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Posts posted by TMM

  1. Kezman ban overturned

    Chelsea striker Mateja Kezman has escaped a three-match suspension after The Football Association upheld his appeal for wrongful dismissal.

    Kezman was sent off during The Blues' 3-0 victory over Roma on the pre-season trip to the United States after a clash with Olivier Dacourt.

    Though he was banned for the final game of the Champions World Series against Milan, Kezman was also hit with a domestic suspension.

    But Chelsea felt their summer signing was harshly treated after The FA acted upon the referee's report sent by the US Soccer Federation and lodged an appeal.

    At a disciplinary commission hearing, the ban was overturned and Kezman will not serve any additional punishment.

    The Serbo-Montenegrin would have been suspended for the Premiership meetings with Birmingham City, Crystal Palace and Southampton.

    Kezman will now be able to commence his competitive Chelsea career in the knowledge it will not be immediately interrupted after the opening game against Manchester United on Sunday.

    What a total and utter pile of crap. He should be suspended. He got sent off for perfectly valid reasons, namely POUNCING on Dacourt! I can't believe this...

  2. Predictions:

    1st - Arsenal - We've got the better team, and it work's so well together. Vieira won't be going if you ask me, but if by some small chance he does, Fabregas looked really good against Man Utd yesterday, so he could be used in that role. It'd be a big loss...but I don't see Vieira going.

    2nd - Man Utd - Never count them out, and I can see them actually making a real challenge this season. They'll be a lot better than last season, but it won't be enough to dismount Arsenal IMO.

    3rd - Chelsea - With all the players they bought, time to gel is needed. I said that last year, and they finished second which was WAY more than I expected, but having said that, I expect Man Utd to finish above them.

    Relegated -

    18th - Crystal Palace (I hope not though!)

    19th - Everton

    20th - West Brom

    First Weekend of the Season

    Sat 14th August

    Tottenham 1-2 Liverpool

    Norwich 1-1 Crystal Palace

    Portsmouth 1-2 Birmingham

    Aston Villa 1-0 Southampton

    Blackburn 2-0 West Brom

    Bolton 3-1 Charlton

    Man City 1-2 Fulham

    Middlesbrough 1-1 Newcastle

    Sun 15th August

    Everton 0-2 Arsenal

    Chelsea 2-1 Man Utd

    Golden Boot: Henry or Reyes :D

  3. Giggs is no way shit. He's not what he once was, but thing is, he's still better than 90% of the wingers in the world (van Persie and Reyes are better :P )

    What I said about seems wrong. What I meant is, he is full of potential, but after improving for a couple of years, stariting last season, he's seemed to have dropped in quality. He is incredibly fast, but doesn't seem to be able to do anything else at the same time. I still rate him very highly, and I hope he doesn't rest with what he's got.

  4. Well, we're off to a winning start, and Cesc looked fantastic. He was great, and at the age of 17 outshone every Man Utd player on the pitch. Reyes showed why we paid so heavily for him, and our left side scares even me!

    Clichy, Cole, van Persie, Reyes, Pires...four of those have blistering pace!

  5. This is for Sam at the moment; still think Silvestre and Gary Neville are world class players? Neville nearly scored an own goal, had a complete lack of communication with the back line.

    Silvestre DID score an own goal, and really isn't very good anymore. The guy can dribble, tackle, pass, run...but unfortunetly cannot do more than one at a time!

  6. -- Chapter Fourteen --

    Sunday 6th May 2001

    Confronting Big Sexy

    Bischoff had spoken to Kevin Nash the night before and said he needed to see him urgently the next day. Nash agreed to speak to him at his place at 1 in the afternoon. He knew that he couldn't let Nash keep the 'guaranteed title reign' stip in his contract, and that he would have to convince him to drop it. One thing he knew that he could not do; he knew that he could not let Nash in on the fact that neither Flair nor Sting knew about their little conversation about the title reign stip. He knew that only bad could come of it. Bischoff had driven over to Nash's place; it was a nice place, big, nice and...nice. As soon as he went inside, he was greeted by Kevin Nash and invited into the living room.

