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Posts posted by TMM

  1. user posted image

    Saturday 19th June 2004

    Announcers: Josh Matthews and Chavo ‘Classic’

    Matthews: Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Velocity tonight on Spike TV, and tonight I have a brand new co-host, and he is the father of the WWE Cruiserweight champion; Chavo Classic!

    Classic: Hey, hey holmes! It’s Classic! Classic is on Velocity and will bring some class to this show that it lacks when the greatest Cruiserweight champion ever, my son, Chavo Guerrero isn’t here!

    Matthews: Well Chavo isn’t here tonight, but Shannon Moore and Danny Basham will clash in just a moment, as will Paul London and the “Reflection of Perfection”, Mark Jindrak…

    Classic: I wanna announce the main event! I’ve been told by Kurt Angle that that is what my job is! The main event is gonna be Mr. USA, the United States champion Rene Dupree against Mr. Loner, Scotty 2 Hotty!

    Matthews: I think you did a good job Chav…what exactly should I call you? Chavo? Classic?

    Classic: How about Mr. Classic Sir?

    Matthews: Um…

    Classic: Yeah, that’s it!

    Shannon Moore vs. Danny Basham w/ Doug Basham

    As usual, the Bashams were out together in matching black and red pants. Shannon Moore has new music, and according to Josh Matthews, it is by his and Jeff Hardy’s band Peroxwhy?gen, as is Jeff’s music. Shannon and Danny locked horns, with the bigger Basham dominating much of the match. The ending of the match came about as Shannon Moore had just avoided a collision in the corner from an on rushing Danny Basham, and then took him down with a springboard hurricanrana from the top ring rope! Unfortunately, Danny was flung across the ring and went crashing into the referee, knocking him out in the ring. With all three people down on the mat, Doug used this as an opportune time to switch places with his brother, and played possum in the ring. Shannon covered ‘Danny’, but he got up as soon as he realised the referee was out cold. He went to check on him, but as soon as he turned around ‘Danny’ laid him out with a clothesline. Doug called for Danny’s assistance, and the Basham Brothers laid Shannon Moore out with the Ball and Gag! Danny made the cover, as Doug brought the referee life…1…2…3, Danny Basham steals the win!

    Winner: Danny Basham (6:23)




    Doug got into the ring, and proceeded to kick Shannon Moore in the head before he and his brother picked him up…and hit a second Ball and Gag! They didn’t seem finished though, as the again picked him up and set Shannon up for the move…but were stopped when Jeff Hardy’s music hit! Jeff Hardy stormed down to the ring and traded blows with both Doug and Danny before hitting the inverted Twist of Fate on Danny, while Shannon Moore hit a DDT! Shannon and Jeff looked at each other, and then went to opposite sides of the ring…as Shannon landed the Mooregasm with Jeff Hardy hitting the Swanton Bomb! Jeff and Shannon hugged, and the two headed to the back.

    Classic: Hey look! Just because Jeff couldn’t beat my son TWICE, he’s trying to get himself an ally to help him this Thursday!

    Matthews: I think its just Jeff helping out a friend.

    Classic: You would!

    Matthews: Why do you say that?

    Classic: Because you’re stupid.

    Commercial Break

    Matthews: Welcome back guys. We’re going to take you back to…

    Classic: SmackDown!

    Matthews: Why are you interrupting me?

    Classic: Because I want to announce the next segment!

    Matthews: But you announced the…oh go on then!

    Classic: A Guerrero always gets what he wants! On SmackDown, JBL and Rene Dupree had a little announcement to make, and they explained their actions at the Great American Bash, take a look. See? I’m better than you…

    Matthews: Pfft…

    JBL: Thank you, thank you. It feels great to be here. Now, Sunday night I was cheated out of the WWE title, I want that made clear first and foremost! In two weeks time, I will win the fatal-four way match, and then I will go on to become the WWE champion! But in the VERY unlikely event that I lose that match; no matter, I have other plans anyway! Eddie Guerrero, you are not my number one priority anymore, oh no. This man right here is! Rene Dupree; the greatest United States champion in the history of the WWE and the history of WCW. Now, I’ve been getting stopped in the street, I’ve received e-mails, phone-calls, all asking me the same thing; why did I help Rene Dupree win the US title at the Great American Bash? Why help a French man? Why help someone who day in, and day out talks trash about the United States of America. Well I’m going to tell you people the same thing I’ve told everybody else; because he is right! Yeah, the USA is a stinking shell of what it used to be! This use to be the greatest and most powerful country on the entire planet, but now, look at us! Look at what this country has become! We’re fighting amongst ourselves, blaming everyone else for our problems, blaming France! We let illegal immigrants into the country, and we do nothing about it. Do you know who is to blame? You people are! That’s right, don’t boo me, you know that it is true! I see fat people in the audience, I see ugly people in the audience, and I see people who think that they could probably run this country because they don’t like the way things are going. You people boo me because you know that I am right! Because people like Rene and myself here speak our minds, you don’t like us! My views haven’t changed one single bit since the war started, I felt the same way about things as I do now and you people would cheer me! You cheered when I was a Tag Team champion, you cheered when the APA was reunited, but now you boo me…ask yourself why that is! Ask yourself what has changed about me. Is it because I don’t drink beer, smoke and play cards? I still do those things, just not in front of you. Is it because I don’t hand out beatings to people week in and week out? I still beat people up, look back at Judgment Day for a perfect example where I beat my opponent up so bad; he had to get himself disqualified to get away from me! What I am saying is, I’m not the one who has changed; it is you people! You are all sheep! The person next to you boos me, you’ll boo me. The person next to you cheers Eddie Guerrero, you cheer Eddie Guerrero. That’s the problem, people in this country don’t have views of their own, they follow the pack, and that is why this country is going down the toilet!

    JBL threw down the microphone and walked over to the corner of the ring. Rene Dupree picked the microphone up, and started to address the crowd himself.

    Dupree: On Sunday, a huge evil was removed from SmackDown! John Cena joined RAW! Zat is right, and a new champion was crowned; a man with true class, a man who signifies real values of the French people as well as the old, and once great United States of America! That man is me. Myself and JBL will prove to be the most dominant force on SmackDown today, and we are issuing a challenge to any team in the…

    Rene Dupree was cut off mid sentence by Hardcore Holly’s music! The duo of Hardcore Holly and Billy Gunn made their way out!


    Commercial Break

    Matthews: Welcome back, and it’s time for our second match as here comes Paul London…

    Classic: My son’s beaten him!

    Matthews: He did just that, right here on Velocity! Hang on, why isn’t Paul London’s name on your white board then?

    Classic: He is on my board! What are you stupid holmes? Isn’t it your job to notice things like that? Hold on; why exactly do you have a job?

    Matthews: Because I’m a talented announcer maybe…?

    Classic: HAHAHAHAHA…no really, it was a serious question!

