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The Hardcore Canuck

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Posts posted by The Hardcore Canuck

  1. user posted image

    Wednesday June 1, 2005

    Segment 1 - Angle

    (Aero is backstage preparing for his match tonight against Billy Reil when GenX appears and begin a beat down. They continue the assult until M-Dogg 20 is seen in the background. He rushes over and tries to help Aero, but GenX overpowers him. Paul Burchill and Kevin Fertig continues the assult on Aero, while Andrew Monica starts trash talking M-Dogg 20 while holding his throat)

    Andrew Monica - You like that, Hero? Aero was just buisness, but you, my friend, you are personal. Getting in my buisness makes problems for you. Tonight, me and you are going to have a match. Not just any match though, but rather one that will make or break you. I will make sure that it is the latter. Tonight me and you in a High Incident Match. First to take a little tumble from the scaffolding loses. Is that OK hero? (M-Dogg 20 manages a nod, and Andrew Monica slaps him and calls off Paul and Kevin and GenX walks away.)


    Segment 2 - Match - Black Dragon vs. Cade Sydal...The Finish: Sydal climbs to the top rope and flies with a flipping attack, but Dragon catches Sydal in mid-air and turns Sydals move into a powerbomb! Sydal is out as Dragon pins him for the win. (59, 29, 89)

    Segment 3 - Angle

    (Christian York comes out to the ring)

    Christian York - Last Sunday, I proved that I was, am, and forever will be the greatest Main Event Champion! It seems all you fans here agree with me. And becuase I've proved myself time and time again that this fact is, indeed, true I am putting forth an open challenge to anyone in the back...except for Matthews cause we all know he couldn't beat me even if I...

    (Nate Hatred's music cuts York off and Hatred walks down to the ring)

    Nate Hatred - Shut your damn mouth. I've been left out of the main event for too long. For too long have chumps like you and Monica been running around with the belt around your waist. Well no more. At No Escape, it will be my turn. And you York, you will feel what it is like to be on the receving end end of pure hatred.(Hatred then begins to assult York and finally ends the assult with a Fire Thunder Bomb)


    Segment 4 - Match - Aero vs. Billy Reil...The Opener: Billy Reil comes down to the ring first. Aero follows, but he is in bad shape from the assult earlier from GenX....The Finish: Reil has just picked apart Aero. Reil dropkicks Aero. Aero staggers to his feet and Reil hits the South Philly Driver! Reil pins Aero and we have a winner. (68, 53, 83)

    Segment 5 - Tag Team Match - Beckett and Wylde vs. GenX III (Paul Burchill/Kevin Fertig)...The Finish: Kevin Fertig is on the outside, getting to his feet. Burchill, Beckett and Wylde are in the ring. Wylde is down and out as well. Burchill charges Beckett who is against the ropes. Both men go tumbling to the outside. Wylde slowly gets to his feet and sees Burchill clothesline Beckett. Wylde then sets up for a springboard. Kevin then dives back into the ring. Wylde jumps onto the top rope and is about to dive onto Burchill, but Kevin grabs him and turns it into a powerbomb! Kevin pins Wylde and we have a winner. (71, 59, 83)

    Segment 6 - Match - Jonny Storm vs. Kevin Martel...The Finish: Martel is really taking it to Storm. He dishes out a huge T-Bone suplex on Storm. Martel is know calling for the Standing Star Press. He sets it up...but Storm hits Martel with a low blow! He's DQ'd and Martel picks up the victory. (75, 53, 98)

    Segment 7 - Match - B-Boy vs. Chris Hero...The Finish: Hero goes to grapple B-Boy. B-Boy is able to swat his arms away and catch him in the grip for the Cross Special Brainbuster! He goes for it...but Hero is able to reverse it and hit the Hero's Welcome! Hero pins B-Boy and picks up the win. (72, 62, 83)

    Segment 8 - High Incident Match - Andrew Monica vs. M-Dogg 20...The Finish: Both men have climbed to the second of the three layers of the scaffolding. There is a pile of tables that is lined up with this level. Both men begin brawling until Andrew gets the advantage and low blows M-Dogg 20! ANdrew then places him on the tables and climbs to the top layer! Andrew looks down at M-Dogg 20 before leaping off and hitting a Reckless Dive on M-Dogg 20! Both men go crashing through the tables and to the mat! Neither men are moving! The ref calls out the paramedics and both men are being taken out as the camera fades out. (84, 87, 79)

    MEW Overdrive recieved a 1.59, with 363 fans in attendance.

  2. user posted image

    Wednesday May 25, 2005

    Segment 1 - Match - Chris Hero vs. Billy Reil...The Finish: Reil suplexes Hero to themat. He pulls him to the turnbuckle and sets up a moonsault. However, he plays to the crowd too much and that gives Hero a chance to get up and pull Reil off the top rope! Reil falls and smashes his head on the top turnbuckle. He staggers backwards right into a Hero's Welcome! Hero picks up the win! Reil gets up and punches the ref right in the face! He goes down as Reil leaves. (68, 46, 91)

    Segment 2 - Match - Black Dragon vs. Chance beckett...The Finish: Black Dragon locks in a sleeper hold. Beckett, however, turns it into a jaw breaker! Dragon stumbles around for a second when Beckett hits the Mafia Kick on Dragon! Beckett pins him for the win. (66, 40, 92)

    Segment 3 - Angle

    (Billy Reil is seen in his dressing room shoving clothing into a gym bag. GenX walks in)

    Andrew Monica - Tough loss, Reil.

    (Without looking up)

    Billy Reil - Shut the hell up, Andrew.

    Seven - Watch how you speak to him, punk.

    (Reil walks over and gets into Seven's face)

    Billy Reil - What are you going to do about it?

    (Andrew puts his hands between them)

    Andrew Monica - Settle down, Seven. See, Reil. This is why I like you. You've got...how do you say it...spunk.

    Billy Reil - Thanks.

    Andrew Monica - I've noticed that you've been in a little bit of a slump recently, Reil.

    Billy Reil - Yeah, so?

    Andrew Monica - Well, I've heard rumors that you have a match this Sunday at No Escape against Halo. What I'm trying to say here is that GenX is offering their services to you, in order to assist you to win.

