he had to goto the ring for his first 'Wrestlemania Warm Up Match'. 83%

    Raymond Rougeau gained overness from this segment.

    -The Mountie calls out his Man-

    Mountie "So here we are! I'm the Mountie!!! (Crowd boos)..Your next WWF Champion! And each night, live, here on WWF RAW, I will be battling a WWF Legend...a WWF great.....a formidable force in this ring!!! And tonight--well? Suprise me boys!!!

    **Out comes Test Martin and Carl The Quebecer, the are dragging manager 'Superstar' Paul Bearer down the the ringside. The cut to the back, where Bearer's wrestlers, Sid Justice and Lex Luger have been locked in their locker rooms....**

    Ohhh Look! It's a 'Superstar!!!'. Paul Bearer, C'mon down!

    The Mountie d. Paul Bearer

    Mountie pretty much had his way with Paul Bearer....Mountie kept yelling 'C'mon Bret!', to Paul Bearer...this should make PHAT TV interesting.....

    Overall: 65

    Crowd: 80

    Match: 32

    The Mountie gained overness from this match. Paul Bearer didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating.

    As RAW went off the air, Sean Mooney screamed;

    "What a Heinous act by, the man who could be the next WWF Champion, Jacques "The Mountie" Rougeau!!!!"

    Show Quality

    Card Quality: 65 :angry:

    TV Rating: 6.81

    The Competition

    WCW Monday Night WAR 7.32 :angry:

    I knew it was time for a change.....and that change begins now....and culminates at Wrestelmania 94.....


    March 3th, 1994 - Fox Sports

    Announcers: Todd Pettengill & 'The Doctor Of Style' Slick

    "...You a jive soul bro a jive soul bro and you alway's lyin to yo friends, you a jive soul bro, a jive soul bro and ya never get nothin in the end..."

    Slick's music played as new WWF hiree, announcer Todd Pettingill stood there like an idiot waiting for Slick to come out. Slick came out with 4 members of P.H.A.T (or 6 depending on how you look at it), Akeem & Big Bossman, the WWF Tag Team Champions, the PHAT Meanie, and, Kamala who was running around screaming as his trainer, Kim Chee chased after him. Slick told Pettengill that he heard that he worked at a radio station, and that no other announcer would be most suitable, to be his partner, than the Slickster. Slickster then said that he is challenged Executioner to a Dance off next week...the rest of PHAT then went down to the ring, for the fist match.... 70%

    PHAT d. The Real Americans - WWF Tag Team Titles

    PHAT 'danced' all over the Real Americans...Funny spot saw Bob Backlund and Mike Rotunda imitate PHAT's dancing while on offense. The Steiners were looking on, from the isleway....

    Overall: 61

    Crowd: 58

    Match: 64

    We goto the back where Rick Martel is looking at himself in the mirror. Out came the Mountie w/ Jimmy Hart, they were both singing "We're not the Mounties..." Mountie made a comment about how most male models who get involved in wrestling must be gay. Rick Martel didn't like this very much - He said to Mountie, "I don't know what Bret saw in you, but just like him and Anvil...I've had enough of your Canadian Foundation! Goodbye! I'm going to see how Bret's doing.... Mountie followed up with a witty response which had the crowd laughing:

    "Is it because I'm not Gay? Ha! Ha! Ha! Jimmy Hart & Mountie laughed their way, into the first commercial break.

    Rick Martel's turn was completed, and he is now a face. Rick Martel gained overness from this turn. The Mountie lost overness from this segment.


    Jerry Lawler d. Mr Perfect via DQ

    Virgil and Dibiase put an end to this match by interfering, putting the boots to Lawler....Mr. Perfect punched out Virgil for interfering in the match, but Dibiase cooled Perfect down with a few Ben Franklins, sending Perfect to the back, happier. Dibiase verbally abused Lawler, as Virgil locked in the Million Dollar Dream. Dibiase screamed about how 'an I-C Champion shouldn't be someone who was born in a hick town like Memphis, Tennesee'....Yes, he said 'Hick Town'. Dibiase said that starting next week on Monday Night Raw, up until Wrestlemania '94, he's going to show the differences between living like a 'Million Dollar Man', and 'A Guy from Memphis'....Looks like their doing the Kaufmann angle on WWF TV. Dibiase got amazing heel heat. Great match....I think the WWF may have stumbled on what could be a classic feud.

    Overall: 82

    Crowd: 88

    Match: 70

    Jimmy Hart came out with the Canadian Foundation - The Mountie, The Hart Foundation II (Christian Cage & Adam Copeland), Test Martin (new name of Andrew Martin), Carl The Quebecer and thier advisor Pat Patterson. Jimmy Hart talked for the Mountie saying how they used Bret Hart to get them where they are now, and that the Hart Era was over -- as it was time for 'The Mountie Era'....Mountie took the mic, and said that he will be praticing every week on RAW for his championship match at Wrestlemania '94....Pat Patterson also added that he has a plan that will lead to a definite Mountie victory at Wrestlemania...then crawled under the ring. Wierdo. 70%

    Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima d. The Nasty Boys

    Brother Love returned with Hiroyoshi Tenzan, this time with New Japan partner Satoshi Kojima. They ended the match with a 'Kojima Cutter', by Kojima, followed by a Tenzan Moonsault. This match (as it seems every match following Jerry Lawler) was plagued with "Jerry" chants....They have to push Lawler to the Main Event...or this is going to continue to happen...After the match Brother Love said that next week on RAW, he would have Sid Justice as a guest.

    Overall: 55

    Crowd: 46

    Match: 64

    Jerry Saggs lost overness from this match. Brian Knobbs lost overness from this match. Hiroyoshi Tenzan gained overness from this match. Satoshi Kojima gained overness from this match. This match suffered because the crowd were still pumped up from the last one, and so this bout was seen as something of a let-down to them.


    Ludvig Borga DDQ British Bulldog

    This was the return of Ludvig Borga from the VWF, the developement territory of WWF. Ludvig looked bigger, and had much better mic work, in his run-down of America speech. This was a solid match, as 10 min into the match, both men got frustrated and started using weapons. The referee threw out the match.

    Overall: 74

    Crowd: 78

    Match: 68

    'Nature Boy' Mark Callous d. Lex Luger

    Yes, you read right. Callous came dressed up as Ric Flair...he had a white wig on, along with a Ric Flair robe on. After each move, Callous strutted around the ring and started screaming, ala Ric Flair. After his victory, via the Heart Punch, Callous did a 'Flair Promo'...except he messed up on his closing line; "And brother! Whether you like it! or Don't! You gotta live to learn it! " What? Wrong! Maybe he did it on purpose. Needless to say, the crowd laughed anyway.

    Overall 71

    Match: 75

    Crowd: 64

    Lex Luger was sluggish and didn't put much effort in


    Shawn Michaels d. Macho King Randy Savage via Count-out

    Vince Russo came out with Michaels and hyped him up, calling him the WWF's top prospect. Crowd popped huge for this. Russo's admiration speech was cut by Macho King attacking Michaels starting the match. Savage was about to land the Macho elbow on Michaels, at 18:55 of a great match, but then Russo grabbed the mic; " Hey Savage! If you think that the WWF was unfair to you, well here's what we're going to do! We're going to start your career all over again! A clean slate! Next week, on Monday Night Raw, you, will wresle, one on one -- The debuting....PIG MAN!!!!! (Jobber Ross Greenberg under a mask) The crowd laughed loudly. Savage, instead of droping the elbow, simply jumped down to the mat and walked out.

    Overall: 86

    Crowd: 92

    Match: 75

    Shawn Michaels was sluggish and didn't put much effort in.

    We goto the back where Hotstuff Eddie Gilbert grabs Sean Mooney, and tells him to 'follow him'. He leads us into Yokozuna's locker room. We see all of Yokozuna's Sumo Trophies...the crowd cheers Yoko's hard work...Gilbert, then lights them all on fire.

    "What a heinous act by Hotstuff Eddie Gilbert!! ", screamed Sean Mooney. 68%


    Bret Hart d. Diamond Studd - WWF World Title

    Bret Hart came to the ring with the Hart Foundation; British Bulldog, Jim Neidhart, Owen Hart, Dynamite Kid, & Rick Martel. Hart replied to Mountie's earlier comments saying that, Mountie didn't gain anything by 'using' Hart. Hart added that even though the Mountie won the Royal Rumble earlier this year, he still isn't good enough to be WWF Champion.

    --The announcers made it very clear that Macho King left the building - upset with Russo's latest 'decision'. The ring was surrounded with WWF Officials; Gerald Brisco, Vince Russo, Tony Garea, Ted Stanley -- one on each corner of the Ring. Apparentely there to make sure Studd doesn't get out of line, again. They spent the whole match interfering to Bret's aid....the crowd popped each time. The final moments of the match saw Gerald Brisco jump in the ring, doing Hulk Hogan poses for the crowd. While referee Earl Hebner watched Brisco, in confusion, Vince Russo hopped in the ring with a chair, cracking it over the head of Studd! Crowd popped big for WWF Suits getting their revenge on Studd. After Bret got the victory, WWF Officials leaped and jumped in victory on there way back to the dressing room, as they showed a clip of announcer Sean Mooney (who was attacked by the Studd a few weeks ago) applauding thier actions...

    **As Bret Celebrated his Title Defense, Pat Patterson, appeared from underneath the ring, with a chair nailing Hart accross the back. Before the other members could retaliate, the rest of the Canadian Foundation took them out with chairs of their own, emerging from the crowd. All except for the Mountie. As they continued to pummell the Hart Foundation with chairs, the Mountie, continued along down the isle with Jimmy Hart & Ray Rougeau, singing -- Jolly as usual....

    "Hart! At Wrestlemania....After I win that WWF Title, we're going to sing the song the right way....but for now;

    'We're not the Mounties...We're Handsome, We're Brave, We're Strong!

    (Ray Adds in -'Not like Bret Hart')

    We're not the Mounties...and We Enforce the Law!!

    (Jimmy Adds in - 'Not like Bret Hart')

    You Can Always Run, But you can Never Hide!

    (By now, Mountie is in the ring, and begins screaming to a bloodied Bret Hart, as the other members are restrained by the rest of the Canadian Foundation)

    Cos' I'm the Mountie!!! And I aways get my MAN!!!!'

    Raw went off the Air with colour commentor Slick trying to get broadcast partner Todd Pettengill to start dancing to the Mountie's song, as the Mountie raised his hand 'in victory' over a fallen and bloodied WWF Champion -- Bret Hart

    Overall: 86

    Crowd: 87

    Match: 85

    The WWF World title has gained in image.

    Card Quality: 69

    TV Show Rating: 6.81

    keep those predictions/views coming!


  4. March 1st 1994 - Tuesday - Staff Meeting

    We had quite the plane flight back to the US. Shawn Michaels isn't talking to anyone....word is that he's really pissed, at the way he's been used since Russo & Dillon took over. I did warn everyone that they wanted to take the company in a different direction...but Shawn has a reason to be pissed...ever since he split up with Jannetty again, he has become one of the most popular wrestlers...Anywhere, on ward with the meeting.....

    Shane McMahon - The Company - Public Image 67%

    Funds - $26,824,460 (+4 Mil Profit from last month)

    Wages - Approx. $9,000,000 Total (+1mil approx from last month)

    Mechandise - $2,000,000/m Superb

    Advert Costs - same as above

    Production Values - 100%

    Risk - 35%

    Gerald Briscoe - The Talent - Total Roster 99 (+8, from last month) (Overness included)

    Main Eventers


    The Mountie 84 (+1)

    Macho King Randy Savage 93 (-3)


    Ric Flair 91

    Lex Luger 65 (-11)


    'Mean' Mark Callous 89 (-6)

    Sid Justice 90

    Bret Hart 90 (-6)

    Upper Carders


    Mr. Pefect 89 (-2)

    The Diamond Studd 90 (+1)


    Chris Chavis 87 (+2)

    Yokozuna 87 (-5)

    Hacksaw Jim Duggan 74

    Shawn Michaels 92 (+2)

    King Jerry Lawler 90 (+2)_

    Gentle Giant Gonzales 77 (-3)



    Akeem 61 (-3)

    Big Bossman 69 (-3)

    Old Skool Steve Corino 72 (+2)

    GrandMasta Earthquake 72

    HotStuff Eddie Gilbert 72

    Ray Rougeau 73 (+2)

    Ted Dibiase 85 (+2)

    Martey Jannetty (83)

    Ludvig Borga (70)


    Brian Knobs 72

    Jerry Saggs 72

    George The Animal Steel 74 (-4)

    Bob Backlund 62 (+2)

    Mike Rotundo 59

    Dynamite Kid 70

    Jim Neidhart 83 (-1)


    JJ Dillon 91 (up from 72!)

    Slick 66 (up from 45!) (+5)

    Jimmy Hart 75

    Kim Chee 40

    Jack Tunney 78

    Sherri Martel 65

    Brother Love 71

    Looking at this list from Gerald Brisco revealed alot. For one, Jerry Lawler, has been pushed nicely into the top card...Sid Justice has slipped into a Main Event spot, as an Upper Carder....Mean Mark Callous has lost some heat over the last month...looks like we're going to have to turn it up...we'll push his heart punch.... In the Heel dept., The Mountie needs a bit more work before he's ready for his Main Event Match at Wrestlemania....Ted Dibiase, oddly has gained overness, we have big plans for this charasmatic veteran leading into Wrestlemania preparing him for his I-C, match. Mr Perfect, though neglected, has maintained his solid overness...and we'll be doing alot more to keep him in the fray...

    In the lower echeleon of things, our Tag Team Champs have lost overness, but they've been starting to gain it every since the PHAT gimmick started...Thier manager Slick has been getting himself over nicely....

    Pat Patterson- Booker of Valiant Pro Wrestling - Development -28 workers

    Reno Riggins (+5 Over. +2 Stiffness)

    Beverly Brothers

    Barry Hardy

    Damien Demento (+4 Over)

    Demolition Crush

    Demolition Nova (+2 Over)

    Doink the Clown

    Harvey Wipplemen (+5 over)

    Reno Riggons (+2 Over, +1 Charisma)

    Ludvig Borga (+1 over, +2 Charisma, -3 Stiffness) (Perfect!! -Now he has 70 over, 96 Stiffness, and 80 charisma!! breaking 80 on the charisma scale is very important to help him get over! --Called back up)

    Iron Mike Sharpe (+1 over, +1 Charisma)

    Papa Shango (+3 Over, +2 Brawl)

    PJ Walker (+2 Over +2 Charisma)

    Marty Jannety (Recalled)

    Mike Barton (Recently Signed) (+1 over)

    Paul Roma (same as above) (+1 Charisma)

    Vampire Warrior

    Kamicazki Kid (sp) (+5 Over +2 Charisma)

    The Genius (To free Mr. Perfect)

    Headshrinkers w/ Afa (Called up)

    Brother love/ Hiroyoshi Tenzan (Called up)

    Satoshi Kojima (Called up)

    Tony Garea - Road Agent - Woker Notes

    Top 5 Faces

    Shawn Michaels (up 3 spots)

    Sid Justice (up 1 spot)

    Bret Hart (last month #2 heel)

    Jerry The King Lawler

    Mean Mark Callous (last month #1...during his '4th Hoursman' angle)

    Top 5 Heels

    Macho King Randy Savage

    James J. Dillon (Everyone hates the manager of the Horsemen!--His Heel turn helped alot)

    The Diamond Studd (up #1 spot)

    Mr. Perfect

    Ted Dibiase (His George Steele antics helped him)

    Unhappy Workers

    Yokozuna 29% morale (-2)

    Shawn Michaels 9% (-8)

    The Executioner (Roddy Piper) 23% (up from 17!)

    Lex Luger 21% (Sorry Lex, but you suck...no Lex Express plans for you....)

    JJ Dillon & Vince Russo- Head Writers - Image Titles & Feuds

    --WWF World - 83 (-10) - Bret Hart (Ric Flair's month...Grrrr)

    --WWF I-C 84 (+4) - Jerry Lawler

    --WWF King - Jerry Lawler 62

    --WWF Tag - P.H.A.T (Bossman & Akeem) 62 (They haven't been defending it! Time to show that PHAT are PHAT Tag Team Champions....)

    --Million $ title- 48 - Ted Dibiase

    --Good Citizens Belt - 50 -Ray Rougeau (This is that Trophy that Ray Rougeau 'Claims' he got from 'his fans' in France...I dunno, he wants to come out with it every night....)

    Starting next week on RAW...we're going to have Bret Hart defend the Title every week on RAW, in 'preparation' for his match against the Mountie...likewise, we will have The Mountie have 'practice' matches on our other TV show, 'WWF PHAT' (See Tommy Carlucci...) - This will get the value of the belt back up, while getting both he challenger and the champion over in the process!!

    *denotes initial starting heat


    PHAT vs. Steiners - WWF Tag Team Titles 69*

    The Mountie vs. Bret Hart 89*

    Mean Mark Callous vs. Ric Flair (90) (Down from 100--Well, this has been a 6 month feud..time to pick it up!)

