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Posts posted by punky

  1. I think it's possible that Enid was or could still be in with the Wolves. It's hard to believe she would be able to survive on her own for long. The fact that she had all the keys to all the houses somehow and that line about "That's how we.." is definitely leading you down that path.

  2. Given the fact that the MCU has already established that there are no "mutants" in their universe and the X Men were never going to revert back to Marvel, so seems like a fair trade to me. Like was said above, I'd love to see Galactus and Silver Surfer in the cosmic phase.

  3. I really wish they'd stop delaying Captain Marvel. And Emily Blunt says she's had absolutely no contact with Marvel and doesn't even know what Captain Marvel is. My money is still on Natalie Dormer, but Feige even entertaining the Rousey rumor makes me nervous. 

    I doubt many of these actors or actresses know who most of their comic book characters are. I just think she'd be a great fit for the character. Natalie Dormer is not a bad call either though.

  4. The tone never really changed throughout the entire season but the characters did or at least, their motivations became clearer. Many people seem to have a problem with the plot being convoluted but so are the plots of a lot of great tv shows/movies.

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  5. I really enjoyed this season. I thought Vince Vaughn gave the best performance out of the entire cast but they all worked pretty well together. Still think Season 1 was better just for the performances of McConaughey and Harrelson but it came close. I'm interested to see what they can do with Season 3, if they move forward with it.

  6. Channing Tatum has reportedly dropped out of 20th Century Fox’s X-Men spinoff

    There’s a major shakeup today on 20th Century Fox’s side of the Marvel Universe as The Wrap is reporting that Channing Tatum has exited the upcoming X-Men spinoff, Gambit. The film was planned to go before cameras in October, although Tatum’s exit now leaves the film’s future uncertain.


  7. I wouldn't be surprised if this Joker's look isn't partly Leto's doing to set him apart from the other versions of the Joker. Leto's always said he doesn't just take roles in movies to take them, he wants to be inspired and do different things. First trailer hooked me but that's what good trailers should do, doesn't mean the movie won't be shit but with a guy like Leto in the role, I'm all in. Just sucks we have to wait over a year to find out.

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  8. The Deadpool trailer is everything I ever wanted and more. I cannot wait until February.


    The Suicide Squad trailer was interesting to say the least. I really thought they weren't going to give us a glimpse of Leto as Joker but then they did, just enough to make you wonder and want more. The laugh was creepy cool and despite the look, I have confidence Leto will pull it off. Plus Harley :blush::blush::blush:.

  9. What... the fuck. I mean - there's no way that he's alive right? There can't be he could in no way get to a hospital in any reasonable amount of time. I was guessing that this might happen. But he's listed as being in the whole season - but is that information repuatable or did people just assume? My mind is blown.

    I'm pretty sure we will see flashback scenes with Farrell and Vaughn's characters throughout the season.

  10. True Detective season 2 episode 2..

    Literally five minutes before the final moments of that episode I said to myself "It'd be weird if they killed off one of these main characters early in the season" .. Then that goes and happens. Not sure how I feel about it but I'm very interested to figure out what the hell is going on.

  11. Wayward Pines Episode 5


    I don't know what I expected, but it was a lot better than that crap.

    Eh, I liked it. Got a feeling that's not exactly the whole story. Still half a season left.

    This whole time thing is confusing me a bit. It can't be whatever year they say it is because Burke's boss met with Pilch and wanted to "call off" whatever was going on, didn't he? These "Abby" things are confusing though. This show is getting

    super weird. It's like a mixture of Cabin in the Woods and The Village.

  12. Steph Curry is just ridiculous and it was a mistake for Cleveland to let him find his shot again at the end of Game 3. One of the announcers said it best yesterday "for anyone else in basketball, that's a terrible shot but not for him" for one of his crazy step back threes.

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