    (Billy Reil looks intrigued)

    Billy Reil - That's very generous of you. Now, how much would this offer cost me?

    Andrew Monica - Not a cent. Consider it a favour between friends. So, do we have a deal? (Extends his hand)

    (Billy Reil ponders for a couple of seconds before shaking Andrew's hand. GenX smiles to each other and leave Reil in his dressing room with a smirk on his face)


    Segment 4 - Tag Team Match - Excess 69/Halo vs. Lyguila and Horiguchi...The Finish: Lyguila is control of Halo. He whips Halo into his own conrner. Halo hits the turnbuckle hard and falls straight backwards. Lyguila goes for the quick pin and Horiguchi helps him out by hopping off the apron and holding down one of Halos legs! The ref doesn't see it! Excess 69 doesn't like ti and charges Lyguila but is taken out. Lyguila and Horiguchi beat down them for a while until Aero and Hi69's music and they charge the ring. Lyguila and Horiguchi dive to the outside and leave via the ramp. (62, 38, 87)

    Segment 5 - Match - Greg Pawluk vs. Michael Shane...The Finish: Shane is laying punches on Pawluk. Shane goes to kick him in the gut, but Pawluk catches his foot. Shane goes for an Enziguri, but Pawluk ducks and locks in the Boston Crab on a fallen Shane! Shane quickly taps out. (60, 43, 78)

    Segment 6 - Match - Jason Cross vs. Joey Matthews...The Finish: Cross is laying right hands on Matthews. Matthews falls to his knees and begs for mercy ala Flair. Cross loses his concentration for one second and Matthews hits Cross with a tumb to the eye. Cross spins around slowly, right into a Full Effect! Matthews pins Cross for the win. Matthews leaves the ring and Cross is still down. Seven appears at the top of the ramp and makes his way to the ring with a steel chair and a mic. He sets up the chair next to Cross and tells him that the following is a personal message from Andrew Monica. Seven then tosses the mic to the outside and proceds to hit Cross across the back of his head three times! Cross is not moving as Seven exits the ring with a huge smile. (71, 56, 86)

    Segment 7 - Match - Jose Maximo (w/ Joel maximo) vs. Josh Prohibition (w/ M-Dogg 20)...The Finish: Josh dropkicks Jose. Josh then calls for the Drunken Driver. Joel, on the outside, has had enough! He dives into the ring and low blows Josh! M-Dogg 20 then hits the ring and we have a four way brawl! Security eventually gets control of the situation. (77, 54, 100)

    Segment 8 - Match - Andrew Monica (w/ GenX) vs. Christain York (Non-Title Match)...The Finish: York back body drops Andrew and is setting up for a Superkick. Burchill and Seven then jump onto the apron and distract the ref as Joey Matthews hits the ring via the crowd. On his way into the ring he grabs York's belt! Upon entering the ring Matthews waits for York to turn around and the Matthews pegs York in the face! He tosses the belt away and dives from the ring. Andrew then takes his time and pins the lifeless York. As GenX leaves they shake hands with Matthews, who remains at the top of the stage staring at York. (81, 71, 92)

    MEW Overdrive recieved a 1.59, with 236 fans in attendance.

  3. user posted image

    Wednesday May 18, 2005

    Segment 1 - Match - Hi69 (w/ Aero) vs. Lyguila (w/ Genki Horiguchi)...The Finish: Lyguila hits a low blow on Hi69, but the ref missed it! Aero jumps up onto the apron and the ref rushes over to get him down. Horiguchi then dives into the ring behind the ref and him and Lyguila double team Hi69! Aero's had enough and jumps onto the top rope and hits a springboard missle dropkick on Horiguchi right over the ref! The ref spins and sees the carnage and rules a double DQ! The two teams fight for a bit until the fight breaks up with no clear winner. (67, 44, 90)

    Segment 2 - Angle

    (Andrew Monica is sitting in his dressing room, taping his wrists when Joey Matthews walks in)

    Joey Matthews - You wanted to talk to me?

    Andrew Monica - Yeah, it seems we have a tag match tonight.

    Joey Matthews - Against who?

    (Andrew Monica smiles)

    Andrew Monica - Christian York and Jason Cross.

    Joey Matthews - Excellent. I tell you what. I'm going to change into my tights and I'll come back and we'll talk strategy.

    Andrew Monica - What strategy? I don't care if I win or lose the match as long as Cross ends up hurt.

    Joey Matthews - That's one way to look at it. I'll be back.

    (Joey Matthews leaves and Andrew Monica continues to tape his wrists)


    Segment 3 - Match - Chance Beckett vs. Billy Reil...The Finish: Reil dropkicks Beckett. Beckett gets up and Reil goes for a sunset flip, but Beckett doesn't roll with him, but rather he grabs Reil's legs and falls on his shoulders pinning him! Reil is pissed! He starts hitting the turnbuckle and throwing an all out temper tantrum! (64, 46, 83)

    Segment 4 - Interview

    (Interviewer stands with mic outside of a dressing room)

    Interviewer - Tonight I'm going to interview the newest MEW superstar, Halo!

    (Halo exits dressing room)

    Interviewer - Halo tonight you are debuting. What do you want to show the fans, and quite frankly all of the other wrestlers here tonigt?

    Halo - Tonight I'm going to prove that I'm not just another kid that these guys can push around. I'm going to 100% in each and every night and even if the odds are stacked up against me I won't lie down for anyone.

    Interviewer - That's a great philosophy to live by. Do you know, by any chance, who your opponent is tonight, as I was never told?

    Halo - No, but I've been told by the management staff that my opponent is one tough wrestler. But no matter how tough he is, no matter how strong he is, I will prevail, and I will walk out of that ring victorious! There is no stopping Halo!