    Nash: So boss, what's this 'big important, urgent matter' you needed to talk to me about?

    Bischoff: Its...

    Nash: Oh yeah, am I booked on the May 12th card?

    Bischoff: Well, we'll talk about that in a little while, right now I need to talk to you about your contract.

    Nash: Oh? What about it?

    Bischoff: Well...you know I promised you a guaranteed World title reign? Well...I...as you know, it hasn't officially been put into the contract...

    Nash: No, but you gave me your word remember? You said that you wouldn't try and screw with me Eric, so what are you getting at?

    Bischoff: Well I...what I'm trying to say is, I can't guarantee you the reign anymore. It's just not right. I can't do it.

    Nash: Oh, so you're just going back on your word then eh Eric? I thought you were a bigger man than that! So what; you gonna try and talk me into working for you know? After you went back on your word?

    'This isn't going to well...'

    Bischoff: Look, the thing is, I can't guarantee you the World title reign for a number of reasons. I mean, Ric and Steve don't...

    Nash: What was that?

    'Oh shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!'

    Bischoff: I uh, uh...nothing.

    Nash: So, lemme get this straight; you haven't told Steve or Ric about this at all have you? You made this decision all on your lonesome, and didn't tell your new business partners about it did you?

    'Ah nuts, I'm screwed'

    Bischoff: Not, exactly. Look, how about a compromise? I mean, how about I pull some strings and bring in Scott Hall? I know he's looking for work at the moment, and I can bring him in! Put him on the same wage that you're on and all, I mean, that'd be good right?

    Nash: So why didn't you tell them eh Bisch? Methinks you weren't suppose to do this were ya?

    Bischoff: Look Kevin, forget what I said, you can have the World title reign, let's just forget this conversation ever happened...

    Bischoff stood up and went to leave, as he knew that if he stayed, he would only dig himself a deeper grave if he stayed any longer.

    Nash: Woah man, you do remember that I'm already doing a favour for you don't ya? Why don't we just make this title reign your way of paying me back eh?

    Bischoff: I...ok. Alright Kevin, you win, but you've got to promise me that you won't tell Ric or Steve; if they know, then I'm done. For that matter, I don't think they'll put the title round your waist either!

    Nash: No sweat Eric, it'll be our little secret. Oh, one last thing; don't try and screw me Eric, because I'll screw right back!

    Bischoff gulped and stood up to leave again.

    Nash: See ya!

    Bischoff left Nash's home and as soon as the front door closed behind him, he looked up in the sky and shook his arms as he said quietly, 'Why? Why?'

  7. -- Chapter Thirteen --

    Saturday 5th May 2001

    Final Preperations

    Bischoff had spent the day going over the setup for "The Second Coming" pay-per-view next week, and had pretty much got himself a finalised copy of how things were going to go down. All he had to do now in regards to the card was go over everything with Sting and Flair, and hopefully the pay-per-view would go exactly as he planned. He tried to make it seem acceptable to both of them, but also made sure it was acceptable to him. He didn't want Flair and Sting to make major changes to it because it would upset his plans. He had a couple of debuts planned, as well as plans to plant the seeds for a couple of future feuds and storylines, and he didn't want Flair or Sting to screw it up.

    Ric Flair was on 'The Tonight Show with Jay Leno' the other night, and spent the entire interview hyping up the card for "The Second Coming" pay-per-view on May 12th. He literally spilled his guts about how much it meant to him that WCW didn't die, and that he intended to take it back to the dizzy heights that they were at back in 1996. 'If it wasn't for ME, WCW would never have been that high in the rating's anyway' Bischoff said to himself. Ric Flair confirmed that WCW had signed a contract with NBC to show a brand new version of WCW Monday Night Nitro. He announced the show would debut on June 11th in the same timeslot as before, running for the same length of time. So it's pretty much the same Nitro, but just on a different channel. They also showed the brand new Nitro logo:

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    (OK, brand new is over stepping the mark a little, but redesigned Nitro logo? Yup, that sounds better.)