    Jerry Lawler vs. Ted Dibiase 81*

    Macho King vs. Sid Justic 95*

    Yokozuna vs. HotStuff Eddie Gilbert 67

    Shawn Michaels vs. The Diamond Studd 100*

    Ray Rougeau vs. Jim Neidhart 81*

    Vince McMahon -Head Honcho- The Competition

    WCW - 72% - Global - Top 5



    Rick Rude

    Ron Simmons (moved up 1 spot)

    Arn Anderson

    ECW - Tod Gordon -79% - Regional - Top 5

    Terry Funk

    Jimmy Snuka

    Paul Heyman

    Tito Santana

    Kevin Sullivan

    Ed Ferrera - Writer - Our Friends

    Global Wrestling Federation- Gary Pierson -76% - Regional - Top 5

    D-Von Dudley

    Iceman Ice Pierson

    Rod Price

    Rick Titan (Word is he's impersonating the Diamond Studd)

    Alex Porteau

    *We stole Carl Oulette from them, thier top star....Donated money as a token of good will...again...

    Piledriver Wrestling - Bruce Hart -46% - Small - Top 5

    Little Guido

    Robby Rage

    Jerry Flynn

    Chad Fortune

    Colorado Kid




    Taco Bell


    Other Friends

    You, The Diary Reader :)

    Tom Carlucci - Production & Television -

    WWF Raw - Announcers Sean Mooney & Brother Love

    Highest Rating: 6.90 (RAw before Arsenal)

    Lowest Rating: 5.82 (Sometime in '93)

    Last Rating: 6.88 (The recap RAW after Arsenal, autobooked...)

    Carlucci informed us that we have renewed the contract for 15 more weeks....

    Also, Premiering this Thursday (and the next show) is the new TV Show just signed on FOX SPORTS!

    WWF PHAT TV - Announcers Todd Pettingill & 'Doctor of Style' Slick

    Accoring to Carlucci, this Todd Pettingill guy we just hired--he's a DJ for WPLJ, a top 40 radio station...this should be interesting....We have an announcer doing commentary, with a manager who manages 'rappers'...should be an interesting Thursday!!

    ::meeting adjourned::

    -keep those predictions/comments coming!!!- Also, any ideas? Feel free to share!-

    Next update, Live on Fox Sports Thursday Night, 9pm - 11pm, the Premiere of; WWF PHAT TV!

  5. user posted imageuser posted image

    Live, March 24th 1994...From the Air Canada Centre, Toronto Canada!!

    Wrestlemania '94



    user posted imageVS.user posted image

    The Mountie vs. Bret Hart (Champion)

    [No one is allowed at Ringside!]


    Special Guest Referee; Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam!

    user posted imageVS.user posted image

    Macho King - vs. - Sid Justice

    w/ Sensational Sherri - - w/ WWF Matchmaker Gerald Brisco


    user posted imageVS.user posted image

    Ric Flair - vs. - Mark Callous

    w/ JJ Dillon

    A Canadian Civil Cage War!

    The Canadian Foundation


    <span style='color:red'>The Hart Foundation!!</span>

    user posted image & user posted image VS. user posted image & user posted image

    Ray Rougeau & A Mystery Partner vs. Jim Neidhart & The British Bulldog

    WWF Intercontinental Championship - 3 way Elimination!

    user posted imageVS.user posted imageVS.user posted image

    Ted Dibiase - Jerry Lawler (Champion) - Mr. Perfect

    #1 Contendors Match for I-C Title!

    user posted imageVS.user posted image

    The Diamond Studd vs. Shawn Michaels (w/ WWF Matchmaker Vince Russo)


    user posted imageuser posted image VS. user posted image

    P.H.A.T. (Tag Team Champions) The Steiner Brothers

    Make-Over Match!!

    user posted imageVS. user posted image

    Hotstuff Eddie Gilbert - Yokozuna

    Plus, A performance from Pearl Jam!!!

    R U READY?

  6. The Major League Of Professional Wrestling Presents The Night Of Champions Day 1

    Network: PPV

    June 1rd, 1986

    TV Announcers : Larry Nelson, Lee Marshall, & Verne Gagne

    Referees: Al DeRusha, George Eakin, Mike Enos, Wilf Caron, Scott LeDoux, Nick Patrick

    -by Dave Schmeltzer

    After an hour of dark matches, the first of two, “Night Of Champions”, put together by Verne Gagne, Fritz Von Erich, and a few other local promoters, opened up for broadcast, with a quick opening sequencing, followed by Larry Neslon hyping the card, noting the sellout crowd at the Joe Gashe Arena.

    Larry Nelson: “ Hello Wrestling Fans, and welcome to…it’s the night we’ve all been waiting for, Night Of The Champions! Are you ready, Texas!? [*Crowd Cheers. Lee Marshall joins Nelson*] Are you ready for day one of [*holds up the ‘peace’ symbol*] two spectacular nights of professional wrestling! And, here he is…Lee Marshall. Lee, we don’t have much time, but what an amazing couple of days we are in for! A new AWA Champion will be decided in a 10-man single elimination tournament!

    Lee Marshall: “ That’s right, Larry! The AWA World Title was stripped from Stan Hansen, after he was not present to defend it against Nick Bockwinkle, a few months ago, at Rage In The Cage! President Stan Blackburn stripped Hansen of the title, and ordered this 10 man-tournament that’s going to begin, right here, at Night Of The Champions!

    Neslon: “ And how about the biggest tournament match of them all – just one!! That’s right, just one of the many tournament matches we have tonight –The ‘Living Legend’ Larry Zbysco will take on the legendary Nick Bockwinkle in a lumberjack match!

    Marshall: “ Well, there’s no love loss between these two, Larry, and the only way to keep these two in the ring, is to surround’em with some lumberjacks!

    Neslon: “ That’s right. If Larry or Bockwinkle were to be thrown, or try to escape to the outside, they would be thrown right back in by the Lumberjacks!

    Marshall: “ That’s going to be a great one! What a night!

    Neslon: “ There are wrestlers from all over the country here tonight, and, Lee…I’ll let you get to doing the play by play, with Ray ‘The Crippler’ Stevens, as we get set for our first contest! Let’s take it up to Gary Michael Cappetta!

    1. “Modern Day Warrior” Kerry Von Erich d. Wayne Bloom in 9:48 of a Round 1 AWA Title Tournament Match

    Gary Cappetta ran through the usual announcements of, associated promoters, athletic organizations, referees, and medical staff before introducing the wrestlers. Erich got a really nice pop, as they’ve been hyping his entry into the AWA Title Tournament for quite some time, now. Marshall & Stevens mentioned, several times, that Von Erich recently lost the WCCW title to Rick Rude. Looks to be an indication that Erich might be doing more AWA shows. Of course, this leads many wrestling pundits to speculate as to whether Gagne brought Erich in to win the title. Erich dominated the first half of the match, with Bloom putting him over in power spot after power spot. Bloom finally got some offense at 4:55 when he caught Erich with a knee to the face, countering an overhead toss. Bloom followed up with a few snap mares, finishing up with a long chinlock submission spot. Marshall got over the idea well, that Bloom needed to keep that chin-lock on, as it may have been the only way to keep the ‘powerful’ Erich down. With the help of the fans, Erich began to power up, giving Bloom an irish whip into the rope, culminating with a flying clothesline. Erich gave Bloom a discus (spinning) punch for a near fall. After a turnbuckle 10-spot, Erich nailed Bloom with another discus punch for the victory. Erich had got a nice reaction. The announcers mentioned that Erich would be facing the winner of the Main Event in round 2. **3/4

    Overall: 64

    Crowd: 60

    Match: 68

    Lee Marshall caught Von Erich at ringside for a quick interview. Marshall noted Von Erich’s popularity with the Texas fans, and asked him if he thought that he could make it through the competition for the AWA belt.

    Von Erich: “ I know I can take on the competition, Lee Marshall. I already beat the best! I beat the best already, right here in Texas – [*crowd cheers*] and now that’s why I’m here in the AWA Heavyweight Tournament! Because I need more competition! Wha..whaddoyado when tired’o something? You try to make it harder! Tougher! I’m ready, AWA! I don’t care who it is – Curt Hennig, Larry Zybsco – it don’t matter! You are all gonna fall to the Modern Day Warrior Kerry Von Erich!!

    Marshall sent it back to Nelson, who was backstage with Ted Dibiase’s round 1 opponent, The AWA’s “Nasty” Brian Knobbs.

    Neslon: “ I’m here with “Nasty” Brian Knobbs, and Knobbs, in just a few moments, you will meet up with a really talented wrestler – Ted Dibiase!

    Knobbs: “ Who!? Who!? I ain’t heard of no Ted Deeb-a-saw, and I--

    Neslon: “ That’s Dibiase.

    Knobbs: “ Dee-ba-see, whateva!! It don’t matta! Cos’ what this Dee-ba-saw guy is gonna find out, is that I can get really nasty! And that’s exactly what I’m gonna do, all the way to the AWA title, baby! Bring it on, Dee-ba-saw!!” 77%

    2. Ted Dibiase d. “Nasty” Brian Knobbs in 12:06 of a round 1 AWA Title Tournament match

    Dibiase wrestled as a babyface, which was a change from his UWF role. Knobbs took several breaks in the match to insult fans, which dragged the match on a bit, but this helped get the crowd to support Dibiase.. Crowd got into the match, a bit more than the opener, mostly due to the constant slugging between these two. At 7:24, Dibiase went for an elbow drop of the second rope, but Knobbs moved out of the way. Knobbs began to put the boots to Dibiase, before tossing him through the ropes, outside the ring. Announcers pushed how ‘mean’, and ‘nasty’, Knobbs was, after he body slammed Dibiase on the outside, twice. Knobbs tried to face mash Dibiase’s head into the apron, but Dibiase blocked it, elbowed Knobbs, and gave him a face smash. Crowd started to get behind Dibiase, as he began wailing Knobbs with some right hands, knocking him all over the outside. Knobbs sold the punches huge, staggering wildly all over ringside. Dibiase gave Knobbs a running clothesline before rolling back into the ring. However, as soon as he landed in the ring, referee Mike Enos, called for the bell. Marshall & Nelson appeared confused on commentary, so Marshall decided to head to the ring to see what was going on. Finally, it was announced that both men were counted out, resulting in a double elimination. A few moments later, Marshall approached a groggy Brian Knobbs, as he was finally coming to his senses. Knobbs insisted that he had the match won, despite him being pummeled in the latter stages of the match. When Nelson mentioned that, Knobbs got angry, and promised to find “that punk, Dee-ba-saw! I’m gonna pound him until he goes back to wheva he came from!”. **

    Overall: 69

    Crowd: 70

    Match: 68

    Larry Nelson was backstage with the young ‘rocker’ tag team, Marty Jannetty & Shawn Michaels – The Midnight Rockers. Nelson brought up the ongoing storyline of the Midnight Rockers being scouted by Sherri Martel.

    Michaels: “ Well, Larry, we made it very clear that we want, nothing to do with that woman! She’s a, bad, bad woman. And besides, she can’t party with us! She can’t rock, wit the Midnight Rockers! [*laughs*] Ain’t that right, Marty!?

    Jannetty: “ Sherri! You’ve been hanging around all of our matches! Coming to our neighborhood, following us outside, sending us mail – well it’s gotta stop! We want nothing to do with you – we’re fine on our own!

    Michaels: “ That’s right…and tonight, we’re going to take care of Randy Rhodes and Eric Embry on our own!

    Jannetty & Michaels : “ YEAH!

    3. The Mightnight Rockers d. Randy Rose & ‘Leaping Lanny Poffo in 14:11

    I wonder if anyone caught Michaels calling Randy Rose, ‘Randy Rhodes’. Rose came out with partner, ‘Leaping’ Lanny Poffo, who replaced Embry, who was injured. Embry apparently missed his ride to the Arena. Poffo began the match full of energy opening the match with some rapid take downs and reversals with Michaels. After a few lockups, Poffo & Michaels traded getting each other with well timed dropkicks. Each time Poffo got an offense move on he did jumping jacks, getting some booes from the fans. Poffo tagged out to Rose, who ‘dared’ Jannetty to get in there. As Michaels turned around to make the tag, Rose quickly hit Michaels from behind, before he made it to Janetty. Rose nailed Michaels with a couple of suplexes, for near falls before tagging back out to Poffo. After a few arm twisters, Michaels was able to get Poffo with a springboard foot toss, after laying on his back from a leap-frog. He than tagged out to Jannetty, who unleashed a dropkick fury on Rose & Poffo. Michaels soon joined in, soon nailing both Poffo & Rose with double dropkicks. Poffo & Rose regrouped outside of the ring for a while. Marshall &Stevens put over Poffo’s family wrestling line, mentioning WWF wrestler Randy ‘Poffo’ Savage & Angelo Poffo. Final moments of the match came at 12:22; After Poffo nailed Jannetty with a flying bodypress, he pulled his arrogantly pulled his head up after a two count. Marshall pushed the idea that Poffo had Jannetty beat. Poffo jawed to the crowd a bit, and kept pointing to his head, getting over how smart he is. He then went onto the top turnbuckle for another flying body press – except this time he missed. Jannetty quickly tagged out to Michaels, and they nailed Poffo with a double dropkick for the victory. **3/4

    Overall: 74

    Crowd: 69

    Match: 80

    - Big Bam & Big Van – The Bigelows w/ ‘The Guiding Light’ Lou Albano

    During Marshall’s post match interview with The Midnight Rockers, Sherri Martell came out, upset. She started yelling about how she was hurt by the Midnight Rockers ‘rejecting’ here. God, her voice was annoying. Out of nowhere, the Midnight Express were attacked from behind, by two huge men. One of which was Bam Bam Bigelow, and the other Leon White, wearing Bigelow’s attire. Closely following behind was, to add to the surprise, Lou Albano. Crowd went nuts booing as the two big men threw both Rockers into the ringposts, head first. Sherri was laughing, (and screaming at the Rockers) along with Albano, as several jobbers poured out from the back to save the Rockers.

    Marshall: “ Sherri Martel!?! Lou Albano!?!? What is—These men! What they just did to the Midnight Rockers…

    Albano: “ What they just did to the Midnight Rockers?! Oh no! Oh no, baby! Let’s talk about what the Rockers did to this beautiful princess right here, baby! They don’t know how to treat a lady!! But I do! We do, baby! That’s right baby! I’m talkin’ about these two big men who will stand by you Sherri, and will give you the respect you deserve! [*Sherri grins & laughs*] They’ll protect you from no-good scoundrels like those Midnight Rockers, baby! These are The Big Bad Bigelow’s, Marshall! You’ve got the The bull, Big Bam Bigelow!! Then you’ve got the other big bull, Big Van Bigelow! And these are, without a doubt gonna be the toughest men in the tag teams, here in the AWA, Marshall! Haha, that’s right, baby! Yea, baby!! And just like we show’d them Rockers, we’re ready to show the whole AWA! And Marshall, you know me! I’m the ‘guiding light’ of Pro-Wrestling, baby! I’ve managed all of the great tag teams, in this sport, and this one is the greatest yet, baby!

    Marshall: “ Seems like a couple of Bullies to me!

    Martel: “ Shutup Lee! Rockers! You dare insult me! Well, now, my BIG BULLS are here, and just showed you what happens when I don’t get what I want! We’re gonna go to the top of the AWA tag team division, and we’re gonna have fun going through you!!! Yaaaah!

    Albano was pumped as ever, but lost the crowd, with his usual rambling. For some reason Sherri’s voice was more annoying than usual, but The Bulls, or the Bigelows, or whatever they decide to call them, got over well. 63%

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    Lou Albano & The Big Bulls; Big Bam & Van Bigelow

    4. Greg Gagne d. Bad News Allen in 9:58 by DQ

    Before the match, Nelson was standing by with Greg Gagne, and asked him if he was ready for the Canadian brawler, Bad News Allen. “ Yea, well I heard that this Bad News Allen doesn’t like to play by the rules…well lemme tell you something, you ain’t gonna pull nothing on me! ‘Cos I got one thing on my mind…and that’s the AWA World Title! The AWA World Title that has past through so many great hands! My father, the 10 time Champion, Frtiz Von Erich, Dick The Bruiser, Nick Bockwinkle, the list goes on and on. And I’m gonna continue the tradition, beginning right here, in Dallas Texas!

    Match started off slow with a few lockups. The stalling ended after Allen gave Gagne a chest chop after backing him into the turnbuckle. Referee Nick Patrick was animated in yelling at Allen for breaking the rules. Allen kept it up with the rulebreaking by constantly raking the eyes, choking, and numerous rope chokes. Allen refused to break some 5-counts a few times, each time yelling at referee George Eakin. Midway through the match, Allen came off the ropes and missed a running elbow drop, leading to comeback from Gagne. Gagne showed signs of blading, as his head was cut open. The announcers sold it as though he got it from a knee-drop by Allen. At 8:12, Gagne caught Allen off the ropes with the sleeper. Allen sold it until the ref counted his hand down twice – He then backed Gagne, hard, into the turnbuckle. After a couple of near falls, Allen got frustrated, and tossed Gagne over the top rope, to the outside. The referee instantly disqualified Allen. After the match, Gagne said that you had to wrestle by the rules, to get far in the sport, and promised that the world title would be around his waist. He ended the interview, considerably out of breath, saying, “One down! Many more to go!” *3/4

    Overall: 65

    Crowd: 68

    Match: 61

    Greg Gagne gained 1 point of overness from this match.

