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Everything posted by Docpepper

  1. Thought I'd ask this here since its about trading.. How much do you guys think I could get for all the smackdown games on ps2 besides 08 and 09 ? Local gamestop offered me $4 for all of them. Hoping I might get a better price on ebay but I dunno what I should set the price at.
  2. maybe try the deviant art stock section? other than not maybe I'm not sure
  3. imo the text still kills it . just doesn't mesh well with the rest of the graphic.
  4. Not really feeling this one the text is blurry(dunno if its the way you save your graphics or what) and the mix of color really give the graphic a busy feeling and makes it hard to concentrate on the focus of the graphic
  5. Future perfect is great. the challenges are pissing me off though lol Conflict is an ok game but as mentioned worthy of a rental at best.
  6. Black Christmas was awful as for good Christmas movies I loved National lampoons Christmas Vacation
  7. Docpepper


    I like it but i wish they would get rid of all the crappy effects and such
  8. Evil Empire: Pros: *Good Blending *nice and grungy(fits with the theme of the game imo) * its all laid out fairly well Cons: *I'm not liking the Playstation logo. I think its a bevel that throwing ti off for me but it just doesn't look right *The Fallout logo needs to be bigger or just needs to be more noticeable NuFan: Pros: *I the texturing. the grungy metal look really works well here * The blending and the layout is good too * Like the choice of using simple 2d Playstation logo Cons: * I think you should have included the Bethesda logo some where on the cover. * Blurriness and some jagged areas. The fallout logo is really blurry compared to the rest of the graphic Really good covers from the both of you.Evil. If yours was maybe a bit lighter(maybe showing some extra detail of the building and scenery) it would look a lot better. Nufan: the blurriness of the logo compared to the rest of the graphic really hampered the cover for me. Both were good though and with tweaks i could see being the actual cover for the game. A tough choice for me here but I'm voting Nufan
  9. The melina graphic looks ok. I find I have to squint to read the word Beautiful but other than that it is good. The keane graphic is really nice and I like the border but I feel the orange abstract pieces don't belong it would look perfectly fine without those sections. ahh the Ric Flair graphic. it's pretty much ace but the lens flare makes it look tacky. I guess its just my personal taste but I've never liked the lens flare filter. other than that its a good graphic
  10. I know I had a folder chock full but something happened they are gone now. I've been throwing around an idea of creating a photobucket account and post the login details so people could contribute any cuts they do but i figure someone would get the info and might decide to mess ti all up or something.
  11. have you gone into the preferences under file handling and tried disabling some of those settings. Maybe try disabling Maximize PSD and PSB file compatability. and make sure enable version cue is un checked. maybe check to make sure the file itself doesn't have any sound annotations
  12. I gave up on psdprotocol a while back. the best way to get the psds you want is to cut them yourself or ask in the request section and I'm sure someone will help you out
  13. Can't remember the guys name but he was the guy trying to take over the business in Billy madison. I think he would be a perfect for Dale.
  14. Docpepper

    Free Music Archive

    any one know of some country artists offering free tunes ?
  15. Finished The Running Man yesterday. Just finished Misery , and now I"m reading Needful Things. After that I have Wasteland to read
  16. don't know too much about the process but I really like the outcome. good job
  17. found this plugin for Photoshop cs3 on mac and windows. it Windows version Telegraphics plugins Paint Shop Pro Format filter Scroll down the page and you will find the mac versions as well might help you out
  18. I tried using gimp and I guess I've been using photoshop for so long but it felt like I was using an updated version of paint. Inkscape is an open source vector program. if you want a app sort of like painter I suggest you check out Artweaver . I've been using it for a few months to achieve traditional painting effects and brush strokes. You could always buy Photoshop elements its supposedly cheaper and not as robust as Photoshop
  19. wow man I know how bad Cellulitis can be I struggle with sometimes monthly. Found the best way to stay on top of the situation is to stay on the antibiotics. take care man hope for a full speedy recovery
  20. to be frank , I'm not liking it at all. looks like you made a selection around the subject filled with a color and adjusted the blend mode
  21. Docpepper

    Madden 08

    I've started back playing 08 cause I didn't like 09 that much after renting and was wondering can I still get the last updated rosters for 08 if I go online with it the game via ps2 ? if not is there another way to get the update ?
  22. I wouldn't mind a good primer on Photoshops pen tool as well.. Personally i stick to masks for cutting but anything to save time without degrading quality is always good
  23. good work on both logos. I really like the first one its simple but yet stylish. The second on is impressive from a technical standpoint. but I can't imagine a gun shop using it as a logo. Still top notch work worthy enough to be ina portfolio
  24. It's certainly looking that way. man this show is trippy and far from left field but I like it because I get a X-file vibe from it
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