    WCW lost two workers today in the shape of Chris Candido and Tammy Sytch. Tammy signed the new 2-month deal back in March, but she wasn't offered a new contract when everybody else was. She complained to the 'powers that be' about it, but she was told her services were no longer required. Apparently, after Tammy stormed out of the building, she told her boyfriend Chris Candido about it. Candido stormed in to Eric Bischoff's office and demanded Tammy be reinstated. The word 'demand' is key here, because as Candido 'demanded' it, Bischoff immedietly said 'no', without any though. 'Nobody demands a THING from me, he thought as Candido said if she goes, he's going as well. Bischoff tried to reason with him for a minute or two, but eventually just told him to get out and that he no longer was under employment of World Championship Wrestling.

    Bischoff realised that with the grand 'reopening' of WCW in just a few days, he had to talk to Kevin Nash. He couldn't put it off any longer, he had to talk to him about his 'guaranteed title reign' which cannot happen. If Sting or Flair found out that he offered it to him, there would be hell to pay from them and he dreaded thinking about what would happen. 'Alright, tommorow, I confront Nash...'

    Weak? I guess, but I'm trying to cut down in between 'major' parts at the moment. The Nash chapter will be a bit longer, as I have a little something planned for it.

  8. I went out today and bought Astonishing X-Men # 1-3 for a the grand total of £5! :D

    I read through them all, and really think they're great. One question though, because I haven't really been paying attention to comics for the past couple of years, but could somebody please explain how Jean Grey died?

  9. user posted image

    Tuesday 1st May 2001


    That's right, the voting for our special Saturday May 12th show is finished! The votes have been counted, and a name has been chosen, and you can check the results later today. Of course, as you may have read recently, Scott Steiner has picked up an injury to his arm and will not be able to compete. What makes this worse, is that Scott Steiner actually won the voting for the right to challenge Booker T for the World Heavyweight title! 'Big Poppa Pump' is said to be furious with this result, and has made claims that he wants his rematch with Booker T on May 12th, but doctors have ordered him to stay out of the ring until at least July.

    A major addition has been made to the May 12th card already, with appearances by several new signings in a non-wrestling role. Many of the wrestlers under WCW will be at the arena to sign autographs before the show kicks off, and during the show we will get a few words with several of them as they talk about what World Championship Wrestling means to them, and to the world of wrestling and sports entertainment as a whole. As well as the name being chosen and the card being announced, check the show listings to find out which superstars will be in attendance. The show kicks off at 7pm, so if you are looking for autographs and a chance to meet your favourite WCW superstar, the superstars will be there for one-hour to meet and greet. They will be there from 5pm till 6pm, and for the hour leading up to the show, highlights will be shown on the big screen of the 'Night of Champions' as well as many other great things!

  10. I thought the improvements in the Special Edition was fine. Especially the Jabba the Hutt thing in the first film. OK, it looked incredibley dodgy that he was moving, but it's a hell of a lot better than having a man play Jabba in one film, then in the next he's a huge slug!

    But the new changes he's made are a bit over the top. Who needs Hayden Christensen there? I mean, hwy not just leave the old guy (who's name escapes me) there? Grrr....stoopid Lucas.

  11. Apparently, talks have stalled between us and Madrid over the fee for Vieira. :D

    IMO, what this means is 1) Vieira will HAVE TO come out and see he wants to leave, or 2) Real Madrid will have to up their bid significantly.

    1) won't happen, because I think Vieira would love to play for Real, but loves playing for Arsenal so I don't think if the move broke down it would bother him *that* much.

    I don't see him going now. Not this season anyway.

  12. -- Chapter Twelve --

    Wednesday 25th April 2001

    News Update

    A lot had happened in the past week or so; WCW.com had reopened and had addressed the situation regarding the special WCW pay-per-view to be held, a couple of people had signed deals with the company with one or two of them debuting on that very show.

