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Posts posted by punky

  1. I never remember Daryl ever showing any kind of sexual feelings towards anyone on the show though. Even if they did go with Daryl being gay, I don't think it would have been out of left field because anytime there was any "emotional show" from Daryl, there was never anything sexual. You never saw Daryl try to kiss Beth or Carol or even hint at doing anything with them. I think that was done intentionally because Daryl is an unusual character.

  2. About the last episode..

    Was Gabriel even on screen once? I don't remember even seeing him in the background or huddle up with the group in the house.. I found myself thinking I missed him die at some point because I didn't see him at all. I really wanted to see more Gabriel interaction with Maggie and the others or lack thereof (but not by being completely off screen).

  3. I'm not understanding the letdown that a lot of people have had with the past two episodes. I think they've been very good storytelling episodes.

    I think they're actually doing a great job depicting how a group of people would react to major losses in Bob, Beth and Tyreese and then finding out that Eugene's "I can save us" story was bullshit. Sure, it's going a little slow but not every episode needs to be jam packed with action. Obviously, they are beating us over the heads with some of it like how Sasha is dealing with Bob and Tyreese's deaths, how hard Maggie and Daryl are dealing with Beth's and just the overall despair everyone is feeling now with no "home" or hope on the horizon. I doubt the whole season will stay like this especially with Aaron showing up at the end of the episode.

    I've invested a lot of time into the show and these characters really do grow on you, so it's good to see some of them still struggling with the zombie apocalypse instead of everyone having Rick's attitude. I loved the scene with Rick talking about his grandfather and the war, even with the horrible "We are the walking dead" line and then Daryl just cutting that down, basically saying not everyone can just bottle it up and cut themselves off.

    To use a comic book as reference, it seems like a lot of people just want to skip to the ending (of the season) instead of seeing how or why they got there.

  4. Wow.. That really caught me off guard. I knew Stewart would probably retire in the next few years but didn't expect an announcement so soon.

    Oliver really would've been the best choice, loved his stint during Stewart's film making absence. I don't want to see a co-host format, I think Samantha Bee would do a great job.

  5. It reminded me of when I stopped watching Requiem for a Dream halfway through because it just felt like misery porn, albeit well-made misery porn. It just felt relentlessly, endlessly, exhaustingly miserable with no let-up and I just didn't have any patience for it on that night.

    They had something when it was just Martin there. I liked that. Every other character who died in the last two seasons showing up cheapened it,

    especially the fucking Governor (seriously? He hallucinated the Governor, and not any of the people he presumably spent a long time traveling with when he had first shown up?). A better version would have been Martin on one side and Beth on the other. And oh my god the truck full of heads/half-bodies made me die laughing and I can't imagine that was the point. Holy fucking overkill.

    The directing was good. The fake-out with you assuming the funeral was for Beth but was actually for Tyreese was well-done, and Chad L. Coleman is a great actor. But "if you're moral and sentimental in this world you're going to pay dearly for it" has been done to death, and to much greater effect.

    (Also it's kind of hilarious that everyone got on them about killing off whoever the black guy in the group is the moment another showed up and they noticed, and are now doing the exact same thing except the quota for black guys is up to two.)

    I kind of thought the additions of the girls/The Governor/Bob/Beth were a little much, also. I liked seeing the cameos but it felt slightly out of place and I agree, if it was just Martin, it would've been better probablyt. I liked the explanation Nicotero had on Talking Dead though, about those characters all being a part of Tyreese's subconscious and everything that they said, was an internal struggle in Tyreese's mind. When The Governor said "You said you would do whatever it takes.." it was like his mind telling him that he wasn't fighting hard enough to live. I think it was overdone but it was nice to see the characters back and I thought the episode was a great way to send off Tyreese, since he struggled so hard through everything. They were trying to show no matter how big in stature you are, your mind and heart may not be as tough as your body to withstand the zombie apocalypse.

  6. Well.. fuck. That's a way to pick back up.

    Before the episode started, I was certain someone was going to die but I didn't think it was going to be Tyreese. But there wasn't really any place else for his character to go after forgiving Carol and him not having it in him to kill walkers (or scum like Martin) anymore.

    Overall I think this episode was very good start to the final 8 episodes of the season and a nice change of pace. Greg Nicotero really did a wonderful job and made me care so much more about Tyreese and whether or not he would make it.

    I also liked the small little seeds planted on the next group of survivors they are going to run into. I'm assuming they're going to be called "wolves" since there was that spray paint inside the walls on the curb that read "wolves not far" and the severed walker pieces everywhere and inside that truck. Interested to see where this is headed.

  7. Finished season four of Justified yesterday...

    Eh, it wasn't a great season. I liked the Drew stuff and the prostitute, but the season as a whole was kind of a bust. Season two was the clear peak for me, and the show's struggling to match up to that. Season five to watch at some point, but this one has kind of put the brakes on my desire to watch it straight away. It wasn't bad, but it just didn't have a hook.

    Season 2 > Season 3 > Season 1 > Season 4

    I would agree with your rankings of the seasons. It was really hard to get into Season 4 for me but I really enjoyed Season 5, I think it's mainly due to the fact that the "big bad" actor is a favorite of mine and he really nails the character.

  8. The main character's name is Liv Moore. That's so clever.

    And man, I used to love Supernatural but it's been way too repetitive for about three seasons now. I just can't bring myself to care about Sam or Dean anymore because they always come back from whatever the final cliffhanger is and after an episode or two have moved on to the next "monster" to handle.

  9. Wasn't the homeless lady the woman that was killed in JT's car accident?

    Initially I really disliked the series finale but after sleeping on it, it wasn't that bad but still, like was mentioned before, the fact that Jax got to go out on his terms kinda ruined it for me. Up until this last season, I probably would've been fine with it.. but all the bodies Jax left in his wake, despite all the good things he did or tried to do, made it miss the mark for me.

  10. So apparently Sutter decided to jam EVERYTHING in this episode instead of spreading it out over the season like, ya know, a good writer would do. There were a few things he wrapped up that could've been done much earlier, much like the show itself.

    That being said.. it was a great episode but I feel like the series finale will be such a letdown.

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