    Paul London vs. Mark Jindrak w/ Theodore Long

    Much like the earlier match, Jindrak used his size and strength advantage against the smaller, but much faster Paul London. London didn’t seem to even notice the size difference, as he tried to out-wrestle and out-pace Jindrak here. London was on the receiving end of a beating for a much of the match, but London was no slouch either when it came to laying into his opponent! The match came to a close as Jindrak had Paul London locked in a torture rack and was really cranking down on the hold, but London wouldn’t submit. Jindrak seemed to have grown tired of the move, and released his hold on London’s legs as he prepared to hit a sort of TKO move on London across his shoulder, but London spun in mid-air, bounced over Jindrak and hit a dropkick to the back on the way down! London held his back as he knelt in the corner, and seemed as though he was out of it. He was weary enough though to see Mark Jindrak charging in out of the corner of his eye, and London was able to dodge the speeding bullet of Jindrak as the ‘Reflection of Perfection’ slammed his head into the middle turnbuckle! Paul London popped up and grabbed him in a school boy roll-up…1…2…3, Paul London causes a huge upset!

    Winner: Paul London (7:17)




    Paul London fell into a heap in the corner holding his back, but soon had his arm risen in victory by the referee. London was helped to his feet by the ref, but was soon knocked back to the floor when Mark Jindrak laid him out with a clothesline! Jindrak attacked London in the ring, and the assault culminated with Jindrak hitting the Mark of Perfection.

    Commercial Break

    Matthews: We’re back, and we’ve got a huge show coming up in a little over two weeks; SmackDown is going to be bigger and better than ever, and there has been three major matches announced so, and we have the privilege of announcing a fourth match right here on Velocity!

    Classic: I’m going to announce that one…

    Matthews: Thought you might want to. The Cruiserweight title is on the line as Ultimo Dragon challenges the champion…

    Classic: …my son Chavo Guerrero, the greatest Cruiserweight champion in history!

    Matthews: He takes on Chavo Guerrero for the title, cashing in the proverbial cheque he earned at the Great American Bash. Also the WWE Tag Team titles are up for grabs when the Dudley Boyz challenge the champions Rico and Charlie Haas in Dudley speciality, a tables match! And of course, the no.1 contenders match for the WWE championship as the Rock returns to the ring to battle Booker T, John “Bradshaw” Layfield and Rey Mysterio!

    Classic: Now I’m going to let you viewers know a fourth match, and that is Rene Dupree will put his United States title up for grabs against Hardcore Holly, the man who was bloodied at the hands of Dupree and JBL on SmackDown. See; even make announcements better than you!

    Matthews: Speaking of SmackDown, Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero…

    Classic: Pfft…

    Matthews: …went toe-to-toe in the main event with an outcome that you’ll never believe!


    Clips of Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero

    Eddie climbed up to the top rope…but while Eddie was up there, Booker T was running down to the ring! Eddie managed to nail the Frog Splash, but before Eddie could make the pin Booker started to attack Eddie! The referee called for the bell, ruling the match a no contest due to outside interference!

    Winner: No Contest

    Booker T started to kick Mysterio as well before picking Eddie up and nailing the Book End! Booker T waited for Eddie to get to his feet, then kicked him in the stomach and hit the Scissors Kick! Booker dropped to one knee and looked at his hand as if he was going to do the Spinarooni…


    The Rock!!! The Rock’s music brought the crowd to their feet, as the Great One made his return to SmackDown! Rock came out in his retro ‘Layeth the Smacketh Down!’ t-shirt, and ran into the ring to exchange blows with Booker T! Rock and Booker went toe-to-toe before Booker T caught the Rock off guard with a kick to the stomach. Booker bounced off the ropes…but the Rock hit a spinebuster! The Rock kicked the arms together, went to take off an elbow pad, realised he wasn’t wearing any so took off his shirt and threw it in the crowd…and dropped the People’s Elbow! The Rock’s music hit and again the fans went nuts. The Rock helped both Mysterio and Eddie to their feet and then gave them a congratulations clap. SmackDown went off the air with the Rock, Rey Mysterio and WWE champion Eddie Guerrero standing in the ring.


    Commercial Break

    Matthews: We’re back here on Velocity, and up next Rene Dupree and Scotty 2 Hotty!

    Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Rene Dupree

    Dupree was without John “Bradshaw” Layfield, which was pretty good for Scotty 2 Hotty who is now left to fend for himself after he and Rikishi decided to go their separate ways after the Great American Bash on Sunday. Scotty and Dupree locked up, but then pulled apart after neither got an advantage. Dupree did his French Tickler dance right in front of Scotty, who in turn did a moonwalk and turned round to get a cheer from the fans. However, Dupree took advantage of this and tried a roll-up, but luckily Scotty kicked out. Dupree and Scotty traded blows and holds for about three minutes, with neither getting a truly clear advantage until towards the end when Scotty hit the facebuster and started to get the crowd in a frenzy by signalling for the WORM! Scotty turned and bounced back towards the far side of the ring, but when he turned around Rene Dupree was standing in front of him! Dupree showed off his abs, but Scotty ducked and slid under him to roll him up…1…2…kick out by Dupree! As soon as both men got to their feet, Dupree hit a thumb to the eye and rolled up Scotty…1…2…Dupree has a handful of tights…3! Dupree steals the victory!

    Winner: Rene Dupree (8:12)




    Dupree rolled out of the ring, grabbed his US title and quickly headed up the ramp smiling. Scotty yelled something at Dupree, but to no avail.

    Matthews: That’s all we have time for tonight; thanks for joining us here on Velocity, we’ll be back, well, I will be back the same time next week for Velocity, in the meanwhile tune in to SmackDown on UPN, Thursday night.

    Classic: This was fun; I might come back next week.

    Matthews: See you then!

    Overall Rating: 65%

    Nielson Rating: 4.22

  2. I like the way Real Madrid bid £10m for him. How dumb are they? If he is the greatest player in his position (which he is, no doubt) do they really think we'll accept that? I think we laughed in their faces about that bid!

  3. Nobody in Europe has a better chance of winning the Champions League than Arsenal this season.

    After the campagin we had last year, this will be our year. This is our best chance of winning it, and hopefully Vieira realises this.

  4. I'm currently in April of 2006 as Arsenal, sitting second in the league behind Man Utd with 5 games left and six points seperating us. Won't happen unfortunetly.

    I'm still in the Champions League, and I've got to the FA Cup final against Southampton, but I lose the first leg (home) against Dynamo Kiev 2-1. Things are looking bad.

    Oh yeah, Leeds are rock bottom of Divison 1, heading for second relegation in a row! Tottenham are in the relegation zone of the Premiership, and if both go down it'll make up for me not winning the league! :D

  5. When I saw you were doing a new diary, I had to check it out! I loved your old WWE one, and I'm glad to see that this one is looking to be as good. I want to see Dean Malenko win the strap, but that's just me...