    5. Curt Hennig d. Sgt. Slaughter in 13:06 of a round 1 AWA Title Tournament match

    Hennig, was accompanied by his tag team partner, Scott Hall, which gave him the unfair advantage for most of the match. Hennig wrestled dirty, for the entire match. Hall would distract the referee, allowing Hennig to use brass knux several times during the match. Referee Al DaRusha began to catch on, at one point, and they did a spot where DaRusha patted down Hennig. But, unbeknownst to DaRusha, Hennig had tossed his brass knux to Hall, lurking on the outside. Slaughter sold the knux by blading hardway. At 7:39 Slaughter caught a crouching Hennig (for an overhead toss) with a surprise bulldog, popping the fans at a near fall. Slaughter nailed Hennig with a legdrop of the ropes, for another near fall. Crowd started to really get behind Slaughter, as he connected with a big boot, that sent Hennig through the ropes and to the outside. The camera caught Hall shoving the brass knux back into the hand of Hennig, was was disoriented. Slaughter quickly chased Hennig to the outside, giving he and Hall a double running clothesline. Slaughter gave a salute before tossing Hennig back in the ring. Slaughter gave the ‘finisher’ sign, and slowly crept behind Hennig who was beginning to get up. However, just as Slaughter went to apply his finisher, the Cobra Clutch, Hennig shot a quick right hand to Slaughter’s head, quickly concealing the knux. He quickly covered him, while shoving them to the outside to Hall, as the ref made the count. Slaughter was bleeding heavily at this point, and didn’t get up from the 3 count.

    Lee Marshall interviewed Hennig & Hall, as Slaughter was being helped out of the ring. Marshall attributed Hennig’s win to Hall’s interference, and the use of an illegal weapon.

    Hennig: “ I don’t know what you’re talking about, or what television set you’re watching, Marshall! But I won that match, fair and square! 1! 2! 3! I beat the [*mockingly*] ‘All American’, just like I’m gonna beat Greg Gagne, Kerry Von Erich, Nick Bockwinkle – whoever else stands in my way! You saw what we—I mean, I did to Slaughter! Hahaha!! Not only am I gonna hold the AWA World Tag Team Title with my partner, Scott Hall – But I’m also gonna prove that I am the best single wrestler, as well! Ha! Ha! ” Hennig will meet Gagne in round 2 of the tournament. **1/4

    Overall: 70

    Crowd: 73

    Match: 65

    They went to the back, where Larry Nelson was standing by with former AWA Heavyweight Champion, Nick Bockwinkle. He mentioned how it must’ve been disappointed for Hansen not to show up, when he was to defend it against Bockwinkle. He then asked if Bockwinkle saw Larry Zbysco as a huge challenge, for a round 1 matchup. Bockwinkle said that he knew that Zbysco would be trying to hurt him, than just try to win the match. He saw this as an advantage, motivating him to wrestle harder and tougher than he’s ever wrestled before. They ended the interview awkwardly, as Nelson had to cut Bockwinkle off in mid sentence to go back to ringside.

    Lee Marshall interviewed Verne Gagne on the house mic, as the lumberjacks made their way to the ring. Naturally, Lumberjacks John Nord & Ken Norton were in the front of the line. Gagne thanked a host of promoters & officials for making the two day event w possible. He hyped this as the ‘most important card’ in wrestling history.

    They went back to Nelson who was with Larry Zbysco. Zbysco said that he wanted to end Bockwinkle’s career once and for all, and that the wrestling world was tired of seeing Bockwinkle’s “old tail pollute the ring.” Zbysco added that, he would be the first AWA Champion that the AWA can be proud to have as their champ.

    6. Larry Zbysco d. Nick Bockwinkle 15:06 of a round 1 AWA Title Tournament Lumberjack Match

    The two jawed back and forth a few times, after locking up for the first few minutes of the match. Big early pop for Bockwinkle came at 3:20, when he reversed an irish whip, and caught Zbysco with an towering overhead toss. Zbysco retreated to the outside to devise a new game plan, but was quickly grabbed and shoved back in the ring. Bowinkle laid in the punches on Zbysco, before landing an atomic drop to Zbysco. Zbysco sold it huge, running into a body slam, for a near fall. During the slow parts of the match, Marshall & Stevens kept repeating about what an amazing night it’s been, and how loud the fans have been. Bockwinkle had Zbysco in a lengthily headlock, until Zbysco was able to power him into a back drop, for a near fall. Zbysco continued on with giving Bockwinkle with constant knee-drops, and falling punches. The two traded some armbar spots. Some faint ‘boring’ chants made it on TV, until they began throwing each other to the lumberjacks. At 8:44, Zbysco started to work on the legs, via a Figured Four. Each time Bockwinkle got to close to the ropes, to force Bockwinkle to release the hold, Zbysco would yank Bockwinkle away, putting more pressure on the legs. Some fans started to get behind Bockwinkle, as he slapped onto the matt, trying to get a chant from the fans. He slowly reversed the hold, holding Zbysco in an inverted Figured Four. Zbysco was selling it big time, screaming in pain at the top of his lungs. Zbysco was soon able to get to he ropes. He tried to continue to the outside to get a rest, but the lumberjacks threw him right back into the waiting hands of Bockwinkle. After a couple of bodyslams, Bockwinkle gave Zbysco a hip toss, followed by a side suplex. After a near fall, he threw Zbysco outside of the ring, only to be thrown back in thing, again. Bockwinkle got up, and began to lay the boots to Zbysco, who was soon begging in the corner for mercy. Of course, it was all a trick, and Zbysco used Bockwinkle’s tights to yank him head first into the turnbuckle. Bockwinkle looked alright, but he blew up after the figured four spot. Zbysco eventually threw Bockwinkle to the outside a few times, so that he could be thrown right back. At 12:11 Bockwinkle and Zbysco traded hammerlocks, teasing submission, until Zbysco got thrown into the ropes. Bockwinkle went to for a clothesline – But not only did Zbysco duck, he schoolboyed Bockwinkle for the victory. **1/4

    Overall: 68

    Crowd: 69

    Match: 66

    Zbysco celebrated by leaping almost uncontrollably in the ring, as he was showered with booes. After his name was announced, Zbysco was still celebrating, until he turned around into a giant roundhouse punch by Bockwinkle. Crowd popped as Bockwinkle chased Zbysco to the back.

    Commentary Aftermath:

    Neslon: “ Wow! Whew! What a night! And we’ve only just begun, Lee!

    Marshall: “ That’s right. What a night we had tonight…the first round of the AWA Title Tournament – The quarter, semi, and final matches will be decided this Thursday, live from Illinois State University…it’s the Night Of Champions, Day 2!!!

    Neslon: “ That’s right, and they’ll be another title on the line, as Curt Hennig & Scott Hall defend the titles against Masked Superstar #1 & Masked Superstar #2!

    Marshall: “ I cannot wait, to see who wins that match! I can’t wait to who wins the tournament!

    Neslon: “ Verne Gagne is there anything else that you’d like to say?

    Gagne: “ Well, I just wanted to thank all the promoters, once again, for making this event possible, and I’m looking forward to this Thursday!

    Neslon: “ Until Thursday, for Lee Marshall, Verne Gagne, I’m Larry Nelson. So long everybody!!

    Thumbs up 66%

    Thumbs down 8%

    Thumbs in the middle 26%

    Best Match

    Larry Zbysco vs. Nick Bockwinkle 49 %

    Midnight Rockers vs. Lanny Poffo & Randy Rose 37%

    Curt Hennig vs. Sgt. Slaughter 14%

    Worst Match

    Greg Gagne vs. Bad News Allen 77%

    Larry Zbysco vs. Nick Bockwinkle 18%

    Kerry Von Eric vs. Wayne Bloom 5%

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    Next Card:

    Night Of Champions #2


    DAY 1

    To Crown A New A.W.A. Champion


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    (1/2 AWA Tag Team Champions w/ Scott Hall)










    Live, from the

    'Jeff Gasche Arena', Dallas, TX

    Bell Time - 7pm

    On Pay Per View!

  8. *********************************************************************************************

    The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

    PO Box 1228, CA – April 12th, 1986


    Stan Hansen Stripped Of AWA World Title

         It was announced this past week, on AWA’s All Star Wrestling, that AWA President Stanley Blackburn had stripped Stan Hansen of the AWA title, just about 7 months after winning it from Rick Martel, in the Meadowlands. According to several sources, this decision  came after Hansen was told by AWA Promoter Verne Gagne, that he would be dropping the title to Nick Bockwinkle in June’s Super Clash title match. Hansen apparently left a house show early after a heated argument with Gagne, and had not been heard for the rest of the week. He was then reported to have returned to All Japan, with the AWA World Title.

         According to the TV announcement however, Hansen didn't show up for a title defense during a show in Chicago, Illinois, which is partially true -- After all, he was in Japan by then. Blackburn announced that, there will be a two day tournament held to crown a new AWA Heavyweight Champion. The first show,  (June 1st), will be held at the Jeff Gasche Arena, in Dallas, Texas, while the 2nd show (June 6th) will be held at Illinois State University, in Chicago, Illinois. As expected, many Southern & Texas-based wrestlers are part of the card, including former WCCW Champion, Kerry Von Erich & UWF's Ted Dibiase.  Gagne is said to be working closely with promoter Fritz Von Erich in booking the card.

         Among the names announced for this tournament, perhaps the surprising and eyebrow raising is that of Ted Dibiase. Dibiase, who won the All Japan Real Tag Team Tournament, with partner Hansen, last year, has also been making a name for himself in Bill Watts’ UWF promotion. Aside from AWA regulars (Bockwinkle, Sgt. Slaugther, G. Gagne, Hennig) and WCCW Champion Kerry Von Erich, Dibiase could bring in a huge number of fans, for this show. And that’s exactly what the AWA needs, right now; A big show. With the WWF & NWA quickly expanding, V. Gagne has to have a successful round of June shows to keep up with the big two.

         It is also rumoured that this card will be headlined by a tournament gimmick match between Nick Bockwinkle & Larry Zbysco; two favourites to win the tournament.

        We are expecting the full card to be announced within a month.


  9. 1986 At A Glance….

    World Wrestling Federation Vince McMahon Top 5

    1. Hulk Hogan – Babyface (WWF Champion)

    2. Randy Savage – Villain (WWF Intercontinental Champion)

    3. Andre The Giant w/ Bobby Heenan - Villain

    4. Ricky Steamboat - Babyface

    5. Terry Funk – Villain

    National Wrestling Alliance Jim Crockett Top 5

    1. Ric Flair – Villain (NWA Heavyweight Champion)

    2. Arn Anderson – Villain (NWA TV Champion)

    3. Magnum TA – Babyface (NWA US Champion)

    4. Tully Blanchard w/ JJ Dillon – Villain (NWA National Champion)

    5. Dusty Rhodes - Babyface

    American Wrestling Association – Verne Gagne Minneapolis, MN - Top 5

    1. Curt Hennig - Villian(AWA Tag Team Champion w/ Scott Hall)

    2. Masked Superstar – Babyface (Team w/ Krusher Kruchev)

    3. Nick Bockwinkle – Babyface (3-Time AWA World Champion)

    4. Stan Hansen – Villian (AWA World Champion)

    5. Sgt. Slaughter – Babyface

    World Class Wrestling Association Fritz Von Erich Texas - Top 5

    1. Kerry Von Erich – Babyface (Heavyweight Champion)

    2. Rick Rude - Villian

    3. Michael PS Hayes – Villain (WCCW Tag Team Champion; Fabulous Freebirds w/ Terry Gordy

    4. Terry Gordy - Villain (WCCW Tag Team Champion; Fabulous Freebirds w/ Michael PS Hayes

    5. Buddy Roberts – Villain (The Fabulous Freebirds)

    United Wrestling Federation – Bill Watts Top 5

    1. Rick Steiner – Babyface (UWF Champion)

    2. Steve Williams – Villain (UWF Tag Team Champion w/ Ted Dibiase)

    3. Ted Dibiase – Villain (UWF Tag Team Champion w/ Steve Williams)

    4. Jim Duggan – Babyface (The Hacksaws w/ Butch Reed)

    5. Butch Reed – Babyface (The Hacksaws w/ Jim Duggan)

    Championship Wrestling Association Jerry Jarrett Memphis - Top 5

    1. Jerry Lawler – Babyface (Champion)

    2. Stan Lane – Villain w/ Paul E. Dangerously (CWA Tag Team Champions 1/2 Fabulous Ones w/ Steve Kiern

    3. Steve Kiern - Villain w/ Paul E. Dangerously (CWA Tag Team Champions 1/2 Fabulous Ones w/ Stan Lane

    4. Paul E. Dangerously – Villian (Manager)

    5. Jos Leduc - Villain

    Championship Wrestling Florida Blackjack Mulligan/Eddie Graham - Top 5

    1. Lex Luger – Babyface (Champion)

    2. Barry Windham – Babyface

    3. Blackjack Mulligan - Babyface

    4. The Fallen Angel – Villain (Valet)

    5. Mike Graham - Babyface

    Stamped Wrestling Stu Hart - Top 5

    1. Bruce Hart - Babyface (Champion)

    2. Stu Hart - Babyface

    3. Bad News Allen - Villain

    4. Canadian Earthquake - Villain

    5. Brian Pillman - Babyface

    Pacific Northwest Wrestling Don Owen Portland - Top 5

    1. Rip Oliver - Babyface (Champion)

    2. Billy Jack Haynes - Babyface

    3. Bobby Jaggers - Villian

    4. Col. Debeers - Villian

    5. Tom Zenk - Babyface

    World Wrestling Council Carlos Colon Puerto Rico – Top 5

    1. Carlos Colon – Babyface

    2. Abdullah The Butcher - Villain

    3. Fidel Sierra - Babyface

    4. TNT - Villain

    5. Jose Gonzales – Babyface

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    "There's no wrestlers in wrestling…there used to be a thousand-I-don't-know-how-many wrestlers out there. There were 26 booking offices at one time in America and everybody had a job. Now there's only two big companies, and that's it."

    -- Past Comments From AWA Promoter Verne Gagne

    " I don't know what the rules are in wrestling today. We had certain rules -- over the top rope was a disqualification, if you threw someone over the top rope, if you ran them into a ring post, you were out of there. Now they bring in tables, chairs, and slam them on there. And they let it go. There's nothing that makes it a sport of any sort. ... It's kind of pathetic…"

    --  AWA Promoter, Verne Gagne

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    We join Wrestling during a time where territorial wrestling still existed, Feb 1986. Despite seeing former a AWA rookie, Hulk Hogan, lead the WWF to national acclaim, Verne Gagne was still determined to make the AWA the #1 wrestling promotion in the world. Gagne spent years building relationships with the other promoters, by working with them to run several inter-promotional cards. These cards, at many times, ran in WWF territory, with one of the most significant ones occurring during last December’s second night of the ‘Night Of Champions’, at the Meadowlands, in NJ. This is when All Japan’s Stan Hansen defeated Rick Martel to win the AWA World Title.

    This relationship, however, would ultimately lead to the AWA title being stripped from Stan Hansen in early ’86. When he was told that he was to drop the Title to AWA veteran, Nick Bowinkle, Hansen refused, retreating to All Japan. He continued to defend the AWA title in All Japan, until he was forced to legally stop. The “title” was awarded to Bowinkle, in June, making it the 2nd time the AWA title was ‘handed’ over to Bockwinkle. Fans grew resentful of Bowinkle being 'handed' over the title, AGAIN, and this did nothing but damage the reputation of the 4 time AWA World Champion, and the promotion, as a whole

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  11. W W F

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    The Road To Wrestlemania 9 continues....

    February 26th, 1994 -Monday Night Raw -

    Channel: Pay Per View - UK

    Venue: Telecast Arena, Newcastle England

    Attendance: 16,012

    Announcers: Sean Mooney & Bobby Heenan


    Dave Schmeltzer

    The locker room moral was great....Coming with us over seas were Bruce Pritchard, Ludvig Borga, (Brother Love), & Marty Jannetty...They were some of the VWF (Developement Territory), talent who weren't to happy about being stuck there. I assured them that I had big plans for them as we build up for the biggest PPV of the year, and of our history -- Wrestlemania 9 -Montreal Canada.

    JJ Dillon came up to me and told me that the Lawler - Flair Match should be the Main Event and not the Rougeau - Foundation Match, citing that the crowd would be burnt after watching Lawler - Flair....two of the most over men in the company right now. He also complained to me that Luger is pissed that he's lost so much heat over the last 3 months (66 over). I told him that thats what happens when you start to push Talent, over 'show'.

    Also, I'm trying to find a new announcer team for RAW....we need some good quality TV shows leading up to Wrestlemania....Tonight I'm going to test the Mooney - Heenan combination....In my next update...the annual Staff meeting, where the the complete card for Wrestlemania will be posted!!! But, for now, my production man needed my attention..he was having a problem with Bobby Heenan's audio feed.

    1. Chris 'Tatanka' Chavis vs. Lex Luger

    JJ Dillon accompanied Luger at Ringside, as did Tully Blanchard. The crowd was totally into Chavis as he did a little monologue about how he loved Arsenal, and he hoped that they win the FA Cup this year. Does he even watch football? Chavis won with the 'Chavis Chop', off the top rope onto Luger, for the pin victory . **1/4

    Overall: 70

    Crowd: 73

    Match: 64

    2. 'The Doctor of Style' Slick vs. Giant Gonzales w/ Unlce Paul Bearer

    Heenan was great during this match, labeling Jack Tunney a 'sick freak' for making this match just because Slick's team stole Jack Tunney's jewerly. This was more of a comedy match, then a match...even at all. Slick grabbed the mic and challenged the Giant to a Dance off. Slick played P.H.A.T's music and starting doing his dance thing to some pretty solid UK booes. Despite Bearer's opposition, Giant Gonzales started doing some sort of a 'wiggle'. At this point, Slick invited the referee, Joey Marella, to start dancing....the crowd was totally into Marella Dancing..and that he did.