    (Halo then walks away in the direction of the ring)


    Segment 5 - Match - Halo vs. ??????...The Opener: Halo comes down to the ring waiting for his mystery opponent. Suddenly GenX's music hits and out walks Burchill, followed by Seven! Halo looks scared for a second, but then puts on a determined looking face. As soon as Burchill and Seven reach the ring Halo dives from the ring with a corkscrew crossbody and takes both men out!...The Finish: Other then Halo's opening move, this match has been one sided in favour of Burchill. Burchill sets up Halo and hits a powerbomb! He climbs the turnbuckle and hits The C4 on Halo! Burchill then pins him with a cocky pin and it's all over. Burchill and Seven get halfway up the ramp when Halo slowly gets to his feet. Burchill and Seven then return to the ring and beat down Halo. They leave but Halo gets up again! This time Burchill and Seven make sure hes not going to get up. They pick up Halo and toss him out of the ring and through the announcers table! Halo is out cold! Burchill and Seven leave, laughing while paramedics rush down to help out Halo. (66, 41, 92)

    Segment 6 - Interview

    (Youthanazia is seen backstage with a ladder set up behind them)

    Josh Prohibition - SAT, we only have one thing to say to you.

    M-Dogg 20 - That come two weeks from now at No Escape we're going to use our little buddy here (points to ladder) at we're going prove once and for all that we are the greatest tag team in MEW today.

    Josh Prohibition - And there's no way you can stop us. There'll be no escape for either of you.

    M-Dogg 20 - And tonight we will show a small portion of what we mean when I defeat you Joel, one on one.

    (They leave and the camera does a close up on the ladder)


    Segment 7 - Match - M-Dogg 20 (w/ Josh Prohibition) vs. Joel Maximo (w/ Jose Maximo)...The Finish: M-Dogg 20 tosses Joel to the outside by the destroyed announcers table. Jose Maximo jumps onto the apron and the ref rushes over. Josh runs over pulls Jose off the apron and begins to brawl with him. The ref is yelling at them to stop. Meanwhile, M-Dogg 20 climbs the turnbuckle and goes for a crossbody on Joel...but Joel pegs M-Dogg 20 in the face with the ring bell in mid-air! He's out cold! Joel puts him back in the ring and covers him. It takes the ref a couple of seconds to make the three count, but it doesn't matter as M-Dogg is out light a broken light bulb. The SAT bolt when Josh Prohibition dives into the ring with a steel chair to protect his comrade. (77, 58, 96)

    Segment 8 - Tag Team Match - Andrew Monica/Joey Matthews vs. Christian York/Jason Cross...The Finish: Andrew Monica hits the Monicaplex on Christian York! He's out cold! Andrew gets up and Jason Cross charges and clothesline's him! Jason Cross sets Andrew up for a powerbomb, but Andrew is able to change the momentum and reverse it with a head scissors takedown, which sends both men to the outside! York slowly gets to his feet but is taken out soon enough with The Virgian Necktie from Joey Matthews! Joey pins York and we have a winner! Andrew and Cross get up and brawl their way up the ramp and out of our view through the curtains. Meanwhile in the ring, Joey goes and grabs York's belt and stalks York. York turns around and Joey guns for his head, but York ducks and hits a superkick on Joey! York stands above a fallen Joey with his belt and begins to yell threats at Joey when the camera fades out. (74, 63, 85)

    MEW Overdrive recieved a 1.65, with 237 fans in attendance.

  4. Supreme (Image) vs. Superman (DC)

    Deadpool (Marvel) vs. Batman (DC)

    The Punisher (Marvel) vs. Deathstroke (DC)

    Green Lantern (DC) vs. Silver Surfer (Marvel)

    Static (Milestone) vs. Electro (Marvel)

    Wonder Woman (DC) vs. Phoenix (Marvel)

    Spider-Man (Marvel) vs. Invincible (Image)

    Venom (Marvel) vs. Bane (DC)

    Aqua Man (DC) vs. Namor The Sub-Mariner (Marvel)

    Punisher > *

  5. user posted image

    Wednesday May 11, 2005

    Segment 1 - Angle

    (Christian York is seen walking down the hall. He enters a room marked "Joey Matthews". He exits a couple of seconds later with a gym bag and leaves) (62)

    Segment 2 - Match - Aero vs. Genki Horiguchi...The Finish: Horiguchi is in control. He's signaling that he's ready to end the match when Hi69 charges the ring. He gets up and stares down both Horiguchi and Aero. No-one does anything until Hi69 slaps Aero! The ref calls for the DQ! Suddenly both Aero and Hi69 set upon Horiguchi! It was a setup! Lyguila hits the ring, and Hi69 and Aero bail. They stare each other down while yelling threats for a while. (67, 46, 88)

    Segment 3 - Angle

    (Christian York enters the ring with a gym bag)

    Christian York - Hey Matthews, have you been looking for this? (Holds up gym bag) I found it lying around and decided I should clean it up for you. (He opens the bag and pulls out Matthew's wrestling tights) Someone could have tripped over this and really hurt themselves.

    (Joey Matthews appears at the top of the stage)

    Joey Matthews - Just what in the hell do you think your doing with my stuff?

    Christian York - Cleaning up for you. (He tosses the tights into the crowd)

    Joey Matthews - Stop it!

    Christian York - Opps! (Throws a t-shirt into the crowd)

    Joey Matthews - I'm warning you. Stop throwing my stuff into the crowd or else.

    Christian York - (Drops gym bag) Or else what?

    (Matthews hits the ring and they begin brawling until Matthews gets the upper hand and pegs York in the head with a wrestling boot from the bag. After taunting York Matthews leaves)


    Segment 4 - Match - Black Dragon vs. Excess 69...The Finish: Excess irish whips Dragon into the ropes and catches him in a sleeper hold. He holds it for a bit until Dragon reverses it into a jaw breaker! Excess is down! Dragon climbs the turnbuckle and hits the Shooting Star Press on Excess! Dragon pins him for the win. (57, 25, 90)

    Segment 5 - Match - Billy Reil vs. Derek Wylde...The Finish: Wylde is sent into the turnbuckle. Reil tries to follow it up with a clothesline but Wylde gets his foot up! Reil is staggering. Wylde sets it up and dishes out the Wylde Ride! He pins Reil for the win. Reil can't believe it and looks like he's almost going to cry. (67, 43, 91)

    Segment 6 - Angle

    (Andrew Monica comes down to the ring)

    Andrew Monica - Ms. Vanessa, I need an answer! Why was I left out of the Number One Contenders match last week! I'm a former champ! I deserve a shot more then anyone of those nobodys! Get out here now and give me my title shot! (Jason Cross appears at the top of the ramp and enters the ring) Your not Vanessa. Get the hell out of here, or else I'll have to kick the crap out of you right here, right now. (Jason Cross is not scared) Fine then.