  6. user posted image

    17th June 2004

    SmackDown! Review

    Overall Rating: 71%

    Nielson Rating: 6.08

    Attendance: 6,516

    Booker T challenges Eddie Guerrero to a title match, which Eddie accepts [ 81 ]

    Kurt Angle books a no.1 contender match between JBL, Mysterio, Booker T and the Rock in two weeks [ 92 ]

    Chavo Guerrero d. Funaki [ 70 / 64 / 93 ]

    Theodore Long introduces Jimmy S. Long and Jo Ryan [ 52 ]

    Jimmy S. Long and Jo Ryan d. Akio and Sakoda [ 56 / 46 / 81 ]

    JBL and Rene Dupree explain their actions [ 75 ]

    JBL and Rene Dupree d. Hardcore Holly and Billy Gunn [ 67 / 73 / 77 ]

    Kurt Angle announces Eddie vs. Mysterio tonight and the Dudleyz vs. Rico and Haas in a table match in two weeks [ 92 ]

    Mark Jindrak d. Rikishi [ 61 / 68 / 69 ]

    Mordecai attacks ‘the sinner’ Tazz [ 83 ]

    Eddie Guerrero d. Rey Mysterio by DQ when Booker T interferes [ 74 / 84 / 83 ]

    Match of the Night: Eddie Guerrero draw Rey Mysterio

    Segment of the Night: Kurt Angle books a no.1 contender match between JBL, Mysterio, Booker T and the Rock in two weeks


    * The reason behind the break up of Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty is pretty much the reason Michael Cole gave on SmackDown; that the team had run it’s course and they wanted to try singles competition. Well, management wants to see how they fair working on their own. There has been talk turning one of them heel, but any turns are on hold at the moment because SmackDown is lacking credible midcard faces at the moment, with Jeff Hardy, Charlie Haas, and Rico being the only ones viewed as real challenges. Hardcore Holly and Billy Gunn are being used as the ‘get other people over’ faces, and are working as a team at the moment. There is the chance that Scotty and Rikishi will be reunited in a month or two, but chances are Rikishi will remain as a singles worker for a while, with Scotty possibly reverting to being a tag team wrestler.

    * On the subject of Scotty 2 Hotty, the WWE has been holding talks with Scotty’s former tag team partner Brian Lawler, AKA Grandmasta Sexay about ANOTHER return. Lawler returned a few months ago, but confused everybody by returning to RAW instead of SmackDown, which would’ve been the logical choice with his former ‘running buddies’ as well as the Cruiserweight division. I’ve been hearing that the new SmackDown writer didn’t like the way he returned to RAW for no reason, and has pitched the idea of bringing him back to SmackDown to Vince McMahon. Of course, Jerry Lawler likes the idea and is trying to use his influence to sway McMahon to agreeing the deal.

    * The SmackDown in two weeks is being built up so much as a counter to RAW’s Bad Blood pay-per-view. As of this moment, three matches have been announced (Booker T vs. John “Bradshaw” Layfield vs. the Rock vs. Rey Mysterio, the Dudley Boyz vs. Rico and Charlie Haas, Ultimo Dragon vs. Chavo Guerrero) and it looks as though at least two more are going to be added on next week’s SmackDown. One looks as if it will be Rene Dupree defending the United States title against either Billy Gunn or Hardcore Holly, with the other being Mordecai vs. Tazz in a one-night only deal. The idea behind the Mordecai/Tazz match is Mordecai heard Tazz’s comments during the PPV, and was punishing him for his ‘sin’. Tazz has expressed interest in matches like these, where he wrestles once every three-six months. The writers are hoping that once the fans see Mordecai take out Tazz (who has the fans support and gets big pops for coming out for announcing!) will help build up Mordecai’s credibility.

  7. user posted image

    17th June 2004

    Announcers: Michael Cole and Tazz

    SmackDown opened up with photo-framed shots of Sunday night’s pay-per-view extravaganza, the Great American Bash. Clips were shown of the Rock making his return to the WWE, Chavo rolling Jeff up and retaining his Cruiserweight title, the champions Rico and Charlie Haas just retaining their Tag Team titles against the Dudleyz after a DQ victory, Rene Dupree becoming the Unites States champion after John “Bradshaw” Layfield shockingly helped him defeat John Cena, Mordecai destroying the duo of Scotty 2 Hotty and Rikishi. Ultimo Dragon was then shown on his knees after earning the right to challenge Chavo Guerrero for the Cruiserweight title, Booker T cheating his way to victory against the Undertaker and the strange debut of Suzuki, who was defeated by Billy Kidman. The video then came to a close with a shot of Mysterio coming off the top rope, then cut to Eddie landing his Frog Splash on both Mysterio and JBL before it showed Eddie pinning JBL wit the crowd counting along in the background. The SmackDown opening video then kicked off the show. The pyros went off, and then as soon as they finished…


    Cole: Woah! We’re kicking this off straight away tonight! No hanging around! I’m Michael Cole and I am sitting alongside Tazz, coming off the back of the amazing Great American Bash.

    Tazz: Last night was off the hook! The Rock returned to SmackDown! Rene Dupree won the United States title, and then we found out John Cena had been traded to RAW! And then the 100% purely amazing main event for the WWE championship that this man here won!

    Cole: He overcame huge odds to retain the WWE title; he defeated two men in that very ring only four days ago, and here he comes!

    Eddie came driving out in a blue low-rider with red and yellow flames painted down the sides. Eddie stepped out of the low-rider and straight away lifted his WWE championship in the air for everyone to see. Eddie soaked up the fans cheers and went around ringside, slapping hands and hugging members of his family before he finally entered the ring and climbed up one of the turnbuckles and patted his chest. His music cut out, and he asked to be given a microphone.

    Eddie: Orale vato me raza! Eddie Guerrero is still WWE champion holmes! John “Bradshaw” Layfield may have worn the WWE title belt down to ringside, but after it was all over, Eddie Guerrero was the one who wore it right back out of there! Rey; you gave me a hell of a hard time, but in the end holmes, it was me who won the match! Rey buddy, you weren’t involved in the fall, so what I’m out here to do, is I’m going to offer you a shot against me for the WWE championship…

    Eddie Guerrero was cut off in mid-sentence by the words ‘CAN YOU DIG IT? SUCKA!!!’ as the man who defeated the Undertaker at the Great American Bash, Booker T made his way out to the ring. Booker was decked out in a brand new Armani suit, and as he walked past Eddie’s low-rider, he checked himself out in the side-mirror! Booker then made his way into the ring and demanded that Tony Chimmel pass him a microphone.

    Booker: Hold up there; did I just hear you right man? You’re giving Rey Mysterio a title shot? Correct me if I’m wrong dawg, but did Rey Mysterio defeat the Undertaker at the Great American Bash? Is Rey Mysterio a former 5 time, 5 time, 5 time, 5 time, 5 time, WCW champion? No he ain’t, so I ask you Eddie; why you giving Rey Mysterio a title shot?

    Eddie: I…

    Booker: No, no, no Eddie! I understand, it’s cause you two are tight ain’t it? Yeah it’s coz you two are real close friends. Well let me just tell you this Eddie…I ain’t your friend, and I want a shot at the WWE title bitch! You see, I’ve busted my ass here in the WWE for over three years man, and what recognition do I get? What have I won? I’ve won the Intercontinental title once, and I’ve held the Tag Team titles twice. What the hell is that? That’s what I call utter bull man! I bust my ass, yet nobody ever gives me rewards! I don’t get no title shots! Hell, if I hadn’t come out here tonight, my big, HUGE win over the Undertaker would’ve gone unnoticed, and Rey Mysterio would be getting a title shot that he don’t deserve! So Eddie, what do you have to say about that? Huh?