    Heenan had a great comment about Marella's dancing; " I havn't seen anyone Dance that bad since Gorilla Monsoon at last year's Christmas party! " I'm sure the PPV audience had no idea what Heenan was talking about, as it is a little known fact that Marella is the son of Gorilla Moonson.

    --Marella started to really get into the dance...thats when, PHAT Meanie ran down the isle with a bucket of Blue Paint, splashed it on Paul Bearer, then Gonzales, 'blinding him'. Nice that their keeping some of Meanie's old gimmick...Finally Slick stopped Dancing and the opening bell finally rang. Gonzelas who couldn't see a thing, and who was in agonizing pain instantly fell to the floor allowing Slick to get a quick 3 count.


    Overall: 52 (For A Manager vs. an immobile Giant? Nice! :) )

    Crowd: 70

    Match: 11

    Giant Gonzalez lost overness from this match. Slick gained overness from this match. Giant Gonzalez basically no-sold everything, which ruined the match.

    We goto the back where the rest of PHAT are walking around, the locker room boasting about the 'phat wrestling skill' of their manager....when suddently they hear 'Smashing Pumpkins' lead singer Billy Corgan talking with the Steiner Bros.... The Smashing Pumpkins are slated to sing a song from their album that will be coming out in about a year.... Akeem goes up Corgan and asks him why is he hanging out w/ the Steiners when he can hang out with the PHAT WWF Tag Team Champions....Steiners told PHAT to go away...The WWF Tag Team champions walked away, with Akeem muttering to himself, at the site of Corgan's guitar " Man' Why he gotta guitar? You don't need NO' guitar to rap! 70%

    Akeem has gained overness from this segment

    3. 'Old Skool' Steve Corino w/ JJ Dillon d. Bob Backlund

    Backlund is another wrestler who has lost alot of Heat over the last few months. However, with the Dillon-Russo writing era also came a better overall product...so I guess it's just a price some wrestlers had to pay. The crowd is starting to get into Corino as a heel, as 3-4 months ago he was hardly acknowledged in his match. Dillon did little interference in this match as Corino and Backlund put on great matwork. Corino got the victory with his version of the Chicken Wing submission hold . After the match, Backlund offered a handshake, but Corino just spit at Backlund's hand.


    Overall: 73

    Match: 65

    Overall: 81

    4.Carl The Quebecer & The Hart Foundation II vs. Rick Martel & The Nasty Boys

    They should've had, Martel Team with Hart & Neidhart, however it seems Mountie & Bret are running the company and wanted nothing to do with this 'midcard' match. Also, the announcers are calling Christian Cage & Adam Copeland, The Hart Foundation II (instead of Hart Foundation '94)...I guess they see a future problem of the changing years. Copeland & Cage, in their debut carried this match. Match ended with all 6 men in the ring; where Carl The Quebecker submitted to Martel's patented Boston Crab**1/4

    Overall: 61

    Crowd: 52

    Match: 70

    Sid came out with 'Gerald Brisco...apparentely, Brisco's comments were 100% a shoot, as WWF Official Road Agent Tony Garea ran down the isle mid-interview, and pleaded for Brisco to 'stop'...Here's what was said;

    "You know, allotta junk's been going on around here, and I ain't talking about the soap opera between the Canadian Foundation! I'm talking about two people in this damn company that always want things their damn way, Macho Baby Randy Savage, and The Diamond Studd of a Crybaby! And it all started with the departure of TERRY 'HULK' HOGAN!!!! Allow me to break it down for you.

    **Crowd is stunned to hear that name in a WWF ring again**

    August 1993, We inform Hogan that the companies going in a new direction! We're hiring Dillon, (crowd thinks only as a manager..but also as a writer booker), and bringing the Four Horsemen into the WWF! Hogan doesn't like it, so after he looses a few matches, he fakes a bloody ankle injury! (crowd cheers Brisco's use of British 'vernacular')

    Novemember 1993 We've had enough of Hogan's 'Ankle Injury' and we tell Hogan that he can be on his way! So now, even to this day...Hogan is at home unemployed with his 'ankle injury' probably watching WWF Arsenal!! Now, Savage, Hogan's best pal, is very angry backstage about his boy leaving the company! I tell him there's nothing we can do, so what does Savage do? He starts meddling backstage, lobbying for Hogan to return as the Fourth Horsemen!! (Crowd booes Savage)

    December 1993, Savage is causing such a ruckus backstage, that we 'punish' Savage by putting him in match after match against Jerry Lawler, and of course he looses all of them! (But doesn't drop 1 too many over points--also, Brisco, here is careful not to say that 'they made Savage loose')...And we create 'Mean' Mark Callous's 'need to be in the Four Horseman angle....of course We all know behind WWF Closed doors that...that angle was just made make fun of Savage who 'needed to have his best friend' (Hogan) in one of the WWF top stables, the Horsemen (Crowd moans at apparent Savage's political sly).

    Janurary 1994 Now, Savage, who feels that 'we owe him something', thinks that he should be the next 'Hulk Hogan' of the WWF! The Next 'Hero' of the WWF ala Hogan pre-92! But we say, 'No, Savage...we got our man already! He is the Justice of the WWF, Sid Justice!! (crowd pops huge for Sid...he got the biggest pop of the night right here.)

    So now here we are, Feburary 1994, Macho Crybaby Savage is so upset that he's gotta jump me! He's finally had enough! So he assaults me!! I haven't wrestled in over Ten Years, Savage! But Savage you wanna fight me! You got it! Next week on RAW when we return to the States...actually we'll be in your home state of Florida!

    **At this point several WWF officials, Toney Garea, Vince Russo, Jack Lanza, and Ted Stanely surround the ring--Brisco acknowledges them, but refuses to stop**

    So, then Savage goes on and on, and now just last week--tries to show his mighty political backstage power in using The Diamond Studd to help get him what he wants! He attacks Sean Mooney, who is recovering right now, and doing a great job at what he does. (A camera shot is shown of Sean, who is wearing a cast and a neck brace at the booth)....

    So, Savage, let me tell you this! You want your shot in the spotlight! You want to keep that top spot?! Well you got it! Until Wrestlemania!!

    Because at Wrestlemania 9, live from Montreal Canada, YOU will PASS THE TORCH, TO THIS MAN!!!! SID JUSTICE!!!

    **Brisco leaves with Sid Justice to a long applause from the Newcastle crowd. All of the WWF officials also applaud Brisco on his way back to the back** 89%

    5. King Jerry Lawler vs. Ric Flair - Intercontinental Championship

    Before the match started, Jerry Lawler said that the only way that Million Dollar Man was going to get this title, wasn't by buying it, but that he would indeed have to 'pay his dues'....

    Flair was very upset for some reason...We wouldn't know why until after the match. Crowd was super into this match, as Jerry Lawler seems to have been effectively elevated to one of the top faces in the WWF. Final moments of the match came when Ric Flair had Lawler in the figure four...but Lawler wouldn't give up...to a loud "Jerry"..Finally Flair let go, threw Lawler into the ropes for an overhead toss, but Lawler instead stopped short, and locked in the Piledriver for the 3 count! After the match, Flair grabbed the mic, and started screaming like a lunatic, " Callous!!!? Callous!!? You dare use the HOrseman as a joke?!!?! To Prove a point to the Macho King Randy Savage for WWF Suits?!?! HOW DARE YOU!!! No one makes fun of the Horsemen!!! Wrestlemania, Callous!!! Lets make this interesting! Lets do this NWA style! ('NWA was censored off of Television), Lets do this Horsemen style (flair corrected himself)!!! Lets make this, a War Games Style Match!! You! Me! And the Cage!!! And I'll show you what being a Horseman is all about!! Flair leaves w/ Dillon, very upset. ***1/2

    Overall: 86

    Crowd: 90

    Match: 77

    The WWF Intercontinental title has gained in image.

    The Smashing Pumpkins performed a new song called 'Bullet With Butterfly Wings'. They said that it was going to be in their forthcoming album, to come out next year, "Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness. I think they were payed $400,000 for thier appearance.

    We suddenly goto the back where we are from the viewpoint of what seems to be a handheld camera...it's Macho King Randy Savage. He knocks on Diamond Studd door and tells him that he's got some important footage to show him...he opens the camera and shows footage of Shawn Michaels talking with 'match makers (That's what the announcers sometime refer to them as. I guess 'Booker is a dirty word.)

    Gerald Brisco and Vince Russo. Russo tells Michaels that he was sorry for sticking him back with that 'scumbag' Marty Jannetty who turned on Michaels at the Royal Rumble, and that to make it up to him, he would be putting Shawn Michaels in a 3 way match against Jerry Lawler (Champion) and Ted Dibiase, at Wrestlemania 9, for the Intercontinental Championship!

    **Savage recommended that they both distrupt the meeting right now, so they rush to Shawn Michael's Locker room. Studd starts yelling, Michaels saying 'I thought we were in this together, Mike?? But I see you have a new friend now! (Russo)**

    --Shawn then tells Studd, that after what he did to Announcer Sean Mooney last week on Raw, he didn't want to be assoiciated with him anymore...Studd took this as an insult, and said 'Well, then, you won't like this either', followed by a cheap shot on Vince Russo....Savage and Studd were kicked out of the building by WWF President Jack Tunny. 95%

    Shawn Michaels gained overness from this segment.

    6.The Fabulous Rogeau Bros w/ Jimmy Hart (Jacques "Mountie" Rougeau, & Ray Rougeau)


    The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart)

    Mountie came out in his usual wear, minus the glasses. On the back of his uniform read "Your Next WWF Champion. This match was haunted by constant 'Macho Sux', and 'Justice', chants. Fans were really into tonights breaking developements....This really hindered the ability of the performers to work. Anway, being the professionals that they are, they worked anyway. In the Rougeau's corner were the Hart Foundation II, Carl The Quebecer, and Andrew Martin The Test. In Hart's corner was Jim Neidhart, Owen Hart, and Rick Martel....The finaly moments of the match came when the wrestlers on the outside got into a brawl...the ref was distracted--so Jimmy Hart threw in his Megaphone, to Ray Rougeau...Rougeau bashed Hart with it, while the Mountie gave Jim Neidhart the Mountie Slam. To add insult to injury, the Rougeau's did thier own version of 'The Hart Attack' finisher for the victory!

    **After the Match the fighting continued...Hart's team who were slightly outnumbered were beginning to loose the battle....when all of a sudden the unfamiliar music hit the PA system. Here's how Sean Mooney, who must've been taking announcing lessons with Bruce Pritchard called the final moments of WWF Arsenal : The UK PPV;

    ".....Holy smax! Who could that be? You don't think its....wait....it is!!! Here they come...in their own hometown...Davey Boy Smith, Dynamite Kid....THE BRITISH BULLDOGS!!!! They are coming to the aid of.....BRET HART!!!! Look at this battle!!

    The Mountie, Ray Rougeau, The Hart Foundation II, Carl The Quebecer and Andrew Martin the Test are battling Bret Hart, Jim Niedhart, Owen Hart, Rick Martel, and The British Bulldogs!!!

    The Lines have been drawn! The odds have been evened! All roads lead to Wrestlemania, as the Canadian Foundation battles....The Hart Foundation!!!!!!!!

    Overall: 59

    Crowd: 63

    Match: 50

    Bret Hart lost overness from this match. Jim Neidhart lost overness from this match. Raymond Rougeau gained overness from this match. The Mountie gained overness from this match. Jim Neidhart basically no-sold everything, which ruined the match. This match suffered because the crowd were still pumped up from the last one, and so this bout was seen as something of a let-down to them.

    PPV Statistics

    Overall: 77

    PPV Buy Rate: 1.62

    Ticket Revenue: $960,720

    PPV Revenue: $4,100,000

    Best Match: Jerry Lawler vs. Ric Flair

    Worst Match: Rougeau's vs. Hart Foundation

    Most Talked About: Gerald Brisco's 'shoot'.

  12. user posted image

    February 20th, 1994 -Monday Night Raw -

    Channel: USA Network

    Venue: Manhattan Centre, New York

    Attendance: 7,544

    Announcers: Sean Mooney & Diamond Studd


    Dave Schmeltzer

    Raw opens up with a shot of the Canadian Foundation's closed locker room door. There seems to be arguing going on in the room....


    -Diamond Studd lashes out at Shawn Michaels-

    Raw went on the air with no announcers, at the table...suddenly Diamond Studd comes out of the crowd, picks up the announcers headset and starts yelling about Shawn Michaels betrayed him...it is very unclear as to what he is talking about. Emerging from the curtain is Sean Mooney...as he heads this new Broadcast team. 66%

    -Slickster to face Giant Gonzelas at Arsenal!!-

    Tugboat d. The Phat Meanie

    Jac Tunney, during the match came out, and announced that next week at WWF Arsenal to UKA PPV, Slick has to face Giant Gonzales, for taking Jack Tunney's jewerly a few weeks ago on RAW. As both the Meanie and Slick were watching Tunney via the RAW Tron, Tugboat cradled Meanie for the pin.

    Overall: 50

    Crowd: 51

    Match: 50

    -Macho King Randy Savage lends 'advisoral help' to Studd-

    Going into the next commercial break, Macho King came to the announcers table to congratulate Studd on his methods of mayhem. Savage told Hall to 'stick with him' and he'll get far. Mooney kept alluding to Savage only wanting to use Hall for protection against Sid Justice. That earned Mooney a Macho slap accross the face. 83%


    The Steiner Bros d. Repo Man & Red Rooster

    The announcers used this match as a backdrop to get over the idea that The Road To Wrestlemania, starts at the Arsenal PPV, next week!

    Overall: 56

    Crowd: 61

    Match: 46

    Re Rooster didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating

    -Ted Dibiasie offers money for I-C belt!-

    Ted Dibiase came out with Virgil and talked about how much money the Million Dollar Belt was, and how happy he was to win it back from that 'disgusting' George 'The Animal' Steel. He then went on about how he wanted to go one step hire, in acquiring the I-C belt. He then offered Lawler Money and told Lawler that he doesn't have to make his decision until next week, at Arsenal: The PPV from the UK. 89%


    -The Canadian Foundation bickering continues-

    The Canadian Foundation came out, all together, in this order; Jimmy Hart, The Mountie & Bret Hart, Jim The Anvil Neidhart, Ray Rougeau, Adam Copeland, Christian Cage, Carl The Quebecer, Andrew Martin the Test, and Rick Martel. They were given a special introduction by thier advisor, Pat Patterson. Bret was about to speak first, but Mountie grabbed the mic from Jim The Anvil Niedhart.

    Mountie (He looks around, smiles, and begins waiving to the arena of booing fans -- Suddenly as loud 'Bret' chant occurs..Mountie talks over it) Ya know Bret! Things have been getting a little out of hand lately! Ever since I won the Battle Royal, I can't help but detect a little bit of jealousy from you! Is it because, come March 27th, the WWF Title comes around the waiste of The Mountie!!!? (Bret gets a little ticked off, but maintains composure)...Well Bret, just remember it's all in the Family! But I've brought a gift for you! You see next week, you and the Anvil will re-unite your Pink and Heart Connection up against the legendary Faboulous Rougeau brothers! (Ray Rougeau starts waiving his little 'Good Citizen' Flag around, as people boo the duo)....and I want to give ya guys a little help! Consider it a little "Royal Rumble Winner sign of Good Will....But here...For your enjoyment...it's a video tribute to ... The Faulouse Rougeau Bros!"

    --(A video montage of their old ring work plays for about 1 minute before Bret Interrupts it to a big pop)

    Bret " You know, Mountie (Mountie interrupts Bret and tells him to call him 'Jacques'), Since you brought your friends into the Foundation, I decided to bring in a pal of mine...Ladies and Gentleman Owen Hart!!....

    The Mountie ( As Owen enters the ring, The Mountie sizes him up, pauses then stares him in the face for a few moments before saying a word....)

    "(to Owen) Shouldn't you be in a little Blue Cape wrestling Jim Powers or something?"

    --(This caused Bret to lunge at Mountie, but he was quicly restrained by Hart Foudation '94 [Christian Cage & Adam Copeland]--after showing contempt, Bret barged out of the ring. He was followed by Jim Neidhart, Owen Hart, and shortly thereafter, Rick Martel, who seemed upset at the Mountie's remarks -- The Mountie had some parting words for Bret)

    Goobye Bret! Bonsoir Bret! Bon Voyage Bret! Hahahaha! Next week, Bret, in Newcastle England, The Rougeaus vs. The 'Legendary' Hart Foundation!! WWF Arsenal - The Road To Wrestlemania! You bring your Canadian Cronies (Owen, Neidhart, Martel), and I'll bring what truley is the Real Canadian Foundation of Wrestling! (Mountie, Adam Copeland & Christian Cage, Ray Rougeau, Carl The Quebecer, Andrew Martin, along with Pat Patterson and Jimmy Hart)" 78%

    The Mountie d. Executioner

    This match looked to be a backdrop for illustrating the teamwork of 'Mounties' Canadian Foundation, as only those members who didn't leave ringside with Bret were still at the ring. They all took turns attacking Executioner while Mountie distracted the ref.

