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Everything posted by Docpepper

  1. Docpepper

    House MD

    I recorded it as well and it cut off. Hopefully they don't replace Wilson as the dynamic between House and himself is very interesting and what keeps me watching over all it was ok start to the season
  2. I'm just wondering is it possible to do aerial moves from the highwire in the ultimate x match
  3. sorry bout that got a little long winded create a cross promotion Poster for a ppv being run by WWE and TNA You can't use these wrestlers:Angle,Joe,Kevin Nash,HHH,and Jeff Jarrett you can come up with the ppv name and the new company logos on your own
  4. You must create a poster advertising this event. WWE RAW and Impact have new logos(so create a new one) both have to be featured on the poster. You can include any other workers on the poster(except for the ones that are dead and etc.)
  5. hehe i've said it plenty times but I hate the photoshop pen tool lol I've actually opened images in illustrator used the pen tool to outline them then impprt the paths into photoshop lmao
  6. Bravo!! love it and now I want more lol seriously great write up. Just a tip. you probably already know this. When i use the background eraser tool i do so a duplicate of the original layer. After doing the bg eraser ctrl click the layer to make a selection. Duplicate the background layer once more and add a layer mask. now you can fine tune the extraction.
  7. i really like it. It's simple effective and it catches the eye. I also like the paper effect used behind the text. Can't really see anything that should be added. looks great as is
  8. ok finally figured it out. open all the documents you want. minimize all of them(so they shrink to the bottom of photoshops window) Now maximize one of the documents that you are working one. Now just hit Ctrl + Tab and one fo your other documents will pop up maximized. the key is to have all the others minimized first. I think thats what you are after
  9. speaking of typography . anyone know any links where I can learn more bout it cause I'm tired of text sucking lol
  10. hehe what can I say. I can wish can't I lol. the only only way I can think of it working would be if the background was a single color of sorts.
  11. I've got around 100 ewr pics on kyky background that I want to put on a new background. I could do them one by one but I'd love to save myself some time. i was wondering if you guys know if it's possible to create an action which would automatically extract the image and place ti on the new background and save. I think it's wishful thinking because I've tried several different ways without any luck. just wanted to see if you guys had any other ideas
  12. great work man. you feel like keeping this going long ? I'm fine with continuing this as long as you want
  13. decided to continue the pirate theme. had it done yesterday but photoshop crashed and lost my idea so I went with this
  14. that would have been awesome. Can we get some votes please
  15. the only thing I can think of is he means using a gradient or using some sort of blur
  16. for the transform you can hit Ctrl+T then at the top on the bar will be places you can type in a number for height and etc. is that close to what you are talking about ? Also in CS and CS2 I believe you can create your own shortcuts. the closest thing I can find for maximizing is hitting Ctrl+0
  17. awesome return man. your rounds have been absolutely quality
  18. Good Job like it a lot. i wish I could have gotten my original idea to work. I wanted to have Shred! in 3d resting on top of a skateboard lol How bout first to 3 votes ?
  19. experimented in illustrator a bit.
  20. Fuck man! thats an awesome return! gives me lots of options lol I'll work on my return asap
  21. hehe I was in the same boat. Noticed I had inkscape gathering dust so I whipped up the text and such in inkscape and then imported into Photoshop. Good luck man should be a good battle here's a version with transparent background
  22. too most of my time trying to get the earth to look good. hopefully I left you enough to work with
  23. The size is fine with me. great serve. will work on my return asap
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