    Booker paused for a moment to hear Eddie’s response. Eddie looked around a bit before giving Booker an answer.

    Eddie: Hey man! Holmes calm down! You’re going on and on about not being given a reward? What kinda of world do you live in? This is the WWE holmes, you’ve gotta earn a shot! Not like on that ‘other show’ where their first World Heavyweight champion was handed the title, no no! I overcame personal demons, as well as near 7-foot demons to win this title at No Way Out this year, and if you think that you deserve a title shot…I agree! You beat the Undertaker man! That’s no easy task holmes, and I congratulate you on that, so after Rey Mysterio gets a title shot…

    Booker: What? You ain’t listening to me are you man? Rey Mysterio don’t deserve a title! Just because he’s friends with the champion doesn’t mean he should get a title shot! You better give me a shot or I’m gonna…

    Booker T was cut off by the music of SmackDown’s General Manager, Kurt Angle! Angle was wheeled out onto the stage by Luther Raines.

    Angle: Hold on just a second! Last I checked, the General Manager of SmackDown was Kurt Angle! And only the General Manager of SmackDown can make matches for the WWE championship! First of all, allow me to congratulate both of you on your hard fought victories at the Great American Bash; you did SmackDown very proud. Especially you Booker; I know how difficult it is to wrestle the Undertaker, let alone beat him! I beat him as well by the way, but in any event! Any you Eddie…maybe I was all wrong about you. Maybe you are a real champion…nah! What am I talking about? I’m out here to announce a match for SmackDown in two weeks. A fatal four-way match to determine the no.1 contender for the WWE title! It’s going to be, you Booker T! Facing against Rey Mysterio, John “Bradshaw” Layfield…and much to your delight (pointing to the fans)…the Rock! Booker, you don’t have to stick around tonight if you don’t want to, I can imagine you must be quite tired after your big match Sunday night so…take the night off!

    Booker: Thanks boss, man. I will! In two weeks time Eddie; I’ll win the match, so keep that belt warm for me, because when I face you for that belt, and I’ll come out champion! Dig that, bitch!

    Booker dropped the microphone and got in Eddie Guerrero’s face before leaving the ring and walking up the ramp. Eddie stood in the ring and looked around at the fans. He smiled a little bit before looking at his hand, ala Booker T, and then raised his WWE title in the air for the fans to cheer.

    Commercial Break

    Cole: Welcome back, and if you for some reason missed the opening, you’ve missed a huge announcement from Kurt Angle regarding the number 1 contender for Eddie Guerrero’s WWE championship!

    Tazz: No doubt man; John “Bradshaw” Layfield, Rey Mysterio, Booker T and the Rock! Big fatal-four way match!

    Cole: That will be in two weeks time, right here on SmackDown. It will also mark the return to the ring from the Rock! It will be his first match since he and Mick Foley were defeated at WrestleMania twenty by Evolution. It’s going to be a great match; I’ll predict that much!

    Tazz: I’ll tell you one thing you can’t predict…

    Cole: What’s that?

    Tazz: …a winner from that match! Everyone has the credentials to win it.

    Cole: Very true. Well, up next is the continuation of Chavo Guerrero’s quest that is ‘Chavo vs. the World’! It will be Chavo Guerrero vs. Funaki, as the man who thinks he is the greatest Cruiserweight in the history of wrestling…

    Tazz: Something I agree with by the way!

    Cole: …you would. As Chavo aims to defeat every Cruiserweight on Smackdown, Funaki is next in line.

    Funaki vs. Chavo Guerrero w/ Chavo Classic

    Funaki was the first out, and got a mild pop. Chavo came accompanied by his dad as usual, but Classic had a white board underarm that had the names of Jeff Hardy, Paul London and Funaki written on it. Jeff and London’s names had already been crossed out, thanks to London’s clash with Chavo on Velocity, Jeff’s encounter at the Great American Bash. Classic had a black board marker in hand, and implied that Funaki was next, as he pretended to cross his name out. Chavo and Funaki locked up, and Funaki took him down with a waist toss. Funaki quickly bounced off the ropes and hit a dropkick to the face, then hit a standing elbow drop before getting a two count off the cover. Funaki picked him up and took him into the corner. He climbed to the second rope and started to hit Chavo in the face with right hands, and got up to nine before a distraction from Classic allowed Chavo to low-blow Funaki! Chavo then hit a DDT before covering Funaki. The referee turned around to see the pinning predicament, but Chavo only got a two and a half count out of it. Chavo worked dominantly over Funaki for another two minutes, and after the quick flurry from Funaki in the early going, it seemed that he had nothing left. The match ended after Chavo had hit a brainbuster on Funaki, and signalled for his finisher. He picked his opponent up…and nailed the Gory Bomb! Chavo Classic crossed Funaki’s name out, as Chavo made the pin…1…2…3!

    Winner: Chavo Guerrero (6:12)

    Chavo got up to celebrate, but instead of his music hitting the speakers, Ultimo Dragon’s music played! The Chavo’s were shocked, as the no.1 contender made his way out onto the top of the ramp. Ultimo didn’t say a word, but instead just stared straight at the man whose Cruiserweight title he was intent on taking away. Chavo Classic handed his son the title, and then raised Classic raised Chavo’s hand while he held the Cruiserweight title high up in the air. Ultimo seemed to smile at them, but still stood there with his hands on his hips.

    Cole: I think Ultimo Dragon has just told Chavo Guerrero in his own way that the title is going to be around his waist very soon.

    Tazz: Why do you say that?

    Cole: Because he came out at the end of a match and just stared at him. Something about that says ‘sending a message’ to me.

    Tazz: You might be right, but I don’t think Chavo Guerrero should be to worried about Ultimo Dragon. I mean, sure he has the credentials, held all those titles in Japan and WCW, but he’s been away from SmackDown for several months, whereas Chavo hasn’t missed a beat. Chavo’s beaten some of the best wrestlers in the world, and I for one have faith in him.

    Cole: Ultimo has been away for some time that much is true. Well, it’s the moment that everyone has been waiting for. By everyone I mean Tazz and three of our catering staff; it’s time for Theodore Long to introduce his newest charges!

    Theodore Long walked out to the ring alongside the “Reflection of Perfection” Mark Jindrak. The two men got into the ring, and the crowd began to mildly boo them as the music cut, and as Long went to speak.

    Long: Lemme holla at ya. A few weeks back, my boy Mark Jindrak put Rob Van Dam out of commission; he injured his leg, and put him on the shelf for eight long months. Now, Mr. Thumbs won’t be around anytime soon, so you people out there need somebody new to sing along to. I know that the People’s Champion is back, but there just ain’t nothing like perfection. Now Rock is good and all that, but what you got right here is the Reflection of Perfection brother; the whole damn show right here! Mark Jindrak! Nothing beats it. So what you people are gonna do is, you’re gonna sing along with me! That’s right! Listen, and learn how a real superstar should be honoured… (Long begins to start a “Jindrak” chant, and urges the fans to sing along, but to no avail). Fine, Mark doesn’t care. He’s got women falling at his feet, unlike you people! You have farm animals falling at your feet, if you feel me playas! Anyway, onto business. I am out here, to introduce you to a pair of future WWE Tag Team champions. They are the hottest tag team around! People have talked about these boys being the future of wrestling, and there is no doubt that I agree, and that is why I put them together. Allow me to bring them out!