    (Andrew Monica throws a right hand, but Cross blocks it and begins to pound Andrew. Burchill and Seven hit the ring and beat down Cross)

    Andrew Monica - You caught me by surprise, Cross. But that won't be the case at No Escape. You won't be able to walk out of the ring when I'm done with you.


    Segment 7 - Tag Team Match - B-Boy/Michael Shane vs. Youthanazia (Josh Prohibition/M-Dogg 20)...The Finish: B-Boy and Michael Shane have been at ends all match, when finally Shane just leaves the match. B-Boy is yelling at Shane as he walks out nd Youthanazia takes advatage and hits a double DDT on B-Boy! M-Dogg 20 pins him and we have a winner. B-Boy rolls out of the ring and Youthanazia plays to the crowd when suddenly The SAT hit the ring with a ladder! They take both men out and set up the ladder and both Maximos hit splashes on Youthanaiza! (74, 59, 89)

    Segment 8 - Angle

    (Jose Maximo grabs a mic)

    Jose Maximo - I can't stand either of you. These fans like you, and for the life of me I can't figure out why.

    Joel Maximo - We're better wrestlers, a hell of a lot more talented then either of you and a whole heap sexier.

    Jose Maximo - To prove out point, at No Escape The SAT vs. Youthanazia in a ladder match!

    (The SAT take a couple more cheap shots before leaving)


    MEW Overdrive recieved a 1.56, with 242 fans in attendance.

  6. user posted image

    Wednesday, May 4, 2005

    Segment 1 - Angle

    (Ms. Vanessa enters the ring)

    Ms. Vanessa - I'd like to welcome everyone to MEW's first televised event! To start things off on the right foot, I'd like to introduce you to our new Main Event Champion, Christian York!

    (Christian York enters ring, and ignores Ms. Vanessa)

    Christian York - Tonight, is not a celebration for me. Tonight, I will get answers. Answers which have plagued me for these past couple of weeks. In my most proud moment, my former best friend Joey Matthews turned on me. I want to know why. We have been like brothers for almost out entire lives. Joey, get out here now, so I can get my answer.

    (Joey Matthews comes through the curtain but remains at the top of the stage)

    Joey Matthews - You want to know why I attacked you York? I did it because I've always been living in your shadow York. York this and York that! Last month was the last straw! You got the title shot and what did I get? Nothing, that's what! I deserved that shot more then you! And tonight I will prove it to you!

    (Joey Matthews starts to come down the ramp)

    Ms. Vanessa - Hold on there, Joey. You already have a match tonight. You are in the Number One Contenders match tonight with Chris Hero and B-Boy! The winner will get to face York here for the title at this month's large event, No Escape. And York, you'd better not screw Matthews out of his shot, or else I'll have to strip you of the title.

    (Ms. Vanessa leaves)

    Joey Matthews - I guess I'll have to wait till No Escape to get my title, but it doesn't matter. I'll still kick your ass right here, right now!

    (Joey Matthews charges the ring and they begin to fight but security hits the ring and seperates them)


    Segment 2 - Match - Austin Lee vs. Excess 69...The Finish: Excess 69 suplexes Lee. He goes to pick him up, but Lee rolls him up with a handful of tights! Lee stole a victory away from Excess 69! He can't believe it! Excess has his back turned to Lee when Lee clotheslines him! Lee starts putting boots to Excess's back when the ref tries to pull him away. Lee shoves the ref and continues his assult on Excess until he's sastified he's done enough damage, and then he leaves. (53, 25, 81)

    Segment 3 - Match - Hade Vansen vs. Michael Shane...The Finish: Shane climbs the turnbuckle looking for a cross body. He flies, but Vansen dives out of the way! Vansen is slow to get up and Vansen hits him the Scissors Kick! Vansen has beaten Shane. (55, 34, 77)

    Segment 4 - Angle

    (Hi 69 is walking down the hall when Lyguila and Horiguchi approach from the opposite direction and bump into him)

    Genki Horiguchi - Watch where your going, boy.

    Lyguila - Kid, you need to learn to respect your elders, or else someone will have to teach you a lesson, or two.

    (Hi69 ignores them and starts to walk away)

    Genki Horiguchi - Hey, get back here. We weren't going to give you those lessons just yet, but since you don't know how to take a hint...

    Lyguila - We'll have to be a little more blunt with you.

    (They begin to back Hi69 into a corner when Hi69 begins to throw punches towards Horiguchi and Lyguila. They are caught off guard for a second before they get the advantage on Hi69 and beat him down)

    Genki Horiguchi - When will you learn, that we are the best tag team ever and a no talent punk like you can't beat us?


    Segment 5 - Match - Andrew Monica vs. M-Dogg 20...The Finish: Andrew climbs the turnbuckle but M-Dogg 20 hits a springboard dropkick and sends Andrew to the outside. M-Dogg 20 plays to the crowd while Andrew fumes on the outside. Andrew then snaps and grabs a chair and dives into the ring. The ref tries to stop him, but Andrew hits him the head with the chair. M-Dogg 20 tries to get away but Andrew catches him with a chair shot. Andrew drops the chair and hits M-Dogg 20 with a DDT onto it! At this point Josh Prohibition hits the ring, but is overcome by Andrew and is hit with a powerbomb into the turnbuckle. (78, 63, 94)

    Segment 6 - Match - Beckett and Wylde vs. Lyguila and Horiguchi...The Finish: Lyguila and Horiguchi are double teaming Wylde while the ref is distracted with Beckett trying to enter the ring. Suddenly Hi69 enters the ring, via the crowd with a kendo stick! He blasts both Horiguchi and Lyguila before diving to the outside. Wylde doesn't know what happened but he pins Horiguchi and picks up the win all the same. (65, 45, 86)

