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Everything posted by If_You_Wanna_Be_The_Man

  1. Question: Has anyone done the second Brian mission yet? I've lurked round the location he's meant to be (according to the book) and there's no sign of him. Pretty sure I've done the pre requisites)
  2. Spoiler: Click here to viewEvery time you get the choose to let someone live or die, let them live because they'll become a random character that gives you missions. Son of a... I guess that'll teach me for being so trigger happy
  3. True Spoiler: Click here to viewI read that after I already killed Ivan annoyingly. Didn't kick his fingers I capped him in the head as he was dangling
  4. Since starting this thread I have ran into Brian and done the 'mission' where he gives you $100 no sign of any others as of yet though. Strange that I haven't seen Badman knocking about since I've been around where he's supposed to be quite a lot.
  5. I'm hoping you can go and do them, otherwise I've missed them too. I guess I've missed them since I don't drive around much I tend to hail cabs all the time to save me crashing through the windscreen of whichever car i've lost control of recently.
  6. There's 3 for Brian apparently, I still haven't seen any of them. Do they pop up on the big map in the pause menu? Or just the little one in the corner of the screen?
  7. If you only see it when near by that's good, means I may have just not noticed them yet. Though I did wander around the cab office looking for Brian for quite a while.
  8. Yeah apparently Brian gives you $100 I don't know about Pathos I haven't read that far. The Icon hasn't appeared for me so I'm wondering why.
  9. I ordered the Strategy guide or walk through book whatever you want to call it with the game because I like to try and get 100% completion on the GTA games, though I don't think I've ever succeeded. The book arrived a few days after the game so I've only just taken a glance and apparently by now I should have met two "Random Characters" some fella called Brian who's lurking outside the cab office and Badman. Now I've seen Badman in some of my missions but that's it. It says a little icon appears on the map for them, but this hasn't happened for me. Has any one seen them and done their missions? Or does anyone know why I haven't? Just thought I'd ask, cheers.
  10. It was none of Mascherano's business to ask why Torres was booked, he was a long way from the incident and Torres himself or Alonso who were much closer could easily have done it themselves. Whether Bennett is a cock or not (which he is) Mascherano wouldn't have got sent off if he had any self control.
  11. Any one know if Evra is hurt or rested? Don't want to play John O'Shea any more than necessary
  12. Depends about Fulham really, Al Fayed could dip into his pocket for a decent manager/players in January and get them out of it. Depends if he can be bothered really. We can safely say Derby are gone.
  13. Reasons I disliked Sunderland Pre-Keane were:- Mick McCarthy, I really can't stand the man. That came from reading Keane's book and the whole situation around sending him home from the world cup. Same for Niall Quinn, but as he and Keane have buried the hatchet I guess it would be stupid to carry on the grudge.
  14. Well apparently the statements are all conflicting about time and everything. Seems strange with all the big names around to pick Evans. Simpson has played a few games before this and impressed, particuarly in the Champions League but against Everton John O'Shea was brought on at half time to replace him. If John O'Shea is seen as a better solution to a problem than you, you have problems. I think it's only Man Utd fans that like Sunderland for Keane. Most people still hate him.
  15. You say that, but Simpson has a good oppertunity to get into the side at the moment and he made a hash of it against Everton. As for Evans I think the charges will be dropped sooner rather than later. I hope Sunderland stay up just for Keane's sake really.
  16. I haven't seen the incident but they said on the radio he was unlucky. Still doesn't seem worth getting that annoyed about it.
  17. Saha makes it four. If Liverpool don't score and Pompey can do us a favour this could turn into a good day. Watching Soccer Saturday, all the games seem decent. EDIT: Liverpool just scored, Bugger
  18. Always nice to see Ashley Cole getting sent off. Two goals and an assist for Shevchenko, that can't be right. Spurs beating Fulham 5-1 as well, match of the day is looking more appealing by the minute
  19. Happy with 2-1 could have had no complaints if it finished 1-1 we didn't create much at all. Tevez had a mare
  20. I'm going to predict:- Celtic v Barcelona - I imagine Celtic will put up a fight at home but eventually Barca will be too strong for them. Lyon v Manchester United - I think we'll struggle (United) but Lyon aren't the same team as they were a few years ago Schalke v Porto - I'll admit I don't know a lot about Schalke, but Porto impressed me against Liverpool. Liverpool v Inter Milan - Right, I hope I'm wrong but Inter are always underachieving in the Champions league and I can Liverpool's resolute defending seeing them through. Roma v Real Madrid - I imagine Real will get through, Roma haven't shown anything in the competition so far Arsenal v AC Milan - This was a tricky one but I guess I think Arsenal's youth and hunger may be able to overcome Milan's experience. Could just as easily go the other way Olympiakos v Chelsea - I expect Chelsea to go through Comfortably Fenerbahce v Sevilla - I don't really know much about Fenerbahce but I think Sevilla will get through
  21. Does no one else think Allardyce is right? I mean the only difference between Houllier and Benitez is the Champions League. Nothing wrong with being good in the Champions league of course. But considering all Liverpool talk about is winning the Premiership for the first time since handlebar facial hair was fashionable you'd assume that was their primary goal.
  22. Don't think so. The League chairman's head is so far up Scolari's ass that he won't fire him in the near future. Even after Scolari punched the Serbian guy, Madail (the chairman) came out and said that firing Scolari was out of the question (this is the same man that said he had zero tolerance for unprofessional behavior and banned a sub-20 player for a year for taking the red card out of the ref's hand, yet Scolari can punch an opposition player and gets away with no punishment at all from Madail). So basically, I seriously doubt Scolari's place is in jeopardy at least until Euro 2008 ends (if Portugal qualifies, that is).
  23. I'll join in the Italian bashing. I also hope none of them get into the final. Based purely on Milan knocking us out last year. That being said I think AC are more likely than Inter despite Inter being stronger domestically recently. The red and black of Milan have vast amounts of Champions League Experience all over their first team and the flair and class of Kaka that can win them games single handedly. Inter don't have that in my opinion, they have a lot of players with question marks over them in the champions league and I would be surprised if they got past the first knock out stage. I left Lazio out because frankly they don't stand a chance.
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