    Some rock-esque music hit, with a lot of guitar riffs as two men made their way out to the ring. One was black and bald, and the other was white and had short brown hair. They walked up the steps, and Theodore Long pulled down the ropes for them to enter. Once they got into the ring, the stood either side of Long.

    Long: Ha ha! Look at these damn fine specimens! Allow me to introduce to you, the greatest technical wrestler the world has ever seen! The man so technically sound, he makes Ric Flair look like a weed standing next to a tall tree; ladies and gentlemen, the technical wizard, Jo Ryan!

    Ryan stood still and looked around at the fans, who were now booing.

    Long: And now I have the honour of introducing the pride and joy of the Long family. This man has never tasted defeat in his entire life! One of the toughest men in the wrestling world today, he even trained half of the RAW roster would you believe? Ladies and gentlemen, my cousin…Jimmy S. Long! Oh that is right! Not a word of lie was said today playa, and now you even get the honour of seeing them in action! That’s right.

    Akio and Sakoda’s music played, as Theodore Long and Mark Jindrak left the ring. Both men joined Michael Cole and Tazz at the announce table, as the bells sounded to kick off the match.

    Akio and Sakoda vs. Jimmy S. Long and Jo Ryan w/ Theodore Long and Mark Jindrak

    The viewers only saw Akio and Sakoda’s entrance and the four men locking eyes before SmackDown went to it’s second break of the evening.

    Commercial Break

    SmackDown returned to find Akio locked in a sleeper hold from Jo Ryan with the referee dropping Akio’s arm for the first time. Akio’s arm dropped once again, and if it dropped once more the match would be over. The ref picked his arm up and dropped it…but Akio stopped it half way down! Akio fought to his feet and managed to fight out of the hold with elbows to the stomach and chest. Akio ran to the ropes, but was obviously a little dazed as he was taken down by a beautifully executed belly-to-belly overhead throw from Ryan. Ryan tagged in the bigger Jimmy Long who kicked Akio in the ribs before dropping a knee on the ribs, and followed up with an elbow drop to the aforementioned target spot. Long picked him up and whipped him into the ropes, and tried to nail a powerslam but Akio showed brilliant manoeuvrability to nail a brilliant head-scissors! Both Akio and Jimmy Long were down, and the ref had just reached nine before they both managed to get to their feet. Long tried to punch Akio out, but Akio got his arms up to block each shot before unloading with a flurry of martial arts kicks before hitting a standing spinning heel kick. Theodore Long tried to say that Akio shouldn’t be allowed to use kicks like that. Akio got the crowd going when he nipped up and tagged in the big and powerful Sakoda! Sakoda came in and nailed a big clothesline to Long before hitting a sidewalk slam on Jo Ryan! Sakoda stood behind the legal Jimmy Long and looked as though he was preparing for some sort of submission, but he was jumped from behind by Jo Ryan! Ryan picked him up and hit a Northern lights suplex, and then Jimmy Long came off the top rope with a body splash, ala the Superfly splash from Jimmy Snuka! Jo Ryan then made the cover…1…2…3!

    Winners: Jo Ryan and Jimmy S. Long (4:35)

    Theodore Long and Mark Jindrak stood up, went over to the newest addition to the tag team division on SmackDown and raised their hands to the air in victory.

    A video was shown of the end of the United States title match where John “Bradshaw” Layfield provided the shock off the night by assisting Rene Dupree to win the title and defeat John Cena.

    The video ends, and the crowd are ‘greeted’ by the opening bell-sound of John “Bradshaw” Layfield’s music. They immediately begin to boo as JBL’s white stretch-limousine drives out onto the ramp. The cameras, as well as Tazz and Michael Cole picked up on the fact that on the left back door it has ‘JBL’ emblazoned across the side, and on the other side it said ‘Dupree’ in fancy writing! When the limo came to a stop, two men got out, the driver and a man in the passenger seat, and the two men opened up both doors, allowing John “Bradshaw” Layfield and the United States champion Rene Dupree to step out and soak up the boos! The two men made their way into the ring where Rene Dupree paraded his United States title around the ring while JBL made his chauffer get him a microphone!

    JBL: Thank you, thank you. It feels great to be here. Now, Sunday night I was cheated out of the WWE title, I want that made clear first and foremost! In two weeks time, I will win the fatal-four way match, and then I will go on to become the WWE champion! But in the VERY unlikely event that I lose that match; no matter, I have other plans anyway! Eddie Guerrero, you are not my number one priority anymore, oh no. This man right here is! Rene Dupree; the greatest United States champion in the history of the WWE and the history of WCW. Now, I’ve been getting stopped in the street, I’ve received e-mails, phone-calls, all asking me the same thing; why did I help Rene Dupree win the US title at the Great American Bash? Why help a French man? Why help someone who day in, and day out talks trash about the United States of America. Well I’m going to tell you people the same thing I’ve told everybody else; because he is right! Yeah, the USA is a stinking shell of what it used to be! This use to be the greatest and most powerful country on the entire planet, but now, look at us! Look at what this country has become! We’re fighting amongst ourselves, blaming everyone else for our problems, blaming France! We let illegal immigrants into the country, and we do nothing about it. Do you know who is to blame? You people are! That’s right, don’t boo me, you know that it is true! I see fat people in the audience, I see ugly people in the audience, and I see people who think that they could probably run this country because they don’t like the way things are going. You people boo me because you know that I am right! Because people like Rene and myself here speak our minds, you don’t like us! My views haven’t changed one single bit since the war started, I felt the same way about things as I do now and you people would cheer me! You cheered when I was a Tag Team champion, you cheered when the APA was reunited, but now you boo me…ask yourself why that is! Ask yourself what has changed about me. Is it because I don’t drink beer, smoke and play cards? I still do those things, just not in front of you. Is it because I don’t hand out beatings to people week in and week out? I still beat people up, look back at Judgment Day for a perfect example where I beat my opponent up so bad; he had to get himself disqualified to get away from me! What I am saying is, I’m not the one who has changed; it is you people! You are all sheep! The person next to you boos me, you’ll boo me. The person next to you cheers Eddie Guerrero, you cheer Eddie Guerrero. That’s the problem, people in this country don’t have views of their own, they follow the pack, and that is why this country is going down the toilet!

    JBL threw down the microphone and walked over to the corner of the ring. Rene Dupree picked the microphone up, and started to address the crowd himself.

    Dupree: On Sunday, a huge evil was removed from SmackDown! John Cena joined RAW! Zat is right, and a new champion was crowned; a man with true class, a man who signifies real values of the French people as well as the old, and once great United States of America! That man is me. Myself and JBL will prove to be the most dominant force on SmackDown today, and we are issuing a challenge to any team in the…

    Rene Dupree was cut off mid sentence by Hardcore Holly’s music! The duo of Hardcore Holly and Billy Gunn made their way out, and it looks as though we’ve got ourselves a match!