    Segment 7 - Match - Billy Reil vs. Jason Cross...The Finish: Reil sets up Cross and goes for the South Philly Driver, but Reil screws it up and Cross lands on top of him and gets the quick three count! Cross leaves the ring and Reil looks really disgusted with himself. (61, 41, 81)

    Segment 8 - Number One Contenders Fatal Three-Way - B-Boy vs. Chris Hero vs. Joey Matthews...The Finish: Joey is out on the outside. B-Boy and Hero are brawling until Hero hits the Hero's Welcome on B-Boy! He goes for the pin, but Joey dives back in, breaks up the count and hits the Virgina Necktie on Hero! He pins him and Joey Matthews is the Number One Contender! Joey plays to the crowd until he realizes Christian York has appeared at the top of the ramp. They lock eyes and then York charges the ring and they begin to brawl. They keep brawling until the camera fades out. (70, 58, 82)

    MEW Overdrive recieved a 1.59 rating with 237 fans in attendance.

  7. Saturday March 26, 2005

    Anarchy In March

    1105 fans have come to see the MEW superstars compete in the RICOH Collisium in Toronto, Ontario.

    Segment 1 - Angle - Andrew Monica comes to the ring with his belt. He starts plugging himself, saying he's the best and that no-one in the back can beat him. He says to prove that, he's issuing an open challenge. Nothing for a bit until some unfamiliar music hits...and out walks Jorge Estrada! He says that he can beat Monica blindfolded. Monica says that he has a match. However, Monica gets to chose the stipulation because he's the champion. He says he wants a first blood match! Jorge agrees and they stare each other down for a bit. (68)

    Segment 2 - Match - Aero vs. Jonny Storm...The Finish: Aero irish whips Storm into the ropes and goes for a clothesline, but Storm rolls under it and hits The Rewind on Aero when he turns around! Storm picks up the win. (54, 40, 83)

    Segment 3 - Match - Masada vs. Jason Cross...The Finish: Masada goes to suplex Cross, but Cross flips out of it and tries to put Masada into a back body drop, but Masada is able to wriggle himself free and catch Cross in the STF! Cross holds on for a bit, but has to tap out in the end. (46, 38, 67)

    Segment 4 - Match - Mr. X vs. Nate Hatred...The Finish: Mr. X has Hatred reeling. He's pounding him with heavy right hands. Mr. X winds up for the KO punch and lets it fly, but Hatred ducks and catchs Mr. X in the Fire Thunder Driver on Mr. X's way back around! Hatred pins Mr. X for the win. (59, 54, 78)

    Segment 5 - Four-Way TLC Tag Team Match - York and Matthews vs. The SAT (Joel Maximo/Jose Maximo) vs. Youthanazia (Josh Prohibition/M-Dogg 20) vs. GenX III (Burchill/Seven)...The Finish: Everyone but York, Matthews and Burchill are out. The ring has two ladders set up, side by side. There is a table laid across the top. There is a table on the mat. Burchill is on the top of the table and is struggling to stand up and reach the prize. York and Matthews are scrambling up each of the ladders. They get to the top and exchange punches with Burchill, until York and Matthews get the upperhand. They set up Burchill and toss him off the top onto the table on the mat! They reach up and get the prize themselves, winning the match! (65, 57, 89)

    Segment 6 - First Blood Match For The Main Event Championship - Andrew Monica vs. Jorge Estrada...The Finish: Monica goes to spear Jorge, but he misses and gets the ref instead! Jorge grabs a chair and waits for Monica to turn around. Monica turns and is blasted by the chair! He is bleeding, but the ref is out. Jorge starts playing to the crowd, knowing he has won. Monica recovers and realizes he is bleeding. He gets up and stalks Jorge. Jorge turns around and...Monica smears his blood on Jorge! Monica then dives from the ring and hides behind the announcers table. Jorge is confused! The ref slowly gets up and rings the bell! He sees the blood on Jorge! Monica gets up and starts playing to the crowd from the outside, as Jorge looks pissed from the inside. (63, 59, 84)

    user posted image

    Wednesday, April 20, 2005 - MEW has ended their working realtionship with The Zebra Kid, Masada and Vampire Warrior. MEW welcomes Austin Lee and Michael Shane to the roster.

    Saturday April 30, 2005

    U.S. Invasion

    1146 pack into the old ECW arena in Philadelphia, for MEW's first show outside of Canada.

    Segment 1 - Angle - Ms. Vanessa is seen sitting at a desk in an office. In walks Christian York and Joey Matthews. She tells them that she has great news. York will be facing Andrew Monica for the Main Event Championship tonight! York thanks Ms. Vanessa as Matthews looks a little distraught. (70)

    Segment 2 - Tag Team Match - GenX III (Burchill/Seven) vs. Beckett and Wylde...The Finish: The ref is out and all four men are brawling. Seven gets the upper hand on Wylde and sends him to the mat. He grabs a chair and re-enters the ring. He notices the ref stirring and gives the chair to Wylde. Wylde is confused as Seven falls to the ground clutching his head. The ref gets up and sees this and DQ's Beckett and Wylde! GenX III gets out of the ring quickly and exits through the crowd as Mr. X makes his way to the ring to help his comrades. (56, 47, 79)

    Segment 3 - Tables Match - ????? vs. Michael Shane...The Opener: Michael Shane comes to the ring, not knowing who his opponent is. He waits impatiently until Spike Dudley charges from the curtain and starts brawling with Shane!...The Finish: Shane has a table set up and is getting ready to back body drop Spike through the table. He picks him up, but Spike is able to catch his feet on the ropes, turning the move against Shane in a Dudley Dogg through the table! Spike wins the match! (47, 42, 64)

    Segment 4 - Angle - The SAT come out to the ring. They say that Ms. Vanessa has set up a special match for them tonight, against a tag team that they have never faced. They say they're not scared of anyone. Suddenly, Doring and Roadkill's music hits and they charge the ring! (65)

