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Everything posted by Docpepper

  1. Docpepper

    True Blood

    Spoiler: Click here to viewreally they showed her with claws out? must have missed it. I'll have to rewatch it now lol that shoots my theory down then
  2. edit - - woops nothing to see here sorry
  3. personally seems like a coincidence to me
  4. Docpepper

    True Blood

    Spoiler: Click here to view another great episode. jessica stuck in the coffin was pretty funny as was when she mentioned her fangs come out when she's aroused(or something like that) and realizes they are still out and runs up stairs. Sookie meeting another person like her is cool. wondering where it will lead too ? Yeah I agree Maryann remains a mystery it's clear she feeds off everyones energy. The Prank they played on jason was funny. if he can stay away from the preachers wife he will stick with the church. he's clearly going over the deep end,but he has moments where the old Jason raises up lol I have a theory(probably way off base) but I think Eggs is the minotaur like creature. it kills Miss Janet for messing with Tera. Maryann forced him to attack Sookie or she'd reveal what he truly was. Daphne is a shape shifter like Sam. I think she used to live with Maryann maybe her and eggs had a thing and he attacked her for some reason. I think Maryann takes in only those people that are different. if that's the case maybe Tera is something else as well? What if Miss janet wasn't lying what if Tera has a demon in her ? and I lol'ed at Lafayette all hyped and horny off of Eric's blood. I Also think we may end up seeing a battle between Eric and Bill over Sookie cause Eric is getting mighty interested. ---------------- Now playing: Dope - Die Mother Fucker Die
  5. Will I need dosbox to run this ? I've read it's really buggy as well
  6. wow that sounds so f'n helpful lol. I've been relying on the save as keyboard shortcut. lol I will have to check this out for sure
  7. I haven't heard of them to tell you the truth lol
  8. Looks amazing. I won't be upgrading until I can get a better pc. Now CS2 barely runs lol. I hate Adobe Bridge with a passion. lol
  9. if you are using photoshop you can use a layer style and set the stroke. or select the text so the marching ants(selection) is around the text. Create a new layer and go to edit stroke. choose the size and color from there
  10. 4.75" w x 4.715" h is what I use
  11. sorry bout that lol I forgot about the .5 scale. I'll be sure to remember it for the next time
  12. really close battle guys.some good entries all around maybe more will enter next months
  13. the background is good to me. Just noticed the marks on his face. also the edges around the thing between them seems a little too blurry. all in all small things that caught my eye lol still a good graphic though
  14. it's good but something about it is off putting but I can't quite point it out. I'm not a fan of that border style but that's not it lol
  15. i tried goozex but it wasn't my cup of tea so to speak. but from what I hear from others it's good. haven't heard of sayswap though
  16. Gametz when first starting out. you will be required to send first, but if you trade with people that have stars and no bad trading reports. you'll do just fine
  17. I've tried Amazon , Gamestop and Ebay. Amazon and Gamestop wouldn't give me good deals. Ebay let's you set the price you want from the games. the charges aren't that bad. I always listed my games as a bundle I now trade on a trading site. if you are looking for another 360 game that could be an option for you. you list your games and list the games you want.. and once you find someone you arrange the details and all you have to do is pay for shipping. for me that is worth more than the money I'd get from ebay and other places
  18. Docpepper


    So did anyone else catch the Pilot of Hung on HBO Last night. it stars Thomas Jane. The episode was a bit slow to me but I'm anxious to see how it all plays out basically Jane's character is having a terrible time in his life. losing everything. the only good think in his life is his huge dick. So he tries to find a way to market that and make money using it.
  19. Docpepper

    True Blood

    yeah an amazing episode. Spoiler: Click here to view I too was thinking werewolf at the beginning , then when i saw the horns i was like Oh Shit!! Bills blood not being able to heal her was a bit shocking. I also like how Bill got pissed at Eric for offering his blood to sookie because he was stronger. Thought bill was gonna bite Eric's arm off. Maybe Jessica can learn from Bill and Sookie and control herself and will be able to have a relationship with a human. That is if Bill allows it , he showed how protective he is of Jessica. That old woman doctor was hilarious . i couldn't help but laugh when she was on screen. I knew something was up with Daphney. I don't think she's a friendly though. maybe she's a partner for that beast or like a slave like the vamps have. Because if she was attacked those gashes would be killing her just like Sookie. or should be one and there are more around , she could have gotten the gash while fighting with another one. I also hope Tera will keep an eye on mary anne now. She knows something weird is going on. I don't think Eggs is innocent I think he knows what going on. Can't believe the next episode won't be until July the 12th. In the previews for the rest fo the season it looks like jason is attacked by someone in a hoodie. it looks a lot like Layfette is the person attacking him. I don't think jason will last much long in the church. He's slowly returning to his old ways and soon he will get caught with the preacher's wife. anyone else get a kick out of Andy at the party ? I busted out laughing when he said something like " Sorry to be a Party Pooper" just the way he said it was funny.
  20. Docpepper

    True Blood

    Spoiler: Click here to viewI've heard she's something called the maerned(I think that's how its spelled) . I think she's a very powerful witch and I think that sculpture that sam was holding onto in her house has something to do with her power. I think Layfette will be turned and eventually go after Jason for getting him into the mess and maybe Jason stakes him or someone from the church does it. Bill got really pissed at Sookie last episode. I wonder if he kills the family. i figure he will glamour them though because if he kills them Sookie wouldn't like it. I'm starting to like the Eric character more and more. Hope he sticks around. What's up with the new waitress at Sam's place? she seems weird to me. Looks like a relationship is starting up with Arlene Fowler and Terry Bellefleur(the army vet). I hope they don't later reveal he's a killer too. I think Tara's new love interest might have killed Miss Janet or it was Mary Anne I find Andy the detective hilarious. Hopefully he gets his shit together and returns to form but for now drunk andy is good.
  21. the Tna graphic is bit busy to me but overall its pretty good. I don't like the border or the logo but other than that its good. the rock,hhh,stone cold graphic is ok again I'm not liking the border you used though. overall the Velvet Sky graphic is stylish adn great. though the background can be distracting. Something bout the miz graphic I love! it's simple and stylish. Not really sure what the x signifies but other than that its great
  22. most forums graphics related start their own psd dump since most of the good sites are going down. DisplacedFX Graphics Forum. gamerenders.com psdspy
  23. ok I'll try it again. Just wondering what would i need to edit to get them to work with Wmma2?
  24. Docpepper

    True Blood

    Thank God its back. I didn't catch season 1 when it aired but caught all the episodes when they reaired. I think that woman tara is staying with is a shapeshifter of some sort.
  25. oh ok where can I find the data for WMMA that I can convert. I tried downloading the ones from ewinventory but the downloads were corrupted
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