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    Lex Luger spent about an hour on the phone with Sting about getting his girlfriend, Miss Elizabeth, her job back in WCW. Sting rang up Flair and Bischoff, and they both agreed with it, so Elizabeth will be accompanying Luger during his matches again. Also, Diamond Dallas Page's wife, Kimberly has been given a contract. She is set to return as a face alongside DDP when he returns to action for matches. Bischoff made the decision to scrap the Magnificent Seven for now and break all the guys up. They were planning to start pretty much from scrap, and so the Magnificent Seven was one major thing to go. The idea came from Flair that he had turned face on the 'Night of Champions', and so it wouldn't be right for him to just return as heel aligned with the Steiners, Luger, Bagwell, Jarrett and Animal. He wants to team up with Sting in a 'respect team'. He thinks they should play on the fact the fans remember the two hugging on the last Nitro, and they could get some good stuff out of it.

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    A new company opened it's doors last week called Men of Steel Combat. It's run by Ross Hart and has a lot of good workers. Unfortunately, a few of their workers are currently under WCW contract as well, so when WCW finally returns full time, they will have to pledge their future to one of the two and sign with them, but not the other. Two young men by the names of Brandon Silvestry and Christopher Daniels have been stealing the shows there recently. WCW sent road agent Johnny Ace to a recent show of theirs and in a match between Daniels and a talented independent worker named Bryan Danielson, and the two put on a legitimate classic. The fans gave the two men a standing ovation after the match ended. Because of this spectacle, Johnny Ace spoke to Danielson about coming to work for World Championship Wrestling in the future. Apparently, he said he would love to and is currently under a development contract.

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    Two other regular independent workers and former ECW alumni, James Maritato and Tony Mamaluke have also signed deals with WCW. Neither are full time yet, but plans are if they impress, they might be linked up with Johnny the Bull and Big Vito to reform the ECW stable, the Full Blooded Italians in WCW. Maritato and Mamaluke were said to be impressed by the idea, and would like that.

    With WCW planning to resume a full schedule in a few months, WCW decided that now was the right time to reopen the Power Plant. They've lined up several try-out sessions over the next couple of weeks, after which they will begin their full time training under the watchful eyes of WCW head trainers Killer Kowalski and Rocky Johnson. A couple of workers have already been awarded contracts for the Plant due to glowing scout reports. So far, a young kid under the moniker of the Amazing Red has joined, as have Jose and Joel Maximo, Brock Lesnar, Shelton Benjamin, the Haas brothers, Charlie and Russ. Harry Smith, the son of the 'British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith has signed, as has Teddy Hart, the nephew of Bret as well as many more.

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    Jerry "the King" Lawler has completed the deal he was poised to sign before WCW closed it's doors; he has signed a two-year deal as an announcer. At the moment, that is what he is scheduled to do but he may also be used as a manager or something in the future.

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    We regret to inform the readers of WCW.com that Scott Steiner has injured his arm this week, and will not be able to compete in our special pay-per-view next month. Unfortunetly, votes cannot be changed and thus means that if Steiner does indeed win the right through the votes to challenge Booker T for the World Heavyweight title, the runner up in the voting contest will take his place.

    Stupid friggin Steiner...LAY OFF THE STEROIDS YOU TWIZZLE!

  13. Hmm, do you mean just a stats update? Or do you mean a date conversion sort of thing where the game starts in 2004?

    Well, I don't think there is a stats update just yet, but try www.thedugout.net, they might have one. For the second thing, I don't think one exists.

  14. taken from: 411wrestling.com

    Wednesday 18th April 2001

    We've had several people e-mailing us, telling us the same thing in regards to an advert that has been running recently on NBC. This is an extract on a fan e-mail:

    Sent in by: Johnny Perfect

    Hi. I was flicking through the TV yesterday and I saw an advert on NBC that said "Where it all begins again...11th June 2001". Seems normal enough, but I SWEAR I caught a quick glimpse of Ric Flair. There was like, a mili-second long shot of a guy with white/blonde hair. Granted it was in black and white, but I'm 99% sure it was Flair. Just thought this might be news worthy.