    Segment 5 - Tag Team Match - The SAT (Joel Maximo/Jose Maximo) vs. Doring and Roadkill...The Finish: Jose leaps and takes down Roadkill from the apron, sending them both to the ground. Joel and Doring are exchanging blows, until Joel gets the advantage and hits the Spanish Fly! He covers Doring but he is able to get his foot onto the ropes but Jose runs around the ring and removes it before the ref sees it! The SAT have stolen a victory! They get out of there before Doring and Roadkill figure out what just happened to them. (67, 57, 93)

    Segment 6 - Match - Jonny Storm vs. Chris Hero...The Finish: Hero irish whips Storm into the turnbuckle, but Storm climbs the turnbuckle and dishes out a Blockbuster! Storm pins hero for a win. (57, 45, 84)

    Segment 7 - Match For The Main Event Championship - Andrew Monica vs. Christian York...The Finish: Andrew sets up York for a superplex and hits it! But York has got Monica's legs and he's just pinned the champion! York is the new Main Event Champion! (69, 63, 92)

    Segment 8 - Angle - Christian York stays in the ring celebrating. Out comes his friend, Joey Matthews. He congraulates York. York shows off his belt to Matthews. He then hands it to Matthews so he can hold it. He holds it above his head...the he smashes York in the face with it! York is on the mat bleeding! Matthews stands above him, yelling at him and pointing to the belt. (66)

    user posted image

    Friday April 1, 2005 - MEW has inked a deal with Direct TV to bring you every Wednesday at prime time, MEW Overdrive! Overdrive is avalible in various markets across North America.

  8. February 14, 2005

    Vile Valentines

    1183 fill the Brian Timmis Stadium in Hamilton, Ontario.

    Segment 1 - Angle - GenX are backstage. Andrew is telling them that tonight is his night to win the Main Event Championship. He tells Seven and Burchill to be ready to "help" Andrew. He says that he'll win tonight, at whatever cost. (83)

    Segment 2 - Tag Team Match - Nate Hatred/Vampire Warrior vs. Greg Pawluk/Hade Vansen...The Finish: Hatred tackles Pawluk and they fall to the outside, so the two legal men are in the ring. Vansen and Warrior brawl, when the ref notices that Hatred has gotten a chair and is about to peg Pawluk in the skull. The ref goes to the outside and grabs the chair away from Hatred and starts to give him instructions. Warrior sees his opportunity and sinks his teeth into Vansen's neck! He screams in pain and collapses! Warrior pins him and the ref eventually gets back in and makes the delayed three count. (65, 48, 82)

    Segment 3 - Match - Chris Hero vs. Billy Reil...The Finish: Reil goes for a neck breaker but Hero is able to reverse it and hit the Hero's Welcome! He pins Reil for the victory! (66, 44, 89)

    Segment 4 - Match - Burchill vs. Chance Beckett...The Finish: Beckett irish whips Burchill into the turnbuckle, but Burchill climbs the corner and hits a flying neckbreaker on Beckett! He pins him for the win. (71, 52, 90)

    Segment 5 - Tag Team Match - The SAT (Jose Maximo/Joel Maximo) vs. Youthanazia (Josh Prohibition/M-Dogg 20)...The Finish: Youthanaiza hits suplexes in stereo on the SAT. They both climb a turnbuckle on the same side of the ring. They then hit missle dropkicks in stereo! Joel Maximo (the non-legal man) falls to the outside! M-Dogg 20 pins Jose and Youthanaiza picks up the win! (71, 47, 95)

    Segment 6 - Four-Way Elimination Match For The Main Event Championship - Andrew Monica vs. Chrisitan York vs. B-Boy vs. Joey Matthews...First Elimination: York and Matthews have teamed up against Monica and B-Boy so far this match. They hit a double clothesline on Andrew. They then hit a huge stereo superkick on B-Boy! However, Andrew has climbed the turnbuckle and hits a double top rope neckbreaker on both York and Matthews! Andrew goes for the pin on Matthews and gets it! Matthews is eliminated! Monica then goes for another pin on York but he kicks out!...Second Elimination: B-Boy sits on the top turnbuckle and Monica looks for a superplex. B-Boy throws a couple of punches and Monica falls to the mat! B-Boy looks to take advantage but York runs up and climbs the turnbuckle and hits a SuperFrankensteiner! He pins B-Boy and he's eliminated! It's down to Monica and York!...Final Elimination: Andrew tosses York to the outside, on the ramp side. He then goes to the announcers table and starts throwing chairs into the ring. The ref starts tossing them back to the outside. Meanwhile, Burchill and Seven charge the ring and beat down on York! They then leave after tossing York back into the ring! Andrew stops tossing weapons into the ring and goes and stalks York. He gets up and walks right into a Monicaplex! Monica pins York and becomes the new Main Event Champion! The rest of GenX comes down to the ring and celebrate with Andrew! (73, 61, 86)

    Biggest Pops

    3. Chris Hero beating Billy Reil

    2. Christian York pinning B-Boy

    1. Youthanazia beating The SAT

    Biggest Heat

    3. The SAT

    2. Burchill defeating Beckett

    1. Andrew Monica winning the Main Event Championship

  9. Just a word of advice for Jook...I hope you think again before doing something like this. It seems no-one will agree on musical tastes, so this (in my opinion) was a real waste of your time. Meh. I liked seeing what other people like, music-wise, but all the bitching just took away from it.

  10. 1. Slipknot

    2. System Of A Down

    3. Nothingface

    4. Korn

    5. Nirvana

    6. Soulfly

    7. Rammstein

    8. Hatebreed

    9. Otep

    10. Tool

    11. Machine Head

    12. Mudvayne

    13. Fear Factory

    14. Sevendust

    15. Mushroom Head

    16. Static-X

    17. Insane Clown Posse

    18. Red Hot Chili Peppers

    19. Metallica

    20. Coal Chamber

    Let the flaming begin...

  11. user posted image

    Friday February 4, 2005 - SMWR have signed both Paul London and Jardi Frantz to written contracts. MEW have signed Christian York and Joey Matthews. The main event for the up-coming event is now a four way elimination match, featuring Christian York, Andrew Monica, B-Boy and Joey Matthews.