    Overall: 60

    Crowd: 54

    Match: 67

    Executioner was sluggish and didn't put much effort in.

    Bret Hart d. Andrew Martin The Test

    As per Bret's special Challenge from last week...he just took apart Martin, here. During this match he kept screaming to Martin as if he were "Jacques". Hart, Owen, Martel, and Neidhart all celebrated after the match, to a series of nice pops from the crowd.

    Overall: 67

    Crowd: 54

    Match: 81

    -Sean Mooney, another victim of 'The Madness'-

    When Raw returned to the air Sean Mooney was wrapping things up, when all of a sudden without warning, Diamond Studd, still doing commentary, punched Mooney in the face. Macho King came down and added to the attack. After Studd nailed Mooney with the razor's edge, Savage dragged him in the ring, nailing him with his big elbow! Officials came to the ring, but they were afraid to come into contact with Macho King. Once again, this time with the help of Diamond Studd...Macho King makes a statment!!! 88%

    -Callous Hunts Down One Horsemen-

    Mean Mark Callous d. Tully Blanchard

    Mark had some mic time, saying how Ric Flair is bitter at him since he prevented Flair from being in the Main Event at this years Wrestlemania, and that he was going to go through 'all of the horses to get to the big jack ass at the end'. Callous nailed Blanchard with two heart punches before pinning him for the victory.

    Overall: 65

    Crowd: 70

    Match: 54

    Tully Blanchard didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating.

    Show Quality

    Card Quality: 68

    TV Rating: 6.90


    WWF Arsenal UK PPV: The Road To Wrestlemania -

    Newcastle Arena - 26th Feb

    Main Event:

    One Time Only Double Team Reunion

    The Fabulous Rouguea Bros. (Jacques Rogueau [The Mountie] & Ray Rougeau vs. The Hart Foundation Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart

    Intercontinental Championship

    Jerry The King Lawler vs. Ric Flair

    Chris Chavis vs. Lex Luger

    Punishment Match!

    Slick vs. Giant Gonzalez (For PHAT stealing Jack Tunney's jewlery)

    Steve Corino vs. Bob Backlund

    Carl The Quebecers & Hart Foundation '94


    Rick Martel & Nasty Boys

  13. user posted image

    February 13th, 1994 -Monday Night Raw -

    Channel: USA Network

    Venue: Manhattan Centre, New York

    Attendance: 6,010

    Announcers: Vince McMahon & Steve Corino


    Dave Schmeltzer

    Raw Opens up with Bret Hart in the Ring, w/ Jim The Anvil Neidhart. He says that he's waiting for the rest of the Canadian Foundation to come out; Mountie, Martel, R. Rougeau, and manager, Jimmy Hart


    -The Mountie Arrives with his party Friends-

    We return back to the ring after credits and highlights from last week's show, finally Pat Patterson, the WWF's first I-C ever I-C champion comes out. Hart asks him what the hell is he doing here....Pat Patterson tells Bret that he's not going to talk until the rude fans "shut their stinkin mouths'. Bret asks Patterson where the Mountie is, Patterson says he doesn't know...All of a sudden, on the 'Raw Tron' we see the Mountie just arriving to the arena. He is in a limousine that reads '1994 Royal Rumble Winner , accross the side. Except when he comes out, it seems that the Mountie has brought some of his party friends from last week. Out of the limousine, comes various people who were at the Mountie's party last week; which were, Adam Copeland, Christian Cage, Andrew Martin, and Carl Oulette. Jimmy Hart & Ray Rougeau are leading this crew to the locker room

    **Pat Patterson insists that he can explain, but Bret rushes by him and barges into the locker room, followed by 'The Anvil'**

    Bret : (To Mountie) " Who the hell are these kids? You're Frat buddies you picked up last week? Where the hell were you? Why are you late, Mountie?! "

    Mountie (Smiling, cocky, full of energy) "Oh Bret, you've known me for a long time, you can call me Jacques from now on! Actually, you can call me Jacques your next WWF Champion!"

    Bret "Ohhh So you're going to take the title shot, huh! Well thats fine, but who the hell are these kids? Pick them up at the local university? (Andrew Martin lunges at Bret, but is restrained by Cage and Copeland)

    Mountie (still full of energy and smiling)" Well, Bret I've decided, that since you have a Royal Rumble winner in you company (Crowd booes Mountie), that we need a bodyguard! Meet Andrew Martin...sure to live up to the 'test'!

    The Mountie continues along the line of new wrestlers.

    And Bret, remember that little tag team that you and The Anvil had a few years ago?

    Well, please welcome into our regime, the new, fresh, updated version of the Hart Foundation, Adam Copeland & Christian Page; Hart Foundation '94!!

    **Bret doesn't look too happy...The crowd booes, as they see this as a direct insult to the great team that Bret and Anvil were, just a few years ago....Mountie continues down the line....**

    And over here (pointing to Carl Oulette), is my good friend Carl The Quebecer!

    **Pat Patterson comes barging in 'warning' the Mountie that Bret is on his way to the back....obviously a little late**

    Ahhh, and oh yes lets not forget, Pat Patterson, WWF Great, and now the General Advisor to the Canadian Foundation! Bret! This is great, we are now #1!!! "

    Bret (Bret gives the Mountie a look of disgust)...I am number one (shows him the WWF Heavyweight Title), and I always will be......Crowd cheer and applaud as Bret walks off, with the Anvil).

    The 'new' members watch Bret and Anvil walk away....possibly from the Canadian Foundation.....as they begin to sing 'We're Not the Mounties", going into the first commercial break.

    A nice 15 minute long opening segment. Must be Russo's writing.


    -Gerald Brisco looking for Justice-

    Sid Justice d. Executioner

    Gerald Brisco, WWF Official who suffered a brutal attack at the hands of the Macho King accompanied Sid Justice to the ring as he made his debut...he promised that, in retaliation to the Macho King's attack on him, that later tonight Justice Would be Served.....

    Overall: 65

    Crowd: 80

    Match: 59

    Executioner was Sluggish and didn't put that much effor in

    -Mean Mark presents Wrestlemania 9 contract to Ric Flair

    'Mean' Mark Callous came out and said that he was going to do some 'Horse Hunting', and that he wanted the 'big Horseman' at Wrestlemania 9, Live From Montreal Canada, on March 27th, 1994. JJ Dillon came out w/ Ric Flair, and signed the Contract. After the match was signed, Flair said to Callous, " You've got to learn how to Dance!! And strutted all over the Ring, while Callous just watched. Callous grabbed Dillon and was about to give him the deadly heart punch, but the rest of the Horsemen ran down the isle for the save. After this segment, Jack Tunney, who is still in the ring, starts looking for his gold watch...ref Dave Hebner informs him that members of P.H.A.T took it last week on RAW. oh no....


    Chris Chavis d. Mr. Perfect

    Chavis, probably one of the most failed I-C Champions of all time beat Perfect in a heat filled short battled. I think they rushed Chavis into it. I'm sure his time will come.

    Overall: 77

    Overall: 84

    Match: 69

    Chris Chavis gained overness from this feud ending. Mr. Perfect lost overness from this feud ending.

    Good Citizen Ray Rougeau blasts former partner

    We go back to the Canadian Foundation's locker room, where Ray Rougeau, now wearing a 'Ray Rougeau - France's Good Citizen! T-shirt is telling the new young members of the Canadian Foundation how he carried Jim Neidhart as a tag team partner. The Crowd boo's Ray's commentary. 78%

    ADVERTS-**Here, the WWF plays a promo for - WWF Arsenal UK PPV Feb 28th, 1994**

    -Callous Starts his 'Horse-Hunting'

    Callous comes out and attacks Steve Corino who is doing announcing...Corino, bruised, runs to the back for shelter! 77%

    Mean Mark Callous lost overness from this segment

    Ted Dibiase d. George The Animal Steele - Million $ Belt

    Dibiase beat George Steele after Virgil knocked down Captain Lou, stole the belt, and used it on Steele.

    Overall: 64

    Crowd: 84

    Match: 53

    George the Animal Steele lost overness from this feud ending. Ted DiBiase gained overness from this feud ending. The The Million $ Belt title has gained in image.

    The Diamond Studd d. Giant Gonzales

    Paul Bearer has to face Diamond Studd, next week on RAW, per their Royal Rumble agreement stipulation.

    Overall: 63

    Crowd: 81

    Match: 47

    The Diamond Studd gained overness from this feud ending. Giant Gonzalez lost overness from this feud ending.

    -Callous gets arrested for his Assault

    JJ Dillon barged into Jack Tunney's office w/ State Police, and requested that Callous be arrested on the grounds that Steve Corino wasn't on duty as 'a wrestler' but was so under an 'announcer', and therefore the victim of an unwarranted 'assault'. Tunney said that he had no time to bother with such things, as he was set on finding his gold watch that was apparently stolen by P.H.A.T......So Dillon & Corino lead the police to Callous' locker room. After a couple of heart punches to state police, Callous' was finally restrained and brought downtown.

    -WWF Official Gerald Brisco continues to seek Justice-

    King Jerry Lawler d. Macho King Randy Savage w/ Sherri - I-C Championship

    After the match, Savage started yelling at a fan, who was identified as a 'Kris Ace'....as he was about to assault Mr. Ace (That would be two assaults in one night!), WWF Officials darted out of the dressing room restraining Savage...The Crowd popped huge, when finally Gerald Brisco came marching down with Sid Justice! Savage, catching the site of Justice, Fled into the crowd, and out of the arena, as WWF Officials, and Sid Justice celebrated with King Jerry Lawler in the ring....and thats how RAw went off the air...once again....so we thought......

    Overall: 74

    Crowd: 90

    Match: 70

    Jerry Lawler gained overness from this match. Jerry Lawler gained overness from this feud ending. Macho King lost overness from this feud ending. The WWF Intercontinental title has gained in image.

    -Bret Tries to make amends by Granted Yokozuna a title shot before Raw goes off the air

    Bret Hart d. Yokozuna - WWF Title -

    Bret did an interview after the match, which got cut off of local TV due to time restraints basically saying he was stupid for ever trusting the Mountie, and that all the Mountie cared about was himself. Bret promised to defeat the Mountie at Wrestlemania 9, and then made two challenges...first next week on RAW, Bret challenged, the Mounties new bodyguard, Andrew Martin The Test....then made a challenge for WWF - Arsenal - The UK PPV : The One time Only Reunion of the Hart Foundation vs. The One time Only Reunion of the Faboulous Rougeau Brothers.....

    Overall: 80

    Crowd: 94

    Match: 70

    Bret Hart lost overness from this feud ending. Yokozuna lost overness from this feud ending. The WWF World title has lost image.

    From what I understand, the WWF has now closed all doors to any new hires. Rumours indicate that thier current payroll is just about $9,000,000 :eek::

    Show Rating

    Card Quality: 75

    TV Rating: 6.85

    The Competition

    WCW Monday Night WAR - TNT 6.83

    Next Raw Preview!!!!!

    --The Battle Heats up Between the Canadian Foundation and The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart). Rick Martel was quiet the whole night during the shake up....where does he stand?

    **The Debut of The Hart Foundation '94 (Copeland & Cage)

    --'Mean' Mark Callous continues his "Horse" hunting.

    --What will Jack Tunney do about P.H.A.T'S theivery?

    --Shawn Micheals makes announces his Manager! (And yes, they are already employed by the WWF)

    --Feature Matches

    Hotstuff Eddie Gilbert vs. 'Gentle' Giant Gonzales

    Mark Callous vs. Tully Blanchard

    Main Event

    Sid Justice vs. Diamond Studd

    Plus More!!!!!!!!

  14. user posted image

    February 6th, 1994 -Monday Night Raw -

    Channel: USA Network

    Venue: Manhattan Centre, New York

    Attendance: 6,010

    Announcers: Vince McMahon & Steve Corino


    Dave Schmeltzer

    Highlights are shown from the 1994 Royal Rumble were shown...where Mountie won the Rumble. They then cut to a scene that reads 'Somewhere in Canada'--there, the Mountie is partying with, Jimmy Hart, his brother, Ray Rougeau, Rick Martel, and several of his 'Mountie Friends'. Mountie then yelled at the camera man, telling him " This is the year...of the Mountie!! "


    -Steve Corino, proud to be a Horsemen-

    Highlights are shown of Steve Corino dressing up as the Executioner, and joining the Four Horsemen. Vince introduces him to the broadcast booth...except this time Corino is accompanied by JJ Dillon, Ric Flair, and 4 beautiful ladies. Just another perk of being a Horsemen I guess.

    Vince " Why the hell did you join the likes of people like him! And who are these women!

    Corino " From now on Vince, I am to be refered to as 'Old Skool' Steve Corino! And why did I join the Horsemen! This simple! Because they stand for what Wrestling is all about! You don't see us swearing and yelling like wrestlers like, Jerry Lawler, The Executioner, and Mark Callous do! We WRESTLE, Vince. When I came into the WWF everyone said 'Ohh he's just an announcer. He doesn't know how to wrestle! But what all those morons don't realise is that wrestling isn't about announcing! It's about wrestling! (suddenly one of the Women rubs Corino's shoulders)....And women.

    And one more thing before we get to this 8 man tag! Mark Callous, THANK YOU! Thank you for being that diversion that we needed so that our cover wasn't blown! Callous, you are everything the Horsemen stand up against! You will never...EEEEVVVVER be a Horsemen! 88%

    Steve Corino's overness has increased

    The Steiner Bros & The Real Americans d. The Headshrinkers & Jim Neidhart

    Jim Neidhart's partner's absence was explained, that he was still in Canada, partying with his brother, the Mountie, the Royal Rumble winner. The announcers kept speculating as to if the Mountie would take his Wrestlemania shot against Bret Hart, or if he would forfeit his spot, to the runner up, Jerry The King Lawler, since the WWF Champion, is the leader of the Canadian Foundation, Mountie's own stable. They tried to get thier answer via satellite.

    Overall: 55

    Crowd: 63

    Match: 61

    (We see the setting of the 'Party Somewhere in Canada'. The Mountie, Ray Rougeau, Martel and Jimmy Hart are partying hard, drinking....Pat Patterson is also partying with his & Moutnie's friend, Adam Copeland. There are about 20 other unamed Mounties at the party)

    Announcer Steve Corino" Hey Mountie! Will you be facing Bret Hart at the Wrestlemania for the WWF Title? Or will you be giving your title shot to Jerry Lawler, who was the runner up? Mountie? Mountie? Hello?

    Jimmy Hart (The Mountie is singing in the background with the other Mounties, Jimmy Hart stumbles up to the camera) " That's right Corino! We're partying like Horsemen tonight! Yeaaa!!! That's right baby!! Yea! "(Ray Rougeau comes over and pours champagne on Jimmy Hart....the Camera gets wet..and as a result, the satellite feed is ruined. In the background, we still get some audio, listening to the Mountie sing along with the other Mounties....." We're not the Mounties! We're handsome , we're brave and we're strong! We're not the Mounties! And we...enforce the law....." The announcers continue to speculate as to whether the Mountie would take the title shot or not. 76%


    -Sid promises 'Justice'-

    Highlights were shown of Sid Justice arriving in the WWF, at the Rumble, where he manhandled Bret Hart. Justice screamed about how people like Bret Hart were going 'Brought to Justice . He then said he would be making his wrestling debut next week on RAW, against, the Canadian Foundation's own, Raymond Rougeau!!! Nice pop. (over 90)

    -Macho King demands an I-C title shot, tonight-

    We quickly cut to the back. Vince Mcmahon has darted out of his chair leaving JJ Dillon & Steve Corino to do the announcing for the rest of the segment. Macho King has beaten up WWF official Gerald Brisco. When asked why, King refuses to talk, and has Sherri do the talking for him. Sherri tells Vince that King is tired of being brushed aside for other WWF Wrestlers, like Jerry Lawler, and now Sid Justice. He continued to beat up Brisco while Sherri was talking. Vince told Macho King that he couldn't do anything, because he was just an announcer. Finally Presdent Jack Tunney said that he would grant Savage the match tonight, as long as he promises not to harm any more WWF Officials. JJ Dillon and Steve Corino were going nuts on commentary, citing this as unfair to newly crowned I-C Champion, Lex Luger. Great Segment. We go to a commercial break, as McMahon attends to Briscoe. 88%

    Lex Luger gained overness from this segment


    -P.H.A.T. get's 'Phatter'-

    The backstage area is pure anarchy. Everyone is Shocked that Savage would beat up a WWF Official so badly. As all of the officials are hoovering around Brisco, Slick, PHAT Meanie, Akeem, Big Bossman, and Grandmasta Earthquake are tip-toeing.....to President Jack Tunney's office. All 4 P.H.A.T members look around the office as Slick gets behind Jack Tunney's address, and makes a 'public address' He places the WWF Tag Team Titles right in front of him, on the desk.