    We've recieved several similar e-mails claiming that they saw Ric Flair in this commercial. The WCW owners, Flair, Sting and Bischoff have apparently been in contact with several television networks in the chance that they could get a TV show on the air. None of the guys at 411 saw the add, but the date specified is a Monday, so if this is , as claimed a WCW ad, it looks as though Monday Nitro could be returning after all. More on this as we get it.

  15. user posted image

    WCW.com reopens!

    That's right everybody; WCW.com is back online after taking a couple of weeks of on hiatus! As you know, World Championship Wrestling as a company took some time off after the final Monday Night Nitro on TNT back on March 26th in Panama City Beach in Florida. This very website closed down a few days later to undergo some changes in the hopes that WCW would be bought and return in the very near future...and it has been! So as you can see, WCW.com has been revamped with new 'futuristic' menu bars down the side as well as many other new options. Unfortunately, the WCW superstars page is not available at this moment because we do not know which superstars you will have the priveledge of seeing in the very near future. One of the biggest revamps that you may have notcied is a brand new logo! That's right, WCW has a new logo to go with the new era of World Championship Wrestling.

    This article is here to let you know; 1) that WCW.com is back and better than ever, and 2) that WCW will be holding a very special pay-per-view experience in the month of May, on Saturday the 12th! That's right, WCW superstars will be in action a little under a month from now. At the moment, we do not have a show card to tell you any of the matches, but that is because we are letting YOU the readers pick the matches! You read that correct! You the fans, the people that visit WCW.com everyday will have the chance to vote on what matches you want to se! The Cruiserweight title, the Tag Team titles, the Cruiserweight Tag Team titles and the World championship will be on the line that very night, and you will get the chance to pick an opponent for 'Sugar' Shane Helms, Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire, Rey Mysterio Jr. and Billy Kidman and Booker T respectivley. Unfortunately, the Unitest States title will not be defended that night because Booker T hold both the US and World title, and we cannot ask Booker to participate in two gruelling matches in one night can we? But to make up for it, we're going to throw in two "specal attraction" matches, where you will have the choice to pick out a specially decided selection for what matches you wish to see. These 'special attraction' matches will pit a well-known WCW superstar against one of WCW's up-and-coming future stars!

    To vote, simply click the link at the bottom of this page that says "Vote" and you will be taken to the voting page. On that page you must make a choice of six matches and fill in your name before clicking the send button. Oh, one last thing of course; you get to pick the name of the event! That's right! With every vote that is made, we ask you to enter a name for this event! We will go through every single one and finally pick the best one for the event which will be used at the show.

    So, get clicking and fill in that form!

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    Voting page

    * Event Name *


    * World Championship match *

    The champion Booker T will face:

    * Scott Steiner

    * Ric Flair

    * Sting

    * Diamond Dallas Page

    * Tag Team championship match *

    The champions Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire will face:

    * The Mamalukes

    * Storm and Awesome

    * 'Prime Time' and Romeo

    * Haas Brothers

    * Cruiserweight Tag Team championship match *

    The champions Rey Mysterio Jr. and Billy Kidman will face:

    * The Jung Dragons

    * Three Count

    * 'Prime Time' and Romeo

    * Air Raid

    * Cruiserweight championship match *

    The champion 'Sugar' Shane Helms will face:

    * Chavo Guerrero Jr.

