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Everything posted by Momo

  1. Momo

    An Aussie with Internet hick speak. o.O

  2. Most recently Final Fantsay XII: Still awaiting, only 22 days to go. Kingdom Hearts II: I liked the first one, so I decided that the second would be alright. After months of reading hype about it, I was psyched for it, and beat it in two days on Normal difficulty. Of Course, I wasn't disappointed by the Storyline or anything like that, but the difficulty was just bad... F.E.A.R.: 50 or so days to go before the console release. Black: Severely let down. I still play it every now and then though. Burnout Revenge: Also let down, I preferred Takedown much more, and the inability to play Single player without going World Tour pissed me off. I think that's it for now.
  3. Bwahahahahaha I'm sorry. Well I don't have a dongle to use, so I can't connect with you otherwise I would, but I recommend that you got to www.animalxing.com, as it has a guide for hair styles in it.
  4. Yeah, Jericho wasn't in the Rumble, but there were rumours and hype surrounding a possible return at the Rumble, and I decided that it could fit well. EDIT: I automatically win for getting the date right EDIT EDIT: I forgot a fucking border, oh well.
  5. Add to that that he had the best Character of any of the 9 playable characters.
  6. Don't suppose there's any word on the device that shall copy PS1 and PS2 save files onto the PS3 hard drive.
  7. Haha, I beat Ozma, finally. Party of Vivi, Steiner, Dagger and Zidane. Dagger died, Vivi kept casting Doomsday, injuring him, curing me, Steiner went ahead with Shock's all the time and Zidane was dead until the final turn where I brought him back to life just in time for Steiner to use the final Shock on him. Unfortunately, Dagger didn't get any experience, but that's alright, because I still beat him.
  8. Momo

    The Best Of 2006

    Hooray for Killswitch, I love their new album. Although I did think Eye of the Storm is worth mentioning. The intro just strikes me for some reason. Nice list so far, keep going.
  9. Who made the last UFC game? I was thinking of renting it, but decided against it because I only knew of Ken Shamrock.
  10. The episode that had Buffy being brought back to life after the battle with Glory. IMO it showcased Willow as a character incredibly, and when Buffy stops those Motorcycle Demons (I think that's who she stopped), it gives you that tingly feeling.
  11. Ozma is a bitch. :thumbsdown: All prepared, all psyched up, and he never once used Doomsday. :thumbsdown: He used Curse many, many times, and just when I'd removed mini from everyone, he uses it again. Eiko can't even survive a Flare Star :thumbsdown: . My mind is supremely boggled as to how to defeat him. I'd prefer not to use a prep guide if possible, because I've tried them all before, and it don't work for me. I need better luck .
  12. Wait until Fed 23rd and all our European fans will join you, but if you spoil even one tiny detail of FF12, I'm going to have to kill you. I kid you not.
  13. You get a little bit of money. And the satisfaction of beating something really hard without cheating. And a few losses added to your record. And increased blood pressure. And a new controller. I could go on forever.
  14. Momo

    Savage Garden

    I must respectfully disagree. My fiance wanted to listen to some Christmas music last month, so I put "Last Christmas" on a continuous loop, just to be a dick. I was one repeat away from being homeless. That didn't do much for my point, did it? As for Savage Garden, I got a bit sick of Truly Madly Deeply. To the Moon and Back, though...that song is true class.
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