    Slick Weeelll Hellloooo My bruthas and sistas! It seeemmmss that thingzzz has just gotten a bit PHATTER up in dis peice! (much of the crowd are actually cheering these heels, as they love the gimmick -- all of a sudden PHAT Meanie and Akeem come up to Slick and shows him some Jewlery)

    MAN!!! THAT IS PHAT!!! Take that! (Crowd laughs, as Akeem and Meanie pockets the jewlery)

    And ahh TOLD U ALL, that P.H.A.T was coming to the WWF! Ya see, this year, 1994, is going to be a PHAT year for---

    **All of a sudden Kamala comes waddling/running like a maniac screaming through Jack Tunney's office. Kim Chee, the trainer comes running in after the Ugandan Giant, apologizing to Slick. Slick, however doesn't seem to be upset**

    It's OK! It's OK mah brutha!! Kamala has come hea for a reaaaazzzzzzzon!!! He has been draaawwwwwnnnn to his natural habitat! He has been drawwwwn to the P.H.A.T! That's right! Kamala himself, is Physically Huge And Tough--just like the 4 men that accompany me here, right now!! Kamala!!! Come Home!! Come to P.H.A.T!

    With that, Grandmaster Earthquake, puts on Slick's music, as they all Dance to Slick's music. Kamala tries his hardest to come close to a dance.

    -Jerry Lawler wants to avenge Gerald Brisco

    The entire show of Raw has seemed to be held up by this attack on official Gerald Brisco....And understandably so. JJ Dillon & Steve Corino are doing announcing, 'Horsemen Style', Slick and P.H.A.T, are causing a ruckus in Jack Tunney's office, not to mention the Royal Rumble winner didn't even show up to RAW. Instead he is partying in his hometown with members from his Stable. At this point, Jack Tunney begins to apologize to the fans in the arena, and the viewers at home, for the anarchy that has occured. He is however interrupted by a huge pop. He thinks it's for him, but it's for King Jerry Lawler, who seems to be the only one that was calm in the backstage area.

    Lawler " Hey Tunney! I haven't seen things this crazy since my last divorce. (crowd laughs) I don't know whats gotten into the Macho King, but this ain't right. If he's trying to get attention around here, then he's got it. And he's got mine too. Now, I've beaten Savage many many times over the last few months. But he's gotta be taught a lesson, and I don't think Lex Luger is the man that can teach it. Tunney, add me into that match later tonight, so that I can get my royal hands on that scum, Macho King! I'll even put my Crown up on the line!

    --Tunney decides that, since Lawler was the runner up to the Royal Rumble, that he, too deserves a shot at the I-C championship. He grants him his wish.--82%


    Mean Mark Callous / George 'The Animal' Steele d. Ted Dibiase/Hotstuff Eddie Gilbert

    Captain Lou was holding the Million Dollar Title, that Steele won from Ted at the Royal Rumble. He said that the only way that Dibiase was going to win it back, was if he wrestled "Mine" for it. "Mine" is a teddy bear. Mark Callous was dominating here, not even tagging in Steele. Callous, quickly gave a HeartPunch to Gilbert for the victory. He then chased JJ Dillon, Flair & Steve Corino away from the annoucing position, leaving Vince Mcmahon by himself.

    Overall: 66

    Crowd: 78

    Match: 65

    -WWF Champ Bret Hart Congratulates Mountie-

    Bret Hart was in the ring, with only Jim Neidhart. Bret Hart ran down the man he beat at the Rumble, Yokozuna. Calling him a WWF Puppy. It seems the rest of the Canadian Foundation was 'busy' partying. Hart contratulated Mountie and said that he was sure that Mountie would be giving up his title shot against him at Wrestlemania. Neidhart made a comment about his partner not even telling him that he wasn't going to be there for thier match....but Bret quickly hushed him up....they went to the back, seemingly upset. 92%

    -Corino feels 'invincible' as a Horsmen-

    Steve Corino d. Giant Gonzalez

    Steve Corino came back out w/ JJ Dillon and said that now that he's a Horsemen he can beat anyone! He challenged anyone to come out, and out came Paul Bearer w/ 'Gentle Giant' Gianzales. After a ref bump, Dillon took out Bearer, as Blanchard ran to Corino's aid. Dillon, Blanchard, and Corino then took turns giving Gonzales chair shots until he finally went down, for the loss.

    Overall 56

    Crowd: 75

    Match: 36

    Giant Gonzalez lost overness from this match. Old Skool Steve Corino gained overness from this match. Giant Gonzalez basically no-sold everything, which ruined the match.

    -King Jerry Lawler wins WWF Gold!!!

    Jerry Lawler d. Macho King & Lex Luger to win the WWF Intercontinental Championship in 19:45 of a Triple Threat Match

    The Crowd was into this one big time! The end of the match came when JJ Dillon threw bras knux in the ring to Luger, but Lawler caught them and hit both Macho & Lex with them for the win....Lawler celebrated in the ring with hundreds of WWF Fans that ran in the ring to congratulate him....Wow very nice of the WWF allowing fans in the ring. Thats how raw went off the air....so we thought.....

    After another commercial break, RAW returned on the air with officials clearing the ring...at that point Macho King ran back down the isle and started attacking everyone in sight! Numerous fans were attacked, as a result of, what Macho man called; " The Madness".....

    Show Quality

    Card Quality: 74%

    TV Rating: 6.46

    The Competition

    WCW Monday Night WAR 6.86

    Next week on RAW!!!!!

    --The Mountie's 'sober' responce to Bret Hart--Will he give up his title shot?

    --Jerry Lawler's first address as I-C Champion

    --Mark Callous has a Wrestlemania challenge for the Horsemen!!

    --Shawn Michael's first appearance since being abandoned by Marty Jannetty!

    --The in ring debut of Sid Justice!!!!

    --Plus....what will, "The Madness" of the Macho King bring, NEXT WEEK!!!!

  15. February 5th 1994 - Staff Meeting

    I had Vince McMahon Autobook last nights RAW. We had too much to talk about at this meeting. Here's where we stand right now....each of my staff members had their own little presentation...here's the important stuff.

    Shane McMahon - The Company - Public Image 58%

    Funds - $22,428,400 (+6 Mil Profit las month)

    Wages - Approx. $8,000,000 Total

    Mechandise - $2,000,000/m Superb

    Advert Costs - same as above

    Production Values - 100%

    Risk - 35%

    Gerald Briscoe - The Talent - Total Roster 91 (Overness included)

    Main Eventers


    Bret Hart 96

    Macho King Randy Savage 96


    Ric Flair 91

    Lex Luger 74


    'Mean' Mark Callous 95

    Sid Justice 90

    Upper Carders


    The Mountie 83

    Mr. Pefect 91

    The Diamond Studd 88


    Chris Chavis 85

    Yokozuna 92

    Hacksaw Jim Duggan 74

    Shawn Michaels 90

    King Jerry Lawler 88

    Gentle Giant Gonzales 81



    Akeem 65

    Big Bossman 74

    Old Skool Steve Corino 70 (up from 35!!!)

    GrandMasta Earthquake 72

    HotStuff Eddie Gilbert 77

    Jim Neidhart 84

    Ray Rougeau 71 (up from 54!)

    Ted Dibiase


    Brian Knobs 72

    Jerry Saggs 72

    George The Animal Steel 78

    Bob Backlund 59 (down from 77!)

    Mike Rotundo 59 (Down from 64--not that bad)


    JJ Dillon 91 (up from 72!)

    Slick 61 (up from 45!)

    Jimmy Hart 75

    Kim Chee 40

    Jack Tunney 78

    Sherri Martel 65

    (I'm forgetting someone because I can't read my handwriting)

    Someone placed a 'kick me' sign on Briscoe's back. Ha. A rib, probably from our next speaker...Pat Patterson.

    Pat Patterson- Booker of Valiant Pro Wrestling - Development -28 workers

    Beverly Brothers

    Barry Hardy

    Damien Demento

    Demolition Crush

    Demolition Nova

    Doink the Clown (+4 Over)

    Harvey Wipplement

    Reno Riggons (+2 Over, +1 Charisma)

    Ludvig Borga (+2 over, +4 Charisma, -1 Stiffness)

    Iron Mike Sharp (+1 over, +1 Charisma)

    Papa Shango (+1 Over, +3 Brawl)

    PJ Walker (+2 over, +2 speed)

    Marty Jannety (83 over from Heel Turn...just sent down to developement)

    ------Just Sent Down------

    Blue Blazer

    Mike Barton (Recently Signed)

    Paul Roma (same as above)

    Vampire Warrior

    Kamicazki Kid (sp)

    The Genius (To free Mr. Perfect)

    Headshrinkers w/ Afa

    Brother love/ Hiroyoshi Tenzan

    Tony Garea - Road Agent - Woker Notes

    Top 5 Faces

    Mean Mark Callous


    Sid Justice


    Jerry The King Lawler

    Top 5 Heels

    Macho King Randy Savage

    Bret Hart

    Mr. Perfect

    James J. Dillon

    The Diamond Studd

    Unhappy Workers

    Yokozuna 31% morale

    Shawn Michaels 15%

    The Executioner (Roddy Piper) 17% (up from 0!)

    JJ Dillon- Head Writer- Image Titles

    WWF World - 93 - Bret Hart

    WWF I-C 80 - Lex Luger

    WWF King - Jerry Lawler 69

    WWF Tag - P.H.A.T (Bossman & Akeem) 70

    Million $ title- 60 - George 'The Animal' Steele

    Vince McMahon -Head Honcho- The Competition

    WCW - 64% - Global - Top 5



    Rick Rude

    Arn Anderson

    Ron Simmons

    ECW - Tod Gordon -78% - Regional - Top 5

    Terry Funk

    Jimmy Snuka

    Paul Heyman

    Tito Santana

    Kevin Sullivan

    Ed Ferrera - Writer - Our Friends

    Global Wrestling Federation- Gary Pierson -76% - Regional - Top 5

    Carl Oulette

    D-Von Dudley

    Iceman Ice Pierson

    Rod Price

    Alex Porteau

    *We stole Eddie Gilbert from them....Donated money as a token of good will.

    Piledriver Wrestling - Bruce Hart -46% - Small - Top 5

    Little Guido

    Robby Rage

    Jerry Flynn

    Chad Fortune

    Colorado Kid

    *This promotion just opened. As a token of good will to our employee Bret Hart...Donated Money to this harmless fed.




    Taco Bell


    Other Friends

    You, The Diary Reader :)

    Next Raw should be updated maybe later tonight...but probably tommorow (lots of school work, ahead)...a Perfect time to post your thoughts, ideas, theories, complaints, suggestions, alike!!

  16. WWF - PAY PER VIEW - Royal Rumble '94

    Attendance: 15,005

    Date: Jan 30th, 1994 8pm.

    Venue: Ocro Arena, PA

    Announcers: Vince McMahon & JJ Dillon

    I gave the boys a little pep talk. Right now, we're concentrating on creating stars. We had a ride array of matches set for tonight (Jack Tunney-Gilbert to Hart-Yokozuna), so I knew the ratings would be all over thWe place. So, a complete card quality of 70 or over would be completely respectable....Pat Patterson came up to me...

    Patterson "Hey, Boss. Someone wants to speak with you it's Rowdy Piper...he doesn't want to go out their tonight. He wants go leave the company. He's not really into the Executioner gimmick, allcovered up in the mask and all..."

    -Vince Russo came running down the Hallway.

    Vince Dillon! Would you shut the f*** up! Oh c'mon, no time to worry about that stuff! Scott Steiner & Hacksaw were both caught with drugs last night at the hotel, too! But look on the monitor, Vince & JJ are already talking....the preshow is starting!!

    Terry Taylor was walking around the backstage area plucking his neck like a chicken...i guess practicing for the Rumble, and his Red Rooster gimmick.


    Jerry Lawler opened up the pregame talking with Sean Mooney. Sean Mooney announced that the 3 way match between the Mountie, Ric Flair, and Mark Callous was just stipulated as a CAGE match! I guess their going for the profit!

    Besides that, they basically just talked about who they thought would the Rumble. Lawler said he was in it to win it...while Mooney said he was putting his money on Ric Flair. Macho King came out, and yelled at Mooney for not picking him. Lawler and Savage had some pretty rough words between each other, before it quickly turned into an all out brawl. WWf Officials had to break it up...and finally...the PPV began!

    Jerry Lawler gained overness from this segment. 96%

    Vince McMahon"Hello everyone, I'm Vince McMahon, along side here with (gives him a disgusted look) JJ Dillon. And JJ, with the way you've been acting lately, I'm suprised you're still showing your face!

    Dillon" Ha Ha! (claps his hands together...like only JJ can do...) Vince, tonight is going to be a great night for the Horsemen! First Lex Luger wins the Intercontinal Championship, against Chris Chavis! Then Ric Flair wins the 3 way match against the Mountie and Mark Callous--who is NOT in the Horsemen! And finally, ohhh yes Vince...it's the Big one...The Royal Rumble!!! Where Tully Blanchard will win, and go on to Wrestlemania to face Bret Hart, for the WWF Title!!

    Vince: JJ Dillon! C'mon, tell us who's the Fourth Horsemen! Is it Ole Anderson? He is currently a free agent right now! When will you be making the announcement. (JJ makes a stupid little signal that shows him 'zipping his mouth up') Well..it looks like we're not going to get any answers out of this man; lets go to the ring, where the Rockers and getting set to go up against the WWF Tag Team Champions! "

    We Join each match toward the end...from the point of view of Vince Mcmahon and JJ Dillon.

    The Rockers vs Colossal Connection (For The WWF Tag Team Titles)

    ....And both men teetering back and forth...Michaels and Bossman going at it, blow for blow!! Who's gonna fall...no one knows!!! And the Bossman falls down!! Shawn Michaels is now trying to make the tag to---to...where is Marty Jannetty!!!?

    Dillon" Marty Jannetty is gone! Look, he's leaving the ring!! And he's giving the middle finger to Shawn Michaels!! I don't beleive it! Good job for Jannetty!

    Vince:" Would you stop it Dillon?! Now, Shawn Michaels has to fight Akeem & The Big Bossman by himself!"

    --Suddenly, former 'Eastern Championship Wrestling' wrestler, The Blue Meanie is running down the isle, and starts yelling at the Ref. Meanie is wearing a shirt that reads, 'The P.H.A.T Meanie'--

    Vince:" Who the Hell? It's, It's The PHAT MEANIE? And look - he's yelling at referee Joey Marella!

    Dillon:" And now look on the other side of the ring! The Doctor of Style, Slick just threw Akeem's boom box in the ring!

    Vince:.."...yes...and now--Big Bossman picks up the radio, and cracks it over the head of Shawn Michaels! It's a damn 4 on--NO! NO!

    --**Grandmaster Earthquake, now under Slicks guidence enters the ring, and does the Earthquake splash on Michaels.**

    And now the cover! 1....2.....3!!! It's a damn 5 on one! What business does Meanie have here! Your winners and still WWF Tag Team Champions--The Big Bossman & Akeem; PHAT?!

    **At this point, Announcer Sean Mooney came running down the isle, for a word with Slick as Grandmasta Earthquake, and The Blue Beanie congratulated fellow fat wrestlers, Akeem & The Bigbossman on their title defense.

    Sean Mooney" Well, first help from Earthquake last week on RAW, and now, help from the Blue Meanie! What gives?

    Slick: " What ya'll see right HEAAAA.....is Slick's complete package hea...this before you is the very force THAT WIILLLLLLLL be takin' the WWF by storm...this is


    --The Crowd booes as Akeem, Bossman, Meanie, and Earthquake, all dance to Slick's music on the way back to the dressing room--

    Overall: 70

    Crowd: 75

    Match: 61

    Shawn Michaels was sluggish and didn't put much effort in. Akeem gained overness from this match. Marty Jannetty's turn was completed, and he is now a heel.

    Marty Jannetty gained overness from this turn.

    Hot Stuff Eddie Gilbert vs Jack Tunney

    ...Jack Tunney is starting to tire...it seems that Eddie Gilbert is just toying with --- Oh My gosh!! No!! Gilbert with a low blow! He seems to be setting up for the DDT! No! He can't! Not on the WWF President! Someone get out here and help---THERE IT IS!!! DDT!! 1...2...3!!!!Your winner, Hotstuff Eddie Gilbert!!

    Dillon" Hey look at that! Gilbert is continuing to attack Jack Tunney! Tunney is motionless! Now this is Horsemen material right there!!

    Vince: " Hotstuff Eddie Gilbert wins the match! But this is just un-called for!This is just un-called for!

    --McMahon throws down his headset, and joins a host of WWF Official in holding Gilbert back from doing any more damage.--

    Overall: 66%

    Crowd: 72%

    Match: 54

    Ted DiBiase vs George the Animal Steele - Hair vs. Belt

    --We join this match where Virgil is being tied up to the ringpost by Captain Lou Albano. :lol:--

    "Ted Dibiase is screaming for Captain Lou to let go of Virgil! Oh wait! Look at that! A roll up by The Animal! 1....2...3!!!! George The Animal Steel is the new Million Dollar Champion!!!"

    --Steele wraps the belt around his neck, and runs to the back with Captain Lou in Celebration. Dibiase, livid, chases Steele and Albano, forgetting about Virgil, who remains tied up to the ring post for the rest of the PPV.--

    Overall: 72

    Crowd: 82

    Match: 52

    The Diamond Studd vs Giant Gonzalez

    ..."Listen to the Crowd, Dillon! Giant Gonzales has YET to go down in this entire match! Listen to this crowd Dillon!! Listen to this capacity crowd!! Oh My!! Studd has thrown everything at him!