    * Jamie Knoble

    * AJ Styles

    * Mr. Aguila

    * 'Special Attraction' match * - Pick Two

    * Mark Jindrak vs. 'Ironman' Nick Dinsmore

    * Bryan Clarke vs. Chris Harris

    * Chris Kanyon vs. Rico Constantino

    * Dustin Rhodes vs. James Storm

    * 'EZ Money' Jason Jett and Cash vs. Jose and Joel Maximo

    * Hugh Morrus vs. Travis Tyson

    * Rick Steiner vs. Randy Orton

    * Shawn Stasiak vs. 'Demon of the Deep' Leviathan

    *Note, wrestlers cannot be chosen for two matches. IE, if you choose Yung Dragons to face Rey Mysterio Jr. and Billy Kidman for the Cruiserweight Tag Team titles, then Yang cannot challenge 'Sugar' Shane Helms for the Cruiserweight title

    Yes. Basically, vote. Pick one from each title match selection and two of the special matches. I'll leave this voting open for quite a bit until I get to the beginning of May (diary/game time). You don't have to pick an event name, but it would help me greatly if there were some good ones! So yeah, pick now!

  16. OK, it's almost a done deal I guess, but this news that we've agreed a deal was presented by a radio station. Albeit a radio station that has close ties with Real and owns a part of the club, but nontheless, it's still a radio station.

    It hasn't been confirmed by David Dein, Arsene Wenger or Patrick Vieira himself, and until one or all come out and say otherwise, I still think he might stay.

  17. -- Chapter Eleven --

    Thursday 12th April 2001

    The Cheap Shot

    World had leaked onto the internet that World Championship had been bought by the consortium of Eric Bischoff, Sting and Ric Flair and that they were looking for a television deal at this current time. They was also rumours circulating the 'net that they were planning to put on an event during the month to showcase their talent. Bischoff hadn't even mentioned anything like that to anyone, he hadn't even thought of it before now, but he started to think about it. 'It would be a good idea' he thought to himself, 'Show off the talent, show the fans we're still kicking and show Vince McMahon that there is a true rival for his little company!'

    Bischoff thought about giving Flair and Borden a ring tomorrow to talk to them about doing a pay-per-view within the next couple of months before they got a show going. Bischoff poured himself a cold drink in the kitchen and sat down in front of the television, turned it on and flicked through the channels.


    Bischoff leaned over and picked up the phone.

    Bischoff: Hello?

    Sophie: Hey boss. Um, I'm just thought you might want to flick onto UPN right now.

    'That's the chanel that SmackDown! is on...' Bischoff quickly put his drink down and flicked the channel over to UPN where Vince McMahon was walking out to the ring all alone, looking as though he had a cucumber shoved up his ass. 'Wow, this is interesting, why do I need to watch this?' he though to himself.

    Bischoff: What is it? It's the same-old, same-old.

    Sophie: I know it is at the moment, but I've been watching the shows over the past few weeks since WCW stopped airing on TNT to weigh up the competition and things, and Vince has been talking about how he's bought WCW and how he holds the fate of every WCW employee in his hand. He's been talking about how he is going to crush Eric Bischoff. He said that Turner was begging him to buy the company! It's been pretty funny because he's been playing himself up as this super genius guy who has beaten conglomorate of Ted Turner and TNT. So apparently from what I've read on some internet sites, he's going to go out and address the WCW situation. I thought you might want to watch it!

    Bischoff: Well, well Sophie, all I can say is, thank you! I'm going to enjoy my evening so much now! Thanks for the heads up Sophie, talk to you later, bye.

    Bischoff hung up the phone, picked up his glass and leaned back into his sofa to enjoy Vincent Kennedy McMahon try and explain his recent actions.

    Vince McMahon strolled down to the ring, and as usual gets a resounding 'Asshole' chant from the fans. Signs in the crowd read things like "McMahon fears Turner" and "Bischoff screwed McMahon" and "BAAAAA!", but that last one made me laugh more than anything related to McMahon. McMahon stepped into the ring and as soon as his music stopped, he was greeted by a mixture of "Sting! Sting!" and "Whooooo!" chants from the crowd! This really seemed to piss of McMahon off, as he went bright red in the face before bringing the microphone to his lips.