    John “Bradshaw” Layfield and Rene Dupree vs. Hardcore Holly and Billy Gunn

    Rene Dupree and Hardcore Holly were all set to start off. Dupree tried to intimidate Holly by showing off his abs and doing his French Tickler dance. Hardcore Holly wasn’t impressed, and promptly slapped the taste out of Dupree’s mouth! Dupree was as so shocked that he turned around and tagged in JBL. JBL and Holly stood nose to nose, and neither man was going to be intimidated. JBL tried to land a right hand, but Holly ducked and kicked JBL in the stomach before unloading with a flurry of right hands to the head before whipping him off the ropes and nailing ‘the best dropkick in the business’ as Tazz put it. Holly stood up showed off to the crowd, to which they responded with mild cheers. Holly turned round to pick up JBL, but he was met with a thumb to the eye from Bradshaw! Bradshaw slapped Holly before setting him up for a powerbomb and then drove Holly’s chest cavity into the top turnbuckle! JBL still held on to him and nailed a shoulder breaker, before tagging in the US champion. Dupree stood over Holly and showed off his ‘excellent dancing’ with the French Tickler before dropping a hard knee to the mouth. Dupree covered Holly, but only managed to score a two before Holly kicked out. On the apron, Billy Gunn was clapping to try and get Holly’s attention, but to no avail it seemed. Dupree tagged out to JBL, who used his size and strength to overpower Hardcore. It continued like this for another few minutes, with JBL and Dupree making quick tags but in between the duo worked over the chest of Holly. JBL had Holly locked in a bear hug, trying to wear down his chest, and Hardcore was slowly fading. Holly managed to stop his arm from dropping before the third call, and started to use both arms to whack JBL in the head, sort of like a Mongolian chop! Holly managed to fight out of the hold and bounce off the ropes, duck a JBL clothesline and then finally collided with JBL while attempting a cross body. Both men were down, but after a few seconds and a six count, JBL draped an arm over Holly! 1…2…Gunn broke it up! Billy Gunn was getting all riled up on the apron and was desperate to get in to the ring. JBL picked Holly up and signalled for the Stock Market Crash, but Holly seemed to come to life and mustered together enough strength to nail an Alabama Slam! Holly started to crawl towards his partner, and just before he tagged in, Rene Dupree jumped in the ring and distracted the referee, therefore he didn’t see the tag! Billy Gunn came in and started knocking Bradshaw down with clothesline after clothesline before signalling for the Fame-Asser! During this, the referee was trying to get him to leave the ring as he wasn’t legal, and Dupree was on the outside getting his US title. The ref finally got Billy Gunn’s attention and argued with him about leaving the ring. During this, Dupree had slid Bradshaw his title and JBL whacked Holly square in the face with it! While Gunn was leaving the ring, the referee was counting Holly out…1…2…3, Dupree and Bradshaw win the match!

    Winners: Rene Dupree and John “Bradshaw” Layfield (7:18)

    Bradshaw and Dupree embraced, before climbing two of the turnbuckles to a loud chorus of boos. Meanwhile, Billy Gunn and the referee helped the now bleeding Holly to the back. Billy Gunn shouted to Dupree that he’d get him, but the victors weren’t listening. They headed to their limo before SmackDown went to a break.

    Commercial Break

    SmackDown returned to find the Dudley Boyz outside Kurt Angle’s office. They knocked on the door, and Angle told them to come in.

    Bubba: You wanted to see us boss?

    Angle: Oh yeah! Bubba, D-Von, you guys are one of the most decorated tag teams in wrestling history. How many title reigns have you had? Thirty? Forty?

    D-Von: Well, seventeen, but you were close! What’s this all about?

    Angle: Well, how do you guys feel about completing your collection of Tag Team gold? I mean, you’ve held the ECW Tag Team titles, the WCW Tag Team titles and the RAW Tag Team titles. Well, the RAW ones don’t really count; I mean they only have ONE real team there! Anyway, what would you say if I was to give you guys a rematch for the WWE Tag Team titles against Rico and Charlie Haas?

    Bubba: What would we say? We would say ‘oh yeah’! But then I’d have to ask when and where?

    Angle: Good question Bubba. If you remember earlier tonight, I announced a no.1 contender’s match for the WWE championship in two weeks. Well, I want that SmackDown to be the best SmackDown in history, not only will the no.1 contender’s match take place, but you two will face Rico and Charlie Haas for the WWE Tag Team titles…in a tables match!

    D-Von: Oh testify my brother!

    Just then, there was another knock on the door, as the Cruiserweight champion Chavo Guerrero and Chavo Classic came into the room.

    Chavo: Wow…is there a party in here? How you guys doing man…Luther? So boss, what’s up man?

    Angle: Hello Chavo, and congratulations on beating Jeff Hardy Sunday night, that was a great match…

    Chavo: Don’t forget I beat Funaki tonight as well!

    Angle: …of course, well done with that. Guys? Good luck in two weeks.

    Bubba: Thanks boss…

    They Dudleyz shook Angle’s hand and then left his office. The General Manager then turned his attention back to the Cruiserweight champion.

    Angle: Now Chavo, at the Great American Bash, Ultimo Dragon became the no.1 contender for your title, and as you know, he is entitled to a shot at any date he so chooses, as long as I get a weeks notice. Well, he came to see me earlier after my big announcement, and after I told him about the big, special SmackDown in two weeks time he asked for the match to be held then!

    Chavo: Oh I can’t wait man, two weeks time I’m gonna add another name to my hitlist! Can’t we have the match next week?

    Angle: Well, no. two reasons. First of all, I’m building the SmackDown in two weeks to be the greatest show in SmackDown history, and second…you’re already booked in a match next week.

    Chavo: What? Already? Who against?

    Angle: I watched the Great American Bash, and unfortunately I saw you cheat to win against Jeff Hardy.

    Classic: Woah, woah man! My son doesn’t cheat! That’s my brother holmes!

    Angle: Nonetheless, you cheated, so I have granted Jeff Hardy a rematch with you next week!

    Chavo: What? I can’t defend my title twice in two…

    Angle: Don’t worry, you’re title won’t be on the line next week, and Jeff knows this. So, good luck Chavo!

    The Chavo’s looked pissed off, but walked off before they did something they might regret.

    Angle: Hey I’ve got one last, teensy little announcement to make before the next match gets under way. I’m announcing the main event for this evening! In a non-title match, Rey Mysterio will take on…Eddie Guerrero! Eddie, I know you’re still here, and I thought, seen as neither of you have a match tonight, I thought I’d let you earn your pay by having a match tonight. So go get ready, because you haven’t got much time till your match!

    Angle was shown rubbing his hands together, as the cameras returned to ringside in preparation for the Mark Jindrak/Rikishi match.

    Cole: Wow! SmackDown in two weeks is sure shaping up to be one of the best ever. We’ve got three matches announced so far, and we can only guess that a couple more will be added pretty soon.