    --Suddenley Gonzlez goes tumbling down--

    ...and Studd goes straight for the pin! 1...2....3!!!! The Diamond Studd has defetead the Gentle Giant Gonzales!!!

    Overall: 68

    Crowd: 84

    Match: 34

    Giant Gonzalez basically no-sold everything, which ruined the match.

    Chris Chavis vs Lex Luger (For The WWF Intercontinental Title)

    "...and it looks like Chris Chavis is about to end this! He's going on the top rope...and...Hey!! Dillon! Where the hell are you going??"

    JJ Dillon throws down his headset and runs down the isle to the ring, and starts yelling at Chavis. This prompts Chavis to hop off the turnbuckle and get into a shouting match with Dillon. Dillon told Chavis to 'go back to the indian reserve'. Ouch. You can bet the WWF is going to get hate letters about that one. This allowed for Luger to recover, and catch Chavis from behind, scooping him up into the Torture Rack!

    ...I don't believe it! It looks like Chavis is going to give up! His back can't take all of that pain! Yes...the match is over! The ref has called for the bell. Lex Luger is the New WWF Intercontinental Champion! (Virgil is still Tied up to the Ringpost)

    Overall: 63

    Crowd: 60

    Match: 66

    Lex Luger gained overness from this match.

    This match suffered because the crowd were still pumped up from the last one, and so this bout was seen as something of a let-down to them.

    The WWF Intercontinental title has lost image.

    Poor Chavis..this is the second time that he followed a hot match. And the second time that the title lost image while around his waiste. Maybe that's why they took the title off of him, because of not being able to put on good matches.

    Ric Flair vs Mean Mark Callous vs The Mountie - Cage Match

    ... "All three men are giving it they're all in this brutal match! Never before have we seen this action. 3 men in one cage! Wow! And it doesn't look like Mark Callous is in the Horsemen at all! He and Flair are really going at it! The Mountie is escaping the cage!!! There he goes!

    **Lex Luger comes running down the isle and throws his intercontinal belt straight for the Mountie who is on the top of the cage. The belt hits Mountie right in the head, causing him to take a looooooooong fall down onto the mat. He isn't moving for a while**

    Oh My!! Did you see that!! The Mountie could be seriously hurt! And it seems Callous seems to be getting the better of the battle. Mark Callous now scoops flair up....yes TOMBSTONE ON FLAIR! TOMBSTONE ON FLAIR!. This match could be over! All Callous has to do is climb that CAGE! There he goes!! He's on his way up the Cage!!

    **Suddenly, Tully Blanchard comes running down the isle and starts to climb the cage, preventing Callous from escaping. He meets Callous at the very top and the two begin exchanging blows. After a considerable amount of time battling on the top of the cage, Blanchard can't take anymore, and eventually falls off the cage, onto the matt outside the ring!**

    ...This is it!! And....all Mark has to do is climb down the cage! C'mon Mark...you can do it! Here he---WAIT JUST A SECOND!! WHO IS THAT MASKED WRESTLER RUNNING DOWN THE ISLE?! IT'S THE EXECUTIONER!! (Vince Suddenly remembers, that Roddy Piper was the dressed up Executioner last week on RAW!) Oh no! Don't tell me!! Not Piper!! No! Please! Don't tell me that Rowdy Piper has joined the Horsemen!!?!

    **The Executioner goes straight to the announce table and pulls a monitor out of it's socket. He then throws it at Callous, who is on top of the cage. He misses the first time, but gets him the second time, causing Callous to literally be hanging from the top of the cage! This allows Flair to exit the cage via the door winning the match!**

    ...Ladies and Gentlemen you winner is The Nature Boy Ric Flair! Thanks to...

    ** The Four Horsemen are in the ring celebrating. The tweeners that they are, they are both booed and cheered from the crowd. It is very clear that the Executioner is the newest member of the Four Horsemen....they tell him to take his mask off.....it is revealed to be..not Rowdy Roddy Piper, but instead, 23 year old STEVE CORINO!!

    Steve Corino is the Newest Member of The Four Horsemen!!!

    Celebrating for quite some time in the Ring were Ric Flair, new I-C Champion Lex Luger, Tully Blanchard, and the Horseman's newest member, 23 year old Steve Corino! The Four Horsemen, strong once again.

    Overall: 84

    Crowd: 87

    Match: 78

    user posted image

    Steve Corino, at just 23 years old,

    joins the company of the Four Horsemen!

    Bret Hart vs Yokozuna (For The WWF World Title)

    **Both Mr. Fuji and Jack Tunney were at ringside, to make sure no one from the Canadian Foundation intefered.**

    .....We are 25 minutes into the match now, and Bret Hart is going to the ropes for a 5th time, trying to clothesline Yokozuna again! And ...WHAM! Yokozuna goes down!!! I don't believe it!! Bret is now setting up...YES!! There it is, the Sharpshooter! And...(suddenley a HUGE figure emerges from the curtain...the crowd all turn thier heads toward the isle)...now what? What else could possibly happen...Who is that HUGE MAN coming down the isle????????...Tunney and Fuji just let him go by!!

    Dillon(shocked)"Oh my gosh! oh my gosh! Vince!! Vince!! That's the most dangerous man in wrestling today! He used to be in the company that I used to worked for!! THAT'S SID JUSTICE!!!! SID JUSTICE IS IN THE WWF!!"

    **Justice goes in the ring, and tosses refferee Arnold Skaaland out of the ring. He then goes right after Bret, grabbing him by the throat and shoving him into the turnbuckle...a couple of times...A few times actually. Several times to be more accurate. The crowd is the loudest that I have EVER HEARD!! [Well, at since the last 4 or 5 months ;)]. Sid then 'gives the sign' and nails Bret with a Power Bomb sending him flying outside the ring! Justice, then celebrates in the ring for a little while, after Bret fleed for cover.** A new grappler has just entered the WWF Title scene.

    Bret wins by DQ.

    Overall: 91

    Crowd: 97 (!!!)

    Match: 78

    The 30 man Over the Top Rope Royal Rumble

    The suprise entries in this years Rumble were WWF Road Agent Gerald Brisco, WWF newcomers Paul Roma & The PHAT Meanie, and, Paul Bearer.

    --The final two men were, King Jerry Lawler and, Canadian Foundation co-leader, The Mountie. The Mountie really impressed alot people here with his stamina and fortitude. When the two were left Macho King Randy Savage came running down the isle with Sherri. Instead of going for Lawler, he went straight for Lawler's Crown, and started to destroy it by stepping on it and kicking it around! Lawler, like a dope, stood there next to the ropes and kept screaming for him to stop--allowing for The Mountie to grab Lawler's legs and dump him over the top rope for the unexpected victory!! THE MOUNTIE IS THIS YEAR'S ROYAL RUMBLE WINNER!!

    Overall: 61

    Crowd: 59 (Yea...as always..how many times can you count down 10 seconds and not get bored)

    Match: 64

    This match suffered because the crowd were still pumped up from the last one, and so this bout was seen as something of a let-down to them.

    Show Report

    Card Quality: 70

    PPV Buy Rate: 1.51

    PPV Revnue: $3,875,000

    Merch Rev: $993,700

    The Competition


    Now...with the Mountie as winner of the Royal Rumble, how does WWF Champion Bret Hart feel!!!

    The Jerry Lawler - Macho King feud just got personal!

    P.H.A.T is here!!

    The Four Horsemen have returned to complete form!


    What could POSSIBLY happen on RAW Next week??

    please, posts of feedback are welcome!:)

    user posted image

    The Year is 1994; The year of

    Sid Justice?

  17. Though, I'll be missing some updates (lost in time), I have decided to officially end this diary, with it's conclusion being Wrestlemania '98, a show, that is now, only partially written.

    So I will be reposting the diary (for the first time) in it's entirety (barring those misc missing months, missing all of part II, the Berzerker dominated years -- etc....THANKS NOAH!!!!!!!! FUCKFACE!!!

    Sorry, had to get that out.

  18. user posted image

    Januarary 24, 1994 -Monday Night Raw -

    Channel: USA Network

    Venue: The Guildhall - Portsmouth England

    Attendance: 7,047

    Announcers: Vince McMahon & Steve Corino


    Dave Schmeltzer

    Monday Night Raw this weeks opens up with Announcer Steve Corino standing in the ring, welcoming the English Fans to Monday Night Raw. He runs down the show, and promises to get to the bottom of the identity of the Fourth Horsemen! He is getting cheers, up until he shows what he did the Shawn Michaels last week on RAW. He then points out popular footballer, Eric Cole...then proceeds to make fun of him. He then joins Vince, at the broadcast table. 75%

    Steve Corino gianed overness from this segment

    The Blue Blazer d. The Executioner

    The Executioner is Roddy Piper under a mask. It's his new role. :lol::lol:

    Overall: 73

    Crowd: 71

    Match: 76

    Blue Blazer gained overness

    Executioner lost overness

    We goto the back, where Diamond Studd is talking to himself in the mirror. He is suddenly frightened to see the man standing behind him, it's the 'Gentle' Giant Gonzales. Paul Bearer, Gonzales manager says that if Gonzales looses, he's ready to take on Studd the next night on RAW. But Gonzales insures Paul that he won't loose. Long staredown. 76%

    ADVERTS***Slick Presents P.H.A.T!!! Next week at the Royal Rumble!!***

    -Corino's first Fourth Horseman 'suspect'-

    The Announcer leaves the broadcast booth and goes snooping around the back. He sees Pat Patterson & Gerald Briscoe..but immediatley rules them out. He then, sees The Doctor Of Style Slick....and decides to ask him what P.H.A.T is.....Slick tells him that he'll get a glimpse of P.H.A.T, in just a few moments...Corino moves on and sees Hiroyoshi Tenzan. He asks Tenzan if he's going to join the Horsemen. Tenzan, w/o his manager, Brother Love, has nothing to say...since he doesn't understand English....Corino goes back to the announcers booth, with Vince...unsuccessful. 84%

    Steve Corino's overness went up

    -Earthquake Helps the "Doctor of Style", Slick's team!-

    The Colossal Connection d. The Rockers

    Just went it seemed as though the Rockers were going to end the match, Earthquake came running down the isle and pushed Michaels and Jannetty off the top turnbuckles! After the match, Earthquake declared himself; GrandMasta Earthquake! , and started dancing around with Akeem & Slick, while the Bossman continued to beat on the rockers. Slick then grabbed the mic and said, " Pra-pare, next week, Becoz' P.H.A.T makes it's debut!! What the hell was he jiving about?

    Overall: 72

    Crowd: 78

    Match: 61

    Akeem's overness went up :)

    ADVERTS***Slick Presents P.H.A.T!!! Next week at the Royal Rumble!!***

    Ted Dibiase d. Max Moon

    Debiase won when George the Animal Steele attempted to interfere,helping Moon. Instead, when he threw chairs in the ring, one hit Moon in the head...allowing for Dibiase to get the pin. Animal, then stole the belt that he would be trying to win next week at the Royal Rumble,

    The Million Dollar Belt. Captain Lou punched out Virgil on the outside to a big pop! Go Captain Lou!

    Overall: 81

    Crowd: 87 :eek:

    Match: 70

    -Announcer Steve Corino does more investigating-

    Corino saw, on the Raw Tron, Mr. Perfect! He ran to the back....guessing that Mr. Perfect was probably the best bet for the person that would be joining the Horsemen! When interviewing him, Perfect yelled at Corino;

    " Listen, little man! The only way I'm joining the HOrsemen is if, this man right here (points to his manager, the Genius) can come with me! And, a couple of weeks ago when I was approached by Flair, they were against it! So you won't be seeing Mr. Perfect joining the Horsmen next week, or any week, for that matter! But what you will see is Mr. Perfect winning the WWF Royal Rumble!!! Now That's Perfect!!! 84%

    Dissappointed, Corino continued on, this time, running into 'Mean' Mark Callous. He was determined to get to the bottom of this.

    Corino "Mark Callous! After what happened last week on Monday Night Raw, the big question is....Are you going to be the one that is introduced as the newest member of the Four Horsmen next week? I know it's going to be you! I know it!

    Callous "Hell yea, I am! It's me! I'm joining the Horsemen! Ya see Corino, it's like this....what Mark Callous wants...Mark Callous gets....And I know what the Horsmen are about...I know about the history...the legacy...the pain.....the destruction. And like I said before, This Sunday Night, on Pay Per View...I WILL be officially announced as the Fourth Member of the Four Horsemen....whether Ric Flair, Lex Luger, Tully Blanchard, or JJ Dillon like it or not....Ya know....Steve....Sometimes...with acceptance....comes along a little pain! He punches Steve. Crowd cheers. 73%

    Steve Corino gained overness

    ADVERTS***Slick Presents P.H.A.T!!! Next week at the Royal Rumble!!***

    Jerry Lawler & Yokozuna d. Eddie Gilbert & Randy Savage

    Both President Jack Tunney & Mr. Fuji were at ringside...fans were solidly behind Lawler & Yokozuna. Many 'Yoko' and 'Jerry' chants from the English fans. The end of the match came when President Jack Tunney climbed in the ring and gave Gilbert a very weak chair shot, giving Lawler & Yokozuna the victory.

    Overall: 81

    Crowd: 86

    Match: 71

    -Corino Interviews Bret-

    Corino asks Bret Hart if he's the person that The Four Horsemen are going to announce. Bret, holds his WWF Title up to Corino's face.

    Hart: " Ya know Corino...how old are you? 23? You know...when you got this title, you don't need 'Four Horse Men' lurking around with you! I am part of the greatest regime ever assembled! The Canadian Foundation! All I'm thinking about is defending the title up against the new WWF Watchdog Yokozuna! Who the hell does Jack Tunney think he is? Granting Yokozuna a title match? I don't know what those two have going on, but if he thinks he going to take away MY TITLE, then he is sadly mistaken! Yokocrapo! You're going to be excellently executed! 81%

    Steve Corino gained overness

    -Mountie, Callous, and Flair duke it out-

    Mountie d. Lex Luger

    Mountie nailed Lex Luger with the uranage, at 9:55 into the match, but then Mark Callous ran into the ring saving Lex Luger ....he was quickly followed by Ric Flair which prompted a fist fight between Flair and Callous.....While Luger and the Referee tried to break it up, Jimmy Hart (Mountie's manager) jumped in the ring and cracked Luger over the head with his megaphone! Mountie then got Luger with another Urange for the victory. After his victory, Mountie screamed, "Nobodies interferes in The Mountie's Matches. Not even if their Horsemen! ...With that, The Mountie attacked Flair, prompting a 3 way brawl between himself, Flair, and Callous!!! This week's Raw went off the air, with Tully Blanchard, & JJ Dillon attending to a hurt Luger, while Flair, Mountie, and Callous brawled through the Portsmouth crowd!

    Overall: 80

    Crowd: 85

    Match: 69

    Show Quality

    Card Quality: 78%

    TV Rating: 6.45

    The Competition

    WCW Monday 6.42


    Please, YOUR 4th Horseman & Royal Rumble Winner Predictions....

    Added into the Royal Rumble: (and who will be taking the place of some of those who were sent to develpment - more on that in my next update),

    Ric Flair, The Mountie, Giant Gonzales, Mark Callous, Ted Dibiase, George 'The Animal' Steele and Diamond Studd.

  19. user posted image

    Januarary, 16th 1994 -Monday Night Raw

    Channel: USA Network

    Venue: Manchester Evening News Arena - Manchester

    Attendance: 6,7035

    Announcers: Vince McMahon & Steve Corino


    Dave Schmeltzer

    Raw opens up with Announcer Steve Corino and Shawn Michaels washing their hands in the bathroom. Michaels brought a cup of water with him that was labeled " 'Omega' Shawn Michaels". Corino does a little 'journalism' work.

    Corino" Hey Shawn, who do you think the Fourth Horsemen is?

    Michaels" I dunno, it aint me.....Hey kid...lemme ask you something. You entering the Rumble?

    Corino: "Yea, man. I'm gonna give it a try.

    Michaels: " (after laughing) Hey kid...remember, you're just an announcer." (Laughs and then goes into a stall.)

    Corino takes Michaels' cup of water, and replaces it with toilet water.... 93% Crowd turned on the announcer big time for his disgusting act.

    Steve Corino lost overness from the heel turn.

    Steve Corino gained overness from the segment

    Shawn Michaels gained overness from the segment


    Raw opens up with JJ Dillon coming out of a limousine with a big smile on his face. His smile is quickly turned into a frown when a returning President Jack Tunney informed him that in tonights Main Event, Ric Flair must team with.....MARK CALLOUS!....against the team of WWF Champion Bret Hart & The Mountie. 87%

    -Brother Love's Japanese Sensation wins the Battle Royal-

    Hiroyoshi Tenzan wins the 20 Man Battle Royal, to earn #30 in the Rumble

    This match, while not one of the overly 'skillful' Battle Royals saw some interesting things during the bout. For one, once again, the crowd popped big time for Lawler-Gilbert going at it again. Looks like this will be quite the feud in the WWF's future. The final 3 combatants were Tenzan, Eddie Gilbert, and Yokozuna. Gilbert and Tenzan double teamed the 'WWF Watchdog' until he tumbled through the second rope, and couldnt' get back in. Tenzan then gave Gilbert a cranium kick over the top rope for the victory, while Gilbert was laughing at Yoko. To help Yoko get up, longtime friend Mr. Fuji ran down to the ring to his aid. Awwww. Touching.