    McMahon: If you want to cheer for those sons of bitches, then get the hell out of my arena right now! Get out now! You want to be Sting and Flair fans; then go and watch your old NWA and WCW tapes of your heroes because you'll never see them again! That's right, never again will they set foot inside a wrestling ring!

    Vince lowered the microphone from his mouth to listen to the boos and disparaging chants from the crowd.

    McMahon: Ric Flair, Steve Borden, Eric Bischoff...the three men who have bought World Championship Wrestling from that wrinkled, broken down old man Ted Turner, and are planning to put WCW back on the map. Well let me tell you people this; there will not BE a WCW to bring back if I have any say in this! I have pull in every single major company this country has, and I will not allow those cheating, those THIEVES to run a company that should be rightfully mine. Let me just address you fan for a moment...

    McMahon was again addressed by immense booing from the audience as he turned to them. He took it all in as if he was expecting it and it didn't both him.

    McMahon: No no, hold on for a moment! I'm not going to insult you, tell you that this state sucks or anything like that, because I am going to tell you that you are the greatest fans in the world. The World Wrestling Federation is the number 1 company in sports entertainment because we have fans like you who turn up each and every week to Raw and SmackDown to see your favourite superstars. Everybody that works for this company appreciates that, and I wanted to let you know this before I go on.

    Vince brought the microphone down to stomach height, as the fans actually began to CHEER him! McMahon nodded in approval, as many fans cheered whilst some even stood up and clapped him.

    McMahon: Thank you. I wanted to tell you about this company that you started off my evening by cheering. This is the company that is run by politics. The Hogans, the Nash's, the Halls, they all ran the company themselves. People might say Eric Bischoff was the head of WCW. Bischoff is so talentless that he wouldn't know how to run a company if he was compying the greatest man alive...me. No, WCW was ran by the wrestlers who believed that they had the right to do what they wanted and not be punished for it. Hell, if those three had their attitude curbed, perhaps WCW wouldn't have had to be sold in the first place! But no, their managers wouldn't even acknowledge this crap was going on! I can tell you right now that Eric Bischoff would let the animals out of their cage and do what they wanted if he ran a zoo, because he is so afraid of upseting the men that give him a nice big paycheck, that he wouldn't do a thing to stop it. How often did WCW give you what you wanted? Never! How often did you tune in to Monday Nitro and see Hulk Hogan doing his...whatever the hell it is! (McMahon did an impression of the Hulksters muscular pose) Every single week you would see the washed up old dinosaurs, the WWF cast-offs way I add, you would see them doing their same old tired routine week in and week out, over and over again!

    Back in 1994, Hogan joined WCW. He didn't "jump ship", he was let go by me! I heard people turning against him, I knew the sort of crap he tried to pull here, and because of that I sent him to WCW! I kenw the fans wanted changes, and so I gave them to you! Bischoff didn't know what to do with Steve Austin, and I turned him into a million-dollar merchandise machine! I made him something, just like I did with Triple H, William Regal, Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit! What did they do? They stole the men who had already been made into big stars by the WWF and tried to use them to topple me! But he failed.

    WCW will never change. They will do the same old routine they have for years, with the same old washed up "talent". If you want to see true wrestling ability, coupled with NEW stars, watch the WWF. If you're into the nostalgic, old, talentless people, watch WCW. Thank you very much, and enjoy WWF SmackDown.

    McMahon dropped the microphone and headed to the back as SmackDown went off the air.

    Bischoff was literally shell shocked. This was a total and utter cheap shot on the part of Vince McMahon and the WWF. He couldn't believe that he would sink THIS low to go about and literally tell viewers not to watch the program. Bischoff thought about ripping McMahon a proverbial 'new one' somehow, but thought to himself, 'I'm not going to sink to McMahon's level. I'm going to turn over a new leaf by fighting back with excellent shows instead of cheap shots. World Championship Wrestling WILL topple the World Wrestling Federation; mark my words!' Bischoff put his face in his hand for a second, before smashing the glass off the table in front of him.

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