    Tazz: Cruiserweight title, Tag Team titles, no.1 contender spot for the WWE championship…and of course, the return to the ring of the Great One!

    Cole: The Rock is in the fatal-four way match in two weeks along with John “Bradshaw” Layfield, Rey Mysterio and Booker T. Well, Mark Jindrak is already in the ring, and here comes Rikishi for the one-on-one encounter.

    Tazz: Rikishi has to be tired after the beating he took from Mordecai on Sunday. Rikishi was knocked silly by the ‘Pale Nutjob’ as I like to call him!

    Cole: We’ve got a little bit of news for you guys regarding Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty. Apparently they have decided to go their separate ways for the time being and try their hands in singles action.

    Tazz: They’ve both been quite successful in that area, with Scotty being a former Light-Heavyweight champion and Rikishi a former Intercontinental champion. They had great success as a team, and are leaving on good terms so who knows, sometime down the line they could reunite!

    Rikishi vs. Mark Jindrak w/ Theodore Long

    Rikishi and Jindrak locked up, but then pulled apart after a few seconds. They tried locking up again, with the same result. Jindrak stood there and showed off his body, pointing out how ‘amazing’ it was. Rikishi didn’t seem to agree as he laid Jindrak out with a side-kick to the jaw! Rikishi covered Jindrak…1…2…foot on the rope! Only a couple of seconds in, and Jindrak used the ropes to kick out! Rikishi picked Jindrak up, but Jindrak pushed the hands away and tried for a belly-to-belly, but Rikishi didn’t budge! Jindrak put ALL the effort in he could muster, but Rikishi just stood there and pretended to yawn before elbowing Jindrak in the head to break it up. Rikishi laid into Jindrak with elbows, fists and head butts, as Jindrak was looking weary. Jindrak was wobbling on the spot and Rikishi was stalking Jindrak to nail a kick, but before he could lash out Jindrak collapsed in a heap! Rikishi pointed to Mark Jindrak and ran to the ropes before dropping a legdrop across the throat. Rikishi then whipped Jindrak into the ropes before crushing him with his huge backside! As Jindrak collapsed in a heap, Theodore Long got on the apron and shouted at Rikishi. Rikishi turned his attention to Long and grabbed a hold of him and threw him inside the ring! Rikishi was preparing to drop his 350-pound frame on Theodore Long but out of nowhere Mark Jindrak managed to deliver the Mark of Perfection to Rikishi…1…2…3! Jindrak picks up a lucky win over the Phat man!

    Winner: Mark Jindrak (4:41)

    Jindrak and Theodore Long celebrated the victory, and then returned to the back.

    Cole: Big victory for Mark Jindrak there, but it came from nowhere.

    Tazz: Yeah! Rikishi was dominating throughout, and he was just about to drop his huge thong-wearing behind into the chest of Theodore Long, but Jindrak saved his life…literally!

    Cole: Well up next is the non-title match between Eddie…what the hell?

    The lights went out in the arena, and the music of Mordecai played over the sound-system! The ‘Pale Rider’ walked down the ramp slowly wearing his robe and with his crucifix in hand. Mordecai kept his eyes fixed on the crucifix as he stopped at the bottom of the ramp for a second, before continuing to head round the ring. Mordecai stopped as soon as he got to the announce table he stopped. He looked at Cole and Tazz before pointing at Tazz! Tazz looked around and said he didn’t know what was going on, but Mordecai told him to stand up. Tazz said, “What the hell does this guy want?” before standing up to the ‘Pale Rider’. Mordecai had his eyes locked on Tazz, as the former ECW champion tried to get out of whatever was happening. Then Mordecai attacked Tazz with a right hand to the face! Mordecai and Tazz got into a brawl that took them onto the announce table, where Tazz managed to get the upper hand by laying in a couple of punches! Mordecai pushed Tazz away and rolled into the ring, where Tazz followed and hit a belly-to-belly overhead throw! Tazz stalked Mordecai from behind and looked to be preparing for the Tazzmission! Mordecai stood up…and Tazz locked it in! It was only in for a few seconds, as Mordecai threw him over his shoulder, and then waited for the announcer to get to his feet before hitting the Crucifix! Mordecai didn’t look finished, as he picked him up and threw Tazz over the ropes to the outside. He started removing the monitors and covering of the announce table. Mordecai picked Tazz up and put him between his legs, starred at the ‘symbol of the father’ before driving Tazz straight through the table with the Crucifix! Mordecai went over to the crucifix that lay on the floor and he began to worship it almost, before picking it up and walking away as if nothing had happened!

    Cole: We need some medical attention down here! If somebody could get off their butts in the back, Tazz is hurt! I have no idea what that was about! Mordecai just came down and attacked Tazz for no good reason. Damn it. We’ve gotta take our final break guys, I don’t know if Tazz will be commentating with me because he looks in real bad shape.

    Commercial Break

    SmackDown returned from the break to see Tazz being loaded into an ambulance in the back, while Josh Matthews joined Michael Cole on commentary.

    Cole: Welcome back everybody, just moments ago Mordecai came down to the ring and for no apparent reason attacked Tazz and put him through this table. Well, Tazz smacked his head on the exposed concrete just here where we sit, so he’s been taken to a local medical facility to get checked out, but hopefully he should be ok. Well, for the rest of the show, IE the main event, Velocity commentator Josh Matthews has joined me at ringside!

    Matthews: I was watching in the back, and I was shocked! I was trying to work out what logical reason Mordecai might’ve had for doing what he did, but I couldn’t think of anything. But hey, from a selfish standpoint this is great! I get to call a great match alongside Michael Cole!

    Cole: True, because up next is the main event between Eddie Guerrero, and this man right here Rey Mysterio!

    Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero

    Eddie Guerrero drove out in a purple and green low-rider, and then got on top of the vehicle and did his ‘Latino Head dance’ before jumping down and slapping hands with the fans at ringside. Eddie got in the ring and climbed one of the turnbuckles and held his title high in the air, getting a great reaction from the fans. He got down, handed the title to the referee and the bell was rung! Mysterio and Eddie shook hands before getting underway. The locked up, and Eddie got a legtrip on Mysterio, keeping the hands locked Mysterio used Eddie’s body to get to his feet and deliver a quick arm drag! Eddie got up and ran it home, only to get taken down with another deep arm drag! Mysterio stood over Eddie and pulled his hands across his face, before running to the ropes…and missing a senton splash! Eddie rolled Mysterio up to get a close fall, and then the champion picked Mysterio up and hit a backdrop. Eddie then went over to Mysterio and locked in a single-leg crab on Mysterio’s right leg. Mysterio has previously had surgery on that knee, so it was obviously painful. Mysterio managed to get out of the hold relatively quickly by getting to the ropes, but the damage was done. Eddie dominated proceedings for the next few minutes, working over the injured knee of Rey Rey. Mysterio had slowly managed to build up a bit of a flurry after landing a head scissors after Eddie whipped him to the ropes. Mysterio whipped Eddie to the ropes and then hit a drop toehold, draping him over the bottom rope! Mysterio called for it and tried to hit the 619, but Eddie had moved out of the way, so Mysterio just swung round and hit thin air. Mysterio appeared a little dizzy, and Eddie seemed a little weakened, but he mustered together the strength to nail his triple-suplex and then patted his chest! Eddie climbed up to the top rope…but while Eddie was up there, Booker T was running down to the ring! Eddie managed to nail the Frog Splash, but before Eddie could make the pin Booker started to attack Eddie! The referee called for the bell, ruling the match a no contest due to outside interference!

