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Everything posted by Momo

  1. When I first started I saw his level and still tried my luck stealing from him >_>
  2. Eh, this isn't really big news for me. As long as it plays my Final Fantasy Games and Metal Gear Solid, I'll be happy. Although it looks as though I may have to keep the PS2 if it doesn't.
  3. Do you have to pay for online monthly?
  4. So much of the story is just random bits of Star Wars pieced together that I cannot help but laugh. >_> I suppose there could *theoretically* be spoilers here...so I'll just be safe rather than sorry.
  5. Shouldn't this be in the Cube?
  6. Money is extremely hard to come by, especially if you want to keep everyone up to par with the best equipment and other such things. I eventually just went with just 3 members (Vaan, Ashe and Balthier) as you'll never once need to switch anyone out. Best way to earn it though is battle chains. Around Rabanastre (I assume you're still early in the game) just link lots of wolves together. Running away from anything that is not a wolf (as it interrupts your chain). You can head into the Giza plains too (from the Estersand) and kill Hyenas too. Since they're the same type they still count. A few goes at that early on will net you some decent experience, a hefty chunk of LP and should give you enough loot to sell off for a good amount of gil that will keep you going. (I think they drop wolf pelts and wind stones, haven't played in a couple months.) Always fight the enemies for loot drops too. Running away is a bad idea. Enemy difficulty goes up fairly steeply and cash is short of hand. It can be annoying fighting constantly, but running is a bad idea.
  7. Okay, it's been three days since it was released here and I have about 15 hours of game time so far. May I say that it can kiss my ass. The save points are way too far apart. Anybody know where to get much money quickly (preferably in an area near Rabanastre).
  8. http://img183.imageshack.us/my.php?image=p...pmania24qt7.png And I must say, that is the worst work I have done in a while. I couldn't really think of anything to do for it, and I was set on using Kennedy vs Edge, and those two cuts are absolutely perfect, but there's something about it that I knew was missing, and I couldn't place my finger on it. EDIT: Yes, I know the Mania logo really sucks. Anyway, I heard about LK's Photoshop screwing up, so it's not likely that anyone else will make one, but I decided to post mine anyway.
  9. I Vote Toffee Crisp. I love the blending. It all just seems to fit really well.
  10. Okay, so we have a deadline of next Monday shall we say?
  11. Legend Killer 33 gets my vote. I hate to say it Doc, but this one came across as amateurish. For one, I'd think that the blue section of the shirt would be on the right side of the shirt for one side. The shirt doesn't really come across as all that believable for a WWE product, they tend to be less outgoing these days. The text is kind of hard to read. I think a black one pixel border around the letters would have looked better. I also don't like the blending on the cuts of MVP and Burke. I do however like the cut choices. LK, this is done really simply, but it is so effective. As you said yourself, the cuts are kinda hard to see, but I'm guessing that is they were any less transparent, it would have looked bad. The text on the front with the name of the tag team, I don't like it. It works, I just feel like there's something wrong about it. :ohwell: The WWE logo on the back of the shirt should have been a little smaller. I like the text on the back, nice and simple, but I feel that the back should maybe have had some kind of design or logo (maybe an apple with 3 scratches in it ). Anyway, nice work by both of you.
  12. It's not about being able to afford it because I could. It's just that I refuse to pay that much for a games console. Then all the accessories you need and games that are probably going to be around £40 to £50 each. Yeah, I understand completely what you mean, I'm just a fanboy. Although, I'm obviously being ripped off in the games department, new releases in Australia are at least $80 and generally, if well known enough of a game, $100. Clearly, I need to find somewhere else to buy my games from. Import? PS3 is region free I hear but you could end up paying more with the added shipping costs.
  13. It's not about being able to afford it because I could. It's just that I refuse to pay that much for a games console. Then all the accessories you need and games that are probably going to be around £40 to £50 each. Yeah, I understand completely what you mean, I'm just a fanboy. Although, I'm obviously being ripped off in the games department, new releases in Australia are at least $80 and generally, if well known enough of a game, $100. Clearly, I need to find somewhere else to buy my games from.
  14. It's not about being able to afford it because I could. It's just that I refuse to pay that much for a games console. Then all the accessories you need and games that are probably going to be around £40 to £50 each.
  15. Pssh, students. For those of us with more comprehensive living expenses to consider, it's not quite so easy. If I wanted to get together £425 for a PS3 plus throw in another £150-odd for games, it'd take nearly two months' worth of all my disposable income. And I really DON'T want to have no disposable income for 2 months. I want a PS3. Just not when it's expensive and no doubt uber-faulty. Perhaps I'll get myself one on my 23rd birthday...in June 2008.
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