    Sunday February 6, 2005 - SMWR have signed Nick Gage. MEW has signed the SAT, Jose and Joel Maximo.

  12. Friday January 21, 2005

    New Years Revolution

    MEW makes its return to the RICHO Collisium in Toronto. 1155 fans are ready for the show to begin.

    Segment 1 - Angle - A camera man walks around a corner and sees Seven talking to Nate Hatred. Seven noticies the camera and tells the camera man to get the hell out of there. Seven then shoves the camera man and he falls. By the time the camera man gets up both Seven and Hatred are gone. (67)

    Segment 2 - Match - Black Dragon vs. Hi69...The Finish: Dragon fropkicks Hi69 and climbs the turnbuckle. However, Hi69 climbs the turnbuckle himself and hits a huge top rope DDT! Hi69 pins Dragon for the win! (58, 35, 82)

    Segment 3 - Angle - (A table is set up in the ring with a cloth over it. Ms. Vanessa stands next to the table) Ms. Vanessa wants to introduce us to the first ever Main Event Champion, Super Dragon (crowd goes nuts)! Dragon comes down and Ms. Vanessa has a long winded speech before it is cut short by B-Boy's music! (56)

    Segment 4 - Angle - Super Dragon looks ready to fight facing towards the ramp. However, B-Boy jumps in from the crowd, grabs the belt and pegs Dragon in the back of the head! B-Boy stands over the fallen Super Dragon with the belt raised in one hand. (47)

    Segment 5 - Tag Team Match - GenX II (Andrew Monica/Seven) vs. The H8 Club (Nate Hatred/Nick Gage)...The Finish: Andrew DDT's Nick Gage. Andrew then stands up and lets Gage crawl over to his corner. Nick reaches for the tag, but Hatred raises his hands and jumps off the apron. Gage is shocked! Andrew then hits Gage with a huge knee to the back of the head! Gage's face bounces off the turnbuckle! Andrew rolls him up for the pin. Andrew and Seven then start to beat Gage down when Hatred re-enters the ring and calls them off. Hatred then begins to beat the hell out of Gage! They leave Gage in a pool of his own blood and leave. (81, 70, 92)

    Segment 6 - Match - Burchill vs. Jardi Frantz...The Finish: Burchill goes for a back body drop, but Jardi flips out of it! He dropkicks Burchill in the back of the knee and climbs the turnbuckle. He flies and connects with the 450 Splash! Jardi gets a victory! Then Seven and Andrew Monica hit the ring and chase off Jardi. (70, 46, 94)

    Segment 7 - Ladder Match (Retrieve Briefcase From Top Of Ladder) - Jimmy Yang vs. Paul London...The Finish: Both men start to climb the ladder, slowly. They both reach the top at the same time. They start exchanging right hands until Yang gets the advantage. He is able to climb a little higher and flip over London, catching him in a huge sunset bomb from the top of the ladder! Yang climbs the ladder and gets the briefcase for the win. (86, 72, 100)

    Biggest Pops

    3. Hi69 beating Black Dragon

    2. Jardi Frantz defeating Burchill

    1. Super Dragon

    Biggest Heat

    3. B-Boy

    2. Jimmy Yang beating Paul London

    1. Nate Hatred turning on Nick gage

    user posted image

    Wednesday February 2, 2005 - A new promotion, SMWR, has signed both Jimmy Yang and Super Dragon. The Main Event Championship will be up for grabs at Vile Valentines with B-Boy taking on Paul London. MEW has signed Chris Hero and Johnny Storm.

  13. user posted image

    January 1, 2005 - Congrats to the following MEW wrestlers who placed in the top one hundred wrestlers as voted for by the staff at www.grapplefanatics.net; B-Boy (67), Super Dragon (45), Paul London (42), Jimmy Yang (37) and Andrew Monica (32).

  14. Friday December 31, 2004

    Great Canadian Tour Stop #14 - Vancouver

    465 fans are rocking the PNE Agrodome in Vancouver, British Cloumbia on the final stop of the Great Canadian Tour!

    Segment 1 - Ms. Vanessa comes out to the ring with a mic. She welcomes the fans to the final stop of the Great Canadian Tour! She plugs a couple of matches before she gets to the main event. She tells us that tonight the first ever Main Event Champion will be crowned! Either Jimmy Yang or Super Dragon wil walk out of Vancouver with twenty extra pounds of gold. She wraps up her speech and then leaves. (61)

    Segment 2 - Match - Billy Reil vs. Josh Prohibition...The Finish: Billy Reil goes for a big kick, but Josh catches Reil's leg. Josh spins him around and catches him in the T-Bone Prohibition Plex! Josh picks up the win! (67, 46, 89)

    Segment 3 - Match - Greg Pawluk vs. Masada...The Finish: Masada goes for a clothesline, but Greg ducks and hits a back body drop on Masada! Greg then locks in a Boston Crab! Masada is in it for a long time before he finally taps out! Greg has beaten Masada! (60, 34, 87)

    Segment 4 - Match - B-Boy vs. Jardi Frantz...The Finish: Jardi Frantz climbs the turnbuckle and flies for the Pheonix Press, but B-Boy catches him in a dropkick! B-Boy sets up and delivers a Cross Special Brainbuster on Frantz! B-Boy picks up the victory. (71, 50, 93)

    Segment 5 - Tag Team Match - Lyguila and Horiguchi vs. The H8 Club (Nate Hatred/Nick Gage)...The Finish: All four men are in the ring. The H8 Club are laying right hands on Lyguila and Horiguchi in sync. Lyguila goes down from a huge headbutt from Hatred. The H8 Club then double clothesline Horiguchi! They stalk him and hit a Stiff Double Back Suplex! Hatred pins Horiguchi! Lyguila charges to break it up but Gage spears him! The H8 Club pick up the win! (76, 53, 99)

    Segment 6 - Casket Match - Paul London vs. Vampire Warrior...The Finish: Paul London is on the apron right above the casket. Vampire Warrior is hitting him with right hands, but London is holding on! Vampire bounces off the opposite set of ropes and charges at London who drops and pulls down the top rope! Vampire tumbles into the casket! London then springboards into the casket! He rolls out and is able to close the casket! The refs lock it up and London is the winner! The casket is seen shaking for a bit until it finally stops. (72, 68, 76)