    Overall: 65

    Crowd: 72

    Match: 49


    The Rockers were backstage...Shawn Michaels said that they were a better tag team then where they were, and challenge the Collossal Connection to a match at the WWF Royal Rumble, for the WWF Titles! Another Match has been added!!! 80%

    Shawn Michaels lost overness

    -Announcer Steve Corino, does more detective work-

    Steve Corino d. Hacksaw Jim Duggan

    Steve Corino left Vince Mcmahon and announced in the ring, that he was going to call out the newest member of the Four Horsemen. He then called out; Hacksaw Jim Duggan!!! The crowd was stunned; shocked; and betrayed! Duggan then got the mic, and yelled, "Ol' Hacksaw Jim Duggan ain't joining NO horsemen NEVER EVER! Hooooooo!!! Now for that ANNOUNCER BOY! YOU GONNA GET HURT! HOOOOOOO!!!

    Over: 62

    Crowd: 65

    Match: 58

    Steve Corino Gained Overness

    Hacksaw Jim Duggan lost overness

    -Fuji, to be in corner of Yokozuna during his WWF Title Match, at the Rumble

    Mr. Fuji, who came to the aid of Yokozuna earlier tonight, was backstage and assured Yokozuna that he was with him to stay--and that he would be there when Yoko takes on the WWF Champion Bret Hart at Royal Rumble. 73 %

    Mr. Fuji gained Overness

    Yokozuna lost overness


    -President Jack Tunney Attacks Eddie Gilbert!!!-

    Gilbert came out for an interview, but before he could get a word out - the words "THE WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION...WHAT THE WORLD IS WATCHING. blasted over the PA system. Gilbert stared at the RAW Tron, confused -- Finally, the crowd popped for WWF PRESIDENT JACK TUNNEY APPEARING FROM UNDERNEATH THE RING!! Jack Tunney smashed a chair over Gilbert's head and yelled;

    "Nobody messes with my WWF!!! You're gonna pay for throwing fire at my WWF Wrestlers at Royal Rumble...when you face the WWF Watchdog, Yokozuna!!!! But first, right here next week...you find a partner, because you will have to take on, in a tag team match, Yokozuna....and.....WWF KING JERRY LAWLER!!!! But wait...theres more....if Yokozuna doesn't get the job done, I'll finish you off at the Royal Rumble! (crowd is in shock, as Jack Tunney is going to wrestle!) But wait THERES MORE!!! Tonights match with Yokozuna will be A CAGE MATCH! That way, you can't escape!!! Crowd pops big, and starts a big 'Tunney' chant. I guess Tunney thinks that Yokozuna learned how to climb a cage, since he became 'WWF Watchdog'. 73%

    -The Canadian Foundation reign supreme over the Real Americans-

    The Canadian Foundation (Ray Rougeau & Jim Neidhart) d. Real Americans

    Ray Rougea grabbed the mic and announced that this match would be the final match between the two team, because 'all of his fans in England and France were tired of seeing him lowered to fighting men like Bob Backlund and Mike Rotunda. Oh, and yes...looks like another name change for the Canadian Team....maybe to avoid a lawsuit, they just took the name of the entire stable.

    Overall: 72

    Crowd: 75

    Match: 69

    The Canadian Foundation gained overness from this feud ending

    The Real Americans lost overness from this feud ending


    Hotstuff Eddie Gilbert d. Yokozuna - Cage Match

    This match ended when Yokozuna tried climbing the cage...he got stuck midway, and couldn't get out. Fuji even helped...and Tunney came running down the isle to lend a hand....but to no avail. While those three fiddled around with Yokozuna, Gilbert walked out of the door, and was met with debris from the fans. He walked to the back, pointing and laughing at Tunney, saying " This is my WWF now, Tunney.... "

    Overall: 79

    Crowd: 84

    Match: 69

    -Jerry Lawler gets in a Pub Fight-

    We now go to a 'local pub' where Jerry Lawler is enjoying some drinks with the fans of the UK, when a group of Manchester street thugs come up to him. They are drunk and start calling him names, citing about how they love Macho King Randy Savage. Lawler tries to ignore them, but suddenly suprised when a beer bottle is cracked over his head! All three thugs then take Lawler and throw him outside the bar. While Lawler is down, another group of street thugs come and start kicking him! They take his money and walk away laughing.....After Lawler is taken away in paramedics, we see Macho King paying off the attackers! 94%

    Jerry Lawler's overness went up


    -'Mean' Mark Callous "Aids" The Horsemen-

    Ric Flair & Mark Callous d. Bret Hart & The Mountie

    During the entire match, while Callous wrestled, Flair refused to tag in. Callous kept making the Horsmen sign, along with imitating Ric Flair's "Woooos". To further add to his 'Horsemen by Force' application, he even came out to Ric Flair's music. The end of the match came, when Lex Luger stole the Mountie's cattle prod, using it on Bret and The Mountie. Finally, Flair tagged in, for the easy pin. The show ended with Ric Flair, Tully Blanchard, Lex Luger, and JJ Dillon, all holding thier hands up making the Horsemen sign. Callous held his hands up, too, but JJ Dillon kept pulling it down, telling him to leave the ring.....McMahon's last words on commentary were; " Going into the Royal Rumble, could we be looking at the New Four Horsemen!!?? "

    Overall: 81

    Crowd: 86

    Match: 72

    Show Quality

    Card Quality: 78%

    TV Rating: 6.49

    The Competition

    WCW Monday; 6.43

    Preview to Next Week's RAW!!!!!!!

    With only 1 week remaining to the Royal Rumble;

    --Announcer Steve Corino vowes to get to the bottom of the Fourth Horsemen!

    --Main Event: The Mountie vs. Lex Luger - No DQ!

    --WWF Tag Team Championship:

    The Colossal Connection vs. The Rockers!

    --The WWF Title will be on the line!


    -As ordered by Jack Tunney; Eddie Gilbert & ? vs. Jerry Lawler & Randy Savage!

    -The Giant Gonzales, I-C Champion Chris 'Tatanka' Chavis, Mr. Perfect, and George 'The Animal' Steele are all in the building!!

    Live from the Guildhall - Portsmouth England!!!!!!!

  20. user posted image

    Janurary, 10th 1994 -Monday Night Raw -

    Channel: USA Network

    Venue: Manhattan Centre, New York

    Attendance: 6,541

    Announcers: Vince McMahon & Steve Corino


    Dave Schmeltzer

    -Shawn Michaels gets denied by the Horsemen-

    Raw opens up with JJ Dillon washing his hands in the back. Shawn Michaels comes up to him and says;

    " Yooo, JJ! My Man! It's me H.B.K! Yo listen...i hear ya got an opening in that stable--that Legendary stable, the Four--- "

    JJ stopped Michaels by spitting in his face....and walked off, laughing.

    Marty Jannety walked in, and seemed upset at Michaels for trying to join the Horsemen. 96%


    -The Mountie takes a Stand-

    Raw opened up with the Mountie & Jimmy Hart leading the Canadian Foundation to the ring. Gene Okerland is waiting for them in the ring.

    Gene " Mountie...I want to have a word with you....but first--are you worried that a member of your very Foundation is joining the Horsemen! Hey! Where's Bret? It must be Bret Hart! Bret Hart has joined----

    Mountie ( Jimmy Hart snatches the microphone from Gene's hand and hands it over to the Mountie). Get out of the ring baldie! First of all, Bret Hart, your WWF Champion is not here tonight! (Crowd cheers the fact that Bret isn't here). Because of the attack of the Horsemen last week on RAW, Bret has refused to come to WWF Raw, because of the unsafe conditions. And he will remain at home until President Jack Tunney takes appropriate messures! And thats an order, Jack! Secondly, all this Horsemen crap! We've had enough of it! (Martel, Rougeau, Niedhart, Martel, and Jimmy Hart all agree). We don't care if Mark Callous joins the Horsmen or not! As a matter a fact, if I had things my way; I would send Callous back to the graveyard, and Flair back to Charolette! Flair, you just remember one thing! Remember who has the WWF Title---us; and who's part of a championship-less stable...which isn't even at 100%! YOU!! HAHAHAHA!!! They all leave and follow Mountie and Jimmy to the back. 78%

    Hiroyoshi Tenzan d. Rick Steiner

    Its no secret that these two had some great matches in New Japan 'a couple of years ago'. They had another good one tonight.

    Overall: 71

    Crowd: 64

    Match: 78

    Hiroyoshi Tenzan gained overness

    Rick Steiner lost his overness

    Max Moon d. Red Rooster

    Overall: 51

    Crowd: 53

    Match: 48Max Moon gained overness

    Red Rooster lost his overness


    -The Big Bossman looses his cool-

    We return to RAW with footage of Slick walking around w/ the Collossal Connection. Slick has a piece of paper, with the address to 'Interscope Records on it'. They walk inside, and is met by an intern at the main doors. His name tag reads 'Mr. STone'

    Slick "Helloooo mah brutha!!! What is yo' First Name, Mr. Stone??"

    Mr. STone " My first name is Brim. Now, how may I help you?"

    Akeem" YO! BRO! I'M hea to meet wit Mah Homeboy Dr. Dre! Dis iz Interscope Records, 'aint it.

    Mr. STone (after laughing) "Um...No sir...Dr. Dre is actually on tour right now--He's in New York Now. If you knew him you would know that.

    Big Bossman (Bossman jumps in front off of his associates) Dammit 'boy! You let us up there! We are the WWF Tag Team Champions!" At this point, a group of tourists, being led on a tour of the record label notices the trio. One person yells out; pointing to the Bossman, "Is That John Candy!!

    Bossman chases them away....he trips while running...but nevertheless gets back up and continues the chase. It must've been the fall. 57 %

    Big Bossman lost overness from this skit :(

    -Paul Bearer shows that he can handle his own-

    Diamond Studd d. Hacksaw Jim Duggan

    After the match Paul Bearer came running down the isle, and started punching Studd From behind. 'Gentle Giant' Gonzales with him to make sure that Studd didn't fire back. Giant then screamed, "I'll see you at the Rumble! In a broken and hardly understandable dialect.

    Overall: 71

    Crowd: 78

    Match: 56

    Looser leaves RAW Match - Steve Corino d. Rowdy Roddy Piper

    Piper was wearing a "Rowdy 4:20 T-Shirt, backwards.

    During the match, McMahon on commentary kept talking about how Piper had a 'big secret to tell' at the Rumble. Well, I'm sure it's not a marijuana addiction, because that part's no secret.

    Overall: 68

    Crowd: 64

    Match: 72

    -'Mean' Mark Prepares For His Match against a Horseman-

    We go to the back where Mean Mark Callous is preparing for his match. While the camera is there, he shows them around his lockeroom. He seems to have placed Four Horseman pictures, posters, and memoribillia all over his locker room. He brings the camera to his most prized 4 Horseman item. It's a 1989 picture of, JJ Dillon, Ric Flair, Tully Blanchard, Lex Luger---and a superimposed picture of Mark Callous, with his 'arm around Flair'.. Oh the trickery of photography. The crowd cheers Callous' little stunt. 89%


    Eddie Gilbert/Mr. Perfect/Randy d. Yokozuna, I-C Champion Chris Chavis, Jerry Lawler

    Gilbert got the pin on Jerry Lawler, in what seem to be a match to get Gilbert over. Many fans in the arena popped loud for the short Lawler-Gilbert brawl, as they seem to remember the classic bouts the two had down in Memphis. After the match, Gilbert said a few short words....

    " Jack Tunney! You sent that fat a** Yokozuna after me! Why don't you be a man, and stop me yourself!! The challenge has been made Tunnballs! Gilbert - Tunney, The Royal Rumble! Because I'm everyone girls dream, Every Woman's fantasy, and Every Man's Nightmare!!"

    Overall: 81 (!!!!)

    Crowd : 86

    Match: 70


    -The Mountie Gets his men-

    'Mean' Mark Callous DDQ Lex Luger

    Again...a Double DQ. Ric Flair ended this match again when he came running in the ring and started to pound on Callous. He was getting booed out of the building. At that point, The Mountie came running down the isle and helped Flair pound Callous. However, after thier double team, Mountie turned on Flair, hitting him in the eye with his cattleprod. Luger and Dillon attended to Flair who was outside the ring in agonizing pain. Raw went off the air, with the Mountie standing in the ring with Jimmy Hart waiving the Canadian Flag, to very hostile crowd....

    Overall: 79

    Crowd: 85

    Match: 68

    Show Quality

    Card Quality: 77

    TV RAting: 6.04

    Preview of Next Week's Raw!!!

    --A 20 Man BattleRoyal!!! The First person out is #1 for the Royal Rumble, while the winner will be #30, the last superstar out!!

    --Jack Tunney's first wrestling match!!

    --With only 2 weeks left until the Rumble, the Horsemen Continue their Search!

    --Marty Jannetty has something to say to Shawn Michaels!

    --Main Event: The Mountie w/ Jimmy Hart vs. Lex Luger w/ JJ Dillon


    Next RAw comes to us from London, England....and we all know they are a bit more liberal over there...so expect some great action ;)


    With WCW's new Monday Night Program getting off to a killer start....it's time to pick up the pace...leading into the Royal Rumble.

  21. Janurary 9th, 1994

    Vince Russo walked in with JJ Dillon, Ed Ferrera, and some new guy, with a stern look on his face.

    Russo "WCW's got a new Monday Night show...and check out their ratings for the first week....6.45 against our 6.04!"

    Dillon" It's Ok, we are still getting more people in the arena! Everything is fine, boss!"

    Russo "It's Not OK! More bad news -- because of that segment that we had a few weeks ago, where Slick was talking with that bellboy named "Mufffy", had a negative effect on our PI--turns out "Mufffy" is some sort of child violator."

    Dillon "Oh don't worry about it! Their PI is 51% ours is at 49%!! We are getting more people in the seats! The people are spending money on merch! We made $5 mil last month! Don't you remember? It's a small setback! We have the hottest feuds going on right now, we'll reclaim our top spot, definatley before the Royal Rumble. And once the Rumble comes around, it's an upward hill from there!"

    Javert: (I had to put an end to this bickering), "Um...have we decided on a Fourth Horsemen yet?"

    Dillon "Yes....Yes we have."

    .::closes door::.

  22. user posted image

    Live, Janurary 30th, 1994 on Pay Per View!

    Venue: Ocoro Arena, PA



    user posted imageVS.user posted image

    "Hitman" Bret Hart (Champion) "WWF Watchdog" Yokozuna

    w/ Jimmy Hart


    user posted imageVS.user posted imageVS.user posted image

    'Mean' Mark Callous The Mountie w/ Jimmy Hart "Nature Boy" Ric Flair

    Presidential Bout!!

    user posted imageVS.user posted image

    'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert - WWF President Jack Tunney

    WWF Intercontinental Championship!!

    user posted imageVS.user posted image

    Chris 'Tatanka' Chavis - Lex Luger w/ JJ Dillon


    user posted imageVS.user posted image

    The Diamond Studd - 'Gentle Giant' Gonzales w/ Uncle Paul Bearer

    (If Studd wins, he gets a match against Bearer on Monday Night Raw!)

    Money vs. Hair Match!!

    user posted imageVS.user posted image

    Ted Dibiase w/ Virgil - George 'The Animal' Steele w/ Cpt. Lou

    (On the Line: The Million Dollar Belt vs. Steele's Body Hair!)

    30 Man Over the Top Rope Royal Rumble!!!!

    This Year's Entries'

    Mean Mark Callous, Earthquake, Koko B. Ware, Ludvig Borga, Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Tully Blanchard, Giant Gonzales, France's Favourite Hero Ray Rougeau, Jim Niedhart, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Kamala, Paul Bearer, Rick Steiner, Ted Dibiase, Repo Man, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Ric Flair, Tugboat, Scott Steiner, Hotstuff Eddie Gilbert, Macho King Randy Savage, George The Animal Steele, WWF King Jerry Lawler, Demolion Crush, Diamond Studd, Demolition Nova, Mr. Perfect, Shawn Michaels, Marty Jannetty, Big Bossman, plus several 'suprise' entries!

    Plus, The Arrival Of The Fourth Horseman!!!!

  23. :angry::angry::angry::angry:

    Once again, I typed out results to The Main Event, only to have it erased by the random incorrect effect that the backspace button has on this board.

    So in my next RAW, during the raw, I'll post 'Highlights' of The Main Event...

    But here's a quick recap.

    The Horsemen continued their search...

    ---JJ Dillon interview Perfect...Perfect said he would only join the Horsemen if the Genius can come along with him. Dillon said no way. :lol:

    ---George the Animal Steele chased JJ Dillon around for the whole night. Looks like Dillon is NOT accepting the man-beast into the Horsman

    ---Flair defeated Tenzan, in a match that had 81 quality! But the crowd didn't care because of the Eddie Gilbert promo right before this match. That had the crowd buzzing

    Jerry Lawler & Macho King had another great match, this time a grudge match. These two are having a great old-skool type feud: More matches, less angles.

    Ahh. thats actually about it....lots of squash matches....getting people over...69 Quality, 6.04 rating. Well...I feel a little better now :)

    Hope everyone's enjoying the storylines...feedback!

    In my next update (which will be later tonight), the complete card for the PPV just over 2 weeks way, The Royal Rumble! Plus the complete listing of everyone on the roster, along with their overness....!

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