    Winner: No Contest (8:56)

    Booker T started to kick Mysterio as well before picking Eddie up and nailing the Book End! Booker T waited for Eddie to get to his feet, then kicked him in the stomach and hit the Scissors Kick! Booker dropped to one knee and looked at his hand as if he was going to do the Spinarooni…


    The Rock!!! The Rock’s music brought the crowd to their feet, as the Great One made his return to SmackDown! Rock came out in his retro ‘Layeth the Smacketh Down Your Lips?’ t-shirt, and ran into the ring to exchange blows with Booker T! Rock and Booker went toe-to-toe before Booker T caught the Rock off guard with a kick to the stomach. Booker bounced off the ropes…but the Rock hit a spinebuster! The Rock kicked the arms together, went to take off an elbow pad, realised he wasn’t wearing any so took off his shirt and threw it in the crowd…and dropped the People’s Elbow! The Rock’s music hit and again the fans went nuts. The Rock helped both Mysterio and Eddie to their feet and then gave them a congratulations clap. SmackDown went off the air with the Rock, Rey Mysterio and WWE champion Eddie Guerrero standing in the ring.

  8. Apparently, Patrick Vieira has cleared out his locker at Highbury.

    You know by now that Patrick Vieira was at the Arsenal training ground on Friday and cleared out his locker. I was asked not to reveal that, so it remained unknown until it was published elsewhere. If I was chasing exclusives I’d have published that bit of info myself.

    This is from Arseblog which is run by a guy who has 'contacts' on the inside. Now, until I hear anything concrete (specifically along the lines of seeing a photo of Vieira holding up a Real Madrid shirt with his name on the back :D) I'm not going to lose much sleep.

    On the subject of Jeffers, I backed him the moment we signed him, because I know the guy has talent. It'd be handy if he actually USED THEM in a game that meant something though!

  9. Barnet 1-10 Arsenal

    van Persie

    Reyes (hat trick)

    Jeffers (hat trick)

    Bergkamp (two)

    Quincy Owusu-Abeyie

    Some guy played £4,000 to play for Barnet against us. He's just some random guy who plays Sunday League or something and won a competition. Pretty cool I thought...

  10. Not a bad pre-season friendly I think...10-1 isn't that bad is it?

    Apparently, van Persie was amazing according to the Sky Sports News guys. Can't wait for the season to start.

    Oh, and maybe Jeffers CAN do something, or is that just wishful thinking?

  11. user posted image

    SmackDown! Preview

    Coming off the back of one of the greatest pay-per-views in wrestling history, the Great American Bash, SmackDown will be a show not to be missed!

    At the Bash we saw Eddie Guerrero, Chavo Guerrero and Rico and Charlie Haas successfully retain their titles against John "Bradshaw" Layfield, Jeff Hardy and the Dudley Boyz respectively. However, John Cena lost his United States title to Rene Dupree when, of all people, John "Bradshaw" Layfield came down and took the champion out, allowing Dupree (a French-man no-less!) to win the coveted United States championship.

    Eddie Guerrero overcame his close friend Rey Mysterio, and bitter enemy JBL to retain the WWE champioship, and did so with a lot of style. Eddie proved any doubters that he is World title material, and proved it by beating the powerful JBL, and the amazing Mysterio.

    Cena's title reign ended at the hands of Rene Dupree, but to be honest, it was John "Bradshaw" Layfield who had a bigger part to play when he nailed Cena with a Clothesline from Hell! Many are questioning what this 'alliance' is all about, and whether it is a long-term thing or not. Whatever it is, Dupree and Bradshaw are certainly a force to be reckoned with, as John Cena found out Sunday night!

    We also found out that after Dupree was announced as the new champion, Kurt Angle revealed to the watching world that John Cena was traded to RAW! Angle wouldn't reveal who was traded, and neither would the RAW General Manager Eric Bischoff Monday night. Perhaps all will be revealed on SmackDown, or perhaps we will have to wait til the SmackDown after Bad Blood!

    The Dudley Boyz ruined their chances of winning Tag Team gold after they got themselves disqualified after Bubba Ray destroyed a couple of Charlie Haas' braincells with a chair shot to the head! They weren't satisfied with just giving Charlie Haas a concusion, no no, they also put the Tag Team champion through a table. So far, the Dudleyz have given both Rico and Charlie Haas a concusion, and put Miss Jackie through a table. The champions will be out for revenge, but not tonight...

    Booker T overcame astronomical odds to defeat the Dead Man Sunday night. Even if he did use the ropes, it is still a huge victory. When Booker T originally came to SmackDown, he complained it was the 'minor-league' and that he didn't want to be here, well now he's beaten a true legend in the Undertaker, he is sure going to be running his mouth about it non-stop!

    Suzuki made his long-awaited debut at the Bash...and was beaten by Billy Kidman! Kidman shocked the world when he delivered the Shooting Star Press to defeat the seemingly mentally-unstabble Suzuki. After the match, Suzuki went crazy and mauled Kidman. What is in store for Suzuki down the line?

    *Funaki vs. Chavo Guerrero*

    In the only match officially announced before SmackDown gets underway, the man who retained his Cruiserweight title against Jeff Hardy at the Great American Bash, Chavo will face off against Funaki in a non-title match. Funaki has the advantage of being fresh off a long rest, unlike Chavo who endured a hard fought match with Hardy, and it could be the night for Funaki to step up to the plate and show everybody what he's about. Funaki was upset about not being involved in the no.1 contenders match at the Bash, and may well be out for a little bit of Vengeance tonight.

    *Debut of a new duo*

    Theodore Long will debut his new tag team on SmackDown and will face off against a duo hand-picked by the General Manager Kurt Angle. Long has been raving about this new team to all that will listen, and everyone else that wouldn't. Apparently, this new team are the 'cream of the crop' and 'better than everyone else' according to Long himself. This should be an interesting debut, however it turns out!

    Sorry I've taken so long to even post a preview, blame my evil internet and stupid computer! SmackDown should be up tommorow/Monday time

  12. Why doesn't this surprise me? I know almost nothing about most DC comics bar Batman and Superman, but I know for a fact Green Lantern isn't a "zany comedy version a la THE MASK".

    Stupid Warner Bros. Why is it impossible for people to make decent comic book films unless they are Marvel titles?

  13. Well, I've seen one little bit of footage of Almunia, and thats the one and only save they show on Sky Sports News. I don't know. I'm going to wait til I see him play to pass judgment, but for around £500k, it can't be that bad.

  14. He will stay IMO. He knows that Arsenal has a great future with all the players. He knows what Wenger can do, and he feels at home here apparently. He loves the club, and has stated he wants to play in the new stadium when it's built.

    Plus the Daily Mail said he wants to go, so that means he wants to stay :D

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