    Segment 7 - Six Man Tag Match - GenX (Andrew Monica/Burchill/Seven) vs. Ms. Vanessa's Aides (Derek Wylde/Chance Beckett/Mr. X)...The Finish: All six men are brawling. Seven and Mr. X are the legal men, in the ring. Seven gets the upperhand and hits the Sinner Shot on Mr. X! Derek Wylde then dives into the ring and hits the Wylde Ride on Seven! Burchill then gets into the ring and hits The C4 on Wylde! Chance Beckett the appears behind Burchill stalking him. Burchill turns around and hits the Mafia Kick! Andrew Monica dives into the ring and hits the Monicaplex on Beckett! This is absolute carnage! Mr. X gets back up and they stare each other down until Seven also gets up they hit the Slobber Knocker on Mr. X! Andrew keeps Beckett and Wylde down while Seven makes the pin and gets the win for GenX! (64, 48, 81)

    Segment 8 - Main Event Championship Match - Jimmy Yang vs. Super Dragon...The Finish: This match has gone on for almost half an hour so far! Both men are fatigued! Jimmy Yang kicks Dragon in the gut. He then catches Dragon in a Dragon Suplex! But Dragon is able to make it to his knees rather quickly after! So Yang climbs the turnbuckle before Dragon gets to his feet. Dragon turns around and Yang goes for a body press but Dragon catches him! Yang knows he's in trouble. Dragon hits the Psycho Driver on Yang! He pins Yang and we have the first ever Main Event Champion! (82, 64, 100)

    Biggest Pops

    3. Ms. Vanessa

    2. Paul London defeating Vampire Warrior

    1. Super Dragon winning the Main Event Championship

    Biggest Heat

    3. B-Boy

    2. Jimmy Yang

    1. GenX defeating Ms. Vanessa's Aides

  15. Friday December 24, 2004

    Great Canadian Tour Stop #13 - Kamloops

    490 fans pack into the Sport Mart Centre in Kamloops British Cloumbia in the second last show in the tour.

    Segment 1 - Match - Mr. X vs. Masada...The Finish:Mr. X hits a headbutt on Masada. He goes to one knee. He then punches Mr. X in the gut a couple of times. Mr. X doubles over and Masada hits the ropes and dishes out a huge kick to the side of Mr. X's head! He's out. Masada picks up the win. Masada plays to the crowd and then leaves. Burchull then comes out to the ring with a steel chair! Burchill stalks Mr. X and hits him in the skull! Burchill drops the chair and DDT's Mr. X onto it! Suddenly Chance Beckett and Derek Wylde hit the ring and chase Burchill away. (56, 39, 74)

    Segment 2 - The camera shows the face of the Vampire Warrior. The camera pulls back showing that he is meditating in the boiler room in a circle of candles. All of a sudden there is a loud chrashing noise to one side. The camera moves and reveals Paul London kicked the heavy metal door open and is standing there with a pipe in one hand. He charges at Vampire Warrior but he is able to get away before London does any damage. (54)

    Segment 3 - Match - Billy Reil vs. Jason Cross...The Finish: Billy Reil hits the South Philly Driver! He goes for the pin, but Cross's leg is on the ropes. Billy Reil thinks he's one, but the ref is telling him he hasn't. Reil gets pissed and starts yelling at the ref. Cross takes advantage and rolls Reil up for the pinfall! (66, 43, 89)

    Segment 4 - Tag Team Match - GenX II (Andrew Monica/Seven) vs. The H8 Club (Nate Hatred/Nick Gage)...The Finish: The H8 Club is in control. They are beating the hell out of Andrew Monica. Suddenly Derek Wylde and Chance Beckett hits the ring and assults Seven behind the refs back! The ref turns around and sees Seven down with Derek and Chance around him. The ref then tosses the two of them from ringside! They leave. In the mean-time, Andrew is staggering. He turns around and is hit with a Stiff Double Back Suplex! Nate Hatred pins for the victory! The H8 Club leave the ring. Then Mr. X, Chance and Derek hit the ring and assult Andrew and Seven! Burchill hits the ring and we have a huge brawl! Security hits the ring but it's quite sometime before they all get separated. (78, 62, 94)

    Segment 5 - Andrew is able to get free of security and grab a mic from the announcers table. He says he wants a six-man tag match next week in Vancouver! GenX vs. Ms. Vanessa's Aides! Chance shakes his head signaling that there will be that match! (71)

    Segment 6 - Tournament Round 3, Match #2, Three-way Elimination Match - Genki Horiguchi vs. Lyguila vs. Super Dragon...The Middle: Horiguchi and Lyguila have teamed up on Dragon all match. Lyguila holds Dragon and Horiguchi goes for a super kick...but Dragon moves and Horiguchi gets Lyguila! Lyguila gets up and pushes Horiguchi. It looks like we have a three-way match now, not a handicap one!...The Finish: Lyguila tosses Dragon to the outside. He turns around and gets hit with a Dragon Suplex from Horiguchi! He goes for the pin but Dragon is able to break it up by grabbing Horiguchi and hitting a Psycho Driver! Dragon pins and gets the victory! It's going to be Jimmy Yang vs. Super Dragon next week! (66, 48, 85)

    Segment 7 - Super Dragon is in the ring playing to the crowd when Jimmy Yang walks out onto the stage. They stare each other down for a long time. Before Super Dragon just starts to ignore Yang and continues to play to the crowd. (46)

    Biggest Pops

    3. Jason Cross beating Billy Reil

    2. Six man brawl

    1. Super Dragon beating Lyguila and Horiguchi

    Biggest Heat

    3. Vampire Warrior

    2. Burchill assulting Mr. X

    1. Jimmy Yang

  16. Even as a huge KoRn fan, I'll say that Prince and Hendrix, as well as several other bands already listed, deserve to be higher, but KoRn DO belong on the list.

    Uh yeah. I really think Korn deserves to be somewhere in the 90s but hey. It doesn't matter. More people voted for Korn then Jimi or the Stones. Who gives a crap?

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